Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 18, 1860, Image 4

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    , ,
ele Mquiblictn,
Homo lir,iis.
., ' x. r.
(T r,itniln, ). 1", Intm.
Hi i irm.- An crlii'M- o( the mm win
thin iiinrninp, mi' I tho gloomy
iniiul'-'l were not relievo. I in tlio- lo."l liy
I'll. NlO. TllO trHllll'I'S Ulld Srlllllats
ojiinecto I willi the l'roilylcriiiii Sundnv
n I .(.); 1 ,M . . '
, ::, ' , ."--"''
ll.V ill I .lliM'f V Kl.l'iliiv mi,l I ti .!........ I
1'i.entv. There are no less than twen
ty -three candidates announced in tho pa
pers of old Mother Centre for tin office
of Shcritl' alone.
Theio seems to be a great desiro among
tho prominent citizens ol that County to
bccon;e hangman a poor occupation.
fcetrTho work on tho now Court House
is progressing finely, tho workmen hav
ing put down tho joico for tho second
floor. AVe have no doubt when tho buil
ding ij finished every citizen of our coun
ty will feel proud of it.
Alive Auai.n. Tho "Tyrone Star" Lns
... .
nil of a sudden made Us annearance
. i
Hying Bell and Everett at its mast head. I
We hope the ,Shr will not soon prow dim
nm,;,, .l n,,KUi.M (n...i i.;. Crt..i-
. . r 1 -iii , ,. ., ,,
tOl'llllT tlM.lll.lj ll'l li' -7.... .'..!.
ft'.., .....V , .. v ..t.v4 uin i.'ai
. ... .....v v..,7 -..v -..-
;.i.;., i;..i i.. 1.
try this ticket through.
LONFEnEES, 1 110 lOHOWing COnlei'CeS
have been appointed by the Democrats of
Jefl'erson comity. Contrrossional, Hon.
K. L. Blood, "W, l). J. Marlin and John
K. Carroll Ksijs., Itepresentativo. Dr. K.
Jl. Brown, J. P. Ueorgo' and Georgo D.
Mosher" with instructions to insist Uion
tho nomination of M.ij. K. 11. Brady.
tear-From all quarters east, west,
nortJi and 60uth wo hear account of the
great abundance of the crops. A cotetn
poraty calh it a year of plenty, and from
present appearances, it promises to bo so.
Wheat and rye are genorally harvested, as
-us is alsj the grass, whilst com, oats, buck
wheat, potatoes, apples, peaches &c, nev
er gave better promise of an abundant
CoiNiv Fair. We this week lay before
our readers the programme of our first
County fair, and 4 hope a general inter
est will be manifested throughout the
county. Turn out Farmers, Mechanics,
nnd everybody else Some fine cattle will
be on exhibition , as well ns quite a number
of fast Horses, and some not so fust.
A Stfante Movement. -On Saturday
night last, about one oVlofk, a man was
observed in tho out lot of W. A. Wallace
Esq., attempting to catch his horse, in
formation was soon lodged with Sheriff
Miller, who started in pursuit in the di
Tcction ot rhilipsburc, continuing his
route until daylight ho observed thaj
iiji-io ncio mi ii'umi nacKs upon me loati,
whereupon ho turtifd back, when some
four miles oast of town ho discovered a
fresh track which he followed a short dis
tance along a by road when tho horse
nvas found without saddle or bridle.
There is no doubt an attempt was made
to steal tho horse, but tho Slierill' being
overheard pursuing by tho scoundrel he
abandoned the Horse, after taking off
tho bridle.
Serious Accident. On Saturday even
ing last, while Drs. Loraiiioaud Ilartswick
were in tho .ct of cmptvinc x Dcmiiolm
ril,l ,..:!. i'i , . , . , ,
filled With &lj,huric acid, it buisted and
tho contents scattered in every direction
seriously burning II. B. Sn oope and a lit
tle son of Mr. Kichnrds, with considerable
damage to the clothiug of tho bystanders.
J)r. Lorain however met with a serious
loss, besides losing the Acid, he lost half
of his unmentionables, in addition to be
ing seriously burnt on his limbs. Ajnnm
bor of persons were standing around at
the tinioand the only wonder if, how they
escaped as well as they did.
Dr. A. M. Hii ls desires to notify his
Iiiends and Tatrons in the vicinity of
Glenhopo, that ho will beat Harris Oreou '
in that place, on tho week commencing
23d of July. All who desiro his services
as a Dentist are desired to call early eo
that arrangement, tmy bo ruado to ac
commodate oil. 3t.
JeaTAIr. Lamar, rr.lfisiBS;.,j cleclines '
ro-olection to Congres, intcn.linc to accent
a law Professorship in Georgia 1 1
b I
On Sunday July 1st 1SG0 by p. "W.
ilays Lsq, Mr. Georgo Uillo, ot Luthers".
puru Cleat field Co., Pa. to Miss. Sophia
A. Wilson, ot Elk Co, Pa,
T- r, ... .
in i-urwensviiie on the 12th Inst., So-
r.ia Edith only daughter of Isaac li. and
fdrnira H. Seirr.
.and 15 days
W'V f- I 1 . n 01 1J'r""y and Rosanna
J. Ouehch a4 2 months an-i 21 day.
jiiinw, mi' RiiiMvs iiiiiu in iiiiiincii or OI
d.iy at Liberty spring, nnd luul a iileusiint tho nnrld, wlio docs not tbink il sullioioiit
time of it gone-rally. I ImpiiiiK'ss to bo freo tiom borrow.
fcjTho lnocraircTvonanpo ,' . f''Tll rnnntori of wnm norm to con
, . . . , ,; 'shut Minn so much ris wufcWformod for
iuo urging, tlio iioinitmho., or Jam en h. ,10 worthier purpose tliiin to fill tlio ga.
Kerr for Congress in this District. Clnr- zettes nt homo with thoir names ami tho
ion county urges tho nomination of Tut. ditches with thoir bodies nVroitd,
rick Kerr. , JJX.The (Jovemor of tho Stuto of Mis
- wn -i r"i"i -m sissipj.i (l'ottus) is ft private in a volun-
ftirriiw is the whortleborry canon with ;tecr military company in Jackson, and
iu, nd ivc notieo parties every day going drills regularly and punctually in tho
to and returning from the region of ruttle-! runks.
snakes. Tho berries nro said to very fine fcaWolin C. Heenan, "Champion of tho
and very abundant and tho same may World," neeompahied by his trainer Jack
also bo said of tho snakes. I Mc I,01dd arrived in the "Vaaderbilt" at
Mw AN t J.N I'M.
