Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, June 01, 1859, Image 2

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    ('LFAl.'l IMP, .tun.i f., K.-.i.
Democratic Etafc Ticket.
Al'I'ITOH (iF.NKh.W..
or l iiiL.U'F.i.i in.
or rrAVKtiv rot'Nrr.
TIio delegates elected lust full In revise
t:ul moilify tlx) "Crawford County Sys
t oiii." are requested to moot for Hint pur
posoin the C'onit House, in Clearfield, on
Tuesday evening 21st June, 18VJ. Those
'..wnships that failed to elect delegates ul
llio timo opoiiitcd, will call a meeting
anil appoint them, as agenornal represen
tation is required. Wv order of Com.
J AS. II. LAltlUMKH, Ch'n
Louis Napoleon
Few persons aro now attracting moro
... . .i i ii
I nr. 1 1. it. I li:.ii i li t rtti.i iv Iii iy in in, hi.iii I i
t hi iirticlo. Tho quest ion of tvho is this
N'dpoleon, may now rouuivc a dotinite nn
: wor, for however piust actions may have
.'.lilcJ lo trace hii paternity, ycont events
rove conclusively that ho is closely con
tacted in character as well as kindred,
" ilh the "Prumuier boy of Corsica. "
aioro shrewdness in turning disadvanta
foous circumstances to his own elevation.
rn a very short timo, we have seen him
nine by energy, from a London I'olice-
.(,.. atrial. 1 i ..Aill,t. ltif.Hntlta tin,, pflo.
iiui,, nil.. ic,jii.i .uu.u.i, . v.-.
.icoUble, to the dictatorship of Europe.-!'
or however neighboring nations may ar- '""'S'"11'' portion o, oui c um., m. ,8UCC,.,shll. i wni nn account of this n
... , . ,. . ,i ... n. compiu o w ith the west for morbid si.ecu-: vention in the Kvenni Post, we extract the
ect to Lis power, the truth is 1 txe.,., u ; Ifollowina interestinir' information.
leal', that he to a considerable extent,
1 ,il. l, .i., t
Ullll'Cia BI1U LVIIUUlJ "l,,j.
Jlv ii succession 'of revc
1 . . I t
,.,,ll I., l,.i.. 1,;m.lf nl ll.n l,n,-l
' . , , . .
f a nation that has ulways exercised
u'reat intluonce over tne ouier iuropeau
1,1 i- n. . .. j:...:..
powers; ana that influence, is tiot diinin-
i .lied by Lis position, for at no poriod in
tho past century, lias France made higher
pretentions, or assumed a more delimit
attitude than she does now.
Trofessing a friendship for Kepublirs
tkat he never entertained in 18-18-1), ho
took advantage of the popular cry raised
Tor a free government, and succeeded in
securing tho Presidency ; though a resi
dence irx oiher.countriM, scarcely entitled
hirn to tho rights of a citiien ; securing
'.his oflieo, he neccssaiily was brought in
connexion with the army, and knowing well
that to secure the confidence an
"rf it, wns to insure the obedience of
.KkAftia I In lit. fltillAVV ItfAfinnll am r.VA.
i i r .w
... , , . . '
jKttb uiij f iv cii' a,iavus'iaj
trary to Lis pledgos-in violation of llis
oath as Tresidcnt and in opposition to
the wishes of tho poople who seemed j
heartily sick of monarchy ; so great was
his strength, that this crowning act of
tyranny and duplicity, was received by1
the nation almost without murmur.
Thus step, by step, has Louis become
out, and slowly .drawn around him the
robes of royalty, with a complete know -
ledije of French character, to the nrmy,
ana tlio army aicme, is nc muemeu ior is
good fortune
-. Tho army was the pride ol his uncle
tho cltior Bonaparte, and by it he suc
ceeded in exercising a control over Eu
ropo, never exorcised by any other man,
taking almost with impunity, the crowns
of Kings, nnd giving them to those he
stooped to call his favorites. It was to
the army Napoleon turned with delight in
prosperity ; it was to it with hopn and con
i . . i i - j :i TI.:,
huencc no Bppeaieu in nuvrrsuy.
. t i i l i
uplctely understands, and
s hi.-tory to direct him, and pop-;
Louis com
his undo
lilarity to sustain him, ho in peace icasis
the army, and when war gathers nrounil,
he turns to it for support. He indeed,
following in the footsteps of his uncle, and
his recent departure from Talis, to taKe
rwnmand of the nrmy in Italy, nnd his
address to his soldiers which we give be
low, sounds no much liko old Sap., that j fjU'( Mi(l, waR settled in Kansas in fa
we almost seo the sun at AusterliU, andjvor t,r jts being u free St.tie, when Bdmit-
hear the cannon at Marengo:
"Soldiers : I come to place myself nt
, . . 1 ti-
mn. Iiniii lo fwiniliiet vou in we
are about to seoonu uie siruuies ui
oeowlo now vindicating its independence,
and to rescue it from foreign oppression.
This is a sacred cause which tias the sym
fathies of tlrfcivilized world. 1 need not
stimulate your ardor every step will re
riind vou of a victory. In the Via Sacra
f Ancient Kome, inscriptions were chisel
led upon tho marble, reminding tho peo
ple of their exalted deeds; it is the same
o-dy. In passing Mondovi, . Marengo,
I)di,"C'astialione. Arcole nnd Kivoli, you
will, in the midst of those glorious recol
lections, be marching in another ViaKacra.
rreserve that strict discipline which is
die honor of the ai my j there forgot it
not. There are no oilier enemies than
those who fight against you in battle. lie
main compact, and abandon not your
ranks to hasten forward. Beware of too
great enthusiasm, which is tba only thing
1 fear. The new n'rt dt preeuion are dan
gerous only at a distance; they will not
orevent the bavonet from being what it
in hitherto Wen, he terrible weapon of
iUa rrfflru lnfi.nrvy. "Urner, in u nu
'l" I "I
l! It Oil
r Ml i .tift 1 i, w In
l Inn. , (."'111 I ''
I i (In i I In I II. t
lint t,lt
Mil . I," I M 1. 1 I II"
f. ii ir k ' - "( t " i
. ' I lift ii . hi im 1 1 1 1
III 1' I I b'l M' I' I '
H if H' ill-'i
i t i l 1 1- " 1 1 1 t
' NVIt'l l"V
I .-ili. I -Ml "
( . in it nl 'i
Yikf ' Tcnk '
... 1., . . ', ' I 'i. '
llulslisl Hi " tmlil 1 ike 1 i-nk, I ol
! ll MMIlii.ll.llV I llHIIII I. I, 1 ho nw nriii ol I
i'I'i'i'iK' n.ll i'l! I ll W'l'. w I i.l l !l 1 1 I'll 1 1 ill'tlM- '
I.V. inviuiilh fnllnw lh..V of..."j
' r '
" l""'"" "
"llml nil i-- not pili I t lint o.!ilt.'i," "''
ti,., i i... !.. ...I ul i, i, 'Linn ...i iivi.iii ilnllii"
.,,..... .v.. ... , n..r- .
