Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 25, 1860, Image 4

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    'li - WW
Alone with the fcjlng
I n .l.llii nil loftlltl l Hl Miol
1 1 .nil U inn I ttiiwi
noin n litur wnllt n 1 ' !i'tili k'Aiiiiiii
f wil'o. It wualm rmreni
ollit r, lie h it'll In ut tn lro
it Loaf rivw of in n ines to iliiioo a Tort,
ami Uko u.o .'till! ... , '
"Wo dihi.oikid nt a f.'tv liuiidroJ tan)
ilihtnncc Irom the bicdi to keen tlio i-onst
clear wlulo tlie Loaf crov mini:) ncs ol
llio guns, 'i'lie onomy lnnl mlvantiijtu vl
tlio wood, nnJ ftlso kiKuvinj; tin' country
well, anilntroo) oftliciiiin utlvuneo.
Wowcro ordeivd to tiro. 1 took ntciuly
nim nii'l timl t my mnn ut about sixty
vetils. U t'L'li likctiKtono. At tlio Mime
time a liroudnidu i'lum the went inn-
uion2 tho trees, oud tlio enemy disap
peared, we could scarcely toll how. I
lilt u tliouy't I must go up to him nnd
ee whether lio whs ueuU or niivc. no
)ny quite still, and I tvus more nfinid of
1) i in lyiiife' so tliun wlicr ho stood lifting
iiio ttl'ew minutes befoio. It is a strnrge
fouling to coiuo over you oil nt onto that
you huvo killed a man. iio had unbut
toned hi jacket, and was pressing bin
Jiaud over tlio front ol ln uliest, where
the wound whs. JIo breathed hurd nnd
the blood j cured from the wound, and
also from hid mouth, every li lie took.
His fuco ivas as white ns death, und ins
eyes looked fo big and bright as ho turned
them nnd stared at r.-.c. 1 shall never for
get it. He was i; lino young fellow, not
more than five nnd twenty. I went down
on my knees bos id him, and my brenst
felt no full ns though niy own heart would
burst, lie bad a real English fuc.0 and
did not look like nn enemy. What Ijfelt
I can never tell ; but if my lifecould have
nved Ids, I believe I should have given
it. I laid his head on my knee, and he
grasped hold of my hand nnd trie! to
spenkbut his voice was gone. I could
not tell a word ho said, and every time he
went to speak tho blood poured out so, I
knew it would soon bo ever. I am not
othamyd to say that 1 was worso than he.
for ho novel shed u tear, und I couldn't
help it. His eyes were closed when a gun
was lii'.Jd from tho to order aboard,
mid that aroused him. Ho poin'.od to the
beach, where tho boat was just pushing
off with tho guns which ho had taken,
tuid where our marines were waiting to
man the second boat, and then he pointed
to the wood ivhere the enemy was con
cealed. Poor fellow ! he littlo thought
how I hud shot him down. I w.s won
dering how I could leave him to die, nnd
no one near him, when he had something
like a convulsion for a moment, and then
his face rolled over, and without a sigh he
was gone. I trust the Almighty hts re
ceived his soul. I laid hi head gently
down on the grass and left him. It seem
ed so strango when I looked ftt him for
the last time. I somehow thought of ev
erything I had heard about the Turks,
and the. Russians ; and the rest of them,
bat all that seemed bo far off and the dead
man so near."
A Husband and Father.
A young man and his wife wero pre
pared to attend a Christmas party ut the
house of a friend some miles distar.t.
"Henry my dear husband, don't drink
too much at tho party to-day; you will
promise me, won't you?" said she put
ting her hand upon'hi brow, nnd raising
her eyes to his faco with n pleading
"No, Millie, I will not ; you inny trut
And he wrapped his infant boy in a soft
blanket, and they proceeded.
Tho horses were soon prancing ove
the turf, and pleasant conversation be
guiled the way.
"Now don't forgot your promise," whis
lered the j oung ivifo, as she passed up
the steps.
Poor thing! she was the wife of a man
vho loved to look upon the winr when it
wns red. But his love for his vifo nnd
babe, whom they both idolized, kept him
back, and it was not often that he joined
in tho bacchanalian revelries.
The party passed off p'.easantly, the
tinio for departing drow near, and the
wife descended from the upper chamber
to join her husband. A pang shot through
the trusting heart as she met him, for he
wns intoxicated he had broker, his
Silently they rode homeward, save
when thediudken man would break into
inatchcs of song, or unmeaning laughter.
Kut the wife rodo on, her babe pressed
closely on her grieved heart.
"Give mo tho babe, Millie, I can't trust
you with him." said he, as they approach
ed a dark and somewhat swollen stream,
w hich they had to ford.
After some hesitation, slio resigned her
first-born, her darlinn babe, closely wrap
ped in the great blanket, to his arms.
Over the dark waters the noble steed safe
ly bore them, and when they reached the
bank the mother asked for the child.
