A homr Armnn. Clfurfltld County Bibl BoiMrty. ilif rnnii'ff inertlnjr, vf the lb I. 1a . ,.iv orb'ted for Thursday l.vt nihg, tli the lion, .ismes nurnsi.in nni I iiit., .... Ml .11 .1 (ii'O. H. ItiH'i'i'i win winreas me urn! II. Um ber Sw nope will do.- Jon noting. hi Lecture on "Ilio Literature of J, Bible," y l.MCKN'A!.I.Y,Srp. , MAJIR1ED. On 'l'l.n1.,rt,m0tllll.,1,vVni. IV. r, 11, Mr Wn, h. )a.m., ( Mix Held roitnl)-, On Af.!n,.t,lv . M j,,,,., ,y Uniu. Mr. Marv HAr.tHTv, boll, of peunvillc, in Una county. . tHAHiMiM. ii1..iUnil.t,MiH,in. 'Jill; IIAMMAmN n. 1-AHMflt hrnnllbt neighbor. Mr-, il i r otit. Iiixu. -1 ' i .hv..t... n Mi. i .tnto i,i. A Haling upon MrmO otil. . n 1 mv n t.,.1 '' lenltum, ft 1 - n lliltit I 'I III lull I'tHil iililrr i.f Mm tin seen nny nf (hi, ,.lj,.o, null In our ,,.,. ,'Pl,,,,,IMr S1 "I' "" "f lhn..M..,,iii, In li.f i.e... ...... ami wo slmuM not 1,0 n m ti. 0 u"ended Im-lo,. )n stump f.r Ili im-nint Ifsninii of onr friend. In tluil tntorpi iin AdlicMt.. IMiior !' Hi" I'mimr, Ilnin Village Would send una fey? tinnrU of theiu' ,"(,",0,,, A ,,ol,ti; ''ni.ty, New .ter.cy. j 1 ho WMiing ilirnp l.iml, of tin. De-d ' l . . . . r I . I l.l. i . minuty, in one in inn neiu tiiiest nui most Wilt is it! Wo iiiilJisliPil n f,",v U....L. ilolighlftil climates in tho Union, see nt- since, tho rnitimrnnmiiMii nf . ),.. f Oalnl On Tlint-'il.iv 11. n ml. I -.tv...,,. or J.i.r.-A. the .nnivmiu M i s r . . . .' . J M i ' . . . .. . ...... "lK". win oi iinn town. ..... ..." i vaiim t.AN'tw rui! sat.k ww.vn ,of Amcru-nn inaqwni.'nrp is nrnr ni nnp, uns county. v'NK f.vru .ail," wlihli wim to on c ; ' in n ..V V. i ; i . i. .:V " :.! i l;V.T b.n.1. e may cu"cd r,,r ,Iwk5n 11,0 " 11,0 !'. I.y John (i. Gain, IV,., wnllmiwl In th0 A'ew York 11V.. Wo Jf New jir.y. S.-il Rinong the Wn't fr wlietlier nny nucmiu ni rcicurn- "r. Joiinti, Wurvlck, to Miss Srtrnli Ann ,,U40urn iniormocl tlmt ticrxonn wiliiim Auiiculturul iurpoos, l-cinu n lmkxI lonin 1 nqinry ., . in an nniirniiri.'if n iiiim I Ynnnirli in P Ii. . . . . -., r. . . to oIiIkiii t lint. r.n i.r. f,M il... ... . t noil, with n cl:iv lint tmii. Tin Acontcmplatca.iyonrcitn, lKU ;ro,i? the .tory ,n,o boon nnal,.o to aoSSliJ ro7;hcc; i there is painouiin mhij;ii j i-i in wio hewn of tli peoplo to devote nt lonst one ( ... t . Mti u iiiaip frrniiiMiiit inr . j,in)P',r'v " o DIED. From tbo Central Preon. no. liy is thii? the UVa-'v ceiusoil I now s.-ttlinif nn J baiUlimr. ii.. r..: i . t .. . . 7. soured then, l.ytl.e docla-l. ... " ""'"i. J. '.J-A W. HUKX- !lieuli. e. MiK, rt-lict of tl,o Jato Hon. Tliom.i Inml is n farm, mid country hit Tlio crnns run to exist? If not, why cun it not U ob- bcxci-n gruwin. Tonus" from ?1j to f CO tuincd f 'iicr ncn.', onyiililo within four years by in- ' -i -n- ... .i . . f I I , . .siaimi'nu. io viu mu nara-i.i-uic Vino st. wliiul nt l'liiladnliiliui, nt ij A. M., by liiiilroid for lliunruonton, or ad dress ' It J. Hyrncs, by" letter, tfeo full nd vcrtiBcmcnt in another column. Tin Hank that Niver .Sisi-endi. V 0,)jf(.U much loss worthy, and never think ' of few parHErnphs, had lived for forty. 1 the "W, of centering ether wasted. And we five year in this borough, as u wife and ' ,r ,i7,. T Fill l.O TIN TO AVAUIi VV AM. KIXIW .MliKHKI.L 4 ltlULKK'S. T , ' Tl.enletushavcucelebra.,'"1"""5"'''0'1 '3 W 8 nionth and 17 ' ba,,k of "y bo in oxwllunt credit c r L Inmin fonrib. W)M,ld")V . to-day-to-morrow a .mail run on it may Uonon r , close iu doors. Kvena bunk of earth mnv d ml m. l V" ! Sl..towhnw.wouWy0iath tribute some.imei fail, but the lit innvi j'AW ftcurchr" i issued hcv' 'I I, 1 l. i i ! -nr lli lllanllla ware Co li nv.l .mIVwmai, f lintl, irt'....i.... .. , . .. . 1 ... rT.Uuu.uoMlMiniroiiiui WKftni-I.T. i l'.ir.T.Wt'S "cen""7. I ! ""-""u 1,1 Wl IO"K "'-ies of ixsue,, because it redeems its p omi.se., so ,,ur uUinv ware K Z hare, creditable nnd pleasnnt ailuir on years, she left no duty unperformed be. ' .hut cverv bodv lake., Wood S L,.hP,. L J .EUUEI.L MQLER'S. the Sutton s b.rtl.aay. , longmg to the wife, or did she neuloct a purifier. Warranted to eive ,:ltir.,etion. SixUNCED. Ani'rew Hays, who lias 's'nglo lalor of the nmny invested in tlie nrUon for some months waitinc '"r"MB'i"iies oi a mouier. Intliesol A Jii;u I'-stimatf.. w ui (tosetl-.e re ... . ...... ',.i..i: . .t.. i . o ,Y : r . ;, ; :.',', Wnr in Mtirojic rnrrit'd into Alrit n, ii ml