Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 18, 1860, Image 1
HfjOfttMlTHi'll 0 iT Ti ill BY 0. B. OOODLANDER & CO. VOL. XXXI. NO. 1. S jt ifpul)Iir;iir. Terms or !"ittnrritiuii. a lvunco, or witliin three month), $1 25 : 1 .my timo within tho your, ... 1 ;,o i I after tho expiration oftlio year, . 2 00 Terms of Advertising1. .ilvrti!ompnts aroinsortcj in t'lo Republican -t the following rate) : 1 Insertion. 3 do. ne )iimrc, (14 linos,) $ 50 $ 75 Two nqiiiiro?, (2Slino.j) 1 00 1 5U . Threo squares, (42 line?, 5 1 50 2 00 . 3 miiBth). ft tno's. 3 do. fl II U 2 00 2 50 12 mo S7 00 10 00 12 Oil 14 00 15 00 r.j oo One i?njxo, Twoxiiares, : Three iqunros, : i' our niiaren, : lalf a column, i f2 Ml J I do 4 (10 - - ft 00 i 5 00 r oo : S 00 14 00 8 10 12 20 Uno column, Over three woeka and le than three months 25 ronta por squara Tor each insertion. Iiuninos) notices not exceeding 8 lino nre in serted for $2 a year. Advertiiemonte not marked with tho number of '.onertioim dimirdl, will bo eontinued until forbid, And charged according to these terms. (i. 1). UOODI.ANDfc'K c- CO. I1 For Iho Republican. SW'EKT Mill it J. C. MAC. Sweet N ell fair, nnd licr ryes ro blue feemed to let a gtevn of Iier soul. light through. x!er motions wero prare, nnd her voice a naro : Oh! ninny a heart was enptured there. Andhcr merry nngh, O, 'twas joy to hear For it toeniod like tho revel of angoU fair, And to bask in tho liht of her runny sinilo Wa to dwell in olysiura ficlils the while, Hut Xell was of earth ; for no anol bright. Could wreath tho lips with such lovely liht. And glow with 6uch ardor, and eem so truo AVhile loving othorS ns well as yu : For Xell was a flirt, if tho truth must be tld, And with eyes o burning, her heart was cold. She was conscious and proud of her magic power And sho watched and waited tho triumph hour. ?he hnd lovers in plenty an 1 Irnc hearts cam c And laid on her altar their vestal flame. And the true (ini the false, as each went his way Felt he had won a heart that day. Hut little ho thought, though ho kncir ere lon That hir heart triisu li'jhi and her love nnitmirj. That the next who should ivoo, would hear the vow In the low sueet tones he had hoard but now. Thus moment by moment, hour by hour, Tlew Nell's days with a eilent power Till years had inssei, am! the vision flown, And youth, nn 1 boauty, and ho,o, wers g n ; And no true heart won no strong arm hers From nil the crowd of her wor.shirers. T.ovtrs alj vanished, nnd torsion fled: 7he joys of life, and its promifo dead. Lonely the went toward that mighty sen Where rolls the dark tide of eternity. Bat oft, when the sun's ling'rinj ray (iildcd the clonds nt closo of day Then the stars glancod out from tho dusky skies, " ike gleams of liylit from fai: Paradise, " e thoughts of tho past oft waked in her soul T orrcwful notea she could not control. Tond memory led her o'er Gelds of light " here life was joyous and hopo was bright ; uttho b roken vews, and tho wasted years, Drought hiurs of anguish, nnlflvjds oTtears. Thc:n she took up her burden of life njain Eiiying only, '-It m'ght have boon," Alas, Ala;;! that tho bright and tlio fair Should sink by folly to mull dospair. i istcllaiuons. Tho End of a Woman's Cap rices. a i,ov e s ro r r. "Men are never so awkward, never so t.ngneeful, never so di-agreeabln as when they are making love. A friend is a luxu ry, a husband ditto, I supposo ; but that intermittent class of human brings de nominated lovers are miserable bores. It docs very well for women to blush nnd look flustered now nnd then when occa sions mako it desirable ; but to see a man with his face ns red as a ripe cherry, and a real parcel of strong-mindedness, self reliance, and m.isulino dignity, dono up in broadcloth and starched linen, quak ing from tha top of his shirt collar, his mouth nwry, and Ins tongo twisted into ?onvulnions, in tho vain attempt to say ..something sweet O gracious '." So said saucy Sophie Lynn aloud to her self, as she snt swinging backward and forward pefore the window, half bmiedan the cushions of a luxuriant armchair; and playing with a delicate ivory fan which ly upon