Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 25, 1860, Image 3

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    " f
"iionir A l I n I i s,
firm fli ID, U. tulr, HI l-tio.
.The riiilmli Ijliiu A,-, ,
Knovf Netliiiij l ul- in l-.Vj liin In iitnl
ilit; Lincoln Mug, mi I it nt anew suit loo,
ii'ioul tlmt time, llhngood ( uj ir lor
ug it iolilii.,
l3.Hoii Jolm Hickman Ii.h ilorl iro l
J.tiuteir for Lincoln d-Hamlin, tliii u
tho ticket he vould of voted llnue j out
'o, if ho could ol'hiul the oi-dui tunity v
do to.
Vl.LiU'a nnu enthusiastic He'd mul
Eceretl nicetinH liavo lately been held in !
Heading, York, K.Liton, Norris'.own and
i'hiladelphia. Mayor Henry il ii said
ha doth red for thii ticket, mul th-y
boast that they will j'oll TjUIKJ vote for
their ticket, in tbis. "stale
Va rtlwfil'i-A.l lie r lutA ni t. nf ncei.t.i.
, . , , , iOl all cooJ JViiiooruts to sustain that ae
bly that the general, and low.,- tion th hom am, voj(,0
hip elections in Gultcli Township in this The Club adjourned to moot at this
County, shall bo held at tho Janesville 1 phieo on tlie evening of tlio Mth ol'Au-
school house in said Township, until tho ,t('0- !- u M TlKJtl L'c'i''
iimo shall be changed in aoeoidimce with DEItfOCUATIC CLUB MEEIIN J.
lueacis oi Assembly in sucli cases made
and proved.
Uible Society. The next concert of 1,i;nn.n.,i,;n ;.. . ;.ir .1.., ni.
I'WU.... ITVI4U1L.. .11 IIIIU1 llll" n Ul Ik vi tuc
' ,
Society, now in hand, to wit : tho exj.lora -
tton of the entire county, will bo held in
tho llethodist church in this borotiL'ii on
Sul.V.nll. v.n;r, on!. i.t i
The Kev. Dr. Aiken, of rittsburj.', will
preach tho sermon on that occasion.'
ti-We publish on our first page this
week, loth the letters of Mr
.iib-n and Mr. Dmir-l-i, nWnntin .,,
,. .... " .. 1 ,, 0 ! elected ciembers oltho club ivna uuani
noniination or their rei-pectivo Convcn-' niounly adopted.
lions for the ofl'tco of Tresidcnt, and we! The Constitution having beeu signed, it
liops our readers will give them both ; an j wai resolved that the Club proceed to Ihc
nttentivo i.crusal. and form their r.wn ron.!l'lwlil!" .of permanent ollieers. Where-
. . - - " -
Kibe. We learn that tho steam saw-
uu t uviuuging iu jiisepu iiyue r.sij.
near ludgeway, was burned on Sunday
night laH together with eight hundred ! Mr. Ililburn on takm-. his seat thanked
thousand feet of iawed lumber, and about lhe Cluti and remarked that whilst a.c
two hundred and fifty aw I071 j t i 'ct'!'lin ,,u 0o cheerfully, ho must
ftipposed that one of the hands commit- t?1, , Jl'l he .rcr " "
, 1 .1 ..11-.,., . . -Km with the Club which 011 1 hursdav
ted the net, who left about that lime, but niht, his express wi,h had elec
wus arreiiled at V anen when ho wr.s a- j ted him a Vice President. The followin
bout taking the cor3 for Erie, and brgupht "Jcer3 were then unanimously elected.
lack toRidgcway and committed tojail. ; !T?r p.i1"1" 'f'S ec-retary,
. . 4 I u "Itof l'.iett corresponding Secretarv,
Somethinj New
"The sound of a church goin;j l'fl!
These valleys and ltocks never heard
This seems to have been tho lot of the
Church going people of our town until the
' . . .
present ; the cause bf th:s we know not,
whether it was poverty, carelessness, or
something worse". We are glad to know
that the members of the IWstant -
-opal church have secured an excellent
nut .1 - 1 . ,
Btll for their Church in this place, we are
informed that it weighs COO pounds, and
what numbers it will no doubt '-Toll" to
their lat rest among the silent dead.
Xsir Mail Uolte . The Po-t office tie- 11011 Hclll'V Foster, mid to adopt mc.i.,-
partmenthas Cranto,l Tri-weekly mail ' '"'n t0 Sl,'-uro V' tkrtio,ns-,
i-r. rin fin - . "I'1", On motion, it was reto ved that the
fro-n Clca field via Curwersv.lle to lium- Committee 0:1 correspondcn.e invi.'c I)
ber i lty ; leaving Clearfield every Tues- d Dougherty and other speakers from
day, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock ill,ro:lll twako all necessary arrange-
A. M. arrive at Lt.mbei Citv at 11 o'clock i '"n'tS iul;.l'olli;."-'.t'1o maw meeting.
, , , . , N On motion ol Michael Jle:.rty. it, ivas
retur'S leaving Lumber City at 2 resolved that we protest against tne ac
o'clock P. M. same day and arrive at ' tion of the State Central Committee in
Clearfield at 6 o'clock 1. M. recommending a fusion or compromise
This no doubt is quite nn arecub!o ar-i",ith :ss.lo"i,ils' or any abrogation of
11,, .. ",e principles or usagns of the 1 'emoi i' it .
rangemen to tho citizens of Cunvcs-,1 ic ,,urtr Tint ;;, on ,ne
villo and vicinity, by this arrangement of , tick, t who decline voting for tho reimlar
the mails there will be a daily mail to Cur
wonsville. D. S. Fleming is the contrac
tor, the contract went in efl'ect on Satur
day morning last.
Democratic Meeting.
Pursuant to a notice published in the
"Clearfield KVmil.lienii n inn,,iii, ,.i'ii
4 .v iuvv,,,. vi niv
Democracy of ClearJield and vieinitv, was I
ueiu in tn town Jlall on the evenini of
the 1'Jth inst., for the purpose oforgani -
ain a Democratic Club.
David V. Ktzwiler Ksrt., was elected
cliairman, liobert Wallace, sr. and Frank
fcliort F.sqrs., ice Presidents.
Wm. M. Pahan nnd J. 13. Wallers Sec-
retanes. Walter Parrelt Kn.. ,v ,. .
Wm. 21. Bahan, John 11. Jiilhurn, John 61011 to C"l' Iay on tho 00th inst.-that
M'Gaughey, J. M. KrnUer and J. L. Mor-j i ii lio can be extricated fioratno mud
gn bo a committee to select ollieers for bed in which she is fast and tit-lit
the organization of the Club and to report P . , ,.
at the next meeting, tke motion was dis- 1 0 lt of fl "'''tifl' took place
cu"(!od and upon the question being put , flt J yrono one evening week, iu which
was lost. ! a valiant captain and ex-editor ard nn
oaicers tmd tlie organization of the club
at once.
