Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 23, 1859, Image 1

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    - in ii inMi 111 .j l i mmtmmmmmm n i n i n jj i i. -,wum m
'T ' I "I 4
Term of Hiihnrrl)tinii.
)f 1aI1 In o.tvimro, or wittiln throe montliK, tl 25
If pnlil miy timi) williln tbo yriir, . . . .so
M ji.ilu niter the expiration of tlio year, . 2 110
Term of Ailvei-llsiug.
hlvortlsomonts lire laser tou in the llcrtulilicnti
III ittb r.)llorlng rates :
1 Insertion. 2 do. S ilo.
J)Miqiiiiri,( 14 liner,) $ 51) $ 75 $(i(,
Jwo .itiiro, (2SHiii.ji,) 1 (111 150 2 till
Jhrce iiimro, (42 lino,) 1 5(1 2 (to 2 511
'i montlii, (1 iuo'k. 12 1110
bn Rittare, : 1 : $2 All $1 no (7 tin
Tiromiiiire., : : : : : 4 00 A 00 ( (mi
Throe iiri, ! ! : : S 00 8 (II) 12 110
Four imroi, t i : I 0 fll) 10 00 14 0(1
Half 11 column,' : : i : 8 00 12 00 is 00
One column, : : : : 14 00 20 00 35 (HI
Over tliroo wcks ami Ins tlinn throe nior, tin 25
cents per tijunro for eiioh intfrtim.
Dn'inos notieei not exeoouing Klines nro in
erloil for $2 n yenr.
A,lvtrtisimt'nts not mnrko.l with'tlie nmiiViir of
Insertions desired, will lie continued till forbiil
chargoil according to these terms.
1 W. HAYS,
DAlH'EUniiAX, Mol.iinoolviist, Amliroty.
put, mid JihsTitE uf Tin: l'KAi'i:,
Kersey, Klk County, l'u.
AM. SMITH offors hi profccbional services
, to tho Ladles nn.l (ciitleincii of C'loiir
hold ond vicinity. All opcrutions performed
villi neatness nntl ilcsmitili. hcing fuiniliiir
villi all the lute iiiiirovinints, lie is propiirod to
limko Artificial Tct'tll in the best manner.
Oflice in tshnw's now row.
tfopt. 14lh, 1S0S. yj.
HAVING removed his office to tho new dwel
ling on Second street, will promptly mistier
l rut's nioiuil culls an heretofore.
I A It HI M 1 :i & TIT, Attorneys nt Law
J Clearfield, will nttelid promptly to Col
ttinti.', Lund Agencies, 4c., ic., in Clearfield,
Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y
STII.T. continues the Imsiness of C'tiiir Mnkinjr,
and House, Sitt and Ornamental I'nintin. nt
the shop formerly occupied hy .t K,ie,
' ulllie cast end of Mm ket street, a short ilisliini-r
vest of Liu's Foundry. Juno 13, IS A.
roll .'uiiliilers, Curwcnsvillc. An extensive
assortment uf 1'satiiigs luiido to orders
Dee. 2U. Isil.
ATTOHXEY AT LAW, office ii.iji.ining 1 i.
esileneu on Second Street, Clea.l ..J, 1 ti.
Juno 1. 1 3J4.
Physician, may be found cither at his office
at Seolield's hotel, Curwonsville, w licit I...
profeffioliiilly ubtent. loe. 2V, ISal
VT the mouth of LUk Run, tivo miles from
Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive
Manufacturers of Lumber,
July M, lSi2.
B'.arksmltH. Wagons. I'.uggics, ic, Ac, ironed
on short notice, mid the very best style, ut his
ld stand in the borough of Curwuisvillo.
Doe. 29, IS53.
DR. 31. HOODS, having ehangi',1 his loca
lion from Curwonsville to Cloarlield, res
. peetfully offers his professional services to the
' ciliu'ns of tho latter place mid vicinity.
llesidciit-o on Second street, oppnsi'u t. t of
" J. Craus, Esq. my " 56.
P. W. nxRRETT,"
, PEACE, Luthersburg, Clearfield Co., I'a.
Attorney nt Law and l.nnd Ag-ent, ofR
adjoining his residence, on Market strcc
' fliarlield. March, 1853.
. A. R SHAW,
IlETAILEIUr Foreign nnd Domestic Merch.
. X andiie, Shawsville, Clearfield county, J'a.
Sliawsvillc, August 15, 1855.
dTo. crouch,
PHYSICIAN Office in Curwonsville.
(1AURIES on Chairiiiaking, Wheelwright, nnd
J house and Sign puiut.iig nt Curwonsville,
vtcarvciu eo. All orders prouiptly atteudod to
" Jan. 5, 1858.
. IIOBEIIT J. WALLACE, Attommkv at Law,
JLV t lenrfield, I'a., Office in Shaw'a llow, op
, Isite the Journal office.
dee. 1, 18(3. tf.
ni.ASTF.niXC,Tho subscriber, having
X. located himself in the ttoroti.-h of riearfield
J"uld inferin the pulilio that ho is prepared to
W Work in IIiA altni-i, linA from ittnin f.. rngm,li.
