" 'I' Alone with the Dyinfr It would be difficult to find in tie whole ;1. . tango of fiction a mora ant-cung iuhcu Ihnii is couluined in the fallowing oxtract iiom n letter written by iintisl. seaman to his wife. It iru 14 first trrnco ni a io!tlir, he having hern sent on shore with a boat's crew of lu.uincs to silence a fort, Mid UkebOicofc-uns! , Wrt iJi.-uersud lit n few hundred yards distance iror.1 the beech to keep the coast Wear while the boat's crew niado jirues ot the guns. The enemy lioa advantage oi the wood, find also knowing the country well, and a troop of them in advance. We w ere ordered to fire. 1 took steady aim and fired at my man at about sixty mid... lie full like a stone. Atthesanie .7 - V. ..7 i I tnarnv niong uiu " I peured, we cojjlil scarcely toll now. i n iir.inti I mut co un to Ami and see whether ho -was dead or alive. Ho Jay quite still, audi was more afraid of liinilyiug so than when ho stood i'ueing jpo a few minutes befoio. It is a strarge feulln" to como over you all at once that you have killed a man. lie had unbut toned his jacket, and was pressing his hind over the front of his chest, where the wound was. He breathed hard and thebbod rourcil from the wound, and also from his mouth, every bre.-Uh he took. His face ivas as white as death, and his eve s looked no big and bright as ho turned tlicm and stared at rr.e. I shall never for get il. He was a fine young fellow, not luoie than five and twenty. I went down n my knees be id him, and my breast frit o full as though my own heart nould hurst. Ho had a real English fueo and did not look like an enemy. What lifelt I can never tell ; but if my lifecould have Kired his. I believe I should have civen it. I Inid his head on roy knee, and he grasped hold of my hand and trie i to sneak bu I his voice was cono. I could not tell a word he snid, and every time he went to speak tho blood poured out so, I knew it would 6oo be ever. lam not iiiliameil to s.ny that 1 was worso than he, for ho novel shed a tear, and I couldn't help it. His eyes were closed when a gun was Jir I Iron the to order aboard, ind that aroused him. Ho pointed to the beach, where the boat was just pushing oil with the guns which he had taken, and whero our marines wero waiting to I mnu the second boat, and then he pointed to the wood where tho enemy was con cealed. Toor fellow! ho littlo thought ( how I had shot him down. I was won.', doring how 1 could leave him to die, and no one near him, when he had something like a convulsion for a moment, and then his face rolled over, and without a sigh he wosgono. f trust tho Almighty lu s re ceived bis soul. 1 laid his head gently down on the grass and left him. It seem ml so strango when 1 looked at him for the last tiiiio. 1 somehow thought of ev erything I had heard about tho Turks, and tho Russians ; and tho rest of them, but all that seemed so far oll'and the dead man so near." A Husband and Father. A young man and his wifo Were pre pared to attend a Christmas party at the liouso of a friend some miles distant. "Henry my dear husband, don't drink too much at tho party to-day; you will promise me, won't vou?" said she put ting her hand upon his brow, and raising her eyes to his face with a pleading Blanco, "No, Millie, I will not; you may trust me." And ho wrapped his infant boy in a soft blanket, and they proceeded. Tho horses were soon prancing over the turf, and pleasant conversation bos guiled tho way. "Now don't fcrgetyour promise," whis pered tho young rvife, as she passed up the steps. Toor thing! she was the wifo of a man who loved to look upon tho wine when it was red- But his love for his wife and babe, whom they both idolized, kept him back, and it was not often that ho joined in tho bacchanalian revelries. Tho party passed olf pleasantly, the timo for departing drew near, and the wifo descended from tho upper chamber tojnin ner nusuu-u. a pang snot tnrougli the trusting heart as she met hiiu, lor he was intoxicated ho had broker, his promise. .Silently they rodo homeward, Bave when tliodiunken man would break into snatches of song, or unmeaning laughter. Hut the wifo rodo on, her babe pressed closely on her grioved heart. "Give me the babe, Millie, I can't trust you with him," said he, as they approach ed a dark and somewhat swollen stream, which they had to ford. After some hesitation, she resigned her first born, her darling babe, closely wrap