Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 25, 1860, Image 3

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    I 1
Sjjc Republican,
Home Affairs.
ClrarficID, $a. Jutj, 35 letuo.
IfiUThe Philadelphia Daily News the
Know jHotlnng bugle in 1850 lias hoisted
tho Lincoln Flug, and it got a new luiL too,
ttoout that time. It is o good paper bar
ing its politics,
88lHon John liickman has declared
himself for Lincoln Hamlin, this is
tho ticket he vould of voted three years
go, if he could of had the opportunity to
uo to.
I. Large ana enthusiastio Bell and
KvertU meetings have lately been held in
Itcading, York, Easton, Norristown and
Philadelphia. Mayor Henry it is said
Lai dochied for this ticket, and they
'boast that they will poll 750UO vote for
their ticket, in thU State.
- 111 9'
JWe observed by a late act of assem
bly that the goneral, special and Town
ship elections in GulicU Township in this
Couuty, shall be hold at the Janesville
school house in said Township, until the
same shall be changod in accordance with
the acts of Assembly in such cases made
and proved.
Biblk aocmr. Tho next concert of
public worship, in lidof the work of the
Society, now in hand, to wit : tho explora
tion of the outiro county, will bo held in
the Methodist church in this borough on
Sabbath evening, 27lh inst., at 8 o'clock.
The Rev. Dr. Aiken, of Pittsburg, will
preach the sermon on that occasion.',
V&JWt publish on our first page this
week, loth the letters of Mr. Breckin
ridge and Mr. Douglas, accepting tho
nomination of their respective Conven
tions for tho oflico of President, and we
hope our readers will give them both ; an
attentive perusal, and form their own con
clusions. Fibi. We learn that the steam saw
mi'l beloDging to Joseph S. Uyde Lsp
.near Ridgoway, was burned on .Sunday
night last together with eight hundred
thousand feet of sawed lumber, and about
two hundred and fifty tnw logs. It is
supposed thut one of the hands commit
ted the act, who left about that lime, but
was arretted at Warren when
botit taking the enrs for Erie, and brought
lack to Iiidgcway and committed to jail.
Somethinj New
"The sound ofa o'lurch going Bell
These valleys and Hocks never heard."
This seems to have been tho lot of the
Church going people of our town until the
present the cause of this wo know not,
whether it was poverty, carelessness, or
something worse. We are glad to knoiv
tht the members of the Protestant Epis
..i i i. i .,
, .1 r,, , , , ' ,miiumuihi uy me usages ot Uio luirty,
Hell for tiinir V, hiiiv.Ii n 11, lo ...' i.i. ...... .... .... -'
... ... .., v. me ! uicvi ul ,uu iow ii oi lurivciiKvuic m Mass
informed thnt it weighs COO pounds, and .county Convention, on the firnt Saturday
what numbers it will no doubt Toll" to '?voninfc' of August next to ratify the noiii
their Jut rest among tho silent dead. i j ti'V Td J,,,wn.
. ... a.n0 li'e nominee ot the Heading Conven-
New Mail Uolte. The Vot ofhVn ilc- ,ion ,,L,nr' D- lister, mid to adopt tiicas-
from Clearfield via Curwer svilio to Luin- Committee o:i correspondon :o invilo Hun
bcr City ; leaving Clearfield every Tuos-J'i'l J ough(;rty and other speakers from
day, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock al"'oa1, 1111(1 "mI0 all necessary arrange-
A. M. arrive at Lt.mbe, Citv at 1 1 o'clock '"tl!! m nf Tn mcetin?-
... . . , , . , I On motion ot Michael IJcitarty it was
A m returning leaving Lumber City at 2 I solved that we protest ng,! lt '.no ae.
o clock P.M. same day and arrive at'tionof the St.ite Central Committee in
Clearfield nt 6 o'clock P. M. recommending a fusion or compromise
This no doubt is nui'.e an agreeable ai-l!Vl1' ::M,ioni!,,! nny abrogation ol
rangemcnt to the cities of Cunveno-! '1'lTn aro.l'lho1
rille and vicinity, by this arrangement of I
Ihe mails there will b; a daily mail to Cur
lilv mail to Cur
wcnsville. D. S. Fleming is the contrnc
tor, the contract went in effect on Satur
day morning last.
Democratic Meeting.
Pursuant to a notice published in tho
"Clearfield Bepublican, a meeting of tho
Domocrnov of (lliiurnU nn.i i I.,
held in tho Town Hall on tho evening of '
the PJth inst., for the purpose of ormmi. '
sing a Democratic Club. I
David F. Etzwiler Esq., was elected 1
chairman, Bobert Wallace sr. and Frank
Short Esqrs., Vice Presidents.
, Wm. M. Bahan and J. B. Wallers Sec-
retarics, Walter Barrett Esq., movo that
I Wm. M. Bithnn, John II. Hilburn, John
? M'Uaughey, J. M. Kratzer and J. L. Mot
if jau be a committee to select ollieers for
1 4he organization of the Club and to ri nr.i t
i ii.. ... . . .
j ut, uio ins i meeting, mo motion was dis
cmsed and upon the question being put
7. On motion of Win. A, Wallace Esq., it
. was resolved to proceed to tho election of
flicers and the organ iz.ttioa of tho club
nl once.
ii.O. trails inricinl dm o. 1. .,.;,.,, I
lr.i. u...: 'J ..
vi .uu iunu-1 inu resuiui on.
1 Kesolved, That all citizens lierc-Lofoic ac-
ting with tho Democratic paiU.or who
may nt the next election bo eiiiitli-d to
VOtA. mill tl-lin flOt U'ifli,,.. t r. .1
J , ' vt'eiuuiu-.
elves to support tho national and State
Dominoes ol the Democratic party, be per
,Biilted to veto at. tho election of ollieers.
nu become iiienibera of tho Club. This
- soiiinou was uiscusseil by 1.. J. L iana
Esq. iu its r.ivor, and by Robert Wallace
Es'i. and others in the negative, aud upon
the voto beini taken it was lost.
r1 it ' ortL'r 'l-i i"iuinated Cien.
J. II. Larrimer forl'iesident of tho Club.
tho Club.
ty W. A.
bung put
- J. Crans
ne nomination was seooml.-d
Wallace, and upan the question
in Larrimer ivaj elected.