her Isp. "It also seems so strange, not to say "?some," she continued, with a running isical laugh, "after ono ha waltod and rtc, quoted poetry and talked nonsense - ith anybody till one is puzzlorf to know fhich ono of tho two is most heartless, one's sslf or ono's companion, to hear him comedown plump on tho subject of mat rimony, as though that was tho legitimate result of every such insipid acquaintance! For my part I nover had a lover (hero So phie fluttered her fan nnd lookoU pleased, for she had more than oi.ol that I wasn't sick - of after he proposed. There was Capt. Morris I thought him tho hand somest mn in the. wholo circle of my ac quaintances, until ho wmt on his knees to me ; and proposed, and swore if I didn't tk pity on hira he would dia. Somehow lie always looked hkfl a fright to tne nftcre wards. Tltrn thoie wni Dr M'ilk ins lie was really agreeable and people said very learned. 1 was delighted witli him for n time ; hut he spoiled it nil with that offer of li is whnt long-winded adjectives ! nr.d how tiio poor fellow b us hod. tmtr.xl n,,,l perspired! Jlo enlled me nn 'ndorablo ereiitiiro,' nnd hiccoughed in the middle of 'adorable,' Horrors I I have hated him ever since. J lien there was n Hero Sophio started. Slin bnnl ihn doorsbell rinp. With a nervous Fpring ' ovc,r hi fnee his nrn:s crossed tightly tip pho stood before the mirror, smoothin 1 on hreast ns if to keep his heart from down ner bronn hnir with a tn?te trulv 1 l!u,'st'nS wit" "prising indignation, his comical. j lips compressed, nnd his dark ayes Hush- "It won't do to seem" shn in?. Sorihie, cruel .Sophie! You tres- said n she took a finish'ng survey of her pei!-on in me glass, nnd shook out, with her pltimpjowollod fingers, the folds of her tury nitiltn dress. Tho moment afterwards when a sorvnnt entered to announce Mr.' Harry Ainslee, she was back to her old seat hv tho win. dow, rocking nnd playing with her fan, apparently as unconcerned nnd listless as though that name had not sent a rjuicker thrill to her heart, or the betraying crim son all over her pretty face. "Tell him I will be down presently." she said. The girl disappeared, and Sophie flung open the window, that the cool, fresh nir mipht fan nway the extra rosiness from her complexion. J lien sho went again to tho mirror, and nfter romnosinc her briclit. mo-rr Imi.nv i face into an expression of demureness, do- j lowed the words, and could Harvey havo scended to thepnrlor. A smile broke over seen the beautiful pair of eyos that watch tho features, nnd she reached out both ! 'i'111 fi eagerly ns he went down the hands to the guest; but ns if suddenly ! loi,fc' street, or the bright face that leaned recollecting herself, sho drew them back nivaJ' through the parted blinds with again, and with a formal bow of recognit ion, the passed him nnd seated in a fur ther corner of the room. it was very evident that somet ime wai wrong with "Sophie j that sho had made in. l,n r-5n,l nitlir., i I ..1 1 not please. Conlu it bo that she had fore- .... ...... .unit jii.. v IVJ IU lU IMtil!.ll.Ul . ... . ... ... seen what was coming? that n presenti ment of that visit nnd its result had dic tated the merry speeches in her chamber? I'.o that as it may, u half hour had not el apsed bfforo Harry Ainslee's hand nnd fortune, (tluugh tho latter, by the; way ,vas nothing wonderful.) were in' the same phice where Capt. Morris' and Dr. Wilkins' hnd been befro them. "Tho first man I ever heard say such tilings without making a fool of himself," muttered Sophie, emphatically, from be hind her fan. ns sho sat blushing and evi dently gratified, yet without deigning any reply to the allnnt, straightforward speech in which her lover had risked his .ill of h "pe. "He ough t to do penance for Iho pretty way in which ho uses his tongue. He's altogether too calm to suit me."" And So phie shock her head mcaninplv. hnldins the fan before her for a creeu. Did she ' forget what she had been saying? "I wonder if I could snore the way old undo .lones used to in church ?" she soliloquiz ed, "ami wouldn't it be fun nnd wouldn't it plnrue Harry if ho thought I had heen asleep hile