SAAl.' .iMllN.iroN IiJmM f, .ilnK ' l i.rn. I I'l l hi" tii ut n Ihn rrMtu r l HithiiJ I mi'l l,nml fUcrU ( in i mr tbot Inn "Itcrnli' ; hi on UHit c,") j .1 l.nye vixl lk'Utt Ll Asi'rtnttt i tvUt , (in. (Itntlcmen'l ' iuiotm, mioi:.s, cjAin.m tivsKiss, sLirrt.tis, ties, tc. jc. i of every vs. ict, of . .,, IM,c.l.l, .U "L PiKtVs 1 1 v V;k OlltiltXlOi STATIONARY AfllJ J Iwoulil roi'cetfuHy Inform my friomli ami tits I'ubllo uoncrnllr, tlmt I krep cutirlsnUy on been in kU trial for robbing the store of Mr. IU- relations she displayed her qualities best, "er iiiinK ot tlio "seandi.ious editor who me ast:",,l:n "oouiing mo aillietoa or Uisiiens ng V , , . i 1 ,i. i..,,, .. . , . b dent ! "Junnik Jlinis'ers me not mire j.. in Kurthatis township some time mrinjr, yesterday plead guilty upon two:"10 loniuless devotion of her heart indictments, and was sentenced to four revs solitary confinement, in the Western ! er 8 noxious care, mid devotion. iwli 1 ii t 1 1 1 it iuui ifi I Icm t 1 1 'i 1 1 I . , None but a mother cun appreciate a moth- other professions. A 1 -w of tlio but mother responds to ft mother's mil- from tie glorious light of dny, and an as sociation with creatures of his kind. men ol Kallo'.'li Is'ono 'yP0 tu'o gin toddies mid liberties with I'e mules, but the great, ni.u'inv nt tliym lire ..o i ... r i ... i . . , mi r . . i us ii, 111,4 us iiinvv.a .illii iio.-i'l. J 1 011 1 uun, ,.u emn.ug er m.o.oi -inou.cr to wanl a trtl0 VUrlAum m trty an C,A .. tho poor," khe pilled from t ho guy i ties and pomp of un exulted station in so- CW Khitors. An editnr. 1,0 livil nt a cicty, to find the objects cf her charities . hotel, being nb-eiu one ni;:lit, the l.indlord I and attention among the sulleiing and neg-! look tho liberty ol allowing a utrnni-er to l leeted. ller's was not 11 charity tlmt oecujiy bis i-Dom. In the morning the un sought for applause. She did not cxibit' grateful lodger left tha followiiv: written 011 the margin of one of the mli'.ois ul l newspapers : "I slept in an editor's bed l.i.t night, For Hardware iro to MERIU'I.b A llHibKU'S. l'or Stoves of different patterns 0 to .UKItKiati i UKlLER'ri. he hxj brugrfii Ui tlio fniry flipper. ALSO Sllsses', Hoys' and C'tilldrou's SHOES, G.UTEIt.S AND si.irrEii.s, or ALL KINDS. 7'oyAi'cA i added a I.argt S ck of Sack Suls I.oHther, Kip, Monty Morocvon, A- ' surtod Linings, Ac. io. Which he v ill tell Very Low for Ciish. 'iy.Custom work ramie to ordor uiunl with proiiiplnuRS, and in the ui-alcit uud uiuat rturuUo lunula r. ily old ocdtomeri and all other, are reapsul fully invited to call tin d exniiiiuo my a'ork, aud judge fur thouisclvei. ISAAC JOIIXSTON. M.iy 11, 1 ; 59 tf. no. 17, to!, iv. Penitentiary. The un nappy young man will in a few days te tnkcn to J. it'sburgli . 1 . 1 ...nv. . . 10 crve out, in soinuuy niei Buuering, this ling period which tho oH'endod laws iemaiiJ, ns an Atonement for the indul gence of vil passions which ended in !., . I 1..J1. .r .1. 1. crime, wuat a. iiieiiiucooi.y sigui io u- im a veunir. healthy anrl intellisont man. bearing tiro imago of the Creator, con- i llt-r goodness in professions. She met the demrrcd to 'Arag out four miserable years '. ,vail,!i f te alllicted by answering them, m th L'lnomv cell of u orison, and awav I ,,ot in censorious advice, but in real benev- " v . ' Tor I'linucr' Boilvra go to For .Stuve l'ipo go to for .Smuinor Furunoos ro Io Fur i.'olfee rouatera go to l'or .Stove briuUvi go to For Gorman Muck load, go to Fur Durtlioii I'ollun, go to For Ilufiiug Stoves go to Fur Japaiiuudware.go to For YVuiion, go to i r 1 .ot Tulis, go to Fur Wiitor CuoUra, go to Fur fV.uliitea Can, go to For bail l'ain, gu to Fur lleed liuios, go to I '.r Luntliui n.', go to l'.r C'lunilior UutLrtc, 0 to l-'ur Hunt ware, go to I'ur Ilnr iiou ul'nh nui, go to For ftuila and tepiki's, gu to For Cunt Steal, go to Fur ling, tlirier rteol, go to Merroll .f' Hi'ler . Murroll t lligler'n. Jlorrell t- liigler'a. Worrell .t liilorV. Jlerrell A llilor'a. Jerrcll it- lliglcr's. Meirtll i liigler'a. Mcrrcll if- liigler'a. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH FROM ni'XDALK, IRELAND!! 