jll i M f 1 1 Mil f It II B , I'VIJMt MPI liliM 1 1 . i v 1. ' ihn full " i' )M i f I'm ,,1( f, l'n i( H i1 1 'i 'i h i.p'Miot.. I. n, t . fip'ti Hi I in j 1 1. 1 , ,tm i l: : j I.- Knew Iwleo ; iiir'a t" -1 lii M. 1' . Pi ( lrnUl.i'K imi'lr (ninth litujf t",'n. It m translated t'V John . I hil, . nl ..ill . 'Ii)fr 1,).;0, Imi nivtr iiiitiil. tlimli. there) at n h ti n i-1 1 1 I fci:o ( it n n i r-1 I of ilia .iil ji lil.nn ii 4. I TtkdaiVii t.. Tho l ili. in by, William Tj n.l.l, anisic I by Miles C'ov'-I rda1n, wn the Uptt ytnniml Ihblt in lhn j Knglinlt lanui). Tim now Tor Uiii'mi', j (M tntbllnioil in 1VVi. It was rovi().li mid rpiiHinliett in 1VVI, In IVT!, Tyn dale ami his n-Moointra finhlipd the hol.- Hible excftdthe, aiid niiited It Abroad. MaiTiuVs Unii.r, V.'liile Tj ml.ito was rrtrnuing a second edition ot'hi liihlo, Ue m taken up ami burm-d for In-rosy at FinndiJr. On lim lrnth, UovordalH nd John Hoera revim-d it, and added a 'rsnslation to tho A noery iiha. It was dedicated to Henry VIII in lj."', und printed at Hamburg under the borrowed name of Thomas Matthew, whnnco it was filled Matthew'8 Hiblo. Cranjier's Dibls. This was the first IJibl printed by authority in England, nd publicly setup the churches. It wan Tyndale's version, revised by, tnd examined by Crannier, who ndded a redict) to it, whenco it wa' enllod C'ran tner'a Bible. Hwiw printed by Ciutinn, ine of tiie largest volume, pnblihod in 15-10. .After being adopted, (.uppres.sed and restored under suoeesnive reigns, a new addition was brought out in I.jij.- Tns Geneva Bibli. Some Kngli.-di ex iles, at Geneva, in Queen .Mary's reijm, Via: Coverdule, Goodman, Gilbe, Snuip&on, Cole, Witting and Knox made a new trans lation, which was printed there in l;iG0. Hencoitwas called the Geneva Bible. H was much valued by the Puritan party. In this vorsion the tirst distinction of ver ses waa made. It went through some twenty editions. lm Bishop's Bidi.k. Archbishop Bar ker engaged Bishop3 and other learned tneu to bring out a now translation. They did so in 15GS, in large folio. It made what was afterwards culled the great English Bible, and commonly culled the Bishop's , Bible. In loli'J it was pub lished in octavo, in small but fine black letter. In it tho chapters were divided in to verses, but without any break for them. Matthew-' Parser's Bint.E. The Bish op's Biblo underwent some corrections, and was printed in largo folio in 1572, and called Matthew Pnrker.s Bible. This version was used in the churches fur forty years. ' 'The Douat Bible. Tho New Testa ment was Lrought out by tho Roman Catholics in IG84, and called the Roman ian New Testament. It was condemned by the Queen of England, and copies were seized by her authority and destroy ed.- In lWI'J and 11.10 the old Testament was added, and the wholo published at Douay, honce willed the Pointy Bible. Kiso Jane's Bible. The version now In use was brought out by James' author ity,' in 1011. Fifty-four learned men were employed to accotnpli.-.h the work of revising. From death or other causes, seven of them failed to enter upon it. The remaining forty-seven were tanged under six divisions, and had ditlerent portions of the Bible assigned to these di visions. They entered upon their t:vk in 1607, After some three or four years of diligent labor, the whole was completed. The version was generally adopted, and other versions fell into "disuse. It litis ontinued in use fur nearly two-huuuied years. " ' looking at the Bright SUe. Here u a letter from a wife in Massa- ehusetta to her husband in California. She don't intend to go through the world with the blue. It says : Mr Dear IIcsdand : As it is now eo no time aince you left for California, I tuip poje that you would be glad to he:ir how we are getting along in voitr absenee. 1 am happy to eay that we aro lijuving . ' ory good health on tho whole, just at i T)'STP.KI Xf;, Th aulS"rihcr, havintr present two of the boys have L'Ot t .'ie1 1 '7't''l himself in the W.m-h of ( leai field ..null rvsv i,,,!, t ,. : Would liilunn thopublio tb it be is prepared t . jinall pox. Amanda Jane has got the work in Je lin,ifr( luin ll,!na,uon. typhS fever. lietsie IS down with the i ,a of ai.y deseriptlon in a workmanlike manner measles. Samuel got hookod by a oow , Also whitewashinir and repuirii b done iu a ucal the Other day, and little IVter has just i manner und on reasonable i.tihs. chopped off three of his fingers with a! EDWIN COOPER, iatchet. It is a .nercy he didn't chop) Clearfield, tpriin, IlST. j. them all off. With these trifling excep.; tions we are nil well and getting along"' . -. VfiTTt 'P f ," 'f1 1 J nicely. You needn't be at all itnxious1 fff-'iJL I JE Lj 1 II. boutus. I almost forgot to say that&i-l uJllXr TAKE CARE OF THEM!! rah Matilda eloped lat ween with a tin A. M. Ill 1. 