ik Jlquiblicait. f ' 7m m fit 'lye. f 1 1 it. Iivr 'OH rr 1 )' St'nllrtinjl tllrt Mulct lnl . ,-! i 1" fclioutr't f Volrit I lint KM alnt't' Willi ll fl it, Int it win l" In''. J'ivlijiih linly tmniliiil lii ,1oiio Huriisiihs Mjli'lni'0 run ni ter In in i'H'1 (I.,i!.;.mI I "tivnl" thiitulrri'il llullrr, apt inplnjt hiiii lM'l( , liiilf rlmiikpil ly I ho piiii'tin- (owoi'l liini w illi i li' r' Imhiii'I, nml iiim tiiij;, I il mul siiuko-lnii.liil iiir. ' jng n Hnw nt his lu-tul with liii rillo. Van- l'mil llii.li'lim tt, in il''liiiiico if tlii tn.'.o n.'ip!i'i-i nii'l foil upon hiiii k im-o. IiI.kK, i.Ii.v x iwt iiift vnpon, rushril in thi Tin? lull VniiLif iiH'il to llio fitlo of cIkiiiiUt to i'Iiwc tln ilior llml hml l" ''U 1 1 uttrr mi'l t In-Ti'i y fill crusln'il nl his Ml I'pcn, hut n.iiili Mimli'il iiml nvri pow-j ,.,. roil iipim tho tlircslinM, It wnmviili ilil'j 'Huvont yon, you 'Initial rrilti-r ! Pi'tilty thnt hi rnuhl retrace liif "li'p"' i lVulijuli M:ikcetice iliilu't conn rut lu re Ho wus njifpiiirf for hreiith liken ilrnw tiiug ,,r n'oiliiii'. I'iUiio on a iluzrii ofyont limn, when tic ivjuini'il tho nn.x ioiim j-routi ,.0 There's n moid if esii-t lniiakM holow. ihluit up in my lnuus?'' "That door must lac i-liot," said I'mli- ( "Shoot down the rchels shoot Vm jiil), or wo shall lnl smoked lo death, like :dnvu !" cried Viiutitsslo, over ivlinso iros- rats in ft IioId 1 in Hhi't it, or suiioctiuv try in . i ax my Hax, il I don I V 'l'Jio tail form of 1'odijiili (li?.ijpcnrod in tlio iiiiish of Hinoko that rollril Iroui almvo liko thundoicloiulsi. 'I'lioro was a moment of intonso nnxioty, tlu-n tlio floor wasj lioard to rloce. Almost Biiiiultaiiooiihly ; l'oilij.'ih tliliililcd iloivn Htaii-H, oovored I with cinders, his fnoo and hand liliMtcred, I unci hoi i io of liin wliito locks withered to iw-Iks. "Jlravcly dono !" criid;Je-!tio. ''If you linvo not navod uh, you havo at least given j na n reprieve. I -Don't prniso mo," returned rodijah. 1 (t wliistlel close to tlio voiihk man's "Tlio praise of a p intoxicates nio like a(.Ci ,vi,0i putting hiinsell' between the ardont opeiit tho pfnitier tho pal, the voull(, Indies and the villains, held them drunker it makes mo. I never shall pit ,;it Jliaj.ersoii was tho tarpet for a away from this placo ulive if there's any-, (oz,.i furious hlows, witli Hiiprisin adroit thini; desperate 1 can do." ness, ho turneil hm-Io and hallled. "Desperate ! all is desjierute !" nv Hut- j p10 r(Mir nlon ,vt.,.0 now enpnped in an tor. "Wo niiphtcut our way throuph and ! uno()mil conlliet. save ourselves, perhaps, il'ther.i was noth-j t0 t, SWanip, pirls, while wo keep in' of a feminine natur' to look arter ; (i10 tnjreants in cheek !"adnionishvd lla but these pals can't stan' musket lulls, 1 'ehtn st. nor they can't stan' fire." j ' 'I'lio niaidens ran liko friphtened deer ; "Hoavena!" exelnitnod Taul. " lmt.i)Ut their defenders hadtho mortification uliall we do?" not for ourfclves, but for,, pp(, ,,vo Xories in pursuit of them, with tlieno poor gills." out Itoini; nltlo to po to their assistance. rsenpo as you can iiiiouu i ue uui iv noss; and as for us pirls, we will trust to tho mercy of the enemy, and vield our selves ju'isonors," unswvred Jessie, caper- "Vea, we will trust ourselves to the liu mnnity of tho Tories," said Judith and Kuth, hurriodly. "You will rind it a poor trust," return ed llutter, looking compassionately at tho throo pirls. "It'll bo miserable mercy you'll git from tuom. No!uolwo can't think of that." "Ood hlcru yon, Torn Hutter, no! We can't indeed think of that. Wo will die, if it be Heaven's will, for theso dear and helpless ones ; but forsako them never. A loud shout nroso from without. The Tories were exulting in their success. "What must be done?" asked l'aul, in an apony of anxiety. "We can do two things," replied llutter. "Remain here and be burnt, or rush out and 1)0 shot." .r .ii -.t t l t . im i torted lodntih s outly x ,ho f;ltulit of his sll.uck len.or "I'm bound to hve as long as uppers and lftl)d const(irniltJio,4 t0 tho hear.s of tho To. unders '11 hold together. 