Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, May 04, 1859, Image 2

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    f bf Jirpublinn.
Tlf-.TfT- "li it i- ' -
May 5, 150.
- .
Democrat io State Ticket.
. or ruiLAbsu'uu.
The News.
Thalunt foroiun news, although vnrvimr
nittlo in substance from thnt of former. excuso J'ct dcirAlo Alternative he
date, are somewhat different in detnil. ,cl,osc' ,vI"le son,c l'iounce him as a cold
The prospects of a war aro not so cer- blo0(,ed nmrdcrcr. For him who could
- tain as they were a short time ago but tho rrfc'ot everJ' (,,,litT1'tio friendship, and
horizon is yc. fur from clear. , Lttst''y ul,l,se ,1,e Kc'""" confidence and
Tho English parliament wps dissolred Ii.itulily of the man who had invited
on the 23d ult., tocive, as the Lord Chan- 1,lm to ll18 1,on,,, nl,(1 i-ivct
cellor who read the Queen's speech said,
to give nn opportunity for an expression
of opinion on publics afluirs, and to give
the government tho confidence of tho
House of Commons.
' Tho Monileur, tho organ of Xajioleon,
says that France has even a disposition to
assent to a disarmament before the Tcncc
Congress meets.
' A rwmor was circulated in London tho 01 U1C tlee(l!i ' I'itine, nnl oven of
day previous to the sailing of the steamer, j t'e aci which cost the iniguarded Key
that an attempt had been made on 'tho,1'"111- It ".however, worthy of remark,
Emperor's life, but it was not credited. antl 'editablo to mankind, that these
' Sardinia on the 19th ult., assented to a' P10S1 'o only foucd among those
general disarmament, leaving the details :,vhose U'liIy Iives a,' 8l,dl ll,at they could
to the Teace Congress. not condemn Key without pronouncing
No time or placo has yet been agreed , sei,,e,u'e "l,on themselves, And ncknowl.
for the assembling oi the Consress. cl,"inS aJvancc the justice of tho act,
Final propositions were sent from Eng
land to Austria on tho 19th.
' . A serious riot had taken place at Ro-
logna, in Italy, among the students. The
troops were ordered to fire upon them
and aevcral were wounded. Ko partic.dnrs Ulu ,n 1110 lcws lrin. "owever mc
as to cause. 1 criminal codo may havo yielded to the
; India. The Bombay mail had been!codoot cqu'"lo justice and right inher
telegraphed with dates to March 23d. :ent n11 ri8lllly constituted mhids, the
Tranquility prevailed in India. i niorid eonso of tho mass of ,Iie whole coun-
i Utih The trouble in it, u , ..:...' try has been satisfied. Daniel E. Sickles
have recently . increased. A misunder-' was "cu'lted by the strong force of pub
Standing has occurred between Gov. Cum-!liool'i,llon lefo,e ll0 ,vft'' rIlW(d UP' "is
, ming and Gen. Johnston. Judge Cradle-' tri,d 1" court and no Jury, could have
baugh requires the presence of the milis
lary during the session of the court, w hich
Gen. Johnston furnishes, whilo Governor
ri Curnniicg protests against it.
The Mormons are very indignant at.
if the presence of tho soldiery. "
The court at Trovo City, has been ad -
journed, the Judge not beinu able to trans-
. act any business.
Brijjham Young delivered a temperate ' ""thorities, whoso pilfering and plundor
iscourse at the TaUrnacle on tho 17,1, iS c'Oi mities have become a by-word and
. ult. . , ......
frtrn Tli (T'ir r.r M.:.. T..l.l!
... .... ..... :
are still as unsettled as ever, while neither
. . . . .
rUlMV Enni.l. I m n... . n . . .
advantage. A letter writer from there
ays that a short time will bring things to
a close in some way
AYssmsioTox. The receipts of the Na
tional Treasury for the quarter ending A-1 pjut when thcy oro out of office tlloir howU
pr. 1st, amounted to nearly twenty two'f appointment, which they would fain
and a half millions. The expenditure., o(1 for Ul0 tIinndcri 0f virtuous indig
dunng tho tame period were eighteen reverl,emi frr.,,, ,.,t .fiu
millions, including three millions for the to llie otIlPr.
payment or thi Treasury Notes issued un-1 ....