"iff. A. Halluce nominated L
Es'., as ono of the Vii- I'i-pk1..i,i. r.r ti.
Club. Mr. Criitis declined nn election, and
.U politioaUonneetion with the Club. ,
"'"""on was cieitcci one ot
(JVice l'residents of the Cljb..
JOUn II. llillmrnan.I (I. H. (ioodlan Jer ,
. Kn molion of Hon. Wm. L.Moore were,
i r-teii two additional Vice Presidents.
4. M. Kratjer and J. It. Walters wore;
i ted bo. retarioi of tho Club.
Mert Wallace TVp, moved tlaul tUa
nomination 01 ino Hon. Henry D. Fobter
be unanimously conenrr.! in
.1 . , .7
me minion Doing put 1 1 was carried jvith
enthusiaetia cheering, fallowed by nusic
from the Band.
I lion Wm. L. Moore moved that tho
! Club be culled "The Foster Club of Clear
field." Walter Barrett Esq moved to u-
stead of "Foster
iiiw-im uy iiist-iung urceKinrKI-je" in-
the amendment was
Host and on tho original question recur
ring tho Club, was named "The Foster
Utio of tleartield ' by a unanimous vote.
On motion, the President appointed
Win. A. Wallace, Hon. Wm. L. Mooro, J.
L. Morgun, 'J'. J. McCulIough and George
C. rassinoro, a committee to draft a Con
Blitution and by laws for the government
r n. - i..i.
Israel Tost was then called for. and ml.
dressed the meeting during which ho
was repeatedly applauded.
On motion of Thos. J. McCullougli Esq.,
seconed by Wm. A. Wallace Esq., it was
Iletolved, That the first object of lemo
crats should be tho defeat of Republican
ism and in this view we cordiallv sustain
tno action of the btatoContral Committee
in recommending tho unity of the party
upon the regular electoral ticket formed
ui. in'"iii(5i uiiu ueuove it to uo tne tiuty
11 IT. ..
oi an goou democrats to sustain that ac
tion with heart and voice.
Tho Club adjourned to meet ul tl,;
platoon the evening of the Uth ofAu.
gust 1800. J. . Walters. Sec'v.
Pursuant to adjournment a meeting of
tho Douglas Club of Clearfield county
No 1., was hold at tho Town Hall in Clear
field Borough on Saturday evening July
21st. .
Tho meeting was called to order by the
Chairman of tho meeting of the Thursday
The Comraittco on Constitution presen
ted their report and a ooustitution decla
ring tho object of tho Club to bo the dis
semination of documents and adoption of
such measures as wih seuure tlie election
of all regular nominees of tho National.
State, District and countv I'emocratie
conventions, and providing that nil Dura.
ocrats favorablo to these objects may be
elected members of tho club was unani-
moukly adopted.
The Constitution having been signed, it
was resolved that the Club
election of permanent oflicers. Whero-
upon 1j. i, train was unanimously elected
President, who upon uccepting the ollice
in a few remarks, tluinked tho Club for
me Jionor conferred on him. John II.
llilburnand Win. J. llemnhill. were tlinn
unntiiniously elected Vice Presidents.
Mr. Milburn on taking bis seat thanked
tno l lut and remarked that whilst ac
cejiting tins oflioo cheerfully, ho must
publicly declare that he refused any asso
ciation with the Club which on Thursday
night, against Ins express wish had elec
ted him a Vico President. The following
otlicers were then unanimously elected. -James
L. Morgan recording Secretary,
Walter Barrett conespondiin; isecietnrv,
and William P. Beck Treasurer.
On motion of Walter Barrett seconded
by .Samuel Bull it was resolved, tha ive
recommend to tho friends of Judgo Doug
las and all Democrats who are in favor of
supporting the regular nominees of the
party, to organize Douglas Clubs in their
respective townships.
On motion of Wm. M. Behan seconded
tyP. C. Purvianee, it na3 resolved thut
this Club in connection with other Doug
las Clubs and all Democruts who aro will.
ticket who decline votinj? for tho reaiihir
noiiiinees.shoutd be dropped an 1 others
On motion. R. J. Wallace vtas allowed
to occupy the floor to niak t ft. liiM'.tinl
rho President hnving nnmeil D. Me
Gaughry, Maj. J. B. Heisey and Michael
ileg.irty committee of finance, and Wm.
M. Behan, P. C. Purvianco and Daniel
.ComcIIv committee of
'J"c Club adjourned with three cheers
. r I'oiiglas and Johnson : three cheers
f'ir llll'r' Foster ami '.he success of
1,10 w'1010 Ut'k0'
Jam er L. Morha.v. Sen'v.
J JteyThe Gicat Lastern iV now at NewVork
it is announced she will ninko nn excur
sion to Capo May on tho SOtli inst. that
is if tho can bo extricated from tno mud
bed in which she is fast and tight.
CiA-A little bit ofa fi-tieufl' took place
!nt '''yrono one evening las.t week, in which
a vulhml captain and ex-cditor, and nn
exnieinber of the Legislature took con
spieuous parts. The bystanders, it h )e.
lievcd voted them each a belt.
,. mi , .. .
B.-jA.iue pupululloll Oi I' iiiadf n i ft it i
.. .. ' "
Rscorlul,,,,,t t''0 census now taking,
wi" ll("''out CriO.OOO Heading 20,000
llurrisburg 1-1,000.
UWUt Alliei-cail SO mni-nor. in T..
don, cc-lobiiited tho
lato nnniversarv of 1
mco by a dinner at !
