Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, July 13, 1859, Image 1

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    Mmlistiiunls. I7",
WAtr. r' Ul MM
(1.000 AnMrlnifi tnkpn rrtionm.
"I Ko
3, H. LARRIMER, Editor.
VOL V11IJ a ,p.2G.
i irrinaui nuunoi-ipiiuiia
f pulil in ftd ration', at within (hr monlhi, tl 23
5f pnid ny time within the year, . , , 1 so
- .. tl . . I. II .
J p;kid m'tur Ibe expiration of the yenr,
2 00
, Terms of AdveHlklng.
, Aitvertinernxnta r loiurted in the Republican
i.i the followi ne ratet :
, 1 Innartinn. 3 do.
neiqi're, (14Hne.) $ 60 $ 76
Two iqiiro, (281inc,) 1 00 1 50
Three Kjuurea, (42 lines,) 1 60 2 00
3 nionthi. A mo'e,
S do.
f 1 00 1
n An
One Square,
TwonqUiiro.i, s :
Throe squaroi,
Four equares, :
Half a column,
: : : $2 60 $4 00
l i : 4 00 6 00
l i : 6 00 8 00
t : i 6 00 10 00
: : j 8 00 12 00
: : s 14 00 20 00
Ooe column,
Over throe week and loin than throe motthi 26
tnta por quare for each insertion.
Unainesi notioee out eioeeding 8linei ere In-
ecrted for f 2 t your.
Adfortisoinents tint marked wlth'the nnmlior of
niortionj doireil, will be continued till forbid
horsed eooording to thene tenne.
" . J. 11. LARRIMER.
DAQl'EUKEAX, Mclaineotypist, Ambroty
Ler?ty Elk County, Pa. ' . '
AM. SMIT11 offer hie professional servic
. to the Ladies and Gentlenitii of Cle'r
nuld and vicinity. All operations performed
with noetness end despatch. lielng iusiiliar
with all the late improTincnU, lie is prcpsred
moke Artltirial Teeth in the best man'".
OfDoe In Shaw's new row. -v.
Bopt. 14th, 186S. ly. -
nAVnCO removed his office te the ticw dwel
linjj on Second stn-ct, will.promptly answer
ft in siouul calls as heretofore.
LAltKIMCK A TEST, Attorheyi at Law
Clearfield, Pa., will attehd promptly to Col
Uiuns, Lahd Agencies, Ae., Ac, In Clearfield,
Centre and Elk oountiee. July 30. J
STILL continues iho busiaens of Chair Making,
and House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, at
a e shop formorly occupied by Troutmnn A Rowe,
i pii.t end of Market street, a short distance
west of Lilt's Foundry. June 13, 1866.
n. ii l-'iiiiiiders. Curwensville. An exteasive
assortment of tastings made to eraerej .
Deo. 2, 151. . ,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, office adjoining Hi
esidenee on Second Street, Cluavt ili, ta,
, June 1. 1864. L
Tlivslclan. mav be found cither at his office
111 Scofield's hotel, Curwensville, when no
lirofeseionaliy aDjenu vkv. , i
1 T th mouth of Lik Run, five miles from
CluRrficld. MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturers of Lumber,
July 23, 1852. '
Tlackmlth, Wacons, Buggies, Ac, Ac, Ironed
J J en short notice, and tbe very best style, at his
.ld stand in the bofougn ot curwensville.
Dee. 29, 1833.
"TVU. WOODS, having changed his loea
1 tion from Curwensville to Clearnelrt, res.
poctfully offers his professional services to the
ci u tens of the latter place and vicinity.
Residence on Second street, opposite Utt of,
J. Crans, Esq. my I 15 8.
PEACE, Luthorsburg, Clearfield Co., To.
' J; L. CUTTLE,'
A ttornpy t and JmiA Acent, offl
iL adjoiniug his residence, on Market stree
Liearuelil. , March, isa.,
' A. R SHAW, '
RETAILER of Foreign and Domestic March
andite, Shawsville, Clearfield county, Pa.
Bbawsville, August 15, 1855.
)IIYSICIAN Office in Curwonsville.
' May
CARRIES on Chairmaking, Wheelwright, and
home and Sign painting at Curwensville,
vicarveiu eo. Alt orders promptly attended to
Jan. 6, 1858. ......
"pORERT J.WALLACE, ArroiiKEr at Law,
J.V tlearncld, Pa., Office in Shaw l Row, op
posite the Journal office. ,
r , doe. 1, 1848. tf.
PI.ASTF.RINO.The snbfcriber, having
located himself In the borough of Clearfield
erould inform the public that he is prepared to
do work in the above line, from plain fo ornamen
tal of any description in a workmanlike manner.
Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat
jnanaer and on reasonable terms.
Clearfield, April J7, IS87. Jy.