he was talking?" Sophie's blue eyes dan red with suppress ed merriment ns she gave two or threo breathings and followed them up with a nnal explosion worthy of an orthodox deacon. It was well done theatrically done nnd poor Harry sprang bolt upright surprised, mortified, chagrined. Human nature could stand it no longer, mid So- phie gnvo vent to. her mirth in a burst of loughter. "V.n.ll lilt In tvllfli vou mischief vou spirit of evil ;" exclaimed the reviled Ilnr- rv as he sprang to her side and caught her by Iho arm with a grip that made her scream, "vou deserve a shaking for your behaviour " Then lowering his voice ha added erftvelv : "Will you never have dono tormenting mo ? If yon love mo can you not be gen erous enough to tell mo so ; nnd if you do not. nm I not worthy of n candid refusal." Words sprang to Sophie's lips thnt would have done credit to her womanly nature, for the whole d?pths of her being were stirred nnd drawn towards him as they nevr before had been towards nny man. Put she could nrt nuito give tip Ler railery then. She would go ono step fur ther from him ero she laid her hand in h's and told him ho was dealer than all thn world beside. So sho checked the tender response that trembled on herlK"'re',. , .. , , . tongue, and flinging off his grnsp, with a mocking gesture nnd a ringing laugh, danced across tho room to tho pi.ino. She seated herself, she ran her fingers vtnsmf ul 1 if S r Mist V- vf e nnd 1 . tr 1." n Ml f in a wild', brilliant, defiant song that made j i i:. i, ...i iier ii."hcihi a rttig iiiiiu nn 110 nn.n watching her, nnd choking back the in dignant words thnt came crowding to his lips for utterance, "Sophie, listen to mo!" ho said nt length ns ho paused from sheer exhaus- 1 1' ' 1 1 in it lv i' tiu3 n b int. i it m.' , ...:.i h ,u nnu uiu ru tu nun Jinn ii'iiuuir tim most reverent affections? I have loved you because beneath this volatilo surfaoo character of yours, I tliought I saw truth fulness and simplicity, purity of soul nnd a warm current of tndor, womanly feel ings, that would balho with blessings he wholo lifo of him whose hnnd was so for tunate as to !ouch its springs. You aro nn lutiress, nnd I only a poor student ; but if thnt is the reason why you treat me so scornfully, you are less the noblo woman than I thought you." Sophie's h end was averted, and a bus picious moisture glistened in her eyes ns Hairy ceased speaking. Ah! why is it that wo sometimes hold our highest hap piness so lightly carrying it carelessly in our hands as though it were but dross, staking it all upon an idle onpriee? When she turned her countenance, to wards him ngain, the snme mock ng light was in her eyes, tho same coquettish smile' brent lied from her red lips. Speaking of heiresses" raid Sophie, ritlNCIPLES, CLKAUF1KU), PA. WKDNESCATf , 'JULY 10, I SCO. ) "t,,',' ls. Jl Myrtle, whoso father is j worth twice as much as mine, Perhnps ;.vou hotter transfer vo'tr attention to :1h''' Mr. Ainslco. Tho dill'denco in our boweries would no doubt be qtiito rn in duoimont, nnd possibly she nnidit eonsid- er your done." case nore serioi'My tlion 1 have Liko nn insulted prince, Harry Ainsloo stood up before her tho hot. fiorv. in- ' diL' blood dashed in a fierce current ' 'P0'' his lorbearanceonelittlestei turther than you would have dared, hail you known li is proud nnd sensitive na ture Not till ho hnd gone gono without a single word of expostulation, leaving only a grave, "good-bye," nnd the memory of his pida Jace to plead for him did'tho thoughtless girl wake to a realization of whnt she had done. Then a quick, terri ble fear shot through her heart, and she would have given every curl on her brown head to havo had him hesido her one short moment longer. "Pshaw ! whnt am I afraid of? He will be back again in twenty-four hours, nnd as importunate os ever," she rr uttered to herself, ns the street door closed after him ; yet a sieh that was half a sob. fol- such a wistful look n ho disappeared, it might have been his turn to triumph, In spite of Sophie's prophecy, twenty four hours did not brins back Harry. O'5 niatured into weeks, and still he did not. mm p. nnr In nil tliofr f !w. ,1t,t cl. - i " .iiuv iiv nuc BVC t .1 l lum. Am! now aim l.f.,.n.. ifi i,;t, self a martyr, nnd acted accordingly. In fact, she did as almost any heroine ivould havo done tinder tho circumstance I grew pale and interesting. Mariana be- eun to SllL'PRt delif neipa tn t palate. "The poor dear child ,...