iftf .VKJMll'Iicilt. il.-r-V'rv : .-'rJi ! CLKAItFlLLI', May 27, K-'i. Democratic State Ticket. Al'MTi )lt GEXF.UAI.. RICHARDSON L. WRIGHT op rnit.AM:i.i'in i. 8URVEY0II (iK I Ell AT,, JOHN ROWE OF ITANKUN ( 111 NTT. COUNTY CONVENTION. Tito Uele'ute!i elected hist full to revi-e mid nioilil'.v the "C'lMwfoi'd (.'nmitv Sy loin," ure re,tiojteil to meet for ihut jinr ,ose in the (.'unit House, in (.'learlield, on I'nendiiy evening Ulut June, 1K.V.I. Those townships thut failed to elect delegates tit llm time appointed, will cull u meeting Hiid nppniui them, ns ngener.nd represen tation is reriiircd. Ilv order of Com. JAS. II. LAUULMER, Ch n. This Inurateanu A rosTATC. Thd'eim rylvniiian of tho Ol h inst., reviews in nn nhlc urticle tho chnracter, pit-t history, nnd ntiitudoof John W. Fount.-, whose eourso for tho past eighteen months has been more like that of u inudnian acting under tho imgovernahlo impulses of n frenzied imagination, than h man obeying tho dictates of a rational intellect, influen ced by tho ordinary motives of prudueo nnd common honeity. This man, who in character so vulnerable hiaself, has not hesitated to assail, with the vilest vitupe1 ration, tho friend of his early manhood and tlio patron of his fortunes, using the position for whi h ho is indebted to that friendship and patronage, to give greater force to his puerile enmity. Of tho mean ness of such conduct it is useless tospeak ; uud certuinly this man must be degraded below the reach of human imagination, or more insane than vile, if his own feelings tiro not the heaviest punishment that c.iuhl he iiilbotod upon him ler his ba-e lligrati- 0f six hundred students ; but should its tudoj nnd more galling still to his lnalig- j patronage increase Tor the year to come, nant heart must bo tlm consciousness of ;as it has during tho past, the Colleg- the contempt with which ho is tepoded ; rooms will be far too limited for thoso scck- by the man in whose praise he once ex-1 ing admission. haustetl the entire voeabulnrv oriaudaturv . i ,. " . , . . , .; I oLiTics i.n Cai ii'oitxlA. A late Califor language, nnd seemed to regret his inabil-j,, ,ot,r av,:A Iiv,lv ,illl0 is lty to coin new phrases by which to extol dtirihg the next few months. A I'nited him still more. It must indeed be w orm- jStates Senator is to be elected by the Leg wood to his soul to Io compelled to con- islutiii-c next lo be clio-eu, ami linmina fess that throughout the year and , half 1,ons fo,r1,',,ltf K?,y' "f "'," r-f"r.f?,i; . , , , , ., gress nnd the luibernntorial chair, will ull in which his Journal has teemed daily, )0 nin,i0 ,v;,, Fp0, ial reference to the and Jiis oral addresses upon every oppor-; Senatorial light, (lov. Weller is a candi- tuntty, with the most malignant abuse of the President he 1ms nm-er Mtceeeded in eliciting a syllable of reproof, or even nn evidence, that it had attracted his notice, unless indeed it may havo been nn ex pression of pity for tho miserable creature who could descend so far below tho scale of humanity. The Pennsylvania!! says; " For twenty ycarB no praise of the pres ent Chief Magistrate wns eulogy, no de votion to his interests too sacrificial, no eervice too unselfish, His own political associates were worthy, patriotictmd truth ful men, and whether in or out of office, he claimed their support, often obtained t nml tin w nn in-ittefnl ' . .. .... del. Ho i the public reviler of former) friends the public nnsrepresentor of their motive-, principles and conduct ho is arrayed against tho I'resident, the Cubi net, the pnrty majority in Congress, riri- ninry and State Conventions, their resolu , i . : ii. :.. ii.. . 11a is tho orrnn of: Jlut notwithstanding nil this, where' l'"""'llJ i1""11 "n nine nero- i posing nny r ream operations in uie .,- stands ho now? Upon the battlements, I b fore, expressed, in regard to a foray up-' riatic, these lines of communication, and tlefendir." the citadel which he nssisied to I011 'hihuhua and Sonora, in the event of tlm water communication between Trieste rear f IiThe the advocate of his former' tn0 '"'mi'e of the Pike's Peak gold adven-.' and the mouth of the Po, must be regard friends nnd associates? No! He n(iwi,ur0. That agents havo been nt work in ! ed ns lost to Austria. Hut thero is an un builds the Trojan horse' for tho introduc- jfc'ett'nE UP nn expedition, which is to be1 jiortant railroad from Vienna over Venice tion of trenchei-ous enemies into the cita-1 concentrated in Chihuahua nnd Sonora, ! into Lonibardy. Tho line runs over the 1IU1I9UUU lll.llilllt-t-r,. 1IC la 1.11U U1U11II UI , . . 