1 1 o' u-pfcvioa -
ities are that hia manpd will be marked
by guilt and dishonolnd his old age be
rpent In remorse and Isery. Let every 1
boy who reads this, trie of it when he is !
templed to commit aVdo or unworthy'
HarAn Irish lover hemarked that it
ii a crent n Aaanra to bDnn. esneciftllV
htn you bare your iMbeart with you.
n 11
c y
IrniTi - liiii 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mil. from II
n-.. d t t l point en nr 'ri
i r '. 17
liie 1i i nut ilium irt w k
i i i. . '
. mm I'M iiimii-1 ,
t iL lnVtodnj ! T y
nwhip Arof fj
V llainmot
kV Aab-t y .-
cm '
I. u
Itoccldent io u
Ji the 30th ult
ii war thero havo been
Kcroii tlie Sill.
I Butwocn brod teldulf wheat and eorn.
I the lovely home wfcre I wai born
The poach tree lemsjagalnat tbe wall,
And the woodbin' winders over all,
JO1 sua' ajorwny still
mo I "ul ftrnnger'aoot has crossed the sill,
00 ! l"ere is the bnfl, and, as of yore,
00 j I can smell thliny from the open door,
00 ! Ani " 1,16 br ' Mom "'toig.
00 1 n ear f wee's mournful song;
n-l i. .t . i. m.
I liut the strangr comes oh! painful proof
Ilis sheaves ae piled to the limited roof.
Thero is the orchard the vry trees '
That knew my thiMhood io woll to please '
Whore I watehorHhe sheiowy moments run,
Till my life im"""! U""'8 of shade than sun
Tho swing fr" the bough still aweepi tho air,
Kut the strger's shildren are swinging there.
It bublli Hi" s'lady spring below,
With i bulru-ti brook where the hauls grow :
'TwA'thore found the calamus root,
.Anf'watchai the minnows poise and shoot, .
.d herd the tobin lave his wirg .
Jut the stranger's bucket is at the spring.
0 ye who daily cross the sill,
Sk'p lightly fur I love it still ;
sim1 when you crowd the old bars eaves,
Iheo think what countless harvest sheaves
Have passed within tlmtecented door,
To gladden eyes that are no more. '
'. Sing Not that Song- Again io Me.
ur kosa.
Sing not that song again to me,'
Its vrorilti of gentle How
Have more of unguish titan ofjoy
Have less of mirth than wo;
To me its loiv wild melody,
liieatlies but of bright dreams fl)d,
. And, in my saddened spirit wails
.. Vain yearnings for tho dead.
Sing not that song ngain to 1110.
1 would t:ot hear it more,
Yot the voice Hint made it dear to me
In the sunny days of yore,
Is hushed in death, and to mo now
Jlut memories remoin,
Therefore, I would not hear that song,
O, sing it not again. .
The Austrian Empire
Being composed of 17 different provin
ce?, Austria is governed by special laws in
each province. These lawb were enacted
in accordance with the usages and peeuli
arites of the various in!iililant. There
is an annual asscmblago in each province
ofits "Maude, (property holders, 1 to con
suit and discuss the desirable changes and
improvements in their respective provin-
. ., . , ..i -.. i
ces, ana ineir resolution ure suommeu
to the General Government of the Empire
... !. 1 - I t
at lenna. to tie -.nouineu nu normoni-
zed with those of tho "Staude" of other
provinces, and then are passed to be put
in practice, municipal rigtus are now
cranied all over tha Empire, by which a
kind or pelf- government in local atlairs
exist, and is practised in every place.
The whole tmpire, in the year 1S04,
contained forty millions of peoplo.of whom
13J millions were in tha U rman Conl'eJo
racy, the rest belonging to other national
ities. uh this nuinlier, however, it
stands at tlie head of the Confcderncy
ns even' Prussia ha less German inhabi
tants. The Emperor hs no private coun
cil like the French ; but there is a Senate
of tho Empire ( Reichsralh) in Austria,
which consists. of 1(5 members of the dif
ferent nation", who discuss and legislate
on the most important atlairs of the J'.m
pirc, ptesided over by tho Archduke Reg
nier. The 'cabinet consists of eight numbers.
and its President is the Emperor, or the
Minister of foreign Atlairs. lhey are as
1. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Count
Buol Shaucnstein.
2. Minister of tha Interior, Baron Bach,
3. Education and Culte, Count Thun,
4. Commerce, Industry and public
Works, Chevalier Togpetibourg.