L. J. Crans Ksq., moved tho adoriticn
or the following resolution.
solved, that all eiiirens heretoforo ac
xmg wir,u tho Lieinocnitic parly, or who
may at tho noxt e:ectiou bo entitled to
'w1l-' "nU ,vi' ,uo 'lll"1c? lo I'ledfo them-;
Bolves to support tho national and .State
nomneeeof tl, Domocratic party, bo pel
mitted to vote at the election of ofliee,.,
election of ollieers, :
. W.. ,,l.ll.,l,
aim oecomo menu, 0f t he Club. This
resolution was discussed by
Ehu. in its favor, nnd U- i.,i
iuhoii was uiseussod bv I 1 r,.
in it, favor, and bv lZ
Es.i. and odiers in il, ,,..,;., .... . c0
the veto boinir tuk ir. I.w7 "Mv 0U I
W. T'.-i . T- .
T If r ni,n r il" .,!,m"n,;,e,(l Oen.
-J. Ll. Larrimer rorrresident oltho Club.
Jlie iioniinalion was Beeomled ly W. A.
iiivc, in i upan me question Oemg put
-.nn Lairimer w.u eleei..,!.
c. A. Wallucu nominated L. J.Cr.ins
Esq., as one of tho Vice Pi evident of the
S'i10' Mr- CruimdecliiU'd an election, and
ftll political ..-onnoclion with the Club.
. l , , .
A'.i,A.-.nau J flinHOI-l tvru n nr.l.-.l ,M.i iM r
Vi... n- -i . T r: . v"v
. .u i ies-ui!IHS Ol tlie C lUO.
Jolin Jl. Ifilbuin and G. J5. (JoodianJer
upon motion i.I Il-sn Um f. ...on,.
l'0t.'(i Vi" ,;...... I
.1 ftl ll t. A , ...... It t, ... ..
. - . -..1110. .
1 f im J. i. waiters were
lected So relarie. of tho Club.
Kobert Wallace Esq., moved that the
tl IV II. 1,1) I' ,..(..
ii' hi 1 1 ! hi mi lip.
'l I I VH I HI I Il'l till
H-g, f ', i I I ) i iti .i
tie- til
"I I- la I
I till. II
I ' ' III II
I'lul. I
till Il'l
'll .1 I
I- I' . I.
V. hi. 1.. Mi
'ill'' I "II,
ll'U."l tilllt II,"
Iff ( lilt. I, ( l i.
I " tin i I i ii
l ' I'll .III I lo.''1 in,
IHIU'II lllll'lll VI .
1 .1
iiit,i- r.itnii
I'V ip"itiii(- ' I
I '1'i h'i," tin'
1 - t llll'l l'l I III) M Igllllll
IH'.I li'll Pltll-
' fltlf till1 ' I U 1 . VI II H iKIilll'il " I l J i
lull id' ( 'I "ii i li' Id" I'V ii ii n minium
-1 . I
I'll lll"li"M, III- l'llMill lit llj .,i,t,.,
W 1 1 1 . A. 'Valine.', lion. Win, I Monro, J.
I.. M r-Hii, T. ,1. Mi Culloiih nml ;.,,) -
i '. I ,i -i:ku -, a ooiiiiiiit to- tn limit a dm
htitutimi mi I by for tlie eu t i inm.n; ,
uf Hie Chili.
Israel let win (hen ealled for, and ad-!
d'essod the lueeliii lurilif whiih ho
wa. re end illy up 'l.uul-d.
On inotioii ol I lios. .1. MeCnllotioii,
socuiied by Win. A. Walla Kn., it was
u3'i l, Tlmt tho lirnt objoi t of l-mo-
eruli hhoiihl bo Ih- ill f. at of K-j'tiblir.iii-is.ii
and in this view we cordially sustain
the action nl the Stale Central Coininitleu
in reeomnif. inline tho unity ofthoinutv
! upon the regular
jut Kuuil inp, and 1
ii'H'i'i . if !),(.
Il HUH lnli . 1 1 ,
(letloral t;cket formrd'.iiimos Low.
liovo it to bo tli duty
j Pursuant to adjournment a nioetin-ol
1110 i.ouj;ias Liut. ol tlearliuld county
No 1., was hold at the Town Hall in Clear
tiold Borouirh on Suliirdav eveniiiL' Julv
,, ... . , ,
I ho meeting was called t'j order by the
, Chairman of the inccliu- of the Thursday
' provious.
"ie -'oiiiiitteo on Constitution proson-
I ltd thei
"'e.. i epoi i uiui a constitution uecla
I rin' the object of the Club to bo the dis-
uiiiuiaLioii 01 uocuiuciits ami imnplion ni
Mien iiii'Uiii'Oi; nu ten. la .iih.. 1 ,.i..i
li!'!!'! 'T'"1'"' ."""'V'' olUhe National,
i...., i-iiiii.i. uiiu I'oiiniy J 'eillOt'l'tUlC
fcventum. and l-i-oviding that all Dom-
I oerals lavoraUIo to t.iese obeets maybe
I iiion L. J. C'rans was unanimously elected
I l'resident, who upon accei'ting tho otlico
in a few remarks, thanked tho Club for
itlm lionnr i-ah r,.,.,..,, I .... I, in. lr
illilburn and Wm. J. Hemphill, were then
' ,,,. ,,.;.,, I,, I -: ' n. :l ...
v, 11.111 1 iiivui v fioi ll'.l t il'l, r,' 11 i.n, j
1. 11,1111 x . ii;iiv ireaourei.
I inotion 01 Walter JJarreti seconded
,oy Samuel i'.eil it was resolved, tha ive
recommend to 1 1 111 fi ii.ti.lj rF .7 .,. I .,n . .
:lal,and all Democrats who are in favor of
I ----- - - - ........ ....j v. u it.ii.j 1 uni
i 'J01 ""s ,e5-'jlar, nominees ol the
1 ("" '.v. to organize Dou as Clubs in their
(respective townships,
n motion of Wm. M. Jiehini seconded
' ''.v. 1'--' I'urvianoe, it wm resolved that
1 hls, 9f' 'onncction with oilier Dou-
! hitoind u Vhe"' Tn, ,ViI'"
, .iii, 10 suum iij uio usacs oltho i.aitv.
meet at tho town of Cunvensvillo in ujl
1 'county Convention, 011 the tir.-t Saturday
''.'vcn'"" of August next to ratify the noni.
' i'i?. . f A' ''o ",ml ',U,"!SU".
;nll,j Ibo iii.minoooi the Heading Convcn-
"r"'i'iH-cs fhouid bo drojipcd and others
On inotion, ll. J. Wallace vf;iR ullowc.
to oecuj.y the
iloer to make a ju r-
Tho President having named I). Jfc-Ciau-'hcy,
Mai. J. B. Heiscv nnd MiVlm. 1
lileg.irty committee of finance, ami Wm.
M. J'.chan, '. C. ruivinnco and T)ani..i
. . i,
,;!,r'" .'"''"'"it'ce of correspondence.
r i"v-'L"J ".ijuuineu wun inreo tlieers
1, r l!;"'as nnd Johnscn : three cheers
j , Hei.ry D. Foster and the success of
i tlle wllol tk ktt-
.Iamf.s I.. Mordax, Se
ee y.
J BiiyThe Gieat Eastern iV now at New York
micwiii niaKo an excur-
fpieuous jiai ts. The bystanders,
lieved voted them each a belt.
it h be-
BiJi-Tho population of I'hiiadelnliin it
.,,,'., , ,. , .' i
is ascertained by tho census nenv taki
wm uc ul'out bbU.ilOU Heading 20,000
Hurrisburg 11,000.