' dor act of Dec. 1837. The health of Gen- J A chance tor Fohnev 4 Co.-The Brook-
cral Cass is improving. t vju0 Jcfcriom.w, very aptly and truthfully
'f 1 A fugitive slave case occurred at Gaines. i speakingof the opposition conven
. tille, Ohio, on Tuesday last. Attempts ' tion, "Henry M. Fuller, Chairman of the
v tvere made to rescue the Alleged fugitive, ' Republican State Central Committco pub
.but wero unsuccessful. lie was remanded
fo his master. , - rhiladelphia, nnd of tho several counties
g 9 . 1 ' j ;
.-w .CAUroRNiA. Tho overland mail arrived In tnc Commonwealth attached to the
?! at St. Ixiuis on Monday last, with dates' People's Tprty, and all othcrt opposed to
fromSan Francisco to the 11th ult. The: the unwise nr.dextravegantmeafuresof tho
" hews Ate unimportant. The makcts wero ' national Administration," to send del-
dull, without change in prices. jgatcs to Uarrisbuig, on tho 8th of June,
j - , Tho Indians on the Colorado of u,e :
. west, arc becoming still more troublesome.
' A party of forty men who were cm their
' way to reinforce Mnj. Bealo, were attack-,
ed at the crossing of the Colorado by a bo-
v dy of six or seven hundred Indians. Tho '
engagement lasted about three hours, and
I Tltnnr nf t),i Tnrlian. u nrn 1. A n . '
a - . 1- l - .1 . ....
tacr. w in uo ma'ie ujion ineAiojave vuiago
by tho United States' troops.
- TL.' T. ' r .,
1 ns F. netinn TrAAun.j,. a. I.. '
j . .v...v., tne tirotliers ot late tlio Jlike Walsli; 1 he
Commissioner, Select and Common Coun-1 children consisted of four brothers and a
"f cils, look place in Philadelphia on last sifter, of w hom Mike wiut the youngest,
Tuesday; resulting in the success of the! tl,nt 1,':d b.ecn, B('nrUrM'"lin. 44ll,5'i,ri,c'ions
j Eepublienn ticket, bv about 2.S00 majori- '"P0".11"", death of their father. Mike alone
y, , remained with his mother. A most sing-
. . . . ,", nlar fatality befel them ail. One of the
. ItTB or Bisuor Doanf.. The Rev. brothers was shot in a duel, across a table,
fieorgo W. Doane, Bishop of the rrotest-!'"0 Southern city ; another fellby the side
r, , rn... .1 . r.. .'of the brave Crockett nt the massacre of;
t .. .. ,a.K... j... V..U.V.., ... w, x,.OCeCT oi
ev Jersey, died on Wednesday tho 27th
ult., at his residence," Riverside. Burline-'cd
ton,- ' Bishop Doane was a divine of much
ft Uleui suil varied Accomplishments, and
. had acquire J considerable distinction and
aome notoriety in the church, on account
of his nJtia high church , opinions. - His
t management of his pecuniary affairs had
eett dirlerent times been a subject of inves
. tigation, but he succeeded in a great meas
' lire in snslaining himself and the College
and .Seminary, which he founded nt Bur-
. Jington. - He was in the Cist year of his
(tej (Mid )tsd hr ih tninistrv nesrly
v....MLif- .l .t- ...'-.- v" '
I .11 A )
Birklri Arqntltrl j
e rtti ii'Mi n-el InstviciU that the M14
r.flvmi.1 1',. SirKli fur I li nniil. of I'.
I tit i !"n Key, 1 rt V rlnit lind the Jury Inul
retired to di librinte. After remaining
out wit A Vt'iy 1i iff pi lioil, tint over a few
tl.ey returned a verdict of not
Ami Hills one Vtbo had taken the
(life o( hi fellow limit, was declare d not m their ,,j,.v prevailed, there would
'deserving of punishment under tho law ; ' have been iiift'Hry appropriations ol
and the country linn Approved llio verdict. : ntillion upon million. Hip tamo Oppo
x, i , , i i in 1 1 iMtion now charge the Administration
Much has been mini about tlio Sickles' ,;, ., ' ti..... ii, i i.
tMjrody in every circle in tho liuul, mid
'every ncvFiinicr, from (ha ninmnioth oc
tavo dotrn to the most iiiMgnilinmt ciht
liy ten in tho whole country lm furnished
its commcnlary upon, and adduced its
codo oftnonils from llmt slrurtling imi
-dent. And m could not vve'.l 0,i1(,, wisp'
... .... ,.
occur, op.nions and sentiments widely dif-
ferent, as to tho decreo of culjiabilily in
the homicide, and of exknuntion (or the
adulterer, have been cxprei-sed. Homo
justify fully, tho avenger of his w ife's ruin
um' ",s " uwiionoreu oeu, omers
and his
fi . . .
guest nt his tablo and fire side, few voices
and pens havo had tho hardihood to ex
press a sympathy, and fewer still to at
tempt his justification or offer an apology.