5. Finances, liaron Druok.
6. Justice, Count Navasdy.
7. War, Army, and Navy, Count Grunne.
8. Public Order, Baron Kember.
The minister of tho Interior, Bach, and
that of Finances, Bruck, are men taken
out from the people in the year 18 W.
the hrst was, tielore that time, the most
distinguished lawyer in Viennu, and the
other the most learned and greatest mer
chant at Trieste. . The appointments were
extnordinarv exceptions from the .very
strict rule of gradual promotion, wh ich is
kept sacred, and practised in tho civil ami
military organization 01 mo govern men 1.
But this irradual promotion is solely de
pendent upon mental capacities and im
tegrity of character. Accordingly, men of
the highest nobility are often superseded
t .iKiigii"!,. oitizan. or aen a peasant.
tj0( ti,t the prr the highest rank if he
had himseir eoninnenu. a rery im
which Donnelly was eiovernment Is ed
forsix cents damages bas-'us Cabinet
A Bin is pending in one of our wetH
Wislatures to empower women to make
! ,t 1 1 j 1 1 1 . V
contracts. They should by all means
authonzea IO contract icry uivw w
exrndipg too naub.
' V . II II' II A cl i'J Li nAVAV 1
If? 11 1-AmmmZj
industrial schools, and 7 academies for the
higher branches of industry, 10 academies
Cor the cultivation of forests and milling, 7
nautical schools.
The whole number of professors and
teachers in the whole Empire, Hungary
not included, is about 70,000, for whoiii
there are uiiilorm laws.
Tho Army on a war footing, consists of
iou.uuu men. J lie ueneial-in-Cliiel is the
The Supreme Chancellery is at Vienna.
Tho Chief is Field Mwsb'd, Lieut.
Charles Grunne.
Archduke William, brother of the Em
peror, is Chi. f of tho Artillery Genie. (Mil
itary Courts.) However, ench of the.
departments has its Special Chief.
The celebrated Baron Augustin is the
Special Chief of tho whole artillery.
tjuauer Master Generals have a depart
men t for themselves. Its chief is Karon
lleury Hess, who has the reputation of be
ing the best General in Europe.
The Army comprises four military dis
tricts. 1. That of Austria proper, Chief Com
mander, Feld-Zungineister Franc Baron
Wimptfen. ... -
2. Italy, Chief Commander, r eld-Zung-meister
FrauocU Count Gyulai.
3. Hungary. Chief Commander, Arch,
duke Albert, Cavalry General.
' 4. Gallicia, Chief Commander, Fr. Count
Schliok, Cuvulry General.
The ISavy has been steadily increased
since the year 183-1, arid in greater propor
tion within tho lust 12 months, the Gov.
eminent at that time foreseing the neces
sity. It numbers ubout 12,000 men, and
about l.OWguns. Its chief commander is
Archduke Maximilian, the Emperor's bro
ther. Tho Supreme otiieeof the whole
Navy is at Vienna; the Emperor's Chan,
cellery of tho Marine. Its chief is the
captain of battleship of the-line, Wm.
Admiralty. Vice Admiral, Archduke
Maximilian, and Count-Admiral Baron
Bamberg, who is also Chief Commander
of the Marine Deparament nt Trieste.
"Tim Stuonuest Max ivtue World"
Prostrateii. At Boston tho other day,
Dr. Geo. B. Winship, who is said to be tlie
strongest man in tho world, was announo
ed to deliver a lecture. The hall was fill
ed, and the Dr. after having commenced
his lecturo
was seen to tall to the Huor.
He appeared agnin, and again swooned,
when by the advice of physicians he was
dissuaded from attempting to bo on with
his lecture. It is said thn temg taken
from the hall, his heart hud nearly ceased
lo bent. Dr. W. accounts for the unlor
tunate affair on the ground that the at
moshere was close and impure. His friends
however, regard it as caused by the pecu
liarity ofappearingbeforea public audience
lor the first time. Dr. Yv. lias tor several
jears given much attention to the subject
cfphysicial education. He is twenty-five
years of ajre. five feet seven inches in
hiight, and wheighs oae hundred and forty-three
pounds. Ho graduated at Cam
bridge five years ago. He can raise a bar
re. of flour from the floor to his shoulder ;
cat raise himself with either little finger
till his chin is half a foot above it; can
raise 200 pounds with either little finger ;
can put up a dumu neil 01 i - l pounds ; spiring together to secure place anil spoils,
execises daily with two dumb bells weigh-1 by deliberately ignoring all sound princi
ing 100 pounds each ; which ,ho can raise ' pies of Government, and nil enlightened
alttriwtely above his head; can lift with , inspirations of true American statesman
the kand 9iG pounds dead weight, without
the aid of straps or belts of any kind.
Topliam, tho strongest man in England,
could raise 8'K) i,ouiids In the same way ;
and the ceh-biated Belgian giant could lilt
only KK). Dr. W. was prepsred to exhib- i
it all these feats, but tlie unexpected turn ;
which events took prevented it. The,
strongman proved to bean infant.
