Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 23, 1859, Image 2

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flit VujMiMcui:
1 I y I' ' 1 Hindu till Ir liini'h 1 ' M J'Ml'l
1 1 1 c nil ii t H lui'takn i r . f'tii'l I iT ""inn
I. in. I, i i In r I n-( . i"'ti r r, w r Mi nim
of f i '.i Inii'rt of ,'"11 ""it I"'
i ntiiK i -xl. nutted, or llic i hemes of selnrt
Convrhlii.'n of IhlegMm
" .. Ir- .... .
vMV''OVy( V rt-KI.M dorr., or imt liktdjr
..'V.ili.' vV'. j '(J "V jlx.ih. Hm-o (In ii, howeier, new rut
(P t'K V' ''V?VrV "ill'' I" 1nV d.t lir-1 ttpoll Tike' IVnk,
l'V''A ''If rj(' ' ' Vi !Mul "," "'r,"t dieowrie lili.-nto mine.
'V Vjr f ''f tt most unexampled rh-lme with
V. - r.J ;,'',".. . .T " the voids v
prciilltiMIHi(1llirI left
y,i, 1 1 n ..,,,!!,.. (.,. e 1 '" W '.".I 1 1...--! nil lhn ..,r ..-
hint It. r....nii..ii nnd icoh-i.l.r II... I-M"ll" In We.f,.,,, IMuMjULMirt, rrtu
v'ugi mMcih id fioniii.nlih! t-ntxli'lnl h tli" int amrcily of fi nln, and tprculri.
ii. .,,.1 il...i. ,.,.. I d, I'Mi anticipated IhiiiU'iiin I'l dltt. M"'
-i hi; uiiv I Mi i
I tktnin I'niM. I,. low ) I hum
. 'I lii li mil' liln Al.irlo Siijim. Il
I r
f.i the lth lntMit, "
i. . . . . i .ii t i
Hi In-,
l tliio
f ft,
i; CP
(' llon-Mi, ll.i- 1...r..MMli. fit Tur-l-V ' XV -'" .V,M.i,;,rKiv.-tlio following ,il nil.,;, l-mlid l-t nl
,. , " im hi.lii i.iina li-inr. r r,f llio i roi In nl li t-i'iIvi.'i miii' l. nr ilnv liii' .'.
.wi.i.i'4. Ili. m Imn iMun iik r..r ,,.'. in huim u.o n i r i i hp A ,,,,., ,,,. , I...H loul.t i.'"r Mi-
i nn Inn. n, r. Mini Hi" jTCM'til i) slnu ol ' '"" ''0,,l,,' " ,in, in w l.i''li tl.' Aifli i""i t 1 I - -1
i.nn.i.mi;,,,. Il,ivi mum r,.U, i,. i,,n ' "',,,, ,1iri",,!l l",r' ,",mm1 ill. 1 1.0 lo ol , '' (A"m Kill.'l III. 'I
CLEAKFlF.t.H, Juno 22, IS.V.'.
of nrccRR : tlmt ii
nre nny iiievo rt lin'ili than furinrr ohm, i
which lmvo no fivijiiontly mi'l iliicotlyl
contiM'lii-tfil ouch other. Tosiihly tin"!
iu.ii.iimli.iLM.tnl lliiowt M0 r.-lt i.'lioi.s , i'fk'" '"1' .ur iu.m-h on (ih , ,,,,,
o.m..nltl..MniMl...,ri.n,i;?,.(,.lionin...l M'W"""'""' " "'""".V o! .irn,, mm nm. ,,,,,,,, .... , ,,,
... ..i....t 'on Iminl nl JUiM.'i Mill. In tl.o imI of I iv Attrtati vo Ulwn
fl'l l ituiu nun, 4 1111 nils IllUHll Ili'UT ,
it nil in iiii'1i iHvoiii.M i. . I V nL-ton coiintv. nlxnit cielv UitH 1" :r . .
Mliy III lliu lUM'iiiinnu ui i')iiiiiuiiti(; nir r: Iho I' rrlU'll 1"
isiin olnlfiliil tiM-lvi! thou-
:V.vfor. rounly fyMoin; 1ml wo think ol'r- " ,,n,,,i u,e,' ,VI
doiik- nltornttonit or mo.lilirali.ini couM 1'" tt lltil1 or "'K'"". i The Aimlrinn linve rvaniai.'.i .nni.n.
lmvn1.f-nili.troilii.-nl that ivniihlhiivuhi '"'! Fllltrrnin nuked $13 lrr Ll.irrl for M-.i i.M) M il'AT-H.
or riiiLAiiELi'iiu.
or i'kanki.iv coi'stv.
Tho Supremo Court of Ohio.
The dcrkion of the Sujircino Court of
Ohio in the Ohcrliu Slnvo rescue casn, fur-nii-hos
an evidence of two things, first that
Homo men can ho misguided ftnd fanatical, ;
ii ml yet if they nro honest nnd conseien
cioui", will do their duty even nt tho ex
pense of their own prejudices ; nnd bcc
ond, that tho present leaders of tho Ho
jiublican party havo no lecpeet for the
Constitution of the United .States, nor
for nny man w ho obeys ils requirement,
no matter how high tho obligation by
wkieh his bound to do bo.
The nbovo case was ono w herein a iium
ler of citizens of Ohio attempted to rescue
a fugitive slave who had been recovered
by his master, in violation of tho laws of
the United Stales, nnd upon Wing arrest
ed, by the U. S. authorities were brought
before tho Judges of the Supreme Court
upon a writ of Habeas Corjiua, and asked to
I)AVN f"r full nmrM In Hit Irin City r0.