1 . Uissention the leader of faction the bla- 'nrrival nil these tilings warrant the he - tant representative of disappointed Inen;licf tliatl nn inrond, peaceable or other-! throughout the Commonwealth. wise, win ,e mane lino 1110 Mexican Havo tho pooplo of Pennsylvania nskedl;Male8,vl,"t'h,' lmvft - All that themselves theso questions : Who has j1 wanted to give a suecesslul issue to such changsd this Politician-Editor or all liis!u cxpfitlitum. is money-money to pay lnrn.,,1- fi-icnds? Who ha- llm r.,,..nsi. i f"' the r.rovisions for tiio uso ol the men. n liHnvprntnint. belorA tlio wnriil the 'Political-Editor or tho lVesident of the United States? Who represents tho dignity, honor, power and interests of i this nation Javks JimiANw, the chosen had of the nation, with his' Cabinet, or John W. Fornevf Who is in the line of ! 'tisto nnother sea." When thewe lions ore nnsw re th just and j'Uti-iotie will see thnt treas ia their midst anil calumny have been nupporte.t nnd ,. countennneed-that men hnveLeen nllow-. r l to assail tho honor nnd weaken the ten the- power of our Government for bad pur poses, -thnt there is no civt se for dis sension, and it is not for patriotism or principle not for nny real or threatened danger to our liberties, our liapj ins, or Tirosjierity, thnt men of 1'eniisylvniiia are invoked bv a small bsnd of their ; ll'.w ciuiei s, iu ou (tisioyiu iu i no viovci mucin .,.,L. ,r ' of thiB I nion," .... . .. - . . .r ,1 Am Lxi'I.aation. U c regret that by n oversight whicli may occur with nny llumnnpnti, . ,,- .,,,t T n.wl -1,1j,1i l H.a . Sllll'l I UI1V t'l 11111 llli Mill. ,,,111.11 1.' I lilt; ... . ,nl,,l,. n..nH l I,... . I...... 1 , - ... . , i i w nii'iitiif, iittivti init-i ntioii nine oi i-ll I u )l, two have personal interest, to subserve in ((t West).a.n, on tho line of j " ' ,. nnd private revenco to erntifv ? ho lal- ,t. J t..V... i: ... i t-. ...... i c...'"."' ... , . . . , in.-, hiiiiii-b luii-r n 1 1 it rvuiiun lilt ennui, live S innlil sif.es the record ol his past life T W Inch j nijleg al)ove liichtnond. V... in the erec- ' cepted of the two must say "If my bnrk sink, ',. ntar. : i.a f., i " I .'. When these ones I. ns thev must be. then ;tV. .. .V vi . ... , . 2 , . I,nh0 I"" "'' l" i''l route; winch " vi ...s ,.,ow iiii.i le.icesw.u. m.,.iv, wock. ., ,8r', w,kl- Frnlt on Iiim ts'en 1 ourl-hmi ' 1 1 ., , ' , , , 1 n, nni, u, is on ui tun tune, com- , ------ -j - u, u, 1 ,,1111,1,111,, .u o 1 ,11, ,11111, .jiei, son a i.uie 01 111 iiiwi in.i 11 iii'iiii.inii- fflnl fiV in,,,! nu. unnci a r.t ,., , an, i,nl 1 , . , .. .. , ! I 1 ,1 1.. ,.f . 1 n .. . . i . 1 -. , . .... Ilia tiiiKPetirescntolion . , , -"-"."-."" , ' , 1 111 I Itletecl as a continuous railroad. unit iii.isi.-i.-n tno rit-inemn iii usuuiiuiiiy j.aine rni , ,vc. sc. Among uie .nontlilics may liiai, iiitst t pr si n ini ton i u I,.,.,, J.,l,.,l ,. v ....... i .... .. . . , ...i i i i. l : . i. . i- i i . i .. i.. r. i ii ,i...i i. .... un uvtTsigui, wiucii may occur w nu nny suetu uie oiu .-siaio arsenal or magazine, iionner, uie firoprietor ot the vm 1 nrk list ot worihie mar are gilding our coun Mic, we failed to furnish a copy of tho B'nich was destroyed by the traitor Arnold Iedirr. The Aeto lurk Weekhi is without try with bright mellow light. Jtev. Dr. Mercantile Appraiser's List to the ".Tour-i5" 1781, tolcr wilu .ft. number of exception the best etory pnper published, j ,l,oTiy. . . " , ;eftno and other munition of war, Its list of regular contributors is ernced rial ofhec, as requests by Mr. Long, the , I with the names of the most snarklinirl Tue Con Ek Trai.b or tuk World. The Apjrraiscr. We wore under the inprcssion ' . ... 1 ill. wc had done so until the statement in the Journal informed us of the contrary. The this faultisour own, nnd we have no hcsila-' tiom in Bhouldering the responsibility nnd exonerating Mr. Long from all bl.jnie in iti i..n.ni!- 1. !.. .: 1 il 1 tho transaction. In justice to him, there- Hi J ... . . 1 . All-. AT. 1 1 . t . . ire- luie, we mnwe nn- siaiemcnt ana upoiogy. a 'm f'tl'im M i I i Hi liratin, lrci'M Mil inn, hli rnntiMi Li In fi II ttwtiv I'turtli, flip llit,'t"li'l f r llii-lr . ... . i . . i . nto i,t-.,l...ll,.i. .!. ,l F,.ni. , . . ,i .i ' I'm -i- .,,-i In moid kdil'e iml ( "lli-icm -tinli fi rilic nii.ii fin u mum in-nr. nlul it.'lin n nil flllll tl.'llllp It nil i in . hi i in .fii i . r . I I i , ., M1" ticutlii nro til" ,. m (n which ii of ambitious moil rlioul . i . . .... i, i. immii ' uif- I, I 1,0 rR.-llli.-P.I fr 'lln I'i'ii I' nation -. 