I irni-oi't fc"ii li Limine A t'oV
I'rnj! S,.0 lo gi'l nomotliinf! ffv l tv!
n to ii,-.
ti'Tlir liicf np rf nn old ln.'liilor i
io cunt ono in tlio O-ihin.
j tffK farmer not W't tnnilii i arntv
nwv this iiiitf, so vrry ii iglitdil, Mint, iui
joM now nctiiullv wont Hiid trouht Inn-si
l nil the rin In ii.i l kIoIhii during .cvciiil
Uiiys, ami Ii'lt it in tlio 1 1 1 -1 I m .
B-iVA loll ot lit'lfi'i'l llfliu rim lin irnrn
family lounn iiiiin on ounco ot I'crtria linii-
easily found tliiin on nunco of iirrl'rrt liup-
II. 1 l: . . I . i V . .. 1
times, lie knows littlo of liimcoir or of
.t.. I.I ...l. .1 ...... i il !..(. :. .. . .
New York on tho 14th inst.
KJlen. .Shields is staying in San An
toma, iexas. 1 lio A'ouiiU winch ho re
I ceived in Mexico lias resulted in weak
jness of tli lungn, which makes it ncecs
isary for him to seek a mild climate.
BMjU'l'he human race seem to have been
j engaged for thousands of years in trying
I lo invent wings tolly with. They have a
I desperate ambition to become an uwk-
1 - II 1 r ......
wuru Kinu oi pjuury.
BsijjKJol. John Johnson, of Cincinnatti,
now in the 8(ltli year of his age, is proba
bly the oldest Freo Mason in Amorica. -Uo
has been a member in good sUmling
for Go years, and sat in the lodge presided
over by Washington.
i wur-i uicrson, on me line 01 me 1 enn
ic U,!.,;.. i?;i.-n..,i i,niimni,i.i;...i(in
forirTatterson, on the line of the Penn
ojl ihiiim'-., ...u t. ruuli,lvll Ul Ul J.
Increase since 1850, 510. This is the
g-U'ate-t incrcaso on record in tho interior
tlio State.
iviieii'.owii nas a population 01 B.lHi,
.f . .. . 1 '
I 11 . . - 1 . . . 1 . n .-.
ueing an in urease ot o'Mti, or a little over
w... . ... . .
100 per cent since
CQJuThe Charlotlsvilio 7Twu thinks
.-. i.nammoiiu'1 wvtrw llllllKS
tl,al,"?.no of l',e cst lIund of our
.revolutionary lortiamers was in n.ving tlie
Fourth of July in hot weather." Wo
heard an old farmer once find fault wi'h
tho President for alwoys fixing it to come
in harvest.
B'J'hs Picv. Dr. Murry, now on a
visit to great Britian, has corao into colli
sion with' the anti-slavery press and socie
ties there. They accuse him of complici
ty with slavery in this country. He re
plies that "tliev are other sins in tho
world besides Slaverv." Riii li m imln.i;....
other people's business and bearing false
nuness against our neignnor. .
Borrowed garments seldom fit well.
Hasto often Irius uu its own hrnl. M.m
often blush to hear what thev nr nni.
ashamed to act. Pride is the tWcr that
grows in tho devil's gaaden. Muro aro
.1 - 1 ; . . 1 . . . .
urowneu i:i me wino-:up man 111 tlio
ocean. He who buys too many superflui
ties, may bo obliged to sell his necessas
CIcarf icicTMaHicf s.
Corrected wookly by C. Rratzkr & Soss,
W'hnlcealo and ltetail Dcalerii iu Uroccrios, I'ru
viaiuns, and (ienorul llry Goods.
Jluekwhotit Pu, , . . . ,
Kyo " "
Outs " "
Curn (cars,)" " . .
Cluvsr peed per. bush. , ,
Ir'lour, Sup. Kinc, "gl 1"1
' Kxtra "
" " Fntn. '
Dried Applos, )i'b
l:ultcr, "
Ki5Ss V
Ueans 'ri Uii
Snlt 5- Stick,
Bacon, burnt! and side
Tho undorsiiined rosijeeifull v Kniri
announeo that ho recently rented a house in the
bnrouch of Lumber rilv CI
for the nccommodntion of tho travelling public,
i-i 1uv.11 mm nu umera wuo mny lnvor
r. 1 11 n in 11,
His table will nlwnva l.n m,nlin,l iriil. n a ., 1
as the markets afford; nnd no pains will b
i-l'iinu 10 reuuer nis guests comlortable while
under his roof. To which tho facts that no in
toxieating liqtit,r of any kind w'lI bo kept about
mo piciuiM'a, win no trusts, contribute in no
small degree. While, what is always important
to the traveller, tho best ntteutinn will bo civen
by cnretul hostler to that fait
bis journey, his patient steed.
j y...ui uuiui'r 10 mai minimi compnnion of
July 4, I860. ly. JAME3 CROSSLY.
(Il Administration hnvinr thin ,i ...
ted to tho subscriber residing in Mcrris tp., on
tho estate of Artonius Johnston lato of said tp.
iWoasod, all persons knowing themselves in'
dobtod to said estato aro roUsted to uiako im.
mediate payment, and thoso having cfaims witt
present them duly authenticated for Retirement
0. V, WILDER, Adm'r, '
June 13, I860. 6t.-pd.
ADMIMVI lt ATOlt'S OTIt U.-Notice
is hereby given that Lotters Testnmentary
have been granted to tho undorsigned on estato
of Frederick tiinith deo'd, lato of Bell tp. Clear
Cold county. All peraons knowing thomselves
indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and thoso having claims will
present them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
June 0, 1800. JOHN ORR, Adm'r.
fit-Id JMl t'p.