Jt-'l'ha A mer:can sojourners in Lon-
don, celebrated the hito anniversary of
Anuricnn 'nJepcndeuco by a dinner at I
tho London Tavern, at which Miniuer
Ti.... i i . .
Vn'"V.CV01'al 0Ul0vs duIlV0rl1 P
proi'.rialo addresses.
t.. r,.T:-rz 7 T -. . .
I 'e.,,iivuuiii.-ynoil ol the Lutli
'nn Church provisionally 8t.spen.led the
H'-v. Jeremiah Sehiudel. State Senator ,
fv allowing himself to be elected ton do-' '
mic.u ollioe. After makiii" eertiiin e.
plaiiUon.s. Svnnil i'..t,i,-.,.l 1.: 1
l m full : .i ... 1 1
MATTTm ' ":
, - a.tlU.lLU, I
Ill fllnn., r'li , . . . .
--- -j ny, on mo int . Lv '
. .;, '"-'., itir. William La . of '
I III I '1 . in ti.o 1.' . ii ' 1
AliM.llVl.le, to Miss l'o..,.i;.,,. nil. ,
'lenn Ilo: e, both of ClenrfiM,! r vi!,.,'
., - i
Ia Ferguson Tp., en ?'.indnv
Innt., Thomas Owens nred
-I in
mi Mn ii i ii i hi n
AilIlliULTUllAl, B 0 1 ! i; r V
I ,1., I ,
I -I'l
,. I',
I. )
I. , If
in i ii i its in nil: mix ii
I I I H llltt IN. I",, .id. ,,.
ll"i . T. I.i...stm.,
N 1 1 l mm 'in in,
I MH h I I'kin -ii.
V. l is
.1 mi.s II. r rnn.:, I
!. '. .' a,, ', I-, Sri n lui .
.1. .1. A'i.:i, I 'ii'. i-i l-llll) .
.f AWI.S Willi. n. I'l -ll-lll 1 I.
1 I'. Mi'KvW.M , l.lblall.lll.
.'j nnl.'i t ( ii'ii. Hon, Hi. Imr.l
(it'll, .uliii I'iiII'mi . in'ii l!i. el'. ii.
..."i.ili It. I! I M'i.iiuIu'v.
(hut,;; II. .ii. II. II. Ilmr.'ll.
t 'minimi!, i n ,' Arrilii'jrlii, n(.
A. C. Fim;v, C'haiiiiiiiii.
IV.Nid ('. Pale
Samuel Clyde
Miio Iloyt.
Jacob Wilhclin,
U. W. Sholf,,
VidJ Cri''S (I' IV;:7 I-
lienn-n 11. I.vtb'
.laiiios Aruhimrhlin
; I.. Ante.
iShCl'n & Sll'i'li'.
.'allies Irw in, Sr.,
Johnson llolib'ii
Iiobt. Milcholl,
Wm. M l'.-han,
1'. W. Moore,
O. D. Cioodl'cllow,
Win. M.Shaw,
Kdwalil Mctjarvoy
Aaron C. Tate
Klah .lo'hn.sen'
I!:ttlcr, C'oY..', Flvur
and ' AiV.Vs.
John Irwin, Ctir'v
Thomas Wriglcy,
I.-aao Hloom,
Wm. Illooin,
Win. F. Irwin,
X' rcuiiulisc t' Di-
VW-ttC ll!n-i.'S.
Agricultural if- .li.wA'u-
nei'us Articles.
D". A. Scry ver,
1. S. l' leiiiieg,
Walter llarrett,
Wm.'. Chambers,
John W. Shugart,
J'iiiii'i 1 i partinciit.
C.W'. liliom,
.lohn Irwin, Cui wens.
.1. I'. Krater,
John i. iS'ervver, II. F. Naugle,
Mi:.s Klu.i ltoed.
M. A. 1 1 1111k.
H)llvi,; M'tiiuK'bv
... '
. M .... II I-
i Mis; jLl 1 ,r
" Km Alexander,
" Anna I;vin.
"Sarah llircldielj
" Nannio Irvin
" Sarah Illieom
"Henrietta IrnirJ
Miss Kate J'.rown.
Miss Hannah Bloom,
Miss Harriet, Swan,
Miss Jennie Leonard,
-V its II. Spaekman,
" .liary .Moore.
('ikihil'ec id Zur.e.
Mrs. J. T. Leonard, Miss Kandis Nichols
Mrs. D. M. Weaver, Miss Nannio Smith,
Mi.s Mary M'(iaughey,Misi JuliaOallowav
Miss Kebccva Frank," Miss Hannah Carey
d. Kow, John L. Cuttle,
C. W. Snyder, Alvin Jioss,
Samuel Kheem.
MinUtl Ccn. A. 11. Hills.
Assistant "u'nrfha'ls .Vajor 1'. .T.Nevling,
Col. Wm. Ten Kyck, Cnj'.t. T. J. McCtil
louh. Cajit. Edward A. Irvin.
J'irvt,-lhi-s. H. I'.. Swoope. H'. V.
Hot Is, L. K. Moirell, James h. Moriran, J.
li. Walters Keuben V. Spaekman.
LIST )!' Ii;m;.M.
Clash 1. SurerjHin ,(.
(Open tonl! Uracils and Cuinpctiiuri.)
Host Hall ovor.'i year old, $ 00 2, l,Mt, $2 00 Hull over 2 j ours old, 2 00 2 I bo.-t, 1 00
Host Hull ovor 1 your old, 2 I 0 2d bent, 1 00
Host Cow nveru ytiars old, 2 00 2d lioft, 1 00
Uot Hull Calf, 1 002.1 best, 6(1
All brocdj come tnPtlmr in tliis clai"s nnd
ooiuiioto with each other. To bo indircd, 1st, bv
llioir K'niil points and yuiniotry offrumo. 2d, by
llio nb'.lity to futlon, ,ia tlin uuiiual u gm, haml
lor!') ;1J, milking iu:ililius, 4 tli . Siio. 5th,
ivo no premium to any nninial until Ihoy are
-iilislied it will produce yood stock, 'i'o this cnil
the Judges khiill tutisl'y thenisolvos in regard to
the i! tuck of need bulle und cows, 'J'ho animal that lii. se qualities in thu groatvst perfection . fu hurley, not less than Ha. 2 4 Din.
should draw the Sweepstakes, whether it bo Dm-' Acre of oats, 2 k Dip.-
nam, .iiu.-uire, jioroiuru, icron, urauo or iNa -
J unur.
. v , ,, .,
Zuch. McNnuI, David Ty -
-Geo. Thorn,
ier. nsupu mm, ,,oiin i-nnw ol l.'ecatltr.
Cl.A-s 2. ItrmU Viitit,' riicl in conny.
Lestbull, $1 00 2d Lost, $2 00
Host cow, i 0(1 2d dost. 2 00
i ... t i. l.- .i. i i ... ..
ni'ii,i'iiii.'ri'iiii, ia .ii nest, 1'ip.
Ilest bull calf, 7a 2d best, Dip.
