fTOXf B7 0. B. GOODLANDER & CO. VOL. XXXI. NO. 1. frjt Republican. j , , Terms at HuDscripnoii. pail la S'lvanco, or within ture monthi, $1 25 ' paid any time within the year, . . . 1 lift i" pnii af'.or the expiration of the year, 2 00 i . . Term of Adve-iUslng. t . A4vi tlierasnti are inserted in the Republican i Ihe ft How ins ratei : . ' 1 Insertion. 2 do 3 do, ne Jfaarn, (14 lino, ) $ 60 .'o riirc, (2Rlinoi,) 1 00 threa natural, (12 linci,) 1 SO 8 month!, $ V5 1 50 ' 2 00 6 ino'g. $4 00 . 6 P0 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 tl V0 2 00 2 50 12 mo $7 110 10 no 12 00 14 00 15 00 Una Bqnsrs, : r : 1 2 60 i v inro, :, i t : 00 'i..t" iituaras, t t t j 6 00 7o.:r iuarc, : s J i 8 00 V . If column," : : : : 8 00 One column, : : : : 14 00 35 no Over three weeks and loss than three motShi 25 !iits per square for each Insertion Uui-in'ri" notice! net exceeding 8 lino are in- turtr'l for S2 a Tear. AJfortisoraeiiU not mnrlied with the number of invertinae doiirod, will be continued until forbid, ind ihurgod accordinj; to thoso trinj. 'Stltdoctrg. THINGS to cur.Risu, The yei that look with love rn thee, That brighten with thy smile, Or meroly bid the hopo again, if thou nrt al a whiln ; The eyes that, when no wordi are breathed, . tiate fondly Into thine Oh, cborih them, ere they grow dim ; They may not always fliine. The faithful hearU around thee, That glow with love ard yeii'.u, That tlnia and care ne'or yot bare icarred, .Nor ravished with thoir truth ; Tin heart whose bcaHngn we havo heard IVlien throbbing nonr nur own Oh,"clicrith them J those beatings hushed, Eanh'i dearest tone nro gone, .. The duyi when there are hearts and eyes That throb aud beam for thee ; The few fleirt hours when lifo doth seem '. Bright as a summer fea ; The thrilling moment! when to speak The full hoart'e joy is pain ' Oh, theriah tlirin ! ones gone, n!u ! They no or roluru again ! I Wish hc'il Make up Ivis mind. J Irish ho would make up bis mind, ma, For 1 don't rnre imirh lonper to wait; . I'm ne 1 bavo MMeil quite strongly That I thought of changing my rtnte : Fcr a swoetheurt ho's ronlly so bnekwurd, I ean't bring him outt!iou;h I try; ' I owned that ta's very good tempered, But then ho's so dreadfully shy I Whop 1 tpeuk about lore and a cottage, lie gives mo a look of surprise ; And if I but bint ut a inarriuge, He blushes quite up to h is eyes i I cau't make him jealous I've tried it And 'tis no use my being unkind, For that's not tbo way, I'm curtain. To get hi .i to iimlio n p his mind. I've sung him love sounds by (luioiu, I've Worked him both dippuri and hope, And we've walked it by nioolijliL together, Voi he never attempts to pruposo ! You luuet really ok bis iutvntion, Or siuoe other beau 1 uiubt I'.nd ; Tor indeed I won't tarry uiueh longer Furono who can't muko up his mind. .Wi,r v 1 1-- J "i " " '" J Matri jiont. This subject is not treat, ed generally with as much deference and reflection at it dcFcrves. Nothing is of more consequence than matrimony totht happiues- and be-t interest of those who think of entering into its solemn relations. But very few give the subject the consid eration its importance demands. Fre quently a young man b?tows more time in buying a hoie than tie doc in choos i;i,t a wile. Frequently a yuuug ludy i-jn-iuls moro hours utJinr toilet thun she. jots in studying the charnctor of her lov or, Frequently they show more judgment in Ihe purchase of a bonlc than in tho ?e IcoIhui of a LiiHbatid. Thcro ia a time in the history of every young person which in 1.1,0 turning point ol' I hcii lives. It oc curs aometimoj sooner, sometimes lak-r in life. But every young lady nri'ives at ".e most critical and entertaining period ot lie: lile at eighteen years of njo. Aiid then if bhe ia not very cautious and pru dent the will injure tho dij-nity of hor standing nd her hopes of a fortune mar riage, for life. Sell-will and vanity are her two worst enemios at this ao. If she has the mastery of those, and has a good acquaintance with the secret i-priii;.' of hurnsn nature, fcer chances are very fa vorable. - Many a jouap lady has iyine.1 her prospects h? beini