1 1 1 o great walls of ! in li I ml h fence, whi'h kIiouM be the clmiiiii -I pioliviois iiTii civilicd people which liniilil nveit war by tilenciitg I lie nm nun, unci sheathing llm sword, Such if, and hiu'Ii we would fain believe is IHiitl, the purposes for which treaties lire l.iI'llliMl. nnd t, what II :ld relutation tit this doe Ii it i-v disclose. What ft mis- hi. .1,1,, it..i,-L-,,.,i- nil this is ilhi v ... ,, ,, ,,, .iih.. --iiiiii-ii. . , ,. , ,. . every year l.y those Eurypean lamU, n, wlii.li tnnties intnl of H.ljtHiin ( ho! dillicuhies, me the very genus of conten tion. With what diligence do the wnr making monarchs of Europe, sen-ch the musty parchments of other (lays, to disj cover a pretext to justify an invasion. How they Ireasnro and venerato a treaty, tlm broad htipulations of which, lenvo am "' pie room for a fight. With what con- mule readiness do they pervert the plain ! bn ii,... i,.., I ii-.n.,l. nn i t i.u day, to which their signatures and m:'.1k yesterday, gave sueredness, and to which ,( , i . .i.i ' tlu'ir J.cMrts UiNMiMiteu, ius (hoir IjuikIs i signed t:.o bra.en libel of their intentions. ; Jn!iifiiii, Tholarge nuniberof students in utten'danee at tlm Iron Citv College has' .. i . ,i " ,! . miulo it noeessary lor the tnanagers of that . I popular institution to open separate rooms for the several deparlineiits of tho College. I ;0nu Hall, capublo of seating . ii v i, u ..in t l.. : land fifty students, is now appropriate exclusively to those engaged in book-keep-( ing ; another, with aenjmeity for one hun-1 died andfifty, is devoted to the writing i . .., .. i . , i Uepartment a tliiril, with neoominoda- ,L lions lor two hundred, is oecunied bv those engaged iu mathematical studies, whilo the fourth, used lis a tectum mom is occupied from four to six hours each . . day, by some, of the Professors with their I'lnswes Tlm nw.sntii ,l,il lt i- f i. 'College are ample for the accommodation ""t" I'T re-clwtion, nnd lien. Penver, (''? ol iNansas.) nnd the lion. Milton S Lntlmui. aro also understood to be in llm Held. Each of these, too. is n prospective candidate for the United State Senate. -, Should 1'enver not be nominated for Gov- ernor. he will belikelvto run for Conuress in place of McKibben, and be elected. ! Cilinun H..nl,ni onntnvU !, ml.,,.. rv ' grcssiounl nom nation with C. L. Scott, late member, but the hitter has l he inside track, and will be apt to win. John Nu- gentsays ho will run for something, but if so, he will probably run alone. The Foray iton Ciiihi ahi a and Sono-'cusu RA. Our correspondent from Leaven-: worth City, says the St. Louis Republican, ; 1 ....... .. . ... . 1 1 "off) noi a uni u oi uotiot, r nim t ne condition of the men who have gone out to the gold 'tho Western Alps, liraetz, Mahrburg. Lay- region the destitution of many of them bach, Trieste to Venice, and thence to even when leaving our fiontier, and the 'Verona. This line, however, winding, ns i probability that hundreds and thousands 1 it does, round the coast of tho Adiintic, j will bo in astute ofabsolute starvation and; is liable to be destroyed by tho French, 'therefore ready for anything, soon after ', This lins been the main difficulty in the lwu - v f earlier organization, nnd innysho controls beyond nil danger of inter- 'r' Invent nn elli.-icnt force from being PCtln ,.r"1,111- The country will look with rnU(-'1 interest to the future movements of ,he fd'husters on the Western Plains." . :7--: . New Iron Firvacf.s. During tho past ones-!."., . . "' r-- ;.,i.. a ,!. i,.ic.i ot, ' ' ' V.1:!1 '."h V . i-ii r V- . ,", 1,1 , inu wiit.-r iiiic, nu ui tviiicii can ne intven to the city, or those furimce. in the most available hianr-er. A eon tract hns been entered into withOen. .1. J Worth, agent of the Carbon Hill Conl Mines, for fit Kl ton of coal per week, on tho most liberal terms, i 'Kf.cr. T.--1.... vr: t - i i,i,., :,. ,t ., t... : t . i .Mow in their first funiance in October L.f ,, ln n,hn ,.:.,.,.,., 1 ,-,,i 9. u .', nun, ,, ill u. ti,., CAJII'l't (,( iqniinuiy 01 iron 1 111s year, nt iho rate 01 11 J-' - "', ""' ""i "i "(it) tons per week. Weslham was the site, of the old State arsenal or magazine, A Great Amr. There is snid to be at la it,,-, a .... K. .;.. u. l.ir ...l time fnur miViot of soldiers under in F.urope, nnd this without count- arms intf sailors, or civil or nnlinnnl ennrda rtr I militia ofany kind Of this Immensearmv.i 'Prance hasi CTl.OdO; England 229,000; iiVVJ , ' il roTo r I ''i'4 ,u,i,i, , oii-"-,ii, um.uku ; onruiniu, iiu.vow . r - ... .. i aoo. .j .1!. n TV o.'.t- 'l i.""" i iHisKin, uw.uto ; .-snruinin, ou.uou : Tugcftny, 16)000 . nnd the German State. . terterai army of "oii.ow, men ol our Slate iri V 'y T """ route is covered Willi iron-tracl most ol - mo...cih. o uue. i i-iKuson uie ,-coic i Leslie, American Vnion, N. Y. Picayune, Flag 1,11.11 "i vui ii uo -j jie KlchniOlld Jhxna rh SJVS : Manv new .1 : 1 1 .. .1.:. .: I iiKtrnnnnmr. eui-ne1 to ron l.v 1, mar, F ..r... i .1... 11 ....... i.:.. Z. . . .,, V 1, , .,, 1. I , 111 ,, l,.1- lull UlU, II. a l.n, .,,. .I.n . nnh. . . .. . 1 H I I- H N ,' ' I N I 11 IV 111 111.1 lll'lll V I'C 11'U 'I, 11.1 IT P. U'llll'V l,r,lll,llll. 1 BlOirt .1(1- I Mllitntjr PoniMnn of Atnlila In nj l lift Linn of Cnmminlrnn 1 ' 'n l',,', w " " ' l l ,,t-.l:il ..... . I .. I t i . . ii " "Miri. in mutely tiiiiiim I H 11' ll jniti'V rntiinl Sit 1 4 1 1 (i itt , ft tt I lh liinlH'l" ., - , ,,v (1,,,,,!,., j hIi iua nnd Castile, i.f Aliii.lii.i, VI ill, ill ll III" ai'iininn in inv nnd inkcn up il I.. : I I . I .. .11! 