'''Hpuaweifl IBs?- Jt11" Siomtllffairs. Temperance Mceling, Jim VhingtonUn will ImM n Tent. l.mii' 0 Mooting on Monday the 'Jl'th day of Juno next ni rnr.y cnn,iie,,J,t,n, in the Court Homo in (lie borough of Clear-1 fi,,. Several .Heiresses will bo delivered, i tho Publio nro kindly invilfd to nltond. o. rniM.iriiui.icir, rnvt Juno lOlli 1S.VJ. The WrtTiiM. Sinro the luto cold wi'Atlier which woumi up witna oevcro frost, the cll'octs of which it will tuko nn- ,, i 1 1 , , ''""" r.. 'On WodncjUiiy last wo nad a succession ot jflrtmcr sIiowom, which w;w highly honofi-1 Valtoull kinds oi vcL-ctation caihiMo or 'being restored by nature nnd rnreful rul-' Htnc And which would have hcen a Lies ing to our on cc thriving crojis. JUit tie tramit ghria mumli! nipped ly nn untimely frost." The ahovo wns truoof tho weather until 'tbis (Tridny) Morning when wo were nain veiled by a northwester which hn produced ""'J,v ' ft " i"-""""-. and caused tlio looking up of sundry heavy voats which had been laid aside, it was ho-' icd, until next autumn. C'leariield Xi'rsery. In our advertis ing columns will be found the advertise ment of John D. Wright, w ho is about etartitig R Nursery three and a half miles toulliot tins jiiaco on tlie road to Cur- wensvilte, where he intends keeping on i i i . , wndft complete assortment of fruit nnd I ...1 :.!. i. i- .. mi i .. Oriliuueillill llt'ra, ..ii.ii t. in.:ii iiu lii on ! hnniiv tosunnlv the nootdo of (!., rmmii. at reasonable prices. This is a first-rate opportunity for those wishing to supply ; themselves with troes, and far preferable to importing them from a distance; as by obtaining them from a resident Horticut-j turist, they enn obtain just what they ' want nnd have those which do not thrive' replaced at any time. Not injired. It is gratifying to krow i that amid tho general "wreck of matter" : and smash of vegetables, that the gardens r .. i .., rn .i vi uv iviu ii,H vi vui uii i'.liic t 'vn uiv ;.. i nn f ...T..t, V,L ... 1 last .Sunday morning, uninjured. One we know of, the contents of which was a large yellow dock, the roots of which having withstood tho frosts nnd snows of many winters nnd was perfectly invul nerable to bis influence, pnss-ed theoidtnl unhaimed. Another most miraculously escaped by tlie hogs getting in the night previous and devouring what the frost would have laid wnsto. Theso however with ono or two additional instances of a like nature, are, the only ones which escaped tho general devasation, ... . 1 AesvERE .it. uur young lownsmnn Thomas A. Wrigley, w Idle engaged at his business the Oilier Uav l.nd the ill luck to nutiness tne other uny una me ill lui k to , give himself a severe gash upon the leg with his foot adze, cutting it to the bone. ilii.nf...i. ,!;..,.. ,l.l r, r.. .. r,.. """,; days ho is able to go upon crutencs, nnd we hope soon to seo him "all right again." Merrell A Biui.er, by their advertise mcnt in this week's paper, inform the public where every variety of merchandize in their lino can bo found. Their stock is large nnd well selected, nnd purchasers will doubtless find it to their advontage fo Call and examine it at least. Coirt. On the third Monday (20th) of the provnt month commences the June term of Court to continue two weeks. This will hereafter bo the regular time of the .Spring Courts instead of May as for murly. The change having been made by the last Legislature. Dr. Jackson. The card of this gentle wan who has visited this place on several former occasions, will be found in this paper, announcing his appointments for on present trip. For particulars see ad vertisement. AvRRo'TrrES. Mr. 'Crandall n'mbrotyp- iKOfTcrs his professional services to the La dies and gentlemen of Cloarfield nn d vic inity, who tiro desirous of "securing the hadow ere the substance fude." See ad vertisement. Thi Mite Society will hold Its 'next meeting at the residence of Rev. Dr. Mc- v l, on the usual evening, Tuesday of next week. A general invitation is ex tended to ull who feel disposed Id attend. t-TIlOrA nra lbrf.A .1nt.rlrt..li. inutitll.. '"H in theworld. vi- lri(-Uinl r.nlt nret calico, and gunpowder. SA young man while undergoing nn nilnation for tlm niirnrtMA of lieinn ad. 