Yet some there are, (not pens however, for
w e do not think there is a public Journal
ist, in the United States whose moral tur-
pitudu would permit him,) who havo spo
t : . j
iM.-n in .i-iiuiiuuii, iiiiu I't un juKiiueuiion
should they themselves some day fall by
the hand of the avenger of some foul do
mestic injury. In a word, whatever con
flict there may have been between the
istrict lutter of 11,0 ,aw' n,,d the oction of
''everscd that judgment
Jist Like Them ! The opposition party
of Philadelphia with their well know habit
ual incon listener, whilo they industrious'
M continue to circulate malicious fabrica
1 t'on, about the extravagance of the Na-
Uonnl Administration, earnestly justify
and defend tho corrupt actions of the city
t a reproach among the citizens of the Qua
ker City. This is perfectly in character
with both their principles and practices.
, , . , . . ,
lhey merely profess to bo opposition, noth-
" V t I '
- .....a AmtACArl t. aim. -.,!,. . w. I .. 1.-
ing ill power except themselves. And
when in power, their past history proves
that they never hesitate to cxeiciso it for
the basest and most corrupt purposes.
lishes a call, requesting "the citizens of
to nominate candidates for Auditor nnd
Surveyor General What a good chance
this will be for Fofney & Co.; they called
a niass Convention to gel out of the Dem-
oeratic party and now the riepublicanj ar c
'"d enough to ake them in, nnd give
them au opportunity to assist in framing
A ticket.
The Memphis AtHiuvu-he has the follow-
lllg IIIIC.I UMIII ICllJ.lll.-Cl IM l'S COI1CCI II in 2
. " . . . . c
j (he Alnmo . ,h0 Ulird brother Wfts burncd
i in the Ben Sherrod, nnd his sister perish-
in the ill-fated Lexington. The moth.
er soon tollowea her children, leaving
poor Mike to meet a death, under tho cir
cumstances; more terrible than any of the
rest. . 1
Diath or tiie President's Niece. Miss
Fnnnv .T YntM ttl at T)r Ronlv'a Wntor
Cure, in Cleveland. Ohio.' on i
last of consumption, in the23d year of lier'3.,,ir dt,l',ion Great -Salt Lake.
The men were mainly youneland robust.
daughter of Df. Charles M. Yates, of:
Moadville, Pa., and the niece of President
Buchanan, with whom sho VM
a great favorite, occupying nlmost the re-!
lotion of an adopted daughter. She had;
.- . .
Th Charga of ExttmgAtirA
1 lie opposition pr rm rmilly tilth Unit
t lini (leu Htiiiiixt tli National Admittiti it
1iiii. iliry t-liMt-t( it with abandoning
our national i ilid in it-' ni ion to the
search qtlf'Ktiiilt, Mid their Infirm inii'li'
fiery speech.' infnvor of fighting Fnulnml
" a spivi-nin ' "
l0.,ip,u..r,M., ll,,,,,,,, I. tvn.,1,1 n,.,l
"mi Atitii ujiiim i, m tii J nut I II lit I II 1
I'ArHiruny expedition cost five millions of
dollurs, wherens it cost but n few thous
ands of dollm i over w li nt tho mnintcnnncp
of tho vessels would Iiavo hwn had it not
licrn neccHsurv to force I'rcfidcnt Lopez
to piny the ecntlcninn. ! .
Fiiiling in speciitl clinrgcs, they have
resorted to peneral Arrignineiit, and so the
nuunnimrniion nre ciinriieti wnn snennine
Ill0n,,v B;i tho wny iVom cit'htv millions to
a liui.ctred millions annuallv. hnt a
Roorback! Tho Opposition stick to it,
however, in spite ol the tremondous dis
comfiture of Senator Crittenden when he
made tho terrible mistake of utterin'', the
chargb, and in spite also, of tho facts and
figures ot the last appropriation lull. I lie
amount in this bill, including the whole
sum to sustain tho Tost Office, will not
reach filty-thrco millions! What do tho.-c
men mean by alleging that the adminis
tration appropriate eighty or a hundred
millions ! Was there ever such unscrupu
lous warfare? Was there ever more bare
faced falsehood?
And tho revenue, to meet tho current
expenditures promises to be ample. A
little while ago the whole Opposition trilio
were belaboring the administration be
cause it was borrowing money and would
not increase the tarift when the prospect
was that more revenue was needed. Re
viving trade is fast taking this stouu out
of their hands, for the revenue prospect
never looked brighter ; and tho cry of
hard times is well nigli over. Commerce,
(rom one end of the land to the other.
w ill say topoliticil demagogues "Let me
alone." The truth is, there never was a
more economical administration than the
one now in power; and, thanks to the
vetoes of President Buchanan of certain
bills which were presented to him, such
wiii i.. i. i J r.i.l
will liA it It m ti or I Amnnnr rf 1a a v
diture, that there is reason to believe there
" av vvt uiiiuuim in tiiv; v.ii'uii
will be a full treasury at the end of the
fiscal year
Tlie fnei !. tl. ...,t !. .