Amor lean Indcncndcurn
"'o London Tavern, at which Minister 2,1
Dallas and s,no,-l ni.;. ...; , ... I
. ,d ,l.lllUiUkl
' propriato addresses.
ii-l,. , , , ". r; ,
..... iiuiisjiiiiuiii .-ynoii oi tlie l.utli :
'''u, Church provisionnllv suspended the
,!ov- Jeieiniuli Schin ki, State Senator
'"- Jei-emmli Schlndel, Stale Senator iJI "fi" Mnt'n McBri.lo, Martin 0. f-tiik Jas
for nllowiiiK hitii-lf to !,. elected to a lo-' ! t And.ew Addleman, Dunlai-, '
li'ioal office. After ...akin certain exJ '"r. "TVi'' rr I
plaiitions, Svnod restored him aL'uin on ., . T' 'l"c',n' Carnage llvsrj.
the following day. on J"
In Tyrone City, on tho l'.Uli inst.. bv
Samuel Jones,, Mr. William Hall, of
Ansonville, to Miss Caroline Idler, of
Ulenr. Ilo; c, both of Clearli ild countv
r - 1
In Ferguson Tp., on Sundav the 22.1
Inst., Thomas Owens ngod about 42
' jyJS'fiSJfP MTSTWAf r0e,nn
..."x-- - A-WCT Jittil, A.ErfS
or tui i I i V
,? ," lurouykvf L'karfiet,l,on Turning,
.. ,lu murntny, me ibia, 171ft ami
18(A uy.o Uctuktr, A. 1)., 1SICU.
ELLIS III WIN, President.
itOD. JAS. J . -I.tONABU, .
William Ihvj.v,
J All Kg fOBllHT f ". ' A
James H. Flemino, J
J). '. Ktziceiler, Secretary.
A. M. Xmith, Cor. Secretary.
James Whuilev, 1'reusurer.
J. B., Librarian.
Executir Cum. Hon, Richard Sliaw.
Uou. Julin I'tttton Juo'n Doynton.
.imiiili 11 lln,l J M'(l....l...
irmur, nun. . iv. Darren.
Ciimmillcci uf Arrangement:
A. C. Fin.nev. Chaiiman,
1 lories.
Eli Bloom,
David C. Dalo
Ueorire II. I.vtln
Samuel Clyde
Milo lloyt.
Jacob Wilh elm,
G. W. ShofK
j James M'Glaughlin
'James Levy,
W. L. Antes.
dlteep it SitiW.
James Ir in, Sr.,
Johnson Holden
Itobt. Mitchell,
Wm. M Bell a ii,
D. W. Mooro,
FiVW crops it Vegeta
bles. . O. I). Goodfollow,
Wm. M.Shaw,
Edward MeGarvey
Aaron C. Tute,
Elah Johnson,
Butter, Cheese, FUmr
andX chiclet.
John Irwin, Cur'v
Thomas Wriglcy,
Isaac Bloom,
Wm. Bloom,
Wm. F. Irwin,
Merchandise (D Da-
mextic Fairies.
M. A. Frank,
David M'tiaughy,
W. W. Wright,
Edward Goodwin
Mrs. Henry Kern
Agricultural iL Miscella
neous Articles.
1)'. A. Scry ver,
D. S. Flemipg,
AVulter Barrett,
Wm. P. Chambeio,
John W. Shugnrt,
Fancy Department.
O.W. llhem,
John Irwin, Curwens.
J. T. Kratzer,
John (L iScrvvcr,
Mrs. II. F. Naude,
Miss Eliza Keed,
" Em Alexander,
" Anna Irvin.
"Sarah Biruhfielj
" Nannie Irvin
Miss. Mary Halters,
Miss Kate Brown,
Miss Hannah Bloom,
Miss Harriet Swan,
Miss Jennie Leonard,
" Sarah Rheem
Jiss 11
" Henrietta Irn'i
" -Vary Mooro.
Committee ut Largo.
Mrs. J. T. Leonard, Miss Kandis Nichols
Mrs. 1). M. eaver. Miss Nnnnio Kmitli
Miss Mary M'Uaughey.Miss Julia (lllov
Mins Rebecca Frank, Miss Hannah Carey
S J. Row, John L. Cuttle,
G. W. Snyder, Alvin Ross,
Samuel Rheem.
Marshall Gen. A. II. Hills.
Assistant Marsha'ls Jiijor D. J. Nevling,
Col. Wm. Ten Eyck, Capt. T. J. McCul
lougli. Capt. Edward A. Irvin.
J'liolechnics.H. R. Swoopo, If. W.
Bet t.s, L. R. Mdi rcll, James L. Morgan, J.
15. Walters Rcubon V. Spaekman.
Cl.ASa 1. Stccrpatakt-9.
(Open to nil Breeds mid Competitori.)
Best Bull overS yaars old, $t 0(1 2d best, $2 00
liest Bull over 2 years old, 2 00 2d best, 100
Best Bull over lyenr old, 2 ( 0 2d best, 100
Best Cow ovor3yar old, 2 00 2d beat, 100
Beit Bull Calf. 1 00 2d best, 50
All brecdj coino toRotlior in this class und
compcto w ith each other. To bo judged, lt, by
their good points and Fyinmetry of fruino. 2d, by
the nliility to fiiltcn, (ii the animal u good hand
ler?) U, milking qualities. 4th, Sire. 5th,
gno no premium to nny annual until tliev are
satisfied it will produce cd stocL. To .'
. , f lit ,,u"""!l "S'nl to
uie sioi-K oi iigeu Dunn mill cows. Tlie u mill t lift t
.1... T...1 -.I...M . .. .. " ..
possesses these qiiulitiua in tho preiitetl perfection
cutest norforlim,
should draw tho Sweepstakes, whether it bo Dur-
auouiu aruw tno nwecpatukes, whetlier it bo Dur
ham, Ayrcshire, Hereford, Devon, Grade or Na
Junius. Geo. Thorn, Zuch. M. Xuul, David Ty-K-r,
Asaph Kirk, John Plinw of Decatur.
Class 2. Gradt Cuttle rniml in enuii'ii.
Coat bull, $-4 mi 2d best, $2 00
I!p8t Cl,lv. i 00 2d bost, 2 00
Best hoiirer calf, 75 2il best, Dip.
Best bull calf, 7d-2d bcsL Din.
Jt-niiBS. Juhii McPherson, Jos. Lyons, Tuomiis
u. fcnyuer, J. ji. luiuiiiings. Dr. J. P. lloyt.
Class i.Milk Cmn.
Best milk cow, $3 00 2d best, $2 00
Milk cow .1,1 i nn
JtncLS. Junes Forrest, Thomas Mctihcc, Ad
am ueariiurt, Ihos. Leonard, Daniel Bailey.
Class 4. Oxen.
Best yoke 5 y. old and over, $2 00 2d licit,? I 00
i)i-siyoKe.y. 1 00 2d best, 40
List yoke 2 y. 60 2d best. T)in
Best yoke 1 y 60-2d heat. Din
JiiuoKS. B. C. Bowman. Hiram WoodwRr.l l..
ron II. I'eorco' Wm. Smiley, Alex. Murray.
