i ' 100 1.12 70 80 100 158 95 119 9Q 305 Ac 102 S50 437 200 48 60 'V tin A TrtMurer! Salt of TTamted Luxfli. loe R taiei for the vaara I Kit nJ It to v. IjT"' m iui j-mrt loss HIUW, Ho. JsV uct is nereoy riven, mat in nurinaiia f w tics ll herabv riven. tht I - ' m ' " f ..MUVI VI in Ai of Assembly, patted tbe 12th day of J une, A. I. 1615, entitled "an aet to amend an act di racting th mode of selling nnteated land for Usee," eta., tbt following tracts of unsealed land In Clearfield county, will be txposed to pubKo ale, or outcry, for the taxes dno and unpaid lkerea,ttbe Court House In tha Borough of CO 159 JOO'. 150 85 5 40 No. 3574 .5682 1434 vieantM, on ue secona Monday ef June, 1860) Btetana Tounthiv. Jl. p. Warrantees V Owners, Tax. ilenoan ilaupt and Co. iei im 94 130 J 111 Jl : -74 $14 433 433 Ii8 .1VS 168 100 151 VI 62 J3 11 118 l. 116 153 Hi liS I 31 84 li3 liS 69 Jacob Krug, $21 90 John Uibton, 31 90 Jeremiah Marshall, 13 7V Peter (lets, 21 90 Martin Fauty, 44 59 Jacob FauU, jr., ; 89 95 George Muuer, 41 01 Kobe Wilton, 28 99 Thot. Wilton, 10 00 1 Matbiai Barton, 40 60 David Barton, 60 18 Kdward Hand, 60 18 Emauuel Keieert, 48 02 5C82 8771 6879 (ieorge Moore, 14 u 5881 080J 12 John Funic. H 'A Frederick Hubley, 17 09 1431 Thomas Weston 50 118 118 Thomat Ketlnnd, 24 14 195 Abraham Witmer, 25 92 Michael Mutter, 25 92 5G81 O. L. Keed & Co. William Miller, A. B. Heed's Estate. 428 18 m 80 80 75 30 16 01 12 80 10 38 58 77 39 U8 36 91 1 68 15 61 4S 62 38 87 19 (2 10 68 92 14 27 4 17 61 11 99 5681 218 Jninet McMurtrie, Thot, Murgatory, Mjgnet Miller, John Patchio. 96 John Brady, Wm, BraJy, 4 E. Blair, S. W. Keaggy. Brewn and Boynten, Jus. llockenberry. Drown and Boynton, 3009 305 323 . 410 S10 371 31 301 Xo. Abraham Beyers. 347 146 Jacob Krug, game for '58 A '57, I). 3. Nivling. Ill 87 Wm. Brown, Wm. Dowder. 140 Wm. Brown, James Gallulicr. 30 Fred'k Hern man, Wm. Hammond. 384 Merman Witmor, Caleb CoDenhafer. 5002 5003 5C04 1 I i , ' 59 100 . 71 8 m 51 01 JOO 58 153 58 18 325 30 ISO 128 ieo 344 1.18 m .too 231 . - 165 251 8 3.12 150 Mo. A.e ires moo 4288 1000 4231 500 34C5 181 S585 177 8004 1000 8906 1000 5907 1V00 8VIS 1100 -8919 VII J 4.13 5908 030 5910 350 5911 2(3 5913 106 5UI5 ;r -5821 1100 140 S49 1U0 ' 100 75 50 100 -Ac. Tor. 89 .208 78 .231 70 408 70 429 41 429 41 108 P. Oloninger, K. J. Wallace. 16 Thoa. Billington, John Cooper. 102 fiarah Billington, David Younkin. Campbell and Turner, Same for '56 and '57, Hugh It. Jordan. John SliHuk, 8 10 6 30 3 05 11 56 1 32 22 01 . 3 .19 17 .12 12 20 Gill t Brntton. John Ketlnnd, Peter Whitetidet, Jacob Muaneratmth, Win. Bauttnanr Michaol Kuntx. SO 80 140 U. W. Caldwell, Goorfie I). Morgan & Co Peter Miller, 43 John Mailer. 10 25 27 07 13 3.1 4 59 57 47 10 59 33 40 32 37 31 II 4.1 18 24 39 70 50 70 50 44 80 29 15 44 35 98 41 01 20 52 140 Frederick Hubley, 0 John Buuitnuii. 75 John Witmer, 81 F rederick llauiuan, 96 John Bsnm, 40 Jacob Miissersmitb, 47 Jeremiah Mother, 741 Thouias Billington, Theuias Billington, 40 John Witmer, 40 Henry Witmer, 112 Win. Wilson, 40 Herman Witmer, Win, llrown, 70 Biirnh Aldington, l'hilip Myscncope, 50 John .Myscncope, Bell Township, Per. Warrantees, etc, Geo. Oakly. Heury Beck, Henry Heck, James C. Thompson. Henry Beck, John 1'. lloj t. 118 Jehn Nicholson, Wm. Uracly. 