'Wed to to the bar, wns asked, What me constitutional requirements ich render a man elegiblo to the ofiice President of the United States?" He "ered, "He must be thirty-five years Jia- nd a mighty good Democrat." 'P , ,. " IPS. x 110 I1CBI .iiotri jut f 8jv'f,e a'l young men to keep J'Jfrom. Amity towhship, llerks couhty. J'cr i no real "amity" abotit it. A yj'i man, who has an appreciation of things, kissed a beautiful girl in township the other day, and the . riff rrn4 L. 11 ,... Ueciited (be young man, nnd had him rw five dollars. Let all nico young P 1 Reeptwav from Aniilw lmrsnfter. nnd kissWi11 b Will'"g t0 pay fiV dllnr nt an irrevorrnt, uflnpprcclnting '"T. to complain of paying the trifling of ava dollars for tho privilege of kis- b oMuhuf girl. He should never le fd tho like again at any firioe. j AM I M-nN lUru..--rroil,-pf !), , l.ftliMllIrt J.oro.d, tt,n neciipiea. . ie- anions n,,i,,( n.'n of . inn Ihn ,, Tintol t it f lli liny, OCcnMlUmllv ivfl III. nn., n - - r rtilll Illl-Mol; ,. r.il!nvli'if. i, " " fe I fever you see nnv eo.m,. i,...,1 l. - renibly as ynu.-ir Into n l. .... iim ,.. liu. .... ir " vl,'i K" mil T it immediately, y,,v 1 ho renon why is .Jain n.,d ,1,,,,-t . 'no no.-,,,, I he surprised to find A kunve of tlio toieoliinion sort Snould foci above tho common kind ! Boston J'ol. tola of Leopold Mvor. n U n KlmI o kins chitlonior (iiiaintod with tho now 'IPrPi lo conccivoil tho 1 ,v ' . .- ' '" "-v rv"l"' 'i ino valua- VC. V.; , J , " , , 1 ra.TU X.. V,...u 1. . . .... 1 1'lT I'OH ADJUI'KXEDTKIIM. JUNK 27,'ii). t"in uniuMiiuiiii'iiL in i i ... ... tn-M aiuiu uii xuiirittif rrttnr .Mir w llio YAiity JnHvf,;iniun, ill writins tmiii Win !.., . n .' JHirri'il, Ainilin turry, vi oiionito tho .Mil, ouo of tlie largont and bo.t i i: or May a, ::lAa7 ss-'i r&t i in lions diorv. worn n il I...... io I iinrinnv. n .1 n II.. . n o ... '.. . .. " w uu iuuuu i:.,.. I n.... . . , ,, Mnir, i.asi uivcr, unU fiot lu'itilv Ncnldttd "l " Ho, Julin llnrmov, vi Dnvld A.key 1 to death ly an exhaust ol'pteain from tho e Smith, v John liirinoy.-llouifonx u'l factory of Jloo .t Co., corner of llrooino ' "!lll,i,v" Julin l,,lrmy. Josopli J.aj.pip.,9 and Shacll ctrcets the first dar His trow-: Jol!".li".r'"oy' ,b- L ,t"lH'r' el ul, v 1 ulmoro M-rsnn l under clotliine were In.lia ruhJ T' rT', ,lurni'10 'f1'-' v'f"rd Oulla-, her, India ruhher ,hoel 1 wiri X" itZ1 ' cl.f.nl.l..,. l,,.i, : i i , slioul.l er, hook in hnnd, usual mining lamp, Ac. Ho designed to make for the Fifth nvcnuo, l.ut after five davs he lie- .!lln. t,.,..;i.i I. . . 1- ... . ino nauseous clefts adjoining theso cul- verts. On Thursday ho killed a dog who refused to let him pass, and at a junction oi uinu si reel captured, killed und cook el n terrapin that had evidently esear(d from some eating hou nsc and had taken lie lound 10,0(10 worth of articles, lie Was loUr Weeks l!cttini;nut. Ill COIlseiinenen of high tides. Ho immedliitely left, the 'v ,u uvolu 1110 ponce. , A I persons who are suflerinL witb tl,o ' ' 13,ons ,n,e. " a '". ' t ,e can ue CUieil UV DL, ALIAS I J A I . ... n. uii. witliout tail? Corg caii be, b tI,rec "llWcationi., in every case where pain exists. l,i'vnr.o(.iiv,v.,.,.i. ... , " . ni.u o UAL! I". Ul. lSAOld 111 I u.,t,miiiuj in me i inuu, ami renders greater satisfaction than any oth a remedy. It always does what is said it ..ill, I. in. . i -iii- ill do. All ioro and painful diseases are immeditely relieved. Three bottles will cure any recent case of rheumatism two bottles will cure the worst caso of piles. ----- THE HAMMON'TON" KAIMK4 ..... - ........... 'vs.apcr devoted to Literature and Ac, i-1 culture, also setting forth full acco u.ts of! . ociy 6cme.iicin oi Jiaininomon, ill to me.direfted, will be expo-e New Jersey, can be subscribed for ut "ii tbo Court llouso in the boi"u cents per annum. I Monday, tho L'tHli lay of Jun Int.'losi) postage stamps for the amount Address to Editor of the Enrnier, llam-l. monton, Atlantic County. New Jersey. Atinnuo louniy, .New .lerscy. i.i . . i i .. ., , m i.iiiii in. -iii, i.iii'i. in iiiii iii'm. lliallty, in one ot tho healthiest lllld most, down tho Sin.itchannn river.its courses and dis delightl'ul climates iu the Union. ,SLe ad-, i t ancei Lli perches to tho north enst comer of vertiscmcnt of llaminouton Lands. the samo survey, thenco iiloug same wet 185 perches to plaeo ol beginning ; with a saw-mill, FAKM LANDS Edit SALE 2.', MILES e V.ete,Vi'c.n,"n' f".d KKOM I'll I LADELTIIIA by Kailroad in I the State 01 iciv Jersey. Soil among the . best for I'L'lieultural purpose, bcillff n ......1 1.. ...:.i. - .1... i... ' i . . I i :..!.!' .......ii " - nmuui nnu tluil1' 't V?m "'! UlC TI " bl"111'!'" 