If-HP, llifi Int R-t r. ml flfinlrly 'ltMnli.H
mill tft "ijniiKtil t'liminfrclnl Kihoul la (,(
I nlli'.l I-lnl".
37.ri Students
' I'iiiiiI tini" to c i in o full en.irir, from I k
III wci)kii. Kvrry Snid.-tit, ii)n (jrmliuiinj, t
next news may eonllnii theio recent ta- La(islrlory lo tlll. pnrtv A eo.inty com- his. On hint I'ndiiy somo fifty prisons Til E DAI I EE Ol MAO EN I A. ,;f , bu,ill01,, ,, ,iuiiiiia to m
vornuie nrroiinis, out more n.., lnjt,fe WHS ns0 ,.,nnpn nnd other business ' nd twenty temns, went in prorfssion, in r,jht on Mf J .nnv.ipmom . ...nm t,i nuni
will follow tho iimi.i1 course or lluct-m- , , , , t pr0lH0llin ,s nro loo 'open dny to tl.o mill, took raUt?m' Hour, a Jhyve Uctonj-immu o uci.
r i.. . ... i .1 .. I. !.... 1 . . . .. I, . .. . . i . A Urittt L"Stl mi Mh tuUi Hit 1 !
uon iroin go.i io u "' enat hv for l i t week'i Miner. We s ha i "'it r".V lorir ntmo raio oi ? -i per osr. ... v.... ... h
give them in our next. : rd, hauled it olV. ami divided it among j.,,',, jJIMa, SvwJ..l-Jv,r to Ptudrut. enter .1 . nny t.m.-No .e.ti0B-R,..
those ronsiilercd most i.eeily. ronio ol fallow the entrance oj inc trench into jiuun. I
the most respectablo eitii -ns or that por-A desperate battle was fought nt Mag-1 51 Trcmiums for lost Peniimanshfp ai
.i . ... i i i.i ...;i... f....... Tllu.i mi I Ik. Ill, of! nmrrliwl in Ift.SB
1 1 ion oi Hie county wrro roucci urn, nun iiniv, i- nm - n--.u-v .www.
WiiiUtcr'f Sons reooivoi it half prict.
(I, For Cireiilfirs nnj Fpociineni of Writing
iiiclnfO (no Irtter itninpt, nn.l nildrttn.
I i.- v !.,.. in !,! .l.nnlr ,rs ti.l I J Kl.-tn, 1'lllfburifn, r.
500 to 1000 Dollars.
bright holies lo tho earth n him so fre
quently occurred since (he first discovery.
However, we shall venture no moro de
cided opinion until wo see something
more of tho progress of events among tho
glitter'ui" glaciers of tho rocky mountains.
A Reminiscence.
It sometimes happens that in commend
ing tho honornble and patriotic conduct
of worthy men, wo indirectly pai-s p-c- tiines, there .u none ruoic
tenco upon those who havo pursued a
ncllish und despicahlo course, nnd occa
sionally prepare a rod in anticipation, that
may fall heavily upon our own shoulders.
Evidences ofEe Union.
Wo rl.servo all around, says tho Allen
town Democrat, the cheering evidences of a
re union of feeling nnd of ell'ort in tho Dem
ocratic ranks, so recently distracted by is
sues which wo trust have passed with the
circumstances that lmvo
into e.isichce. Among
.,i.i; .i i,,ai;i;,.u .1,,. June, between tho allied army,
"... ... Kinneror Natio'.eon. nnd tho Austrian army
under i
i nrmv !
under General Hess, in which unlimitedi
essnrv to prevent famine, nnd that it was ror,.P. wvn eii'Mieed on Loth sides
nbnut loliPi'rmowd. 'I'l.ev ivrrewillini?.nnd 1 Kinneror Natioieon, in his despatches to
bro't'eht henAlid r.v nf.iir price for it, and took the only the Empress at the Tuilleries, claims a de-
Diot'glit tlieni, . . . . oisivo victory, saving tlmt his army took!
these iSns of the ; m(,f,:ls ll'ft t0 Pvont it being removed to m Uonrti yUm.d jo (KW ho,3 ju -,.;
nre chieiing thau 'heeling, where Fatteson had gone to ia( , ,.apiurcd Ihreo cannons and two .
lie estimates tho loss of his
3000 acres.
7"ILL bo offere'l at Privuto Pnlo, 3(100 aeret
of white snJ jrcllow pine ami onk timber
the press to a certain extent, a few months
ago, has been changed entirely ; and i.o.v
llie following reminiscence, wlncu we an,ot every Democratic, paper that we
clip from tho Crawford Democrat, is a , open, supports right heartily (he nominees
practical illustration ol our assertion, and 0f the party, Messrs. 'U'kimit and Ruwr,
cunuiiot fail to strike tho reader as a
remarkable instance in which a man has
pronounced a isenteiice of condemnation
upon himself, years before the commis
sion of the act which ho so justly do
nounced. How forcible must his
in the unw ise, action of a convention
history abounds with evidences of the dtsast, rs . mM0 t)ie nomination. Hence from
-.l.jv. ivy Pen ntl va n'uit
Foit'iEU FosTAiiB Stami. The
the Democratic press. That embittered and ' " 'l ' "'. ')'B sumoiu o-.. ..;"'",'' 'i;., ' I.auiIs. lucntcJ at the mouth of the lliK Mo.htn-
acrimonious language which characterized '" I . " M.0E'8 """"J'Xt cl olV was between " Pfk TJ.Tt
man, was smuluily disposed o on tho ,V . ,., ,,, , rCa.. s...., .... .-.. .fc
' J ' nnd 1L.IHHI. i l,....... 'l is bKcivo lnnda extend leven m. O
same day. Murnivj Jnnulvauiug i i, ,V11S ,.in,l)1-i(.,l that General Hess com-, u u,. ,id L'rouk. are covered with the but whit
imniidrd tlio Austiiiinh, ami ul.-o that the pine ia tho State, and ore well lupplied with tht
Ei.meror Nai.oleon partially commanded . best iron ore aui coal.