'I I limit III III V Mill IHKPII IIP 1 1 IIH Intl. 1 .1 h h I l I in. Miifcir i ii i in. f ! i.i.i, ii ii I.. i to antt lln succor nl' their Fii'iii Ii nlli", , . , . , ,. . , , , . , ,, . . . . . nun iiim Hull. K I'V inn Altll IHI1. ill ..,..,. ,,, ,,n;.,. ,tiu ,,1.1,1i111,i the iiliiuk by llm Auli in-im. Vi i i . ............. unm oi i-ulniiiiiiiiiiUuti lirhvi'on Auli-i, ,rO,or nil,.! Imr .n..Hii.M in Ilnly, mnl (ho f,nlrcKi nhii li coiiKlittito Imr inili- I Inrv hlroiitrl Ii llui-n. 1'ittil .Sii,oli'iui 111. niccoi'ilo,l in ron trolling tin' (.'iiliiimt nl Turin, tlm inlliif (ni l' of A list rin prin-uiloil tlmr.', iiml from lsl'i to n fuitmi'fpnl (Into nil the ulrato .,;,.! u-.l,. ,,r u l;..; .i:........i Helmut tho i-ontinjfi.ncy of a I'rcnch in jnililic! J, lures roii.U of tlm Fcinin.irics viiMion of Itiily. Tin) Alpinn route. Iie.(n(l,., to, or,o for mnlu mid one lor lo Uvcen Sivit,.,1,-1.,.1 h..1 Sanliniu woro not j ,,..,.,.,.,.,..,, n ,,,,,, n ,,,,, oforcn, l.lllvnnl illll.rnvnri lull l.ul-t-tnv.tlv. r,.,n.li,n. l i . . . . !to.l,-no repairs weie undcrtuU.-n, no that "n" 11 ,,0,,r10 oi conieeiioimry eMflt.li.sn I'iiled. ' ..' ... i . ' ... . . 1 ... :...: i.l.. ...I . t i. .'. ...i .l . ., - r. a .. ,,,,ll i.ln u rt u,.n,n ,l limn, l,,t, I 1..,,.,.,., to. r,"n,- .'i ,i.i in 'i i'iiii ....- .,,,.. j,,,!,!,,, wUi ol, tho pjclmonl Hide of I lie Alpo, the forls of Fenestrelles, Vi- niidio, E.xillei mill others, ivnro ereete.l to guard mid ),rotett I ho deliliM of tlm Mont Cenis iind Mont ( min vru Mutes mid the eoiist-liiie. These lortN were intended to prevent a surprise or imjiedo nny invnsion by the 1'reneh, nnd to enuhle the Sardini uiis to iiiti'ii'i'pt their march, mid cut up their vorp us I hey ilHgorgeil from thoil files. J'.ut under the present circiiinstitn - u-';ces of the French and Sar.lininn nllinnce, iiny iiuvi'f oi inuiht.", im m i.iidi.M't irii i iiu - l"'f i'"'- They ate signillcnnt only in so! l.ll 1,1 Llll y ruuiv lllull.lil)ll,JllJll-lltfris1llii:iini..i, ru iiriir.-, iiiuihd a Austria lo transfer the pcene of coutlict ...:t. i .... i- :i I. j' I . .. I.l' . I own Jtaliiii) torntornw. In punuiance ol Hds n.o policy nho has assumed tho of- feiiive, crossed the Tieino, nnd though Ibis movement must be regarded under tho, l"'e,'('"t 'dfered relations ns merely Iircliniinarv to the real campaign, it is, ! . ,i t . -it t . nevertheless possible and iirobable that a I i .in i... r, i,. k r..; sod which, if lost by the Austrian, would , l,ul . ih.lii, , I ll,,,' ,'I.I,.,.I 1,1 I in , .nlii! ,, , ,-- . , , , . . i Eoinbardy and the province of Ye-1 nice, the position of iho Austiians is veiy I S,(,"K' ) tho rear it is covered by Hie Alps of Tyrol, nn ancient Austrian prov- 1 i -, .i t . . inett, while in the .south it is protected by tl for armies to pass. In the heart of these territories is a grand (inadianyle ol tor-1 iri sifl. rnititirunoi Verot.ii. Tese h era on l!lo j,llc di Uanhr Mantua. Venice etc u-ith the loi-tt-..srs .,f Milan mnl l',.vi,i I, ii-niiii s ii -. i.,ilitv m I v., , I works noon the exttvme wesiei n win,, of this position, while South of the l'o, 15o.i' logon guards tho ii(,proaches to that river. liologuik is connected by railroad with Verona nnd the central croup of fortresses. Any Hank marches w hich the French may undertake from Spe.zia, one of their ports of debitrkation, or from the South generally, it is probably in the plan of tlm Austrian to intercept from liologim. ! ... ... . T . . These Hank marches which would lead through tho posses nnd defiles of the Ap penines would not bo w ithout their great i isks and danger. The advance of the allied French and Sardinians upon the central plains of Lorn Lardy from tho west, is interrupted by Humorous rivers, such ns the Tieino, the Add i, the dglio and others, coming (low n from the Alps nrd cowing in ft southern direction into tho l'o, all of which are dwP '"' m-0l1 enough to renders passage ""der resistance liable to perplexities and losses, then, lliiaUy, there is the river Addige, which also coming from the Alps Pi otects Veroiiiuind tlmstroiii places east ' ot 'rona, nnd winding m a nenu-circlo around them, Hows a few miles north of tho oii.lwuehures ot the l'o, into the Adri- fttlCl Au-tria calculating upon the inlet fe- reneeof England, collected many steamers and crafts upon the rivers, which in that would have allorded excellent means for provisioning the army, but as there is no immediate prospect of the llritish op. j ........ I I. . ,l t :.M)inering, one ol tlm prominent points ot who will, no doubt, bombard Venice and ' ... Anconn, to establish n position on the northern const of the Adriatic. There is, however, a railroad br.incl.inir oil' IVoin i this line nt Mahrburg. leading over Klage-i fine astronomer by spending a short time furt nnd liotzen to Verona, which is not j every evening in ga.ina at the stars, after exposed to such contingencies. But Aus- ringing a bell for nine o'clock. Sir Wil tria hns, besides thi , another line of com-PI'Tl'S who at the ago of -I.-), had niuniention with tho seat of war, which 1 ception. It is the old route from A ienna, over Lin,, Salzburg, Inspruck, Hot .en, ; and Trente, through tlm mountain passes, land deep gorges of the Tyrol, to Verona. 1 "ls ' iitorieul route which the Gprmnn Kavsers traveled in olden times their nrinies, whenever their pres- was required in trothlesomo Italy. ! . . the road over Venice be inter i the provisioning and reinforcing ! 01 Iho army in J.onii.ar.ty would have to ! ."" " "i"'ii . lwit1' their l,0,V0,fuI "avy AJri,i!. in-l!"1-. vests them with such enormous advanta- n,r0nir ns llm nosition of Anstri:t is. tbn c f,,r t in ntl.-llkli n in I r.ln 1 ,11 1; l,n conclusion seems justified that pules : Great Eritain interfere in her behalf, or , that Austria possesses great superiority of geneialshin, she cannot ut mnintain itin) a protracted war. Pantry! cania. i, , . m, - t 1'ortrait of KOHKR1 BoNNKR. The Aac York Weekly. This popular story paper, ii-i "I"" ii', ilium on iiui 11. 11 in 1, 1 ill' ior.ly) likeness ever published of Holier 1 Bonner, the firoprietor of the Xeto IV. 01 April aj, contains an accurate (and tho bert writers oftheday. In tho present nuin- , ... . ; (,cr we p0rccive that the opening chapters 'or '0fan exciting Revolutionary ltomance are1 1,1 : t. c c i. t ir ffnliinan,, ari,nr nr X;U i an(J j3 entitled "ONE-EYED SAUL- or''6 Tory League, qf ticven ; A Tale Sjutk fI,,o,n,i " wouna. ojL,nood Oeo. Hheem's cignrs., I'nmmntilrnlion ,...,....(,, r. ...... ',,. ' )l 'V i1"1'1', -'i'.K ) Mn. l...,M.-lf toil Mill rV.IM. n i'"1"l '"')' in.lntin tt ill fill nl - Illlill III niililiB l.il llm LHIMT . Iiml L'IVk . " ...... , , . r- till" n I'll H'r til 1 Hill lllllllll, I 1. 1111; 111 , I . I . . I I I .. Ml I.. . vn,i n cli.ul .... tlnii.i.t nl , ,., l 1 1,1,,,.,. of ..,ii. in 1. 1 1,1 ii i lintlpi i.!,.,l mil, n.,tl i of I ......t. r . ilv ul,i,.. i.l, 111. .... imrteii o," a lino i iimiy tnj.i'. running iipim n lii'iiiilil'iil lurii,ike. His a i mi 1 1 Mnrnviiin villii;re eoiitiiiiiinn ulniul five I hlimlieil inhiil, ilitnl ilieludinr; (lie innuilen 'of tlm main iiikI feinitle KolniliiirieH, Its llll'llip, t tl J ll, ill.-,' v-,. iu j nni 1 1 u I ii. us where theiu urn iioin.vj:aled to iniuiy of tliu rising generation, to whoso onjoyiuunt nuts nnd candies mo nn risentiul ut their time of life iih n more infantile luxury ut ii period u few years earlier in their exist ence. Tho hotel is a very lino nnd coin- modioli building and is capable of accom- modating about two hundred guests, and 1 is a delightful place to upend u Hiininier, ; A Ula,llii(.(.llt ril,g ,Vom ,vhich flows i , pi- i 11 ll III. nil nun mi i tin v rj ivii i r ii i . it m delic i ml ' refieshing beverago lo the town and hotel. i.i' IKU IUlli.1,-1 111 Ulilll I IV 11 tU 1 1 1 1 1 II II V ... . j 'l"al.t.es as a beverage, possess n.e.hc.nal i properties highly beneheuil to some clans- (s of invalids. Yours, Frank. - -- Gallant net of ft Pittsbur"hpr uauani ati ui u. rin-suuifiicr. , t ;,,, r.U nr n, T'i,ii,.,l i,,iu V.iw L,ut- (jlllls- oru, 1 "lto1 stutos ,u)i I"1'0 "! nioily resided in this city, is re 'UIH'l bv recent advices from Buenos Ay res, to have peilormed a most heroic act in conjunction with several America sailors in the port ot Montevideo. A schooner set fail from that port on the 27th of Feb. but was compelled by a vio lent storm to anchor outside. The storm increa-ed, mid she foundered next morn- . , , . r , . i .- , nig in lull sigui oi nuiHircus oi peoi, i who eouhl do nothing to save tho crew. 1 1 ,: l" ii-"' ""-- "- " , l"'( i'gg'"g, "u" eoniiiiuiuij washing over them. Two others leaped I into the t-.-a, one was drowned, the other i throw ii iislmie. J peso en cuiustanciw wet e ! repot ted ly some sailors to Lieut. Oillis. hoard the store -bip Supply, to which no is auacuen. ue iiiiniciuaieiy volun teered to goto the rescue, if ten volunteers could be iouud to accompany him. The number was at once made up. The Mon tevideo !iinl,l-tin says : "Tho Silomcna foundered nt hulf-pnst , , II ! I . 