Class 5. Oxvn.
Best trained 10 yoke, 4 years old and over,
from ono towniliin. t nn
-u nosi, inunoa IU yoke, 4 years old and o-
ver, I rum one township,
Bost trained 10 yoke, 3yenrjold and over,
from one township.
2 00 I
2d bt trained 10 yoke, 3 years old and o
ver, Horn ono township,
from ono towns bin 1 nn
joh:Va:cVin:njohPn M. Chase. Jo J j
g. John Brubaker, Joseph Vothers. '
Class 6. '( Caiitc.
J l llli KH J
Best I at Bullock, $2 Oil 2d host
f 00
nest rut Low, ? 00 2d best, 1 00
Best HeifTcr, 2 years old, 1 0(1 2d best, 60:
JiTiius Uoorgo Kittlobcrgrr. John MoCJuilkin. '
Casper Lienold, James Biooin. Fr.. IVnl. m. 1
Class i. Thoroinjh-bred Uunn ojien to oI
B( st Stallion, over 4 y'rs old, 3 00 2d best, $2 00
Host Stallion, over 3 y'rs old, 2 00 21 best, 1 CO
lle-t ttallion Colt, 2y'rsold, 2 01 2d best, 1 00
Tho proniiuma in this Class are Intended only
for those Horses whose pedigroos make them
worthy of thcin. Tho Society wishes to euoour
ago the roaring of high-blooded Horses here : on
the other hand the Exceutlve Committee would
..i:., ,i.. ... i . . ........ .
" wuuges 10 do curciui that ttio prcmi-
unis are not druwn by inferior stock
urns are not drawn Lv ir..ri,,r
Jl-puks James Forrest, lili llloom, Dr. G
Caldwell, peter Bl iom, Joseph rotors.
I I.ahs S. Aniye nix rnrin Jturtrt
Best Gel-ling, ovir 4 years old, for work, $1 CO
2d best .. ,,;
i'' 'i;"0 "'J Cl!;riaK0 1"c of ' oo u
AH DC81 " " ' Dip 1
'"t Paddle and Carriage Mnrc of any ape, $1 00
"T.B 01 L'rn"ht ,lors,!' or
2 00
1 00
2d best
1 1 ho llorfo that moves tho heaviest load on I
fclotie boat without a whip, 100
2d best, " ii ... i
' Best Colt. HO 75 2d !... r it. I
Ji pc es Milton McBride. Martin O. Sii.u i,"
Jl pcrs Jud-'e Barrett. James F,,rri Ii. II I
Thompson, L'.lwln I'erks, Mai. C. 1'utch'in!
Class 10. Mans ami Lolls.
Best broej mnrc and cult by the side, 00
2d best do do do Co J 00
Best Holding, over 3 and under 5 years old, 2 00
2d best do do do do 1 0tf
Best Uelding. over ?y" oH.$l 50 2d (10
l.ea .Mare over 3 year. old. 2 0"2d best, I (.0
oi ?:Z' 'V ' .C
, , , j "-.-i uesi, urt.
;,,ul""MT rorcoe, JacoD
' """" j
Class .,TroU'mg Horseropcn to all.
j Best tuna 3 in t, trotting in Harnoss. (No pr-
. mlutns unless two cnuies, .
I ltest tiuio, trotting undor snildlo, -" Dip,
) Dost time L'ottiug in double faarnos, do
nest time pacing nndor inddlo, da
J unnrs J. 0. Lomine, Lever Flcgnl, John J.
' iiuer, ouun .n. uuunulngs, John W. llnzlett
:LASS V.--lrottva and Wa kina Ili,rt,-t.
owned in the Countu.
. - si f
1'astost trotting Stallion, lip. 2d, Dip.
do do Horse or mare, do 2d bf st, do
do wiilkinir horse or mare, do 9.1 hunt, iln
. Juiioes J. U. Gmhaui. Win. Irvin. A. 11. Shaw.
Jns. L. Stownrt, Jui. Alexundur, (Woodward.)
.ASS 13. Shcfp and wool.
ISont buck, any broed, Dip. A$2 00 2d bcet,$l 00
Hast ewe, nny broed, do and 2 00 2d best, 1 00
Kost 3 Sheop fattened for mutton, Dip. & $2 00
2d best do da do 1 (10
Heat flceeo of fine wool. 1 00
licit flooce of ponrso wool.
Four Lamb, boat, $2 00
2d best lambs, $ I
. ..
Det 4 liiinbu. 0 Hi " ' Lin
McXaul, Jacob Kuntz. sr.. Elinhn
un, Aiiani ueai Uurt, iionry Irwin
Class 14. SiWhi: mutn ta nil.
I!6t any brood, $2 00 2d boet, $1 00
Itest breedinif unw 9 fin o.i i aa
Host 2 Hoes in countv. 3 002,1 hunt' 9 nn
icxi oesi z nogs in county, I 00 2d best. 00
JiDGEs Duniul Livingston. Wm. M. MeCul
lough, sr., Col. Tuo. It. M'Cluro.
Jdiiius Bloom, sr.
' Cla?8 13. Poultry.
Best ceop spring chickens, not less than 6, $1 00
2d best do do do do Dip.
Heaviest turkey, ,j0
Best dUplny of chickens, do
Juiioks George Thorn, J. II. Fleming, Snmuol
I Arnold, Kobert Thompson, Clark Brown,
i Class 10. Plowing.
Owner of team and plow, who plows green
f . fjWut J th beat. . . $ oo
Next host, nip.
Owner of tcom and plow, who plows stubble
tho bost, ' . . j)ip, 4 $ 00
Next best, do do do Dip.
Bost plow for stubblo, Dip. 4$1 00-2d best, Dip.
Best plow for subsoil, Dip. l o.-2d it. Din.
ui.i.i..--niu.u reniou, Amos t.eeu, D. V
Wie, John Wells, Jr., Win. Hcovor.
Llass 1 1 .hollers and Ui ills, Harrows and
''' Vvllnatora. .
Best clod crusher and rollor coiulinod, $ I 00
21 best. do . d do Dip.
