, i -a . 0 If 1 ffl Juno 10, K'.O. CT.r.Ai.KU.LD, Democratio 6tat Ticket. AUMTOK OENKHAT.. JRICHARDSON L. WRIGHt or riiit.Ainti.ruiA. PURVEYOR fiF.NERAL. JOHN ItOWE Or rrANKLIN COCNTT. COUNTY CONVENTION. The delegates elected last fall to revise and modify the "Crawford Countv Sys torn," are requested to moot for that pur pose in the (Joutt Houno, in Clearfield, on I'uesday evening 21t Juno, 1850. Those townships thut failed to elect delegates at thetimo Appointed, will rail h meeting iud appoint them, as agoneraal represen tation is required. Bv order of Com. JAS. II. LARIililKU, Ch'n. Th News. 1 lie last foreign new v m i i i i i wm "mm nini mi lht l Vr r cf tha ft t' " A t fin th miioKrt of ri- flirt I i hvitft B t rill i n t 1 if III" fn-1 t of ' f, Im i-sHinn'e lliA fill I li ii.l i nnli f(n nti'l iho lne, n I 'Hf 1 1 1 I p. rednl inn rnmmil Ii ii by Hi tVi'l Ihup ln,.'iin (o n prni', it ci v one i I n -lly i n gated in iim"liiliiift Mii'1 ( mliviVi'i iii(t to uneo" Inin, if posMUe, the exlclil ef (lie inj-iiy dniio to the crops wherever the sweeping breath of t ho nretin region Ii na touched I hem. A yet, however, it is lin- possible to loll willl Rernriiey the i-xtent of the damage, or even fiver how great nil extent of country the ravages of iho frost have extended. Our exchange from the country have generally been lned prior to the 5 1 h inst., while llio em-tern eily papers contain only brief despatches from t ho larger town', of a very indiTmito character. However, wo may regard it as pretty certain thai all of Western J'cnn.ylvnnia, Northern Ohio, and Western New York, have shared tho rolltleil hrfiihinK VA fli). ,0 , Hi H ill!' i I. 'ill'!' " tt.e it-. n'.. t I' 'in Ihe County 'ft -i' None n (ho put liAo.lt !! 1 1 r 1 I inrne i hn il 1 1 1 in II ,e i litem pet nlf f nl I f A ei'i mill i i ! nii-i ui'li 'l rli i p mi ii 1 n J ili ii i'ii iir i hi hi i ln'i n i iii-t it n iion ' .V I l.'iiB mf th New Vol lx J V ' '." rnnie out Willi nil ailirln iiImiimI ing the Intel mixinu ol ii'ludi'ii with p-dilie, ami limit (lint lime nil Hie iii!.'j;or-H(iihi')'inf prows o the rounliy luie iningl ' t'i K A ' I M h 'in i IT'. . t i.) "'l I'. fl." I l I n 1 1 it I C I I Vi'.K, I their Voice ii) ono Imrmotiiom Ktrnin ol liater mil nlleelinn, and of hypocritical fear left thoi huirh ninv hi'i-e il power f ir pood, and for tho di'iiuneiatioli of evil whir!) tho attack. t'eiit ImjA l.Atrt firm Miep l it k linn rKVi ni: om dit t ,V'II' N. It . .tniil 4 ty i t nOiliigtoii, W lil' Il the 1.' ill I II., nhil I" lift I'. . n in'.'ici I led i l'V the ,'-m i;itc I I'liiH New II' I 111 i Of Hi lit llllMI: III . e, in rm i"iiticirf' Hie liit imp.. 1 1 i nt blow in Italy. The Allied and Autiian oree have met, flliil the bitter been ib'teated. 'Ihii fteniniT Alrlea from New York, bad arrived at Liverpool. The battle between the AuMrinim and the Allies took place at Meiitebt'llo. The ,UMiiuu were l.i.tMKI strong, niul ihriIo M.W AUVmilMMLMR ri.r.Aiuii i.n MmsLitv. rO)RT l nflt t.AMAllON. y f., p,..i'iMi.i,i,,n,.t ,.; ,'i .., i' ill ilia I..,, ill ... i III"!, r"l" '"" T '! in i..m tf. tm it. . tir.inf.f ,"" " ' "i" it unii inin.innnn ii'nimi, aii m hi. 1 bo 'mm i ii-m 1,'iei . f p, ,,,1.,, ,,.t i,, ll'l M .ev I ImiPiM nuniy tl.nl Im hfi rl.liihi1 A I tlll I'illt Nnr.i.V H llill 'lk lriiilihJ "ln III! rtll I 'i I ' n r m ' 1 1 1 i n, i1 ill, rm lli pt"ii, Ap up n t.ty rr.nn I'llif r mscilrii, unli! hi lrrr inn fit Inf Hill'. Ilia ft'ii K mil Im of Ih l"t mrli liri mel mml lim.lv dlmN. mill Kill rnimi'l nf I'rnit Met Hri- inrtilat Treo, Miriil'l.nv, (lrnii, Hinnl.rrii", I Thinl Mnmlm, (hf "Of A I'lllliltil", ItuHI'lirrrtcil, r'lllirntl', tVo., Uliirll Kill lie mill nn rrntiiiinliU li'Nin. All nrilrri ill rceeivf liiinirilinlii llonlinn. Abht'M, ' jtui n n. KuiiuiT, ct'iiR!ivii.i., r. .Tune 10, lK.'iV. 3 mm. ul ! l'l.,.i , " iiiium I, V' i .Iii.i.,.. i R..I.I ll.ll I..M.4 I1..1. ""II. .,. . ............... , ,,,,. j.rr,,!, , ri'll'H, 1'iT lit" nni'lllijj ,. ft l i.ttlt nf rirn", II' I'linn i "in I, I niirl I'iiiiiI nf I'vr nn t T"iiniiu rml Jml Pi'livrir. t ;'Ii-Hi i, n coiiniy ol l li'nli l'l, im the tnf t;.in.i..t n,flin r, mi.l r.,rt nf u, And f,, lk, )!' AM. KIIS and i-lnvo labor, which mu.it renult in the. annihilation of llio one or tho other, and lean learn, although sustaining muuh in ... .... Ijury in fruit and vegetables, has escaped j omll'. e have the Abolition of a milder which will be , i , , ! nature, ivhoso views of tho abstract ri'-hts ninnh linllnr limn ii-a ltniA I n nnn aiimi i . . . found elsewhere more in detail, are of tho i , , , , . . 