Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, August 01, 1860, Image 3

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    Home Affairs.
'Clrtrfenf? Da. 0ubu1 i, 1800.
. RcpusiNTATivK Confirinci. The Dem
ocratic Conferee from . the Counties of
Clearfield, Elk, Jefterson, mnd McKean :
will meet In Ridgway on Thursday the
16th day of August at 7 o'clock. P. AT., to
nominate two Candidates of Assembly.. ,
- The Congressional Conferees of this
(24th) Congressional District will meet in
Brookville on the 8th day' of 'August at
6 o'clock IY.M., Vi -
JQfDr. Morwiti has disposed of '-the
Pennsylvanlan-rJohn II. riwmar"has be.
eome sole propi-ie'tor. lie has hoiited the
' Breckinridge arid Lane Fligl i '-fl
.. iJS-We hope every Democrat will read
theletteis upon our first puge; they'lreat
upon a Subject which should b'e'bf inter
est to all the .rights and dutie'of a Stale
Central Committee. The letters of Mr.
Hamilton ami Gen'.' TCeimVWar ,inamedi-
-ately upon the subject read thm.
i.' i ... . . .
V6sW learn that the County Commis-.
aioners have ordered a Lull for the nev
Court House, which is to weigh not less
than 1700 pound'.
Our Bachelor neighbor of tho "Journal?
had guite a time 6f jt)ast week to find
out, and -put; us into a . position to suit
himself., . , , . . , .
We luppqsQ he' has tlono it to his satis
(nation, he lids dono it very extensively.-'--.
We hopo his Republican brothers will
not find fault with him for devoting so
much spaco in his last paper; in noticing
the Number One' t of our town and our
humble self. ' ' -i
' lThe September Term of our next
Court, will commence- on the fourth Mon
day of September. . ,
t .. The stock holders of tho Clear felJCcm
ty. Bank met on Saturday last and elected
the following. Board of Directors James T,
Leonard, Richard Shaw, Jonathan Boyo
ton, James B. Graham, Wm. A. Wallace,
i. L. Kced and Wm. Porter.
.-. Macn or Rr.riNEMENi. "Madam," said
aruggisi. tneotiwr tiny, to a lady
who was examining sonio cologne,
- i assure you h is an excellent article,
and if you will approximate tho extension
of your proboscis to the enclosed orifice of
h bottle you will percvivo tho truth of
my assertion."
'.'We desire it to be distinctly understood
that this conversation did not occur at tho
Drug Store of Loraino &Co., on Market
Street in Clearfield, where they keep tho
very belt asortments of all kinds of per.
fumcry etc., , .
Arrested BriClIalirat Lebanon,
Tor atto ipting to ohtaiu money on a foig
1 I . 1 . i I T I 1 1 ,
tm;i; uii mo ieunuon ian. no was
lornierly connected with ono of the Belle
fonle papers.
1' : MARRIED, , , . .
'. On Sunday July 1st 180 by Wm. A.
lined Ksi., Mr. Richard Rowels jr., o
Miss I'hebe A. Jordan both of Woodward
tp., Clearfield co., Pa., , ;
On Thursday the 2th ult., by D. S.
Moore Esq., Mr. Wm. Henry of Ferguson
tp., to Miss Martha P. Garretsor. of Lum
ber City, Clearfield Co., Pa.
Cleariielil Markets.
Corroctod weekly by C, KiutzkR A Sosa,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Uroccries, l'ro
visions, and Uenoral Dry (joods. , . . t ,
Duck wheats Fu, .... '. , li
Uys " ' , . , 1,00
Ont " " . . 50
Corn (car,)" " . . . , 40
t'lovar food nor. bush , 5,00
i'lour, Pup. l'iiie, b il. . . . , 7,00
" Uxira " . . , 7,50
- " Fain. " 7,i,0
Dried Ajijilei, 'b 10
RuUer, " , 13
Ejtgi dot.' : . . 12J
llcan Bu. ,5U
Salt f Suck, 8,00
llopi W lb 2i
.Kng - :.. ....... . U2tt
Jiacun, bami and aldoi, . -. . , . ,12
list of Jurors for Sept, Term, commen
cing on the fourtli Monday, tho 24tb day.
' Boll Adam Breth.
, Brady Samuel Arnold, Joseph Uishol,
Harrison Pass 'norc, Jos. It. Arnold, Fred
rick Shafler, Frederick Wingert.
Buruside Stephen Brothers.'
; Chest Calvin Stevans,
Covington Wm.Schnairs.
' Decatur J. Parsons, Jonathan Kep
liart, Philip Heesj, Andrew Gearhart.
ra'aani James F. Shope . , ,
, DJustOn Austin Brown. 1 '
Jaw ren ce John Dau gherty , j r.
Lumber City-Wm. V. Wright. '
Morris Daniol Beams, Jonathan Iioth
Eock. . . .. ;
'ew Washington Samuel Hebring.
Pike Abraham Snyder.
.' Woodward Joseph Fiscus.