The Sis of D.incino. -Rev. James L.
Corning, the presby terian Minister ol Hut-
falo, whose
I.ectuics on "'Hie Christian
Law of
Amusement," have occasioned
soma comenU, is in lavor ot dancing, at
least us it is tiractised on the llighlandsof
Scotland and the green swards ol Switzer
land, and in the rural districts of Ger
many, lie objects strongly to fashionable
suppers and parties, and would seem to
speak in the following passage, not with
out personal observation :
"Why, I have sat beside a professing
Christian woman m one of the beautiful
parlors of a fashionable metripolitan ave
nue, whose jowelled neck, and ears, nnd
fingers, anil dazzling procade, as much as
said to the assemblrd guests, 'none of your
ftresses cost as much as mine ;' and then I
have seen her co into the supper room
and eat enough to make swinejhavc gripes
of conscience.fand then come out obese
and panting for breath, made marvellous
ly religious by sandwiches and champagne
and wind up the farce with a pious dis
course on the sin of dunoing. Now, I
think that if she had trrnsportod a por
tion of conscience from her slippers to her
stomach, though she might have an inch
or two less phy lactery, the loss would have
been compensated; by several additional
yards of Christian consistency,"
Sfj- A Sailor, calling upon a goldsmith
in this city recently, asked what might be
the valuo of an ingot of gold as big as his
arm. The shop-keeper beckoned him in
to a back room, and primed him with
grog, lie then asked him to see the ingot.
"Oh," aid Jack, "I haven't got it yet, but
I'm going to Tike's Peak, and (could like
to know the yalue of such a lump before I
start." Salt water gentleman ordered out.
g3-"Mis Brown, I have been to learn
how to tell fortunes." snid a young man to
ft brisk brunette. "Just give me your
hand, if you please." Ln, Mr. White,
how sudden you are 1 Well, go ask pa.".
be.VIfyou wish to be certain of what
, neve. 1.1... 1 j 6" ' "'
,WJ'' an indefinite article,
vuuNESU, JUL V 13 13.50.
Attress of tho
State Committee.
l'-iti:tr,M nt Pmnsuvaiitti :
"eriji(ippy 0 nddvess you nt a mo
ment hrt unniisiakubo manifestations
of retumir; confidence and co urage on
the part of the L)oln0(
;rncy are beginiiing
to exhibit ieniselves in all quarters of
the Coinniftwealth. You havo already
seen with wht unaniniitv the StiUa Con
vention, whie assembled at Hnrrisburg
on the Kith (t March las',, passed resolu
tions nfhrmingie principle and policy
to which wo h,i ourselves pledged be
fore the countrn,i how it pronounced,
by acclamation, iriVor of our excellent
andunexcpptiocabscjuKiiijites. With an
occasional exceitio( in tli.i rinl'ire of an
aniiciblo protest o suggestion, the pro-j
cecdings of tho Coiiention have been in
tlie highest de Tee Misiaetory to the en
tire Democratic partyoltho State. Sinco
its adjournment tlioto has boon an almost
perfect restoration of coiN'ml good feel
ings among Democrats, who.e "they had
been in some instaices tempoKinly inter
rupted. Unlortunau? and unmcijng dis
sensions have enliiely disappeared. In
euYnest of this, the Stale Central Commit
ter, although compjsod ol forty-one mem
buis, representing every district in the
Stute, and some of whom you will doubt
less recognize in lleir lonj; and Aithful
connection with tho Deiuocialii orgatii.a
tion, Jiave been found an uuitm the reso
lute purpose to sustain that organization
iit all hazards, against open r secret hos
tility, .ilio county niectingi wnerever
they have spoken, haveshov themselves
fully conscious of their nvpcyiibilities, by
forniirigloctd tickets of the most accepta
ble description, and by otkenvise exhibit
ing n:i earnest, and, we rust, invincible
determination to crown, the canvass with
thesueeess Unit can hardly fail to attend
their jealous and elliciunt exertions. We
ure glad to state, also, thut the Democratic
press have dropped, with one accuru, an
unl'rieadly and unprofitable discusbions on
irreleint toiiies and settled issues, end
are iroperlv directing their undivided
und powerful energies against the com
mon enemv. ror every lii olessing i)em-v
crat who values consistency and principle,
the path of duty is now broad, plain and
muting. .10 one cm be so ignorant us
to pretend to misunderstand tho present
relation of parties in this State; the im
portance of the contest, both in its Siat?