With much care nnd tendernc-s he
placed the bundle in her arms, but when
she clasped it to her bosom no babe, was
there! It ha d slipped from the blanket,
nnd tho drunken father knew it not.
A wild shriek from the mother aroused
him, nnd h. turned just in time to see the
little rosy face riso one moment above the
dark waves, then sink forever.
What a spectacle! the idol of his heart
fcono gone forever! and that, loo by his
own intemperance. Tho anguish of the
mother, nnd the remorse cf the father
are better imagined than described.
8-irJudgo I?, was once oblige ! to "dou
ble ' with an irishman, in a crowded hotel
when the followinc conversation ensued
'lnt, you would havo remained a Ion
tinio in the old country before yen could
have slept with a Judge, would on not '"
l u ycr honor " fili(J pllt .. , lhink
cr honor would have been M long time in
the ould counthry before y0'd been a
Judge, too."
-A lover once wrote ton lady who
reacted him, saying that ho intended lo
retire lo "some si.'lii.),)fi ...... ..,n
- - nuu nit-mile
fwav lite in nii' l." T.. i.;..i. .1.. i . .
.. . , , . c - - "iiium tuts Jiiuy
replied by asking whether they were to
to be of medium or o go eiZ9. Tho man
aa not since been heard from.
, Fanny Fern says if one half of the
gins knew the previous life of the men
they flurry, (ho li-t of old maids would
be wonderfully increaetl. If .he men
knew, lannv.whHt their future lies were
Sffihi.incpeMe 11)0 lu ofoM
tifirihuM; n... v . . . .
inn t t " .
, A, it
a. c. rtn
y-aiiliiinj anb f ollrrlion Met
I J I. K A It r I 1. 1,
(. jj:m;hi i.i vovrr, pa.
j mi i.i oi. rxniAM, k, KuTm Ain ruMrrii tiim orNTkn
j pi-pom jx it i . l it t n,
O'i'.Y lion! hi.kV mui proi'Cfilt premjitty rtmitttd
I "Jr limine on (lie l ilies riinxtaiill.v
on tiaiiil.
j:-H' Oflice mi SocpoiI SU, ni'srly opinito tli
j C0U1-.T HOUSlv.
rpiu: ci.r.Aitrir.i.n acadi'.mv, win
A '' opi'iii'il fur Uib Tcci'plion of pupil,
j (innlcs uiitl fi'iimli'n) on Moiwlny, Mny 2 S t li , I860,
Jtrmi per cKin or o!rrn Wccki
Oi'tboriiphy, Ucndln), Writing, Primary
Arithmetic ami 6'eu);rnliy. J.'.iO
Jlilior Arithmetic, Knlih Gritrumnr, Gcog.
rapliy and History. $:1.00
Alj;il)rn, (Jeometry, Natural I'liilosopliy
and Itaok Kcoping $ t.UO
Latin and (Ircek languftgei. $0 00
To Btudi'iiln desirous of ncquirinf a tborcmcli
laiL'li.ili Kducutiun, and nho wish to quulil'y
tlit'iimilve for tenchors, this Iimtitution oil urn
di'Kiralila adrantngeM.
No pupil received for lest than half a ciion,
nd no deduction uiudo except for protracted
Tuition to be paid at ttie cloio of the term.
C, h. SANKFUKD, Piiincifal.
May 23, 1800.- ly.
Just receiving and oponing at tho Old stat
ofl.ewia Suiith in Uethlebem swell aelooted a
ortmetit of Spring aud Summer Goods ofal
moat every description.
!-tnpIe and Fancy, a beautiful assortment!
Prints and Dress Goods
of the latest styles, also a varioty of uaeful Nc I
tioiis. Hats and Cans.
liouiiets und Sbanln, I
Coots and Shoes,
Hardware, Queenswuro, Drugs an
Mcdi.inef, Fish,
Tobacco, Sogara and all articles usually kop!
in a country Store, all cheap for cash,
(jive us a cull nnd see lor vour aolves.
H. h. jiend'eusun, A CO.
May 21, 1860.
10 CO Z " 18C0
V. is . .
V ill 101 mmlu mm I .
And extensive Dealer
A. In sr'i:,re Timber, Hiardr
X. Whij;lcs, A,c.
" ,f j
M'ch 14
I T AVINd fitted up a shop a few doora eaa
XI. of the "(Ji.d Jew Stork," on Market at.
denires to inform the community at large, tha
he keeps on lisnd a variety of
at his ahop, and that ho manufactures to ordoi
(of superior finish,) every description of houso
hold aud kitchen furniture, nmong which art
Centre and Dining Tables Mahogany andCom
mon bureaus Common and Fancy llednteadt
Stands, Safes, Cupboards, Sofua, Lounge, 4c,
which he ia determined to dispose of at as cheap
rates, for cash, as they can be purchased at any
other establishment of the sort in the county.
