! IliU l"(ii!il nml utitintitnl ifm 1 I fll I llH't I nil Ill I i, (111 I I ' III lilt ' l'i In IImiI' t ntnl Vi 1 1 "Wlinl lmil's I irtV V"ll VlfiH'lil f Id n lik -In'! ft iijlrl .t.i c ft'itil liU wnllrmi Jni-fc'l, f)lil In li'lin InHmil Ihn lllf, rcrt'l tlir fiilluw llii? H um l I "VhiiI lliir'-llnii'l, FniMk Ha llmul, Tom Ifnttir, I'oilijiili M ilu'i'i nro, (Hili-on (limit, 1 Wliikn, n iii'ii t, iiti'l iip''JmI r'litil i J.aim-I Sv nnii.'' "Mim," kmi'I ViiiIiis-1i, "llip'o nvo Tor 1 ln ivintl I n m n In limit, tlnlil ilnwii ' mill kill tlirni. My virliti" of my nitllmrily, ..nl lij tlioonth which j-nit have sunrn, I Oinituirid you to I'tli'siio llio rrsnn tvliiT iinmcs you havo lii'iml, nilil a 1 1 I il.iy , till J,OU ItllVO HWTJit lllPtll out (ifcxislolU'O !'' "Tlit iv urn hovpii of them mill toven of u a mini lor riich," suid J Irrick. "Let tin detenu ino our reiipe:livo tiicn by lot," nupypKleil I.imgKu-il. ' "The Itloa iB pood, and ty lot tho Hint tcr alniU 1)0 iliM'itk-d," uiKloif Vnntusscl. Tho BupjoNlion whs engerlv received ; its novelty uuulo it welcome. Tho names of tho parties doomed to destruction woro "written upon seven slips of pnpers, und drawn from Van tassel's enp by his associ ates. Ilorrick drew tho first h:illot. "Frank Jlavilund !" ho exclaimed. ! 'Tho hrother of lluih !" siiid Pollard, with a ahrug, and looking inquiringly nt hiii conirndu. 'Tom Iluttor," mud Langford, drawing, ind reading his ballot. ' J'And I,T5linko, tho Llnck, taid Nicol son. 1 . "And. I, One-eyed Suul !" cried Tollard, in dismay. "You've got something to do," laughed Vantassle. "If you outwit Saul of Laurel Swamp, you'll ho the greatest man among us." Fodijnh Makeneaeo, an infernal Yan kee 1" declared 1'om Ucokcr, looking at his ballot. , Simon ArrowMiiith was the last to draw. Ho drew pidenn Grant, leaving Paul Ila olhurst for Vantunslo. ' "It ia just ns I wish it," observed the latter, while a scowl of hatred gavo addi tional malignance to his expression. "He has visited tho ISunisides nt I,au itdwood," remarked Lanpford. ' "Is it Judith or Jessie?" asked Pollard, irith a sneer. "It shall bo neither 1" thundered Van tassle, casting fierce glances around him. "Let us join bands," ho added, "and swear that we will respectively abide by ib ballot." This was instantly done ; with clasp of iiands and unsheathed sabres they renew- d their terrible compact, invoking dire I'ul penalties if they proved recreant to .heir oath. The League of the Seven was complete. They separated, and went their several vayi. A moment later, and nothing but the smouldering embers of their fire re mained to mark the spot where they had not. CIJAPTEIlll. LAl'REI.WOOU. Twilight Btole silently upon Laurel .vood ; it curled in upon the mansion and surrounding trees like a pale, soft mist. It was a very quiet hour, but to Jessie Burnside there was something inexpressi bly oppressive in the air. Her fair com panions, Puth Haviland and Judith Burn side, her sister, sympathised with these feelings of uneasiness. With tho excep tion of Blinko, a black servant, and Jupo, a mulatto girl, thcxe ladies were, at this time, tho solo occupants of the house, Mrs. Burnside being absnt in attendance upon a sick relative, while Mr. Iiurnside was serving in Marion's brica'ie. It wasata period when the struggle for liberty Foom ed dark and hopeless. South Carolina was overrun with pitiloss enemios, and dc vasted with flro and sword. Toryism was rife, and stalked abroad like a destroying angel, smiting old and young. No man trusted his neighbor, until he stood shoul der to dhoulder with him in battle. No one knew where to find faith and good fellowship till danger and death had come to apply the test to friend and brother. Burnside's mansion which had receiv ed a name of Laurelwood on account of its proximity to Laurel Swamp was so far distant from towns and cities that he fl.iU tered himself its quietude would not be intruded upon by marching armies or wandering