W of any description in a workmanlike manner,
"so whitewashing and rcpuiritg dono in a neul
"Mntr and on reasonable terms.
Clearfield, April 17, 188T. Jy.
. A.M. Ill LIS, desires to announce to
L Oil fricn.l. ..! 1.. .1.
I . DS all Of bil time tn in llnnlintrv.
, i.e,itl'll aervicoa will find lilin a! his
auioin 1,1. l .it .:
alwavi nn IM.I,...J u,l,,r,l... ...I....
police to the cnnlr.r. K i ,1..' ...
the week previou.
u All Work wrrnl,l In . an lUfnnlnrv
Clcarfiold, P. ScpU 22nd, 185S.
y VHtnUni to emirrrafe U a mill rUmite.
t tt
f tt n j ... , .s
it 1 '"w.fto, ffi-e
and fine m,
I'tnmontnn ljamh.
! 1 ..
' """fiig Farm, tee aducrlltcttwU
WT-Tlio inolimeholy story which pave rise to
tho following lines, was puhlishcd some timoiig.i,
in a Utter from Jonterey, nnd must lu well
knonn to niot o:' our renders. An cxirnrt from
it relating to they urrtirrciico the eonnin iiioiiilo,
appeared in Tiu or Tin: (Wk, of K-i
comber ilh, IK-ltl. They refer to the Mexienn I
lady who was killed diirlnj; tho lintilo of Aionie-'
ry, supplying wuter and food to wouiulod '
soldiers :
From tho Uanner of tho Cross, uf Doe. 12, IS 10.
The Hroine Kartyr of Monterey.
BV HKV. JAMKS til. I. MAX LYONS, L. I.. 1).
The si rife was slern nt Monterey,
Winn llniRf liijjh towers ttoro and won,
And peoliii(! tlirwitfih that mortal hay
1 ltiMii'il i he siroii l.atti r.v's engelul gun,
Vet, liovdloss of us Utu.lly rum,
She stood in toil and danger Inst;
To hind the bleeding soldier's vein,
Ami slako the dying soldier's tliiiot.
Pho found (ho palo and stricken foe,
cikiug in iialure's lust,
And on tho red earth kneeling low,
Hie wet his pinched iind feered lips,
When thick as winter's driving sleet,
Tho l.ooiuiEg shot niul Uinuing shell,
Swept with wild rage that gory street.
And she the good and gentle tell.
They laid her in her in her narrow bed,
The looinuii of hei land and rare ; ,
And sighs were breathed ami tenia were shcJ,
Above her lonely resling place.
Ay ! glory's criiusou wur.-liippers,
Wept over her untimely fall,
For deeds of merry such as Iter's,
Subdue the hearts nnd eyes of all.
To sound her worth were guilt nnd shame
In us, ho 1, ve but gold and e.i.-e ;
They heed alike praiso or Maine,
Who live and die in works like these,
Fur greater than the wi.-e or brin e:
Fur happier than' the fair nnd gay,
Was site who found u Hartyr'a gram
On that red field at Monterev,
Fiuiit the X. O.
Dream of an Editor.
Liit niglit in I In- s-li,
clnscil t!,c lmly t i i K
'lirilclllilllll, Weill ic.l
tin' nml week, wo
.1 Icnm;,'
Vend ,,t
HI.Il lip
ilccli "
l.lill'S lll.l;
il Ly ill.
lad. ir it,
Ii'.in t
..II;.' illl.
In. in ii. inking nil
.hi, i n "ilozin',"
lCVfllc. Ml'
me I I'rinn ,1
"in" cli.iir .-I
-lei-l. slcclt in
' r
Illl. I,'.
I i if 1 1 ! -lcct U illl "
uf lis nml ,; In t lie
In our w.ioiv ,vc in-
i.l." iiwiikc ; ( wc ai c i
inn rice' cur ilrcam-. Iml
L'chcr.jiy .; ,.,
.1 iicrtt-toin.'.l ,
w.i- a. Cm i- -
mil' ill. -mn. J :tn. in mr ,!r,..i.,i wvv
newel ; 1. th" j'.you- and j 'il, r-i i s ami l-nl' all :!i,' I'liristiii is ,(. ,,' ,1,,
Inc. A l.llllll.l.C-S coin, L'uiiy 111' Hctt,
cliilJien in new ilrose-s with iiaii.l
iiiiic InVs, llicliy, (l.niciiif.' illc I
a tlimsalil il.liaiis iniiil," f;,nJ wit ' tin
iritis of rlnii ity : n tlmiinml .euU l l.c,
ri:iiii) ;f out w ith the miiic uf i-ej.nciii j
nn (iriny in iiiciii utit' ynniiiH cclehi al in.
in lcvcii v l no aiivciit nl Hie ;u iiini' an. i
nt tlic Miinc lime illii-tniiin tliei
jri'iit I tl nf salviiiimi ; n n,l ilni of .is
tN nn. I lii ciackcis ; milli.iiM of ilan
cei-s f 1 1 : i i 1 1 r Uic .'I'm inp; lemii with wniu'
c.l leei : iiit.iunir .unnsteix ui i ici-miic In
lii'iiiilifnl f.n nn Mich it .i in;cr.s dn; ini o
I, tit never Jnit, r cinil'iis ; jri-unns o
hni;.'liili! .-.Ives clntel in' am in' t In- l.i in-
olir- o ' j."lilen tictn w liieli Incl a io lie o
choice cli.iiniiilH Ininiiii on every twi',
the air heal ing on nil its umliilaiion en
chan'in tones of llntos, oix-aiw ami mm'-
inr voices ; gems nml jiearls nml ('lelijiht
l'u I vision !) coins of golil la.lini: in r how
ors all aiouml.
