Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 25, 1859, Image 3

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    a list or i..:t.iu:i,.s
. T . . ,.u v--1 lif Al'i'liij,)!,), 14 ntl, rrn),,i,.t.. t, i ,irottM,r, ,R J S?x Sf
. J.I1I..U ii,.,u..,ii.i.ii,i,. li'jr'L""'"-.'"''- ' rn.i Ii.i,i ,,,,:; - ' O (-
"' ' ''" fir"'?'
.....,.;... r 11 tnlkliii? about iiiit i..t i ... i.i.,..i L , .. . , .. ; mi my religion,
im " l" ' '
or forkiun and homkktio
1 the Cinty if Clrmfcltt fur the year l.sV.I.
. . ... -1 . . M II I ' MUM MMII'll' IV 1 1 I . I 1 .1 I J.,1 I 1 . I . ... , . . ' . " " " J
Til MUM W'CI'C ' largest in till ,,l,,., , , T " F'um .mucin i-iuiy 10 fliuri h, it i
Ki-tion of tU Slate, and llool to ,10 country u.. ... a p. X " i,;? ' 7, 11 . "u'1 "l0
And wo bHieve, it nmnv'a
part of
Kmilli. Hhodcs Matt. A atoi-o Oil tllO hllliifcl. (if klnv..iv 1 1 ... f I. ...... i,
. it, .,.!,' ..;:, Aii I ' ,"mv,",:iru.",,y.ronP,,g'iton made it
ml a number oi dwelling nouses, were , , ,' -"V "ecu in tiu-tr religion ml to twist
" i (111 1 I I n lin ! ! u In imi ...i:i!. aI . : 1 - . . '
,ntirelv consumed, and no rapid were tlio!fi m, " i " , i. ' . ' ' '"' ."i'1"1 0111 ('' J"lnl ,0 wiIiipm
".hat not eve,, the and ! r..l . Z : , .? ' " " "V 0VtM'V V "ho passes ,m
iiaiii - ...... ! Miiiiii vf i i ci ir '(i innwi..iiii.t .....a i iii
iw. 11 O.IKl no
a nrt of DAYS f,.r full rn,,n 1 tl, Irn i'Kt Cul.
J. Ih liirgK.t incut cxteiikivcly mtruni.l
fed mid lif.t crgiuiiii'ii C'DPimoronl SJiuul In llie '
luiloil StnU't.
dontli. Tlio fiw originatoil from ono of
their neckH al
the Hiitriiiico
tho niHlu of
Wter both
il. ! .
H,,. ,i .. , , i' nun inuir reunion. A
Hut whenever these orators ..ross aluisn ,f roli.rm.w '.
we.iring nilarol within couM be tomhumI, i whosiMiMUMnjaion nut lo entirely ihoir' tor their nrek
CI'OPS IVO lllO.lll tin; r, lio.riT. ..,,. .....
iha dwelling liouses orcuiicil by ono of servo his nature, ,i.H iuhits, liis low intel-
tlio cmi'loyees nt tho JhllH, by a clove )''et and (lel.asej uihtinets, iliey aiet'oiced,
.ovpiul children narrowlv cHcnood i .
n liltv ------ j - . - -- i ,. , i . ,
' " .V " K ' "e- imios liecls liarsh Hied e nn n a
W . i . . ......
niI,Cn1isiiinthroiiPlill.eroof.Tlioniiioiiiit;inll,'T',.U,,'ir nt all. to ex- ,-,, MctltuiHttt:
v'.. ..: l. .. i . . . .
K'u nnojiied i.y jionry tlay
l ean, v. ho was at ono ehaiiiain ol
I'onproM. Tho anecdoto k iron, thu lt-
U Urge; neither did we learn whether ilhiiation, wo o t ho
(Lore w.i3 any uisurunca upon it.
extract, lioiu an article in the Mav num.
ono nflcrnoon by this
lirat't U'.e 111 hm fmivinirnti..ti M i.
ollnwin j lu-au Hiiji.ii.;il iii liis k. i iiw.i.'' i .
1......!' .1... All... r.. 1.. .1. . I '
Tr. Weatukr for omo time back, has "i, "I "" fi 1
lnr- , , , ' . 'radically opposed to shivery as an ln.stitu-
bcenof the ini).-t delightful I'haraeter tor I tion ; tho article is said in bo from the
enjoyment and tlie niot.t favorable for the (pen of Iiichard II. l;ma, Jr., of Huston,
growth of vegetation that could be de-1"1"1 j? milled "A Trip to Cuba" :
Ldor imagined; and as a conSe.,uence . '! ,! ,'" M, -N,au n 12 'M t'"'
wrcuur. b , i sixth day hoin our dop .rlure, counting
Terytlling ftwii vnu w-u me icma "-itlio tllst as one. Ihe iir-t featui e discel II i
npiinriis of humanity with nhich we
occasionally meet,) is in the most flourish,
ing condition possible. Tho season to all
appearances is throe weeks earlier than
the same a year ago, and if no "untimely
frost" nips the plants and blossoms that
nature so generously and profusely nour
islios, we may expect u most plentiful
'o Pater. Wo were compelled to
omit a paper last week by circumstances
over which we had no inlluence. We had
ordered paper which should have reached
us in good time, but which was delayed
two or three days, and when it did come
proved to be entirely a dilTerent article
ble was n tail pionp of cocoam.t trees,
"iow, you listen to ino, and I'll tell
you who tho people are, as each of them
eo. nes in."
lie then went on with his un
til pentleinan entered, when ho banded
out like an usher, " Iioacon A., who keeps
tho shop over the way," and then went
on w iin his sorinoii.