Ail persons ire hereby not Iflod not to purchase
or in any wor mcdilln with ili C, 11.
j . ,.,, ... .....wniii proper 1
- n"w in ,he possession of Abraham Beyer of I
U",ol"'h, ,v,yn '' 0ne mnre auJ colt. one
? ' olJ 0XuD' ono y(,ka of rod - en " two
nofso wagon, ono lot of whent in tho ground
four lot of Ofttt In thft Drrmnti. th i .
f- - j (a .u (auiQ UJ-
long ta mo and ore- loft with him subject to my
'- nn JNO. LiEYEU.
Juno 20, 18(10. 0U pd.
tohe r,',VLR,Vcn ,0,U P0"011' indebted
ber Citv H f lh'nM C- 1vi- f Ln
0 oil .-?0,'Cd oi,l,or h ""tel-ok account
.,l!it Payment must be mad. to th.
...uoi.lgmu AdDl n Ittnlnr r..l. .j...
th. claim, win b. Z .7 . t ' ,
rroces. will etTe" tit M M luM legttl
Lumber Citv. J til) A 9 fit I, 1 QUA a.
PHYSICIAN Offlce io Curw.n.ville.
cM'.Aitlll 1. 1 HiI'MV
Tu hi held lit (A, f ,,yj (luf l',l,l, 7', f V,
ll'irfu'Wdy nn.l 1 tinrtilny, IS. I ilrJt, Ilia uin
IT n l,ilr, A, I, Kill,
i 1 it 1.1m ok -iiit: HKiirrv.
Kl, LIS lit WIN, IV'iilellt.
1 1i.. ,Ias. T. LnRu, 1
W11.1.UH .'hvin, I v V I
Iaum I'ohkicst, f 1 ,s",
J avk.i II. Flfvimi, J
J). A'. l;'':tctilir, Seoirtnry.
.1. M., Smith, Cor. Secretary.
.Vi mm Wmul.KV, Treasurer.
J. K., Librarian.
i'.i artifice Com, Hun, Itii lmnl Slinvr.
Ui'ii. ulm l'utiun Jon'ii Hoyiilun.
Jiniah K. Kwoil J. iM'tJuiighoy.
(tmtor. Jinn. (1. It. llurrutt.
f 'uiniitMtter.M tf Arrnntjnitrntx.
A. C. Ki.nnev, Chaiiman.
Kli HI00111,
Ueorgo II. Lyllo
James M'Glanghliii
James Lovy,
W. L. Antes,
Ntct'p & Sidinc.
James Irwin, Sr.,
Johnson Ilolden
Kobt. Mitchell,
Wm. M Uelian,
1). V'. Mooro,
David C. Ialo
Samuel Clyde
Milo Hoy t.
Jacob Willielm,
U. V. Shoif
Yield crops it- 1 'rgctiv
G. I), (ioodfellow,
Win. M. Shaw,
Kdwai'd McUarvey
Aaron (J. Tate,
Klnh Johnson,
flutter, i'hersc, Jmr
and Xrtic.'ex.
John Irwin, Cur'v
Thomas Wrigley,
Isaac Bloom,
Win. Bloom,
Win. F. Irwin,
Merriimulixe if Dy-
mettie- Ju'nirs.
M. A. Frank,
David M'Uaughy,
W. W. Wright,
Edward (ioodwin
Agri-uhural if' Mitedla-
htuUi Articles.
IK A. Scry vur,
D. S. l' lemit'g,
Walter Barrett,
Wm. . Clmnibcrs,
John W. Shugart,
'dicy Department.
(i.W. Khem,
John Irwin, Curwens.
J. P. Kratzer,
John (i. iSeryvcr,
Mrs. H. F. N'augle,
Miss Eliza Reed,
Mrs. Henry Kern,
Miss. Mary Halters,
Miss Kate Brown,
Miss Hannah Bloom,
M iss Harriet Swan,
ML-s Jennie Leonard,
Aiss II. Spackman,
" Em Alexander,
" Anna Irvin.
" Surah Birch field
" Nannie Irvin,
" Sarah Klicom,,
" Henrietta Irwin
Jary Mooro,
Committee at Large.
Mrs. J
T. Leonard, Kandis Nichols,
lrs. l). M. Wttavef,
Mary M'Haughey,
Rebecca Frank,
S J. Row,
(J. W. Snyder,
rvnnnie Smith,
Julia Galloway',
Hannah Carey.
John L. Cuttle,
Alvin Ross,
Marshall Gen. A. If. Hills.
Assistant Marshall Aiijor I'. J. Nevling,
Col. Win. Ten Eyck, Capt. T. J. McCul
louli. Capt. Edward A. Irvin.
Pyrotechnics. H. B. Swoopo, Hr. .
Betts, L. It. Merrell, Jnrnes L. Morgan, J.
B. Walters Reuben V. Spackman.
Clash 1. Smrpttakn.
(Opon tu h11 Broods unit Competitors.)
Beat Hull over 3 yeara old, $4 00 2d boat, $2 00
Best Bull over 2 yeurs old, 2 00 2d boat, 100
Beat Bull ovorl year old, 2 ( 0 2d beat, 1 00
Uest Cow over3 yars old, 2 00 2d biat, 100
Beit Bull Calf, 1 00 2d best, 50
All breodj como together in this clnss and
compete with each other. To bo judged, 1st, by
their good points nnd tyuunotry of frauio. 2d, by
tho ability to fatten, KU tho aniiiiiil a good hand
ler?) 3d, milking (Uiilitiea. 4th, .Sizo. 5th,
give no premium to any imiroul until they me
satisfied it will produco good atock. To this end
the Judges aha II fatifl'y thomselves in regard to
tho Mock of aged bulls 11 nil cows. The animal thut
possesses tho.e qualities in tho groals.-t porfection
ol.....l 1 .1...... .1... ....!.- t. l. I.
Kuuum unit, uiu nweejiMimi'i., wueiour 11 uu i,ui
. nun. Ayresbire, lloreford, Devon, l.rado or Na
Jiugks. Geo. Thorn, Zuch. McNaul, David Ty
ler, Asaph Kirk, John Shaw of Decatur.
C'l.Aia 2. tirade Cuttle raited in ciunfi.
Best bull, $100 2d best, '$2 00
Best cow, 3 00 2d host, 2 00
Heat neiller calf,
5 2d best. Din.
Best bull calf, 75-2d best. Dip.