too obstinate, and in not yielding to tho voice of her supe riors. - Nothing U moro common than for a young lady to bo very highly fluttered when she becomes tho object of attention from the young men. Never lin nho moro reaion to fear." Fcr unlets she i very discreet, theso attentions may be the very means of throwing her out. of tue conmany Oi those whoso snjiics she one so iiipbly enjoyed. When two or three young gents pay their addresses lo a ludy about one and the oami) time, generally speaking it is very likely to prove a great disadvantage to the young ludy. It makes her haugh ty, proud, arrogant, and vain. Conse quently, tho better sene of her ndmirers being disgusted with her nirj and fooler ies, ahnri her company as being of no ad vantage, to them. For the most part ev ery ono can be just what they nridi can occupy just such ft position as they de sire, if they will but use good judgment and perseverance. When we look upon ha many unhappy marriages upon the very many disappointed young ladies and gentlemen, we can but say it. is mostly heir own faults and error mi l false no tionaofmen and thirtss that has caused olilic;tIt LETTER FROM THE HON. BRECKINRIDGE. J. C. ACctrr.vNCK of ih nomination for ths I'RESIDENCV. AVasui.ncto.v, July 9, 1800. The letter of acceptance from lion. John C. Ureoklnridgo of tho nomination for Tiesident, has just been made public. It is in answer to the following letter from lion Caleb Cashing : Democratic National Convention, ) llaltimor e, Md., June 23, 1800. J Sir: Iain directed by a vote of the Democratic National Convention to inform you that you have been this day unani moubly nominated by it as tho candidate of the Democratic party for the oflice of President of tho United Slalei, and in their behalf to request you to accept the nomination. I beg leave, at tho same time, to en cloo to you a copy of tho resolutions adopted by the Convention as the politi cal platfarm on which the party Btniids. 1 have the honor to be, Very respectfully, C. CUSIIINU, President. UOV. J. C. BlIECKlNUIDCE. Washington City, June 20, ISOO. Dear Sir: I havo your letter of tho '23d inst., by which I am ollicially inform ed of my nomination for the oflice of Pres ident of the United States by the Demo cratic National Convention, lately assem bled at P.altimoro. The circumstances of this nomination will justify me in referring to its personal nspect. I have not sought nor desired ti l,n placed before the lountry for tbo oflioeof hy the bone and bndy of the obi Democra-Prosident- When my nsmo was presen-; c - b)' n vasfmnss of conservative op. ted to the Convention ut Charleston, it j everywhere, without regard to tlie.r was withdrawn by a friend in obciPenco parly. to my exprefsed wishes. Jly views had! U has been necessary more than onco in not changed when tho Convention reas-, our history to pauso and solemnly assert semblcdnt Haiti more; and when 1 heard ' Hie true character cf this Government. of tho differences which occurred there. I A memorable instance occurred in the mv indisnosilion to bo eonneeted nromi-. tientlv with the canvass was confirmed, nnd exprested to many friends. like tke Democrats ef this, were stigmati-j inn is necessary to its enforcement. The Without discussing tho occurrences ns disunionists.but they nobly conduct-'judicial authority, as provided in the Con which preceded the nominations, and the contest under the Constitution and stinuion, must be sustained and its do- winch are or soon wid be well understood ny t tie country, i nsvu oniy to ssiy mat rl2ci n " ""'"uci ui-n nun I approve, as just, and necessary to tho tablish the equality of the Statcsas the preservilion of tho national organization, 'v basis of union and pence. When and the peered right of representation, this object, so national, so constitutional, tho action of the Convention over which so just, shall be accomplished, tho last you continued to preside ; and thus np- cloud shall disappear from Ihe Amerie.