Wo thought n'.'iin Unit wo wcio s-laml
int on iho aithii c sIioip of ii tviilo rca of
p-noojr with a gnlilen Iml In in our ham)
'vhuh "over nml nuoi." we iliiie.l into
the creamy llnoJ. As we torn I there nn
kle (Jeci in ohlen samls we saw an njjred
man ni(l.llin towards tis in a du -ont.
handling hi silver oars inot gracefully.
llis craft, was laden to the cd'o with t,, s
and jewcliy. Ilii eaicd ashore in
troilui'cil liiinclf :is Santii Claus. ,. "I
have had a busy day" said he, "for 1 sup.
pose I have distributed, sinne twelve
o'clock lu) nioht, iiboiit fourteen millions
of .stockings i'uil of Christmas .'ills. 1
luive scarcely recovercl irom t Jio money
pinch of last year, mid have not been
iuito ns lavish ns lieielofore; nevcrihc
loss, I Hatter myself that I lnivo judicious,
ly ued the funds placed nt my di-pusal
by the npproiriate committee."
Wo coniii ululated Santa Clans on lii
successful and no doubt satisfactory an
nual distribution.
(In wiped his: wrinkled brow rvith lii.s
biuidaiia and continued:
"I have finished inv day's work nil but
mtt i t I vriil I IV n u ilKt. t i't 1 1 1 II i ii it n)t,ir
to find some water when I was happy lo woaltl. and power. 1 l.-ro is mu, h o d
see vou. J cannot bo mistaken ! You are! ''.ut 'U " o deplore : ni uiy thiugs
an editor. Mr. oflhe (WnrT" I ",' , f,-"V U : '"i"'
We acknowledge ourselves to bo
"Well, then, I have ft few presents
which aro specially designod for editors,
ami although you are opposed to the dead
head oystoin, 1 hopo you w ill do mo tho
honor to accept them. Mind you. lain
no candidate, no log-roller, no politician ;
I do not want my charnctor wbito-waslied
or anything of that. If 1 did 1 should
know better than apply to the (wrier."
He rolled up his sleeves and hejMii lo
overhaul tho gew-gaws and jewelry in his
"In this box." said ho, "you will find n
condensed miniature library f some five-
hundred volumes. There is not a word of
truth or falsehood in Ihe whole lot. .In
trutll or 1alselloO( 111 tlie W lioinioi. . in
preparing tliis library for your use 1 have
rejected verything not written by faith-
"I'.Xi ri.snii;."
ci.K.unr.i.i)f 1'a. ui:d.m:si;a, juxr, 23f im
lul, li'.not utit h. Y,, CM; ;, lmv.
lliin.o yoti wmii in cuHirin.n. ,m,l ta,
vriliiin.-s h.iv,. .r..jmiiiv.
th.'V nmni.t In. l,.. i-o.v,., or tfilcsi.
" Mcro. i.1 n cliiirni will .-..l(.p yott
n.'iin-t ii:lrinl,-rM (mil Imhos. ItUiiMni
.li oouti ivim.v, ami tl,,. tut-tlmd ol' uMll..
il will lvmlily Mi'of.-i iiM'll'."
It wn-i liiiiliin l.ut, .1 s.nlsi.ii,li;il
lock iiml Uov.
"Tli is liitl,' imicliiiip is p tl.iiu of vi'rv
ili-liiMlo woikniiuislnp, ul.i. ii 1 nIkiIIiiu!
iimlt'Hnki' t.i o,;iin. it in,,), ,.
ynur rlork. J .. ,im.1!c tin uii
U (Ml I I,,.
'ceiilre jijvot is the ninr:
iii."x, ivliicli
l.;..llt jn-c-
in point out on the ili
cUo relative decree of n,
man w ho i liters your tl,
l.llle iiioiiiior i, ml pnv, n,
W heneve. a notoriously !
c CI V
mi -'!:' I. y it.
n. in I , .-, . j , c n -i
:.m n nml
.it:i..i ii'iaiy
I" i i , I . . : 1 1 1 :i
ii..; 'ii. ii If
io come m, taKe llie m
put it in our '.ocke! he
drain upon its machinery
I lli.L'll decree of rascality n;', ,
any one varies from the t, i
versitiou this monitor wi
i . . . . i.l
scniceiv iiuiihmc rniL'ing, i:
the Still small voire.'
"This packii!.',. of ivory t.;'
(led to ). relict the nam. -candidates.
Write for exain)
I..:s is
if Hlv
e, the
11, .111
in!, n-.-.-I'ul
1 1 : 1 1 ; n f
of tint liumire.l prominent candidate
llie J residency upon us many tablets,
hull!e. Ihi'in, put this ring on your
(itiL'er and elnnv a card. Lav' t!m! r .: I
aide until niter tiie adjournment of the
Uliarledoii Convenlion and, von can ice.
whethi'i- it bears tne name ol 1 1c can ii
date or not. Host probably it will not."
