Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 27, 1859, Image 4

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    fijjt JitpiiMcnii:
An lMiiv (oc k rf .toll ing miit
'iiiIiIm 111 l'ul lnhrr of Hip ''iVr.t,v'iW'
d aiitumnce e the public Ihr Iik is ptrn
red 10 do Mil kfnili of
1'oitin, rsiirnim, rnona.111 mm,
uahm, I'mn IVk, I'mnni,
I aiuu, I'all Tkki.k, IUndbii is,
ntl every kind cf printing uatmlly done
in a country jol oflke.
All order will lo executed with lint,
neas and deapntch.
Onco on time to try my ak ill.
And ice what I coold do,
I net me down and w roto a verse
'Twati nil uttout a thot.
I cave it to a man of Ixtsts,
He aniiled, and Tell hi head,
And said it wag goog a thing
An ever Ac hud read.
Another time when in a town
Not very fnr remote,
I wrote a curious littlo son,
A song about a coat.
1 taw a tailor on the street,
And up to him I ran,
He took the piece, he read, anil
1 was a mighty man.
Another time when I was calm
As gentle as the dove,
I wrote a piece of sentiment,
All tendernes and love,
I met a pretty lady friend
Who one true-lover had.
I read the poem to her at ore,
It nearly drove her mnd.
Thus if you want to reach the heart
You'd better know the string,
For all men have a curious way
Of loving someone thing.
If you imagine all must liko
Tho same tliing just n you,
Jour wits have gone up Blunder bill,
You'll never, never do.
Jgritu ilural
An Extkaordi.nart Ilrnts. The fol
lowing account of a GuernM'y heifer, the
property of Dr. Gibson, a well-known gen
. Ionian of Philadelphia woo has beMi no
ted for the excellence of bis stock upon
bis farm, and who has for several months
been a resident of the inland of Guernsey,
rill be read with interest :
A heifer, little more than two years and
a half old, of uncommon size and beauty,
bred by Mr. Nicholas MellUb, of Bon Air,
amd aow owned by Professor Gibson, of
the United btates ot America, to which
country sho is intended to be sent, bas
attracted great attention for several weeks
past. She is of deep mahogany red, inter
.ningled with a few spots of white on dif
ferent parU of her body. Her skin is of
the brightest yellow, and her coat like
cilk or velvet. All her points are nearly
Perfect, and in sie she i superior per
uifs to any animal of ber age in the Isl
and. Were it not for the striking pecu
liarities of the Guernsey race, which con
spicuously belong to her, she might easi
ly be miaiaken for a splendid specimen of
Durham or Ayrshire cow. We under
stand that Air. Mullish received a vory
large price for her, which may account
for bis permitting snch an animal to leave
the island. This magnificent and high
bred creature has recently calved, and
yields milk in quality and quantity equal
to that of the finest cows which have had
two or three calves; an effect likely to
make speedy inroads upon a superfluous
fat and flesh, and to make away much ol
that size and beauty which inherently be
long to that particular class of milkers
.and butter makers from which the is
known to be descended through a long
nd direct line. Professor Gibson, who is
at present .residing in Guernsey, and who
visuea me lfciuna gome years ago, is a
great admirer of our bovine breed, which,
for its dairy qualities, be considers supe
rior to all others. He baa, at different
times, sent a considerable number of
Guernsey cows to America, where they
1 .
nave inriven in a remarkable manner,
and have maintained their characteristic
.nroductivaness of milk and v1low hnttr
The heifer above described is a proof of
me excellence 01 term and 01 the sue to
which our cattlo mny be broueht bv care.
ful breeding, and it may bo hoped that it
win stimulate our farmers to increased
attention to this invaluable branch of ru
ral economy, and especially to the keep
ing their best animals for breeding pur
poses. When we see that in Enelnnd
from 500 to 1000 is sometimes paid for
a nrst-rate nun or cow in 110 way superior
to what we might produce in Guernsey,
we cannot but feel surprise and regret that
more determined and systematic effort
re not made to obtain for our race that
celebrity and that marketable value to
which it micht be eiitiLd.(7um,
y " J
newspapers devoted to Literature and A
griculture, also setting forth full account
of the new of Hammonton, in
New Jersey, can be subscribed for at 25
cents per annum.
Inclose pcirUgei tiampi for ih amnunt.
'A4dras to Editor of the Farmer, llatn-
monton, Atlantic County, New Jersey.
Those wishing cheap land, of the best
Duality, in one of the healthiest and most
olightful climates in the Union, see ad-
from Philadelphia by Railroad in the Stat
Otew Jeney. boil among the best for
Agricultural purpose, being a good loam
Oil, with a clay bottom. Tlse land is
Jarpe tract, divided into srnall farms) and
1 1 1 . II .. '
uuaureaa irom an parts of the conntrv are
nowictllinffand buildinxr Tlia rrnn. i
i"i :J "r'.lnfe i".?.0?'"!9
6'"""'; .rni 110m iO IO j article of Boots aod Shoes, wUl And find it rreai-
per acre, payable within four years by in-ilrioHvoir d-aotog. to call and g.t rood bar
talmenU. To visit the placo IvilM, M detarssiaed to sail as lw as
Vine at. wharf at Philadelphia, M 7J A ?r' "r Ixxts and shoes ean be had in Phil.'