ped in tho great blanket, to his arms. Over the dark waters the noble steed safe ly boto them, and when they reached the bank the mother asked for the child. With much raro and tenderne-s he placed the bundlo in her arms, but when she clasped it to her bosom 110 babe, was thero 1 1 1 had hlipped from tho blanket, and tho drunken father knewil not. A Wild shriek from tho mnthnr nrniKwl him, and h turned just in time to see the little rosy face riso one moment abovo the iarK warn, then tink forever. What a spectacle 1 the idol of his lienrt. gone gone forever! ond that, too bv his jwn intemperanco. The anguish of the moiner, nim tno remorse of the lather aio uetter imagined than described. fc'JTJudge I). was once oblige 1 to "dou ble" with an iridiman, in a crowded hotel when the following conversation ensued "Pul, you would have remained a lonp timom the old country belore you could have slept with n .Iinle, would ou not ?" ' 1 ycr honor," B!li,i j'llti ;i'i 1 lllil)k yer honor would have been a long time in the oul.l count hry before yo'd Wen a Judge, too." I'a-A lover onee i. rtu ,on llKv w)l0 reiecte.l l.m,, saying that lie intemle-1 In re.ue to "some seelult.( spot, and breathe away lifo m iuli ." T u-i,;..i. .i.- i . i.. replied by asking whether they ivere t to I of medium orlaree si?e T ,, l . - - umii has not sinco been lionrJ lrom. ov V is.... .- - 1 . . .. '. " ""C Mill, I1 IIIO c.isurv rernsflvi o ,Ai..ir .r .i Krerv u,o previous lifo of the men they many the list of oll nmi.U woubl be "on.leifully increased. If tU niPn '. l atiny w hat thoir future lives were u woutun t it lnersase Ihe list of old ......v. .nui iUlllitT. 1t?S"iiba,.(U Va.!- lorn on 4th of 11 , V , - i-mcr,ciin ie interestetl BOttcmft this fact. in JiMUST. LBOXAKD. 1 A ii.i.lrf. n. a. ri.imr a. c. riNxir . Jjanliinn iinb CoIIcrtiim fitt OP LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. C L E A II F I L i QLEA11FIELD COUXTV, PA. JBIILt OL tXCBAJtOE, KOTEi AJfDDHAKTi PISCOl'STEP DEPOSITS KKCEIVKD, Collc.liont made and proceeds promptly remitted ICxrliangc ou Hie; Cities consitaiitly on hand. -SrOffice on Secood St, nearly oppoite the COURT HOUSE. milE CLI'.AR PI I'LD ACAIM'MV, will JL b. opened tor the reception of pupils, (males and femoles) on Monday, May ZStn, 1S60 ?Vrmf tenioa of t)9V;n Weeks 1 per sctnon or eleven wec-K ortliograpiiy, uenuing, n ruing, 1 """"J Aritlimetio and tfeogrnphy. $2.i0 j lliirher Arithmetic , l-.nglien liriunninr, ucop- rnphy and History. $3.00 Algebra, (Jeoinotry, Natural Philosophy nnd H'Kik Koeping 0" Latin and Oreck languages. $0 00 To students desirous of acquiring thorough English Education, and who winli to qualify themsalves for touch erf, this Institution offers desirable ndvantages. No pupil received fur less than half a session, nl 110 deduction uiade except for protracted sickness. Tuition to be paid at the close of the term. ('. 15. KANDFOIID, Trincipai. May 23, ISliO.- Iy. ft i: V FI A i f NE W GO OI)S. Just receiving and opening at the Old stnt of Lewis Smith in Bethlehem a well selected a sortment of Spring and Summer Ooods ofal most overy description. Staplo and Fancy, a beautiful assortment 1 Prints and Dress Goods of the Intent styles, also a variety of tucful Xt lions. Hals and taps, Iionnets and hbnnls, Hoots and Shoes, Hardware, Queensware, bvuai an Medicines, Fifli, GROCERIES, Tohacco, Sf'nrs and all articlos usually keot in a country Store, all cheap for cash. (Jive us a call and see for your selves. II. L. HENDERSON, A CO. May 21, 18C0. 18C0 !8fp Dereham, And extensive Dealer si 1 ira Timber, ltjards, Shingles, Ac. .. I ..mll"" ' ..if 4 " a ircll siij'P"" MVii 11 IfcoO. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, TTAVI.NO fitted up a shop a few doors cas J-i of tho "Old Jew Store," on Market at. desires to inform the community at large, tha' ho keeps on hand a variety of CAI1IXI3T tVOKK, at bis shop, and thnt be manufactures to ordoi (of superior finish,) every description of house hold and kitchen furniture, among which arc Contro and Dining Tallies Mahogany and Com mon bureaus Common and Fancy lScdstoadt Stands, Safes, Cunhonrds, Sofas, Louneo. tc. which ho is determined to disposo of at ns cheap i rntna. fur niih na nnn hn n.nli..l . f .... , .... u ....j v,.u v uikiinvu n IlliJ othor establishment of the sort in the county. Pot son i wishing to buy furniture are Invited to come to his shop and examine