Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 04, 1860, Image 4

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ftb Prince of th House of Dvrli I
Th Prince of the Homo of DarH I
The Prince of the Howe of Earid
Hj ta JUr. J. H. Jfifraham, LL. D. A at
tod rtvissd dltlon, with th atker'i latttt
orrUn. On Tolas, Umo., tlotk, 4fl
.. H'rlti, t.3.
Ptblisbtdby Gao. 4. Iran,
411 Chestnut ttrt Philadelphia.
"Dor Jnrst ant David's House"
;A litrl trantlatiua ia German of lb 'tPria
fib Uaas of David." On Ttliiat, LIbm
, T cicm. Cric 1 1 .00.
YtrUg 0. Erases.
V 418 Chettnat itrl Phlledi
'Ttia Wlla- nf Tiro
or, Israel in Bondage, i
Ht lb Rtr. J. D. Iagrabant, LL. 0). Oat v
ilfa.,-lth, tOO page. Prte, $1 35.
Published by (ino.M. ZiAvt,
K tit Cbtsinat alitet, tPailadelpbK
Beeords of The
llevolutionary War :
V'enlaialng th MiliUrj and Financial rr
pendtne of diltinguisbtd oftleeri: General r
dtrt of Washington, L and Greene; nam
tb Officer! and Privates, with tbe dates ef tlieif
.ow mission and enlistment, with a lietof dis
tinguished .prisoner of War j tbe time of their
aptaM,.cbangt, to. to which ia added tbe
Walfipay Aett ol tbe Continental Ooogrtts ; tbe
jftaroiulionary Ptntion lawt ; and a list of tbe
nCoert of tbe Continental Army, who acquired
th right of Half pay, commutation Land war-
raate, etc.. etc. By W. T. K. Settell ttunstllr
and agent for Rtrolntionary elaimi. Oa vtl
1 imo., eloth, i54 pagei. Price $ 1.3.
I. 8. Arthur'- Popular booki.
Tra Kichts, liora Scenes, Golden Uralaa,
A Martyr Wife. Sparing i Spend, Taltt f
Real Life, tb Old Maui llride, the Way U
Prosper, th Withered Heart. Taiet of Married
Life, Stspt towarde Heaven, What can Woman do?
Tales af Domettie Life, Ten Nights in a Bar
loom, Uood iime earning, Angel and the Demoa,
Three Kras in Woman's Life, Angol of the Horn
hold, Tb Hand but not-the Heart, Heart Hista
xin aad Lif Pictures, Th trial f a nut
Ateper, Leaves from the Bonk of Hunan Lif.
"Ia th anion of thrilling drainatio incidents,
with moral lessons of th highest important,
hi werki f T. S. Arthus stand forth preeaai
ent amongst modern authors." "They bar
aea Introduced Into th District, Sabbath
Mental, and various other Libraries thrughul
ceuntry." Each of th abort beoks eantaia
early 00 pages, and are illuitrattd with finely
located Messotint engravings, aad handsome
st; boaad in on 12mt. rolnmt. Priae $1.M task.
Books recently published. Tranlatl
from tbt French. -iftmoiri of Hobsrt-Houdia,
Prtttidigitear, Author, Magician, Artist, Horse r
r, Wisard, Ktcrtmanctr, Conjurer, Enchanter,
Ambassador, Bscamotaur, Professor ef Slight af
Hand, etc., etc. Written by himself,' Xdittd by
Jr. R. Shelton M'Kentie, with a oopiots ladtx,
rfully farranged, Bound ia' 1 t1. limm.
:. Pnee $1.0.
"Vf EW GOODS, Just recel red among avhioa
And One Hundred Piece of Latest Styl-PrinU,
fall of which will b (old haper thaa trtrt.
lh ' Corner Curweosrill.
April IS, 1SJ9 ao. 14, Tel. ir.
SORGnAM ar Chinee Sugar Csae Besdfcx
sal at tn Corner Corwtnsrille,
18lh Ap. 1S5. no. 14, toL It.
Corner Store Corwemrille.
lllh Ap. 1819. no. 14, toI. It.
An extensiTetock of Jobbing material
enables tbe Publisher of the "Republican"
to announce to the public that he ii prepa-
i red to do all kind of
Posties, Pahpblits, Programme",
Blanks, Pa fir Books, Circpurb,
Labils, ' Ball Tickkts, ' Handhilu,
and every kind of printing usually done
in a country job office.
All orders will be executed with neat
ness and despatch. ,
c;o To
ware: oi' all kinds.
l-or llrlttannla ware go to
For Hollow ware eo to
i For Hardware go to
For Htovea of diflcreiit pattcrua go to
For Farmer's Boiler go to
For 8 love Pip gu to
For Kunitner Furnaces go to
For Ooflco roasters gw o
For 8tnro brushes go o
j For German black lead, g to
I For Earthen eullars, go to
i Fur Rafting Stores, go to
Merrell it Biglcr'a
Merrell Biglor's.
Merrell rf- Kiglcr's.
Merrell t- liigler's.
Merrell . llijrU-r's.
Jurrell C Bigler'a.
Merrell A liigler's.
Merrell t- Biglvr's.