oio..-, I'omly inilioil ; it U with prrat lUr.!Mn"','"'Htj hnvo not -I ivi-oly In IniVr
' !. ll...... ll... I Ini'iiiM ,, I'tliira .,1 11,
noulty lht llioy inn noinpo oiKMiir
'll of
(h? "noocs'nriod oflifo," lo Koop mini nii.l
l.nily loi;i'tliol' imloO'l, il ii ropoi ll, ninl
mi hiivo no (loiil.l of ils truth, that dovoml
i.or-on havo nlromlv p-risho,l on lh'l'l
1 I...
plains for wiuit of foo.l, ami ihiihI.itr
othors driven to it l.y hunpof, Imvc drtor
niinod to livo, hy l'olibing tlio trains that
arc now on way to thin IMmnIo of
thu wiHt. It in nl.-o ropoi tod Unit many
of tlio disappointoil have tlotonninori (o
have summary i ovoii;:n on thorn , who l.y
forud storio hnv boon iii"l rumontal m
iilliiring thorn from n country whoro, in
the ubfonco of gold, a good tlinner could
goiioi'iilly bo hail for a (junrU'r, mid that
50 htrong U tho fooling of rcsontiiicnt, thnt
hovoral of tho small towns idoug tho fron-
!. 1 1 I..1..I.. .1 I.l C.n..
nor unvo iiih'ii hi 1 rir y mwi u-,1, i i.i
. I J
fill that tho returning emigrants will put tho litli of the present month, tho genu
thoirthivatsiiu'.No nitioii. As Leavenworth ino McAuley returned home, thus j.rov-
1 .t. In nt t in n-it f ill"
was the head i.u.iilor.i from which enm-
nated most ol tho silly stones, so it is tlic.,
contemplated roint of attack, and wel0f
would not l.i t-urprizeu to hoar of some
ia ., ...i ...,.;.iwiiicnii in ilmi
IIU I "'11. UK l.ll.i c,,l,i uu,,rv.j ...
noigbU.ihood, falling before the
ralO KIHVeS Ol inoso Hungry iissiisstns.
Tor our pari, wc always considered this
'gold excitement a supremo liumimg, got ,
up bv unprincipleil interested men, for
the sheer purpose or filling their pockets
;, . . i. , r ,i, fii.i,
. riirl'l
ir'8 ' I"- ' ' -cal
1 ..'."..,!
with !a sot of desperate slinrks, wuo witn -
i . ... !..! r. ... ... .... nl .,1 n tn t.ii. l. I
11L1L I ,1 VI illUl 111 t Vt"llt.. ,V l.lfltV
' i... il .1 1 1. .... ...i..
n r""-u "J ilu mm
die State, with long nnd elegfintlv illus-
' .... . ,!
cities, surrounded by fine farms uncleared
' ' . .
UllU UllU'C:ilOll i UU lillC 1.1 ism, nuni-iu,
iii the money mnrket, interfering consid
erably with tho "land" and "city" ar-
langenicpts, il became necessary to crey'.e-
, . . . .1 I
some new uumuug, io aitraot inc it' icn-;
tionof thoso who might be Silly eu'jugh to ,
rive it credence, and for this pnrpW(3 thelfc'00'1 M-rvicc. The screw engine is his m-,
fr... . , ., , ,,, ii . i vention ; and if he had paused at that, he
'Tike s l'eak bubble was Uow-,, Bd put wou(, mompnt ,'iavo ,lClll worth u
in motion, und from present indications it
has answered the purposes for which it
was intended pretty well. It has given a
'grand illustration of the gullibility of
mankind, by tending a vast multitude to
, , ... find gold where there is none, and starve,.1
,iugooawui,gual bitk to h j
enceor his. - . . I
-.i -r.i.t. 'It has ruined many a poor worthy man,
It has ruined many a poor worthy man,
w mOa fiV!nc has utiven lunx into l-
but it has fulfilled its mission by
'filling the pockets of a set of men whose
' motto in, get i
1 but get money.
niotto get money ; honestly ,f you can
BA.The Lycoming Gi:rttc calls the Wur-
ren Ldljcr a Democratic paper of influence..
I So are the Gazette, the llarrisburg ti ntiiial,
I the Chester llejniblifan, tho Central IWss
land last nnd greatest Forney's Vc.w, but
lit onnsists in their boinc influenced bv tin-
woi thy IlluUvcs to M tho IlopuU icm var.
1 e,.olU lo defont the jjpnifK,ri.y,
j not -n tlieir iufluc-nrirg any body else-
tLut ia no ionger in ,,0Pr.
IIoraci Greki.v in Kansas. lie was at
Wyandott on Monday ovenhig of last
week, on his way to tho Convention ut
Usawatomio. Cieiieral l'oinoroy, Mr. 1'ar
rott, J. Lwing, Jr., and other delegates,
were with him In thetveuiug there was
a meeting, and Horace addressed it, among
others. He told tho people thero assem
bled what ho had, and wont he intended
t.o do. for Kansas, and till other States and
Territories, since he camo prominently be
fore the public, lie pavo the meeting
(what was imt relished bv the delegates ut
;jtru? KepubHcan doctrine, which
. tl , t!l0 no,.ro is entitled to thn same
status as the white mnr
Tho main por
I tionof his remarks wore for the negro.
He went in for tho power in Congress,
whenever it may seem fit, either to inlro
duce or abolish slavery. He said, in the
commencement ol his remarks, that Win,
II. Seward, of Nv Yoi k, hud said that
. there wasan irrepressible c"iillict between
.!... 1.1.,,,. o,,.l (',-.. ,i l,,t. fir tli:lt nil llflll.rll
ted into tho Union, yet the question was
not settled, nor would it bo until all the
l: j Il.i o.l.t llml tl.ij .minir-l
UVKt'J Il'trc tin. i ...... v.....