1. S, desires to annouueo to pedlar. Toor girl ! She's been waiting J his friends and patrons, that he is now do for the last ten years for a chance, and ' voting all ofhis time to operations in Deniisirv. I'm glad she's married at list. She needn't ' 1 hoe d"i'"i"l? hi" services will find him a his have taken the troublo to elope, though, !' "''Joining his residence at nearly all times, v. 1 . .- T . i j ,, 1. , i . ' I ,ai lwya on I rid ays and falurdas, uu ess for 1 am sure 1 am glad enough to have Nollre l0 tIl9 contrllrv-bo ivcn in her go. bhe waa a great eater, and I find per the week previous. baked beans don't go off near so fat as H. B. All work warrnnted to be satisfactory, they did. Tho way that girl would dip Clearfield, Pa. Sept. 22ud, 18iS. Into pork nnd beans was a caution to the i. . : rest of the family. The cow took into her Alt. ;,, heaa yesterday to run owav; which was Tory fort unate, l am sure, for the barn , caugui nre last, nignt ana was consumed. I waa in hopes that the house would go, too, for it's very inconvenient; but the wind waa the wrong way, so that it didn't recoive much injury. Koine boya broke into the orchard tho other day, and strip- red all the fruit trees. I am very glad of it. for if thev hadn't I nresuraa the chil-' dren would have themselves ill by eulir.g too much fruit. Hoping you enjoy your- elf in California as well as we do at home, ! I remain your affectionate wife." i IQuA cotemporary thinks tlnre ought to be an edict ngain;st smoking by brats under nge. That somo itifluence legal! or otherw ise, should bo exerted towards the attainment of such a desirable im provement will be conceded bv all Youna- Amerioa" is but little mnr Ikn . .... .. . ! ' . . 11. : r .ii. i . i i a collection of aallow, cadaverous looking boya, -who Ftnoko away thPiraiiiiotitcs and what little brains thoy may havo, and trovf Up miserable "liolis. denliisod bv men and objects Of di?irilst to womtn. 1 1 It is with the disease of the mind as with those of the body; we arc half dead wiorc we understand our disorder, and htilf m.rrl v. a i half cured when we do. Sentimental Youth."My dear girl ..'ti i . . . -. win you a n are my 101 lor war Practical Girl. "How many nerei dnr lot, air f !S I It ii a great riloa" urc to bo ulono, cspo faill; when yon havo your ewoutumtrt wi'fi Jotl. -, - 1". 9 i t - T .' 5 i f A l MMH I'AtiTV VM. ' Ml I II ) tr , ,, l. ..I , , . Ml,., .I.O.I 1 1 HI I l.tlllll .,! .. I int i I .1 I r.,M , Ml , . ., ni . . . i. -, 'll I1 Mo. hi ? t1 ( I'.o.rf f h -1. , 1 1 -.f .1 ti l .1 . I .1.. ,, ... ,,, ...,!,, 1.0 r I--I l-ltl rlitt ll I'll III lit .' 'Mi.' In M, h f. ! Il.ll, IS,.". 1 1 ,. Ml. It. V. WILSON, U AVIVll "innr'l i.(Ti.'i In 1ii Mn duel. Iin on Ki ron.l irifl, ill i.r.rmpth anmroi l'.r M.'inil culla or l'.'l.'l"l. 'i'. J ts. H. I Ainii'ir.ii. I. irHT I A II It nil It t TI'-MI'. Ali.ilifji t Inw J I li 'nlHil, !'., will minti.l pronij.ilv to l'n. UimIi'i l.nli.l Au"tioiPi, in., Ac, in Clem ltl,, Ci-nlri. unit i;ik I'.jiilitk'f. Ju! 30.--V JOHN TUOUTMAN STIT.b riiiitlniii tlio lutnr of Clinlr Milking, nnil ItniitP, iSin oinl Ul iiiiiiii iital I'uintinx, "I tlio tlimi (ciriiiprlv oi ouiiiinl Lv Tioulinun A Uoc. it tlio ivmt pnit of Murkvt lroel, a uliart iliiluiu ...... . . r I I.' 1.... I , i , .. -. t ni'M Ul 1. 11. V 'UUIIHIJI. tfUIIU Iiilil. THOMrsoN, HAKTSOOK N CO. 1 run I oil ll lit-Is, Curwciinvillo. Anoxtouiivt RrioriiiK'nt, ot Cueliuzn tuaUo to order l'on. 2U, lDjl. L. JACKSON CHANS, ATT0HNKY AT LAW, odio ailjoining Hi CKidniieo on Socoud tflreet, Clou1 k'.i, la. Juno 1. 1861. II. I'.TIIOMrSON" 1)lit('laii, inny lio found either at bin oflioo lit Si'ufiold's hotel, C'urweunvillo, when tm n ofeeoiouully abteut. Inc. 2D, lSjl FRKDER1CK ARNOLD, Meirliunt and Produce Dealer, Luthora hurt; Cleiirlield county, April 17, 1S32. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, VT the mouth of I.ik linn, Bv miles from ClvariloUl, ' MKHt'lIAMn, and eztooaive Miiiiul'iketurera of Lumber, July 28, 1862. J. I). THOMPSON, Blai'li.smilli, Wagons, lluggiei, ic, Ac, ironed on uliort notict, and the very best style, ot his ld stuml iu the borough of Curwnsville. Dec. 29, ISio. Dlt. M. WOODS, having chanpod his loca tion from Curwcnnvillo to Clearfield, res pectfully offers his pnil'i'sti'jnal services to the citizens of the latter place nnd vicinity. Itesitli'iu-o ou Secoud htreet, oiiosita ti it of J. Crnns, Esq. my 1 1M6. T. W. BARRETT, MEI'.UJAXT, 1'RODl'CE AND 1,1'MHKR HEALISlt, AND JUSTICE Oi' TIIE PEACE, Lutbcrsburg, Clcnrfidd Co., Pa. J. L. CUT TLJ Vttnrncy at Law and I. ami Agent, ofli ailjoining his residence, on Market Ktree UlcarCeld. Mareh.1, 1863. A. I) SHAW, RETAILElt of r.ireign and Domestic Merch. audiie, Sbawsville. Clearfield county, J'a. Shansvillo, August 15, 1856. D. O. CROUCH, PTIYSICIAX OBico in Ciirwensvlll-. May j TV II. T. CIIAMRKRi?. i r lAHTtlF' nn riiniril,ii1:in.r VI, ..1,1 ,.!( .nil hinije and Sipjn pointing nt Curwensville. ClearVoM en. All orders promptly attended to Jan. i, liiS. josi:rii rmi:n.s, Jutiire of the Peace, CunrfniiilU; Ptuna. N'E door enst of Montoiim A Tea Evck t J Store. All business cniru't-d to hiiuvill I be promptly atten led to, and all iiistruinuuu o i wruin none rn knurl OuUco. March, SI, 1S5S. y. 1" OTIERT ,T. WAI.LAfT. ATT!ir-cr:r at Law. V I'learficM. I... 01Tc in thaw's lut, op. puaito the Juuruul oDSce. dec. 1, 1818. tf. 1. vy. HAYS, DAflCEMlKAX. Me'iineiilvtilst, Ainbroty plsl. and JUSTICE OK HIE PEACE, Ker-ey, Eik County, Pa. md M market tei advertisement if Jlumm0nt0n Lands. FOR SALtiOK KENT. THE subscriber offers lii.1 fnrm situated in Lawrence township Clearfield county, containing aomo two hundred and forty c about acvrnly-five acrea cleared with house, burn, young orchard &c. thereon, for sale or rent on reasonable leinis. Enquire of the subscriber soon. rossossion given at once. Wni, rORTER. Gcarfield, Clearfield County, Pa. Adjourned Orphans' Conrt Sale. TlY virtue of an order of sale Issued out of tha .Urr'inn Court or Clearfield county, there will be exposed to public snlo at the Court house in lho hnf(, h of rknr6Mi on M(indaT the 1(Uh day of Mav 1859, ail the intercut or Matthew Etott, dee'd., in and to the following described real estate, silnate in lioinrs tn., and bounded bv 1""' of Wm. Lumado on the west, tract In name ! of Henry Stewart on the north, lands of Howard a the oast, and oa the south by lands of James ToS,r"Su onntainltig 60 arret mora or less, on , V,,'".' "..Tu" .u -i. ?3" , . I,u ST oo'buildinga, with about 10 acres cleared. icrmi cast on confirmation of sale. JAMES PT0TT. Apl 13th, 1859. Ad'mr. ofMatU StoUdec " T ARRIAQE CERTIFICATES Blank form, XIX lor sate at the olhoe of the "Clearfield Re publican. I7VK9 nnd HVFTAVQ BOBFfl to unit thol" oWrf, t J?lTAT?inrp 1 Ml V Mill tt, ! it . I ,,..,, f I I, ,.r,' , M -'. , o.'l I I 1. 1 .... " , C.'l I ) l. ..n 1 M nil I I I 1 Vh-Ii III ll" nt. . . tniK .. 1 1 . ,i,i,. i , Mul in n . 1 1. 1. i. lit (i hi'o.hf. r 1 1 1 ' on t a I lim i. it Im.i. in On h"iih H'ln "( t ft.c. t, f. f,,. mat f.l 1 liil I M . ,, nilt Mn-I , "I I " ' !" I'.r ill. I ,1' .it Ih i i. Iip ill d (t l.i!.! l ll .tt,. n ,i r h i,t .f Vn i.J I I linn li.lliin I hull', li li. I t'nl. mi t i' I .Wt ' I (. .1. iti linn, dlil-ll h Will Hi ( of mii nn r'ni.iinl.n ti iim m Mln(i mih Ii p run lie IiaiI clfi'd hiT In On r. unity. I 111!" Hmk if 1'nliinrt ri tinw Mi linml, fin , !! (n unt ul' l'irinr mid fnmiimn IIiiikaik, rein f-in inB mill Wnrl.n.H Mnn l, licrkii mill I in. li t ., h iril. h mnl 1 li I I l"u.t ll,-.Mrml. I'oiiiiC, Ln nklnnl. Ci iitio, ( nnl ami I'ii't 1 ll. IiIi ii, f. '.'i tliii oiniiuf'octurr il and dclirorod t any lm di'aiii il. i l'lUiiury 0, lMi.C no. 4, Vol. It. NOTICE. rMllK iin.lerrignrd nt'lnj; almnt to cpMiike t tlipir nirtiinrliii Rivo not u o to nil iionoiim l'viiig dealing" illi tlifin in nnv way whntro. (I'm, I.. .... 11 & ...I a..,,). i - rivi, iu niu nun seme wiinimt itelav, ns In a cliurt time the books will be left In olhcr for seltlcineiit but they would p.-olcr Ibst all who ran po.ssiby ilo so, rluniM sminre their .i. counts before tho dieanlution is finally ellected. SIKHHEI.l.E i, CAltTEIt. ClenrftclJ, Ta,, April fl, 18.i. no. 12, vol. iv. CAItl). MISS COXSTAXT Into from tho Eurt rospeo fully nnnoiiiicos to tho rititeua of l.ieiirtiold and the County Rcm-rallv. Unit she is piojiured to give instruction iu Mumo PIANO, MELODEON AXI) CUITAII L50, TU rilKXCU I.AXOl'AGB IT DKI.TQ urn MATIVS TuNCII C. Fhe refers oil who mar bo in' pr.i.i ; ii,.lu.ii,.nnv,.r li r.mi n,,,i r...i;n.n ,,;n ..n above, lu the ltcv. Dr. and Mrs. ilXeod. Terms $S 00 In arlvaneo, or $10 00, if not in advance. Dee. (I, 1853. tf. riitsr ix-iiitsr skvkiji Vat unnTu c. t)iiu.i- 1 6 AL .V; o. a n JOSEPH GOON, THANKFUL for past farors, and grateful fur future prospects, desires to inform tlic'eiti?.ens of this vicinity, nnd his old friends nnd patrons in particular, that he has removed to the FIKST KOOM iu tho East end of aw'fl ETaw I he f list Door West of the Mansion ir,m. where he has on hand eon.1anlly, a large assort nicnt of every variety in tho BOOT AXD SHOE LIXK CtSTOM WOht ATTtNIlKD TO WITH HISfATCn The very be.