81 John Nicholson, A. 11. lieed's citato. Nicklin and Hrifliith, Nicklin and OrlH th, Nicklin and Urifiith, Nicklin andUriflith, Kick lin nnd Urifiith, Arthur Ball. Benjamin (Jibbs, . L. Reed. Nicklin nnd 6'riffitb, Nicklin and Griffith, Nieklin and Griffith, Nicklin ami Griffith, Nicklin and Griffith, Nicklin and Griffith, Jainei JMihee, 135 Joeeph Boon, Bavid Bell, Fraoipton Bell, Barn hart Henry, Moses Miller, Jon a, Sherman, Michael tibsesley, Lendon Joseph, Hogg Tswnship. Warrantee, Ac. Jauiei I)ixon. John Thomas, Lumadue and Turner. John Thomas, Ueorge Bowersox Johu Hall, Hunter and Brlnkerhoff. Jonoph Drinker, II. S. Urian. II. S, Drinker, Cram, Blake and Perley Malaui McDonald, Jolin Bevars, Ac. Tax. 60 88 00 88 3.1 33 10 81 11 89 60 88 60 87 61) 88 66 97 60 81 28 35 68 53 23 37 17 6 6 07 46 71 68 97 89 25 26 79 4 84 16 60 10 61 10 20 4 90 3 72 6 83 Tax. $1 32 14 82 4 54 14 72 29 07 311 l'K) 313 433 433 1398 195 416 433 310 100 190 433 150 100 200 150 82 150 100 25 433 100 03 200 200 100 100 140 108 No. 5367 5768 5773 5774 5408 30 501 30 56)5410 Thouin Red. John Montgomery, W.A.Albert and Bro. Oeo. llootman, Kli llootman, George W. Oearhart, Walter Stewart, John Madia. Hannah Stewart, eorga D. Morgan and Ca. John Montgomery, Richard Thomas, F ichor tad Powell. Barbara Snyder, John E. Shaw, Joilab W. Smith, Thomas Smith, Bradford Toivnsldp. Warrantees, 4c. A. P. R. 5369 7 13 5378 5407 9 40 5404 2 20 . 1 1898 4 64 1 1899 rt 1902 5 80 i942 CI 140 ! 1 1892 0 DO L53C7 6 59 4 35 14 CO oi Ter, 25 17 52 Ac Tax John Campbell, ' John Porter. Blair McUnahan, E. 4 Wm. F. Irwin. Tolly McLanahan, Wm. Hitcheni. Francis st, Matthew Forcee, Mathias Slaymaker John Wooldridge. Wm- Sanaom, John W. Turner. Wm. Bingham, JokB CamAmr J17 "8 50 I 241 123 408 358 203 110 51 106 46 167 4a 15 95 13 31 10 82 3 25 3 51 4 65 262 Jm Duncan, Jl gj 7H 97 Air. Lansbcrry, . f Samafor 1856-7 Jieheraiali Mauis,' John StewaK. , TaulCox, : . Hall & JJuok, Jos. &, W. 8abiQtn, V. B. Holt. 3 44 ' 9 13 " 2 52 y '433 f 1 07 v 9 70 ) 37 8 38 t 3 30 3 30 3 43 ;w8 (391 ' Wm. Graham Jr. ! John Graham, jr. II. Boggs' Heirs, rady Townthip. IVr. Warrantees, Ac Tax o. and Calvin Baity, 300 $9 13 8 18 v 34 89 4 90 Vej) 86 60 3C3 80 J4 Koberts A box, M. L. KoberU. Joseph Ferron, Samuel 4 m brews, . t. Baata'a Kttata. 241 84 202 220 37 70 David Kesitwdjr, John W. Mewpker, Joseph Ferron, Tilt an Beyneld. I (900 Henry Wycoff, 112 40 ' 300 Jolepb Dale. David Kennedy, 8 13 Robert Host, Cusper Stiver, 6 17 Jotepu McClste ' I Joseph Ferron, 12 90 David Whitmer. Joseph Ferron, 12 89 M. Ley.s Heiri. Christian bower, 00 48 George Munn. lioberts & Fox, 2 90 Ann Kennedy, 15 47 Same for 1856-7 18 34 John Dunlap, 31 53 Geo. A. Weaver, 5 70 Isaac Bover, 1 28 290 157 mm 1 1 135 135 501 102 101 331 100 25 400 90 250 300 100 50 150 195 6 100 Ac. Huraide Township. Per. Warrantees, d-c. Tax. Ac. 233 433 John Patcbin, John Nicholson, $10 79 John Nicholson, 16 92 John Nicolsou, 38 74 John Mailer. . 9 08 Abraham Witmer, 19 52 Cusper Shatter, jr. 1197 George Grali; 1 14 Samuel Roberts, 13 VI Daniel Witmer, 30 18 John Hubley, 51 28 Mathias Young, 9 91 Wm. Bausman, 44 77 Mary Koberts, 21 84 John Tretsler, 8 04 John Cummings, 14 84 Martin Mailer, 26 24 John Burge, 37 13 John Burch, 34 22 Mary Jenkins, 16 33 John Tresler, 40 30 Casper Shaffer, 44 10 Horace Patcbin. John loan, 40 00 James Chapman, 40 00 Benjamin Trasnall, 38 28 J. Buckhouee, 13 91 John Irrin't ettate. Townsend Spackman, 38 28 Rebecca Brown, 39 34 Jamet Oallagher. Mary Crawford, -10 77 Shepley Prettley. Christian Slake. 