We piiw that Santa Clans "meant aj ike"
but we did not wan! to know who the can
didate is to be, and that we did not.
"Here is a peculiar pen. After you have
written your editorials hold this p, ,, hori
zontally nud move it over each li,,,.. h. a
it comes t; supe: llimus w ii d i' i . 1 1 de
scend us i' by tl,,. of i.l mm :,..ii mid
di-iiw u line across it. 1 1 co.-i inn. Ii p'i,
to make this little illiplcii..jlit lilci I hoj ;
you will Iind it useful.
"I I. -el a lillle dillideuee in oC' riti;: this
lo you," said he taking up an mahogany
h .. about the siie ! a , i i. t i,.,, u v. not
oecnli-e I Ic. r you ill .iiiii-e il . bill rat 1,. -r
lint Volt Mill colt I in it the op o .',tc el iinV'
We it - k I'd him IO e. pill it its propel t ics,
"This i intended lo expedite, m.,1 lai-ili-I
lie codcct oiis. l' the n line oi n;,Y
let I i.'iic.i t Mil.-,'! hum ii I .on Inc 1
t ic
m 1
.ic i n! .Mice under llie inlliielice
a:einnton I'.m. Touch this I.
von in ike i 1 1 1 1 lcin,uibc. 1 1, .i t ic ime
vol. A I, inch i.l ilie .-ccoiel k, y Will iii.tki
o n to I ry loh a lie .iic io
Ivey No. .1 ;:n him a I i.t,
t ie 1 1., ' i-iii, A c, ,V.
ii"ii liim wiial.ncr von please
pi. Mill,
he. Na. I
until he
p iv hi- 1. 1. 1.'
We coiupliliieiiled S.itiln Clans ii,oti his
in .','.11111 , I, ill ileel.tivd In- ac. .-oi in .: Ins
- iiC '-l-i
i.e. lie -lillg
hoi hug
I pen.
v. .ic lei'u , ! ' ci n li ; lit: in ici
and l Ii lew it Ii.,ck ini it ili,
' I ici e." he c.inl hilled,
lie. It i,,l iliiiuiiid p.t, ui,- 1 pen. ". llie I g (t 1 li.ive in oti'-r you. I, is tin
1 1, n 1 if Iiu Ii, Tueiv is n. ,t i i,e million1 h
leu t of a era n of ii 1 1, tv in ii- me :r..ld.- -linlu-try
f'.i ni-hc.l tin- incl d. Viilueaiid
l;.'.i-on tiisliioiic' it. luiatiiii.tii mi p"!i-!i-
d it b It il- fil'c.itc-t Val i.' 1 c- ill lie , i-
n nd with uincn it is p.iiiii ,... It i- iVotn
no mine ol'ealih 1 sen c Iv (hue tell Volt
I'll i nave it of wiiellee II came. Willi
t li- pen Mill can wi ne inching 1 1 .
V o n I -ee Volt li.-Xt ear pca-e show
in' t ha! yo I ha ve a i it t . n with it."
Ve Wife so eager to grasp (lie pl'eci itls
L'if: thiit ivc fell into the -ea of i e : no.'.
mi I nuoke ui.ii mn' ll.nindcl ii lo.d
! langlin g in III
v i-ions of our di
t iciil the vein, a!
lull .y h tod. 1 he line
hi had a ; i 1 wi'h
Nieiiolas and iiis L'il'ts.
A (r'M'.vT CttsiriV. The Lev. T.'-Iiop
Pierce, (if Iho Me'liodi-t Kpiscopal C.iureli
S mth. gives the foll' picture of tho
Mate ol I cxas; U u curious conntrv :i paradox.
Iv"rylhing is in tin' superlative, or cm.
tr.tdic'oi v or marvellous. Hi-the rich,
est and til" poorest Il is the be-t land and
tli-i moaned w .nor : i-tlu hnrde-t country
io live in, and ha- t he mo-t to live on, ; lac.
avs are the hottest, and the nigh! the
coolest : here are tne in i-r rivers, an i the
least tvalei-'! llie best and ill.' slow
est travels; llie iin.i. i.iiiMtng in Hon. il.
and tho lci-t u-e mil.' ol'i.: tiicrearc
ni'U-e clouds, mid less I'lin: HI ire plaMis,
and less linber; til mv ropes to I ie iio --e-,
old Vet more e-travs; a poor country for
farming, and yet the mo t prodici ive ;
the least work, and the I ngest ie , ; ih.;
hnr-csme siuall, and the cattle big; the
frogs have horns, and l he rabbits hav e cars
bko mules: the people are intelligent
without general cducat ion- in vein ive wit h
out being irickt-y rclined w it lion nidi
ncrisui rich without money hospitable
without houses hold, generous and brave.