For Japanned ware, go to .Vorroll A Biglor's.
National Library. Livu 7ra,
Ilvnttrt and Patriot!. Life of Col. Crockett,
Life of Lewis Wetiel, Lif ef Col. Dsoiel Been,
Llres of Gen's. Lee aad Gumpter, Life af ttea.
8am. Houston, LItss of Southern Heroes aal
Patriots Publio and Prirata Lif of Daniel Web
rter. Each of Ibe abort beoks ar illustrate!
with fins tngraringi, and boaad is 1 Tel. 11m.
tttth. Priet $1.00.
Lirei of Illnitrioni Women. f all
Ages aad Nations, including lha Empress Jese
phiat. Lady Jana Grey, Btatrir Caci, Jean af
Ar, Ann Dolejn, Cuarlatt lordy, bemirami,
Zeaubia, Joadicie, etc., ect. Edited by Mary B.
Hewitt, Eoibellished with finely engraved Par
araita on Kul. 0a Tel. 13m., IH pag.
Priee 91.3.
3000 acres.
TTTILL b eflered at Prirata Sale, K't-O arttf
11 of whit and yellow pin and I'Jtt-.cbi!
Linds, located at th month f the Bit .'iffc u
aon Creek, Centre, county, Penna., on t.!rb n
erected a double geared Saw Mill and f irtti ai
hoajee. The abor lands ettend srtrr il
up the said Creek, are eorerad witbtht t bil
pine in tb Stato, and ar wall supplie . an
best iron ore and cnal.
The above properly will b told oi. ..rmi Jt
suit purchasers. Persons wishing tn examine
the lands can do so by calling upon th rayr
st the Mill, who will take pleasure ia showing
them around.
A good farm attached to the abort, containing
twn litinHrarl a., nt firjl .lit. I.I- t 1
half cleared on hi,h r. . i .... P"r Lunthorns, go to
story house, a frame barn and two tenant hous-s, j ior t-'h""ler buckets, go ta
will also be sold upon easy terms in connection r.r Hard ware, go to
with, or separate from tb timber land. j or ulir iron uf , ?it to
Far particulars address the undersigned, at j For Nails and Spikes, go to
P,h . Jamp ( ,Br. fa. 'a. Kor ct 1 , 6
For Waiters, bo to
For Foot Tubs, go to
For Water Coolers, go to
Fur Mol lies Cans, go t
Fr Duft Pans, go to
For Deed Boxes, go to
June lith, 1SJ9.
Valuable Farm For Sale.
THE Subscriber offers for sale a valuable farm
situated In Brad.v township, t'lvurfield Coun.
tr, on the Erie turnpike, three miles wast af Lu
tbersburg, containing
Fur Eng. Blister Steel, go to
rr rtpnng Steel, go to
For American Blister, go to
For Iron Axles, go to
For Buggy Springs, go tt
Fur Smoothing Irons, go to
For Dcor Locks, go to
Fur Butts nnd Hinges, g to
For Files, go to
For Pump Chains, $r to
For Pump Fixtures, go to
tor J.rasit Kettles.Jgo I
ITiM Forty five Aerei Cltartd,
and tn a good tt.t of cultiration. Th. balance , i or Mll,liu Kollle;',
PLANK HOUSE, well finished, So by It is I For Waffle Irons, go to
sue, arranged for a kitchen to be added heini;
well calculated for a TAVERX STAXU, having
three room, on th first finer, and five on th se
cond j reasonably good tcrnf orury stabling, lufll
cient to contain twelve horse; a thriving young
orchard of choice fruit; and a wall which on.
Uini an amply supply ef th best water. The
land lays in reach of Sandy Creek, so that the
timber can be hauled to it in two or three miles,
on a good level Toad.
Terms of Sale Cheap for Cash, or in payments
to suit purchasers.
For information apply I th owner o the
May , 18S9. tf. a. It . ir.
Valuable Farm land for Sale.
THE subscriber offers at private sal bis farm
situated in Lawrence township two miles and
a half west of the borough of Cloarfield, and
about half a mil from M'Phrrsoa's saw mill, can
tisting of
of which are cleared, well fenced and in a good
stat of eultiratiun, Tb balance being well
timbered with Pino and Hemlock. Th im
provements r a story and a half PLANK
HOUSE wtll furnished, a god STABLE and
shid for cattle, a young bearing orchard, and a
good spring of 'tinning water. No bett rfarm
land can b feun l In the cunty.
Any person wishing further particular ean en
quire of John M'Phersn of the borough uf Clear
field er th subscriber on th premisi s.
Th tero:i will be made reasonable, in pay
ments to suit th purchaser, and possession given
at any time.
For Smifuge Cutters, go to
Fur juusuge Stuflers, go to
For Coffee mills, go to
For Porch Feet, go to
For Plough Wings, goto
For Horse .Vhoe Nuils, g to
For Hotel Lamps, go to
For Barn Door Hinges, goto
For (iate Hinges, go to
tor Jack Chains, go to
Merrell Biglor'a.
Merroll Aigler's,
.Met re II A rliglttr s,
Morrell A Bigler't.
Jlerrcll i- liigler's
Merrell fr liigler's
Jerrell A BiglerV
Merrell A Bigler's
Merrell t- Bigler'.