-t of stock will be ue.l, and no pr.ins spared to make neat fits and durnblc work. All of w hu ll can be obtained from the said Joseph (ioon VEUY LOW fr the bkabt nuiNo. CknrCeld, Aug. 13, 1S58. ESTATE OF ROBERT WHIG LEY, S-., Deceased. jOTICK is hereby piven that Leltars of Ad i ' iniiiistration have ben prantod to the un dersigned, on the estate of Unhurt AVrilev, tSr., lute of Itrndford, township, ilei-cased. All per s ns hnvins; business cniiccrniiig ihe snuin, ure hereby notified to make immediate settlement with the administrator. VILLI AM K. WKTtH.KV, Alinnitiaturt Ilraflfitrd towofliip, Jimnarjr 1?, 1.09. Dissolution of Co-Fartnci ship. 'I'llE underiened, havin;; been partners in the lnir-inC'S ol tannins, rurryiuj;, and b .ot nnd shoei.iakini.', nt the St. Mary's team Ti nneiy. nave this dry l.y mutual consent ili.-.i!ved tleir co-partnership connection. All debts due Mini r.r.., ..fil, W. Wat-.-n 4 Co., and all cl.iiois a-jaiii-i ihcm will be setllec1 l y E. ',. Shultr., i.i St. Mary's, who has purchased the interest of tho other iwc partners. fl. W. WAT.-0N'. THOMAS W. HICHAM.?, . K. C. SCllULTZ 6t. Mary's Steam Factory, Jun. 12. IS.'.Q. no. 2. t. iv. l-OOIC lil. It li! LOOK It til TIIEundersinvd subscribers, tnke this rr.clh od of inloi iiiinir the public gen, rally, tlint ilu-y have this dry entered into ci parinir.-l.ip iu T11E EL A CK SMITH EUSIXES, i and can bo f.uind at the shop formerly occupied rompluiiita, nnd the treatment that should be fol byJ. thiinkwiier, nn Third street, in this ho '. lowed for thoir cure. rough, where they will be pleased to see the r oh! Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with customers, and ns many now ones as can make' ether preparation they make more profit on. it convenient to give them a call. , Demand AvGK'a, and take no others. The sick . , .... Krintr on vonr lines imi K -L. 1 our log chains mid your pulling sticks, Your sleds, your sloigax, your horse, your mare, No thrco-year old shall thou go bare. Your spoars will work up then just right, To prooning honks for every height, Y'our swords too, shnll then bo wrmigbt. To ploughshares such ns Cni'n ne'er bought. JACOB 8HUNKWILER, OEO. W. OU It. Clearfield, December 8, 158. tf. ' HARD TIMES 170 MORE." 4 NT TERSON (Lady or Oemleman.) in the' XX. I lilted Stales, possessing a small capital of I from $3 to $7 can enter into an easy and resnert-1 able busmess, by which from ti to $10 perioy can It rtalited. For particulars, address, (with """P.) W. R. ACTON 4 Co. . . . . 41 XortU SIXTU 6t- run.AI'A. Fob. 13th Sm. 1011 SALK, by Mbiuikll A CvnTKii, .lifw . Lntmt Improved Cora Skellrr Also a few Meat Cnltera or the best kind with a largo vari ety of Ooods in their line, just reoeived, and H'.'ll b sold low for cash or produce. Clearfield, Dec. t, 1868. PHODL'CH WAMIil). Wheat, Rye, Oats, Corn, Uurkwheat and Fire-Wood, wanted at tho office of the Clearfield Republican in pay ment of printing. dec. 1, 1858. rr. .. ,. . no aecpg oa linml a variety of o all wanting 1-arms, see advcrliscmrntofi iiiiivrTinint llammonton Lands. ... C AH1M.T 1 Oltk, All wanting to emyrute to a mild climate, O1 ftiiori..r every description of house markcl, see advertisement of r0,XniuJr?TUK rt ffnod suit, and fine mar Jliimmonton Lands, 1 all wanting Farms, ice advertisement cf Ilammonion Lands, m m ACKETtFT. A!tD lirrtntvn fn ..1. .i it,. M CCornEc?bLr.-?arw?nIlvin.0 ' WM. IRVIN. 