, .. .....:i : 1 ...i,.,l !. I,....t
I WOtl II I tn Oil Umtl ll priuuiuni my iiniii.
f e ,oUon states. Those declarations
" limr,a, t in ,.,. time, as re-
' ' .,, , ':r., nn ..-,;,., 'ti1P
Ulack licpiiTtlicnns inteml to innko the
contest for President in 1800, with Seward
in the lead. 1'atriot d Tuion.
vyTho ChicaKO Tribune of the 20th,r
I nm mirn ilnrr.
inst. saysi "We present this morning
largo number of letters from different
portions of tho West, giving a most cheer
ing account ol l nc prospects 01 me grow
ing crop. A glance at the map will show
thoso who are not familiar with the geog
raphy of the West that they refer to a
wide extent of our country, an lying norm
of the latitude ol M. .Louis, uur auviees
from southern Illinois are equally encour-
aging. In a week or two this harvest will
have luuy commenced w,ere. huh w.
no -n ru.'.
safely gathered."
. r wr rt r Til ' 1 .! . I . . 1. :l.nM
AIR. VI KSTCOTT, I -'i . x Himueijiuitt, sjmh.
Been MMOvt-dflnd N. B. Urownpafpoint'd1.!
A I t mit JU Mfttt ( I 1 1 ifinN, ....
1 .. Ij'lil!. I I' ( till l ! HI HI
I'l 1 ll. .til i' M'l"". ll'IM Ml lilHWI H'l. il
in n I In n I II. . i p' o( lli I'liii. 1
H'lll I ,!Hll!ll'lllW( llp-'lf ll' -' I"
I oil I'l llil'.UiH . uMi. i n 1 "I'.'i iIhip
i ltl.iit ,' i ilo, w Mi h 1. 1 tut miii'ii'lm. hf
Into llif I 'ilul i'it.i, il.'pl i intf I I'f'M if
Ili 1(1.1 lo M..., until II. i v lifivrt I'O. ii
ihoi " rn J i Mi, in liii h ll.' V niv i
" IIV, r,h . . . f ,',' irittl , '.' .,',-tif , I o' A r
., '
tli 'ni', liMIC f'l rf'l Im' III,' ii'i.i' l.'.OI pi(i
, , . ,,.,.,,, I. ,.. . ll
., i.i ....,'..r i. !,.'i Ii.hiiI..i i ii. 1 7. r (', , J '
llmlV Iho ny to talk it. Tln l'.liul I
t i I . . .ill. I
,; ,,.,. i M,kiM,(l,iiM.l. thnl (hoy
ill nl I. init lh' k.iiiio Ihinit hoio if on
,.;., il,. n,i ilm i,,i-.i. Tin. (i.'.tn i.. oli
. . ........... .... ,
iin iii. nil', in- ,.ii.....
,illlo hiiimiiii I'lout I'jr iin-ii i.miiijj'iu.
A Wirn who Cciri.u not iie ItKCKivr.n.
Somo six month into thore ivai (-oiii.lorii-
ovoitoinont in (ho vioinity of Torts-
....!...!! A...........l..l'ft.n............,ri..(i
niOIll 11 . '11 1 0, Oil HOI'lJllin, in inn III' I'm mi
,., ,. ..ii.,,. i. ir i.. 1
nu n- in "', i, i-x-.j, ..
lt,,l.i.f 11' Mruloo. .vlio l.ii.l boon abxiiit
in Califoi nia noino Kix year.". 1 1 o went
professing to bo sick, tho houo inhabited
l.y Mrn McAuley nnd claimed to bo her
h'liibanil, 1I persisted in his claim, ljut
Fhe denied it. lie then related to her cir
cumstances connected with his own and
her early lif" but sho persisted that fho
hud never soon him bolciro. The rolativos
mid neighbors of tho family weio then
called in, but they were divided in opinion.
A majority, however, believed ho was tho
gonuino McAuley. .Still tho wife, would
not receive him, for which conduct ehc
was severely condemned by many of her
friends. Tho man went away,
and in: on
.,"u' 7, ' "r .i. ?;!,,
10 j ley by accident met bis wife, and tho joy
'l,!of the meeting ii said to have been
liy ct.i,l,.nt met his wife, and tho joy
tho nieetinc is said to have
great. The. slory is certainly a curious
The Ericsson Caloric Enaine. I
It is now claiinod that this new motive jshot at Miller's tavern, on tho Willow
power, which failed lit the menus of pro- '.,nPt,t turnpike, about three miles from
Hing vessels across the ocean, eiit'llinl
its inventor Watt,, Mouse, , mil
Wu.tnkv. The. Kriesson Yr, tfenn..v
manatactured to bo usei m tho meolinni-
arts, and are found to be Pminenlly
'-('..ntnin Ki-ieusnn himself liinitnlf 1, no
, ... ... I
IH'CII ill 111, llllllllV, ,n,,, u. tl.U'il ! ll.ll
. . .. .... . . . .
,,n . pa , li.b rl n I , t . I ... I
....I ... -i..i. . i? i.. i .... i r....
UillU'iiiUiitc miv , .-, niiiuinir , ULttii iii-i in ii'wi, Ji'.'t. i'l. i'l ..iii.ti "I
rhiui 1, I laiu w Jin i un .ineiioc, Jills ooi n inr
years and is still constantly engaged in
supervising tho construction of his cn-
gines, ami of such improvements as have .had two children by him. Wagner left'
been suggested tohis notice. Of hisqual-1 her, and went to Lebanon, and married
iflealiopsosa machinist there is not room another woman, with whom he lived for
for fojestion. He came to this country in ja whilo, and then left her, and is now liv
Iil. at the invitotion of Commodore ins near Quarryville.