IC 1 Tt ' 1 Saw 1 I rlaslsnaS laa a -L I t I .
. ...,. , ciu lu
. . j- , ww , fx. .
j t.t . .
rnM n .1 itirrtiAfl uiu. . . n . , t
A. 11 ..1
frtiumut in MMher column, "-j
Jl... by Kailroad for Uammontmi nr .,l.!D"fD '"rcasn or bidss.
i a ur or m;i ,iu:uh
or it nkloN akp fnvmic mchi ian
i f (Vdni; Vlmtld ft tt imr
iWSimrl. (MM IIKtUt,
F. K. Arnold, t I ? CO
r'.tnurl Arnold, 1 1 f f(
II. II. Monro, ? (in
1M filing n, i( T do
Jacob Kunli, f no
Catlitla t Co. (4 i 00
Datrctt Co. 14 T r
A. Montgomery, with Liquor, It I'd
Luwlcr City borough.
John Ferguson, U T 00
John flroomall, It J o0
Wright A Co. U T 00
Henry Swan, U 7 00
JlcMorry A llagerty, It 7 00
lald Medehau, It 1 to
IimhsII MoMurry, , U T 00
Allison A guyd.r, ( 7 00
K. AlcMtKlnrs, II t do
James McMurry, 14 7 00
l'ntdilu t Sou, 1 1 00
Lewi. Etntth. II 7 an
Weld A Dick.ton, 14 7 00
Vita. Lerit, 7 no
J. Cooper, M 7 00
Samuel Uagerty, 14 7 00
ftoilington A Co. I i 7 00
Thomm Henderson, 14 T 0j
Wbitruor A Co. 14 7 00
James Forrest, 14 7 00
Martin Stirk, It 7 00
Vurwcitsville huouyh.
Win. Irvin, 10 20 00
Elita Irviu A Sons, 13 10 00
Win. Mclirido, It 7 00
A. Montgomery, 14 7 00
John Patton, 11 1J 00
J. D. Thompson, 14 7 00
K. Oo.dwiu, II 7 (to
Wm.'Lumadoo. It 7 00
Howtnan A Perk., It 7 00
J. F. Stiuer, 14 7 00
E. F. Brenner, Morriedale, 14 7 00
B. T. Brenner, (2) Kylert'n, 14 7 00
John Holt, It 7 Oo
J. B. Graham, 11 7 CO
Matthew Forsey, It 7 Do
Edward Witliaus, It 15 00
Clearfield borough,
Wm. F. Irwin, 13 12 f,n
Richard Motsop, 13 10 00
Racd A Veavar, J 12 60
Moore A Etiwiler, 12 12 id
Merrell A Carter, It 7 00
Kratier A Sons, 12 12 50
C. D. Watson, 1 4 7 00
Georgo W. Rbeam, 14 7 00
Leonard, Finnay A Co. Broken' Offie.
Eliza Trrin A Son, 13 10 00
A. B. Shaw, 13 10 00
Joseph Irwin A Co.
J. Anguitas Laconot, 13 10 OS
Williamson F llumpbrty, 14 7 00
Francis Coudriet, H 7 00
Mullen A Mulaon, U 7 00
WUh Liquort
P. A. Gaulin, 14 00
J. P. Rider, 14 00
R. J. Haines, It 7 00
David Tylr, It T 00
Uiram Woodward, it 7 00
Paniel Bruhaker, 14 7 00
John Sheasar, 1 7 00
N B. Thoae intoreated will take
notice that
an appeal will be held at the Commissioners' Of-
oce, in the Boroufh of Clearfield, on the 14th
aay or Juno, 185, at J o'clock, P. M.
0. VT. LONO,
Mta. ArrmiBBB.
May i, 18SJ. no. 18, toL It.
Vnluablc Farm For Sale.
rpjIS Subscriber offers for sale a valuable farm
J. tituated in Brady township, Clearfield Coun
ty, on th Erio turnpike, three mile, east ol Lu
thersburg, containing
120 ACRES,
With Forty Five Acre Cleared,
snd in a good stats of cultivation. The balance
is wriL TistBrnr.D. The improvementa are a
FLANK HOUSE, well finghed, SS by 24 in
site, arranged for a kitchen to be added being
well calculated for a TAVERN STAND, having
three rooms on tbo firtt flVr, and five on the to
eond ) reasonably good temrorarv stablinir. audi.
cisnt to contain twelve horses; a thriving youngl
Afrlhntil AfjaliAisia ftMi4 t aaaajt ..II L ' 1 1
w.wuv.a. a 1IUII, NIIU m wan WQ1CH COIl-
UIds d mpW iupplT of tb beet wnlir. Th-
1 j 1 1 i - . 1 -
"h .rr.7.- :
w . u . " u ui iuidd nines, a
. . 1 l.. 1 . j '
Term, of Sale-Cheap for Cash, or in n.vmenta
to suit pnrehaaera.
