Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 01, 1860, Image 4

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    or TBI
aokicuitusal socxrrx.
f it -War sister cw"
v -x We Omt,V, A. P m. J
miS IRWIN, PrwUWnt.
JIod. Jas. T. I.EOXASD,
. Iambs Foaaur, "
, .. .. , Ii. F. EtateUtr, Secralary.
A. M. Smith, Cor. 8eereUry,
Jau WuoLtr, Treasurer.
, J.' B, McEsallt, librarian. ,
Miflin Com. How. Rlehard Shaw.
Uea. Joba PUob -on'a Boynton.
, aoriah R. Beed .J. M'flaughejr.
. . .- i ' .' Off, M u. O. H. Barrett
(VaiMfre o Arrangements.
Ta Bloom,
Ueorge il. Lytlo
James M'GUuglilin
James Levy,
W.L, Antes,
Sheep i Swine.
Jamet Irwin, Sr.,
Johnson Holden
Robt. Mitchell, $ "
Win. M Behnti, '
D. W. Moore,
1Wul C. Dale
. Maraueiayd
r:i ii....
Jacob Wilbeim !
Jacob waueim,
ii v Ki.ofr I
field emtt & Vrgtttr ,
hi. i
0. D. Goodfcllow,
i Wm. M. Show,
Aaron C. Tat,
KlnU Johnson,
Butter, Cheat, Flour
and thiclet.
John IjTvin.C'ur'r
ThomU Vrlgley,
Ixaao nioom,
Wm. Bloom,
Wm. F. Irwin, .
Mcrchandiie & Do-
mutie Fabrics.
M. A. Franks
Dftvi.i MXJanghy,
W. W. Wright,
. lrr(I Goodwin
Agricultural Miecetla.
ntmt Article).
D-. A.Scryver, ,
1). S. Flemirg,
Walter Barrett,
Wm.P. Cbamber,
John W. Shugnrt,
Fancy Department.
G.W. IUiem,
John Irwin, Curwens.
J. P. Kratzer,
John G. .Veryver,
Mrs If. F. Xauuln. :
Mr. Henry Kern,
; M imw. Mary Walters,
' MiM Katp Drown,' .
Mist Hannah Bloom,
Mini Harriet Swan, -MUs
Jennie Leonard,
v.Viss JJ. 8f)ckman,
i Mi. Fliia Uaoil. I
r.m AUrnrdpr I
Anna Irvin.
"Sarah Birchfield
" Nnnaio IrVin,
' Sarah Rheem, ,
"Henrietta Irwin
" -Vary Moore,
Committee ctt Large
3. T. Leonard,
Miss Kandin Nichols
D. M. Weaver,
Miss Nannie Smith,
Mis Mary M'Gaughcy.Miss JuliaGalloway
Miss Rebecca Frank, Miss Hannah Carey
8 J. Roff. John L. Cuttle,
O. W. Snyder, Alvin Ross,
. Samuel Rheem.
Jari.a-Gen. A. II. Hill.
Auistant Marshall Myallf. J.Jfcvling,
Col. Wm. Ten EycW, Capt. J. McCul
JomI). Capt. Edward A. Irvin.
l' : Pyrotechnics. H. B.- Swoope, W. W.
Betts, L. K. Morrell, James L. Morgan, J.
B. Walters Reuben V. 8packman.
Cnu Settpttaktt.
(Open to alt Breedi and Competitor.)
Beit Bull over I roan old, $4 00 2d beit, $2 00
licit Bull orer 2 Venn old. 2 00 2d beit, 100
. Beit Bull over 1 year old, 2 ' 0 2d belt, 1 00
Beit Curoer3yinri old, 2 00 2d beit, 100
Beit Bull Calf. 1 00 2d belt, 60
All breeJj come tngelber in tbii clan and
oompets with each other. T,o bo judged, lit, by
their good point snd symmetry of frame. 2d, by
the ability to fntten, (i the animal a good band-
' lor?) 3d, milking quailior, 4th, ize. Mb,
give no premium to sny animal until thry are
, vntiiified it will produco good itock. lo tliii end
tbe Judgei iball (ati(fy them.elvei iu regard to
the itock of aged bu Hi and eowi. The animal that
pouestei thete qnulitici in tbe grtatect perfection
should draw the Sneeatkei, whether it be Dur
ham, Ayreihlrc, Hereford,. Deron, Grade or Na
tire, JtDGEJ. Geo. Thorn, Zuch. McNaul, David Ty
ler, Ainpli Kirk, John Shaw of Decatur.
Clam 2. Grade Calilt raited in county.
Beitbnll, $1 00 2d beit, $2 00
Beit cow, 3 00 2d bdit, 2 00
Beit beifler calf, 75 2d belt, Dip.
Beit bull calf, 4 2d beit, Dip.
Jl'DOEi. John McPberion, Jot. Lyoni, Taomai
G. gnyder, J. M. Cummingi, Dr. J. P, Hoyt
Class 3. Milk Votes,
Beit milk cow, (3 00 2d beit, f 2 00
Milk cow 3d beit, 1 00
Jcdoki. Jtmei Forrest, Thomas MoGbee, Ad
am Gearhart, Tboa. Leonard, Daniel Bailey.
CLAfS 4. Oxen.
Beit yoke 5 y. old and over, $2 00 Jdbejt.ll 00
Beit yoke I y. - 1 00- 2d beit, 60
lit it yoke 2 y. ' " 60 2d beat, Dip.
Beit yoke 1 y, " 60 -2d beit, Dip.
Judoes. B. C. Bowman, Hirnm Woodward, Aa
ron II. Fearce' Wm. Smiley, Alex, Murray.
Class 6, 0.
- Beit trained 10 yoke, 4 yean old andovtr,
from one townahit, $3 00
2d bent, trained 10 yoke, 4 years old ando-
ver, from out townihip, 3 00
Beit trained 10 yoke, S yean old snd OTer,
from ono townihip, 3 00
2 i bett trained 10 yoke, 3 years old snd o
ver, from ouo townihip, 1 00
Jl'MKS John Patrhin, John M. Chsae, Joseph
' Denning, - John Jirubaker, Joseph I others.