1 ,c crops can bo seen growing, 'lerms from If lo to '20 per acre, payable within 1 f.ni. I- l.t. ii.ul..1i......lj 'IV. .. . ... 1 ..". J...I .3 .'J .l.?ltll. ...111.-.. lJ .111. lllCj. place Leave iik si. wliarl nl 1 bladel ,,,ia, nt7I A.M., by Itailroad for Ham m0nton, or addrcss'K. J. JSyrnes by letter, .See full advei tisenienl in another column. r ISTOF JUKOUS FOR JL'XK TERM '59, 1 (commencing on 3rd Monday, 1'Otli duy.) Heccria twp-Robert Potter, S.uuuel Hegarly. ' .. . . 1 ....... . ' 1 I'lRHT wi:rif nn.in jciniiw nrnoy twp loliiert Halo. IJradford twp John Poters. Hoggs twp Roland Faust, L. V. Munton. Durn side twp James Savage. Clearfield Ilor'o. David G. Nevling. Covington tp John Uriel, llavid St. Clair. Curwensvillo Bor'o. Daniel Livingston. Ferguson tp Casper lluckcnberry. Oirurd tp George Shiery. Goshen tp Isaac AV. Graham. Graham tp Jacob Wilholm. Lawrence tp J. I). Heisey, Hugh HaugUcity. l'cnn tp Josoih P Martin. Piketp John Smith Jr, Jainca B Caldwell, Goorgo A. liloom. I'nion tp P. H. Hooic M'oodnurd tp Robt. Mathers, Bcnj. Slovens. Tr.A v Krss juioiis. Reccaria tp John Straw, Robert McCraeken. Rell tp James M'Ghcc, Edward Brooks, John McCraeken, John Shelter ; Brady tp M II Luther, Michael Resinger, M. J Purler, .lames Miles, Jacob Kuutz : Bradford tp David liitchcns, James Graham, Peter firaffiu.", John Portor, Win. Antes ; Burnsido tp Samuel Weainor, John Pitman, Thomas Feo, Wm. Hutton i Clearfield Bor'o A K Wright, John 0 Lorain, j Wm. Bohun Curwensvillo Tloro.- -Thomas V Fleming, Isa- ao u.oom, Levi j-pico. Decatur tp Jacob Uea:hart, John Hughes, W W Shaw, II F Lingle. F'crguscn tp Suuutol Stroup ; Oirurd tp S M Coudrietj Goshen tp Thomas Graham, Matthew Tate, James A Jesd Graham tp Amos Iliililer ; Kuox tp Lewis Krhard, Abr. Hoover ; Lawrence tp H'illittin Daniols, Jacob Rarp- etor; Jorrii tp James ltillon Pike tp Elisha JcDowel, D D Rilter Bonj. Hartshorn, Jr, A'lliott Kmtzer j Union tp .1utthias Hollopetor, Noth. Lines, Woodward tp Thomai Henderson. sKcoxii werie, (27tii pat.) Bcccaria tp A K ShofT, Asa Bycrs. Ti.li tfiJaine Elder. Joseph Davison ! Boggs tp Hohry Solitharfl, Samuel Powell ; Brady tp Jos. Postlowlto, Peter Ashenfoltor. HradtoM tp Jl leuaci ooit ; i BurnsidO tp Robert Owens, JohnWagnori Chest tpllugn unnnnor, jonn rry iieisou Hatch; , , . . 1 Clear do 1(1 Iloro Jnmei l.eavy, uavio t,ij i Covineton tn John B llnenot : tufwtnivillo Boro Wm. Bard, Thomas Ross Iiecatur tp John S Rank, Androw Baugh tfinn ', Fox tp Christian Kulpb ; Graham tp Jcbn W Tumor) Huston tp John B Hewitt; Jordan tp Jamea AeNoil, Jnsepb Patterson ; Karthnui tp J C AcClosky, Frank JfeOar vet i Lawrence tp Simon Cams, Ignatius Thomp son ; Lumber City Jnmei Crowley Penn tp Jamei Cook pike tp John S Bloom, Geo. B Date) Union tp David Dressier; Woodward Ip Samuel Hegarty. Toall wnt'm-t Tarms,' tee mtd'WisMf of Jfiivmtnlonv iiiw. i o lT !! AI n, f, jttnt Tot (M I jFnlMhOllrllig ,, )h SUth llaV. Isaac 1 hnini.,,n. la .!,,),,, i ii.. rn.ir"ro, WlltU.n l:i,., i. ..J ... J. M. K.llr, A. M.t'utlln. VI IV A ' i "' TnKKiirl .v. Michael, A 'rrH ,. harihans, Jr., vi Lc I l.ut. ! n ,! . ,' P. A. v ... .'. . . .l' ..' ' 1 ' 1 ut"'l l iV.. L... . :. '". Horn- SpaUimr .1- Fulton. i7 "i ''','' "' " """ i'" v" J-t. Gain, u. 1) M.,r- , . k . .1 ' k, ' "'. m.' 7 j M-H'Jy .ml Wrljrl.i, v, Michael, and 2 i V"tV J1""Vl'r' y 5lrtin V. French, Matthias , ;'"i"li'''i;r VJ J,1, lK ,'n.,,"" J"Im" M- l'"r.l, ' v A.r,l,r" and Pnttnn, Dftvi.l Wi,o, vi J.u. Amci el ni, Jiunos M. Lowininl. vi Jolm II. w.i.i. va i It i n.l J. Leonard ot ill, lt..rnoiimii, ot ul, vs 7, . . u". .' w v" Ju'"-,l'li ' oiniwson oi ,u, llioinpson : Heod, vi Hl.nw Bnd Ogdon, John Dubou, Jr., vi I Androw ll.nim ct ul. Mn' 2i "iu- JAS. T. LEOXAHD, I'roth'y. I IIKGISTEICS yoricE. "VfOTICE in hereby given, that llio following y ncvounU Inivo boon rxituiiuoil iin.l panned l.'y "J"' .""d ri,.""u lllo1 record in thin ofiice I 1 ',"' .. ' wJitTs.4 , ull othori iu any other way inti-renled, nnd will 1 .field County, to bo held at tbo Court Hon.. in 1 , till) koromrll of f'lenrlinl,! . 