Merrell if- liigler's
Merrell A Bigler'a
Merrell A (igler's.
-Merrell f Bigler'a.
Merrell A Bigler'a.
Merrtll A Baler's.
Merrell A liigler's.
Morrell rf- Biglcr's.
Morrell fc Bigler'.
Merrell it Biglcr's.
Merrell ii Biglor's.
Jlerrcll A Biglcr's.
Merroll it Biglcr's.
Merrell b liigler's.
Merrell fc Bigler'a.
errall ii Bigler'a. j
merrell ii Bigler's.
merrell ii Bigler'a.
lucrrelt ii Bigler'a,.
merrell it BiglerV.
merroll ii Bigler'a.
merrell f- igler's.
merrell A- Biglor's,
morrell d- 11 ler's.
morrell A I) ler's.
merrell d- 111 er's.
merrell A lii -cr's.
hotel, , ; ;
Arch Street Above Third, ;
. , UPTON 8. NEWCOMER, .' '
TnE abor named haring purchased th In
terest f hit late partner Evan Evans Esq.,
in tbi well known ard popular Hotel, would
call the attention af tba pnblio to its convenience
for thosa visiting th city either for business er
fitftmur. .
In situation belna- but a few sicca from tha J. publi generally, that I keep constantly oa
principal avenue of trade, offer inducemanta to ! band, at my new alora on Market tret, nearly
those on business ; whil to those in search of ,' opposite th jail, on of tba largest and best a.
pleasure, passenger Railroads, which pas by in ! aortmcnt of Drugs, .Medicine, Stationary, To
close proximity, afford a cheap and pleasant rid bacco and Cigars, Fancy Uooda, Ac, to bo found
to all places of amusement, curiosity or Interest i in in country.
Pikts Peak Outdone.
X would respectfully Inform my friends andthn
in or about tha city.
Aug. loth, 18ii. lyr.
Cltarjield County, Ta.
JOS. L. KIRBY, Pnot-RiHToa.
BEOS leare to announce to the traveling com
munity and the publio generally, that he
bus tuken the abov named hotel and refitted it
in a style suited to the times and th wants of
th public.
Will always 1 supplied with the best tbe mar
kets and the surrounding country ran affjrd ;
Will contain the choicest liquors, and
Will be In the care of atttntiro hostlers, re
spontible fur their conduct to their employer,
who will give tho entire establishment his per
sonal supervision
It embraces in th drug 111, a general stock of
drugs of the freshest and best quality Aso tbe
popular patent medicines of th day, aucb at,
Lindsay's Wood Searcher. Louden &co'
Expectorant. Sanative Pills. Pilo Rem
edy, and Elser Italian Balm, ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, &c. Wrights pills,
coleman's Lotion, corbin s Pills,
Robin's Expectorant, Fick
ard's cattle Powders, &c.
In tne stationary line can be found nn excel
lent assortment of Writing, Note and Letter pa
per, such as
iSVArr TaiIc X'te, 1'arxoni Comjrm
I tf (inl Cup, or the vte of Juttiffx,
Lawtirrs cl'C, Valley Foryr Mill;,
fc A ho a tine artife of Fori
Folios, especially adopted to
the use f jAtdifj, Pen Racht
Mueilnijf, Steel pens, Lrad
J'enfilx, Blank Deeds,
6th Annual Announcement
- - .a.
From aH aection of th country . euberlbtfs J
this popular Art Institution (bow ia Its (th tlJ
ar being received in a ratio Unparalleled Jkl
an prerioa yea-.
Any per km ton beeerm a Member by rulrL
linff J3. WAicA wM entitle 'Aim to
lit. The beautiful Stoel fctigrarin.
'.Slinkupeare and hia Fiienda.' .
2d. A Copy of tno. elegantly illurlrtw
Art Journal, one year.
3d. A Free Season Admiasiori to tha 01
Icriea, 548 Urodway, New. York. v
In addition to which, orer four hundred rait,
ble work of art ar givn to subscribers as ar.
mimns comprising choice paintings, sculpuirai
outlines etc., by tbe first American and fertita
Artlsta. , n
Th superb engraving, which rry aubstribar
will receive immediately on receipt ofsubHriav
tion, entitled
"Shakspeare ana His Friends,"
it of a character to give unqualified pleasure at
satisfaction. Ho work of equal ralut was tv
before placed within reach or the people at sack
a price. The engraving it of very large siit, ba
ing printed on heary plate paper, 30 br 38 in.t
es, making a most suberb furuauiont auitablt f
j tbo walls of either the library, parlor, or oBcr.
lb cnu ud Brut, lu ij ynti ui me country, M
mnil with safoty, being packed in a cylinder, prt
Think of it! tuch a work delivered frit;
charge and the Art Journal, on year, fur Ii
subscriptions will be received until tb vtt.