1 w '": ro somewhat mixed with the .ligbest im1Wtanee. There have been 0mn l,,e Cxt1c,lt of .1,'e """"f 18 , 1,0 ! "" ,". 1"1t" . . i . .i .ii- , 'vet known with certainty : but the wheat ter predominates. 1 hen comes your ab- two engagement between tho Allien and: . i. . Volition free-lover while in close eriimoe. . . c ? . ,. - . , .r , and rvo are lniurud to a very gi eat extent, ; miiion net imer, wiiuo i i iioac conncc- the Austrian forces. The Erst at Monte- . , , ., . tion Hiiintuahsm and liihdc ity are dis- nnolenuroiy mwojeu. unucr me ihoh ,it1(.(1y viaill,c A,u.r thoBO the favorable view wo could take from the Mack Republican, whoso abolition ear:" have had, we tliould eny ! aliemly protrude from under the assumed miintlii fit Stnte lui'hfs imd in kihiim lufiili- tter a Aevero ei:cL'eiilcnt. . aboiilid 111 the land ihliUlL'h fear of tiai-lv Ihev W re obliced to telienl. The Allind 1 nialitrnilv. To (ho-o who know tho re- 'arniv lost 70(1. while Ibo Anstrinin' lon is ' 1" lii'imia ilinrnefol' of I ln itpiiI. h.!iil rif th.tii.stiimili.il nt I1H1 A nnm I...,, .f li,.l : l''or llrtltaiinla w are cn to paper mentioned und of tho leader in the aim bad been captured find taken prixon-! ,. r ME JHELL A UIOLEIl'S. eni.-ado against the institution of slavery !era to Marseilles. """ow M"'c "iehhell 4 biolkH'S in tho United Slates this will of course the n.mi.i! or m.)tkiii:i.i.o. Ufor Hard ware eo to t.e, of Ihc idc thd n ,reat "f Munlcl!!., took place on ! MEIIHELL I DIGLEIV.S. iJ.fchixs. eli:;;.d!l';w"MS!,i,n ti- a.-v- 1.0 1 ov r-uerrVt r..trr..: t I ei e in. ii iii.wii leil I I II HIM II I iM 111 I lOII, 0 I - 1 1.1 . . w u. lacked the posts of Marshal Harau-uav 1 For FAr"1"' :It'" ' Merroll Hi(jler"A. I.".. 1 '"f clove 1'ipo go to Morrcll A IligUT . Merri'll A liiglcr i. Merrell A lliglor'i. Mcrrell A Higler'A. Merrell A Higler'i. MiTrnll a liiglcr'a. Mcrrell a Iiiglcr's. Mcrrell A Iligler'i. Mcrroll A liilor'i. M or re II A lligler'a. Morrell A lliglor'l. Morrdl it lliglor'i. Mcrrell & lliglor'i. mcrrell k lhglcr'v. werrcll A, liilor'i. uicrrell i, lliglor'i. ".V tf ,, N0TICI5 If, Ihf rtrnrc, linoliy glv.n, j,, riimnir, JiiKii ri nf Id Vao, n Con'.i,! ,? in unit fur mill comity nf 'lnrttiM, to ttpi,,,. their proper pirmin, Willi thoir Hull.. HworiU I n iuiritniiin, K mi r I nt inn , unit nllir hainm brnnrri, lo ilo tleno lliingi whi-h to lhlr offi.," ami in tliolr holmir, tirruin lo h dun. ..j i? MKHKKLh A lllllLEK'H. 'riira Anil Wltnpa nr rpqiipatcd t b tirn uifire Biu-nuing, nna not w ai-purt without eivi At their peril. IIJIVEN umlor my hand nt Clearfield, thli 2j, 1 dny of Mny, In Hid your nf nur Lord om , llimi.nnil eight h unilr.il mlrt Bl'ty.jilno, ' M I the eighty firnt your of American lodrnaa; I donco. j FREDERICK 0. MILLEIt, Sheriff. calamity about alike. The fruit is doubt-1 tlie poor fellows nro standing all palo and Iom universally killed, including grapes, 'trembling; beseeching tho church to come gardens, ie., Ac. Eastern IVmwylvat.u tl",ir. ';n,c "n'' "cpowor tl.U inon 6 , ' ' ... T ster evil. ho are thee men at the North and Jsouthern Ohio, and New Jerney, have (1(,,1()tmoo lha i,ist itutions of the probably escaped without serious injury ; .South, ami aro engaged in waging thi while tho West and Northwest, beyond " irrepressible conlliet r" It may be well Ohio, we can yet only Tear the worst ! iff ;" ."" n"1' the duty ol-' A . , , r .i i . . . . H'U church in their connection. I' irsl, iyc , o.niii ' and hope for tho best, ttntro county , ,,flvJ Ul0 Alwi(k,nitl ..,,., raving, ilff -l,0 mo"' "'Allies our nearest extern neighbor, as far as we ranting fanatic, who denounce the liible) ,,?.m 'n!,n-v olllct,;s- ' . .. t lit n fl pnloii.'l tvnrn rjiiif mvwl mwl inlnn Li nifty no well i T , mi 1 AU M M'l,' for not substantiating: bis doctrines. See-1 )ello, in which the latter were compelled to retreat with loss, and the second at V..m11i M-hnrn tint A 1 1 i(.a afl Af ilr vi n a thofl'' y WO ' 0 ! I l.nn.i l.-ill rt 1 .a .....a l.n. Iwim ..ia IIIUV "ill IIUU Ur IJI.'IU bllltll 17IIU' i. ....:. .1:. ..,.:.. 