nip ,1.1, ? TV" . '' Vi Ml ) , f I i: A If F I ! I.D.July ':', I '. i'F.MO'.'UA HO NuMINATln.N.-!. nut rin:sinrNT. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. JNO C. BRECKINRIDGE. I'ok vice phesidknt. GEN. JOSEPH LANE. ClOYEKXOK. HENRY D. FOSTER. OF TiFSTMOIIKI.AXD COIN TV. I"IHI,"" !. i . .. Hi KW E.N 'I'l A L ELia"l'l.'HS. t'ena'.uriitl Etcelvrs. niohsid Ykx, Geo. M. Kcim. Z'iiirict J-Jlcctvrs. -Frcil A. fiimv. iJ4-lsaac Ileckhoir. 2-W. C. ralt?::i. l.r)-ioo. l. Jackson :t-.JoH. Crockett, jr. Ili'.-.Iohn Ahl. 4-.Jolm 'i.'.rer.ner.l7-.Torl H. Dannor. ;-. V.'. Jucol-y. m-J. ll. Crawibi-a. 0-C-lius. Kclley. I'.i-lf. N. I.eo. 7-Oliva-P. Jf.u. 'JO-Josh. V,. Howoll. -Davii Scflill 21-N. Ii. Fctterman. L'L' Marshall. !;;-Vm. I'.ook. 'Jl-B. I). Hamlin. U-.Joel XsitEtr, OS. S. Bsrccu: 1-T. II. Wfiike.-. ii-S. WincLestc. 13-Jos. Laubscli. -3-GaylorU Cliurch. P.ES0LU1IO.V 01 THE DEMOCRATIC 6TAIK EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. rrufouuJIy impressed with tlio importance of I'rufiipL, viuroua umi p.itriniic ai'auu on mo purl f tho Uomoeralio fc-'Uito t'oumiittoo, in order tu urcrt, it (niMiblo, tue cuuMBiineucoa wind must i.....,:.. i i 1. i- .i.....! l.-. HiMlumj ri'SMil UUIU luc iiuuiippj U1V1MUI1.S I10W in tho ranks ut the Democracy in our Ptnto and nation, we cordially and honestly recommend, to mo uc norrnoy ol tho Mate that they unito with heart and voice in tho auppoit of our excellent and competent nominee for Governor, Ilor.ry I) Jroalcr, and tl.'at in (ill tho local elections they net as one purty, forgivinj and forgetting any differences that thoy may havo entertained for tho Presidency; bntwith n view lo a ptrfuctuni. y apaiust iho common enemy, we reeonnnond to this Democracy of Pennsylvania to unite their votee for I'roident on the electoral ticket foruiod St ltcadins on tho 1st day of March, 1SC0, on the following basis and understanding, viz : Thnt if taid electoral ticket should bo elected by the people, and it should appear, on ascertaining the result in tho other States of tho Union, that by ating tha entire voto of Pennsylvania for Sto phen A. Douglas and llorschcl V. Johnson, it would elect them Prenident and Vice President over Jessrs. Lincoln niidlfnmlin, then said elec tors (hall be under obligation so to cast said voto ; if on tho other hand it should appear that said voto would not elect Mossrs. Douglas and Johnson, but would elect John c. Dreckenri.lge ftndJo.eph f.ane Prosidcnt and Vice Prdsideut ovor Messrs Lincoln nnd llanilin, then said vote shall be cast for them ; and in enso tho united loto cf Pennsylvania would not elect cither of these ticketa then tho electors may divide it ae acrding to their cwn judgement of what would be the best fcr tho country nnd tho Democratic par ty tbo basis of tliia'unitcd nction being that it Is the first and fcighest duly of ull Domocrats, however they t:ay differ nhiut f men and minor points of principlo or policy, to unite air-ii.-i iho aommon ncn:y, and to uvcrl, if lo-'.-iL!.', ;iie greatest cnkmily that could btUll the country, the cloction of n .'lack Kepnbliean President; nnd further, tho 'Chairman of this Committee is heroby nuthoriied to correspond with the several electors in the State, and obtain from him his written pledgo, within thirty days from this date that ho will faithfully carry out the opbject ol this resolution. Democratic State Executive Committee. Al in ninntinf nT tlm Rlutn r.m.nllln. 0,1 Inst., it was resolved that the next meeting be rtmu at Bresson, 111 tno cauoitne Minimum, in pursuance thereof, tho members of tho Comiuit tee will assemblo at Ctesson, on Thursdev, the tllh day of Augmt, lS(il), at 3 o'clock P- M. As business of great importance will bo lnid-before me v-iiiiiiniiire, ii is earnestly nopca mat every lueiubcrwill bo ineseot, ja?Democrulic papers will please copy. IV M. II. WELSH. July 20, 18G0. Chairman. DOL'CLAS t'LUU X 1. At the request of 10 member of the Club a special meeting is ordered for Saturday evening July 23d, for tho election of moinbors and to port eel arrangements for the muss county Con TCSjlion. L, J, (,'rans, President. Democratic Couveatioa. Tho !ji!i11rl'niie volcrs r,f Cteai-flobl county aro requested to meet in in as Con vention, at the Town Hall in Clearfield on Saturday tho 4th clay ofAugui-t, A. D. lt'iO. for Mi r immfisn nf K,.lr.'-!ti,r 11. Conferees tn rpnv,.fiiil. Mm -nn, ( 1 1,. t'l-t BERSCIIELV. JOHNSON .v . ...wvw....,j ... im.- ...v. uui 3 j,ui. iuu-.iiui, nun ino uignity Conriessional Conference to bo held at'ntid 5rookvilIo on tho Mh of August; that j bv Mm f!nnfri,iifft r.t I.M'i iiuiv.