In tha tba Jiop that he will be aldo to make rJ tur'
v i. . ii ' , a ,. ingof Tuesday the 31st of January 1869, at whiek
In short cvyt i ng kept in a general Station-, iL m .i waiei
, ' s 1 ' time the booka will close and tbe prewinrai k
his guests cesifortablo during their 'iils
h-iuse bo respectfully solicits a share f(
Lumber City Oct. 19, 1S59.
o his
Kor Liighadl'dShor'lsot merrell A Bigler's
Kor llrnin 8hovelt,go t
rur rpailes, go to
For Hay Korkf, go to
For manure forks, go t
For Iron Hukes, go to
hor Hoes, go to
merrell A Bigler't.
merrell t Biglers.
merrell it Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler'a.
merrell A lligler't-
luorrell A Digler'a.
For Ferrules of all liiet, gw to merrell A Bigler't.
For Bruss Cockt, go to merrell A Vigler.a.
For Brass Candlesticks, go tt merrell A BiglerV
L. ii k.- n ... . . .
merroll t- Biglers-
merrell d- Bigler''
merrell A Bigler'a,
aierrcll i- Bigler'a'
merrell A Bigler'.
merrell A BigUr'a
aierrcll A Biger't'
merrell a- Bigler't'
Lawrenct tp. Clearfield co. riepu 21,'iV. lm.f For Coal Oil, go to
For Brais Snuflora, go t
ror lira, s ,ockt, go to
For Lurd Lamps, go to
For Lemon liqueeiers, go ta
For Cork Screws, go to
For Egg Cvdlers, go to
Fur lirt-iul Toasters, go It
For Flesh Forks, go to
For Basting Spoous, go tt
For Twine Boxes, go to
For Kgg beutert, gt te
For c-pring buiances, go to
For Corn Grinders, go to
Fot Corn 8hellers, gu to
For riaw Uunges, gu to
For Ca.tert, go ta
For Family tirindstonet go to merrell A 7igltr'i.
ror MUccliaiieou Article, go to
Merrell & BiglerV.
( Formerly knwh as mi Good I.ntkni.)
Clearfield County, Pennvlvania.
The subsciiber begs leave to inform hit old
customers, and tbe public generally that he has
recently taken the above well known stand, and
that he hns entirely refitted and refurnished it in
a style adapted to the age, and the wants of tht
entire traveling community.
will alwnys he provided with every luxury tht
mnrketc and surrounding country will afford.
will ht supplied witii th choicest wine and li
which ore the best and most commodious nn the
road within a day' travel, will alwava be in
charge of careful and attentive hostlers. In
Kvery department. .of li, S.t.Mi.t.'.n.nt will
be supplied with all the comfort and convenien
ciet the weary traveller could desire.
june 3, '58. WM. A. MASOX.
i.1 The subscriber having taken tbe above well
known ttand, formerly kept by H'm. A. Mason,
In Curwcnsville, I'a., is ready to accommodate nil
who mny favor him witn their patroniige. His
talle will always he supplied with th best the
nrkct affords, and hii Bar with th choicos'
liquors. His stable will be uader :he care of
merroll A (igler'a tntive hostlers. IMVID SMITH,
morrell A 7iigler-a- t'wrwenaville, April 21. 1SJ8.
merrtll A Bigler't'
merrell igler'a
Curwensville, Penna.
Lfotures for the People. By th lav
Ragh btowell Brwn,f th Myrtl Strttt Bap-f
list Chapel, Lircrptol, England. First tents.
With a Biographical introduction by Dr. H.
Pheltoa Mackeuiia. I'ublished under a ipttiei
arrangement with th author. One rol. 12a.,
.eloth. 414 pagei. I'ric $1.00. Upon rtraittaatt
at th pric ol th book and 21 eentt additional
far postage, copies of cither of tht abort books
accompanied with a handsome prtstnt, wtrth
from it eentt to one hundred dollars will bt
mailed to any perton in tb United States.
Send for a Classified Catalogue of Hooks,
containing th most complete list f booki in tr
try dtpartmant of Littratur tvtr publirhtd aad
which will bt sent gratis to any parson, sending
tbtir addreis. To insur promptness aad koa
trabl dealing, tend all your orders for botkt
UK01K1K 0. KVANS, Publishtr,
aad author of th Gift Book butineti,
439 Chestnut Ktreet, I'hiladslphia, Pa.
Aad yea will be tatisfied that it ii tht bttt platt
ia tbt touotry to purchase botks.
O. O. Brant haring purchastd tht stereotype
plaits, topyrightt, tie., tf tht "Princ of tbt
Uout of David," "Pillar ef Firt," etc., would
all tht attention ef agtnt to tbtst truly ralaablt
Th "Prince af Ih Honne ef David," In en tf
tkt most popular and btst sailing botkt tvtr
published. Over 180,000 copies havt bttn told,
ana it kids ruir to out-rival tht "rilgrim Pre
grss," or ariy other similar work.
Th "Pillar of Fir," by th sam author, It
bow mttting with a rapid salt, tvtr 90,00 1 ttpitt
art Dteo loin sinct itt puonratlon, at a com
panion to tb "Prine aftht Home of David,"
every reader of that book should purchase a copy.
"Tbt Hecords of tbt Revolutionary War," ia a
beak ef great interest and girei a vast amount tf
Information rtlatirt to tht Soldiers of tha Jttvt
Intion, and It an Invaluable book of reftrenct for
the dectndtnt of itt heroes and all wha art ia
tentttd in Pension claims, Land Warrant, ate.