1'rcseiilly, another man passed up the
aisle, and liu lruve his name, residence.
375 Students
iTMil tiMu to coiid.-o a full courP, from 0
to 10 wi'eln. Kvory Sl.idont, npon (tradunlitiK,
1 gUMKul.M'd lo ba emnpvtent to iimnngo tlm
ImkiIh of nny Luainon, anil qnutilicd lo euro
lary of from
500 to 1000 Dollars.
Studculii rutcr nl any lime No Yuvalion Re
view at plontsiire.
51 Premiams for best Penmanship a
warded inlS58.
Minister' Sons reooived nt half prio.
TCT-For Cireulnr nnd Sppciiiirnn of M'ritiui;,
ini'lii two li'llor slnmiH. and addrrM.
F. W.JliXKlXS, l'illlnirKli, IV
Wll. A. H AI.I.ACK.
I. A.
A. I'.
... . i i i . i i ...
V.UU WI.ICU l lie islan.l in IK-UU leousl V lent h- ul,d occunalioi. : l.n ..i, ,1 IV
ci'p.l : the second was u group of neproes j ijh.
in a small boat, btee.i,. towards us with j At' length Homo ono entered the door'
open-mouthed and wh.te-toothcd wonder. ho was unknown in Mr I) ,,l,r.
- ......... ..i.i, .null, iiiw .1
lioal ot little around the care; ss of
out, ''A little old mail, ith drab coat and
an old whito hat ; don't know him look
for you-selvcs."
That congregation was cured.
a giant ivhale. There wore many neirroes,
together with whites of every grade, and
some of our number, lcaniii" over the
sme, saw ,or no .nne toe raw mate- W (JoT TnB jMomkv ?, ;orr(.t SmilI '
mil out , which Northern llumanitan-!,,,,,,,,,,.,, ,llitt in N(,n. y,,,.,. , f ;
ans have spun so fine a s kern ot compas- j wiu. cnm.assili 1C SliU for ( iov. -nor' i
sion and Rvmpnthy j (Ilt ,,., $0()no ,u nj(, ;
Now, -e who write, and they for whom I (lf 1C r h Kul)sa ..,u, , .r , ,
.. .... u. i. .....OA nii.s;,u to isj-ovi,,. ,vh,i it
unduly iiicsui(iii : e nave an inauo our
ganhing anb Collation Office!
or '
C L K A K F I K L 1), !
ai l'oiic on
what good it had done " Pin t ol l ho mo
ney has .since been accounted I'm . (iov
ernor Uobinsonof Kansns, in a httcspcrch, !
uiiorius tliepul.liu tluit ral Jim Lane
confession of faith in private and in pul
lie : we all, oi suitable occasions, walk up
and applv tho match to the kei? of sun-
from that inten.lea, Kent us by nnstaice i powucr wiacn is to mow up urn t nion, .ms ,)0,.kf.te( P1K, thousand two hundi
which uo coul.1 not use at all, ln" . sV'huw, at ti.e critical nw- dolturtiiilinrilcnshoutof IJrotli.-rSniiihV
, ,.. , incut, fails to ignite. Hut vou must allow 1 ,.:i
fcr printing ourpapor upon ; and although w ierviCM wh.sner-lverv small and 1 ",0,
we had more on the way it did not reach do. v. The m gr.) of the. North U an ideal BbvuTho Talis papers t II
us in time to remedy the mistake. negro; it is the negro rclinod by white g?r'd hick tlfnt nunc to n Hhcpherd boy who
culture, elevate ! by white hlo. instruct-. piekect up, nnil returneil lo fount a
ed even by white iniquity; the ne'ro ht which was blown Irom the (.'ount's
ig negroes is a eonnc, grinnin?, flat-1 head in, the car, to the resilience of the
d, thick-skulled creaturp. n jr 1 v as ! hid by a gale of wind. The Count nlaved
BI1.I.K lir txvll AMiK, NOTKK ASP IillAfTS niseflt'VTKI)
Di:iosMi HKcr.ivr.D, '
Cvlo-l'oiw math; utul weeds prumjitti, remitted.
lAi limif mi tlio C ities ruiihtunlly I
on linnil. I
Str-Oflico on Mnrkut ftroet, opposite the rci-'
.lenee of Jus. 1!. ( mini in, linj.
XEiv sihim; am) sh'mmi:k ;ooi)s
Market Xt. Cleared.
to nu-i.