it -,i u..r' 'i. 'i
aflairs, as a generral thingwere never' n his broad back. hi lc some
freer from political causes of embarrass- :?,f tl'e. fnends of DouI1"8 uP'.'(,dl''S
ment; its national concerns wore never tho. dl?1rSiu.Vz?"' "mIVr 1,10 mistakcn
more succctstullv manaced : and thine
that lately threatened serious domestic
difficulty havo vanished before the wise
statesmanship that has dealt with them
in a firm and just manner. Though tho
desolation of war may affect other lands.
and thus, in a measure, also aflcct us.
still, such is our insulated position, such catcs tho prevalent be hef that Mr. l ong
our innumerable resourccs'for con paras d,00S l nlenirla te future hostility
tive independence, such the commanding. th,e ocrntie parly, and tl.oac
character of our great staples, such tho;1'? do' ? "P1 t0 8,aml ?ut""Jc- .
priceless blessing to our capitalists of tho ' No Pubho mft" ca" c01
element of security, that war by other Forney movement without destroying all
nations cannotimpecle our onward march ; " Political prospects. Mr. Douglas know,
while there is absolutely no government ,""d acts "Pp" '; ' 0 hn ei;!ically
tal burden to check business nlVairs. j diAapprovcd of the attempt at disorgani
Never was the charge of extravagance ,,on. "nd turned the cold-shoulder to
!.,., 'tho lend rs. His friends, therefore, who
unfounded"; never was allegation more, '.vmpath.zo wall the movement, under the
baseless than that President Buchanan iw iaPiot, tlt it will advance the for
spending money at the rate or eighty or a .lu,,er0.f tlir favor.te will find themselves
hundretf millions a year. Tho men who !n,a fn,e Pinion. Let hem be warned
h,.i,.iu.....i:. i.i: ,i i before they are sold to tho enemv. rat-
uiiini; iinac imoi-l UVllBVnilllUl U1IICI Vllll lll,
and the peoplo to whom they are made
should brand their authors as political
deceivers. Uiton Pott.
We copy tho following extract of a let
ter from Hon. C. It. Buckalow, Minister
to Bogota South America, to Hon W. J.jnitcd States, are the following; It is the
Woodward of Bloonisburg Pa., giving a de-'only College in Pittsburgh thnt gives three
scription of the recent earthquake at Qui
to, from the Bloomsburg htmoerat. It will
be found very graphic and interesting.
Qctio, 22nd. March, 1859.
Dear Sir :
Wo had this morninii at J
o'clock, much the most severe Earthquake
which has visited tjuito during tlio past
century. Its duration was about one mm
vie. Tho spires of many Churches are
thrown down, roofs of houses fallen in,
and tlio streets in many places lined with
broken tiles percipitatcu from above. 1
have just returned from visiting tho Florer
House, from which wo removed on the
17th instant. It it in mint a great part of
the roof is down, also a part of the second
story ; the chimney top, thrown with vio
lence, carried away tho the stable roof,
some of the furniture is crushed, and the
brick and ties are piled four or live feet
deep over tho bed places where we slept.
We escaped tho catastrophe by just five
My present house is injured, is reasona
bly secure against future shocks aud thero
is plenty of ground adjoining for refuse.
Mrs. Buckalctv and 1 passed into the
pavio, nnd the children and servnnls into
tho garden during the shock from our
position I saw the action of the house, and
tho movement of the earth to advantage.
A bricklayer on the roof, working at a
chimney lop, found it thrown in confusion
around him, and took a firm grip to hold
himself from following the fragments.
There is more or less of injury all over the
city, but details are yet unknown. I do
not think the number killed is very Inrgo.
I have bad time to make only a slight
personal examination, the houses are very
much shattered, and another severe shock,
would produce immense destruction.
Keports from neighboring vihges rep.
resent them as having sutlered severely;
and we await news from the South where
previous earthquakes havo been most so.
vere. I might fill my sheet with reports,
but have confined myself in this letter to
what I know. . .,
, Yours respect fully.-
Hov. W. R. Woodward. . , : '
MoRiioy Exoocs krom Disaark. Over
four hundred Danish Mormon left Flecs
burgon the 2d ult. in the steamship L. It.
uoidt, tiouna to Mull, fcngland, where
Uey would embark for the United States
w,,i'e th womm aeemed somewhat morej
advanced in years, and many of them bad
inianie in tnmr arms. C':.::
. i
Jario save oacon tmm spoiling m um-
-. . ', .,i '-r.
Tr-lrgtitphlC Nt wi
Sk l)niM, Ainil SI. -An immense
(amount i f tlHhinjrp hit I fi-li done by IliP
mht'li tib'Dfi tint Mi"ttitn'ii. 1 Iib n
will hoover a million i. f ilollmt. It was
feared tt one ittio that (he levee ahot a
lln city would lip iniriivl muty. wlil.h
would hsve ovci (lotted nearly liie Ahi'le
lower section nf thu country. A large
n u in I 'i-r or working in.n were timely'
to the spot, and prevented nnv hoi-iotm
(hiiiingo' From lied h'iver wo have dis
astrous Accounts of tho I1okI.
