r.teoftimwoT 0 • r i OTrlk L S 4 ..- e ...I in. oa t ur. i l lr „, TI. r IA3I3Ik9NTOV 'PARKER Par , wen4vdle ne gh present, luxe., time pe flevOted tolaterature ano A --------""1 f) A 0 t 0 4c r • IN - 0 1, 8 11 , ' I i , • & f w e s in 44 at., by w , Cl e arfield 09witY0 81 40 4 73 r tar Ail. um, d amio Dies ris tiwo rl at i ravib t riuo T . i in t b io riot / grit* tutie, ATIo setting forth full accounts th At the ensuing Meeting 10 e tr n 7 14 1 )0 7 4 4:1 - ft i• ut la w E r i e r a datz e0 8 40 h ie te n r sh o i f pi ter ui Lin • seen uce a t ny wh o a f t t u tieliclotier w J ii n t o_ 6o,, ur , town , o t a g• t e L y, a ; L i t t h e e ‘. lt ao n b r a tt or n i n hO lal d n r n or in a n t ' 25 i1l t ordered for Thlinida s i gvenings the t d o n l st , the Eon, joules Burns id e an d field county. . t and ! ~. ~ T hesis. . irt i L till . a ' irks *t ee ll t ar r exiaa a 2 " 23 e. 1 Goo B. Barrett will address the I , i , o _n 101 0d,„adthilts.: de Ist Inst., ty rwe, if on w ie e o gi f lu n i!"l ti .a t i li sFu4in 4n f *(ll Adfli e °Be t } Vitt a r ti P I: f:rthenm l o l n a r M- I - n .d H. Bucher Sweat* will de- ' l ° 2l * A.sit, ~ a}r. Joniti,Z49ll,o-rosi to 11 4ur nert nat ante g niain g i non t ot i / man i c & Ittnty N Farmer , my I 111 " ting ' all n oTh o ut orik t ure o f en: . . 1 4" ,AlOglii 1114 Of relllWlllei stalagvirkt send usa few Valli of these Tw e ; na i l i ng cheap' Lanai, of •t h e V est l ei his L e c tu re o ihe Bible J. . 0 .. 5e..”,,,,mi,,,, A LLY, s ite. Fz ixtun.y, „ a 4 r 1 4 i arint-- n' I ' quality, it on. 9f the healthiest tuA most , Thuraday the 9th inst, hy inact' Wnir is 0 lk-- tVe published a few, k delightful climates in the Union ; see ad.. Letinni s El i Mr. ALUM 11001 , 716 'Mt i wee, sI , __..L.,„ k this" OF - - - k • i / =nee, thd coiththeneement of a stOry en Oitz-Pesto ostm, which was, to be tl oto D. II AU Yirriirs both] ofPenn to vi. . s . ,„ . 'FA M' LANDS 'OR SAtt • 25 3111 1 E9 ship, this 000lit y . t i tled hdadelphia by Railroad in the state continued in the lVcw Vri IK Liy We f Ist 4 Soil thebest:Jos On the 9th inst. by John G. Cain, Earl., beenr c • peW °may.am , Mr. Johnll. Warrick - t9 • Miss'ElarehApo have informed Ithat persons •Wishing Ai3rieultiasal purposes, being a good ldurii iThingkin, b o th o f i teou l a tn. ar , lieki to obtain that paper for tbo p u p ° so l o f TOIL, Vi t ltl e l t ary d botto t m. lii il it ir rit l r r i Z i f t i i ri k d i Co., Pa, , , , & ... I reading the story have been unable to do a g u n ire r ds drom Vi all pf.:l3 B f the country are . s t , so. Why is this I Has the IVee4ry teased now Bottling pria)lWilailig The crops can I . , T l k Dram I to exist f t ' 'lf not, why can it •not be bb- beseen , Trow Termsfloor4ls $2O l 0 ing ,, tri g,. / It d * I per acre, payabld within four years. in : F ro m th e ' el, Pm tamed ? ° n l i nda3li rattan 31 • Alii.B,N W. BURN- I , 4 . ' ------- stalrnents. To visit the place -,•l# ale SIDE, iehet of the late A Vine st w h ar f et Philadelphia, at 7i A i H on , th pmas i IbUt • I lik k .cit THAT I N)ltirirt h iStiVEtbs z ---16. ~ to or ad mon an bthik of' issue ma be in excellent meth'. Burnside :110d 73 years;' 8 th 417 M, by licuircou tor• uammon • 'to day—tomorrow; a small run oil it m ayldaye.dress R. J. Byrnes, b y letter. See n full ad verusemen' in another column. o*** * * i close its doors Even a bank of earth may 1 •She to whom we would yield the tribute sometimes fail, but the bank f r om which ' eta few P 4 mgroPhs , had Hired for fort) •- I the "BnProvd Blood Scaroltr" is , issued NCI I . 111 0 !eats in " .t is borough as a wife and l er fails. The people have confidence in its tmother—and in all that •long series of issues, because it redeems its promises, so IYears Mies left no duty unperformed be- 1 that every body takes Blood Searcher as a I I nlot ti f dal k i 4 if , g o ip wi e s nor i she neg ect • a purifier: Watfanted to give sati , faction [ s ingle labor of the many invested in the I [holy respoiiiiihilities ofa inetther In these relationi she displayed her qu.slities best, (when soothing the afflicted or dispensing the hpundleas devotion of her heart.