T. K. Am. ild,
8t m ii e Arn.ilil,
R. II. Moorn,
lli'liorliB A Ko,
Jurnli Kiinu,
CnrliiU Co.
llnrrctt A Co.
A. Montgi.iiiprv, with Mipior, 11
J.iitn(i r i'lti (mroityk.
.l.din Frrgiimn,
Julm Jlrooumll,
Vriglir & Co.
Ilcnry Swnn,
MrMurry A lUxorty,
lHvid Medeimii,
l(usoll MvMiirrjr,
Allison .1 Unydor,
K. McMaKtora,
Jninei MoMurry,
l'Htuliin A .Son,
Lcwii Smith,
Wold k Dirkcaon,
Win. Levin,
J. Cooper,
Snmuel Hagorty,
11 oorfirari. iupton A Co.
Tlimnns JJenderion,
Whitiuer i. Co.
Jainea Forrest,
Martin Stirli,
fJunccwtvilU hvruuijh
Wm. Irvin,
I'li.a lrvin A Sons,
Wm. Mcllrido,
A. Montgomery,
John l'utton,
J. D. Thompson,
F. (ioodwin,
roMiiinn & Torki,
J. F. Stiner,
The Avencer. We this week publish
the conclusion of thh very interesting
tory, and trust that all our readers have
1 v. 1 ; 1 ......... 1. 1. . ,.r 1 . . 1 .11.. nl 1. ,r. ,,,,.i,.t (,il. .. 1, 1 1, (,. , . .. y .. I. ...I
, , , . . .. V.. II II . I It, V it ll.VJ ill.. I' . l I.'. II. ..II , C 111. Ill I l.ll'. I'! '" 11. fcl. II ' 'II tr. (I f I" ...i... 1
been as much pleased w ith it M we we.e .,,,;,;, "(0 ,)0 ot 1K. sn to 11MV in tho i ho had first proposed to give the boy,) an.l
when we perused it. world. View him as you will, his stock jgnve lha l id the winning. In.iHUl rraiicx.
e might also add that we conclude in in tr.idj is small ; he has but (he tan
Lie instincts ol all creatures lovo ol
IIavim; I'iI'.i'kivk.h, a lnrgc and well nelected
iisH'iliiH'iit i f Doiiiestie, Staple, mid Fancy Dry 1
GooiIj of ulinost every description, the publiek in ;
Ki-neml are invited to pive 1110 a. rnll. Among!
the Fancy Hoods may be found, mch as ,'
.1.;, .,n.i.nv ..11 ,.f "i ivr.l'.'... S.i . " 1I..11 1 "IP instincts 01 all creatures lovo 01 li!e
llll.iiuiiimi,uvi ' -" " ....... ....-, ,
. . . , : ol ease, nnd ol ollsrirms. 1 or nil else, be
will appear in our columns, and we sup- j must (() svhool 'to tlu, wUUp nw.t Bllt,
pose we ought to apologize to our readers! i, discipline must be long and laborious.
forugain cheating with a piece of a story, Na-sau, and all that we saw of it. suggest
ed to us the unwe'como (pio-stion, wiietn
er compulsory labor be not better than
none. Hut as a question I gladly leave it.
and return to the siinphj narration of
what befell."
but we did so on a former occasion, and
do not care about repeating the excuse,
We shall not again oll'end in like manner
unless wc change our mind.
Court. Our court last week was a small
afTiiir compared with Dur former May
courts. The business transacted was only
what could bo disposed of without the in
tervention of juries, an abstract of which
will be found in another part of this paper.
llie next court Mil he held on the tinru
Monday in June, and will be a jury court.
A Tritium. k Death -...-''-. Kcl.ks
7V(T7' fur AiKUSi-inriit. (i.u.i.uiv, Penn.,
April "J4. A dreadful accident ha just
occurred at the Law School, about fifteen
miles from this place. The students were
trying (illustrating) tlio Sickles case in
muck court, when the young man who
took the part ol Sickles jerked out a pis
tol, wlncli no
Hid si.oi 1, is ran
tt-jf Thp "modern Athens" is sett'ng a
had example for the outside portion ol ere
ation. At the National Theatre, I'.oslon, piny called "Sickles, or the
Washington Tragedy," litis been brought
out. This shameful and d-Hgu.ting out
rage upon the feelings ol the unfortunate
actors in the Washington affair, is com
mended by the critio of tho Hoston Ledger.
Sore Nipple, Healed Kreasts, and .ill!
diseases consequent on nursing, are cured !
by the use of DU V ALL'S GALVANIC1!