-uuu jiiiiua iiuwiik i-eu rcsuivcu upon . The attention of the Committee was not called to the fact of their meeting at that timo until very recently, and it there fore becomes their duly to call a Convcn ton, as the return Jn'lges of tho p.Liiarv clection will iot have met until the day fix eil for tho Conference shall have pas sed. By order of many. D. F. Etzweiler, Chair man. The Protbonotnry Mr. Cut:loiiivc3 notice that llm l'nmniih.t. T.i.u-a ...l....m ..., a lwl vjuumj-mnyu, 11U 1 1 J 1. 1 1 I ' I i 1 1 11 g 1 1 IS 11 OU llllllS have been received nt his oft ce, where all , sdf by his opposition to the Mexican war entitled to receive them can call ard ect I ,akinTnrt the common enemy in tj,enl fr time of war, against his own country.-- When be returned homo from that Coti llon. D. B. Long Prothonotary of Clar- gref V'0,f,,una H"!1 the "'i-'"tion of tho .ri , , . 1 people followed bun rvory where, until he on county, died very suaJenly cn the igai retired to private life, and was sub loth inst., from an nflection of tho heart, merged until lie vri again forgotten ly Til A i-lftO1rtCil ll'na 1. fi ( ".A .. - ' fVisllllld Ha MIMiA llll nr , .n K'". I : v i w 4iui'uv j cuts ui age. , ; ; the veteran editorof tho iYa- ttonal Int.Ui,Jfnecr, died in Washington on Saturday ni,l.t. of naralvsi, Mf Oaln. . tvss inl,is8eventv.f,;lh5;carofljisnse.! lioTso "Pa.chen'' thatLns Lenten 0 In 1809 he purchased Mm '.'"Kln Allen," nnd almost strippo I the !' i- i ,i Ubluhment,and fiom that time his death Bas Deoa us principal editor. j ,11 III') ? f i l ii I '. ., i t ' 1 I I M !. i I '-lb . ,, a I'm ti, fu I n Mi. ti'i t, t i in- I i i i i I lli' I n Vitbt-ttl I 'I'tiw. nil ii i 'limit 1 1', ln (.mi ti I hi- I, In lit' Ii tin V d MixiiM O nil rlV-iN nl t xiij i ftiiif, hi iliiil lm I a l'i rt liliilv i f b t i-tl in III" I'.'iil .. n f i.' 1'iiilv, r i; 'I i nllt li I "it I lirt liiiinh 1 1 lmi'h i i ijulii n I (i I i in mi. I v)li I'nim in Imkanii, I'. ll. Sanborn (.K'lni I'"!' II'IHI liil ll' li'tlllolll D'lllgblS I ll'ror. ' l''l(' ll'i fit I IHV ) f 'ill-dlllin M. SiCtll(i', We nieiiiii.ius In see what propn. lion oT Llinhcth 11. Chase, rv t i I AMy Kelly I'm the ( 1 1 mli 1. 1' Douglm in 1 1 1 1 -t .Sia'o will ler. From theso liaiiiei il ran eiiiilv I i I'l i v 111 "i inlaini'im ilrimini ll" . .. I, , , r, iiti' - ,r;-it.;ir-1, j (!. UU', inwi'll nt in!cn. ll lull lioi'ii fjivi'ii ciit l.y lliii ri n lloiii f. Wo (K-n'l wmit l.'iinroM to Hf famiti,"! that tliry were imt kali'licl int.Mve,HM'ilK.rii;,u,1or,r,,,WS!HVcr.ilhMr. l.i,,,oh,'.,. ,1,,,,.,,,,. ,, ... ... , . mi the 1 1 1 itoi icp : nor do ivo wat.t uny (i.Vnrii'ii'u on the part Nutio.ial Commit tees with Stuto Orpiiiuutions. Jf tho masses of tho J't'inocntie party of renn sylvnnia desiro lo be united, and to net to pother, and lo ein-t their votes in auch a nianiieras they will bo suro to Ir'.l agninat the common enemy, wo protest n:;nint any intcrnicdJliii" on tho part of 0'iUi- der.s. Our Stato Conventional lleadinc i.jipointed a Stale I'.ccutivo Commit te to whom m committed the management nnd control of our party fur the present con tcit. Each wing of tho National Conven tion appointed a National Committee. 1 1 hey have their proper duties to perform. Hut w o protest against any intermeddling 'on tho part of State Oriranisationj. If tho manifesto of Miles Taylor & Co., i obeyed net a single member of Congress will be elected by tho liomocrats. Hut if it is disregirdod and spurned ns it des erves lo Le, we will not only carry a large majority of Congressmen, elect (leu. Fos ter and a Democratic Legislature, but will whip old Abe all to smash. Oottinj Bolder. Wo seo by tho western pipers thai the Black Republicans are arranging their po litical programme with an eyo to carrying out the "Irrepressible conflict" to the very letter, this they mut do to satisfy the Abolitionist, spiritual Kippers and the negroes. In the fifth dis trict of Indiana, they have Eet aside Mr. Kilgoro and nominated that notorious abolitionist Geo. W. Julian, in the eighth, tenth, and eleventh districts they have set aside rather conservative men, and nominated two Black. In Michigan nnd Vermont the samo thing is being done. In Illinois however there is quito a rum pus in the camp, tho State convention nominated a Mr. Iloii'iiian for Lieut. Gov., anj he refuses to run, seeing that tho subject was getting too dark, and thestato central committee named a Mr. Jarrot for ilia position. To this a largo portion of the rank and file object, his views not beins dark cnoucli : and ho Las been forced to leave the field, staling that he could not consider himself a candidate ivhilo so largo and a respectable portion of the state objected to him,,' and the slate Central Committee, have called an other stato Convention to assemble at, Springfield nn tho 5th of August next IV O kllfllV nnotlinp .ifi'r. T1i;...;L.l .. ....v.... v., jhiuvi( who ought to of token a liko view of mat ters with Mr. Jarrot ; when ho knew as well as Mr. Jarrot did, that a "larce and respcctablo portion of this country" did not doili'o him to beconio tho nominee of his party for President at this time. Life of Aba Lincoln by Juigo Douglas. We abstract tho following brief recital of tho career of Mr. Lincoln from one ol the speeches made by Stephen A. Doug las during the canvass in Illinois in 1853 : "I havo known Mr. Lincoln for nrailv twentv-five ve.irs. Wo bad mnnv unl.iu of sympathy when I first got acquainted wuu inm. vi e were uotn comparatively bovs : both Etrmielin!; with 1101'ei te (', our support 1 an htimblo school-teacher in the town of Winchester, and he a nour ishing prucery keeper in the town of Sa- 1 IT. .... iem. iie was more success.ui tti occupa tion than I. and hence boi.ama more, fin-in nate in this worlds 'goods. I made as good a school teacher as I could, and when a cabinetmaker niado tho bedsteads and tables. but my old boss said I su:cee ded better in bureaus and secretaries than in anything else. But I believe that Mr. Lincoln was more successful in business than I. lor his business ns a grocery keeper soon carried hi:u into the Legisturo. There I met him in a liltle time, and I had sympathy fur him because of the up-hill struggle we had in life. Ho was then as good a telling an anecdote as now. Hj couldbeat (my of the bovs vr.'lliii". could outrun them at a foot-race, beat- any o!' uiem ai piicmiig quoits and tossing a con per, and could w in more liquor than ali l... l. ....... . . i. and tho diimitv at a horse raco cr a first fiht wero the praise oi every ijoiiy mat was present or participated, llenco I bad si-numi In- C.. him, because he was struggling witli'mis fortune, and so was I. Mr. Lincoln serv ed with me. or I with him in tho Legis lature ofl3t), when wo'parlod. lie "sub sided ar sunmerged for sumo years, and 1 lost u'ght of him. In ll'j, when Wilrnot raised t Jij Wihnot proviso tornalo.Mr. Lin coin appeared ag iin as a member of Con press lroiu Sangamon D s'l. I, being in the Sonata of the United State, was called to aelcomo hirn, then without friend and ,..,,,.,...,;., Ho then distinguished binis . iv vitniv uji (inii ju iitjt, in liuie to make tho abolition black republi-1 can plalfarm, in company with Lovejoy, biddings, Chase and Fred. Douglass. Jf republican party to stana upon." l'iurels "'om "f lora Temple." is he d at I the altogether fancy price for $35,000.- Twentv - five thousand uure s from "Flnra T, ' . f.i.i . j - --.. lirntiii'f H' ('i t'll' mUm I' I n (ill' Mill,' ) M,.,. , (,,,,,, ' I ' 1 ' ' 1 '"' i 'I 'i II- in) U i! . ii, I'. S. V. i.t,. i f ,,tn M ; k I it t.i, t n I'mulli 1. 1 .liil) i I. It (ill. ii nl iiiiiiitn-i. n fll t li lino IM i i . i i, . , . . i ii i nun iii ( ii nm im hi '1111'' I'l III!) I iolltin tiici'llni I'n uli nl, F.inil'. O'liiii v. Vlcn Pi i-iibnt i i, ",r .1 I .. I ... .1 ... .. "'iiiia iiiiiHiiiiiiii..'i,i iiifiiiifc ..ill... . .I . , . . , , ,'. ,on Senator S il.sou iva ih'.-i'atch(;l lo (his .ll,,. llllil Ir'ntlnirns IlllTtilU. of lUllk AholittoiimU: to tt'acli mul iiHti unl lln'in n u,o uootrmw ana ol the ,.rc, eilt 11 aek luMUl il cull iiirli' nml t.r r II I !i v 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i i .' . II deny but that ho lies done it to tin very leuer near tiie.Vnalor n otvn words . .. inu luviiuj urn ouia. ,. . v .inn niuvi-iv iiiui euiunt linn ueL'l.ll t enty-five years no, o.M.osition und persecution, bv n denniscd l'.m- T.. .!,. tho country in torn by tho i. retire.-isihlo conflict, and n.en beyond Mnson and Dix - on's line are comin.T to niil dm nnw it takes tiaio to tho noblest ob- jocts. Tho hentimJnts ofaereat nation aro nor to bo el.,in.r.,l i .1... .... hour. I'hu . j'uuo ia going onward, nnd tiiroiigu or ,itn..tart.os, we aro niaiehinj; , he secras to think is nn awful state of nf on to certain t'uWi. ( Annlaiise. I V.v. t.,w. ir i . .. . on to certain L'ua,. ( Annlause. I V.v. uu wnai. our lrienn wJio spokelioro this morning called tho black code of Illinois, ... .t . - . . . ' T inn yet cruniu.o belore tins nwreli nf pro. L'ress. the battle is I'on.-lit l,v Mm l.'...,nl, lican narlv ou the truest nnd klrnn,.i grounds, on iegal and constitutional grounds. Jien it wins against slavery extension, it wins against everything. " " v a. v ii va Si,V a Mltill 111 HJtJ, national government, it goes down forcv-1 ncn mo siave i ower goes down in the or. (tii'cat Aridause.1 Gentlemen, the llenuhliem, ,r.v i. a purty of abolition- It is opposed to l.u - - .. ..... -... . bioad-in the South, it, Cuba, and Brazil. 