. . 7. . .. . . 'l-.,,.1. in tl.n b.ltleof Mneenta. TUo above properly wm oe ma on lermi t
f.on etlectuiilly disproves tho nllec.ition ol " . . I suit tmrcliascrs. l'irsons wiihing to einroint
...... i i LiJa r I Jl.1 1 iu. or j ivr.v i.-i.o i I'
ll hutever iimv hae been tl.o views oficounie.ieu ....u..-..s, -.. ....., VICES.
tliosoivhoroi.resi.r.tit,ai.tolli-rour!.oof;"m,u,um" '-'''? Ti10 iUost news by tho Europe, report-; 'he'., aromiu. ....... ,..
tho con vent in that nominated them, this rfrculnu-l as an outrage on ,ood sense nnd Uiu A,lhU,aI1, Jn tl,al;S the Ti-1 X
is as it shouhl be. We never could find I ''O'. "d u ld'cl alike on the Govern- ci,10, is fully confirmed. j hliH ciCBrcjon which are erected good tw-
a,,vti,ii,.Mo iustifv aHemooratinrcfusin.- mciit and the public at large. The inju-'TIIH FRENCH CROSS THE TICI NO. ; story house, a frame barn and two tenant houm,
iu.)uiiii0 lujusuiji a I'linoiai in itiusingj , . . . 1 will also lo told upon easy tormi in eonntctioa
mvn i.:.. - i ;.. . I V 10 ll.e Iiosi ai ni i ui e is e. v Mini e. i.n. in 1 rencli Cl osseii uie i iciiiu ui. j'u.i.- ... .. i
" v hi inirr. ii nil il iiMiiii I fin n.... i . . "
.,....'.,....:.,.....,.....,. i.:.,. i. . .. .- ., ' i, i Miii.t is exci ed n hero no tust cim.-o lorn, ami iun'iun.
u,i,iuuii uj.viu ... ui... ..i.n , in me univiso action oi a conveiiuon iinir. .. .. " . . . , . ... ... i". i, ,..,...,.
, ... .... i.i.i, .. . ill . i.. . wvr.
Ui lor tlouol exisis : utiu itiisw uuiuiii . " ... .1 1- . . 1 -o
ie, ' , h is lei.oi ted that there w.-re from laO,-
the l.iiicls can do so by eauintj upon me Sawyer
ut the Mill, who w ill tuko pleasure ia showing
There w us consiilera-
Ln elisehared. Julire .S'.van. who deliv
.,,.,1 il,P,,iin of the court in obedienco i ' ""'W "'"r duarVointmenU vpon
to tho Constitution of tho United States, I H-ud ponder:
remanded the prisoner buck to the cus
tody of tho V. S. Maivhal, two of Lis as
n ilh. or scparnto fr' tn the timber landi.
rorpnrticulnri ad.lri'M the undvr.igned, at
i'i.ic iieunrn t'eiid Co. '.
:as. k. eoak,
Juno ljtli, Li j3.
that sc's'sh max briny upon tl.emschxs ly ' outset, vo chrei fully uect pled tho non.P :oVcr. on. a stcm wliu h has lKei ()(S) to iso.UL'O Aiisti i n.s and 1W.UO0
"""' i.ees of the last State Convention, while ju, K.o.,...s ... rTu..,. v ,.,.,.,, .-ng,, ., 1.. ...u u. j . MHKOTYI'KS POR IS CKXT.I.-TI1
ecmleniiied theivor. II, ni 1 suspected, these criminal ru- Ihe Ausliiaii ueiounis .iitr iui m ; Subsrilier lt oi-onod a new Victnre Oaller
Imva beer. Mtlmcd on the community to tiom tlio?o ol Uie rrencii. 1 iieir ouuc- lJl0 t-orn(,r of ztlXiX nh(j cherry .tr.,t
1 we -i unhesitatingly
From tho Peuusylvauiaii, June I, 13..,. J ..s,-, ,.u,,uvU .o, ......... , - , f u fcri(,s tlf ,jnM Cl.-.irlicld. nt tl.o siirn of tho Kcd Fluif. to which
WoitTiiv or Imitation I Three yearn ! other matters us factious und impolite, uoierve pm nte aims inut interests, it is 1 ,() ,)t ivilu varying sueec -s on both s,ici.-s, ; i10 avotca hit whole attention, nnd where Am.
. , ,11 ,. 1 n 1 O' , ' .1-1 I . . r ... (. . .- ' - .1........ P..... ,1.. ....... ,.!.. . . ! , ..Ill 1. ...I.I.., I .... I ! I.-. .!..... l-Mn. V.r... .......