4 S tliis aieina to he 11 fust nsro Id more llin 2. one Imtanre, and na ve aro in the midst of j bogua uem.ieral'o oonventiom, ai.d llio vxeile. . meiit caused by tlio Kicklei Iriul at Wusliingtoii, i it ii nut a urpruing that the fulka of (.'luarliold Vorroll A liigler'a-1 would get aoinott liat excited to keep up with the Jlerrull it- liigler'a. i tin es : and ua the fubjeriber likea to keep up Merrell it igler'a. i ,l'lu luhion in more respoeta tlmn ant, ho Merrull .t liigler'a. i would un.iounco lo the ponplo of town and cotiu Merroll A liiglor'i. try, that ho has coiialuully on hand a Large Aa .Monell t liigler'a. 1 auitineut uf LOOTS and SHOES of every do .Merrell d- liigler'a. ; 'eripliou, French and Country Calf, Kip and Slo. Jern ll A liigler'a. g.V lioota, La lira' Morocco Lace lioota, liresmd Werrell A ifiyler'a. ""d I'mlreaaed, with or without Froneh lleela ulau any auiuuut ol 1-roncu anil Luuntry Calf, Lace Loots. Uents FroncU Calf nnd Cloth Uui. tera on hand, or uiiido to order un iln.rt uutioo. Walking ahoea of every atvle, from the Kickleal I . .. - , .. I, ! l .1 1 ' w.wi iu i.,u uuui.ual olenee and nssistsnce. It is not strange then, that a whole community should How trifling the brief enjoyment pro- J mourn the loss of aueh a woman. It is not rured bv crime, compared with the sacri- Grange tliut tho public heart thould beat ficeof inteeritv. clf-rvpect, and in the "itli sorrow, because society has lost aval- ----- - t il I -. cf detection, liberty and all that con-; nienioer, nnu ui.u oc-.tor pan 01 uie .titules the happiness of life! worul. wllOh0 B"1 gM' nreso Who would not strive to resist tempta- ciuoin cxpofcu to me run., gaze 01 me lion in tho outset, to maintain his integ- umiuiuae, uiouni toe ioss 01 one no rity, and escape ft fate so deplorable forj'o t matronly ilignity, ami the nrese nt. und so hornless for tho fu-,'" precejuor in .110 principles 01 social I ! turc? I'.o hi.tmit .l.if.l iril tii And others may say what they phu-e; ! For Allll.rK.B uiister, go to I say there's oue editor in tlu world I Fur irou Axles, go to That certainly take. hi. es,. S'f "When I thoughtof my btimbl.: cot, away, Fur Dior Loc-'.a, go to T . . . , 1 For tiutts aud ii ugea, go to I could not suppress ft sigh, 1 f. . l ik. i t0 i.ut thought as 1 rollou in tho leathery nest, Hvw easy cdtLrt lie', Stra.noF.i:." Men-ell it liigler'a' Alerrell it liigler'a' Merrell A Ligler'a' Meirell A 1,-rV .Merrull it liigler'a' Merrell A liigler 'a' Merrill A li.gierY Merrell A liigler'a' Merrell it Ligler'a' Merrell fc Ligler'e. Merrell W Ligler'a. Merrell Liglor'a. Meirell fc liigler'a. Merrell & liigler'a. aj it0 Shorty. .Merrell oigiera. , tortuivlita of LniL's Jedielne. (itatlonarr. Tor baceo and Cigars lancy (Juoda, Jo., to bt found ' in the country , 1 It viiiliriicen in the drug Hue, a general Itufk of , ilrugi of the freaheat and brat ijnolity j Aao the I popular patent meilieniea of the day, .uch aij Lind3,iy8 Blood Searcher, Louden &co' Expectorant, Sanative Pills. Pile Rem cdy, and Elser Italian Balm, ayer'i Cherry Pectoral, &o. Wrights pills, coleinan'i Lotion, corbin's Piils, Robiu'j Expectorant, Fick ard's catt e Powders. &o. In the atiitionnry lino can ho found an exool leut aarurtincnt of Writing, Not. and Letter pa per, inch 111 S.7ivr 7 kc Xvte, Furtonl Congro Lfjal Vij, or the Uie of JuttU-ei, Lawye.-t dr., Valley Forye ilillt, f r. A!.n a fine article of Port J'vliui, cyeciitlly adtptcd Ij the urn nf Ladies. Pen luickt Muciliiffe, Steel pens, I.eiul Pencil, P.lank iKeJs, la abort eTeything kept In a general Station ary tture. My Ht.-k ..f Tobacco and Ci gar., ii the choice. t ever brought to the plax e. having been selected by oue bo uai sand appreeiatea the weed. The Tobacco cuuaiata of Natural leaf, Cavciidiah, Fig, Ladio'a twist, Rough and Ready eiic. Of cigura, tho vurintiea are choice,' am h a tho Don Quixoto, El Sola, Mary Liizie'e, Henry Clny'a, Sixes, end half Spanish, b., Rappo and Hootch auuffa, Smoking Toliacco funey and common p'.pea and su'uia, Thelaucy goods comprise aueliurtieleii very etyle Trou. the fickle. fc;UK)nl Colub g tso, p fum; .Ilrogan, nlway. on hand and u).Ti uvf ,kif o;lj( J ly l.'W prices, for Cash ir Hid Luslou work male to order and ou abort ti-e. ineuduis ; recoivo cvi,ry efk( Uarper'a Weokly, Frank Los. iiwayi ne iiei Ame,iCtt Union, N. Y. Picayune, Flag cf in-el, near- our (juicni i!uiiuu', I'iclorial, Oleaaun'. Liue of 1 lease call i . . . ... For l'ump Chains, go to jrur 1'iiinp Fixtures, go to por Lrasa Kettles, go to por Maalin Kettles, go to yur YVatlle Iron, go to l'or Vantage Cutlets, go to por jBUfagc Ktutl'ers, go tu por Cotlee 111 ilia, go to i-or l'ureli Feet, ro to ' .