Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 23, 1859, Image 4

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    ;A hi iut Ihi i a I
I I p
I I I I I I ' t. I I ..I '. I ' I
'I I ". ."! Ill i'' nil i ,
l.'l, . n
f 111 V I "
ill, I, V. I l
(I ' 1 1 . f II I II-, 1,1 I I
I be I i- tl V hi II 'I, '
I I I . I-1
I I I-1,'..'.' II
ii i ; l sr
uiitl I in
1 1
ri'il In
the p. I
as n ell
llil.l f"l II li 11 (I, ; ,
i he I-1 1 lo i,,i
t!,c I j 1 1 i hill M ii li il
i i nt up, iiml ; 1 1 :i''i.i
n 1 1 i' v. . i ', i
: i I 'v In-iv
mi i'IhI ho i. it
. . i
lift I
tO llii
III '!,' i ,'iiiiui i t l Iv Vi-M" ll'nl
the i n ii-' ; h.iit. , 1 tiiiilri !)(. -I li'i lii-'. in
i. . t l . . : . I l
lliir. J II 1 inn'! m i iiiiiiii tiic n ii ii i'ii ii i
t i i' i i . i . . .i i
In, vn I, ii r I Vi 1 1 i-lliill 'ill 1,1 11 1 11 U It 11 1 11 I 1 1 1 1 1 li
f . I - fi-. A . , t . ,
lit. t i' 1 i . r ii i . in-. . i 1 1 , - i 'i i i-i i
Mdt Mil l '.H ill Ii t-i luivc 'mi. I i urn,
(rrlnin, nt.'l I
lllUSP I'll.lllJ'll t
tin- inoUtui.;
llil.U I III' f I 11
ii. j;i oiiu,l lini. t 1 1' I. ril
i Irl tl.'i lira! (.'"1 in, ami
i iiii In. lii lii lniv, unit Id
l,lie . 'I i Li In ln.iko tin it'
ivav .i-il.V t In
'Ml -1 l'ii'klli!.
"'iMi tl,i lion iii si'.ii't ,i lur
liul l' c tii-ii ii rmnl inmiv
ilii-li n;iy wuu Uic lino u.i'Uini lui'
K.ilk, every out. il' I'm ineiii'ii
Inlinv tic Hinl.K'n, in u t lii'ukcn a
ini:i;')"r of lie? p-'i" I n r ronis. It ivrliiin
Jy c.Jin.jt lc til much u-o to iVrd coi n 'l,
If you lliL-u In vnik uml tut oil' its
mnntliJ, I'm the i'"it- nro ni"iitlis in the
j.!, in'.. ; I. I nlv.Ms I'uliivntc lilaly wlicii
the ruotM lutvc i .vti'iiili il, '.lni li la alnnit
tliu Irii-.lii thai tin- sl;i!l; lias ivarli.'.l
al'Dve the ui'iiunil, tin. I v. Iiml the cut ii is
up littM't )ii:li, I wi.uliln't let :i man jro
tiili'lill llic lirlil wilii n Jil mv, if lic'il pay
v., - I'.ir doiiiir it ami Iiml liim-flt'. 1 ito
tint lelicve in l.illiii': cniii: making tlip
lie!. I In..!; like a ucp nf yniui;' ll.i.'i stall's
I'laiitn) on sniiill I'iimai li's. The ernji
has i;iown u;i into the air win re it was in
ti ii'lc:l to stay, nml it isn't nalnral to par
tially hury it nlivt. IVojiln do it to juvji
itti). so that IhiMviml will not level it.
l'util'it he let iih.iie, it will do its own
I'lopiiisr, l.y spiidin! fortli extra rooU just
iihove the sui liiee, w hieli gj out tind mi
char it all around. I have seen p. tield
that was hilled laid flat by u storm, wliilo
the ne.t one to it, that grew naturally,
stood uii niter the blow ns straight, us n
inililiii eaiitain on (rainiiif! day. When
corn i.i hilled it will try to send out a sec
ond (row I h of mi 1 1 porting root-, hut nei
ther tlio first nor the second powth w ill
then liccoino strong enough to he of much
use. I therel'iive try to leave my ground
nearly level, nml Ihus also snve the loots
tlio trouble of ilivinjt down iigaili to get
below the pullies whieli nro sometimes
left after tlio first plowing. vlinVim Ay
Tieu!tnrit. Wihth asii rim ti i'iu ii.iunt.x.-- For un
pinned surface, cominon whitcwa'-h, up
plied early in tho summer when thu wow!
is dry mid tlio pores cjieu, answers n good
jiurpose, and iiniterially operates in pre
venting decay. Jlut whitewash may be
rendered mure, prrmnnont, needing less
frequent applieat ions, if Buljihato of zinc
(while vitrol) nnd common suit are added.
The following pnriiculnr direo tioni
for making the with nml for color
ing to miv ileMiablo f-hade are pven in
Downinj's "Country lloime:
Take a clenn bai l el that r ill hold water.
I'ut it into half .i barrel of quicklime, ami
slack it by pouring over it boiling water
sufficient to cover it four or livo inclies
deep, nn J stirring it until blacked. When
fjuite slackeJ dissolve it in water nn J add
two pounds of mil). halo of'zine, and one of
common suit, winch mny be bad tit any ol
the druggists, and which in a feiv dnvs
trill cause the whitewash to harden on th?
wood work. Add sufficient water to
Iring it to the consistency of thick, white
To inako th above wnh of n plwnnt
cream foloi' iidj threepoundi of yellow
Forfnwn color, add four founds of um
ber, one pound of Indian red, and one
pound of lampblack.
For grey or store color, add two pounds
of raw uuiher, and two pounds of lamp
black. Tho color nm be put on with a com
mon w hitewash brush, nr.d it will le foui'd
inoie duraMe than common whitewash.