Wsn,NnTON, Ai.ril30.-nr. Fomev.thel
.nnrinl.,nl,rf,.,l;.. III',,!.. T.. t't..l. I
n.i , inn hviii wi iiiiiini, .iii. nr. .'. v.i.11.
writes to the Indian Rurenu, under date
of Mnrrh 18th, thnt he is in possession of
such reliable information as leaves no
doubt of tho complicity of the Mormons
in the Mountain Meadow massacre, and
that a few days after it there was dis
tributed toench of the leading church dig
uitaries $.")0 worth of property. Tho sev
enteen children who escaped were in his
care, and arrangements have been inndo
to restore them to heir friends in Arkan
sas. .
x r i -tort tt' t ti i sny Amount of French Country Calf Lnco Hot,
Orleans, AprilM I - e hayo dslci 0elll French Culf and Cloth G.iiers on band or
from lexas to the JJ. there had been A niade to order on short notioo. Walking shoes
frost throughout tho State, and all the' of every stvle, from the Sicklot I.aoer to the com
crops had been seriously injured. There sert lirognn always on bund and for taU.
was timo but not seed enough to replant' Allof tho aboro will bo disposed of at oxtromo
in full, and consequently thero will not bo 'uwPrio"' ("r Clh or U'"
more than half a crop of cotton this year. !tu,t"a k mkio ,0 orJer lulJ on "Uort
. TJ?V Ayr'A. 30 T,,'f1 e"li?'ints nt : I'will pay particular attention to mending boot,
the Tike s Teak mines and those along the ,boe and guiter j nnd will always be found at
route, are enrolling themselves into com the fclmrt Shoe Shop, on 2d street, nearly opposite
panics, for Oriwuia and Sonora. l;red 4 Wcuver's slre. 1'lcase call uud vce
On the 2nd inst., a battle was fought ', Shorty,
near Zunt, between the Navajoe and Ap-' '., , ,, , F. SHOUT,
ache Indians, in which ten of the latter,' -'Mrncld, May 4, lSI).-3m. no. 16, vol. it-,
and eight of the former, were killed.
. ., ., J Xi; siPIII(i AM) HlFMJli;iU;t)OIW,
rim.Anci.rnu, April 2X. The trial of
Daniel Vondesmith. ex-judg of Lancaster at rns
county before the .U.K. District Court on HAF CASH STOM,
six ind.ctments for forging fraudulent, ( 9
claims for pensions, terminated to-day, i Market St. Clearfield.
in his conviction on two bills; the others; lu,IN0 Hrrrivrp. a large and well sdc.tid
being barred by a Statute of limitation. ; assortment .-f Domestic, .-taplo, and Fancy Dry
'tioodsof almost every description, the publick in
An Item for DoUfflaS Men. ! general ar. invited to give me a call. Amng
,. . , .
jut. lununern ui iiiv r.iru.'v inovciiieiii
?a "ece.veu w. en u..T i'Ps" . ,i,
Jm ge Douglas coun enances it, or that it
11- 1 .. ...
I V ' i.t; ' i;""""" e-
liable organs speakine his opinions, are
I .
.en?f r ,0."ls,l;"i,n, ""- !''"
' !""' " . " 1 . V. J . U7'P" l"lT
disorganizers in this State. Judge Doug-
I Lw and bis friends are shrewed enough to
see that the weight of Fotnoyism would
" 'ou8'"? " '"cn.etn,
hear the report from Washington that
Douglm himself is conferring with some
of tho Democratic leaders for tho pur
pose of settling differences, and agreeing
upon some united plan of action for the
future. Whether true or false, this indi-
, . . . -
A Commercial College or Tarkk llcs
iret and F'trTv-SEViN .Sti'DEnts Pronii
nent among the reasons why the Iron Ci
ty College has four times as many students
as any other commercial school in tho U
daily lectures on Book-keeping ; three
daily recitations nnd nn examination in
Commercial Calculations: tho only ono
which requires weekly exercise in Compo
sition and Comnicreiil Correspondence of
all its students; the only ono who em
ploys teachers whose qualifications are
recognised by literary men, or are experi
enced cdncators, and f ho only ono that
grants Diplomas to thoso only of its stu
dents who aro competent and skillful Ac
countants. Yitttlurgh True Prets.