JenoKS. John Aicrherson, Jos. Lyons, Thomas1
G. Snyder, J. AI. Cummings, Dr. J. I. Hoyt.
Class 3. Milk 6'eiu.
Jlduks. James Torrest, Thomas AIcGhee, Ad
am (iuar'uart, Thos. Leonard, Daniel Bailey.
Class 4. Oxen.
Best yoke 5 y. old and over, $2 00 2dbojt,$l 00
Best yoke 3 y. 100-2dbost, 50
Hist yoke 2 y. " " 60 2d best, Dip.
Best yoke 1 y. " " 50 2d best, Dip.
Ji 'UOKS. B, C, Bowman, llirnm Woodward, Aa
ron H. l'earee' Wm. Smiley, Alex. Alurray.
Class 5. Oxen.
Best trained 10 yoke, 4 yean old nnd ovor,
lrom ono township, $,i 00 j
Id best, trninod 10 yoke, 4 yean old nndo-
vcr, from ono township, 2 00
Best trainod 10 yoke, 3yenrjold and ovor,
from one township, 2 00
2d best trained 10 yoke, 3 years old nnd o-
vor. from ono township, I 00 j
Ji DCKS John ratelnn, John Af. Chase. Juscph
Donning, John Brubaker, Joseph Yothers.
Class 6. '( Cottle.
Best Fat Bullock, $2 00 2d best, $1 00
Best Fat Cow, ? 00 2d best, 1 00
Boat Unifier, 2 years old. 1 00 2d tiost, 50
Jennies Clenrge Kitllehergrr, John AlcQuilkin,
Caspor Licpold, James B.oom, rr., Bcnj. Sto
phons. Class 7. Thoronjl-hnd tf ntn open to nil
Brut Stallion, over 4 y'rs old, $3 002.1 heft, $2 00
Best Stallion, over 3 y'rs old, 2 00 2d host, 100
Boat Stallion Colt, 2 y'rs old, 2 00 2d host, 1 00
The premiums in this Class ar. intended only
for thoso lUrses whose pedigrees make them
worthy of them. Tho Society wisbos to encour
ago the renring of high-bloodod Horse, here j on
tho other hand tho Exocutive Committoo would
caution tho Judges to be careful that the premi
ums aro not drawn by inferior stock.
JiniiKs Jame. Forrest, Eli Bloom, Dr. O.
Caldwell, Peter Bloom, Joseph l'otcrs.
Class 8. Simjle amf farm II timet
Beat fielding, over 4 leara old. for work. i nn
Id best " " jjpi
Best Saddle and Carriage Hoi so of any ago. $ 1 00
Id best " " .. Djp
Best Saddlo and Carriage Alare of any ago, $1 00
2d best " " ' u ', Mj
Best Pjinn ofDrnught Horses or Alaro. 00
2d best " u j (jq
Tho Horse that move, tho heaviest load on
a btoue boat without whip,
2d best, " "
1 00
i Din '
Beet Colt,
$0 752.1 be.t, Eip.J
Ji'liOKs .Milton AIcBnde, Alartid O. Stirk, Jas.
A" Caldwell, Andrew Addlcman, Isaao Dunlnr, I
Wui. Brown, Hugh Orr. - j
Cl .ASS 'J. Matched Carriage Horses.
Bestapan matched carriage Uorae.or Mares, $200,
2d beat do do do do I 00
Jrnnis Judg. Barrett, James Forrest. Dr. II, P.
Thompson, Edwin Forks, AInj. S. C. I'atchin, !
Class 10. Mare ami Colts. i
Best broad mare and eolt by the .ide, t 00
2d best do do do t'.o 2 00
Beat Gelding, over 3 and under 4 year, old, 2 00
Res'; tllg. ovedr2y, .&! 50- bos,,, 11
Jui.oaa-Jol,n 8wn, Al.llhew Forc.e. Jacob
Flegal, W,. Tale, Robert AlcMaul. - .
Clasb U.-TToUir.g JIorse,-open to all.
Beet time 3 io 6, trotting in Harae... (No pr. -
hiimni tinlr I hi. (.i,fi
!fl lllll", lt..llll, 1,1, I,. r M,
H. i lim I nMitu In limit, In l,rmiP.,,
I'"tl Hint juifiin 'ii'li f miMIn,
JtiiuH- ,1. II, l.iirnlun, ,,vr I'll
Jlin .1.
1 Milli-r, Jnlin M. I u m in i ti tr. .t. lni W.
Clam 2.--7'inft.. . II ,,
J li.l'tl, 1 III t: ( Mfy,
riiMct Irotllnir ll,illli,, l)ip',M hut I, tlip,
do tin II iiko or itinrK, il Jd LcfI, do
j ilu wiiluliift buU r ,IIBrii ,i. Id hunt, Hu
Ji ihiH -J . Il, Umhnm, Win. Irvin. A. U. Minw,
Jnt. h. Hlownit, Jn, Ali-xnnilcr, f W'oudwnid.)
1 t'LAM l;5.,V,lV, , I)-,,,,
1 lli.fl u. k, nn.v l.ri'cl, M,,. 2 IUI 2d I.l.1,11 CO
irfi p(, tiny lirned, d aj 2 ou 2d I nil
lloKt 3 Maop fiiiiciu'd tor mutton, Dip. d ti uo
, 2d Iji'Kt do d Uu (10
llml lloi't'O ol lino wool. 1 (III
HphI llrecB of Cniiin) wool. 1 uO
Kour I.11111I., IhM, $ U0 !H b-,t liunf, fl 00
pd bout 4 luiiilm, .'ill 4k " Jiipt,
JiiiMiK Wm. MrXmil. Jacob Kuntj, jr., Klitli
Fciiton, Aduiii (SourliBrt, Honry Irwin.
Class 1 1. Sminc; open to all.
Hint nny brood, $2 00 2d bout, I 00
Host lrdiiiK now 2 00 2d Lost, 1 00
Hit 3 Ihigx in eouiily, 3 00 2d, 2 00
Noxt bust 2 b I" county, 1 002.1 best, 60
JiiiuiM Huuiol Living'tun, Wm. .M. McCul-
l'.iiRh, r., Cot. l'lio. K. M'Clure, John Irwin,
J minis Ulooiu, nr.