Tht most liberal indecement art offend to
Agtats, and upon addressing thepublisktr trtry
Information will btgivtn. r-end for a catalogue.
Addresa tiEO. U. EVANS, Publisher.
439 Chestnut 8 tret t, Philadelphia, Pa.
Fsbraary, lClh I itt.
im ai.cns or nn or moxi,
Single Subscriptions $2 Ter Annum.
It is deroted to the dissemination af tennd
Democratic doctrine, and contains all the current
newi of the day, Political, Literary, Agricultur
al, commercial, t,ocal, 'Jelegranhio and Mitca .
Tbe paperbeing tbe largest silt, and printed
on line white paper, in largo, clear type, will bo
found by the lubscriber to giro better satisfaa
tion than any npcr puMiihed in Pittsburg,
Those who wink to take a paper from Pitts
burg, will find tbe Saturday Morning Post a luft
and profitablt inrestmeat. Address.
Kditor and Propri ettr.
For Sale or Kent.
I For Coal Oil Lamps, go t
For a Chandelier,, gate
j For Dinner bells, go to
For Tea bolls, go to
ror tlrain Cradle,, go t
For Ploughs, go t
For Side Hill Ploughs, go to
ror llusd r-crajwrs, go te
For Hand Screens, go to
For Coulter Scales, go to
For Hay Scales, go to
For Patent milk puns, go to
For Clover HulUrs, go to
For Lamp Shades, go to
For fptltcr. go to
For rMicet Zink, got
For Fruit Cans, go te
For lluuse Sioutnir, co te
For Old Dominion Coffeepots, go to
merrell a Bigler't.
Country produce taken Into nrhm....
old Copper, Brass, Cast, Metal, Ac.
Clearfield, June 8, 18S9.
BY virtue of an order inning out ef tht Or
phan's Court of Clearfield county dated the
11th day of January, A. D. I860, there will be
.offered for tale at public outcrr, en
la tht town of I.uthtrtburg in taid county, tht
following described premisei ; all tbt interest ef
dteident in an undivided half part of a tract of
land late the Kttatt of Ralph Campbell, dee'd..
situate in Union township, bounded by lands of i
Foa C David Irwin, Isaa liets and ttairi
containing I
aior tr less and baring thtreon erttttd a Saw '
iman two dwelling .house.. STAIIK shear boom attached to tht Kniin.Vi...
Itrmi of bale-One half in hand, and lb ret- I Boom hat been l.nnh.n.d
.n b.,i... ... : --------- r-
TIIR nndersigaed Intending to retir frem
business, offen for sale or rant, bit well
known tarern ttand, situated in tht east end f
the town of Luthereburg, in Clearfield county,
Pa., at the Junction of tbe turnpikes leading from
Curwensrilla to Brookrille, and from Clearfield
to Luthersburg.
Tbe house is 'situated uron tha thnrnnirtif.r.
from Erie and tbe northwest throngh th cen
tral part of the State to Tyrone on the Penna.
Railroad, Bellcfonte, and other points an the
various railroads of tbe State, and is tb main
rout upon which th cattle of the western part
of this State, art driven to tha Eastern ni.rb.n
The house was reecntly built, expressly fer
uuiei auu it
with excellent and commodious ttnbling, rtry
easy oi accept, 10 wnicn it attached a good
And Is on of the most valuable tarern standi ea
the road. Thit desirable property will bt tithtr
told or rented upon reasonable terms, and pos
session giren on er before the first dar ef Arrll
next. For further particulars euquire 'of tht sub-
tcriocron nit premises.
6 E0. W. LONG
Dec. 14, 1819.
t Splendid attortment of Long Wool Brocba
l and round cornered Shawls just receirtd
anu telling rery tew at KKAKZERS'
loerrell 4 Bigler't-1 ' I ,n sun.cnher, formerly of the Exchange IIo
merrell A igler'a- Pb'lipshurK, haring taken tht abort
.on .mini, buuii's un ino naiiKoi i tie nrer, in tnt
lower end of Curwensvillo, would announce that
lie it now ready for the accommodation ofttran
gen and all othen who may favor him with a
call. The house ii lurge and comfortable, and
travelers will find ovcry convenience necessary to
their comfort. Ample itabling it attached to tht
February 10, 1S5S.
merrell A igler'a
merrell A Bigler s.
merrell A Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler't.
merrell Bigler't.
merrtll A igler't.
merrell A Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler't.
Bierrell A Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler't.
merrtll A Bigler't.
merrell A Bigler'a.
merre'l A Biglcr's.
merrell A Bigler't.
mrrrell A Bigler't.
merroll A Bigler .
THE abort Hotel, baring recently been fitted
up for a houso of entertainment, ii now open
for the accommodation of the publio. Travelers
will fin! this a convenient house.
May lis 18$S, ,oUN J0F DAN.
look iir.iti:s look iikhk:
THE undersigned subscribers, tnke this meth
od of informing the public generally, that
they have thit day entered into copartnership in
and can be found at the shop formerly occupied
byj. Shunkwilor, on Third itrcct, in this bo
rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old
My stock of
Tobacco nnd Ci
gars ii the choicest
ever brought to t tie place,
having been selected by one
who usi sand appreciates the wend.