Persona wishing to buy furniture are invited to
COlne to bis shun nnd ninminn liia nrtlntaa
judge for themselvts of their quality and finish,
uciuic iunuing ciscwuerc, as ae teels confi
dent that he con suit them in price and quality.
N. H. lie is also prepared to make C rriNs to
order on tho shortest notice and attend funurah
with, a hearso, when called upon.
""'""All kinds of country produce will bo re
ceived in payment for work.
nov. 17, 1858. ly.
Clrarficld Count;, Pennsylvania.
Tho subsciiber begs leave to inform his old
customers, and the public generally that he has
recently taken the above well known stond, and
that bo has rntirelv refitted Hid r,.fnrnit,nrl li in
a stylo adaptod to the ago, aud the wonta of the
enure traveling community.
will always bo prjvidcd with every luxury the
niurkcts aud aurrounding country will afford.
will be jupplicd with th choicest wiuoa and li-
which aro tho best and most commodious on the
road within a duv' iruv,.l mill ni.,n,.. i.. i..
chnrgo of careful and attontivo hostlers. In
Every department of his Establishment will
bo aupplicd with all tho comforts and convonien
cica the wcury traveller could desire.
Juno 2, 'iS. VM. A. MASON.
THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted
up for a bouse of entcrt.iinmcnt, ia now open
fir the accommodation of tho publio. H'rarelcra
will finH this a convuuicnt boiiKe.
May 19 UiS, JOHN JO! DAN.
VhM 1 N 1ST R A TO R78 N OTICE. Letters "of
Adiuiiii.-triition having this dny beon grun
ted to the subsc riber residing in Mi rris tp., on
the estuto of Arteinus .Iiihiiston Into of said tp.,
de-censed, alt persons knowing tbeinseves iu'
debted to (aid estate lire requested to uiuke im
iiiediute payment, and thoo having ciiins will
present them duly authenticated for srtteuivnt
0. 1 WILDER, Adm r.
Juno 13, ISf.O. Ct.-pd.
All persons aro hereby noiified not'to purchase
or in any way meddle with tho following proper
ty, now in tho posse sion of Abraham Ueyer of
Uuulivh tp. viz ; One bay mare and colt, one
yoko o( old oxen, one yoke ol rod o en, Ouo two
horse wngon, one lot of wheat in tho ground,
four lots of eatt ia the ground, us tho aauie be
long tn mo aiid aro left with him enljort t- my
OriT. IVrl '.v'
June 20, 1800. fit. pd.
1)I.All'.ltlN(;, Tbo subscriber, having
located bimsolf in tho borough of Clearfield
would inform the publio that bo is prepared to
d I w nrk in the above line, from plain to ornamen.
la! of any description in a workmanlike manner,
ikiso nhitowaahiiig and ropairiag done in a neal
Miuuvt uu vu rvMunaoio lerms.
Clenfield, pril 17 158. j.
v -j rAJ
- ; JS
Cheapest! Best! I Largest 1 ! !
I ) AVS for tuition in tingle and rintililn entry
a. jitiOK-Kfeping, willing coiuinc rciui ariioiuvi
iii and I.ecturei.
lwnl 8 verts ?-0, Stat'rniri $7, V'uf'i'ca
5.'i5, rulirr exjriisrs JG'J.
Usual time from 6 to 8 weiku, Kvcry (tiident
upon graduating in guarnnted cvmpeti'iit to man
ago the bookn at any burinets, and iualilicd to
earn al:uy from
500 lo 1000 Dollars.
8tudent entor at any time Xo Taciition Re
view at plcofiire.
Fist preniiuini for best business writing for
1859, received at )'ittsliurgli, Philadelphia nnd
Ohio State Kaira. Also at tho principal fairs of
mo i nion ior uio pusi tour ycurs. i
Min'nter'l Sons received at half prieo.
O-For Circulars, and Kuibellished View of
tba College, inclose five letter (lump) to
F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh, I'll.
Ladies' Dress Goods, Ribbons,
Flowers nnd Millenary goods gen
and Shoes of every descviption.
Also to their elcgimt styles of BUSINESS
COATS, and Men's tt Buyj' CLOTIUXQ.
A full assertmont of Carpets, Floor Oil cloths
und Carriage trimmings constantly on band.
20 Flour, Damn, Fith (f e. at the loirtut pricet
Wvcsh Arrival oi
I am just receiving and oponing a largo and
well selected assortment cf
Goods, of almost every descrtp
tion, A benutiful assortment of P.ints nnd Dress
goods, of tho iiewest and latest styles. Also a
great variety of necrul notions.
A large assortment, ready-made
Bonnets, Shawls,
Hats and Cnps,
Boots and Shoes, a largo quantity,
Hardware, Qicenswuro,
Druggs and Medicines,
Oil and i'aints,
Carpet A Oil Cloths,
Fish, Bacon and Flour,
of tho best quality, all of which will bo sold
at the lowest cash or ready pay prices.
