j fU .Vwjilln, JOH PI1INVING. Aii !'( m'v i- ti i.f ,1 l ;, (.mil - HttiM.n it I nil. !,( i.f Hie ':,,. ,vi . n" tO nilllfilHH f trt tll I'lll sf (I ( ! i li It. l ei) tn il. nil It In ' nf I'l'Minj,. Ptrniti, m it v vi., I'.MMtj, I'll I PiVk, Il!l I I AH , I. AHH, IWll. Ill I.!.', 1 1 AM'tH I.I , and rvety kiVol (!" ptitilirg iKunlly done in h mutiny j"l' i Mil i, A II hi ill m will I rt t mm ii? cil niilinr'tt- ' Hi ! l)ll ill; jMlll li. .,, J. If. I.Ah'KIMM!. ; THE WIDOW. i. - I.o ! hcfe ihe cfiuii'tho widow tonics! Young ma'.deni. sltn'Sd aside, , Wluf homage rim Touhope Ueuiii? . -tost VUVt-' hpl y0iir nij.y' , ,l'l;,rtii!eou5 intiiil of swocta'i.xlceii, liif. '''y A?;l(UJVMjt in iiiL-tl, v ' it:.i . ijiun jour inue ovm tlir. ikivo no potior Ilesido fresh wcud,s n njiplu dower. And you with spuikling'yes of jet Matured in vhnriua and J act a, y el, Bylph-liko and winriiitg.noblo, true, TIio widjw even will rivd you. i Briinprf,. .ml Kl...l i i (l, ilt Ye Unit have hearts, vt none at all, Yield, yield thejiulm, nordmo comprlOj' With her who ne'e- has known defeat. ; A widow's charms oh I who ran trace Thogo magnets formed of iove and giiui Which keptio feel, nor knows the dart 1 1 1 hnt jiicrccs evet. hi guarded heart f Young men and old, the gay the grave Aliko her smiles, her favors cravo, Both Buints ond sinners she beguile, And none escape her inngic mule. Then guls beware while yet you may, ' Kor trust your lovers in the way Of widows, let you feel the smart That's rending now my uching heart. gruuilitral: The Time to Cat Wheat This has been a mutter' of careful elpc - nruent in hnglanu, and mucn more w Tier.ds unou it, than is itcncrttllv sti)liosoi. From very careful seiiea of exjiOi- uicjiu niaue in cngiumi, 111 lotu-'ii, y Mr. John llanmitn, of Yorksliire, wit hi I view of dtiteriuinintc the protier period f; reaping wheat, it was decided that t li ' best time for ucrforriiini; the onciation I1 when it is in a "raw" state or when tl.' i 'Itraw M Been froni a t L'.ance anncS iraw, M Bt,en iroai a ttlBtantc, appeal j i,cu, uui, HU5I.I; "'"""""1 " '"u"11 DC approsimating to yellow, anU the fliil, itsell, being sejiarated lioin the chair 1 1 pulpy and soft, but not iii tho milky stagi' This ganthmaf. has thowt. that, rt leaV Six dollars percro is lost iiy allcnvill thi wheat .0 becomP ripe hefoit is-cntn at t he same tlW, lU quality. is Dot to gooii Aue cinei uiiianiages aerivca iroia llili . neiwd; arc stated to be greater weklit VV'n tO 8 given SJiace Of ground, which1 -L fit'iated in Urmly township, Clearticld Coun- - produces more dour, of actiperior quality ,y' on ri ,,,rnl,iK('i lr8 miles wat ol Lu- the straw con tains mora nntritiv ..,M,;..:il,tribur' containing , . and i. I.n 1:1. j ... ..... . I iivi reiihiieu oy animals ; nnq .. . , there is belter opportunity of securing th , Forty Vine Acres Cleared, crop, and a saviug in so doing, as there iand in a good state of cultivation. ''. Tho balance .ess w,n tell) mowing or reaping the wheal'1' ''- timiikhkh. Tho iinproveinents aro a by the dropping out of the Seed. jl'I.ANK UOI'SE, welt finished, S by 24 in It Will be iwnin this mutter how niiich"'''0' rrnoii for a Kitchen tn b added being ' M. fnrmo.i- ... , ' "1Ut" w ell eul.ulated for a T A V K 11 V ST 4 I h -i ., rate knowlXrf nW. In Iln "v BCCV"thre. room, on the lirwt tlo.r, and live on the ( m!IK undersigned subscribers, take thi, mcth o LsZn il I bUBinws. hven lllcond, reasonably good te.ni.orary .tabling, ...111-1 f "d of '"!"''"' " P".Wi fienerally, that thn n fpf vuiinig 01 grain, clcut to contain twelve Uorses; a thriving young tno owner of fifty acres would loso threeorehard of choice fruit ; and a well which cm- Aunareu (iollars, by hnrvcftitig a few chiygf 'M " a'I'1y "PP'y ,b hegt ivT- The too late. . There are many other farm oi 1 lft)" ro,lch of Sandy Creek, so that the Orations in Which acourute knoul .dim U ,l,lbor can 1,0 kauled to it iu two or throo miles, quite as important. U it any wondtr so 'VJt ro" , . " . m.lllV ol nnr f,, ,1 . ... i ui.iMj oi our Ul met s do not lliake nioneyL ...v.. auwuie a nutuireu holts in their pockets, through which tho money is dripping oufin dollars, dimes, and cents. wholo your is a scene of vaste, for want of a littlo knowledge; V ood w wasted for want of a good stove, oratidt house. Ashes are wasted for j. uu I, ui a ury ptaco to put them. Fodder is wasted for want of a tight barn to thel ter.eattlo in the winter nights. Manures are wasted for want of a Lai n cella.