Curwensville- Daniel Faut.
traverse Jurors 1st week
Beccaria Jos, W, Lull, James II. He
Bell-Jacob W. Camr.b?ll, Wm. T. Gil
bert. Boggs Isaac Southard, Henry Wa
ldo, Thomas Waple.
i JsradTord Jnronin Hnhmuin. .
tJliady Georgn W. Long, Jacob Ogden
woorge J. Yoas, Levi Draucker. James C.
. T f . I r .. 1 1
v- iron, nenry nooier, ueorgu u, Aiorgan,
t iniei uoouianner.
- Burnside Philip Neff, Fred Sheppard,
John liorabough.
Chost Jonathan Fry, Josiuh W, Lam
fc'irn. Oi'rwennvll Abraham flalio lannk
'Tifaust. .
Clearfield L. It. Merrell.
Ieeatur Isaac Goss,
rox James Blair. ,'
Girard- -Ptm- T lilliin Ailnm fimKlmin I
15. Wool ridge. r ,
Goshon-r-l ewis Iriii. .
Gulifh ,lnA'l)ll;
Jorclan Joseph Dewalt; Josenl Mo
Koal, Pfiter Bloom. . . 1 . - J,
I Krthui-0orr HeekadoW Dald
Haynei. .t
: Knox John Jackson, ,
j La. vrence Oliver Conklin, A. H. Reed
Ros Hoed. '".' . V
Morris Wm. L. Merrell.
New WashingtonJot H. Breth,
Pike-John Bloom Sr., Geo. B. Cald
well, ueo. 13. Dalo.. .. . . ,
I renn navm 1. Sharp, Joseph
Union David Horn. "..-'-'-
, ; 2nd week.'V "'. ,
Bell John Orr. . i '' ?. .
Bogcs George Turner, Thomas Beers.
Bradford Geo W. Gearhart,' A.' H. Lu
cas, John Dale. ' "
Brady Jackson Long, Jeremiah Kri
ner. , ' . , .
B-wnsida C c. Mitchell, John M'CuU
lough, Eb'n M'Masters.
Clest Daniel Gorman, Samuel ' Mc
Ewen. -i
Clearfield Wm. Radebaugh,:; Henry
Snyder, Jefferson Litz. . ,
Cqvington John M. Reiter. . , . t-. ..
Ferguson Philip McCracken, George
Straw. '..-. a . .
Graham Martin V.' French, Isaac Ky
ler. ' ; - - ' ;
Guollch Janies A; Hegarty. V V'
' Goshen Robert Bumgarduer.
Lawrence George Guelich. . .. . '
Luniber City -Jesse Spencer, John
Ferguson, John Broomall.
Morris Wm. Deviney, Jos. Denning,
Edward Perks.
I ike Jos. M. Spencer, Jacob Ritter.
Union Levi Dressier, Benjamin F..
Harley, John Brubaker. . , -
Woodward Christian Shoff.
Clcarlcld JJor-i-Isaac Johnson, John W.
Shugart, Jeueraon Litz, Bartol Stump, Jas.
L. heavy,
Cvrwensville Iior Cortes Bloom, Jacob
FniiBt, Henry Kerns, William Chambers,
Abraham Gates. - -
Lumber City ICilliam Wright, ' James
Crossly, Branaon Davis. : , .
, Ai Washington Joseph McMurray, Jo
ejili II. Breth, John M. C'unimings. A
Bradford S. P. Wilson, Ephraim Shi
rey, Alex. Forcee, Thomas Riley.
Bloom Gainer Bloom, James Bloom, D.
W. Chilson, John Cleaver.
Bcl Will Gilbert, Jacob Campbell,
John Ross, jr., , Henry ,McGhee, Hubert
MehafTy, - i . ,
Beecana Samuel Shod", Geo. W. Cald
well, Wm. R. Dickinson.
Bogtj Charlos Sloan, L. W. Munson,
fleorgo Dimeling.
Brady Dr. T. Jeff. Boyer, Lever Fle
cal, Esq, Wm. Schwem, John C. Reed,
James 0. Barrett.
Burntide John King, jr., John Young.
Jacob Breth, Janies McMurray, Fred
Covington- -Patrick Ilegarty, Solomon
Jaury, John J. Picard.
CActff Henry llurd, T. ?. Dunbar, D.
Gorman. . - ,
Deeatur Rich aid Hughes," ' ' Cyrenus
Field, John Shaw, John A. Thompson,
Cyrenus How. '
Fergutoa James Straw, George E. Tubbs
Fox James McClelland, N. M. Brock
way. Oojtfon Thompson Rood, G. W. Gates,
R. G, Shaw, J. L. Reems,
Graham Edmund Dale, Levi Hubler,
John Holt. - .'
Girjrd Alexander ' Livingston, M. L
Coutriel. . .
Guclich John Jordan, Jehu 'Y hilo
side, Benj. Stephens
Huston Martin Tyler, Hiram Wood
ward, Saml. Conowny.
