tho only organization now left which State organization invaded by a body of to Mr. ILUdenia,,inviting ui to meet holds togetter hortli, South, East and men at Washington, of whom they know them in the Senate Clumber, Harrisburg, West, of this great country if you would ' nothing, or by a cliquo or tingle person in on the lame day. Theao gentlemen aign nid in overturning the barrier which ;t,e State, whose caprise may only induce tnemselves "members of the State Execu heretofore have Mowl impenetrable t ) the ' an agitation in favor of our opponents, live Committee," but do not state when maddened assaults of the ralicitc of the; The present" Stale Committee, with a and where they received their authority Republican party, than fallow the course delicacy which doea thora honor, atayed to cell a meeting of the Stat Committee, yon hare marked out ai d mod surely far wjthin the limits of their lawful now.), To me there Ti but one regular organi will you accomplish the Jeign. In such ergt when they merely recommended the zution of the Democrat io parly in this a work I desire to have neither part nori Democracy of Pennsylvania to Unite their States and having -been honored with a lot. 1 am of tht Uemocj-atio party and !ynte (or President on the electoral ticket place on the State Committee by that or for the Democratic party, and shall stand nominated 'by the Reading Convention, ganization, I shall treat oil others with steadfastly by its principles and its or according to the plan set forth in their the contempt-they deserve. aiiizntioa.. Through many, many years resolution. If I could not have conscien-' I support Mr. Douglas because I believe plan 1 houd in- him to be the regular nominee of the par 1 have shared its triunihs'nnd it) trials in stmahlne and tn storm 1 have followed its ling, keeping step to the music of the Union ; and now when it is assailed on every side, and its organization threaten ed by foes without, and foes within, I liut I am too old soldier to W .led off by n Irilso note from a deserters bugle in the enemy'i campr ""Respectfully yours. ' ,.::.- JoU II A Jlll.TOV. Jr., .-To Mew. A. L. Roumfoii, W'm. H. Mil ler, and olher1' ' ' ' 1 letter fitm Mr. Keiai i ; IIo.v. R. J i HaLDHuy :Siri Your clr" rnlar, unsigned, duly reached me by mail. ' Presuming that if it were for a sincere pur . pese, you had forwarded it, I sent it to '. JlarrUburg for recognition ; it was then . authi nticated by your . signature,' and herewith be pleased to receive my reply. Tlio f rat resolution signed by il. H. Sib ley, temporary ohairmaM at Washington, after an insinuation thai all Democrats, who may be opposed to his paitioular or ganization are secret enemies to the Con stitution and the Union, recommends to the several State Committees "that they . take uieisures to socure the adoption of B'n eleotond ticket in their respective! Statos p'odged to the unequivocal aiipport .of the nominees of the National Dumo . eratio Convention, Stephen A. Dsuglus and Jlerschel V. Johnscn." i. 'i .' , The second resolution, re.olves "that if, any State Committee shall omit to ta ke . the proper slops for securing such an elec- loiai hckci,- men ine mcmucr ot this .Committee in tbat State is hereby author . Uod, either in conjunction with mombers oft lie State Committee ori Ait own act, to take such action as he may deem nec essary and proper for that purpose." I copy the resolution verbatim ; the italics are uiino. The conclusion of the circu lar is in the following unusual and unpre cedented style i '.May I beg thot you will bosokind as ta reply before the 24th of this month of July, whether your vote will be cast for Stephen A. Douglas and Ilerschel V. Johnson, without compro mise, equivocation or chango ? Ycur fail ure to reply by tho dato specified, will be considered as hostile to the Democratic nominees." I prssuioo the Sibley resolutions are in- i red need in order to show mo that you have some kind of apology for the abrupt inquiry whether my voto will bo cast lor Douglas and Johnson, "without compro mise, equivocation or change." I answer emphatically, that I ao not recognize tho authority which assumes this inquisition al and arbitrary control over tho Dcmn cratic organization of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvan:n, and I have yet to learn that a peremptory request, couched in