-, and neds and absorbents. Labor is wasted for wantof manure to produce maximum ?fT:L IJiUlranfe ith H these leaks, that the farmer's till does not fill up fas ter 1 1 I up 1 C - I 1 clt' J-j3 5 I - i. 3 I ? -, t , t i i M i I I l . I . I I' , -M it I I I . Mil H i.i, ... IV "Ml t'1.ll, II. til., I'. . l-i I . In (if tl.n ;. II.. r-1 I. I .1 . f i i t.."..'.. i I rail. i l, i l i,. t Mi. - i. I ,-, ' i r -i I I!. .1 il.-" Mllt.lit r. li i It, i nm if i Ins .it l-i ftn l hitu; t i i'f l.t f tf It It ! Inlet . I. I It j nlv.r In et m top jf.ir.t In Mn ,..n,.lt, 1 l.i" i pi. .'i l . . It. i-ri.tn.lct r.in I. l I . mi 1". i.,..l l-r i' luin.r. Il fit I'l il" ' n. lilf . iilininl -In mi . ,', li li itl or I. i'ni inn, and wholly tmpcr-..)..' I. Itv.jll i.IT.i Hlf Itr.liM. nll't llll'kl III lliin I li I II n i t in. il r,. I I, ii' II.. v cm ir. . I i, n the l'llM gtnllll.l M flllllt I"! ".'in llll imI.II n. III ill III I" gill lii r IiIm'I.i' it it I J t ;ni. v 'ml' I - ' In I. I l ln rnniriM.f Bili ln ill I" "i'lo n'li'i -, fring, mm. n nihi t (;ixiiiiili. lfi.,t, f-li'l.'l.i'f, , llillimriim lull-, i-.'ii. Ili.'l.n uiil Ini'i Jriiln, lli-viiMtn, Cnii.ti l-i. llii (.'ni'lili'. I'it.iilili Ar- Iii'Iik, IrinilH, lnlili' 'Jiilk, JirnmiM, 1 1 1 1 i . I 1 1 1 r-, ; l'nlillt'ii, 1'uiii-'. Hiilliul-., tfluii'fiK, fMitinnlit, .Mu n', ( i.i ri.f"'iiili'n', liis.i., cli'., rlf., tie. '11.8 M.i,Mripo Mill bv priiliiFolY illurlmli'.l in l)i liljr,.''l t lo (iftviuid I'lu inviiij. i TU-l.il...l.l..lmrl.......ti ..I... jr tu t iv M nmiu nn umiiu, 1 , . i i 1 i . vnrii'lv, ri.inl.iiuHt mill ui.mi lliiiiii .iib uM'. lii nt'ii, At In .u.li.m'1. Ilii.ni.nr t,"(r ..ll..r. .i t.. Urn A. ..,.! i.i Ti. .i r. i Inning nullinrn nil i'"iml:,r rit. i nre inrludi'il ,in tlin lift of conn iliuio in i'ii,.'.,. .1 : lion. H. 1'riMiti.in, ('liiiilf'S S ttiu, l'i;. (ir.'. n ll.il fek, C'liii. J. Inpnri'll, )ri":li'. A. Ilrniriii'i.n, (,i'ii. IJoo. 1. .MorriK, .Niithiiiii.'l IU'crinx, lli.n. t'liiif. ' WV'mi TV l a, " ,'r "''. , , i, ma :,":! i 'V i , . i.., !ll'.i coiuiirming a imii list nl wnkra. iiinnii .mi aro luuuy of tlio must iiupular in tho couu tinEiich miuitior will cniitnin nn nn .ln.il i,i. ,,l yriifio ci.uipoi.od expressly fur ll, in work. Of tho superior exoo.loneo of tho -Muimno in very runpect, nnd of tho tortainty of iti poim.v nout use9, very littlo more need lie mid. The terma and gouornl conditions of tlio Mac- ! . : 1 1 1. r,i , Rzine 110 a fnilow I Jkum I hero will bo two rnluiua n vnnr. nl nhmit 700 rnyul octavo piiKes fneh, cnnimeiicing in Janunry and July, nud undinj; in June nnd Pceeuihrr, re-peetivuly making fi-t numbers' to each volume, untl twelvo miiiiliom to each year. BuusrriiuiunH may coiiiincneo ul any timo. Sin I ghi eopio.i. 25 emit; milMciption, one cc.iy one year, scut liy mail, $:! Oil ; elulu, two copies 11110 y-ir, 85 00; ciulm, three enpiei one year, $7 00 ; clubii, four rnpiesonoyear, $y 00; clubs, live cop ies one year, J 10 00 : and nil additional copies, over tire, nt th rate of $2 00, if sent to tho fume club. C lulls may bo formed nt different post jolhees. All subscriptions mast bo paid in nd tvithce. Premium Subscriptions entitling the miun-riocr nr hub year, ami to tlieir choice ot either of our two great steal ougrovingn, entitled The -Last Suiwrr." and "TU C:,., r,f tl,.. Tl.t flu nf I J r.rr.,1 If!,,, " V. nil... Tho engraving will be seat on rollers by mail, (prepaid. epaiu. i Aleuts and eauva.srs can niako liberal nnd ,fal"1ft"'y rriiiigemcnt upon upplieatien, uu . 1!?. "xlory 'f.'"l- Ml postmters nud ,v,j,.h m il'V IllilV rirtrill'rl til IIM nit-ir ir liniua n ,1 ! , " ' ' ! address of uWiber, wnd deducting 25 per cent. for their trnul.lo. The rato nf notae will nut exceed three cents lor each number, to bo paid ( '" M C1""" tlia -'fl'fo "hero it is received. All ! " - mm.imcati to bo entitled to answer, musti ''1 Subscribers must' in all cses wrjt0 lS-8nlWt XWI1, Cnun y, and Ptato in I fill', os legiuiv m possible. There is littlo risk ' in semling luoney by mail. Largo sums should Ihe romiued by drnl't, if possible, nr registered "" ' -. OAKh.vinu a co., ft of the "UrSut Republic" Jlonthh , 112 and 1U " Strw. Ne Vurk. ? "- ValtmlllO Faril) For a!o (pjlS Subscriber tilTers fur sale a valuable farm Ii: iriil v """'' caie vucni, 101 .niu. or in iiuymcnis ; suit purchasers. ' 'it For information annlv to the owner nn tin. J01IX T. DALE, -tf. no. Id, vol. iv. May 3, 1850.