Growin-q Pot a toe e ix Clay. As sand,
pravel mid muck is nlniost an indispensa
ble basis for n pood crop of potatoel, a
tenacious clay must be mechanically made
to resemble such a soil an m ar a.-i possible
by the aid of well-woiked-in vegetable
matter, coul ashes, ic, ie., and when
thi i done, u final top-dressing nf long
manure can alone keep up that moisture
necessary to a good growth of tubers in
our hot cl'niate. I bavo thin had them
grow entirely out of the bill or low just
under the mulching of coarse manure; this
is much belter than in an lire in hills cr
It has been s-a'd that the seed ends of
potatoes bring tubers a fortnight earlier
than the other seed but they will also
be a fortnight smaller. To get potatoes
of good sio, cut out and throw away most
if nut nil the fniall eyes in the feed end,
and plant cut potataes of fniridze for seed ;
ns tho French say, a Iris du eiite pomme
An Amu "Warrior
Old Turin ahlihll ,
(one eve,) the ivell known
Indian chief,
nl warrior, wag in Wabas' aw, Minn.,
last week. lie is supposed to have been
born about the year 1705, ueenrilitie to the
Wiiluishaw Herald, whieli would make him
101 years of aire. Hewn a chief says that I
paper, one ol I'cd Wing's bauds nl Sioux,
and 111 the war el 1 lought nobly nnd
of the commission piven him by Gov.
flark, of Missouri, in 1S1(5. Old Tnrniali
liah takes pre.'it pride in showing this tiom
iiiiisiou, and also demands a en.ivnii for a
i ,.r ti,. i. ..r . ...
r-iiiu v. it,. I IIU llllll l.t til vxiii'iiie OKI
iil'O arrt visible in hia countenance. Ho is ,
rhildish and imbecile, and is but a wreck
f the once lili"htv wai rio'
r j !
.THllnti v " it i I if Auiericana a",nnst the II .;. . t i. j . .-.- ..... .. .,. .,.. i.... ., ,K , u jiersong wisning I
'..-,, .. i . . V ; , , 1 .L munfed in Urndy township, Clear o d Conn- nroouro i ne
l.riUli. ll.MvasHlsoontheM.lo of the iy. on tlte Krie tnrnpike, three mile, east ol Lu- l " ,
Aineiicims m tho Lhick Hawk war, and thcrsburc, containing li $3$ W $ikZT WJhiSiSlI
at!u lor'; iioi,' ,'"'ifii,7 fl0 6IVi,',,'S U'R V' lh:,t th0 aPfnt f(ir CIarr.eM tou..f V.
at other times. I he .To.pivoi n copy v:,i. r...... r-.- r....t .. I ;t .-. :.i. .,.i .. .i :.i...i..'.
(2 Votild yotl wish to live without land lay in reach of Sandy Creek. 10 that the
trial? Then you wish to die but half a timber can be hauled to it in two or three mile,
man. Without trials von cannot guess at on 8lJoJ lcr;?'- To:ii-
your own strength, j'ren do not learn to! Tcr,,uof Su,e cbcaP f"rCh, or in payment
awimon atable; they nlustoilltodeenltoi,V,1,BS",, , , 4l
.,., i i' i fc., . f i or information apply to tho owner on the
natcr, nnd bullet the surges, J f you rvjuh 1 rremisea.
to understand their true chnracter if . ' JOHN P. DALE.
you would know their w hole strength j May 3, 1850. tf. no. Id, Tol. It.
of what they are capable throw them ,
ovorboarU ; over with them and if they
,. il. : .1 : 1 1 , -
..i 1 - , i -n ,
remselves S BW"n f
fi3N'ow is the winter of out discontent, I
rl?.v?7afil0ri0nUSSU,Illnerif J'U
,iay thf punter. ;
ill' llAMM M'MiiV f A t Mt 1! -
i i ' t i '! ' 'I l' I i"i I'mr nnd A
I I .' !
I", I
I'll 1 .11
fl t III . I
.1.1-1 1
1 I ' Mil U
ii ii. In
i id i
i Mli
II i I' I I I ' ' ( II . 1 1 1 '
V,' il .... I , 1 ,! l,, ' I Ml
II l-l II', A I ':lll I il I'lll'll
I II-'- l H I -lllll.t I Im'.iI. I
'I tie fi ii, in, I
I l .hi i , 1 Ift 'il-
, N 1 1 .1 1 1 i , -.
-!. I-1 il,.
ll'l 1 1 ,
III I'llO i III." llll I ItlC -t Mill lint?
ill climate in I lip 1 1 1 i 1 1 , k o ml
FA KM I.ANI'S I i.i( s T, IV, MII.K
limn 1 11 i by liuilintid in I lie Mule
i'l ,e iv .li i , S. i, t n'li.iii i I In- l.c-l lui
. i . i
I Ai.'t li llltlllnl I III khi'H
. ' . ' I
rill if n f.'itil Iiiiiiii
' ' in t 1 1 I il ' if I,., I I
"ll, n 1 1 II II . I II '"'l U.'lll, I IMI III I HI 19 u
iiiu'" 1 1 :ii t , (livi-li'il ii.ln hip.iII lnniii. iiml
hundred nil iini'H til' tln i niiiitiv mi'
mnv sell iiti.f mnl IiiiiMhi;:. I he ciop can
be?ili giDwiiiL.', TeriiH I'roiu sj In J'l
per iur., paynble within loin yems by iu
st iliiu-ntt. To visit the i hiee l.eai
Vine st. n'.inrl at I'liiladelpliia, lit 7 A.
M., bv I! I' for J f :i 111 111. il 1 1 nil , or lid-dre-s
Ji' .1, livriies, by lellei . Nee full ad-verlk-euii'ii'.
in nnother ei. Iiiiiiii.
ii tii L'vmti "J Cluirfit !'l j'nr the fir !.V. Ml.
A. .Montt'oiuory, ith Muuur, 11
John Ferguson,
.'..tin Hrooimill,
Wri;;li I i Co.
Henry IS trim,
Mi-Aliirrv it HiiKcrty,
Jiii,l Mi-tieliiin,
tus.-ull MrMurry,
Allison it SnyiliT,
K. JIcM.isli'ri,
Jumps Mi-.Murry,
I'll li In 11 it Sin,
I.pwis .Vuiilh,
Weill Jt lliekpsnn,
tVin. bp vis,
J. Cooppr,
Kniiiiivl lhigorty,
Doilingtmi it t u.
'J'lioiuus lli-nilprsiin,
M hiiincr X Co.
IaK T: Id'.