his articles, and judge for themsolviB of thoir quality and finish, boforo purchasing elscwhore, as ho feels confi. dent that he can suit them in price ond quality. N. H. Ho is also prepared to innke C mss to order on tho shortest notice and attend funuralt with a hearse, when called upon. "IAU kinds of country nroduco will bo re ceived in pnyincnt for work. nov. J 7, 1808. ly. FLEMING HOTEL, FCRMKTtLT KNOWN AS THE GOOD INTENT,) CU1UVENSVII.I.E, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania. The subsciiber begs Icavo to inform his old customers, and tho public generally that ho has rocently taken tho above well known stand, and that he has entirely refitted ud refurnished it in a stylo aduptod to tho age, and tho wants of tho entire truvcling community. HIS TABLE will alwnys be provided with crcry luxury the inaiaou nna surrounding country will atlord. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choicest wines and 11 quors. HIS STABLES, which are tho best and most commodious on the road within a doy'i travol, will always bo in charge of careful and attentive hostlers. In ihott Every department cf his Establishment will be supplied with all the comforts and convenien ces the weary traveller could desire. J"ne 2, '68 WM. A. MASOX. CUBT"H0TEL7JAYNESVILLErPX THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted up inr a nouso ol cutertninmcnt, is now onen fur tho accommodation of the public, li'rareiers ril! Col thi? a coavouient bouse. May IV ,OUN J07 'JAN. VDMIMSTR A TOR'S "N0TICE.-i7cUer7 of AdtiiiiiMralion having this day been grun ted to tho subscriber residing in M.rrnip., ou the estate of Artcaius Johnston luU of said tp., deceased, all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estato ore requested to niako im mediate pnyment, and those having caims i present them duly authenticated for ctlrcuirnt O. P. WILDER, Adm'r. ' June 13, ISliO. Ct.-pd. CAUTION. All persons are hereby notified not to purchase or in any wuy lueddlo with tho folluwinir nroi.er.t Ity.now in the possession of Abraham Beyer of I o 1 T... lV T'. CV' one - ",. uo ,ni; in uu u r , i n iwn norse wagon, one lot of wheat in tho ground, four lots of oat, in tho around. n tb .,,.. i. . V . " i i"k iw iiio anu are leu with u m n,i,,nnf ,n. long te mo and are left with him subject ti mv ... I ' J order. JN0. uEYEU. I June 20, I860. (It, pd. 1)I.As,ll-:KIM., The inbscriber, having1 located himself in the borouirh of Clenrll.d.l -- lced himself in the borouuh of Cleortield , '".furin tho public that ho is prepared to nould infurin tlio Publio that hn It ilo work in the above lino, from plain lo ornamcn. I lal .,f any description in a workmanlike mtnner.! Also whitewashing and repairirg done in a neal manner and on reasonable terms. , i reasonable terms. EDWIN COOPER. Ctearfiold, April 17 154?. ly. -All if , - - " f x-V x-xir- SS I'S W ' i Cheapest! Best!! largest!!! $35,00 1)AYS for tuition In single snd double entry Book-keeping, writing ooinmeroiol arithmeU is and Lecturei. Hoard 8 teed $20, Stationary 1, Tuition $35, eutire expenses $02. Uiual time from 8 to 8 weeks. Every student upon graduating is guarantcd eempotout to uiiin age the booki of any business, and qualified to earn a ikinry Horn 500 to 1000 Dollars. Students enter at any tlmo iSo vacation vW nt ulenciire. fist prmulumi fur beet business writing for 1359, re(.cived at Pittsburgh, Philadelphia ami Ohio Stale Fairs. Also lit tho principal futra or tho Union for the past four years. Minister's Sons roeoived at half price. Q,For Ciroulars, and Embellished Viewofcvcr vfTerod to the public in this secticn of the me college, incioson.o .i-n. ouiu4,a .v F. W. -JENKINS, Pittsburgh, l'a. KKATZEItS' UAVEJVSY OPENED 'HIER XEW SPRING GOODS co.MPRisno nonncts, Shawls, Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons, Flowers and Millenary goods gen erally. ATT IM1CN INVITED TO THEIR and Shoes of every description. Also to thoir elegant stylos of BUSINESS COATS, and Men's t- Toys' CLOTHING. A full assortment of Carpets, Floor Oil cloths and Carriage trimmings constantly on hand. JT.