- CAUTION. A Lb. person aro hereby cautioned against Il 1'nio nsiug or medling with the following named propeny ia the possesion of Richard; Danver, jr. : One white and Mack cow, one' spring calf, five hogs, one cooking stove, one bed' aud bedding, one lnhlo, and one clock, which I' purchased utciisUible sale, nnd is left with tho I aid Richard lianvcr, jr., on-luan only, subjiict to! .,i. " 1 RICHARD DAXVER Sen. June l.tt, 1359. ) Jam:aby Uth, 1W0. PrCI.IO NOTICK is hereby given, that Jacob J. ttnrer, of I'ortsmouth New lliunpshiro lately of l'hiladolphia, and E. C. Shultz have ! Ibis day entered into Co partnership in the of r TAXxixn, cenn yixg, hoot shoe' AXI HAHXLM MA KING, I d the busine will ba carried on by tho name tACOIi J. STOKEti ACo., St the St. Mary's am Tannery, in St. Mary's Flk county l'enn vanin. Tney hope by their long experience ,us iuess, nud tlioir desire tn please the public, I tney will receive a part of the public patron -, Lumbermen and others, who desire a good cle of Roofs and Shoos, will find find it great 0 their ',ndvantgo to call and get good bar is, as wo are ' tn eull ns b BJ ther,"or tuts anu .... ... . -in l'hil. pbia for cash or hidss. All orders promptly eudtd io. JACOB J. STOKER, tCo. noi 2, vol lr. . . FoTi s'iV Li iui Wt THE subscriber offers his farm situated 4y 'in Lawrence township Clearfield county, ,1c- 'containing gome two hundred and forty ,'ory ' acres with about seventy -live acres cleared lie,; with house, barn, young orchard Ac. "moth j thereon, for sale or rent on reasonable ") mag- j terms. Enquire of the subscriber soon. riraetico' Possession given at ortre. innrlnni ' m. TOKTER. oip, I Clearfield, Cleat fiel'd County, Ta. I-' ipi - DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP "VTOTIfB is hereby given that the part I ncrship heretofore existing between James I Mullen and John lulson, In the merehantilo nnd & I lumbering business at Mulsonsbtirr, in Coving- 1 BUI Ct " June 6, 1859. . . - - lOuiltranfing farms, tec aunrmcmrm V m .. ..... iy ,' . .ri llammonton Lands. iMln Hull MVi.r( I V i: I i ii , i ,i,, I .. , I, , t i i, .1 'I, 1 I . :. . i I , , lu I il i.l 1.1 . I- 1 1 f i. I,, i,. It H ' I ...ft f, It I' . t!l . .i i.. is .i i. I: I. t IK ! i It ll,f M .f I I . ' I '. . I. I .1 '. t M.I r. 1,,t, ((.. HillV I.. 1 1... , l ,.,, ..P Kill f l.fli.l l.flli I nf. D-..lnPlll i t Ml t rii'l I'iii.h t'.li.in I I iiIm, urn I til lint i f II i'l t l, i.l,,l, Il K HI i..... i t.'..,inil, I.. I'm n th mind hill'l" I ii I i I", nl. i re In l. ..iiit. i,i r .ii- In I,,,.,!! V in.' I.l I'll I run l-i' Ihr ... i i t i.l'it 1 1 mi. nut i n lm.., rnn-tl-l, ,. ill i f lri'..int; nil'! '..lliui.itl IS.I,. , "t. I". inr nnil WitHiinir ftmmla, lii - iind 11.. i. It l'iit -, I i'., n. !i i.ii, I l n'l I I'uH llcli.r., l'iniiu;, Ti. nkfii-i, I'. iiiri., en nl mi.t I'irr T. I.li , A.-. VMin inniiiilni lini'il unit di'llt crt-.t nt nn v .!ito .IhsIti iI. iVLnmiy U, t., int. i, vl. itf. NOTICK. rpnn tniiififii'tn'ti in inir i.i. ma to il;Hjfil I llirir fni(iicrs!iip, jfito tintii e lo nil pomoim limit)? ilciiliitgfl with them in nnr wiiy IihUo- HjftilVQ . , n j . i . . . . ' U'IIJ. in ni.it I ihf l.i.. ,1m ! lit li'fl in ollit-r luiniN f... i i ... .i n , . .. , " "r "uu"'. l"CIl,r ' " i " "." 'S . i sit (.ti I1 fiifiiro tlu-ir no MEItKKI.LE A TAItTKR CU'iirlii lil, I',i., Apri 6, 1869. no. 12, vol. i CM It P. ' I f.-S CONST A XT lalo fn.n, tl10 K ,,,t roipcc : . . " .""'! t"m,,-v K"""-Hy. Unit the i prepured tu give iiiHlruelion in Music n.VNO, MiaOUKOX AXD GUITAR At.Sl). IN TIIIC riir.Nt'U l.AXCI AGB IT BF.MO KATIVI TONGUE. ' " """" ! age it BKISo UKB Sho refors nil who may l.u intereitted In (lie .ahnvo, to the Iter. j)r. and Mrs. M I.cod. i Tcrnm S nn i ,!... ... .1. .'. . , advance. Uee. fi, 1858 tf. I'litsr ix- 1'iitsT siati KDi BOOTS-& SHOES AI. ' Y- JOSEPH GOON THANK ITL for pst rurors. nnd irratrfnl for if" lure prospoetn, desires to inform tlio citizens of ."''.""'J '. 0lJ ,r"""1' tlli v',','i1y, ""il his old friends and patrons in pnrtieular. that ho bus rnm,,,l 1,, il. vmsT particular, that lie bus romovod to the 11RST 1100.11 iu the lust cud of j;'".'7nf Tl'f. First iW M'nt of the Mansion House. where ho has on hand constantly, a larco assort incut of every vnriciy in the ROUT AND SHOE LINK C''TtM W'ohC ATTE.NUKD TO Willi Disi-ATCH ti,., i... ..r .....1. .:i, 1 j . . J, , ""' "'" u uoa. " ;yi-!0;l to make neat tits and durable work, A" tf w hi. h can be nbtnined from the said Joseph u" 11 ' liJil A,u,v "r tlio nEAur naixo. I -'vrlielU, Aug. 18. 