languago that in itself creates distrust, U calculated to inspire either confidence in, or regard for, the sourco from which it comes. I amof the oninion that neither Messrs. Douglna and Johnson, not Breck inridge and Lane, are regularly nominn. ted candidates of the Democratic party wbioli party requires neither prefix nor appendix to its name to designate its na tional character. That feature is stamped upon its history, U founded upon its im mutablo principles, imd will long survive tho miserable controversies and disputes of oflico-liunter and more politicians which now temporarily obscure its glori. ous pathway. Tho Front Street Theatre Convention, which caiiea itselt the representative of i ue iuiionai Democratic party, cannot claim a regulur nomination, bscauso tho Charleston Convention had adopted a res olution by a large majority before its ad journment, that iij one should be declar ed tho nominee of the Convention until he received in the Convention a vote equal to two-thirds of all the electoral colleges, tins resolution was never re scinded, and Mr- Douglas never received nucu a- vote. Mr. Johnson has been se lected by the Executive Commiiteeof that Convention to replace Mr. Fitzpatriek, who had not received such a voto. The two-third rule has been proved to boa good ono by long experience of its salutary ef foota, and wasenaoto I by successive Dom ocraiie National Conventions, to prevent tho vory evils whioh have come upon the party in ooiifoqucnce of its non-enforce ment, never navinir Leon rnenti-.l r liniulv pndnraed that stent ly have placed my resignation as an ty, but if his injudicious and foolish friends elector at large into the hands of tho continue to follow tlie teachings of cor Chairman of tho Stale Committee, not- rupt clique in Philadelphia, beaded by withstanding the very large and coropli- John W. Forney, instead of the teachings mcutary vote I received from the mem- ol duty 'and patriotism. I shall be com ber of the Convention. I hold it to be polled to declare a "separation' from the inconsistent with fair and manly conduct contaminating touch of these men. "1 to accept a nomination and not carry out will follow where Democratic principles the views as expressed by the authority point the way, but when they ceate to that gave it. To my mind it is under such lead I cease to follow." , u circumstances highly becoming to resign, I ,, Respectfully, I i.-ri J. B 8aksom. ' .1 a I . 1 t . . . - ! '. ,. raincr man to persist la nuaiwww position that has nothing to justify it but a mad ambition uncontrolled by the ad visory influences of a vory honorable and proper authority. , . ... - j - Such being my views as to the nomina tions and powers of tho State Committee,' my course seems to be plainly set before mi, .. Tho plan . recommended by. the State Commitleo is wise and appropriate. All true Democrats concede that it it of tho first impoitanco that Mr. Lincoln should bo defeated. I can vote most cheerfully for cither Mr. Douglas or Mr. Breckinridge in preference to Mrk Lin coln, and know no other mode by which it can bo done, but by a union of. prefer ences upon one doctoral ticket. If tho insidious devices of those who prefor men to principles should pro ail, and two elec toral tickets are thrown into will not at least, bo the fault of tho Demo- cratic Party of Pennsylvania, but of those only who, regardless of fealty to time. honored principles, would sacrifice all nt, TATA fl DTI UP1TT WTJ TTI H fj the shrine of personal aggrandizement. Jllll Ji IjilljUAllllillJlTij. l name iieavon mat ciass oi men nave no weight' with the conservative, sensible, thinking and efliicisnt portion of the com munity, whoso votes must decids the el ection. The battle must bo fought in Pennsylvania. A cordial union of all for the sake of the Tnion upon tho sugges tions of tho StateCommittee would secure tho triumphant election of that excellent and worthy citizen, I?enry 1). Foster, to tho gubernatoriiil chair, a majority of tho congressional delegation, a majority of tho Senate and housoof Representatives, and as a necessary consequence a United States Senator Are all theso glorious ro- sults to be jeopardized for tho soke of any one man ? Is it to bo douo at tho dicta tion of a body which can claim no author- for its interference with our State or- nml which seems to have so - - Let ui