Class t.f'at Cattle.
Beit Fnt Bullock, 12 00 2d beit, $1 00
Beit Fat Cow, . 7 00-2d beit, 1 00
Beit HeiUcr, 2 yean old, 1 00 2d beit, 60
Jvdosi Ueorge Kittleberger, John McQuilkin,
Carper Llepold, James Ii.oom, ir., Bcnj. Pie
phem. Class 7.'Thorovy.lred Uoreet open to al
Bi it Stallion, over 4 y'n old, $3 Oft 2d best, $1 00
Beit Stallion, orer 3 y'ri old, 2 00 2d beet, 100
e.t Stallion Colt, 2 y'rs old, 2 00 2d beit, 1 00
ine BTemiumi in this Clasi are intended only
for Ihoia Hartes whoie pedigreei make them
worthy of tbetn. Tbe 8ooiely withes to enoour
age the rearing of bigh-blooded llonei here on
tks other band the Kxeeutivs Comhiittes would
caution tbe Judges to be careful that the preml
.urai ire not drawn by inferior itock.
Joncri Jamet Forrtit, Eli Bloom, Dr. G. W.
Cildwell, Peter Bloom, Joicpb Peters.
Class 8. Single and 'ana Uoreet
Beit Gelding, ovtr 4 yean old, for work, $1 00
2d beit " ' Dip,
Beit Saddle and Carriage lion of snyage, $1 00
3d belt M I. Tjjp
Beet Saddle and Carriage Mare of any age, $1 00
2d beit m u u ., ijjp
Beit Spin of Draught Dories or Mares 3 00
3d beit " " - J 00
Tbe Hons tbatmoves the hearieitload an
a Stone boat without a whip, 1 00
2d beit, Dip,
D"t Colt, $0 S-2d beit, tip.
JeDftM Milton McBride, Mattin 0. Stlrk, .In.
A' Caldwell, Andrew Addleman, Iaaao Dnnlap,
. Wm. Brown, Hugh Orr.
Class 9. Matched Carriirae Horses.
Hettipao matched earriags Iluneior Marei.tllO
,3d beit do do do do 1 00
Jt iwai Judge Barrett, Jamet Forrest, Dr. 11, P.
Inompeon, Edwin Perks, Maj. 8. C. Patcbio,
Class 10. Mara and Coltt.
Bestbroid mars and eolt by tba side, $1 00
3d btt do do do io 2 00
Beit Gelding, over t and andex 9 years old, 3 01
- 2d beit do it. do do do 1 10
Beit Gelding, aver 2y's eld,$l 60-2 J bcit.ll 10
( Beit Jdare aver I yeari old, 2 00 2d bit, 1 10
Beit mars, aver 2 k nader I y.l 60 2d beit, ) On
Belt oolt over 1 under I y.l 00 2d best, Dip.
Jones Jean Swan, Matthew Forces, Jacob
. A FJegal, Wm. 1st, Robert Hcaiil.
Heat "':JB.-r "MIVl
aninaaa naiess iwo tnnn,
Be tlase, trottl., ..der ..ddlo, t &h
Beet rveCettiag in doable,
BcU llano paolo andcr saddle "
Jroeit J. 0. Leraiae, Hrer nrv. "
,BKK75 sic
Cuas lir--
fLaian ubiubb dwuw, -
4a da liana ar aura, do 2d MM.
do walkiaf aorta ar Mara, d M aaat, do
Juaaat J. B. On baa, Wm. irrla, A, B. Ebaw.
Jaa. L. 8uwart, Ju. Aitxiadtr, (Woodward.)
Vlaii 13. Meep ana wool
Bert bBk, aay braad, Dip. all 10-M brt,tl M
Btit .wa, aa; braad, i and J 80-Jd bert, 1 M ,
Bttt I Sbaup tailaatd fur Biatton, Dip. 3Wi
2d bad do d . do , 1 ! I
uti Bvpa aot wooi. ,
Bttt fleeea of ooarto wool. 1 II
Poor Lamb. batL r. tl 10 2d bait lamb. 1
Id bettllsBibi, 1 ftk " " Dip. I
JtDott Wib. McMaal, Jacob Knntx, tr niuea
Fenton, Adaia tSaarbart, Uonry Irwin.
Clam 14. Saiw ope to alU
Bt boar any braad, . Jd beat, $1 II
i Bott braodiag sow , J Mld boat, 1 II
Bail I lion in ooantT, . I to J aait, z oo
Hoatboat i bogi ia eoaaty, 1 ll--Jd bit, 41
Jcdobi Daniel LWianton, Vmu M. JlcCaU
lonh' Co1 Xbor.lL M Clara, John Irwin, j
)auitt mwm,.
CtA?a 15. WTry.
Beit f tprillg jhioktBi, not lew Ibaa 6, $ t 01
2d bait . do da , , do do Dip.
Iloavioit turkey, : do
llejt dbplsy of ehickent, do
Jl'DOBi Utorgt Thorn, J. II. Fleming, Samuel
Arnold, Robert Tbompion, Clark Brows.
Class 10. Flowing. .
Owner of teain and plow, who plowi green
sward the belt. $1 00
Kextbeit, Dip.
Owner of teira and plow, who plows ttabbls -
the belt, Dip, A $1 00
Next bait, do do do Dip.
Beit plow for stubble, Dip. A$l 00-2U beit, Dip;
Beit plow for subioil, Dip. 1 00.-2J beit. Dip.
Jcdsei Eliaba Fenton, Amos Bead, D. W.
M'iie, John Weill, Jr., Wm. Hcorer. , .
Class 17. Rollers and VtilU, llarrom and
. Cultivatort. i .
Beit clod crusher and roller oombintd, ' $ 3 00
2 i beit, do
da do '- Dip.
Beit field roller, .