1 ......... , . ,, . , . . fourth to one-third of a . , even fall below the former. Many of our uiforeements. - , , . . . ... ., ...... .. . , own farmers already contemplate cutting Ureat Britain still preserves her neutral- ., , . , .. , , . , , , , , , I thou wheat for lodder ami sowing buck- it r, although it is Mlegeu by some foreign ; , . .hi . . " , , ...... i wheat uiion the stubble, tvhtch, by the orresriondent that she is "squinting to-' . ' . ,. . , ., , . , . , , way, is a verv judicious move wh;."ro the vards Austria rather favorably, . .". , , . , ... itrmn m fitilii'nlif .l.ikf rm m I t t.'nlll.l , ., . i ties, as in our own, tno wiioio ooiiv is oc crop. and it may rxlli,,ituil : stnl.toA jiroportious. ami with all its disunion ten- irit;it;..i-u 'I'l.,... .i:,.a., 1 1 Kor blove 1'ipo go 'iiid. aiivi mil; Vllli,ll I '111 IV l 1 . t . fieneral I orey s div.sion, after a furious For C(nt.0 ro(U(or combat, which lasted four hours. For Wove Lrulic go to '! he Allies carried Montebello, but did For (ierninu bliiek load go to not puisne the Ail"tri:ins. For Enrthcn collnn go to J ivy ImiKlred ot tho Austrians, includ- ror Hurting btovc, go ti ( Kor Japancd ware, go to 1 For Waiter', go to ,1100 strong. They For Foot Tain, go to rUlins lost 700 ; anion" 1,ust I,ane B" 10 : ror 11 alor coolcrii, go to Tl. A.,.i..i...,u r it... 1...1H.. ,i:r rr .iiouii.o vu, go 10 . ... ..-.. , u... u. -" i, , For hoeil u l0 fers widely irom tho above. Ihc actual lor ijnnlllorn,, - , lorce of tho J rench is 110I stated. It is ' j.-ur chauibvr Uuckats, go to reporicii, however, that it nuintiereii tioou, ., . . ...L. i.. : . . r .. i- ... .. ' I' or Hard ware, iro to i.cii, ucs.ucu .cgimemui -a. u.i.ian cav- yur 1r iro u(M g0 to merroll t Uiglar's. For Nnila and Spikes, go to merrell & Uiglcr'n. l ASSACE OK THE StslA BV TIIK SARDINIANS. . For Cast Steel, go to Ulurrcll A Iiiglor I, A bulleli.i issnp.l l.v !, K linhm 11 ' lor tuS- Wisler Steel, go to merrell ( lliglor't. i For Spring Steel, go to ror Aiuericun JiliMer, go to deneies. It is generally conceded that it ,of Lake Maggiore is w ise to commence a woi k ot retorm where tho evil exists. Jt may bo well for ministers of the Gospvl at the North to preach against slavery, und incited a feel ing of hatred between sections, arm man eminent announces that the extreme left 01 me Sardinian army unucr Ucneral isal- 1 vur iron Axles, pu to dini, hail forced a pasnge over the river i For lluggy Spingn, go to Sesia, putting the Austrians to flight. ! For Suiootlung lron, goto (ieiiei-.ll (iaribulili bud entei eil I irnvclln. 1 For Door Locks, go to na with ti.otiO men for revolutionary pur- ur ,'u,tt "1,J 1!iuKt,s' E lo pose tSntvellona is on the Sardinian side! Ku lo I l-'nr I'liniii Vi v turi.M. I'll to i 1 I '..1I...1 it I . 1 . - . . - 4 - e vn iiciiu iiiriuuiui jius inaue ioriy -seven yr Urnn hettlei", go to more prisoners. ' ' For moslin Kettle, go to It was rumored that six English men-of-' Kor Wufile lroim, go to war had entered the Adriatic Sea. y"r Suunage t'utterr, go to ror S'uusiige Muneri, go to For L'otlee mil le, gu to mcrrell A lligler'a. uicrrell A Iligler'i. mcrrell A Iligler'i. uierrell A Iligler'i. inerroll Jt Iligler'i. mcrrell i. Iligler'i. mcrrell t lliglor'i. uierrell i, lliglor'i. uierrell & Iligler'i. uierrell & Iligler'i. merrell & Iligler'i. merrell A Iligler'i. merrell 4 Iligler'i. mcrrell ft liigler i. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. A meeting nf the ' Clearfield County Aerlml tiir.il Society," will lie held at the Court Home, in the borough of Clcnrfielil, nn Vcilui diiy evening of the lirat week of the June court' Tho Vice President! are eiperially requeitcJt,) bo in nlleinliir.re, ns tlirre will be buiineu of in. portance to tr'timu t. r.i.i.i? iinvi.v.rroit T. J. Mcl'i i.t.ot cii, Scc'y. June 81 h, 186U. Tumps ! Tumps ! ! Tumps ! ! ! The undersigned would respectfully onnounci to the citizcni of Clenrtiuld county Uut be bai commenecd the above buiineu ia C VJl WENS V IL LK. where be intomla to kocp on hand the best articli of pump kind. They are not innde out of iron copper, rink, or gnlvnnir."d chain, but of the ran best of YELLOW PINE. For the estimation in TUT I.ATFST. rrom vaiuornia anil vreeon mo newi . . . ,. ....:..... r..n . . . i . . ' itmicii rattier seo our larmcrs crgageu in ic..o, M.i.ucr ues ui uimuai , i..i,,, ,,... , t, ,h ,, , inieiesi. icai:ii roisiui.ee to me ias oi I ....... i . . i,i ,i, ,. . in i amii nn i 'i i . " '""is" , ire unimportant, The mining news trotu Frazcr The King of Naples is deud, and Fran- go to Fur Horse Shoe .Sails, go. to !cis I. has assumed ,ho Government of Na-1 J lo r.i.LAND. I .....i... ..... i.- i... iciest, icaeii resislai.ee to tlie 1 rivr . . 11 m ,i i liiiiu, unu iijus Mil p niuir jiruit PialUIl I Iiava Einilftinrti hv rlotrtirfii'in rif tim ' t h.ia. i i I .:-.... a.. i ..e i. . i " w ' oi nil uia& reveivnco una rcMivci wmcn i "..