Csass 15. oultry.
Host ceon niiriiiR cliickons. not liiaa limn (11 no
i 2t bout do do du un
ileamioat turkey, ,
llejt di.-hi.T of vhirkeni, do
Juuoks (ioorRo 'fliorn, J. If. FlominR, Sinniic!
Arnold, Ho bur I Tliouipmm, Clark Jtrowu.
CkASS lt. liowiitjf.
Owner of lenin und plow, who plowi groon
award the boat. $ 00
Next boft, jjip
Ownorot tonm nnd plow, who plowi ptubblo
"oat, Dip, $1 00
Noxt boot, do do do Jjip.
Uest plow lor attiMile, Dip. ill 00-2d beat, Dip.
Host ploiy for aubaoil, Dip. A 1 00-2d boat, Dip.
JumiKa liliaha Fonton, Amm Keed, D. V.
Wiao, Jubn Weill, Jr., Wm. Hoover.
Class 17. Hollers and Ihills, JIttrrowt and
Host clod crusher mid roller combined,
2 00
21 best, do d do Dil).
Host field roller, $100 2d beat, do
Bett Grain drill, 2 00 2d best, do
Boat Harrow, 2 002.1 beat, do
Boat Cultivator, 1 00 2d boat, do
Best Ho se-rako, 1 00 2d best, do
Best Qoapor and mower, 3 00 2d best, do
Beat coru sheller, 2 00 2d best, do
Best corn planter, 2 00 2d best, do
Ji-i.oks William A. Reed, Itouben Wall, Jona
than Hartshorn, Hon. T. B. Davis, C. Bukor.
Ci .ass l$.A;ri .ultnral Implements.
Host Original invention in the county, of
an agricultural implement. $5 91
2d beat, " ' orig. inv. Dip.
Host throshing uiachino, $3 00 2d boat, 2 00
Best fauniug mill, 1 00 2d beat, Dip.
Bent hay pitching machine, 2 00 2d boit, do
Best buy rigging on wagon, 1 00 2d best, do
j Best 01 yoke nnd bows, 1 00 2d boat, do
Deai . oiaoio rooi cuiior, 1 nil 24 uvsi, Uo
Uest atalk ntui i.i'v cutter, 2 01 2d best, do
Best common plow, 1 00 2d boat, do
Host single or doublu shovel plow. 1 00
2d best single or double shovol plow, Dip.
Best borae power for general purposos, 1 00
2d best horse power for general purposes, Dip.
Best fort and fixtures for uulnading wagons,2 00
2d best fork and tixturcs for unloading " Dip.
Ji'DOEa Sinin Th pson, Bonj. Spackman, 1).
B. Wright, Daniel Ilartsock, Bonj. Uithol.
Class l'J. Miscellaneous farming implements.
Best be liire,
Best stump puller,
Best 1'otnto digger,
Best grain cradlo,
Best six hand rakes,
$1 00 Id best,
2 00 2d best,
1 00 2d best,
1 00 2d best,
1 00 2d boat,
1 00 2d beat.
Host lot gardening tool.
Best set farming, owned by fanner.
1 00
2d best set farming utensils, owned by farmer. Dip,
noKS John D. Thompson, John Russell, 0.
B. Mcrrcll, J. II. Fleming, Samuel 1'owell.
Class 20. Wheat, Darlr;, Curn, d'-f.
Best. 2d best.
Acreof winter wheat, $:t A Dip. $2andDip.
Acre of spring whent, 3 A D p. $2andl)ip.
F Id of wheat, i to 10 acros,3 a Dip. j'.'anilDip.
Acreofcorn, 2 t Di flandUip.
F'ld barley, uot less than 3a. 2 t $ land Dip,
Aero of oats, 2 A Dip. flandDip,
Acre of ryo, 2 a Dip. $landDip.
Bushel of corn ears, 1 a Dip. Diploma.
3 acres of buekwkeut, 2 A Dip. $ lundDip.
Jl iuits Ueorgo Wilson (Uogga), Aliehaol iolt,
Jas. A. Keed, Samuel Kirk, Juab Rider, Jos.
Irwin Alartiu II Luther, Robt. Alohaffey, Hugh
Class 21.-717 Crops.
I Onn.linir ,,rn r,r,.,.lU., 0.i,:.. , in:' '
Best 2d Best,
O i .n ' . , N XZZ ,
Acre of clover seed
One-fourth a. broom
. . I' -
and Dip. $ land Dip
corn, 2and Llit). $ laud Dm
One-fourth acre sorghum, 2andDip
Best i acre of peas, 1 on, 2d bost,
Jicst i ncro of rutabagoos, 1 00. 2d bost,
Best bushel Timothy seed, 1 00, 2d bost
Best i aero carrots, 1 00. 2d best,
Bost i acre turnips. 1 00. 2d bost,
Ji'Iiurs Wm Smith fCovincton). (). P. C.iili,h
Pobort Owens, Abr'm (Jos., jr., O. I',. Logan.
Crops being equal, preference will bo givou to
those thntyioll the greatest nott profits. State
ment, to bo furnished by the npplicnnts fur pre
mium, on farm crops. They must be weighed
and a sample of tho snmo furnishod at tho fair,
and also at the rooms of the committee.
3. Applicants applying for premium, shall fur
nish tho committee a statement signed by him
self under a pledge of veracity, of the quantity
or grain ruised on the gr.iund cnterod for a pre
miumand ho shall state ns correctly as ho can
the kind and condition of the previous crops
the kind nnd quantity of socd usod, and the
tinioand mode of putting it in tho ground.
4. It is tho object of tho socioty to grant pre
miums for good, not extrnvngant nnd generally
impracticable culture, and nny wilful inaccuracy
in the statement furnished as nbove shall de
prive tho npplicaut of a right to cotnpeto for th?
futuro premiums,
Class 22.--W and Cereal Fjod.
Best 3 Loaves bread, winter wheat, Dip,
spring wuuat, do
i " corn
" 1 " " ryo,
" Pound cake, Dip.
" Sponge cuke, , Dip.
" Pioof any kind, Dip.
" Preserves, Dip.
" Display of preserves,
" Ice cream,
" Display of jellies.
Best Fruit cako, do
" Jelly cake, do
" Plain eako,
" Jolly.