1 a.n t go.n to; , Tho. surrivors turned and knock under in tho mormn' o my days, j. by gum ! I know that all flesh is p.ass, but I dont want mv iriass cut while it 8 &o peen. 1 1 hold on to exis encc to the u.ie-yed Saul looked wildly around and astgiisp I swow 1 Jon, llutter I in go.n haughfmotkinply, then turning to Hut to cut jest about my bigness and tho - tcreUIi I,nntinga..d b!eedi..gompan liess otone o these gals through tho tar- , (, 'illti j,, tho direction the nal Tories, a lectio qu.cker n you can .load ha(, , unnl : a load o'hay when there s a thun-; w , , you ,,, ? Af(er ., der shower coming up like a race-hor e ! nft(T tl;pni Jfor th,v ,.,, volir ,.,,, L. Laurel wood House shook w.th the vio-! , nrc slll.i(,, UVV!,ya!av : lenco of tho devounng ll.mie, tthioh had . s , f j : (fmt. co;n euleli lliiouu ii mo rooi uiu now eu eioi'i-o , ' r ivfi i .1 i i , 1110 1111(1 lauer. hiiiic um Lieu i iuoim-ii up in alarm, n reu Hwonl of lire iviw thriu-t down through tho ceiling. 'Il is the Owning bwohI ! it waves us from 1'iiriulUe '" cried Jessie. "Nay," said Taul impressively, "some of U may ho going to an eternal Paradise." The tire above growled nnurily in an swer, and tiie black mnokopui led into tho room liko the rank breath ot a demon, j TUfi HAMMAONTOX yAliMhi;- "Let each man see thnt his weapon is j newspapers devoted to Literature nnd A loaded. Take care gals ! Stand back as, grioulture, also retting forth lull toco tints far as you can from thellatuo and atnoke. j0f the new settloment of llniiimnntnn, iu .There's a burn in' cinder on your dress, I cw Jersey, can bo subscribed for at 'Jj Miss Ruth it bbzes?" ,.tnt3 jicr annum. "It is out," said rodijah composedly, Indo3e posto slatnps for tho amount, eniothoring tho incipient glow with his Address to Kditor of tho rainier, Ilaui rcathand. I monton, Atlantic ('ountv, New Jersey . "Wo must rush out two nbroast," said h'lioso wishing cheap land, of tho best llutter. "lougan ana i win go nrst. i quality, in ono of the healtliiest and most llazelhurst, you nnd Blinkokcep ncur thejaolightful climates in tlio Union, bcc ad 1 adies. Clin ko, bo bravo, nnd use those lured nrnis of voura to some ruirnoso. liivo 'om tho contents of the blunderbuss in tho fuco and eyes, then club it and break their heads." "Yes, mare'r Tom. This chilo know what he 'bout. Ilabbent fo'pit dat hang iu,' yit. Thought I's done for dat time. Oh, golly, didn't it hurt when dey run mo .up to Ue limb ! '1'earod to e like. You stood by 1110, nnd 111 stand by you. Lor'l illsj olo bltindoibttss spoke to 'etn, do min Ute 1 liab tiino to obsquintil'y 'cross do .eights T" Tho parties woro now driven to the ro sniotest corner of tha room by their new .inl irresistible enemy, which was gather. Jng strength and fierceness with frightful rapidity. Ilutier unfastened tho door, mid tho fresh access of tho air gave addi tional fervor so tho conflagration, lie stood a moment alone in tho outpouring smoke, but not a shot was firod from the concealed and watching foe. "There is no help for it," added Tom. "Wo must try it novr or never, 1'odijali f" "At your stdo 1" responded tho Yankee -who exposed himself to danger ns if he had been accustomed to it from child hood. Tho walls shook with the vehemence of tho fire, and there was a warning croak and groan among the crumbling joists and trembling rafters. "The roof will fall in a moment!" cried fllaidohurst. "We are ready. Quick, llutter, quick 1" Tho heart of Tom llutter swelled with .courago and resolution ; his form dilated ; liis muscles quivered for the contest. "To tho right, friends to the right! Kei'p under the smoke as much as you ran and storm as you tro." . They-'didod unmolested lo tho end of tilitMlwL'llinp, "Now for tho shrtibliory in the iliroo Hiou of Laurel Swamp!" whispered IIut iter. "A crisis aptitoiudies, iHwr young In dies, I o brave 1" ndinonixhed l'aul, whose flendy l-cnirins and Hashing eyes told 4hat lio was ready to do battle for the fair seings under his protection. "Now for a dash fast, faster stooji -,giye as small a mark to tho enemy ns pos sible!" . When two or threo rods from the burn- i 1 . . " !ni! I.iiil I i 11 1', III" (Vuiva. elml. up with In j i'H-ilr. lilllinurV , llil im ihil A tll (MiT (.'Into I ii'i,l llio (iiejitiin. A iliwi H ini'M 'I'll n ft 1 ! limn tho f,i mi nivl rulm.;" In li- 't t tn-tr 1 I I'llDI'I'lK. i1U0 form four Mont IcIIowh ivoip ruiiti'iiilinj'i lilinko iliM-liiirpoil liiv lilmnlcrliusi, nnd tin; HciiUcriny form of Luckshot wounded "Si'izii tlio gain ! Hi'i.o tlio gals!" hIioiiI- Oll l.llllfol'll, I 'in w it ti you!" oxclniim'il Nat Her rink, ami Imtli nppioai'lieil tlio terror-Htrii-kcii pirlH. "Dli, 1'iml, cavo im ft cm tlioso wrutcli es !" Hlirii'kril .linlitli. "Ucio'.i for you, MUtcr !" exclaimed Jlerriek. levelinji a iiistol at l'mil. A hid Overpowed by numbers, they pave ground, but inch by inch. They were bruistid und bleeding ; they began to