-ifFlour, llncon, Fith de. at the irc pricei F rcsli Arrival of AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. I am just receiving nnd opening a lurge and well solccted assortment if SPiflNG ND SUMMER Goods, of almost every descrip tion, A beautiful assortment of Flints and Dress goods, of tho iiewest and latest styles. Also a great variety of usoful notions, A large assortment, rcady-mado CLO ThlNGy Bonnets, Shawls, Hats nnd Caps, Boots and Shoes, a large quantity, Hardware, Qicensware, Druggs and Modicines, Oil and Paints, Carpet A Oil Cloths, Fish, Bacon and Flour, of the best quality, all of which will bo sold at the lowost cash or ready pay prices. My old friends and the public gcnorally, are respectfully invited to call. ClearDeld, May II, I860, WM. F. IRWIN NEW GOODS NEW GOODS ! ! NEW GOODS ! ! ! Just rccoivod and now nponing at Irvi.i's cheap corner storo, a large nnd well selected stock ol Spring and summer goods, all of wlncli nro ol fered at loner prices than ever. Call nnd exam ine goods and prices. 1., A. I It 1 . Curwcnsville, May 1(5, '00. T"onnetB, Florence braids, English straws, 1J Sbukorand othor styles trimmed and un- trimmed, will be found in variety at the corner storo of K. A, I It VIN, CurwensvilW, May 16, 'GO. radios dress goods, of patterns and textures to j please all, will bo found at the corner store of Curwinsvilie, May 16, 1S0. K. A. IRVIN. Skeleton Skirts, a largo variety at redueod pri ces at lrvins corner store. Curwensvillo 18, '00. Stella and other Shawls In variety at the cheap Storo of E. A. IRV1N; Curwensvillo, May lfi, 'CO. Boots and Shoes. A larger stock and lower prieos than ever, at lrvins C'heapost corner, Curwensville, May 10, 'GO Avery large stock of Spring end Summer . clothing of tho lntist stylos for sale low by C'uiwensville, Vnyla, 1860. E. A. IRVIN. Cooking Stores of various sites and prices for Ml" by E. A. IRVIN. Curwensville, May IG, 'GO. Mackerel and Herring for sale at tbe corner toreof E. A.1RVIV. Curwensville, Mty It), 'CO. ITMour, Bacon, Beans and Clover see l, nt the . cheap corner by E. A. IRVIN. Curwtnsville, May Id, 1860. Glass, Nails, Paints, Oils 4c. for sale low by the quantity or by retail at the cheap corner ""f0-" E. A. IRVIN. Cuiwensville, May 10, 'CO. Cut ivennvlllo ir, r.n ' ' " (If, sides of Spanish solo leather or sale lnw!"ortl '--trees west () parches to 'a post. J E.A.IRVI". Curwensville, Mny 16, 1'JfiO. . 1,-aiai. "W n t-th Drlod Apples. Pared anil unnnrnil i Peaches, Cherries, Prunes nnd Raisins at I the corner store of E. A. IRVIN. Curwensvillo, May 1(1, I860, ry-tins Mill and cnt ,aws, Mann's nxes and J a general assortment of H irdwnre nt tb ,ur of E. A. IRVIN, Curwensville, Mv 111, ISrtO, . , 7t 7 ",',17ZTT' A r Mpnn' h,or8 of MERR or s ilo nt the Iron MERRILL A BIGLER. U"., uii, Aim i on, int. lamps Tor sale b7 C. KRATZFa A BONSi DRUG if VARIETY LOltAINE & CO. TTAWJJu.treccly.d-,ro.mtl..Ka.,erni. II and opened at their P.EW Bruiiii uuu.u , IRKET 6TREET, two doora west of Third, 1 on MARKET STREET, tut most extensive assortment of Drugs, Mcdici.'ics, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs, Tobacco 4 Segurs, Toilet articles, Perfumery, Blank books, Stationary, Cutlery, Miscelluueous Aud Fancy Articles c. Ac, couniry. Their I)rii"r and Chemical, of which they liiiro an extensive ossortuieiit, bave been select ed with especiul reference to their quality and freshness. Their stock of Oils and Paints will consist of Linseed oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpentine, Ked A White lead, dry and ground in oil, Span ish brown, Vcnitian red, Yellow nnd Stone ochre Lampblack, flock lead, Ivory b ack, Chinese 4 American Vermillion, paris green, pnris, Ultra marine and prussiun blue, dry and ground iu oil, Carmine, Cliromo green t yellow, Chalk of all Cobalt, Drop, luko & black, Emery, Glue, Gums, Copal, Doiour and Miellue, Indian red, Litharge, Oraugo mineral, pumice and Rotten stone, ltoso pink, Knglish and American, Iloin, Scarlet, (or persian red,) Terra Sienna, Turkey unit) re, er digris, bluo A- white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put ty aud putty knives, Glass of all sixes and quali ties, Looking-glass plates, Ac, t c. Dyc-titufls & Varnishes: Extra Logwood, chip red and ground. Indigo, Madder, Annatto, Cochineal, Sol. tin, Mod saumlers; topal, Coacti, lllnck for leather, Japan for dying, Hup, .Mantle, White Damar, White spirt and Flowing Varnih. J Tobacco Segai s! Cavendish, best, Xaturnl ieaf, Rough i, ready, Lady twist. Fine cuts of all kinds, and pride of the Ilurctn, tobacco; llnppce nni Scotch snuffs; El phaeton, Henry Clay, punch, Lachica, El mono, Ac., Scgirs. lilank-Itooks and Stationary. Ledgers, Day-boohs. Receipt