Beaton Toeetherr'" Tn'ust'ki1 with thing as we find them-.' The Unlucky Lincoln. Tho Democratic party is now divided, cur u.vts.on. we r.eea no, oP .o mquuy , nnn nr.rlinn !. .imnortimr Mr Douelas and ler "Ol i lney .' : the other Mr. Breckinridge, v, . ' . ' But the question that now arises ; is our If we are perfectly united, and ' .11 cast "te organization in any manner All this occurred before the Charleston and Baltimore Convene I The Detroit Fr 7Vgavs of tit. tions. Are not the&o the regular cundi- "ng1 of his life , . lo ( i nnort of-and cast nil our J H 'g",r Committee of " nen "e K ,",a ln ngrit) pport oi ana casi nil our t, , -. , ,- -country was war, i, ) ;le Electoral ticket, this the he Democracy of rennsj lvaniaf what brave patrioUo sons of the cL, nave wo to ao with, AaUonal 'x)mmittees were making tho most beroio cffbrlj foJ or the home made thunder of Richard J.' tain the national arms in the interior IJaldeman. The path of duty to the De-1 en,0,ny country, and . this they J trt , , itinued to do until the close of th mocracy of Pennsylvania appears to u,and in thoenJ 0lme off ' 'Jror? ! to be plain and clear, it is, to sustain the nioie than conquerors, notwithsta'nl action of our State Executive Committee ,all tho adversa powers with which t!' and voto for all tho Candidates nominated !hftJ t0 contend. While' they wero dou y the Reading Convention. ' iSS?00 nni' 'Thi :ki:J. .1 at home who not only opposed ft, ..... j, m.. ...wuCO,, yi ana sj mponnzou ; wiiii ino 'oneiny. L CLKARiTF.LD, Aue. 1,1800. IT "T T DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. ! ' ,' ','rOB--:.'.WlESII'feST,V ity ganization, mul ivlncli seems lilt lo confidence in its own innate strength as to transfer all it possesses to the keep ing of a tinglo individual. I trust, how ever, that better councils prevail. How promliy you couiu return air. tsitjiey s let ter and join the gallant forces of our Democrrtic Commonwealth. Thoro is noroom for a midillejcoursc. If you wish well to our cause, you will not act -villi that fragment of a party who. under the pretext of purity and good faith, carried their treacheiy to tho ut most reach of the enemy's tamp, and des ecrated tho name of Democracy by voting in the ranks of those who have constantly opposed it. In Berks county, for severnl years past, a fusion of factions, under the lead of the present Clerk of theJHlack Republican STEPHEN A, DOUGLAS. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. HERSCHEL V.JOHNSON, GEN. JOSEPH LANE. GOVERNOR. HENRY D. FOSTER. Of Wrs1M0R.KI.AND COCXTV. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS, " Senatorial Electors. . Richard Ynx, Geo. M. Keim. Dhtrict Electors. -Fred A. Server, ,14-lsmio Reck how. 2- W. C. Patterson. I,)-lieo. I). Jackson 3- Jos. Crockett, jr.jlli-John Aid. 4- Jno. i.'-Jotl B. Danner. 18-.I. II Crawford. !l'J-H. N. Lee. !20-Josh. 15. Howell. 1-N. B. Fetterman. 22-Saml. Marshall. 23-Wm. Book. !4-B. D. Hamlin. !5-Gaylord Church. o-tt. w.jacoby. C-C'has. Kelley. 7- OliverP. James 8- David Sehall. U-Joel Lighter. 0- S. S. Barbour. 1- T. II. Walker. 2- S. Winches cr. 13-Jos. Lnubach. RK60LUTI0X Ok THE DEMOCRATIC 6TATE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Profoundly improfod with the importance of llouso of Republican Houo of Represen- nrompt, viuorom and Biitriotio aetionon the nrl tatives, has accomplinhed . the gloomy vf tbo Democrntia Istoie Committee, in order to picture of the invasion of this citadel of,avortt If pOMible, the eonsequencoi which must Democracy, and for once succeeded in 1 inevitably roult from theuuhappj divisions now levelling it to the oarth. To this achieve- i'"',1' rnnk' ? "J r State and ... , fi i hi. ii r.i nation, we cordially and honestly recommend to men , nil douo in the boasted name of he tho De nocrftcy of Bta lhnlh uuneen , 0 rogular Democracy, wo owe tho Reptibh- heart and voice in the mpport of our excellent can organization of the llouso of Repre- and competent nominee fur Governor, Ilonry D sentutives. More than once a single voto ! FoMor, and that is oil the local elcollont they might have saved us tho disgrace wo now I1""1 n" on9 Pnrtvi forgiving and forgettiug any witness in their defection and our diseoiu- ""'forfnees that they may bavo entertained for fiture. I find, too, that every movement i t.rf w " Porfce"inl which h made in tins Mate by those who a.a .aiib.I it'l,. l-iiffiiln , anrl ni-itt.nllif .m.... ' .i v srv unit. , vtj t. j fun.. , ty against the common enemy, we recommend to tho llemocracy of Penniylvania to unite tbeir , rotes for Prciident on the electoral ticket formed lillious, il prescribed and heralded forth ntltcadinu on theletdnvof March. 