— I Norio bet a mother can appreciate a moth er's anxious care and, devotion None but a mother responds to a mother's sym pathy, and earnilig her tit`e of 'mother to the poor," she passed from the ga) tiles and pomp of an exalted station in so • ciety, to tind the objects of her charities and attention among the strife' ing and neg lected.Her's was not• a charity that sought for applause. She did not exibit her goodness in professions. She met the wants of the afflicted by answering thorn , not in censorious advice, but in real benev olence and assistance. It is not strange then, that a whole community should I mourn the loss of such a woman. It is not I strangc that the public heart should beat with sorrow, because society has lost a rai -1 noble member, and that bet ter part of the world, whose sirti ea and goodness are so seldom exposed to the rude gaze of the I multitude, mourn the loss of one who was to it a model of matronly dignity,'and a preceptor- in the principles of social grace and religious truthfulness .— • lin such moth are- invested the peace iof to communities. They shed round them an influence more potential than law, and win to their obedience and admiration not only those joined to them by the ties oecK)!iaguititty, but all who can lie embiled null a genie 9f what is just, honoiable and right Even if they are unheralded as they pass through life. or descend into the grits') in silence, the influ ence of then actions are stamped upon ev ei) nation's' history. It requires neither i pageutry nor song to' perpetuate their memmies -It asks neither bronze or mar ble to preserve their Nine Bit ip 'man's improvement. and his aptyroxiination to his original purity and dignity, he ti aces the cause to the first lesson received from a ohm ished mother's lips, and the effect in a dying mother's blessing. 1 We need not seek further to disclose I the virtues and noble goodness of the dead We need not allude to the title of matronly honor whieh she earned while living, nor need no point ro the protruse which ensures her a glorious position a rruong the exalted in Heasen. These are engraved on the' hearts of her neighbors. . Her memory, like the sunshine, will flash on those who have known her, every mor ning. Her, character, like the broad light of day, %sill always be , loved And in the recollection of her gentler 111dr:halm men and women *ill &ten bask as they recline in the holy', quiet light of• evening. Alas for the mother's who are leavingusi e And alas that the ; generation which begins to take their place, gives so small a promise of so few like them. Tax FOURTO or JuLT.-A-As the anniversa.! 0 .'4;1 American Independerkee l ls - near , at' t,i,a4, 'we may be excused for makiiii the inquiry whether any attempt at Celebes ileg 01 0 eocio4o l A n .: an 41 0 ' 1 :44 1 * inn ser is contemplated by ourmaititenti. • Cer-; Isialitbke 4;00.C 4 0 11 14, 6 00 .Yet iii Abe 'beads or thoTe.ooo,to 4evotit,att !eamt one lay in a year to testifv their+ rttAtude , fot.l the blessings sennyed them by the decla- 1 stion and ffniipl44npeel of, T uyrl‘ national adepenilence. Then kind haves celebra 'On on' 'the ~ glpriimp':fonfth. N'Ve sPelid 1, 0 i,h time and means. its the) pursnif, of objects much :toss wortlq,'atid bevel' think 4 :4 , considering, either masted.. , And ,we can certainly oiford sufficient of both to gave a creditable and Oessint, fifiVir on the Nation's birthday. : , , Sonsese.—fintlrew Hays, who has been in prison for mime months waiting die trial k for robbing , the store of gr. ti- ' i derin Karthaus township some time last toting,;Yesterttay_ plead guilty ts:mn taro indictments, and was sentenced to four' yearS solitary confinement, in the Western. Penitentiary. , The unhappy young wan , Ida in a few days be.taken to Pittsbnrgh to 'sorra out, in solitude and suffering, this long period which the: offended laws demand, as an atonement for the indul gence of evil passions which ended in crime. What a melancholty sight lo wit ness a young, and intelligent man, bearing the image of the Creator, con &aired to drag out four miserable Years in the gloomy cell of a prison, and away fresh tile glorious light,of clay, and an as. sticiation with creatures of lais kind. _ Row trifling the brief enjoyment pro ilialky- crime, eemp s ee&with the sacri fice-of integrity.---self-rovect, and in the ease, of detection, liberty and all that con• stitutes the happiness of life I Who would not strive to resist tempta tion in the outset, to maintain his integ rity;tind'esearsis 'se deplorable for the•present, and so hopeless for the fu ture? , TROUT Fusaimo.—On Monday afternoini and Tnesday forenoon of last week, Sena- , tor Creswell and U. J. Jones, of this One , . took from the waters of . Bobb's creek Olen trout—two lorge baskets full— many of them varying from ten to twelve inehes in length. What-ays our friend of the Harrisburg. Teiegraph.