- uwu.B6,e, .u u,e than hear them indulging in vain should surround it. while thosi who tinro f '' i .alifornm miners are returning home. , . . imuimtm rA;ntn ,,,, -.,;,. nf , them on are slrcwinir broadcast in their , ' OrJcrs have been issued for Iho orian- .. . - .... ! miikt the rank t:ne nf rolinious .moral t.: - - - ".:" tlereoi 01 Rn n"-xvise a,,a F-...... .....;.,l ,i; , '; I The I'llitisli Admirallv has I'ur.nallv in ihiuuu ui eouipuiiT to open a aiiou ,:...! ..-j . . . i i I --"-' ...f-.i-i. i, uui.i . m-u v..n . . j --- ,,-;,, ni,,.i. i Old from the Columbia river to Salt S roime.iee. neenj-.j .... oou..-: misusca aIJ,t mwdirfcted ellbi ts to ctlcct a ! uo'i lenners lor the cai nag,; ol a montli - ,"1 "X. " , ' ' " .oaa from tho Columbia mer to alt tio8 wititout grtitudo, an.l c s-hould sul.- j ,.fv,tm ul.roa.l. their thrice eon apt asso-1 .V mail to and from Aus.raha vh I'anama. : yXo to LakeUty. ; mil to his visitations without munnur. ieiates have intruded their iniimities even ; A general meeting ol the stockholders rr manure Fo'rki, go lo A flood haa ocoured upon tho upper; v..t lln,i, tho u-n ..i,.i.i ;t n r around their own altars, and they sink tll,; Atlantic Jelegiaph Company bad lor Iron It ake, go to m:..!-:,i ..! l.i.o- ..i o ct under he worst aspect it can pre- , tho (.oss.:ool ol( been called to suction the agreement with : For Hoc, go ,., ...8 ...u- "' st.nt. we aro in no verv creat dan iter of a ... i i ,: ... tho tiovemmont nn,i t itr,. v.,ni i f k, tvm. ..t nil ai. i 'J . u i r iittii iieei :iuii mil. " ..... v. -.w.,-.".' - - -- For liruai Cocks, go D ' For lira?! t'ondle.tieks, gu to mcrrell if lligl.r'i. merrell tf' Iligler'i. merroll lliglct'i. merrell d- lliglor'i. merrell A- Iligler'i. merrell it lliglor'i. merrell if- Iligler'i. For (line Hinges, go to merrell if- Iligler'i tor Juck Chums, go to uierrell d liigler k. For iAingbnndrdShov'Isgoto merrell i- Uigler's. mcrrell f- Hitler $. merrell t' Iligler'i. n.crrcll tl- lligler'a. mcrrell f- lliglr'a. which they aro held by others, ice the following: Tho uuly rcliublo pump now in uae.- Dr. A. M. llilli, Cleirfi.U. The only pump wortn having. 0. 11. Ooo'llunder, Ltitliemburj. The least liable to get out of order of any pump in use, Lever Flcgal, Luthcrsburj. Works excellent In a forty foot well, Jat. Culdwcll, Fikc tp, A good and reliable pump, Thoi. Knffarty, Ttnii tp. All order Addressed to the subscriber at Cur. mcrrell t- Iligler'i. , wenville, will be promptly attended to. J. W. rOTTEE. Curwensville, June 1, lSjj). , AMBROTYPES ! rilheie ii now an opportunity ftr all to procari I pictures of themselves and friends. The undersigned has fitted up l'.ooiusin Shtw'i new building, where ho will remain a short tine.' Plaf.ng in fine guld or silver done on reasona ble terms. IVin. II. CUANIMLL (their own degradation. rat mce. t 1 i .a ' i aui. ana ouier r aces along tno river - fa.ninc, ShoulJ ,,10 se.(s0) ,,e f;lvcn,lUe ,Vt! ca!1 -M ,)0 work of lcr mo. , new capital. Much timber has been given! awav. The . .1 .i . ... ' . ...i .: .. i : i .i.-l ... ,... irroniu oi siirinLt crain. we niav , uuiu in uiu picsiin. nine, i;j iti.icu uie . i u... i c...ir... ....... rlier was higher than it luu been in many jmv(? n ver y plentiful crop of corn, buck"-: church north should turn its attention, i The l'ai is '.rannounces that France j For lirnss Locks, go to yearp. j , . . . . . . ,,' ; than the reformation of those who arc 'adheres to the abolition of privateering. ; For Lard I.ainii,sn tir ,1.. trhont. An s tiotutoo nnil t-oirotiililpu Tho .,. . .... .... ... ... . . . . . n . . 1 r' ror I.emou ,ii.cciers, go 19 The election In Kansas for delegates to ihe Constitutional Convention, took place last Tuesday The contest was boiled, but the result is not known ; past issues were generally ignored. The news from various sections of the country show the injury by the late frost .ulit.,o...,rio,u.rFi.ni... ""- calling her to assist them in their evil de- and the principle that " Iho neutral flag corn which was nipped will soon recover, I in." Let the fanatic be taught reason, covers the enemy's goods." wn.l Avnn lh i.nl,.M r.luntu tvliixh 1, f n I 1 1 1 0 f I'OO-ll . V O T t ll O K IPl'Oll 11 IWw lit' the lit.ll--' leen frozen off will tprout again. A large TtTCCrtT TTTTftTT rtf T a t. Trmctrn J merrell f-Uigler's. I """i""'"'"! a a.xxa aaoau. merrell if- Uigler's. ; "VJ"otice is hereby given tlntt the part icrskip mcirell tf- Uigler's. heretofore existing between James Mullel merrell rf- Iligler'i. j "ad John Julson, in tlie mercnntilo and lumber merrell Uigler's. '"R busiuesa nt mulsnn.burg, in Covington town, mcrrell it Uigler's. i''''P Clearfield county, h tl bocn dissolved, mcrrell if- Uigler's. I Ja" . , uierrell d- liigler - . , portion of tho potato crop, however, is yet to