-n proving it. and having resolved to sustain k.v. and -villi common hearts nnd hands it I feel that it does not become me to '" States and the people will unite lo de delect tho pohition I shall occupy, nor to velopothe rescources of the whole coun shrink from tbo i esuonsibdities of tho trv. to bind it together with the bands of post to which 1 have been assigned. Ac cordingly, I necept the nomination from a sense of pullie duly; und, ns 1 think, uninfluenced m any d"greo by the nllurc incuts of a: ibitici). I avail myself of this ocon-iion to sav that the confidence in my personal mid public character, implied by tho action of '.lie Convention, will always bo gtntcfully remembered ; nnd it is but just, also, to my own feelings, to rxpicss my gratilica- tion ut tho association of my name with that of my friend General Lane, a patriot nnd u soldier, whose great services in tho field -mid in council entitle him In the gratitude and confidence of his country men. The resolutions adopted by the Conven tion have my cordial approval. Tbeynio just to all parts of the Union to all our citizens, native and naturalized -nnd they form a noble policy for any Administra tion. The questions touching the rights j (if person nnd property, A-hich have of late been much discussed, find in these rcsululiiiiis a constitutional solution. Our! Union is a confederacy of equal sovereign States, for tho purposes enumerated in the Federal C nstitution. Whatever the common Government holds in trust for all the States, must be enjoyed equally by each. Ii controls tho Territories in trust for nil the Stat ss. Nol hing less than sov ereignly , un destroy or impair the rights of persons or property. The Territorial Governments are subordinate nnd tempo raryrand not sovereign hence, they mii "v -'.' "")""' !.. or properly. Into they continue to be Tenitorics they are under Ihe control of Congress, but the Constitution nowhere confers on any blanch of Iho Federal Gov- eminent the power to discriminate a-1 .-unst thei-i-d ts of tho States or the M. erl of tb i' i ' ml o 2 t .T t he ei ren, of n estate, TenS tie Ttr toie o ,p I' on vi h Z ' 2 ,.e , o. kind, and enjoy it during tho tcrrito- 1 w" 1 the long-estab , shed usiges of the rial condition, without let or hinderance, V; ,MV lnflox,,'' r,"rl,0, not ,,c.n either by Congress or by the subordinale , cnn',, h 0 n:r occor,t th, nomination in Territorial Govc nmenis. I nn-v nnUn'cy. except as tbo regular These principles How di.oclly from lh(, ' nominee of the National Democratic par-nh-enceof sovereignty in the Ten itorial , . n'l in that.case on ly upon condition .i , J ,, ,-, . r i that the usnees as well as tho principles luvcrnments, and from the equality of . L, . 7 ... . . ,, ',. ! (i,.c,, Vi i ,i . ,,,.! of tho pnrtv should bo strictly adhered to, the Males. Indeed, thev are assent ml to i .. , , , , , , , ,. ' ,i.i . r. i - i i i i it hnd lieen proclaimed for a long time, ,, ' ,' V i i'i ,., i i i I n on. ."vbave lieen se tied lecisla- .. , .,, ,- I--,,, , 1 bv right reason. Ti.ey rest 011 the rock .- . J .... ' . . or tho Constitution. They will preserve tho Constitution they will preserve the Uuion. It is idle to attempt to smother these great issues, or to misrepresent them by the use of partizin phrases, which are mis hading and delusive. Tho peoplo will look beneath such expressions as "intor vnntion," '.Congreshional slave code," and tho like, and will penetrate to the real questions involve!. The frien Is of equal itv do not, nnd never did, demand a "Con gressionol slave code," nor any other cede in regard to property in the Territories. They hold" the doctrine of non-intervention by Congress or by a Territorial Legif- PRINCIPLES, not CLEARFIELD, PA. WEDxN'ESCAl, JULY 25, ICGO. ture, either to establish or prohibit slavery, but they assert (forlifie.f br the hiahest judicial tribunal in the Union) the plain duty ol he reeralUovenjment, ... all ,ts a,Par men.s osecure when necessary to the c'.tiaens of all the states, the en- iovment of their rirnnxi'lv in Ilia mm. I j -- i i j -- -v... mon territories, as every where within its jurisdiction Tho only logical an nwer 10 uiitfwouui soeni to DC to Claim . i ii . i r i "overetgn power for the rerr.tor.es, or to deny hat he Const.tut.on reeogmzes ,iupel v , u, . , ,ce8.