-,.r Pin, il. WillL'S. L'Q to the left hip, and labors to conceal this last : j,or ;iorsi) ,0 .sUn( go t- defect. His walk is awkward. Ho turns , pur Hotel Lamps, go to . , , , , , ., ' tor liaru Door lliugoi, go to out his toes, and leans heavily on the f UuU. JIin , , lu fttrniitf Ktiilr hn ntrrirw In 1 1 w u ull-frlnvrxl i ..r .L.ik Cuaiiii'. itu to ' . . .... . . ft . I f. . i t ir.Kiu.v'lunln im-riiill a liiirlt-r'it. Land. He is carefully dressed; but thoMgl. ; -' " uu,rull a A wiiutR in JIi.u;(lijld Word thus de scribes the appearance of Xapoloon 111; "lie is grizzled, cadaverous, and lame in j Meirell ! Ligler'a. morrell A; IJigli-r's. me rn II & liigler'a. meirell i liigler'a. merrell it liigier'a. liierrell iW IliRier'.. merreil 6i Ligler'a. merrell a rijjli-r'a-mer:ell a Ligler'a. lucriell a Ligler'a. merrell a liigler'a. merrell a Uigl. r'a. merrell a liigler'a. por Oram tsliucls, go I ingof the airof a perfectly dressed man. Fu"" lluy lurk'' 6 10 ... . .I . . ; ror inuuure forks, go to His hguro w not unproved by tho cuirass t . llukc l0 which his cuat will not conceul. hvery :.ur u0Bti e (0 mcnell a luctrell a merrell a men i II a merrell a grace ana religious trutliltilness. Un such mothers tire invested the peace Tboit Fishing. On Monday afternoon !0f wl,ohi eonnnunities. Thev shod .nd Tnesdav forenoon of last week, Sena- d , influence more i.otet.tial tor Cresswcll and L.. J.Jones, of this place. . . . took from the waters of Bobb's creek 17 f'0" law, nr.d win to their obedience and dmen trout two lurpe baskets full admiration not only thoso joined to them .f . l I..,. f tn tu'.'i.'it i i .! : . p t ... .11 ...l. . nu iy oi i iit-m isiiaia ne' .. .. . i uy ii o ri oi coiisunciuiiii v, "in n;i no ,,,., . ., , , r -- -- inches in length. What -ay. our friend ol . . ... . f " f t " ocu.atoly. he has notn- Fr spuJ,, go to the llarrisburg Telegrnph. Blair County , ... t. ., c 1 1 linnoroliln mwl rii.lit l-.von if ll.fv nrA ii. - " w-fin.1 .l. ..lv ..oins tho rounds ol u'lI'c,aMpcUl' lIu'' I'as through lifts, ot J ... o - ,. ... . . . . i rvi ' .... ii . in i lb papers, and while we admit that our jcnu into u.o grave in snence. ...e inuu-utep ho take. U studied, w hile his eye. j For erruie. or an .. . go o worthy Senator ond Mr. Jones arc skilful j " "; '" are.iun.pea upon ev-j,can5 every pacr.by w,th ft look which ! F"' lmi, CMUi..i,cks, go to merrell a Ligkr's. , . . f' Sa, ill iiiuiuil J liioioiv. ii, i.-uiuies iiciuiri i ,. .nm,l nun nii,.rmv in itu aturm for ilrnss SllUUerS. EO 10 n.e.iv, . ngleri, lUUSl ClIIIIU lliaiviennicm i...i..- - - - I . 6 "; - ,. - . . ii, .,. in ,,.;; .),,. . pti.'cturT nor soni! io perpeiuato ineir s on. f1" " ' ' " nisn enn surpass tbem in enticing tno 1 - - i j ' Fur Lard Lamps go to peckk-d beauties from their native cle- " nn.o,,.,. n a u iu,Cr e r , , ht,. go to ' . . ... - . , Ii. In nroasrvn t ,ric fanio I ul n 111.111' 1 imsAH . roLH Rl . I g H o lien u ruB niui ., k serawt. eo to ment, Senator Uigler. while on a lisning 1 , : gave her a ring, and 1 asked her to niarry ! Vor codlera, go to excursion on Trout Ii .111, ft few days ago, : ""i'ive..,e.u, ,.a .... pp.u..nru.o lu tt,o then j but sl.o sent them all buck the Fur Bmil Toaster., go to meeceded in capturing twenty and two- ur,8miu I'"'1' "u , tmng, aim saiu sue uuu 110 iiouon 01 meii. luT riesa ru-o g - , - .1 r third dozen (248) beautiful trout , onee cause to u.c ursv.esso.. . . 1 1 1 1.1 1:1. sie.bei ished mother's linn, nnd the f fleet in iav. II this can ue oeftieu no auouiu imp, - a living moiiier s nicssmg r 1 . n ,.i'il. .!.. ..;n 1... ,i:.,..,t ,r uiueBear. Oil, Tooth Urushoa, Fori Mounaiea .......... ...,.... ""'. an J an onUleas variety nf art do. of that Aatura. I lu connection with my other stock, I have i itiihli.liod .News Office for the sale of Veekl II 'tnp...v ...... .. ... I .. .1 - . I niil o,.i;,. (,. .,, ii,,,. ' J I'njJBi. uuu iuu.ll.liy j ei.ouicuia. 1 Will bouts, pl.ucs aud guitera j aud will always louuo at the M.ort M oc bl.op, on id tin t u.. ui-iu o. oea.era aiu.u. i .eaae can , v,,ittl. sh;. 