Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 01, 1859, Image 3

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.Woint JUaits.
Th I'litrnn War,
'Hi- if. ii,. ., (,,., ,.,,, ,t, , ,u h,.,.,.,,,.! f),
' " '"mw-ni i . , rti (I.,. ., t,
tin. iiIiImmI, (I,
II,.. An
n l l hi
v ore li 1 . . ' i . I
Ill UK ll.lWI (nil,.,, I.., I,
I "Mil.. n, mi. I (ho
I'll- ' ll llll.ltili,. ll,.,ir
"idier of northern link
i . . . ; '.
at . . 1 ( I 1 1( I' ll IK'tll I'Mlll
l roil I I n tin 'i n (.mrom-n imhh Tim .. i. . . .
ro"i , nriiv I.I.-V " ii u ii iomuw upon whirl.
CJ 0110 td IIIOOOIll.'Sl llltVS lof Die Kl'MHOll
that lina occurred w ithin tl,o memory of IVX-A fai tnw in Oregon l it.Oy bought
tho ''eldest inhabitant," lins nippud every ft '""'itil of whiskey it I'orllitiui, Mo., nnd
species of voetation that was susceptible i i P' H ini? il ,,0,,"n ht,"'l ' atit-
7- pTJSt&Jl
tion I b general throughout tho county he, )ulj,, out his, tho depth of
wit is feared, tho crops are literally des- tho whisky was pl,,inv shown ,v hH( ,,.
'trnvod. It is with tho oddest emotions J J1"0 ,iar.ll;""- f ! J'nint wherever
Redraw so dark a piolureof our condition My M';ul toud,el U'
J',l. IllfP II UK.- I'l' 111 ft Male of Hip
tll r.,wln; MlH. Iptili u of f.,loi(.
I rtity, it, 'hi' '' t ly Ihu piotui ult i nnili.
l,tl t'f ' "'1 ! l'HK Ml I.I. oly l ou IVoin ill, ,r lil t
.l I.. 1 .. ll. . .1 1 I .
,,rMiiiiuM ini-iiir ii,.rp,-ti pn,i nil. I iiiiiik nn 1 I ten. I
. .. . . , I r i .. .i
,i(!i,".immm m. .1 uiys ngol lie pros, Ins.-es on (he ll
rM ' t lit . rin j; in the, cxlii-me now Fiuu 1,,,, nv
i: f coiil I i n more ilncouriijjinj. Tho no. I (ircal
fide lo throw her .ympalhici
, niiMi makim;.
mi . k
I , "'""il -f M.ft .( H,..l,.. l f
"if III i it-rt ,1 I Ui,..l,l i hHku . .l.
I ' ""'nil, (if, rnnimr l .i,.
1. 1 I, '.nil,; ...,,., ', v, ,.. I
.-. nn. n in , t ,i M. , ulfl, ni M th iBM, A l lr t-r-
""M.l'y ill tho r.-l,lM.., ,.r J. p. c0 i .!,.
rrm....n v,lI. onf nn.l ,air mr. Sl,n,f,
Of ( l,.ni(l,., ln.rnnjih, If I. u,.r m ('InBrll, !,! I. 0.
miy Mil, 19.
lv... Ir, no. 17
I I ' M f t M'UK, J; I.AMMt
JM Id i,r.n,
. A, m i . n
fin f 1
'iii.K hi M-
n ,li In
'nl In I'm Let
0. II. HAIL.
I... if H
H ll... ..,... 1,1,, k f,. nr In h. , ll ,
rtl Ill-Inn. , n l M In 111., ln.. (f
IOK ll..l,....,Mi nnfM),!,., ri.'l tl.P r..,.
ini-hl tniiM. I l. il,n h,-.. .,. i i .,.,.,
li it x'ii 'nif t iiii ii i. ;v. r ri' uri.i i
'' I r' l f..iii" ifi',. I I V , p up , i
lim : nn.l h the mh'riil , r li),,, t,, (,,,p .,
mill lln lnlil.,in In ninn r.-. ."--i ilmn 'tio, ,i
woul'l nnnnurirn t'llhn ,ni).!,. k,i. num.
tiv, llnil lm hn ron-lnnilr on Invl n ro An.
. ruiilmriit "I IIOO I f n l ,'-llni:s .,r r ,,.,T ,,.rip.
V. W'ri.'M Hun, I rPhdi nml C,,niy C,,ir Tip m"i. Mi.. y
" 4J-"I' !.,l, l,.io' i!orrrn l.n.-e limit., miJ
Jotirneyniiill Cahttirf nmker. of in- I'mlrcm-il, Willi or It li.,.t Fri'iiili Urdu nl.
vinous uiul Fohrr linhits, nild n cood "" ",nullt "' Ifmli 'i'imtrv I'nlf l.nro II.M.ts,
woikm.m, cum Imvc constant cnu lovini'iit on' ' "n(1 1 101,1 ("lll('r" '" 1"'"I r
i-y.i).i.i ins no,,n t tho iliHi,.rsiL.n,.,i.!Tlo!::o.r:,;r"" 'h:.,rt .'ik;n5 ,uw
lood wares ill ho Ki..i , 5 ; "om l"? r,K;k1''" ,'l4r,,r " 1,111 '"-
u" ' t'Mt lliiiL'iiii wnvann ,uiw f....i
All or tl,o nl'f.vo will l,e diiiuoKeJ of nt cxtromo
ly L'Tprico, for Cn.h or llijci.
i Cuiitoiu work mil lo to orilor nnd on slinrt no-
(follnlipn Mitt
ci. i:a it ri l: 1. 1).