Jl-nc K3. John Mol'herson, Jos. Lvons, Tnom.ia
U. Snyder, J. M. Cnuiniiiit's, Dr. J. 1'. Iloyt.
Clams a. Milk t'trn-i.
Lest milk cow, 3 002.1 best, $2 00
Milk cow 3,1 h.-st, 1 00
Jl lxirs. James Forrest, Thomas .Medico, Ad
aiu lloaruurt, Thus, Leonard, Daniel Lailey.
Class i. th-eu.
I......! .:.!'.--..,!. r i
Iicstyolifl ay. oM and over, 2 Oil 2d 00
Lest j"ko .'!. ' " 1 00 2.1 bet, Ml
Ih st yoke 2 y. " id 2d best, Vlip. yoke 1 y. " 60 2d bent, Dip.
Ji'Dues. li. C. Lottinan, Hiram Woodward, Aa
ron II. IVarco' Win. .Smiley, Alex. .Murray.
Class 5. (sen.
Lett trained 10 yoke, I yours old nnd over,
from ono township, S3 00
2d boat, trained 10 yoke, 1 years old nmlo-
ver, lrom one township,
Left trained 10 yoke, Uyeurjold and over,
from ono township,
2d boat trained 10 yoke, ,'i ycnrsold nnd o-
vcr, from ono township.
00 i
2 00;
i on
J i iiuls John 1'fttchin, John JI. Ch.-iso, Joseph I
,,. , T , ,, , , . , ,. , l '
Dc-uiiing, John Lrnhaker JoscpliV other,.
Lest Fut Bullock,
$2 oo2.i best, $i ooi
Lest l ilt Cow, ? 00 2dbo-t
1 00'
Hcst HoilT. r, 2 years old, 1 00 2d lu st.
Ji liGEM George Kiltleborirer. John .MoOnilLIn
Casper Liopold, James L.oom, r., Le,,j. Ste!
1 '
Class ,. Tlwruu,jh-lrctl Hjihci oncn to u!
List Stallion, over 4 y'rsold. $.1 00 2d best, $2 00
Lost Stallion, ovor .",'rs old, 2 00 2d best, 100
Le .-t i
luiuoii von, 1 V rs II I . 1 UJ ''il Lest. 1
'The premiums in this Class arc inlenilnd nnlv
for llmso Horses whoso pedigrees make them
worthy of them. Tho Society wishes to enoour
ngo the roaring of high-bloodod Horses hero ; on
the other hand tho Lxoculivo Coinmittoo would
cuuli"n tllu Jdgos to bo cureful that tho prcmi
,llus "0 "' drawn by infeiior stock.
JciifiKs James Forrest, Rli Llmiin, Dr.
Caldwoll, Peter Lloom, Joseph Peters.
Class 8. 'ih,c anil 'arm llmtm
Lest Gelding, over 4 years old, for work,
2d best, " '
G. W.
i na!
' . u I
I ll tl I
,T,! a Carriage Jlou, of any afi,, $ . 00
1'cst Saddlo and Cnrriago Maro of auj
, ',:
i .. ..
pun of Draught Horses or .Marcs
t " ..
2 00
1 00
I Tho lloifo thatnioves tho hom iest load on
!... Slouo boat without a whip.
1 00
2.1 best,
l"'t Clt. $n 75-2-1 host, Lip.' I
Ji'oor.s Milton Mcllrido, Martin O. Stirk. Js. ,
A, ra,,,we"' Androw Addloman, Isaac Dunlap,
1 r " ' rr-
. Knh hi a . ,irr,.iac .
me ILirscs.
t span matched carriiiL'o Horses or iMares.;2 00
2d best do iln do do I 00
J, r"1 Judge Rnrrett. Juiues Forrest, Dr. 11, Y.
Thompson, Kdwin Perks, Maj. S. C. Patchin.
i . 1. 1 11 ' , . ,.
v ,--ss 1 ' ''aees aim iints.
. """'"" con oy me sue, f I nil
...I l..f.. I 1 ..i. i.,
1 (in
, 2 oil
iM best do do di) Co
1!t'f't u,,(li"b' over 3 nnd under 5 years old
m-si ,i ,0
1 Of)
I'.n.l ll.Ml.n II.'. .IJ 41 m ,1. 11.
..vo. ..v,.,,.,, v.i-i s i.i.i.ji uo u ifsi.ti i'ii
, Red Maro over 3 years 1
s old. 2 00 1.M best, I Oil
. . .. . , .. '
Leno,7rinZr: o l dht: AS-
Jrnnr. Inhn "u . T t V
riTwm T7. n f 'uv rr"'', m. Tute, Robert .Mc.N.ul. (
M il
lini, B i
V ti
In Hi
i.i,i. a
y t mi" i. H i. to, i
,'.' I' ,TI
'ill ',
I . t II
I'". I I .ii- I Ol,f I., ,.
I'-. ! Hil.n i.t. in. . t
.1' i ' i m I . ii i,f
.1 .
In, .1
!' II.
'Iil'-l. ' I'll T. I Mii.ii'iii,,.
I ' I -'. '' ,,' .,.
M .
' ' ' I " I'" I
I .1 II' I'llHf "I. III. ,,, i,i ? I ., I, I),,,.
'I ' 'I I II fr III ir, ,,, J .,( 4.,
1 " 'li.iiiir 1 1.1 mho,., ,., 21 ,,,.i ,,,
J' ' ' liruiii Win. Jnln. A. li. M,m.
.'n. I,. M. mul. J11.. Al.'t iii'I.t. I Iniii.I.)
'1 I::. - A,,.. ,.., v,.i.
H.'.l I. Ill II. Hilt
lop. it.' mi-nl i.p.i mi
I I h' BIIV l.r-.'.l. ill II 11. 1 i llll '.' I ,r,. I Ml
'" 'l !l Hln'i'i rnl.'iii.. mull
'.'.l l.i -l il.. il 1 ,
11, I'iji. tl
I (in
I mi
I'.'i-i l! ', ,'i. i..( liii,., .,,
!(.t tl".i'. i.f iM.ii 1 si Hil-tl.
To in- l.ninli, 1,,'kl, fj2 oil .',1 l,p,t
:;.i I., -i 1 1. 'mi. ', mi .iik
iiiiiIk, $ I liO
" I'i...
Ji i'i. 1 - 111. .'ii, X1111I. ,li,, .,l, I,
MihU. r., J:ii.,l,u
J-. ill. 111. A l,.iii II
Cl.A -S I I.
l!il l'".ir ni'V Ini'o
l'.-."l It Iiiii' ..
11 Iiiii I, II jury li n in.
Si. u,r i.ii ii In ni!,
i: an-I'.t bi ii, f 1
i (HI-IM bi'fl, I
iii-M . 1 1 .'n in I'.niniv, ;i uo-.i i,,,i, 2 no
Nxt luM 'i liu;;i iii oiiuntv, I I.II 2, 1 ln-l, ;,u
Jl D.niH'l ,iviiiM,.n, Win. M. .M. Cul
l uitfli. ..r., Col. Tl,,,,. li, MTlui-r, John Irwin,
jiM.i'.'s m
n. tr.