But Grain drill, '
91 00 2d bert,. do
2 00 2d beit, ' do
2 00 3d boit, 4 do
I 1 00 3d best, . do
Bot Harrow,
Bst CnWrator,
i Beit lione-rake, . 1 00 3d beit, , do
Beit Reaper snd mower, 3 00 2d best l do
Beet corn iheller, ' 3 002d beit, . do
Beit corn planter, 3 00 2d beit- do
Jciisai William A. Reed, Reubea Wall, Jona
than Uartiborn, lion. T. U. Davif, C. Baker.
Class 18, Agricultural Implements. .
Bert Original invention lo tho county, of
an agricultural Implement J 00
2d beit.
orig. fnv. Dip.
$3 00 2d beit, 2 00
1 00 2d beit. Din.
Beit tbreihing machine,
Jj fanning mill,
mnohine, 2 00 2d beit, do
on wtgon, 1 00 2d beit, do
bowi, l oo ZJ beit, do
Beit vegetable root eutter, 1 00 2d beit, do
Beit Hoik and I'.raw cutter, Z 01 2d best, do
Beit common plow, 1 00 2d beat, do
Beit tingle or doable shovel plow, 1 00
2d beit tingle or double ibovel plow, Dip.
licit hone power for genoral purpoiei, I 00
2d beit none power for general purpoiei, Dip,
Beit fork snd fixtures for unloading wagoni,2 00
2d beit fork and Ixturei for unloading " Dip.
J l' no si Simon Tbompion, Benj. Spackman, li.
B. Wright, Daniel UarUock, Benj. Kiihel.
Class 19. Miscellaneous arming implements.
Best bee hire,
Bestitump puller,
Beit Potato digger,
Beit grain cradle,
Beit lix hand rakei,
$1 00 2d beit, Dip.
2 00 2d beit, do
1 00 2d beit,
1 00 2d beit,
1 00
1 00 2d beit,
1 00 2d beit,
Best lot gardening tool,
Beit let, owned by farmer,
2d beit set farming nteoiili, owned by farmer, Dip.
Jt DOKi John D. Tbompion, John ltuoell, 0.
B. Merrell, J. II. Fleming, Samuel Powell.
Class 20. Wheat, Barley, Corn, &-e.
Beit. 2d best.
Acre of winter wheat, $3 & Dip. t?nudDip.
Acre of spring wheat, 3 A U p. 5-andDip
r IU or wheat, f to iv acrei,3 a Dip.
Aere of corn, 2 a Dip.
F'ld barley, not less than 3a.2 A Dip.
Acre of onti, 2 a Dip.'
t land Dip,
Hand Dip,
Acre of rye, 2 A Dip
Bushel of corn ears,
1 A Dip. Diploma.
3 acres of buckwheat,
2 A Dip $landl)ip.
Judoes Uuorie Wilion (Boxes), Michael Solt.
Jai. A. Reed, Samuel Kirk, Joab Kider, Joi.
Irwin Martin II Luther, UobU Mchaffey, 11 ugh
Class 21. FielJ Crops,
Beit 2d BeiL
One-half aire ofpotatoei, $2andDip. $ 1 and Dip.
One-fourth acre of beam, 2andIip.-$ InndDip.
Acre oi clover ieed, ZannUip. olnndUip.
One-fourth a. broom corn, 2ndDip. flandDip,
One-fourth acre lorghuui, ZandDip ,
Beit j acre of peas, l on, zd boit, Dip.
nett t acre oi rutaoagoei, I vu. 2d best, Dip,
Best bushel Timothy seed, 1 00, 2d beet Dip.
uesi j acre arroti, -1 uu. zd beit, Dip.
Best J aore turnips. ' 1 00. 2d beit, Dip.
JrnoEi Win Smith (Covington), O. P. Gullch,
rouon uweni, Abr m Uosifjr., u. Logan.
Crops being equal, preference will btfagiven to
tnoie tnatyleu the greatest nett proflts. State
menti to be furniibed by the applicants for pre
miums on ftirm eroni. They must be weiched
and a ininpleof tbe same furniihed at the fair,
and alio at tbe rooms of toe committee.
8. Applicant! applrine for premium! ihall fur
nisb the committee a statement timed bv him-
telf under a pledge of veracity, of tho quantity
of grain raised on the ground entered for a pre
mium and he shall state ai correctly at he can
the kind and condition of the previous crops
lbs kind and quantity of teed used, and the
lime ana mode or putting it in tbe ground.
4. It Is the object of the soeletv to errant ore.
miums for good, not extravagant and generally
impracticable culture, and any wilful inaccuracy
In tba statement furnished as abova shall de
prive the applicant of a right to compete for tho
luiure premiums.
Class 22. Bread and Cereal Food.
Best S Loavei bread, winter wheat, Dip.
"1 " . " ipring wheat, do
"1 " eom,
1 " " rye.
" Pound cake, Dip.
" Sponge cake, Dip.
" Pis of sny kind, Dip.
" Preserve!, . Dip.
Best Fruit cake, do
" Jelly cake, do
" Plain eakei do
1 Jelly.
" Display or preserves, . do
" Ice cream. da
" Display or jellies, do
Jvnoas Mrs. James Forrest, Mrs. J. Boynton,
Mrs. Wm. Irvin, Mrs. MV MoCullough, Mn.
Robert Ron, Mrt. B Graham, Mn Rev. McLtod.
Class. 23. Butter and Cheese.
Beit 10 founds butter, (I 00 2d best, Dip.
" Firkin, 24 or mors lbt.,
made in May or June, 1 0. 2d beat, Dip,
" 3 cbeeie, i)jp,
Jt Doai G. L. Reed, Mrs. Richard Shaw, Sen'r,
Mrs. Wm. Morgan (Lawrence), Mrt. Martha
JlarUock, Mrt ,ndge Wright, G B Ooodlandor,
Wm. McBiids. .
Class 24 Flour.
Uest barrel of Flour,
f 1 a dinSil li..!. Tiin.
100 Ibi. flour finrina wheat.1 AO A n;n
2d beit 100 lbt. flour (spring wheat), Dip. !
" 60 poundi rye flour, SO c. A Dip. 1
2d best 60 pounds rye flour, Dip, 1
" 60 poundi buckwheat flour, 60 e. a Dip' i
2d beit 60 pds. buekwbeal flour,' Dip.