despair. "Take Vm alive, boys ; take 'cm alive, that wo may have the pleasure of hnngin' 'em!" shouted Vantassle. A single rifio shot rang sharp and dead ly throuph tho air. A Tory, who was press ing hard upon llutter, threw up his arms and fell d.md at the feet of his comrades. "Hounds of hell !"' cried a thunderous voice. ''You love blood, and slaughter and carnage ; you shall have it !" An athlectic man, with a black .patch over his left eyo, a ri He slu ng at his back a pistol in each hand, and a largo sabre swinging at his side, appeared in tlio midst of tho Tories, as if ho had suddenly fallen from the clouds. He fired his pistols and unsheathed his sabre. "Tremble, miscreants, for One-eyed Si'iil is among you :" I The sabro Hashed like lightning around uiu oiiuiiut;i ? iitrti'i. i nu lumn tho BtratiL'er's head. Tho tones of his ..CmV(ur,is , ,vrotc)l01 . j i. come, back, and , i , i . i . i , i inlands vou. 1 have work to do, work to! do. 1 uinsl go this ivny itnU tliut way, nml ami there is no rest for my head this iiijrht." With tlioso ivorils, ranMly anil vpIio mi'titiy nttoi od. 'Jih'-ov il Saul stroilv away, ami in an ins-timi was lost to vk'iv. Cimthiucil nc.U Kvri.J FAUJI LANDS FOR SALE 25 MIIXS from riiiladelphiu by Railroad in tho State of New Jersey. 8oil among tho best for Agricultural purposes, beinc a good loam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a largo tract, divided into small farms, and huadrcds from nil parts of the conn try nrc can 20 111 plac Vine st. wharf lit Philadelphia, at 7 A. M., by Itailro.vd for llammonton, or ad dress R- J. Byrnes, by lellor. Sec full ad vertisement iu another column. All wanting to rnii;rate to a miftl climate. yiiotl soil, and fine market, see adeerti.uinent of llammonton Lands. NEW WORK FOR AGENTS. The Life, Spccrlicg and Memorials or Containing his most Crkhrated Orations, a & leetion from the Eulogist Delivered on the Occasion of his Death, and his Life and Times ; MX DAMtTRL H. SMUCKRR, A. X. This splendid work is just publiihod, lo on largo volume of 6.r0 pages. It is printed on fino papor, and bound in beautiful ityle 1 oontaini cx eol lent tint illuatrationa of hii Birthplace and Mnnaion at MarshHold ; and a full-length life like, Steel Portrait. The publisher oHeri it with confidence to the Amoncan public, ana laeonvln eeu main win luppiy an nnporuiot wanv . Ainor- lean 1 teratnre. Lo work wai to I D. obUinM hcrelnforo, which presented, within a compact nnd convenient compass, tho chiof events of the life of Daniel Webster, bis most romafkul lo ln - ! 1 1 . 1 T 1 ., . , . 1 1 ' ollectu-leflorta and the rao.t v.luarbl , .nd n- trPMUiiK enlogi, which the great men of th. na- tin uUnd honor of bi. memory. VI present all he.a treasuro. to this volume.. at a very modorati. prue, and in a i-ery oonvem- unilUOVIIIVI vuavuBBuia ivnvuvi m 00. l'oraoni desirous of beooining Agents for this Toluable work, will address, for full particulars, i . Dl'ANB RUUSON, Publisher, 33 South Third Street, l'hilsdelphia, l'a. no. 7, vol, iy. now setthnu and build, nil. 1 lio ciods top my tircii t,w fm,n ii ln s I f j UUPt VH Wla Vila 'v '-f -4 mars r lorn, pnvablo within four years by i WOll l 1 IIIUKC1 , -. ,i, ltJ), . niaillirillS, I V i-It. Uiu I'll wj an. 1 DENTAL CAM). M, fM 1 1 II i.ff.n lil if"rt'tonnl err tlcss lo Hi I mill mhI l.l'lll Ifiiilll of ( Irar Mul llrllilljf. All lxt nl i nixi prlfoimrd tli'MliP-i Mill lli'M'Ulrll. Itelllg familial A. ft.'i.t Willi with r 1 1 lli lute lniif"vin('iiu, tie la 'ii'.iirril to mnkn A 1 1 1 tt 1 1 I I Kill In Hit Lot manner. 01 Id r In Slinw's new r". H.'t. i nil, is;H. Ijj. im. it. v. Wilson, II A V I N I removed his nflicit lo Ihe new dwel ling on Meeond slrcel, will promptly mnwd p nl.' aiimnl enlla aa liorototoro. j n. H. I. in limn n. i; Altltlli:it Si TI'.MT, Atlorhiji lit l.nw Cl.'iirllolil, I'll., will iilliilnl iiromi'lly to Lot- l liulis, I.iiIhI AK'li'ii,. "-i ,n CliMirllnlil, lilri mul Klk viiulitiim. July '!