My old friends and the publio generally, are
respectfully invited to call,
Clearfiold, May V, 1800, WM. F. IMVIN
Just roeoived and now opening at Irvin's cheap
corner Btore, a large and well selected stock of
.'pring and Summer goods, all of which aro of
fered at lower prices than ever. Cull and exnm
ino goods und prices, E, A. 1RV1N.
Curwensville, May IG, 'CO.
nonnets, Florence braids, English straws,
Shiikeraiid other s'yles trimmed and un
triiiimcd, will bo found in varictv at tho corner
tore of E. A, 1RVIX,
Cui vvensvilU, May lo, '0..
radiea dress goods, of patterns and textures to
J pleaso all, will bo found at the corner store of
Curwinsvilio, May 16, 1800. E. A. IRVIN,
Skeleton Skirts, a largo varioty at ro luced pri
ces at Irvinscornci store. Curwcuavilio 16, '00.
rl toll a tnl nlhitp Vliavl, tn vn.Ut.. - t 1. - -1
O Slore of E. A. 1KV1N- j
Curwensville, May 1(5. '00.
oota and Shoes. A larger stock und Iowor
prices than ever, at Irvina 'Jheupost corner.
'.ui'Hensviue, May 1(), 0U-
A very largo Ftock of Spring rnd Summer
1. clothing of the latest stylos for enle low b'y
Cuiwensville, May 10, 1SO0. E. A. 1RV1N
Cooking Stoves of various sizes and prices Tor
'"lo l-y E. A. U1V1N.
Curwi-iisville, Mav Iti, 'CO
Jockerel oud Herring fur snlo at the corner
Lf I store of E. A, 1UV1N.
Curwensville, M;y I'"i, 'i'.m.
IT'lour, li.icon, Ucans and Clover s I, ut the i
cheap corner by E. A. 1RV1V 1
Curwtnsvillu, May Id, 1SCJ. '
G las, Nails, Taints, Oils Ac. for sain low hy
the quantity ur by roluil at tho cheap corner
"r"l" E. A. JHVIN.
tuiweiisvillo, May IC, 'CO.
fTf") sidea of Spanish aole leather or sale low
Kfy for cosh l-y A iuyiy.
Curwensville, May 10, 19R0. '
firiT. Lrio.l Apples, Tared and unpared.
. leaches, Cherries. Prunes nu.1 lt.,uin.
the corner store ol E. A. IRVIN '
,urw.nsvilloL5tny 10, 1S00.
PVifstina Mill and cut nws, Mwn'i axes and i
JLJ a general assortment or IHrdvvnre at tin ,
,l"re of . . E. A. IRVIN.
CurwensvillB, May 1ft, 1R0.
largo lot of DEANS (or sale at the Iron
OAL OIL And Con. Oil Li dps for nle
n C. KRATZFE A 80K5.
t, n. HAKIk l in.
nnva$ vmmvvy
HAVE just received from tho I'nslein cities,
and opened at their NEW 8TOI1E ROOM
on MARKET STREET, two doors west ofThird,
lbs mort rxtensivo assortment ol I'rugn,
Dye. Studs,
Tobacco A bogars,
Toilet articles,
EUir.k books,
And Fancy
Articles Ac. io,
ever oiTord to the publio in this secticn of tho
Their DrugH and Chemicals, of which they
have an extensive us soi tmont, have been select
ed with e.-pociu! reflereuco to their quality und
Their stork of Oils) nnd Faints will consist
of Linsnod oil, Coal oil, Tanner's oil, Turpantino,
Red A While lend, dry and ground in oil, Span
Ax brown, Venitian red, Yellow and Stone ochre
Lampblack, luck lead, Ivory b ack, Chinese
American Vermillion, puris green, paris, Ultra
marine and Prussian blue, dry nnd ground iu oil.
Carmine, Chrome green yellow, Chalk of all
Cobalt, ilrop, lake t black, Emery, Gluo, Guma,
Copul, Uamur and Sholliic, Indian red, Litharge,
Orungo mineral, pumice a d Hotton stono. Hose
pink, English and American, Uo-iu, Sea ret, (or
persian red,) Terra Sionua, Turkey umbre, Vor
iiigris, blue a- white Vitriol, Whiting, Zinc, put
ty and putty knives, tiluss of all Biics and quali
ties, Looking-glass plulcs, Ac. f c.
Dye-stuffs A Varnishes:
Extra Logwood, chip
ped and ground. Indigo, Madder, Annatto,
Cochineal, Sol. tin, Rod euunders; Copal, Coach,
lllack for leather, Japan fordying, Map, Mastic,
While liamur, White spirit and Flowing Vurnih.
Tobaero Hegars :
Cavendish, best, Natural
ieaf, Rough A ready, Lady twist. Fino cuts ofull
kinds, and pride of the Harem, tobacco; Rappee
anl Scotch snuffs; El phaeton, Henry Clay,
punch, Lachicu, El mono, Ac, Segnrs.
ltlank-Hooks aud stationary.