1 man siaverv evcrv wnnnt nt. inm,, .,.' ... But the Ketiublieati nui'lvchi'ing Mm -waiv er nnd assumes tho duly "of excluding sla very from tho Territories. It was organ ized upon thnt idea. It 1ms engraved'up on its Flag this great doctrine of the Fathers embodied in the Ordinance of IT S'. Its mission is to savo the vast Territo ries of the United States to freodon to overthrow the poorer of slavery in the government, and put tho nation on tho side of freedom,. MttS. FOSTE". I ivish ftfr WiUnn n-.mM nr.. swerono ouestion lieforehp ltvi Mm t.J.. form. His this: Wherein is the Hepubliean platform, on tho subiect of ' than tho Whig plaU'orni, whon thai party tnaila its last cllbrt, and Mr. Wilson left tho liartv beeausn lm rnnM mi .inl thatphtform? If ho will answer that question, I think we shall all bo edified. Senator Wilms-. I hnnn T tv..,n r.i . - -1 - " .ivw ; uc nepi, on me puuiorm anawcring quos w. ... jv me I'lnuuuu uiiaiYcnng quos t tions; but if they aro put, I shall answer i tiiem, (ApHause.i Tho ouestion nut in' mo is -and, ,sa lair q-ieit.on, and I will meet it fairly wherein the Hepubliean it lairly wherein tho l imy uniers iram u;o platlorm Ot 1 1)0 Whig party, on which I refused to act? I will stuto tho difference. T!'e )Vh ' r"u"'y of MwacLusetts, from DC.7 to'-lt, niaintained.on the slavery ques tion tho piecise position of tho llepu blcnn party to-day. A Voice 'Anion!' There is an admission. I cooperated with t!iat i-aiiy uurnig inose years, hecause it pro I'osoil Ia La .i;.ua...... I a .1 - I .w ... v it i j , i.viioiuei i oice inuu ; j augiuer.; now was it with I u,l"L OI "ur party ana not to encourage the Whig party of tho United States, of secession or disunion. Never befjro has which tho Whig party of Mass icbiuetts ,tne Democratic organization of our bolov- H'lu Olio 1.1' V Tim W'l. !.. e il.I oil f?nm n.,i iv.n!t .. ........ I.,.. I i'.. . . i . . . was one branch? The Whig party of tho u mien oiaies never uid, as a natunai par ty, occupy a position against slavory ex tensionNever ! I'AlllPIl'.' Its 'nrM.. ern men in Congress were against slavery ; us fcoulliom men lor it, or uncommitted, the party was divided upon that question, and tolerated tho dillorcnco. In 1S4S, the greit crisis of tho country, when wo had obtained, by tho peaeo ivith Mexico, half a million Eou irn mll.x nf fi. i .,..; ry, tho question arose. Shall this territo ry bo continued free, or shall it bo blave territory ? Tho Domoernr-v V ni'lV, nml South, went aaainst koriini; it free terri ir 'iM. f. .... ..... iuiy. i ue oL'iiwieru nigs wero lor lunv ing it open taking substantial the po sition of Douglas to day. The'l'hiladcl- pliiatonven'.ion was held. 1 went there as a member of tho Convention. We pro- j posed to tho South simply to stand by the Wilmot Proviso, but tho National ' 111" li.lllV ll ll I Mm ,ln -.-. . -- o i -j ..-.ivu .uc uiiuiiiiiiiuui ui uie Convention, and trampled it under foot : a..u ,v um so, i iook my tiat and j a iew uijcon'.enied, mischievous Dis mantled out fif Mm fin von I, ,-,. I I ...! llliinnwlj 11 applause and cries of 'good.'J j ;V,.0'!enJ' lJIrs- Foster, in measuring mo ning party, measures it not by loaded with honors never earned National Whigs, but by tho Whigs of nd Jo Pane of Oregon, an ignorant lium this State, and a few other Northern ' for Vice Presidm.t ; but this is not W bigs, who occupied our position to day. 'distracting the Democratic party any more , slilndi ''"J Hopublieiii pars f'an Iho rebellion of Satan distracted the ly. I Ins party was founded upon the ac-1 harmony of Heaven, and these men who ceptance ol the Wilrnot FrovUo. It aep bave undei taken to raise the devil in the cntrl from the Whig an I Democratic Democratic parly may read their own parties on that question ; it wont out be- i hto the history of their great protot-ne cause they were faUc to that principle. ,' who made "war in Heaven for the Fri'icn 'a' i.rii, ........ . ; ...... .i .i' I. .. r r l ,, ... I " y tijiuii tiuartnc. or ine ' mi. i mi noui-. ivemeiiiijor tor on'u power of Loiyreis lo prohibit tlivm in 'every half an hour and the troubles to tho Deni territory ot the I mhd Stairs. Applause. ocratic party by theso discontents will be OinoC I4S. ivlir.n iv n lnl'l Mm lil.a.,1.1.. .: .',imn.i;,...l,. .f l;l..l: '..i . ... wilSlo'narep This is indeed beautiful language for a together and mado arrange,"onts f,,r iV rubl,C Jouri,ftl l mo lcwarJa 6llt' ling tho Bulbdo Convention of that year, ifts iIr' ''eckenndga and Mr. Lane men we have gr ,wn up until we aro a million who havo served their Country on tho bat- nvMrn ln ,,n!r"Vumhn.? T"' stand-1 tie field ; whero blood flowed liko water log upon the jwtlun.