Cl.A?s !). Vuiihry,
' " - ' - "i' H a lji. aiu., 11..1 ivii U1HII II, llll
I L'.l li.'.l il., .1,. .1.. .1 . 1,:..
lo:ivii-M luiki-y. J,,
! Hi-it ili.-.j.luy of iliiuLvim, ,
.Jrnots liwirj;.! Thorn, J. II. Kli-tiring, Samuel
I Ariiohl, Ituln-vt TIiiiiii.iiiii, (.'lurk Urown.
Ll M 'iuii". '
jvnui-t ui i"it 111 una J'hmt, iruu jMUnJ gT'-'CU
mvnrJ t Ii 0 bolt. il 00
Next, Jiip,
Owner of ton 111 und pluir, nlio plows Miiliblo
Hi" nest, liip, 4 $1 00
Next lust, do do ilo Dip.
Kent im for utiilitilK. I)ii. $l l)U-2d, Iii.
Host ilov for nilmoil, Iip. a 1 (H--2d tent, Din.
Ji niiKii- hlirhii ronton, Aram Kood, D, '.
Wiio. Julin Writ, Jr.. Win. lb:ovr.
Ci.As.'i, and I hills, JljrrvKS aid
l!os.t clod cru.-'Iior and rollvr cuiuliiiiod. $ 1 00
2 1 lust. do
I lloil Hold roll,-
dj do Dip.
II I'll 1W Lost, Uu
2 (HI 2d lui-t, do
2 Oil 2d l.esl, il
1 0112.1 Lout, do
1 (li.-2d bust, do
.1 00 2d bcM, do
2 00 2d best, do
' I'oi-t (ii-.iin drill,
I Uo.t 1 1 111 row,
I 1 1 e 6 1 Cultivator,
j I'.o-t H"r?c ra!;o,
, lii'Ml ltr.-ipcr mid mower, corn yhollcr,
; Ilot oorn iiluiitor.
2 00 2d bust. do
j riiuns iiiu.m .. Komi
IteuW-n Xn, Joiia-
tlinn Ilartsliorn, Hon. T
J. D.n ij, C. Uakor.
Class 18. Agricultural JiuulcmchU
Uet Original invention in llio county, of
uu agricultural iniploiueuL " $.1 08
2d Lett, ' ori. inc. Dip.
Host tlironhinji machiuo, $.'! 00 2d boat, 2 00
Host fannini? mil), 1 00 2d best, Dip.
Ilest hay piddling machine. 2 00--2d best, do
licit Ii uy riO'S 011 w-ugon, 1 Oil 2d beat, do
Host ox yoke and bows, 1 00--. 2d best, do
Host voidable root cutter, 1 00 2d bust, do
Hot (talk and H'.raw cutter, 2 01 2d do
Host rniiiinnn plmv, 1 e9--2d best, do single or double nhovol plow, 1 00
2d best fcingle or double fhovol plow, Dip.
! Inst horse power tor general p-.irpoes, 1 00
I 2d bst horse power for general imrpusea. Dip.
j Host fork and lixtures for unloading wnpot:.,2 00
, ?U best folk und lixluroii for imlnniling Dip.
Jl lioti -iMmiiii J immpson, llonj. .purkman, li.
1!. Wright, J-iauiel llarttock, Denj. Hisbcl.
Class 19. Miscellaneous farming implements.
Hist bco bive.
Host stump puller,
Host l'l'tato digger,
Host grain cradle,
Host six hand rakes,
$1 00 2d best, Dip.
2 uO2 ! best, do
1 00---2. 1 best, do
1 00 2d bo., l l
1 00-2,1 host, rin
d 1 002,1 be.t. do
Hc.-t lot fardening tu
Hoi. set lai uiiiig, owned by farmer, 1 00
2.1 best sot farming ulcnsils, owned l.y fiinuor.Llip.
.11 ni.i:s dun 11 i. inompson, Jolin Ku.'sell, U.
II. .Merrell, J. II. FI tniing, Samuel Powell.
Class 20. Wheal, Darlei, Com, A c.
I'-e'rl. 2d best.
A .... ,.f . . 1 , a ... A.i ....
... luoi itiiih i mii-fti, ;.i ,1 l'ip.---f-'!inill)ip,
li re 01 spring n iieni, .1 A 1' p.
K'l.l of whcnl, 4 to 10 acres,:i Dip.
-$2,i ud Hip.
-? 2a nd Dip.
-$ land Hip,
Acre of corn, 2 t Dip.
I? I and Dip,
' Aero of rvo. 2 Din I ,,,! n;
Hushel of corn ear, 1 Dip. Diploma. '
1 :! n.-ios of buokwlioat, 2 1 Din. SlandDin
3 acres of huckn koat, 2 k Diii.--$landl)in.
i . . ,. . '
Jrixifi (loorrre- Wilson (Hozl's). Michael Suit.
.Lis. A. lteed, Samuel Kirk, Joah Kidor, Jos.
Irwin .Martin II Luther, Kobt. JlehalTcy, Hugh
Class -21. Fi, Cm,,,
I'C.-.t t ai re ol rutabiifroos, 1 (10. 2d best,
Host l o-liol Timothy seed, 1 CO, 2d best
He.-t 1 ft.-ro c.irrul., 1 Oil. ---2d best,
Let J acre turnips. 1 OH, --2d best,
JrnoKs Wm Smith (Covington), (I. 1'.
l'obort Owens, Abr'm (ioss. jr., (J. ll
c ro is uoni! e iual. nretorrnee wi ho .- n.n t.i
those that j iol 1 the preutc-l nott profit. State
liiontsto bo furnished by tl.c applicants for pro-1
I miunis on farm crops. They must be weighed i
j und a niinplo of the snino funiishe l at tho fair, :
ana a.,jiii me rooms t tho oominittee.
X Applicants u)'plyiiiir lor premiiiins shall fur- I
nisli tlni committee a statement tinned by him- I
self under a pludgo of voraeily. of the quantity J
ufrain raided on llio Kr.mnd entered for a tire-1
i i i ... 1 1 .. .. ., , 1 I
kii , ,1 c, V I .' ' "n '
'o hum und coinlitun ol the previous crops
Uind ,, (,un(it. f Jtl ,et, nd tlio I
t ' i . 1 ... "s .l .
, .""VIJ IV J.dll, .H'-
nilllniS POOll. Tin. OTlrilVn.r.1,,1 nn.l .,., ' I,.
nnnriiotiriili n ciillnrn ,,,l n,.., ...:tr..l :
i " , ,,., i,,, ,,iiiui maei uiuev
in Ihc slateinont furnished ns ubovo shall do
III., ire iirn.iii a
or th
luturc prcmiuin 22. Dread and Cereal Food.
Lost 'i Loaves bread, winter whent, Dip,
Fpring wheat,
" i " " rye,
." round cake, Dip.
" S.onge cuke, Dip.
" Lie of any kind, Dip.
' Preserves, Kip.
" Display of preserves,
Rest Fruit oako, do
" Jelly cake, do
" l'liiin cake,
" ice cream,
" Di.-play of jollies.
Ji tif.Ks--.Mrs. Jainos Forrest, Mrs. J. Iloynton,.
Mr-- Ilvin' A1- -McCullough, Mrs.)