Day-book. Receipt ami Note-books, Iliarics, La
dies and Office Portfolios, lllnck parchment nnd
paper lteeds, Rends, Mortgages, and all other
legal blauks. Foolscap, lettor, Note, Rusiness
and drawing paper, Envelopes, Ready referenco
files, Anncar's and Arnold's writing fluid, Ink,
black, blue, and carmine, Steel Tens anu Ten
holders, Taper clips, mucilage, and all other ar
ticles in the Stationary line.
Toilet fc l'uiicy Art iclcs A Perfumery.
bruhes, American, rrench A English, with Ivo
ry, Shell. Tearl, Buflulo, Satinwood, Rosewood
A ornamented bucks, ail qualities; Cloth brushes
1 1 t brushes; Teeth brushes, various qualities;
Shaving brushes, American, English and French
with Russia bristles and Badger's hair; Flesh
brushes ; Comb brushes and Cleaners, Tortoise
shell Tuck combs, Tortoise shell, Plain A Fancy
and India rubber Lon Combs; Shvl, Buffalo,
Horn and India rubber puff side Coiubs ; India
rubber Dressing Combs, 4 to 8 inches, all styles ;
English Toilet combs with handles; Bonnet
combs ; Ivory and Gutta pcrcha fine tooth combs ;
Tocket combs, all styles : American, French A
German Cologne A Lavcn ior waters ; Lubin's,
Taylor's, Wright's, Mangenot A Conway's ex
tracts for tho hanJkerchief, of a grent variety of
styles; Burnett's Cocains, Barry's Tricophcrous,
Lyon's Culhairon, Eau, Lustra), Bears, Massaccar,
Antigua, Rose and Coral Oil ; Beef marrow,
Toumdes, nnd Thilocoom, American and F'renrli
all styles and prices cold cream, Toilet pow!or,
Rouge Balls, Lilly White, Tuff Boxes, China,
and paper, smelling salts, Palm of a thousand
floi'cis, tooth paste, tooth paste, charcoal, rose,
Ac, Ac., Shaving Compound all sizes; Military
soap, Honey Soap, Cbrystiilino and Flooting
soups,, Ottoman, Vnnkeo and Uullagher soaps,
Transparent and Castile soaps, Ac. Ac,
Miscellaneous Articles.
Gents steel frame
morocco and cuff Tortinonaics, Lsdics silk lined
pnj. ior Macho, inlaid tortoise shell, velvet and
morocco Tortmonaies, Ladies Crotchet purses
embroidered witn steel beads, Ladies Cabas and
morocco satchels, shell, pearl, ivory, volvrt and
pupicr Muche, ivory and pear memorandum tab
lets, Fino English Morocco, Tocket Wolets, Mo
rocco and cuiT Tocket books, with straps and
cfasps; Bill books, and Banker's cnes with lock
and key ; cJlapsion drinking cups, Medical glas
ses with and without drops. Fishing tackle,
Chapman A E uerson's Rawr strops cigar cases
kriiinb brushes, Shoo Brushes with and without
handles Hum brushes, all qualities. Taint
and varnish brushes nil sizes, tin and copper
bound, Sash tools all sizes, oounter and mark
ing brushes, white wash nnd scrubbing brusbos.
Fancy coored feather dusters Ac, Rich peari
infoid papier macho, toilet cases, work boxes,
writing diks, Rosewood and Muhogony .rriting
desks, Chessmen nnd Chen boards, Gents. Kid
O.oves, Neck ties, collars, rrnvals nnd canes, La
dies K id. Tn fl'i la Silk and Kid finished gaunt
lets, nnd Lylo thread gauntlcis, Black and color
ed silk web suspenders, french striped gum sus
penders, Rich suspenders, Guiots
new sijlo French suspenders, Gents, linen hand
kerchiefs, colored bolder ami Cambria handker
chiefs, Ladies men handkerchiefs in great vari
ety ; Sun fhndo fans, circiiar French fans, can
ton feather fans ofa great va riety ; Fino Canton
pam fans with ivory and painted handles, Vluvk
mid mourning funs; Hair pins Enghsh and
Fredch, Ac, Ac. Aso Talent Medicines of ev
ery varioty.
A of which wi be od at the lowest CASH
Country Physician furnished with Drugs,
Modii'ineR nnd Surgical instruments, at tho most
rcasunablo rates for cash,
Juno 6, lSllO. ly,
By virtuo of an orderof tho Orphan's Court of
Cleai field county, tho farm or rent Ecatato
in Jordan township, containing about sixtvtwn
acres, Into tint property of F. W. SCIIOENI.VO
nnd being the same property on whieii ho lived
at the tunes of his d-ath in 1S.M ; but mw in th0
occupancy of tlio At inuvs'ri' or II. F. SCIIOK
M.Nti. v. ,;i l e , .M,n,.,l to sale ut Public Vendu'o
or i utrry ar Anmn illo iu said county on
Ar,r,T,A.i;!,AV T"E1T" DAY 0F
at. 2 nVm k in tlo nft-nioon of a.iid dny. Tho
, ."iv uiuiv luny ucscnoed as fol
lows :
UxirinnlnM .1 if ., .