1 ,' Monday of June, lf,i, for coiitiruiut'io'i mid nl-1 """ . ,J ,,ve,i!i"tt """r M'f 1" !V V" 1 1( y ul"itratoi -of the cMate ol oi.oil Wriulev sen. late of liiadlord town!.!,. ct. -ii.i i .i ... . vu:n:i lield countv. deceased. 1 lie testamentary account of Hem v j Kejiliart acting Executor of the last will . .... , ........ .... .1 ....i . .i , . .-.i.-uirii b ui ;iLrMiiiiui iinss. inr. 1. 1 .t- lato of Decatur township in the county of M i: ii ..... i J Clearlield, deceased. l he Administration account of John Tl.n A,i,.,:i.t,.,.i;.. .n ens nnd .joiin morris, Adiuimstraiors I0" a11 nd singular the goods nnd chattels ' V'U a,nd c,',;11i1 w,li,'h Kl'' o1' Lovi Owens lute of l'ike township, Clearfield bounty deceased. ' JAMES WRItil.KV. 7?,,,.., i Mny 10th, 1SVJ. ! ! S 1 1 E U 1 FF'S S L I'N ' 1 ' 1 "i v ..!....-. r i . ii .. . . 1 I Au"f Ary 'l' U","1,"?n' .x' Zco V L', .!. '? and i iu piiniie s.no ut I ! of CUar.'ield. on I .'""owing described real estate : ... j... me , A certain trnct of land, lituate in .W.h'!V?nh' ' V:,,,',,"'ni."-:!'': "l-ro uuuiiu.-u n luiiuns negiiining ul me we.-l cor '.....r .. T, c . , bounded ni follows :' Iieg'inning" nt stone on south west corner of old draft called "Chestnut," Tboinai Ktewni -dson survey, by land formerly .iii.l I.. I.....1W.1..1 l.'v .....I ..iI.a. . ......i.ci .! i US .erTw'tl, ,,, ,,.,, ., ... . . 1 "'1 no UT ".one. by same south, SO deg. east, 68 and 7-10 probes to a post on the bank of the aforesaid j river, thonco up the mine the several courses llierniil. ti. t in ..,ini..r 1. r llm 1 ........ . 1 r'..A.....l Thomas Stewardson surveys, louth 2 deg. west' , - - .... v. u. ..v ...utuun 1 . vviv IIUU ::uo perches to placo of beginning, containing I 1: L"T "r J""' about 7."m" tU;"r-! bo sold a, tbo properly of William Woolridgo. I Also All defendants interest of, iu and to, 4 13 acres of hind in Chest township, Clearfield county, bounded by lands of Anthony .VOurvey, Robert J'Fcrrin, John JTorrin, Frederick Fra- 1 ley and others, w ith a small log houso, a log ",rn a nbl,ut 20 .,f Rnij; I,n1d 1,1 heme- llio same tireinises hniwlo nf It .nrt Ui..l.. being tho samo preuiisea bought of Robert .lieh- j uh;Is and Jamos White from Hugh Loedf. Also . about 1 jtl acres of land situato in Biirnsido and Bell townships, Clearfield county, bounded north by binds of Louis J Hurd.eaa by lands of Joseph .l'Jurray, south by lauds of I.-uiac Loo, and west by lands of Snyder, with a lurgo log house (weatherboarded) with frame kitchen, a largo new bank barn, bearing orchard, and having about SO acres cleared land tl ereoii. Also a lot of land in Ncwburg, Chest township, fronting upon main street, (tho road to New Washington,) adjoining lumla of being fiO feet in Iront and 2110 feet in depth, with a largo two story frame dwelling and store house thereon eroded. Also three lot in tho borough of .umber City. being the samo premises bought by Robert Jirh aels Iroin Shoemaker, bounded as follows. Seized, taken in exorutinn, and to be sold as the j property ot miehaels A Worrell. Also an undivided half, part of a certain tract of land, situate in Chest tp., Clearfield county, surveyed 011 warrant granted to .lictael mussor, containing 4 l.'l acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Anthony ra'Garvey, Robert m'Pherar, John lu'Phcron, Frederick F'ralcy, and others, having about 26 acres cleared, and a log houso and stable thereon erected; being the tamo premises which James White, et. ux., by doed recoiueu, nc, irmiiiuu io i uuiuaa mnmiucr, in fco. Scixcd taken in execution, nnd to bo cold as tho property of Thomas mahnffey. Also defendants interest in lots No'l 40, 41, and 41, situato in tho Borough of Curwcniville, Clearfield county, Pa., bounded by Talbcrt street on tho west, an alley on south and enst, nnd Goorgo street on tho north, lot No 42 lying be tween said lots, having a dwelling house, tan house, and other outhouses thereon erected. Soiled, till; en in execution, and to be sold as the property of Siuriuol B. Taylor. Abo a certain tract of land, lituate in morris township, Clearfield county, Pa., containing 62 acres, with about 45 acres cleared thereon, ad joining lands of Wm. in. England, Pottor and 1 others, with a two story log bouse and barn thereon, eoizod, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Davis. Also By virtuo of a writ of fieri facial the following real estate, to wit : A certain tract or pieco of land, iltunlo in Beccaria township, Clearfield county, oontaing pn9 hundred and fifty aerea, bounded south by Cloarfield creek, wost by land of WhitesidoiJ ,.k i ij nf mii-.