( tin t 1 so thin." In vain Sophie, protested that' she hnd no at. petite. I In vain pupa bought dainty gifts am PI ed 11 1) COSt V f ressen Pefnrn li ... r.nt A faint smile or abstracted ' thank vou" . was his only recompense. If sister Kate suggested that Harry's absence was in j any way connected with her altered do-. meanor. Sophie would toss her ritndptorl head with an air o! supreme indifference and gonway nnd cry over it hours nt a time. Everybody thought something was thj matter with Sophie. Sophie among tho rest- ller suspense nnd penitcneo became in- supportable at last. Sister Kate, who had come so near the solution of tha nivslcrv 1 should know all so said Sophie" Per- li n ikQ elm nt i M mlvian l.w ...v... .1 f..- to givo iiairy up lorever seemed every day more and more of an impossibility. "Will you come into the garden with me, Kate?" she asked, in a trembling voico, of her sister ono day, abouta month after her trouble with Harry: "1 have something of importance to tell you." "Go away darling, nnd I will be with I J'u. 111 a fuw moments," replied Kate, citing ft searching glnnco at Sophio's j flushed cheek and swollen eyes, Kunning swiftly along the garden pnlhs, n3 if from fear ot pursuit. Sophio turned ! Jo '"1 her favorite arjor, and, flinging i herself down on a low seat, buried her ! '0!ul among the cool vinos, and gave her. self up to a paroxysm of pnssionnto grief, , Soon 81,0 lKi,rd one approaching, nnd an "in was twined tenderly about her waist, nn(1 a w hand wis laid caressingly on 1 her drooped bend. I "0, Kate, Kate!" sho cnod in the ng-' 'onyol her repentance, "I am perfectly , wretched you don't know why, though you have come very near guessing two or threo times. ITany and P' Here a convulsive sob interrupted her, nm( t"e Hand upon Her head passed over ; ll0r disordered curls with a gentlo sooth- ing motion, "Harry and r another sob qunrreled two or three weeks sgo. I was willful nnd rude, just ns it was natural for me to be, and ho got angry. I don't think ho ! is going to forgive, for he hasn't been here f-ouiu ieiv iivrscu urawn in a closer ... naca.and was suro Kate pitied her would not Have owned it to anybody if it had not been just ss it is," she con tinued, rubbing her little white hands in- 10 "creys most ns I butl think I love him nl- do you and f.ither and moth er." A kiss dropped on Sophie's glossy head, nnd tighter was sho held. She wonder ed thnt Kato was so silent, but still kept her face hidden in tho vines. "Ho nsked mo to bo his wife," she con- .. i i tinued, "asked me as nobody elso ever nnnly wav that lie made t I i i mo foel as though 1 ought to lftve been tho one to plead instead of him. I could not bear that, and I answered him as I should not. He thoucht it wns because 1 ha n-oa rivn mmi T wna rii.l. . nttfl oil ll.r. time 1 was thinking I would rather live in a cottage with him than in the grand est in the world with nny other man, only I was too proud to tell him so to his face. What cac I do? Tell me, Kate, you are much better than 1 am, and you never get into trouble. I am sure I shall die if you don't." And poor Sophie wept anew. "Look up dear, and I'll tell yon." Sophie did look up with a start, and tho next moment, with a little scream, leaped into the arms not of sister Kate, but of Harry Ainslee. Sophie declares to this day thhtshe has never forgiven either of them, though she has been Mrs. Air.slee two years. Dead Hon John SchwarU, represen tative in Congress from Berks county. not MEN. Tornadoes. The freaks of nature nro generally preceded by a peculiarly sultry uud oleoi trie state of tho atmosphere, when thun der is apt to bo expected. A black cloud is generally formed soino distarce nbove tho ground nnd travels with tho tornado, its shnpo in many cases resembling nn in verted cone. Tho storm