Stockton, to build tho engines for the
...n..,,, I'l'tnlriti mill it-li,n site tvns
broken ti they were translcrrecl to t lie ,
new ves:el, where they are now rcnili-ring
fortune, lint the motive power of caloric
engines engaged 'his attention, and theex
perimont of the caloric ergino in 1851-3
is familiar to nil our readers. Failure, is
was doubtless, in a commercial view; but
it should, nevertheless, be stated, that ot
etytlung Captain hi lesson promised was
accom,,i()ie(i . a p,,PC(j of right miles
to tho hour was attained, and in spite of
miscarriage, nt the present
.imp throe yachts arc in process of con-
time three yachts arc in process of con
struction with caloric engines. At the
building of the agency on the corner ot
Duano und Hudson streets, two of these
engines may bo seen in daily use:
The following establishments are row
employeil in the manufacture: the New
ark Machine Company, Newark. New Jer
sey :Cluto brothers, Schei.ectndv : Notirse
it Carroll, South Groton, Massachusetts ;
I. r. Morris & Company. Philadelphia :
nnd Messrs. Carpenter & t lass, Joseph
Hanks, and the Del mater Works, in this
"The application of lfiem to mechanical
purposes is on the increase. Several have
leen nun-based for printing presses in
this city: one recently to gotoSueramenlo:
nnd the Cincinnati i Yw has employed one
for some time. The following is the trsti -
monv of the editor as to itsj capabilities ;,
Size fdiameterl of crlinder. twenty-tour
inches ; power of engine, five horse; mo
tive power, not nir, weignt oi engine, one
and a half tons composed entirely of iron j
nrd brass : space occupied, six feet by two;
rue!, coke, coal or wood,: usual number of.
impressions per notir, d,.'iH0 ; often run oil
full 4,000,;
cost of fuel per hour one
"The service of an engineer to tako care!
of the engine is not required. Any com
mon laborer can feed tho furnace; the
whole amount of coal used on the engine,
withaeylinderof thirty tivoinchesin dinin -
eter, being only a bushel iu twonty-foui
hours, and the machinery is far less coin
plicated than that of the steam online.
Hence it can bo operated with far less ex-
F1.onc.iN0 is THK Aniiv. Wo have re -
.niv,.rl Onm rnrrn3t lontlent. nt rnmn
Flovtl. nn account of the ivhipinn ot a
tiri rat n 11, it, ifr u fillows r
"We were called tin earlier than usual,
this morninu, that we might behold the
spectacle of flogging, on the bare buck, an
unfortunate soldier w ho had teen tinder
arrest for some trivial misdemeanor, and
who, rather than remain a prisoner, nt-
rr, r -,,,,. ,.;
,X,,,,l,lMl" '."
t,n! s. r,tn.n' h g".nr'1 ,vo,c
called out, likewise the other prisoners
tho latter, I presume to take notice of the
infliction, tho former to guard against tho
escape of the victim, who was taken out
nf iIia triinril Iioiira shnoktod. As we nr.
I .;,.A,1 .1 tliABiint tin Innboil Ihn vnrv I, In-
rivintjon, Jiig wrists were immediiiteiy
tietl to the wheels ofawagon. and htshirt
a i '.1 11 1 .
iMU in.n l.nvintrtliAwhinin bnnd. nnd
was removeii. An oiucer men wbikou up
desired him to lay on as heavy ns he could,
This officer exclaimed, as the poor fellow
was wincing after the first ten lashes,
,Dn it whv ,ion't you strike heavier
- j iowerj Tho victim turned round,
gnJj with an ftg0nizing ahriek, exclaimed,
( .Lieulenantl have my feet tied also to the
wacon, or in my pain I am afraid I shall
have to turn rouna. me answer maue
by thff Lieutenant was, 'Then bo flogged
acoordinolv ' "
- 1
Th wrnthrr bsr bpcome warm ngain,
t Mi
I i
1 1 N
IMP I lit v. lit ,
I"'. I ll
nil - It'll' i ''
" I I, ML I'l I l il't'l.
i tiin I' i 'ti I
I limi I ii i -1 t .
llif Mi
ii" ' "i I in 1 1
'll, Inl.f
I it i ' , mi I (i
!l't lli.iil I 'f I
i 'HI i I I - I
lltl.l.f', il Ml i ti n
I il ul I ll i I 1 1 i I
, t i'i 'mop I.'
pi I I Unit Mnj
lit lit I llll ll,i
II, i. I'm It of II.
I In iiitkl, I i iii' I'K Hi" ' 1
i- mi ll., in I.I..I i-tii'il,. r
N "i 1 1,' i n t iiiiiiiiii Ii' ", on
1 1 no ii I h i'l on I lio I iii ll
lnllV I I tin' llnll'IIIH "MO
ilm 1 1 ix liH M
liill" - l n" 1 Ihhly (ix i'';r" ii-"tn !" I""
llll Iii.mi Hull) Lllli'il llhll lltl llll
" Alimiitf Hm Inlt.-r . to
l-- timl I'ni.t. Sniilli.
Aii.'llii'i' l"lli't' mik Hull Imir or
mi a llml imir or nvo
oil 'I'imHoh 1iii o ( ii'i:iiii.o,l tuoiily
l,i low l'r.iiu, on tlio 1 inlinii I,', "ti i vo,
with thn avowed intention
the llo'orve Indium
f tilliii lung
Much ovciloinent prc ailed in conso
iiiolioo nuiong the Indians.
Vamiingtos, May -9. The
niiilinont has been informed bv
War lie.
(jeiioial Clark, in a Idler dated I.os An
a icuer iian't, ,,.s A. JohD 1Urm j h Ut
tho completo success or J(lljll ,iBrllllly( a. I,, jtulu-rt. l.x it ul, v.
Hill's expedition HgailistllMj Ambrnm, J.tu uriilo 'J i., vs liuwfur
, . . ,
U:,,,p'' - w"
I, of
Lieutenant lloH'inuii
the Mohnvo Indians
The l'losidoiit mid Secretary Thomi.son
loft this .il'iernoon lor aNorth Carolina. i
'I'IiiiC ll'il'A llllllllllllMllillll I lift
dent's house to t! o Railroad ntution by 1
ot her riioinbors ol' the Cabinet.