bands of loyalists. It is true he left bis beloved ones with reluc tance, and was often harassed with lears for their safety : but du'y yea, necessity called him to the field, and he went, ho ping that Providonce would protect those ne left at homo. So fur, Laurelwood had not been molested. Tho terrible tales of the atrocities committed in neighboring towns and hamlets wero daily reaching him. Tho young ladies, too, had recently bad their fears excited by the persecution of certain perbons, whose characters and principles wore alike obnoxious. With these parties we shnll soon become better acquainted. Wishing to conceal her dejection of mind, ana see if the open air were not moreexilcrat'iMg, Jetsio Burnside opened Stia tflini an. 7 til nr nn.l mil rt c alia l.linAil VMU , Hill. " 1 1 V IJ . , M1 DIIQ UttH. I unobsorved by Huth and Judah. There was a small summer house ovorgrown with sines, a few yard distant, sho entered it, and sat down. Sho had scarcely done so, when she hoard ft voice pronounced her name nuo sprang up wuu n cry 01 ier ror. A largo rough hauJ was laid rudely over lier mouth ; it was tho hand of Mar (in Vantassle. "Come, ll 'm, don't L.e frightened, for I am neither a Wolf nor a panther, but plain Mat tin antuRsle as good a nian as you can rind aUecn hero and tho mouth of tho Santee. What's bettor, I'm a king's man, and tho king' men have it all there own way, now." "You h rudo and unmannerlv. sir!" cried Jossm, pushing lior from him indig nantly. "If you have business with ma, peak it, and begone I" "Well, Mistress, I have a matter of bu siness with ye, I reckon, which shall last for life, If you like it. I a'n't a person that can talk much, and haven't a great deal of time to spend in that soft palaver they eal! love-making ; but I want a wife right hard, and you'ro tho (d I've a kind er fixed mv wind on." 0h, this is your wooing 1" said Jcssio, tfontempLuousIy. Jot me tell you, llertin Vantassn, that your wooing is odious. -You are a tw I" 1 "That's right, Hiss ; cdl me not names. You can mnke me the best-nitured bear Jn the world, if you will," Vantassle attempted to tap her playfully under the chin with his clumsy hand. J Qmtinuen next trevft.) H EAVTani DRESS OVER-COATS selling vvrj cueap at . . AKATJJT. utr: 11 M m amn ion ! a h m m - iHWMliM 1I1 nli dirt Mil mint Mid A 1 i niton', til.o i Ming f"i th full arrnunU j i.f die tii it n liliitiviil f lUnininnlnn, In I Nrw .li ii . i nn be milm-rllicd for at W. rriil' y't an mi m. 1 I in ((.( i.i.i.'o flnini for Ihe anvnuil. Ad lnlo Lditor of llifl Faimrr, Hum nionton, Atlnitie t'oiinlv, Now .lerncv. Tli'in wiliini rbcnp hind, nf tli lt iin.tlitv, In onn of lite hrnltliie'l and mot ilolighlful clitniilcs in Hie Union, see ad' KAWM LANI.S IXMl SALK 25 MILKS ftotil I'liiliiili'lphiilbv Huili'oiul ill (lie Mute of New ,lorey. Soil ninong Hie bcxt lor Agricultural purioo, beintf a good loam coil, with a cliiv bottom. Tim land is a large tract, divvied into smnll farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now Fettling and building. The rrops can be seen growing. Terms from $15 to ?0 per acre, payablo within four years by in stalments. To vlxit tho iifaco Lenvo Vine st. wharf at Philadelphia, at 7J A. M by liailroml for llammonton, or ad drew U" J. ltyrnes, by letter. Seo full ad vertisement in another column. AH wanting to em'njratt to a mild eVmnte., 71101 toil, and "fine market, ice aduerliicment of llammonton Land. DENTAL CARD. AJI. SMITH offom lii profemlonal sorvicei . to the Ladies mul (ientlcmcu of Clenr liulJ anil vicinity. All opcrationi performed with noiitneiis na dcppntrb. JleiiiB fninilinr with all Iho late inipruvincnta, he is prepared to miike Artiliclal 'let til in the bcrt lunniicr. Office in 8Iibw' now row. Sept. I llli, I8.1S. Ijj. Dlt. R. V. WILSON, HAVING removod his office to the new dwol liug on Second drcot, will promptly aniwer p rof 8ioiial calls an heretofore. JA8. n. laihiimkb. tht LAKHIli:it k TKST, Attorhcyn