1860. on the by tho Elilor of the Prss, tho manifest following bniis and understanding, vii ; That object of whoso editorial labors is not to , lr ,nl11 electoral ticket ahould bo eloetcd by tho elect Mr. Douglas, but to defeat him so Pr1"; nd It ihould appear, on jicertaining the tor forever. From such chicanery and phea A. louglas and Uer.chel V. Jobnioa, It deception Berks county has resolved to would elect them Proeidcnt and Meo Preaideat rid herself. It h not to tuch sources she over Jfeurs. Lincoln sndllamlin, then said eleo looks either for Democratic principles cr to" shall be under obligation so to cait said Democratic usages. She is this very day i T0, I ""on th otllor hand It ahould appear that as leady to manifest her attachment and ot VW0U.II "fi " woagias and devotion to the principles as inculcated 5 V?' M "Vl !lrt9h.,B,,'?!idf! v.... t(r.0 ', i V r , iend Joseph Laae President and Mc Prdsident by a Jefferson and practiced by a Jackson, over Mc.r. Limolnand Hamlin, then laid vott as in tho palmiest period of her success, ahull i. r..t frthm, .nj in .... ,k. r.;,.A am at a loss to understand tho logic which .ner "''"S intelligence cannot be rots of Pennaylvania would mnelcot either of ...... I j v. v. ... II" ..... IWI II .... 1 UT lllilun i - - - . .uwu !.. V II U IU1 D 111 I. . Ulliun I . . I. strong by division. Bho holds in abhor- trding to their cwn judgomcnt of what would bo renco all who hav and for my single self, ed with any of them oiaims a regular noaiination for Mors IkmuIasnnU Johnson. The Maryland Institute Convention, which also claimed to be tho representa tive of the National Domocratio party, demands its recognition upon alleged in justice to Domocratio State delegations, and it.i decluiotion of sound ' Democratic principles. Although it was composed of members from all tho Democratic Stutes, its proceedings wero equally irrogulnr with thai of the Front Street Theatre. " In this lamentable position, when those to whom the Domocratio pnrty of tho whole Union had confided the direction of affairs have proved themselves unnblo to control a political structure heretofore magnificent and powerful, and thus failed in giving it the force that should charac terizo it, 1 look at home to our own Stalo organization for relief, and linding that li.tact and perfect, have ro occasion to consider tho opinion of Mr. Sibley and his iiiwviuiii no u, me icn importance to the well being of the Democracy of our good old Commonwealth, According to my understanding of tho custom and usages of tho Democratic por- ro((uesing "National ty in Pennsylvania, when a Demociatic'all nortions of tho Slate Convention adjourns sine die, having Pennsylvania, to meet in Harrisburg on appointed or made provision for the np- the 20th or this month, in Delegate and pomtment of the Executive Committee, ! Mass Convention, io." As a friend of the ir. connues me wiifio organization or tho election of Judgo Douglas, 1 look upon party to that Committee. In any emer- j this call as tho most impudent and proi goncy they have full power to do what is'sumptous ever emanating from a man neocssnry. I have no doubt if a candi-! having Iho least pretensions to cood "" ,ui ur niiy oiner sense, i ue Democratic party ot iennsyl- State officer,' died or declined so shortly vania aro nottoboled by thenose by suoh before an election that it would be inex- excital lo little matures as Mr. llaldo-. pedient to call a convention, a noinina- man,, and I trust there is not a true tion made by such Committee to supply ttiend of Mr. Doucuu in thereto who e caused such results i r lne coun,ry t"d tlio Dcinocratie par- I will not be link- ""VV T-"."'? 'f i,on..D tbnt." Tim ..,"""" uiKiiom. umj ui an uemocrais, . illO COIlClUSlOll hewm-or lh. .,1ifr. . I.'