OI L. All pain lemoved in a short time. j
Try a liottlo only ")0 cents. !
newspaper devoted to Literature und Agri- j
culture, idso settim: forth full aeco mts of I
did not know was loaded,; the new settlement of llammonton, in
most intimate friend, who. Ne.v Jersev, cm be subscribed for at "5 1
Ir You Want gool cigars, and of course ,V11S taking the part of Key, through the cents per annum.
vou do if vou want anv. co to the new! chert. Mr. Tap took the part of Sickles
Drug and Variety . Store, on Market street, h"-1 Mr. I'.urke the part of Key. It is a
r. , , ., p t. t very sad thina. but the shot was purely
opposite the late residence of Dr. Lwuii.,1 ;,,cmaL l t wa8 ttt first thought Mr.
nd lieo. Kheein will furnish you with ttiul ii( would recover, but mortification
choice article. We have puffed them in I has taken place. Mr. Tap ha suffered so
more ways than one and ought to know I much in mind 1 hat ho has two or thrpe
. Mimes trior; to Kill himself, but been prp-
) vented by his young friends. I hope this
! 1.- .n i 1 1 1 m n t.'iiri.ilii. til ( 1 1 A Vfillliii 11.1.1
here who think nothing of currying lire
their merits.
On the 12th inst., bv Abrahaam Snyder,
Esq., Mr. Iorenzo 11. Rice, of Pike town-
arms, and of showing them upon all ocea-
I sions X. V. A.rprr:.;i.
S.irmTive. t rron A vomif. rnnn ii.'.niffl
ship, and Miss Sarah J., daughter of Hon. j.1(.ksn, y eager, deliverer; himself up to
James Ferguson, of Lumber city. I (Il0 IMiU r.f the au'.horities on last Mon-
' At the residonco of the bride near (ilen j drV evening, stating as a reason for so
Hoi, en May 12th, by Jev. W. U. Kirby, i doing that he had shot a Mr. Keubcn
Mr. Tuiins. to Miss udauetta ; menanis at, .juium i nrua.e on imn nav.
KtitiV. all r.f Cleai fiMd countv. The statement lar ked conlirmation until
On the 1.1th inst., by John, Esq.,
Mr. Patrick (ialiaher, to Mi-s Mary Ann
Ston, botti of Hoggs township, Clearfield
Tuesday evening, w hen a constable from
that township made hi appearance in
search of Yeager. It appear that a diffi
culty has existed between the 'parlies for
somp timp, nnd that liichanls endeavored
On the 10th inst,. in St. rani's church,! to force eager to cave the vicinity by
Columbia, by the Rev. Dr. Alexander j following him with a horse pistol. Yeager
MoLcd, assisted by the Rev. Samuel E. took refuge in the house of a married
Applcton, Charles J. Pisev. to Ruth .sister, where he obtained a loaded rifle
A.vxa. daughter of tho late William Alk-i-' while Richards was approaching fired
ius, all of Columbia. llom n w,,'ow nn1 H,,ot him in the shoul-
W' i ., . '. . , . . Icier. We have not learned the partieu-
We hope that the happy couple just la.s in n;ition (0 , oon,,itioll' of thc
wrting upon hTe's weary journey, may ! WOunded nin. D. mucratic Watchman,
hve a pleasant voyage, and also our best! -
wWm for their future happiness. I Ir'TSST Post Oi mce Rr.tit i.atiov -
11 j We undeiitand tint the I'd!. Olhce De-
On the 19th inst, at tho residence of the : ,,rtment, with a view of obtaining aceu
bride's father in Iiradford township, by ,ttte and rr liable information a to the
the Rev. J. M. (Jau.owav, Mr. John Rote. nulhhcr r,f letters transmitted in the mails,
Jo Miss Christiana, daughter of Mr. Archi-1 ms so "changed the blank form of the
toklShaw. "account of mail sent" as to secure ofli-
Accompanying the above, was a largo cal entries therein of the wr of letters
iii.l ,i v 7 ,. , , , ., j rnm eacu po-i omen uiiis 10 cnauie
Wd delicious cake, brought smiles I)(Tnrtpltn't in tuinn ,0 rol,orl ,,,t.
'he countennncps of the various persons aggregate of letters mailed through
oout the office. Tho cake proved sufli- out the Unite i Stales in each fi.-cal year.
Inclose p'ist;ie stamps for the amount.
Addres-to IC.!ii.r of the Farmer, llam
monton. Atlantic County, New Jersey.,
Those wishing cheap laiH. of the bpst :
quality, in one of the healthiest and most '
delightful climates in the Union. See ad- 1
vertisemont of llammonton Lands.
liAL.ARIXE, DEI! Kit; K,
L.l ir,V,S', riiTXTS, D ?LA I XLS.
and A VAiurrv or otukr
of llrem 0ood ; also an CAteiifivo eloetiou of
the latest and neatest ftylei, nad Lett quality of
plain and funey,
CassluicrcH, Cloths, KiUinets, Satin Vest
ing, Tweeds, Velvets Ac. ,
My stock abo omhraen
an cxtenaire assortment of
Groceries, llardnaiv, Quecna
ware, Druga and Medicines, Cil,
I'.iinta and (iluss, Roots and Shoes, lints,
and Capr, Iionueti, Ready Mad Clntuiiifr,
Stationery, Confectionary, Carpels, Toliaeeo, Ac.