In fine, here is an eiiipiiein extent and
resources, but in the slowed process of cv.
olution, and yet destined to population, .
lilu ju't'jut; it n 'A iii.;ii iihii-uuifJiJ i i:ihii; is
ft splendid (u!lil
Dornt.v PrMsitKit. The other day a
lliltchman in Cinohiali was severely
thrashed by his "viow." and while smart-
ing inihir the infliction bo complained lo
tne Mayer, nud had his better half aires-
ted for the outrage, whereupon sho was
fined I luce dollars and lho costs ; but sho
(not having the money, her husband
was enllod upon to fork over. Upon
which he opened his eyes in astonishment
ovclaiming. "Vot for I pay f She ip iiu-:"
The "statute'' was explained to him, and
he paid, but nnnouno. d that hereafter his
wife mile might wallop him as much as
she pleased, but he would never a.-ain
sue pieasi-n. lmu n- .-ui.i n,-t,-i n.g.iiii
take steps to uphold the "majesty of ilia
I . . ,
A Miiftiirii .lornv.M.tM. " A wnirnn-1
Hi'jiy of ill,. ,nv. i i.intN s-ti!L'. ifr in (.m
';i.v hi (his ,-i.i-c, mils t),(1, lH witli iiiiinitiinitv. to irc,,Ml. I.cCmc ivc
j'ooii. ,.r.v :l ,,. ,ni.L.iiil,.(l joMim.list
ivcl i.n.l (lir.l. c,..;,,1 0c,)(,in jjj,. left nnt even n kIhuIow upon tn
Cbi iMmiis Ii ( a li icml i ,o i.onr
li'il.nv ',. ,..) i,i!o his ,.,, (. ,, ic l';'ni
"! JVcr,!,iT, is;:i, I, nt tun, 1,1, .,1
J i - n f of
tliol IiiMiiiii cm
I his lam i I v 1 . t. n. r..-
ii.. .. ,,. ... ' . 1' "
..v -as a eoii-m in jiiss .Al,t!o,, th,. j,,.n.
travel1 of country li;,., and of .. M it ford,
the hi-oiian ol i, recce, and ,n-s,.s,ed ta.
ol" "'.nil 1 1 1 1 I : t have added
lustre 'o 'heuiime he hoi
r.oin at Mil
lord Ci
t unie.l,
t he s,.;
the. A,-,,,
.-'-. f' :,,
Jill l. his
poVf'l tV
I it
us so many unliimed spii its tin, lo
nn. I he lou-ht under Hood iuid
Hul quilling t' , navy, he at
'iin-clf M llie iieiv-pupel' pics in
capacities, and til t ci wards edited
..', the Hun VI, r, (t'. frlli-, the (,)':
'".' (a penny publ ten i, m) ,Ve.
hiibils philit'ed h i i n io the lice!;. in
whilst e.hiiiig the :. 'Jin .'..
iot, the pioprietor, had to keen
;.; J : H i
him in a
a bo! tic .
oi t ol n cellar, with a eiindle nnd
tii (ivl
. I and
ncn wascon.-tantly being
:i piece of old carpeting
r.'I .leu i.-Ii,-.
f ir his covi
t night vet he would
I stt'iill lul v creep out in search of irhi unless
his shoes were taken away Irom him. lie
'wr.te the songs, 'I'hc King is a tin.. Ihi;
idi Sailor.' nnd Uohnnv Xewcnmbe In the
lowed ;
The publisher of the latter, til
iiui a shilling a dav while he was
"i'1"1? ii. i ne money was o. t?n
i he lnonc
uiicr his own maimer two pence in bread
and ;md an onion, and the rest in
L.h, iind he had tiolhing l0 pay for the
grass and nettle it, JV, v'waivr fields, thai
formed his bed at night. A compassion
;::e .' aiiiiiiilaii en (in,, occasion pave him
a pair of fllin 'to:i boots; but they were
i'"tdi!y -,,ld and converted int'o;:io,
which he at one,, sa! ('own lo drink,,, it.
I he man who had bought them soon uf
Ici, Is returned, ami joeringly (old him
that hehadjiist pawned tlieni for fifteen
s!i:lliii;:s. 'Ah 1' said MiUoid, with a self
c itg'i.tidating -hi ug. 'h'it you went cut
in'., the cold to doi!.' - ',. several Terns
lh:- ,ooi' idle willinl. .-Haying clever sot
l,M d by his .jts. and slept lluee nights
ill the Heck ill the open air w In n he
end. I not nni-t.-r thiee i.eiicc for a filthv
I in St. ( hle's.
fledicd, of
Oil s
ic"!, ,1,-lituic.
ii . had been 1:
re!, Hive. I.,.. II
IVlllg a It lie ill
Ml l in e of bv
d lainily
hi- ll.'ill
1 -dale, nnd his poor c-
hlll.ed hv Mr. ileell.
111 I
1 le
ol I
-il'ed ho, Iv v
A ni's t'otfee llon-e,
Is. who had in e.trlv b
e' ' 1 1 1 1 ' i tuiKilc I'chotv
1 .1 Ill-ill il s lull
imi a s.iip'f i e
'n,4 u. iiji
111' :
i.le Hi
crol ;h
w i- a i
ills fill k
I lie- n ci
CHOW, 'd
il l.icieii.
in; imi i ii k Ki -i i.