(IHAIUILLI) Col. i), I A.
JOHN (n'l.T.mir
Cloarfiold, !'., May llih, i,s5'.l.
HUH 01' HrNA.V0r,NntKl ANlJ MMftH tilti 011TID
iu;rorm i i c 1 1 i i,
I'JIo liens tivi !.; aij ivwf,lt i rowill t.inUltd.
I'.xrhangr nn the ( lil,. roimt unity
Ml liaiul.
1 )AYS for full r.urM In tht Iron Hit'
1 l.'irn, tli lr;wt moat titcnuri'l.T .ilr,H,l.'
I. in.. I mKui,i,.,J Cinmeri'ial H, liool In Ilia
inllcil frtaloi.
')75 Stiulrnts
linJ future prospects; but tho truth must Tnr Pnrr To.r Zrie fni,-r.- .
1,0 tola, in nn i mere couia bo no motivo nm-ter of nil trndoi. lie beats tho limner ""n;lurv
train tl) J ill I f t'ti.rfld(i Coantv l'a on ' r y rr"""",r mention to niomliiiit l.noln
Hie nlRlit artli a.l Miiy, i.t. a voanR 'i,.,, nn- 1 """.f""'" '"' w' !." I. louu.l at
ff-'V OlToe on Mining ni.,,.,kiu rixl. ...... . ... .
li ne, of J... II. (Iruhma, Km,. " L VS"" T' ",.(",ml''fl' ," ur.c. from
' 1 . .. lu 10 ci'k. l.rorjr Kcmlunt, upon nr.lutin.
i gum,itei'.l to L coiapolAiil lo uiuk lu
MiV .siPniNtl .M) SOIMUU C;HJ1S ! l'""K of my luninoii, anJnoliOca to tarn in-
i lury of from
jir tub I
for concealing it. it w tlio will of Provi- "ls ll,Hl car'ienter with his
lenre, mid we daro not murmur. But wo ruk '' n"(1 "' ""H0U in 'tli' i tail cJ-
do not consider our case to hopeless n it i'tVnH'Vr,? ''"VT'" ftn,,,a,M!Ur
. ,. . , 1 , ' ,n nt'Mition to hm case, and bents tho par
may t hist appenr. J is indeed a dark son in his mann,'.ement of (lie ilcvll.
prospect that is enlivened by no gleam of
mnshiuo, and our haa yet nitu.y. Tho 'l',v' moti, in dispute, reflected upon
forwardness of tho season, by bringiii" 0.i"'1' """'r'1 veracity. no of them said
vecetation forward o raoidlv. bus T. I l"X '' wn whippe.l by his father
" ' uui once, ami t int was lor u
The ' """J ,v,.n M, Oovorn, 'linpriiontd on a clmriro of '. ',. VT "I"'1'' na !J nvnr "I'P"'"
,.r. i. ... ..... i- "'" ". i'leaso ca anil tee
ISii.l AK'dovorn is llvo fm-t oven In-
.lucod this calamity, but this Very fact truth. "I beliovo. then," retorted the
will enablo the corn crop to recover fro :l other, " the truth was whipped out of you;
its injuries, and yet be a fair crop. The ex- ',av0 never .spoken it since."
tont of tho daina.20 to the wheat and rvo '
' :. i t..i. v.,.,i ...i . i .
can not ho aseerta ned for 6ome vnpm tin a
U1 BU,ul- coritemi.t lor al! other b e. s." Tim ,m-l
ana may prove much Icsmouous however. i more conle,too5 ..:tii.;
than is anticipated ; tho fruit it is true is hoots at everything.
irrecoverably, but that is much
HKM.high, liK,t built, .lark hair, larRoko,-n oyo.
al of rutuor fair coinijloxiou. Holimioii a pair
oi iiain aiittinett pants, domnalic giiiKhiiu shirt,
a Mark hat, a pair of jruni cLoos, and look with
lilin a rod llanml nhii t. Tho abovo reward will
ho givoii fur tho apprehension of tho (aid Mriio.
vern und I, is delivery to tho undesigned 1,1
C'learfieJd borough.
c., ShiTitT.
MierltT OlTicc, Clearfield, Pa, May 11, 1S.VJ.
mi. 17, vol. iv.
Cleai field, liiny I,
llm. i,u. Id, vol. ir.
ri'OM'TION !'
WlJ Tim nnder.iirnpd h.'retiv rtvH
Jones married a handsome but taciturn
woman, and now reads a celebrated lino
noi'i ivems : . in:ng oi beauty is
forever !"
a jaw
VIki! We often hear of a man "being
in advance of his n'e." lull, lelin ft-..t.
less serious loss than the grain. The gar
dens have been greatly injured, but re
planting may repair much of that. So
that after all wo thould rather congratu
late ourselves that the devastation is not
more universal and irreparable. Wo are
hero very forcibly reminded of tho advice beard of a woman heing in tho same pro
of t', the Chinese philosopher u.cameiit.
"Never enumerate the produco of your i , ""
iKiultry yard until after tho perM of in-' "einies ciinraoter w "the only
. " . ,11 l'i ill.. I l il'.i. ...... .. ..1. , . 1 I..