Tofrether with a g:eut variety of Notions,
and other necessary articles. Persons
in want of any thing in the above
line, are requested to examine
the stock of the subscriber
before making their
purchases, as they maybe ennbled to buy to bet
ter advantage nt tho Cheap Cash Store'
than nt any other place in the county. I'roiluce
of every description taken in exchange for goods.!
April 27, 1SJ9. no. 1(5, vol. iv.
E. F. I'renner, Morrisflule, II
1'.. F. Urunner, (2) Kylert'n, M
John Holt,
J. II. (Jrahnui,
Matthew Forsev,
Edward Williams,
Clearfield Loruoyi,
Win. F. Irwin,
Richard Mossop,
Reed A Weaver,
Mi.ore A Kliwiler,
.Morroll A Cartor, A Sons,
C. D. Watson,
(leonro W. Rhecm,
Leonard, iinney A Lo. Urokers Olhce,
Lliia Irvin A Son,
A. 11. Shaw,
Joseph Irwin A Co.
J. Augustus l.ncount,
Williamson F Humphrey,
( 'ilnifton.
the State of New Jersey. Soil among tho
be.-t for igricultural, being a;
good loam soil with a clay bottom. The
land is a large tract, divided into small,
farm, nnd hundrids from all parts of the '
country are now settling and building.
Tlx1 crops can be seen growing. Terms
fro u S15 to 20 per acre, payable within'
four year by instalments. To visit tho
place Leave Vim st. at Phladel
phia, at 7 A. M., by Rilroud for Ham
monton, or address R. J. Hymes by letter. I
See full advertisement in another column. 1
oent for and an ample feast Tor tho entire or during nny speei .ed period or shorter
Prtv and sevrrnl f ' ,u .,, ..., ;,.;.,. duration. J he new banks, calling for his
' " v " ' ..r...n.i.nn in lint'On 1 1 ri Ink (ill itt'il ntd Ift ,,,,
o Prtake. After the disappearance of Z ' ""I ' ' ' nl it is nre.umpd 'that all "'1:. '
liindscy's "Blood Sefirclicr"
Has Created a Ore at Excitement
1'roni tl.c Numerous Cases of
Scrofuhi nnd Cancer
It is for sale by nil respectable Druggists and
Donlcri tlfroughout th United States. I
R.M. LEMON. Proprietor. '
llollidayshurg, Rlair Co. Ta.
April 15, IS59. no 16, voL iv. i
To Collectors of County and
State Tax.
TtllE Collectors are hereby notified than unless
L 'hey pay up their duplicates at or before the
May Court, that oxoiutii.n will issue forthwith.
Ity ordtr of lb. ai d of Coiuiiii.-sioiicr.'.
Clearfield, May 4, ISi'J. 2t. no. 10, vol. iv.
Valuable Farm For Sale.
rpilS Subscriber offers for sale n valuable farm
X fituated in Rrady township, Clearfield Coun
ty, on the Lrie turnpike, threo miles east ol Lu
thershurg, containing
II'iJA Forty Five Acres Cleared,
and in t good state of cultivation. The balance
is wri t. TiMBKni o. The improvements are a
PLAN K 1I01E, well finished, 30 by 24 in
site, arranged for n kitchen to be added being
well calculated for n TAVUKN STAND, having
three room- on the first flo. r, and five on the se
cond j reasonably good temrorary stabling, suffi
cient to contnin twelve horses; thriving young
orchard of choice fruit; and a well which con
tiins au amply supply of the best water. The
land lays in reach of Sandy Creek, so that the
timber ran be hauled to it iii two or three utiles,
on a good level road.
Term, of Sale Cheap for Cash, or in payments
to suit purchasers.
For information apply to the owner on the
May 3, 1809. tf. no. 18, vol. iv.
Francij Coudriet,
Mullen A Mulsun,
With Liquors
P. A. Oaulin,
J. P. Rider,
R. J. Haines,
David Tyler,
Ilirain Woodward,
I l.("H.
Daniel Rrubaker,
John Shcaior,
I M A MM O M II t.A Mi
X,h- n.jl.,,,dXttfcH,,;lt e trW.t;
i'u it VuHtintj
Vbei.ltby (.lace, ttinv liu xiiks f,,,,
AMOt'jir. 1 nua.iei uia, on the Camden and Atlnnti
railroad, New Jerry. An i.M f.lnlthn, rn-.ntlv
, been opened fnf sale, and the fr.f division (
I T 00 1H.0IH1 acres divl.liul up I,,,,, (rmn,r twentv ..
7 AO errs and np ards. The s.,,1 i. t best qoalitv
I . i ! . T ,,trui,'-:lo. IhipricV
7 00 . Ii lo .'S .I..I rs per aer... payable In ,v . unr
T llO lerly yearly n.-tln.t, within a term of four
7 00 year, with Interest. The terms ar ma, ,v,
T Oil in order to !, rupi.l Improvement of the
7 00 land, by enabling rxfrjl ...,.,,,., mnn , t .