M.. a., ,.l.,. I.. ,.,..,1 l,i,l.,l,n. nll
Assimi .Secretary ol' .State. ' I
Secretary l'loyd, who two- weeks ago '
went lo Virginia to recruit his strength, i
wasted by sicklies", writes to his friends
here that hU health is considerably im- j
provfd. '
Coi.tmirs, May :i0. Judge Serau this
afternoon, ilulivercd the opinion, of the
couit on tlio habeas corpus ,.nso of tho
Oberlin resellers. Tho JT.tijonty of tho
prisoners will bo reiniui'
AMisSiior j-;,- iiI3 Win:. As Ixruni
ATi:i) Wom , .Skbkinu Vkmueancb Ar,.
most a Vjiujeti. Last 'Wednesday after
noon, about two o'clock, a man named I
sar.o Wagner, employed in hauling ore for
.Jacob Snoiiok to (i'ii6r'n furnace, was
Lancaster, i'rt., by a woman named Catha
ji ino Wat'iier, who claims to bo his lawful
wil'o. Tim particulars ot this ntl.ur, as we
have boon ublo to obtain them, aro sub
stantially ns follows :
In tho morning this woman appeared
Iw.fV.t'A A .l.,tti-wm fiin I'liinn ttt T.n tieiiylei
(c..... I. r ..,..1,1....' onn,t,lninin.l
I I'I It IIV Plll''U Ul lll'H'.lllf; VAMUjimiiv ii-
'gainst Isaac Wagner, fur l'.i-atnv and
!.,!. wi 1,. U',.,.,.. r,,i. r,ii,mv ,m,l n.
" 'i .!... . i.ri... 'i....l
SUIbllllt-IHiltlllV.BIllllll-lllllbllV. 1 1 ,.! lll.l-
. . . c-. . . .
I I. ... ; 1 W r. I t.i. tin 1. , ., . I ,1 '
Philadelphia, iierl'oriiiiip' the ceremony.
Sho further stated that I hey had lived to
gether twoor three years, and that she
Tlio complainant has boon following i
it,.,, i tut ilnli.t'tiiinnil to lulVA ven.f,finee
((n him. t or some Umo jtast sue lias Deen
living as a maid nt a hotel, near l'hiladel
phia. Sho then come to Lancaster, and
then went down to whero Wagner lives,
at (uarryville. There an i.llercation en
sued between them, and in her complaint
she stales that he struck nnd otherwise
assaulted her, getting down on her body
with his kiii'.s. She then returned to
Lancaster and made complaint in above
stated. A warrant was issued and placed
in the hands of Ollieor Gormley, who pro
ceeded tn l.feiger's furnace, where he
found the to;im which Wngner had been
driving, but he himself could not be
Mic then went back to Lancaster, where
she pu.'ehasod a five-barrel led Allen-revolver.
Tho next wo hear of Mrs. Wagner,
she suddenly appeared before Isaac while
he was f - (liiii; his horses, three miles
from town. words passed between
them, nnd n ho turned to pns nround
the w."gon. he lired, and shot him in the
t back As ho ran toward the house, the
Mood flowing profusely Irom tho wound,
she lired a second shot, which, however,
did not take eli'ect. She followed him up,
until he wv.s taken into the house by
those present, nnd the door was closed
ii'.'.iin-t lite infuriated woman, who bran
dished her revolver nnd declared she
I would shoot thotil man who d ired to
interfere with her. She thun walked o.T
! out the turnpike, which was the last we
heard of her no one present venturing
i nt that tpno to nrre-t her
nt that ti'iio to nrre-t
In tho meant into, Wagner's clothes were
removed, when it .vas ascertained that the
ball had fairly entered his back, making a
hole .rj enough for a finger to enter,
but, notwithstanding, tho wound bled
Wngner denies hnving been married to
the woman, but nduiits having lived with
her some tim niro.
There is a strong probability that the
; wound will prove more fatal than was at
I first supposed,
! Mrs. Wngner lias been arrested, nnd
! committed to prison.
I One of the humanitarian movtnicnt of the
j timet, although little known as such, can
j hardly bo over estimated in its importance
jupon the well being of our widely scat-
! I''1 communities. The population of
' tho American States is in many sections
? "H'c
., that skilful Physicians are hard-
uvuiliiiilo 111 Un til, v list ituinPeis ol
iour people, nre obliged to employ in. sick
ness, such reliel as they can hear ol trom :
e.ich other, or indeed any they can get
from uny iiartor. Hence arises the great
consumption of Patent Medicines among'
us, greater by far than in any of the old;
..,,.,...;..., .. 1..,,. ui-iir.,! i'i.;;,n....n.
L.'uitui, .-, ,' I", 1. in 11, 11 , 11 , -iv 11, 1, r- (, 1 ,i,.-
i' 1 1
eess.bletoall C asses I, nplincipled men
have long availed themselves of this lie -
cossity, to palm oil their worthless nos-
trums, until the word has become synony-
mous with imposition and cheat, linenf
our leading L'heinists in the hast. Dr.
i Avf.r, is pursuine a course which defeats
this i ni in i t v. He brines not only his own
hut the best skill of our t mes to bear, for
, -" I'rouucnon 01 mo oesnoiiieuios nnitn
nun ! ni'iiliv fI 1 1 ii'i tnirt 4-11 r i .1 1 m 1 iii ti-ri
. ... , , .... .. ... ...
world, in a convenient form, at low prices,
i1-"'1 the people will no more buy joor
medicines ins-tend of good, ot the sumo
!est. than they will bran instead of flour.
1 I1C lllf VIIHUIU llIIMMJHflH'W Ol tills 10, lUilli
tho vilo comiKiundH that flood our country
aro iliscarueu lor llioso Winch Iionostiy uc-
complish the end iu view, which cure. -
Do we overestimate its importance, in Bo-
flint iliic titsnattfii-'t eT tit-i .liiniinn
-""( - i" '-i."
he byword mechc.nes, with those of ac
- tual worth oml virtue, is lrought with im-
! ,n i ii an cnliaflfil.ntici 1 ie tin ml lilliA ttlDkani
- . ......
ofonr people. Owttt ntiJ rhv.t I'm, In.
1 1 1"
I I. .
.., !( .Ml ' 1
I 111 I" 1 " I '. '
V, . . I I'l I"
t .1. M . I1'. V "
.tr , . to! 1 '', "
I h
fl" t
,, l!
'., I', h
.... . i ,.' h
I', k
1,'lf. t .,!,.'
I" ', t
r "i 1 """i '
I I ll l, n, .1 1 . I I i i I "
It . I . I , I I'M
I A. I nil.n
I nil..
ll .1 , I I, M. I
Ii t, 1 1 nl't I'd A
V . II I '. II .'I
i . ,, .i . nil 4 I
Jt ll ll.", H. I'
.n, i fl. A t Ii
finlilMM, H
M. Hi i l nm I Viip
,!. , i ll'ii'Vrr,
W in. II. Ki.i Iii.