For information apply to the owner on
Msy 3, 1869. tf. no. II, vol. iv.
1 I, 1 .
m uu persona are oereoy cautioned against
rnre '"in6 or nedli''6 with the following
"md r,.roPerJ' lo tbt pwwssion of R.chard
Denver, jr. : una
whita and Hack cow, one
purchaaed at constable sale, and is left with tbe ,
U11"1 Mver,Jr,o. loan only, to
June lat, 1818.
St.ll.fn R4tn 1
- duuiu iuwuy
Jjt.vt'AR? 20tb, 1869.
PV BUC VOTIOE is Urohy given, that Jacob '
J. Ftorer, of Portsmouth Vew Hampshire i
lately of Philadelphia, and E. C. Shulu, hav.
nor jr suiorca mui to-rartiiarttilp ia the of.
"d the basinets will bt earned on by th name
lof JAC0B J. 6TORER ACo., at th. 6t Mary's
6,Mln Tannery, in St. Mary's Elk county Penn-
fyvni' Tny hor y tbeir long esparienca
ill! Dnilintlal . Mnrt lhaiw ! il. i i
.1... i7 r P" ...
i receive a part or the publi patfea-
- : lumbermen and other, who detir. a irooi
article 01 noots ao4 cjhoea wil Rnit lnJ
. tLlli.U '.J...-1 . .. .
, . , ... " " 1 uitt.
unnnfln i m
u.x 1t.j ,AC0B rORIR, tfo. j
('.Mi,. I'hfilr Malting, ;
Aiia mtnrs.t itixjmiiUAt'ii.1
(nil1 (It f tt II, n (,..,, ,S ( OatA-M,'
I , lll la .i. ar4 a I nil llinri o aunl Id
In act BMir,i m lm nlmn n thmi
nolira, nl In wikmanlika liiaiiinr. Iln J.lnra '
f I iuliii'm I al Id" nl.l nhnp i.n (lit nntth tl.lf ft ;
rtiaiin i aiiMi, t d'.nr rnl nf 1 hlid al., hrarlf
"M".-tM lli l.ld .lew lint-1 ulidia h Kill k"p
1 Miiilmiil.r nn hull. I lnra aairiiiirhl nf Ma.
liK"t'T and Tana lloitmn Chalra, and Cnttin
Waia irmy lrr i-itin, uhlih ha will dipnfa
f on a rennmiiMs term aa th inint artli lm
ran l had aliahira lu tlia county.
Ilia atm k of Cnllnrl Wsta now on hand, fnn
lad In part of lrKln and Common lliirvaua,
Sofin, Ki'wlni and WailiinK rtanda, liotkt and
Hook, ('ranch and Fiold I'oat lJudatcadi,
Dlnloc, Hraakfn.t, Crntra, Card and 1'ler Ta
bin, Ao. Cfflna iiiauuractured and dulirarad at
any plara daiirad.
February , 1HJ9. no. 4, Vol. Iv.
1IK uudeieiMiid beinc about lo (!', ,!., give notico lo all i.omuni
liming tiranniri wiui mom m any nay h hniio
ever, to call and aettlo without dulay, ai in a
iliort time 1 1 1 0 booka nill b lult in other lunula
for aettliiitiit j but thvy nould p.elVr that all
who mil l.omihly do t, miiare their ao.
counta before thu dinaolutioti ia Himlly ellwted.
Clrnrlii'lil, ,i., April 0, I8.'itf. no. 12, vol. iv.
"A TIS3 CONSTANT late from the Kuat rospec-
in iuiiy nnnoiini-va to the cituena of
Clearfield and the County gr-nornlly, llmt ihe ii
prepared to give instructiou in Muiiio
'IT srt.iu UK II
She refcra all who tuny be iutereated in
above, to the Iter. Dr. and Mra. M'Lcod.
advance. $3 00 in advance, or $10 00, if not in
lee. 6, 1858. tf.
AL .Y).
TUAXKFl'L fur naat favors, and rrateful for
future pniapoots, doairoa to inform the cititvna of
this vicinity, nud bia old friends aud patrona in
particular, tlint he hna removed lo the FIIIST
ItOUM in the East end of
TU Firtt Door West of the Mansion Houte.
whore he has on band constantly, a large assort
meni 01 overy variety in the
The very beat of iLock will be uaei, and no
pains apared to make neat fitt and durable work.
All of which can be obtained from the said Joseph
Goon VERY LOW for the nr.ADr anisto.