at Law Clearfield, Pa., will atutul promptly to Col. tAiohs, Lain! Aj;olioicii, Ac, to., in Clearfield, Centre and Elk counties. July 30. y JOHN rROUTMAN STILT, continues ihe business of Chair Making, and House, Sign and Ornamental Painting, at the shop formerly occupied by Troutiniin A Kowe, at tho east end of Market street, a short dinUiuce west of Liu's Foundry. June 13, 18i6. THOMPSON. IIAltTSflCK N CO. I rou Founders, Curwensville. An extensive assortment uf Castings made to orders Deo. 2D, 1851. L. JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office adjoining residence on Second Stroet, Cleaii kM, I ft. Juue 1. 18&4. Lis II. P. THOMPSON, I Ihyslclan, may be found either at his office L at gcoliold's hotel, Curwensvillo, when no professionally absent. llco. 29, 1861 FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant and Produce Dealer, Luthcri biirj Clearfield county, l'a. April 17,1802. ELLIS IRWIN eV. SONS, VT tho mouth of I,ik Hun, five miles from Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturers of Lumber, July 2:i, 1862. J. D. THOMPSON, Blacksmith, Wagons, RtiRgics, Ac, Ac, ironed on short notice, nnd the very best style, at his jiii stand in the borough of Curwvnsville. f Deo. 2'J, 1Sj3. I DH. M. WOODS, having changed bis Iocs) tion from Curwonsvillo to Clenrfield, res-1 pecuuiiy ouers uis irnies7ioniii services w me cititons of the latter place and vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposits I. st of J. Craus, Esq. my ' "ISO. F."wTRARRETf HfERCIIANT, PRODUCE AND LUMBER 1 DEALER, AND JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Lutherslnirg, Clearfield Co., Pa. J. L. CUTTLE, 4 ttornev at I. aw and Land A; cut, offi adjoining his residence, on Market stroe Clearfield. March.1, 186:). A. B SHAW, 1) ETAILER of Foreign and Domcstio Merch. V aniline, Shawsville, Clearfield county, Pa. bhiiwsvillo, August 16, 1866. D. O. CROUCH, ,IIVSICIAN Office in Curwensvillo. May WM. T. CHAMBERS. CARRIES on Chairmaking, Wheelwright, and house and Sign painting at Curwensville, ClcarUcId co. All orders promptly attended to Jan. 6, 1868. ROBERT J. WALLACE, Arroror.v at Law, Clonrfield, Pa., Office in Shaw's Row, op posite the Journal office. dec. 1, ISIS. tf. JOSKrll TETERS, Justice nf the Voire, Curtncnsville, nna. ONE door eal of Montelius A Ten Eyck Store. All hnaiiioss entrusted to him it I be promptly attended to, and all instruments 0 I writing done on short notice. March, 31, IRjS.-y. PI.ASTI'.HIXC Tho subscriber, having located himself in the borough of t'lcnrfiold would Infvrm Die public that he is prepared to do work in tho above line, from plain lu ornamen tal of any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairisg done in a neal manner and on reasonahlo terms. EDWIN COOPER. Clcarfiold, April 17, IJ8T. ly. YOUR TEETH. TAKE CARE OF THEM 1 1 DB. At M. HILLS, desires to announce to bis friends and patrons, that he ia now de voting all of his time to operations in Dentistry. 1 hoto desiring his services will find him at his ( fiico, adjoining his residence at nearly all times, inn always on rrinaya and Saturday!, unless Notire to the contrary be given ia the town pa- ier me ween previous. N. B. All work warranted to ha satisfactory, CloarfioU, Pa. Sept 22nd, 1868. NOTICE. rpiIE undersigned being about to dissolve JL tholr partnership, give notiee to nil persons having dealings with them in any way whatso ever, 0 call and settle without delay, as in a short time the book will be left in other hands for settlement; bnt they would prefer that all who can possibly do so, should square their ac count before the dissolution U finally ffueted. MERRELLE 4 CARTER. Clearfield, Pa,, April t, 1869. no. 12, vol. Iv. t?-.Job Trinting neatlj executed here. "W IM t'0Nf AT m rntn o iH ff. 1 I full? dun "ii 11 In Ilia MHil ftf li ntfirM diiil lliti CnnM miriil, Ihil th M 'ir'rri In gh I n 1 1 tir t in In Muni I MASO, NKI.npri)l A?ir flflTAn IS tm rM'H t.rn it ! at tui rnsaim. Mis tnfrM nit ah it nny lnl'mit In hi khotii, tli lUr. Pr. snil Mrs. M l.toi Tf Mnt- 1 (l In iltinr, r l( e, If nt la Ritrsntll, ifpn. (i, ms.