Hest field roller, $100 2J best, do
Best Urain drill, 2 00 2d best, do
Hot Harrow, 2 00 2d best, do
Best Cultivator, 1 00 2d bost, do
Best Horso-rake, 1 00 2d bost, do
Best Reaper and mower, 3 00 2d boet, do
nest corn shcller, 2 00 2d best, do
Best corn planter, 2 00 2d beft, do
J run ex William A. Koed. Heubon Wall. Jona
than llartfhorn, lion. T. 11. iMvis, C. linker.
Class IS. Agricultural Implements.
Dest Original invention in the county, of
All agricultural implement $3 00
2d bost, " " orlff. !nv. Dip.
Best throsbins mackino, $J 002.1 bost, 2 00
Host fanning mill, 1 00 2d bost, l)ip.
Most liny pitching machine, 2 00 2d bost, do
Ilcst liny riggin? on wagon, 1 00 2d best, do
llcst ox yuke nud bows, 1 00 2d best, do
Best vegetable root cutter, 1 00 2d best, do
Best stalk au.l s'.raw cutter, 2 01 2d best, do
Host common plow, 1 00 2d best, do
liest singlo or double shovel plow. 1 00
2il best singlo or doulilo shovel plow, Dip.
Best horse power for general purposes, 1 00
2J beet horso power forgonorul purposes. Dip.
Best fork and fixtures for unloading wagons, 2 00
2d best fork and fixtures for unloading " Din.
Judges Simon Thiunpsou. Ileni. Pnnrlcmmi. II.
B. Wright. Duuiel llurtsuvk, Benj. liisbol.
Class l'.l. Miscellaneous j'riii'u.a implements.
Host bee hive,
Iit'st stump puller,
Ilcst Potato digger,
Host grain cradle,
liest six hand rakes,
$1 00 2d best.
2 00 2d best,
1 00 2d bo-t,
1 00 2d best,
1 00 2d host,
Hest lot pardoning tool,
t iiO 2d be.t,
Hest set fnrmiug n.'cn 1. nWlin,i Lv r.r,... i nn
2d best set farming utensils. OlVnOll llV Turin. r
Ji:doks John I). Thompson. John liussnl'l. O.'
c. Morrell. J. 11. Fleminir. Samunl l....n
Class 20. Wheat, Barley, Coi n, if c.
Best. !,i i,nu.
U " " """Pa ' I .'P.-??nlI)ip.
i D'p.-
fid of wheat 4 to 10 ncres,.t Di , ...$2,udD '
I i ..r .m I '
i. ... i ' . .... .. " "l l."a l"P-
. r" Z. '"' . !P--J dU p,
A I)lll.--$tamln;..
A.,,- f..... n . ' 1. . . . I '
, . t ' "'P -landIJip.
l.ushcl of corn ears, 1 a Dip. Diploma.
.1 acres of buckwheat, 2 A Dip. lnndDip
Ji-dres Hcorge Wilson (Hoggs), Michnel Suit,
Jas. A. Hoed, Snmuol Kirk, Joab liidor. Jos
Irwin Martin H Luther, Kobt. Mi-haffey, Hugh
Class 21. duel I Crops.
Liest 2.1 Best.
One-half acre or potatoes, 2nn(ll)ip.?landDip:
One-fourth acre of beans, 2andl)ip.-$ landDip.
Acre ol clover seed, 2Mn.lllip l.ndllip.
une lourtu a. broom corn, 2Hinlliin.. Slimlliir.
j Oue-fourlh acre sorghum, 2:mdDip
X cro oi peas, i uo, 2d best
Best 1 acre of rutubagoos, 1 00. 2d beat,'
Hest buskel Timothy seed, 1 on, 2d bost
Best I acre carrots, 1 00, -2d best,
Ilcst i aero turnips. 1 00.2d best,
jiiiurs m Mintli (Covington), O. P. (lulieh,
l'obort Owens, Abf'm (Joss, jr., O. B. Logan.
Crops being equal, preference will be given to
those thut yicl 1 tho greatest nett profits. Stato
u cnts to bo rurnished by tho npilicants for pre
miums on farm crops. They must be weighed
and sample of tho samo furnished at tho fair,
and also at tho rooms of the committee
.1. Applicants amilvina- for Dreminm. .hull f,
jnish tho committee a statement signed by him
l " . self under a plodgo of veracity, of the quantity
. . 1 rj"" eniereu lor a pro-
ZtM Hilt " V.1 h
9 kid nn - n.i?vIr . r'"", "Tr
, . ?""ntl,y ?f. ,0Cl1 uhmI' "d "'
time nii.1 iiimlii ul ,.i,iti., ;., .k. i
--- -- - r- n kiuiihu.
a. It , I i,. oblnol nf il,. . .
mitims tor (rood, not extravagant nnd cinorallv
nnpraetieible culture, in id any wilful iuaccuraey
iu llu-ti-cmont furnished as abnvo shall de
prive the applicant of a right to compete for the
future premium.
Class 22. Preal and Cereal Food.
Best 3 Loaves broad, winter wheat, Dip,
- l"ng whout, do '
" J " " corn, do I
" 1 " " rve. A.. 1
" round cake, Dip. Best Fruit enke, do
" Spoiifiecuke, Dip. "Jolly cake, do
" 1'icol nny kind, Dip. " Plain cuke, do
" l'rosorves, Dip. Jelly. do
" Display of preserves, . d0
" loo cream. j0
" Display of jellies, d0
Ji-miKS Mrs. James Forrest, Mrs. J. Boyuton,
Mrs. Wm. Irvin, Mrs. M. MeCulloufch, Mrs.
Bobert Boss, Mrs. JBOruliam. Mrs Hoi- .M-I nr,.! L. Jhd!cr wd
est 10 pounds butter. $1 00 2d best Dip. 1
l irkin, 2S or more lbs.,
. ..-Mi- m .nay or June, l o.2d best, Dip,
' 3 cheese
.. ... . I'ip. I
Jt-noKs 0. L
ltecd, .Mrs. Richard Shaw. Ped'r,
" ''"'gsn (Lawrence), Mrs. Murtlia ,
.Mrs. Wm. Moriran
- , " " 11 "b " r'S"t) u u Uoodlandcr,
ii ui. ."cuuue.
Class 2-1. Ftur.