'f the
iie ai-ing of our ac 'iaiiitane("
1 1 1 1 . 1 1 with tvh.ini 1 hid I lie
,'j'ilig on I he hdli.u d table.
-e, v.i nt nud
fail ol bid.'
oiis storied of
How far tite-e !
i-.i eo-r
e hlclally line
'lie to fall
e t.) Ill tltcr-op
-whcilicr he ever j
t In i nigli ;i servile :
',,(', I do not nn-1
Iter. Ilk e lo r
l.e- Wei.'
Illi lll,', V ol
tlieni d. ligl
la bug
t li Ii ; one.
I'. i'. mi soiii,
o s iv
bin. true or i'al.-e his sto
mal w:,h a kiionledgc, nnd
Taik.-li ni, tunc,1- tint mad'!
Il'nl to hear. ,l a I i-k of ils
M'tiHiidhaiid. I c. illicit resi
A I i, l'u s i and Kus iaii otli
n-ioii ol truce, had staalch
ft op an ie.iialiit inee. As they sat, lo
g. lio'i. the conv, r-at.oii 'urni'il on thrt
ci npiii'.iJive pcileeiion ,,f (ii.-ciplii.c and
t-h - bell, e t i which tin; r re-pec ive I rooj
had hem bnu.-lit. lo givo a specimen,
llie K,i.--i.iu calls in his oiderly. Ivan,"
s,i.-he, "you wi.l j;o to .-ucii-,'iiid-siH'h a
toi.aec.ui t ; ymi will buy an oak of lo
b.ieeo; pay o- it, and bring it, holm;
si I --light " I Villi salutes and goes. The
Iiu -.stall Mills out his Wir.oh. "Now Ivan
is g ing to tho t'lb.ioeoiiid : nn.v ho is
I here; no.v he is paying for t he tuhieco ;
lio.v he i-t coining houi.' ; low in; is on
lliestair,: no-.v he is here I van !'' Ivan
c-ini.'-, in. sabites, and hands over th to
bimci. "Pck gu.el," says the fit Turk,
willi a e .iidesc.Mi.hng, bt'iug' I,', half
shutting ui eyes l lie whil" ; very nice, in
deed; my orderly will do us union
M.i-tal'.i.'' ' Lileudiin !'' siiv Mu-tiifa,
bur-ting into the. room, and touching his
chin and forehead in tin; cui ions double.
ac i. hi - dute of ihe Turkish soldier. Ho,
lee, in - the muiio directions, word for
w or I, iind th .parts, llis uinsier haul out
n gigantic tin nip of a watch, such a- Turks
delight iii. and proceeds, in imitation of
Iho i;.i-ian, to lick oil' Must. da's suppo
sed performances. "Now he is going;
now he is there; now ho is ptying; noiv
ho is coming honi" ; now ho is here
"Mustafa!" "LTI.-nilim I" replies Mustafa.
again buistin;. in. "Where's I lie lobieer, '
Whe.'.'V 1 1... ti n ;
'Papnuchlel- bou
my sh jcs yet !"
in idini I haven't found '
riseovritv of the Town of Piuninri A
mosjs A letter fi-Min Cairo, in tho Consti
tutional says that Ihe general subject
of conversation in that city is tho discov
ery which has just boon made by lho well
known archrcologisr, M. Marrietto. Io
has found, nt The'iei, after long nnd
dillicult researches, tho tomb, still intact,
ol Pharaoh Aino-is. 'J'ho Kins is lvio"
in u oollin oomnlelolv covered with rolil
leaf, ornamented willi larcewinrgs minted
on it. Thirty jewel of groat value wore
found in lho same eoflin by tho side of the
King, ns was also a hatchet of gold orna-
mentod with figures in lapis lazulo.
Some years ago M. Mnrietlo hud a simi-
lar piece of good fortune, in finding in the
tomb of A pis the jewels which now form I
the principal ornament of lho Kgyptinn
Museum of the Louvre. The jewels of A- I
mo.u's me dill more favorable, from their
number and quality. This discovery of a!
loioioer hum qi
royal intact is
that . M. Miriet
the most important r-ne,
( has vi I rnndc in V.crvi.l. I
A Clever Tako O.T.
?rr. Cnioby js n character eonnee'ed
with I he New Yolk iS'ize.n .Sn'ii, lilnl fie
-Uciitly says some very quiaM', and funny,
ami truthful things, the following clever
hit nt cei tniii editors who gel up weekly
learned replies to the (picstions; of iiniitri
mitoiy coriesptiiideiils, is woitli repiint
ing, mid here il is ;
Mr. Cnibo piesents his compliments
io Miss Xiincy Papers, nnd respectfully
oll'ei'.i, nt reduced rates, any amount of
answers to con espondents, manufactured
as per oidcr:
Mi-s Kiln : It would not be proper for
veil, under the circumstances, lo disobcv
your iiiiuiinia. You cannot with propriety
ask vour nllianceil if he likes baked Leans.
An.iotis ln.uirer. "How can I gel a
wile who will suit mo?'' Marry every
w imaii you meet until you gut tho right
1 liana. --"You're a brick" is very vtd
gar, iiiiti low. You should say, "You
are the compound conglomeration of si
lex mid illumine, made lirmly coherent
by the inlhienee of iii tilieial caloric, crea
ted during the calcination of ignited wood.