1 Alleghany Valley We lenrn
that tho Directors of the Alleghany Val
ley ' Railroad Company have contracted
with Messrs Fenlon 4 McCullough, to ex
tend their road from Kiltanning to the
mouth or tho Mahoning, a distance of ten
miles. The contractors have the ability
and the energy to push the work to an
early completion, and they will doubtless
An aA Tlin nennlA olrtnn ll,n unfiniuliril
part of the line are exceedlinglv anxious &re room on the first a r, and five on the e. I regulate lbs Sale of Intoxicating Liqaen,"
to have the connection made, and the Di- i cond ' "''Ably good ten. orary stabling, suffl. ; . Beecnna U.wn.hin. Tsv.ri. ,
,. .f,IV,mhi,ii I,,,. fA- ,.., ,,- ' contain twelve burses A thriving young Edward Albert, Hoggs township, Tavern,
rectors of tho Company have Tor years in-' hlird t,fehoic0 rruil) ftnil ,1U wlljpy Hownrd Merrell, Bradford t wn-hip, Tsrenv
ged the propriety or the fnenrtire, inas uilll mi,ly turpI., of ,ho bc,t wuler Xh cr.rge D. Lnnbb, Clearfield borongb Ttrsrn.
much as tho extension Will add largely to ! land lays in reach of Sandy Creek, so that the 1nbn M Mnnigil, ClearfleH borough, Tarsrs
the binsiness of the road, in increased trav. ! timber can be hauled to it in two or three miles l-enjuntln Suider, Covington tnwii.hip Tarers.
el and tonnage. A rmitrong Democrat. j on a good level roud. .'; John Keifrige, Goshen township, Tavers.
' Terms of Sale C heap for Ca.b, or In pavments I-nTence Hood, Covington township, T'W-
, . ., to suit purchasers. " , Vnlcntine lloirinan, Covington township, lswn
MR. BAOniR. 1 he body Of th;s gentlo- For information at,nl v to lb. ... ,i 'Xirhulas Vcrbeok. Covincton township, Tsn
men who disappeared from Kaston Pa.,
mysteriously a few weeks since,, was
found in the Ohio river some distance bo
low Pittsburgh, last week. It had the ap
pearance of having been in the water some
time. About ?400 were found upon the
body. The remains havo ben identified
and shipped to Easton for interment..
......... . . .
SQjr.iarsapnruia. litis tropical root has
. . .. 1 .. - .
a reputation witie as uio worm, lor curing
nni Olii u -kf t Itn A armm 4Unt :
afflict man
kind- reputation to wh'ch It deserve.
. ii.. . r.. .1-...
.u, ,:,,, ,u.
complaints. Hut to be brought into nse,
11. .. . .
. mriuesiiiiisi, ue concenu ateu ana com
t:i ,i .'tv- .i . .
wl.iU.. nu uu.e. uieuicines vnat, increase
iw unvi, vuiliu .fljisiiiu COUipoiinu OI
this character is much needed in tho com-
munity. Read the advertisement of Dr.
Ay&r's Sarsaparilla in our columns, and
wo know it needs no encomium from us
to give ourcitisens In what he offers. Oryan,
Syraoiist, V. T.
KtrLife is but a Btrife, a buLbhs,' and a
dream ; and man, a Jittle fishing hont. a
' '1
. ii'mins iinwn tn pirrsrii
")' I
" Milliner)- nml Mnnininftl in.
MUli; Hfll,flnf it Annlil rrsppctfullf inform
"I tti flllmis Pt Chtnimrlllft unit tli Inlir,
.Ii. tin. i rfiinnirarH tt, Ah"H Annlne... nit
AM. , , M0onilRAn
I"! ."I'll . ".T
i.ai9i i i-L,x.un.Arnii xusrAiuu
w rw- i a. i m i " n ti h t w w rt w n n ni rt t w
l l!0M M.AI.K, IftKbANI.'.
AH thit mim to l.a fast gn In mors tlinii
ono InMititpe, ami tie arc in the miiUt tf
ling u i drniorrstto cnnrpntiium, ml tlis eiptto
loent entnisil by Hit Pit-klra trinl nt WiliinRlon,
it U not furprifiiiff that the fullis ul' Clt-nrfielU
w.iulil get soinewhiit excited to keep up with the
tlm s; and tlie subscriber likes to kavp up
with Iks fnnhiom In inure rcpectn thun one, ho
would announce to tbs people of town and coun
try, flint lie tins constantly on baud a Largo As
sortment of HOOTS and tSHOKSof ovory desorip
tlon, French and County Calf Tip aud (Stogy
Hoots, l.adioa' ufororoo I.nco Uootn, Dressed and
, Undressed, with or without French Heels : also,
tlie l aney UooUs ntoy be found, such
LA ll'XS',-
Asn a vasiktt or oTitntt artk liu
of Dress Goods ; also an extensive selection nf
thsUtcst aud neatest styles, aild best quality of
P'' br,
IcAsMntcres. flotlis. S.ttliicts, Hatln Vest-
e, Ilgf TecU, Velvets, ie.