" " "iinoen inenco south iu do.
(trees cast llllj porches to a post, thenco south
Jl degrees west 1 15 perches to a Hemlock, thence
north 40 degrees west SiflJ patios to B post,
thence north 50 degrees east 1 S perches to tho
place of legmning. Containing sixly.onc acrs
ulld pojcbes.nnd the usual allowance
of six per centum rfr : as by reference to deed
frora Lewis Wln and othors to said Frederick
Ndioening dated tnol7th day of October V
Jb47 recorded In Cloarfield county in deed Rook
R. page 5 111 will more fully appear
July 4,1801. H. F. SCIIOENINiJ. AdmV.
UY .AI',LES' f"r ""o t tho storo of Wm.
.'lnrel street, L'tearfield Til.
UY CHERRIES for sale at the store f
irwin. tiearfield Ta.
AC0N, Ham, Sidos, and Snoulder.. fn,..u
at the store of Wm. F. L-wln, Clearfield Pa. '
To ffty foim nnd Special of
"( f K TA i "A"' li'it, toil" A if v. J'.itnmiiuif t.
" COST Mi S"
'COSTA U S" I,-7-fi',-; ' ""'"'
'COSTA Ji'S" 1'lrctri- IVtnlsr , Imr. l,.
l!al, Honi lies, Miee, Moles, (iroilinl-.lieo,
Hea-l.ucs, Anls, Mollis, Mosiiuitoet, 1'leas,
Iiihc!'Is on riant, Insert on Animals, tiv.
in nhoit every form n ti I )ccie of
10 year established in New York t'ily
used ly tho City Tost tlliee- tho City l'ris
on nmlKtution houses tlio rilv Stentnerg,
Ships ic., tho City Hotels. "Astor," "SI.
NicholM,"&c., and by more than 20,000
privnto faniiles.
0i.)iuist8 and ltctuikrs everywhere
sell them.
BfrD..seholosalo Agents in fill larpe Cities
Bga.l.egulur sizes, 2ic, 60c, ijl Uoxes
Uottles, Flusks-
! ! Bkh aiik ! ! ! of eriuiiousimilations.
K.vamino caeh llox, Hottlo & Flask,
nnd tako nothing but "Costar's"
Bfft-$ 1.C0 Boxes sent by mail.
BHiu.-) & ?o.00 by Kxpress.
oyX-Adilress orders or for Circular, to
11 EN 11 Y It. COSTA It,
Principal Depot, 410 JSroailivuy, N. Y.
March 17th. Clearfield Pa.
vegetable life tills
Tho high and envied celebrity which thene
pre-emir cm medicines liavo acfpiircd for thoir
invariable etlicacy in all tho disease which they
profess to euro, has rendered the usual practice ol
puffing not only unnocossary, but unworthy ol
tlicm. They aro known by their fruits; thoir
good works tcst'fy for them, and they thrive not
by tho fuith of tho credulous.
Hall cases of Asthma, Acute and Chronic
lUicumiitisiii, Affections of tho Bladder and Kid
neys. Billious Fever and Livor Complaints.
In the south nnd west, where those diseases pre
vail they will bo found invaluable, l'ianters.
Furmors.und othors, Uo ouee use these medicines
will never afterwords bo without them .
lAspcpsla. No person with this distressing
disease should delay using these medicines im
mediately. Eruptions ol tho skin, Erysipelas,
Flatulency, Fevo- and Ague. For this scourge
of t'.io western country these medicines will be
jound a safe, speedy, and certain remeJy. Other
medicines leave the system subject to a returo ol
tho disease a sure by those medicines is per
manent. Try thoin, bo satisfied, nnd bo cured.
Alerrural Discuses, Never fails to eiadi
oate entirely all tho effects of mercury infinitely
sooner than tho most poworful prepiratiou ol
Night sweats, Nervous Debili ty, Nervous Com
plaints of all kinds, Organic Affections, Palpita
tion of tho Heart, Painter's Cholic.
I'iles. The original proprietor of theso niedi
cines was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by
the use of theso Eifo medicines alone, Worms of
nil kinds, nro effoctually cured by theso medicines,.
Taronta will do well to administer them whenever
their existence is auspected. Kclief will be
Purify tho bloud, nnd thus remove all disenso
fioin tho system. A singlo trial will place the
Lire Tills and Phoenix beyond tho
roach of competition ir. tho estimation of every
fl'Truporcd and sold bv
335 Brodway, cor. WoitU St., New York.
Feb. 29th 180. lyr.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
TOHN GULICII, of tho borough of Clearficlo.