—Vair County . _ We find the above going the rounds o the papers, and while wo admit that our Worthy Senator' and Mr Jones aro skilful ogler', must claim that Clearfield fisher-1 then can surpass_ theni, in enticing tho ' speckled :beauties from their native ole nieut. Senator Bigler, while on a fishing 'exe,ursionOri.V6itit Rau, a few, days- ago, foie:ceded in 'capturing twenty and two, third .dozen, - (21) beautiful trout in one day: ,Iftbis lean be beaten we should like to hear of it Simon Aectim.rr.—We learn that on I isst,*ednesday, Reuben Bonsai, , a son of Judge Bonsai of Rrady tp., a young man of 013,90, twenty-three years of age, met with a Cery serious, and it was for some days {eared - a' - futal accident, at. the raising of . tie Barn of Mr, Jackson-Bonsai. Be was , trown from the building, several heavy timbers falling upon him, initialr g much internal injury. The young man remain; 'ittinsensible for . a long. time, And it Was' ;feared that he would'ned revive. We are t4,,stato tlyit ho ltaa b eer 4 gerOuf,-113? „reaoyering, and it is now ,hopitlihnt. linearly if not quite out of clanger. Cqmtv, Continence& on Tuesday morn lag.And, Is Mill in se:salon: James Burnside, arrived on Monday evening and in the morning follfritiffs .took ' seat upon the benoh,along.with- his Associates. its,?iag very well..andf proceeded, to busi- In his usual proMpt, bUt .quiet and gentlemanly manner: But a few causes have as yet been but :those were of importance and occupied ~ treble time, We shall full report . thereof next west.; • , r , VALIUM& }Zia ESTATIL.P,PTWO, neglected ' Int week to call' attention to the fl'Aveir uienl /3 k lit 4ie en o oa , sq,., Reit' for three thOusand 'acrea•Of valuer lands pear the mou th _ eFeat ••lioshannon Creek. These lands are hefty :* timbered 'ere among 'the be gin the country. know of no Vetter,op , loortimitY — for investment, and gaatlematay. ;titan 11r. %sic, , . Trta WfuiThill, since we 10trecorcled lts 11Eui presented ; and. cold, however; prevailing. Dur lug thelatter last' week.the &twos 'Otero Was at' times-quite chilly and iion 'gaeroble rain 'fell. The ivesone. week, *it fai,lis been more genial..l.luh fully i moist as its predecessor. Still there is an ibsence of the sultriness usual at this sea , - ~ "son of the year, exceedingly agreeable to •• ,114 . 60113 who 4o ß it, like hot we,ather. For all sore and painful diseases sppla 1 . 14 Neuralgia, Sick Ileai)sl4lo ; iles, _ 4. , • of.leby ,VAIL'S GitiArit.lllo 10.11 i.. . wut give reli9f in from Avg ,to thirty W.3fl' ttetl Literary Notice.. The Wevont.r AevEt..s.- 1 -The enterprias publishing , house of Peterson dr, Broth ers, '866 Chestnut' street, ooutinue to send as fast nut published, their elegant , uniform ed:tion of the noveld and "romances of Sir * p alter Scott. The series , trill comprise' all his prose works of. fiction to the number of twenty-six"volumes, all in uniform style and ComPleteryiidapte4l for binding. They' will be uhtt .for 261 9;1,4, per volume, or the entire sett of 261 for $5. This is the. beat opportunity we have yet met with of obtaining these works complitiY . ‘Tfie price being much lower than' 'ever ' they have been . offered I by any pub Ashing. house in. America Pr 1 elsewhere. Those who desirelhese works ‘ ll _ out. Obtaining-4 00M. Remember, zetcts. per vol. the sett of 26 • for - 1K or 6svol'pop i.oloolloobtioi. $O, sent to any pitri of the United States free trivetagi. ,, ' Addreks T. B. - retfivippkAishent ixJ. 1.,. Chesnut • R,Okatf4 v4ini!:l77:4 6na 514 rly itutgaBine of the, fislikuls, pubusnemb3r BuA. B t ogiotti4!To. 810 Phestur fps thdbboa beeti rooeived land is an elegant Cumber. low-4i per annum: .. "Titx litis Soca,Ty' caritintort itti. flour• islung conditiOn its meetings weekly es:usual.. The held queethigl take ' lac i e ak the residencepf op Iliad , Tuear,lll ofe4iiig . . • For Hardware go th , 111ERREDL -i BIGLER'S. For Stoves of different.pattorns go: to • InEititgLi4.4 BIGLER'S. I, For Farmer's Boilers go to ' Merrell f Bigler'e: For Stove Pipe go to Morrolt & Bigler's. For Summer Furnaces go to Merrell & Bigler's. Fur Coffee roasters go to Merrell & Bigler'e. S this Seems to be a fast rigekn more than ' Fur Stove brushes go to . Morrell & Biglor'o. A one instance, and as we are in' the midst of ' For Gorman black lead, go to Merrell & Bigler's. bogus democratic conventions, and the excite. tueut cruised by tho Sickles trial at Witithitigton.