Clearfield, Aug. IS, 15i9.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
T'HE ondenirned. bavinr been nartnera In the
bu.inet. of tanning, currying, and boot and 1
ahoemaking, at th. St. Mary'. Steam T: nnory, ,
bava tbi. day by mutual content dissolved tbeir
eo-partnerabip connection. All debts du. said
firm of O. W. Watson i Co., and all claim, against
them will ba aetlled by E. C. Shulu, of St. Mary'.,
who hat purchased the interest of the other two
St. Mary's 6team Factory, Jan. 12, 1959.
no. 5. v. It.
ftIIE undersigned subjeribers, take this meth
X od of informing the publio generally, that
ihejr hav this day entered into copartnership in
and can be found at the ahop formerly occupied Jri take thit method of informing their fiicndt
by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in tbit bo- j ,1), Pul)lio 'bat they are ttill prepared to ac
rough, where they will be pleated to see th. r old , co'nrno'lt9 them if favored with a call,
customers, and at many new ones at can muk P"""? 'he ummer months the houte has been
it conv.uivnt to give tbim a call, .thoroughly renovated, improvements made and
. , ... other intensive alterations in contemplation,
firing on your hoes, yonr tpa.les and picks, j W. are determined to devote our whole att-n-Your
log-cbaina aud your pulling sticks, j lion to buaineaa aud flatter m.rtelve. with the
lour sle.1t, your aloigha, your horse, your mare, ' conviction that we eball bo ahle to give eatWac-
No thres year old shall then go hare.
Your spears will wink up then jutt right,
To prooning hooks for overy height.
Your twords too, shall then be wrought
To ploughshares such as fm'11 ne'er bought.
fiEO. W. ORR.
Clearfield, December 8, 1668. tf.
A NY rERSOX (I-ady or Ocntlcmnn.) in the
nited Statet, possessing a small eanitnl of
irom .i to J7 enn enter into an easy and respect-
able busiaow, by which from S to $10 perrfoy I
. be rtahsed. For particulars, address, (wish ,
P'' ii v ,1 i,vT, l n .
k io.u . , 0rth 6IXTU SU rHILA" -
lob. 19th 69 3m.
i? sale. by uu.
A Carter. Adamt
Latft Improved Cora .S'JicUrr Al:n a few
T l.e 2 C!TJ.,'""nT".r ar' .''.!:
1u.t r. ,.fi. 1 .. . .
vv vl "n ih iiioir line, juki reoeivea, and V: II
oa soia low lor cash or produce,
Cloarfiold, Dee. 8, laia.
PRODUCE YV AXTEI1. Wheat, Rye, Oats, 1
Corn, Duck wheat and Fire-Woud. wanted I
At the office of tbe Clearfield Republican In pay.
ment of printing,
dec. 1, ms.
1 important to Lumbermen.
TilV. iiV.-;i.. 1. . 11.:. ,1.1
sons wishing
1 rocuro lue
H US mUlT WEnOSil,
th'',1 lho Pnt for Clearfield County,
I will furnish and put in the said wheel,
on tlie shortest possible notice, upon ap-
plication Weing made to him at his resi-
in Lawrence township, three miles
south of Clearfield borouph, or ly letter
Baaresse(1 10 niln Clearfield r. U.
I-awrcnce tp., Sept. 1, 1858. Sni.pd.
'PHE nudersigned respectfully informs his
cu'tom" aud the public generally, that he
UMJst roturned from tbe Kast, and opened at
establishment in KHA WS HO W Clearfield,
TaV m Asa astftnlr nf UT ITPIf DO ..aJ 'aT . . 1
. . i owni quai-
orevety variety, from a fall!
to a singe pieoe, which he will , ell at the
,BO,t r"
"fully r
A contin
L I ,
Boat reaaonab la nr we for TASIt
At f I . ... ... -
aindt 01 iwcka, watebesana Jewelrv
repaired and rTormnferf.
COntmuaillj nf nal.rntiarrA la anltrtllAj
ov. lutb, 1858. H. F. NAL'GLE
.. . r e -
JnMngF,, n aaremrnt
nor 1:1 ,j
Ho IIT lift flirt PI. rirtv( Atth,
4 M. IIOkl ,k, iMamaihcd i.tluf 'HH
M. IIKI'klX Mm lManflhod
1 1 Ins lila oil nlcn'l) and tba pnMir bciih ally
lliai ha lot Jut M: (rKM lli w.ll
knoaa H '!), and t DUrd It la S 'lr so la'Oc I.
'if ar and Ilia wania of Ida lra ellina piiblln
Mr. II. has had a latna a nn,,'l 'rr
I ti ar . ha has no hcltation In aatini thai his pnaii
will find hla house a plraaant and riraliabl Hop.
pln( place.
lf Hie el'glbls location of this f 't par
sons vlsltinit the Cllv, either on
o.v iwsim:s or rLHAsuar,
It It deemed sll"talher unnecrsai ry lu Spink,
at no llolnl In riiilndclphla Is hctkr known than
the "(Hit Mnttnl 1'craoN." ,
Ilv close attention lo the wsntanf hla rustotn
srt Air. II. hopes to detervs a share of publle
patronage. ;
N. II. Ills terms per day hat been fixed at th 1
low rate of
fept 2ind, 1868. I yr. '
( For tt hut knoh'v ai the (lotm Intent,)
I'lrurtittd Cuunti, 1'eitnhtiniii.