" 60 poundi corn meal, 60 o, A Dip. '
2d beit 60 poundi corn meal, Dip. !
JrnoBS Jesse Broouall, 8amnel Jordan, R. 8.'
Ainmpnny, rerdinand Uiwalt,B. packman, Jr.
CLTSS 25. Domatic Articles. .
Boat box or Jar of honey,, Dlp.A 60..-2d hestDlp.
Best 10 Iba. msple suiar. Din. A sn ..1,1 1... u.l
Beat preterved peaches in air-tight cant, Dip
Beit preserved tomatoet In air-tight cant, Dip.
Beat preserved blackberrietinair-Ugbteani,Dip.
Best nrestrred ourranu in air-tigbt oaas, Dlp.t
Best ham wpked with skis osjkniods of eursip.'
. .. I
, ws
, . : .
1 "V vlZl '
P;rr , . C !2- Bl I ?
CarUiora, i.. V a, lt?.) - I
CUil IJ.-WMifi SUmmMtitrtr '
BMt II Vardt .loth. 1 00-.-W MW
... Mi, vooB bUtiktU, 1 w-la MtC
Baft II yard! woolaa carpal, 1 N Id boat,
Rut 1 a vardt raa earntt. w ool
twabala, M -Jd fcott,
I Bail IS vardi rac aanaLeot-
ert wooUa wrtrUu ;
Hrt W08i, Xrllltt4 m,,
B... B(artB
tun cbato, I za Dan,
I oo :a ben,
But pair-woalta bait Maekiat,
Blt I lb . Ile.n mwIbk timj.
Boat pelBtB of kaottiag, knitting or net
dla work by alissas nader 12 yaars of age, da
Beit 1 lb. of Hocking yarn, de
Beit foot mat. Dip. lest straw bat do
Bett straw bonnet, Dip. Beit tidy, do
Jrtena Mrs. Jadgs Fergaaon, Mrs. B. H. Cald
well, Mrs. Lydia Rheem, Mrs. Joba Noirii,
Mrs. Mary Spackman. Miss Kaaey Ogdea, Mrt
Doctor Thornton Mrt. G. L. Reed, Mrt. 8.
J. Bow.
Clam 27. Needle, Shell, Wut ttork dx.
Best ipecimea of aoedle work, Dip.
cronp of Bowara In wonted. ' V da
" lamp ttaad embroidered, . da
44 lamp stand not embroidered, do
" embroidered tlippars, . . do
" embroidery in tilk, do
" embroidery in wonted, J J ( J do
M embroidery In lace, ' do
M etabroidery in muilin, do
" sbirt made by Mln aader 16ytan, ' do
" patching and mending, - do
ottoman cover, Dip. Bott table cover do
. " faney chain wk, Dip. worked collar, do
" wax Sowars, Dip. worked quilts, do
feather work. Dip " laather work, do
" ornamented work do
Jvbgks Miss Emma Graham, Mitt Sophie Bar
rett, Mist Maggie Irvin, Mill Mary Jane
AV right, Mist M. J. Bard, Mitt Emily Forrest,
Miit Matilda M'Murray.Miit Jotophine Flegul,
Min Mary Foly, Mitt Melissa Irwin, Misi Em-
- ma Jones. ( , ,1
Class 28. Millinery and - Dressmaking.
Beit millinery Dip. Boat dresi-maklng, Dip.
Ji'Dsat Mill Mary C Wright, Min Mary II Fer-
goien,' Mrt Mary E Leonard, Miseet Jane
Mitchell, Ada Swarti, Eliza Stone, Hetty Calk
cart, II elen .Cuttle, Louiia Kratier, Mary A
Irwin. -- ' ' ' '.- T ' : r
.- " Class 20. ArfifiV uw.
Beit painting la oil, ,j - ' 'Dip.
" painting io watt' oolorf,, , di
" portrait painting, " " " do
" Iandicipe painting, ' -A J io
" tattle painting, i '. V.'V ' , ' lo
" ornamental painting of any kind, do.
" daguerreotypei taken on the ground, s do
" ambrotypei taken on the gToand, do
" photograph! taken on the ground, do
' M writing, do
" ornamental penmanship, C- '' ' '. do
" architectural drawing, - do
Ji'KGEi Dr John O Loraine, II M'Kim, Mrt.
W. L Spottinood, Mn Alexander Jrwin, Min
gopbio M Le d, .Mrs 11 nioom, Airs J. U
M'Eually, Kiv. J.M Galloway. .
Class 30. Designs.
Beit doii&n for farm house, $2 2d bait, Dip.
" deugn rr barn, a Zd beit, do
" daiign for carriage bouse .
and stable, 2 Id beit, do
" deiign for dairy home, 1 2d beit, du
deiign for ice bouse, 1 id beit, do
" deiign fur dry bouie, . .1 2d beit, do
" design for bridge. Plan for bridge
rot leii than 240 ft. ipaa, 3 00-3d beit. Dip
Ji doei Hon. O It Barrett, lion. Wm Bicler,
Juo. U Iboaipson, Xaot. Kirk, Kob t Dough
Class 31. Mdnlic Fabrics and Machinery
Beit display of table and pocket cutlery,
american manufacture. - Dip.
Best cooking stove, wood and coal, Dip. and S3 00
2d best. Dip and 12 3d best, Dip and 1 00
Beit parlor Hove, coal, Dip and 2 00
2d best, Dip and (I 00 3d best, -' Dip
Best parlor itove, wood, Dip and 2 Oo
2d beet, - Dip and 1 00 3d beit, Dip
Beit cast iron feaec, - Dip and 3 00
2d best, dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00
Best tin ware, - dip and 2 00
2d best, dip and 100 3d best - - t Dip,
Beit blackaiuithing, d p and 2d best, dip andll
gunimithing, dip and i Zd beit, dip and 1
Iron turning, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1
shower bath dip and (2 00
original invention In the sountv, ' 4 00
plate eastings, din and 1 00
J i no ei Wm. McBride, John F Weaver. Elisha
Fenton, David Kirk, Wm. A Wallace.