Jordan David MeKcehan. Ferdinand
Sclioeiiing, Jas. Patterson jr. i
JMnx 1. j',. Mokel,, Lewis Erhart,
William Witherow, B. S. Roberts.
Karthmi John Gilliland, L. Hartline.
John G. Hall.
We Miles Welch, John Dunlap, It.
Freeman, Darius Iiitter, John Hancock
Lawrence Samuel Clvde. ' M. V. Hal
lace, irilliam J. Hemphill, John A. Reed,
Herman Rowles, John Dale.
Morris Jerry McCartney, John J. Mil
ler, Andrew Hunter, J. W. Stranford.
John Hoover.
' nn David T. Sharp, John H. Rowles,
Elijah Moore, R. Dnuvers. ir.. Thomas
Hoover, , .
Union Wm L Horn, P. II. Booze,
Henry Whitehead. , ,
Waodword Thomas Henderson. James
Alexander, Robert Witherow. t
The primary elections will be held on
the 11th day of August, 1800, at tho phi-'
ces whero the General Elections is usually
neiu, except tuo borough of Clearfield and
Lawrence tp., which will be held in the
Store room formerly occupied by Judge
Shaw. Tho Committee will be careful in
keeping a list of tho voters and must com
pare with the tally, After tho votes lia'-e
oeen counted, tho tally papers must be
siined by a niaiorily of the Committee.
when one of the Committee will be ap.J
jointed return-Judge, who will bring the'
tally paper and the list of votes, in their!
respective townships, and will meet in
tho borough ot Uearfield, at the place of
holding tho election, on Tuesday, August
14th, 1800, to compare tally? and doolare
the nominations.
By order of the Standing Committee,
D. F. Etzwiler, Chairman,
Primary Election. '
Wm ..., 1 ... . .L- . -
tho Hon. Jamei T. Leonard of Clearfield aa a
Candidate O r Congrent in the 24th Uiatrict rub
jeet to the Pmtrict Conrention.
July Hth I860. .
We are authorized to announce the
name of Wh. V. CiiAMBErs, of Curwens
ville, as a candidate for County Commis
sioner, sulyoct to the usages of the Demo
cratic party.
Kylortown, July 6th 1800.
Ma. Editor: .
At the earnest solicitation
of the undersigned, irilliam Q. Johnson,
of Graham tp , has consented to have his
name announced as a candidate for Coun
ty Commissioner, Bubjoct to . Democratic
rules. , ..-,.
We have known Mr. Johnson for a
number of years. Ha is an excellent man
fot the office, an old citizen of Morris !
fore its division, and an unflinching Dem
ocrat; always supporting the party, and
iievrr uniting ouice.
J. J. Miller.
Jos. Totter, r ,
Leon'd. Kyler tr,
- James rotter,
Jeremiah Hoover
fteorge Hoovc
Danl. Mttlis," '
O"'. Beam, . ' .
J .. Ii. Dennini.
J. F. McCartney,
O. T. Wilder,
Jos A. Sensor, '
Wm. Weight, sen.,
J. D. Denning,
Amos Hubler, .
John B. Kyler,
1 . n
. W are authorised to announce thenam
of John P. Dale of Pike tp., as a candidate
'for the office of County Commissioner, sub
ject to tho Usages of the Democratic party.
MKOITORt ' ' ' 1 , ; .-"
.. " Please" announce the name
of Samuel C. Thompson of Morris tp. as
acandidato for County Commissioner, aub
joct to the nomination of the county con-''
venuon. you win recollect be was ft
candidate last vear Tor the nomination. 1
and MM thnra wora anvpral onniliilnloa ha
thought it prudent to withdraw his name1
r ii.. 1 : ... lT l l . i - .1 '
uuiii hid iidi. v ' o iinve uecu uuquainieu
with Mr. Thompson for a number of years
know him to be a worthy man for that
'.office, an old citizen of ilorris.- and a
sound Democrat, nlwnys supporting the
party with pleasure, . v
. ' , . Mat Deiiocbats or Morris
We are authorized to announce the rianifl
of George J. Yoas ol Brady Township as a
candidate for Couuiv Commissioner sub-
heel to Democratic rules. , . '.
1 T.,K. 19(1, la!A " ,'u '"
tuijr uiu, uw, . f r , .. l,T,,,
We are authorized to : announce tho
name of Conrad Baker of Knox Township
as a candidate for County Auditor. Subs
joct to the rnles of the County Covention.
- .... - July isti, 1800.
- . , . .
We aro authorited to announce the name of
Prtco A . Rowels of Knox tp., ai a candidate fur
Auditor, aubjoct to the usages of the Deinoeratio
' i , i
We are authoriied to announce the name of
lion. John P. IIorL of Furiruunn Tin u a nnn.
uidnte fir Assembly, subjeot to the Democratic
vonreouon. . .t . . .
We are authoriied to announce the name of
Frederick Slioff of Ceccnrla Township, as a can
didnte for county Comtuisaionor, subject to Dein
ocrntio Rules.'- - " '
Utfo bbalisthunts.
Democratic Mass Convention. .