Robert Ross, Mrs. JL (irahaui, Mrs Rev. McLcod.
, .... . ...
Ekt iaZ '''"JZL .... 1
" in kin, 25 or mttro Ihp..
iiiade in May or Juue, 1 0 2i best, Dip,
" .'! clicoso. liip,
Jrnor: O. L. Reed, Mrs. Richard Shaw, Sen'r,
.Mrs. Mm. Morgan (Lawrcnoo), Mrs, Martha
niin.ocii, .ursciigo urignt, li li Uoodlandor, '
Win. Mclliide.
Class 2. Flour.
Lost barrel or Flour, $1 4 dip 2d bo.- t, Dip.
' 1011 lb. flour (spring wheal.) 50 c. A Dip.
2d best loo lbs. lUiui- (spring wheat), Dip.
" 00 poun.U rye (lour, 50 c. 1 Dip.
2d bo; t 50 pounds ryo (lour, Dip.
" .'.0 pounds bu-kwheat (lour, 50 c. 1 Dip
2d best 50 pds. buckwheat Hour, Dip.
" ill pounds eorn meal, 50 c, k Dip.
-d best 5J pounds curn meal, Dip.
Jt l'UKS Jesse Lroumall. Sumucl Jordan. K. S.
Jlu"''1"',,y. P crdiuaud Oswalt, 11. .Vpackuiun, jr. j
t'LVss 2.r.. ),, -,0c Articles. j
Lost hov or mr of hi.ttpv Iii., . -.0
r,,. ....
2d bcst.Dip.i
.. ...... . , '..
iiesi loins, innpie sugar, Din. t ii
Ml OIL ....
lll.--2d best.Din,
Rest preserved jn-kehoa in air-lii
1 .' " B..-.lllll 1.111., J.ll-I
can, J7;p-:
-fJ!".lin.,S!r.,r-!ii.-. i;;p -
1 -.i. i.iuii-iiuieuup.i'ip,
K"i"".'ruui m air-tight cans, Dip. '
Re.t bam cooked with skiu on,uJod9 of cu.o,D.J,. j
Lest 2d Lost. ' Class 32. Vehicles cf all kinds.
I ""!.'''lIf 1ur" rtV'IM", S-'aiidDip.-flandl.ip. Hcst family caniafe, $5 .tDin.-2d best, $ ! .f'Dip
Or.c-lo,tl, a-recl beans, 2andDip.-landDi,,.J L,1J;.,y, 3 llu' ,0' 2 1
Acre of clover M-od, 2nndDip.--$lai,dDip. . ' farm wagon, 4 do do 2 d
I ('no fourth a. broom corn, 2atullJin. Ian, 1 Din 1 i .';!, i ,i .i . j
i;ne f..ui th acre sor-hum. 2nndDip- i . timber !od. 3 do du 2 ,1,'.
1. .11.
i". I i
it- I
I I.
'1. I'
. l '
I .
II 1!.
1, Mi
II" 1
I l
v., .
tl O'l
1 1.1
I llll
, I I'll
I d' -
ll'.l tMi.. f',,,,,,1,
I'. -t H r I. illlnrl.
1 . 1 1 1("
1 1
.1 1
1 1
I 1
I f. I III )l l I'll. Ill,
Mf-l I nil ii..pii I, I, il.!., i.,
I'i"! I'i tn.. mi .Ii'ii 1 nip I,
I'i'f 1 1 byfifh Mi( cm '. t, 11 in.
1 11 rli 11 in,
l i d I 1 j ni. If rnj; en 1 1 el, rut
M l.i .l, .1.
I "ii i liiiiii,
lli'fl minlli'ii p.ivrrlnl,
l!i'l mmli.n fi iniri il inillf.
1 on
I 00
? l l..t,
:j i.e...,
I I.
Hi "I Ih iiiiIi mi;,
Hi'i I uiir minion knit n I m'k i 11 a,
1 ; i' i-1 1 Hi. linen ii.miiiK II. 1 1.11. 1,
IU'"I fiH'i-iuiiii of kilulliliL'. kniltiinr or pio
ill. 1 w.iik ,y Alipiipfj tin.lrr 1J yvmt uf ngit, tin
IV I I Hi. of plucking viirn, ,
Mini foot unit, Jii,. Iiiii ilrnn tt ,l,i
Hi-si .-trnw l oiini'l. Jiip. Iliv.ltiJy, Uo
Jl I UK, Mrs. .Imli;ii ViTKiiiun, Mr. II. II. Cnl.l.
w -11. Mll l.viliit lili I'pin, ,Mii. ,lil;n Nuri..,
Mi. Miiry Simikniiiii, Min. Num y lifili n, Mr
HoiMnr I'lioo ii-ou .Mr. ti. I., ilucd, Mrs, S.
1. Ituw.
Class '11. Xeallf, Shell, ll'u
1 orA-
d ,
I licet Fpei iinon vt noodle worJ(,
j ' group of (lowers in worsted,
" lump hihikI OHibruiilercd,
" lump rtuiid mil embroidered,
" ombroidoro'l slippers,
,; embroidery in silk,
" oiiiliioidery in wuisted,
" vuil.ioidory in lace,
" euibroidoiy in iiiiislin,
" shirt made by Jliss nndor liyaars,
'- puti hiiig and mending,
ottoman cover, Dip. l!ct lablo co er
" fancy ill in w k, I);p. ' worko.1 eollar, do
" wax ll'iwi'i'i', Dip. " worked quilts, du
leather work. Dip " leather Wurk, do
" (irnniiionlod work do
Jcikikh Miss Km mi O'ralmus, Miss Snpliio
rntt. Mis Muggio Irvin, Miss Mary Jane
Wright, Miss M. .1. Hard, Miss Kinilv K"rrest.
Miss Matilda M'.Murrny.M iss Josephine I'logul, i
Miss Mary l-'oly, Mi.-a Mt-lifja Irwin, Miss Km.
uia Joncd. I
Class 2S. Millinery and Ircsxii,al.ii;i.
Host millinery Dip. Host dress-making. liip.
Jl nun Miss Mary C Wright, Misa .Mary II l-'or.
gufon, Mis Mary II l.ooniird, Alisees Jano
Mitchell, Ada Swuriz, liliza Stuiie, Hotly Cuth
cart, Helen Cuttlo, Louis: Kiatier, Mary A
lm in.
Class ArdiHc kovL
ilest painliiig in oil,
' painting in watc oolori",
" portrait painting,
" l:ui J.v.'.ij,o painting,
" cuttlo paiutiug,
' ornamental painting of nn y kind,
" Uaguorreotypos taken on the jrc.uud,
" iiubrotypcs taken on ttatgrouud,
" photographs tukou ou the grouud,
" writing,
" orcameutnl penmunship,
" architectural drawing,
JinrjKs Dr John O l.oruiue, II 51'Kin,
do '
M rs.
W. L r-pottswood. Mm Alexander Irwin, Miss
Sophie M Lo d, Jlra illi Dloom, Mrs J. li
M'iiuully, lttv. J..M Galloway. uO.Desiiiii.