J.IIUI'S Foirpst,
Slartin Ptirk,
Citrircusillk i-.rr-i-yi,
Win. Irviu,
l'.lha Irvin -t Sous,
Win. .MeCriJe,
A. Montjjoiiiery,
John P.niiin,
J. 1. Thouiiiion,
li. (jouUwiu,
Bowman 1 Pertta,
J. F. Stinor,
1 1
1 00
7 00
2n or
10 00
7 00
7 00
11 nn
7 HO
7 uo
7 00
E. F. Brt'iincr, Morrixhtlu, II
I". F. Brenner, (2) Kyltrl'H, U
John Holt,
J. U. Umhnia,
M.itthew Forfey,
DJaurd Willimm,
Charjii ld Ivronuh,
VTui. F. Irwin,
1! ieliM r,J Mujsi.p,
lfecJ & Wevcr,
Moore i tif,iler,
Mvrrcll A Crtur,
K ratter & Suar,
C. 1). Wntsnn,
Ocore W. Kheem.
T 00
15 OU
li Sft
12 jn
j nn
IS .'(
7 00
l.conurJ, FiuDcy t Co. Broker' Office.
V. K. Arimlil, 1 1
Sniniii'l Arimlil, M
11. II. MlMIIP, Ii
Ikl.l'llilljJ A Sun, J I Klllll,, 1 1
Ciirli.-lo .f- Co. 1 1
lliini'it i Co. 1 1
7 llll
" oil
7 Uil
7 110 j fcj
7 (10 j tfl
" Hj
7 00 J
7 (Mil
7 00 I
7 HO '
7 00
Tlira Irvin 1 Sou, 13 10 00
A. II. Shaw, l.t iu 00
Joseph Irwiu i Co.
J. Augustu Lacount, 1.1 0 00
Williumson i' Humphrey, 14 7 00
Francis Coudriet, H 700
Mullen i Mubon, II 7 00
II ith l.iijtwrt
T. A. Oaulin, 14 on
3. r.llider, II (10
R. J. Ilainc, 14 7 00
JIusteiu j
PavidTylor, 14 7 00 '
lliraiu Woodward, 14 7 00 1
Union. j
Paniel Urn'iaker, 14 7 00
John Shcaicr, 14 7 00 ,
N It. Thnso iiitoretcd will take notice that
nn nr.nnnl will hm Iia1,I ml .l. r... 1.. ...... tt
Oec. in the lioroueh of riearflebl. on fl.. Uih
day of June, 1SJH, at 2 o'eh:k, 1. M.
tl. W. LOXd,
i:n. Ai riiAit-riu
May J, In, vol. ir.
ValuaLIc Tarm For Sale.
and in a pood plate of cultivation. The balance
i WKi.t, TiMBiiun. The iiutiroveuieiit are a
I'LANK HOl'SK, well finished. 36 bv 24 in 1
Pir.v, arrangea lor a micnen 10 ne aimed being ,
ui. enit-umieu inr a iaimi.t eiA.Mi, navtng j
three rooms on the find Ilocr, and five on the e
""" ' reasonably good teuiiorary .tabling, euffl.
cienno coniain iwoivenorse; a llinvmg young
-,, 10.i .rniw.;Aa r; . nHa -
! orchard of choice fruit ; and a well which
1 Uina an amply supply of the best water.
A I! i 1 . t . : -ij .
Jin Hiiifiiifii; iu i;mvfraic w a 71 Kit CU7IWIC.
dnil ""U' mahct tce "nt 0
llummonfon Laiuls.
A LARGE qaaaUtaU for Pale at LOW
rillCES, at tbt .tori cf WM. F.IRWIX 1
mne c..i....:i r t. t ,. , ... ..
I ' Vi i n (b.,lr Mud Inn,
HIIV I. I ,l II. t.f l,, I ,, ,l, I ,,,(,,.,
I'-i , :H I I I- I .i 1 Ml nil linn In .Hi fi.l In
i cm- t-i.-M-. , il, . ,,., a i,. n .l,,.,
II- , Pi.,1 In It l. hn1 V ii -u,,,, r till f.l X l-l
1 1 I "., i,i..
Mi. 1 1 1 'i
i'l i ."iii- il,
I "I 'l.ihlij
t i'l." Ml mi
I" l i'-i. .'I'l .1 ,.(i i, i li,,tih ni 'i.f
i -I, 'M !,ir in. i.f IIhi-I l , iH-nrly
1 ii ! 'I .I'-t. fi'imi n In, n I, it n til k"i,
II ti n fi it n In ri. n-.i.l Inn n I "I ,M.
I l iiim )' ,ii, .in llinin, mnl ( iil.lm l
r i, I i-iiiv iIim ri i,,i, hlili Is will ilt.pie
n(nn li M-ai,nnl,li. li'iim ri (tin fmne litllrli l
rnitlir liit'l .-ix 1,1-to n il, i-'.univ.
Ili Km Ii i, I ii I, i ii 1 1 mr n,,t in Imint, n.n.
li in i-nil nf . I r ' i n jr mnl Cimi'iiun llnrmin,
PI,i..,i .,,.1 V . .!,;.. u i. li... i
I Ii 1'ii.p. I ri'ni'ti nii.l I'IpIiI P,,.t tl,.,.l,-,,.
liiinnjf, llr.'i.lifiiM, t inirp, I iml ml I'lpf T
lilc, Ap. Cntliin niiimiliii iiiit'il mnl tlnliveroil nl
our I'lnrp ili-.ifpil.
IMirnnry l, l.s.O. no. 4, vol. Iy.J
, rpiIE iiii.lprltMic. Inline nlmiit to tl:,imlv
J L tlii'ir .iirliii iliii, Kvo imlii c In nil iirrriiiin
linvlnjf (K-nlii.. with tlii'iii it y wny tint so.
rvcr, In i'hII uii-I pi'lllu wiiliout ilnhi v, ' i in
kIh. 1 1 time lite liinikx will l,0 lilt In oilier limiiN
for I'tili'ini'iil : tin! tin-; won I, I i,.f,.- im( all
who i-nii nisiiily tin m,, rhnnlil .iiiuiri- llipir nc.
fountfi tel'uri' llii' ili-niilutiiin in Unally rffi'i-loj.
MEItltELl.K it CAltTKK.
Ch'iirflelil, April 8, IS.itf. mi. 12, vol. iv.
" I iss roxsTAXT int.. lrom ii,., ri.
Il i- il.. - !"
iil '""y iinimuiui.ii in me eitiii'im
l ii'iiititlil nml the County g, neuilly, I hut
! Ti'.iiii-J In giv instruction in Mu.m,-
ho i
j I'lAXO, MiaOUKOX AXU bl ll'AIl, 1 it tiii: ini'Xi-n i-amh agi. u w.uo uKH
j Slip rpfem nil who limy he in'prpMe.l in the
nhovu, lo iho Jtev. X)r. mnl Mm. il'Leml.