10 95 Joteph Mitchell. Henry Minser, 406 Valentine King. Henry Musser, 5 33 Frederick Kuhn, 33 38 James Thompson, 4 66 John K) an, 12 23 Same for 1856-7 17 98 Ebcn McMastors, 12 23 Same for 1856-7 17 98 Chest Township. Warrantees, Ac. Tax John Patchin. 100 214 386 79 180 114 25 180 300 474 100 383 203 70 150 264 374 293 1G5 347 410 303 303 290 105 312 298 424 111 100 115 310 100 150 150 103 433 100 74 50 100 Per 153 153 153 153 153 153 Benjamun Young, $28 84 John Boyd, 9 32 Josiah Ilaynes, 29 01 TliOMti Hamilton. 37 05 Martin Worthington, 37 05 iviuiam iison, John Witmer, James Fnge, Drinker und Clurko. William Cook, Daniel Gorman. Henry Ferrcl, Jnmct Thompson. Henrv Polo. 34 08 19 43 30 35 54 153 148 31 36 164 lr.3 40 10 29 25 41 Armstrong & Gnrnell, 7 18 John Irvin'i ettate. Christian IJohcr, John Btenqeman, Adam Hagy, Wy at t Kitchen, Isaac Bloom, Barrett Brown, Byers 4 Montgomery, William Decker, Jefferson Jordan, John Hollis, Isaac Kirk A Co., John McPhorron, John Patton, John Port, John Swan, James White, George Mullen, Fulton, Jonathan Kcphart, Covington Township. Tcr. Warrantees, Ac, 23 00 40 08 6 41 5 70 5 70 2 85 4 00 6 41 4 28 1 71 47 48 2 85 2 67 11 40 11 40 4 99 9 56 9 98 9 23 Tax $22 01 29 65 30 12 30 12 30 12 30 12 28 48 13 21 27 38 8 88 42 20 64 96 64 84 39 78 12 78 1918 1918 1890 5305 53G6 3647 3648 1837 Ac. Anion U. riielpe. 804 1083 1100 1100 1100 Georgo Mead Oeorgo Moad, Georgo Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, Fredericks Karthaut. Morris rf- Stcwiirt, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart; Moriis A Stewart, Peter Lamm. Morris (('Stewart II. and 0. Smith. 1100 1048 483 1000 325 1926 1938 578 890 8S9 545 200 250 5313 5314 18 26 l,1 orgoMead, 30 12 1 iiw ueorgo Mead, Decatur Totcnshin. 30 12 Ter. Warrantees. Ae. George D. Morgan and Co. 124 Thomas P. Cope, 47 137 137 154 70 24 113 49 13S 1 lonn Drinker, John Skyron, Richard Thomas, ' Jacob Downing, Hugh Ely, Henry Drinker, Benjamin Wilson, Joseph IlsmUeton, John Skyrou, Thomas P. Cope, Wm, Montgomery, Joseph Sanson, John Cannon, Thomas Edmondson, Tax. I 57 62 33 35i 20 51! 56 40 49 49 28 12 1 29 00 7 04 14 73 1 6 75 5303 24 35 f 6 31 1908 36 13 1 10 74 1884) 13 36 1915 208 - 4 w W, Ssmsota, 28 71 r , ; Wgler-ana Wright 433 60 John Anderson, f 42 17 42 18 27 32 44 03 60 Uilbert Vaugt, . Fit atad Boyatan. ' . Joseph Harrison, Jamas MeOirk'i ettate. Thomas Billington, Peter Owens. Charles Risk, - - Id. WooUrtdge,' Patrick Moore, ' ' 1. W. Smith. Mary McLanahan, Thomas Swwardson, . 1 Joba MeOlrk. William Evanf Richard Coplin. Joseph Whitehall, . 159 404; . ., 211 202 15 72 25 60 24 58 43 80 21 21 11 71 14 74 30 05 5 13 9 30 21 87 39 98 29 10 6 56 26 51 41 37 40 20 12 97 3 25 23 15 1 25 13 1 4 88 14 22 4 05 7 29 Tax. 20 92 20 92 7 83 30 90 2 85 6 30 137 It. Uplin, John and David Oearhart. Jacob Downing, James Albert Joseph Sanson). William Sansom, A. B, Long. Casper Haines, D. I. Pruner and Co. Elii. A J. Harrison, Henry Kephart Samuel Hambleton, Jacob Cox, Casper Haines, Joseph Harrison, Same for 1856-7 Samuel Kay, John Weston, Wm. Wooldridge, Same for 1856-7, Daniel Philips, George Goss, Abraham Goss, Jonathan Kephart, Ferguson Township, Warrantees, &c. 49 99 Per. 159 153 153 Oreinwood Bell. John Hambright, John Patchin. Daniel Turner, A. Moore. Mathias Slough, Cbarlea Houtten. Georgo