Class 32. Vehicles of all kinds. "
Best family carriage, S6 ADip.-2d best, $3 d Dip
farm wagon,
timber sled,
hone cart, -
wheel barrow,
tl 00 2d best
Judo as Dr. II P Thompson, B C Burman, Jno.
W Pauly, John B Hewitt, George Heakendon.
J. C. Brenner, F G Miller. , ,
CLxm.Zi Cabinet ware inCo-tnty.
Boat dressing bureau, t.'Jtd!p,--2d best, $2 and Dip
3 do
extousion table,
set of chain,
2 do
3 do
2 do
2 do
variety of chairs,
let parlor furniture, 3 po
4 display of cabinet war?, $5 00 snd Dip
omce cunir, I uu snd do
Jt'Doni Jsmet II. Fleming, C Kntter, Benj.
B Waigbt, Thot. Mills, Harrison W Spencer.
Class 34. Cooperiug, - Carpentering mul
Beit ipccimeu of pine ware,
window sash,
$1 00-2d best,
1 00 2d best,
' window blind,
' let grain measures,
' lot of buekett,
' lot ef splint baskets,
$2 00 and do
1 00 and do
1 00 and do
panel door,
Judges Jamci Fenton, Frederick ffulich, Thos
Henderson, Abraham Ogden, John Garrison.
Class 35. Hoots and Garden Vegetables.
Beit 4 italic i oelery, Dip. Beit bui. turnipi, Dip.
4 bushel carrots, do ' 1 bus, onions, do
' I do rutobngoa,do i do parmipi, do
j do table beets,do ' 12 tomatoes, do
' 8 hcaJs . I egg plants, do
1 3 heads 'qt limabeans,do
' ' ore-half bushel table potatoes, do
quart wlnanr besns, 1 V do
4 ' variety of squashes, ' ' '.' '' do
variety of melons,' ' " " ' . M do
' one-half bushel of aweet potatoes, ' do
All vegetable! to bt raited by tba exhibitor.
Jrnors Jamet B. Graham. A. K. Wrirht Wm-
L. Moore, Philip Antet, Rev. Joseph K. Foe'it
Class 36. Curriers, Saddlers, Shoemakers, Ac
' .i i ; . Beit 2d beit.
Gento'bootiand ihoei, 2and01p-tl andDlp.
Ladyt' boott and ihoei, . 2 and do ! 1 and do
Genti' gaiUrt, , . , 1, , , , , . do
Ladyi' gaiten, 1 '-.. . ' do
Display of booti and shoot,! aaddo ' '
Travehna trunk. -,.., ' . .,';.un i.
Tut harnoii. i lsnilitn -1 ..J i.
Carriage harness, 3 and do 2 and do
Single harness, 2 and de 1 and do
Riding bridle and mart'1,1 and do - do
Genu' riding saddle, 2 and do ,; 'l and do
Ladyt' riding taddla, . 2 and do i , 1 add do
Display of saddlery, v 8 and do "
Calf skin, . 1 and do do
sl Leather, 1 and do ' - - ' ,
! ftvory ether kind or leather, do
" aoe ay sxmoiior, x aad a '
JODots Hienard Mosiop. John Ir ln,.IIoraoo
Patehin, Reubea II. Moore, Wm. Porter.
Class 27.-TaiYor na Upholsterers tcofk.
Best soli elotbss made by band, $2 0t-2d bettblp
Beet eoat made by lady,' M-2dbfit,do
KOM WAAwt Bwaaialak Ba lm J r
Bert pants aiada by lady, "1
;Jo - -
.. . .
' v
Best faaey
Clam Limi V or.
Beit drain tilt, Dip. Ttbra. If
Bast Ira brisk, " ' . do Bast .:ry, U
Bast brioh, do ...
Jwmts Jadga Farrasoa, Juf-p Umwk, IT a r La
NieboJ t, f , Was MemO, tea Ukart.
Class 4 X Chemical and Chemical action,
' ' is Co. . '
Best available maanrt at moderaU tost. Dip.
Bst for tana product!, VI II do
Beit for glue, ---. 1
Beit linsaed oil, i
Beit tallow aaadles, dip. boat writing lak, do
But iDeeimea torn, din baitvimrer, do
JvoQit Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wiltoo. Dr. T J
Boyer, Dr. A MeLotd, Dr. tiarttwtek,
Dr. P. O. Croneb, Dr. Fetier. '
Clem 41. Stone and Wood.
Best droned ttoaa, 11 A dip. Boat baIII stoas, dip
Beit floor boards work'd do Beat grladi tone, de
Bett waatbar board wk do Best thiaglea, do
Beit sp liter tkartd boopi,do Boot tarnod art, do
IKicroliooary nratsiasat win no reeoameaaea
for all articles of merit exhibited by mocbaalos
la all tba various branckea, and it Is hoped a
general attendance will bo mad.
For all improvement! nsafnl to tba farmer and
having valuable properties, discretionary pram's
will be reeeommenaeo oy us committee' ana a
warded by tho board at tbeir diicretlon.
jcpsss Jaaet Laonard, Judge Uonsall, r. K.
Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur BelL
( Class 2 Natural Minerals. , , .
Best of useful mlneraJi of Clearfield eonn
t ty, coal included, do.
' Limestone, do. beat tanditona, do.
1 Potton clay, - do Fin clay, do
. ' tuita cryitallied mln do Fosiilt, - - do
' mineral! from the surrounding eonntiet, do
Jtjtxjr.i Judge llort. Rev. W. L. Spottswood,
IL B. Swoops, U. F. Kaugla, L. J. Crana.
Clam 43. General List.
Best display and greatest variety of flowers, do
Display , plants, do
Best Floral ornaments, . do
Beit baiAt boquets with handle. do
Beit manufactured article by sewiag machine
on ground, uo
Bett band bonnets,, do bett butter bowl, do
Boit washing machine, do Beit butter ladle, do
Beit churn, do
' Jl'oons Mrs. Judge Moore,- Mn. Josiah U.