18th Ap. 1859. no. 14, vol. Iv. i nnr niV RvTva ,., ,, 1.000 L . . P8.anlld' f"' hiolJ th iv . Vh"1 '"J.ce ,n wl" U J? the SU Mary s Steam Tannery, no. 2, vo . iv. ' ' 1 ' ""rr ,', Z ; : . To all wanting farms, see dverUscmat if Ilammonton Lands. ' Ayoi's.Snrs; A -( tm.r.h, li I '.: h. I-.H'I Oic ' I ml l'il'li(f tl.'il i nn I - in .'li-. tt ii a r 'no n ttiil. .1 1 Mm I ft ffi"H'Hills, ii i-nmliiiu 1 1 h illnt In'v lim r i f Hill tjirnl' t alirialii puni t a In sit. t.l an iil. i tivp i.iii.ii' f t llic ili'i in Sni'iil niilla l ti'pnli'il to fine, ll l hi In '-d Out emit a t.'iiii'dy innti'il f thine h iiM' t ft urn Kltiitnuin romilainls, anil llmtnna hlrh will ri niiiplii'h tlii-ir ciiio nni'-t pieve rf imnviit" Mrvii o to tliis hunA tla- of mT Alllieli'd fi'llnw-rituens, Ilnw t nnit'li li'lv Ibis r"mwiiiiiil will do It has liern proven lijr rxprr- Im. nt nn many ot me worm cases to ue iminu of Hie folluttihg cnniplnint I' ll c 8cnnri'i.a anii Si.nnrt'i.ori CoMrt.AiNn, Eihttidns and Kiinrrtva IIisfasm, I'm-lux, I'tMrLi-.', BLOTf iu.A, Ti'Motia, Halt Hiiu m, Scald Ukad, amd Svpiiilitio Ar rKCTioxs, MntirniAt. Disrasr, lliiitvur, Nlu HAt.ot v on Tie Docwniaui't, Diinn.iTY, l)vs rnrxiA asi ImiininTioH, LitTaii'r.t.Ai, Uoria ou Sr. Anthony's Fiar, anil Indeed the wholo I tlasa of complaints aritinff from Ikpui-.H'T 0 . . 1 lit K llL'HHI. This eoinpntind will bo found a great pro niotrr of health, when taken in tlio spring, to expel tho foul humors which f.ntor in the blued at that sotwn of tho year. Hy the time ly expulsion of them many rankling dirordcrs are nipped In the hud. Multitudes can, hy the aid of this remedy, spare themsclve from the endurance of foul eruptions and utecrotis "res, through which the system will strivo to rid itself ot corruption, it not agisted to 1q this through tho nuturul channels of tlio liody bv an nllerativo iiiedieiiie. C'leant-o out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or Hon : rli-miso it when von tind it ia cilu I strurted and fchi);i!ish in the veins ; cleanse it i vou when. Kven where no pnrticulur disorder is felt, pooplo cnjny better health, and live longer, fur cleansing the blirotl. Keep the blood healthy, and all h well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, thero can be no lusting health, fijoimcr or later somethiiiR must go wrong, and tho grcut machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsnpurilla has, and deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing these ends. Hut the world hut been cgrcgiously deceived by preparations tf it, partly because tho drun alono has not all tho virtuo that is claimed for it, but moro becauso many preparations, nrctending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain hut little of the virtue of fcarsuparilla, r any thing eLe. liurins lute years the public, have been mis led by hope bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Kattnparilla for one dollar. Most i if these have been frauds upon tho sick, for tlu y not only coptMn little, if any, (5tin,aja rilla, but of'.tii no curative properties whatev er. Hciutc, litter and paiutul dimppoinuncnt bus followed the use ot the various extracts of SurMipnrilla w hich fleod tha market, untd tlic name itself is justly desiiiscd, and bus bci-omo syi.onvimnis with itnpoKition niid cheat, ttill e call this compound fnrsnpnrilla, nnd intend to supply such a remedy as s-hull rescue the name irom the load f obloquy which nts ujMin it. And we think we have prnui,d for helii'ving it has virtue which are irresUtible by the oidinury run of the discuses it is intend ed to cure. In order to fecure their enn lite eradication from the system, tlx- remedy should be jiidieinuhly tuken atcordijig to Uutttions oil the bottle. narAnrn py IU. J. C. AYE It & CO. tovi;lu MASS. Price, 91 lr llotlle t Six lloltlcs for $5. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, hi-.s won for itc!f such a renown for the cure of every variety of 'lhroat and l.upq C'oniphiint, that it is entirely timie'csrnrv for us to rcreunt the evidence cf its virtues, wherever it 1ms l-ecn t rn ployed. As it has Ioiir been in .rt use liitougliout this section, we nerd t.ot do more than nvMire the pcoi.le its ouality is ki rt up Ihr hest i it ever bus In i n, and that it may be relied cn to CO for their lelict all it bus ever been found to co. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOR THE CUKE OF C'istirrtHtt, Jaundice, Tjp jmin, IiuHwtinn, li'jlentcry, Foul f'm.lA, .i ;a ; !at, ll,uiUnlie, Filet, liieumatiim, V.i vpliuttt nnd !.in iJttmttf, Liver f 'i tnj laint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tvinmt and Sit Jifnvm, Woimt, (jout, Xeitrnhiia, at a Dinner Fill, and fur Furijiim the ll!d. They arc aupar-io.itril, so" that the n.ost serri tivc can tske them j lcnsantly, and they arc the best aperient in the wotld lx nil the purjiOM-6 of a family physic. Price 5 cents per Fox; . loxes for SI CO. Great numbers of Clcrcymen, Thysirians, Ftntea men, nnd eminent pcrsonncea, have lent their names to certify Ihe unparalleled usefulnesaof theso remedies, but our spare here will r.ot permit the insertion of thrm. '1 he Agcnta below