Jfy stock also entlirncei
an extensive assortment of
Groceries, Hardware, Queens,
ware, Drugs and Medicines, Oils,
Taints and Glass, Doots and Sbocs, Hnls,
and Cans, Bonnets, Bendy .Made Clothing.
Stationery, Confectionary, Carpets, Tobacco, ic.
Together with a R'eat Taricty of Notions,
and other necessary articles. Persons
in want of any tiling in the abore
i line, aro requested to examine
the stock of the subscriber
beforo milking their
purchases, as they may be enabled to buy to bet -
ter advantage at the "Cheap Cash Slolc',
than at any other place in the county, produce
of every description taken In exebauge for (roods,
April 27, 1S39. no. 1(1, vol. tv.
. Lindscy's "Dlood Scirchcr"
Has Created a Great Excitement
I-'rom the Kuuieruus Case or
Scrofula and Cancer
; kvi:iiy' i amily
It is for sale by all respectable Drnggtsti and
Dealers throughout the Unitod States.
H.M. LEM0X. Proprietor.
Hnllidnysbiirg. lllair Co. P.
April li, 1850. no lii, vol. ir.
To Collectors of County and
State Tax.
rTMIK Collectors are hereby notified than unless
X they pay up their duplicates at or before tho
May Court, that exe:ullon will Issuo forthwith,
liy order of Board of Ctnuiissioiier.
Clearliold, May 4, 18i3. It. no. lu, vol.iv.
Valuable Farm For Sale.
npilH Subscriber offers for sale A valuable
X situated in Brady township, Clearfield Coun.
tr. an the Erie lurnnike. three mile. o... nf t ,,
thersburg, containing
120 A CRTS,
With Forty five Acres Cleared,
and in a good state of cultivation. The balanre
is wri.t, tihukiif. d. 1 tie iii'provenieiits
PLANK ll()t"SK. well fini.l.n.l. .'IS I,.
'size, arranged fur kitchen to be added being
! well ealculalad f,r a TAVRttX RTA It k.!..
bo premises.
John p. n x t.F.
My S, 1S00. tf. no. 16, vol. iv.
L,w.. u Huv, ui ma precious metals ue-
fore which the Bold of Calif-!, .t.b. L
NnVTlIvs . e .v , ...
insignificance. I few month, of well directed of
fort among them is. mplo to secure a fortune
I U t. . 1 . t .If... . .
" uu,ui cmaaie, ana a suii ajm ra -
bly adapted to the crowth of r.,it T..I...J1
. rr., s v.. . i'
aA.ei,.na It U k.. . ,
- I sessions, and wltb her government in a state
""'''". msnlfe.t destiny clearly indieat.s
:rrr: ""uou 10 n.ur .. or
innueiaiis, wnn A History of the Fi ibustornri
w. .ui, vuuiurr annronr Aieiv en
. other matters of interest, Tead
.. '
Nicaaaoca ; Past. Pnrsr.xf, akp Fnim
f . wru. t, x.sf, f
,L,e United Biato Vice Consul."-,
; n isananforae 12mo. volume, and will be
sent to i your 'address post-pai4, on receipt of the
K d ' EenU flnd U Ver' roixilar.
POTTEll, i
' v.. at p . i. .. . "''
, , Mo. 617. Sanson. sU Ph.lud's, Pa. ,
May 4,1859. no. 16, vol. iv.l . ,
i - i i
mnr rrioo pnid for HIDE.' in CASH
J. 'tthsft. Mary's Steam Tsnnarr. no .. ir
I. Aim rttDM piiiinn I.,
II .'.,. hit..n, them.el,., IM.V..J..
I me l note i.r I k ,.-, . k
... -, ...h
In .all on , mi, ot Ihn (li.l J..
..It. .,r ' n
.. . ...t, r)f . ' .
J Ami ... P ., .Ulm. s,.
l(tlD' "".. lt SSII AIII1H.1.J
1 i ttictrt. fV
f i... .it. .n M. i tt .a i. .. '""i.
-i u. no. is, fi t
. . . . ii j . . . i
In tne lOKiryr ,narpcui or tht yc,r u
- Towsiimrs. -...
JWaJy, ' ., ' ,'
V. K: Arnold, ; ' It
Suiiiiiel Arnold, 14
It. H. Moore, ll
Heberling dV tion, t ,
Jacob Kunti, s U
Carlisle d Co. , U '
Lumber C'iy borough.
John Ferguson, 1 1 1 14
John llroomall, ' ' ' H
Wright A Co. 14
Jordan. ,
Henry Swan, f U
MeSlurry k Hugerty, '. 14
David McOehan, It
ltussoll McMurry, .' U
Allison A Bnydor, . It
H. McMiisters, H
James McMurry, . 11
1'utoliiu A Sou, , , II
Lewis Smith. ''' H
, Jieccaria. -,,- .
Weld It Dickeson, ' 14
Win. Levis, tl
J. Cooper, ... 14
.. Samuel, llugerty, ... U ..