and Note-books, Diaries, La dies and Office Portfolios, Black parchment and paper Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, and all other legal blanks. roolscnp, letter, xote, liitsinesi nnd drawing paper, Envelopes, Utady reference 1 lies, Anncart and Arnold s writing tluid, Ink, black, blue, nnd tannine, Steel l ens aim Pen holders, Paper clips, mucilage, and all other ar ticles In the btationiiry line. Toilet A V'ancy Art lr!cn & Perfunicrv. jluir biuhcs, American, French t Knglish, with Ivo. ry, (shell, Pearl, Buffalo, Sntinwond, Rosewood it oinnmented Imcks, nil qualities ; Cloth brushes lint brushes; Teeth brushes, vnrious qualities ; Sharing brushes, American, Englii-h and French with Russia bristles nnd Cadger's hair; Flesh brushes ; Comb brushes ond Cleaners , Tortoise shell Tuck combs, Tortoiso shell, Plain & Fnney and India rubber Long Combs; Shel, Buffalo, Horn and India rubber pull side Combs ; India rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 Inches, all stvles ; . ... . .. . Euglish Toilet combs with hnndles; Bonnet combs ; Ivory and Gutta pcrcha fine tooth combs ; Pockot ''ombs, nil styles : American, trench & German Cologne A Lnvcn !er waters ; Lubin's, Taylor's, Wright's, Mnngenet fc Conwny's ex tracts for tho ban Ikorchicf, of a gret variety of styles; Burnett's Cocaine, Barry's Tricophcrotis, Lyon's Cnthairon, Enu, Lustral, Bears, Mussaccar, Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil ; Beef marrow, Pomades, nnd Philocoom, American nnd French nil styles and prices cold cream, Toilet powjor, Rougo Balls, Lilly White, Puff Boxes, China, and paper, smelling salts, Balm of a thousand Hovers, tooth pasto, tooth paste, charcoal, rcse, Ac, Ac, Shaving Compound all sites ; Military soap, Honey Soup, Chrystalino and Floating soups,, Ottoman, Ynnkeo ond Gallagher soaps, Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac, Miscellaneous Articles. Oonts steel frnme morocco and cuff Portmonnies, Lndies silk lined papier Macho, inlaid tortoiso shell, velvet nnd morocco Portmonnies, Ladies Crotchet purses embroidered with steel bends, Lndios Cubns nnd morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, velvet and papior Macho, ivory and pear? memorandum tab ids, Fine Engish Morocco, Pocket Wnlots, Mo rocco and cnf Pocket books, with straps und emsps; Bill books, end Banker's cases with lock and kav : Cullansion drinking cuns. Medical clas ses with and without drops, Fishing tackle, Chnpmnn A E ucrson's Rnr.or strops cigar cases ruinh brushes. Shoo Brushos with and without handles Horn brushes, all qualities. Paint and varnish brushes nil sites, tin and capper bound, SashtoolsnWsir.es, counter nnd mark ing brushes, white wash and scrubbing brushos. Fancy colored feuthor dusters ite., Rich pear inaid jinpicr macho, toilet cases, work boxes, writing dc-ks, Rosewood nnd Mabogouy itriting desks, Chessmen und Chess boards, Geuts. Kid Gloves, Neck ties, collars, cravats und canes, La dies Kid, Taffeta Silk and Kid finished gaunt lets, and Lylo thread gauntlets, Black and color ed silk web suspenders, french striped gum sus penders, llieh cmhruid.rcd suspenders, Guiots new stylo French suspenders, Gents, linen hand kerchiefs, cod, red border and Cambric bandker chiofs, Lndiei linen handkerchiefs in great vari ety ; Sun shade fans, cireuar French fans, can ton feathor fans of a groat variety ; Fino Canton pnim fans with ivory and painted hondos, Brack and mourning fans; Hair pins English nnd Fredch, Ao., At. Aso Patent Medicines of ev ery varioty. A of which wii bo soid ot the lowest CASH prices. Country l'liyalrlaim furnished with Drugs, Medicines and Surgical instruments, at the most reasonable rates (or cash, Juno (I, 1800. ly. SALECFF. W. SCHOENING'S 15 STATU. y y virtue of an ordorof the Orphan's Court ot L) Clearfield county, tho farm or real Ecatnto in Jordan tnwn.hin. conjoin, .hm.r seres, late the pronertv of V. W. sr hni va and being tho snmo property on which ho lived at tho time) of his death in 1851 ; but now in tlio l .il v llillL-0 IIIO Ul-HIII 111 IO O ft , Oil I IlOW in 1110 ..r.i.. i. u o..., NINO, will be exposed to sale at Publio Vendue v i,j,,,iij ui in, n, iiiui'siniior II. r.PI livr.