named fur nish eratisonr Amp.kicas Almanac in which they in nimn . u-i i K al.n full flfBeriti! inns nf fbe ntiovA want the best aid there m tor them, and lacy tuoula ... ' J hare it. 11 our Ccmedic are for (ale by H)L1 IJV C. D. Vatsoh. and M. A. FnAMg, Clonrfl.ld K. F. l:iti.sNi-:n, Musri-dale. C. H. Fuarna, l'uilipshur. V,'u. Ian 11, Curwensville. Faiii cl AiiniilI). Lulhcrtbure. Atiu ail ururrjista. dec. 22, 1P58.J WATCn & JEWELRY I " cuA undersigned respectfully informs bis iitneis and the public s-enerallv. that h has just returned from the Kast, ami opened at his ea'ahlishmeut in .S7.I IP'.S' 7011' Clcnrfiebl, Pa. a fine of WATCHES of different qual ilis, and JEWKLKY of eveiy variety, from a f"ll sett to a sing's piere, waich ho will sell at the most reasonable prices for CASH. ALL kinds of t hicks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and H'lirriinfeif. A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nov. loth, 1SJ8. H. F. N A VOLE, JOSHUA S. J0IINS0IJ, n ti THi"n"v-TMin HAVING fitted up a shop a few doors east of tho "Oi.n Jew Stoiie," on Market St., desires to inform the community at largo, that ni ins shop, and that be manufactures to order, ...... e.,,,. isuii-b .oriooiciuiy ana om .nion bureaus Common nnd Fancy lledstends 1 si. - .1 . i.' .. r . . n....i i. I- r . ,' "" l ilies, uuiniiuiriis, .-"Oias, liOUIHJOS, c., wl'i''l' ho Is determined to dispose of at as cheap : rales, for cash, nstlmy can be purchased at any i oilier establishment of the sort in Ilis smmi. 10',0," i"l'lnr to buy furniture are Invited to f.?Z V' ' i ""A:' rtW": 'r " i"i" luiiiii nnii unisn, I before pnrchnslng elsewhere, ns ho feels confi. dent that he can suit them in nrlce and nonlltv 1 B- 1,9 ' ' prepared to make Corriss to order on the shortest amice, and altond funeraU with a hearse, when called npoa. I iiili i r . I A1I kinds of eountry produce will be ro- ooived In payment for work. nov. 17, 1858 ly. I lUE Hiithe-t Price No IIT A tin fn-1 Si lma Atth, Vl. Imrhi tu. ti... in, v. I l.(f I f!""'l" I i'i- imli'i I lifll.f '! f.."ll'l II 111 lm I. ni 1(1, I'll Mil llmnli.ia drtt I, !.. M ll"l' I, en I t" lil 'i I II l a HI In ll'lr.l.'e t. Ibr aire, arid tlm inl!.f lim lini'lling nblie Mr. II, lm a li ft (I a liin,e r I'tlcrirr In Imlel drip lii(', be lin tin li' linlimi In navinn llml hit rjiie-lf ill fiii l bis li. ii-n a I'li aniiit ami dmitnble itnp. piliff f llil-r. CI Hie eli -gil.le i i-nll..n oflhlt Jlnlid fur prr .ni ( i-lliiit the ( il v. i iilii-r n O.V .'f.vAV'.vV on' n.KA.sri;!-:. it Is ili-nneil all- pi-llirr nnlierennry to fpenk, as nn lintel ill Philadelphia Is belter known than Ihe "IJI'I .Vmi'it I r'niia." lv rlue aiiunliiiD to the wnnlsof his rnstoiu i'1'i Sir. II. hopes tu dunervs a shara of public patronage, N. II. Ills terms per day has been fixed at th -luw rate of $ 1 .2.. hept 2:'nd, 1859. 1 )r. FLEMING HOTEL, (FoRaiar.r know.v as tii e floon Intent,) ri'RWKXKVIbl.E, Clearfield Cvvnty, I'eiDttilcaiiia. The subseiiber begs leave, to inform bis old customers, nod the public generally imt he has recently taken Ihe nliovo well known stand, ami that ho has entirely refilled iiml refurnished it in a style adapted to the ago, and tho wuuta of the entiro traveling community. HIS TABLE will always bo prjvidod with every lmury the uiurkeU aud surrouuilinjr country will allord. HIS BAR will be supplied with the choicest wines and li ipiors. HIS STABLE3, which are the best nnd most commodious on the road within a day's travel, will always bo in charge of careful and attentive hostlers. In short Every department of his Establishment will be supplied with all the comforts and convenien ces the weary traveller could desire. June 2, '48. II. A. MASON. C L E A K F 1 K L D COltMOK Ol' I ir.ST AM) MARKET HTIt f.ICTsJ, tug iitiilersigned respectfully informs his friends nnd the traveling public iu guuoral, thut he has taken tlio ubove house., FOKMl'KLY KNOWN AS Till: HEMP HILL HOTEL. TrtE House Inn boon nventl.v refitted ini t rovptl, and newly furnished ; EXTENSIVE STABLISG HAS BtES COMPI.CTKB; A.ND HE 13 PntPAHEO TO ACCOM MOD ATE All who may pivo hint a call, in the most iiloiiMttg ntiil ajrieonlilo manner. Ha 3 J ... 2- 7 E'iTli'd j With fwry thlitrj In render tii huusc a dcsiralt uti'tytiiy fiiact', will be supplied wiih an nssortiiient of choice li- liinirsj and be will endeavor to entertain his jgaesla in a in-inner that cannot I'uil ti give the j I I I.I.I1ST HAIISl' tt 11. The hinist-is s ltnnted in a jileM.