The Toluc-o consist of Natunil lenf,
Cavendish, Fig, Ladie't twist, Rough and
Ready iVc. Of cigars, tho varieties nro choice,
such as the Don Quixote, El Sob, Mary
Linie's, Henry Clay's, Sixes, and half
Spanish, Rappo and Scotch
snuffs, Smoking Tobacco fancy
and common pipes nnd
items, iSic. The fancy
goods comprise
encb articles at
Ribbons, TTosierv, Combs, Spectacles, Perfiim
ory, Fancy Hair ftils, Soaps : a largo lot of gen
uinc Bears Oil, Tooth Brushes, Port Monnaies
and an endlesi rnrioty of articles of that nature.
In connection with my other stook, I have es
tablished a Newt Office 'or the s.ile uf Weekly
Literary papers and r-ontbly Periodicals. I will
recoivo every week, Harper's Weekly, Frnnk Les
lie, American Union, N. Y. Picayune, Flag of
our Unien, Bnllou's Pictorial, treason's Line of
battle Ship,' fco. Among the monthlies mny
be found, Harper's Godey, Graham, Yankee No
tions, Frunh Leslie, ballou, etc. I will sell low
fOr CttJlh. mm.
&iuHcnimlcr the place on market street
nearly tpposite the jail. .
GEOIKJK W. RHEEM, Dsxcoist. -Clearfield
may 2oth, 1869.
Look Hero Gent lemon !
Tho lubscriber thnnkful for past favor takes
this method of informing his old customers and
the public in general, that he has moved l is shop
from the Foiindnry to the shop formerly occupied
by George W. Orr, on Third street, Clearfield Pa.,
whtre he will continue to manufacture Wagum
of every description, to order, of good msterial
and in a workmanlike manner. Also, Sleds,
Wheelbarrow, Harrows. Grain-cradles, d-c, mailt
on short notice, in superior style, and of the best
stork. Repairing ef every kind dona with dis
patch, and on reasonable turws.
July, 13, 1350. It.
DAM IX t;M)I)I,ANI)lJII-Boot d Shoe
Maker, keopt constantly on hand at his shop
for stile
Boots. Shoes and Sole Leather.
j given to subscribers.
- No person is restricted to a single rnbscriptiti,
'Those remitting $15 are entitled to six mtmbta
j hips.
subscriptions from California, tb Canadai u
, ail foreign Provinces, must be $3 50 instead;
i t'i, m older to defrty extra postages, ect.
Persons wi.liitig to form clubs will apply Un
circular of terms, etc.
j The beautifully Illustrated Art Journal, git.
i ing full particulars, .will be sent on rtctipt tf II
! ctnts in stamps or coin,
i Addreis, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A
I M and 543 Brodway New-York,
i Die. I4th 1859. "
jKccp up the Excitement.
I y EMOVALS always cause excitement) aal
' LV since the groat excitement about the rias
vul of the Court House has tubsided, thocomrat
, nity generally bare become aomewhat exciltt
upon hearing that C. D. Watson bnt deteraiiast
to pull up ttakts and remove to Virginia. Bit
tbo latest cause for excitement is the fact that I
nave removed my saddler shop from my til
stand opposite the Court House to my new ibst
n Market street nearly opposite th jail, whtit
all who may favor to with a aall ean b tappUtl
Sinele Harnes. Double '":
Harness, Tug Harness,
Bridles Collars. Whips,
Halters. Housings, Ereech
bands, Side Straps, &e.
In fact every thing in the line of Saddling aal
Harness unking. Thankful for the rery liberal
patronage heretofore bestowed, I solicit a eva
tinuanee of tht tame, and a call from at miar
new customer! at ctn make it tuit.
P. S. My bting connected with tbt Drti
business will not iuterfere with my thtp, for t
hart the Drug Stent atttndtd to by earsftj
ilandt, and intend devoting my rinit ticlativtlf
to mr regular business. G. W. B.
Aug. 31, 1859.
Stump 31achinc.
j nat.L Patbkt Stomp Prt.Lia now bting ii
' hibited in Clearfield county it the best mashiat
I for stump pulling ever invented. It is oonstratt
ed on nn entirely new principle, and is admira
bly adnpttd tn the purpose. It it eapablr if
t raising from 40 to 100 torn, according to, tbt sin
of tht machine, and with two man to work it
j will pull from 30 to 50 stumps per day. U. L
Also, hips and Calfskins, rench and American : R'cu, Esq., of Clearfield borough and elkw
Also, a variety or Linings, Uin. lings, Bed, ureen prominent citnent
andlllue Boot topping, Shoe Pegs, N'aili
Thread, Boot Webbing and Blacking, Ac. i t.
Infact every thing usually kept in a shot
finding establishment.
Also, Groceries, tuch ss Sugar, Coffse, Rict,
Soda and Syrup : also Nails, ( last, iir., all of
which can bo had, cheap for cash by calling at
his shop, near Lutherxburg, Pa.
July, 13, l59.-lyp.
of the county hart purchasti
and ; machines and firm rightt, and find thtm all this
are represented.