.1. Hn.f, Im, In .1 ",,
1,1, Mn Imili mi l "iti'll,
M.itiin V. I o i.'li. Mii'lilni
Hull 1. 1 O r, 11 II
.. I'Mifii, ,1'it.n" M. I.ii.i.ii li
II Ar.tu'.T si. 'I I'mO'ii, I's'i't w I'". Am'',
rt nl, Jmi'ih M. I.pmI'SI.I, l .l .l.n II. M i I'll.
I.IH 1 PH Al-Ji'l IlM-l 1 KII.M, J( Ni; 27,
I.ioul.1 ('. l. bulf, II I'. W. llitrri'tt, Annul nrrjr,
.IV... i:..i,a II llnm tit, 'I Kill'. H Mail I" sii'l
Miiiiilt, Jul. n lil.ii.nt, Al I'.lu in, Ji'lin
lltinii.iy, v. J. II, lliicniil, H. K- I'fini'. ") "'
Inn sinl I'litri'ft, 'llinti.tii l i.n i i, v Mum k niel
Itrmuioninn, A. f. ,Mi K iimry, vn CjihikI Iii"'.
Julm Miill.eiij, It. y. (iilil.iin, )"'! Anml I,
i isnuo 1'tMiniii.x'ii et nl, Jan. il- nouiinril, l
It. mill .1. l.ciniiiiil ct ul, lli.riidima, ct m, is
hsira ml llltiir, .Imhili V. Hiniili, v .lurcph;
U II Ml II III"! J.U, 'I, HI ,.).,",.'" I ' I ' '
t i. i t i v,.u I..,,,.,, Kk.iIx n,i (. o.. t
Ur"y " ilu, John ininnoy, t ihuiu .hij,
(.stilin ue Hmilh, n Juliu llnriuojr,ltoii(S'iix ""O
.)omiili ljti,iiip ts
v r uiiiinro
'J'n.. vs 1'iuwiurJ uullu-
! her, l.uwia I. Illtiom, i t l'ulrick Uoliin, Hebeeca
howls H si, v Wnircn fliawsnn it al, Tlioiupsoii
'"'. "S''u. J'""i vawi, or-, '
3i 'M
JAS. T. LKOXAUD, Proth'y.
Monduy, 2U Uuy.)
Itecdla wi ltnl.oit Potter, S iiiiuil Hi'Knrty.
Krnily h p Tolln-rt Hull".
i'vsi'.i'orJ twp J.ilin 1'i'ters.
Uot;gs twp llulantt l'aust, L. W. Miinnon.
Iturnriilo tivp Jiuihh tSHViigc.
Clcurfield llur'o. Duvi.l ll. Xi-vl'inR.
Covington tp Ji.lin Jlriol, UaviJ tit. Clair.
Curweiinvillo llor'o. Ilnuiol I.iTinj,'ston.
Fcrnution tp Csnpcr lloi'kcnl.crry.
Oinirtt lp (Jeorjjo Sliiury.
Uni-hen tp Imuic W. (Irulintn.
Oraliam tp Jneoli Williclm.
Lawrenee lp-J. II. Iloisey, Hugh Innghurty
l't un tp Jusupli 1' Miirliu
inn tp Joaopli V iMarliu. ..
ike tp John Hinith Jr, James b tulilweu,
OootiO A. lilniilll.
I'nion lp 1'. II. r.niif.
Wuodwanl lp l'.obt. Mnilicm, Iici.j. Stevens.
Ti:AVia ji'iuiits.
Bucciiria tp Julm isinnv, llol.ort Mcrracken.
Boll tp Jam 's M'ltliee, K'lwurJ liiooks, Julin
Mi'lJmcken, .lolin Hiu ttor ;
Brady tp M II l.utlicr, Miclinel Resingcr, M.
J Porli'r, Jiiuivs Miles, Jiiuob Kuntz ;
Urniiliiril lp Diivitl llitubem, Jiiraos Orabftin,
rcUT Grullius, .lubn l'orli.r, Win. Anti ti ;
Buruniilu tn Suinucl Weiiuier, Julin J'itiunu,
I iri.nniii Fii. Win. llllttim :
I'li n rlh lil lSur'o A K Wrk.'lit, John 0 Loruin,
ns-jWm.M.n ; vicminr,-, l ia
; Win. Uuliun ;
Onrwensvillo Burn.'
, . . ,
...,. 11 , if itn. L.t'Vl r-tllPO
" ' '
Decatur ti. Juoob (, Julm Ilugboe, W ,'
W Klittiv, II F Linjjle.
Fergunen tp Samuel Ftioup ;
(iirard lp S"M C'oudrii t;
Gofheu tp Tluima u'rnhnin, MaUln w Tate.
James A Jead ;
(inihnin lp Amos Ilubler :
Kuox tp Lewi Kihnrd, Abr. Hoover : (
Lawrence tp U'lUiatu 1'auii.U, Jaenb I'.arp-'
eter ;
Jorrie tp .lumen Billon :
Pike tp Kli.-lia .lADowel, I) B Bitter Benj. '
Hartshorn, Jr, t'lliott KratZ'T :
I'nion tp .l;itlhia lliillnpelcr, Xatli. Binc
V'udwnl lp Thoinae ll,.iilcr"on.
stio.iii wbek, (27th n.vv.) 1
Bcrenria lp A K Pluiff. Asa livers.
l!ell tp Jaine Fi ler. .1 .if pli Invon ;
It, g, tpenry Sonibur.i, Kninin l I'owrll ;
Brady lp Jos. 1'iMili-wsite, Peter A.-licnt'elier.
lira. If ird tp lii'lm. l S"U:
Btirnsido lp Robert Owens, J"bu Wa.rner ;
Cheat tp Hugh liallnber, John Fry Nelson
Clenrfiel l E"re Jam-s l.eavy, Bavid l.itz ;
Covington tp John 11 II1171.0I:
Cnrwen.-ivillo Burn Win. B.ird, Tlioinn R if-s ;
Beentur lp John S F.niik, Andrew Baujli
ni:in ;
Fox tp ChriKtiiin Nulpb ;
flrahnin tp John W Turner;
Il'jf'.ou tp John B Hewitt;
Jordan tp James JeXeil. Jie-epH Padersun ;
Karlhaua tp-J C JeCU..-ky, Frank J.'e'iar
rev 1
I.awrenee lp Simon Carns, Ignalnu 1 bomp
con ;
Lumber City James Crosaley :
l'enn t .lainis I'ouk :
I'iko i, Fobn S ltlooin, Geo. B Dale;
I'nion tp David Dressier;
Woodward tp Samuel Hejartv.