• it is not sOrPrising th t the folks of Cloarflold Fur Earthen collars, go to Merrell & Bigler's. For Rafting Stovos, go to Merrell & Bigler's. For. Japannedwares go to Morroll A Bigler's• would get sOurd'hat ebCcited to keep up with the' with the fashldus in more rospocts than one, ho For Waiters, go to Merrell & Bigler's. 1 awes ;. and 'as,'ilie s bscriber likes, to keep up For F , ,ot Tubs, go to o to ', .. ; Merrell A Bigler's.: would anaourico to the people of town and coon- ON Motto!! & Bigler's - . i EDITORS.--A 0 editor, who lived at a For - Wittor Coolers, g Fin Mulnses Cane', go to Mtn:roll A Bigler's.; try, that ho bus constantly on hand a Large As- ' hotel, being absent one niglit , the tan dlord i For Dust Pans, go to Merrell A: Motor's: l ointment of HOOTS and snogs of every ilo -1 o,, i o c es„ 'gy Boots, Laßue' Morocco Laoo Boots Dressod took the liberty oi allowiiig a Stramser to i Fer Doed Boxes, go to . Merrell &Bigler's. i scription, French and Country Calf, Kip and Kto. V.A. Lanthorno, go to Bigler's. ! and Undressed, with or without French lLiels; occupy.his room. In the morning the un - I f or Chamber Bucketo, go to , also any amount of Fronoh and Country Calf, grateful lodger left the following :Writ M .M e e r rr re e l il l L A , • t "" For Hard ware, go to Merrell f Bigler's , Lace Boots, (lents ;Fronelt Calf and Cloth Gat. on the margin of one of the editors old Fur Bar iron of all sizes , go to Morrell & litgler'd . ; tore on hand, or made to order on short notiioe. For Nails and Spikes; go tt) Alerrell .I;l3iglor's. Walking shoes of every style, from the ',,Bluitleit newspapers:— . For Cast Steel, go to Merrell A Bigler'! . Lacer to the euarsostßrogan, always on hand and "I slept in an editor's bed last night, I For ling. Milner Steel, go to Morrell d Biglur a (or salt. For Spring Steel, go to Morrell A Iliglor's" • An of the above will be disposed of at t xtrome- And others may say what, they, pl..ase; For American Blister, go to Morroll A 13.gler's ly low prices, for Cash or Hides: I say there's one editor in the world For iron Axles, go to Merrell A Bigler's' ' Custou work made to order and. on short nu . ' For Buggy Springs, go to Merrell & Bigler's the. That certainly takes his ease. iFor Stuuothiug Irons, go to Morrell 43; Bigler's. I will pay particular attention to mending "When I thought of iny humble ! cot, away, ' For Don Looks, go to Merrell dr Bugler's' , boots, shoes and gaiter& ; and • will always be I could not suppress A sigh, _ Fur Butts and !Loges, gu to Merrell dc. Bigler's. found at the Short Shoo Shop, on 2d street, near , For Files, go to 'Merrell tic Bigler's., ly opposite Reed & Weaver s store. Please call But thought as I rollod in the feathery ' For Pump Chains, go to Merrell & Itigler!. and sco Shorty.. , Fur Pump Fixtures, go to Merrell 43: Bigler. F. SHORT. - nest, Fur BrnasaKettles,,go , to • Merrell do Bigler 's. Clearfield, May 4, 09.-3tu. no. 16, vol. iv. How easy editors lie? STRAN 4.i Ell." For Muslin Kettles, go to • ' ruorrell B Bigter's. -- I For Waffle Irons, go to tuerrell 44; Biglces. • • CAUTION For Sausage Cutters, go to merrell & 13igler's. For sausage !Sniffers, go to merrell dr Bigler's. ~ kllpersons are hereby cautioned against pur For Coffee wills,go to merrell dr Iliglue r chasing or needling with a certain whitesaud red Fur Porch Foot, go to merrell ai,• Bigler's. cow in the possession of Richard Denver, jr., and For PlouglAi r ings, go to merrell a Bigler's. is left with him on loan only, subject to toy or- For Horse Shoo Nails, go to ruertoll a Bigler's. der. BATRICIi DAILY., For Hotel Lamps, go to waren a Bigler's. May let, 1859. Fur Baru Dour Itioge.s, go to otorrell a Bigler's. For !Gate Hingeie, gli to 'warren a Bigler's. r CA.UTION. For Jack Chains, go to merrell a Bigler's.' For • For Lung handfdShovlsgo to toenail a Bigler's. ALL persons aro hereby cautioned against For Grain Shovels, go to- merrell a Bigler's. purchasing br needling with the following de- For . Spades, go, to „ morreld , a Bigler's. scribed property now in the possession of Otto C. For Bay Forks; go to moriell a 'Bigler's. Buck : one cooking stove, two beds and bedding Fur manure forks, go to merrell a Bigler's. one breakfast table, ono dough chest, one set For Iron Bakes, go to merlon a Bigler's. chairs, coo set quoensware, as the saute belongs For Hoes, go to merrell a Bigler's. to me, subject to my order. For Ferrules of all sizes, go to merrell a Bigler's., • For Brass Cocks, go to - merrell a Bigler.s. May 251.11, 185041 pd.