; Tt'iins-fS UO in aibncc, or till 00, if not in
1 kIviiiipp.
l'ee. 6, ISjS.-tf.
I'lHST l l'lKST SKltVi:!)!
Til A! XK F I'L for iiimt favom, nml grulefnl for
future irimiipctii, ilevire lo iiiform the diluent of
thin vieinity, nml liin olj frioinln loot mirnni. in
inrlieiil;ir, ill nt he hnii reiuovvil t'i the FIIt.ST
KOU.M iu the KiiKt end of
3!hia?ys's Haw IS?7,
First ".!; U'1.1 nf the Munsinii limtr.
! 1 where lie ha on I111111I riiiitiintly, 11 lnrge RHimrt
I I uient of every variety in the
Th.. vrv I.-..! . r l :n i.j 1
The very bt o( Mock will bo uned, ...d 1.0
iiin f pared to make neat fit and durable work.
I - - ---- --- .....nv ...n. ..10 .111,1 UUIIIIflCltlirH.
All of hieh can tie obtained from the taid Jutcj.h
Ooon VKHV I.OVV for IbenRAnr kuino.
C'learlii-ld, Aug. IS, ItijS.
Dissolution of Co-Partnei ship.
'I'llh uniKTrigiieil, having been partner in the 1 will be supplied iih an aortnicnt of choiee li
liiniinphs of ttiiiiiiug, purryiiig, and Imol mid j iiior ; an, I bo will endeavor to entertain bin, at me rL .Mary Meam T- nnery,
have lbii day by mutual coi'eut dinmlved tbfir
eo.partiipri.hip connection. All debt due faid
firm of (J. W. W'atKon i Co., and all claim gaimt
them will be H-ltled by K. '. .wliull, ol 8t. .Mary'p,
who lias iurthaM'd the iuterest of the other two
K. C. .-tlll'LTZ.
St. Mary' Steam Factory, Jan. 12, Itt.'.O.
(no. 2. v. iv.
l.iMiiv lii:iti;i look
it 1:
TUKundernigned lubrcrilier, take thi meth
od of informing the public generally, that
they have thi day entered into copartnership in
sua can tie rnunit nt tlie pimp formcrlv oepumed
10 00 ly Sbunkwiler, on Third el reel, in thi bo. J nnd Hie public thai they are ."till prepared to oc
12 50 rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old commodate them if favored with a call.
I customer, ami a many new one a ran make
it convenient to give tliem call.
1 Bring on your h,,,.,, your spade and pick,
1 Your loir-chain and vour iiullinc eliik.
lour tied, your piliit, your horse, your mare,
.o taree-year olil .nail thpu go hare.
Your spear will woik lip then just rijjlit,
To proouiii)F ho ik for every height.
Your swords too, shall then be wrought.
To plougbsliarc suc h a Ohm ne'er bought.
iK0. W. OKR.
Clearfield, December 8, ISiS. tf.
VKY I'EItSO.V (Lady or Oonileiuaii,) iu tho
1'nitcd State, possessing a small enl.iul of
1 from f J to 7 can enter into mi easy and respect
able buriiiPM, ly which from ti to $10 per .".y
Icmw be rtuliiiil. For pari ipiilnr. address, (wilii
tauip,) W. R. ACTON V t o.
41 North SIXTH Su I'iiilad'a.
Fob.lSlh 'iO 3m.
IOR SALE, by MisnnRM, A CinTf-.a,'
nfeat liiijtmrrd t'r SkrIUr Also few
ileal t utter of the be t kind with a Inr:
o van
nd r ll
b sold low for cash or produce.
Clearfield, Dec. 8, 1SJ8.
J,"l't': M'AXTUIl. Wheat, Rye, Oalf.'rpi,
m. corn, uui-Kwneat and r ire-Mood, wan ted
at the office of the Clearfield Republican in pay-
uieni oi pruning. dec I, J8j8.
1 inportant to Lumbermen.
THE subscriber takes thin niethoU
on the shortest possible notice, uion aj
liliimtion being made to liim at ids reni-
deuce in Lawrence toivnshin. three niil..
soutli ol Clearfield liorouph, or by letter
Aiiiiresseti o lii m at (Jbarrield P. t .
Ijtwrence tp., Sept. 1, 1858. 3m.pd.
TriE audersigned renpeetfully Inform? hi
enstomer. aud the public generally, that he
has just returned from the East, and opened at
bi. establishment in SUA H"S 110 H' Clearfield,
Ta, a fine tock of WATCHES of different qual
Iti, and JEWELRY of eveiy Tariety, from a full
rett to a ing'e piece, wu ich be will tell at th.
most reasonable priee for CASH.
ALL kind, of Clocks, Wotrbpf and Jewelry
carefully repaired and ll'arranrni.
A continuance of patronage i eolicited.
Kev. 10th, 18a8. II. F. KAUGLE,
To all wanting Farmt, tct aJvtriLcmrnt o ',
Ilan"mtcn Landt.
no :,.
No 117 A 110 Pud M nt'pVf Anti,
M. IMrM hi in 'I.', h i is
I ,-l Klf.iHI
( 1 . i.,ir hi... 1 1 fi . ii I. m. 1 1 it n'.il
l,.il .N hl n. I ti K nil N t I'm
t'i.1 fit,
tinoitn llolol, mi-t fi. niii-il lilitfill' .n ii.l t- I,
Hip "CP, mnl Hi ttnicii ,f II lull i-iIii .il.ip
Mr. II. li i" I, I In i ki i i-1 ii-iii p In li. i, I In p
liiif, li lui. no In lh. ti. in In nt nig ll. it lui. i-.i ..
Ill tlml limiip a Iihhi,I nn I iIi miiiIiIp i.i.
l. plni-p.
t'l Hi cl"fil'1a loriilliin oftlilii l,ii1 f-.i .it-
I ..r,,,K ,r , ri,n.r..ii
! V. It iVA ..V,V ( '... I.Vl lii:.
I ().V III '.VA7.,V,V OA I'l. I.. I.S7 7.7.'.