TI 'oodicard. ,
Doilington A Co. 1 1
Thomas Henderson, 11 -M'hltmer
4 Co. ' 1 1 -
James Forrest, 14
Martin Stirk, 14
Curwentville borough.
: T H
' t A
' t A
7 N
r a
. r a
: MA
' TN
15 M
Win. Irvin, 1 10
I'liza Irrin A Sons, 13
Win. Mcllride, 1 1
A. Montgomery, j
John Patton, ' ' 11
J. D. Thompson, ' '11'
K. (Joudwin, li
Jioggt. , " ' '
M'm.'Lumadoo. 14",,' TN
Decatur. , ' , ' '
Cowman A Terks, 11 A
J. F. Stiner, , , , It IN
yOrtis, , ,". , I , , ;
K. F. Ilrennor, Morriedale, It t
: K. i: llrenner, (2) Kylcrt'a, ti T A
John Holt, li Tt
J. 11. Graham, ' 11 Js
Bradford. "
' Miitthcw Forsey, . ' I J H
Kdn-ard Williams, 11 J I,
ClcarJiJd borough,
; Win. F. Irwin, : 12 lis
l'ichurd Mossop, 13 11 A
Iteed A Weaver, 12 12 H
Mnore 4 Ktiwiler, ' 12 It A
Merrell A Carter, 1 ' 11 TA
Krntier A Sons, .11 11 y
C. D. WaUon, 14 f A
ticorge W. ltbeern, 14 T
Leonard, Finney I Co. Brokers' Offics. ,
: , (jlothen,. .' . !
Flira Irrin k Ron, 1.1 ll N
A. B. 8baw, ' Vi UN
Girard, ' - , ' '
Joseph Irwin A Co. '
J. AnguHtui I.aeount, 11 11 A
Williamson F Humphrey, 14 t
Francis Coudrlet, 14 T
Mullen A Mulson, ; J4 TN
1I7M JJipiort' -
P. A. Caulin, : Jl fN
J. P.ltider, .. 1 11 TN
R. J. Hniuts, 11 T
David Tyler, 14 T
llirnm Woodward, ' 11 TN
Daniol Brubaker, 11 IN
John 6baier, 11 I "
j X- 11. Th oh) interested will take notice u
inn appeal will be bold at the Commissioners' 0f
Gee, in the Borough f Clcarfiold, on ti lift
farm; of June, 1859, at 2 o'clock, P.M.
G. W. L0N0, ,
ms 11. srrsiiitA
M.y 5, 1S5J. no. 18, vol ir.
t ICI'.NSE KOTICE.Th followinj sa
JLl ed ptrons have filed In the OS'S f
a L,l'rA i t" Court or Quarter Scsnons 01 tifsr-
in rt'"' 1 "un,."i '"cr i ctilions lor i.iccnw it.r.
Session next, agreeably to the .Ictef Ai
foniblv of March 2 1SSB. entitled "A A
Isaac Bloom. Curwensville borough Ta"11'
''Dnvld Pinlln, Curwensville borough, Tsters-'
" Lewis W. Ten Eyck, Lumher City, Tarsrn.
Joseph H. Junes, Morris township, Tsreri. '
P. A. (JiiuIIii, Coyington tp., Liquor wilt Mff
,K. W. Moore, Brady town.hip, Tsvera.
Henry Uoodlnndor, Brady township, Isrers.
"Q. W. Lonir. Itrmlv Inwn.hin. Tavern.
'David Johnston, Curwcnsrillo bortugb,
. ... .. . . t
!n.n,es .'n. tieccan townsbip. T.
- ,. V, rV. taV Pt V.
" V"r' l0.w, T;.
' n l. 7 T i,. ii,Ib
ll.hoinas C. Davis, Lumber eity, BorougbI
Tboe. Robins. CloarSold borough Mercssa.--
of In.m Ii""' l.nAj iaM Tv"BT.,.rl.
VI .:."....i" t'.
an , . , , - . . M M.-hia
" . p. . . ' 7 1 i..nJ
...j n r
( KlijnU Bnrns, Huston tp. Tavern, ,,
JAMES T. LEONAR v, rseir.
Prot'y's Office, Clearlield, April 20, ti- "
$200 REWARD!
STOLEN on the night of the 24tb of X"
' Inrt, At Roberal.urg, Contre eo. P-
li O N ' O II A Y M A J( ''
i tiA
Branded on tlio left bind qnsrtor, near
i who iu icuora, a. a, saa hi. .1 TI.
,.r out off, and about seTenUen nasds kit1"
above reward will paid for the mare and
with tho letters, A. D. aad Uie point
- . viiw uuiiiiieu qui .ra lur cuv, "
By order of the Brush Valley Horse Aswi
.1 .' ; '.. t