-ijiit ami , quiet part of l hp town, nml no c x, hm r nltt'iilinti will he sjniuvl to :u,'!;p it one (if the hi'-t li'jti.-fs in t;i i inin.v. A l.h er.d patron.!- is ipsjipcII'mIIv s.ilii itci). I II. HAYS MOltROV.. i Clearlu l l, au0-. 15, 1 1 y NATIONAL HOTEL (i, ate winn: SWA.V.) Race st. atove Third, Pliila. 'P.'ir pro .lic'jTs cl tin. eli kmmn es I labiisbnu nt b. Inn 1 h t t: T. Tit 1 lor the ver ml piiiroiiiii;e l eslow. , up,,,, tl.elli the p-i: fur. take this iiictln.,1 ol intiiruiins their fi-ierid-.i:i.i the public Unit lin y nr.. still pre,,nre.l to ac them if C.i.nre.i with a call. I'uiii. ,' tho suu.iner iiioutli- lliohnii-c has been r.oii.ii..,!y rein,, ,,t... , iiepvuveiuenis made ami other i xt.'ii-ivn iiiternti ii.s in coiiiviiipluiioii. We nre deierminej i., devote our a tfi) lion l'i business nnd Cutter iireves with tin i-.iin ieli'in that c eiiitil be ntde to e;iu. siiWiu-''"'I- SlliKS ,t ski k;i. X. K. Cnrriaires will nlw.iyi be in readiness to oiivev p.i.-i'ii-ers tumid lu lu I.iimI nirTS and Itailroiid Depots. ft. A ft Mii'eh .'list, lKJS.y, CUBA HOTEL, JAYRESVILIE, Ta7 TIIK above Until, bavins recently been Cited up f ir a house of enterl itninenl, is now open f ir the accommodation of tho public. Travelers ii ni" a couveuieur. House. May 111, lsiS, JOHN JORDAN. VAIIIOAI, HTKL. The subscriber having taken Ihe above weil known Him. I. formerly kept by II ui. A. Mason, in Curwcusviile, Pa., is ready to accommodate all who niny favor wiln their patronage. His tulle will nlways he supplied with the best the nrka affords, and hi liar with il, eb..i.. i liiUors. His stable will bo under the care of a tentive hostlers. DAVID SMITH. Curwensville, April 21. 1848. SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curwensville, Penna. rpiie subscriber, formerly ol tho lixchnnce Ho- X tel. 1 hilipsburis, having tuken the above new stand siliniie on tho bank of Ihe river, iu the lewer end ol t urwensville, would announce that he is now rcadv for the accommodation of stran gers nnd all others who may tavor him with a call. Tho house is larite and comfortable and travelers will find every convenience necessary to their comfort. Ample stubling is attached to tho premises. DAVID JOHNSON. Fobruary 10, 185S. NOTICE. TIIM Third Session of the Ci.r.Anrtri,n Corn- TT NoitUAI. Srnnol. will 1.. k.l.l . -' "os ill vuiwrus- villo, coiini.encinK on Tuesday the 8d of May next, anil will continue two innnths. No pains or labor will bo spared to rendor tho instruc tions as thorouirh and practical as possible Par ticular nttenlion s;iven to the art of teaching. Persons wishing to avnil themselves of its ad vanlsgca nre requested to he present at its com mencement. A (,'omify hmitHlc and Puhlie Ex amination will bt htld lh hit icrtk of tht scion. . .. 1" f" STILL, Coun:y Eun. April 0, 1859. no. 12, vol iv. THE INDERSKINED takes thi. method of an nouncing to the cithers 0f ClanrBelit and the but rounding country, that he has oponod a on Main Street in Shau,; AV, whBre j,e is prepared to accommodate all wh KJe nlm call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage Oct. till., 1858. JEREMIAH N0RRIS. 1IM l;M MT1I1J AM. Ml ' 111 Miilnlj-nU WreVl I, 1. 1 ? . k, . . I t.r.Mf UIr, M,( t.r,.i,,if.,M1!l'n. A IlipKlllI VnitloesnUi,,, ,B f't terolin, mailer, Hon, lbs lh . I, t an ae'ri'.i . " lHt. i I'PFMH Mt tl m n t,tpEn, One ery fir on. js.r, t,0 j,,,, . preniiimis. ' i Ore copy for two years, three dollar, .(,. . ertils and four premiums. " "? U'::.:;' f,,r pr:rm7f"rEt4,'"'' 'n to, ' Three eeplel on year, Iredolltrt md ,, . j l ive copies on year, eight dollar, ,4 u . premiums. '1 en ootiloi ou voir, fifteen rl,.ll.-. j . premlums. 1 weuty one copies one year, thirty dollari t.J forty-two pruiniuius. nT Those gelling up a club of ten subscriber rn,illin IH1...1. a..ll.,ra .III 1. ,.. ."r - u eniitrea to extra copy, free; nnd those sending thirty I la: a for twenty-one copies, will he eutiilaid U . 1 copy and premium free. THE PREMIUMS. Kvery subscriber to the "Weeklr Snrl Wi.