-iUl ilea, that Cn.ircsi ' 1 i . "i-ier, Mr; w, that congress it Uund lo pro S''VCa Ule'r T0V Constituancics libit s.n-ny in the territorial of tm Unirtd Stuks. i" Ike balls of Congress with ce 'it and to " ",l'ir friend now understands thodillerenco." ' co"'su.',,anl3 We have no hesitation in savinc thnt! I'nto that these men arc ktnvus the foregoing sentiments aro the sontiJ menls of ere.y honest Black Hepubliean in tho United States? nudjusfas soon as iney nave the power in numerical sireno-th this programruo will be carried out to the very letter. The party machinery at tho present i ar w. j i v tuu reseii"e- lime however ; is propelled Lv a set nf I demagounues nnd trickster, , !1 Y 1 .,,"," - , far I1' been very successful in blindfolding f 0S7thV -? . ' ? F 'jtan"I14" the reins ol the Govern- mcnt Bui just as soon as they accomplish this wjen, ii, win 09 iouna mat there III' ' Mi ,.!,. i" I tml" n n I tlimi In t'tiifini rii SO, lll( tlm 1 1 r (in In- cm ,i . I itilh. i? win 1 1 il w n Im nrfiiy l I'll I ho II HI Ii . ......... ii , i ... . .f ,, . I, i , I UK llll I I'lHI 11 11117 1M win III 1 lll'IM HI 1'iiily nto liciirl III nviminj lin n' iIi m;:ii - ilr'i'i i ntv nti'l n fnl ni lliry nrr-llio I'Vi i lliioiv I'T lliii (lovri nini iil, in noun t l'',.. Tin y ivoi o ilixMilNllol ith llin l.oini .. . .......... ir.. i, I.. ...I...... .... iiiiiii.ii ,,ii, i.iihi.iii. niiu.u hi ' I'll (,.iiv that honu'tliiiiR must lie Mii'lninhloiH) to uppciho ninl nuict lliciii u,(,v ,vo,0 .,,, ImiU!ll,t ft .,', .,, 1 " 1 4 fc in Miw.m.l !! ..,.,.;..ui U, I I. ll,,,.. 1, 1 l. ...,;l I i... ""J hmuh iiu, ,u ijnivv uiiin tuiliu I I. I'll (. Mogal hhouhl jmhlickly tell lliciu ivlmt ' th, true nrinei.,loS nnd hentin.enls of tho . ltei.uM.ean prtrly nere. I y ma , . k-.-naiui ll Jiui 11(13 i. .i:....i ...... wirL-iiiu gj una uuiy , ,. , . imii'.-suy nuu ienr(essiy, r i i . .i , . . y L t0 1,10 l,:lckel1' of . coin in other loeul.lici. ' n i -c n 1 Co1, Forney 8 Couipliraeuts ! The virlunns KJiinr of Mm .. .lin... : Z' " ' 5 'c I"'Pl'rN " nose rumors noid un1(-'rthe attona, which I it. .1 . i , . J." , 1? rrt,1Ve, 'a,n,'y f frnm SI ) ) ) In ; 10 l( a. n.,,1 "..- 1 1. i:r. i r,.m Slnno lnni. I l t .i i -r ' f 1 0 co.c,:' nnd ft,r. 1,10 ,lfo of us wo can see nothing wrong in this ; unless it is because they will not travel under his lash- One thing wo do know ; that thair sal aries aro not as trpunitke as that attached to tho Clerkship of the Black Kinmblican L' w ' 'VJ ' mjv. ax itUj'UUl JI.UIJ House of Representatives wbirh fdllcp 1 1... ,i. i .. : . i ... ' v "' u " ttiso nn r'ailor 01 a "cwspa- ler" ji n bad given us tho amount of his c ...v. "..iwiii. v v. ...a salary, wo could then see who was re. ceiling tho largest. If it is adi-sgraeoor to hold an of- fico under the national Government, iva aro eurnrisod that fV.l rr i,. i,. " v a - w. j,am. i-vv ;i trying all his lifetime to get one which ho has nt last obtained, and obtained it in way that JlmcJia Anwld re- cetvedtho Bntisli gold-bv treaton and treachery Not Eight. "Wo aro p lined to seo tho catico of some of tho Donocr.ttic Journals in this as well as other States with referenco to the two candidates who a. o now before the Dem ocratic pt rty for President Some of them seem to give only their own personal feelings in tho mailer in o .nmci in tno most reckless manner abusing both Mr 1). ill itIiiv nml r :. i .. Lltr,s W- ...... ..... . LWU,U "a",e quite a numler of this class of Journals persuing th.s course ; but no hero insert tivo cstrncts from the Warren Ledjtr of a late dale, w hich wo declare to bo wrong, no difference ly rhom it is done. "Never has such an insult civ.. the Democracy of 1I19 Keystone State, as is now forced upon them by a Central ( 'mn nij I tin . ...... I...1 . .. -.1. ..1 .1 . . fc,-v' "i i i;w iuuiuuiii uiu prm- - .vu.wu n; luiiii a siau from its professed friends. No enemy from without has been ablo to harm us butour 011 sentinels those wo have placed upon tho watchtowers of the cita. del havo betrayed us, and now turn their weapons upon us instead of tho ene my. What must wo do, but to airest theso traitors and place faithful guardians upon tho outposts? Hang tho traitors upon the gibbet of public opinion, that fu lure generations may behold their blight ed carcasses and beware of their treason. Tho Democracy of Pennsylvania, asked to vote for Disunionists ! Was ever treason so bold or iniquity bo impudent except when Satan tempted our Lord and Sa viour mi llin llinnnliii'r. ' Cat 1. Satan. Democrats, true to their party and their country, can no more affiliate with seeeders and Disunionists than oil can niix with water no chemical preiicration Jnf Mm l: ...... I .... 1 I'.. ...... I . tK-uuiiKi ivniiai vommiueo can produce it. ted an .ambitious young man for Presi- dent, whoso head had become addled bv 7 3 ; 13 ccltainly nioro responsibility I than we care about assuminc : for if u mil was mado lor th proof of this wo .,,l,i 1 ... i nn. ,.rn,l.m 5, ! Ue would like to kuow how manv of o Editors in Warren Countv .l ": - i -v ... Chapin Hall, the Black Bepubliea iVnml. 