- y JOHN TKOHTMAN 1TtI.I piinlliHH'i" ike Imnliioii nl I linir iMukliiK. O mul lloimo, SiRii ami (Iriininoiiliil l'iiiiiti"Ki ul Uiu ulinp formorly ori!iiilil ly Trt.titiiiiin A Howo, ul the cant oml f M'irket Direct, ft 'i't ilinlunee wcfl i.r l.it' Kiiuiiilry. Juno THOMPSON, HAM'soCK N CO. Iron l''i)iiinli'i'K. Oiirwiunvillc. An extcimvc nsMiirlnii'iit of (.'iii'ling nimlo to onltTU lire. 2H, I bill. L. JACK'SON CRANS, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, oHio ilji.ining IU roxiili'iiro on Stu-uii J ijtrcut, Clcnrl vU, 1 u. Junn I. ISjl. 11. P THOMPSON, 1)li sir Uiu. may lio fnunJoitlior nt lit Hrntiolil'i hotel, Curwcimville, nthin olfice when no lirorcvMiniiilly ui'ceni. Hoc. 211, 1861 FIU5DKU1CK ARNOLD, Mciclinnt ami rroilncc Dealer, Luihcn burs riciirnclil county, l'a. April 17, la2. KLLIS IRWIN & SONS, VT the moiitli f M'k I'1"1, five milei frnm ClcurfipUl, MKHCHANTS, auj extoniro Munufiii'turcrii of Lumber, July 2:t, 1862. J. D. THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wagon, lliiKgiof, Ac, Ac, ironed on abort notice, and tho very bct.tylo, at hu lid atiiiul in tho borough of C'urwuuavillo. Dec. 2'J, 1853. mi. M. OOI, having changort hla loea XJ lion from Curwonaville to Clearfield, ro peetfully olTera hi profeaaionnl .crvicej to the citizen of tho latter placo and vicinity. Hcsidenoo on Socoud atrcet, oppoaite ti it of J. Crana, E. tay ' "56. P. VV. HARRUTT, MI'IUIIANT, rHODi:CK AND LUMBER DEAl.EK, AND Jl'STICK OK THE l'EACE, Luther.burg, Clearfield Co., I'm. J. L. CUTTLE, 4 ttnrnry at Law and Land As:rnt, o(Ti J adjoining his residence, on Market atrte L'kiu field. WurchS, 1853. A. R SIIAW, f FTATLER of Foreign and Uouicatic Merch. I JTV u, nhnw.villc, t leartiold County, fa. gh . "f. , August 15, 1S55. 1). O. CROUCH, IVIYSICIAX Oflk'o in CurwcnMillo. May WM". T. niAMBKllf. (4.VKRIES on Cbairmaking, AVheelwriKht, and' J liouao and Sin painting at t'nrwcnaville, Clenrt'eld ro. All orders promptly attended to i Jan. 6, 1858. -. -- JDSEI'II PETERS, f lie Te.tee, C'trreviHf, 1'enna. 0.V, dour east of Jlmtelnia A Tea Kyck Store. All bnainoiiii entrusted to him wil I , bo promptly attended to, an l all instrument! of, writing done on short notice. . j M.rih, XI, 15S. y. I) OLEUT J. iv A T T l cv Amintr i, T.aw i, Clearfield. Pa., Ofliea in fihaw ! Itoiv. en. )oito tho Journal office. dec. 1, 1S43. tf. r W. II AYS, TAArEP.r;EAX, Mebiineotvpist, Ambroly- I ) ,'ist. and Jl's TICE OF THE PEACE, Kerrey, Elk County, Pa. in X. located himaclfin the borough of Clearfield would in funn tho public that ho Is prepared to l.i wnrtr in IliA nkflvii line from nlnin If. nrnuin.n. I Int .if mnv rliserintlon In ft work n.nnli ll A manner Aluo rrhitowashing and repair it g dont in a neal manner and on reaaonablo torina. EDWIN COOPER. Clo.irfleld, April 17, ISST. ly. . t . Yonn TEE TIL & TAKE CARE OF Til EMU I)' It. A. M. 11(1. 1. M, deaires to announce to bia friends and patrons, that ho ii now de voting all of his time to operation! In Dentistry. 'I hoae desiring his services will find hiin at hie 1. fficc, adjoining hla residence at Dearly all times, md always 00 I'Vldays and Saturdays, unleai Notice to the contrary bo given in the town pa pers the week previous. N. I). All work warranted to be satisfactory. Clearfield, Pa. Fcpt. 21'nd, 1858., All trantim to emigrate ti a'mild climate. ijnod tod, and fine nuirkct, $cl advertisement ff Jlammmiton jnds. FOR SALI2 0K RI3NT. THE subscriber oflcrs his farm situated in Lawrence township Clearfield county, containing sonio two hundred and forty acres with about seventy-five aero cleared with house, barn, young orchard &c. tlicroon, for side or rent on reasonable terms. Enquire of the subscriber soon. -Possession given at onco. ' Wm. TORTER. Clearfield, Clearfield Ounty, Pa. MAKRIAQE CERTIFICATES Blank form, for tale at the office of tha "ClearBeld Re publican." . 1 r - 1 Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale. KY virtue of an order of (ale iasued out Of the Orphans' Court of Clearfield county, there .. . - , tonu,.. ... th. borough of Clearfield, on Monday the lfith f tb. interest of Matthew 0 . . , ', , ... . . .. . i Sto"' Jef "? th. ,rciU eslnte. situate in Itogja tp., and boundmt by aD,,. of Wm. L.imado on the w.rt, tract In nam. of 8townrt h J 1 , ft h b , ; p eon,aiig SO acre, Lr. or leas, on . ' .oted twojlo hlin.. mnA ' th" Terms cash on oonflrniatioa of sale. JAMKS ST0TT. April 13th, 1859. Ad'tnr. of Matt. 8ttt dee. 7l'RS and Iil FFALf) R0DKR In snit tho season, at tr n iTTirn'q KRATZER f. i n. ,i,,, it.,, i t.ki.. I,. w.H, In CimriiMlllc. I's , ! nn'lt t" r--"intii f n't ho irnif tfilr.f lil in l,t, llmir (nlnoiniT'i. IH Inkle mil (,Ur l.e ni..ll.il with Hie l.r.Hh mktt n. ; mul hi Hf ith i-l""!""' Ilonon. Ili ulelile will le timlT tlie mn "f unlive hii.tliT.. IIAV1H KM 11 II. I'lirnrnntill", April il. I.'