-. ...t h. i.a r Mr,iL Cloarfield creek, wost by land of Whitesidoi, north by land of miles, east by land of SterriU inaarea beared and log houso and barn thereon. Seiied, taken in elocution, and to be sold ai the property ef Robert mCraoken FREDERICK G. MILLER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, CloarCold, June 1,1869. OH I",I','ARS RE""". Escaped J from the Jail of Clearfield County, Pa. on the night ol the 3d May, Inst, a young man na- med Owen McGovern, imprisoned on a charge of burglary. Siiid MeOovcrn ii five foel ioven in- cbes high, light built, dafR htllr, large keen eye, and of rather fair complexion. He had on a pair of dark sattlnott pants, domestic ginghan shirt, a black hat, a pair ot gum snoes, ana loos witn .. . ... n . ... . him a red flannel ibirU The above roward will be given for the apprehension of lb said McGo. Torn and his delivery to the undersigned ifl ClcarOold borough. FREDERICK O. MILLER, Sheriff. SfcctifTi Office, Clearfield) Fa, May 11, 1. j - r , no. 17, vol. iv( ' n ..Ku..it ji. o. iirmn, vi lluyn- in llio county. j ". iu u"ih,hmo b iiiii oourto, irom 0 crilian, who was , "n l'"cet, Thoiunn l'oroco, vi .Muuck hiiJ 1 It cmbrarei In tl. ,lr. Iln . i to 10 " Kvory StuJont. upon eriuluntinif. in J'ai iM. nnd nc-! " A- c- JI'-Kinm-y, ri r?iiiiiUl. ijiM. of Jruirs of tho freshom r,l i,..i 7.,.ii.- iV." ' lfriitecil to bo compotont to mnnnirs th 'M thorn. fY.m J0 . ''e'-ry, vi It. Q. llibbon, Jacob Arnold, tho inmulnr rnilont mmlUi .r.i.. .1... t ,ouk, "f ny buninoii, undiinulittoJ to oarn a ia. 'rillinntrroi,HaoMMV:r. . .r M: "".v. Ilndsav". Blood RnnrnW lttrJoffr,"" Piku's lNuk Ouidono. Q STATIONERY AND 1wo(il,l rcpppclfjlly inf,irm my frlendi ax.l llio piililic f(i'Horiilty, tint I kocp connlantly on Expectorant, Sanative Pills, Pilo Eem eay, ana ziset Italian Balm. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, &o., Wrights Tills, Coleman's Lotion. Corbin's Pills, Robin's Expectorant. Fickard's Cattle Powders, &c, &o. In tlio fitatiunar; lino onn be found nn excel lent assortment of Writing, Koto and Lottor pi-l"-'r, aiioh ai Silver Lal;c Xuli; l'arscti.i Cimirci.i, L)ul Cap, for tlicusc of Justices, Jjntners dc, Valley Fnrye Mills d v. A ho a fine cirttelt of J'url Folios, etjCA-ialy wlojited to the use of Lwlies. J'en Jinel: MurUaff, Nteel. pens, Lead 1'eneih, lllunk Deeds, In .l.ort every thins ke.it in a o0 ,l B,.i,.... v toro My itock of Tobacco nnd Ci gars is tho cholscat ever .rough to the place, having been av looted by ono who ueea end appreciutes the wood. Tbo To. luieco conniuli of Knturnl leaf, Covondisli, Ladies twist, Houch nnd lloadv ki Fi- Of Ci'ius, tho varietici aro choice, inch aa the Ion Quixote, El Sols, Mary Lizzie's, Henry Clay's, Sixoi and llitli'Spaninli, 4e.,' ltuppe nnd Scotch aniiHs, Smoking Tobacco, fancy and common pipes and items, &e. The fancy goods rompriao such article! as Ribbons, Hosiery, Combs, spooUclos, Perfu mery, Fancy Hail Oils, pimps; a large lot of Genuine lleare Oil, Tooth 'ISrushol, Port iMon iittiee and an cndlei variety of articles of thut nature. In connection with my other stock, I have ei- tsbi:-hed a Xew Office for tho lalo of Weeklv Literary pupers and monthly Peri.idicnli. I will receive everv week. Hiirnnr'a AVepltlv. 1-Vm.lr . Leslie, American Union, X. Y. Picayune. Flair ( of our Union, llallou'i Pictorial, 'jleason'i Line of j " 'P.'. Among llio Monthlies mny (:'un"' "d7' X,, 'lion. Frank Lclie. I!h1Imii. An X i I will sell : low (ur cash. J-rrRcmembcr tho place on Market street nnnv onnosite tlio im . (iEORUE W. R11EEM, Dnceisr, Clearfield Msy 25th. 1S09. PUMP MAKING. rpiIE Subscriber takes th'u method of inform- j pulilio generally that ho has resumed the busi-l ness 01 iniiKing iooiEi i-tHS ana boring pipe- j 1.00s. nnd will be happy to exocuto any work in ; hii line at the ihortest notice nud in the best! manner, at pricca to suit the timet. Apply per- , souully at the residenoe of J. S. Colo in Law- rence township, one and a half miles Southwcftl may 11th 18..9. 