. .. ,. 1 . i.ince, jungo iJiitCK nun .o,. uigieiweiu 1 nere 11 ere, now ever, a lew Democratic . 101 .....v v.i.y l'-, out which wero nui u.i..ii,u -'.t'i '".-.jr-i ...........,.,
SU V. . '7 ?m,. vS H .lor nom.nat.o, I hey either com-. ., , ; , which results in the most oolnplete denial '' jolted. lip m . ,pior n.anae,. Don't trut hi.
pubho meetings were held in vawous plall)ed nor loimd fault with the action 1 ,,,,,,..,,.,,,,. (n-tura.':.;e, of !.. .V. olid Corps . 1 'but Cllll Bn j e.imi, ipeciueD. 4
l.Iaces. und every tdlbrt was made to in- of tho Convention, but expressed them- v " " , d'Annee, was killed, and uisln.l umio- M for V01lrwVM. lieii.g conneeied with on
J ... . i 1 1 ..... I. .. .-a . I...... il .....:.... .. I .......... I......1 1 .. ... .1. .; .. 1 ..!. .. 1. , v ' . 1 .... ..f . 1. .. Tl . ; ... I i .... ....:' '. . ."......, e tc. .1 1.1
HVIIIj luv..J vn 001 1 , V. Oil, 1, 1 - w 1 ....... vjvji J', .-...yj .Hv ,'UUlll VU liT.rf UI I kllUUrjUt tt 1U B
; , ' lucrtally Wf.unded. j coUntly In the receipt of every new ttyle and
r . ! T..t. f - Tl.....i.r....... ,.11 1.. General Maurice McM.ilian, command- 'variety of .Sun-Lift!,! pictures, togolher with tuch
.,l....,.,..,l ltl, i.i i.o.w iIU. hi,-!. i..i-i...Ury u.ui, .oe i-c-.nw., ...av. -.j .l'.v,.,,,... I,,.,, ).. laid and .mil infonu anon at will enable bun to
l.UO V.. ....IV. .v.... - .....v , . . . . . .,,., , ,,. 111 Hit .' v..,.. .. .....
V"'"11""" "' i'.i ... MarKhnl ami Duke de Mngneta as ihc court to bring itself in conflict If Ives entirely .ati-licd. How havo they- floating at the mast-head, and a,
... ... ... ,,. : been rewarded lor their devotion lo J rtn-1 &e'l-vice in the cau.ic.
with the authority of the General Govern- . , , Tli(J , of a v bl0rt iml f ;l ' r !,! ' (ll,t ,
. a-., i m... r.ti..... ...i.i.' . ., ...... .... , o may tliere;.io say tliat h
cratie press of I'ennsylvani is an unit in of the country by the late frost report te 7 , . m..-ki..1 nli Uulee ele Micneta as produce the mo.t l.ifo-Like and lst toned ipe.
. . I.. . 1 r. i .... -------- - , cuuen.uiuio An. in oruvr otut an iuar 11111
.nju., ....... ... ... .......... v .n n reward tor his oravery on n.e oitme , .u .,.,or,mii ,v of ,,r.K.uri e copiot of ihcirfacci.
mtit. (.whin. us. ('llae nilfl OtllCl'S. ad- ...., ..I. .v.... ..I l.lli I.i lin.t. khiih Hi- l.wr 1 ".....j r"J
Jroiu.-.l 11 topi-liniT nt Cleveland, nnd in 'anil reMH.liiible. the most exalted in the
.1..,:. .i.,... i...t,i ,t..ti-ii,n tl.f. il,..,uil't of the iiciplo. How full of uum'oni-'(.import of the ticket ; and if tho samo d
, , , , 1 ........... itiou this is to asi.imnts to bide their termination to rout tho Onnosition than was at tirst apprehended.
Btaiwuns wero not uou, oy uW u- linie.7j,.r( oW,t.. !..,...,. ,,......,; ... v 1 rr,,,U tl.-.t. Me
cisions of the Supremo Court of tho I ni- Their is a cl eat deal of Practical nhilos- .. 1 . ' . I.' ' ' .. . . wn wounded. ' and rnse. lleruetiiler tho place, the lien of the
ted States, in matters arising under the ophy in this paragraph. All history abounds Nothings, or under any other gmse-as , Jvujtat, becrc.ary ol the .Mate Uoam o. Murtl,ml Count it,,,,-.. D'Hilliers has j K.d Flog. com,r of Second and Clur-y tire,..,
! m itli evidences ol t lie iliasiers thai senisii ni.u,,n'ivu,
: men bring upon themselves by trying to and triumpl
cimeni of tl.o Art. In order that all may hare
1 lie ' fi.'bl. ' l.n .Ut.rminu,l to lo r.iLsoualie ai to uricci :
J. II. I' ive of the y relic.. Marshals and uelie- , i vent ami upuurda according tome, tliturri
laws of the United States ; yet in the fate
tnlltuw, tiwcourr.ora majority 01 mem, ., : lltlmintllu.nts UII0 others..
had tho moral courage to discharge their
duty to ther country, and fulfil tho obli
gations they had assumed in taking the
oath of e-flico by swearing to support the
Constitution of tho United .States, nnd
obey her laws, notwithstanding they tvero
l.Vpublicans in political sentiment.