. HOTEL, No. 117 & 119 2nd St. abovo Arch, VM. IIOI'KI N taken lhi niollioil oflnforn . iiiK liiK.,1.1 IVIcndK nnillhc piilillo gonerully Hint ho linii Just UK (H'KNKI) the nlmve well known Hotel, ami rn Blled It In n tlyle nuimhle I. Ilia nee, mul tlm wiiiiIm of tlm travelling pulilio. .Mr. II. Itos IihiI alurijo eitperieneo In hotel keep iiC, ho him no linlliilimi iu inyii,K thnt liin gwtf will llml hie houco a pK'iicant mul ilcxirnlilo atop, pinn plnre. Of (he oIokIIiIo loentlon of tliln Hotel for per- iii, la vii-ittn 11,0 tily, r, liter on o.v yir.svAVvWiS on pleasi'M-:, it In ileemed nltiiRi'lher uniiecoinry to speak, I ii k no ll.il. lii, l'liilmlelphia is butler known than tho "Old ,1ilMlll IVl MOII." l!y elnee attention to tho wnntfiof M cnitii, er Mr. II. hopes to deHorvo ft ehnro of public ,ntrom,f;o. N. II. Ilia term per day una been fixed at 111 low rale of $1.2.1. tiopt22ii.l, 1858. 1 yr. FLEMING HOTEL, (Formerly known as the (inou Intent,) Cl'KWl'NSVlLLE, Clearfield Cimnty, Peitnxilmnia. Tho subaciiber beg. leave to inform hi. old customer, and tho public generally thnt ho has recently taken the ahovo well known etnnd, and thnt bo ha entirely refitted nail rol'urniahod it in a ttylo adapted to tho age, nnd tho wanU of tho entire traveling community. HIS TABLE will nlwnyi be provided with crerv lnxnry the inarhcti nnd aurroundiiig country will atl'urd. HIS BAR will bo supplied with tha choicest w inou and li quor. HIS STABLES. j,., aro the bc,t Bnj ,uost commodious on tho roil(1 jti,jn a tlay' travel, will nlwnvi bo in chnrgo of careful nnd nltentivo hoatlcri. In ,,orl Every department of hi Entabliahmcitt will ,)0 Mim,io,l with all the roinforta and convonicn- cic the weary trnvcller could deaire. June 2, o. WM. A. MASOX. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA THE above Hotel, having recently been fitted I up for a liouao of entertainment, is now open for the accommodation of tho public. Travelers will find tliia a convenient houre. May II), 1858, .0J1N JORDAN. CLE AJFIELD COR MHI OK FIRST .M STRKICTS, Till! undersigned roapcclfully inf..nn his friends and the traveling public in general, thnt bo hna takcu tho above house., FOHMKItLY KNOWN A.S TIIE HEMP HILL HOTEL, The Hoise has been recently refitted im proved, nnd newlv furnished ; EXTENSIVE STABLING II AS ni:EN I'OMI'I.ETEH J AND JIG 13 rittl'AltrO . . TO ACCOVIUlllME All who inav uive him a c.,11, in the most . 1 . 1 , , 11 . plowing and tigreetiblo manner. mr ,i. IM 1 , T Jvia l" -A'V1 ii uU I H'iA retry thing lo rnder his hovte a Jerimle 1 ' v'rivnn piirr I I. r, V .' will no luppnea wnn an asmirtnient ot etioieo ii- "Iu"ri and be will endeavor to entertain hi f guests in a manner that ear. not fail to givo the ! A It K 1ST Tho house is situated iu a, .leasant aud They arc sitear-iontcd, so' that the most sensi ijuiet Jiai t of the town, uud no txin nse tiiecan take llieiu pleasantly, and they are the or attention will he spared to niako it one t. "I'""'! "c world f.-r all the purposes of a of tho best houses ia tho county. A lib-, lm."y 'l; e d, rn ! oral patronage is respectfully solicited. It. UAlj JIOKltOW. Clearfield, ang. 13, U Ss. 1y. NATIONAL HOTEL, 1 - ! ' (LATE WITHE SWAX.) Race st above Third, Phila. , 1111 E proprietors of tho abovo well known tt . tablishnif nt bcins thnnkful for the vorv liberal patronage bestowed upon them tho paat year, tuko this method of informing their friends ... ..... . ... n . anil Ihn nilblin Ibnl llmv mr alill nr.nni.nil In nn commodnto thorn if favored with a call. During the aumiuer months the bouso has been tnorouguiy renovated, iiuproreiacnts mad and otbor extensivo altorationi in oontemplalion. We are delormined to deroto our whole atten tion te business and flatter surselvei with the conviction that wo shall bo able to give satisfac tion. SlUKS & STOVKR. N. B. Carriages will always be in readineas to convey paaaengcra to and from Steamboat Land ings and Railroad Prpots. S. A S. March 31st, ISiS.y, ' SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Curwensville, Penna, rni,e subacribor, formerly of the Kxchnntro llo- . I l m.:i:...l i i .1 . -f--"-.: V. ,"."rB.. "V"'" "cn.' "?l'n.n line stock of WAT0J1KS of .1 ifferent oual r... . rf7c I "! he is now ready for tha accommodation of stran- gen and all others who may favor him with a call. Tha houso is large and comfortable and travelers will find every convenience noccssary to their comfort. Aaiple stabling is attached to the premises. " - - : DAVID JonNSON February 10, 1858. NOTICE. . TIIH Third Session of the CLCtRTlKl.n Cotrn. rr Normal Scbooi, will b held in Curwena villo, comnicncing on Tuesday the od of May next, and will continue two months. No pains or labor