Koss, Albert Bis hip, Lewis Jordan, Hiram Paxsmore, Benj. Hartshorn, Fox Township, Per. Warrantees, Ac. 2 14 4 28 j Tax. $13 54 20 II 10 13 No. Ac. 4200 600 4182 990 427 1 491 427 1 495 4241 937 4238 947 4242 298 1534 - VT 1535 600 4399 372 4398 216 4400 44 4340 188 4272 425 4183 990 106 Henry Lorain 1 ettate. James Wilson, James Wilson, Z. Pretton. James Wileon, J. C' French. J as. Wilson, E. Tart, U- 8. Land Co. James Wilson, 1 Jame Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson, ' Janii Wilson, Spencer and Spilcr. James Wilson, Win. II. Gordon. Jr uies Wilson, Daniel Oyttor'i ettate. James Wilson, Alexander Vial, James Wilson, Rudolph II. Evani. James Wilson, James Wilson, Benj. Davenport, 10 17 08 83 04 52 24 43 1 64 49 20 14 84 14 07 81 12 25 12 65 19 38 580 Tax. ?13 93 14 23 Oirard Township, No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Anion G. l'lielpt. George Mead George Mead Geergo Mead Georgo Mend George Mend George Mead George Mead George Mead George Mead George Mead Georgo Mead George Mead George Mead George Mend Georgn Mead A. nnd J. bpackman. 5356 1100 5371 1083 5357 1000 5300 1100 5304 1060 5305 752 5302 1008 5358 1048 5375 1083 5361 1100 5303 1100 5372 1100 5354 1008 5359 1000 5379 041 1890 367 1888 543 1928 509 1929 70 1930 225 1886 729 1917 314 1916 406 3650 226 1887 702 1888 150 1924 508 13 20 14 52 14 07 9 89 13 30 13 81 14 30 14 52 14 52 14 52 13 30 13 19 12 44 45 Morris AStowiirt, bnl3 26 Tbos. 11. Fulton A Co. Morris A Stewart, Morris & Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stowart, Morri! k Stewart, Moriis A Stewart, MorrU & Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, A. a W. Murrny. Morris A Stewart, 5 61 7 33 1 33 4 53 22 41 3 17 5 64 9 26 21 80 5 53 Roed a Weaver, 100 Morris & Stowart, 13 40 Nicholas llousiolot. IS Morris A Stewart, 2 78 Andcrton Murray. Morris A Stewart, 4 79 Francis Ceudriet. 120 Morris A Stewart, 15 17 II. A 0. Smith. George Mead, 4 92 George Mead, 5 49 Smith A Graham 115 114 254 50 563 1929 204 Morris A Stewart, Peter Lamm. Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, 103 Morris A Stewart, J. P. Nelton. Morris A Stewart. 8 20 117 47 97 1 80 72 5 21 1 00 12 49 17 22 17 22 17 22 2 22 3 94 2 8'J 3 86 5 36 1886 50 Eldridge, Merrell A Thompson. 5352 798 5376 1100 ueorgo iueaa, Georgo Metd, George Mend, George Mead. Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, a'l l Til 15353 1100 15355 1100 1936 103 25G 148 154 Same for 1856-7, Irvin A Powell, bal. Goshen Township. Tot. Warrantees, Anion G. Phelpa. Gnorgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 1928 409 No. Ac. Tax: $9 79 14 83 16 57 16 57 17 54 653 900 5315 1000 5316 1000 5317 1059 5318 1099 5319 1099 5320 1100 5321 1008 5322 1100 5323 1100 5325 623 5328 1100 5331 1100 5289 330 5290 488 5291 1100 George Mead, Georgo Mead, 60 George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mod, George Mead, (ieorge Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mend, Amot B. Mcrrel. George Mead, Oeorgo Mead, Georgo Mead, Peter Hider. 18 24 18 24 20 99 19 10 20 99 20 99, 11 84 20 99, 20 99 j 25 99! 38 43 80 03' 12 40; 200 176 ieorge Mead, E. Irwin and Son. Morris A Stewart, Tkoraai Grant. 10 300 Morri k Stewart, IS 60 le.smwand Sot. 124 166 , Morris A Stewart, 1 . Matthew forces. 383 . Morris A Stewart, Eldriago, Meitell and Thompson. 