, .. ,, , . , . . . . i ' '" vim:n fry noiiv iooks
elihation nlncli lii'inc iiilppnrr.lo.1 ii.fMin .-. ... '.. '
' ,-. . ... ... ...
never count your chickens before they
are hatched.
noliee that
tin, lirm of MKIIUKU, A CAlfTKK, hereloforo
doinff hu..inep in tho Imrinili of rleurliuld, 1ms
tbn day been dimolved hv nniticil consent. Ilio L1NFXS
Mun-imor no conatieie'i ny u. Ji.
MEHKKLIi, nt the (inue plaee, in wh,)io hau-Ji
the hoiiks and accounts remain for oollertion.
O. 1!. MKRHKI.L.
U. CAUTIill.
Mujr fl, 1S59. 3t. no. 17, vol. iv.
New and Beautiful Assortment of
SILKS iii.ack and oi.oiu;r Parego Jtobes
Slt.K Pol'I.INS,
Ducal", V.'il.'iieins, Foulard Silks, Chalies,
J'eltiines, Lawns, Prints,
And every Description of
-Wo recently received a' . CO"":,?t.,AL JNITUTIi
jma jiimuiii,ii is pleasantly located :n the
town of Clearl'ield, (MenrfielJ lunnty, 1'a., and
will l,o open lor the reeeplion of ttudent. on and
rogatory to a certain enterprise, which has i ,,llir-,u" - ,.111f ;:" "".v
1 ' . el, i traee Dm, h anil S,ii" o I- 1. 1 -I:, L....
(.cell ndvct tiseu 111 Olir columns, as (Veil iu injr, and :l,e other eollnteral hraiiehea in the ei-
eonimunieation signed "A Lover ofri"ht,
not might," making somo slatenienu de-
.Isewhere, from an nnnmynous source.
We do not undertake, to controvert these
statement?, but wo cannot consent to give
publicity to them without the real name
vf their writer. If the cntcrjjrize refcicd
to is a "humbug," it deservei to be expo
sed, as do nil frauds, but common pru
dence on our part ami common justice to
all parties interested, demands that wc
ihotiU know, not to be made pirblic without
it became neco.ssary, tho real name of our
correspondent. Whenever "a lover of
right, not migh'," sends us his real name-
his communication shall appear.
Strawbf.rhies. AVe were presented the!
other day by the lady of Col. J. L. Cuttlci
ol our borough, with a plato of the hirge.-t
and most delicious strawberries, the pro
duet of her own garden, that ever tickled
our palate. Several of them were over
two inches in circumference and were
efiial to any that we saw in tho eastern
markets, when there a short time ago.
We would not hare believed, without this
undeniable proof, that this delicious fruit
could be produced hero so early in the
euro of account. The t Indent ill 1, taught to
c, , millet on Fvste malic priuoipliM. Verehants,
M.chaiii. f, and Manufacturer's Uuolis of every
dc.-ri ipt'uin, either indivi.lntil partnership or
stock company's whelefule, retail, nhippim;. Im
porting, i out mission, or exchange. Commercial
cnlriilati.m... plain nml ornamental business pen
manship and raid inurkin. Terms : I'ull course
time unlimited, .... $2i.
Xf. li. MtTciLF, Prof, of Co jk-kcopiug
XV. II, T iioma.,
Prof, ol Penmanship A Cem. cal.
S voir it Ji'NE. One of the features of
the ex iieme cold of his: Saturday, was the
strong disposition of tho clouds to dis
charge snow. On the mountains, it did
Atlminijtiators1 Noiicc.
O.N' the cstnte of John Stu.-nrt, late of Penn,
towu.hii, Clcarfiold county, deeensed, hnv
iiiU hecn Kranted to the undersigned, all pcrsoua
haling business or dealings with tho said estate
are (educated to nml.o iiuine.lialo n-1 1 1 a i n - n t .
AMOti II ILK, Adm'r.
Lumber City, -May 25th, 1 :,
Vvnk Ouuloiic.
pMMRFII'.l.D CMS r()llM.Tho
J (.'oiuinissioiinrs nppointed l,v tho net to in- I
oerpoiaralu tho tlenrlield (ins ( on, puny,' nr ro
(piested to meet ut tho Court House in tho He-
rough nl C leurneld, on Saturday next (May M),
at 3 'clock, v. H. for the purposo of orKniiiring,
aud making preparations l,.r opi nine the Hooks
for mifcscriptmns to the sloek of mid I'ompnny.
A full attendance is requested,
may 10, 185'' It. no. 17, vol. iv.
;koci:hy and com i;ciio ahv.
STEPHEN fiRAT'K informs lii old friends
and the public generally, tlmt hi has rc-cpen-ed
his Grocery and confectionary nt tho old
stnnd la tho llorough ,,f Curwrnsville, where he
will he prepared to iupej all with Su-jar, Coffee,
Tea, Molium'S, bacon, . I e. lleur, Lemiiad, Can
dies, Fruit Cakes, 4e. At. lio respectfully soli
cits a share of patronage.
N. 1). lie is ult,o prepared In accommodate tho
pubiie with al. eorU ol Cooper Work, and will
repair barrels, lul, Ac.
inny 11, So9. no. 17. lol. iv.
Anil Every Kltulof
a. coui'i.r.TE assortxikxt or
(lentil-men's Boots,
's's i r Shoes, and
Hoys' and Guiters.