Lest desi-n for farm )"Ho, $2---2d best,
' design fur bam,
2 2d beat,
" dvaign for carriage house
and stable, 2 -21 best, do
" design for dairy house, 1 2d best, do
' design for ice house, 1 Id btst, do
" design for dry houo, 12-1 best, do
" design for bridgo. I'laa for bridgo
Eut leu than 250 It. fpaH, 'J 00-2.1 best. Dip.
Jl I'CEi Hon. G Hliairett, lion. Win Higler,
j Jno. D Thompaon, Thus. Kirk, Kob't Dough-
I f'ly. o
I Clasj 01. Melalic I'alria und Mactin:
! l!estdi:'.!ay of table nnd pocket cutlery,
I auiericaj inaiiufacture. Din.
Hcst coukiun atoVw wood and coul, Dip. and $.1 Oil
2d best, Dip ami $3 3d host, Dip und 1 00
Host parlor Move, coal, Kip una 2 00
2d best, Kip and $1 00 3J besf, . Dip
Host parlor etove, wood, Kip and 2 00
2d bojt, Dip and 1 U0 Sd best, Dip
Host cast iron fence, Dip mul 3 00
2d best, dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00
Host tin ware, dip anJ 2 00
2d best, dip nnd 1 00 3d host Dili.
Lost blaoksinitliing, d p and $: 2d hcst, dip anil.? 1
' gunsimining, dip nnu
2 2.1 beet, din und 1
' iron turniiiit, dip and 2 2d host, din nnd 1
I ' ehower bath din nnd $2 00
! ' original in vontion in tho 3ounly, 5 00
i ' datc cnstiiiR. dip nn.l 1 00
Ji hols Wm. MeHride. John F Weaver, LIiha
ienton, Davifl Kirk, Wm.yl Wallace.
! ' wheel burrow, $100 2d best, Dip
I Juu;i:s- Dr. II 1' Thompson, 11 C lion man, Jno.
1 W I'auly, John 11 Hewitt, lieorgo lleukcndon,
J. C. Lrennci', V U .Miller,
j Cl.u-s.So Culil'ict ware in Co-mly.
i Host dressing bureau, $oidip,--2d best, $2 and Dip
sola, ii do do 2 d-
' lounge, 2 do do 1 tl
j ' extension table, .'I do do 2 do
' sot of chairs, 2 d ) do 1 do
j ' variety of chairs, 2 do du 1 do
' Fct parlor furniture,.'! po do 2 do
j ' display of cabintit wan-, $5 00 and Dip
i ' ollieo chair, 1 00 and do
' Ji -niiKH Jauies II. Flotuine;, C Krutier, Henj.
I J! Waife-ht, Thos. Mills, Harrison W Siionccr.
Class ill. Coopcriuy, I'arjt
Lest spci'luieu of pino ware,
window sash,
1 CO 2d best.
' window blind,
' sot grain measure,
' lot of buckets,
' lot of splint buckets,
' panel door,
Jt iKiKs Jaiucs Fen ton,
Kendcrsoii, Abraham
1 002d best,
$2 00 and do
1 00 u.-i.l do
1 00 and do
Frederick fulich, Thos
Og. leu, John liairifion.
Class Cf). JiJats and
Garden J 'cjetailcs.
Rest bus. turnips, Dip.
1 bus, onions, do
' i do pur uips, do
' 12 tomatoes, do
Lest I stalks celery, Dip
' J hush el carrots, do
f do
' j do tabic beets, do
0 liea. Is taoioige,du ' f, e--i: nlants. do
4 2 ' .l. lima beans. do
' ( no-lialf bushel table potatoes, d0
' ijuui t winsor beaiiri, do
' variety of s.piashos, ,)u
variety of un ions, (
' one-hiilf bushel of sweet potntoo, do
All vegetables to bo raised by tho exhibitor.
Ji iuii:s James L. (iiuhniii, A. K. Wright, Win'
L. Moore, Philip Antes, Rev. Joseph R. Focht
Class Jo.
turners, S-.tddters. Shoemakers, .t,-.
! Lest. 2d host.
Cotito'bnotsnnd shoes, $2,md Dip -$ 1 undllin.
Ladys' bo-its nnd shoes,
Z und do
1 and do
(icnts gaiters,
1 and do
2 and do
1 and do
1 and do
I.iidv.t gaiters, 1
Disjilay of hoots uud shors,3 and ui
Traveling trunk,
Tug hiiruosj, 2niuldo
Curriaga harness, 3 and do
Single harness, 2 und d
Riding bridle nnd inart'1,1 and do
(inU- riding saddle, 2 and do
Ladys' riding saddle, 2 and do
Display of saddlery, 3 and do
Calf skin, l and do
isolo Leather, 1 and do
1 add do
vory ether kind nf leather,
I!ob u,aJtfbJr bib"'. 3
I. ... . j U:..l 1 1 . tit. ..
vv,'y.n 1.I1.IIIIIU .UIISSlip, J 1 Ml JTXln lllllfA
,,,.. ,'..... 'I:'"' "-,
..vux.u .1. .11 OOI V, 1 1 111, 1 On UT.
. ., ' ","mr-
''C.HMH 'JT.
( i. -. .,.,,. . i r i , .
- - ..... y-imoisii-reri vnrk.
- '
;!j - .iueu.ihe,u..d.i.JilMld.eiw
1 bH4,fit
lust coal liimle tiy lady,
Lest vert, by lad'v.
Rett pant, made by laiy,
JO 2-4 buat, do
I1 1 I ... .'o
i,... I ,1 .,1
,t , . . . . .Mi,
I. . l. n
.1- 1 .
II 01 'I. .en, Mi
I. ,
I.. I, ' I .
I 1 1
,,, I',. ,
' ' '
I I.
.1 I
ill l .1.
!'., . -I.
A 1
I M 1
Ii i"
.1 l,n M ii. .
I (
.1 lil!,
l run-,
I N i.n 1 0
I '
I o I,
' I V
I. .11
1 1,1' '
,i 1 , f
1 1U
I Il'l.
, b'lii'l ';
t M
l: w.,!,..
ll... .
I'. t I iki k-'li,
It.'ft I UltPI T,
I'i l .limn li.,
r....i tin. 1.1 i ,
r.. .t 1.1 i. k.
i in. i'- - jikIkp 1
'!, Jr ., W in Mm, I
l'.--l In-mir A A 11
lll-ll f'l llllt.
( .I 'M :i tl 'II'OI,
Host ninllkl lo iiiniiiiiii ul ii.o
.ptli' Pi,.(.
II. t f ir liu iii pnUucld,
Hn-t for glue,
Host lllin-ld oil,
, Host tiill.nv cuudli.', dip,
H.-it pl'l'illll-ll S,.(ip, din
t I'll
I no
I tni
1C.-I Mll'll iuk,
I..--I ii, ".:.o-,
,t inn s -Mr. M W ..."Is
Ir. V. Wil.oii, I r.
' Hover, Dr. A .M. I I. Dr. J ii llnrtunick,
' Dr. D. O. Cruiii li, Dr. r,il.or.
I Cl.Ku ll. V.'.. i,- ,ui I
Holt diossed i
lonp, $1 ,t .lip. I'.Pft mill stnno, ilii
i Het lliior boiii'iis work'd do Host grinditnue, do
i Ileal weulhui- l.aard w'k do Host hiiiL-loa. do
V 1 I
Lost uplitor khavod Heat turned urt, do
I Di-. ii tiuiiiiry prctiiiiiiiH will ho reoouiineiided
for all articles of merit exhibited by incohuuii
in all llio vmi. ma I rani lies, nud it ia hoped a
general nttomlanco will he nm lo.