0. II. HALL. j vol. iv, no. 17. 8m pd WANTED. ! A Journeyman Cabinet-maker, of in-! dustrious nnd fober habits, nnd a cood ; workmnn, can have constant employment 1.V applying soon to the undersigned.- W0S 1,0 g'"- JOIIN C.l'ELICir. Clearfield, Pa., May 11th, IS5U. OXE DA Y LA TE Tlie War in Kuropo carried into Africa, and ISAAC JOHNSTON just receiving and open ing, at his shoe store on t e corner cf Second and Locust street! (one door abovo the "Repub lican Office,") A Large and Beautiful Assortment of Ladies' and Gentlemen's hoots, siioi;s. gaiti.hs, JJCSKXS, SUIT Ens, TIES, fe. ie. of every variety of stylo and material, from the heavy brogan to the lairy slipper. also Misses', Iloys anil Children's SHOES, GAITERS AND SLI ITERS, or ALL KIM'S. To which is added a Large Stock of Such as Solo Leather, Kip, Heavy Moroccos, As sorted Linings, Ao. Ac. H7,.'cA he will tell Very Low for Cash. J-Cuslom work hindo to order Si tisnal with promptness, and in the neateit and most dura bio manner. My old customers and all others, are respect- iu 1 iv invitea to can ana examine my stock, an jndgo for tbemiolvei. ISAAC JOHNSTON, may 11, 1859. tf. no. 17, vol. Iv. Lindscy's "Blood Searcher" Has Created a Great Excitement TimoionnuT mi An OTnr.n coc.ities. I'rom the Numerous Casei of Scrofula and Cancer IT JS CUfilXQ DAILY, VXV.RY I'AMILY SHOULD GET. AND USE IT T. ... n . . ., t. . j 11 t'" into hj nil respectable Druggiiui and Dealer! ttironghout the United State!. R.M. LEMON, Proprietor. Hollidaysburg, Blair Co. Pa, April 15, 1859. no 16, ToL iv. Notice!! Notice! 13 hereby siren to all dolinnnent suhscriberi to the Baptist Conroh in the borough of Clear, field Ibat the tame must be paid on or before the May Court next, ai the workman most have bis pay. Miccaol A. Frank, Esq., and ef Clearfield, are authorised to receive subscriptions. By oldor tf the Bui. aing Committee. THOMAS noniNi?, A. T. pCHRYVER, M. NICHOLS, Jr. April 6, 1S59.-BO. 12, vol. Iv. BLANKARTICLE3 Agreement, legal formfor between School, Direvors, and Teachers, for ial at tho oflito cf the "(.'Uarfivld ltepublican." ! $10,000 i 1) AYS fur full rnuri In tlx Iron Cily Cul iff, tht liirKoxt imiiit oxlvniivoly imlroiit- ru n i iichi orgiuiucj Cmnmeroiul Bi'liugl in (he L""'"1 S,n,l,, 37C Students ATTKXIH.VU DAILY, MARCH, 18-9. 500 to 1000 Dollars. ludenta enter at any tiino No Vacation He viow nl iloaiuro. 51 Premiums for best Penmanship a warded in 1858. Mininters' Bom received at half price. ;WrFor Circuliir and Ppeelmene of Writing, Inelono two letter ntninpn, nnd nddromi. F. W. JKXKIXd, l'ittsburgh, Pa. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCH FKO.M DCSDALK, IRELAXU ! ! AS thi iociiii to to a funt njre In morn than one instanoo, nnd aa we are In the midst ef 1 f , " a i oogin ucmocriiuo convention.", and the exeite- mont caused by the Kicklci trial at W ashinpton. it is not surprising thnt the folki of Clearfield woulil get sontowhat excitod to keep up with the tun s: and as tho subscriber liltoi to knsp up with tlio fiishiuns in more respects than ono, ho wouiu annoiineo to tlio people of town nnd coun try, that ho has constantly on hand a Lariro As- eortinrnt of ItUOTS nnd KIKlli.S of ovory descrip lion, French nnd Country Culf, Kip and Stogy iiooia, i,anies irtororco l.ace Hoots, Drosiod and j Undressed, with or without French Hoola j also, any amount of French Country Calf. Lace Roots. (lents French Calf and Cloth Oaiten on hand, or maiio io oruer on sliort notice. Walk ne shoos I of every stylo, from the Sickle! Lncor to the coar sest orog.in unvayson nana ana Tor sale. All ol the above will bo disposed of at extreme ly low prices, for Cish or Hidei. Ciutuui work made to order and on short no tice. I will pay particular attention to mending boots sbocs, and guitor j and will alwayi be found at the Short Shoe Shop, on 2d street, nearly opposite Rood A Weaver's itre. Please call nud ee ' ci........ j v cirnnT Clearfield, Inay 4, 59. ,1iu. no. 