Also Hats, Caps, and Clothing, Carpels,
and Oil Cloths, all of which will
be sold at
MjrL't ,b'f. L'harfuld.
IIavino Bkccivkp, a largo and well leleclcl
assortment of Homostio, Staple, and Faney Dry
lioods of almost every deseription, the puhliek in
general aro invited to give me a rail. Among
the Fancy Hoods may bo found, inch us
and a TAinr.TV or ornun AnTici.m
of Dreys Uoods ; also an extensive iclectlon of
tho latest nnd neatest style!, and best quality of
plain and luucy,
Cussiuicres, Cloths, ?;itlliiots, Hatlu
lug, Twetds, civets, ic.
Jy stock also on, braces
on exleusivo assortment of
(Irocorios, llnrdwnre. Queens
wnre, Drills and Medicines, Oils,
Paints and (I lass, lioots nnd rihooa, Hats,
and Cans, Bonnets, Mndo Clothing,
Stationery, Confectionary, Corpcts, Tobacco, Ac.
Together with a grout variety of Notions,
nnd other necessary articles. Persons
in want of any thing in the above
line, nro roquostod to examine
the stock of the subscriber
heforo making their
purchases, as they may bo ennblod to buy lo bet
ter ndvantngo nt the "Cheap Cash Ntore"
than nt any other plnco in tho county, l'roduco
of every description taken In exchange for goods.
April 27, 1S50. no. Ifl, vol. iv.
J6-x Groceries, Paints, Glass, Nails, &c.
(by the quantity, will be sold at a small
j advance on cost und carriage.
j ii a m; m o n t O I, AN IJ
iXfW kmlaml tttcmo.t Hare h'VGrhuul'i-
NEW OOfips, just received among which
' And One Hundred Pieces of Latest StyX
ONE DA Y L A T E '.:.
The War in Kuroo carried
into Afiica, und
ISA ip TOiivcn-nv . i i -,e iiouuii,-. o, irons, grains, Ac
SAAC JOHNSTON just receiving and open. : is 1 j to 25 dollars per acre, payable in
ing, nth., shoe store on t.e corner of Gocnd , erly yearly instalments within , VI
ft n .
jo au u'uHliiirr y-(()-'.,
V n linnltliv tiliim i-uiv-..v u... ..... .
.-.-.. ....... , -r n JliJ.KS Iron) I
Philadelphia, on the t'niudee and a,..,,i. I
railroad, New Jersey. An ,dd estatebfts recentlv
been opened for and -.lift f,rUi :
,iii.i.i.uiHre aivi,iedi,plnto farms of twenty a- CJRiIIAM or Chinese Sugar Cane Seed for
.. - i,,.-.rtrus. inc sou isot the Lest qua ity
I fur . .r...l.i. i..n r r...:.. . . .. . J
nil which will fco sold cheaper than ever
ut tho Corner Curwcnivillo.
ISth Ap. 1350. no. It, vol. iv.
.500 to 1000 Dollars.
Students enter at any time No Vacation Re
view al pleasure.
CI Premiums for best Penmanship a
warded in 1858.
Ministers' Hons received at half price.
jJTi?' For Circular and Specimens of Writing,'
iuuloae two loiter stmr.pi, nnd address.
F. W.JKXKIN8, Pittsburgh, IV
In the County of CcarthlJ or the year 1859.
F. K. Arnold, U
Hninuol Arnold, 1 (
K. II. Moore, U
lleberling A Bon, t4
Jacob Kunli, - 14
Carlisle it Co. li
Karrett A Co. 14
i J UJ X rflM J t
T would respectfully inform my friends and tho
J puhuo generally,
but I keep constantly on
j liiiii.l, al my new store on Market street, aenrly
! (hej.iil, one of the largest and best ns-
I ...r...m a ,.l ikru.j M...1 1 ..1 C t . .:.. 1-..
positively snow, while here the tendency l,UCeo ami Cigars," Fancy (Jocts to he" found
Vtan so stronn that wav. that if nnvlhin" I '" 1,10 county.
... 1 r n ... hi. , i t ! " embraces In tho ilrug line, n general ftoek
....m (....v.. v m'ui.i w tiLii, rii.-n, ii.-s
H Wivs milch too cold for nnvthinn n-.ori
CoMMKnn.u. Institite.- -Among our
advertisements will bo found that an in
stitution of the above character, is to be
opened on the 13th ins.t. All persons de
siring to qualify themselves for commer
cial pursuits will do well to make a note
of tiiis.
aud Locutt strcolj ono door ab-v the "Kenub
..Villi VUUL) j
A Ijanjc and Ecnutf.l Assortment of LaJUs'
anil Ofntlemrn't
HOOTS EI101.S. GArrrn,
IlVSKS.v. SLI S, TIES, ic dc.
of every variety of style nnd mntorinl, from the
heavy brogan lo tho Iniry slipper.
Misses', IJejs' and Children's
To ichir'i t'i mlJtJ a Large Stock of
Such as Solo icnthe-. Kip, llenvy Moroccos, As
sorted Linings, ic. Ac
llVitVA he will tt ll Very Iaw for Varh.
jrC-Cuftom work made to order as usual with
promptness, and in the neatest nnd most dura
ble manner.
My ohl customers and nil others, nro respect
fully invited lo call and examine my stock, an
judge for Ihoinselvcs.
may 11, l$3fl. tf. no. 17, vol. iv.
easy quur-1
term of four
The terms aro made easy,
sulo al the Corner Curwcusvillo.