1100 George Mead, 1100 . Geergo Mead, 1100 GaorgeMead, 1100 : , George Mead, 1100 ' George Mead, 300 . Mapes and Livergood, Same for 1856-7 Graham Tovahip, Per. ' Warrantees, Ac' 1922 8 f6 34 86 24 89 24 89 24 89 24 89 24 89 13 50 8 78 Tux. 1923 5324 5320 5327 6129 5330 Ac. 438 , 100 103 300 139 Fitch, Boyntnaawd Wright. George M'Lanahan, Satuuel LaUfWry. ' George Moore, 547 9 4 o Ed. Albert sod Bros. John Fry, jr. Same for 1H50-7 Wm. Drinker'! Mofra. John Fry, jr P. Nelson, and Co. lieuben Haim;s, ' Jacob King, George Wetael, John Cook. Jacob Wetzell Hippie, French and Co. Joseph Simmons, John Cock. Reuben Haines, Keuben Haines, P. Ogden, William 1. West. Daniel W. Bradley. Robert Shaw, Hyman Gratz, T. Forcee, T. Cope, J. Graham, John Thomas, Reuben Haines, Same for 1856-7 Charles Hull, Thomas Duticanson, C. J. Allport, Georgo Stiver, Hnsion TmHshsp, Ter. Warrantees, 31 0 35 12 54 34 72 41 US C4 42 46 45 7 70 8 55 300 390 400 82 228 234 100 430 114 114 53 52 1 8 H 4.U 40 145 109 274 36 42 25 4 51 04 10 58 8 08 332 100 135 120 25 V- 433 15.1 1 J4:t3 153 1433 13 Tax i70 143 1 433 1 53 5102 05; 43:1 I5 102 05 M3' 1 A3 102 0.5 435 153 No. Ac John B. Otto. 1041 1041 1041 990 877 , .Moore A Delaney, Moore A Dchiney, ' Moore A Dehuicy, Wm. Powers, Wm. Powers Henry Lorttint's Kttato, 5674 5675 5006 97 02 85 93 5067 1 26 08 1 22 83 22 K3 22 83 ' " -7 8 20 r.C72 347 990 990 990 Moore A Delaney, 4263 4204 4199 Jumes Wilson, James Wilson, Jutnes Wilson, Fitch A Boynton. K. Shoemukor, K. Shoe milker, 375 101 980 990 905 007 1'. 8. Land Co. 1 4235 4220 4229 4230 J auies Wilson, 77 13 James Wilson, 77 3" 123 James Wilson, 75 41' James Wilson, 39 02 u . iv. iiRvm. 5061 4902 5063 4225 4230 1113 Win. Powers, Thnycr A Z. Simon. 27 78 II. 100 Wilhelm Willink, Wm. Powers, Wm. 1), Hnrdon. J times Wilson, James Wilson, J. G. Kidder, David Caldwell, Wilhelm Willink, James Wilson, .1 nines Wilson, !7 Moore A Delaney, , Moore A Delaney, Moore A Delaney, Jordan Township. Warrantees A Owners. John W. Wrltrht. Kbeneznr Brcnhnm. Putchin A Swim. Richard Martin, Thomas Martin, 8 21 48 31 298 250 500 200 195 420 490 740 347 00 500 21 19 42 40 19 1 10 12 15 41 29 43 78 : 00 14; 29 37 I 42 40 42 40 1 Tax. ?S 39 4902 4230 4225 5672 5076 5677 Ac. 100 433 433 433 150 29 200 274 120 200 300 Per. 153 153 150 00 00 27 19 Robert Martin, Benjamin Young, Samo for 1856-7 Dsvid M'Keehsn. David lirown. Edward and Jainot Oilligan. Daniel .Smith, John Cooper. ' Adam Kuhn, Samuel Jordan, William Wilson, Samo for '50-7 John Putchin. Samo for '5G-'J7, Karthaus Township, Ac. Per. Warrantees, d c 15 46 9 31 57 15 ! 00 1 30 00 ; 40 53 i 45 00, NTo. 5409 5411 5412 5413 54O0 5414 5405 19(H) 1901 1943 1093 1429 14.10 3552 1944 1097 Tax. $20 85 20 85 14 15 19 79 20 5 20 85 3 19 80 55 110 15 09 05 26 85 34 05 35- 79 36 11 23 40 3 80 0 13 1 33 II 35 Anson 0. Pbelps. Georgo Mead, Georgo Mend, George Mead, Georgo Mead, George Mead, George Mead, 7 Georgo Mead, Fredcrica Karthaus. Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart. Morris A Stewart. 1100 1100 747 1043 1100 Hut 107 000 778 507 2(H) Patton and Irvin. 555 120 Wm. Smith, 508 13H Wm. Smith. 573 120 Wm. Smith. Georgo Vaux. 513 95 Moriis A Stewart, Henry Youthers. 