., j Willi which I close is briefly to say, that puiuta of principle or policy, to unite ngainat tho I shall, it elected, cast my vote Jas Elector, common snemy, end to avert, if eonibIc, tbe at Large, "without equivocation, compro- Sntost ealiitity that could bofnll the country, tho olcotion of a Wlnek lUnnblican l'rniiliiit and further, Iho 'Charmau of this Committco it hereby anthoriicd to correspond with tho aereral elector! in the State, and obtain from him his written pledge, within thirty days from thiidnto that ho will faithfully carry out tho opbjcet of this resolution. , misoor change," according to the action of tho State Committee. If that Commit tee should doom it proper to suggest any other servico for the general good, it would be equally proper oithor to acqui-J esce or resign at once. There is, in myi opinion, no conditon tnoro degrading than to misrepresent thoso who have confided ';.AnU- to you a publio trust, and which no pri-j vvv....,Wviuiani , vntn ennaulnrnt inn bliniilil imnl. 1 A t tte meotini of the Rlntn rnnimlti.. nn 0.1 l Very respectfully, your ft llow citizen j 'njt-, It was reaolved that tho next meeting be ible to get it, GEORiiE M. Keim. our votes tegother for the Electors made at Reading, we cm defeat Lincoln by more than 20,000 vo'os. If we are divided of course we have not the shadow of a chance of carrying the State, and thereby Lin coln will certainly be elected. It requires no calculation to make thia out, it is at clear a the shining sun. What then is the remedy? There is but one that has the least promise of success and that is, our united - su votes for a single friends of Mr. Breckinridge agree to do, but some of the leading friends of Mr. Douglaa Indignantly refuse to do. , There is no doubt about the success of the com promise. ; It gives Mr. Douglas the first chance.' lie would thus got the votes of all the friends of Mr, Breckinridge, and if the 2t electoral votes of Pennsylvania would be of any benefit' to him, he would have them. '" ' .' :'" " ; ;.: t '"And why do tho fiiends of Mr. Douglas docline this liberal offer? . Because say they, it would bo a departure from Dom ocratio" Usages. Thero can. bo but ono regular nominee and that nominee is Mr Douglas. Those gentlemen arrogate to tIioni6clves tlio privileco of thinkins for others en , tireiy too mucli. . iliero aro luose , are just as honest as themselves, nud men who are as old, and consistent in the eer 'vice' of tho Democracy, , who deny that (Mr. Douglas was fail ly nominated and , therefore cannot bo convinced Ihatnro- fusal to support him will bo an violation ofpnrty fculty. The say and believe that somo of the most cherished pnd sacred rules of the party wero violated, and disregarded in the Convention both ut Charleston and Baltimore. Thoy point to the fact that no certain Democratic State was fully rep resented in the Convention at tho time his nomination was declared to bo made; that two thirds of a full Convention was not then present, and that the highest voto polled for him at any timo was 181 J when 202 vofo3 wero required to m;ike a nomination having been ruled so, both by tho Chairman and the Convention it self; which ruling is unrepealed to this dt:y. They also point to Uk- fact thnl all but about .HI of these 181 delegates were from states in which the Democrats arc either in a hopeless minority or havo but an even chance of success (villi tho Ro publicans. Ou the other hand it is said that in the Convention that nominated Mr. Breekin ridgo 210 delegates casting 105 undispu ted votes wero prescrtt. Theeo delegates represented states certain to cast 127 elec toral vot-es for any Democrat regularly and fuirly nominated. Now when tho minds of men ai e so wide asunder, in relation to party obligations, is it not the height of madness is it not rediculous folly, to undertake to drive them into tho support of nny particular man ? surely it is, and thoso win under iuko it cither cannot have tbo. good of the party at heart, or elso they are destitute of charity which wo haven right to do mand. Wo repeat, that thero is but ono way of whipping Old Abe Lincoln, and that is for every Democrat, to cast his vote for tho Reading Electoral ticket. This will do il but nothing else will. Thoso who docline doing so, whether they are the particular , friends of Judgo Douglas or Mr. Breckenridgo, are aiding and abetting the Republicans. Tho case is so plain and clear that r.o man can bo mistaken ; and we are quite sure that tho thousands, and the tens of thousands of the Democratic Yeomanry ol Pennsylva nia, who unlike the hungry politicians, have