1Mb Ap. 1S53. no. 14, Vol. ir.
Tcnrs, with interest
in order to insure tho rapid improvement of the j -
1 mnu, cv enauinig .n y i,uliiii, iuic uom to in a !
iiii-w. It is now heiii2 exiunsirelv iim.rn,...u. !
! good r.mds, nnd some of tho best citizens? of j Il'DDIC NOTICE is hereby given, that Jacob
New England and the ,,.iddle Sti.tcs nro erect. - J. Sloror, of Portsmouth New IUmpshira
( ing large improvements, ll is a s, i i.e ol tho grea-! ll,,u,y "f delphia, nnd E. C. Schultt, have
.UTary's Ctaasa Fasts 17,
Janlari- 20ru, 1859.
test luipruvciueiit out of Philadelphia. sjuv.llty j this day entered into Co-Partuorihip in the bu
tive hoii.'es have been built in four months. Pine, siness of
tical tanners and business men from the lenirth 'm a- civ,, ,,r-n r, t-, ,
nnd breadth of the luion are settling there It 1 JAJ CI RRl ING, BOOT SHOP
is nn iinpoii.ini cusiness place, on account of its
Dems intno uiitlrt ol a rreut nmrket. l--.r.
ver is known. " ' ' '."" .'""' ) '" :'"r , bii lounty 1'oun
Tho soil i, n sandy o, clay loam, will, a ' .'V" ,. '!", .' ."' ! ."V on "P"'""
ofoand rehntirt ol niuliuies. I, i, fr... ?' . ' '!'"r xo p,eno tlie public,
- v J.,.I fc yll j,UUUy ialrg.
Luinbcrmcn nm others, who d piro a
nr. I ..J L ... -ii ....
line raised on this laud finds immediate sale, f J J -T0RFR I" CO nTtSs',
li,e water is cAceileol, and uo su.h .hi... r... ... t J' " IUIl.-K. C? hL J
. l -m iut, y, HI eu .iurv 8. KUt 1 i.univ
t I sylvania. They hope by their long cxpci
in unsin
that tlu.
stones and easily worked. It nbounds largely iu i nape
the phosphates, and such h its fertility that from Ku'd
'... , ii .i ... . ft""1 ui mois nna c-noos. win linn , Twni
Agrilti.tcral JIeetixc A meeting of
the Society of this county, as will be seen
by advertisement, will be held on the
Wednesday of the first week of Court.
On Saturday evening 5ih inst., of ron-
sumption, Mr. Samuel Henrv. of Law
rence toivinlii,), this county, aired 01 years.
of drugs of tho freshest nt-d best quality, Also
the popular pnlent medicines of tho d.iy, such as,
Lindssy'8 Elood Searchrr. Louden &co'
Expectorant, Sanative lills, Pile Rem
eay, and Elser Italian Balm, Ayer's
Cherry i ectoral, &o-, Wrijhts Pill3,
Coleman's Lotion. Corbin's Pill3,
Robin's Expectorant. Fickari's
Cattle Powders, &c., &c.
In the Stationary line can be found an excel
lent assortment of Writing, Noto and Letter pa
per, surh as
AVA'cr Lal.e Note, I'urscns Conrrrts, Clip, for the jc. of Justices,
Lawyers dr., Valley Enrye Miil.i
1(1: AJao a fnt article if I'ort
I'ulws, especially adapted to
the use of Ladies. Pen Racl.s
Miicil,iic, iSleel pens, Lead
Pencils, l.iiiik Ikeds,
In short every (ting kept in agenernl Station
ary store.
My stock of
Trbneeo nnd Ci
gars is the choicest ever
liroii'li to the place, having
been selected by ono who uses
nnd appreciates tho weed. The To
btieeo consists of N ill urn I loaf, Coven dish,
Fig. Ladle's twist. Hough nnd Ready Ac
4. preliminary meeting for the organisation of
2. the Cloardol'ltia Com pay will be held nt
the Court House in Celurtield on Saturday the
llhdiiyof Juno ISS'.I, at 5u'eloek P. M. All
citiieus friendly to tho protect aro desired to be
in attendance, ns several offers for tin, ereetmn of
the works have been had, and important business
will bo transacted.
May 25th, 1S59.
forbid any person or persons from purchasing
found not to bo excelled anvwhera in il, nr..!....
I lien of crops most cdapted 'to its market.
J Tho reauer inny be well re thut tho earli
i est and tho best fruits nnd vegetables como from
j New Jersey, which nn annually exported to the
1 amount of millions of dollars ; "the land, besides
being accessible in every way for f., has
inn al.nnduut supply of tho best quality of muck
Lumber and building materials can bo had cn
tho spot nt a cheap price, lr..m the mills. Other
mills uru now being opened, and brickyards be
ing flailed on tl-.e ground. A pes,,,, can put up
n lintne tenement lor presenl coineuiinee foroue
iiunnreu Hollars. On account uftua extensive I
cuiigrauon, 1 11 is is t -o Best course to nn,,. ,1... ni ,
- ... , ... ,m i.j L-
gains, us v.e are determined to sell as low as
leather, or boots nnd shoes can be had in Phila-
uuipnin lor easu or tildes. A l oaiiers i.rnm, ji
.if.....iu.i ... r'
jno. 2, y. iv.
Radebaugh & Flanagan.
Basement of Mekhei.l &, Carter's Stork.