Tha suhaoi ibcr bej; leuv to Inform hit old
customers, and the pnhlio concrnlly that ho hna
recently tnkou the 11 hove wll known atand, anil
that hu hut entirely rt'littod uad refurnished it in
a style adopted to Ilio uizt, and the nnntt nj tho
entire traveling coiuiniiuity.
will alwnya be prDvided with every Injury the ' To demise it from the system wo iniiat renovate
market and turrounding country will a (lord. the Mood by an nltrrntivc medicine, mid in
HIS BAB, I vigorate it hy lionlthv fnod uad exercise,
will be aupplied with th. choicest wine, aud If-' buth U nU'dici"C VC "l
9Ji.Tn$: be 'in9
chftrgo of careful and atu-ntive hoatlvrt. In
Every department of his Establiahinent will
bo aupplied with all tho comforts and couveniou -
ciet tne wenry traveller could dosire.
Juno 2, '48. WM. A. MASON.
THU undorsigncd rospcctfully informt hi.
frionds and the travelin; public iu'geueral, that
he hat taken the ahore houre.,
The UofFE has been recently refittivl im
proved, and newlv furnislifd ;
nAsntENium; and he is ritr.iMKto
to accommodate
All w ho may give him a call, in the nirt
I'leohing und agreeable manner.
II-, 1 . .1 . . ,. , , ,.
II if A everg thing lo render his house a dairable
sty ping place.
ill be aupplied with an assortment of choice li-'
1uor ; snd ho will endeavor lo entertain h
Sur" ,n a manner that cat.not fail to give the
Ti. 1 ... , , 1 , , ,
Tbo liousc is situated in a i-leasant and
quiet part Of the town, and HO expense
or attention will be spared to make it one
of the best houses in thecountv A lib-
eral patronage is refpectfullv fc..ii,-ited.
Ciearield, aug. 18, 1 1 4g- ly.
Race tt above Third, Phila.
fVUT. proprietor, of the above well known ct. j
I taliliahincnt belns; thankful for iho I
lil'eral patronage bestowed upon them the pan!
N. B. Carriage! will al wait be in readiness to
convey pattengcra lo and lrom Steamboat Land
ing! and Railroad Depot. S. t t.
March 31st, ISSS.y,
lib above Hotel, having recently been fitted
up for a houee of entertainment, is now opon
for the accommodation of the public.
win nna inia a convenient nouse.
Mny 19, 1663, JOHN JORDAN
1 The suhscriber'having iaken tho above well
known aland, formerly kept by Wm. A. Mason
i" turwensville. IV, i, ready to accommodate all
!"" 1Dny favor him witn their patronage. His
1 tulle will always he aupplied with the best the
artHt uHortls, and bis liar with tbe rhoicos'
liiiiors. His ttable will be uader the care of a
lenlive hntli.rt. DAVID SMITH.
Curwentviile, April 21. IS6S.
Cnrwensville, Pcnna.
Phe subarriber, formerly of the Exchange Ho
L tel. l'hilioshiiri'. ha' vinf tnkrn th h nhr.ri
ew tnnd. mttmte no the bunk of the river, in Ihe
lewerend nf lurwentville, would announce that
be ia now rcadv for the accommodation of stran
gers snd all others who msy favor him with a
call, Ths bouse is larre and comfortnhlo. and
travalera will find evory convenience neccsxary to
their oomfort Aainle stabling is attached to the
February 10, IS 58.
TIIK Third Session of Ihe Pi.rinrir, r.
vr Nohmal Senooi, will be held in Curwcna
. . . ' "v sni-i m l-Hlnl'UI-
v.lle conimeneing on IM4w tha 3d cf May !
auu win rouiiuue two inonths. Xo i.uii.s
or labor will I.. ., . rxht 1
spared to rondor the iottruc-!
lions as tboroua-h and nracticul .. Tm.;M. u.. I
lintilu .t.i:.... ..1 .. . 1. . ' .
Persona wishine to avail Vr !' .1 '
vantages are requested to be present at its coin- i
Dirncemcnu A Uountu Jmtttule aud I'uUi f.
limitation vill 4. held th. la,t u-rk ttf the csio.
1 . L. Ii. STILL, CbUD'.y Eun.
April fi, lSAQ.-no. 12, vol iv.
Tit I
TnE irXDERSIGXED takes thit method of an
nounoing to Ihe citiiena of Claarfield and the sur
raunding country, that he has opened a
on Main Streot in Shawt .ew liuw, where he
is prepared to accommodate all who giva him
call, and hopes to rocoive a liberul patrona e.
Oct. flth, 1848. JEHKMIAH XOKRIS.