For terms inquire of tht Editor of thit pipu,
who ii authorised to makt eontrartt fer aachiia
and rights, or
W. S. I1AWKIN8, Aft.
Lock Harm, Oet. 19th. 1559. - .
Cabinet, Chair Making,
sra SMUffsa Aasr C2ij,
J OHN GULICII, of the borough of Clerfiela,
Pa., will be prepared at all tunes to attend to I
to any Wines in the nboro line nn short
n nil anil In . -n.L 1IL. . lt: . I
custouiers, and as many new ones at can makt I of business it at the eld shop on the north side of
BUYERS will find it to their Interest to pur
chase their Boot and Snout and Raiar
Uapb CLorataa at KRATZERS'.
tmnll quantity of pur PotWi!b and
The War in Europe carried
into Africa, and
TSAAC JOHNSTON is just rec.ivirg and open
X. 'nsT t bis shoe store on tho Com? nf rtansinil
aod Locust streets (one door abov tn "Reoub-
lisxan rtfi;
A Jxirye and Beautiful Assortment tf Indies'
and Gentlemen's
xrsKiss, surPEJts, Ties, ,.
of vcry variety ofttyl and material, from th '
htavy brogan to tbt fairy slipptr.
Miga', Itoj' and Children'!
or all tinns.
To vhiek is added a Large Stock of
Such as Sole Leather, Kip, Heavy Moroeeoi,A
lorted Linings, Ac. rf-e.
Which ht will sell Very Iw for Cash.
.Custom work made to order at ou..l with
promptneas, and in th neatett and most .lurabl
it convenient to give them a call.
Bring on your lioei, your spades and picks,
Your log-cbaini and your pulling sticks,
Your ileds, your sleighs, your horse, your mart,
No three-year old shall then go bare.
Your spears will work up then just right.
To prooning hoaks for every height.
Your swords too, shall then bo wrought.
To ploughtharei tuch ai t'm'ii ne'er bought.
Clearfield, December S, 1858. tf.
ioimoii .or ueaicai ana sacramental ustt
tor salt by
A large Hook of Casse mera Businest coatt on
hand at C- KKATZKIl A SON 8.
To Raftsmen,
Irttt la on year thereafter, with interest, te bt 1
stared by bond and mortgage on tht premlset. I
Adm'r. ef Ralph Campbell, Dtt'd.
Tsbraary, 8th 160.
T AMKS Toa ar especially invited te tall
JLi and th tpltadid display efpaiii aad
Jaict Gooat tfftred for your iosptetiaa j 1
Nit: J, 1159.
tbt Railroad Bridg near Linden.
Jan. 2, I860,
tat of tbripq. Stnd la immtdiaiely
AND GRAIN OV it t. vtvriu i. ... i
Administrators Notice.
T KTTKRS of Administratina oe tht estate ef
1 1J William Britbon lata of Brady tp., Clcar
field tonnty, Pa deceased, haring been granted
to tb undersigned t all persont indebted to taid
j estate ar requested to make immediate paymeat
! and those having elaimi will present them daly
I authtatieatad.
Jaa. 4th ISM
A" antel tf Bsasy tor aal al U strr
v wis, i itxrm.
Quaker City Publishing House !
100,000 catalogues, "
.Vine, enlarged and revised now ready for
8rntaion IaturxuusTs to tub JIi xlic !
XlrA new and thuro plan for obtafninc Gold
and Silver Watches, and other raluable Priies.
Full particulars given in Catalogues, which will
be sent free to all upon application.
Valuable Girts, rorth from 50cts- to $100,
guaranted to each pnrchacr. $100,000 In gifts
have been distribgted to iy patrons within the
pastlix months $1 50.000 to be distributed du
ring tbe next six months.
The inducements offered Agent ar more liber
al man those of any other house in the busi
Market stroet, 3d door east of Third St.. nenrlr
opposite the old Jew itore j where he will keep
constantly on hand a large-assortment of Ma
hogony and Cnno Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet
Ware of every description, which he will dispose
of on as reasonable terms as the tame articles
ean he had elsewhere in the county.
His stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, con
tistt In part of Dressing and Common Bureaus,
Sofas, Hewing and Washing Stands, Denkt and
Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedsteads,
Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta
blet, Ac. Coffins manufactured and dtlivtrtd at
any place desired.
February 9, 1859. no. 4, Tol. ir.
I I A ING fitted up a shop a few doon tai
LJL of the "Ot.ti Jr.w Srona," on Market it.;
desires to inform tbe community at large, tha:
he keeps on hand a variety of
at his ihop, and that he manufacture! to ordei
I ,,T . ...
(v. u..-.i..r nniru,; every uoscriimotl or house
It ii idmitted by all to be tht most ptrfeot miaf
of it! kind rer offered to tbe publi.
It is to small that it ean be carried in thspocU
without any ineonveniancs
Erery Merchant should have it
Every Storekeeper should have it !
ivory Mechanic should hart it I
Kvery Man in Businoss shonld havt II
It detectt 'at the sums monteht, bofB"Tf
thickness and weight, from a Half Dime to a d4
lor in Silver, and from $1 in gold up to $30, b
sides foreign Gold nnd Silver, and sells as quick
ly es seen, without the assistance of a word. It
is simple, eminently nseful, durable, econwmistl
and perfect.
ffTJi Warranto goes with tvtry tnt this
Post-paid to any part of the I'nitad fltattt.