I'm'er the .' ,( Odl-Fel'ow's Hall.
rplli; uader.'igned would rcpcrlfully inform
I the public that thev have recentlv nn.n.
taurunt, wan mi entire new
A. Montgomery, with Liquor, It
Lumber City borough.
John Ferguion, H
Juhn iiroomall, 14 i
Wrigh t A Co. 1
Henry SwBn, 14
MeMurry A llagcrty, 14
Iiuvid McUehan, 14
ltussoll MeMurry, 14
Allison A Hnyder, 14
F. McMastors, 14
Jamoi MeMurry, 14
Pate bin A .Son, 14 -
Lewis Smith, 14
Weld A Dlckeson, 14
Wm. Lovii, 14
J. Cooper, 14 '
Snrauel ltagorty, 14
Doilington A Co. 14
Thomas Henderson, 14
Whitmer A Co. 14
James Forrett, 14
Martin Btirk, 14
Curu-ensvilU loroyh.
Win. Irvin, 19
Eliza Irvin A SoDJ 13
AV'm. McBrlJe, 14
A. Montgomery, 14
John- Patton, " II
J. D. Thompson, 14
E. Cioudwin, 14
Wm.'Lumadoo. 14
Itowiuan A Perks, li
J. F. Stiner, 14
y orris.
E. F. Drenner, Morrlsdale, 14 .
E. F. Dronner, (2) Kylort'a, 14
John Holt, 14
J. II. tirahnm, U
Matthew Foriey, 14
Edward Williams, 14
Clearfield borough.
Wot. F. Irwin, If
Hit-hard Mosiop, s
Reed A Weaver, f
Moore A Etiwilcr, 12
Merroll A Carter, 14
Kratier A Sons, 12
C. D. Watson, 14
deorgo W. Rheem, 14
7 04
7 On,
T Oft
7 00.
r oo
T 00
7 00
r o
r hi
7 oli
. 7 00
7 eo
7 00
7 0
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
. 7
7 00
7 sir
7 oo
7 OO'
I 01
7 00
1 di
7 0"
20 00
10 00
7 00
T 00
13 0r
7 00
7 00
r ot'
or er t get a pl,.ce to l,ve la at iirst. Carpeuler i stock ofg.o.d. and fixtures, where thoy wil be
end builders arc ou baud to put up houses on lbs ' ,rer.,r...l . r. t .k . L' , - "f ' T ... 8
. s .pu, i. mo junuBi rui-s. I 1 in
best terms.
prepared to furnish, at the lowest rates, all the
luxaiies nnd delicacies rf fl.n senm-n TSa.
,.. .t . .
""h: I ,,C . r m?;!: Confectionary, Cake.',
..... :.. .... ..... .. 1 " ' " " ' " ".".ois m every lorn, reo Iream. Trinn.
great cities in tin M
ddle Htatos nml
Leonard, Finney A Co. Broken' Office.
7 (A
11 Su-
12 Mt
10 0C'
12 5
12 JO
7 00
12 .' 0
7 no
T eir
I- i . Vnrflionu si 1 I li n " .
Inn.l: ho .near bis old trien.lsn,,,! ..T l'r,nS.'
he ,s , u setiled country w here every improve-, take." TLey respectfully inril. tho p-itTnaeo
merit nnd comfort ofciviliy.aiiou is , . u.' f ,1,. i, 1 ,.r V,...... , " . - . . .pal nfi
is in a iieiiHhy place, and is not subject to the
ceroiinty 01 losing tho greater part of his family
and Ins own health by those malignant fevers
which iiinke tho graves of so many millions of t ie :
Vllllflf- !l, .1 l.n'rll. fn . ftlT . r . f
' o j " .renins anay iriirn
bona, and friunda. Uesi es. ho has a i.,;U
h of the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity.
April 27ik, H;,9, vol. 4, no. 15". 4t.
or iu nny way meiiuting with a promissory mute nnd an open winter.
.,'iit- ,, ci. , ,111,1111 .insuourn inr ono Hun
dred und Iwenly dollars nn the l:lth of April 1S58,
or s.Fine timo thereabout, ns I hive not received
vnlue, for the same, and will not pny it unloss
compelled by law.
May 25th, 1850.
newspaper devoted to Literature and Agri-
unuie, t iso fer.uiif loilli lull aeoo ints of
me Hew aettle nonr. nf II..,.i,.m,i,, :.. .:...... i. .u.
. ... iiiii.iiii.iiiit-ii, v. iiiu luiii'Hv. tnu . ii'iirc, BO. I. ns IOC
-'cw .iersey, nan bo subscribed for al j
wilts p r nnnnni. ,
incline liostaire alnmn. ttir llm
Addles- to Kditcr of the Farmer, llam-l
"'"nion, Atlnntio County, New Jersey.
Hio'e wishing cheap hui'l, of the best)
qnalitv. in one of tl, I, ..,.1,1 ilsut nml inn. f I
( cliebiC.I l;. .... :.. ... .
-r-.-u. ..iiiiiitics in me union, oeo ai-.
eriisciiient ol llammonton Lands.
Don (Juixoto, 111 Sols, Mary Lir.ieV,
Henry Hay's, Sixes (in -1 Hall Spanish,
ie., lt,ipie aud Scotch siiulls,
tiicknu Tobii !, fancy and
common pine, and stems,
Ac Tho fancy goods
comprise such
articles as
Ribbons, Hosiery, Combs, spectacles, Porfu.