1 I eight, p. in. J'.efoie ten o'clock, J.ieut. Oillis and his gallant companions had Ink i- .i l. ., ;l , . en from '.he wreck tlm three sailors who jelung t-itlie rigging, among them Domin Igo Filisberto, the Captain of the schooner. I At half-past eleven they nil disembarked 'ut (lie Victoria mole, in tho presence of a I crowd of over three thousand people, who j received them w ith open arms, and, (ran : ported with i',v, gave the gallant sailors a thorough going triumph. Lieut. Oillis, who was dripping with water, nnd much exhausted by his energetic struggle against ., r ... i n-:.. .1 ' the furious tempest, w u carried o 1 in the: v. I - ' arms of his friends, who took care that be should want for no comfort after bis he- roie m.t. Jim rescued sailors, half dead ith f.itiguc and hunger, were cirried in the nrnis of the American sailors to the hospital, where they were carefully treat ed. The l,Vj:iibf!r,iH concludes a long ac count of the exclamation " Hurrah ! an hundred cheers fur the North American sailors'. "' We suspect that this gallant action of Lieut. Oillis and his companions has (lone more to ivartv. the heads of the h icntal people towards us man mo lamnus inier- vimv that Mr Coinluissioticr Hoivlin had with the "cold and distant" i'resident i'e- rcira the assassin of (juinteros. The Young Man's Leisure. Yiiung man, after the duties of the d.iy are over hw do you spend your evenings ? "hen buslines is dull and haves tit juttr disposal many unoccupied hours, what disposition do on make of thorn ? I have Lriown nnd now know, many young men, who, if they devoted lo scientific or Eter- 'iry or prolessionnl tirsui's, the time they I : f 1 11 spend in games ol chance and lounging ' ''d. .might use to eminence. You have fftnl cl the sexton s son who become a attained the order ot a Knighthood, nnd the otlice of High Slmrill of New England, and Governor of Massachusetts, learned to read nnd write ufler his eighteenth year, of a ship-carpenter in JSoston. Wil liam Gill'iird the great editor of the Quaiv terlv. w as an in 'prentice lo a shoemaker. i"1"' spoilt his leisure hours in study, anil .i ... i.i.i. :.i .. . neenuso ne mm iieimer pen nor paper, slate nor pencil, he wrought out his prob- leainer wim a oiutu awi. I)ftvi(J Hittenhou-e, tho Americun as- " "1" ' Ami perhnps it is not too much l" 8M. that if the hours wasted in idle coin- IMIHV. Ill l lllll t-OII vei sill lOll 111, I f l il VlTfl wore only spent in tho pir.suit of knowl-: edge, the dullest npprentice in any of our f"l's nngni i.ecome nn intelligent mem- o'",y. Ut perwn tor any of; ul l'11 ''i"1'". muii cniiisn nm rough covering of mary a youth is laid ,;.i. .....i ii.,,;- ;.,.'., i ,.c t...: it-t,ii- , itin. in, ii in, ia juti-mi vi i.i-, i, it c i . i ii-, i . i i confined to local subjects and technicals ties, might ranno the wide fields of erea- tion ; nnd other stars among the young men of this city, might be added to the .consumption of coffee increases in a great- .1 . : ...... i., radio thnn tho increase of population. '.WO.OtiO lbs. were used; in i1ft."ift. t.lio oonstiniiit.ifin ha,1 innpnounil ir. iC54.OO0.O0D lbs., nearly double. The crenU consumer is the United .States, which uses ",i(,oou ior.8. wermanv lo lows Willi VtmioM,Yrc Ikdgium 21,000 tons, Austria 19,000 tons! j nnd England 15,000. . . j n-n,i ..... r. - ,, . . 1 Trlrifi'h In Nr ' N , M.V 1M.-. 'I'll lrnirtl( ii ' '')' "f l!''Hini.i1i', in-Ill 1.iilil Mi ll.r ""..'"lIM-ini, M.-r.M ,.inr,.,H. '.., ,tlM, Cmi.c llft.f. I.til llm mi inn iiioriiinif. .i Minim it t iii iii-r nn ri l.i'H fin lil Ji llm rll..u Imr fl.l.lil li.ttnl lit. i r, , I.. l l I ..r .. I .. . .. . i . ,t .. 1- i I in- inn, ,,..i in y. Hill, I, -il in l ,ii l,l,;f ! HiillV. 1 1 u ,,. i,.i..,l .,-..,11,1 1. !.. il... t Clnl,.. Il.nl I,,l.,lml, lv ', tl,n ni.-.-l imr u.l l hi iinii.'iit, i,iii-, I'liiiiK-iHion will inmc, (Hid Mr. lillssell will feeond, Ik Vote of eensini) on the ministers for having dis Rolved I'm liainciit under the critical cir runiNtanccs of I he times. The MmiWvr (r.r give notice to I'.el gian kubjects w ho may ntteinpt priv itcer ing, or net contrary lo the duties of neu- tral.ty, that t ,ey w, t,e treated a (..rates ;f)f nnJ si hf h , 7J abroad, nnd bo hablo to prosecution bi-.n-hts n,l ,',-,.,lii. -!.;. I. ... " ? lel tho Eelgian tribunal i. I . n,,tron-n. I, Hfni,nl' TUl-a'. P.nV VUbl DkV. UJ 1,1. V iltbUI lit 111 A 1&V 0 KWtt Ejiii-rants. , t ,,f . . i . ii Nr. Loi is, M iV 2.1. A puvute letter ,1:1- tod racilie. t.'ily, I own, states that a report had just reaehed that place that u party of starving Tike's Teak emigrants attacked and captured an outward bound train near d'l'allen's Willi's. Jluiing tho ineler Oaks, the conductor, was killed, nnd J Mr. OrillUli. the newly appointed iVst- ,,,u.0 0r j pe'radoes. i.i,,.-, i ii mi au , in hi , ,,ii.- i ii i,,iiiv, n, i,,m bin ost, wss hung by tho des- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLEARFIELD coMMr.iiciAi, ivsrinnii. This Iiirtitntii.n i" plt'iiMiully lni-ntcil :n tlic town of t'luiiiiiuKI, I k'lii lii'l'l t-uiinty, l'a., nn,l will bo (,,cn lor tin) reet'j.lioii ol itii,li'iits, on ami J iiflcr JtniD l"th, l.sjti. Jlie coiirsi- ol Ftuily will cmuritce iloulilo nnd rSinl" Kntry, liiiok kccp ing, nnd the other collattrnl liriinrlics in tho u i-cui-o ol lirrou ll I s. 