Tho party which felt itself so deeply
wgrieveel because its treasonable purposes
viere baffled, took summary vengeance
upon Judgo Swan, by refusing to nomi
nate him for a re-election at tho lepub
Jican Convention held two or three days
after tho decision was announced. This
ha? led to several indignation meetings in
which tho Convrn'ion is denounced in
strong terms. A cotemporary say that
the Republicans in Ohio, by their treat
ment of Judgo Swan, have cut their own
the disinterested Democrat or rather. flTninqitirm Ktntn ("nnventinn
the Democrat who submits to the major-j ti... , ,.,.;. , stito (mv.oitn.n m..t
ity of his party, und gives his support to ,lt Hamburg on Wednesday last, and was cour,t"s
. ...1 1 1 1.. .i..r. ..1 1.. ' ... 0 . .... . ( 1
tnose wno oaieiauiy ueieiue.i uiiu, 1 o- p,,?l,i..(i over by that illustrious blood und
scqucntly wtjhl out and honored. Hut it he thunder gentleman, David Taggart, Eq.,
takes tho course of a disorganize!-, and : of Xoi thumbei hind. David thanked the
tries to iomcnt dissensions, no matter , Convention for tho honor conferred and
how he may succeed m doing harm to his i1Kjufc,od in numerous sago reflections, in
party, he is sure to bo a doomed man him- 1 ll)u 111kU of ,vilic:, i. im,.0fluced the Hj
self. Nothing so wins upon tho people milll 0latri (hom ho made to exohiim.l
nothing is more in nccordsnco with our , ..iuvv lou 0J( jcrVMll will you con-;
..1 . f 1 . ... I t1...,i .. tt I it. t iuii .n . i' . ...i ...
.u,i...,,.,- , .. lllU0 l0 uU!.e our patience; una men
to tho decree of tho majority; and wo ' 0 tt niue .,ny u.,01l i;eilv
nnd Aid,
never see a disappointed politician miiK- HU... hc subsided. 'J'ho convention
ing himself ridiculous, without pitying Uk, jn-ooceded to nominate enndidates,
his selfishness and his blindiuss ;J'nn-' ml tll0 cij,wi ballot, Thomas E. Coch
fvfr.imcia, June 21, lSol, edited then lj .A l,al1i Msri., of Lancaster, received a ninjori
W. Forney. ;,y 0f ni tho votes cast (or Auditor Gener-
' nl, and Wm. II. Keim, Eq., of Derks,
A Word to Candidates. m nominated on first ballot tor Survey-
. lor General. The cominilteo on resolo-
An tho timo is near nl hand when the nrtn,l n v..t r,rrnol.n
we look forward to an eusy j Agriculture, has been over tho most of tho ; nrleel in his comimind of the, directly ..pposUe J"'KJ.'.Y',p,.RVIVSCE
iant victorv. . wheat belt of the State of Ohio, through : First Corps d'Armee by General Fol ey. jUI1P 1: ' '
: " - i Guernsey, Licking, Knox, rail-field, Del! Fourof the Austrian Generals and five ;
' . .. n- 1...I .. 1 .1... I..,,!..
Richland, Cra ford and A:,hmd ta , 'i, ens e,e -,u
' II... A n. I i-uiiw I f.ol; o.o cm. 111011.
llo has examined w iieat rieius, i .fV(lH XT niLAN..
wherever ha hai been.
I'.VACl'ATION or int.
I. . . H.l . 1. . ....
personally, wherever no nai oeen, eon- Acsthiins. 1 here naa uren a general ,e-
ver.-ed with farmers, made the mhj.-.t Lis! volt nt Milan, ami the people; had declared (
u,.l.. ...! ,.n.,M,l.w tbnt iLnrn will I , 111 lav or ol li.e oi mo.i..
three-fourths what there would have hern
harvested under any circu;iistanre.
Zcji'y nns'iiwjn
Vermont. Tho Deniorratie State Cor.
veniion at l'.urlington, on Thursday was
tho largo-d gathi ring of the party ever
held in Vermont ; and judging from the
The Austrian 1 lite-el from Milan, but ;
the city had not yet been occupied by the:
French. !
Later runioi detracted from the all. g-,
ed Frcieh victory at Magenta. '
It I ..lirvi-il that proposals of ; ..: . '
ivoul-l flow tin .). trance of llr. Fi. iu-lv
ain.j ...lo Milan.
A cin from I'rinee Goi lr..h;i!ioil' b.
C'im it ,ftnlttl ut tht fttdotvin'j plat.
i.irj riu: jv.i;; tf day.
EuthersLiirb, I'a. Stago House,
Momluy uflcinoou antlTuej
forenoon, .lur.e '-(Hh, 121st.
CurweiHviile, Fa., Stage House, AVetlnet-
elav Junell-Jd.
Pike's Teak Again.
Uncertain aud contradictory as tbo flue-
(oations of tho stock market.', havo been
tho account from Tike' Peak ninco the
gold excitement commenced in that wild
region. At first tho most glowing descrip
tions reach us of tho great abundance of
the precious metal, and the rapidity with
which immenso fortunes aro making in
tho "digging," increases to a most alarm
ing degree, and fears aro entertained that
Tike's Peak emigration will depopulate
jiot only tho east, but also what was onco
regarded as the " far west." Anon comes
rumors ol disappointments, and allega
tions of falso accounts manufactured by
interested and unprincipled speculators,
various candidates for political favors, ; which may bo summed upas follows.
whether in pursuance of their own inch-' M. c oppose tho national adminlstra-
nation, or in obedienco lo tho wishes of il,n- -V1'-. V latest apiinst the na
, . , . ... , ; tional administration, old. W e denounce
friends who desire to sec them occupy (he ,l!ltionill udministration. 4th. We
places of honor nnd trust, will find it no-'oppose the reopening of the slave trade,
cessury to havo their names placed before 5th. We want protection. 0th. We con
tho people through tho medium of the demr. tho natioual administration. 7th.