Montmorency. We cannot undertake
to return rejected articles.
X. V. S. is not an abbreviation of rick
led Sardines.
Leonora. Ho up your housework first.
Make the beils, sweep, nnd then you enn !
reinon-irate with the cook in regard to
cold victuals.
Martha. Lord Swab did not marry his
lUith r. An English 1'iitler is i.ivariably
of the male gender. A valet is not an in
dispensable, lie is an upper servant.
Lady of the Lake. Your papa knows
best. Lard i- not good for tho hair. Go--In
n butter may do, if scented. To re
move dirt from y on r hands, soap and
water are excellent. ou will not catch
T. V. ). You havo lost your wager.
.tulius Ciesnr did not kill l'.iiitus. Cicero
did not append Ik '.'. or A. I), to his mime.
Adonis. If vou 'ire engaged to Clemen-
tiiin. Mai imi v the know Icd" of
her inexorable rapa, tivosont her with n
impel- of pins. (s1L. u jji 10( con-ider her
self -luck.
b -r-iey City. City Hall is in the. Park.
Howling (Ireeu i not in thel'iiion Siiar
The h-gi-latuie moots at Albany. The
chief ingredient Used in making bread is
II. tar. Ii is
li is generally baked by means of
J'op goes tho Weasel. Melpliomo is
fo.ilhh. You I, nve a ;teifect light to lake
ln r gr itid iiot her to the theatre, and she
should be jealous. You should net lake
Mel' by tin- nose with the thumb nml
linger of your left hand when you kiss
h.-r. It is a t run I il to you, and might le
vei v painful to her.
1'. I'. The sun rises in the oast. I ens
do u I idw;ivsct iii llie west. Tho "Lay
ofi!,ela-t Minstrel" was not an egg it
wn a song.
J'uiiip. Certainly not-
Anna. ( if cour-e.
huhjous Consult a lawyer.
K. K. Y. Cim't d i it.
Miranda. It is not proper lo let Adol-phu-
ki-s von in the stieel ; nor is it lady
like for you to sit don n upon a fno plug.
I f vonr sister loves l he policou.un, bhu hud
belter let hi .1 take her up.
IIo.V ClIIKI! CAUETOlli: L'SEIl At the
t i i iiu Columbus discovered America, colleo
had never been known oi used, llonlv
grew in Arabia and Kthbpirt. The discov
eiy ol ns use as a dr,nk is ntci il e I to ft
super or of iiiounslei v in Arabia, who do
s.i ous of prevent ing tho monks from sleep
ing at their nocturnal services, made them
drink the infusion of collee. upon there
port of some, shepherds, who observed
mat Ineir flocks were moro lively after
browsing on the fruit of that plant. Its
reputation rapidly spread through the Ad
jacent coniilros, and in about two hun
dred years it reached Paris. A single
phnil, brought I hero in Mi l, became the
parent slock of all tho coll'co plantations
in the West Indies. The extent of the
consumption can now ' hardly bo realized.
The L'uitod States alono annually consutno
at lite cost of its landing from fourteen to
fifteen millions of d liars. You may know
tne Arabia, or Mocha, the best, cotfee, by
its small boa n and dark color. The Java
ami Last India, the next quality, is a larg
er bean and of a palo yellow color. The
West Hio has a blue, greenish tint.
The Wincs or California. The culti
vation of tho grape in California bid fair
in the short space of twenty years, to
transcend in importance the working of
goldmines. The State Jt,gi.-tor for 1K5'J
Worms us Hint llio increase of vines from
'l'1 lo 1X07 lir,y lK'r rP,,t" nn(1 s,vel1'
t,'.f,lllK I'm... I J'." . - .. ,
I'.' 'vi rt- jioiii inoi to ,-.l,sf nil'l
aiiout ntiy per cent, sinco then on the
whole stock, being a greater increase than
.1 : . . i , . , . . .
vo.,ii,,ii'i iniei-si, wouhi yiel'l. li is
estimated that the present stock of vines
when matured, exclusive of the proooods
deriv ed from the sale of tho grnpo i nd the
maiiiitiieturool brandy, will reach fen mil
lions ol dollars. In twenty years, nt the
tato of progress nlxivo indicutvd, llie wine
product ol California will be worth fifty
inilllion of dollars.
Iloors! A still later invention in the
non-ex panso-expaiisivo-Iast-forevor-let m-or-out-six-foot-in-diamoter-rievor-bond
i nose iiinios who nave worn l imn state
positively that they are perf ct darlings.
F5J-A singer who lod tho psalm tune at
a moot ins, ashort lime ninco, fi..dint? f liai
hl concluding word which win Jacob, had
nit. syllables enough to finish the music
ended .thus -" J-a-a-i J a i a fol d rid.
d!c. -oh' "
TERMti-U.25 per Aimum
Major Van D0n' rlcT II(E c
MAMnrs -o find j tho Sim Antonio
Jleiuld the following ctruot from a letter
written It nn otlieor of Lho intiiy, who
i.nrlieipiitod m the engagement described
by Major an Jjorn Jiimself, in a kttef
we havo already published.