no political aspirations beyond that of the honor, tho welfare, and the per petuation of our glorious Union in all its length and breadth, aro ready, and wil ling, an j anxious to cast their votes as a unit, audit is throni.v possible kaxner, in which it can bo successful ' against d10 coitmon enemy. Democratic Organization. We dovoto a largo portion of our pa per this week to tho question of tho pre sont position of tho Domocratio organiza- ed by this divisioc ? tod party didate for the same sett of Presidential Electors, the campaign in charge of State Central Committee. t , coin," is a proverb popular in EDf. ;.i and it soems as if the unluckv aiTT i , is our pjy, lon -under the same supervising impair. In, g00ti iuck w,, t8 hahad sat, neon worse titan Ins bad. He haa li OJ I l i . " nominate.!, our excellent can-"s ainvm i rr, , m-iCii.. variably, been beaten. Up for Cr. Governor, Htnry D. roster hQ Democrat8 boat him yf Convention nominated n, full Stales Senator, the Republicans and placed the present him. Stumping for the same honor Do las disUnced him. He got intoConr in 1840, and so disgraced himself , ,.L liad to go intoretiremont for eiiht i the split at in orcler t0 be forgotten. all pemocrats is, tbo defeat of Republican ism, such being our aim, hoT shall we at tain it T - Is it by ' engendering bickor ings, divisions and strife among ourselves, or is jt "ty each ono yielding to his broth er, in order to unito upbn'o common ground of action.'1 ' 1 " ' " ' ! All sensible men uso means to attain their object, the object we all dosiro in the success, of our principles, the way to succeed is, by prompt vigorous an i uni ted action. ... . . In I85(i Republicanism polled in Penn actually encouraged the Mexican! ta y sistance, -Then were men at home i . - i ., . .. . nopeu ana prayed mar, mo aiexj would welcnruo them with bloody 1 to hospitable graves," and ther wern who retipondod to, the sentiment-, mong them was Lincoln. : nm 1,1; j "During the war George Ashmun, Massachusetts, tho samo who pretid over the Chicago Convention, intrwJiW resolutions into Congress declaring V tho war with the Republic of Mexico i unconstitutional, unnecessary and unW and these resolutions received the prrW and ardent support of Lincoln. It i3 . . -pi.:. . ...i. ..t . inuiier oi iiis-.ory wneiner ino oppoij, syivaniii tut i-J.,uuu votes, 'viiiist its op-.iou ui.u was mauo 10 mo war in mo w ponenU polled 312,000, thus ghowinc a! tod States but served to prolong ar.d i.. .nr.7 nmi n.i . . '.bitter it in Mexico. Tho spoechos tk I J 6 " "v -" warn ntntln in mm iinni-c nf riipIi n;rtii.i:.J and dogmas ofSoward, Sumnor, Hale, &Co; I wero promptly transferred to Mexico J since that timo tho John Brown laid has published in the newspapers, rend at t practically exemplified tho beauties 0f uoa'1 f lh? .n,,n,.v' and otherwise u Republicanism. , tat.ot.sly displayed. These proceed, I linpA .nr. lin .Ia...h.i IT. a fA..l . . - ...v.v v..... m ..u uvuj inu .Mi. renco, servoa to encourngo tho t'ennsyivania 11 conservative, ln ln;ti tho Democratic party had a clenr mnjoi ity overall other parties j and uni'ed ac tion now, well throw our noble old Com monwealth into the scalo upon the sidoof the Constitution and Ilia Union. Let moderate counsels prevail, let each I wing exercise tow.ird the other a just shure of forbearance, let each hearken to tho ram1 mon enemy, prolonged the war, andtW hundreds and thousands of lives of voW teer soldier who had flocked to theflrfj at' the call nf their country. It wiw fa this reason that Illinois rebuked himC refudng him a ie-fdectton, and it hh this reason, among other, that tho W. counsels of tho snccs of tho party, and spurn the teachings of known traitors and youthful Hotspurs, but abovs all standi firmly by our timo honored organization and the voice of the gallant Democracy of tho Keystone State will bo heard above tho din of battlo in November next, proclaim ing in thunder tmns, her devotion to the rights of tho people and the equality of the States. i$aForney, Hickman & Co., have de scried Douglas. Hickman makes a clean breast, of it. and walks squarely into tho tho Republican ranks. It is too soon yet fcr Forney to do this.' Ho can do much better service to Lincoln and his abolition followers by opposing the united action on the part of tho Democracy of Pennsylvar.ia. Forney