18j8. , ' Bissolntion of Co-rartnei sliin """"O" 01 1 a"ei Ship. T undersigned, having been partners in Iho VZll Ihavoibis day by mutual consent dissolved their oo - pnrtnersiiip ennneetmn. - All debts duo said ,UI'1" "f('- W- wtfm A Co.. nnd all claims nffainst "'em will tie settled by 1,. ,. ghiilu, of Si. Mary's, purchased the Interest of tho other two partucii. . .. W. WAI(. THOMAS W. IIICHARr.", E. C. PCHULTZ. St. Mary's Steam Factory, Jan. IS. IS.'i'J. 1 110. 2. v. iv. LOOK II I . It I.l LOOK it ii: j ui U"J """ """ Bipnnnip 10 " ' THE RLACKSMITH Bl'5IKS "1"1 cnn ho found at the f Imp formcrJy mupied ! l'.v J- Shuiikwilcr, on Third street, in this bo. .f.!!' rV"'! ' " "" .' "v" u... convenient to give them a call. :.. . on your hoes, your similes nnd nicks. : Your lug-chains and your pulling sticks, ' Vnur sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mare, I No three-year old shall thcu go bare. 1 Your spears will m.rk up then. just right, I To prooning bo.iks for every height. ( Yttlir su-nrtl tuo. sin, II Minn I.a w rl,l To ploughshares sin h as t'nin ne'er bought. JACOll SlIhNlvH'ILER, ' EO. W. OMR. Clearfield, December 8, 188. tf. ' ' - -- - "HARD TIMES NO MORE." . vv .,.., ,. , , . . J I KR.sO. (Lady or Gentleman. 1 in the j ml. ,"i..-vi-.-iu 1, small cnjniai 01 i from $: to J7 can enter into an easy and respect lablo businesr, by w hich from $ to $10perr,iy r:..i k . 1 .,1 . con or iei(uri(, for Jiarlieuliirs, address, (with siaiup.J W. it. ACTON A Co. 41 Vorth SIXTH St. 1'iiii.ad'a. Fob. 19th '59. 3m. . ., "" "-'V .T'"'. IV . TV' '"Klll,r'EL A CvnTKn, A Jam.' - Jo '"'T'i .7 M 'rr-" t'tter, i.f he hcM kinrl-wuh a l.trpe vnrl- ty of Doods in their hne, jtifct received, and ' II '"hi i.w f.,r cash or produce. cu'riM 1,PC- 8 ii-'3- IJKODI ( i: U AXTKI). Wheat, Rye, Onts, Corn, liu.'kwheat and Fire-Wood, wanted at tho AMiee of the C'learGvld Republican in pay. ment of printing. dec. 1, 1858. I mportant to lumbermen. tHE subscriber takes this method informi ig any and all persons wishing I procure the .. lh.it -t '9 tho agent for Clearfield County, an I wil. furnish ami put in the said wheel, on tho shortest possible) notico, upon ap plication being made to him at ins resi dence in Lawrence township, three miles south of Clearfield borough, or by letter addrcssod to him at Clearfield I O. JOHN A. liEEI). ; Lnwrenco lp., Sept. , 1.H58. 3m.pd. . WATCH & JEWELRY TfIIE uudersigned respectfully Informs his I customers aud the public generally, that ha bus just returned from tho East, and opened at his establishment in SHA W'S KO W Clearfield, Pa, a fine stock of WATCHES or different qual itis, and JEWELRY of eveiy variety, from a full sett to a sing's pieeo, which he will soil at the most reasonable pricos for CASH. . ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches Ind Jowolry carefully repaired and Hrarran(ed. t A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nor. 0lh, 1858. II. F. NAUGLE, All wanting to cmitiratc to amZl climate. ,;'"' 't, wuiimc mama, set auecmscncni fy . j . ) r.. . ... I... -..-j . . . . mmmonton Lands; . norr.i., Vti'fH 1 ft '"'l V M. MirMN i ii- iM tiv 'i.i ! . f Ii.r. "n ill I tic h1" tH fi I. it ! I lli" i.itl Mr i," .M itllt l '.I I.f I.. J,. III' 1. 1 I M l II,-. t, ,,. ,.(, I tint f ll.'l.'l, Htl'l f till. 'I tl In It M lr Hi '.. tin I. ll.tl ftf'tt, ftfirt llm Hnl'M ft tl. ll'llrMlliK J llUllf Mi . II. In Im l it lint;.. rt.. in mi. In li .ii l lii r. 1t,. I, I n ,l li.'iliill. n In mi lug thiil I'll riii,ni l will fin 'I hir lunifn n lenpiitit nml it."linl'l el. 'p. .li( 'llrl. CI tfcti fli'jt'iM Inrnllnn nftlili ll.ilcl fiir J'i r ..i,m Ifllltij tliti niv, pIiIlt nn f),v ;r,s7.v,A' on ru:.fi;t:, it In rli'rinp.t nllniri-ltiiT iiniiMnuitr tn fnk, an no II..I. I in rinln.liililii ii tdiur kniinii tlmn , till- "Ol.l .1..HM .. II..N." j Hv fli.HO lt.'iit(,n to tliii wnnln.f liii ciint " """"l "f I'"1'1'0 I . i .i ik , t-J Sir. Jl. In..