'arm. It is iinw exten-ively improved'bv
- no r,",,"'"' "f Ust c.ti.en.V'.f
. 00 New England and the Ali.MJo State. r. ert.
7 o0 ig U, improveinenls. It Isa scene of the grca
7 0U .(est improvement out or Philadelphia. Seventy
; five h..ues have been l,uili fonr months. Prc.
7 00 !,KT ,r"r'"14" "'"t ""'sines, men from the length
7 00 Tvulhu vt I "ion are settling (,cre. It
7 00 "I"1 ''"l1"' t""it liueinesf pines.., on account of Ha
j being in tho midst ofa great livery ar
t.ele raised ou Ibis land tin, I, im.mIiMt ku.
J t,0 ; The water id excellent, and no such lliiiig as te
7 oil 1 ver is known.
7 no I Tho soil is a sandy or clay Inani, nit), a chj
7 flo I ioftWt and ruliniiee ol manures. It is free ot'
1)0 stones am! easily worked. It nbounds largely in
tlieliospbatus, and such is its fertility that from
I Uie crops produced both upon this land and the
7 00 i larZe area adjoining under nilUvation, it will be
found not to be excelled anyahere in tho nroduc
7 00 t'"" cr"1"1 "10'1 artnPt'(l t0 It" market.
7 00 ' 1'be r''or '""y 1,0 "'eM ""'"'o th nl the Mirli
7 U0 I tt"d ",0 ,,ost 1"il" "n'1 vegetables come from
7 00 ! J,'w Jl!r'""y' wlli('l' f annually exported to the
.... i..i ... i.i.i.iui.s oi uoiiars; (lie lund, besidul
being accessible in every way for I'crtiiuei., has
an abundant supply of the best quality of muck
Lumbor and building maler'.uls can be bad cn
the spot at a cheap price, from the mills. Other
mills are now being opened, and brickyards be
ing started ou the ground. A perxoi, can put up
a Iramc tenement for present convenience lor one
l ll ... I (lnlt.irj (I, , .r.i
at , ..i-uuuni oi .no extensive
"v I emigration, this i. tin 1
or. er to get a place to live In nt firt. Carponte r
end builders arc on hand to put up Uuincs ou ths
best terms.
lu settling hore the emigrant has manT ad
vantages. Ho is within a lew honrs ride "of the
great cities in tin Mid.llo Mules and New Eng.
hind; be ,s near bis old l'rieuds all .1 associations;
ho is in n settled country, where erury improve-
mcnt and comfort of civilisation is at hand: h
is in a hunlthv tiln.w. .nJ fa ..... . .
7 00 certainty of losing the greater nan ..rl.U f.unilp
and his own health by those malignant fnvors
which make the graves of so many millions of the
young and hardy in far oil' legions nwav l.tim
, home and friends, llosi e, he has a mild cli-
; maio nna an open winter.
7 00 'i ,ler" "rc ,lir(''' trnin. daily to I'liiladi-phia,
00 i and to all those who improve, the railroud coin-
j pany gives afreo ticket.
I The reader ui.l at once be struck with the od
7 Oq vnnlngos here presented, und auk himself why
7 00 tho property has not been taken up before ; the
reason is, it wn. never thrown ;into the market ;
i nnd unless tliese stalements were correct no one
i- I! "M 150 invil,'J ,0 "'no thclimd before pur
' 00 (chasing. All nre expected to du this, ihey will
I seo the land under cultivation : they will'inoot
12 .'.0 l,t,r8Pn'! no tbt from their own neighborhood
10 00 1 f'10' r wi,"e,'3 ,ll! improveiii.'iiis, and can
jo 50 jaJrfo "f '' character of the populatinn. Per-
12 50 i ''""'h' c"ul0 prepared to purcliasn nany
7 00 "re 'ocn,inS' locntiotu arc not held on refa-
0() The llammonton Fanner, n monthly literary
00 "'"t agrieitltural sheet, eonlainili;r f; infurina.
uon oi uiion, will lie sent to cn?h in.j.ii.
rer and "an be elHaincl at 2.'. cent, per annum.
jS-tt-Tille indisputable. Warrantee deeds giv
en, clear of all inc umbrance, when purch ise mo
ney l paid. Route to the land : Leuvo Vine
street wharf, Philadelphia, for llammonton, by
rnilroa l at half past seven, A. M., and at half
past five 1'. M.; when thero inquire fur Mr.
Hymes. Hoarding conveniences will bo feiind.
Letters and applications can bo a.Ulreed to
S. R. COl'tiJILlX, 202 South FIFTH it., below
nainui, riiuailoiiiiun, .Maps and information
20 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
15 00
7 00
7 00
10 00
10 00
10 00
7 00
r oo
7 00
7 oo
cheerfully furnished.
(uo. 9, vol. it.
14 7 00
11 7 00
N B. Those interested will take notice that
nn appeal will be held nt the Commissioners' Of
fice, in the Borough of Clearfield, on tho 1 1th
day of June, ld5'J, at 2 o'clock, P. M.
O. W. LONtl,
me a. Ai'i-nAiaitn.