A Mass Convention of the Democracy
of Clearfield County who aro willing' to
stand by the usages of the party will
meet in the Borough of Curwensville on
Saturday August 4th 1800, to ratify the
nom nation of DOUGLAS, JOHNSON and
FOSTER and to adopt such measures as
will socure the election of tht whole ticket.'
Hon. Richard Vaux, Danl. Dougherty,
Esq., Lewis C. Cassidy, Esq., Hon. John
Cessna and other speakers from abroad
have been invited to attend and the
invitations accepted.
Come one ! Come all ! and show by your
presence that the Doiuocracy of Clearfield
are ready to stand by the principles and
usages of the party. '
By order of Douglas Club No. 1.
Clearfield Kifle Comrany.
You will meet for drill nnd parade at
the Mount Joy School House, on Saturday
tho 25th day of August, at 10 o'clock A.
M., in summer uniform with arms and ac
coutrements in good order, and supplied
with six rounds of blank cartridge. By or
der of the Capt.
Aug. 1, 1X00. JOHN F. ROTE O. S.
J nientnrv having beon crnn ted to the undor-
(ignod on the eatat e of tivoKro Welch decenaed,
lute of Lawrence tp. Clenrtiold county Pa., all
peraim indebted to anld etntJ ore rotiueatcd to
make imtnedinto payment, and thoao hnving
clnima af-nint it, are rcqiicatcd to profcnl then
duly authenticated for setllcnient.
August 1, ISCO.-Ct. WM. rollTElt, Ex'r.
CI AUTION. All persona aiohcreliy nntlfiod
J not to purchn.e or i n any wny meddle with
tho fallowing property, now in the poaaesaion of
M.' S. Clark of Brndr townhh In. via : one Rone
j mare, one two borne Wngoti and ono Cow, na tho
nine bclonga to me nnd i loft wi th hi in nn If an
onlfaubjoct to my order, DANIEL KLSUEL.
Urady tp., Aug, 1, 1800. 3t.
The aubscriberi nro juat oiicuiuc at their old
utna, a Irotn block or aeaaonnble (looda, confitt
ing of a full aceorliucnt of Dry Uooda,
Iturilnnre, Quoenswrre, mndo np Clothing,
Itootsnnd Shoea of every variolr. l.adica lroaa
Iriuiinea c, which they will .dupoee of tn aa
good If not bi'tlcr ti'fms to tho purcha ter than
they can be kbtuimd elsewber4; ttif cither carh,
Lumbo r orfotiutry preduee gtincriillv,
Aug. 1, '60.-au MOOHE i, E TZWII.ER.-
PI. ASTI'.K I G, Th o suh8b7r7bavln g
loented hiumolf in the borough of Clcurfield
would inform the publio that ho is prepared to
do work in tho nliove lino, from plain In ornnmon
lul of any duacription in a workmanlike manner.
Also whitcwnahlng and repairing doue in a uoal
inauner and on reuaonable torma.
EKWIN C00?ER. ;!
Clearfield April 17, 18fi0.1y. ;
rjHHHlKFH MAI.IJ. By virtue f A fnM.
O dim writ of Kca, Ex., iatuedout or the court
of Common Pleas of Center eo and to me di
rected, will ho ejpnsod to public a.ilo at the
Court llouae in the borough of Clearfleld, on
OF AUGUSTA. D. I860, . . , .
at 10 o'clock A. M the following described
property, to via: A certain tract of luodaituate
in (lof)ien Ip. Clearlield county IV, bounded by
lands of Jnoob Flogal, KUia Irwin, Ellis Liver
good nod tho Snaquebanna River. Containing
two hundred and aerenty-iix acres more or lesa,
three dwelling houaeai two baina, wagon sl ed
and other out buildiug's and large bearing
orchard thereon. Seined taken In execution and
to be (old aa the property of John Selfrige.
Bheriff'a Offico, Clenrtlcd In, Aug. 1, 18H0.
DK. A. M. Ill LI.H, deiirea to announce to
his friends and patrona, that be Is now de
rotin j all of hia time to operational Dentiatry.
I boae desiring his servioea will And him at his
I ffice, adjoining hia residence at Hearty all times,
i nd always oa Fridays aad Matardays, unleaa
Notice to the contrary be giyen la the town pa
lers the week previoas.1: . v .
N. C. All work warranted to he Mtiefactory'
Clearfield, Pa.. July 35th, 1880. ,.. (,
THE , above Hotel, Laving recently been fitted
up for a bouse of entertainment, ia how open
for the accommodation of th public H'ravelon
will find this a convenient bouae,
Msr 19 18S8, , ,. VQH JQI PAX. '
HAM, Sides, Mackerel and Horring "for aaie
low at tho atore of W. F. IR H IX.
t'learfiold, July Ilth ISfiO. , . , ,
AN excellent quality of Ftour for sale low at
Ve atore of W. F. IRWIN. ,
Clearfield, July 1 1 th, 1 ? 60. ' ' '
ATTORNEY AT LAW, nffioe adjoining Ha
I)..- : r-i ... f
CAUTlOSf. All penuni are bereby caution
ed against buying or in any way maddiiog
witutha following property, to wh: two Bed
stead b, one Bureau, Table, Cupbowd, Chut and
Trunk How in the poaaesaion of Edward (Jol
nett, as tae saaie aelongi sm, and left with him
on loan only. JOHN W, f AULLY.