J 1 very ebaap at
BcrofliliLor Kiim'fl Kvil,
I. 1 P.iritiiMilfial il ' a". -rni
Id-owl. hv Mih llila (ltiM
mi vit.aird,
rnk. anil Heliif l lli rln
1 . 1 . 1 1 A...i
pf'TVa'T'" If C TIlMir iwniv, pun i-niri .'"
lii ilienp on any i-km rl it. rn oisan n lire
from ls s'lni V, not la lhte ene w I It h It ny
nut doairny. 'I I'" ' rnfiilmis tain? ! nihoilf
t aneil by miicnrinl ilitenae, low IiViiih, ilia
titileteil or nnhinllhy food, Impute ait, lilth
and filthy Imhih, Ilio llei r"'ili? tieea, and,
a'lote all, by Ihe Venerral liifetlirm, Wrist
ever lie Its miftin, It I hen ilitaiy in thr ten
Hitiilinn, dwrnibin " fVnm pincnts lo thildirn
nntu Ihe third and (mirth npnwalmn " Indeed,
It aii-nia lo ho the rod nf Him who Mrs, I
will riait the Initpiilies cf iho lutluts upon
their thililren."
Its tireots commuro by diTiosifloTi from the
blood of romipt or nleerous matter, whieh, In
tho ltmjra, liver, mid Internal orniuia, Is termed
tubercles; in tho Rlnnda, awcllinffsi and en
tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cot
rnption, which nenden in tho blood, dejiroaacs
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only suffer from scrofulous com
plaints, but they 'have far less power to w ith
stand tho attacks of other diseases ; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
ore still rend ted fatnl by this taint in the
system. Must of tho consumption which de
cimates tho human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of nil the organs, nriso from or
ore aggravated by the same came.
One quarter of all our people arc srrnfii Ions;
their persons are invaded by this linking in-
fiction, and their houlth is undermined bv it,
f ATT)'0
; xxwo
Conioiind Extract of Sarsnparilla,
the most rflcctunl remedy width the medical
, akill of our times can devise for this every
where nrevnino: nncl fatnl mulailv. Tt ia enm.
, Imicd from the ;nOst active remedial thnt have
! been difcovered foi" the expurgntion of this foul
I disorder from the blood, and the rcactie of the
system from its destructive consequences,
I Hence it should he employed for the cure ef
! not only scrofula, but also those other afTcr
j tiona which arise from it, suh as linrrnVE
! and Skin Hihrasks, Sr. Anthony'm l'litu,
i ltosr., or r.t'.vsirr.i.AS, 1'iMri.KH, l'LSTULr.s,
1Jlotciii:.i, lir.AiNs and lSoas, Tumoiuj. Tettek
i and Salt liiti.t M, .Scai.o Ilpsn, KiNoworw,
! KiuxMATtsM, Sri'ini.iTicand MKnct aiAt Vi-
; HAKES, HllOIMY, IlY.lM'.l'KIA, DuillLITT, nlltl,
1 indeed, all Complaints aiurino ruoM Vitia-
ted on iMi-fiir. lliiioD, 'J he popular belief
, in " impurity nf the blood 1 lounded 111 truth,
for scrofula is u defer, nation of the blood. The
particular and virtue (;f this Sarsnpa
rilla is to purify and ref-eticratc this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impoitiUc in
contaminated CtuistitutitiiS.
; Ayers Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the ranee of
their action can rarclv vithstr.iid or n:u!r ihcin
Thrir penetrating pioperties seanh. and ileat.c, 1
riiu iiniKuraic cicrv iiomon 01 me numan firsaii-
ism, correctinii its 'cl'wascd action, and rcMorine
its healthy iit:ilitiea. Aa a consequence of these
propcrtica, the invalid who it bowed down with
naiu or phykieul dclility is astonished to find hit
health or energy rcttorcd by a remedy at once to
simple and inuring.
Jot only to they cure the rvcrr-day complaints
of CTcry body, tut sko many fonuidable and
cann-roue uim .iscs. j ne rgeni neiow namea is
plced to fun.ish gratia mv American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and directions
or ,'irir usr m ,hf following complaints: t'otfire-
I,ta'il"'rn Uratlnehe ntwtiiftiomditortlrrtd
Inacticn o f the ISoiceU, Flatulency, Loss of Appe
tite, Jauhdice, and other kindred complaintt,
arikir c from a low state of the tody or obstruction
' ef its functions.
1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
: . row. tue tiriu cire or
C'ongbss Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
C roup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumpa
1 ii'sfiin i, i rtrt it s nu 'yrai uti, t a in tn aim .y ui via
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Paticnti in ndranced stages or the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu
merous lire the cusei of its cures, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub
licly known, who have been restored from alarming
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use. When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of ita kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues are known, the
public no lonper hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of the
pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate.
Vhile many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
has pained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
Pn the afIUc,ed lhrT ctn eret forRct nd Pf-
be forgotten,
DR. J. C. AVER &
M11.I1 HY-
C. D. Watson, and M. A. Frahs, Clearfield
E. F. DnmiEK. Mosritdale.
O. R. FbSTfiR, Fnilipsburg.
Wat. Inwix, Curwensville.
Sahtcl Abkold, Luthershurg.
And all druggiMs. dec. I!, 1868.