and National aspects, upon which wo have
1 now
fairly entered, and I lie precise nn
I nnrt nf tlm issues, that hnva been formed
:tn-mis riendine controversy. The line
which divides tbe two contending parties!,
whether drawn on tho uap of the State,
or (hat of tho Union, is too deep ami
striking to escapo the eye of uny one who
niay not wilfully choose to bo blind. On
one side of this line stand the Democracy
of Pennsylvania, harmonious i:i our de
liberations and feaiJ.iss 111 the exposition
! of our views, with .1 platform and ticket
'challenging honest criticism; while on
the oppositeside you perceive two factions
the Black - ltepublicans ana llnow
Nothings composing the Opposition, each
afraid to avow its ultimate designs, or its
present distinctive characteristics; each
emasculated ofits original distinguishing
quality ; each declaring itself opposed to
' the other on certain vuiL points, yet con-
We do not approach you, fellow citi
zens, in the nnrne of a "People's Party,"
concocted on yesterday, composed of the
shreds and patches of ull opinions, and
intended to serve, not the masses who
may bo deceived by its empty promise's,
bin the politicians, who have invented it
for their profligate purposes, vve speak
in the same language used by the found-
ll.i UI III 1 1 LIOI iwua I '.1 1 I J o- 'y , t.i .
. . .. . rt ..
No candid man will deny that, 1101111110
inauguration of Mr. Jefferson to the pros-.,ut
- e
I ent uate, the Democratic party has been
tho real representative party 01 the geni
us, character, honor and interests of our
free institutions. It bus been to recog
nized by the people of the United Slates,
who have so constantly imposed upon it
ilmiliiti nil Inn-den of irovernmeii t
It has happily eliminated the leading
truths ofthe Constitution, embodied them
in simple though impel i-hablo formulas
ofdoetrine, and applied them firmly and
ellicientlv in practical adininistratioii, tin-
til it has' bceome,tne RC.ual reflex of all
the "reatconst'tutional tiriuciple at iho
. r; "... 1 '1 .
basis of our republican system. Its nn-
;. ,,n,.v..,i,.wl n.l r...,i.iii..
substantially at this day what it has ever : "' multiplied disorders
been. More than half a century ago, as ; J constant anarchy. 1 bus defined end
at this hour, One of its articles watche.U lnnititl, Popular Sovereignty is equally in
withfaithlul vigilance, over the rights of '. compatible with the rash proceedings ol
the States and the union of the Status ; i iob, as with tho edicts of a tyrant. H e
another insisted then, as now, on civil and j cannot, therefore, subscribe to the illegiti-
re g otis freedom or nl class s nnd sects,
" . . . '
diseriminatiiig for none and against none,
whether latholio or i rotestant, .Jew or
Gentile, but permitting "every man to
worship God after his own heart ;" a third
invoked, as it now invokes, in the shape
of generous laws, a liberal hospilality to
wards the oppressed of all lands, as well
for reasons of sound policy as from mo
lives of humanity and a love of libei ty ;
a fourth demanded, as it now requires,
territorial expansion to meet all exigen
cies, whether military, or commercial for
security, defence, or national aggrandize
ment arising out of the natural, inevita
ble nnd benevolent pi ogress of Afnerican
civilization, nnd hence it bos happened
that every foot of Territory annexed to
tho Union hasbee.i acquired by the Demo- poyer to ascertain and fix all Tenitorial
cratic party ; in a fifth article of one faith boundaries? Is it not to the federal Gov
wasniid is presented tho noble Jefferso-1 ernmiint? V here shall we seek the right
man conception
universal education
is proclaimed the grand
rights, beloro the
or noor native or naturnliziv. : in a Ber -
enth was and U announcod th doctrine in
of a strict construction ofthe neees5flvi
rr l,n unren in rilni n il Ii &IIII ni V.rT. "UU UUIV IO limiioseoi on 1....
. !,. . u;.th nn,i em brum tit Mm Territory r ine answer ueniy sprincine
IU"", VI mis ' im-v iu, 11 i - m. ., " - , , , , I
in ion.
l,r ntull.ind evnl '
ft l.llii. iih reriMn
yne hind f "t. !
hnmm li"lt t'f
Iliiji 10 -n l Is
tx loan, t'"1 Jf
JA9. A. IttFh.
Out Inn?!, t
l or M
l or
01 AIIKAUf!!
r iful frT f- fiivorp, t.lVe
III ui'i vim''
' lie lit moved 1 1 li'I'
-'.i furiiifrly oocui'lcd
Wt, Heard eld IVi
t ..r 11
Wnj-oiii For 1'iint I'aus, goto
i K.ti'i nil , mr I'ci.J Uoxes, go to
T. 1 ..r l.iiiiil"-.-.--.-.
imvpr nf imvi.mmen n
compatible will), sound political morals,
ewig ..i,ie
and in the unwise relaxation of which """77. '"'re is me J.emsia
debt. extrnvai-nnce. tvrnnnv and coirmi. I "V0 lWV('r ' Every 0110 knows it did not
md corruvi.