-. rut Illo."w III.. .,ilUI... from liny cents, to five hundred dollars b'r th imynietit of terenry five cents vn each, 'ai sm us Ihe suliKcription money is received, th mk! s'riber will bo iniormed by letter what hit nr. miums are. anil then ills ..nii., l... , ' - - -i' wneiner ki pays the twenty-live cents wn each, and Uku tho premiums cr not. TIIE PREMIUMS. Tho premiums that we lull to subscribers h, twenty live cents each, are comprised iu the foj. lun ii'K UOt 5 Pianofortes, $:,oo b U. S. Treasury Notes, 600 " 10 Uold Watches, jjo 20 do. mo 15 do. 7 60 Fewlne; Machines, 75 u 11)0 tiold Watches, 75 S00 do. jo 300 fiilver Watches, so 400 Kilk Dress Patterns, 2s 1000 Hilver Watches, 10 1000 Oold Chains, 10 to 24 C. Ill .1 Tlrnenlala lHM.l.l. X 1. SL - ,, r ' vvr voaius, taano, Florentine, Mosaic aud, Oold Stone Setts, Gtld and Filver Thimbles. Hold V. nr limn 1: Ilrenil Pins, Bosom Studs, 8levo Buttons, Cuf Pins, Lockets, Keys, Scurf and Shawl Piui,'n4 other articles, worth from 0 cents to ttilrt uouars. All communications must be be addressed to A. M. BUOWX A Co, 12.1 South Third Street, Philadelphia. P. Ajrents wanted in all parts of the United Statu aud Canadus, to tell Books, Music, Jewelry, GoU Pens, Pencils, Ac,, and receive subscription fur ihe Hkii, White Ili.t a. Ciilulogues and numbered certificates, will ba sent to those wishi. g to act as Agents. Notsp. itul required. All newspapers giving the above adrertiis. in en I lit insvrtii'ns, will be paid $S, in Oold Pens. Jewelrv. Honks, or foiie. r.nt.lO. ... -- --, rj m.uil :;0 days niter reeeivlng the first number con taiuiug tin advertisement. . . no. S, vol. ir, NEW WORK FOR AGENTS. The Life, Speeches aud Memorial or I 'ontmnihri hi simI CelehuiU-d Orn'mnx a A. leetwn fei.m the Eukylei IkHvernt oa the Vctaxum i;l his J'eati and hi Life and Timts ; T SAIirtL M. HMtCKKa, 1. T. This splendid erk i.i just rublirbs.'i, m-onl-'ri.' ' "iauio of ".. fl pn-os It is pi'imed nn fim :io r. and b iiiii'l in be.i'ilifu! sit vl- : cont.iinsst. i-llcnr. tint i:lusli-!-:.iiis of liis-t'.irihplaee and dmision at M,irsUT... ; grid-a i-jtl. Icuil, fa. I;i';.clcc! P,.r:r:iit I he puhli.-her ofiVriW.' "nliileiice ti the American public, and is ennni ed that ii wiil supply mi iinpoiiant want in Amr- litl-rMIIiro. n Wi.yL m... .. Iu J -- . n wi'iaiurg hirelolnre. which pre.i nie, within a ei,mitt no conienieiir compass, the eliier events of lh iTe of I'anii'i Welisler. bis nio-l remaikal le in elleetur.l effurts, and the must vulu.irlvle and is. li -re-iinj enl ili.h which lun i.e. .,. man r 11,... ion inu red in honor of bis memory. We present all these trcas . res to'thi- volumi, it a cry iiii. l. raie price, and in a very eonrsni- 't.t fi'-m. S'lb.erit.linn ,,rl.. im !...;. ei St iiaiidsoincly embossed leather $2 H. ( i ersons iicsirons ol liecoiniiiK Agents for this uluable work, will address, for full particulars, DVANK RVLIS0N. Publisher, 88 South Third Street, Philadelphia, T. no. 7, vol. i.) CAUTION. i LL persons nre hereby cautioned against par. ' chasing nr modeling ilh the following tlf scribed property in the possession of Jno. lleish of Bogg township : Twj cows, one heifer, ons jsat lingcnlf, one spring calf, four oedMeads, bh and bedding, no cupboard, two stands, oeeovtlt, one cook stove, one coal stove, one lotcsrprt, ten chairs, one clock, one looking glass, one tu ning mill, one plow, one harrow, one log chain, one set hay ladders, one saddle, one set l horse harness, as the same belongs to me, so' is left with the said John Buish on loaa nly subject to my order. C. M. CADWALLADEB. April Mtli, 1S59. UL CAUTION. LL persons aro hereby cautioned a&il purchasing or modeling with the followitj described property now in the possession et Jonathan Wiser jr. : 2 milk cows 3 bedi ml boiling, one cupboard, one table, 5 hogs, one tin boos, one cook stove, and all other honse-W furniture, one plow, one harrow, one log ehsis, grain and hay, farming utensils Ac, as tostta belongs to me subject to my order. JONATHAN WISER Sr. April 13th, 1959. 3U pd. IMPORTANT NOTICE. 11 HE DOOKS of D. W. Moore, trq. kivinj . been in my possession for settlement s' collection for somo time, and still much of i remaining unsettled. I eive this last notice, all persons indebted upon said books for adrerti- ma:, tiioscripuon, or Job worn, musi pjsio" come and settle the same, at or before th ftj. Court. WM. PORTER. Clearfield, March 2, 1859. no. 7, vol i'-l TAKE NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the subscriber, eitkst' hy note or book account, aie rcquert'' ' call nnJ settle, on or be fur o the first day of Apr" 1 8.S9. Those who do not comply with the ', 1 may expect to pay costs. TiT-Also tho tubserihor offers for sals Vj house, lot, and office, situatod la the town Lulherihurg, law for cash, or ia paymeaU.IJ lull purchasers. For further particulars Pfv . to the HraacHiacit, oo the promises. . pr. o. WILSOS. Luthersburg, Jan. II, 1859. no. 2, v. I'd I To all ira tint) Furmt, fe'e emmli'trtiftM f I fTniArrmy t nrfs i