100 Charles Willink, h. McUarvey. Churles Willink, Charles Willink, Arnold Custer, Knox Township. Warrantees, Ao. Cram, Blake & Perley. Reuben Haines, Luko Morris, Joseph Milliard, Robert Gray, John Bnnghurst, Surah Ward, George Eddy, . Moore Wharton, George Ashton, John Patchin, Israel Morris, Benj. Poullney, Martin Pierrie, 850 59 398 5412 Ac. Ter, Tax- 437 435 433 413 429 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 350 200 200 48 50 153 15S 41 153 153 153 153 153 153 153 GO 04 65 89 05 77 65 70 65 00 f5 77 K5 f.5 C5 47 47 47 John Boyd, 29 01 Peter Loast, 15 05 Wm. Johnson, 15 05 Fitch d Born ton. Isabella Jordan, 59 24 Thomas Jordan, 4 08 Wilton Hoover Silas Wilcjt, 9 03 William Drown. Silas Wilcot, 15 C5 llaniel llautman. Geo. A Mary M'Corm'k, 18 90 Same for 1856-7 k"3 40 Wm. H. Robertson, 11 31 Isaao Thompson, 50 70 Isaac Thompson, 12 51 Isaao Thompson, 6 25 Thompson A Egletnan, II 92 433 153 197 0 200 200 120 600 200 100 90 ' ' ' Laments Township. '' fer.- Warrantees Ao. Anson O. Peblpt. No. Ac Tax. 5292 I I0O 5294 1100 5295 11(H) 5298 I 100 5299 I 100 3600 1100 5301 1 1(H) &102 11(10 Ueorge ilnact, , . ; George Mead, Georee Mead George Mead, ' George Mead, - ' George Mead, $15 G8 1 15 68 -15 68, , J 5 68 ' , .15 68 1JS lH ijeorgo .Mead, George Mead, George Mead, ' Georgo Meud, George Meud, George Mead, . , George Mead, . . George Mead, (ieorge Mead, -k ' 1 ieorge Mead, " Georgo Mend, Georgo Mead, Solomon Kline-. Roberts & Fox, William liiijler, Wm. Montgomery Wnv. Boyd, M, aVic10, Roberts A Fox, Fitch A lSvyitort. Hugh Jordan, John Rend, 1 68 J5 08 45 68 14 08 -15 68 15 08 z: 08 45 08 5 09 2 34 2 34 2 34 1 17 &KKi 1100 &m iiao 5305 110O 5306 1100 5307 1100 5308 1100 5309 110O 5310 lllHt 5311 Hot) 5312 lOOtf 2003 "51" ': 103 60 1995 77 221 413 6 77 29 (Jcorift WiUmv. 94 109 Mary Martin 3 75 Eldridge, Merrdl if- Thompson, 5293 1100 ueorge Wertd, George Mead, George Menrl, Kobeit Mitchull, E. Irwin A Sun, 18 43' 18 43 1 5290 11INI 529; 1100 90 490 8 00 40 79 298 25 16 Tax. $4590 45 90 45 90 45 90 29 01 43 90 4s 90 1 90 ' 90 44 90 45 90 45 90 S3 12 2003 ) 1995 J 97 J. M. Xichols, 387 G. D. Goodfullow, Morris Township. Warm 11 tees, Arc. Jl. Jl. Long, Trustee. Thomas Morris, Wm. Morris, j Ac. Ter. 1 4.13 153 Sitinuel Meredith, Win. MilUr, Hetty Morris, Thos. Fit.imnions, Georgo-Clymer, Robert Gray, Pat. Moore, Mary Morri", Magnes Miller, Xolbro Fnizer, Wm. Jl. iSiindirson. Francis Johnson, John Nicholson. Win. Jl cv r Francis Johnson, 4:'3 I:i m lM 43.1 lM 437 14 200 150 WWIM 4oo 24 48 ! 10 70 lieorge. Slitte. John Huston. Wm. and J. Huff. Blair M'Latiiilian, J, P. Nelson and Co. James Wilson, 90 Robert Morris, I"0 os 14 13 100 90 122 William Morris, J. A. Crawford. Simon Gratz, Henry .orain's estate 223 402 2110 327 373 421 23 61 (ieorge W etzol, Wm. Wertz, Christian Wertz, David Lauck, Edward Perks and Co. .Tesso Yarnell, School for 'iO-7 48 8 25 o3 39 77 44 75 61 90 29 08 Geo. D. Morgan and Co. Win. Drinker, Jl. S. Dnukir. Richard Thomus, John Reiid, Michael Souder, Patrick Hay, E. L. Burton. Robert. Glenn, 94 2 49 47 21 88 47 08 43 74 "20 82 0 I 83 Of) 4 73 9 01 25 50 22 (18 24 38 3 15 3 15 4 58 I 99 46 32 43 08 21 48 30 03 45 90 II 43 10 30 W. II. iobertson. John Beit. Snyder ty Large. Francis Johnson, James B. Graliem, John Taylor, P. Kcpple John XiclioUon, . J. Linijle. James Smith, isaine for 1X50-7, Robert Thomas. Christopher Raker, Swart z ty Bower. Francis Johnson, Joseph lH)purd. Rlair M'J.analnui, Henry Ltdiitiimitd. Ciu4cr Sliafhicr, (jiorge. O'ntes. George Galea, Wm. Stewart, R. R. Smith, John Parron, iStiinu for 18j(i-7 Roliort Haincy, J. Fallow, Josenh Totter, J'enn Township, Per. Warrnntces, &c. William Uiiilcr. 