-av into tho
tion, to bo -
lis head tho
tion would soon find their way
very citadel ot the Constituti
tiny and destroy it. Under this
labors of tho Democracy hnvebeen invnlu
able. We hnv opposed National Banks,
destroyed them und established the Inde
pendent Treasury. We have steadily and
successfully resisted the imposition on (be
people 01 neavy lonerui taxes by excessive ; lf , "J. . 1
dutioon iu.poits, und havo obtained the 1 tC8' e,X('luil'i3 t a pretensions
' t .. 1 ...tot Squatter or lerritonal leiiMiiiv mv.
people ot heavy loderul taxes by exeessn
ui'iivi'" 11 vi imgi; iiiujuiuy ti lue,
country 'in tbe rule that taxes shall bo ,
limited to the demands of revenue alone. '
with incidental protection, by judicious
dlMTimilimidlis. 10 Home lr.l.mtrv Wn 1
havo deleateil all propositions for the dis
tribution of the proceeds of the public
liintls uuiong lite Mates. have seilit
IfectuiiUy gunrded the Public
lously und
Treasury from heavy uhrrges for internal
improvements in cases n'iniittc d to bo not
,,.!. .,' til If 'llt i.,fllll kill t. U.W.nW.1 .....I 1A..1
liivji , , 1 vU, huiii niM 111
111 Ueir clmKicier. And wo have steadily
retused our assent to, and rented many
cunningly devised schemes lor squander-!11,1
nig millions of tlie public money, and
lens ol niillu 1,8 of the public domain, on
objects whose usefulness and legality have
been ulike questionable.
We mmlit extend tlm eniineintinn nf
our principles, concerning which there
lius lieen no change of sentiment whale-
ver'in the Democratic party since its ear-
hest records were made, but we think we
iiuve already said enough lo convince
every intelligent citizen desirous to know
l tie inipHi tiut-truth, that we now speak
us one 01 me coimtituted organs ot a great
and glorious party, not ol un eihemcral
lactioii, or combination of factions that
mo lepieoent 011 this occasion a party as
venerable tor its jige as it is useful until
iiouoi able, in view of the extraordinary
services 11 has so long, so honestly and sol
ubly penormed. Ctm it not be asserted
us uu unqueslionnble fact, that no party j
ever yet exisieu 111 - any country online
lace of the earth, that can justly claim to
have rendered the same amount of valua
ble service to that country, which the
Democratic party has rendered to ours?
Uu any issue, thevefore, iuvolving honor-
v.l lllj l.lll-, llllltlUIC, 1UV1V11I IIVIIIVI-
able historical antecedents, or a consider -
aiioii ol general merits irt the .ast or
present, wc shall aj.peal with conlldcnce
10 the vier ori'cniisylvania. - '
''As regards the personal character and
ou.ililicuuous of our nominees for Auditor
j-Ucncrtil and Surveyor General of the
oiuuiouweaith, Jlessrs. K. 1.. vvriglil j " jjcisonai ngins 01 ciuzens that
and John Kowe, we earnestly desire to 1 "'")' Le thereby invaded, though consti-.
call the utU'iuioii of our fellow-citizens to tulinga sufficient reason for tho move
llieir unbleinished private reputation, to nient.iw looking to the necasity of its own pret-.
Iho ample experience tLey have acquired t"toi4 . But before the happening of an;
iu the service of the Stale in "various res- j 8Uo1' act V1 "unification, or rebellion, and'
ponsible otlices, and to the admitted in-j ttt 11,0 tinl of organizing a Territorial,
tegrity and efticienry, marking their en- Government, tho presumptions are all in',
tin) otlicial lives, as offering the strongest 1 f'vr of a legal and peaceful course of po-.
guarantee of their fitness, in ull respects, ' l'Ucal ondui:t on the part of the inhabi-
lor the positions to which they now ati tants ol a Territory ; whereat the doctrine of
pire. Vongrcesional iitcncidion would assume the re-.
But there is one question comparative-! Vir.iC fi'ci we "re disposed to mam-,
ly new to the country, in the form in : t.lti" 011 tu's question, and at alt times, the
which it is presented, that bos occasioned i lundamental principle of the equality of tht
some diversity of sentiment among us, j SuaU'. We are distinctly opposed to any.
and which has not been settled nutbori- compulsory relinquishment, in the name
lativelv, as some Democrats contend, by of squatter sovereignty, or tho right of
the highest councils 'of tbe party. We tlm S. ate of Pennsylvania, as one of the.
refer to what is commonly known as tho rovereign proprietors of all the public do-,
Territorial question. The most ingenious ' mmn or Territorial property of tho United
und labored efforts have been made to 1 States, and wo still occupy, without any,
confuse the public mind on this subject, 1 change of opinion the ground held by tho.