-tc GREAT REVIVAL Rend t Read! AND BK CONVERTED. Thi (treat Mlal has dune lininons gnoA In almost every Htate, county ami town In lh Union, outside of I'lcnrflcld, Therefore, In consideration of the abore rumor, Frank Short has tuken the respon sibility upon hlmsoirto revive (ho Boot A Shoe bouillon in CIcnrAcId, and sot good eiamplo to his fellow men. lie has to annonnee to his old customers, and as many new ones as may fa vor himwlth a call, that he has on hand a large assortment of fine work and any amount of eoarss Also, ticnts' Waiters niacin to order, and of any style to . ult customers. Morroceo. t rench calf, aim ravni can gaiters eonstantly on hand. Finding- for snlo, kit excepted. All work lear inghls.hnp warranted not to rip. Customers coming .0 town will find him at Ihe slum former It oecn led bv K. R. Wolsh. dcr'il as a wnlrh A clock e tnhlishmcnt, nearly opposite Reed and Weaver'ss store. Roll in boys and get new soles or your old ones repaired, as some of tbeinsUnd iu great need of iu FRANK BIIORT. June 30, llljS. 5m. P. S. Tho pajtnorshlp heretofore existing be. tween John MoCube A Oeorso Kewson is this ilny disssoved by mutual consent, and Ihe books, accounts, and all efl'octs, aro now in the hands - of i. Short (or settlement. The business will he CRrricd on in fu lure by F. Short. Alas, poor To rick ! JOHN MoCAltE, r.EORGE NKW80X, KIM ST I XVt HUT SI'.RVl'.l) t 1 BOOTS & SHOES AL KY OX HAND, 22 .21.23 JOSEPH GOON, THANKFUL for past favors, and grateful for future prospects, desires to inform the citizens of this vicinity, and bis old friends and patrons in particular, thnt he has removed to the FIRST ROOM in tho East end of Baa'w'fl Haw Ew, The First Door West of tlu Mansion House. where he has on hand eonstantly, a large assort 111 cut of every variety in the BOOT AND MIOE LINK Ct STO WOHIC ATTENDED TO WITH DISPATCH The very best of stock will be used, and no pr.ins spared to make neat fits and durable work. DucaU, Persian cloth, Ih lehf, Co 11 of,"!lic".r ,?..bti",'d from tD6 "id I burgt, Cathmerr. Delaine. Al- Goon VERY LOW for the rkadt rbixo. Clearfield, Aug. 18, 1S68. hump: again." It8 opening a luree and well selected Slock ol Goods, consisting of Dry (;oodx, Groceries, Hardware, Queens ware, IJ00U and Shoe, Oils, Palnla & Drugs, Hats and lloiuit-ts. Nails b Spikes, Salt and 1'lnli, as well as every other article usunlly reniiired in the country, which they oiler to the public on as ruir terms as can be hud in the county, and see tho now, beautiful auduseful. juno !, 1868. Call l.'QT I ri' or lutnt.'n'n wnmr im- v. .. ........ """''i' - Deceased. mjOTICM U hereby given that Letters of Ad 1 1 inini?trnli.iii have been granted to the un- : iter.-i ;ncd, on I lie entale of Robert Wrigley, Hr line in israillonl, toun.liip, deceased. All per s 11s having business concerning the same, are hereby notified to innko immedialo settlement with tho adininitratir. WILLIAM K. WRIGLEV, if'tiiniWrafur. Bradford tonni'liip. January 19, 18611. Dissolution of Co-Fartnei ship. ri'HE nnder.-i.aned, having been partners in the; business ot tunning, currying, and bout and shoeuiaking, nt the St. Mary's team Ti have this day by 111 11 1 1111 1 consent d co-psrtnerrhip connection. All d firm of (i. W. W'iU."on A Co.. and all claims against thorn will be settled by E. C Shults, of St Mary's, who has purclinacd the interest of the other two partners. (1. W. WATSON, THOMAS W. RICHARCS, E. C. f-CIIULTZ. Ft. Mary's f team Factory, Jan. 12, 1869. 00. 