A meeting of (lie Clearfield County Agrinil
turnl hoeiely," will be held nt the ('unit
House, in the borough of Clcartiel.l. on Wednes
day evening of the week of thu June court.
The Vice I'recidenls are cspei ially requested lo
be in, as tbre will be business of im
portance to ti'tnsnct.
F.T.T.1S IRWIX, Pres't.
T. J. Mcf vi.i.nvfin, Sec'y.
Juno 8th, ISi'J.
l'umps ! Tumps ! ! Pumps ! ! !
rjlbe undesigned would rot-peet fully announce
X to the etuii'iis of Cluartield ri.iinly that
he baa comnieneed Iho above business in
whore lie intends to keep on band the best article
ol pump kind. Ibeyuro no made out of iron,
copper, link, or galvanized chain, but of tho very
best of YLL1.0W PINF. For the estimation in
which they aro held by others, see the following :
The only reliable pump now in use.
Dr. A. 41. Bills, Clearfield.
71ie only pump wortn having.
G. B. Ooo'llander, Luthorsburg.
Tbe least liable to get out of order of any pump
in use, Lever Flcgul, Luthersburj,',
Works excellent in a forty feet well,
Jai. Caldwell, Tike tp-
A good and reliable pump.
Thus. RnfTarty, Tenn tp.
All orders addressed to the s tibseriber nt Cur.
weuville, will be promptly attended lo.
Curwensville, June I, lSill.
w , , . . ,
rrihere is now an opporlunily fi r iill to nrocare
pU-.ure. oftheniselve, and friend.,
, jiw undersigned has lilted up Booms in Sbnw'i
new building, where he will rcinuin a short timo.
l' iu fine gold or done 011 rcuMimi-
1-otic. i. hereby giren that the part .ersblp
hcrctnforo existing between James Mullen
and John the ntercantilo nnd lumber
ing business at mulsonsburg, in Covington town
ship, Clearfield county, h is been dissolved.
Juno 0, JbiD.
All pf rooi arehirobj onutionod apainst pur-
chnsing or meddling with the following named
property in the posiession of Hiohard Danrer,
Jr' 'no "niw ana oiacit eow, pne spring calf,
"Ve hog, one tjonkinir stove, one bed and burl.
, dinar, one Uit.lo and one elnck hi,h i . .
CLl X 7. .id
Kichard Banver. Ir.. on loan nnlv. anhiAMt In m.
.1 i, , . .... . -
, un.
' June I-t, !'
til 1 1 M
I I'
. I I
1 ' ' I ' M . , l! .
'l 1 J"" , I ' I
i ti
I t
I I,
" I ' I 'll' I l
' t f ll i l ,,, (
In limn.
I Ii l't
t, .1 on -
" ll
Mo I t - ,
"r f't.'. "i !
m i" " n..n., i , n,
.till! ! I
I', n
i,l"'Mll !, l,n
Mini r f A I'i
ti-f I,.
n H i. a..
i.!,'l"t-ii'ii,. , n il,
I '1 1
ft. A
i ... i, i i .il I i i .i ...... . . '
fl. A!l ..r..i,.i Iti.l.'lili .l !.,., I ,.,, ;M
Iti.iiii'.liiili. liHMu iit, n4 liH.. all,, h-,. ,.,
Kill .t i-(sn( llll III rlillf Bllllicill, nili ( j
('mm, i;-'., ( liiiirili l l, i r !, mn. '
. . . . - Til.
' M V. JOtlX,T0S
tFiilii l'., Juno I'd, IS. 'ill lit ,
Ol'' I'AHI MOU-inn,
I l.o pni lnrrliii
ll(Ti i,fiiin
II. in'Kim A II. hirn, Ii thin rfur ilt,.,i...i
i it v rii'iitrr. nrrritii'i win mi
fTI it'll 1,1,
lli'iirr K,,rni. In nliiixn Iminli i ,a i l. ..
" .' ..... .... n H
linn inn rommn. n. KKHX.s,
Juno Iff !S6?.
All ,ermn nre li.'ri'l.y raulionej Kalnr.t p,ir.
ebnuing or uii"Iillin wiilt a eerlnln unite and rcj
eow In tlm pi.snonii.n nf Rii linid Uauver, jr., and
la left w ith bitu uu li.nn only, iniliioot tn ni'. or
May l.t, 1S5'J. 1
' A H porioni nre herul.y i nulioneil againfe fur. "
I J cbiiliR or iiii'iillnjr li illi tlio rnllowinj tjr,..
t rilii'il prupni ty, now in Iho KHe witn of Otlo C. :
liink : on 'I cooking stort', Iwu Imdn and bedding
one ol.lKluL uuut,, ouu iiuuia enetti, one Mi'
cbuim, one t quiti'iiswnre, ai the tame bclon"
to mo, eiil.jiM.'t to my i.rdi r. .,
limy -illi, 186'J-Jt. pd. ,
S II n RIFF'S saijx :
I)Y virtuo i)f sundry wrilti of Venditioni Ex
) ponns und Fieri Fafim lKsued out of tin
C.iurl of Common l'ioai ofOlenrfield County, and
i to uiulirefted, will bo oxpo.wj to public wvlo at
(,(irt lllUf0 in ,10 uorUg. of I'leiirfield, on
Mnlitliiy, tho 1'i'tli uny of Juno,
A. D. 1 159, the.
following tleacribcd real ei'.alo :
A certain trai t of land, Mlnitlo in
t.iwn!iip, Cluarli.'ld t'ouii'y.eiiiuaiiiing 397 acrei
bounded ns follows Iit gitining nt the wost cor
ner of tho Thulium Slew unison survey, thence
down the ."iisrpielmnnn river, its courjes nnddii
lances l.ij pen-lies to Iho north east cornerof
tho enmo survey, tlituto ilium? hiiiic went IKi
pereltoi to place of beginning ; with a law-mill, ,
dwelling hiiiLso und barn creeled thereon, aotli
bout urros cleared. Auo a tra,:t of land
bounded us follows : Beginning nt sUiae on,
iotith west corner of old ill aft culled "Chestnut,"
ol 'J'homai Utewnrdson survey, by land fornnrljr
njld to Leotuir I Kyler and oilier?, south S.'iJ, tait
IjS perches, tbem ii south SS dog. east 95 lurch
es to stuiiia by ('. W. Kyler purchase, thence
ii 'rlh 4 deg. east, 1 I'D perolice to wuiteoak,
thence by same soulli, SG tleg. ejL, and 7-10
perrhei to u pout t.u the bank of the aforeaaid
river, thenee up the same iho several counsel
thereof, lo the c truer of Iho Thomas P. Cope and
Tin, ilia btew iirdsun sui veyi, south 2 deg. went,
..uu pori h.B to place of beginning, containing'
-10.1 ai res uiure or les, with about 7 acres char,
ed thereon. Seiied, taken in execution und la.
be sold uj the pn.peiiy of William Woolridgo..