plant. Tho best thing therefore, is to cheer tip and regard all things m tho offspring of ron fined to northern and western Tcnn-1 ,i rt;,.!.,.. :n ..: .. j the I'lvlno will or permission, and as oc- ylvania and northern Ohio so far as tho wheat nd rye crops are concerned. Tho fruit and vegetables have suffered consid erably in the eastern and southern part of this State and southern Ohio. We have no definite intelligence from the far west or the Eaatern States and New York. The mercury stood at 12 below freezing Dear Blairevillo Fa., at 4 A. M. on the morning of the 5th inst. The President returned to Washington on, the 8th iust from his trip to North Carolina. Much enthusiasm and good felling at tended him everywhere during his excur sion. " It is stated by the Washington dispatch cfl that there is ample means in the Na tion Treasury to meet the expenditures of the Government. Reforms in the mode of collecting the revenue aro being grad ually carried out, securing a great saving lo tho Treasury. The municipal election at Washington resulted in the triumph of the Anti-Know-Nothinj; ticket. curring " ull for the best." The European War- nago vow, the inlidel le eonvertcl, the, B$.A uespateli from Now Orleans says deluded spiritualist reclaimed, and the that Miramon's Cabinet had issued a de Mack J.epublioan taught obedience to ' eree restoring Santa Anna to all tho rights la.v. This would indeed be a noble work. ani titles which he formerly held in Mex Then in tho spirit which such a r form j ico, and inviting his return via. Tampieo, would induce, and through the means ' whither (ieneral Well is aiarching to meet provided by law, could the institution of him. slavery be approached with anv thine like success. Then w ill slavery cease to be a For Cork Screws, go to For Egg Codlcrs, go to ' For llreud Toa-lcn, go to ; For Fleli Forki, go to For Unsung Spoons, go to For Twine Uoxes, go to ' For Egg Heaters, go to ' For Spring Uulauces, go to ' For Corn Urinders, go lo 1 For Corn Shcllcr., go to I For Saw (lunges, go to mcrrell d- Uigler's. mcrrell d- uiglcr s. mcrrell it Uigler's. mcrrell rf- Iligler'i. merrell cf Uigler's. merrell d- Iligler'i. uierrell A Uigler's. CAUTION. V i nii.ilis ciix. Im. i5llfn.;.,l ",rul"'1' I ... V I "political question," and neither firedoiii a' Monticcllo, JUo. Im ki). vte.e ur All persi.nj are In reby cautioned aainst par chaning or uicd.Hiiig with tbe fullnwlng uam4 property in the posiession of Iiicbard pitmen jr.: One white and black eow, ono spring calf, live bogs, one cooking store, one bed and beif: mcrrell it' Uigler's. ding, ono Inble, and one clock, which 1 purcdas. mcrrell it' Uigler's. 1 ed at con. Inble in!o, and In left with the laid mcrrell it Uigler's. : Itirhnrd Duuvcr, jr., nn loan nnlv', .uhject tn my merrell it-Uigler's. 'ord.r. HICIIARD UANtEK,n. merrell if- Uigh-r'i. ' June 1-t, 13j0. merrell f- Uigler'i. , The Opposition Convention. On the 6th inst., tho fragmentary fac tions of the demoralized opposition met at Harrisburg, for the purposo of effocting an organization for the coming campaign. The wire pullers have been for some time secretly, but busily engaged in laying the foundation for such a structure. A few weeks ago, it will be remembered, the American port of the State made a feint to hold a Convention at the State Capital, which was represented by thred delegates, and was d-aclared a complete failure by Jta Republican allies. This was only a preliminary moreruent to what lias since followed. The pretended American Coit yention was only called for tho purpose of making a "fizzle" of it; all of which was managed by tho Republican leaders, Intending in this manner to wipe out what remained of that organization, and gain those who still adhered to it, to their own support. We have not learned what has been done at Ilarrisburg, by these "popular sovereignty Abolitionists," but we have no doubt vhey will invent some new issue, oi resuscitate some defunct one, with which to go before the people. One thing is certain, let the opposition organ . 're themselves under what name and rpon what platform they please, they will (till be the same hypocritical Know-Noth-ing Abolitionist they bare been for the go to For Conl Oil Lamps, go to L... ii.... M.....r. . I.,., , , , , r ur ..iifb v iK.ii.1. ill a, ku Ihe other boy was then placed on trial, Kor Kinner .ells, go to when t lie one just .iciiiiited cam. forward j For Tea -V-lis, go to I and swore that he had stolen the money i Eor tiraiu Cradles, go to lillilscll. 