1, v. iv. Cabinet, Chair Making, JOHN GULICH, of the borough of Clearfield, Pa., will be prepared at all tunes to attend to to any business in ths above line on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. His place of business is at the old shop on the north side of Market street, .Id door east of Third sL, nearly opposite the old Jew store j where he will keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Ma hogony and Cane Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet Ware of every description, which he will dispose of on as reasonable terms as tho same articles can be had elsewhere in the county. His stock of Cabinet Waro now on hand, con sists in part of Dressing and Common Bureaus, Sofas, Sewing and Washing Stands, Desks and Book Cases, French and F'ield Post Bedsteads. Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta bles, Ac. Coffins manufactured and delivered at any place desired. February 9, 1859 no. 4, vol. iv. To all wanting Farms, see advertisemrnt if iiammnnwn lAinaS. All wanting to emigrate to a mild climate. good sod, and fine market, tee dvertiiemmt qf iiammonion lianas. LOOK II UK 14 1 LOOK RE! THE undersigned subscribers, take this meth od of informing the publlo generally, that uiey Dare mis osy entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly oeenpled by J. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo rough, where they will be pleased to see the r old customers, and as many new onei as can make it convenient to give them s ealL Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks, Tour log-chains and Tour Dullln slicks. Your sleds, your sleighs, your horse, your mart, torse-year Old anail UH (O Dan. Tonr spears will work np then Just right, To proonlng hooks for every height, Tonr swords too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshare! such as Cain ne'er bought. JACOB SHTTNKWILEK. GEO. W. 0RR, Clearfield, December 1, 184S. t FURS and BUFFALO ROBES to suit th eat on, at KRATZKR'S. J vr n Kvt i r . n a t rn k constat stoki:, fl'nwUHfiVlt.tl!, A Ufi nMoittifnt ftf NKv (()()I)S. Cimslstlat tt.rt nf Ihe f.ll"lnt articles. ll I AWisA amt VrMrA Mfrinol, ( UmrffH, tj;rt tptmn ltiinrl, Maim Jl' liri, AtTonv I'lnidn, 7W iV (Artm, J Jama (loiht, Vi7X'4 rfc. rfr. Jhnneti, latent fall and 11 'is Iff ttyle, Read," made rlothlnp, nonta A Hhoea, llata m lapa, of all kinds, Spanish Sole Leather, Coffee, Molasses, and Sugar, at Wholesale A Retail. IHdei A Furs, Bhlngles, and Grain of all kinds Uken In exchange for goods. Oct. 1st, IR4S. WM. IRWIN. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, HAVING fitted np a shop a few doors east of the "Old Jr. Stohk," on Markot st., desires to Inform the community at large, thnt he keeps on band a variety of CAIIINICT WORK, at his shop, and that be mannfnetures to order. (of superior finish,) every description of house- noiii and Kitchen tiirniturc. amonir which are , centre and Dining Tables Mohogany and Com , m mr.. ' .. . 'i..r...,, mon bureaus Common and Fancy Bedsteads Htaads, Safes, Cupboards, Sofas, Lounges, Ac, which he ia determined to dispose of at asehenn rates, for cash, as they ean be purchased t any other establishment of the sort In the count v. Persons wishing U buy furniture are invited to come to his shop and examine his articles, and judge for tbemeelvts of their quality and finish, oetore purchasing elsewhere, as ho feels eonfl. dent that he ean suit them In price and aualitv N. B. He is also prepared to make Corriis to order on the shortest notice, and attend funerals with a bearse, when called upon. A11 kinds of country produce wil'. bo re ceived in payment for work. nov. 17, 1848. ly. NEW GOODS FOR FALL AND WINTER. rpHK Sueaeriber has just reccivod and opened JL at nil storeroom on nmrnet su directly oppo sue the Clearfield House, a large and well seloo ted 6T0CK of SEASONABLE GOODS, which be will sell at a very Low Figure. His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Qneeosware, Glass ware, Drugs, Oils, dec including a host of other articles in his line a dooi wnich ean b: found an ex tensive and rarl ed selection of LAL11' drons goods ; such as pocas, rrenr.n Mitows, 1'lnidf, and a full as sortment of B ONXNETS for the sroson His GENTLEMEN'S wear consists of a large assortment of