-i negro s.aves or : to deny mat sue n property can exist. Inexorable logic, which works its steady way through clouds and passion, compels the coutry to meet the issue. There js no evasive middle round. Already tho signs multiply of a fanntic d and growing parly, which denies that under the Consti tution, or by any other lav, slave property can exist; and ultimately this strugglo must come between this party and the National Democracy, sustained by ill tho other conservative clement in tho Union. I think it will bo impossible for a can did man lo discover hostility to tbo Union or a taint of sectionalism, in tho resolu tions adopted by the Convention. The Constitution and the Union reposn on the equality of the States, which, lies like a broad foundation underneath our political structure. As I construe them, tho resolutions simply assert this equality. They demand nothing for any State or seelion that is not cheerfully conceded to all the rest. It is well to remember that tho chief disorders which have afflicted our country havo grown out of tne viola tion of the Slate equality, nnd that, as long as this great principle has been ics pected, wo havo been blessed with harmo ny and peace. Nor will it be easy to per suade the country that, resolutions are sec. lional which command the sopport of a majority of theJStates, and are approved sti'UHL'lo which ended in tho civil revolu i""". "IB itepuoneans oi tnnt (lay ( savea our pouueni system, ny a liK0jCi8iOns impiioitly obeyeJ aud faithfully intercourse and brotherhood, nnd to im pel it onward in its career. Tho Constit ution ard the equality of the Slates. These are symbols of everlasting union. Pet these bo the rallying cry of tho poo- I'l" Hnit Hint Ibis canvnss will be eonduo- ted without rnncor, nnd that temperate argument wi.l take the plaeo of hot words and passim. ate arguments. Above a!!. 1 venture humbly to hope, that Divine Providence, to whom we own nur origin, our growth nnd rll our prosperity, will coii'inue to protect cur beloved country ncainit all danger, foreign nnd domes- tic I am, wi'h crrenf respet. vonr friend. JOHN C. liRKCKEXRinir-:. Hon. C Cinhing, President of the Demo cratic National Convention. LETTEiTfIOM EON. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. Wasiiinoton, June 27, 1800. Gknti.mif.n .- In aeeordntico with the verbid nnrnnco whichlgnvo you when you placed in my hands the authentic ev idence of my nomination for tho Presi dency by the National Convention of the Democratic prty, I now send you my for mal acceptance. Upon a careful examirnlion of thi plat form of principles adopted at Charleston, and reaflirmeij at Baltimore, with an ad ditional resolution which is in perfect harmony with tho others, I find it to be a faithful embodiment of the tine-honored 1 :-:, ,. r ,u nnm.: ;,. . ii,. ' .".','. , . ','.' ,. raine were prociuimeu nnu understood ny miho em kuuiu ui, iv mu ,n mo cioso all parties in the Presidential contest) of i of tho War ; ho bad been a large contract ion, '")2 and '5P. ! or with the Government for army clothing 1- J1. T... .1 ...,.... .. .l .., n- Jn .'.I , I - , L! i re. K .i p i , (vVono , , the Convention aUn. I find thnt the nomi- realized an immense fortune, Mthough nation was made with great nnnnimit v. in 'bis necounts were not yet settled. In- ' P" Rn,, concurrenco of deed, it was Paid that they were so vast o third, of the whole nun,.; Urn. it would employ the time of six clerks t'T of delegates, and in exact accordance for fvo years, to oxammo. them, previous i ami lierame well known to the country 1 lieso conditions having nil been cora ,. , ... , ,. - 7 . . plieil with by the free, and voluntary ae- Itrmnrtlift llomnrrntic mn-.ri nml llinir faithful representatives ; without any ni;enev. interference, or procurement on my part. I feel boimd in honor nnd duty lo accept the nomination. In takimr this step I am not nnmind ful of tbo responsibilities it imposes -. but with a firm reliance on Divine Trovi- deuce, I havo faith thnt the people will comprehend tho true nature of tho it-sues involved, and eventually mnintain the right The peace of