__ Fur. Brass: Candlesticks, go to nierroll a Bigler's. , For Brass , Snuffers; go-to inerrel 1 a Biglers. Administrators' Notice. For Brass Locks, go to merrell a Bigler's. , Fur Lard Lamps, go to merrell a Bigler's. L ET7'ERS OF ADAILATISTRATION ' Fur -Leuron.lB4oteezers, go to merrell a Bigler's . ' `IN the estate of John Stugart, late of Penn For Cork Scrows,,,go to. , . .."' ° " °ll a- Ligier.e ' 1.....1 township, Clearfield county, ,deeenood, hay- For Egg Codltirs, go to merrell a Bigler's. ing been granted to the undersigned., all persons , For Bread Toasters, go to moron a Biglee . s. baring businoss or dealings with the said estate Tor -- Forltergo to • - merrell a B o glor si. aro requested to make immediate - settlement. Fur Basting Spoons, go to merrell a Bigler's., AMOK - HILE, Adm'r. ,For Twine Boxes, go to,_ , , merrell.a Bigler's. Lumber City, May-25th, 1859. -- For Egg boatirs, go ta - - ' merrell a Bigler's. ~ ~ For Spring balances, go to merrell a Bigler's. , . For' Corn Grinders, go - to merrell a Bigier's.j SeaIedNOTIOE TO BUILDZIV3. For Corn Shelters, go to morrell a Biglar's,l proposal will bo received by the under- For Saw tivages, go to merrell a rtta Bigler'! w., signed, until the 25th of June, 1859, - fur. the For Casters, goto. merrell aßigler.ss buidiog of a School llouso in Penn tontship, the For illyDrindstories, go-to morroli _a BilitOr 4LI plan wad specifications of which may be seen at • For Miscellaneous Articles. To to I any time, at- otßee iu Feouville. Merrell & Bigler's. 4 • JNO. - RUSSELL, For Coal Oil, go to warren a Bighted.; Secretary Pella School Board. Fur Coat Oil Lamps, go to macron a Big er s. .I , Juno 1, 1859. P. 0. address (Irampion Hills. For Gus Chandeliers, go to Merrell a 8163r'5. 1 . . . For Dinner bells, go•to - tnertell A' Bigler's,.l . NOTICE. :- For Tea belle, go to merrell a .11)gler's, . For Grain Cradles, go to Merrell a Bugler's. ETTERS of Adurinistatioa having the beenestate this For Ploughs; go to • merrell a Bigler's. • day grunted:to e un d ersigned e 'on For Side Hill Plougbe, , go to merrell a Bigler's. ', o' alph Campbell, late of Union' township, de- For Road Scrapers, go to warred! a -Bigler's.! ceased. All persons indebted to Said *State will For Sand Screens •go to moron a Bigler's.' make immediate payment, and those who have For 000100 43 10 0 i '-{ ga Vir' . :3 ~ 01,,7 0 . lilt Bigler's. „claims will present them duly aothentimited Us For flay ' Sales, go to - werrell 'ii Bugler's. It, J. Crane, Esq., Cisartield, or to net. 'For •Polent Oink Ism; go to - merrell a . Bigler's. I. • WM:" r.. JoUrlio, -Poreioerilttilerk-g 644 - -- -ukekroll 4-1-iikteelt• Union tp,,,, , June itti, 18411. At , . - Fos Lamp Shades, go to . merrell a Bigler's. Fur Spotter, go to •.- ' • , taerre'l a •Bigler's. For Shoot liinkr;'‘golo::, • Merrell a Iliglor',s. For Fruit'Cidis, go to • merrell a Bigler's. For Houso Spoil dig, go to • morroll a lingler's. For Old Dominion Coffeepots, ge to ' - • mowed'a 11171 Ar's, , • s• , Country ooduoo taken into eichanges; leo, old Copper, Brant, Cast, Metal, Act. ' • • ,e. • - • •' , • •MERBELI A BICILEit. Clearfield, Juno 4, 18A9. A HIGH ESTIMATE.—WIint dose the rea der think of the'Scandalous" editor who could give this answer to a correspon dent ! "JaNNlE—Minis!ers.'iire not more addicted to than the nien of other profeihions. • A few of the Kallooll type take gin toddies and liberties with fe• males, but the great It:IL:jolly are las good as lawyers and dect. , rs. It' you want a trio clhristian marry and editor. A WRITER in Hotochoid wont, thus de scribes the appearance of Napoleon 111 ; . "He is grizzled, cadaverous, and lame in the left hip, said labors to conceal this last,' defect. His walk is awkward. llu turns out his toes,, and leaps, heavily on the strong stick ho Carries in well-gloved hand. He is carefully dressed ; but. though his coat fits hint accurately,, he ,has notn ing Of 'the air of a perfectly dressed man. His figure is not improved by the cuirass which his coat will not conceal. Every step he takes :is studied, while his eyes scans every passer-by with a book which has something uncanny in its expres lion." PaosAlc Poxiutr.