Casslmeres, Cloths, Saltinetts, Sntin Vesting, Tweeds, Huts and Cnps, 4MB AM KXTEXSIVE VARIETY OF BOOTS AND SHOES For Ladies, Genttlcmen and Children ; with almost every other article that may bo no ccrssry to supply the wants of the community The pressure of the monrv market bavin? hml the effect of reducing the prioe of many articles of merchandise, Ihe undersigned has been en- ! bled to buy bis stock at such ra cs that ho can I sell goods at prices to suit the times. And bav- .'iKhertiforeendeavredlopleasehiscutomers. Doin in me quality 01 goods and the prices at rhieh he sold them, he hopes to receive a ren souuble share of patronage. All in want of goods, will please rail and examine Ins stock of cheap est goods. jr-fr-Country produce of all kinds taken in ix change for goods. ll'M. F. IRWIN. Clearfield Nov. 10, 18:8, WATCH 4 JEWELRY 1MIE uudemincd rospectfiilly informs his . customers and the public generally, thut he has just returned from the East, nnd opened nt hises'ahlishinent in SUA ll".S' ltd II' n,.,,rfi..U earn l""ry, p, , 6ne ,Un.y f WATCHES ofdilTercnt oual- ai ..'i'l ' 1,i'' nd JEWELRY of eveiy variety, from a fill 101s uue said,..,..... .; ,.;,. i. u. :u ...11 . " w...A'v ,.v, nui.u uv mil bvii ni 1110 most reasonable prices for CASH. ALL kinds of Clocks, Wuti lies and Jewelry carefully repaired and Hurra 11 'erf. A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nov. 10th, 1S4S. H. F. NAl'GLE, NEW WORK FOR AGENTS. The Life, Speeches and Memorials or Containing his n,ost CMrutcd Orations, a Se lertionfrom the Eulogies Delivered on the Occasion of his Death and his Life and Times ; t samhkl . larcKen, a. a. This splenJid work is lust published, in ona ' large volume of 650 pages. It is printed on fine paper, and bound in beautiful style ; contains ex cellent tint illustrations of his Birthplace and Mansion at Mnrshfield; and a full-length life, like. Steel Portrait. The publisher offers it with confidence to the American public, and is convin ced that it wiil supply an important want in Amor lean literature. No work was to be obtained heretofore, which presented, within a compact and convenient compass, the chiof ovents of tho life of Daniel Webster, his most remarkable In tellectual efforts, and the most vnlnarble and in teresting eulogies which the gront men of the na tion ottered in honor of his memory. We present all these treasures to this volume, at a Tory moderate price, and in a very conveni ent form. Subscription price, in cloth, $1 74; handsomely embossed leather $2 00. Persons desirous of becoming Agents for this valuable work, will address, for full particulars, DUANE RULISON, Publisher, 38 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. no, T, vol. iv. THE UNDERSIGNED takes this method of an ouncing to the citisens of Clearfield and the sur ronnding oonatry, that he has opened a BaurlkfBir $fom n Mala Street la Shaw's A' ft.-, .k... .v is prepared to accommodate all who girt him call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage. Ooi..th,ms. JEREMIAH N0RRIS. FOB. SALE, by Maaaau Carts, Adam,' Lmf mpnvd Cor &AU.r Also a few ssws biiuri 01 in nest tina with a large vari ety f Goods la their line, just received, and rill ba sold low for sash or produce. tiaarasio, imo. s, 1868. MARRIAQK CKBTIflCATKS Blank forst, for sal at ths offlc of th "Clearfield R. I publican n.EMIMl HOTEL, (FnftftMlf ttitwD l1T.) n'HWRflMII.I.K, I fVmliV, M'Kfv, 7'i'iiv'''i('l. Ths siirneilber begs leava le Inform Kla rl it rnnl'itners, and the I'liblle ptrnerally thai li has reMly lake lb thnte wll known stuni, and ht be has sntlrsly refllieil sii reriirnlnrieil II In a style adopted o lh ags, and the wants nf lb entire traveling en mm unity. HIS TABLE will always be privMeit with every Itivnrv the markets and surrounding emintry wilt afford, HIS BAR will be supplied with Ihe choicest w lues and li quors. BlABi.S, which M the best and most commodious, mi the road within a dsv'i travel, will always be In charge of careful and attentive hostlers. In short Every department of bis FlsUullsnmsht will he supplied with all the comforts and eonveiilott clel the weary traveller could desire. June I, '68. WM. A. MASON. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE abovo Hotel, having recently been fitted up for a house of entertainment, Is now open for the accommodation of tho public. Travelers will find this a convenient limine, May 19, 1S48, JOHN JORDAN. CLEAJFIKLD COHXr.R Ol' I'lHST AXI) M.lltKKT 8Tki:et, EXa;lSi323I,aj 2-a TIII4 undersigned respectfully informs his friends and tho traveling public in general, that ho bus taken the above iiouoe., FOKMEKLY KNOWN AS THE JtEMT- II ILL HOTEL, The IIorsE Iiu.4 lioeii recently rofittod im jirovetl, and newly furnished ; EXTENSIVE STABLING HAS IIKEN tOMPI-ETEl); AND HE IS I'KEI'AltEU TO ArcOMVOD.ITK All wlio may jiivc liim a cull, in tlie most jilciising nnd njrrcculilo ninniK't-. H'iVA every thing to render '. house a desirable sloppimi pLice, will be supplied with an assortment of choice li quors ; and he will andeavor to entertain bis guests in a manner that cannot fuil to give the 1 - l I. L I AT S ATI ? I' A CI IO N. Tho house is eituutod in a iiloiiMint and quiet lmrt of tho town, nnd no expense or attention will lie Rfmred to make it one of the liest lioutie in the county. A lib eral patronage is respectfully solicited. II. HAVS MORROW. Clearfield, nng. 1,U Sg. Jy. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAN.) Race st. above Third, Phila. rpiIE proprietors of the abovo well known cs L tnlilishinent being thankful for the very liberal iwitionntre hrKtuwcd unnn ih.m ik. year, take this method of informing their friends uu me puoiie mar tney are still prepared to ac commodate them if favored with a call. Durinir tho summer innn ll llie hnu thoroughly renovated, improvements made and umiT raicnsive niieruii ns in ronteinplalion. We nre determined to devote our whole atten tion t business and flnlter -inr .,-lv,.. miiu il.a conviction that we shall ho able lo give sntisfac- RlUliS S1UVEII. N. B. Cnrringos will always bo in readiness to convey panfongers to nnd (rum Stcnnibnnt Land ings urn) Railroad Depots. g. Jt S. March 31-t, ISSS.y, SUSftUEHANNA HOUSE, Curwensvillo, Penna. Cpiie snliserilier, lormerly nl' tho Es JL tel, Philip..burg. having taken xchnne Ho- cn tli a n hiive new stand, silunle mi tho bunk of the river, in the lewer cud ofl'iiiHiii-ville, would announeo that he is now ready fur the accommodation of stran gers and nil ollivrs alio may favor him with a cnll. The house i lare;o nnd comfortable, and travelers will find every convenience ncccsnary to their comfort. A mple stubling is attached to the premises. . . DAVID JOHNSON, lebruary 10, ISiS. -VTATIONAI, i.xciiaxcji: iiotixZ X 1 Tho siibr-ribcr having taken the above well known stand, formerly kept by H iu. A. Mason, in Curwensville, Pa., is ready to accommodate nil who mny favor him witn their patronage. His tatle will always be supplied with tho best the arket affords, and bit liar with the choicos' liquors. His stable will be under :ho earo of s tentive hostlers. DAVID SMITH. Curwensville, April 21. 1S5S. HOTEL, No. 117 & 119 2nd St above Arch, VM. HOPkl NH takes this method of iufuriL ing his old friends nnd the public generalU that bo has jn.t RE-OPEXED Iho above we'll known Hotel, and ro-tilled it in a style suitable U the age, and the wants of the travelling public Mr. II. baa had a largo experience in hotel keep. Ing, ho has no hoitation iu saying that his gnestt will find his house a pleasant and desirable stop, ping place Of the elogihlo location of this Hotel for per. sous visiting the City, cither on OX B US1XESS OR PLEASURE, it is deemed altogether unnecessiry to speak, as no lintel in Philadelphia Is bettor known than U'OLt tlot 1W.." liy close attention to tho wnntsof his custom ers Mr. H. hopes to deserve a share of pub'io patrnnago. N. 11. His terms per day has been filed at th low rato of $1.25. Kept 22nd, 18A8. 