will be spared to render "the Instruc tions at thorough ticular attention n Person! wi'shinjf vantages are requ moneement. ' A Ci mmntion trt be acf'l the lout week of therlnon. ..',,,' , '. L. L. SI ILL. Lountv Sun.' ' I I... .a ,. I-'' ' April 8, 1S5SI. no. 12, Vol Iv... , ...... . niaiiano imwo ui liii-iuj ia soiling very cheap at. .. KRATZEtt-,.. "'S.. ' - - -----r- . JBAIftSa&aEhEa THE I'NDERSIllNED tsk.i this roetlio of an. "WW e I I'l 1 Ttrei m ,, ... nounciiur to the citixansof Clarliold and tha anr. rounding country, thnt he has opened a en Main Street in Skaw'i A'aw horn, , whore fat isnrepared to accoramodato all who iva him calf, and hopes to receive a liberal ratronaira. f ' f ,k Un 1 e ,rns ,, 1 j J Oct. 6th, 18 jS. JEREMIAH NORMS. and practical as Doasibo Par. r . uring on your noes, your spanes anu pi"i :Wen to I h art of teaehin i-T,an?H . "V -'"P' 'f h-iuc , Your log-ihain, and your pulling sticks, to avail tWsoIve, of iu ad- c K MXZ:?., ' v-r sleighs, your hor.e, yoar ested to be prosont at iu com- , i jv. ..i Z. , . . i 1u ,urco vcnr "'J 8,'i"' ,uou 8 ,-mlV hutUiit, and VMiJ x- "K"rl. n T" ",' " t. neeiKicada .,..,... -i 11 A coinmiiimi fenu'dv. II MinKf l,avc la- iKiri'd In iiiliiip llie mia-t lllritiial altcrnllve Hint inn In- inmto. It in a cum rl,tt(i'"il i liai t nf rm PmiMtpnulln, M riiinliini'il ilh ot lief iiltnrraf Mill Rrenter alterntive jinrr a to nH'iinl an i MW tive itidnte for llio iliM'amti ilia la reiniled to ruro. Il l lu lu veil llml aoi li a fi m' dv la ivmitcil hy tlmw ho aiill'er from Mrnninin mmidiiinti, and Hint imo Mliiill will nrcoiiiplilill their euro muxt rvO of iiiiiiu'tiafl ncrvii o to tlii" lurgo chwa ol our . .... ..i ir - I.....1.. alllii'tl'il Irllnw-i'iuziiii. now twiiij. u-ii .j n. ." compound will do it lini boon proven by cxpor- imi'iit i"i nuiiiy of tho worst cases to bo found ' of the fullowiiiR coinplainta: SrlinVt't.V AND S.'l()l't't.Ot; l,OMri.AINTK, ICuciTioNs and EmtrTivB 1)isk"es, ri.cr.us, 1'iMi'LKi, llt-OTCiius, Tumoms, Salt Hukum, Sl'AM) llKAl), SYI'IIIMH AND BVI'IIIUTIO Af- M.rrtiiM.s, Mr.ui t uiAi. Disease, DamnY, Nku kamiia a Tic DniaoiriiEitx, Deiui.ity, Dyh- l'la-slA ASII iMKIOKHTlOSf, KltYHIlM'.I.AH, HoSB on Nr. Antiihny'8 Finn, oml indei-d the wlWc cl;,is nf i nmiilaiiits arising from IttruiUTY op tiih lli.miii. This compound will be found n great pro 11,'if r nf health, when tuken iu tho spring, to expel the find humors which featcr iu tho UikkI nt thut season of tho year, lly the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in tlio hud. 'Multitudes con, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of find eruptions and ulcerous sores through which tho system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body hv an nlterative medicine. Cleanso out tho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in tho veins j cleanse it whenever it is foul, nnd your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people, enjoy better health, nnd live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood heiilthv, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of 'life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. ! Narsnparilla has, nnd deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing theso ends. Hut the world has been cgrcgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because tho drug nlimc has not all the virtue that is claimed fur it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be conccntrutcd extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, ,ir any thing else. I luring late years the public have been mis leu by large buttles, pretending to give a qunrt of Extract of Siirsiiparilla for one dollar. Most of tht.c huve been frauds upon the sick, for tin y not only contain little, if any, Surmpa rill'i, bit: often no curative properties uliutcv- i ur. llente, oilier anu painiui tusappiuiiuiicm has followed the use cl the various extra; ts ol Sursapurilhi which flood the lnaikit, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous vitli imposition unci cheat. Still wd cull this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as tliull rescue the name from the load of obloquy,. which rests iijxiii it. And we think we have ground for believing it has viitues which arc irresistible by the oidiiibry run of the di-easei it is intend ed to i me. In order to serine their complete eradication from thcFvstem, the remedy should j be judiciously tukui accenting to dilu tions ou tiie ootue. riiKrAnrn uy IU. J. . AVEIC & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per llotiic ; Mx L'ottHa for $3, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral hns.wnn for itself rudi a reiinv,, for the cure of evrry variety of Throat and Limp Comi'luiiit, that it is entirely uimcccsarv for us to iccoant the evidence if its virtues, wherever it has l-ecn em- ' ployed. As it has long been in runMalit use tliruuchnul this firt'Dii, we iKi d not do more than ' he r'"lde its ipialitv U krrt up to the bet it c r ha lio n, and that it inav be relied on to - du . rili 1 all k ... ..vtr ,... fuua lo do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR TliE CUllE OP Costieenesf, Jaundice, I)iiiipiia, Inrlirjettinn, l)i3ciiiiri, Foul f-lummh, F.i ijnipi la$, lhadiehe, rile.i, ItiriiMulhm, F.mptiom 'intl Skin Diienscs, Fiver Complaint, Drcpnj, Tetter, Twnun and Salt llliium, H'ornn, Limit, Xturatyia, 01 a Dimur Pill, and fur 'tirif;ina the lilaod. rrice ca ccai! per iuxi . ej.t'3 io, i.vv. Great numbers of Clertrynicn, riiy.ieiaiis, Plates men, and eminent vicrtionatres, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these , remedies, but our spaeo here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur- 1 nish gratis our AMP.niCAN Almanac in which they j arc Riven j with also full descriptions of the above ; complaints, and tho treatment that tnouiu uc io 1 1 r.. .k:. Do not b put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Drtnnnd Avtit's. and Uiko no others. The sick want tho best aid there is fur them, and they should 1 ' haVP It. I Remedies arc for sale by SOLI) 11 V C. D. Watsom, nnd M. A. Frank, Clearfield h. . ltiiFixi:n. MosnsilnU. C. R. 1'ostkii. I'ailipibur. Wm. Iimvix, Curweiisville. Samcki, Ansoi.n, Luthersburg. And all druggists. dec. 22, 1S68.' WATCH & JEWELRY T HIE uudcrsigned reapectfully inform." customers mul the public gonorally, thnt ho has just returned lroin the Last, and opened lit t ' ' lna ea'abliahiucnt in .S7.I IC'.S' lit) II' I' .virfi.. i ' variety, from . fu.l eotttoa sing.o piece, which ho will sell at the most reasonable prices for CASH. ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired and U'arrauletl. A oontinuunco of pa Iron ago is solicited. v... io.i. ,or.Q b ,, ,, ,.,,, eii iwiii, iojo, ji. r. .1AI VJ1.1',, JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, nA?. ft,od,np ,,U0Pf-" dMir M't of tho "Oi.n Jew Stork," on Jlarkct St.. dos.rcs to inform the community at large, that ho keeps on band a variety of LAIIIM'.I l Oil K, m.i,!,.H flni.,:.i , .i: ' , h ' ' , ' iu ,ii.-ioso oi ur as cneiip rntoa. for cash. iliv ... l,. ..i . '.. ... -"-,' ..... VW 'IIIUUIISVU i auv other establishment of the sort in nn. Person! Wishing- to buv fomiinpn ... . .. . l,u ,w come io in a rnop and eiamino hia articles and judge for Ihemselv.a of their quality and finish, before piirchaainjj elsewhere, ns bo feels eonfl. dent that he can suit them in price and quality. ! ? B-1 '' prepared to make Corrms to ,"ru. r "? l"e "si notu-o, and nttond fnnt rals w.v. ..u mo .H.oricsi noiii'o, anu with a hearso, when called upon .AII kinds of country nroilm' wilt l. r ceived in payment for work, aov. ir, lo8.ly. :. '!'" hupki 1 rice pnni ror ill IM-.M in tASll 1 at th. St.. Vy's steam Tanner,. no 2, v. iv mllE Highest Price paid for HIDES in CASH A V(M'S US 1 ) I ' ' . . at h'S abnti. nnd tbnfc ha mnhiirnnlnrni in t,; ..... . j .:.Ll I on .v, !,.;, ii' ri : n mi 1 ami i M h M i ' r A ( f 1 1 i in- i.AM, ",n lil.h i rteaiiol aK'l tinlir riilii,ii .' na rU nilliM r,. !.. .,n n.. . ' ?'. ". Inun I'lentflplil town lo " "'"in n'HI I. ..I t b atlli lil I'iniMlv. )'.. unit il,... f ' ii-nrni ld Rrlil rinin I Ii n foiini't I'la.e, ""U The I, niii.e I e. .nil ..i,.,,!... . ' ' ' w in nl ri..i i Tavern, and will ri.oii.mnl ni.lu -u " , 0f ihe wnli rmen diirlno Hi. l.i.... r,,'0,) ally lni Innn f.' lo .In w.rka. Th'.i . ar I good llnrn, Wood ffc.., j,nk( ( end lariom whrt lmil,lli,K nee...,,,, f , J1"H 1 ..i...,,.A r...i tk. i . ' . ht. '... .... irrma oi aleniL. mads r.-y-in.Y four nnn) Mv,ne,,i,. Fof fJ titer In roi inal Ion Inquire of. I. (nni if.- A. T. Heuyver. Jamea II. I.arrimer, t.n, (i... tiel.l. or L. W. YtvM, illrn ll..I:i,,rt,,iit?;-. ty l'a. i April fl. lS.ria.