is found to rugo beneath this cloud. Occasionally it ap pears to revolve on nn axis. Thero is a rushing toward it of tho air from North nnd South, both currents gradually bond', ing to tho lvistns they approach tho track of the tornado, l'his has been abundant ly shown by tho manner in which trees, grain, grass, buildings fce., have been torn down. Tho breadth of tho track usually varies from 00 to 1 "() rods, seldom exceed ing 100. The speed of .the tornado often exceeds 100 miles per hour. In many en ses especially ... one which took place atjnh pr(mrated himse,f .hmj lhJa on ,,ie N tchf m h4l), such n vacaum is created l)0tly of Ul d,ad clliJ. iSamson deceive,i in the centre 01 mo lornuuo, mat mo strongest walls have been known to fall outward, sometimes in the face of a blast travelling over ono hundrod and iil'ty feet per second. Bricks havo boon cairied in every direction, and portions of tin roof ing .hundreds of yards. Even men nnd wonjen havo been lifted from the ground in tho sudden rushing upward of the cur rent, nnd safely dropped nt tho distance of several rods. The locks of desks have been broken open by the sudden expansion of nir within. In other case) buildings have been saved by having trap doors on their roofs opening upward. Plants grow ing on the line of the tornado, if not des troyed are so seared nnd crisped that they never finally recover. Some have been damaged on one side only. Little or no wind is feU outside of the track ; so per sons assert who havo st)od cloio by, land common observations confirms these statements. 1 hese visiters are also lound t0 iJulfi ' 80mo strange freak), ns stripping fowls of thoir feathers ; carrying articles ot clothing up chimneys; drag J ging ploughs, carts and the liko for a con 'siderable distance; emptying ponds of water and fish, nnd even scooping out tho ven scooping ou l ftf Innkimr r nluJ ! taking frames of looking glasses witiiout further injury to either ; drawing ,r nails out of roofs, witiiout disturbing the 1 r . ; i ( i ..! root, Stripping 1101SC3UI iiiuu urn lies-., hihi burying objects thus carried eh", deeply n the earth. tricks nro too coaly to mako a repetition t them desirable, liul they show that, like tho elephant with hi trunk, the monster can pick up a pin from the ground ns well as rend ai oak. Some years nP a tornado occurred in central New ' York and cut a clenn path through the .woods of aliout one eighth of a milo in width, leaving the trees and shrubbery stnnding on racn tiue iiko n vast wail 01 ' masonry, and lrom a distanco presenting the same rules of regularity .ind order. T'lm TftralKu lines were regular almost to tho measurement of a foot. I ning and sensible crow, somewhat sniall- Tiie Wife ok John Apamr. In a few'er than our own native one, having a weeks the proclamation reached the col- glossy back, nnd altogether rather an eu onies nt several porta. Abagail Smith, the ' g-ighig. pretty bird. Now, in tho yard of wife of John Adams, was nt tho timo in ! tho governor of Cjj'.on, a dog was cno their home near the foot of renn Hill, day amusing himself by gnawing a bone, charged with the solo caro of thoir little ''C scraps of meat upon which attracted brood of children; mnnnging their farm ; the attention of ono of theso crows. It keeping, houso with frugality, though flighted on tho ground, hopped around oneniiif her doors to the houseless and giving with a good will a part of her t cant portion to tho poor ; seeking work for 'er own hands, nnd ever busily occupied, IIU.V HV 1 1 1 u Pliiiii)-n lieci, Iiuw IIIIlKing nniends for havin2 never been sent in school by learning French, though with tlinnid oflKioksaone. Smcn t he donnr- ture of her husband for Congress, thear- row of death hnd sued near her by day. i nnd tho pestilence thnt walks in dirkness nnu entercu ncr nummo mansion ; sue herself was stil! weak nfter a violent ill ness ; her house wrs n hospital in every part; nnd such was the distress of the neighborhood sue could hardly find a well person to assist in looking after the sick. Her youngest son had been rescued from tho grave by her nursing ; her own mottl jerhad been taken