1 1 or i'IouIis, go to The Montgomery (Ala.) Mail statts that the political horizon of Kurope for rr.any months has overspread tbe heavens, as cending to tho zenith, and is just bursting over that land of the bower and the grove lovely but unbapp Italy in all the fury national hatred and jealousy. The pent-up wrath of years is breaking forth in all its impatient vehemence, and the chivalry of Enropo is arrayed in all the " pomp and circumstance of glorious war," to maintain the pretensions of their res pective leaders. More thun one scene of carnage has already leen witnessed, and .11 . : e .1.. t ... 'fVnsMi. wt. ..... it !. r f-. ' . . . '! ". vm ujai.iui.es vi tuc ce.euraieu oitme- v b" ........ i..ui nio mn n--v in .'i.oi i , i ... l.. ..,,,ii.. .... ' UK-, OI.V lillli . IJ7. ' For Side Hill 1'lougli., go to mcrrell & iglcr's. j Ten T.ioi s ..nd Ihui.am kor a ifousr..-' !;r ""f rnVtr' 8 10 j For Sand Serei ns, go to Hubert Smith. Kmi., of Mobile, recently ! K..r ll Sr..i. n'i.. nr.r uliii'.r-t- irill r.w.nii... 1. l.n ' cn.nllA.a.i rested fltr Stealill!' .1 S'!(l rolil tliei'i. ...v.. -,,,,.., a.,....,,,. -Ill.tll.l U ' --O pw.-.j-....... fliiA mAM llm rM iit-.a.,ii irtnn i. u i ns I t rl-'ith " TIia fi.t w i1...a ..l...u n.a Ot lit ItllO lllll not Steal it U'na 111 1 1. 11 1 , nil I .... . . , ... .Lit .... ii.'.. .'l..l.- it... .i r il.; ' trial lirst. noil tie (ilLr s-linn n-u no.1 l For Coal 't oi itaiv re-ecno me roar oi nosme cannon . "! -,,.. n mvn, num m.-.i ... . , I , , . . , ,. brother's eve while they have a hutre witness, and Ins ininK-ence established. ,i 1 1 ( . . ii.iirM , i r-inuwin iirnnmi r.i iivr.il in I . .- ; winu.-niiU in their own human blood, andhcr sunnypluinstremble H,0 practical lessons taught during the beneath the shock of contending armies. ; campaign of 'oil, w ill, it is to be hojied, Tho storm which has been cntherinir j I tend to pret ent a recurrence of this prae- ii-.ii T .- .1 ... I. ...!. nee i.i v.'. i mist- jiicaci.eis no piem by experience, will shun tho contamina ting Influence as they would a pestilence Many have felt tho effect of their own error and many have profited by seeing I fllered the Messrs. IHiswell 10,1 Mil) for : For l'atent m.ik puns, go lo tho errors of others. The stigma fastened .'the celebrated race horse I'lanet. On the' Eur Clover Hullcrs, go to nnnn tin- hnr..li l.v it... l.,...t nf 1 1... M I same flnv Mr. iluiitr-r rtl' 'e.iv Yitrl; Ml, ..'Fir Lamp Shades, ao to of national hatred and jealousy. The Hitnn.niheist i:i,h'i;,u ii,, ii, ,. i,..i' J owm r of Xiehoh... i.'ir..i-..l il.,. um -,,r,i ' Suclt.-r, go to clinret-. hiul Iw.vm,,, im. .1 i I (..,! Ir. tin .,. for him. The owneri of VUnel t..,.k Mr ! f.ur t.uerl ,''n"' B 10 comilishmrnt of hi base purposes musll Smith's offer into consideration; being be wiped away, and no more, timely or' determined, if ihey sold, to have him fitting opportunity can bo taken than dur- kept in the South. Mr. S. made the offer ing the approaching political strife." fr a friend, (probably Judgo Hunter,) j w ho desired to own the horse for breeding Titr. Vikcima Flection. The clcc'ion j purposes. This seems a high price for a in Virginia for Governor and members of, ';1'- a vs 11,0 Vjlt' a"J 'ot ,10. ll!ls "wdc iiucr nines ine money ior 11 is owners. We believe r or r amily Or.uustoDCS,go to merrell 4 Uig'.ers. I JTOTICE TO EUILLEHS The! ' Miscellaneous Articles, ro to Sealed proposals will be received bv the un- uierrell Ai n.gler i. j rlcr-igned, umil the 2..tli of June, lSi9, fur tlrt merrell Hi iglcr's. . building of a school house In l'enn town. hip, Hit merrell As iglcr's. , plan and specifications nf which may be leea at merrell t ijrler'i merrell fc iglcr's. mcrrell 4i i-lor's. merrell iglcr's. mcrrell fc iglcr i. any tiiuo, at my office in l'ennvillc jxo. nrssELU Fecrct.try l'enn School Hoard. June 1 '??. P. 0. address tirnmpian HilL merrull k .'iiricr's. mcrrell Vi Algiers. NOTICE. I etii-rs of Administration bnvinc beta this dsr merrell w .rlcr'a. I IJ grnntcd to the iimlcrsisned on the elate of merrell Agler'i. ! Kalph Cnmpbrl). Into i.f L'aion tnwn.