Reed. Mn. Joseph II. Uegarty 'LLninber-city,)
Mrs. D. F.'Etxweiler, Mrs. Martin Nichols, jr.,
Mn Wm. Merrell, Mn. A. IU Shaw, Mrs. Wm.
A. Wallace, Mrt. Maj. Kivling, Mrs. Thot. For
ces. ....... . . , ,
l"i - i Class 44. Fruit. . i
' . ' i '
Beit diiplay and greateit variety of grafted ap-
. pies, summer and winter fruit, named
'" and arranged, 40 eti A dd
licit disply and greateit variety of
poari, namrd and arranged, - 60 ets A do
Beit display and grwatoet variety of '
peaches, named and arranged, 60 ctt f do
Best Applet, 1 bushel do
Best Collection of pliitus, do
Beit do cherries, ' do
Best do quiucei, 1 .do
Beit do ' strawberries, " do
Best specimen of Foreign grapes, do
licit specimen of Amerivau grapes, do
Best specimen eurrnnts, nut leu than 3 qart'i do
Brit specimen gnoiberriei, ' 3 1 do
Best specimen of blackberries, do
Best specimen of tecdling grapei raised in
county and worthy of eulture, - - do
Best ipeciiuen of Doineslio wine, do
Ji nart Wm C. Foley Win, McCrticken, Mn.
Samuel Mitchell, Mrs. J. F. Weaver, J. II. M'L'n
ally, Alirom Keeling. Miss Vuiebine Laniub,
Mill Edith Boynton, Mils Bertha Wright
Class 4o.Jlrscmanship; lr.
Best 5 couple of ladies aad genti on horseback, do
Best company of cavalry, do
Beit company of infantry, do
Beit baud of bran iiiitiuuienL," do
Beit martial baud, . " do
Best 26 lingeri. do
.vpuss.-Gen. J. . Larrimer, Col. II. D. Pat
ton, Col. A. II. Shaw, Col. R. J. Wallace, Col.
Smiley, Col. Passmore, Col. M'CIurt, Maj. D. W.
Wise. MnjorS. C. Patehin, Major liott, Mij,
llency, Major vt'm. Hell, Laptain Malbew Og
dea, Capt. W, A. Campbell, Captain Taylor
Bowles.- ... , oh .
Class 40 Xarseeies.
Best nursery containing tho greateit variety of
irultt and thrum cultivated In tbe most ap
proved and methodical manner, $1 00 A do
ji-doei Thomas Mills, Jacob Gu'ich, Jamei
A. llagirty, William J. Hemphill, Richard Shaw
jr., John G. Cain, Wm. L. Moore.
Pertom appointed to set st judgei are request
ed to notify the Secretary, if possible, before tbe
1st day of tbe Fair, of their acceptance of tba
trust, and to meet tht l'rei't at the opening o(
tne rair.
The Rules and Rcgulntioni, if-e., will be pub-
usued in a week or two.
To every form and Specie of '
"COST All' S' -
"COSTA R'S" rmt, noachitcErterminator.
'COSTAR'S" Bed-Bug Exterminator.
"COSTA R'S' Electric roxeder for h sects.
HnU, Roaches, Mice, Moles, Ground-.liee,
Bed-bugs, Anls, Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas,
insects on Hants, insects on Animals, rf-c
in blioit every form and spccios of (
10 years eslatlished in New. York City
usta oy tue uty i'osl umce- the City Pris
on and Station lions'! th city Stenmcrs,
Shins Ac.. the Citr Hotels. "Astor." 'St
Nicholw," Ac, and by more than 20,000
private familcs,
t3X-l)nipgists and Ilctailcrs' everywhere
aell them. .- i , .
a"A.eholcsale A tents in all lnrce Cities
B.Kegulnr siies, 24c, 50c, A 1 Boxes
itottles, rlasks.
lrS.!ll Bewabb !t!of spurious imitations,
hxamme each Box, Bottle A Flask,
and Uk nothing but "OostabV'
ift.$l.00 Boxes sent by mail. . -HA.f3
A J5.00 by Express., .v
sauAaaress oraers or for Circular, lo
Principal Pepot, 410 Broadway, N. Y.
March 17th. : . Clearfield Ta.
' ' Cabinet, Chair TlLtMag, ;
jLk?rt ai'ivjiia vtLm ifaaDo
J0H1T GVLICH, of ths borough of Clearfield,
Pa., will be prepared at all times to attend to
to any business In ths abava
notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place
.Chi,.;... .i...u .l . ' .; !.
Market street 3d door east of Third it, marly
oppoeite ths old Jew stors where bo will keep
constantly on band a largo assortment of Ma-
M.;;.V .7 1 Sr. ""n ,,a ?l
nogony and lane Bottom Chain, and Cabinst
Ware of every description, which ho will dispose
eron as reasonable terms as the sa artklti
can bo bad elsewhere in the oount .
His stock of Cabinet Wars now on band, eon
Slits In part of Drilling and Common Bureaus,
Sofaa, Sewingond Washing Staada, Daikk and
Borat, Sewing and Washing Staada. Daika and
Boob Cmsi, roiiob ui isLi Post Bedi.d.
in..... n.l.ZL?. n.u.'.'ir f".rt.'ds.
. , - - " efv'ST WW 'C'assijScsFMO
Dining, Breakfast, Centra. Card and W. T.
hlei, Ap. Csfllnt manafaetared and delivered at
oy Discs desired.
Cebr7, 1859.-o. 4,Tol.iT.J ' '
1st 11 1 0" Vow.
u' it jf-y ia aJ t, 'S-t.
jre tts.e, .
js"toB!y a s", tJt onaoty or
uis. Hoy aro la by tbs f:j Csi
gosd works ts-t'fy for tbem, and tiey not
ir . f ' Sf ' I arat'ikma.
IB ALL CASS'S of o-U aad Cinki
thenmaUsm, LmUous of tho Lis ' lei and Lid
. E::.'ioai Fever ad Llrar CowrUklnts.
Ia'tbo sou J i d west, where tbeso dj-ei pro
Tall Coy wLlbt food lavatuaUa. If rs,
I ui i,t.Ad oOiota, wka eae aee t' -to BWuieinos;
will oor aflarw'yrds bo i "i .w.