away, an J, alter the A"sre manner oi ner loreiatners, buried ' without a prayer. Woo followed woe, nl ono affliction trod on the heels of another. Winter was hurrying on ; du ring 'ho day lamuy ntia:rs tooit ott her nttdntion, but her long evenings, broken by the sound of the storm on the ocean, or tho enemy's artillery nt roston, wero lonesomo nnd melancholy. Ever in the silent night ruminating on the love and tenderness of her departed parent, she needed the consolation of her husband's presence; but when, in November, she rend tho King's proclamation, sho will ingly give up her nearest friend exclu sively to his perilous duties, nnd sent bin. the cheering me?sag?: "This intelligence will make a plain path for you, though a dangerous one ; I could not join to-day in the petitions of our worthy pastor for a reconciliation between oar no longer parent state, but tyrant state, nnd these colonies. Let us sepnrnlo; they nre un worthy to bo our brethren. Let us re nounce them: and. instead of supplica tions, ns formerly, for their prosperity and j . happiness, let us beseeen the Almighty to blast their counsels, nnd bring to nought all their devices." Swearing. I think a nun that STcars is liko a man that fires a gun in the street without seeing where the charge is going to strike. When a person uses profane language ho does not know what or whom it is going to injure. It is a habit which comes upon a man gradually, but grows rapidly. It demoralises a man'sconscienea wounds his honor, injures his own soul, and hurts the feelings of others. It is profitable in nothing, and mischievous in almost everything I scarcely know of anything for which there is so little ex cuse. If you say that you indulge in it only when you are ar.gry, I reply that it is worse Ihrn than at Buy other time. The Number Three. When tho world was Treated we find there was land, water and ky ; sup, moon and stars. Noah had hut three sons, Jo nah was three days in tho whale's belly; Our Saviour passed threo days in tho tomb. Peter denied his Saviour thrice. Thero wero threo patrionrchs Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Abraham entertained threo angels. Samuel was called three times. "Simon, lovest thou mo ?" was re pealed thtee times. Daniel was thrown into a den with threo lions, for praying three times n day. 8hadruch, Meshech und Abednego wero. secured from tho flames of a furnace. The Ten Commandments were delivered on the third day. Job had three friends. St. Paul spetiki of faith, hope and charity those three. Those famous dreams of the baker and bjtler Jiolinh three times before she discovered tho secret of his strength. The sacred letters on tho cross I. II. S. ; so tilso tho lloman motto, if hoc signo. Thero aro throe conditions for man tho earth, heav en nnd hell. There is also a Holy Trinity. In mythology, there is three Graces; Cer ebus, with three heads; Neptune holHing his three toothed stall' ; the Oracle of Del phi cherished with veneration tho tripod ; and the nine Muses sprang from three. In nature we havo morning, noon nnd night. Trees crow their leaves in three. , there is the threo leaved clover. Every ninth wave is a ground swell. Wo have linh, ilesh nnd fowl. The majority of man kind die at thirty. Whnt could bo done in mathematics without the uid of the tri- jnngle? Witness the power of tho wedge nnd in logic three promises are indispena- ! ble. ArrECTio.v and Intelligence or tiie Hrlte Creation. Every one has heard the sympathies of animals toward each other. Cries of distress will often call them forth. When the dam of a new born lemb has died, some affectionate sheep, ul t hough sho may have one of her mvn litiu L nnwn f,i fnutftp ntit un.L-lf, the helpless one. In my own imnwdiate neighborhood, the youngest of a largo Kturofpigs a poor little helpless crea ture who was not able to get at its moth er for nouri-hment, was warmed under tho wings of a good r.atured hen. It was fed by hand, but when turned down the hen was always ready to lako chanjo of ! it, and thus it was reareo. 