Also All ilefeniluiils interest of, in anil Uti.
41!) acres of land in Chest "towniip, Clisivfiiid,
o inly, bounue 1 by land of Anthony .Vliorvey
Kobett J'Ferrin, John .1 Terrin, Frederick Fra
lcy und others, with a emull log house, a lor
barn and uhuut 10, acres of cleared land thercoiv
being Ihe same premtseti bought of ltooert JifS-
nel.1 and Juuics bile from Hugh Loedk Aleo
aliout l.OU neres of bind r-ituato in Burnside aoi
liell townships, Clea' field ciutily, lunded north
by binds of Louis J ll m il, eat by I.tmIs of Jujsjh.
.1 Jurrny, south by Inn !? of 1-oia.c Leo, und wen
by liimis of Snydur. with a large log boui-
(ueaibcrbo.iided with frame kitoluin. a larjs,
ne iv bank bain, bearing orebird, anil having'
' about !;(l lii-res (let. led Imtd tl eresu. Also a
' bit of hiiid in Newliurg. Cbe.-t township, frunlinj
upon iv.atn itrcet, (lliu rend lo New Washington,!
a Ijoiniiig liilnu' ol l.eing ('3 leet In Iron!
' und Kim feet 111 ilepi'.i. niir, ).ir(. f.70 jtury
fraino dwelliiiL' and store I10U.-0 theieon erocted.
Also threo l,li 111 the borougii of .umber City
being tlio saute pi utilises bou-lit by Hubert .Mich-
t.t ls ttutii Slioeiti.iker. bounded as follows, v
fieived, I:, ken in exeutiun, and tj be si ll as lb
property ot ut iebtii'l" ,t Vi'orrell.
Also nn itmltvi I, d half, part of a err tain tract
of land, situate ill Chest tp., Clearfield coutt'T,
; surveyed on warrant granted to Afivlael musier
Coulaii.iitg 4 i l at res, moro or kvs, bounded by
bud? of A mil' ny lu'liatvey, Botctt in'l'heraa,
, John ui'Pbvraii, Frederick Frulcy, an,! others
having 11I, out L'j acres ch ared, nnd a log buss
nad sinble thereon erected ; being the saiae
preinies which Juntos W hile, et. tlx., by deed
recorded. Ac., granted to Tbomna m.ihfttfcj, ia
fee. isei.od inkeii iu exeeuiion, nnd to be suit
us tlte properly of "lliotiius inuhtitiey.
Also--iiefeiidants interest in lots Xo's 4(1, 11,,
and 4:1. situntv in the Ikrongh of Curweuivillo,
Cleai -field county, l'a., bounded by Tulbert street
on the west, tin alley on south and east, and
Geoiyc street on the north, lot No 42 lying be
Iween said lots, having a dwelling house, Urn
house, und other ouihuuseg thereon erected,
!ei7.ed, taken in execution, nnd to be sold as lbs
property of .Samuel B. Taylor.
AUo -a certain tiaet ol land, situate in morris
township, Clearlield county, IV., containing CI
acres, with about 4 1 acres cle ired thereon, ad
joiniug liuids of Win. m. England, Potior anl
others, ntlh a two story lug house anl ban
ll ereon. Soiled, taken iu execution, and te bs
sold as tbe propi r:y ol John Davis.
Also By virtue of a writ of l itri Facial the
follow in real estute, to wit:
A cetlain ti n t or piece of land, Blunt ll
Bccraria township, Clearfield county, contain!
one hundred and fifty seres, bounded south by
Clcurlield creek, west by land of Wliitssiilss,
uoitli by hind of uiilo , cast by land ot r-'.crnW
oOju rea cb aied und log house and barn tiiereva.
Sui.ed, taken in execution, und to be sold as las
property if Buhcrt in'Ctucken.
Fit KB F KICK (i. MILLEIt, PheriX
fhcrifTs Ofliee, Clearfield, June I, 1S0D. .
IV'OTICK is hereby given, that the followi"
X iiecounts have been examined and f iwss
by uie, and rotutiiu tliel of record in tliiiofh'
' for tho iiispuulion of hoirg, lef litres, crud t rs,
' nil others ill uny oilier wny interested, and ul
j be presented to the next Orphan's Court of tlesr
I field County, to bo held at tho Court U-Use, hj
tho borough of Clearfield, commencing on the ltd
Monday of June, lSaH, lor coiitinnutioi and
lowiiiice ;
Tho linal account of Willinn K. Wang
ley Adiiiistrutoi of tho cslate of Iloliert
Wrigley Ki n late of limdlord lownshipi.
Clearliehl counly, deceased,
i Tho testamentary account of HenTJ
! Kephurt acting Executor ol the last will
! testament of Abraham tioss, the elder
lllte of Decatur township in
i 'nri;.,i,i ,i,.,,n.,l
the county
- 1 ... ,. . t f .Tohn
- 1 J hc A.lniin.stnit.on account of dj).in
I -''ens and John Norris, AdnuniM"
' of all and singular Iho goods and chattel
.;..!., l i;i n.i.;.,i. .. ,.r of Let I
11111.9 11114 i;i.-.ll'n, n 1 1 -- ,-
Uwcns late of Tike township, Cloarfioia
county deceased.
May KUh, 18.50. " '
a mild fimnfc
(i.hcrtifemt1 1
To all wanting Farm, tee.
Ilammonton Ixiwis.
AH wanting to rmiiratc t
unoil foil, and fine market, rre
7A.Tmmo-ii).'. loKtl,