Mrs. James Forrest. Afrs. J
Nr.. Wm. Irvin, Airs. Al. AleCullough, Airs.
Robert Ross, Airs. B (Jrnhnm, Atrs ltev. McLeod.
C'mm. 23. Butter and Cheese.
Best 1ft pounds butter, $1 00 2d best, Dip.
" Firkin, 25 or more lbs.,
nindo in Alay or Juno, 1 0 2d bost, Dip,
" 8 cheeso, ' Din.
Jvpana O. Ii. Reed, Mrs. Richard Shaw, Scn r,
Airs. Wm. Alorgan (Lawrence), Airs. Alartha
llurtrock, Airs .ndgo Wrfirlit. U B Goodlnndnr.
r iii juciiriuo,
Clam 21. Flour.
Best barrel of Flour, $1 dip. 2d best. Dip.
it 1 no Ik.., . . . ..
iir .!.. " ' '
n,. iiuur (spring wncat.) 60 o, A Dip.
iii neai iuu ins. Hour (spring wheat), Dip.
" pounua rye ueur, 60 e. Dip.
2d beat 50 pounda ryo flour, Din.
50 pounds buckwheat flour, 50 e. Dip"
2d beat 50 pds. buckwheat flour, Dip.
" 50 pound, corn meal, 50 c, k Dip.
d best 50 pounds corn meal. Tiin.
,r"osJoaae Broomall, Samuel Jordan, R. S.
unPhryi Ferdinand Oswalt, B. .Spackman, jr.
1 Clvss 25. Domestic Articles
' t'St lfA
1! "... j
I, L , 'V...rV 1 S , T"'
cy jar 0f Kkl.5" ' ot"u"-
' B..1 1 12 iVrun.nUA ,. &K
.tfnnfi Mt. ,tinlr Vnrn, M,, H.r, .
Ire, Mr. Il,.t, liilnr, Mia, r.llm r rln, Mt.
I'ibn f-biiv, Mia, hllit lrln, Mn, Jnnnthnn
11 h rl k li tit n, Mm, lIpMtjjp iluit, ( 1 1 tr k )
t'l.H L'll, lollf.lli ,1,il,f'lr-fl,r,.'
I)t4n (lannid, l 00
llofl 1 II Vml iiltlni.l. I nil.
M Mp,
21 b.'.l, ill
Heal 10 j arda eb.ih, 1 (in
Heat Jnir woolen blntikrla, 1 l0
j Heat 15 yards woelen carpel, I ll
Heat 15 yards rng carpet, w od.
I rn chain, 1 00
I Beat 15 yards rng cartel.cot-
2 1 at,
2d li'fl,
2d beH,
2J lielt, do
toil chain, f ()0 --?d be,
Heat woi.tlen coverlet, 1 00 - 2d beat,
Best wuuleii fringed mitts,
' Best hearth rug,
, Heat pair. woolen knit atneklns,
1 Host 1 lb. linen sewing thread.
Best specimen of knottini'. knitting or nee-
1 die woik by Aliases uudur 12 years of age, do
' Hunt 1 IU of stocking yarn, d
Host foot niut, Dip. Heat straw bat do
Heat straw bonnet, Dip. Bertlidy, do
J it una Sirs. Juilgo Forguaoii, Mrs, B. II. Cald.
well, Mts. Lyilia Rhcom, Mrs. John Norris,
Mrs. Mary Spiiekman, Miss Nancy Ogdun, Mrs
Doctor Thorpaon Mrs. O. L. ltecd, Mrs. S.
J. How.
Class '27 .Xecdle, Shell, Wax vork
Heat specimen of needle work,
" groap of flowers in worsted,
" lamp aland embroidered,
" lamp aland not cmhroideroi),
" einbrikiileied alippers,
" embroidery In silk,
" embroidery in worsted,
" euihroidery !n lace,
" embroidery in muslin,
" shirt made by Miss under 15 years,
" patching and tnoniling,
' ottmiiuii cover, ii. Best table cover
" fancy chmn w'k, Dip. workod collar, do
" wax flowers, Dip. " worked quilts, do
IV feather work. Dip " Unthor work, do
ornamented work lo
Ji:B6i:s Miss Kmina Urahaia, Afiss Sophio Bar
rett, Miss Maggio Irvin, Miss Mury June
Wright, Mist M. J. Bard. Miss Emily Forrest,
Mis Matilda M'Murray.M iss Josephine Flcgal,
Miss Mary Koly, Miss Melissa Irwin, Miss Em
ma Jones.
Class 28. Millinery and Drcssmaiintf.
Boat millinery Dip. Host dress-making, Dip.
Jviicks Miss Mary C Wright, Miss Mary It Fer
guson, Mrs .Mary E Leonard, Misoes Jnno
Mitchell, Ada Hwarti, Eliza Ktmie, Hetty Cuth
cart, llolon Cuttle, Louisa Kratzer, Alary A
Class 9, Artistic icork.
Best painting In oil, Dip.
" painting in wator color, do
" portrrit painting, do
" landscape painting, do
" initio paintiug, io
" arnamental painting of ang kind, do
" daguerreotypes taken on the round, do
" ambrotypos taken on the ground, do
" photogruphs taken on the ground, do
" writing, Jo
" ornamental penmanship, do
'' architectural drawing, do
JciiHKs Dr John O Loraine, II Jl'Ium, Mrs.
W. L Spottswood, Mrs Alexander Irwin, Miss
cUl.'Uio AI'Lo d, Mrs Eli Bloom, Airs J. B
AI'Eiially, R.r. J M Uallowny.
Cl.iSS tu.' IksiynS.
Beat desitn for farm house, $2-2d beat
design for barn,
221 best, do
" design for carriage bouse
andstuble, 2 2d boat, do
" design for dairy house, 1 2d best, do
design for ice house, 1 id best, do
" design for dry house, 1 2d best, do
" design for bridge, l'lan for bridge
rot less tbun 250 It. tpaa, 3 00--2d boat, Dip.
JrixiKs Hon. G R Barrett, Hon. Wm Biglor,
Jno. D Thompson, Thos. Kirk, Rob't Dough
erty, Ci -ass 31. Mrtalic Fabrics and Machin'.rt,
Heat display of tablo nnd pocket cutlery,
niuerican manufacture. Dip.