1, ,.,ut:. be found, Uarper'a Gudey, Urahuin, Yankee No lions, Franb. Leslie, baliuu, etc. I will aell low ! for ea.'h. i"rmv ' i'S-Hi'Uiember tbo place on market atreW ('-1 V I JU. 1 marly ej.puaite the jail. ... , , , . , I OLOlt'JE W. KHt'EM, Uarstiiat. Ail persons are hereby c.iuooiicd .gaiu.t pur 1 CU.urfit,u , i'5th, ISil). ctiiiauig or nieillnii Willi a certain white aud red row in the pos.cFiion ut ltiehanl I'anver, jr., and is left with him 011 loan onlv, subject to 1117 or der. LATllK'lC DAILY. May Ut, 13.VJ. ('it ai fit 1.1, May 4, ..9. F. FIIORT. -3m. no. 10, vol. iv. CAUT10X. The ' Great Republic" Monthly to iiil i-t.Lic, Tin: book A.xn riiitiuiPicAL taina,' AND 7UE I'lltil. AITL ban the honor to andounco tlmt woahall 1 1 issue, on or about the first of December A Ll. pcraons ore hereby cautioned against next, ao as to be iu icaaou to cotmnaud the ear-Min-bu.-in? or medlinir with the fullowinir de. I W ,.iiu.,i;,,n ,,f il.a ...1 .1 , , Uig ira. .oril.f.l property now in the possoaatuu of Otto t. trade, the first number of anew illustrated ma. ,!,,"' lluck ! oue coking atovo, two beda and bedding aziuo, to be called the "Great Republic" Month. . .,,, l:,uiu, ouu uo.iS.i e.ieai, ouo soi . iy. u is intcuUul to make this mngaiine 8U liig er s. elinus, onofet qucoiiawaro, as tho same belongs ! pcrior in every reapec'. to auytbfng ever before-' liigler a. to lue, aubjoct to my order. iSiied in this counli v. The i-nnrnI r n. s- SlLn AP.T. character cau boat be understood by its name. It May 2ith, l.'.P-Gt. i.J. n ill be thoroin-l.lv nii,...li,. o. I O J " " . O U ,UU,IUU' ul or sectarian, and wholly impersonal. It will offer to tho writers aud thlnkorj nf this Union I a couunou field, whoro they can meet on the highest grouud of eoutemporary literature. Ii OX the estate of township, Clcoi to hear of it. Sir.ioc9 Accihest. Wo learn that on last Wednesday, Reuben Bonsai, a son of Judge Bonsai of Rraily tp., young man of about twenty-three year, of age, mot with a very serious, and it was for some days feared a fatal accident, at tho raising of the Barn of Mr. Jackson Bonsai. He was t!uown from the building, several heavy timbers falling upon him, inflictii g much internal injury. The young man remain-1 to insensible for a long time, and it was feared that he would not revive. We arej happy to state that he hits been gradually recovering, and it is now hopod that he it nenrly if not quite out of danger. Covet, Commenced on Tuesday morn ing, and is still in session. Hon. James Burnsido, arrived on Monday evening and in the niorning following took his seat upon tha bench, along with his Associates, looking very well, nnd proceeded to busi nest in his usual prompt, hut quiet and fentlemanlv manner. But n few causes have as yet been disposed of, but those ere of importance ond occupied consid erable time. We shall give a full report thereof next week. We need not seek further to disclose the virtues and noblo goodness of the dead. W need not allude to tho title of matronly honor whiehshe enrned while living, nor need we point ro tho promise which ensures her a glorious position a mong the exalted in Heaven. These are engraved on the hearts of her neighbors. Her memory, like the suushlno, w ill flash on those who have known her, every mor ning. Her character, like the broad light of day, w ill always be loved. And in the recollection of her gentler attributes, men ond women will often bask as they recline in the holy, quiet light of evening, Alns for the mother's w ho are leaving us! And alas that the generation which begins lo take their place, gives so small a promise of so few like them. Literary Notices. The Wa veulv Novels. Tho enterpru-. i:ig publishing house of Peterson k Broth ers, 300 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, continue to send as fa-st as published their elegant uniform cd tion of the novels nnd romances of Sir Walter Scott. Tho scries 1 told her I'd oceans of money ond goods, Fcr Lusting c-puoua, go to tried to frighten her with a prowl, but slio lor 1 aui..,s. answoiedshe wasn't brought up in the : "r Ji'Xiancta, go to woods, to be scared bv the screech of an j nUrindora, go to ow l. I called her a luggago anil every-1 Ko, CorD shdlcra, go to thing bad ; I slighted her features ond I pr saw Uuages, go to form ; till ut li'iv'tli I sueceeded in cot 1 r..r I 'asters. Koto ting her mad j and she ruged like ft sea For Family Grindstones, goto uicrrel. a in a storm. Ann men in a moment i i.or MisxcllancouH Articles, io to turned and srniloa, ana called her my nn-i eel and all : she fell in mv arms like n : For Coal Oil, co to wearisome child, nnd exclaimed, "We will ! I'or Coal Oil Lainpa, go to marry this