Di;f 'av Ka grsoa wUa CI dlstrostlng
dltaaso sboold delay ailng theoo medicines im
wiedlataly. ErapUons of the t" I ilpelat,
riatolaaey, JTever aad Agna. sr -u eoour-e
of the westera country tbeso sned:lnes will bo
toand a safa, seeedT.and certain tosnadr. Other
SBodioiwoa laavt tho tysuni swbjsetto a iwtara of
the disease a sare by those medicine is per.
BuaeaL Try tbem. bo hat laded, aad be owed.
Mere nr al Disc ate a. Mirer fails toeradt-
ato entirely all tba effects of mercury UlniUly
sooner khan ths moit powerful preparation of
Night sweats, nervous veotiiiy, tisrroas ton
plaints of all kinds, Organio Affections, PalpiU-
Uob of tb Heart, Pain tax's Cbolle. -
PUea-Ths original proprietor or Lbese medi
cines waa cured of Piles of 36 years steading by
tht ute of tbeil Life mediolnet alone, Worms of
all kinds, are effectually cured by these mediciaes.
Parents will do well to administer tbem whenever
their existence Is saspeeted. Ralief will bo
certain. : '
tbb un fills awd raocxix utter
Purify the blood, and -thai remove all diieaie
ftom the system. A singlo -trial will place tbe
Lira Pills snd Pboekix Bitters beyond the
reach of competition in tho estimation of every
Asr Prepared and sold by '
, Dtt. WM. B. MOFFAT,
336 Brodway, eor. Worth St., New Voik,
Feb. 29th I860. lyr.
fT,IIE undersigned inbscribers, lake thit meth
X od of informing tbe publio genorally, that
they bars thit day entered into copartnership in
and can be found at the shop formerly occupied
by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street in thu bo
rough, where they will be pleated to iee ths r old
cuitomora, and at many new onei as can tonke
it convenient to give tbem a coll.
Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks, .'
Your log -chaini and your pulling iticki, '
Your sledi, your sleighs, your hone, your mars,
No three-year old shall then go bare.
Your tpears will work up then just right,
To proonlng hoikt for every height
Your iwordi too, ihall then be wrought
To ploughshares tuch at Cain ne'er bought
ClearSild. Dicember 8, 1853. tf.
ISIootl Searcher!!
For the speedy, radical, and effectual curs
ALU DISK AM-.JJ arising rrom lJII'L
Tblt mtdlciiie hat wrought tho most hiiracu
lout curet in desperate ca,oi of
Scrofula, .
Cutantout Diseases,
Cancerout formation,
Eryiipolas, Boilt,
Sort Eyes,
Scald Head,
Rheumatic Diiorderi,
Salt libeuie,
General Debility,
Loii of Appetite,
Foul Stomach,
Pimples on the lace,
Old, Stubborn Herri,
Tetter Affection, ,
Dyspepsia, '
Mercurial Disease!,
Liver Complaint,
Low Opiriti,
Female Complaints, and all Distant bavins
tbeir orgin in sn impure state tf the Blood.
Tba above is a portrait of David M'Creary,
Napier townihip, who, on tho 81 it day of Aug.
1S4H, made affidavit before Justice Gorley that
be was treated for the cure of fanoir by three
physician! of Bedford county, and by Dr. New.
'.on of the Electrio College in Cincinnati), for a
period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding
which, his lip, noso and a portion of bit left
check were entirely eaten away I Ho had given
up an bupt, when be beard of tba "lllocd Search
er," and wat induced to try it Four bottlet
crod him, and although sadly disfigured, there
It nd question but what this Inraluablo medicine
laved bit life. Ths full particular! of thit case
may bs seen In a circular, which can ho had of
any of the Agents.
Ws also refer to thecase of Nancy Blenkney,
of Eldertown, Armstrong county, Ps, cured of
Scrofulo after being unable te get out of bed for
tnree yean.
To the cue of a lady In Anionivllls. Clear
Hold county, who wai alio afflicted with Scrofula
in its worst form.
Ta tba east of George Jeisol, residing In Carl-
town, Cambria oount, Pa., who wat to badly af
flicted with Cancer that it eat hit entire nose off.
and hit cut wat .worse. If possible, than
Tba particulari of .these cases every one of
which was cured by theuis of ths Blood Searcher
may alto be found In a eirealas to bo had ol
any of the Agents.
H. M. LEMON, Proprietor.
Laboratory for the manufacture and sale, nea
mo ra, naiiroaa Depot,- llollidnysburg. Pa.
Dr. Ueo. 11. Jvtyser, Wholeialo Asa
Agent Pitts
burgh Pa.
KOR SALU BV-C. D, Wation, Clearfield i
John Patton, Cnrwensvllle I James D,. Graham,
Grahainpton E. F. Brenner, Morriadale John
Kusiell, Pcnnvilloj R. II. Moore, Luthenburgi
M. O. Stlrk, New Millport C, R. Foiter, Phil-
rs i w o u.uiitiii. nuiieil molllUN
.'7 ew wssninrton l Edward Wi llama, wn
liamsvllla i Jackson Patchen. Bum., J. , sL "
ilegartv, Glen Hope.
reo. tit isno,
AH perinni are hereby notified no, to purohaie
r, I. . ii, , . , .. ...
. .u mi wfj Hiequis witn int lolIOHtpa pxopei
vi r wiiiiuh ui Aoransm, uey
--""ft'"' oay mare and oolt,
lU ' M CM"' 0119 oU of red 0 en-
bono wagon, one lot of wheat u .k-
uusiiob tp. via una bay mare and oolt.
wagon, ons lot of wheat In !. .. j
..s lots of sate In the ground, as ths tnm.
. . IS- sua ssnillsj Oft.
lontjls metviar. left with Mm ta my
IE... ..iA. JINO. 11EYER
U- : . Has...
r- i ct'-y i u ' r j wtic::7
LJ cr. i l -wC-tod wi;i g
er tiJ w...--w.c!i. .