is bound to aid Lincoln in every way lie can. If he can prevent a union Df the Democratic party in this State, of course nothing more will bo asked of him. If the party should un ite to-morrow which would givo Doug-' las the only possible chance he can have of an election we would sec Forney the next day following llicknnn into the Re publican camp. fcaSrTlio Committee is to meet at Cros- son ou the 9th inst. Tlio friends of Doim- las at their Ma Meeting at Harrisburg. Call upon the Commitlo to rescind their resolution recommending tbo Democracy to vote for the present electoral ticket, Sc., i e hopo tho t'ommiltea will do no such thing, or ai least that they will do nothing to interfere with that Electoral ticket. We believo every elector named is Democrat. What their personal feel ings may bo as bctwoon Douglas and Bieckenridge, we neither know nor care, ir thov wero known to bn timnrln O-"- mon wo would say ;tho samo thing. .ouen not urn ticuct. it was rormed at Reading whero Foster was unanimously nominated and when any s uch unpleasant division as thnt now existing in our party was not thought of. Therefore let it bo. BQuTho "Rump" convention that as sembled nl Harrisburg on Thursday last plo of tho wholo country will but conSra thouoclsion ot his own State in tho eon ing contest. Americans want some txvi i . ., . . .. ii -i ... ... lo rule over wiein uno will not IUKO 18 Nk war i villi tho enemy, in tho time of gainst his own country." ' , , For Union. I ho tollowing Uemocral;c pnpen j Pcnnsylvanic ndvocalo union mid Li mony upon ono electoral ticket: Tho Jeffcrsonian National Kve ling Argus, Gazette and Democrat,' A. If... rna.mnr. 1 juuiaia uegis'.cr, Kaston Sentinel, Huston Argus, ; Danville Intelligencer, Democrutio Standard, Xoiristown Register, (Gemini,) True Democrat, Democrat ic Standard Response from the Editor of the Fulton Democrat. Correanondonce of the Patriot and Uuion. M'CoNNEUiii Ro, Pa., July 2a, 18G0. Ge.mi.emex: I have just" received a printed circular from Mr, R.J. Haldoman. Democrats," "from Commonwealth of nicmborwill be iireaent. .JMciuocratic pipers will please tnpy. , WM. II. WELSH. July 20, 1860. ., . , Chairman. Democratic Convention. ' The Democratic voters of Clearfield county are requested to meet in mas Con vention, at tho Town Hall In Clearfield nn Saturday tho4th day of August. 180(1. at 2 Vod them the vacancy, would ho entirely satisfacto ry nnl pertdHly regular, will respond to this unauthorised call.- in connection with this call, I have also It is true that they can and irenorallv received, as a member of tlm stuin do declino so great a responsibility, yet utive Committee, a circular signed by A the power to call conventions or supply j L. Roumfort, Philip Dougherty Wm. Ill m iii h-iii ii-s, irsm nun mem, anu no, j'-ckcis, o . ai. ivreiter, lilliam D. Boas, whero ebe, mid the Democracy of tho John II. Ziegler, and William JI. .Willor, S(Mi will never mbmit to having thoir' who appoar to bo playing "second fiddic'i uon in lonnsyivania. jh so ilomg, wo odjournoa without doing anything it have endeavored to give tho facts as thoy was a second edition of Forney's assem are I and have given the coricspondence bly which mot at Harrisburg last April a upon bothsidos, as fully as wo have been year ago ; except that Fornoy & Hickman We have no lit si tat inn in worft tint tlmm ' Tf um m..-.. 1 t held at Creaaon, nttbe call of tho Chairman." In reaffirming our,. V . f. ... 'l .rv.,.i. , ., i 1 !. L purauonce Ihcrwir, the members of the Commit-1 ,T . , , ouumco i uouc, aiate Ollice tee will aaaemblo at Croaaon. on Thuradev. th I Union of the Democracy. B 'e are for mam- holders a lot of old Cnnnl Kn,.kOH n.u .1 r a . mm . ... . 