May 5, lPj?. no. 1. tuI. ir.
LOOK. AT Till!
A7 1 C A R A Gil A,
CONTAINS mines of the precious metals be
fore which the gold of California, sinks to
insignificance. I lew months of well directed ef
fort among them is ample to secure a fortune.
She bos n beautiful climate, and a soil admira
bly adapted to the growth or Cotton, Tobacco,
Sugar or Coffee. At the Key to our Pacific pos
sessions, nnd with her government in a state of
dissolution, manifest destiny clearly indicates
nnothcr star to bo added to our banner. For nil
thc dctnile, with a history of the Filibusterors.
th I fl. 1 r...llr. .In... n nn.' A I I I . n. ..... '
..... ........., w Mt. tut,-eu lnn.n ithnurt in Nl Mi-..'. ... 11
Radebangh & Flanagan.
Basemknt of Merkem. t Cartm:' Store,
Under the Mussed- 'Ml-Fc!lkr' 1UI.
THC. undersigned would respectfully inform
the public that they have recently opened
the above named Restaurant, with an entire new
stock of goods nnd fixture., where they will be
prepared to furnish, at the lowest rales, all the
luxuries and delicacies of tho season. Ther
keep constantly on nnnd, Cniifrctiounry, Cnkesi
Pies, Oysters in cvory form, leo Cream, Tripe.
Snrdiacs, Ale, Lager Beer, Oranges. Lemons.
Raisoiis, and a variety of other articles "easy f
take." They rcsppctlully invite the pat onag
of thc citheni of Clearfield and vicinity.
April 27tb, IS.'.fl, vol. 4, no. 15. 4t.
St. Usury's gftaaFastriTy,
J am aky 20tii, 1859.
Pl'BI.tC NOTICE is hereby given, that Jacoh
J. Storer, of Portsmouth New Hampshire
lately of Philadelphia, and K. C. Schitltr., bar
this day entered into Co-Partnership in the bu
siuess of
taxxixg, cwnixG. noorsiioj
and the business will be enrried on by the nam
of JACOI5 J. S TOR Kit A CO.. at the St. M..rv' ,
innn of ths countrr minrnrir.Htflv ri)nril an.l : ti 1 .; .' '.
- -ii- i- ..-. j., in. lufjf nope ny uicir mi rxner enc
other matter, of mtere.t, read iu hnsincss, nnd their de'ire topical tl, publb
NtcinAr.i-A: Pat. PursrT?. ad Ffrcnr, by I that they wil receive a .art of the p il.lic patro
l'ETKn F. Stoi t, Fsq. ;iisge. I.umb. riiicn and others, who 1 sire
' Late I'nitcd g'.ntcs Vice Cousnl " j B"01' a"M " ' nnd Shoes, ;il ti,l it
I V Vif . "r:V.r'u' " rrr"I'1 OI ! leather, or boots and shoes can I,., bad in Pi.u.
delphia fur cash or hides. All osdera prompt!
price ($1 25). Agenti will find it very populnr.
Send to
PfBLISIlcn. .
No.C17. Sansora tU l'hilnd n, P.
Mny 6, 1859. no. 1(1, vol. iv.
4 8 this seems to be a fast ago in moro than
one instance, nnd ns we are in the midst ef
bogus democratic conventions, and the excite-.
tnent caused by the Sickles trial nt Washington,
.l. . , ,. . . . I"' ' . -. wou.u gei
"caKO,all pprsong united in a wish for will havp ticon lurnilic! in tunc tocoin-!tim s;nnd n the aubscribcr likes (0 kacp up
happiness and prosperity of tho do- nience this rci.oi t l,y the first of July. j with the fashions in more respects than one, lie
oor Ti. j i . . . ' Any postmasters not so supplied sliouiu
u. liio devil, liowcver. not content . ' . , r ,i.i;.:. 1 ,.i
in sen tun imj iii. i ..i .... ...v. . m ...... v. v .....
A rEfio Marriage Mapk Bixwno.
At Harendon, S. C, a man who hail mar
ried a woman before a counterfeit magis
trate, and deserted her, was sued for her
with ...u , . , '('rl 1,1 "
.. v-oiiirnon-iiuec expressions oi of ,i10 ,ivnk9 no.v in use
lou win, tuVr sundry devices to create
ta necessary legre of inspiration, and
nsidcratlo Mental perturbation, pro
duced the fuUowina :
"Throuchout lbo vovn.m of llfn mn board. The Court decreed for the. plain
eir tempers be aa Bweot, their hearts as tilK .leoi-ling that the contract wa valid
ijrlH nn.i !..;. -. i ., and landing. In South Carolina, ns in
ian may they
" , rr"I''rous paluj
w T o fill their sails,
, bilo onii t,icy ritl)
Time's ceaseloss tido;
And gently waft
! ' J-ife'i fragile craft, 'T
n!er Peaeful waves,
" "r'"'in' jrrarcs."