fall." merrell a liigler'a. merrell a liigler'a. merrell a liigler'a. merrell a Ligler'a. merrell a Ligler'a. merrull a liigler'a. merrell a U gler'a. merrell a 7,'iglcr'a. merrell a iglcr'f. merrell a Liglor'a. merrull a ,'igler's. merrell u liigler'a. j morrell 11 7i'igler'a. ! merrell A Ligler'a. ' merrell L'igler'e. r I...I..H-. n - Administrators' Notice. LKTTMtS OF ADUlXJXTIiATIOX John Stimirt. Into of I'enn "i" iui ,u gather abour it every variety of intol- ur field county, deceased, hav- i lad ing been granted to tho undersigned, ull nerauna 1 iue range of articles willbeawidoi.no, eov. bin ing burinoss or dealings with the said estate ; "ingi among other grounda, Essays, Sketcboa, aro requested to make luiinc.liuto settlement Lumber City, May AMOS IULK, Adin'r. 2ith, UJ9. NOTICE TO BUILDER J. lluiuerous Tales Stories, Historical Incidents. Reviows, Critiqi i's, Lingraphios, Soieutifio Ar ticles, Travels, Tablo Talk, Dramas, IncidonU.' I'olitics, Poems, Unllnds, SUinias, Sonnet., Mu- 1 sic, (..orri'spondonco. Gossip, e'o., eta., tie. ti, M..., -;n i. n...r 1. in.. ....... 1 I jiiv ...'.t,.c nu, ,,v ,IV.U-eiJ 1..U3U . LU Scaled proposal will bo receivod by tho nuiler- j ihe highest stylo of wood engraving, aigned, until the iiat'i of June, 1 SOU, fur the ' The Literary department will present g eater houl lluuso in l'cun tow utlup, the raricty, coinbiniMi with more lb Jruiigh excvllenee. plau Mid fpecilaalujiia of which may be teeu at lit Is ocliered, than ever pcfore offered lo the A- moricun puiilic in a siugle periodical. The fol lowing authors and popular writers aro included' in the list of contributors engaged : Geo. D. 1'rentias, Charles Swain, Fiti Green Hal ock,' A living Faith. In npuplio school .n New York, a short time since, on an alarm of fire, a terrible pain ensued, ond many of the scholars wera injured by rushing to For Gaa Chandeliers, go to For Diuucr bellf, go to I For Tea bells, go lo F'or Gram Ciaoles, go to For Ploughs, go to For fcide iiill Ploughs, go to For Road Scruiaera, go lo iViglur'e unv time, ut my office iu Peauville. Merrell if Ligler'a.' 0 " c u . ' . merrell a fliglcr's. Secretary Pruu fcohool Board, merrell 0 Ligler'a. J"u0 '" l'- - addrea. Grampian ililla Ligler'a, NOTICE. tho doors, and one of the teachers, a young for Sand Screena, gu to lady, jumped from a w ndow. Among the i f fv'i'M 8 t0 liui dreds' of children, with whom tl,.; gft .p, to I....I.1.HM ... n n . . . . n 1 1. 1 nrrnt 11. a I .... , ,n . .... iMiuuing nr. uuu i, .... ...n ... , Fur uiuvcr nailers, go 10 the rchool, who through all the fiiohtful j pur Lau,p (-hudes, go to scene, maintained entiro composure. For Spelter, go to The color indeed forsook her check. Her For Sheet Stink, go to 1 Tl.n Ioiim utno.l in I.fovm ' For Fruit Cnna, goto but she moved not. After 01 dcr had been j restored, and her companions had been brought back to tlit.ir placos, the question merrell a . llioifeu a uigicr a, j Worrell a ingiert, 1 merrell a Ligk-r's. T ETTLR3 of Adininistrntioii having been this merrell a igler'a. f day griu.teilo the undersiigned on the estate merrell a Ligler'a. of llalpb Ca'-ipbell, lute of Union tuwuship, de lucrrell a Ligler's. , crated. All persons indebied to said estate will meirell a Ligler's. muke immediate payment, nnd those who have merrell a Ligler's. claims will present them duly uctheuticutod to merrell a Ligler's. L.. J. Cruns, Esq., Cloa,rAeld. or lo me. merrell a Ligler's. W.U. F. JOHNSON, meirell a Ligler'a. Union tp Juno 4th, 1319. t)L merrell a Ligler's. I merrel Ligler'a.! -pi ISSOI.UIIDX OF PAKTMCKSHIP. merrell a Liglor'i. The partnership heretofore existing between merrell a Ligler's. j u. M'Kim it 11. Kerns, is this day dissolved. merrell a Ligler's. . 'J-bo business liercaftor will be curried on by For Old Dominion CoUecpots, goto Henry Kerns, iu whose haudi the bonks of the merrell a Liglcr s, ;fir, will remain. Couulry produce taken Into exchanges ; Also, Juue 1st, 1813. II. KERNS. was asked her, how tho came to sit so'still 1 ud Cupper, Lrass, Cast, Metal, Ac. .parent alarm, when everybody MI-.RLt.LL A ligllh. without apparent else wtis in such a fright. "My lather," said she, "is a fireman, and he told me if! there was nn alarm of firo iu the school, 1 must sit s'.ill." Clearfield, June fi, 1S59. tt I will comprise nil his proso works of fiction Valcable Heal Estate. We neglected: to the number of twenty-six