Beat cooking alove, wood and coal, Dip.and $3 00
2d best. Dip and $2 3d best, Dip and 1 08
Best parlor stove, coal. Dip and 2 00
2d best, Dip and $1 00 3d besf, Dip
Best parlor stove, wood, Dip nnd 2 IH
X.I test, Dip anil 1 UO 3d beat, Dip
Host cast iron fence. Din anil 3 (10
2d bet, dip and 2 00 3d best, pip and 1 00 , Best 25 singers. 'lo
Host tin ware, dip and 2 00 Jrnr.ns (Ion. J. II. Larrimor, Col. II. Fut-
2d best, dip and 1 00 3d best Dip. i ton, Col. A. B. Shaw, Col. R. J. Wallace, Col..
Best blacksmithing, d:p and $.') 2d best.dip and$l Smiley, Col. 1'aasmore, Col. Al'Clure, Alaj. D. W.
' gunsiuilhing, dip aud 2 2d best, dip and 1 Wise. Alajor S. C. l'atohin, Alajor Holt, Alaj,
' iron turning, dip and 2 2d bout, dip and 1 llciscy, Alajor Wm. Boll, Captain Alathew Og
' shower bath dip and $2 00 den, Capt. W. A. Campbell, Captain Taylor;'
original inxonuou in lue 3ouniy, i uu
plato eastings, dip and 1 09
Juiigks Win. Alcltrido, John F Weavea, Elisha
Fenton, Duvid Kirk, Wm. .1 Wallaco.
Class &Veiicfr of nil h;n,h
L .... . ...
I JJ?1 amU Cumue0' V'P--a "est- i V
3 do do 2 do
farm wagon,
timber sled,
horso cart,
wheel barrow.
4 do do 2 d
3 do do 2 to
3 do do 2 do
$1 00 2d bost. Dit
JrnaEs Dr. II P Thompson, B C Bon'iuan, Jno.
W Pttiily, John B Hewitt, Uoorge Hoakendor,
J. 0. L'renner, F (J .Miller.
Class. 33 Calinei u txre in Oj'.tnty.
Bost dressing bureati,$3Adip.- 2d beat, $2 und Dip
' sofa, 3 do do 2 dj
' lounge, 2 do do 1 do
' extension table, 3 do do 2 do
' set of chairs, 2 do do 1 do
' variety of chairs, 2 do dd 1 do
' set parlor fiirniture,3 po do 2 do
' display of cabin.t war?, $j 00 und Dip
' ollieo chair, 1 00 and do
Junor.8 Jauic. II. Fleming, C Kramer, Benj.
B Waigbt, Thos. Ai ills. Harrison W Spencer,
Llass 61. lorpermg, LarucnUrliny and
Best specimen of pine waro,
window sash,
$1 00 Id best,
window blind,
setgruin uieutures,
lot of buckets,
lot of splint baskets,
1 002.1 best,
$2 00 and do
1 00 and do
1 00 and do
panel donr,
Jfnor.s James Fenton, Frederick ffulioh, Tho.
Uonderson, Abraham Ogden, John Gurrison.
Class 35. Hoals and Garden Vegetables.
Best 4 stalks colcry, Dip. Best bus. turnips, Dip.
i bushel carrat , do ' 1 bus, onions, do
' do i do parsnips, do
' 1 do tablo beets, do 12 lnitoos, do
' 8 heads 6 egg plnnts, do
2 hcadscnMlinowcr,do 'qt. lima beaus,do
' y no-half bushel table potatoes, do
quart winsor beans, ja
variety of squashes, d
variety of melons, do
' one-half bushel of ane&t potatoes, do
All vegetables to be raised by tho exhibitor
Ji :iigf.h Jauios B. Graham, A. K. Wright, Wm
L. Alooro, Philip Antes, Rev. Joseph R. Focht
Class Z0. Curriers, SuddUrs, Shoemakers, &c.
I G.nto'bootsand shoes,
! Lady.' boot, and allots,
1 (inn Ik' trn'ittr.
Best. 2d best.
$2aiidDip--$l andllip.
2 aud do 1 and do
1 rin
2 .
L,any gaiters, I 0
Display of boots and shoes, 3 and do
traveling trunk.
1 nnd do
2 and do
1 and do
I and do
1 add do
Tug haruees, 2 and do
Carriage harness, Handdo.
Sinele harness, 2 and do
Riding bridlo aud mart'),! and do
Hems' riding aaddle,
' I.adys' riding saddlo,
' display of saddlery,
1 Calf skin. '
2 and do
2 and do
and do
1 and do
' Sole Leather, 1 and do
' Best dlsjilny of leather,
I Robe made by exhibitor, 2 and do
junuits uicnard alo.sop, John Ir in. Jloraca
l'atehiu, Reuben U. Alooro, Win. rortor.
,-l'ailors ,na Unholetrr, l-
50.-24 bet I, la I
"t vert ma te by lady, do
B-J P-n. made b, lady, ia
I VZ?',. , '
Sauiuol Mitchell, Airs.'
' Hi. hat 4 M iMn. i. T M l ull'
.Mm M-tin it Rimy, I'atll A'I"M, nt.
I Ci,a ;:. cf' 07 m I'u'i'i'vi
l:islbill, D p. Hit r'ank, Dip,
' ItrM Kah' y, ih 1 t' ird, do
Heal e aper. d'i ' Ynn hlf, do
Jt Hot, Win liigli'f, t,. ,M tans, Daniel
1 suit, litat'l leal, 'tuici K M (S"H.
Cn?s :U'. Sf. it HW,
Heal drain tile, Dip. Host Irarketa, t'ip
Heat lire btick, do Beat pottery, do
Hi st lirii k, do
.riitiri Judge Ferpiiann, ,ii'Uo Lamm, Martin
Ntuhola,Jr., Win Mrrvll, Ueo Eihart.
Class '111. ChrmioAs and Chrnical (t-tum,
in Co.
Best available manure at moderate eoal Dip.