1 hese lnstan-1 and thus it was reareo ces might be multiplied to a considerable , extent, suowmg meacme oenevo.eneo ot I some animals ; but tho following fact will i prove tho existence of a combined inlelli- ' genco in creatures which I have reason to i '-c no iv-n muicnu uNu.ju.m f.j , naturalists :is existing amongst uic leatn- j ered creation. Iho accuracy of the anec- dote may lie vouched lor. in the island I of Ceylon there is to oo found n very cur i the dog and bone, and evidently waited nn opportunity for seizing tho hitler. 1 he dog, however, was on niscu.ird.nna j 'Y certain grow.s nnd probably angry I .. ..." ..-..-.v., j.v-- l tecled his property. Tho crotv was too cunning and too hungry to bo bnffled. j lie Hew away, out soon returned witn n companion, lhey hopped up to the dog, when tho fresh arrivul watched his opportunity, nnd gave a sudden pull nt the dog's tail. Not being used to such nn insult, he suddenly turned round in order to seo who had taken the liberty with him. The bono was for a moment left unprotected, and was immediately eized bv the first cunning crow, who flew away with it, joined his companion, nnd they doubtless had a merry feast up on it. Once a Week. Kind 'Words. They never blister the tonguo or lips. And we have never heard of one mental trouble arising from this quarter. Though they do not cost mush, yet they accomplish much. They help one's good-nature and good will. Soft words soften our own soul. Angry words are fuel to the llama of wrath, ami mako tho blnzo more fierce. Kind words make other people good-natured. Cold words freeze people, and hot words scorch them, and bitter words mako them bitter, and wrathful words mako them wrathful. There is such a rush of other kinds of words in our days, that it seems desirable to give kind words n chance among them. Thero are vain words, and idle words, und uas.y worus, ana spueiu, worus, nnu rmp- ty words, and profane words, and warlike i . i i-..ri i i words. Kind words also pro., .co ino.r, I .1 own image on men's souls. And II liriAlt. tiful imago it is. They soothe, and quiet, and comfort the hearer. They shame him out of his sour, morose, unkind feelings. Wo have lmt yt begun to use kind words in such abundance as they ought to be used. rwal. A Little Girl Blown Into a Trie. At Fnrn.ington, Iowa, hist Sunday, a littlo girl four years old, was carried by a sud den gust of wind and lodged in a cherry tree, a few rods distant, her clothes hav ing caught in the branches of the tree, where she rcmainod unhurt. The anx ious father ran to and fro, seeking her, when the littlo innocent, Gripping ivih rnin, peeped through the branches of the cherry tree, exclaiming "I'm here, Ja!" B55u"I can't boar children," said Miss Prim disdainfully. Mrs. Partington looked ovor her spec tacles mildly before she replied : Tcrbaps, if you could, you would liko them better." TEJ1MS-$1 23 per Annum, if paid In ndvance. NEWSF.IUES-VOL. 1.-KO . 1. Kon;.z Sknti mknts. This is nn ngrceablo world lifter nil. If wo would only brirg ourselves to look nt the subjects that sur round us in their truo light, we should seo beauty where we beheld deformity, nnd listen to harmony w hero ive heard noth ing but discord. To be sure, thero is a great deal of vexation and nnxity to meet ; we cannot suil on a summer const forever ; yet if we p.eserve a calm eye nnd' steady hand wo can so trim our sails and manage our helm, as to avoid tho quicksands, nnd weather the storms that threaten ship wreck. We nro members ofone family; we nre traveling thesame rond, nnd shall arrive nt tho same goal. Wo breathe the srmo nir. nro ulject to the same beauty , mid. shall lie down upon tho bosom of our com mon mother. It is unbecoming then that brother shoud haiebrothcr; it is not proper that friend should deceive friend; it is not right that neighbor should deceive neigh-, bor. 