16, vol. ir. New and Beautii'ul Assortment of SPRING GOODS: . i - ILKS 1ILACK and C'OI.OltKU IlaregO Kobcs .SlI.K l'ol'I.INS, l)ucals, Vnlencias, Foulard .Silks, Chulies. .... .... ' lelaines, Lawns, Prints, And every Ucsrrlptluu of Lil.MiA!5, FLANNELS, SHIRTINGS, SHEETINGS; And Every Kind of DOMESTIC GOODS. COJII'I.ETE ASSORTMENT OF Ladies', t'entlcmcn's Misses', Hoys' und Children's Boots, Shoes, and Gaiters. Alto Hats, Ciijs, and Clothing, Carpets, and Oil Cloths, nil of which will be sold at KJTKEMEI.V I.0W TRICES. C. KMATZER, &, SONS. fciTGroeerics, Taints, (iinss, Nails, &c. by the quantity, will bo sold St a small advance on cost and carriage. SiEW SPRING AM SI'MMKK GOODS, AT TnK Market St. Clearfield.. Havino Received, a large and well eelocted assortment of Domestic, Staple, nnd Fancy Dry Goods of almost every description, the publick in gonernl are invitod to give mo a call. Among the Fancy Goods may bo found, such ai DUC.LP, PKRSIAX CLOTH, BALZARINE, DEBEIGE, TA3F0R LUSTRE, BRILLIANTS, CIIALL1ES, SATIN JEAN. GINGHAMS, BAREGE, LA WXS, 1'IiIXTS, DEL A ISES, asp a vaiiiett or oinr.n Anmxr.a of Dress Goods ; also an extensive selection of the latest and neatest stylos, and best quality of plain and fancy, CasMniercs, Cloths, Sattlncts, SafTil lug, Tweeds, Velvets, io. 2tj stock also embraces an extensive assortment of Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, Drugs nnd Medicines, Oils, Paints and Glass, Boots and Shoci, Hats, and Caps, Bonnets, Ready Made Clothing. Stationery, Confectionary, Carpets, Tobacco, Ac. Together with a great variety of Notions, n.nlhn. V.I., m r.n... ..., . . I n, .... and other necessary article!. Person! n want of any thing in the ahort line, are requested to examino the stock of the subscriber before making their hdrehases, Hi the inay bo enabled to buy to bet ter ndvantng at the "C'lieap Cash Store'' than at any other place in the county. Produce of ever- description tnkon in exchange for goods. WM. F. IRWIN. April 2", 1839. no. 16, vol. iv. Jaxcart 20tii, 1850. PUBLIC NOTICE ii hereby giVen, that Jacob J. Storer, of Portsmouth Sow Hampshire lately of Philadelphia, and E. C. Schulti, hare this day entered into Co-Partiership in the bu inesi of TAXXIXG, CVRRYIXG, BOOT SII0F AXD IIARXESS MAKIXG, and the business will he earried on by the name . of JACCll J. STORER It CO., at tho l Morv'i ' steam Tannery, in St. Morv i. Elk County Tenn- j ylvama. They nope by their long experience! in bnsin.esi, and Uicirdenre to please tbo public, that they wil receive a Tart of Lhe publio pAtro-' nage. Lumbermen and others, who d sire a good article of Bcott and Shoes, will find it great-,' ly to their advantage to call and get gcrnd bar-'. tnina, as we are determined to leil as low as leather, or booti and shoe! ran be had iu Phila- attended to. .............. .. at, ..i.muu,pii. .. JACOB t STORER, CO. Tuo. 2, v. ir. e. ri'mt. ianliinj afib 'iolfrdicn LEONAUD, FINNEY &Co. CI. K A It F I K 1. 1, CLEAliriKLt) COl XT f, PA. aii.i.g or RxcHAtfoR, of i: n !mrTi icortct Di.i'osns itixi:ivni), CvlUxTiOiis made, und pr'vcrdt promptly remitted. l:rlianto o the t'ltlea coiutantly "on liainl. 7"f-6rtco im Xlurkot itrco'l. onnoaiu th. Mr. deni'O of Jin. 11. Urnhnin, Knq. FIRST ARRIVAL. j VfKW 00DS, :.tut 'received-ainonir wldct ( il nro LADIK.S' lUlUSS UOODS, S110KS, Ad. And One Hundred Pieces of Latest Style Prints, nil of which will be lold cheaper than evor ut tho Coiner ifurwonHville. YM. IRYIX. 18lh Ap.'lSOi). no. l'l. vol. Iv, lOROllAX! or Chinese- fc-'ug'ar Caiio SocJ for 3 lalo at the Cornor Curwensvillo. , . . -. , WM. IRVIN. lxthAp. 1SJ9. no. 14, vol. iv. NEW RESTAURANT. Radebaugh 6c Flanagan. Casement of Mbkiie'h, & Carter's Store. Under the Masonic 1 Odd-Fellov's Hn1. Tl'lE undersigned would. 'r'cpectfuily 'nlorm tho public that they linvo reoontly opened tho. above named Restaurant, with nn entire new itock of goods und fixtures, where they will bo prepared tu furnish, at the lowest rate), all the luxuries and dultcacjes of the season. They koep constantly on nnnd, Confectionary, Cakes, Pies, Oysters in ovory form, Ioe Cream, Tripo, Sardines. Alo, Lngor Beer, Oranges, Lemons, Raisoni, nnd a variety of other article! "easy to take." They respectfully invito the pat onnge of the citizen! of Clearlield and vicinity. ADAM C. FLANAGAN, WM. RADEBaUOH. April 27th, LSii), Tol. 4, no. 13. 