Pa., will be prcpnrod at all times to attend to
to any business in the abovo line on short
notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His placo
of business is at tho eld shop on the north side of
Market street, 3d door east of Third st. nearly
opposito the old Jew storo ; whero ho will keep
constantly on hand a largo assortment of Ma
hogony nnd Cano Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet
W are of every description, which ho will dispose
of on ns rcosonablo terms as tho samo articles
cun be had ojsewhero in tho county.
li is stock of Cabinet Ware now'rn hand, con
sists in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,
Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks and
Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedsteads.
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Cord and Pier Ta
bles, ic. Cuflins manufactured and delivered at
any place desired.
February 0, 1359. no. 4, vol. iv.
Thankful for past favors and solicitious of fu
turo patronago. I woubl rcspcctlully announco
Hint 1 hnvo on band ngnin, nnd wi!l constantly
keep ut tho Pottery iu this borough, on tho cor
nera short distance cast of the Methodist Church,
a large stock of Crockery , such ns Cream crocks,
n:ilk pans, Churns, Jugs, Jnrs, Stovo pipe casing
ife. d'e; and nlso nn extensive assortment of
different siies nnd patterns of brackets and
ri'settcs for o rnlco on houses, and other moul.
Any mouldings not on linn.! will b irade to
older on abort notice. Also Cro brick mado
and kept for sale.
?A1 liberal roduction on prices mdo to
wholesalo dealers. F. EEITZINGER.
Clearfield, may 23, 1870. ly.
TllEuridersign.d subscribers, tuko this me 111.
od of informing tho public generally, thut
they have this day entered into copartnership in
and can bo found, at tho nhop formerly occupied
byj. Shunkwi.'cr, on Third street, iu thia bo
rough, whi-ro they will bo pleased to seo tho r old
customers, and us iiinnV Baw 0,1011 tt van unko
it convenient to give the'ui a ti.H.
Bring on your hoes, your spudcs and p,Vk,
our l-.g-chuins nnd your pulling sticks,
W sleds, your sleighs, yr horse, your mare,
No thiee yciir old shall then go bare.
Your spears will wrk up tlmn ju.-t right,
lo prooniiig l.o.ks for every hei-ht,
1 our swords too, sl.Ml then'bo wrought.
To ploughslmice such ns Cain ne'er bought.
CIcaiDeld, December 8, 1S58 tf.
Th undersigned respectfully begs lenvo fo
announce that ho recent'y rented a house in the
borough of Lumber city.-Clearfiold county. Va,
for the accommodation or tbo travelling public"
SBt" d a!! -
His taolo will always bP supplied with as good
ai the market, aifoid; and no pains will b3
hi. lournvbVtler ,hat fBituful companion of
nil i Journey, bis patient steed. I
July i, M0.fy, JAMES CROSSLY.
: l.1NIsi;vs IMI'HOVl.1)
, IIIoimI Nnmiiri'lt
A STANDARD Ml l'll'INK, dlil, li1 sfTrrtusI y
I A M Mr-KAMIS arlslh fmrn IMI'f.
im v vr iiiiK Iii.iiod.
) This medicine h wrought tho tnoat milraen
loin curei in desperate eaiee of
, Pcrofiiln,
Cutaneous Iiiseases,
1 1 i in il r It nn the lace,
Old, flnldiorn I'lceri,
Tetter AITeolions,
'Mercurial Disrasts,
I Liver Complaint,
Canrernua formstlet,
Erysipelas, lloili,
lore Eyes,
Scald Head,
Ithcutnatlo Disoriteri
Costlvenesa, '
Salt Hheutn,
(leneral Debility,
Ems of Appetite,
Foul Stomach.
l Low spirits,
' Female Complaints, and all Diaeaaee batia.
.I...!. 1.1 In .. f .U. 1II..-J 1
llieil Vijjui IU nil i,iiiiiiv siuiu vi iiiv VlUVIi,
Tho abovo Is a portrait of David M'Cresry.o
Napier township, who, on the 31st day ofAnr
185S, mado affidavit botoro Justico Gorier Uat
he was treated for the ourcr of Cancer by three
I'uyBieiuus oi ueuiora couuty, ana Dy ut. New.
on of tho Eloctrio College in Cincinnati, 'for
period of nearly eight months, notwithstanding
which, his lip, noso and a portion of Lit let
chock wore entirely eaten away ! Ho hid gi,011
up all hupe, when he heard of tho "Blood Sewch
or," and wns induced to try it. Four boltlti
carod him, and although sadly disfigured, there
is no que. tion but what this invaluable mediciot
saved his life. Tho full particulars of this cue
may bo soon in a circular, which can ho bad of
any of tho Agents.
We also refer to thocao ofNnnny BleaVnej,
of Eldertown, Armstrong county, Pa., curtd of
Scrofula after being unable to get out of bed for
tbreo yoors.
To tho case of a lady in Ansonsvillo, Clear
field county, who w in also afflicted with Scrofula
in its worst form.