For all improve inonts useful to tho fanner nr.d
I having valuable properties, disorctioiiii ry preiu'a
will be rooei'mmonded by tho couiiuitletf' uud u
j warded by tho board ut their disereliun.
J i ix. lk iiio Leonard, udgo Uonyall, F. K.
i Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Hell.
J Class 12 Xatural M'neiaL.
Hoot of useful Minerals of Clearucld oouu-
ty. uoul iucludcd, do.
' T.ime.-tuno, du. best k.ind.itono, do,
' I'otturs cluy, do ' I-'iro clay, Uu
' siiitu crvstallzod mill do ' Fossils, do
' minerals from the surrounding counties, di
Jrimi s- Judge Iloyt, llor. W. L. Fpottawood,
II. li. wo"pe, 11. iSuugle, L. J. Ciuns.
Class -ll!. (Jenerul
Lest itipluy and greatest variety of flowers, du
' Display ' plants, do
Host l'liiia! ornaineutx, do
Host basket boipicts willi bundle. du
Lost manufactured urliclo by sewing machine
uu Kround, do
Lest hand boi(ik'ts do best bultcr bowl, dm
Lest H ashing machine, do Lett butter iuJlo, di
Lest churn, do
Ji Dcrs Mrs. Judiro -Moore, Mrs. Jnsiah K.
Kood, Mrs. Joseph II. Uogurty Luinber-cily,)
Mis. D, F. LUwoiler, Mia. .Martin Nichols, jr.,
.Mrs Win Men-ell, Mrs. A. 11. Shaw, Mrs. Win.
A. Wiilluco, .Mia. Alaj. Mvling, ilrs, I'hoa. i'or
cee. Class -11. 1'ruit.
Lt.;t displiir and grt'iili'st variety of grafted ap
ple:, summer and wiutvr fruit, nuuied
a nd un uiiKed, 60 cts 1 do-
Lestdisply and greatest variety of
pears, named and urrunod, bO cts i, do.
Lcstdisplny und ftroalost variety of
peaches, named and urraLgcd, bO eta it du
llest Aj'ples, J bu.ihU o
Lot Collection of plum.i, do
Lest" do cherries, do.
Lest do quinces, da
Lest do strawberries, do
Lest specimen of Foreign prnpes. do
Lest specimen of American grapes, do
Lest specimen curmnts, not lent, thuu 3 qart'a da
I Host specimen jroosliorrics, ' 3 ' do
Host speenneu of blaokliornos, u
Lest specimen of focilling gmpee raised ii
county and w orthy of vulture, do.
Lest .specimen of lo:m'sUc w iuo, do
JniuKs Win ('. Foley Win. McCruekon, Mrs.
.Samuel Mitchell. Mrs. J. F. Weaver, J. 11. M'liu
ally, Al.rain Xevlinj;. Mi.-s yosciihim Lauich,
Miss 1. lith Loyntou, .Miss li.rtha Wright.
Claps -l"). Horse nw.skip, ilv,
Host j couple of ladies and gouts ou horseback, da
Lost company of cavalry, do
I Lest company of Infimtry, d'
' Host band of brass instruments, du
Heat martial band, do
Jio.'t 2j singers. do
,i iHii:.s--()en. J. II. Larrimcr, Col. H. D. Pul
ton, Col. A. H. Shaw, Col. K. J. Wullace, Col.
Smiloy, Col. I'asstuoic, Col. Jl'l.'Inre, Muj. K. W.
Wise. .Major S. C. I'atchin, Major Holt, Muj,
lloisoy. Major Wm. Loll, CapUiiu Mathow Or
dou, dipt. W. A. Campbell, Captuiu Taylor
Ko lei.
Class 4ti Xanceies.
lic-t nursery containing tho greatest variety of
fiuils and nhrubs cultivated iu the most np
proved and methodical muiiuor, $2 00 fi do
.li hues Thomas Mills, Jacob liu'ich, Jumes
A. llugerty, William j. HoinphiU, Lichurd i-liaw
jr., johu li. Cain, Wui. L. Moore.
Persons ii;ipoiuled to act as judges nro request
ed to notify the Secretary, if possible, before tho
1st duy of the Fair, of their ucceptunco of tho
trust, and to meet tho l'res't ut tht opouing of
tho l air.
'J'ho ltules and Regulations, ifc, will bo puu-li-ihed
in a week or two.
Physic inn a n tl Surgeon,
flea mold Pa., May 3D, LSOO.
ATTORXKY AT LAW, will attend promptly
and faithfully to all legal business onlrusted to)
bis care, iu tho several Courts of Clcarliold awl
adjoining counties.
IV!'.-;, lUt) ou formerly occupied by G. R,
Oct. 2lith, XijQ ly.
PH. (1. W. STKV.'AUT '
1)livsii hni and Sais-in, oflern his profes
sional services to tho of Xew Wh.iIi
ingtou Mini Kurioiniilini couimuiiily. Office tLroj
doors west of tho Washington llmiso,
Xew Washington, Pa., Oct. II, 1
Pi vl 1. t Land SmvKvon, offers
his professiouul survives to tho citizens of Cloar
fiold county.
All busiuoss entrusted to Uiin will bo promptly
und faithfully executed.
I.Rice with Leonard, Finney it Co.
i'.jr. 11 ays,
DACLLULKAX, Molainootvpisl, Ambroty.
idfl. und Jl'STIt'E 01- THE PEACE,
Kersey, Elk County, pa.
Justice of the peace
l.ntber.'-biirp, Clearfield Co, Ta., will
nltcml proniitly to nil business cntrusled to hit
CRio. lie ulso informs tho public that ho keepi
constantly on bund ut his shop, a general as
sortment of Fuddles, llrilles, Ilurncss ami
whips, which ho will cell ou reasonable tro uis.
April i, DCO.
SMITH olTera his profosslonnl serTlcet
to the l.n.lics and (cut Icmcn of Clear-
1 Held anil vieinitv. All oiicralions pcrlormeJ
I with neatness .mil Doing fauiilinr
I with all the lnlo iiiipr.nineiiiJ", hois prepared Ul
jmuko Artiliclal Tectli in tho best inunuer,
Ol'fico in TS!.nw's now row.
Sept. 1 1th, is:.. lyi.
) JAM. ft. LAIltlMIFIt. I. Tr.NT
Ik .4i TFSI. Alli.rhi.vs nl law
I j -
I , ('i,.,.;r,l. Ta.. (.-Tl allehd i.romntlv to Col.
I i-rf
1 I ..,.1.4. I ... I, .1 A,npf, If Jt . In I! niirflolil.
- ' - , . -
Cnnlra nnd Kknor.hlii.ii.
July nn.-y
XV Clear!:
f J. WALLACE, Attoi.!kv At Law,
urlield, Pi., r'3'.ce in tl..w s Row, op.
po.uto thsJoutnl uQico.
j doc. 1, 13o3. ;.
'I .
I '
Ill '
T .