'J'lie sluilrnt ill be taught to cuii'lui-t on iiysl.'iiiiitii! ,rint'i)ilt's. Vrrcliunts, M eeli iiiiii-p, nm) ALniufai-liiri-r's liookti of every deKiri,tiuti, either imli viihml iurtnershii or Klock enii,,ony's whclesnle, teliiil, i,lii,,iiig, iin purlin jr. turn iiilssioii, or exilnin'O. (.'niiiinerciiil J, I t 1 1 n I i, ii , pluiu nn,l orniiinentul burinpfs pen iiinnsliip mnl card .iniirking. Terms: I-'ull eonrse time unlimited, .... (25. V. U. Mbtcai.p, l'rof. of Book-keeping V. li, Thomas, l'r.ii. ot I'eninunsliip i (em. cnl. Administrators' Notice. . LI'.TTEIIS OF AlMlXISTRATIOr O.S tho estate ol John Htucart, lato of Penn, lowtmhip, I'lenrlield eniinty, deeensed, hav ing been milted to the uii'l.T."it'nnl, nil personi. huving luiaiiiess or denlinga with the raid ettnto are rt-iiuested to nmko iiinnediute seltloinent. AMOS II ILK, Adtu'r. Lumber City, 3h,y 2,'nh, lSj'J. I'ike's I'cak Oiiulom. NEW DRUG, STATIONERY AND 1 would respect fully Inform my friends nnd the JL public generally, thnt I keep t-i-nstntitly on iluuu, ni my neiv sioro ,n ..niri.ti .-ireei, ct-nnv -. .1 -, .-,i . i . i i , ni.imixtA llm ,.n,l. on,, ot ti n lur" -t n iillniiit n. , i . ... t i .... . . ... sortnien of liiu., Medicine, Htnliotiiiry, Tu- baceo nnd Cisnr?, Fancy b'oods 4"., to be found in tho e, unity. ' It embraces if tho drug line, n general slock of drills of the frcshei-t urd best iimlity, Alio tho pi, pulur patent uiedieinci of tho day, such ns, Lindscy's Blood Searcher. Lonuen &co' lixpectorair, ttanauve rni3, pho Kcm edy, and Ilsir Italian Balm. Aj'er's Cherry i cctoral, &.o , Wrijhis I ills, Coleman'B Lotion. Corbin's Pills, Kobin's Expectorant. Tickard s Cattle Powders, &c , &c. In the Slntiouarv lino can bo found nn cxcel- i lent esaorlnieiit of Writing, Note nnd Letter pn- per, sui-h ns tSiIier Luke Ji,;, Jirs.un Coivrfss, hi ij d Cup, for tir vtc of Justices, J.'iwyi-rn dr., Vttllty Jorje MtlU dr. .'l'.so a tine article l'utl J'o'iii.t, especially adapted to the use of Liidtcx. J'en Juic.s Mucihvir, A','.-.' pens, Lend 'ieiLt, liUttik J)eed,s, In chort every thin; kept in a general Station ary store. My ttoek of Tubtieco nnd Ci gars if the choise?t ever liroiinh to thepl.iro, hiiving been selected by one who uses nnd iipproeintes the weed. The To biirco c,,bMt.H of Niiturul leu', Covcndi.ili, Fig, bailie's twist, Kough and Iteady Ac. Of Cigars, tho varieties are choice, such as the lion yutxote, F.I Poll,, Mary Lir.io'f, Henry Clay's, Sixes and Ilnlf Spnniah, Ac., Knppe nnd yeotch pnnfls, Hmokin Tobacco, fancy and common pi pes and etcms, Ac. Tho fancy goods comprise such articles as Ribbons, Hosiery, Combs, spectacles, rorfu- mery, Fancy Hail Oils, Soaps; large lot of Genuine Ilt-are Oil, Tooth brushes. Port Mon naies and nature. un endlei variety of articles of that In connection with iny other stock, I hnve es tabl'shed n Nona OITico for tho sale of Weekly ' 'lions, Frank Leslie, Uallou, Ac. Ac. I will sell i'uV"r,, ' , .,. , 1 Trp l .tllr-iiilir.t. In. tilnA An Kfvt,t ...... - . . ., . ., " 3 ,:i.-..iifi"i.-'w imiitpm Clearfield Mny 2Ath. 1S19. CLEAEFILD GAS COMPANY. A preliminary meeting for the organisation of X . Hie ( learlield Has tompay will he held nt ,, ,, .ii . r, i e i , c . , ., "l0 loiirt House 'n Colarliold on Saturday the ,nyr June ISitl, nt 60'clock P. AL All cIHtch. frien.itv t t!1(i'.,riri . ,ial;r..i . 1.. in attendance, a several ofTirs for tho erection of the works huvo been bnd, and important business will bo trnnsncted. JOIINATHAX ROYNTON,! SAMUEL MITCHELL, 1 WM. A. WALLACE. J May 2.1th, 1S59. Com. NOTICE. I forbid nny person or person fromturchasing or in any way meddling with a riromissorw meddling with a promissory note given to William Washburn for on. h,, drf1 nd twenty dollar! on the 13th of April LS5S, . " """" um noi reecirca " " W " 40mp0",d by la"' JF.SSE STONE My 25th, 1850. . : " nr anma ii.n. !.... .1 ti . , ; tabl'shed n News OITico for tho sale of Weekly t l.ilomrv Imiii.rs and mnnllitv l.nr!.,.ll ,.n 1 a 1 u-tll Hixitsrr.ws ioii( i Oil. HI. fc.rM,r.,..,,M ,u nrrnui.it M l.,n M,,,li,n , """t , ti.f, tii irtnnln fi,,. ., f r, ",' f.. r r ii... itii . .,n ..i k.i.. i . . - (ill mIi-m In ... ..ihr itB', i,., I"" I'M "-iili-il l.i llir nrtl Ii,',, t,.-. ' "4 " l 11. (M'l I 'f iit.l r, (n l" l",rl'lltn i.l I Irninrl, . ,,,,., . . . ., - , , ' ""'1 II urn, , 1,11,11 t. to no h..,l .1 II,. i - "W .. .. I .... . '1 II' Mb. , . i.,f , ... ; "'nB,,k. InMnll.-f Tho final ni eouiil of Willimi K.V ley Adlllislrntor of the eln(n f , ',r''' l'. :..l ... l .i- . r i ... . 1 lllH Writ-lev nn. Into of I1....H.....I . ('leii' licld cnunly, di.'ieii.M-d. ' " '' I lie testiuneiitnry nceount. li... Kephai t acting Executor of tlm w'i te-tement of Abruliam (ioss, the tl I late of Decatur township ln thorountv ( learlielil, deceased. ' w Tlm Adininiflrnlion nceount of Jn (livens mnl .John Norns, Administmtn,. I -." ",,B (1 J. (wens lato ot 1'ike tou-iwl,;,, n... ..,,' 'COUIlty (leCCIl , n,.. 