-hJp, detcal. merrell .V iglor'i. d. All pcr.fm indebted lo said estnte will maU merrell fc iglcr's. immediate payment, and thirst who bnve claim mcrrell A iglor'i. 1 i" present them duly authenticated to L J. merrell . Uiglcr s. j i-rans, r.ij., tloarlield, or to me. mcrrell S iglcr's. inerroll A igler'i. mcrrell fc iglor i. ror 1 ruit Cans, go to Fur llouso spouting, go to For Old Hominiou Coffeepots, go to uierrell fc Jigler's. Country produce taken into exchange ; Also, old Cupper, Utnt, Cat, roctul, iWo. MERRELL fc IllLER. Clearfield, June 6, ISj'J. fields of former days have been revived by j the occurrence of similar conflicts. The battle cf Montebello, the first en- Whig, as his friends called him, by a ina- gagcraent between the French and Sardi-.iority of from fur to six thousand. has resulted in the election ofMr. Letcher, that, as ho was on the (lair he "ltreezed Democrat over Goggin, Opjiosition, or 'around" the Mobile Course, for the two j mile stake, lie could beat any horse living Hi If Vl 1 WM. F. jonxsios. Union tp., June 4'h, l5-tit. D1 nians on the one side, and the Austrians on the other, a few days since, is said to have taken place on the spot where the elder Napoleen first encountered the Austrian army after scaling the Alps with his brave Frenchmen, fifty-nine years ago; in this engagement laying the foundation of the brilliant victory achieved on the bloody field of Marengo, a few days later. Already tha conviction forces itself upon tbe mind of the beholder, of these strange coincidences that the star of the Bona parts is still in the ascendant, and the prestige of the uncle's unequalled fame, clusters around the path of the nephew, Twelve cut of thirteen Congressmen have been elected, Mr. lloteler also called a A-iotulr Tors a no. A uneciul dispatch to tho St. I.ouis lirpM&m, May 27th, from A IIorsk ix Lick. The editor of the Clarion Democrat, says that a 6nc dappled grey horse reared in that county, on the and inspires him to emulate his brilliant !fftrm of Mr. Fredrick Berlin in Beaver chievcment. And whether the beacon is township, and sold before leaving the whig, having been clocled over tho IVm Jacksonville Morgan county, Illinois, oeratic nominee Mr. Faulkner, in tho 8th I " . J clcr' "' a n,0Pl v,olent j. . . , . . 1 destructive tornado swept over the coun- distnct. Tho campaign was warmly con- (rv W i.If . ...:, ,. , ,,,-. , tested and the result continued in doubt desolalinii everythintr that lav in its t.nth' until nearly all tho returns came in. Sev-j Sixten persons were killed, while a large eral of the members elected were indepen-, n" ,n,bpr Wt'rc verely wounded, a portion . . . . , i.i , oT whom cannot recover, dent demoeiats, who were elected over. Many houses and other buildings were the regular Democratic nominees, the con-, town into atoms by the fury of the whirl test being upon local issues or individual ' wind, others were overturned, and still popularity alone. ! more unroofed, and otherwise shattered I'J 1 1IC V IUb. I Tl,. -.ui- :. ii.. r. i.i i ?n . wero Kineu in APPOINTMENTS. The cattle in the fields great numbers, and crops destroyed. The damngo to property of all kinds can hard ly be estimated. Dl.. J At KM)X, IBS CELEBRATED INDIAN BOTAKIC PHYSICIAN, Can b coniultrd at ihtulluteinj place. MAKK THE TIME AXD DAY. Luthersbiirgh, Ta. Stage House, Montlay afternoon and Tuesday forenoon. Junei-Oth, 21st. Curwensville, Pa., Stage House, Wednes day June 22d. Clearfield, l'u., Mansion House. Thursday and Friday, June 2ord and 24th. Tyrone Fa., National Hotel. Saturday af ternoon and Sunday, June, 25th and 26th. TO THE SICK. We battle against the dread armies of death t And to God look alone for the biddings of duty ; vur -imii'iar. noi a i ran mortal i breath The partnership heretofore existinit betwect 11. lu'Kiin t li. Kerns, il this day dissolrei Tbo business hereafter will bo carried oa by Henry Kerns, in whose b.-tnJs the bonks nf thi firm will remain. II. KERNS; June 1st lSj'J. CAUTION. j All persom are hereby cautioned agaidfit pur. I charing or meddling with a certain white and red eow in the possession of Richard Danver, jr., and is ion wit u bun on loan only, suhiect to mr or der. I'ATKICK DAIL't. May 1st, 1SS9. a faithful guiding star or a treacherous county for $175, is now in the possession election in Washington City yesterdayre- k7vS "will & tho wisp" luring him to his ruin, a brief season must determine, unless a speedy cessation of hostilities takes place, and pacific measures prevail inthe coun cils of the belligerent nations. A Pkmocratic Victory. -The municipal action in Washington City vesterdav. re-: 1 - , ,. ., , , - . . - ' . v.ii.r'll,Ulll.lllVIISllllOWfl t.rit,. rn,n.. v.,..i in -,.i . sultea in the comrlete sneresa of tha linn... 