Ami immcdi itoly collapsed.
ould nnnounco to the people of town and cotin-
try, that he has constantly on band a Large A-
tortment of ROOTS nnd SHOKSof every descrip
tion, French and County Calf Tip and Stogy
Boots, Idulies' .rtororeo Lnce Roots, Dressed and
Undressed, with or without French Heels t also,
any amonnt of French Country Calf Lnee BooU,
Gent French Calf nnd Cloth (Jailers on hand or
made to order on short notice. Walking shoes
of every style, from the Sickles Laeer to tlitconr
st Rrogan always m hand and for sale.
All of the above will be disposed of at extreins.
! 1 v low nrliM Caul, Ili.ia.
nnd sonic other Slates, thej Cuftom work made to order 'anil on abort no.
4 11 persons knowing themselves indebted to
4 1 1 1 me by note or book account, are requested , SILKS
to call on me, on, or before, the first day of June I
erst, and cash me off, or make some arrange
ment with me, for I must have my books se'tled
up. All parties interested will save co-its by at
tending to the above within the above time.
And ull persons having claims against me are
likewise requested to briugoo their accounts a
gnisst me, as I am both able and willing to pay
Clcurfield, May 4, 185J. 4t. Bo. 16, vol. iv.
consent of tho parties expressed lofnre!tic
.eonipoten. witnesses Is sullicienl to estab'
: lish the validity of a marriage.
I will pay particular attention to mcndinsbooti
shoes, and gaiter. ; and will always he found at
Uie Short Shoe Shop, nn 2d street, nearly onnosita
Reed A Weaver's Mr. Plcswe call and see
The Nortu China Herald nt.ites Iliat shorty.
i -. ui i.: i -ii .: i
new spaper puoii-iucu si .iiuuguni, hi vol
nn. by the Missionaries, Juts attained
circulation of 7W. The people buy it
week by weeK, paying cash, ana eacn pur-, -pi'RS and BUFFALO ROBES to sait the
Cloarfickl, mny 4, i9. 3m. no. l,ol. ir.
6200 KEWAKD!
STOLEN on the night of thj 24th or March
Inst, at Rebersburg, Centre ro. Pa. an
Jl (J X G R A r M A II F,
Branded on the left hind quarter, near ihe flank.
with the letters, A. R. and the point of (he left i
ear cut off, and about seventeen oamis high. The ;
above reward will paid for the mare and thief, or I
one hundred dot ars for either the mare or thief.
By order of the Brush Valley Horse Assnsintion. '
Apl 4th, 1S59. Vcirfcaf.
FIFTY Cl'SIIELS of Clovereeed for sale
iho store of WM. IUV1N. '
Marcb2;i, '59 tf. Cnrwensvl',1..
New and Beautiful Assortment of
mlack nnd colored Barege Hohes
Silk Pon.ixs,
Ducals, Vulencins, Foulard .Silks, Chalies,
Iiehiiucs, Lawns, Trints,
And tvery Dcscrlptiuii of
Ami Every Kind of ' s
Ladies', ! '
Jentletneni , .Boots,
, MiswV, ,t, , Mioes.and
. Boys' and . , Gaiters.
Childrrn'a -j '
Aho TIats, Cnps and CJoUiing, Carpets,
and Oil Cloths, all of which will
.'. : " , i bcfcold at
: EtTREVtt.T i.ftir ntirES.i..';
-. , P , &"KBATZ'EB,"& SON'S, r
tdiaser reads it aloud. The Chinese, it np
season, at
AU wanting to emlijrnlt t" a mi'd female, '
nnnd toil, and Hm martu4. ...v o-tf -rtltrmfnt nf V I, ,..., . ..:n l. i.i
KRATZER . ( f?rvm'n I.. ; a-ivanee on C7t nd carrirg.
aK3Grorerios, Taints, Glass, N'ails, Ac.
JAcon j.
no. 2. v. ir.J
In the mutter qf the Itlt.'r-Uiion ij tht auet
in the hand of John L. Cull!-; Fsj., Au'
in'mii.tratt.r cf thc Vitiate of J. lUJd'e Gor.
don, deceased.
The undersigned, an An.lit .r appointed l,
the Orphan's Court of Clearfield County, to di.
tributo the said assets in the hand, .if the a.l
ministrator, among the jut credit irs of fi
aid decedent, gives notice that he will nisi.
aid distribution on Thursday the lllh day r
Mny next, at the office of Larrimer Test, i .
the borough of Clearfield, w'.icn and where a )
persons interested can attend if they see prop
April 20. lS59.-no. 14, vol. Iv.
EW OOODiS, iu.( received im wl,:..'.
And One Hundred Pieces of latest Styl v
all of which will b sold cheaper than eve nt
the Corner Curwentville.
18th An. 1859. no II, vol. Ir M' lR-
SOROIIAM or Chinese Sugar Cans Seed f..,
ealout the Corner Curwensville.
18th Ap. 1359. no. 14, vol. ir.
A1ARGK qoautity of Jalt for Pole tt LO'Y
rRICES, st tbt fH iff WM. F. IRWIN.