the country and tho fafetv nf the Union havebeen put in icon- ardy bv alt"mpts to interfere with and control the dompst-'c affairs of the people in Territories through the agency of the Federal Government. If tho power and duty of Federal inter- MEN. (,..,, i, -. i , ". l0 .,'5. A T.?.1!,0? ,13 se,c.tnn.al J T flSh-n a Z' " "! ofthe Norland he other of the South eac, 8tl,,,,,ini. t0 U8- ,he VcTa l er and authority for tho aggrandizoment ef ill nu'n fliilinn al iIia rP fin in: i-iiiiiiu r, , ,i..i ntimn n.i n tion of those fundamental vj. Wblll, U,ll. Jl ueroga principles of ., i.:..i. i; isiie,i in thu country by the American 1cvoiution lhe bJa J 0llr entira ro. vMcan system. During tho memorable period of our tioliticsl h auvocatM oi rcaerai intervention upon the subject of slavery in the Territories nan wen nigt. 'precipitateil the country into revolution" the Northern intervene tio lists demanding the Wilmot Proviso for tho prohibition of slavery, Riid the Southern interventionists (then few in number and without a single representa tive in either House of Congress) insisting upon Congressional legislation for the protection of slavery in opposition to the wishes of the people, in cither case it will bo remembered that it required all the wisdom, power andinfluence of a Clay, and a Webster, and a Cass, supported by tho conservative and patriotic uien of tho Whig and Democratic parties cf that day, to deviso nnd carry out a lino of policy which would rcstoro penco to the country and stability to tho Union. Tho essen tin! living principle of that policy, ns ap plied in the legislation of ltvO, was, and now is, non-intervention by Congress with slavery in i ho Territories. Tho fair application of (hi,, just and cquital le principle restored harmony and fraternity to a distracted country. If wo now depatt from that wise and just policy, which produced these happy results, nnd permit the country to bo again distracted, it not, precipitated into a ii-vuiuwuii oj u seuwonni contest ueiweeii pro-slavery and anti-slavery iutervenion ist", where shall wo look fer another Cay, and tlier Webster, of unother Cuss; to pilot the Ship of Slate over the breakers into a haven of pence nnd safety? Tho Federal Union must ba preserved. The constitution must bo maintained in- ' I violate in all its parts, Kvery right guar- anieea ny tno institution must bo nro tr,,.t, ,1 by law in ill cases where leoisl i- executed, jcuted. Tho laws must bo nbrninister - and the constituted authorities uP - d, and all unlawful resistance sup-! ssed. Theso things must all be up. d, with firmness, impartiality, and fi- ed, he! pressed, ineso tilings must all ue up held, with firmness, impartiality, nnd li delity, and if wo expect to enjoy nnd transmit unimpaired to our posterity that blessed inheritance which wo have re ceived in trust from the patriots nnd sag es of tho Revolution. With the sincere thanks fur the kind and agrncable manner in wnicliyon havo made known to mo tho action of the Convention, 1 hi;vo the honor lobe, - Very respectively, Your friend and fellow citizen, S. A. DOUGLAS. To Hon. Win. IT. Ludlow, of New York : It. P. Dick, of North Carolina: and others ot tho Committee. Wsttlhn THE WAY TO EE HAPPY. A STOIiV OF EVEiiV DAV I.IIE. Cut your coat according to your cloth, is au oil maxim, and a wiso ono ; and if people will only square their ideas accor ding to their eircumsttinefs, how much happier might wo all bo! If we only would come down a peg or two in out no tions, in nceordanco with our waning for tunes, happiness would bo always within read.'. It is not what wo have, or what we have not, which adds to our substracts from our felicity. It is "the longing for more than we have the envying of i.hoso who possess that more, and we wish to ap pear in tho world ol more consequence than we really tiro, which destroy our peace of mind and eventually lead to ruin. I never witnessed a man submitting to circumstances with good humor nnd good s?nso so remarkably as my friend Alexan , ,.r Wil emot. When 1 first .nv him I i.i.i , .... to the balanco sheet being struck, I As I observed, he had been r.t school with me, ami, on my return from the East Indies, 1 culled upon him to renew our old acquaintance, ami 'congratulate him , upon bis recent success. "Mv dear Reynolds, I nm delighted to : see you ; you must come down to llelem Castle; Mis. Willemot wi!l receive vou 1 with pleasure, I am suro. You shall see my two gills." 