- or outcry at Ansonvillo in said county on SATURDAY THE 4TII DAY OF j AUGUST, A. D. 1SIH, ' , at 2 o'eluck in tho afternoon of said day. Tho sunt real ostato is mora fully described as fob lows : ltcfintiinir nt It IFnmlonlr l1,nnnA Jl .1.. grees east -,ml i.en bes to a r.n.i tl. ,.,. ...ii. I .C dcirrees west 115 ni.rnl,. i,. .. Il..,i..i, .1. i fence nnrll. .Ml degree, east 1 IS perches to tho 1 place of bcirinninfr- rmitnininir ;i nnn ....... land sixty-six p.ui-hes, and tbe usual allowance ui six lit centum it r: ns l.v rcl. rsni-o in ,, lrom 1,. wis Wain and olhors to said Froderiek Schocning dated the 17th day of October A. D. M47 recorded in Clenrfr.ld county in deed Book R. p:igo ill! will more fully an pear. July 4, 186 '. II. F. SCHOEMNG, Adm'r. D RY' APPLES, for salo at tho store of Win. F. Irwin, Market stre-t, Clearfield Pa. RY CHERRIES for sale at tho store of Win. F. Irwin. Clearfield Pa. T ! 1 ACON, Ham, Sides, and Saoulders. for sale, at tbe store of Wui. T. Irwin, Clearfield Ta. !!! DEATH !!! To every form and Specie of 1 VERMIN. "finsTAii'S" "COSTAIl'tP Hit, Itoachdc. Exterminator. "COSTA Jit?' -"COSTA Jt'S" Rcd-Bvg Extermimdor. "COSTA II S" "COSTA ICS" Electric Powder for Jr tech. DESTROYS INSTANTLY j'i - uu5 - , ' - . Inectu on Hants, Insects on Animals, itc. 11s Bliott every lorin anu species oi 10 veurg efclablished in New York City used by the City Tost Cilice- tbe City l'ria- 011 and Station houses the city Steamers, Ships ic., the City Hotels. "Aitor," "St. v:..i.i s. nrwl 1... m, lmn '20 (Kill 11 ICUUiM, IVV., -'J , nrivato fatlliles. BtJX,Drurgists and Retailers everywhere cell them. BSOsoholosalo Agents in all larpe Cities teUltogular sizes, 2ic., 60c., &H 15oxes Dottles, l'lusks. Bf.fl!l ISevvauk 1 ! I of spuriousiuiilations. Kxaraine each Box, ISottlo & Flask, and take nothing but "Cobtar's" BfiU?1.00 lloxes sent by mail. BMJi,?3 & $3.00 by Express. DeSiK.Addrcss orders or for Circular, to HENRY It. COSTA R, Principal Depot, 410 liroadway, N. Y. 8SQ,SOLI) BY LOR A 1 X E & CO. March 17th. Clearfield Pa. PUKIFY THE BLOOD. MGDFFAFS VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which theic pre. emir ent medicines hovo acquired for thou invariable efficacy In all tho disensoi which they profess to euro, has rendered tho usual practice ol Duffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy ol tlicm. They are known by their fruits; thoii good works test'fy for them, and they thrive uot by tho faith of tho ereduiout, In ALL cases of Asthma, tcute and Chronic Rheumatism, Affections of tho Blnddet nnd Kid iioys. Billious Fever anil Liver Complaints, In the aoulb and wast, whore those diseases pre. vail they will be found invaluable Planters Farmers, and othors, who once use these nicdiciuo will never nfterwords bo without them. Dyspepsia. No person with this distrcssinp disease should delay using these medicines im mediately. Eruptions of tho skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency, Feve- and Ague. For this scourge of the western country these medicines will be jouud a safe, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return ol the disease a cure by tbeso medicines is per manent.. Try them, be satisfied, nnd be cured. Merciiral Diseases, Never fails to orndi oato entirely all tlio effects of mercury infinitely soouer than tho most powerful preparation ol Sarsaparilla, Night sweats, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of till kinds, Orgnnio Affections, Palpita tion of the Heart, Painter's Cbolic. Piles. Tho original proprietor of these medi cines was cured of Piles of ,13 years standing by tha use of these Lifo medicines alone, Worms ot all kinds, nro effcctuiillv cured bv these medicines Parents will du well to administer thorn whenever : . i. I l,..:..r ...:n I. iiit'ir vAisieuuu is cuspi-mi-u. Rulicf will be certain the Lire III.I.S AND I'lloeMX BITTHnS Purify tbe blood, ami thus removo nil disease fiom tho system. A single trial will place the Li KB Pills and Piiokxix Bittkbs beyond the reach of competition in tho Cdliuuitiuu of every patient, CfFrepnrod and sold bv DR. WM. B. MOFFAT, 3J15 Brodway, cor. Worth St., New York, Feb. 2lMh 18(10. lyr. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN OULICIf, of tho borough of Clcaifieln, Pa., trill be prcpnrcdnt ull times to attend to to any business in the above lino on short uotice, and in a worktunnliko manner. His place of business is at tho eld shop on tho north side of Market street, I'd door cast of Third St., nearly opposito tho old Jew storo; whero be will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Mu hogouy nnd Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabiuct Wuro of every description, which bo will dispose of on as rensonnblo terms as tho same articles can bo hnd clsewhero in the conntv. His stock of Cabinet Wnro now tn band, con ! in part of Dressing nnd Common Bureaus, Sofas, Sewing ami Washing Stands, Desks and Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedsteads, Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Cnrd and Pier Ta bles, Ac. Coffins manufactured and delivered nt any place desired. February 0, 1859. no. 4, vol. iv. CLEARFIELD STOXE WIRE FUTTERy. Thankful for past favors and solicitious of fit ture putronnge. I would respectfully nnnounco that I have on hand agnin, und will constantly keep at tho Pottery in this borough, on the cor ner a short distance east of tho Methodist Church, a largo stock of Crockery, such as Cream crocks, milk puns, Churns, Juirs, Jars, Stove pine casing i( r. tc. ; and also an cxtensivo assortment of inherent sites nnd patterns of bracket and "puiita iui voiiucv uii nouses, iiiai oiuer niuui -dings. Any mouldings not on hand will bo ir.mlo to older on short notice. Also firo brick inado and kept for sale. r-iT"A liberal reduction on prices mvle to wholesale dealers. F. LEITZINtiER. Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly. look iti:nr.i look itr.rtn: finU E undersigned subscribers, tnkc this motli- JL ou ol informing the public generally, that they have this day entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and enn be found nt tho shop formerly occupied byj. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo. rough, whero Iboy will bo pleased to soe the r old ' Customers, nnd AS mnnv nnw nnna na i.nn t t i :..,... ;r.."..' 1 , , " 8'" """" ""sT on your hoes, your spades nnd picks, . r '-'K-cuains nnu your pulling slicks, i - . . n. I ft v.vno, ' 1 our e.ls. vonr lniirh. v,,r k.. ,.,.,. . r ., ' "n"i uimo, 'No three-year old shall then go bare. Your spears will work un then lust ri.lt. To nroooinir ho.k. for pvi.ro h l ,r1, t j Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. i To Plougbshares such as t'm'ii no'cr bought. JACOB FIIUNKWILER, GEO. W. OHR. Clearfiold, Dtccmber 8, 1868. tf. The undersigned respectfully begs lenvo to nnnnunna li..l I.a . ....1 . I .,. .w v.- ,vv..,ii.j rt-iiii.ua iiuufo in me borough of Lumber city, Clearfield county, Pa,, for the nccoininodntion of tlio travelling public, watermen nnd all others who mny favor him with n call. His Undo will always be supplied with as good ns the mnikets nffird ; and no pn:ns will be spared to rendor his gucMs comlortahle while under his roof. To which the facta thnt nn In. toxicating liquors of any kind wi l bo kept nbouti tne premises, will he trusts, contrihuto in no small aegreo. " line. TTIIIIL MftlWAVI lllirinrlant his lournov. h n. Z " m"r'a'l'or;r",!,l:), attended t, and U ln.uumennU , July i, ISMly. JAMES CROSSLY, LINDSEY'S IMPROVED ISIood lcnrchei! A STANDARD MEDICINE For tbe speedy, radical, nnd rflectuat cure of I AIL DI8EASKS arising from IMPC- . BITV OJf THK BLOOD. This medicine hoi wrought tho nott tu!rac loua cures in desperate eases of Scrofula, CnUneoHS Diseases, Pimples on the lace, Old, Stillborn Ulcers, Tetter Affections, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Morcuriul Diseases, Liver Complaint, Cancerous formation, Erysipelas, Boils, Bore Eyes, ,.; . , Scald Head, Rheumatic Disorders,'' Costivenesi, Salt Rhoum, Oeneral Debility, : Loss of Appetite, . Foul Etomaei, Low rpirits, Female Complaints, and all Disease' Kaviav their orgin in an impure state of tho Blood, .j Tho abovo is a portrait of David M'Creary, o Napier township, who, on the Slat day of Aug, 181)8, made affidavit hctoro Justice Uorley that he was treated for the euro of Cancer by three physicians of Bedford county, nnd by Dr. Now. '.on of the Elcctrio Collcgo in Cincinnati!, fur a porind of nearly eight months, notwithstanding which, bis lip, tioso and a portion of his left cheek were entirely eaten nway ! Ho had given up ull hope, when he heard of the "Blocd Search er," and was induced to try it. Four bottles cared him, and although sadly disfigured, there is no question but what this invaluablo medicine saved his life. Tho full particulars of this case may bo seen in a circular, which can he had of any of the Agents. , , Wo nl.