(. to dnrftro n ilinra I imlriinni'ti, I N. II. Hit tiirnn par tiny hni licon llxf.l nl th i low rnlo nf $I.S:. ti'jit 22nd, 10 jS. ljr. FLEMING HOTEL, (Formkhlv known as Tun Goon Intent.) CVTlWEXSVIt.LE a-nrm ( wJy, iww, ' ' 'J "" ' Tuo nulnci iliiT In leave to inform liia old cit.ttoiiiori (mrentl.v tiiken the nliov nun uio JiiUlieKi.iernlly tliut lio lnm ' "'" ' entirely refitted ntvl relurnilied it in n wnll knntvn Man.l, nml !" traveling cot unity. HIS TABLE will always bo privlded with orery luxury the market and surroiinding euuntry will all'nid. HIS BAR will be supplied with ths choicest wines and li rjuors. HIS STABLES, which nre tho best and must commodious on the rond within u day's travel, will always bo in charge of careful nnd attentive hostlers. In short Every department of his Establishment will be supplied with all the comforts nud oouvouion cies the weary traveller could desire. june 2, '58. IVJ1, A. MASOX. CLCAHF1KLD COHMiH Ol' 1-IHXT AM) MARKKT STHI'KTS, TIIH undersigned rospnetfully Informs his friends nnd the traveling public in genoral, that he ban taken the above house., FOJ1MEKLY KNOWN AS THE HEMP HILL HOT EL, The lIorsE has been recently refitted im proved, and newly furnished ; EXTENSIVE STABLIKS HAS BKEN COUl'LKTF.O ; AND HE IS PREPARED TO ACCOMMODATE All who may give him a rail, in the most plenning and agreeable manner. With every thing to render hit house a dcsiralle floppinij ptrtrr, will lie supplied with an assortment of choice li iior. : nnd he will endeavor to entertain his guests in a manner that eni.nnl fail o give tho l'X'I.I. I AT S A l l I' A I "H O X. The house is situated in a pieman t and quiet part Ot tlio town, and 110 exuense or attention will be spared to make it one ot the hest Iiousei in tlie county. A lib eral patronage is respectfully solicited. 11. HAYS MORROW. " Cluarflcld, ang. 13, II 5g. ly. NA TIG NAL IIOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAX.) Race st. above Third, Phila. flMlE proprietors of tho above woll known cs L Ubli.-I.incnt being thankful for the very liberal patronage, bestowed upon them tho past year, take this method of informing their friends and tho public that they nro still prepared to nc coininniliile thetn if favored with a call. During tho summer mini tin Uio bouse has been thoroughly renovated, improvements made and other extensive alterations in contemplation. We are determined to devote our wholo atten tion t business and flatter ourselves with the conviction that We shall bo able tn give sntisfac ''" SIDES A STOVER. It. R. Carriages will nlwnys be in readiness to convey passengers to nnd Ironi Steambont bond ings and Railroad Depots. S. A S. March 31st, l,Sj8.y, CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLEJPaT TIIK above Hotel, having recently been fitted up for a house nf entertainment, is now open for tho accommodation of tho public. Travelers will find this a convenient house. May It), 1858, .OHX JORDAN. VfATIOXAIi LXCHAXtill lIOTIil..- 1 Tho subscriber having tnken the above well known stand, formerly kept by M m. A. Mason, In Curwensville, I'n., is ready to accommodate all who may favor him witn their patronage. His tut lo will always bo supplied with tho best the srket affords, and hi liar with tho choieos' liquors. His stable will bo ua.ler the eare of a tentive hostlers. DAVID SMITH. Curwensville, April 21. 1S5S. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curwensville, Penna. fpiie subscriber, formerly of the Exehango Ho X tel, Pbilipsburg, having taken tin ab.0-" now stand, situate on the bank or the r.ver'in the lewer end of Curwensville, .T;,'ulj nn,iunce tllat he is now readv for lUe accommodation of stran- 5?;s Jr.u iii othirswlio may favor him with a call. The house is large and comfortable, and travelers will And every convenience necessary to their comfort Ample stabling ia attached to 'the premises. DAVID JOHNSON. February 10, 1858. NOTICE. TIIR Third Session of the CtitAnpiiti.D Corn Tr NniiKAi, Sthooi., will be held in Curwens ville, commencing on Tuesday the 3d of May next, and will cuntiuua two months. No pains or labor will bo snared to render the instruc. lions as thornngb and practical as possible. Par ticular attention given to tho nrt of teaching. Persons wishing to avail themselvea of its ad vantages are requested to be present at its com. monccment. A County Imlllule and 1'vblie Ex. aminntion tcill be held the luit vek of the .enion, ' I" L. STILL, County Sup. April 6, 1859. no. 12, vol Iv. THE UNDERSIGNED takes this method of an n6uncing to the citiiens of Clearfield and the sur rounding country, that he has oponed a , on Main Street in Shaw't Ktw ',,w, where he Is prepared to accommodate all who give him call, and hopes to reooivo a liberal patronage. " Oct. 6th, 1858. JEREMIAH N0RRIS. . TTEAV1 and DRESS OVER-COATS sollinir J.J. Tory ehaap at KRATZR'j. j I... ll t fill. It iti.r) ( f iVn I'! I, I l.t-n l l.l.h llilf '''.I'l I'" tiLnll.t. 1 fl l II. r. ,,, iitrii;,,!, 1 II,. l -1.1 tint,, hm ll'iv I ,., ri- -in - ,, t in i (' ti. ,:,, , , f., In .1 ft "til I"- Il'tlti ll, lint i lll. tr Ml . h ,, I, ,.,.4. li.it ilniimy. 