As perf on art h err by rautioned against pur -
..u ai. r..n..:- j
aeribed prorty in the possession of Jno. Be sh of
Y., township : Two cows, one heifer, on.
s unruly "i iiiriiriuii; wjiu iuo Mniuwinir ar-
lingenlf. one spring rnlf, four bedsteadt, beds 1
ml lie il i . 11 - . 1. .. . . V. .... I t wn .1 .. ..!. .... J . A. t
imc :.. r.o"ve. one coo. s'tove oZ T r','
. ..... ,-.
ten chairs, one cluck, oiie looking cla.f, one fan
ning mill, one plow, one harrow, one log rhain.!.
ne act bay ladders, one saddle, one set two ,
l"""'o harness, aslhe mine Ix-longs to me, and
is left with tbe said John Beish on loan only
. mihjeet to my order.
C M.
April 1.1th, 1S59. 3t
V 1'h person, are hereby cautioned against
J purchasing pr medelii.g wiih th following
trail tr follow nr
T 1 mi.:-
tilt XTJX .li5."'!tl
7 ! j-. 'i cone 0 peqs nr.. ..,, , ,
tr Jilie. oiie ennhoard. no. 1.1,1. a 1 f U t-ttau
f,N"'K' c',0l'b"f. PP bog,, one hive
b"t'' u "oye, aud all other houae-h
fumi! or. nnn tn 1. . - i .
Ml y. farming utensi Is ic.. as The .
v sunject to my order,
April .1th, 18S8. 3. pj.
jlHK BOOKS of D. W. M0r.. Esq. having
I collection for tome time, and atill mucn of them
reu.a,,gu,..eit eu, Iglrelhl, laat notice, that !
all person, indebted upon said book, for adverti-:
sing, tubser.ption. or job work, mn.t pj.iuv.sjy
command setU. th. .am., at or before the May :
CUar field, March i, J859.
t? I ' . .
Ifio. T. vol iv.j
FIFTY BUSHELS or Cloverseed for sale at'
ths store of WM. IRVIN
Msrch2."l, Si-tf. irwBsviU.
a a . .. . . 1 . I
stolrT' fm the eoimnhu, , , ' S
li. If
I , on hand a Sarins of " u
t.MtlM-.T tinnK,
at hla sb'-r. and thai ha manufactures to .j
(nf superior finish,) f Sety desr,p, B( . '
hold and kli'lirn fntnllnre, smm,, wfclrk
Onlte and iMnlnn Tables. Mahc,rar, aadr.
moti hnre.asCoinmon and Fancy " It,.,,
-Htsnds, Hsfes. Cupboards, of, f,on,,,
which hs Is dclcrmltted lo dlpoee of at ass'b.
ratea, frrf ra.h, at ihey can he purchased 4 !r
other rstsMUhmchl nf th. sort In th ni
1'e'aoiii WH.Inn I" eiiy fiirnllnr are Invito I
romelnhlt aho. end fSnmlne his articles sni
Indtts for Ihcssselsis of (heir nnalily and ioiak
before parchss.'frg elfhfre, aa hs feel,
di nt thnt he n sH ft.? In price snd aaalii.
N. I. lis Is also peTwreit to rnaks Corril ! u
order en tbt ihm-1ej wofsrs, and' attend funeral,
with a hesrtr, whee esllrd irtitn.
TWAII ilndt of eewairr fhict wit; ks rV
cclv.d In psttneM f work,
nor. 17, IMS. It,
nAVIXCJ largely Increased its circulation, tit
past year, tho publishers are enabled to n,
pend the new and attractive feature of a tenet
ved on teel, each of which will be aceompanied
by a Uiotfraphical Memoir, thus furnishint; leiuj
readers, mt only tho cream of the belt I'tritxli.
tat Literature of the World, but also a eompltti
Illuatratod llioRriiphicHl Dictionary, rommsa.
cinr with the 1'ortr aita of He Quinccy, followed"
by llutjh Millor, W. JI. I'rotcott, Professor Wil.
ton, Churles Lauib, Oberlin, Humboldt, c.
"I say without hesitation, thnt if I could bar.
but ono Magaxiao among all that are published
in our tountry, I thonld select Liltell'. Lirine
Ago. It contrives to touch the golden madias!
between light and solid articles, between mtrt
instruction and mere entertainment; and Srrtit
deal of knowledge mny be gathered op front il
such as every one ought to possess," iVir,c,
from Letter from Henry Ward Jieetitr.
TKmts. Hingle numbers, 13 eenU; yewrriaL
teription, 6 prepaid to any ad drew. Snbsria.
tiont for a lets period it do.ired. Ppeeial tern
to Clergymen and club.
Pablithrri, 508 Itroaduray, JV.''.
8t. no. , vol. Iv.j
per.ont knowing themselves indebted to
me by note f.r hook account, are m.,ia
to call on me, 00, or before, the Brat day of Jus.
net, and cash me off, or make some arrange,
niont with me, for I must have my books settled
up. All partica interested will save costt by at
tending to Ihe above witbfn the above time.