but when rescued from the incompre-j following resolution of the Cincinnati Con
hensiblo jargon of the demagogues, it vention of DvG, to wit:
merely raises an inquiry whicii should be "Jlcmlved, That we recognize the right
calmly and candidly met, as to tho na-, of the people of all tho Territories, inclu
ture and extent ot tho Legislative power ding Kansas and Nebraska, acting through
possessed by Iho inhabitants of a J'ei ri- the legally nod fairly expressed will of n
tory of tne United States, in the political majority of actual residents, and whciiev-.
relations of such Territory to the Govorn- , er the number of their inhabitants jus'i-
luent and Suites of the Union. Wo do
1 .. . .
iirti iii-niiiiGn In .1kiiiw4 t.hia ntir-jtmil
"""""" y .v-
any cons oerawciengui.or 10 say
l. l.i.i.ili.i ii ivi.iiii.a miii i.i.iii'ij ha.
Illtil O llJUll lilltTUjr It; UAJUWS UUl 1 n.7- , j mm vw wiuci Jiatcv, , - . ; ' 1
garding it. We preiunie that every true j This resolution distinctly represents tho
Democrat will yield his ready adhesion to marked difference' between the revolu
the ptineiple of Popular Sovereignty, J tionary ilorts of the first squatters in a.'
when rightly interpreted and applied. ! new Territory to abolish Negro Slavery or
jsut reaii opuiar sovereignty is not u
spurious poimcui iuei inuenniie, vugi 01,
: lllll accidental, ll is, when properly do-
. "'"ed, nothing mora nor less than the
riel'l of self-government pervading our
' system, but expressly limited 111 its
j action by the Constitution and the laws.
j 11 cannot exist legitimately outside of
"""0-' Otherwise, inste;il of beinii ns it
I: 1 1 .,1 !. iAnl.uirnA
" ll,lucr "ul vl 1 a iuwninv
' ol order, justice and pe.ico, 11 woum oe-
1 maioassumpiions 01 .yuuer o- "'Vz'-.Ty
1 ii 1 .... .. .r.... .... 1 ...i T.,
, aro clearly of oj
me cien:iy 01 ui'iinoii iiiu ivim.-.-j
ofthe United Stutes can, in no respect
whutever, bo regarded as either a. Foreign
or Sovereign Stale. Nor can ll enjoy, ny
possibility, any political 'capacity inde
pendent of, or inconsistent with, th gov
ernment of the Union established bv the
Ststos, by whosf agency they, tht tilaltx,
through an expenditure of tu-ir treasure,
and it may be, tlicir blood, have acquired
the very A'etritory in question, as so much
public domain or ' common property."
Wher6, let us ask, resides the right of
eminent domain over a Territory of the
United Status? Is it not admitted by all
to be with the Federal Government ?
Wlliere shall we look for the right and
'Executive authority r ii is lougea
A 1 1 1 1
i ,i. r a VMimut itovernoT.
is the judicial power of a Ternto-J
. . . i r 111 ,ii
r,rin,-i.d r,rffr,im! i is. iiv- T 3 j'ederal Government, vv nere; tenco on a single
L ?. . V . ' . a i-1 r . I , ! f,i)rt nnnt'inaA in ii
I r Hi hmniil " .
ifnui;1 1, l'Ml Miri
fur ll'itlmv wale k ' . . ,
! MKMiKM. i l:Mbni,
IVr llatrtwiil Qfl t" . ... ..
V! Ttni'f.J. A R.
Fur Murs of illilVrriit Hr run gi to
Ml lllll.l.b t I llll.l.ll r.
Mvrrell d Dljlur't.
i Kur i'im I'll1 (t" V
j 1'"f Himimi r I in naves K" to
Vox VnVo rn.'.rl go b
M.-ri.ll It Motor's.
Mf-mll if' llijtlf r. ' Inzer's.
M,.ircll I- ltiitler's.
.Vcrrdl if Itiulcr'S.
M irti II A li(li r'.
Mencll it liigli'r's.
o urtidioi S'l
l-arrnan bin. I li'Srt, g
It It'll rt, go lo
For Kariben c..llur, go lo
lor Rafliug fc'luves, gD lo
irMBiinuiii'tlnare.c" -Verrell A Tyler's
r Waitrrs, en to Mnrrsll A ri:lorV
iiiiiTn. eo
Fur l .i.ii l'ul, go to
For Wnt.'r (.'onlers, ro to
pur .Moluies Cans, ko lo
Merrcll A filler
Metreil A Hilrr'1'
Xlurmii A Hijjler'i-MurrelU--O
. , (
r':l1 ov""nient? In tho keeping of ft
I llv. ,1'"'"1r , .w3 "" know not
0X18 ' nnH V1"1 11 c'oullJ "ot leP"v
il'.nUl c,ll?d ",t0 Mn h 'Jei-n
onr!l tM 111 orguino act of Territorial
Government. Jn all these demonstrations
of power, and there can bo 110110 other
, outside of them in a Territorial Govern
! ment, we beheld the direct, positive anit
! tangible evidences of the presence of tha
1 sovereii'iitv nf 1I10 ....... ,,,..,, v iu.