n , . , I We desire to havo loll arres of land, tree
ricss; we deem it proper to say afuwof c, from tho Govoriimont Hlu
words 111 regard to tho courso wo consul- .'ri10 ballot box must be purified. 9th.
er. that justice to outself as well as to; We aro opposed to tho introduction of
tho various candidates for nomination in 1 foreign paupers and criminals into this
.1 11 . ... . :country. loth. o invito everv ono to
urn ici..:..u.w piuey ,.osU BV.v. e fa 0H Cllnjjlllc,t 1Ith, Wo eil-
proless to bo, we will leel bound to pur- dors0 tl0 COUrso of Gon. Simon Canieron
suo. That no man's name may bo trifled ' After their teveie labors, the convention
with, or used contrary to his reasonable ' adjourned tD tho house of Gen. Simon,
wishes, we hall invariably require every ! "" thy regaled with the good things
' tt mill riniu nu'riu nc rliintit. iiniMivl.
annoQiic-mentof tho name of any person ly bMied thul -Simon points UpM t
as a candidate lor the nomination for any fact, by the way, which cannot ho dispu
of the officers voted for at the primary ted, if weean judgeofthu Republican press.
Section, lo be furn shedusbvthocand -""0 eu.n eov.on na sonnies, iM.uufc..,
reports of tho proceeding?, wies character-' the Envoys ff Russia nt tho courts ol
.1 . -.1 1 ri.wl nt.A r...i;n. Genn iiiv.' deelaiTs that if Germany aids
ii-u .u. , ...... . .;,! I.a,I.wI,-.,v...1 l""-v
n,o mmination of ..o G. Sax,, Ls,.. ; Zo iwo.stadt sai, ihati ' 'in,. a d"hh '
for tho office of Govnnor. is as lionoral o , Vt,M of l,.th branches of tho, P,
to the party making it as il is to the cnndi-, EegisJaturo made ipecehes in r.ivor ot war niul Suml;1V) Ju10 ih, and 'JCtk
ilate. Mr. Sax is widely known as a "gainst Napoleon. j '
lU.-.jr , .-:--. TO THE SICK.
ripe scholar, a popular author, nnd 11 dis-' mstkia. j
criminating and an honest politician ; a On the 4th, a great religious solemnity , s di0ii, armiti of
gentleman who blends with tho refine- "ltl' l1"'.1'0 I!1 s ll; t,)"!f ; And to tiod look alone for the bidding, of duty,
: ii,..,, nl V ii.ttiiu tin nlUPi't I it' 111 I? Id III!- .1 . :i -..!'- l.-UHt.
merit of literary tastenndaecomplishmenl, ,,ole HoaVen to bloss tho Austrian arms 1 , kneel before Nature nnd wor.hip herbeauty.
ttrong practical eonimon sense; one w ho w ith victory. All the members of the I m -, And we mnnli to a victory, blootllcM and blwiea!
trBnnrl. lifn m nil its i.brnses nndful- PfM'inl family and the Ministers were pros- lit to con.,iier u,.-eao nnu relieve me,..
it highest duties. . -MilS4 us ,ta(l l'-v thc l'"' Nl,nd0-
fils Eyi'.ii.iTV. The colore-el brethren
are beginning to bedievo that their pre
tended friends
New Yokk, June IS.
Two parcels of Pike's I'esk gold, assay-
1 1 ii 1 tl
are sincere, and are acting Bt Y.' k- Ml" 'e
We understand that out of eo"BS "hot an.l scale gold from the
the ten in Venango county whose names
nro attached to the cull for Forney's State
Convention, seven are negroes, vi. : Geo.
mountains near Denver City, worth $1"
88 in coin.
Kivcr, worth ?1'J.81 in coin.
Pr. Jac-ksim, cumpounds hit own mcdicinei.
lr. Jackiou'i mcdicinci ore ftrictly vegctakli
and from our own foroits and Delds.
I'r. Jackson unci no mercury or mineral point
of nny kind.
Dr. Jacktnn treats nil palientt fairly and frank
ly muket no fuld pruiiot.
Dr. Juckrou doci not tcur down to buiM ap.
Another from South rilU,e! i"viorutct tho .y.tem and thus aid nature
.I..III.T.V.. .."- v..,,,.....,-... c ..Ull , .www ....... .- . '-I ..i, ........ . , . ,
. , . ... 1 , . , , . ,, , , t : and tho resolutions bufhcently meaning,
for tho purpose of swindling the hardy date himself, or some responsible Dmno- bmto.Unataineer.
adventurer in search of tho golden ore, crat, as our guarantee, that his name is
out of his hard earned pittance which not improperly usee!. Each candidal' A Hoiider BirriAV Oltsaos Exi-uotjed.
he has risked, in a daring eflbrt, to place shall have his namo hunted in the first 'Some weeks since a pathetic account
himself and hi. loved ones above the dan- isiU0 0f tLa ..Republican" after it has been editor oTtL LeaVen worth" K
gerofwant and tho necessity ol labor. received at tho office. To ensuro atten- Wei,t the rounds of the Republican press.