4t, ADM I M-iTIt ATIO M)TI CK.-Lett.ri of Administration having been granted .a rhe estate of William Weber late of Brady town ship, all person! having claiuu against laid ei tatc, will present thorn without delay to CIIARL0TTA WEBER, 1 1 . Administratrix. TJrady tp. may 10, 1859. no. 17. vol. i v.. Millinery and Mantumaking. rnjlE undersigned would respectfully inform X tho citirens of Curwenivillo and vicinity, that she has commenced tbo above business, one door nbovo Thompson'! itorc, where the will be pleased to accommodate ull who may favor her with thoir patronapo. MARfHRET MOORHEAD. May 2, 1859. no. 10, vol. iv. NOTICE. I forbid any penon or persona frvin purchasing or in any woy meddling with a promissory note given t'i William Ytanhburn for one hun dred and twenty dollan on the i:ttb of April 1358, or some tiirto there about, as I have not received value for. the same, and will not pay it uulesi compelled by lu(v. , . . JESSE ST0XE. May 25tu, Isji. IV mJ The undersicned hereby cive notice that the firm of MERRELL A CARTER, heretofore doing business in the borough of Clearfield, hai thii day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will hereafter be conductod by 0. B. MEHRKLL, ,at the same place, in who.ie hands the books and account! remain for collection. 0. B. MERRKLC L. R. CARTER. May C, 1S59. St. no. 17, voL iv. CI.KAltllKW) CiAS COMPAWTh. Coinmissionera appointed by the act to iu ccrporarate the Clearfield Gas Company,' are re. uuestcd to meet at tho Court House in the Be", rough of Clearfield, on Saturday next (May II), at 3 o'clock, p. ii. for the purpose of prganir.ing', and making preparation! for opening the Books for subscriptions to the stock ot said Company. A full attendance is requested, may 10, 185'J It. no. 17, vol. Iv. UKOCKRY A XII COXFIXTIOXAItV. STEPHEN GRA'lT informs liter old friondi aud the publio generally, that hi baa re-open, ed hii Grocory and confectionary at the old stand i.. the Borough ot Curwensvillo, where he will be prepared to supply nil with Sugar. Coffee, Tea, Molasses, Bacon, rfc. Beor, Lemonade, Can dies, Fruit Cakes, 4'c. Ac. Ho respectfully soil, cits a slia-e of patronage. N. B. lie la also prepared to accommodate lb I public with ai. sorts of Cooper Work, and will repair barrels, tubs, Ac. may II, 1S59. no. 17. vol. iv. LOOK AT THIS NICARAGUA, CONTAINS minei of the precious metali be. foro which the gold rf California ainki to Insignificance. I few months of Well directed ef fort among them is ample to secure a fortune. She has a beautiful climate, and a soil admira bly adapted to the growth of Cotton, Tobaoco, Sugar or Coffee: As tlid Key to our Pacific pos sessions, and with her government in a state ot dissolution, manifest .l,..iin elnrl i.wi;nn.A. another star to b added to our bauner. For all the details, with a history of the Filibuster!.. tho Cass Yrisarri treaty, a new and improved . . r . ,. . . . ' . miip ui ine country appropriately colored, and other inntlors cTIatercst, read &1C1RAGI-A ! TaST, Pni:SRV, AXtl FlTOHK, hj Pctkb F. Stoct, Ksij. 'Lntb United ftntoi Vice Comul.' It is a handsome 12mo. volume, and will be sent to your address post-paid, on receipt of tho price ($1 25). Agents Will find it very popular. Sond to JOHN E. POTTER, , Pi ai.isniR, T.O. 617. Sansora iL l'hilad'a, Pa. May S, 18511. do. Io, vol. iv. 1?URSand LUFFALO ROBES to mil that aeason, at KRATZKR'S. . 1 00(1 CAIjP 6KINS wanted, for which the 1,v"u highert price in cash will be paid al the St. Mary'i Steam Tannery, no. 2, vol. iv. rtX&K HigTie.t Price paid f.,r HIDES in CASH at lhe MwJ' Tannery, no 2, v. ivT ' q. tr-p aTrt-rrrT TAKE NOTICE. , I A LL persoua Indebted to the snlucriber, either by note or book account, aie requested t call ana" settle, on or before the tint dar of April 1 859. Those who do not comply with the above, may expect to pay costs, jAlso-th subscriber offon for la'le his house, lot, and offioo, situated in the. town of Luthersbnrg. low for cash, or in payment, li (Ull nurenasen. forrunnor nartlnu lr nl ito tb acisoatsta, on the premises. . . r. .j Ml. . H At Mi ft I . Dr. O.-WILBO I Lutlicrsburj, Jan. 21, ISj?. no, 2, r. W.) "IV