U't barrel cf Flour, 1 1 k din t Ln n; .
hen Darr'!l '
,". mh-
M Vol'
' I
nuur (.'pritifr wheat.) 50 c. A Din.
iu ios. IP. ur (wprmg wheat), Dip.
i ryo Hour, fin e. Din.
SO pounds rve flmir. li;
i0 pounds buckwheat flour. KCi e. . Iii-
9,1 l.... e.i .. . . i . , . ... " I
uvn jint. uucKwncui tiour, Dip.
" 'oQ pounds corn meal, 50 c, t Dip.
2d bet 5J pounds corn ineol. liln. 1
Ji PCE'Jesso Brooiuull, Samuel Jordan, 11. S.
Humphrey, Ferdinand Oswalt; 11. packman, jr.
Cl.vss 2"). Ihmrstic ArMci
Bost box or jar of honoy,, Dip. 50.-21 bcst.Dlp.
n... inn.. i . ". 1 . . ' I
T est preserved peaches iu u r-tiirbt r.n,
nes iwim. iiiiiiiiufii -ir, riip.A JU.--1' J best Din 1
Vr.rv.a ,,., , air:,ighten;,
s In air tight onus, Dip.
ncs in air-tight cans.Dip.
1 iu air-tight ca -is, Dip.
iiesiprescrven DiacEDcrrics
Bost preserved currants
cei nam cooked wita skm ou.auiode of cute.Dip.
l estraiicyjarorpiokles, Dip.
Beit Syrup, inaplo i lorjjhuin och, Dip.
jDb0E--Mr. JudKo Barrett, Mrs. Win C. Ko-
j y M": aoV-lliSl". Mri- El"" I"-Id, Mrs.
Johnbhirey, Mrs. hllis Irwin, Mrs. Jonathan
narUhoru, Mrs. George Wilsou, (Bocffj.)
J Class 20.Doinettie Jlanujitciuvtr
Bat 10 janli flannel, $1 00 2d best, Dip.
i.oni iv jurin iKiunet, iw in Deft, no
hub iv jrarue oioui. i uu za boet, do
licet pair woolen blnnketa, 1 00 2d best,
Host 15 yards woolen carpet, 1 00 2d best,
Boat li yards rug carpet, wool
en chnin, 1 00 2J best,
Beit 15 yards rng cart et, cot
ton chnin, 00 2d best,
Best woollen oovorlet, 1 00 2d best,
Best woolen fringed mitts,
Best hearth rua.
Best pair-woolen knit stookins,
n i:i i to. linen sowini tlireau.
n-... i il u . .. .
UW ,. . , - , ....
00 P!''n'' unoutng, knitting or nee-
uesi i iu. oi BiocKiug yum,
Lest loot mat. Did. Jlcst atrnw hat !..
Bost straw bonnet, Dip. Hest lidy, do
JitOKs Mrs. Judgo Ferguson, Mrs, B. II. Cald.
well, Mrs. I.yilia liheem, Mrs. John K orris,
Mrs. Mary Spaekman, .Miss Nancy Ogdon, Mrs
Doctor Tkor nson .Mrs. U. L. ltecd, Mrs, S.
J. Row.
Class 27. A
die, Shell, Wax voile
Best specimen of ncodlo work,
group of flowers in worsted,
" lamp aland embroidered,
" lamp stand not embroidered,
" embroidered slippers,
." embroidery in silk,
" embroidery in worstod,
" omliroidory in laoe,
" embroidery in inutlin,
" shirt made by Miss under 15ynrs,
" patching and mending,
ottouiun cover, Dip. Lest tublo cover
" funey chum w'k, Dip. " worked collar, do
" wax llowors, Dip. worked (jnilts, do
" feather work, Dip " leather work, do
" ornamented work du
Jt'BfiKs Miss Emma Qrahnm, MissSuphie Bur-
rott, .mips .Maggie irvin. .Miss .Mury Juno
Wright, Mies M, J. Burd. Miss Emilv Forrest,
Miss Matilda M'.Mnrrnr.M iss Joseiiliine Flecriil.
Miss Mury Foly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Em
ma Jones
Class 2$.Mdtincry
and Dressmaking;
Hest millinery Dip. Bost dross-makine-. Din.
Ji iigks Miss Mary O Wright, Miss Mary 11 Fer
guson, Mrs Mary E Leounrd, Misecs Juno
Mitchell, Ada Swarti, Eliza Stone, llutty Cath
cart, Helen Cuttle, Louisa Knitior, Mury A
Class 29. Artistic work.
Host painting in oil, Dip.
" painting in wato colors, do
" portrait painting, do 1
" lundsunpe painting, do
" emtio painting, do
" ornumentul painting of an y kind, do
" daguorreotypes taken on tho grouud, do
" tmbrotypea taken on the ground, do
" photographs taken on the ground, do
" writing, a
" ornaincntal penmanskip, do
" architectural drawing, do
JrnoEs Dr John O I.ornine, II M'Kim, .Mrs.
W. I. Fpnttswood, Mrs Aloxandor Irwin, Miss
Sophie M Lo d, Mrs Eli Hlooiu, Mrs J. JJ
M'Eually, Ittv. J;M Oullowoy,
Class 30, Designs.
Best desi-,n for farm house. ' $2 2d best. Din.
" design for barn,
2 2d best, do
" dosign for carriage house
end stable,
" design for dairy houso,
dosign for ico house,
" design for dry houso.
2 2d bost,
1 2d best,
1 Id best,
1 2d best,
design for bridge I'laa for bridiro
cot less than 2j0 It. span, 3 00-2d bost, Dip.
Judges Hun. O H Barrett, Hon. Win lilglor,
Jno. D Thompson, Thos. Kirk, Rob't Dough
erty, Clasi Zl. Metalic Fabrics and Machinery
Bott display of tablo and pocket cutlery,
anieiii-an iiianufneturc. Dip.
Best cooking stove, wood aud coal, Dip.nud $3 00
2d best, Dip und $2 3d bost, Dip uud 1 00
Hest parlor slove, coal, Dip and 2 00
2d best, Dip anil $1 00 3d bost, Dip
Best parlor stuve. wood, Din aud 2 Oil
- d bost, Dip aud 1 00 3d best, Dip
uesi cast iron lenco, Dip nnd 3 00
2d best, dip and 3 00 3d bost, pip and I 00
Best tin ware, dip and 2 00
iti ben, dip nnd 1 00 3d best Iiin.