1 consented. The chaise stopped at a splendid mansion, and I was ushered in by a crowd of liveried servants. l-.verything was on the most sutnputoiH and miinilicent .-ale, Having paid my respects to the lady of the house, 1 lesi- 1 red to dioss, as dinner was nearly ready, - it beinis then half past s-ven o'clock. It . was eight before wo sat down. To an ob sol vation that I made, expressing a hope that 1 had not occasioned the dinner to bo put ,(!", Willemot replied .- "On the contrary, my dear Reynolds, we never sit down until about this hour: how people can dine at four or five o'clock, I cmnot conceive. 1 could not touch a mouth ful." The dinner was excellent, and I paid it the enconiums which were its due. "Do not be afraid, my dear fellow my TERMS $1 NEW cook is an artist extraordinaire a regular Gordon Wen. You may eat anything without fear of indigestion. How people can live upon tho bnglish cookery of the present day, I cannot conceive. I sel dom dine out for fear of being poisoned. Depend upon it, a good cook lengthens your days, and no price is too great to in sure one." When tho ladies retired, being alone, we entered into a friendly conversation. I expressed my ndiuiration of his daucht ers. w ho certainly were very handsome and elegant girls. "Very true they are more than passa tie," replied ho. 'We havo had many oilers, but uot such us come up to expec tations, lijronets are cheap now-a days, and Irish lords are nothing. I hopo to settle them comfortably. Wo shall see. Try this claret; you will find it excellent, not n headache in a hogshead of it. low pcoplocan drink port, 1 cannot Imag ine." v Tho next morning he proposed that we would ratlle round tho park ; and we 3t. off in a handsome open carnage with four greys, ridden by postillions at a rapid pace. As we were whittling along, he ooserved, "in town wo must of course drive but a pair, but in tho country I never go out witho.it four horses nhich is delightful , it makes our hpirits clastic, and vou feel that tho poor animals are not at hard la bor. Pal her than not drive four, I would prefer lo stay nt home." Our ride was very pleasant, and in such amusements 1 passed one of the most plensont weeks that I ever remembered. Willemot was not the least altered he was as friendly, as sincoro, ns open-heart ed, as when a boy at school. I left him pleased with bis prosperity, and acknowN edging that he was well deserving of it, icugii ins ideas hitu assumed such a scale of magnificence I went to India j when my leave expired, nnd was absent! about four years. j On my return inquired after my a year. On my return, I found that my ; friend Willemot, a::d was told that his' friend Willemot had again shifted his circumstances nnd expectations had been ! quarters. He wm at. Brighton ; nnd hav I greatly altered. From many causes, such ' ing nothing belter lo do, put 'myself in ns change in the government, a deaiand the Timet, and arrived at the Bedford llo- for economy, and the wording of his con- tel. It wus not untill after some inouirv tracts liaving been dilU'iently rendered . 1 could find out his address. At last I from what Willemot had supposed their obtaine I it in a respeofablo part of' this meaning to l e, large items had been overgrown town . Willemot received mo struck out or his balance sheet, and in-'just us before. "1 have no spare bed to of stead of his Wing a millionaire, ho was fcr you, but vou must hrcnUfW. 1 ,i;nn ! nov ft Pf,!tle,7,m !V1 uln,l30'K10 prop.: or,yY ,Ji;lo'n':il?Uo hu.d bc'c" so1'.1' "d ,10' no,v hve:1 1,1 A:elmnnl ; as hospita , o ns , ?veJ ft,"1.".a.s eo'isidered a great nduilioi. "T VP'l,bor1;00'1- , . , to me iieignoornood. i I'.un in,, i.i. ui.