Brady tp. u)y i, 60.-5t.
iAUTIOJI. All penona are hereby eautlon-
ngmn purcnannj or in any way med
dling with the following property, , row in the
possesion of Jauie M. Leonard, to wit: S Ifor-
mi inn unrneni, a vows, 7 noaa oi yo nng cattle,
7 Hti(? and other property, at the same was pur
chased by hi at Sheriff sale, and is only left with
anld Leonard on loan subjeet to our order. "
July 18, 'ro.-3u K0S8 61I0TT d Cr
. me auoacrmor on tne oin, .or 7tb of July, a
sauill black and tun rat Terrier bitch, amweriug
to the name of illossnm, aiy person return inc
the same to F. Short of the short ahoo shop C lear
field Borougb, will be liberally rowanled by
''' . , . J". 8H0BT.
N B kn person known to Scop auid bitch af
ter this notico will Bo oTealt wita acooading to
law.' Jnly 18, 'W. f T. .6O0KT.
CAUTION. All seasons art-hereby caution
ed againat purchasing or ruoeiving a note
of land given by me, to (Jodfred Zilliox, call-
uig tor one nun a rea ana Jijietn jjollnrt due at
three months. I am determined not to pay it
unless compelled by law. JOHN GLABER,
iirady ip., July 18, 'flu. 8t. - ;
Notico la heroby given to all ncraona Indebted
tl the estate of Thomaa C. Daria. lata of I.nm.
ber City, deceased, either by note beok acocunt
or otherwise, that payment muat be made to the
underaigned Administrator of aaie eatate, at oni
or the claims will be collected as fact as legal
pruceai win eueot , ". .
Lumber City, June 20th. 1860. St,
: c-BRAXSfr.V DATI3,
JAMES CROSSLY carriei on . Blacksmithini
In the borough of Lumber city, 'where be will
execute promptly all work entrusted te him, and
execute it in a workmanlike manner, '
July 4, I860. ly.
WM, A, WAI.LAt'S. .
o.' A. riaT
a. o. risiicr
JJanlitim W.CoIlc'tfioir ''flSte
C L E A R F I L D,
Callettion made and proceeds promptly remitted
Exchange ou the.Citles eoustaatly
on hand.
!.&0fl5oe on Second fit., nearly oppoaito the
milE CI.EAHI'lEI.n ACADEMY, will
X le opened for the reception of pupils,
(innlui and fomnlea) on Mondny, May 28th, 1860,
Ttrmt per ae'slon of eleven Weeks
Orthography, Heading, Writing, Primary
Aii'huietio and feogrnphy.
Higher Arithmetic, Kngliah Grammar, Ucok
raphy and lliiitory. $3.U0
Algebra, Ueometry, Natural Philosophy
and Hook Keeping'- Ifldl)
. Latin and Ureek language. ' '' $8 00
To ttudents desirous of acquiring a thorough
English Education, and who wish to qualify
theinaalvci for teacheri, this Institution offers
desirable advantages.
No pupil received fur less than half a session,
nd no deduction made except for protracted
Tuition to be paid at tho oloae of tho term.
C. 11. SAND1-OUD, Pkixch'al.
May 23, 1800.- ly.
XI3V FI2.U Ail
Just rocciving and opening at the Old Mat
of Lewis pinilli in Rethleheni a well aelected a
aortmcnt of Spring nnd Suinmor Uooda ofal
moat every description.
ftaplo nnd Fancy, a boautiful assortment i
Prints and Dress Goods
of the latest styles, also a vnrioty of usoful Nc
tiuna JIhIh nnd C'apa,
i Donnota nnd Shawla,
JJoots and Shoes,
Hardware, Queenswaro, Dings an
Tobacco, Sogara and all artiolca nsuilly kopt
in a country Store, all cheap for cash,
tiivsus a cull and see for your srlves.
. May 21, 1860.
And extensive Dealer
-t- Ll siljare Tiuilijr.
-- - 1
Kliluelcs, &c
. (J 7.,. .. . - 1
a Kelt pp'"" '
M'ch 11 . isr.o.
Cltarjield County, Ta, .
- JOS. L. KIRBY, I'RomiKTos.
BEDS Icaro to announce to the traveling com
munity and the public gcnenrally, that he
hna taken the above named hotel aud rofitted it
in a ityle suited to the times and the wants of
the public. , ,
Will always be supplied with the leat tho mar
kets aad the surrounding country can afford i
Will cost tain the choicest liquors, and '
Wrlibe la the ear of attentive hostlers, r
sonaibU for their conduct to their employer,
who will give the entire establishment his per
sonal supervision. i , -
In the the hop that he will be able to make
his guests eoaifortuble during their vieits hia
house he respectfully aollclt a share o ublie
patronags. .