Best blucksmitliing, d:p ami $.'( 2d bcst.dip andjl i Wi". "Major 3. C. l'atchin, Mujor Holt, Maj.
gunsmithing, dip and 2 2d bust, dip and 1 1 1''iscy, Major Win. Bell, Captain Mathow Og
' iron turning, dip and 2 2d best, dip and 1 t-'upt. W. A. Campbell, Captain Taylor
' shower bath din and 82 00 i Bowles.
original invention in the Joiuity, 5 CO
' plulo castings, dip and 1 00
JunoKs Win. McBride, John F Wcnvor, Elishiv
Fonton, Iiavid Kirk, Win. A Wallace.
Class $2. Vehicles
of all kinds.
' Hc-t family carriage, $5iDip,-.2l
I 3 ,lo
farm wagon, A do
I best, $:l f Dip
uo 2 Uo
do 2 da
sleigh, J do
do 2
do 2
4 timber sled, 3 do
' horso cart,
wheelbarrow. f I 00 2d best,
Jijiioks Dr. JI P Thompson. B C Bo -man
W l'auly, John B Hewitt, Ucorga Hoakcndon,
J. C. Brenner, F U Miller.
Ci.ash.33 Ca'dnct ware in County.
Host dressing bureau, $.l4ili,.-2d best, $2 and 1
- sum, o UO 11 0 2
' lounge, 2 do do 1
' oxtonsion table, 3 do do 2
' set of chairs, 2 do do 1
' variety of chairs, 2 do do 1
' set parlor furuiture, 3 po do 2
displny of cabinet wnr., $5 00 and Din
' office chair, 1 00 and do
Ji dhks James II. Fleming, C Kratzer, Benj.
11 Waight, Thos. Mills. Harrison W Piienccr
Class ol. Cuoperiva, Carventeiina
Host specimen of pino w.ire,
' window sash, fl 00 2d best
winuow blind,
' set grain measures,
' l"t of buckets,
' lot ef splint baskets,
1 00 2d best.
f 2 00 and do
1 00 and do
1 00 and do
panel ooor,
Ji tMiF.s Jamos Fonton, Frederick fiulioh. Thos
Henderson, Abraham Ogdon, John UarrUwn. )
Class oo. loots and (J irden
1 'f'K tulles,
Hfst 4 stalks celery, Dip.
' J bushel carrots, do
' ( do rutehagos,do
' j do table hcets,do
' 6 heads eabb.igp,do
' 2
Best bus. turnips Din.!
i mis, onions, ciu
do paranips, do
12 tomatoes, do
8 egg plants, do
i . .
qt. Iiuia beans. (Ic
one-hull busln-1 tublo potuloos,
quart winsor bonus,
variety ot siuashes,
vnriety of melons,
ono-half bu.-hel of sivcet potutoos,
A" vegetables to bo raised by the exhibitor,
J,'1,0E', J""1 uraham, A. K. Wright, Wm
i,. iuooro, I'lunp Antes, llcv. Joseph li. Focht
CLASS oo. .vmcis, yi(hlrrs, 'Shoemakers .t,-
Best. 2d best.
Oentc'bootsand shoes. $2andDin-l nn.iri
Ladys" bu-.H aud nhoes,
2 and do
l and do
1 and do
2 und d-j
1 aud do
1 and do
1 aJd do
Uonls' taitirj,
Lnrivs' eailers. 1
Disnlsvof boots and sbuos.3 n,l .l
Travelinir trunk.
' harness, 2 and do
t amae harness, 3anddo
Singlo harness, 2 and do
Killing lirnllo and mart'1,1 and do
(lints' riilinjr sad-tic, 2 and do
Ladys' ri.'.ing saddlo, 2 and da
Di)ilay of saddlery, 3 and do
Calfskin, 1 and do
Sole Leather, 1 and do
'Every ether kind of leather,
Kobo made by exhibitor, 2 and do
p",- i ."""P' J0"1 Ii". Horace
latchin. ILillllii n 11. ,.nrn Wn. tl ...
,, Ml, K urier.
- launrs cna
- 1
Best suit clothes mndeby hnnd,2 00-2d best TJ
Best coat made by lady, 50 'dbl, V P
Best vost made by lady. ' ,
' voik. 1
jBest pauts aiade by l.dy,
, Best butk muttrans, 1 00-.2Jbt..!
Jcnoni Wm. F Irwin, f?amnol Mitchell, Mra.
Itichard Mossnp, Mr.. J. T. McCullough Mrs
ohn MoUauhey, David Adaias, on.
r , ... .a n . n .
' CLASS 3o, JTiHriMjr at Qowly.
.g,,, .
Host Newspaper, da x 'Pamphlet,
oiicre uov. win il'gler, h. Cruni,
I l aust, Israel Teet, Juntos fi Wataoni
Clash 3'J. Stone Ware
Best drain tile, Dip. Best bmckots, Dip
Best firo brick, do Best pottery, du
,uet oricK, uo
punaF.s Judge Ferguson, Judge Lnuiui, Martin
Ail-noil, jr., vim Alerrell, Ueo lirhurt.
Class 40. Camicuh and Chemical 4tctio.
Best available manuro at modemto cost, Dtp,
Beat for farm products, . $t Oli da
Best for glue, 1 UO. do llnaanil nil. 1 III! .1..
I .. . . . " "
" I Best tallow candles, dip. best writing ink, du
isest specimen soup, dip best vnieger, no
Jrnnes Dr. M Woods, Dr. V. Wilson. Dr. T J
Hoyer, Dr. A MeLeod. Dr. J O llartswick,
I Dr. I. O. Crouch, Dr. Fetl!e
Clkss 41. !bi!uiii; and Wood".
Best drcssod stono, $1 A dip. Best mill stone, dip
) uesi noor noarus worn a do Host grinds tono, do
I Host weather baard w'k do Best shingles, do
i Best spliter shaved hoops,do Best turned art, do
discretionary premiums will bo recommended
I for all articles of merit exhibited by mechanic
in all tho various branches, nud it is hoped a
general attendance will be mudo.
For all improvements useful to tho furinor nd
! having vuluuble properties, discretionary preui'i
'.-in i... . i... i i. .1.. .-...-I .. .