To the case of George .Veisel, residine in Carl-
town, Cumbria count, Pa., who was so badly if.
Dieted with Cancer that it cat his entire nose off,
and his case was ,worse, if possible, that
The particulora of theso cases every one t'.
which was cured by the use of tho Blood Searcher
may also be found iu a circulaa to be had of
any of the Agents.
R. M. LEMON, Proprietor.
Laboratory for tho manufacture and anlo, nei
tho Pa, Bailroail Depot, Hollidayaburg, Pa.
Dr. Ooo. II. Keysor, Wholesale Agent Pitti
btirgi Ta.
I--OK HALE IIV-C. D, Wntson, Clearfiald;
John Tallin, Curwensville; Jiimos B. Graliam,
(irahampton ; E. F. Brenner, Morrisdale ; Join
Russell, Tonnville ; R. II. Moore, Luthorsburg:
M, 0. Stirk, New Millport; C. R. Foster, Pail
ipsburg; H. Suan, Ansonvillo ; Russell McMur
ray, New Washington ; Edward Williams, Wil
liaiusvillo ; Jackson Patchon, EurnsiJo j gamut!
Ilegnrtv, Olen llnpo,
Feb. 1st. UCU.
Keep up the Incitement!
1) FMOVALS nlwnya ennae excitement; and
J. ly aiucc mo grent excitement about tho reuio
val of tha Court House has subsided, tho commu
nity generally have become somowfant eici'.aJ
upon henring that C. D. Watson hns determine!
to pull up stukea nnd remove to Virginia. Bui
tho latost cuuse for excitement ia the fact that I
have removed my saddler shop from my ell
stand opposite the Court House to my new shop
on Market street nearly opposite th j jail, whert
all who may favor mo with a call can be anpivliti
with '
Sinele Harnes, Double
Harness, Tug Harness,
Bridles Collars, Whips,
Halters, Housings, Breech
bands, Side Straps, &e.
In fact ovory thing in the line of Saddling as!
Harness muking. Thankful for the very liberal
patronage heretofore bestowed, I solicit a eon
tinuance of tbesamo, nnd a call from at man;
new cuatomura as can mnko it suit.
P. S. My being connected with tho Dnif
businoss will not interfere with my shep, for I
have the Drug Sloto attended to by carofal
duiuls, and intend devoting my time exclusive!
to my regular business. U. W. R.
Aug. 31, 1859.
Clearfield County, Pa,
JOS. L. KIRBY, rnorniEToB.
BEGS lenvo to nnnounco lo tbo travclingceci
niunity nnd tho public gonenrully, that bt
has taken tho above named hotel and rentted it
in a stylo suited to tho times and the want
the public.
Will always be supplied with tha best thtnar
kets aiid the surrounding country can afford J
Will contain the choicest liquora, and
Will be in the care of attentive hostlers,
sponsible for their conduct to their emplovt't
who will give the entire establishment bit ptr
sonul supervision.
In the tho hopo thnt ho will be ablo to rotki
his guests comfortable during their visits 'obit
h 'use bo respectfully solicits a ahare of:uW'c
Luuibor City Oct. 19, 1859.
Notice to Assessors.
Wur.RKAS, by the last pnrt nftho 6th clam e
I " neciiiiii oi uio Act ol Assemhly entitle
J "An Act for tbn regulation of the Militia of tW
I CoiniuorwC!lth," approved tbo 2lt '"ri.
! A. 1). I?.'?; Asses.-'" of bornujjl,, nd towuhil
nro dirocti'd to fiiriilnli tlm I'rtim.l., !.........
tho britrnde in which their districts, aro sitiinli'ii.
..iu a e..y 1,1 uio iiiiiiinry roll or tlieir resped
ivo districts wnon they do oaite tho origins'
with the county Commissioners;
h.N, that tbo Assossom of I,a .i k.,.ir!ii
and towiisbip, in ClenrllId county, constitutiuj
tho 6th brigade of tho Hlh division, Peunsylvn-
... "iniiin, innrruey nro re'iifrcd to'
Willi a COOT Of Sllid millnrv roll nn r. U..t..,A !.(
first day of August noxt; and upon failure there-
v., ... .enu:iy ir neglect oi duty wiil bo tr
.Tr-Copies of tho rolls csn bo tont to me
9 k;
...u, aiiuresscci to ifurnsiilo P, O., or left
J II. Larrimer, commandant of the brigade
uuieo iu mo norougn of t'lenrlielil.
S. C. TAT::iiK. llrih-. Int.
Mil Hiiguile, 14th Div. P. M.
IJrigndo I'ispector'a Office, Huruside t'p,
Juno 8, ISI10.
Justice of the.
ONE door east of Montelius A Ten Eyok li
Store. All business entrusted to him nil'
bo promptly attended to, and all inetromeoM ol
writing done on abort notice.
March, 81 18(S8.-y