Lumber City Oct. 19, I860.
rpiIE nuderaigned respectfully informs hia
X customors aud th publio generally, that be
hits just received from the Knit, and opened at
hit establishment in MIA W'S UO W Cienrfteld,
l'a, a fine assortment of CLOCKS, WATC11KM
und JEWELRY of different qualities, from a full
eett to a single pieoo, wuich be will sell at the
most reasonable prlcea for CASH. - '
.- CLOCKS of every variety on hand, at the most
reasonable prices. ., '
ALL kinds of Clock a, Watches and Jewelry
carefully repaired and Warmmttd, : i i
& - ' nf or Irons "e ia a it''' t
1Si-is:Iii ai '
' iiv. VSSHISM W
v' n
. a0 jo
it a
i. Q. UARTW1CK ,U D.
TTAVB lust received from the Eastera'citfc's.
XI and opened at their NEW STORE ROOM!
on MARKET BTREET, two doors west ofThird, I
we moat exienuve asaortment of ' Drugs,
. ..... Jtodicinca.. I
" Paints, .
. - . - -t Oils,
." - Yarnishes,' 3"'" "
. a ' Zye-Stnffs, .-,, y,
'," ' Tobacco k Scgarr, ' -' ' 1 i
j ; Toilet artioles, -
Perfumery, .t 'nil .
Slakk booka, . . ' - , i i- ;
. Biationary, :. ' I '
Cutlery, .v.m- - -i .- " .-'
. .-JUise)laeos ...
. ' .;. .'. .- ' Aa4 Fancy .:.'.,.'.
Articles Ae. te,
ever offered to the public in tbis aeoticn of the
country. . ( , . ,
Their Drugs and Chemicals, of which they
have an extensive assortment, have been aelect
ed with especial refference to their quality und
freshness. .
Thoir stock of Oils and Paints will
of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine,
Red A While lead, dry and ground in oil, Span
ish brown, Yenitian red, Yellow and Stone ock-ae
Lampblack, 7lack load, Ivory b'ack, Chinese s
American vermHUon, paris green, parit, Ultra
marine and pruaaian bluo, dry and ground in oil.
Carmine, Chroma green yellow, Chalk of all
Cobalt, Dvep, lake black, Emery, Glue. (luiue,
Copal, ltomar and Shellun, Indian red. Lithnrue-.
Orange mineral, pumice and Rotten stone. Rut
pink, English and American, Rutin, Scarot, (
perslan reu,j Terra Vienna, Turkey uinbro, Yer
digria, blue & white Vitriol, Whiting, SUno, put.
ty and puily knives, Ulasa of at) sites and qemii
liea, Looking-glasa plates, Ao. rf o.
Dye-atuflk ii Varnishes: ":
' ' -. Extra Logwood, chip
ped anf gsoawd, Indico, Madder. Annatto
Cochineal, Sol. tin, Red eaurulcrs; Copal, Coach,
uiacK lor leatner, Jupan Tor dying, Map, Mastic,
White Vamnr, White spirft and Flowing Varnih.
Tobacro Segars:
' ' - Cavendish, beat. Sltr)
loaf, Rough t ready, Lady twwL Fine cuU of all
kinds, and pride of tho Unrein, tobacco , Rnppeo
and Scotch snuff,; El phaeton, Henry Clay,
puncn, Aacuica, tl mono, 4c, begart.
Dl auk Books pud stationary.
' ' Ledgers,
laj-l)Ooks. Heceipt and Jiote-booka, Diunea, La
dies and Office Portfolios, lilunk parchment and
paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgngca, and all other
iegnl blanks. Foolscap, lottur, Noto, Businesa
anddrawiifg paper, Euvelopea, Htady reforonce
t lies, Auucar a and Arnold s writing fluid. Ink
black, blue, and carmine, Steel 1'etis ami Pen
holders, Paper clips, mucilago, aud all olhor ar
ticles in tlie Mntiuuury lino.
Toilet fc l'aury Art Iclcs 6i l'erfumcry.
bruhos, American, trench St English, with Ivo.
ry, Shell, Pearl, Buffalo, Satinwood, Rosownod
A. ornumented backa, all qualities ; Cloth brushes
lint brushes; Teeth brushoa, various qtialitiea ;
ennving brumes, American, i,nglih and French
with Rusfia bristles and Cadgor's hair: Flesh
bruher : Comb brushca and Clcnncrs. Tortoise
flic 11 Tuck combs, Tortoiso shell, llm A Fancy
anu inuia runner Long lomna; unflf, Bunnlo,
Horn snd India rubber puff side Combs : India
rubber Dressing Gouibs, 4 to 8 inches, all atylcs;
Kngliau ioiict cumiia with handles; Bohnet
comhi; Ivory and Outta pcrchn fine tooth combs;
Pocket combs, nil atylos: American, French A
Gorman Cologne & Lavcn '.or waters j Lubin'a,
lavlor a, Wright , Mnnccnet Conway s ex
tracts (or the ban Ikorcbief, of a variety of
styles ; Mirnctt a Cocaine, Barry a Tncniihcroua,
Lyon'a Cathniren, Enu, Luitrul, Boars, Mnssaerar,
Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil I Beef marrow.