1,'l, ....... M ' ,u " KWI-KV, Jiv, "'iy lblh, lS-i'.l. i-i ' i. IMJJMP MAKING.. fpilK fsiiliniTilier htkei thii method of itifnn, X ig the ciUi'im or Clenrlield l ounty, n,l " pul, lie (reuenilly Hint he hns reatiuied tb bui ness of iiml, in k Whoiikx 1'rni-s and boring hm' m.cs. and will be hnppy to exeeute any workii hit lino tit the shortest Dntieo nnd in the ben iiiuutiir, nt p-ices to uit the times. Apply nomilly nt tho renidtiii., of J. 8. c'ule in Law reneo lowDship, ouc nnd n linll'milfi 8oulhert of Clenrllold hi, rough, by Utter nt Clonrlieid P.O limy 1 Iih lfi;,. (i. II. HALL. vol. iv, no. 17. Cm pd WANTED. r A Journeyman Cabinet-maker, of in. dustrious nnd Fober habits, nnd a gnoj ivorkmnn, can have constant employment by applying soon to the undersigned. Good wng's will be given. JOHN OUELICU Clearfield, En., May 11th, l8o!. 20 I MILL A KS It V.W A It IIK,M- from tho Jail of Clearfield County, tt.m the ni'lit of the .'1,1 Mny, inst. a young man u. med Owen Mrliovern, imprisoned on aehirgiof burglnry. Sniil Metiovom is five feel .even in. clirs,hi(;li, liglit tiuilt, dark hair, Inrg c keen tjt, nnd of nitlier fair oomplexion. Ho had on iptjt of (lurk snttinett , mils, domestic ginhas iliirt, n hlurk hut, n piiir of gum chocs, and took with him n red Ihinnel shirt. The nhore reward will he piven for the Apprehension of the (aid Mel). vern nnd liii delivery to the uudernigneil U ClearCeld boruuph. i'UKHEItlCK (J. MILLER, Sheriff. Sheriffs Ofliee, CleurDold, Pa, M.iy 11, 185V. no. 17, vol. itr. D' ISKOI.rTIO! OK IMHTM'.ltSHIP. The uiidcrsi'ned hereby give notice that tho firm of M K It 11 K 1, 1, A CAKTF.Il, heretofnt doing businesn in tho borough of Clenrfiold, bu this day bcrn dissolved by mutual consent. 7b business will hereafter bo conducted by 0. 1 MF.KUKLL, at the same place, in whoso h.indi the books and nccounts remain for collection. 0. B. MEHRELL. L. R. CAKTEIt. May fi, iSi'.l. St. no. 17, vol. iv. CM'.AiU II.I.I) U. COMIMXV.-TI. Coinniissioners n,pointe,l by the act toil, ccrpotiiratc the Clearfield (las Company, aren. iiiested to meet nt tho Court House in the Be rough of Clearfield, on SnUirday next (May Ut, ut ;i 'clin k, r. m. for the purpose of orgnniiii;, nnd making preparations for opening the Buoki for subscriptions to the stock of said Company. A full uttendance is requested, may in, lSj'J. It. no. 17, vol. iv. (.IlOCr.IIV AMI COM'-IX'TIOXARV. QTF.PI1KN (jRAFF informs hi old fritndi O and the publio generally, that hi liai re-op-e.l h:s liiocery and confectionary nt the oil ,-t;in,l i.. the 1', , rough ot Curwensville, whcrtki will be prepared to ntpp'y all with Sugar, t'offet, I Ton, Molasses, I'ac.n, rf-e. llecr, Lemonade, Cm- dies, Fruit Cakes, Ac. Ac. Ho respectfully mli- cits a shn-e ol p., tronnge. N. 11. llo is also prepared to accminoiliils tk public with nl. sorts of Cooper Work, and will repair bands, tubs, Ac. may 11, no. 17. vol. iv. A 1 iV of Administration having been granted.! rhe cstnto of William Weber late of Ilrady town ship, all persons having claims against said M talc, will present them without delay to CHARLOTTA WEDER, Adminiitratrix. P.rady tp. may 10, 1859. no. 17. vol.ir. iMillincry and Mantumaking. . rilllK undersigned would respectfully infom J the citizens of Curwen. villo nnd vicinity, that she has commenced the nbove business, oik dour nbove Thompson's store, where she wills pleased lo aceommodato nil who may favor bff with their patronage. MARC. RET MOORHEAD. May 2, 1S'i9. uo. 10, vol. iv. 1)LAXK ARTICLES Agreement, legal forof lJ between .School, Dirctor, and Teachers, f ale at tho oflico of the "Clearfield Republicaa.' OXK DA Y LA T EH III The War in Kuropo carried into Africa, and ISAAC JOHNSTON" just receiving and P ill!-, at hia shoe atom nn t .a corner cf Second and Locust streets (one door obove the "Repui- lienn Office,") 4 Lar.jc and lictwth'iil Assortment of Idtli"' and Gentlemen's HOOTS, SIlOi:, GAITLRS, , Jll SKIXS. SLlPPEttS, TIES, it. of every variety of style nnd material, front A henvy brogan to the tniry slipper. ALSO Misses', Hoys and Children's SHOES, GAITF.K'S AND SLIPPERS, OF ALL K1XHS. Tu WitrA is added a Iianje, .SVi (if Such ns Sole Leather, Kip, Heavy Moroccos, sorted Linings, Ao. Ac. IIVkVA he will sell Very Tw for Cat. ' T. ttCustoin work made to ordor a usual wna promptness, and in the neatest and roost dura ble manner. My o'd customers and all others, are resr" ! fully invited to call and examine, my itock, al jndgo for themselves. ' " ISAAC JOHNSTON.' may 11, lSSfl. if, no. 17, voL iv. "' ' To all tint Farms, see emadvtrtisrtt nf llnmmnntnnv I,nds. in .- . :u .):it add ., , - .- . . Haw '""V'X ' ' 1 ' ) tJob Trinting neatly nxeoutwl h l ' w am m i w rmiuraic w a mil" (,.'"- .;