-o refer to tho caso of Nancy BlcaWy, of Eldertown, Armstrong county, Pa., rured of Scrofula after being unnblo to get out of bod for threo years. To the ease of a lady In Ansonsvillo, Clear field county, who wni also afflicted with Scrofula in its worst form. To tho case of George Jeisel, resi ling in Cnrl- town, lambria count, Pa., who wna so badly af flicted with Cancer that it eat his entire nose off, nnd his case was , worse, if possible, than McCroary's. Tho particulars of these cases every one of which was cured by the uso of tho Blood Searcher may nlso be found in a circuhis to be had of any of tho Agents. R. M. LEMON, Proprietor. Laboratory fur tho manufacture nnd sale, nea tho Pa, Railroad Depot, llollidnysburg. Pa. Dr. Goo. II. Koysor, Wholesale Agent Pitta burgh Pa. , l-'OH S.U.K nV-C, D, Watson, ClenrfiolJ : Job ii Pntlm, Cnrwcnsville ; James B, Graham, urahuinpton ; h. r.l'ronnor. Morrisdalo ; John Russell, l'cnnvillo ; It. II. Muoro, Luthersburg; M. 0. f'liilt, New Millpurt ; O. R. Foster, Pliil ipsburg; II. Rthii, Ansonvillo ; Russell McMur. rny, New Wa.hiiigton ; Euwnrd Willinms, Wi. liiuusi illo ; Jackson Patchcn, Buruside ; Samml lligarly, Glen Hope, Feb. 1st. ISliU. ' . : Keep tip the Excitement! "1 ) I'M OVALS always cause excitement and J. V. since the gicnt excitement about the remo val of tlio Court liouso tins subsided, tlio commu nity generally have bcenmo somewhat excited upon hearing that C. D. Watson has determined to pull up stakes nnd remove to Virginia. Hut tlio latest cnuso for cxritotnoiit is tho fact that I have ramoved my laddlor shop from iny old stand opposite tho Court House to my new shop on Market street nearly opposito th j jail, whre all who may favor me with n cull can be supplied with Single Harnes, Double Harness, Tug; Harness, Bridle--, Collars, Whips, Halters, Housings, Breech bands, Side Straps, &c In fact every thing in tlio lino of Snddling sea Harness innkitig. Thankful for the very liberal 1 patronage heretofore bostowed, I solicit a con tinuance or tho snmo, nnd a cull from as many new customers as enn make it suit. GEO RUH W. RHEEM. P. S. My boing connected with the Drur business will not interfere with my shep, fori hnvo tho Drug Ptoto attended to by careful dands, nnd intend devoting my time exclusively to mv regular business. G. W. R. Aug. Ill, 185!. MOUNT VEKNON HOTEL, LUMBER CITY, Clearfield County, Pa. JOS. L. KIRBY, PiiorniEtott. BEGS leave to nnnounco to the traveling com munity nnd tho public gcncuriilly, that h has tuken the above named hotel nnd refitted it in a stylo suited to tho times and the wants of t)10 nuhlio HIS TABLE Will always bo supplied with the best the mar kets and tho surrounding country can nffjrd ; . HIS BAR . Will contain tho choicest liquors, and HIS STABLES Will be in tho core of attentive hostler, n sponsihlo for their conduct to their employer, who will give tho entire establishment his per sonal supervision. In the tho hupo that he will be ablo to makf his guests couforloblo during thoir visit 'obi hm-o ho respectfully solicits a share oi ublie putronng Lumber City Oct. 19, 1859. Notice to Assessors. n 1 . . 1....I.-T--. .... .1 ... 1 - , "'""" " !'" "I me cm Clause . "I" .,Lrtl"n '" Act of Assembly entitled "An Act for tho regulation of thj Militia of ihii Commonwealth," approved tho 21st day of April . . . . . - I A. J. 1Sj, Assessors of borouuhs nnd townhil'l , j- . . f . i n i r . t ,v "'in-im iu iiiiiiisii me sri!;a!0 inspecior " tho brigade in which their distnets, aie situated, with a copy of the military roll of their respect ive districts when they do osile the original wiiii mo county , ommissioiiers NOTICE IS TIlEKEFu.tE HKREWY GIV EN, thnt tbe Assessors of tho several hornnghi and townships in Clearfield comity, constituting me uiu ungn'is oi ino I4tti division, Pennsvlvs nla militin, tlintthey nro required to furnish nH wilh n copy of said miltary roll on or before tn first day of August next : and nnon f;,ili,r ihere- i cf, tho penalty lor.neglect of duty will be strict- lv'enforeed - ' Jt. 'T Conies of tho rolls cub h a.i in ma hr nan, nuitressctl to Ilurnside P. 0., or loft with J li. Larrimer, cnmmundint of the bricade,a him ..IR... I.. .1.. t. .. . . ... a ' m, vuiw 111 iuo uiirotiirii oi i.lenrhelil. 8. C. PATCHKN. Ilrig. Inf. 5th Ilrigndo, Hth Dir. P. M. ISrigndo I-speetor'e Ollice, liurnside t'p, -June (S, I860. ' JOSEPH PETERS, Justice of the Peace, Curwensville. Pcnna. VI' .1,.,.. - r it . .. . U j March, 31 lSS.-