It In itppini'il nll..((i-ilii r iiniipi pn t lu .rnk. j nf tin fnllili)t Cotupliilnt" !
nn It.. Ill in l'liilmli'lihl l bvtur known I linn I SluiH'I.A An Hiliorri .ov (Mr-t.U!Ti,
lll"W'.J I l'i ." ! Kill I'tlDN" AMI Klli rllV JtlHl AIH, l l.l I ll",
Hy rlnp itiit-iiiinii iii th wmitM.f hi riisiotii-' Pmi i.ri, llmTcnn, Tt Mni, Hi.r lluri'M,
rrt Air. II. lu.ppi to iltvcrvo t fl.uro of j S,-4U, Jinn, Mviuiil m Axo Suuill.tiic r
ialromiP. ... ' ruiTIOVH, Mmirl Itl.u. I)hI:aB, Duoi'sV, Nl V'
""f u"n n"a nl lu
low Ml nf $1.2.1.
Ci'in ::mt, ih-.h.
I jr.
reee iii ly tnkeu the ahovo well kuom, .mml, nml
.,., ,,0 mm , ,,.e,y reiiueu imu rcluiuii-lieil it
11 i-iyln iiihiiitcil In the 11
mnl tho Hunt of
entire tnueling coiuiniiuily.
ill nlwnys he pr.viile.l with every luxury th
uiiii keu 1111 J Mirroiin.liiij country ulloiil.
will be iuinilieil nitli th clmii-ei-t wine nml
iiu-ii ore mo iii-ni nnj mint eninuioilioini on tho
... .. ... .,, ,,,
e inrfeo ol earelul d nltentivo l.o.Mler..
i.- ., . .. .
i-UTV tlfllliri Ill-Ill 1,1 1,1., . .1 ,. I.l . .1. ... .... I
he uiilieit with nil the comfort 11 nil vouvenieu
eiea I lie wpiiry traveller could ilenire.
ju'iu 2. 'ii. WM. A. M ASOX.
(OltM;i f).' l-litsr AM) MAItKKT
-XSjA'J2I2X2j S-la
Till: iiiiiler.-igni'il rf.ipptfully iuforum lii
friends and the traveling public in general, tlmt
, ... .r ...v uiMti-r.,
ilii-li nui i-.i
Tin- llni-si- l,ii 1 .ii. i:.i 1 :.
lirovc.1. nnd newlv l'uV..isb.-,l ; "
fytt'tJCTVT? c'tatit
has m:tx loMi'i.KTri) ; and lie i riti i'M(Ki)
i. ... ....
All wl.o innv g,ve him n call, in the most
I pleasing and agreeable manner.
M-5 fs AT rr TP-wmwi -pf .1 1,7!
Uii L3 J k
II tth fifry titj tn rfuil, r hit hmie a Jmirulle
s'iiiuiii jirnc;
guest in a manner that cannot fail to .-ive tbo
ri I.l.lT ATl!l'.4CTIO.. I
The house is situated in a itlcu.Nunt mnl
quiet jiart nf the town, nml 110 exneiiM -
or iittentioi, will be M.nied to make it one
nf fl.,. W I :.. . .
. ,,u., -, ,,, v.. uim. ,v no-
run iniiroiiaj:e in iej.e-iiuiiv soliclteil.
11. 11AYS MOKKu'iV.
Clearfltld, aug. 13, H 5S'. ly.
Itaco st. above Third, Phila..
rpilK propi-it-ior of the nbov well known c.
X Intili.-iiiiiint belm Ibankful for the very
hocral liatronave beslnnid imon llnin ili ,-,.'i
jear. take lln method of in I,, 1 11, in-ihrlr di.....i.
' Warms the nnuiuer months the bounc ha been
,,l , , , . "
inoroiixiiiy renovated, improvement made and
, other extenstvo a lernti-.n in
We are determined to devote our wbolo nitn-
I tion in business rnil (l.itier -jurselve with the
couvietiou that we shall be able to uire saii.luc-
. II. 081 will alwayt be in readiness to
convey pa. senders to ami Iroui Steamboat I.nnd
in? and Railroad llepot. S. A t.
.March 31 IS.iH.y,
THE above Hotel, bavin,, recently been fitted
up lor a bouse of entertainment, is now open '
for the .e-omiuolaiioii of the public. Traveler.'
will find thi a convcuieul bouse. I
, i , . . 1 I iiu Jl I liivl Zll.ll
(FollMi.ui.v known m the Onoti Inti..N'T,) ,n"t''r cf health, when tuken in tin- opring, to I L
CrnWFVSVII I F 1 expel the foul hiilnoin which fi-stir 111 tlio A IN'U lurrljr If rlrclali(,B
.... ... , , ' I hlmid nt that ih (imiii of tho ycur. y the lime- I-l lt your, iho tmlilblivrii nrp i'iil,ei ,?
( (tnrJi,M ( iV, 1 c:ikanM. j y expulsion of them many rniikliii ilisotdcru " '''' miriipllv f,-ntr, of H
The nuWiilier ln'jjii h-nvt In Inform hi nlrt nro niiiped ill tho hud. Multitude can, by "f b'TKiuiiY aki. .i ikntii ic 'iirtraiti, m.
i.'iipioiii I'm. a nt inn mi id i...i,i,i-,. v ... I... t... .. .1 ,.r i. u i .. i ........ .u t... - " r.n-i, v.. ..i n 1111.-1 m u ,
v-ATKiXAi, i-.xtii a;i: iuni:KisoLi nv
XI me
subs-rilicr havinir taken I lie aim. w.-ll '.
Known i.inn, lormcrly kept l.y It in. A. Mason,
in I'urwensville, l'a., i ready to accommodate all '
who may favor bimwilu their patnmaire. His!
tal le will alway be supplied with the best the'
arkit affords, and hit liar with the eboieus'
liijuors. His stable will be uader :be rare of
tcnlive hostlers. l'AVll) H.M1TH. '
Curwcnsville, April II. ISjS. ,
CurwensviUe, Penna.
piie subscriber, formerly of the Kxchange Ho- l'l'ITK township : Tws cows, one heifer, one year
jL tel. riiilipsburg. havinv tnken Ilia ahms linecalf, one stirinir calf, lour bedstead, 'heili
, new stand, eituaie on the bank of the river, in the , nj bedding, -ne ciipb.tard. two tands. one desk,
I lewer end of CurwensviUe, would announce that ' onc ","'t 'tove, one coal stove, one lot carpet,
be ia now readv for the weoiiiinodalion of atran-1 ten ehair. one cbn-k, one looking gla, one fan
ger and all other who may favor him with a ' "big mill, one plow, one harrow, one log chain,
.call. The house j large and comfortable, and one et hay ladders, one saddle, one et two
I travelers will fiud every convenience necessary to horse haniess, aside same belong to me, and
uitii ivimiuiu A.ipie Mauling u attached to the
February 10, ISiS.