'I In-1. ti.r.ili'in (dint Ii vntlMiiMic nni. l. nvt''iititil flitifiii', ).. livlnn. ilu itiii.'tril nt tinii. 'tin nf r..l, rnt.il, (mi.iKh , Mil, Mul HIlliT Iml. in, Out rt rti'l.tMMim lt tn, hi,,! 1hiv nil, iy llm Vrurt Ill liititlniri, Wliflf trr l-d It. nhulii, It In Ion dnni ii, lint t , n. ntltullnil, ilni'iMi(liliH " ft 1111 Jinrt'tiM tn ( liiMn'u tintn I lie tliml mi. lnni III ri iii'tnlmii j" Iml.i i. " : vn,"..I,,.I,0."f" r'" ),,t " Hill Vint tlio inniiiilin m Hid I.itl.iM uimu H.iWr..,.." Iu (II-tU cnmmniro liy r1. K-.itinn from t'i Moml (if piiTiipt or illi i ruii" liiattfr. M hii h, in the l'inc, liver, nml Intrrnul (nijans in t-tmid tnhmlm in the RlrtM.N. ntvollinci i nml o t'10 fiirfai'P. Miiptiiinti nr itiirtvj. 'I'liii foul cor. riilitiim, Whieli prndoin ill till) blond, ili nrrtttin the cncruici! nf life, no tluit eriifuliMiH ciinntitu- tintu nut only niilror from Rrrofulntm com ilaints, but they hovo fur lusi power to villi ktanil the attack! of other tliscnten i conse- j qucntly, vast nuinbori perish bv disorders I Itich. althuueh not dcrnfulous ill tiieir nature. I ar0 st'" rend Ted fatal by thin taint iu tho 'T' Mi'st "r 'l' f1a,,?um.i,lio? ',,v:, lr cunntcs the human luimK h:m its ruinin duel tK- It t r-i'ttM , this Rerol'ul.ms ciinta'inimitiim : and miiiiylf I.itkrahv as, rViK.xnnc T" nf "f'w ! destnn tive disonsi. nt tl.n liver L irlnnvi l.ini.i. ' auJ. indeed, of nil the. nr.-;.,, nriir,' frnn. or nro ngsruvateii ny mo same canr.o. One quarter of all our people are Ftrofulous J tlieir persons tire inviulid by this linking in- k'Ctinii, antl their henltli is undermined by it. To I'lrutisc it lioiu the system we iinitt renovate the blond by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it' l,y healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER' Compound Extract of Sarsnpnrilla, the must effectual remedy which the medical skill of tmr times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remciiinls tlint have been dieovered for tho expurgation of thin foul disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of the rvstem from its destructive conReouences, Hence it should lio employed for tho cure of not only scrolula, but also those other afti'C tions which arise from it, such as lCnvrriVE ond Kkim Dihrark, St. Anthony's Finn, Itosu, or lhiVMriXAs, Pimim.es, 1'i'stiii.f.s, llTrrriins, Plains nnd Uon-s Tcmoiis, Tetteb and Salt Kiiii m, Niai.d II had, KiNowonM, ItllFtTMATIKM, Svi'lllMTICnild Mi:uci uiAL JJjs easis, l.)orsy, Dyspepsia, Deiiii.ity, tu.d, indeed, Al t Complaints: atiisino fisom Vitia ted 011 Isiriiirj l!i.ooi). The popular belief in ' impurity of thr blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is 'a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Snrsapa rilla is to purify und regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the rungc of their teiion can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigornta eicry portion nf the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As n ronseqiienre of these properties, tho invalid who is bowed down with lain or physical del ilily is astonished to find his icalih or energy restored by a remedy nt once so simple nnd invitirg. Not only i'n they euro the rvery-day complaints of every lnlv, but nlso many formidable and dangerous iiisrascs, 'i ho oeent below named ia 1 pleased to furnish giatis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direction! I for xhnr "' f",!u' owinc complaints : t'ottire- nest, llmrthurn, II rnitiu lie arisivj front difnrdirtd oiomacn, ami a, luctprHxon.I'um in and Morbid Inaction of the llmrcii, l iutuli ncy, Loss of Appe tite, JituVdift, ni:d other kindred couiplauits, BrUing from a low state of the body or obsuuetion of in fmicti ins. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE KATIU CLUE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Ilronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, nnd for the relief of Consumptive Patients iu advanced stages of the disease. So wide ia the field of its usefulness and so nu merous arc the cases of its cures, that almost every section of coimtry abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its vittucs nre known, the public nn longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous r (lections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, nnd pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. rREPAREB BY DR. J. C. AVER CO. LOWELL, MASS. som) rY C. D. Watson, and M. A. Frank, Clearfield K. F. RnESHER. Mosrisdnle. C. R. Foste a, I'nilipsburg. Wm. Irtw is, Curwensvillo. Savi ei. Arnold, Luthcraburg. And all druggists. doc. 22, 1S58.J CAUTION. t I.L persons aro hereby caution. 