---I gave liar a rose and gave her a ring, and . I asked, her to marry we then ; but she sent them all back the thing, ne notion .of men. - I.teld-her I'd oceans of money and ,goods, tried to frighten her with a growl; but; she answered she Wasn't brought up' in. the woods, to be scared by the screech of an owl. I called her a baggage and every thing bad ; I slighted her features, and form ; till at length I succeeded in get ting hr mad; and-she raged like a sea ima storm. And then in a moment I 'turned and smiled, and called her my,nn geCtind all ; she fell in my arms like a wearisome Child, and exclaimed, "We will marry-thiti-4411," • • - !, • • A LIVING FAITEL-11l A pupil° school :n New York,n short timosin,ce s .ou an ,alarm nfifire,4 terrible fititi einiuiedrand- many of the scholars were injured by rushfirg to the doors, and one of the teachers, a young lady. jumped from a w ticlow: Among the lmndreds of, children, with ' wiumn the ,Art_ intilding wee one , girl, among the best ' the_ ,pcbpol who thOigh ,1411 he frightful stone, nuilniained entirg yv enmppso3. The color indeed forseolt her cheek. nee' lip quivered. , The tears stood in hereyes, but she moved not. After order had been restored, and her oompanions had :been brought back to thoir pieces; the question was asked hor, km* she oath° to sit so!atill 1 without apparent alarm, when everybody else was in such a fright. "My father,' o said she.M..et t a firettlaKantl ; lo;_told me if there 'Wes an el'artx; et aro in,t ( he school, I must sit st . , . • A COinvtitx teni or/ corres. pOndent ,of " the Vincennes, &in. writing twin says: I asked. an old lady of the Ohurche in confidence, if . she really. thought"dis virtuous" woman Wduid'beeome by joining the °Mirth. ghejtcleed virtuous , Ig' ; oop 1 13 9T0K,. •aisis her "specks," and said, "'yes, if the peaky men would let' her !alone 1" And I believe she is right._ JAMES T. LISOMAD2 - 11.14.4011., 0." *WET ~,:upprpiptlntnarits3m,,' "'‘OkEARFIELP au ral d i ptiox'aitAiting,stliliCAFD Dam's} msarossa D0P 43803 . Callectiont4/44 040190640frfigptt3 remitted. 01 . 10 y $ qici cries ebn~t ptty `' Oli•OfIloa on brarkat street, opposite the resi. 4eutoof Jas. B. Graham, Eaq. • . 'fib all wanting , Forji; _ye ; adv'ereisei 4 l* Rion.m. 27, I t -------- RAACIKEItEL AND 'HERRING for We to Otitriektitiro-4 1 iiirensilittw l : I ST I. r i 0 1 1 PDX ZEIr ;eat 1§14.--ncr.l4, vol. tr. OR TIN WARE , 01+ ALL KINDS JGO TO MERRELL di BIGLER'S. teor Brlttanula ware M go to • ERRELL 4. 13IGIARIVS*. For 'lloilo* *are co to lIERRELL 4' BIGLER'S. Pumps! pump!! Pump,s!!_! HE undersigned would; respectfully 1. ammo* to - the toitizeni of. Clearfield count) , that he has commenced the .uhcive'dbuitinees in CUR IVENS VIZ L E.‘"' whotikluothitinkr leopitiuhkiidthilest artiolo of pump kind. They are not made out of iron, copper, :Ault, or galvanized chain, but of lbe very I hono' YELLOW PINE.' , PorYthe estiination in *doh: they are held by others, see Die following The only reliable pump now in nee • •f f•••: , I , „ Dr. A. D. Dills, Clearlotti• The.only pump woitiChatiog„ , • , • •0-: B••' 43 . 4 ildlolgfai Luther/1 ) 01P The A° got Ptg. pro , or; Pf PAW pump in use . Dever Luther" , w:g, 'Work ' s' `Oireelisn't in a forty toot will, . ; ••, ffi; • ;Jima Vaildw,ell,'Plko tp. *good and - reliable I poi% • "`r;, •' [ 1 ''• • ; • ' • . • ; - Tbes.; - Rafferty, - Pien-tp. All order" **draped to l i beitobeeriber af§Cur wswing, will be ProPP4 attended to. 4TTEL iCtinieuirille June" - low _ • 00tekp s NT. li I THE subsembetoffershis farm situated in•inprrenee .township Clearfield county, donta.ining home tmolriridted and forty *Or with 'about Seventy-57a sitiretCleared barn, young", orchard ' tfiereon; for ,ttele or rent on, reasonable terms. Eiiquirn,of the subscriber soon.- - Possession given at, once). ; : .• • ;Wm. PORTER.' :tleaifield, Clearfield County, Pa. • and the business, will be. carried on by the name of JACOB J. STORER. Ado:, at the St. Mary's Steam Tannery, in St. Mary's Elk county Penn. sylvania.• 'They hope by their long experience in business, and their desirUtoTtileasS the public, that Way will receive a part of the public patron age. .I.,umbermen and others, who desires good article of. Boots and Shoes, will bad fled it great ly to their ;advantage to call and get good bar. gains as or aro determined to 'sell as low as louthe ' i, or booband, shoes can bo had in Phila. doiphia for ,cash ler' hides, • , All orders promptly :111k,trARRIAIIE CEICTIFICATIIIank force, utteuded 10., ~- • ' ' for sale at the office of the "Clearfield - JAcoB VSTOBER, - .400. rd 410 0 . 1 4 ," • Vto. 2, vol. iv.l MBBUM 'O4'I)).AY LAREIZIIi , The:War in Europe carried • \-- into Africa, and Joingerox isjuet receiving and olpea. Tsme tng at hie shoe !tore on tho corner of Second and Locust ctrorta Ono dooi above trio."Ropub• !lean i0Olco,")- A' arse an ..t4gut;ful Alsortmont of Ladiea' • _ _and , Gentlemen. • 7 noovs, siuOics; GICITERS 116 ; 01 *$;' - Tin; ike; ihe, I of tottery: variety ietelyle sad Material, from the heavy hrogiti to the' fair); I Also Boys . , and.,ChUdrows 6:110Eq, GAITERS . AND SLIPPERS, pr AL,L, 76 ti hick .4 added Lcw:9t aiek of • ZUSWitlataDat-J, Such as Sole 'Leather, tip; `Heavy' blorookw; Ao. —warted' • I 'P r ialo4 Yill - • Vtiy 1 , 04 , for coah. • , work moat). kr order; as weuntwith oomptness, and in the .neatest and iordt. 