And all persons having claims againat at trt
likewise requested to bring on their account s
gnictt me, as I am both uble and willing to pay
ISiJ. 4t. no. 18, vol Iv.
CloarficM, M117 i,
New England Settlement Rare Opportunity
To all wauling Farnu, '
IX a healthy place, rwtXTr-rivi miles front
Philadelphia, on tbe Camden and Atlaati.
railroad, New Jersey. An old estate bat rect.tly
been opened for sale, and the first divitioa e
10,000 acres divided np into farms of twenty a
cret and upwards. The .oil i. of tbe beat quality
for Ihe production of fruits, graint, Ae. the price
ia li to 25 dollar, per acre, payable in easy qaar.
terly yearly intulinent. witbin a Urn of r
yeait, with interest. The term, are mad. ttij,
in order to insure tbe rapid improvement of Ik.
land, by enabling ertry imdustriotu man tohnjm
farm. It ia now being eitenrively improved by
good 'roadt, and some of the beat citittai'.f
New England and th. Middle States are erect,
ing largo improvements. It is a scene oftb. grta.
lest improvement out of Philadelphia. Sev.tty
live houses have been built in four month.. Pra.
lical fanners and husines. men from the lenjfh
and bread'.h of tbe L oioo are .etiliog there. Il
it an important butineM place, on account of its
being in the midst of a gieat inarkaU Kvery ex.
tide railed on tnis laod Sod. an immediate talt.
The water is excellent, and no such thing at ft-
ver is Known.
The soil it a randy or clay loam, with a clay
bottom and rtteutirt ol manure.. It i. free ef
stones and eaaily worked. Il abounds largely ia
the phosphates, and such i. its fertility that frea
the crops produced both upon this land and tat
large area adjoining under cultivation, it will be
found not to be eiccllrd anywhere in the produc
tion of crop moat adapted to its market
Tbe reauer may he well aware that th. earli
est and Iho best fruits and from
New Jersey, which art annually exported to the
amount of millions of dollar.; tbe land, beiiatt
being accessible in every way for fertiiitere, let
an abundant aupply of tbe best qeality of stack
Lumber and building materials can b bad ea
the tpot at a cheap price, from the mills. Other
mills are now being opened, and brickyards bt
ing ttarted on tie ground. A pertou can pat
a frame tenement for present convenience for ens
hundred dollars. On account of the extentiv.
emigration, thit it tie best course to pursue ia
ort er to get a place to live in at first Carpenter
end builders are on hand to put up houses on lbs
best terms.
In settling here tbt emigrant ha. many ad
vantages, lie ia within a few hour, ride oftb.
great citie. in thj Middle States and New Eig.
mna; ne is near bis old frrrniuand associations;
he it in a settled eoantry, where every improve
ment and comfort of civilisation i. at hand; k.
is in a healthy place, and is not subject to th
certainty of losing the greater part of hit family
and his own health by thoae malignant fevers
which make the graves of so many millions ef th.
young and hardy in far off legions away front
home and friends. Besi es, be has a mild tit
, A
naie ana
an open winter.
t TU... 1 a j -i . ni i i t
I , , .7.. v T . I D"a?ram
i 8D'' ' '' ,h.OM who lmProv' r'lr0d t0B'
pany gives a free ticket.
Ihe reader wi.l at once be struck with tbt aa-
"Hinge, here presented, and ak himself why
the property bus not been taken np before; tb.
reason is, it was nerer thrown ,into the market;
and unless there statements were correct no on
would be invited to examine the land before par
ehafing. All are expected to do this. They will
see the land under cultivation; they will meet
persont no doubt from their own neighborhood
they will witnest the improvements, and eaa
judge of the character of the population, fit
tons should come prepared to purchase, at maay
are locating, and locations are not held oa refu
sal. The nammontoa Fartn.r, a monthly literary
-i..i,..,ni .!,. a,-,.,iii., full lnf,,rma-
IDQ IS 'lulll rl'vtls tou a aa aai awit --
Cfkon t f '"ammonton. -ill be sent to each Uqai-
jT 7 l X, V' I'? r'BU , '
en, clear of all incumbrance, wtic'n' phrrhass et.
1 " l"'V" Jlo.n,d th the landV-Itiave-'-Wna,
I .tract Wharf. PhlladtlribiiL foi- HamMnnmn.'' kt'
I railroad at half past .even, A. M., and at half,
past five P. M.; when there inquire for Mr-1
1 Byrnes. Boarding eonveuienoes will be found.'
I Lettorl and application, can be addressed I'
;S- B. COKillLIX, 2u2 South FIFT11 St., Uh?'
(Walnut, Philadelphia, Maps and informatiofi
I cheerfully furuished. no. 9, voL iv.J
A LARGE quantity of Salt for Sal. at LOW
TRICKS, at tho store of WM. F. IRw IN.
: ! Z
AH U migrate to a mild climate.
3" "'. a"i nne market, tec adurtisemenl y
AUtM3 to emigrate to mild eltMOt,
'P an market. Dm advertitemtni
UammonUm Landa.