'Ti in nnnr..... tt;. . j n .i , vi in- ij 'vi. ' .i nj'uiiiiu ill, aim Illl'rnv rt-1 -.mv iuu IV11VVV lu UIBueBieU. this time be bearing his imperial Master l1E"liy,,1 1 n Kno"f o'.1''"?' madei Dr. J.ck,D,eompoundihi.owa medicines. .... .!.. t uu fil i. Ir Ti 1 - Tl i nosho 11 the result footing up 2.rj73 Dr. Jackioo', modcines are ttrictly vegetable on the battle fields of Italy. This may be votes for the Demoertio candidates, to C52 nd fr" r owa foreiu and fields. g regarded as a streak of wonderful fortune for the K. N's. The Democrats carried! Jatkoo usei no wereary or nnWaf poinnt fornn Ameripnn l.rml linrr. f.v,.n in 11,1. every IV am in mi CItV. '" , ... ...... . - CAUTION. Vll persons are hereby cautioned againti FiN chasing or mcdling with the following des cribed property, now in tba possession of Otto C. Duck: one cooking store, two bedi and beddia.' one breakfast table, one dough chest, on Mt chairs, one set queensware, si the sains beloojf to mo, lubject to my order. R. 6. STEWART. may 25th, 1859-3L pd. CLEARFIELD CWtfMtfKClAI- INSTITUTE. This Institution la pleasantly located la tl town of Clearfield, Clearfield county, Ft a will be open for tbe reception of students, en n- rt-,v.Tn. l"il, Iflr.n Tk. .1 -t..,l ill !".'" .,',11, . . V . . I. U VUUII. VI embrace Double and Single Entry, Book-keep-: ing, and the other collateral branchei in the lei j ence of aocounts. Tbe itudcnt will be taught te' conduct oa systematic principles. VerrhaotSi Mechaniei, and Manufacturer's Books of every description, either individual partnership stock company's wholesale, retail, ihippfttgi bv porting, com mission, or exchange. Commercial calculations, plain and ornamental btrsmeffl pe'. in . i. ... ..... : 1 1 r . jack-nit i.,bi. all .i .i. r:..i ..i r . ; i. : j i. n, v..n .n m ' . nf .(..ll;.. .n. I , ,i , 1118 result IS very pratllyine to the Dem-' i l. " uu trna- iui'uii auu caru-maraing. iin-ii im' Ratiik Late. -The Lycoming Gazette, ' "b" , T'", , T T ocrncy everywhere, as it clearly indicates Y'tof&ZSFTZr.. . t. u, U" "n"mi,ed ' ' T . i... x.:a r.if- t-.-.IT 10 L,s K'HJ'can character to be car. the decline and speedy extinction oU nnJ. u?!'X?d?: .?TJ? , B. Marcatr, Trof. of Book-keopin . . . . I--" mw rDtvut aiia iuui Mill BlUlrl ;scnptive and unscrupulous political orga-'ia overcoming diseases. i... .i l i i :. i J il. . rii. T . n,t; i.m;r,at.i .1,,. Ri.irying the despotic ruler of France n .. . , , . , . I , , 1 . , inization. Jhe election passed of quiet- Diseases of the lungs detected hy tbe use of tho Convention in March last, after having fc-For. lady to sweep carpet with em-; ly; the .SVaVA of yesterday says j q Utethoicpe. Examination. J tte Vawtand said everything derogatory of the Convcn broidered undcrsleeves, would bo ronaid- "This, indeed, presents a significant ! '""i' fre' :.. v,,t ; ..vi ii.:. i. tv,:. :. ,.it,. 1 ered indecently dirty, but to dra the side -Vntrnct. irt luct. VAni n-l.nn r.-. -......! . llllll 1I1M. Ill WU1U UllllRUI. 1ID IS 1U.I ,, . , , . ... v-v .... .v j U.fU iVUJ q. , . . wnllra m-ilh hie .kirla nnrt mnn rlratm i: .1..... .... . . . Bertieino, . V , i ii i 4. 110-0 w crc on uuij, ttiiu noi anu niootisnea late to be regarded as anything else than a hypocritical pretence to support a nomi nation, that it has not the courago to op pose. If the Gazette had been certain of last five-ytMt profocaing all thingk to all involving the majority of tho Democratic tnen lor the purpex of getting into office that they may enjoy the spoils, and Wopriufe die I'lUndcc. seems to be decidedly genteel. To a man took place- and much more TstrikinT it i J. r 'irtlant fr0I "re. to thirty dol un a tree, the difference fcVi verv rreeen. L, Vl ' "a 1 f,. mT 'lJ2 " 9 lt "'oT rt' "icin.. The aBlicted 4 4 m-ii muijiv uiu nio election two oor win ds liberally eoniidered. llU10, .years ago. It is somethinc ofa aatisfac- A. c. JAfKsov We shouldn't wonder if the man who tion to know that the citizens of Washing-1 Indian Tbyiiciun, Erie, !'., Box 222. penned the above hadn't been sent "up a ton we a .law-allowing, order-obeying' ,Bna 10' 18i9' .v.iiiuiuiinj, nuu turn ion, 10 regulate I . It. Taoiii. Prof, of Penmantbip A Com. oal r :i. u...i ; lti Im, n ii. . ' i...'i v. . -v. r .r ii.: im tv vi it vvuiikt - immii. mei um uw tiia vnuur ui buiii vi liiis rm. ... rw . ... ...siVMtU ..,u ... !.!! .-4 tt- "'T own "am in ifteir own way, man- i .AUvanUyta cmhrateto a mild climate. ......... . rie iiiii,oce lO cet aionc OUlte well nithnut .n. 'mnrfmi. ..1 . . J. . .... Administrators Notice. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION OH the estate ol John StarraTt, lat of PV township, Clearfield county, deceased, bar ing been granted to- the undersigned, all person bavins business or deallnci with the laid eitat Jare roiueted to make Immediate settlement AJ1US JiH-Bi, Auuii. Lumber City, May 2ith, 18iS. Kare Jtfpe-nred at I( fnaH-bmrl. 'Invading gang of raffiiarui," i Ilvmmonion Lmlt, To all wanting Kami, Ifc ajvirtitmtnt nf llayixmontn Lmd-t.