'durablo • manner. My old customers and all 'others, are respect. .fully invited to call and axonal:10 my a'ock, and judge fur themselves. ISAAC •ttetiNSTON. May 11, 1.959—tf. no. 17; vol. iv. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH FROM DIINDALR, IRELAND:I! pIISSoLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore exlsting between 4 11. Kerns, is this 407' dissolved.— The business hereafter will be carried on by . Henry Kerne, in whose hands the books of the firm will remain. 2it URNS. .Jane Ist,'lt3S9. DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. - OTIOE 'ls hereby given , that,-tbe. part nership heretofore °aiming 'between James ellen and John Hutson, in the inerehantile and lynahering business at Alulsenshurg; in Coring-. ton township,' Clearfield l eountys, had been dis solved. , , . .. . June =6, 1.859 CAUTION: A x4 t risireqq,jare, hpre,b3t:enutkined against 211„; pure lasing or' inedling - 'ilth - llie following ,nautettproperty in • the poseesaien ,of Richard Dauver,jr.l ga p • white and: Weak ,now, tone ,ffitring,ealf, five bogs, one cookingstove, one bed • and bedding, one table, and nab olooks,whioh - T purchased at constable , sale,. pod is left with the said Richard Dativer, jr.,. On loan only, pubjeet to my order. ' „, .• ' - • 1 RICHARD DANITER.Sen, ;June lit, ,1849,. , 1 •,• • • R „ -0., . v ~ •, '.1 , ••• ~ ' ...l.errtlitalr2o2ll, 1851' ! - OM. .YA ACYr.t I. hereby yen, that Jacob' 4 1 cOrer, ~et• Portsmouth .Plow Hampshire ?E, litely . of,. ghliodelpitia,, and „R. C. , Shultz, have Ole. daY, entered into. Ce-,tartnership in the of , TANNING, CURRYING, BOOT SHOE ,: IIND /EARNES).9 MAKING, Pike's _ Peak C NEW DR Ud i rI ft \ STATIONARY ANt V.43201MMY IrIEZ rNM 2 would respectfully inform my' friends and the j public generally, that I keep constimiliod hand, at my, now store on • Market street, •nekirlY opposite th jail, ono of the largest and best-m: torments of Drugs, Medicine, Stationary, To bacoo and Cigars, rancy . Goods, &0., to bo,founill in the obuntry, , It embracesTn the drug line, a general Stotdi drugs or the freshest and best quality; Asti popular pittent 'medicines of the day, stioti"asj I tindsare Wood Searcher. Louden,iitOd' Expectorant, IllanativePille.Pile ROM edy, and Elder Italian Balm, Orerti Cherry Peotoral, oolerioues Lotion. corbin's Robin's ExPgPtortknt, PDX extra cattle - roWners, &EN In the stationary lino can be found iiiiimsolF lent assortment of Writing, Note end 'totter Pit: per, snob no ' • Silver Lake Notc, Pa6on'i Con e# Legal Clap, for tAe use of Justices; Lawyers &c., Valley fbrge .Mills; &c. Also a fine article of Port Folios, especially adapted, to the um of Ladies. Pen Rackei Mucilage, Steel pens, Lead Pencils, Blank In short anything kept in a general Amami y atom My stock. of . • , Tobacco and Cl • gars ie the choicest everbrought to tne , hlMng been selected by one • who tun a and appreciates the weed. The Tobacco consists ,of Natural leaf, Cavendish, Fig, Ladies twist, Rough and, Ready iSco. Of cigars, the varieties are 40* such as the Don Quixote, El Sole, wry. LitaiePs, Henry Clay's, Shies, sad halt Spanish, dc., Rappo and Scotch. snuffs, Smoking Tobacco fancy and common pikes sta stems, do. Thelano,y goods comprise such articles ai .. , . . . . • Itibbone, Hosiery, Combs, Spectsp et urn' ' 1 ie f f - ory, Fancy lkair Oils, Soaps; a largo . Too t •o gen uine Bears Oil, Tooth Brumblis, Pat lgo4ipalei and an endless variety of article, of thiit Amara In connection with my other stook; I Ifave 'es; tublishod a News Office for the isle of Weekly Literary papers and monthly Periodicals. I will receive every week, ilarpor's Weekly, Frank Lee-. lie, American Union, N. If: Picayune, Flag of, our Union, Balleu's Pictorial, Bleason's Line of battle Ship,' &o. Among the monthlies may be found, Ilarper's Oodey, Graham, Yankee No- Sone, 'ranh Leslie, ballou, etc. ' I will sell low for cash. , . . , Vg,.Roweinber the place on market street I nearly opposite the jail. GEORGE W. RIIIIEM, Duruenri. Clearfield may 25th, 1859. TO T 111: Pt EMIG', TOE BOOK A.N6 . P . k.IIIODICAL TRADE; • • WD have the honor to andountm that woshali issue, on or about the, first of December next, so as to be In