-lf. To wiinlini Faring, IIiimniiHitmi Jtitntn. (I'leerl'nemtnt 0 NOTICE. rilllE underaigned being al.ottt (0 Ji,.j J- tnelr partnership, ;iye notice lo all parwa. having deal, oga with them In anv w " lever, to cnll and settle without dolay, a( u , ! short tiino tho hooka will ho left in otlmr l,..i for settlement : but they mmld prefer that ill who run possibly do so, aliould lunar their counls beforo tho dissolution is finally cITecttd WEmiKLLE i CARTER Clenrfiold, Pa., April fi, lSjtf. no. 12, vol. lr CAHI). MIHS COXSTAXT late from the EM n.. fully announces to the eitueni of Clearfield nnd tho County jcenernlly, that ibe it prejmrod to givo Instruction in iMuaic PIANO, MELODEON AND GITTAR, aijio, w the iiiescii LANni'AOE ir Being, nt,, I 1IATIVB TOXUCK. 10 refers nil who may he intennisd in ti above, to tho Itev. Dr. nnd Mrs. M'LrnL hernia $S 00 in advance, or $10 00, B!nti advance. Dec. 0, IS 58. tf. ' 1 1I5ST INI 1KST SliKVEDI HOOTS & SHOES AT." Y OX II AX f), josepii GooMf TIIANKIT'L for Past favors, and crateful f future prosnot-ts, Jeirej to inform tlio tir.D!aC this vicinity, nnd hla old friends and ptromih particular, llml lio luia reiuovcJ U, U10 FIRST uij'.i.u 111 we tuet enn nf 7'i First Door Me.it nf the Mmmn Horn nhero lie ht on band constantly, n large a!orl ient of every yariety'in the BOOT AND SHOE LIKE orsToM trom attended to with disiattb The very bc?t of stock will be u.-ed, audio I aius spared to nniko noat fits and dnralile work. All ci v. huh can ho obtained from 'he said Junpk (oml VEIiY l.OW" f.,r Ihe iiKAUY niiiso. Clearfield, Aug. IS, ljS. ji-'j'.!!' Ji'iu.iu 11 juiuw, "' I '"' lil.' If 1 1 II ;. 11 '' H'fiWf ir r o. ),W,9' j . VTOTIC II f hereby giveii that Letters of Ai il ininifiralii.t, have been irranted to the 1 ilcrsined. en the estnte of Bid.ert W ri "lev. Sr. into .1 Itraiiford. township, deceased. All per- ? us uiniii; uiiMiiiss eui,ecrn,ii! tlie snina, an hereby imtilied to niako iuiini.'diate sctlleueDI I ill, Ihe ailiiiiiii.itr.'itor. I WILLIAM K. V It IC. LEY, AiiiititiintiHtvr, Uradfur I tonn.-hip, J.'iniiaiy ID, p.VJ. Dissolution of Co Partnership. 'I'lIK iinili r.-i.u-iiid, hiniog been partner! io tb bu-ine.-s of tniiniiii;, eurryiii', and buot and -hoeinaliinj.', at the St. Mary's Steam Tmiifry. have this liny by mutual coi ai.'iit dissolved tbeir 1 ii 'r,t,ie,slii' connection. All debt due laid firm ofti. V. M'atsnii & ('., and all elaiinanpiiail the 111 will be settled by K. C. Shuit., ol St. Mary's who bin p'.iielinsed the interest of the other t partner?. C. W. WATSON'. TIHiMA W. IMfHAKCS, II. 0. M'lll I.TZ. St. Mary's Steam l'actury, Jan. 12, 1 8."9. no. 2. v. ir.) Cabinet, Chair Making, Asrai" aswias !irj,22ffla 1 7 fil-UCH, of tho borooh of Clearfiold, U l'a., will be prepared at all times toatlend M to any cuincas in the above line on abort notice, and in n workmanliko manner. lli plac ..f ... .1.. .1.1 l .1.. .,L m',Aal v., ..iisiiiess is 111 me inn suoji 011 lor in'iiu Market street, 3d door east of Third IL, nearly opposite tho old Jew storo ; where ho will kwf constantly on hand a large nsaorlmcnt of M hogony and C'nno lloltom Chair, and Cbit I Ware of every description, which he will diipo ot on as rcnsonnblo terms as the aame arucin can bo had elaewhero in the county. Ilia stock of Cabinet Ware now on hand, aisls in part of I'rosaing nnd Common Bureau, Sotiia, Sewing nnd Washing Stand.", 1'csM liook Cases, French nnd Field Tost Bedittadi, 1 llining, Urea k fast, Centre, Card and Pier T ' bles, Ac. Cofbns uianufuctured nnd dcliveredat any placo desired, his Fubruarr y. 1S.r. rno. 4. vol. ir.l n. n v I ml J To all u-antina Farms, set ' iw "'miiMiillil J OTldi, fit U MU I C I n " V llammonton Iauds. All wanting to emigrate to a mild Ctmm, good soil, and fine market, see advertisement llammonton Lands. j .- ta .,.- nFl ' LOOK Hl.Itr. 1 1.IM1K Bb THE undersigned aiibscribera, take this od of informing the publio generally, j they hnve this day entered into eopartnership THE BLACKSMITH LUrilNKSS, and can be found at the shop formerly eeH hv .1 .,i,a.. ti.l.i .isAei. In thii- rough, whero they will be pleased to see th rl i eustomers, and ai many new ones as can it couvoniont to give them a cull. To proouinir hooks for evorv heiirht. Your swords too, shall then bo wrought. ' To ploughshares such as fain ne'er bough, JACOrt FHUNKffltE, OKI). W. OltR. Clcnrfleld, December 8, 1353. tf. IOR BALK, by Merrkll A Cariks, M . r.nlnl Iwprorri Corn Shelter Aiieni e-iiiw-rB oi ine nest Kina wnu ft -ifl ety of Hoods in their line, just received, snilT1 ...... V., . 1 ... . U . l.rl. tVI' u som iow lor oasn or prouuoe. Clourfiold, Dec. 8, 1808. 1 nfin CALFSKINS wanted, forwlnek! ItUUU highest prieo In cash will W P'1" - 7 " " nignesi pneo in casn win 17 . the St. Msry's Steaul Tannery, no. 2, vol-) Ik