1 tM' ill. II Till l I . ll . PH il I V'tuM i , 1 . . 1 a. In )m ,'. i,l l -.i M I'l I lii l Hill" l'i I 'HI, ! I'n'il I "ii .(..- . r. . ' :"- .oiu-kiicib mo rigtit oi voting. nee lui Congress in this District two yoars1?naros','8"e of six months. This plank ig ago. Will some of our friends inform nu conflict with mucl. that 1 bavesiiid mwl : ;., ,.l.i:... .1 1 ..1 luiuuuu 10 una matter. I hero is no point about which people are more conceited than theirown knowl-i ougo oi tnsexact deg.oo ofpunighment or blame to be awarded to offenders ' shown in tho eternal deputes of parents imnl Ih. ..... .I!., .r .0, , - ua vwiiecnuQ oi cnimien. 1l'tW0 lliilill lltili. 1 Ii n r, l! II, it hi i. I., w ,. i , y dm l,rt ! . ' ' ' '. ' ' , I'd I V V Ii' I I t I) 1, (. I, ll W ,11 tnvl II. ( ,l:,i!i 1 ,i,! h I ul lln lii 'U in llii'i -i ' "llii'lwn Hut U nil" H ni ivl'i Ii 'I I y lln lit l )iiniii i hlif i i. mi ii i i i Mil i'n 1 1' mi, i ii i ... nn i i v ii .... iti.... i .. luti ... .. i. nn I I v ..... I .. . ii .. . Mil, nn, I MmiiN III mix lui VI, l'lrflilihl, ll mil t'liil'lifli'"l It. I ',(IM Itl" lil'tlli.rl ilt,T lllO Ifllllill I,'f till i i "l r , I'tulii! Miiln from Iniviiij; tiliiiu.Niuin iiiii tliiliilt'i fiiircil uion lliciii ly Ilia ll ! imiii'i. ftv limn I pnwiliiiii Stnlfi nlio inilil . : I l .-. i -. .... v i i ... ll '.. .- mnsiiiiy cuminl U llll'U lllil'illlV I'l Jliu, Oi'Vontion. '1 lm mlo Inn turn mllicird , lo in cvt'ry illM"n,, ''"'' llr"' VrTnl, l,!,!c', "f; a Kn ""'I iii.Lnniu iiuijoni y oi mo i. oiivciiin'ii I f,.., n,.. i. . v.. v.... ..i. .i... .! 1 OlllliniUl two-thirds, lin ttn il,.C..ntn,l nml 1 ' -. ........... Ir 1,oIk rocviveil lLo noniintition ar,d 1 " t." , , ,, ,. i , i no lei'i'iu (. oiivenwon, wincii asseni-: lore us u vision, a. i c. jbled at Churloston, also adopted tho rule, 'oerat ; always supp therefore selocted un declared that '202 votes (two thirds oflnover m-king olllee. nml lm i,a .1 ii ' a ful1 Convent ion oT 3(1.51 were neceessa-!.!. .1. Miller, 10 ,mS ,V no "try to make a nomination. This rule was!,!. V. McCartney, y, I.cwevcr distastes ot repcele.d at any mbsequent stage of U. P. Wilder. I ."uvuiujh, niiii.ii ii.iai.-iu- :l.Ied nt Churluston. uL-o udoptod the rul, .I...i.i.i i n .i.i. .,.. ,i.i...i . . 1 j -.4.. ...... . 'theConvent.on, either at Charleston or I'.lll tirnni'il ('Onsen upii 1 1 v tin ,lf not receiving that number of votes can bo said to havo been regularly nominated. In tha nnrtio.l of tho Con vent ion whieli remained in session, and which nomina ted Mr. Douglas, thero appears to hv.e oeeu oniy i.i-jj votes nil told, including some twenty or more, principally from Southern States. scats 10 me exc ution ol tho rem. arlv lcclQl ddtts f'0- Sf-test Tle i. :..i. .. l ..... .. scats to the cxcluuon of tho regularly 1,-V "''es noui uiose .-siaics. in ji''icst number of votes which Mr. Douo las appears to have abluined at any time, xoij loss tinin the requi red numler under tho two-thirds rule, eveu admitting tho legitimacy of all the vote east. The seceding portion of tho Convention which met at the Maryland Institute, numbered but 105 full vots, all of which W'ei'O Clint for Mr. BnF.r'KiN-niiiric on Mmso,.. oud ballot. The State of South Carolina Was not represented in pither CnnviMilinn at l!idtimoro. In tho first Convention iticuiy six (Mates were reiiresented, in whole or in part, at tho time of tho nomi nation ; and in the Fecond Convention, . ineiiiy-ui u ..laics were wnoiiy or partial ly represented. 'y represented. . ie abovo slatj.ics wo have taken 1 rti from the record. The facts, as they rip penr, oicnny biiow tluit, under tho two- commenced, neither of the Democratic ! candiUiite s for the Presidency now before i"e peopie can lay claim lo a rcyiKar nom ination, aj nominations havo boretofnri. been made. Mr. Douglas conies nearest to it, but still does not quite tench the standard recognized by eight consecutive National Conventions, including tin re cent one held first at Charleston and then at Baltimore. Has ho received a clear and undisputed majority of t'vo-dhirds ol tho regularly elected delegates of tho Convention, or had tho rule been repeal ed before tho nomination was made, then it would have been tho bounded every Democrat (no matter what '70rKl obJe;Hon? may be) to yie d l,nn a nearty a. tv and zeilous sunnni t 111 it. ii 1 l..n. ocrats are left to prefer him or Mr. Bittcii- in ri igr, anil we Know ol no better plan of operation by which to keep tlm party together in Pennsylvania, whatovor may bo the condition of things elsewhere, than for all Democrats Douglas men and Breckenriiwe men to carry out, fairly and honestly, the recommendation of the S'.ato Central Committee, by voting the same electoral ticket. By so doing, Mr. will secure the vot of the Stuto, if it can be made availa'jlo for him ; anv other course must, of necessity, result in giving the electoral vote of Pennsylvania to Lincoln, as also in endangering the election ol Fostkii, and defeating all, or nearly all, ttic Democratic candidates for Congress, State Legislature, and Counly Ullicers. 