season to' command the ear ly attention of the public tiati perio4ral trade, the first number of a new illustrotetl'atag nano, to be called the "Great Republio" Month. ly. It is intended to make thiti Magazine Ma-. everyparlor in .ery respect to anyth'ing ever befors; issued in this country, The gelkend seop'e 44 its' character can bast be underatodd by its /Lame; %( will bo thoroughly National—in no wise section% al or sectarian, and wholly impersonal. It will 'Ora to tho writers and thtiekors of this Union a common field, where tlioy, can meet on the highoet ground of contemporary literature. If will aim to gather abour it every variety of itstel. It. S. STEWART Wet; The range of articled will be a WOO one, 00V- , Bring, among other grounds, Essays,' Sketches,' numerous Tales, Stories , Historical Incidents; Renlews Critiqt es, - . Biographies, Sciontifit ticlus, Travels, Table Talk, Dramas; InCidents, Politics, Poems, liallada,Stanzas, Sonnets; Mu: , ytc Correspondence; Gossip, eta., etc., etc. • The Magazine will be profusely Illustrated id ' the highest style of wood engraring., The Literary department will present g eater variety, combined with Mete thertiglieieelletree: it is oelieved, than over Pefore offered to the - A• moriean public in a siogie , periodicaL The' fel , lowing authors and popular writers are induded' in the list of contributors .engaged:--Geo.D. Prentiss, Charles Swain, Fits-Green RaloOk.' Chas, J. Ingertell, Orestei A, Aronnsen, Geri. Geo. P. Mortis, 'Nathaniel Deering, non. Chas? Gayarre, Wm. Gilmore Salina, Park Benjamin:. Hon. Albert Pike, .of Arkan'sas, - Albe - Attrind Roquette, Hon. R. T. Conrad, not. Rilpilineyt,' Seba Smith, (Jack Downing,) thedi e7 4 feta, comprising a. long list of' fritters, MOPS whonsiare many of the most populai #d the Goan tatEach number will contain ain'pfigintilidectief r yrusid composed °seri:oily for this work. . Of the superior exeedence of the Magailne in' evary_rcspeot,_p , nd of the certainty 'of its neat Bascom, very — 'lFtilel — ftereneedlilif& — , - The terms antigenera contlitiorts of fle Disc: mane will be as follows : --lands—There be two r voludiee 4 year, - of, about 700 royal , °Caw° pliges each, tionpfienelag; iri , Jinuary and July, dad' ending in Jade December, respectively making sllf natabers'to each. volume, and twolde number& s etreackyttar.' Subscription, may thinmemm.e,i,ony.thim.. gle coples,'2s cent; subscipttopi ant copy one' lean sent by mail, $3 cto ; °Tubs, two copies ;me' year, $5 00; clubs, three copies one year, $7 00 clubs, four copies one year, $9 60; Clubs, Ave eoP-, iewone year, $lO . OO : and all additional *Wes: over five, at the rate of $2 00 if sent lathe same: club. Clubs may be forthed - at different poet: ap e! . An subsortptions must be paid vatie e, p A rettritint, subscriptiotts.,4dtilling tits; subscriber for one Year, Mid fd, thbfil choice of, either of obi tifa great steal tiligrafidgi,•itttle& 'TM Last 81 . 1pper,".ana l'TAt at:v" of the Great King," Foil]. Ddffara Tb . o engraving will be sent ort rollers by mall • prepaid. ' Agents and - can#asaers mitke liberal sad! = . satisfactory arrattgomeuts ttlio6 application ' it*-' ting the territory required: Airptaddiasten and' elersgymen ue autberise& to reCeive suhaoriptioa; sehich they may forward to us, giving mime sad' address of eubscriteNand deducting 25 per mint. for their trouble. The rate of postage wili,not,' exceed three dents for each number, to be paid' in all values at the' ofti4x• where it Is reeol&Ted. All communisations' to be entitled to antiwar; must '- contain, retarn, stamps Ehtbscribbis must let asset; write,Namesc Town, Cmully, and State in', full, as legiblyjm pessible. There is. littlariele 'in sending money by mail. Large Mans should,' lbe remitted. by' del ft ; possible .' er registeretr - Otter. . GAKSMITII & CO.; Publislftre of the "Great Republio" Moittldl 112 and 114, William Street, New York. yanae ant BRILLIANT weextr Newsier's,. Oiltdond: The ' . Great Republic" Monthly A.ND TUE PRESS. CLEABPILD OAS' COMPAN'T..'• A proliininary nieelinivthr the organization,uf tt the Clearfield Gas Citimiuty will be hell!, tk. the, Court House itt , 'Cularfield on Saturday 4th day of June 180, at so'clbak P. N. • . citizens friendly to the project are deeired tit In attendance, as several oNers for the emetics Cif the works bare.beon'had, andimportant hush/ego' will be tratOtacted: . • , - , : ..' . . ' 1 JOIINATIIAN BOYNTOIt, ~ • ,',, ' SA3ICEL 31,11Te11E1.4, Cettli WST: A. WALLACS. '-. May 25th, 1t8591.- . • .-.. . . , 14