'We pity that man who can harbor enmity against his fellow, ho fonts half th enjoyment of lite; ho embitters his own existence. Los us tear from your eyes tho colored medium that invests every object, with the green hue of jealousy unci suspi cion; turn n deaf ear tosoaudal ; breathe a spirit of charity from your hearts; let tho rich gushing of human kindnoss swell ux as a fountain, so that the "golden nge" will become no fiction, nnd tho Islands of the blessed bloom in more than "Ilyperw on beauty." Gen. Henry D. Foster. In all our po litical experience we have never seen so. much enthusiasm evinced for any car.di date in this State ns greets the nomina-. tion of Gen. Henry D. Poster for Govern nor. From the Deloworo to Lako Erie, the Democratic newspapers coino to us filled with exultations nt the courso pur sued by tho Convention nt Heading, nnd every member of our party whom we meet is sanguine of triumph, now that the Kev- I stone Democracy is unite!. Hundreds 1 who had grown lukewarm on account of tho dissention and personal differences. ! which for the list two years have weaken--ed our organization and caused its dofeat I nrn linu' nt'ilpnt. in Biirnnff fP mitt I1'03 an'1. n'"inoc Every Democrat is, p.epaiedto do his duty, and that our Slate will be most gloriously redeemed from the disgrace of licpublican fanaticism cannot be doubted. J'ot tsr'tllc Jlcrord. Keen Satice. At a ball one evening, it plain country gentleman had engaged iw pretty coquette for the next dunce, but a. gallant captain coming along persuaded tho lady to ubandon her previous engage-, nient in favor of himself. Tho plain yco-. man, overhearing all that had passed., with a rigid indifference moved toward a curd table nd sat down to play a game of whist. The captain, in a few minutes nf torwnrd,. stepped up to the lady to excuse himself, as he was engaged to unoiher ho had forgotten, Tho coquette, much cha grined, -approached the whist table, in, hopes to secure her first partner, nnd said ; ''I believe Mr. It., it is timo to take our positions." The old-fash ior.ed suitor, in the net of dividing a pack for the next dealer, courteously replied, "No, madam, 1 mean to keep my position, when ladies, shuffle, I cut." SricmE Atioi'T a Leuacv. A man na med Perry Johnson hung himself in, Freedom district, Carroll county. Ild., oi last Tuesday two weeks. lie became dis-. satisfied about a distribution of a legacy between him and his brothers, supposing partiality had been shown his younger' brother. Ho had a key suspended on n belt, tied round his waist, which unlocked n chest tint contained S.l.Cll: which it. seemed ho was also troubled how to dis-. pose of. EXTo be hated by her friends is In a. lot of every good looking girl ; but to bi secretly cursed by the wiiolo n.-L'Ubor hood, is a joy reserved for tho transeen dently beautiful only. Without even sec ing a young ivoninn, you can tell her ap pearance by just rnrefully analyzing tht'i scandal in circulation against her. Bc?L.A gentleman having married a In. . dy of the naroe of Lamb, who had ven little beauty, but a very groat fortune, was told by nn acquaintance that ho. would not have taken the Lamb had i'.. not been for the fleece. U'tfUMr. Harris "was never moro b-s-sm, ber in tho whole course of his life," but. when his friend Jonc3 asked him to taki, a chair, he said ho would "w-w-wait tiU ono came round !" Jry-Many a true heart that ivou'd have, come back like a dove to tho ark, after its, first transgression, has been frightened beyond recall by the savage conduct of art unforgiving spirit. fieSImportuit decision- The X. Y. c f g hfts un;nne(1 ... .... . ' ' . ... . r, .. ,i' . i 'V'lliiivji'.eiii.'i id siLii uiun itai i uin (VI . .,.... nf I ..lfi t n ro. The Couri, .... UUiUllT lU'UIUl-U 11IU WLlll-l W UJ Bffl-itoth the candidates for Governor of this State, were stopping nt the Girur4 House, Philadelphia, on Saturday Inst. . A few sly looks were exchanged, of course, ri'iTlt is said that the Pope is very poop nt the present time. Material nid will be sent him from this country. His cxs. penses have been very heavy of late. BfesyThe returns already show a do-, crease in tho population of Ohio. F.mU grntion to tho western Territories lias af fected that State. tyMri. Swisshclm savs sho wore a $2.51) bonnet seven winters without niter- tcring it. Whet do you think of it, young ladies ? ... y-Sorrows come soo.i enough withou despondency ; it does n man ho good tt e.rry around a lightning rod tosttrsr, trouble.