11, cry, Tnncy Had (Mis, Soaps; a large lot of
LintLscy'a kI3!ood Scirclicr"
Has Created a Great Excitement
From the Numerous Cases of
Scrofula nnd Cancer .
There aro threo trains daily In l'l.H.,,l.,i, ...
and to nil those who impnne, the railro..l com-'
pnny give" n freo ticket.
I The reiid-r wi 1 nt enco bo struck with the ad
vantages here present, d, audn-k himself why
the property has m.t been taken up before j the
I ri,n;""n 't '"8 never thrown ii,t ih,- market ;
land unless these statements were correct no one
would bo invited to examine liieli,,,,! l,. r.,r
..i,,..;,,,, 111.. ... -r
j .no ...C.-ICU ,10 I.UIS.
mimm j mcy will meet
persons no doubt from their own neighborhood
they will witness th improvements, and ,-n
judge of the rhnractei of the population. Per
sons should come prepared to purchase, as many
.are locating, and locations are not held on refu
sal. I Tho Farmer, a monthly literary
I and ngriciilturul sheet, conuining full,na.
01 iiamni mton, wt:i be seat to ea.-h tn.mi-
iV 1 C A R A GOAf
COXTAIN'S mines of the precious metnls be
fore which tho gold of California sink, to
iosiguifieaiicj. I few month, of well directed ef
fort amony them is nn.p'o to .ecure a fortune.
Shohina beuiitiliil elimale, and a soil admira
bly adapted to tho growth of Cotton, Tobacco,
Suinr or Coffee. As the Key to our Pacific nm.
They will "" """ W"D n" Ifoverninent in a stato of
,.,..,,,,v-i uimuuy cienriy inuicatos
another star to be added to our banner. For all
the details, with n history of the Filibusterors,
the Cass Yrisnrri treaty, a new and improved
map of the conntry appropriately colored, and
other mntters of iuterost, read
NicinAoVA ; Past., avd rcTt tiB, by
I'KTF.n F. Utoct, Esq.
"Lnto United i?!ntcs Vice Consul."
Eliza Irvia A Son, 12 10 0
A. B. Shaw, 18 10 00
GirarJ. '
Joseph Irwin A Cow ,
J. Augustus Laeour.t, IS 10 00,
Williamson F Humphrey, 14 7 (ifr
Coeinjton. j
Francis Cnudriet, 14 7 08,
Mullen A Mills jh, 14 f Otf'
With IA piors
P. A. 43 n ill i n, J4 '
J. P. Rider, 14 0
R. J. Haines, 14 7 m
I Ivsten. . '
Dnvid Tyler, 14 j 99
Hiram Woodward, 14 7
Union. ' " i.
Daniel Ilrubakcr, 14 7 Oo'
John Skater, H j 90'
rer and ,n be ol,t ,i,,l t 2, cents o,,r . ,.,., 1 a nnn(,""n0 ,z""- Volume, and
N R. Tlfoso Intoresled will take notice that
nn appeal will be held at the Cominl.sionori' Of
fice, in the Borough of Clearfield, on the lltb'
day of June, 1S59, at 2 o'clock, P. M. '
0. XV. LOXfJ,
Wr.R. At'PHAI.I. 1
May 5, IMS. no. Ill, vol. iy.
Notice ! ! INoticc ! !
j Genuine Dears Oil, Tooth Brushes, port Mon-I
t,,,., . ... nau-s and an endlea variety of articles of that
'ARM LANDS Fill? SAM, nr. VIM-'sl .,..r
ii..P1J'I'Al),'lLI,,lA by Hailroua in a In connection with my other stock, I nave es- lS hereby given to nil d.Hinnuent suhseriber. to
OI iew Jersey. Soil nmotlL' tho " v "rc ".T ,tt ? " ,'!'KI 1 the Baptist Courch in tho bornuch of Clear.
.'gr.eulti.ral, be.,, a '"' "'"n 'T' ?-M th.t h. . .t b. paid on or before
TTille iiid'soulablc. Warrunic ,l,-,l.
t. r , t .. - . . . '"""" "ici'iioranee. wnen 1, urc 1 ise mo
lt is for sale by all respectable Druggists 1111J ncyUpnid. P.oui,, t t,e l,l .i.,.nl. vi
slieit wh"rl, Ph Had, dpliin, for llaminont ,, hy
I railroal ut half past seven, A. M., and at hnlf
past five P. M.j when ihere inquire for Mr.
Mlyriies. Hoarding conveniences will bo found.
1 Letters nnd Applications can be nddressed to
:P. II. COl'liHLIX, 202 South FIFTH t., below
""'Mill. I'l 11111(11' n 11 dim nnl .!.
1. a handsome 12mo. volume, and will be lA IXU lnrg,ly increased its ciroulation tie
,"r P"'tP",,, ""'Pi r the ! II part year, the publisher, are enabled tc tp.
0 (J I Ag,wts wUl find it very popular. , Pnd the now and attractive feature of a .er '11
end to f I.,...,.. . .. n c
Dealers throughout tho United Stale..
R.M. LEMON', Proprietor.
Hollidnysburg. Dluir Co. Pa
April 15, 1S59. no Ifl, vol. iv.
Send to
Pi nusnKn,
No. 617. Snnsora sL I'hilnd'a, Pa.