THK Third Session of the CLE.uinr.... Corif-
TT .NOKMAL S.llool, Will be held in ('.,.,...
villo, eommeneing .,n TuclaT th. 3rl of Me
next, and will continue two man.h. No rain",
or labor will
be .Pared to render Ih. insinn.
tion. . ilii.soi.,.1, ;.i :. .
ticular .UentioS Bivc lo the art o te.c inr
I'crson, wishing to .vail thcmselve. ofTuad-
Tantsec. are reouestd to he nw..ef .1 i
inpiippmenu A VomkIh Iniiiui, nnd ',
mianfiua fei'M it 1,1,1 tit fo.f ( oAe m,,,,,.
L. L. ETILL, County gup.
April , 1859. no. 12, vol iv.
TnE CXDERSIOXED take, thi, method of an -
nouncing to th. eiti.en. of CluarfiPld and the .ur-
rounding country, that be ha. opened a
TB) IL mn
iaHtyuDSr CHLift)
en Main Street in ,V .her. h.
i. prepared to aceommodate all who rire him ,
call, and hope, to receive a liberal patrmag.
Oct 6th, 1848. JEREMIAH KOItKIS.
TTEAVY and DRFsaftrpn pair.
A i'pi,p-iti I. A Mi'"lv, tn l ii h Vp l-
t-t,' ,l l ti...,-P llir rift't flf,..t1 fillitnli"
Hmt i n ' ninlo It l i 'ii i nil to i i o ii
ff I'm Sue npnnlln, n r"inl'i'''l Kilh r1 i t
nli-iniii p i f Kill jrn nli't ulti nldf . wet
lnMr,.l t HH flVntlVP flll."tP f"l (hp il ".
Pnrt ipitilU t I'l'iiinl t'i rntp. Il ii In lui cl
Hint fnh a riiiirily t wnntpil l.y tli.p ilm
.i. t fioiii Miiiiiiiiih rnniplnint, ami Hint our
liiili will airnmph-h tli.'ii nut mini pimp
I rf Imni' in- neivi. il to thin lnt(j(t i hi nl nut
' nllbclpil fi H'cv-citi'i n. How l oniph ti ly llu
! rnimviiiinl 111 tin It lin Iwi n tiniveii bv km i
' Ini 'iit nn wnnv of tl"" rt rnc tu bo fount
ini.uii mi Tic Dueioiiai x. Di miutv. Dth-
' fi asi iMimr'Tiox, Liivhii'I.i.vh, Kom
ion Sr. Anthony Tli!. ami iiulinl tlio vholc
! clnsn iiftiiiiipluint arining from Ixi'luiTT or
llll! lll.llllll.
Thin iimip'MiiiJ will lx finiiid a prpnt pro.
the eniliirnnce of foul eruptions anil ulcerous
in ,,,- thnmiili which tho sVHtem will strivu
the ti(i itM.if ot cormptio,,,, if" not agisted 10 do
this through the natural cliaiiiioln of tho Ixuly
tv oil alUTnuvo iiieuiciuu. L iennso out
1 vitiated bliKKl whenever you find its iinpuritica
! burtiii through the nkin in pimple, eruptions,
I or jrc; cleunse it when you Una it w ob-
ftruptcdand nhiRmh in the veins i cleanup it
whenever it i foul, and your feeliniji will tell
you when. Kvcn where no particular disorder
?.. ..l t.. 1...... 1 i.t. t
in leu, jiuujiiu enjoy ot.-iit.-r iieitiiji, anu iivu
Imigi-r, for tleuiising
111c oioou. lveep me
in wclli but with this
'".blood healtliv, anil ull is well; but with tins
In )al)ulum of lifc diddered, thero can bo 0
... la-t iil' hen t 1. Soouir or later unmet liilif?
, la,tiii'' health. Sooner or later winiethiiiR
l!mu.t go wrong, and the preut macliiiicry of
I lif,' i ihsonlered or overthrown.
...ill, O - r?
j reputation, of ai'ciuiiiilishiiig thoc ends. lint
the world Inn been egreginiisly deceived by
; preparation of it, parlly becauNC tho drug
I iilnne hai nut all the virtue that is claimed
' fur it, but mure because many prcptirutionx,
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
! contain but little of the virtue of. fciirnapiuilla,
or any thing else.
1 luring late vears the public liavc licen milt-
lid bv large buttles, .rctciiiliiig to give a liuart
nf Extract nf Suiiiiurillu fur one ilnllur. Mit
nf tbi-M' have been frauds upon the Kick, lor
thi v mil i-iiiifiiiii loll,- it f,n- si,ii
, rillili ,)Ut !, llu t.urative prnpertieti wluitcv.
- Sr. llcnec, bitter and painful dimppointnieiit
II,.. ,ll,J il,.,..rii,r,,... r
r "rr: r-
Mirsiiparillii wtiu h Howl the market, until the
l,Bme Ust If " tl7 d'' u'ld W
fsynoiiviiimis with imposition and thiat. hull
wc rail this compound Sursuparilla, mid intend
,0 njpl'ly uch a reined v a i-hnll rescue the
! "nmr -fr"m. th.'J .''"'"' -J"? mih
ujiiiii 11. .iiiu wt 111111K t jiuvc gmuiiu inr
; biluviiiR it hu virtue nhich are imUtible
I bv tin. ..rdinnnr n.n .,f i,p li nvilf i itn.l.
led to cure. In order to secure their complete
Tdirntinn from f V,.. sv.t. ,. rmi,lv .1 ,,.,ld
be judiciously token uccording to diitctiuiis on
the bottle.
niErAHFD by
PH. J. r. AVE It &
1 '" P I Bii uoillca ror f3.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
, won for '"r,f "cn 1 Tcnnvrn "T t1' crc '
f.v"J ","7 of '11"'"a, and,Lu"K -''"!'li'". 't
il .'? mi"Y. ""'"'Mrr for u. to recount the
evidence of its virtues, wherever it hat lein cm-
ployed. A it ha lung been in cimstint use
' throughout thi section, wc need not do more than
' assure the people its quality is kept up lo the best
I it ever ha been, ::il that it may be rdicd en to
uo lot lUcir relief all it ha ever been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
roa the cube or
Cottirene, Jaundice, J)yxp.j,nin, Imliirstinn,
ycluVry, Foul WimmcA, Eiyt'iHint, Ihiiiimhr,
Ptlei, lilmimatism. Eruption and Wim Diteiiif,
I.irtr Vumplaint, Vrvjny, Tcttir, Tumult and
.Sift llhmm. H'oriM. 6W. Xtvraluia. 01 a
Ihnmr I'lll, and for J'vriiiuq the liUud.