40 j 183 ' CO JOO !14 231 50 50 50 125 438 07 139 203 433 153 10(1 90 No. Ac. ,Tax 5922 59:10 59;S7 59.'15 593.1 5951 5959 5904 5953 6925 5j2 &V54 1100 220 200 110 400 910 98 074 1093 1000 lays 515 14 Nicklin A, Griflith, 14 Nicklin it Grillith, Nicklin i (irillilli, , Nicklin Si Giitllth, ' Nicklin t Grillith, 140 Nicklin & Grillith, 13X Nicklin & Grillith, Nicklin St Grillith, Nicklin & Grillith, Nicklin Si Grillith, Nicklin and UrilEih, Nicklin and Griffith, $70 14 12 95 18 90 7 10 28 78 01 04 0 34! 45 15 70 95 "() 00 70 115 33 CV P. R. McXeely. A9C2 425 1 4 John Nicholson, William Hepburn. 5s Cochran Trac, fin ... ... . 39 10 3 10 3 T, 12 UO 3 63 " in. Uigur, Orocnwooil Bell, lea Pntrick Hogarty, Pike Township. Ter. Warrantees, Ac. James Hopkins. 64 John, Kiuholnm, 41 John Nicholson 4 John Nicholson, 61 John Nicholson, Miller, DuNois & Co. '.'0 lioberts and Fox, A. R. Rced'i estate 8. Bloodget, Nicklin and Griffith, Nicklin and (irilfith, Nicklin and Orilt'.th, William McCrea. John NichoUua, Xo. Ac. Tax. $35 45 2S (17 23 37 27 Id 5781 5735 4774 5175 1020 819 (IS3 820 35S2 79U 3t e; 1429 mi 59111 6928 70 200 20(1 129 3 11 11 11 5779 280 282 ' 44 407 92 143 63 a79 140 300 170 141 272 10 Fitch St, Boynton 145 Thomus Jordan. 600 John Nicholson, 2 JihnNwhrlson, WO Juraei Wilson, ' K'JO JaioeeWilion, 153 Benjnmin Johnson, 1020 2J John Niehol.on. 59 llaniel Uartsock, ) John P, llcyt. 9 20 r 25 i V SIS 1 3 J7S1 5778 4259 4262 5777 h.and Z. McN&tV, K. and Z. MoNaul, John Nioholsen, Daniel Dailey, Wm. S, KoborU. " , 9 45 U 2 IB 07 13 39 ' r 6i M7 300 II. Leech ai V, John Paiton," t 8 Union Township. ' ' V ., AC. Per'. Warrantees, Ac. , v .J- W. Hay's . Roberts and Ko. Giu tland Irwiu, Roberte and Fox, llcnry Bailey, ' 1 David Woolingr, ' ' Wooduanl TuwnsnfK Tax. 00 3 34 5 70 xi 19 19 00 200 3587 850 to Acres Per, Warranter, Ac. Tax. George D. Motgan and Co. 2JI1 28 805 Mi 436 100 j 07 119 ,19.1 433 433 23T 210 215 4M 433 2IA 64 I'iffotSbaw 21 98 28 .11 34 U0 38 24 4S 18 10 82 8 33 12 8ft 20 87 48 91 48 fi 25 83 22 7 23 40 82 Donjainin Wllswr. t 48 George Baker, '15. Bonjuniin WHeoir, 145, John MeCaneti, . , Rlchnrd Atherton, 113 Mary Connelly, James McGheo A Co. 121 Christian Stake, 122 153 153 43 75 145 15.1 15.1 145 42 rs Muthint Younp, Chrierian linger, (Jeorgo Mnssor, Thomas Yedler, Dnniol Offley, Ueorge Baker, jr, Timothy Paxton John V'urgo, John Musser, jr. Joseph Aehbridge, Pigot Shnw, Peboetian draff, Thomas EdmouJuon, S.P. shotr. JIury Connvll, Dr. D. Houtz Philip Loast, Jacob R. Howell, . William Johnson, George Reckhnm, Bigler- Keed. John Vaught, i Jonathan Walls, J Joseph Best. Robert McGheo, John Patchen. John Cun non' 47. 23 46 23 47 30 23 4T oia 43!) 41 433 433 433 100 433 456 158' 2 75 40 85 40 85 40 83 10.85 15 64 16 48 o si 40 16 4s 44 25 95 IS 82 21 59 153 153 153 03 153 159 30 Dr. James Locke. 120 Henry Drinker, William Drinker, J. Whiteside. William Sheaii; William. B.IJcgarty. 27 (Jeorgo Meek, Henry Lorain. 410 240 230 314 434 153 140 40 443 100 13 Israel Wheelan, Kobcrt . Wallace. 5 Peter Henry, Hugh Ralston, J. iroif. R. McGhee, Wright ty Mengcs. 77 Samuel Etnlun. 35 52 7 10 40 22" Wm. B. yllexander A Co. iioiantl liVnns. 