May 5, 1 S09. no. If,, vol. iv.
of LiTERAnT ANn PctFNTiric Portraits, engra-'
red on steel, each of which .m 1..
1 by a Biographical Memoir, thus furnishing to its '
.vu-rs, a oniy in cream of the. Lett Penaiti.
cheerfully furnished.
no. 9, vol. iv.
koodloam .! . .:,l ' , ' i -7-, "in ery week,
fori loam soil with a clay bottom. Jlie iji a ,; ,-. t,
1, Harper'. Weekly. Frank .1,. 111. r-.... ... .1
.. . ... . : . - - ...w ...... .,... .1 v j. ... nn .tie wort, limn
Wilis A hiriio trued,, .livi, Ul iin .,..,! y"', Miceael A. Frank, Esq.,
, , , , - - " oi uui mini, i.itnou 1 icwriiii, (ilea son a lane or al ,r rt., 1 ...
A.n.. .1,. M....1.1: . . . ""'i..i nu-
must have
f, ---r-..... .......... o. 01 our t nion, Diiuou . i icior
KirniS. anil I,,, r.l... .1 c.. n ...... r .1.. ..... t . .
, . ...iiuivua ui. u u inn in im 1110 i.iiii o .--uui . ac. no. a nor
D(,ll,,tVU .... .. , .,. . .. , ... .. -
z hid nuw sen nir nii t,it,i.ii,ir 1 e lounii. 11 irners. ,1011,-T. i.nihnm. 1 niikn ivn. r- ...
riinern.- vv... """I-"' V,. . ..I L .... . . i" Tl t 1m, "... a,n 1
. pvi-ii uiowing, i ern
nion, liallou
engine Monttiiics may to receive .ubscriptioin, . I1IIDH. r TIIIIK l.lfkllU. Xlllllllll. M i . iM. (B 111 Bin II
f. X'KJ C I II tl l'i I I 1.1 1 I I'l 1113 . ' ' V
1T0 11 xiA (a n . ...m .
PHr.YeirH liV .nutiilriwiulu T .1.,: iI.a
kl . -
piaee i.eav
Clearfield May 2.1th. 18
By order of the Bull.
rho cstnte of William Weber late of Ilradr town
ship, all ct.-oi s bnvirg claim, against said es
tate, will present thein without delay to
Brady tp. may 10, 1S50. no. 17. to1.It.
A. T. SrllttYVEH,
Al VTPlli.r a i .
i Yin.. -l..f i 1.1.1...1..I- ni,,r'' I'I"'' ' "' J ' . April 6. 1830.-no. 12. vol. ly.
Una. nl71 A nr l .. , e. .. I .""'"'""" "' ,
. jVl u iii.Mrouu lor iinni.. r...fl. ,iu.sii is-,n
low for cash.
SrReniembcr the place on Market aired
fonton, or address K. J. Jivrnes bv letter ' "IANK ARTICLES Agreement, legnl fonnfor tnem.
A. r.. i .. . - nnrwiinn nrnnni. itirotjirai n n.4,... r
r iu., iveri.semenl in another column. I Job Printing nent ly oxecufod herp. ; Sh at the office r .h. -nli.u i,.Z Z ''
All person, knowing themselves indebted lo
B ..m hp n... I. .. .. .
. - -v w "r -count, are rcquesteu
to call on me, on, or heforo, the first day of June
next, and rash me off, or m,.ko some urrange-f
, in. a,, wun n,., ir i must iiuva my books ictled
, up. All parlie. interested will nve costs by at-
' - .. '" "re uihi sue uns eomiucnced the a bora hns nesa. ono
're she will be
may favor her
with their patronage.
May 2, lSS?.-nn. IS, vol. ir.
ml Lil, rtr, of On World, hut also a eompleU '
ll.ustrnlcd Biographical Dictionary.
t fill? With thai .irtr a.!. r f I. n..: f t, t
iV of Administration bavin boon rr.o7.,l 0y l,"l:,, W"'"' '?'. Professor Wil.
. . k in-.,, .... " MMI. V.IIHrifSal I.Rmn. Illisirhn 14 ...!... I It 1..
, .... - -r woniiii, rtiini wiUL. mV
.Millinery nnd Mantumakinir.
rllHE nndrrsigned would respectfully inform
i uio ciuzens oi mrwciK viiio ai
.1.. i... - A . t .
i , - -, - - v.---. ..nn .-uiiiuivoeeu mo aoove n
likewise requested In bring oU their account, a- door above Thomp.on's .tore, where
ga.tst me, as 1 au, both able and willing to pay ple.K-d to accommodate all who mi
I Hi til. .
"I sny withont hesitation, that if I could bay
but one Mogniina among all that are published '.
in our country, I should seleet Littell'a Living 1
Age. It contrives to touch lh .l.l.. :
bolween light and solid articles, between mere
uniruenon ana mere entertainment , and a (trea,
deal of knowledge may be gathered op froia lt,
such ns every one oui-hi i -...'..
from Lnier from Ucmg H'ard Jimkt'r.
TaRus. Mngle numbers, 13 eenu, yenrlysub.
scription, 16 prepaid to any address. Subsrip.
tiom for a less period if desired. Special tor
Ia 1-1... ....... ... . .
-;ui.n sua C,UH.
r. snortT.
PlenTD'H, Msj 4, I"?. .. tr IS, vol. lr.
W'i'ts, S08 Bmdviai, y.
l- . , 0l. ir.