They are ui:iir-t"-o:ili d, o that the most sriisi-
. .. .. . 1 .1 1 .. .. .1..
iitc can Hike mini iiirasaiuiv. ami inry are ine
I best .n,.ri.-i.t in ilir ivorld f.T all the imrnosr. of a
l. -i1.,. ' 1
family physic.
Price 25 cent per Fox ;
Toxei for $LC0.
j Great mimbcreof C'leravr
I men, and cniineiit persoi
names to rrrtifv the nuparal
men, I'hysician. St.itp
I'ersonacrs, liaie lint tlu
the unparalleled tiscfiilnc of these
- : rcmedie. but our space here will not permit the
1 Insertion of them. The Agent below iiamrd fur-
I ninh Krati our AMBKie Aimak ac in which they
I are njven; with alto full descnpl.on. of the above
"IS f' ''', ,n trca,n,tut that hould U fol-
Do not be put off br unprincipled dealer, with
other preparation. thr make more profit on.
Demand AYta a. and take no otter.. The kk
want the best aid there i for them, and they ihould
hare it,
I our Remediea are for sale by
C. I. Watsi.x. and M. A. FaAK, CleartlcM
K. K. liiiKSMia. .Mosristlale.
t". R. FosTi n I'nilii-l.urs
Ww. Imui.Yurwen-iville. '
Sawi ki. AiiM.i.n, Liitbcrsbure.
And all druggist. dec. 22, UiS.l
I. IT It ...
ALL persons are hereby cautioned again t pur
, chasing or inedehng with the following tie
scriOeiiproK-rty in the possession of Jno.Ueish
, wlln Joan lieisli on loan only
( suiiject to my onier.
C. M.
April 13th, ISj'J. 3u
A "Tt .V1."1
I "' "- '"S ' i...s ,ne lo. lowing
, ?'"ra V'"ly "l ,he V"'"'"0 "
T" ," . " " T , 2 "" ."""'l 3 ""i' .-V"1
I , "' "-'oii u, one tai-ie, i. .logs, one uive
" coox Move, and all other house hold
' rurniU"e Pj". on '"K chain.
PS"? n,tntt' e-" ,heule
"'""8' ,u ",B ,u"Jeci ... inj or icr.
April 1.1th, 1SJ9. Su pd.
rpnE HOOKS of D. W. Moore, Esq. having
'T, . "r 7 rr'""0" lr elUeinent and
Tl " lm,"ma .,.t'". of thtm
) V,?""1 TTL.'a' 1 S'V' Jj? 'V m,,ip''
person indebted npon .aid book, for adrerti-
ing, .ubKriplion, or job Work, must pwitircly
'n1 'lU ,h "" ' M"r May
, . , .M- ''ORTEK.
. , ..... vu , A.K'W. IIIU. if tU I V.J
J.v"41 or Uoverspl for ! at
9 TIlit i-iiltinnliiirl u-tll lu filllltfl A IfPpflf tiro. I I I I. I I I inn
Mareh3, 'iJ-tf.
.'Win a jniindoj,
IV't fill ,,. 1 . 1 i i f , ,
to.., , .I, t,.,i ,,,.,,, , '
I It tllntl., M,, l,l ,r ,,,
, ,.l I... H....I. I . " '..
' ' I ...,--. I , , 1 1 T
i'""i itii.i i, iii in n 1.1. i". 'ii ,.
pi lift mot I,,( 1 ni
I k.
"in. .,-
ti ,,i, ....... .
ini.n iiiiri,iii.-l,n, , ( , . 11
- sirn.l., Kf, .,( , ,i, i, ( ""H
n in. I. hp
rnlr, fur
I- n. t.'rnn... ,.,, ' ',',"'' '
ifl'ti, llii't ih h
..llnr flnliH-liini-ht of ll,. ,rl tn ., ' '
M imy r.,,ii,r
ei. hip I,, lii. nml Ptmmlni-"
t.i.lufl lor Iti-'insi'lri. of .r v,nly '" '
l,r I , hp f.nn luiMl.y vr- lirrp, , 1,,'f,,,
il. nl II,.,. I,P rpnn, H if , ,,rlr). "
, l'H irPit to mnt,, i- ' ' i.n Hit ihorlpul i,i i,.p, ,,! , j r''
with bl imp, whrrt pi,IIi-, i,,0(li
" A II Viml of ppnir j,r,ll(.c ,., .
Ci'ivcJ in pnympnl for work. ' '
nov. 17, 1 SjM y.
''' ,'lr,;il,'"'''l .Memoir, tl fi.n.Uh ii.r
to ' ,"' . V,
en, .K.roiiii-p j llit II ui-fif. I.nt ),,, , ,(
lllurtrnteil lliogriiiliti-ul Iiietionnrr
cin with Iho I'lirlniitK of Do Ouinp'p'v
com to.
Vmnppv, full.
mo , ,v Hiil'Ii Miller. W. II l',-...,.,! n. .' 7
, 1011, t'linrlei Lumb, Uherlin, lluiubuldl i,
-i ,v without Lmiimiun. tlmt if IeuulJl
but one Mngmine nniong n!l tlmt are T,i,l,n I
: in our country, I thuulii lvet Liitell'i Li"
Ago. It i onirivp to touch tlio clil,.n nu-i
I I.... u.n.. l:..l. 1 : . . ? 1 . '".Oil:
nm o'. ioiiu uriirieg, uctween u.
-'" ". toerc euieruiiiiiueni 1 unit p,
,dl'"' "f knowledge may he guthercd up (,ua
,ul"' "owieuge limy ne guinercU up fru
j purh 11. every one ought tu io8P."lV(,
J""" "'" J'um "r"rX "'"Ktr.