'gainst pur chasing or medel'. the following do. scribed property In the possession of Jno. Beish of Hogg (oTushtp 1 Two cows, one heiler, one yenr liugenir, ono spring calf, four bedsteads, beds and bedding, "uo cupboard, two stands, one desk, one rook stove, one coal stove, one lot carpet, ten cli hits, ono cluck, ono looking glass, ono fun ning mill, one plow, ono harrow, one log chain, one set hay ladders, one saddle, ono set two horse harness, as the same belongs to me, nnd ia loft with the snid John lleish on loan only subject to my order. C. M. CADWALLADER. April 1.1th, 1859. :1U CAUTION. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against purchasing or modeling with the following described property nnw in the possession of Jonathan Wiser jr.: 2 uiiik cows 3 beds nnd brding, one ciij.bonrd, one table, i hogs, one hive bees, one conk stove, and all other house-hold furniture, one plow, one hnrrow, one log chain, grain and liny, farming utensils Ac, as the same ociongs lo mo siinjeet tomy order. JONATHAN WISER Sr. April 13th, 1850. 3t, pd. , IMPORTANT NOTICE. rpiIE ROOKS of D. W. Mooro," Esq. having X bcenMn my possession for settlement and collection for some time, and still much of them rouiaiuiug unsettled, I give this last notico, that all porsons indebted upon said books for advert!. sing, subscription, or job work, must pssitivoly come and Bottle the same, at or before the May C"rt- WM. PORTER. Cloarfiold, March 2, 1859. no. 7, vol. Iv. Cloverseed. I FIFTY BUSHELS of Cloverseed for sale at ihe store of Narcli23, '59-tf. WM. IRVIN, Curwensville. t',1 "XTTI T-l in ... . ' 1 I ff , ! II U ISil fi.,, I h . .. I " 'in., tit I II ' rl M .nl nn i,. . . . . t . I.. Ki I "".iiiii ki i. t . I "ti nui'i t i'i, i. ,.i ""llll liimi.. lil limp, , ,, ("I ..irif ni,.,,l .i. i ' '" ' Hi r, nn't tl,il tin . '".1,1 nn, I , H.., rni nM,.,. ... ' ' II.. - ' ''I" M''iniitrnU,, , m"n '""nn i ,... ,, , ' " "''''' I'-ti - flnnln, Mnt ""II l.r,' "'Itlun It In. h tin iil'imni. K.,r. I' lnrminrJ I,, r " ' -. r..r r,.h. Mih,rMIIh: "; l-ilmr mi.I, . . r"rH,Mi A"""' i.., ... . . ' n In ih "' I;,,;;;,: f,,"iti,r 'ZT- ' Ju.lit , i..,.,J.v f Vk'! ' h!. ni"'. M I bi'lurn nnn l,a.i i....i.. T'nlit.r tn. i.L , uVnt lht 19 rnn , ; rod, ; N. II. II,. I, ,U v'k J H" i.'t ' tinr nn Uio limi(i,t ntir,,u,i L Wl"1 tii nrnr., when railed I.,,, na '""imlt f lill'l. I, front, I eivi.d In pnrment for wnrk. ' THE UVLVGAGt:" m ud tlio iii'w i-,.i .V unbilled to vod on sloel, eauli,.f ,i.i..i. ' :r?!TRAIT", eter.' I W a lli.'i,'rii,l,i'H.l ., iich wilt.. graphical ,em(li " --n.pani(l4 nt only the .r,;; '"! iU .iiiniiiiieu iiingrapnicai DictioL "ew ing with tho l'nrtrnhs nUa onF' "'""""a 'y Hugh Miller, W. JI. Preicitt f"ll,,Hl' "ii, Charles Lamb, Oberliu, Jj'.'u! '"0'' Wil- ui, Ao. 'I say without hesitation, bint if T , 1, but ouo Magar.ino among all UiatP:''ul1 111 our country, I should seltct, -,,!l,,.,bli'h,(l Age. It contrives to touch tho-,;, L'vin between light nud solid articlcm,,. "'"a instruction and mere cntertainui, . ,8 deal of knowledge moy be gatlL' " il.Krt such as every one ouirht to .ml. ,rp 'S."m !'r from Utlttfrom Ihnry Ward u ' "el te as. r, ngie number.., 13 cel. soription, $8 prepaid to any addt Ti "r'J"lub tions for loss period It dosi'rod. L: 1 'R'mm . to Clercvmen ..ml l. Vcl"' -"erm ..'Vl... lit 1-.. , DELIXSEII & riiOCTFn " Publishers, 508 Broadway, N.'y. St. no. j, vol. if'f NOTICE. LATER FROM SHORTY!!! All persons knowing themselves indebted lo. iuo by note or book account, are reoue,tcd to call on me, ou, or before, tho first day of June next, nnd cush ine off, or make snuio arraaee ment with me, for I must liiive my books sealed up. All parties interested will save .oosts by at tending to the above within the above time And all porsons having claims against ui'e are. likewise roiiuestod to bring en their account, a gainst me, as I am both able and willin-to dot tuein. , 0 ClcarfioH, May 4, 1S59.U, fto. touI; H A M M O N T O X J. AX I) New England Settlement Rare Opportunity- To all wanting Famit, IN a healthy place, TWMTr-Fiva miles from Philadelphia, on