Mm uv i vvwiuiuouuou uy uiu cvuiiuutoo aim a
Hunted by the board at their discretion.
Ji-nuiss Judge I.oonurd, Judgo Bonsnll, F. K.
Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Boll.
Class 42 Xalural Minerals.
Best of useful inineruls of Clearfield coun
ty, coal included, da.
' I.iineetono, du. best s.-imUtono, do,
' Bottors clny, do ' F'iro cloy, do
' suite crvi-tnlizcd mill do ' Fossils, do
' minerals from the surrounding counties, do
Ji-dqes Judge lloyt, Rev. W. L. Spottswood,
- . II. B. Bwoopo, 11. F. Nauglo, I. J. Crans.
Class 43. General List.
Bost display and greatest variety of flowers, du
Display plants, do
Best Floral ornnmont, du
Bost baoket bmiuets w ith handle. tlu
Best manufactured article by sewing inachlne
on ground, do
Best hand boiuets do best butter bowl, du
Best washing muehine, do Best butter ladle, du
Best chni n, do
JriioES Mrs. Judgo Mooro, Mrs. Josinh II.
Reed, Mrs. Joseph II. llogarty Lumber-city,)
Mrs. D. F. Euweilor, Mrs. Martin Nichols, jr.,
Mrs Wm Morrell, Mrs. A. II. Bhnw, Mrs. Win.
A. Walluco, Jlrs. ,M:ij. Mvling, Mrs. Thos. Eor
Class -1 1. Fruit.
Ill-si dUpluy and greatest vutioty of grafted ap
ple.', summer and winter fruit, mimed
a nd arranged, 50 cts 1 do
Bost disply and greatost variety of
pears, named and arranged, SO cts & dd
Bost display and greatest variety of
pouches, named and arranged, 60 cts d- d-i
Best Apples, J bushel do
Best Collection uf Hurns, do
Ilcst do cherries, dir
Best do (puiiccs, do
Best do strawberrios, do
Best specimen of Foreign grapes, do
Best specimen uf Amorieun grnpes, du
Hest specimen currants, not less than S qart'i d-
Best specimen gnosberric?, ' ' 3 ' -
Best, specimen of blackberries, do
Best specimen of seedling grapes r.iised in
county and worthy ofciilturo, do
Best specimen of Doiuestie wine do
Ji iig::s Win C. l'ok-v Win. MoCrnokon, Mrs.
Samuel Mitchell, .Mrs. J. F. Weiwe-r, J. B. M" Jin
ally, Alirum Nevling. Miss Joseliin Lanich,
Miss Edith Boyiitun, Miss llcrtlm WiighL
Class -15, Horsemanship, il-c,
He. t j coiiploof ladies and gouts on horseback, d
Beat company of cavalry, d'
Best company of infantry, (b
Best band of brnss instruincnt. du
llest baud, do
Best 23 singem. doi
rittiKS (!cn. J. II. T.arrimer, Col. II. I). Put
ton, Col. A. B. Shaw, CoL It. J. Wulluoo, Col.
Finilcv, Col. I'usiuore, Col. M'Clure, .Maj. D. W..
t l.AUS -iu .A itrseries.
V? it nur.ier eontain-ing the greatest variety ot
fioits and shrubs cultivated in tho most ap
proved nnd methodical manner, $2 00 A do
anions Thouius Mills, Jacob (lu'ich, Jumw
A', lf.igirty, William a. Homphill, Itichard Shave
jr.rjohu (j. Cuiu, Ww. L. Moore..
Persons appointed U) act ns jiidgosaro roquesl'
cd to notify tlie Secretary, if poseiblo, boforo the
1st day of tho Fair, of their acceptance of the
trust, nnd to meet tho Pros't at tho oponing of
the Fair.
Tho Hulcs and Regulations, etc., will be pulv
liiliod in a week or two.
Physician and h r p c o n
Clearfield Pa., JIny.10, 1800.
ATTOTtNEV AT EAW, will attend prnmptlr
and faithfully to all leirnt biikiness entrustod to-
his care, in the several Courts of ClcuiOiuM and,
adjoining counties.
Ollicc, the one formerly occupied by 1.
Oct. 20th, T8i 'ty.-
" DR. G. W. STEW A lit "
1)hysirlitii ami Wihkcoii, offers his profes
sinnnl services to the citizens of Xew Wash'
iiij;ton and siirroundioj community. Office threw
dbors west of tho Washington House.
New Washington, l'a., Oct. I I, 1859.
Civil Kxf.iNF.KR & Land Sckvevos, rtffors-
rrofessional services to the oitizens of Cloar-
All business entrusted to hhii will be prompt!,
ami fjitbfully executed.
Offico with Leonard, F'mney if- Co.
Afi'TRHEAX, Melainentypist, Ambroty
17 fist, and JUSTICE OF HIE PUACK,
Kersey, Elk County, l'a,
r i.'V i.' i i.r lv i
liLiilVll l lal.VJ.lU,
Justice of the peace
I.utlicrsburg, Clearfield Co. Ta., will
attend promptly lo nil butiness entrusted to his
care, lie also informs the public that ho keeps
constantly on hand at his shop, a general as
sortment of Sudillos, Bridles, Harness and
w hips, which ho will sell on reasonable Ire mi.
April 4, 100.
"i'iisTAL cardT "
VM. R.MI1H efTers bis professional or vices
. lo the J, adies and ticntlcmeii of Clear,
hold and vicinity. All operations porfortnes
with nentnoss niul Jc) alcli. Brin familiar
with all th- lula iioprovments, he is prepared to
make AiLiliiUl Tcctll iu the best manner,
Oflice in f-liaw's new row.
Sept. 11th, 1858. lyj.
ja. n. LAnnMip.n. 1. tkut
JAI(KIMi:il & Ti:ST, Attorheys st Law
J Clcarfleld, Pa., will attend promptly to Col.
... .. 1.. 1 , 1 .11...
lAions, i.iinn Agencies, ao., a.o., 111 liciwuoiii,
Centre and hlkooubiies. July aii.-
1 ) 0,!l:llT
J-V Clearfli
1 J. WALLACE, Attor.mrt at Law,
Clearfield, Ps., OlEce In Shaw's How, op.
Iposite the Journal office,
in. 1, ms,-tf.