-i, ujipui lu'iuy oi go-, ing to soo him. "O, my dear Reynolds, this is so kind of you to come without in- vitiition. Your room is ready, and bd well aired, for it was slept in three nights ago. Come, Mrs. Willemot will bo do- lighted to see you lloundtl.3 girls sliU unnmrmd, bit thoy were yet young. The whole family appeared as content nnd happy, and in frnndly as baforo. We sat down to din-1 nor at six o'clock; tho footman and iconcuman attended. I no dinner was .... ,. was good, but not by the cook cxtraordi inairo. I pniied everything. I "Yes," replied ho, -Vho is a very good ! cook, she unites lhe solidify of tho Im-'gli-h with the delicacy of the French faro, J nnd altogether, I think it a decide I im 'provement Jano is quite a lr;s- ure. After dinner ho observed, "Of course yon know 1 have ' old Kelem Castle, and reduced my establishment. Government 1., , . ias not treated mo fmrly, but I am nt the mnriiv' I'll irimini,.lnr.aid nn,l n K.,lir Al men will do that, which, as iudivid ? . - j,i- , . mils, they would bo ashamed of. The fact is, tho odium is bourne by noons in particular, and it is only the sense of shame which kecpius honest. I am Laid. I "However, here you see my friends cs-! peeially my school fellows. Will you ' tako port or claret? tho port i fine, so is tho claret, lly-the-bye, do you know I'll let you into a family secret ; Louisa is ; to bo Hurried lo Col. Wilier an excel lent mulch ; it will make us all happy. I Tho next day we drove out in an open 1 carriage ns before, but in a chariot, and ! with a pair of horses. "Those nro hand- 1 some horsei," observed I. "Yes," roplN , ed he, "I am fond of horses ; and ns I on- I ly keep a pair, 1 havo the best. There is a certain degree of pretension in four hor sos I do not much like, it appears as if you wished to overtop your neighbors 1 spent a very lew pleasant days and then quilted hishospitnl roof. A severe cold coat neenrdin" to his cloth." caught that winter, induced mo to tako. - L. the advieo of the physician, and proceed Relationship. A iloosierpirl stepped? to the South of Fiance, where I remained on board a steamboat lying at a eortaiiv two years. On my return I was informed town on the Ohio river, nnd bawled out. that Hillemot had speculated and had ' Is tlx captain on board?" been unljoky on the Block exchango;' Tho captain, who wis standing nmnng; that he had left Richmond and wn now the crowd, responded, "Yes ; what do you living at Chipham. The next day I met want, with him ?" him near tho lvxchange. "Reynolds I am : "Oh, nothing particular ; he's a distant happy to sea you. Thompson told mo relation of mine, and I'd liko to see that you had come back ; if not engaged him." come down to see me ; l will drive you down at four o'clock if that will suit." It euited me very wed, and at four o' clock I luet him according to appointment at a I very stable, over the iron bridge. You had better believe the captain sle His vehiclo was ordered out; it wus a ' pod in quick lime, whilo the crowd enjoy- phaeton drawn by two long-uiied ponies altogether a very neat concern. We sot off at a rapid pae, "They -rep mit welt dont mej t we shall be down in i plenty time to put on a pair of shoes by hve o cloeK, wlucli is our dinner tuna. iato tinners don t agree with me they i produce indigestion- Of course you know I ln-.it Louisn tins a littlo boy. " I did not, I but congratulated him. Ye and has go.ie out to In liu with her husband. Ma- iJTho old log school houso in Win ly is nlso to be married a very good chest er, III. in which Judge Doujhs. match a Mr. Rivers in the law. He has j taught school about thirty years ago. i been ealiea to the bar this year and proin.jnbout to bo adopted as apolitical emblem, iseswell. Thoy will be a little pinched R is fully equal to Lincoln r-ils at at first but we must tee what we can do lesst. 25 per Annum, if paid in advance. SERIES VOL. I.-NO . 