Hst f..f (arm products, $1 1)0 do
Heat fur glue, 1 00 do
Beat linseed oil, 1 00 do
Best tullow candles, dip. host writ ng ItA, do
, Best specimen soap, dip beat vineger, do
limiKs Dr. M Woods, Dr, V. Wilson, Dr. T .t
i Huyor, Dr. A AIcLood, Dr. J ll Ilartswick,
Dr. D. 0. Crouch, Dr. I'eticr. 41. iStune and Wood.
I Best dressed stone. $.1 dip. Best mill stone, dffi
! Host floor beards work'd do Bestgrindstoiio, do
Best weather baard w'k do Beat shingles, do
Best splitor shaved houps, do Best torued art, do
Discretionary premiums will bo recuniuioudeJ
fur all arliclea of merit exhibited by mechanicti
in all the various brandies, and it is hoped u
general ultoiidunco will be made.
For all improvements uwkil to toe farmer and
hnviag valuable properties, discretionary proiu'a
will bo receoinmended by the committee' and a
wardod by tho board at their discretion.
JuntiBs Judge Loonnrd, Judge Bonsnll, V. K
Arnold, Alex. Irwin, Arthur Bell.
Class 42 Natural Mineral).
Best of useful minerals of Clearfield eoun-
ty, eonl included, do
' lrfHic"toief do. best snndstnie, do.
' Potlors clay, do ' Fire clay, dor
' suite cryatalized rain do ' FubsiN, do
' uiinerals from tho surrounding counties, da
Jiuoks Judge lloyt, Rev. W. L. Spottswood
H. B. Swoopo, 11. F. Kaugle, L. J. Cruus.
Class 4.5. General List.
Best display and groatost variety of flowers, dy
' Display ' ' plants, do-
Best Floral ornaiuoufs, ity
Best basket boquots with han5Io. ' dy
Boat manufactured article by sewing machine
on ground, do
Beat hand borjuots,, do best butter bowl, do1
Best washing machine, do Best butter lad lo, do
Beat cuuru, do
Ji miKS Airs. Jadgo Moore, Airs, j'osiuli F..
; Reed, Airs. Jvscph II. Hegarly LLumber-city,)l
Airs. D. F. htzweiler, Airs. .Marti. 1 Nichols, jr.,.
Airs Wm. Alerroll, Airs. A. II. Khftw, Atrs. Wm
A. Wallace, Airs. Aluj. JJivlipg, Mrs. Thos. For--ceo.
Class -14. Fruit.
Best display and greatest variety of grafted apple.-,
summer and winter fruit, named
nnd arranged, 60 ct A rfo
15es4 Hply and greatest variety of
jwars, named and arranged, (ri ets & do
Best display and grcateH variety of
peaches, named and arranged, 50 cts it do
Host Apples, J bushel to
Best Collodion of plums, d"
Best do cherries, do
Dost do (nrrnpeff, do
I'cst do atrawberriof, do
Best specimen of Foreign grapes-, du
llest epociin;n of American grapea, ho
liest specimen entrants, 'lot less Hian 3 vnrt'i do'
Best specimen goosberries, ' ' 1 r dy
Best specimen of blackberries, do
Best specimen of seedling grapes raised in'
county and worthy of culture, d
Best specimen of Domostic wino, do
Juocks Wm C. Foley Wm. AloCrncken, Airs..
Samuol Mitchell, Airs. J. V. Weaver, J. B. AI'En
ally, Abrnm Nevling. Alias Joseqhine Laniclty
Aliss Edith Boynton, Alias Bertha Wright
Class 45. Horsemanship, Ax,
Best 5 couploof ladies and gents on horsoback, do'
Best company of cavalry, do1
Best company of infantry, do
Best band of brass inetsuuients, do
Best martial band. do'
Class 4G Nurseries.
Best nursory containing tho greatest farioty of
fruits and shrubs cultivated in tho most ap
proved and methodical manner, $2 00 A do
juprks Thomas Alills, Jacob Gu'ich, James
A. Hugarty, William j. Uomphill, Kichard Shaw
( jr., John G. Cain, Win. L. Aloore.
I Persons nppointod to act ns judges are request-'
led to notify tho Socretury, if possiblo, bofore tho
' lsi day of the Fair, of their ncceptanoo of tho
trust, and to meet the Pros t at the opening ot
the Fair.
The Kales and Regulations, -o., will bo pub
lished in a week or two.
Physician and H u r g e o n,
Clearfield Pa., Jtay 30, 18M.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will nrtond promptly
nnd faithfully to all legal business entrusted te'
hi. rare, in tho several Court, of Clearfield and
adjoining counties.
0 111 co, the ono formerly eceapiei by O. R -Barrett,
Oct. 26th, 1359 ly.
Dliro. W7 KTEWA lit
1) In sir Ian and Surst-on, oflera hi. profva--sionnl
services to the citiions of Kew Wash--ington
nnd surrounding community. Office three
doors west of the Washington House.
New Washington, Pa., OcL It, 1859.
Civil & Land Surveyor, offerr
bis professional services to tho citizens of Clear
fiold county.
All business entrusted to him w'rlffit) promptl
and faithfully executed.
Oflice with Lounard, Finney J Co.
DAGUERREAN, Melaineotvpi.t, Ambroty -piet.
Elk County, Pa.
THe ; v Eli flkgaIm
Justice of ihe peace
I Lulhersbiirg, Clearfield Co. Ta'., will1
attend promptly to all business frtrrnsled to tit
eare. lie alao informs the public that he keeps'
I constantly oil band at his shop, a general as
sortment, of Saddles, Kridlos, Harness and1
(whips, which he will sell mv teasonaU. trenu
April 4, 18C0.
JL SMITH offers his professional services'
to the l.artlca on 1 (JcntlfmCii of Clear
anil vicinity. All operaflon. ptrTormes?
neatness and despatch. Being familiar
with all tho Into liiiprovmenui, he I. preparod to
make Artiliciul Teeth In the best manner.
01 lire in Shaw', new row.
SepU 14th, 1858. lyj.
'AS. li. lariiimfb. i. tr.a:
T Altltnil:i A TL'.ST, Attorhey. at Lav
' Hnnrileld, Pa., will atlohd promptly lo Col
unin, Lnri AeefiRiRs. c. Ac' in Clenrfeu!.
July 30. y
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office adloining LU
osiilonen on Second Street, Clen'f In,.
Jiuio 1. 1951.