Jrum '"" -"' '.(;
'f;l .'"'I'.er.s 13 ceni, , yo,rij,J
""' ,'-I"'''I"''J J "J ;IUre. Sub.ri,
JKL ESS lilt & rilOCTF.n
ruUixln-ft, 5UH Jli-iHiiltnn, A'.'',
8t. no. 0, vol. k'l
All 1vr""" knowing thenifelve indebted
" 1110 by note or book arcount. ire r,..,
to cull on me, on, or before, tho flirt day of J.,
uet, and eucli me off, or uiuke rome rrnnr.
'eut with me, for 1 11111M Lnve my booki
. nn. ah iniruei. iiiicre.xipu will tare eo.tali..
io"" lu ' "' wnuin ine auuve uun.
',.1An.1 Ion having claim ngain.t mtt
hkcwme reiiuented to bring on their .mountu
, .-;, 1 ,p. ... 1 .. i...ti, i,i .,,.1 :n:.. .
r. """"'!'
Clearfield, May 4, IS 59. It. do. 10, vol Ir.
New Eiiyhml iS tt'nnini Hare tioriou'j-J
ii an Irani, nt (inns.
WX healthy place, tw'Kxtv-1-ivk u.m fn
J Philadeliihia, on tho Camden and Allan
railroad, New Jersey. An old estate ha nii
tieen opened for sale, and the first diii in
Id, dull iicre divided up into farms ol tweatr
ere and upwards. The soil is of the beslquali
lor the prniim lion 01 Iruits, i:ruin, 4c. Hie nn
is l.i In 2 ) dollar per acre, pnynbl in easy on
terly yearly instalment within a ten of f
yeurs, with interest. The term are made si
in order to insure the rapid improvement tti
lllll'l, ty Plialillli.-r rsery iHtHmti tout Mian to in
J;rm. Ills now lii-in extensively impmtrd 1
flood roads, and some of the best vilitrns"
New Knclaud and the iddle Stnt.'H are rrr
iiij; larne iuiproveinpiil. Itisaseene oftl.efn.
lest iiiiiiiivi'UH'iiI out 1,1 I'lnlkiielpliia. btm
live houses b.tve been built in fourmonlhi Put
lieal limners Mini bnsines men lr..iu I lie leng
and breailth nt (be bniun are el tliiijr there, i
isai. iuiHirlaut busiues pla- e, on account of i:
lirinj; in the inid.-t of a reat innrkeL Kvery 11
tiete raised on this hi ml find an immediate n!
The water in excellent, and no fueli thing a It
ver is know 11.
The soil i a rnn lv or c-lav loam, with ('
tttvm and rrlmtir ol immure. Il if fre
Kones ami easiiy worked. It iiliniimU Urirflt
,'' phosphate. " J such i it fertility Dial fm
be crop produced built up,.n this land an (k
1...... . ... .i;,.;,,i,,.. .....1... ...,i ii .1111.
- - "--j s. .. vu.n.u.i--,.. i..
found noi lo bo exti llc.1 am where in lliri.rulM
! . .i ...1 ..-...
tion ol crop inn-1 adapled tit it m irkeU
Tho reinier may be well aware lint tlie frl
est and the best fruit and vpirelable eme tm.
- New Jersev. which r,- annually exporiedt uV
ir amount ol luillii, 11 of dollurs : the In 11. 1. Midc
beiiis accessible in evcrv wav for I't-riiiiieri. hi
., abumlaiit mpplv of the bet ouality of Bui
Lumber and building material can IwhaJn
, , , tU . from (hf mm fthf.
,;,,,, now u-i..K opened, and bricky.rdi W
,""l"J "n Kn.uu... a perou ca p.. ,
-' " ' l'f. '.i con. en.enec
"",irVi dollar. On .eeount of the eiliim
eaiignitinn, tin i t-.o best course topumwn
,ur " ,w n r,are "vo ,n l nrM- -anln
! end builder are on hand to put up boujei lk
oest icrius.
i In siltliii? here the emigrant ha mny i
""8.''- i'e ' "i'l';n Jw hour rule ef Ua
. !'c, 'll'v ,n ,b Il,,,lle fc,u"-'s ,n'1 St"
I land; he near In old friends and asocitwi
he i in a tvttled country, whereevery iuiproTi
i !"c"t n', r""jfort of eivili.ation ia at band;
ln l"-,1"'y r'ace. and i not ubjpct to
ecrtainty of losing the greater part of nil favmilj
,and hi ow n health by those malignant fovtn
i which make the prave of o many millioniof
J' MB "T III 111 Ull IVtlWHO "
- home and friend. Ucsi e., he ha amildeli
- mate and an oncn winter.
j'.uog aou iin'u.v in inr tin leRiooa
of There .re three trn:.,. .l,.il to Phil.l'P.i
and to all tl-oe who improve, the railroad rea
pany give a free ticket.
The reader wi I at once be ftrnck with He id
vantage here presented, and ask himself .'
the property has not been taken up before : ta
reason is, it wn never thrown intoUi. mirkft;
and unless (here ftnteiucnts were correct na
would be invited to examine thcland before pw
chasing. All are expected todo thi. They wi
ee the land under cultivation; they will Wt
persons no doubt from their own neigaoomoo
. .iit- smi w mips ine improvement,
I judge of the character of the population T"-
on should collie prepared to purchase, a "WJ
' arc locating, aud locutiou are not held on rtf''
The ll:ininioiit-,n Farmer, a monthly IlierafJ
and agricultural sheet, cnnUining full inforanv
tion of Haminonton, w ill be sent lo each ioq'1'
rcr and be obtuinel at 25 cent per nn
i ly-Title indisputable Warrantee defdf rr
en, clear of all incumbrance, when piircu
ncy is paid. Route to the land : beav. ti
treet wharf, rhiladelpbia, for llainmontea, T
raUroai at balf past .even, A. M, wid at
n.Bl fit- 1 l . '..on in.mir flir tr
1 I , I - . . , an M
Ilyrne. Hoarding convenience will I '"J0''
Letter, and application, ean be addrewe.
S. II. C01 liHLl.N, 202 t5outh FIFTH it-,!"
,' Walnut I'l, il.,llt.l.i . Mat., 'nml inform"1
'cheerfulW furnished. 'no. 9, to!. lJ
AH wanting to en.iyrate to a M chmttte
(lKl tod, and finf market, tee adeertitfiHtnt V
I Iiinithuntull JmiuU.
To all if antina Farms. MM advert itiW1
IlamiMiJoH Lands.
iA Corner Store Cnrw.nrville jjjyrjj
l!!b Ap. 1850.-BO.14, toll.