Ui n Tort Atkinso.v, Mnv 14th, I
have written a hurried report of a fight
willi the Ciitiinnches that took place yes
terday, about throe o'clock, 1 M. It was
a bloody fight on neootmt of the Cnninn
chrs' iiosttion for defence, which was un
der a Hull' in the dense thicket, in which
they could tint be seen i.itiil ti.nt.
ornhe movement indicated their indi
vidual positions. Or course, tho men dig
mounted as skirmishers, fought nt great
disadvantage, and it ie,iiired the coolest
and most determined courage to advanco
upon a danger that could not be seen.
'I ho oifiocn and men behnved splendidlv.
Lieutenant Loo is badly wounded ; ns lie
was in tl o act of firing with his pistol at
an Indian, ho was shot under the right
arm to tho lungs. It is not known wheth
er or not the arrowhead remains in him,
on which depends his safety. Captain!
.Smith is shot through the leftsido, ihongh
not very badly. Wo have buried one poor
fellow who was killed. Sergeant Leveret t
cannot live until morning. Others arc
seriously hurt, but will in all probability
get well. I'ivo warriors, wounded, went
taken prisoners. There arc in all thirty.'
six prisoners, mostly women and children.
.Several days before we reached the Si
niewon there was a camp of over a thou
sand Indiana on a creek about twent
miles northeast of our line of march. Tho
Indians discovered our approach (imi fled.
Their trail led ns (o this camp, or lienr itj
they have crossed tho Arkansas, and nra
now probably ten days north of that river
and frightened to deatL They are all
driven out of tlm buffalo country, and
will suffer, nnd 1 hope will bo brought to
reflect there is no place safe for them.
N o rode nil day yesterday in ft cold raiu;
and had the fight in the lain.
Dunr of a Printer who knkw "jr.
NirV'-Tho Pendleton (S. C.) Mmaqcr
in a sketch of lho "Old Stono Meeting.
House," in that tiwn, ufter speaking of
several celebrities buried in the cruvevnrd,
Picnoafh a clusfor of cednts repose alt
that is mortal of John Miller, printer.
We lingered long by his grave, for iii
eventful life nflbrded us food for medita
tion. we could have soon and conversed
with his descendants, who live in this vi
entity, wo could hnvegained a fuller sketch
of him. Mr. Miller was tho oldest tvpo
in tho Stato. For the publication of Ju
nius' let tern the author of those paper
he well know he was expelled from Lug.
land. Ilo cume to South Carolina; prob.
ably worked for a while in the oflice of
the first paper published in this State, nt
Chailcdon, mid thence removed to Pen
dleton, using the press which Ucn.Croeiie
had in his campaign ; he did job work,
until lie commenced the publication of
the Pendleton Mmenjcr the second pa
per istablished in this State.
This woi Id has speculated much ns to'
the authorship of Junius, but John Miller
carried the secret to his grave at the "Did
Stone Meeting House," nnd has left no
information as to the name of the author.
A Grain- of (ioi.o. The distil, guishod
Edward Everett in one of his agricultural
speeches ays 0f corn: Drop a grain of
California crold in the ground and there
it, will lie unchanged to tho end of time.
Tho clods on which it. falls are not more
cold and lifeless. Ih-op a grain of our
blessed corn into the ground, and lo 1 a
mystery. In a few days it softens it
swells it shoots upward it is a living
thing. It is yellow itself, but it sends up
an emerald green through tho soil it ex
pands to a vigorous stalk revels in the
sunshine itself more glorious than Solo
mail in its broad, fluttering, leafy robe,
whoso sound, as tho west wind whispers
through them, falls as pleasantly on the
husbandman's ear as the rustfo of his
swoctlicni-t's garment; still towers aloft,
spins its verdant skeins of vegetablo floss,
and displays its dancing tassids, surcharg
ed with fertilizing dust, and at last ri
liens into two or three Magnificent batons
like this (an ear of Indian corn) each of
which is studded with hundreds of grains
of gold every ono possessing the same
wonderful properties as the parent grain,
every ono insliot with the samo produc
tive powers.
J'xruRir.xoE. There is n pretty (termini
story of a blind mini, who, under such a
misfortune, was hajtpy happy in a wife
whom ho passionately loved; her voice
was sweet and low, and ho pave her credit,
for that beauty which (had ho boon a
painter) was the object of his idolatry. A
physician cunio, and restored the husband
to sight, which bo chiefly valued, as il
would enable Iiini to g.v.o on the lovely
features of his wife. He looks and sees a
face of hideous ugliness ! Ilo is restored
to sight but his happiness j over. Is not
this out history Our cruel physician i
experienco. A Monti, VtftiurT. iJut jn Calhoun
cotinly, Illinois, a body with the head so
vered from t!io trunk was found recent
ly. A coroner's jury was empanelled,
and rendered the following verdict:" 7iV
can Vtrii-f; Wee, tho jurors findo tie
doseo?ed cum to his dolh by the Hand '
of sum Person unnon with unlawful weep
ing Maimed ax.'
She's Mooniing as May,
Brisk, lively, and gay,
Tho graces play all about her ;
She's prudent and witty. .
Sings pretty,
An1 h"ri J im living without, he''
! U