1 e hope our Democratic fliends wu pieier Jir. loiolas, ana desire hu j "-i. ma lunowing property, to wit: tiro lied election, will ponder well Upon these I ",oa,'E' 0,10 Uurenu, Table, Cupboard, Ches t and thins before th?v take asten ivhii li h-ill Tr ,mk : P0"' in tLo l ossion of Edward 0.-i things before th ?y take a step which will ineviiainy result m ins cieleut Ourciuise shall bo to do justico to; both candidate!?, and carry out in good i lailli so tar ns we have the power or nl ili- ty, the fair and honoruble recommenda - tion of the Slate Committee. If any oth- er course could bo attended with better, or even ns good results, wo would clicor ' fully adopt it. AVe are actuated sjlely in thi matter by nn honest desire to ha, - mon.zonnd consolidato tho party. nrl save the State from falling into the hands of the Republicans nothing more, no - thing less." . "I Sr it UB0U It." TlmTrinT 11 r,.,,l n . llie lion L. D. Campbell who was we behevo, tue nominee of tho Beiiublicans Ooncressioniil miii'iu lli.i i!,,.., :i.,l,o ...! elected Speaker, atd was re-elect sd from i. - ' - .....VI 1 '1,1 1 1 I. II. the third District in Ohio by Negro votes in 1858, for which he was ousted and the Hon. C. L. Vallendighani who contested his scat was declared elected has written a letter repudiating the new lest of Ke publicanism adopted at Chicago ; in which' nu qiiytcs inr. ureeiv in I sol: "I suit 1 . " , 11 upon tbo 1 liitfonu but dlilerin. from Greely in this that ho will not Junnort ., . ,. . , ""PPOil tno nomination made at Chicago, hero is his letter. , , I . HAMlLTOsrWuly 10, ISfiO. lou mention the fact that I have been' named as a candidate for tho Hepubliean nomination for representative in Con cross.! His proper, therefore, to sav that, ac-! knowledgj.i my profound gratitude to Him,,iLfil ;. r, F the peo -lo of tins listrut lur the..' past u. p r.nit, l liaye not tho least dosiu-again to enter llie held of strife and subject myself , to a repetion of tho i-alumnioin assaults ' li.i.i.ll..... .1 .. . . . . Jtiviviilic 1I1IIUO IIIHIU 1110. Jlt'SlllCS It IS I duo to candor to add that, according to! therci,ublien1.isn...,lm,i,..l ,,i...m. r. . -VV..H..HO. -.'ii i uu i lull, i rt."irii nil-unit n. rn.,, hi... out. nf ih,. ..... I i'.: ...... ... . , vviiireii ion, i i eg'iru my sell as revived .' .T . ; ... : T't'.:. ,ul' uet'jii 8IK U i .iviuiuunuii niuioui ex presiiiL' inv nn. , V "ll,,oul' expresxnir my un- (l'dihed eodemnalion of the proposition !, 1 ul ; , V J,n toun- much morn Miul il i.. ... i .... much more that I havo thought and still ' heliovr, nn Mm !.: 1. ...1 "U SU.U Knlioua nn I.,. .,,1.1 1. .1 ...,..,,, ii proposes, sub- BtBntl!kIIy, to obliterate nl the vholoome ?a(';'-'': to tho purity of the Auionean "iuucci. it iiroposes. sub- 1.1" " . . ' lml 01 ,,ox. "a therefo.o. to use a familiar nU 'g"fcant expresion, "1 spit anon lt" LZW'ls C. CA MTBELL. . SMuBticet' blanks lor sai here. rummy MoiH'T. r Hf Mi 'I, r I.. M, , ,, 1 1, li II H. .!.,. 1 I xhiiv I i.f rr,tii J i nn 1 1 r I i rr .. in H. ;ih l, ji -t 1 1 il Inn. 1. 1 rnnti nil, n. Inly Jtih I ci'. NVn hie nnlli'iiii i to niitititii.i ( li'inm n' V'm. I'. I, i f riir,.''' illi-. in n'liilii d'. Ciiinli (.,.. - finlnl-, mil.ji'cl to t ll lltKHfi'd of Dig l' imuc iuiiv. KjIiiIdhii, July ftli lb; j Mb. .., , .... At 11,(1 In In-it. . of Iho tin 'l.isinoil, H'lllmin (1. .)oln1t (1' ralmtu 1 1. , has roiisi iitixl to lme , j - n'V"Ul iv i oimiiiisioiit' r, iuiilool lo LeiiiO(f'; '.:,i... ' J Vl lim-o tillnivn tf .IaI.... r . .. .. w .. . i , i, v..i .n.Mi lur number of yrnra. lis i nn excellent n,su ' ' l . lUi:",' iwro iim iiiiihiuii, nun uii uiiniiiunilli' r,-,n, 'oerat ; ulwayn .ur porting Iho imrty, ' . . i.:.' m 1 1 1 "'''J-l Jos. Potter, I.eon'd. Ky, :l; James Potter, Jeremiah,t George ii cover Danl.' Littio, ' Geo. Beam, M. It. Deiin'tnn Jos- A. Sensor. Win. Weight, 0.1., J. D. Denniug, Amos lin bier, John B. Kyler, John Knyburn, Andrew Hunter, W'h nie authorized (o nnnouneu M ai,.,.. of John P. Dale of I'ike tp., as a candidm,, Crtf I li nllipA ff f Vimit v r!.