2 of t a yarr
L;ar..orj, Clearleld Co. f
will attend promr" to an a Wr(
to his earn. .a n, . Jly t
At the aio r' 11 ra, tro i.;Ua (
CUarnald. .-ACUAJilj, aad oxtr
Kaawojwn af LwatVor,
Jaly 23, U:l.- -
j. d. ji:oi:?zi7 ."!tT?
BUcteti WajOM, r-rrib do, ir
oa abort aotlce, and the very beitityla, st
M tund ta too worooa or vorosasvine.
vee.z, ISM. ; .
DR. tj. tYOOC9. having ebanged blab,
tioa faai Owns our ills to Claarflald, rt
pectfully obars bis profaaaioaal services to til
eitisoiM of tbs lattor ptaca and rloinity. ' .
Roaideneo oa Sseoal strtot, opoti't t. Uof
J. Crana, Esq. sny I
Pbytlclaa and Surgeon,
Clearfield Pa-, May 30, 1800.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will attend promptly
and faithfully to all legal business entrusted te
bis care, in tbs several Courts of Clearfield and
adjoining counties.
OQiee, the one formerly occupied by 0. R,
Barrett -Oct
20th, 1559 ly.. t . ;
Physician and (Surgeon, oflcri bis profei
sional services to the citiieniof New Vib
ington and lurroundiog community. OtBct thru
doori west of ths Washington Houie, ,t
New Washington, Pa., Oct 14, 1641.
Civil Knoinelr & Surveyor, offers
his professional services to the citiieus-of. Clear,
field county, , - c
' All busineii entrusted to him will bi promptly
aad faithfully executed. '
, Office with Leonard, Finney d Co.
DAGUERRKAN, MeloineotTplst) Ambrotj.
piit, and JUSTICE OF lU'B-. PEACE,-
Kersey, Elk County, Pa. , . . ,,
Justice of the peace'
Luthcrsburg, ClearaoJd Co, Ft., will
attend promptly to all business entrusted lo kit
e. He alio informs the public that he keens
conttantly on hand at his s',my a general as.
ortment of Saddlos, Bridles.. Harness and
whipt, which he will sell on, reasonable trems.
April 4, IS60. ' 1
A' M. SMITH offeri his profeeiionaltiirvlcai
. to ths l.ndles and GcutlemeH of Clear.
lield and-vicinity. All onerationt nerformti
with neatnest and dcipatohb Boiuz. fuallian
with all the Into iinprovmentt, hs it prepared tv
maao Ariiuciai leetu la. tbe. bett manait.
Office In Shaw't new row.
Sept. ltth, 1848. yj.
us. n. MmtiuKR. i. Trsr St, THSIV Attarheys at Laa
Clearfield, Pa., will attalsd piamptlt- ts- OoL
Uiohs, Lahd Agencies, do., in Clcarfielt,
Centre and KlkcouUties. - July J0.i-v
OBERT J. WALLACE Arr!xr at Lit,
ClenrOcld, P Oflict in trfraw'i How. en.
puiite the Journal office. . v
. dsl, ISSStj tf. ,
'ITTIiolesale and Detail Merchants,
11 , extensive dealers in.ttn.ber.. sawed. luw
bor and tliinglei. Also, danlort- ii fiour Sa
grain, which will bo sold eheop for cash.
vet ii, isjy. ,
Keep up the Kxciiemcnt!
REMOVALS alwayi eawe rri:emnt';:aa
incc ths rreat excitement about the reuii-
vnl of the Court House hat !biided, tbecomtm
nity generally have bocome romewrlat exeitti
upon hearing that C. D. Watson has determine
to pull up stakes and remove to Virginia. But
tho latest cause for excitement ir tha fact thit 1
have removed my taddler ihop from my oil
Hand eppoiitt tht Court House lo aiy new hoi
on Market ttrett nearly opposite thijnil, whsrt,
all who may favor mo with a call raav V jnppllsl
wim - -
Sinele Harne, Double
Harness, .Tug Harness,
Bridles, Collars, Whips, . ,
Hatters, Housings. Breech- '
" .Jand, 8ide Straps, &e: i
In fact every thing in the lint of Saddling ail
Harness making. Xtankful for the very liberal ,
patronage heretofore bestowed, ' I tolicit t ecs
tinuance of tht same, end a call from tl Bin)
new cuitomers at can make it suit
P. S. My being connected with the DrM
butinesa will not iutorfero with my then, fori
havs the Drug Slot e attended to by earns
dandt, and intond devoting my time exclmi"'!
to my regular business. . ' G. W. I. ,
Aug. 31, I860. ' - , j
Thankful for past ravors and sollcitiousof ft
ture patronage. I would rrirtsrtfiillv .nnnin
,ht I havs on hand again, and will oonstsWlf!
eep at tne rottcry in this borough, on the est
ner a short distance east or tbe Methodist Char
a large stock of Crockery .each at Cream trot
milk pans, Churni, Jugi, Jan, Stove pipe eaiiol
tf-o. tt-e. 1 and also an extensive asiortniint
difforent siis and pattern! of bncketl sal
rosettes for our nice on houses, and other awsl.
dingi. , i ... . : ! I
Any moulding! not on band will be Bids
older on ihort notice. Alio fire brick
and kept for salt. 1
A liberal reduotion oa pricea mvle t
wholeialo dealera. T. LEITZINGBR-.1
r- Clearfield, may 23,1870. ly. ' A
inew iioti:l.
Ths undersigned respectfully begs less
announce that hs reconCy rented housl ley'
borough of Lumber olty ClearQeld; ocoiy, '
for the aeeommodstlon of ihs travelling pal
watermen and sail othen who may favor I
with a call. i . J
Hi. U,ht wUl always bs supplied with as f
as the niarkou afford;' and n pains will
spared to render hit aueita enmn.rtelile
of under hit roof. To which tha facts that as
ons toxieating liqaort of an kind wi'l ha ksnt a
two the premise, will he. trnsti. nnntrihute is
mall degree. While, what Is alwayi Impot
io toe iraveuor, tne beat attention will MJ
by careful hostler to that faithful soma
aht journey, hisievtient steed. S t
y i5V"i iii , vA'iai