S'r what the Xewsp'ipers say:
The possession'of itis a perfect guaranttt agsis
being imposed upon with spnriout coins. Nsm
Detection it surt, ctrtuiu, inevitable. Hvt.
A blind mnn with on in hit noistssion tnaf
1 hid defianct to tbe most skillful counterfeit!
tbe day. Kre, llulletin.
hold and kitchen furniture, among which arc I We pronounce it without hesitation to bt
venire ana wining inbles Mahogany and Com- I
lnnn". i Having be-n in the Publishing and Booksel-
My old customer! and all others, are rpect-1 linS busines for the last eight years, tny expe
fully invited lo call and examine mr ttoek. and rienee enables tne to conduct the gift enteriiriie
-no iu gr;aicsi saiisiacuon lo all.
jttT'Agents wanted in every town and coun
try. For full particular! address
i...L -! n..LI:.u r
iit i uniismnr iinuse-
judge fur themselves
May 11, 1859 tf. no. 17, toI. ir.
Lindsey's "Blood Searcher"
Has Created Great Excitement
Prom the Xumcrou Caaea of
Scrofula and Cancer
It ii for sal by all respectable Druggist and
Dealers throughout th United Stat.
R. M. LEMON, Proprietor,
t i .... Hollidaysbnrg, Blair Co. Pa.
April 1$, 14, rol ir.
Sept. 1 1, '59.
SI South Third street,
Philadelphia,' Pa
If LOL'R A prim lot ef family Dear ia It'
pnd aki ft tal tf tb ittrt f
a. 7. f. wm. r.nms.
4 000
WEIGHT f bides wanted, ftr which th
subscriber will pay tix ent forbtsf, aid
twa ten I lw enlrhvdtt, ta esk.
7, 'ft-?.. H K1 Jr)rKI0N.
"VTOTICK ii herebr riven that .n
J.1 will bt mad by the andersigned, to th next
A-egisiatur. ior tn passage of an act Incorpora-
j hank," to be located in the Borough of Clearfield.
' will. ..nllJ O II in.. .....
- vusuunurea inontana Uollara,
with the privileg of Increasing it to Two Uun-
arru inousano Lfoliars.
1. a. KAh.
il. K. WRIGHT, f
i jib tt, n n.
nil il l' MUSSOP,
rV i. Itrw.
won nureaus Common and Fancy Bedsteads
Stands, Safes, Cupboards, Sofas, Lounges, Ac,
which he it determined to dispose of at as cheap
rates, fur cash, at they can be purchased at any
other establixliment of tbe tort in the county,
rersoni wishing to buy furniture are inrited to
come to his thun and namina hi, rHni. ..i
judge for theinseivis of their quality nnd finish,
(.iirron.uig ciecwiicrc, nt be reels confi.
dent that he can tuit them in price and quality.
N. B. He it also rrenared tn mnV c. .
order on tht thortest notice and attend funorali
wuu nearse, wnen called upon.
JT-A1I kinds of rountrT nrodnra w I ba l-
eeired in payment for work.
Bor. 17, 1858 ly.
' MA.VCricTtRER.
.V 211 Arch street, abovt Scind,
Conitantly on hand a general asiortment, at
th lowest rash prices. '
N. B. Old blind rtpairtd, tiimmtd tonal t
Bept, SI, 5V S.
Justice of the Peace, Curtcentxille, Penna,
ONE door aast af ilontellui A Ttn Eyek '
Store. All busines tntmsted to him will
be promptly atttndtd ta, and all ianrasatan af
wntrag an on thrl ..
Vsrrk, SI Ha.-y
most perfect thing of itt kind ver offered t tkt
.public Pcnn. Inquirer.
We like it, and cordially recommend 11 I
public favor. National Argus.
It is worth its pric ttn timet told. City Ilia)
Agents Wanted.
An Agent wanted in evrv county in the I'nitel
Stntcs, to whom a heavy discount will be midt
Samplei sent, with terms ef agency, oa tht re
cipe of one dollar.
Address all orders to
Bank Note Reporter, Philadelphia, f
Th Reporter ha been for Thirty yetri lit
constant and necessary companion of the Cashiti,
Merchant, Clerk, Trader, Mechanie and tht ps-
ple, being tbe oldest on the Continent, and tk
ablest in the World, and haring mere luoitn-
btrs than all others combined, i published tt
th 1st and lith of each month, at tb followinj
prices :
Mnntblr. 1 Cnnr. on rear. . $1
, i . . i . n
Semi-Monthly, 1 Copy, one year, "
ineludinr without extra charm a eonT of tbl
coins of th World, containing a large nntnbsr s!
magnificently Illustrated Eac-Simile lmprssiiD'
of tht rariout Gold, Silrerand other coins otbs
nations, than can be found in any ether
and which can be obtained from any othtr ttuj
by any possibility of meant.
Bank Not Reporter, Philadelphia, fa.
Ktr. 10, 1858. 2m. .
, pahliii.''
-st r
Jl rWsaltaleerkt OV.H'