10 82 Tuckahocy Alt. P. Pl'k Road Co. 200 00 Jon McCahan, 24 40 98 John Lampblack, 10 S'J William Albert and Bro. 121 loo 100 10 215 200 Kli llootman, William WiUon,, Lisle McCully, 157 Philip Ditl'enderfer, 4 Thomas Neal, Duniel Fulkerson, 13 00 10 82 6 23 38 14 55 15 60 20 04 Same for 1850-7 3u ' John Morgan, Same for 1850-7 39 OO GI.0. 15. GUUDLANDER, Treaa'r. Trensr's Ollice, Clcarlicld, Murch 28, '0(1. PUHIFY THE BLOOD. MOTOR'S VF.G KTABLK LIFE PILLS ' AND POENIX . BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which then pro emiront moilicineit linve'ncquired for their invarinlile efficacy in all the disease which, they profesi to euro, has rendered the usual practiue of puffing not only unnecessary, but unworthy of them. They nre known by their fruits; their goed work tcst'fy for thctu, and they thrive nut by tho faith of the credtilou. Imam, casla of Anthnin, i4cute and bbrohl; Khcumntism, Affections of the Bladder and Kid neyiv Billioui Fever aud Liver Complaints.--In tho outh nnd west, whore these diseases pre' vail they will be found Invaluablo. Planters Fiirincrs,nnd othors, who once use these medicines will never afterwords be without them. DlliHiH. No porson with this distressing disease should delay using these medicines Im mediately. Eruptions of tho skin, Krysipolnsf Flatulency, Fover and Ariio. For this scourge of the wostorn country those medicines will bo found a sufo, speedy, and certain remedy. Other medicines lenve tho system subject to a return of tbe disease a sure by these medicines Is per manent Try them, be satisfied, and be curod. Merc 11 rat IHscatea, Nover fails to crsdi eate entirely all the cfl'eets of mercury Infinitely1 sooner than tho most powerful preparation of Sursaparillu, Nijrht swouts, Nervous Debility, Nervous Com plaints of all kindn. Opinio Affections, Pulplta-' tion of tho Heart, 1'uintor'i Cholic. lMlc The original prtiprictor of these modi-' clncs was cured of Piles of 35 years standing by the use of these Life medicines nlone, Worms of nil kinds, are effectually cured by these medicines. Parents will do well to administer tbcin whenever thoir ejiistonco is suspected. Belief will hf certain. I THK LIFK TILI4 Al PIIOKXIt WITTKRI. Purify the blood, nnd tints remove nil disease from tho system. A single trial will place the I.1KI Pii.i.s and Pilnr.NIx IlntHns bty,oid tho" rench of competition iu tho estitnuliou 'of ever patient, ; ' ?rrrepnred nnd sold by IK. WM. B. MOFFAT, 335 Btclwiy, cor. Worth tit., New York. Feb. 2!Mh 1S(0. lyr. Six CcMits Reward. Ran awny from tho subscriber living in township, Clearfield connty, 011 tbe 12tlr day of Fehrnnry tost, my indentwnnl npyroiitice, John Bavis, without jwst oifu?e. Al) persons sro hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting) him on my aremint, Th above reward, but no charges will be paid for bringing him buck. . , -KlllN BY EH. reb.2tb I860. 3t.wdv Coal! CoalM f ;oaf f ! f 95 j THE undersigned informs tbe eltiiens of Clear. 11 field and vicinity, Out be Is prred te furni,dy 13 ; tbe best qualrty ofCoal from Moore's k-k, for 97 1 smithing or stoves, free from sulphur, at 6 ctnlf : if delivered or 4 cents at the bank. Orders wilf 41 ( bs given at A. C. Flanian's Paloon for tbe Cash uucawneu; or Cora will be taken in sxchsuge for coal. . Bee. 21, '59. MICHAEL COXXKUT- IjKVIW)!NHnKKt:iT"tIju,rre"eeil7e"u BACON, CUKKtJK and I.ARfl . 1. l'l.ES (pared) 19 eu. pr. lb-, I'll liMiS, 314 370 m 450 ' 4711 45 23 11 36 34 4(1 00 HAI3INS CLUKAXTS, 12rts. " - v v , C -'KATZEK8 A POX!, March, 7, l?f!0.