-rmniiAi.. v. 1. ... .w V. w ...M.w....,, QUU. jeet to the usages of the Democratic party. Mr 77i)iT0it : TI.niirt nnnnnimn llm npt... - " " I.MUIl of Samuel C. Thompson of Morris tp. acanumaio lor county commissioner, iuu joct to the nomination of tho county com vention. You will rnnllrt lm . -- candidate last year for the nomination, uuo mem severui cauuiuales. La ilm.. ..i.i ; . ...:,i..i i " "fWU.UU lb 'lUHrill HI 11 iLIlUmiY Ill.S Tun,. from the list. Wo have been acquainted with Mr. Thompson for a number of yets know him to be a worthv man for tUt office, nu old "citizen of Motrin, and a sound Democrat, always supporting the party iviui pleasure. .JlA.NV Dj; jtocRATs of Moaitia We arc authorized to snnniincn I hp mi.. of Georco J. Yoas of Brndv Tow-rial, in ;i c candidate for Couniv (Joniminsionor tub. jeet lo Democratic rules. July isth, im. AVc are authorized to announce tlio name of Conrad Baker of Knox Township as a candidate for County Auditor, Kub jeet to the rnles of the County Covemion July 18th ISC?. tcfo gibdcrtisfincnts. C AUTION'. All persons are heroby caution ed against purchasing or in an y "way loci dlinn with tho following property, row in tin possession of James M. Leonard, to wit: 3 Hor ses and harneas, 3 Cows, 7 hand of yo her calilc, 7 Uojrs nnd othor property, as the same was pur chased by us at Shoi ifl' snlo, and is only loft wilt said Leonard on loan subject to our order. July iS, 'f0.-3u i'.OSS SHOTT d Co- r OVT, STOLUN OK STKAVKD, from KJ tho subscriber on tho Oth or 7th of July, a sauill black and tan rat Terrier bitch, amirenn's to tho name of PIossooi, any person roturui.-g tho samo to F. Abort of the short shoe shop Clour field Porough, will bo liberally rowarded bv r. subi'.T.. N 11 any person known to keep said bitea fcf. tor this notico will be dealt with acc.i.utrr tu law. July 13, 'CO. .1 1- I'. tfHOV.l. r"i UTI(). All persona areh'.mby caail 'B J ed njrainst purchasing or re.ieivlng a i.-is of hnnd given by ino, to Ood.'red Ziili.'x, c.!l. ing for one hundrtii and Jileen J).:t-.i ---duo at threo months. I ain determined uut to p-.v i; unloss compelled by law. JOHN Is LA Sill!, Dratly 1 p., July IS, '60. 3t. . f I L'Vio'x.-aT person, are hercbv cau-n J ed a-aiiut bu in z or in nny way weddiine nett, as the sumo beluncs lo me. ami lrt with ); on loan only. JOHN W. PAl'LLY. lirndy tp. July IS, '!0.-3t. pI.KARKlEi.D COL'XT YnAXK.TU ' J subscribers to the stock of tno Clea:i ..M ; County Ban!;, ars hereby netifiod that by a rli. I oIut'"a "f the stock holders passe 1 on th IM ' lV''T,t'f " n0. 1.K00 r,tly ",r caDt of l-M ' r .C , -"i'k is,-,;',,ird to b9 Pai 1 ' ' ;-' j Sr1"-0 f CUUr f tbm in a f !'-" Tea dollars on each share, on tho I'd d.-.v of l Jul.v. Five dollars on each khuro, en tho ir.l, da - v of,'u'v. Five dollars on each su:-e ou: jf EalJ amount to be paid in specie. I Ar election for President, Directors and Cr.-1 I ier, will nlso be hold on the 28th davofJu. A. D. If CO ut .'I P. M. at th OtT.ce of T. J. y. t'ullou3h Esq. in CloarSelu. f P.ICHAP D Sll.V'iV. Juno IS, 'BO . 2t, I, WM. A. VAU,.CK. TT AM, Sides, Mackerel and Herring '( : -ve X I. low nl Die store ot W. F.1R )!'.!' . Clearfield, July 11th 1SC0. i !" excellent quality of Flour for sulii .'. j i.ino store oi W. F. IRWI.v. Clearfield, July 11th, 1S60. To the School Directors of Clearfield Co. ti i j . ... Th "''Jersisncd having been commission i 'county Superintended of Clearfield, dosi : ! l'1il;lur"e through the Curwensville Post-Od. what schools aro now or will be iu opert-.i a duriu tho Summor or curly fall, so that ho U-..7 visit thorn with as little travel aa possible bho who t!,o fiflieera nf tho Hoards of Direetoti ira, that ho enn communicate wilh them if ncor- j' July 4. 1800. St-pd. JESs'Ii DROO.VLL I) E Vfb! T3 I icsSl , iHWil. '. r m Ji iT-o ,,.,Pf1n,7.cJ - on tli. 18th day "f March, 1H:,(I, in the .Mcrchaiidisng and 'n,. Wring Imsines. at rha,pton, is This (Lv ,1. solved by imitiial consent, by Mathew Furret retiring rr"" the firm, Tim. Forcey mid r 1.1 C("lli""n t0 ,nrr)r nn tue business a beret IVj, ami mill n. .!)....( ...,1 . . . . ..... vm..vvv .uu iuy ..ui Olllimi Ol S ,ii lUli. r,vJ Jul-" J- 1sC0 31. M. A I. II. FOI K V. v -arvrrw, . ,TlA " Jl J. ti T T f TAKE C HE OF TJ1FV" Lsvii a miiiii. i . "-- -UIITri 'm t.-h ht.j- -,! to , r . , , !1Un. ?f."! Ration, in .IWi.,,.-,. u",u ucsirmg his servi 1 n'";e' U'ning bis resid 'n(" alwuya on l''ridays services will find him at Lis residencoai nearly all ti'ms, Hail .nil Nalnpilnf. .. -.I...U V'11?,0 to tl,. "' week Entire to the contrary b, Viitlrc to the contrary be given in the town ) '-' til 0 WCok IirfVlOUS v it m '..i, ...i .. v. ...... nu nun nun ll U I Ul uo lailPmi tur i . II. All Clearflold, Pa.. July 25td ,1860 DANIEL GOODLANDER, -l'!TICEof the peaco f Lutbcrsburg, Clearfield Co. fu., will attond promptly to all buainese entrue'ei to hie care. March ii, HoO., 'y. pd,