Pomades, and Pliilocoom, American nnd French
all styles nnd lirioct cold cream, Toilet powder,
Rouge Balls, Lilly White, Puff Boxes. China.
and paper, smelling salts, Balm of n thousand
Hovers, tooth paste, tooth paste, charcoal, roao,
tc. ic, Miaving Uompouiiil oil sues : Militarv
aonp, Honey Soap, Chrystuline and Floaliug
soaps,, Ottoman, Yankee and (lullaghor soups,
Arnnsparcui aim usfino aoaps, &o. ac,
Miiicellaiicous Articles. '
flontt ateel frame
morocco nnd cuff Portinonuies, Ludiea silk lined
pupior .Mni'he, inlaid tortoise aboil, velvet and
morocco Portiuouuiet, Ludioa Crotchet purees
embroidered wita steel leads, Ladies Cnhaa and
morocco satchels, shell,, ivory, velvet and
papier Macho, ivory and penii memorandum tab
Jets, Fino Engifh Morocco, Pocket AValota, Mo-
inooo nml r.uft 1'uckct honks, with atriipa and
cusns; Bill books, and Bnuker'a cnaui willi lnpk
and key; cjlupsiun drinking cups. Medical glas
ses with ii ud without drops. Fishing tackle,
t, iiapman .t t. :iorsun Knr.ur ttrops cigar cases
crumb brushes, Shoo Brurbaa with and willi-mt
bondlea Horn buslica, till qunlitioa. Paint
and vajyii.-li brushes nil riics, tin and capper
uouiKi, Mi?li tiioU a sues, ouiintcr uai uanrk
ing brutbea, whito wash nnd sou Mi inn brushes.
Fancy colored feather dusters Ac, Rich peart
nunm pupiur uincne, toilet cases, worK bo.ioa,
writing doika, lloaewood nnd Mnhngony ivriling
deaka, Cbcrsmcn and Cbesa boarda, tlente. Kid
O'.ovcs, Neck ties, collars, cravats and canes, La
dios Kid, TulTrta Silk and Kid finished gnuut
lots, and Lylo throad gauutlela, Black and color
ed silk wob auFpcnders, frencli etriped gum sus
pciidcra, Rich suspendera, Uuiots
new stylo French suspenders, Uvnti. linen hand
kerchiefs, coorod border nnd Cambric handker
chiefs, Ladies incu handkerchiefs in great vari
ety; Sun shade funs, cirouar Frcuch fnns, enn
tun feather fana of a great varioty Fine Canton
pnin funa with ivory and painted handos, Buok
and mourning fun.; iluir pine English nnd
Frcdch, do., de. Aso Patent Wcdiciuea of ev
ery variety.
All of which witt be boM nt the lowest CASH
Country 1'liyslrliuis furnUlied with Drugs,
Modicinea and Surgical instrument", at tbe most
reasanuble ratea lor cash.
June , lSW ly,
By virtue of an ordorof the Orphan's Court ol
Clearfield county, the farm, or oul Ecatnte
iu Jordan township, containing about sixtvtwo
acrca, lato the property of F. W. SCUOEMMJ
and being the s.nno property on which lro lived
a l the times of his death in 1SSI; but now In tho
occupancy vf the Ac min'slrator IT. F. SC110E
NINO, will be exposed to anleat Publio Yenduo
or outcry at Anaonville iai euiie county on
AUGUST, A. D. 18tt(,
at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon of amid day. Tho
aaid real estate Is mors fully described as fol
lows s
Boglnnlng at a Hemlock tlicnce south 40 de
grees east 0J perches tO' post, thflnce sosth
it degrees west 115 perchosso Hemlock, Uieneo
north iO degrees west UdA porches to a post,
Ihenee north 60 degroea ea Hi. perches to the
place of beginning. Cen4ining ncrea
and aixtj-aix pejehestand thueunl allowance
of six per centum rfci ss by reference to deed
from Lewie Wain aud tker to aaid Frederick
Schooning dated the 17th dny of October A. l.
1R47 recorded in Clearlield county lu deed Book
It. page 410 will inoro fully nppenr.
July M80 1 H. F. SCIKBStyQ, AdmV. '
DRY - APPLES, for sale at flw atuce of Vm.
' F. Irwin, Market street, Cloailiold P4. i
RY CHERRIES for sale at tho sforoef
- - AVm. F. Irwin. Clearfield Pn..t
' rn" Si-r.. .Pt Snootders".
Cbeapestt. eill largest til
5,oo :-: .; :'
PAYS fur tuition in singra aad double entry
Book-keeping, writing commercial arithinet
io and Lectures. . ,., . - .ii (u . .:.