- T) . o - -i
f or lt,I,.u,"r Sovereignty when
us. HS 11 convertiblo term wilh
,une a"K,u ll.nlu,mUlu 1,1 prepos-
lL'uus .""tJC'
But it muu bo borne in mind tl int fliA
P'ederal Government cunnot act in a Tor
ritoi v us a desnot. or lllbit,rnrv rnlop.
I " r ' aM:e Oilwcen our doctrine and
. 7 ., ,..,. , -"-
... v mnui-jjiuuumiiuea, ii niudi gov
ern iii a Territory in the sense of the Con
stitution, frum which it deiiv.. in life
j . . '
' v '""uuun, anu u is oouna 10
! reil'l'!'t' "ltQ Btnct impartiality, the rights
"lU'iests of all purljes concerned,
U 'ose Purues U(-ing tho States and people
j UI luc r5lu:e,s respeciiully. Aoh- tho Uov-
tiiuiicuiui u irrruory is not natural ana
indefeasible, but derivative from tho Con
gress; otherwise, tho few thousand inliub-
' ltallt!i of a Territory, after its aquisition by
:f"'vli or us lnneuinuy lor ar expens
I"-'''lnpso, would have the right, to set
j "''niselves up as a foreign State, if they
80 J Hrd to deny the jurisdiction of
JjH'. Stales. But Congress, when
I "stablishiug a Government in a Territory
r":" , ""1"" lu iL aumoruy w (io, ny
lc,f'ljltJ. lerritorial enactments, what Cou-
gress itselt cannot undertake to nerforni
under the Constitutnn, and can never
venture to undertake, except in flagrant
usurpation of powers not deleguted, but
reserved to the Slates. t
We are opposed, however, to the intro
duction of any provision particularly pro-,
lecting slave, or any other kind of proper
ty, into an act organizing u Territorial
Government. But if a Territory attompt
nullification or rebllion, in the shape of
resistance to acts of Congress, oro judi
cial decisions in their proper logical and
1 l' .vg,,v. i.i.u.
1 lecal consequences, or to auy other leaiti-
niate acts done in ami by virtue of the
Conslitutionul outhoiity o,t the United
: States over tho same, then the Federal
, Government should at once interpose and
: lmt il down, not so much for tho Sake of.
j "lave, or any other kind of property, or
lies it, to lorm a constitution with or with'
, ., i-.,.
mil. ulnvorir iiml l.a ai itnl ai m.
,, .
10 m i i upon terms 01 periect equal-
if If H't I h I lift nl linn I ivlia "
to prevent the introiluclion of Slave prop
eny into the territory, hv the incompe-'
j tent agency of a Territorial Legislature,;
nud tho constitutional and quiet exercise
; ofthe rights of Sovereignty, by the peoplo.
of a territory in the formation of a Statr?.
Constitution with or without domestic,
Slavery, os they may determine. In th
meuntime, the citizens of each ami every-.
l.' . .. . 1..:.... 1 1 ... 1
i oiaie, u mg n.pi-ci wuai wins
vhi:ii viu;r uiiunr iiu iviiimiiuiioii, lUKif
their various kinds of properly with them
into the Territory, and while in a Territo.
rial condition they and their property are
all equally protected by tho Constitution,
of the United States and the Dred Scott
decision. We thus stand on the sura,
foundation of the Constitution and thfi
y , Law, w hich sternly and juntly deny the or-..
biirary poicer 0 one set of icttlert to crmtt.icMo
Vie property of another tet. We thus avoid
too, thoso contests between rottlers,, by
which the people are kept in a constant,
state of commotion and turbulence, with
murder, rapine, burnings and all kinds of
violent acts, throughout their entire Ter
ritorial existence, and to the prejudice or'
their best interest, and of the peace mid
harmony of the States of the Union. - ' v
A little more than two ypnrs ago' Penn
sylvania had the proud satisfaction to mil-t
ness the elevation of her most distinguish
ed Statesman to the Presidency. This il
lustrious citizen, her choice and that of
the couutry for the first office of the He
public, was elected after a doubtful ami
dangerous contest, as the candidate of tlm
National Democracy of the Union, over
t he nominee of a sectional movement sud-
into its calamitous exis-'.
fanatical idea, avowedhv
operation to one moiety of
the Confederacy, and in it reckless disre-i
i garu oi it - cs'uiuiion seeming io inai-