These are succeeded by talcs of horror, tion, all announcements must be !n wri- which they indignantly denounced ns a
and thrilling narratives of suffering and ting, nnd left nt tho -Republican" Office, ' pro-slavery outrago upon a mnn on nc
.wi,..,.,i -; fi.n 1 ... , .... ...1:.... 1 :i n count of his anti-slavery views, Ac. The
'" '"""' r 'V " -'b.-";--orw.ii.i,o ru, ov , M dished up in the usual stylo of
jinddesoUto region lying between civili- fm.i not ie- will be rhnrgod ono dollar, K,,nSas bolder rnilian outriises. Tho facts
Eaw, Samuol Wilkinson, Geo. Pearson, St. Locis, Juno 18. The New Mexican
in n.' , nn ilift.l!.pll.
Diecasca of the lungt detested by me "
tho necthuncope. Exa.ninationt of the cheit and
ungi tree.
.. I IT . . . ' I. tl . V I. r tt . .. Oi.l. ....
amuei uopKins, e.. 1 .v ,e. man iroui .anta 10. on no .win uit.i j . . d , fc , , uX
Law-son and S. Jones. If this is the case rear bed Imleoeiidenco this mornini.'. 1. , ... 1
and if not the Spectator will please set There is 1,0 news of importance in the
us right we are glad to sec it. It is about papers furnished.
timo the negroes would assert the rights , Three companies of troopsmet at Ottnn
whirh have been claimed for them so long, wurd, enrouto 10 establish a post at the
and we know of no better place for them crossing of the Arkansas.
than under Forney's Banner, lie need,
itrenrjth and a few of them near his peison Japanese Hours. The. Secretary of the
will make In 111 very strong. Merc r Ueg. Interior has received from tho Depart-
I'rico of treatment is from throe to thirty tol
Urs for three months inodicine. The
l'eor w ill lo liberally considered.
IuJcnn Physician, Erie, Pa., Box 2!..
Juno 10, 18j9.
ment of State two cases coutuinins fifteen
... 1 ....... . . . ' mur c..,.-.
Lima 15KAN3.-We see that somo of our 'iK roues, presented i.y 1 . 0 govei miioiK, 1 -;
diipan 10 lownsena jiarris, consul 1 " n
w v w u.a.v va v . .
brotliren of the press aro rocomii.oniling ?,T J niain
HIE Subfcribcr tiikes thi method ofinform.
in.r .f f'l...rf,.-1.l ConntT. od tD
. . I- 11 .1... 1.. 1 .... o.l thai kail
the pinching of Lima beans when six feet Ceueral of the Lnitetl States, upon occn-; J,..; ' WOODEN PCMM and boring
high, instead of permitting the vines to 1,10,1 ot audience wit 1 the Emperor. ' ril't-LOGS.and will bo happy to execute any
run arouna Doles of til teen feet. Thin is ",urc ii.f. muiiv IIM , worn iu un nne anno Bnonc nuu
1 . - 4 fi.rt, .i n..,t i,.,i..,l,iUA 1.... 1 A . i Apply
UI I 0 I 1 11 1 11 1 yJ 11 '.77 " Ul II ' U (I I 'illiVi'V Ut'BL 111 II 11 II L I a HI MllvVI U VUm KUV 1 . -
Ires ted bv ourselves which seems forgot- oltlcials of rank. They havo been elej.osi- personally at the rctidonce of J. 8. Cole In wJ
jested yourselves, w men seems H)ibol j 1'atent Office rence township, one nnd a half milei Sou thwart
tun hv t in. in turn rnhiidu. ci ntwl nmv leu ,n uui u. u,ei..weaoi me uieiuoiiitu, , , ,' . . ., . .1...6.1J P. 0.
j. .: 1 r .. ...1'.. 1 01 Ltiariiem oiiroucn, ut iciier ai ..ri -
.... 91. ii-Ri-r 1. .1 u . - . . t. . . .
- 0-
adopt it. Finch treattnentrauses the vino
to grow to a much largar size, throwing
out side-shoots with a larger crop of fine
ration and the nowly discovered El Dorado, an( vhmiviv express tho hope will be paid of the caso have sinco como to light, by
in which the revolting necessity of ennni-j ftt tjic time the card is handed in for pub- which it appears that Bloss had grosbly
balism to escapo absolute ttarv.ition, is ! liculion, as that will prevent anv ditlicul- '. 11 lu,u o V !"7
... . 1 1 ... l. knidlv taken him into his family nnd
fully conspicuous. Linn at, i.isr, 1110 ouo-; ,., tlierealter about the proper person to ...lrs.,.i i,;... .vhile sick, and failimr to out side-shoots with a lamer cron of fine1 BriV. Mr. Stei-hf.h A. ANi.hKsox. who was
bla seems about to burst tho humbug to pnv t!,e same. By a strict adherence to make a proper amend for his conduct, re-i fruit and to perfect tho beans bel'010 frost, ' tho editor of tho Pcnns'leaMan until sue-!