Board 8 weeks $20 iStattMary $7, Initio
f 35, entire erpensvs G2. time from 8 to 8 weeks, Every student
upon graduating is goaranted competent to man.
age the books of any business, and qualified tw
cam a salary nom . a , , ,. .;.
500 to 1000 Dollars.
S.udcnti enter at any tiuu Xo vacation Re
view at pleasure.
. tiat premiums for beat buainesa Writing for
1360, received at l'ittaburnh. Philadelphia and
Ohio State Fairs. Also at the principal fairs of
tue union lor tne past four years. i . .
Min'wier'a Sons received at half rie.-i.''iiT.
a,For Crrculara, and Embeltlahed1 View of
the College, inclose five letter stamp! to
w. J t:Ki.o, Pittsburgh, Pa.'.
; -...-' . " , " ;
-'V,; , Shawls,
Ladies' Dress Goods, Itibboiu?,
Flow ers nnd Millenary goods gen
; erally. . ' .
and Sfiocs of every desc.-iptiou.
' Alao lu thoir clcgunt ityfoa of BCJINEiji
00ATS, and ' Mon'a id Boya CLOTIIIXa'.',
A full aasortincnt of Carpets, Floor Oil cloths
and Carriage trimmings constantly on baud.
Jtf) Flour, Huron, Kith A , at the lutcttt prictr
rcsli A rrivnl . of !
AT THE CliEAi'.'CASlI WoilE. .
I nin just receiving nnd opening a large and
woll aelected aaaortinont if
Goods, of almost every descrln
tion, ' . .
A l)"nutifiil ascortiiiont of Flints aud Prea
goods, or the newest and latest It)' I in. Alao a
great variely of useful notions,
A large assortment, rcady-madu
Bonnets, 6hawla,
lints ami Cups,
Boots and Shoes, a lurgo quantity,
, Hardware, Qi eenswaro,
Druggs and Medicines,
Uil and Paintc, t
Caryct I Oil Cloths, i
l'ish, Snoou aud Flour,
of tho best quality, oU of which will be sold
at t ti o lowest cnh or ready pay pricea.
Jly old friends nnd tho publio genorally, aro
respectfully Invited to call, ,
Clearfield, Aluy U, 18C0, 1 WM. F. IRWIN
Jiist rcccivo J and now oponmg at Iitvi?'s clion
comer store, a large and w II evicted stock of
Spring nnd Summer gnode, all of which aro of
fered at lower pvjuca tfian ever. Call and oxam
ine goods and prices. E, A. 1RV1N.
t'unvcmvill, May IC, 'GO.
Bnnnots, Florence briwda, lingJiaU straws.
Shaker and othori'ylci trimmed and un.
trin. mod, will be found iu variety at the corner
'Tour . K. A, I It VI K,
Cui weiiBvilla, May 1(1, 'CO.
Indies dress goods, of patterns and toxtutea to
J plensoall, will bo foumfat the corner store ef
Curiviiisvilie, Muy 10, lStiO. li, A. IRVINw
keloton Skirts, n liirpto vnrioty nt reduced prl-
acs ni irvins corner storo. uurwensvtlle In, 8(h.
Stulln. and other i'hawls in variety at the cheap
Store of , E. A. IRVLN-
Curwensville, May 10. 'GO. .
Boots aad Shoes. A larger stock and lower
prices thnncvor, at Irvlna 'Jhoapott eorner.
Amveuville, May 10, '0i- -.j
very large amclk of UPTinr end Fummer
L clothuigof the Intift atylea for aaie low by
;iwensville. May 19, 1800. E. A. IRVIN.-
Cooklng Stovca of varions shea and pricea for
entehf E. A. lRTIIT.
CurwesvLU, JIny IG, 'GO. . ;
Mackoret and Horring fur anfe at the corner
"ore of E. A IRVI.N.
Jui'werlsville, May 1G, 'GO.
Ilour, Bactm, Beans and Clovor eeod, at the
. cbep eorner by . - E. A. IRVlJt.
Curwcnavillq, May 16, 1S00V. ' '
(1 laas,- Ksils; Paints, Oila to.. for sale low by
.7 the quantity m by retail at the cheap eorner
reof ; E. A. JHYIJf.-
Curwensville, May ldt 'GO. i
fTfA sides ofaparmk solo leather or sale low
JU lor carh by E. A. IIIVI .
, Curwensville,, May 10, 1G0. u .
1 HI IT. Dried Apples, Pared and nnpared.
J. iJ'eaclies, Cherries, Pruucs and lUisinaai
the corner store of ' E. A. IRV1N.
Curwcn.irillo, May 18, 1S6H. . , .
Disetins Mill and cut .S'nwir, ,Miinn"a"axei SnoJ
a generat assortment of INrifwa
aioro Ol - -
CurwenaviHe, May 1, 1R0,
large lot of BEANS, a... tn Ires v
Storeof .ilBRItILL 4 B;OLKR.
OAL OIL And Coir, On, La Mrs for salt .
C. FP.4IZfAwQX5-