2. for them." We stopped at a neat row of houses, I forgot the name, and ns we drove up, the servant the only man scrvanr, came out, and took the ponies around to the stablo, while tho maid received my luggage, nnd one or two paper bag, containing a few extructs for tho occasion- I was met will the same warmth as usual by Sirs. Wllle mot. Tho house was small but very neat tho remnants of former gr mdeur appear ed hero' and there, ono or two lit tle articles, favorites of the lady. Wo sat down at five o'clock to a plain dinner, and were attended by tho footman, who had rubbed down tho ponies nnd pulled or h s livery. "A good plain cook is tho best thing af ter nil," observed Willemot. "Your lino cooks wont condoscend to roast and boil. Will you tako some of this surloin ? the under cut is excellent. My dear, 'give Mr. Peynolds some of tho Yorkshire pud ding." When wo were left alone after dinner. Mr. Willemot told mo very unconcerned ly, of his losses. "It was not my fault," said he ; "I wished to make up a littl sum for the girls, nnd risking what they would have had, I left them almost pen dilo.ss. However we can nlivnvs mmmnnii a bottle of port and a beef-steak, and ii n more in tins worm can you nave r Will you take port or whito t I havo n( claret to oflrr you." We finished our porl but 1 cjuld per coivo no dilleronco in Willemot, Ho was just as happy and cheerful us over. He drove me to town the next day. Durin" our drive ho observed, "I like ponies, thoy nr? so little trouble. ; and I prefor them to driving o:ie horse in this vehicle, as I cm put my wife and daughter into it. It's soillish lo keen acarrinun for vnnr rpII' alone; and one horso in a four wheeled doublo chaise, appears like an imposition' on tho poor animal." I went to Scotland and w.tli an every ,ay. u.ir house is small 1 'S V''y (?lnfl't:'''' "1 Brighton is very convenient place. Vou know Mary is married A good place in tho court Wi onrf my wife an 1 I agreed to- was tor sale, and my wife arrl I npreed to- j'uiuoasB u .or iiivers. it has reduced us I ft little but th.-y are very comfortable. 1 j have retired from business al teeth er' in fact, as my daughters nro both married und we have enough to live upon what can wo wish fyr more ' Brighton is very gav and always healthy, and, fts for carriage ; md horse, they are of no use nere tlierr aie Ilie3 at every corner of the streets " 1 accepted this invitation to dinner A parlor maid wailed, l,.,t everything al though very nlain. wa i. .,.i .r,...t . ii,.,, - j ,n.im I,,. i,iiiiiiui . iu. i navo still a ltiMii, ,.r t.-inrt f.,.. t irieiid, K.-.ynoliis. ' Sllj, Willemot after dinner ; -'but for my part. I i refer whis key to day t i! srrecs wi'h mo Letter. lleres lo the health of mv two girls-God bless them ard success to'them in life." .ly Citar irill,mnt i " n l . . .... , l'rtv of an old friend, but' I am aston- listied at your philosophy, thnt I eannct nelp it. When I call to mind BelemCas- tie, your , irgo establishment, vonr luxn ries. vour Fif-nol, i,,,i r , - .-in ,1 i,uvi,. nii.i i.ii;nvun'i cattle, I wonder nt jour contented state' rF 1 i . - - vi Miniu under Sl'.c'i neh:i-fo nf r.irciim stances,'' "I almost wonder myself mv'denr fellow;, replied he. "I never could "have holeiv cd, nt tnat lime, that I could havo liverl happily under such circumstance, but the fact, is, although I have been a eon tractor, I havo a good conscience ; them my wile sho is an excellent woman, and provided she sees mo nnd her daughters happy, thinks nothing about herself ; nmT farther as we have been going down hill to find reason" why wo should bo thank ful nnd not discontented. Depend npoir it, Reynolds, it is not a loss of fortune which will nlfect your happiness ; rs longf ns you have peace nnd love nt home." j I took my leave of Willemot mi bis wifo ' with respect ns well ns regard ; convinced' that there was no pretended indifference to worldly advantages, that it was not that Ihe grapes were sour, but he had learned 1 the whole nrt of happiness, by being con- tni,vl -iil, W hn i,..,l ,! h it; A relation of vours?' inouired h. somewhat surprised. es, a si glit relalion- -ho's tho father of mv firt child ed the "port to their heart's content. fl.John Morrissey is impatiently a waiting the arrival of tho Bjnicia Boy, with tho view of promptly accepting the challengo for another fight. Morrissey appears to be anxious to meet his old ad verso y again in thu ring, and a match will probably bo made as soon as Ueeuan-nriives.