the Camden and Atlantis railroad, New Jersey. An old estate has recently boen opened for sale, und the first division of 10,000 acres divided nn into fanus of twenty . cres nnd upwards. Tho soil is of tho best quality for the produition or fruits, grnins, 4o. the price is 1 j lo 25 dollurs per ncro, payable in easv uunr. tcrly yearly "instalments within n i,m f r,,., years, with interest. The terms are made easy, ... v, uu .w iiipui, me rapid improvement of tne land, by enabling ejrr. iudHUriun. man to b form. It is now being extensively improved'bv good roads, and some of tho best cititeui of .tow tngianu ana the s.iuille States are erect ing large improvements. It if ssccne of the grea ter Improvement out or Philadelphia. Seventy nro houses have been buiH j f,,Ur months. Trac lical lariuers und business men from the length nnd breadth of the Union are settling there. It is un important business place, on account of its being in the tni.lrt of a great market. Every ar. tide raised 011 this laud finds an immediate sale. The water ia excellent, and ns such thing ai '. ver is known. The Soil is a sandy 01 clay loam, with a claw bottom and rett ntirt of manures. It is free of stones and easily worked. It abounds largely in the phosphates, aud such is its fertility thnt from the crops produced both nnon this land nnrf 11,. lurgo area adjoining under cultivation, it will b louim not to lie excelled anywhere in the produc. lion of crops most adapted to its market. The render may be well aware that Ihn earli est and the best fruits nnd vegetables coino from New Jersey, which arj annually exported to the amount of millions of dollais; the land, besides being accessible in every way for fertiiiiers, has an abundant supply of lbs best oualitv of manure. , , Lumber and building n,nteriu1s can be had err the spot at a cheap price, from the mills. Other mills are now being opened, and brickyards be ing started on the ground. A person can nnt on. a frame tenement for preseil convenience furone hundred dollars. On accoaut of the extensive emigration, this is fie belt oourso to pursue in on er to got a place to live in at first. Carpenter end builders are on hand to put up houses on the ul'si lerms. ' Iii settling hero tho euigrant has many ad vantages. He is within 11 tew hours ride of the great cities in lbs Middto States aud New Eng land; ho is near his old fiends and associations; he is in a settled country, where every improve ment and comfort of civiltation is at handj be is in a healthy place, and is not subject to th certainty of losing the grster pnrt or bis family nnd bis own health by tiose malignant fevers wliichAiuUie the craves ofio manv million, .fik. ., flung and hardy in far rf legions away from m.iiie ana menus, oesi is, lie Has a mild cli mate nnd nn open wiut . There nre three traiindaily to Philadcphia, and to all thoso who imtove, the railroad com pany gjves a free tickel. i . .. ., The reader wi l at onebe struck with the ad- " vantages here presented and nsk himself why the property has not bet taken up beforo j the "' renson is, it was never into the market ; and unless theso itutcvft correct no one would te invited to exkithr land before tiur. .'i'- A" "re eapevftotlo this. They will' rt-rtlU.. land under cullntion : thev will msn't I piKiii 1 guof no doubt from eir own neighborhood . ill witness the nprovenienis, and caa 1 of the character J the population. Per sons should come prepad to purchase, as ftanjt wtuiuijj, aim iucuuc are not neia on rem saL , . The Hnuunonton Far, a monthly literary, and agricultural sheet, htaining full informs ', tion of Uaminonton, wile scut to each inqui-. ror and inn be obtainei 25 cents per annum. fl'Tltle indisputab Warrantee deeds giv'-. 011, cienr of all inouiubwe, when purchase mo-. ney i. paid. Route tme land : Leave Vine , street wnan, i'hiindelt, fur JlammonUin, by. railroad at half past sc 1, A. M., and at half -past live P. M.j whtthore inquire for Mr..' Ryrnes. Boarding conliences will be found. Letters and npplicati.'ran be addrfssed to, 1 S. II. COIMIHLIN, 20:iulh FIFTH st., below Walnut, Philadelphiaiaps nnd informal!, r choerfully furuished. no. 9, vol. iv.) A LARGE quautity Salt for Sale at L' PRICES, at the store , WM. F. IB w 12 . All wanting to ensile to a mild cTw good toil, and fine melt, tee advertisem llammonton. Lands. Allwantina to crate tr a mild eliir good toU, mul fine, mi, tei tulvcrtitfmrm Uamnontoti Lands, t " S;3 1 I'l I (ft' fi 2 X. S i v j.