volumes, all lutweekto call attention to the adver- in uniform style and completely adapted tiiement of Jas. K. Boak. Esci.. who is the 'for hindinir. They will be sent for Tumps ! Pumi3 ! ! I'umps ! ! ; rpUE undersigned would respectfully n 1 J. nounco to the citixena of Clearfield county that ho ha coinmenoed the above business in DISSOLUTIOSr or PARTNERSHIP. i "VTIOE i" hreby given that the part 1 nersliip heretofore existing between James Million and John Julson, in the merchantilo and j lumbering business at Mulsonsburg, in Coving ton township, Clearfield .county, lias been dis solved. June C, 1869, A Cocxtbv Laut os ViRTtE. A corres pondent of the Vincennes Hun, writing lrom a villiico in Illinois, snvs: I asked an Old Indy Ot the Ohurcll, 111 . nliore lie intends to keep on hand the best articlo confidence, if she really thought a "dis- !f purup kind. Tbey are not made outofiruii, I virtnous" woman would become virtuo-JB ! cor.psr, link, or galvanized chain, but of tho very i . . . . . i ..vpiiniu mvp L. .1.. ;.. by joining tho church. She je.kea her cap ituw. . .I', '...; ,. ,7. "." iiisiouiltrowrtj in the Do.session of gent for three thousand acres of valua-! cents per volume, or tho entire sett of 20 , border, adjusted her "specks," and said, "V" eliaulcfcpump DOw in use, I lavcr, jr. : One white and I lack c CAUTION. VLL porsous are hereby cnutloned against puro .using or medliug with the following tls timber lands near the mouth of Great j for $5. This is the best opportunity wej ";. ' h pes ky men wou Id let her met with of obtaining thesej"1""0 !" And I believe she is right. loshannon Creek. These lands ore heav- Lave yet Ut rimYiArorl nnl oka AmnniT flm Lest in nrh rrininlete. The orice bcilic much " " I , , . . ,! JAMES T. LBOSAnD. the couulrv. AVe know of no better op-1 lower than ever they have been oilercdW1( 4 mihtACt. Richard cow, one sprinir culf. five hogs, one cooking stove, one bed , and bedding, one tublo, and one oluck, wuicb I Dr. A. M. Hills, Clourfiold SCI . - - 1 t. auo ou.y t-u.p - . --""a. Ltl,her,burff. , purchased at conaUbl. a.:., and 1. left wilh lb. A. riHSET. c. ris.iEr. portunity for investment, nnd no moro,by any publishing house in America or gentlemanly individual to deal with than ' elsewhere. Those who desire these works should not let this opportunity pass wiin out obtuining thorn. Remember, 25 cts. per vol. the tett of 20 for $5, or two cop. ies of each for $9, soul ta any part of tho rriilod States fret cf putaae. Address T. Mr. Boak Tan weather since we last recorded its condition, has presented its ueual variety ; et and cold, however, prevailing. Dur ing the latter pijj;t of last week the atmos yherswosat times quite chilly and oon idernbla rain fell. The present week, tki far, has been more geni.d, but fully as moist as its predecessor. Still there is an absence of the sultriness usual at this sea n of the year, exceedingly agreeable to persons who don't like hot weather. For all sore and painful diseases, such M Neuralgia, Sick Headache, riles, Tuln the Breast, Cramp in the stotpnoh, &c, use DU VALL'S OALVAXIO oila. It "ill give relief in from fivo to thirty minutes. B. Peterson & Brother, o, juo '.hesnut Street, Philudeljihia. Millkttc't Illustrated MagMiM.-lhi month ly magazine of tho fabhions, published by M. A. Milliet'e, No. 320 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, fr July, has been roceivod ViiinlnniT anb CoIIcttioit (Office or LEONARD, FINNEY &Co. CLEARFILD, CLEARFIELD COdXTV, PA. The Icaat liable lo get out of ordor of any pump in use, Lever Flcgnl, LutUer.liurg. Works excellent In a forty foot wull, Jus. Caldwell, Pike tp. A gocd and reliable pump, I'hos. RafTarty, Penn tp. All orders addressed to the subscriber at Cur- weuaville, will be promptly attended to. j. w. ruiitn. Curwensville, June 1, 1859. and is an elegant number. low$l per annum. sills orixcsAsoE, sores aso Diurn dismasted DEPOSITS BUClilVIil), Colltetionitnade, and proceeds promptly remitted. r.ichaiige on tbe Cities constantly on hand. MJ-Oflioe on Market .treot, opposite the reii . . a i f . .. FOR SALE OU KENT. The price is ivfet 0, jB1. B. Graham, Esq, tnn Farm, tet advertisement ofi . .. ... i n i ......-.- Ths Mite SociEfr couunMps m m moui. jjammont(m Lands, ishing condition and hold, its mcetings( .. nkn .dace at the residence of U. W. Mooro, , , , . W.M. IRVlX. said Richard Dauvcr, Jr., ou loan only, mhjvot to my order. RICHARD DANVER Een. June 1st, 1S59. Ste Msr.27's Sittsaaa Facstir, Jam akv 20th, lfo9. 1CLLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that Jacob J. Storer, of Portsmouth New Hampshire 1..1..U ;t ;!,.,!. .1., I, in. and E. ('. Klnilll. Ii... 'h is day entered into Co-Purtuersbip in the of TAXXISG, CVRRYIXG, BOOT SHOE .i vrr 11 .1 llXKkS f. Kixa - . . r .1 J" .......... w, I lib sunscrioer oners ins iHrm fciuian-u .... . . , . ... in lrrS& 1 " acou-t'stoeh4 containing some two hunched and forty gleftm T.n in Su MEr,,, Elk count Pc,fn. acres with about seventy-five acres cleared tyWhoill, xhey bop(, by their long experience with house, barn, young orchard do. in business, oud tboir dealre .to please the public, thoroon, for sale or rent on reiutonuble tbattoey will receive a part of the publio patron terms. Enquire of the subscriber soon. ! ge. Lumbermen and others, who desire a good Possession given at onco. I article cf 13 -jot. aud Shoes, will find find it grcat- tv, I'tlHTFT? ! ly to their ivantge to call and get gooj bar- gains, nf wo are uetermineu vi riu as low as i leather, or bouts and shoes ran be had in Phila delphia for ru:b er biJis. .VjI i-r-ieri promptly Chas. J. Inzeraell, Oreslel A. Lrownson. Gen Geo. P. Morris, Nathaniol Deering, Hon. Chai.' fiaynrre, Wni. flilmoro Simms, Park Benjamin,' Hon. Albert Pike, of Arkansas, Abbe Adriai.' Loquotte, nun. R. X. Conrad, Itor. Ralph HoyL Saba Smith, (Jack Dowuing,) J. T. ileadley,; etc., comprising a long list of writers, among whom aro many of the most popular in tbe coun- tnil-'uch number will contain an original piece of yriisio eomposed expressly for this work. Of the su.pe.rior exeoilonce of the Magaiine in' every respect, and of tbe certainty of in perma nent suseess, very little more need ba said. Tbe terms and general conditions of the Mag aiine will be as follows : , . Teiimh There will be two voluroea si' year, of. about 700 royal octavo rgc each, commencing in January and July, and ending in Jane and December, respectively maklnff six' numbers to' each volume, and twelve numbers to each year.' Subscription! may commonoe at any time. Sin gle copies, 25 cent; subsciption, one copy one year, sent by mail, $3 00 ; clubs, two copies one year, $5 00 1 clubs, three copies one year, $7 00 ,' clubs, four copies one year, $9 00; clubs, fire cop. ios one year, $10 00 : and all additional copies over five, nt the rata of $2 00, if sent to tho same' club. Club may bo formed at different post offices. All subscriptions ir.ust bo paid in ad vance. Premium Subscriptions entitling the, subscriber for ono year, and to' their choice oi oithor of our tw'o groat steal engravings, entitled 'The Last fiipper," and "The City of If,,' Great King," Four iMillirs. The engraving will be sent on rollers ty mall,' prepaid. Agents and canvassers can make liberal and' satisfactory .rrangemonts upon application, sta ting the territory required. All postmasters and' clersfiymen are authorised to receive subscription which they may forward to in, giving namo aad address of subscriber, an J deducting 25 per cent, for their trouble. Tha rata of postage will not, exeeed three cents tor each number, to be paid in all casos at the office where It is received. All communications to be entitled to answer, rutin contain return stamps Subscribers must in all cases write Names, Town, Coun y, and State in' (full, as legibly as possible. There is little risk' in sending money nv man. i,urge sums snouiii Ibe remitted by draft; ll" possible, or registered' etter. OAKSMITH A CO., Publialie-i of the "GToat Kcpublio" Monthl' ,' 112 and 114. William Street, New York. LAB00 AND SHILLIAXT WeeSLV SelVNI'iriR. Clearfield, Clearfield County, lu. " I AKR1AGK CERT IF! CAT ES Liana form, . attendee; io.. 1 i I for ealo at the office pf the "Clearfield He- ublican." fno- 2, voL Iv. JACOB J. STOKER, Oo. CLEARFILD OAS COMPANY. A preliminary meeting for the organiiation of f the Clearfield Gas Cnrapay will be bold a' lbs Court Hons in CelarSeld ou Saturday tbo 4th day c.r Jims l W, nt So'clock P. M. All ciuiana friendly to the Droiect are desired t b. in attvndanoe, as sororai olersfor tbe creation uf the work, have boon had, and important busiucse' will be transacted. JOHN ATHAN B0TSTCN, 1 SAMrf'KL MITCIIELL, ,Com. WM. A. WALLACE. May 20tb, 1j9. Es1f on next Tuesday evening. j 18th Af W9.-to. Ii, to1.1t. I '