1 . . . - - I - " !. , f .? i . i . . -.. . . . !' . A i wmnS our Mate ana uomiy organizations, in- those who have . k"imuuo win ue imu-uciure .... . the Couiiuitlo. It la upimii, knn.i n... . (, . . - j I........ ui,. sicrr . v iinoui mis, tieieat stares us in the raw. Disaster must inevitably follow divided councils. We have no sympathy with any man, or set of men, who in a blind do votion to men, lose sight of the principles of their party, and seek to run a tilt with the organization thi t has so long preser Iiuoitia; that organization service ago of thinus with instructions thnt ti should not be discarded onioT 'f!0lV.e!f "f" Ly th Conf'irence ! In nmny ft fought contest, it h is The attention' of the Comn.i.i. ..'broufih,tts out nquerers. and when the not called to the fact of their nieetimi nt leaioverwiioimod us, its Vi'ous form I , m. P. Wilson, to bo Notary Tublio for ana poweriui action have en td us to, enircouiy( resiae at bellofonte. regain our position with wondul upid ity. Its prestige ii equal to50.0iA) tei. Kveiiliowour foe trembles nt the prM'fia-Brih 1-ecfs of "a.f united ' Democracy!." We thildren . h- Y i.. ,.. .... ,ur ineoniy purpose orsolect- is OKI it lias grown hoary in the WnVXrZZ irihe 1)0,TrnCy' "e" lhi8 held at Brook villa on the 8th of A..r,n.i, Profir J "revolution," all old that time until very recently, and it there tore oocomes their duty to oall a Conven tion, as the return Jndges of the primary eloction will not have mot until the day fix ed for the Conference shall ' have pas. sod. . . By ordor of many. D. F. Ktxweiler, i -.-' .t Chairman.'' fat.,, were .gainst us, and tbe tide of do-i firVt of luV. I-eu on liimboilund. Westmorelaad, SusqUAibaiillAi Monroer . VJnionv ... Lcl.igh. . Clinton. ,. Uellefoiil. CentreBcreichter. ( Jorinan CeLtre. ' Huntingdon Union, HunlingdoBw Washington Examiner, Washington,- Craiyfoid Democrat, Crawford. Clarion Domooraf, Clarion J'Kean Democrat, M'Kean. v 'J'iogu Dciuocrnt, . Tioga., ' VcDango Spectator, Ytuungov . True Democrat, Juniata. ; i. Fulton Democrat, Fulton, m i Domocratio Register, Mercer. Republican, Oerinan, Lehigh, . ' Of tlnwe pajjers, as far as wo have best ab'o to classify them, fourteen sujipfl Breckinridge, and tho remainder haves yet expressed no preference. Inters-sting Works FortiicoslmH Messrs. Lippincott & Co. havo in press"" "Reeolloctions, Historical. Political. graphical, nnd Social, of Churlos J. Incer- soil." They will also soon publish "0a sional Productions," by tho late Richari itusn, euileu by his executors. fe?!TGeorge Bancroft, Esq., the histori an, is to deliver an addtcss at thn inaup ration of the Perry statue at Clovolan'l on the 10th of September, the aniverrtr' r., i. - - - vi ii-njf a uctory on line. - ttlM INJV-Tlm II T SiMi.. r .titnti"! .' TTT V " rVanaylrt- Hum, ii us recently preaenea a0 frnifhin' murder, in whiuhha stateil " . i...i.,ti -n .:n.... , . i- i i ; ---.- ,,,,-,..... "ii mi, iwiom regain io tlie oce or tox ofi resilience in mat citv t ieT0J,nwUiifi the victims. more than one hundred .murders, or ApfOINTHSNTS BV TUS aOVERNOR,- Robn crt E. Wright, of Lehigh county, to bo ro. porter ol the Decisions of tho Supremo Court of Pennsylvania, in the room of Jo- tbo Democratic Sentinel, Thb Mountain 1-x'ho, Solinsgrove Time", Rerwick Gazette, Columbia Detn., Star of the North. . Krio observer, ' Lebanon Advrrtisei', Philadelphia Detn., l'cnnsylvaninn, Sullivan. Democrat; York Gazette, York County Pre, -Patriot and Union, Getty burg Compiles, Butler Herald, Carbon Democrat, , Clearfield Republican.. Wayne County Jlevuhl, Wnyne. Millord Herald, Tie-, Luncaster Intolhgemcer, Lancaster. Chester counli Philadeliihii.' Berks counli. Berk. Juniata. Northanqitoii. Nort ljiitnptou. Montour. - Schuvlkill. Montgomery. Montgomery. Milllin. Bucks. Canibriit. Cambria. iSnydei'C Coluinbhi. Coluuibin. Columliiii, Erie. : Ibanon. Fliiladidphio. Phihulvlihia. Sullivan-. York. " " Vork ' Ilarribburg. .'.' Adams. KutW. .i; tt'Blbort. ClearfiehL r Carlisle Volunteer, (ireensburg Democrat, Montroso Democrat, Mon raw Democrat, Lewisburg Chronicle, Allentown Democrat, Clinton Democrat, Ii 11 -am . iH'iicionto uatciimau grown ft by holdinu of fice : " We learn by tho latest arrival from Eu rope that the Massacre in Syria still con tinucs. i , The number of Christians massacred in Syria reaches from 7t00 to 8000. One hundred and fifty villages lnve been dostroyed, Tho details are most sickening, the fciuasosi, oaruanties Having been inflicted average of two a month, whilo in no m stanco had the ted. rrepetrator been execi 8F"Do you love m love you ask tho sun ask a cold kitten if it i bat. Love you ! show aava 1 rinn't snrl I'll J o- l . . r - - w rouuuei m. aiooro, to be an Associate' a cistern polo I" Judge of Jefferson cauntv. in tho ronm nrl Joseph Henderson resigned. ; j 3uThe population iam. Voung it the father f 217 the ner census, is aboi the population was 6, i w 'rrtftn.t ' !'Do U. him ' en,' anient' ! very haudhotue incieai ' t