. . .. . .' . 1 .. i.. ...... .. ..... . ... V'- . I' .'-... . I
explode, and natter ruin and starvation (h,.-r rules in ofl faith, duiiii ' the earn- eeived a severe punishment iiom his ag-. instead ot continuing to bear indefinitely. eeeaoa uy .Minroa niiioKiana, mis oecn
among the deceived and hapless beiiVs .,..: we hoi.o to be able to treat ui! our f'evea . t-eiieiaetor. in uns case, ,iKe nnd 10 perieci bin lew. 1 his .is nn excellent, appo.mea uiei e. ,eiK in 1,10 1 unaue,
, , . , t i.i .1 ; .' if-, 1 r -. . many others, tho real ohenuer was mado. crop when co managed, and always phia 1 os
.whohave gone to likosreak in ll.0( Democratic ln-nds fairly, and if possible a mMtt BnJ tho f.iets wero represented table. H only requires full fertilialion X.B.Br.
jiopo 01 speeuny ueijuii'iug oouiouess elv(. t)o eau-'e ! coinphiiiil 10 any
ivealth ; and Pike's Peak stock runs dow 11
May 1 1th 1809. vol. iv, no. 17. 6m pot
hia Post Office by tho ltetV Postmaster, ' ny HE nuhscrihcr wUhot to luform the ciliw1
and used for political effect.
and disintegration of tho soil to rai-o a!
i pint or more of Lima beans por polo, and i
sTft. A coarse nnd slovenly teacher, a
I ,.r r-t ii..i.i .,i il... h. in, etabliibdt
Nureery on the piks leading from CurwenviHH
l:lea. field town, and will, lur ins pieneui, --t
.! .:i 1.:. trtM
ubout ns low as Atlantic Cullo or "I'nion Our mammoth rolling mil, says tho A Strange Fisn. Tho Honolulu papers j with such a crop sold at six dollars per vulgar nnd boorish presence munching ,r, gt for io. ;
1. If, .11 I bushel in tllO dl'V StlltO. tllO ield will ' 1. i,l.l..a ui.,1 eliakinoU ut. lueilntini.. liL-o n ... ... ' :n u- .r .k. I..., arinliet
1 urtiplllO elOCK ; When ail til once llie .luiiuimn jrtounc, nas reeeiiuj lurueti '-j -..w- , . " 1 , . ' . ' , '-n ."" ; - - 1IIF, ,,L-. , . j
........ I.i ki s 11 f mil ilinj tt'lil-V tl- ikr-rt fililil-ff In ! eoii.Li or morn tier aero 111 value. m.! ......Lu.inrr i... i,,.,.. a m. o mum. Llmlj ami mtiII ititnimt ftl fruit
my, projecting his heels nearer the hrma-. Oman, i.ui irees, .snruboery, urapo". " -
Working farmer.
meni man ins skuii iiko a circus clown, '"""". ....,,., ...
, . ' ... - , 1 ... .. 1 ..:..t 1 . h .1- ...:i 1 bv soino natives wl,
y.ugnameuasncsup or.g.uer ui uv r. . .me . It is of a dark color, about five
tho ilescriptioiis of the boundless treas- iron th in has ever been manufactured in ;lu.i,M long, two inches thick, and almut
uresof that region exceed all former state- tho tamo timo by any rival establishment four inches from tho top of tho fin on its Tub Eefects or Latins. Andrew Jack- and dispensing American saliva like a
nicnts in the extravagance of the glowing in tho Union. Hire weeks ago A-ira Aim-; back to the bottom of its belly. It has a ; son was once making a stump speech out . meinher of Congrews, inflicts a wrong on
, 1 .1 r : , -i r ii ; 1 ... , . 1 ... t ,. ...... ,,.ii.i r..,,. remarkably large head, and four feet or, west, in a small village. Just as he was 'the Bchool-room for which no scion tifio
Picture, and tho faint in it spirit of J ike drcdana twenty-hco tout wero rolled lrom .. .V . ... .,..1 . . .. .1 ,.
. . . . ., , ... Claws, which onaoiu le 10 creep on euo coiioiuaiug, aihos rveiuuiu, who uni oo
1'uak adventure, revives and, starts forth Monday morning until Saturday night, gl(,e(, of rocks ,vith groat ptt!je When hind him, whispered "Tip'eni a little Eat.
with renewed vigor, and still brighter an- and last week we understand tho yield placed in a stream of water it throw out i in General, they won't bo contented with-
ticipations. Such has been thus far vho was about seven hundred tons. All this quite a strewn from under tho fins on each i out it." The man of tho iron will instant-
hiMory of tho gold excitement oa the' was accomplished, too, without a single side of its ldy, then took a circuit round , ly thought upon a few phrases he knew,
O 17 I Ii a Ktr nl 1 11 ,i n it tr Ii o bkImQ niwl nnd lit fa. imrA nF (Ininf cF tlntinrl im liid
western borders of Kansas, at tho place extra heat We put the Cambria Iron ik- ftnDiretv with crcat pride. speech by nxcluimins. " E pluribus unuui-
tie teru
dora will receive immediate attention.
known as "Pike's Peak" and "Cherry Works as now managed in tho van of all 'p,e fet,t resemble somewhat tho paws of vo." The etlect was tremendous, and the
Creek." But a few weeks since and every iron pntcrrn ises tins mdo of the Atlnntic a bear. . iioosiers snouts could bo r.eara tor miles
attainments nro nn oji'sot,
TVVVIW UUIIirUlcllV bmbuhv-. -
JOHN D. WRIUHT, CurweniTlll,
June 10, 1869. 2 mot. pd.
fllllERE la now nn opportunity for all t P""
J. cure picturei of theintelvei ana 'nouu"
Justice of the Peace. ('uruienselIr. Prnnn
. , - - J GUIV l.l-.UIl-R VI .UBU.W.B. .... CK.Wi
'"NE door eattof (ontolim Ton Eyck t The undersiRned haa fitted up Kjom
J Store. All bnmnesa entrurled to him will new building, where lie win remain """' mti
be promptly attended to, and all inslrumeuta f Plating in tine gold or tilvor done oareat
writing don. on abort notice. .l.lotormt. ,,, r-niVDALL
.11 arc n, 31. is.s.-v. ju., w.