1 yr. FOR SALK OR RENT. THE subscriber offers his farm situated in Lawrence township Clearfield county, containing some two hundred and forty aere.8 with about seventy-five acres clpnrod with house, barn, young orchard Ac. thereon, for sale or rent on reasonable terms. Enquire of the subscriber soon. Possession given at once. , Wm. rOKTEU. ClearGeld, Qearfield County, Pa. ADMINI8TEAT0E S NOTICE. NOTICB Is hereby given that Letter of Ad m nistral nn 1.:. i. t . i l. oii Deeo grant ed to th. undersigned on the estate of Jin It. Keed, lata of Lawrence township. Clearfield Co., .Uh KnrP.tnmt "ines. or dealing. wvfuvuiciuki - AAR0SC. TATE, T ' '. Adni'r Pendent lite, Lawrence tp, Feb. J5 1849. no. 6, vol. Iv. Aycr'sSarsaparill, A lxmriuie5 W1e.1l fa Wrl ws . litd III J-hiiliiea Ihe wi-wt ffWttis that rn I mail. It is t tmimilv (.JTJ f I'ata R usnpailUa, o mihtnr wild J milHntise of lll tTvtpr allrrnilrs n,tl toafTiwrl an Hl.rliv ssiliibila frrihed Prniirllli l n puuM to curr, It u tei, j that soh UrneHf Is wanli , n(fi frmn Btusmmin t jmplalnts, md which IH arciimilih tbiir tura must Drn! wf Inimmis (sfrricej to trtU large els' nttl allliotcil fi llnwititwa. How eomplete). J: rsimpnanil will in It haj born proven by lini nt on many of the worst cimoi to U l3 ot tli fullowin" cormilalnU ! - HoRcirrt and rV-aorriirji Coiirttnm Eniimoiis An EBorrm IhWAsis, vJ! Pimflk., TlixrrciiKa, Tomoiu, 8ait Hn tcAtn Hiun, RTrnitm and 8vinn.rtii) A! mcrioHi, MuRri BlAt DidiAais Dhom Nm HAUJIA ORl'lO lMOLOtlREtTX, DailUTT,' Brt' rKrsIA and Inuiomiojf, Eumimus, iu pit Ht. Authovt a aISiC, srd indeed the clnsa of complaint! riling from IaWim Tim DlOod. j ' ; ' ITiia compound will bo founi I great aL motw of health, when token In the iprinrta expel the foul humors which fcrtcr la bhiod at that season of th ycur. lly the tiiia. ly expulsion of them many rankling disordes aro nipped in tho bud. Multitude can, hi the aid of this remedy, Bpare themselves ftw, the endurance of foul eruptions and ulccnsa sores, through which the arrtem will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the bod j by an alterative meditino. Cb?ane out th ri tinted blood whenever you And its impuritisj bursting through the akin in pimples, eruption, or sores ; cleanao it when you find it ia oh. strutted and aluggith in the veins j cleanse it whenever it in foul, and your feelings will tell vou when. Even where no particular disorder ia felt, people enjoy better health, and hrt longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tie blood healthy, and all is well ; but with tliii pabulum of life disordered, there can be as lasting health. Sooner or later aomethint must go wrong, and the great machinerr sj life is disordered or overthrown. Sanwiparilla ban, and deserve much, tie reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived bj preparations of it, partly because the drat ulone ha not all the virtuo that i claiael fur it, but more because many preparation!, pretending to be concentrated extract of It, contain but little of the virtue of Sampuilli, or any thing else. During lute year the publio have been Bil led by large bottle, pretending to fcive a qnut of Extract of Soreaparilla for one dollar, licet of these have buen frauds upon the lick, fa they not only contain little, if any, Barstp. rllla, but often no curative propcrtiei white, er. Ilcnee, bitter and painful disappoinunegt has followed the use of the vuliOUl extract! t! Sursnpnrilla which flood the market, until tbt name itself is justly despised, and hat beeow synonymous with imposition and cheat 8til we call this compound orsnparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue tin namo from the load of obloquy which rati upon it. And we think we have ground fa believing it ha virtue which are irresiiubit by the ordinary run of the diseases it it intend ed to cure. In order to secure their completi eradication from the system, the remedy thai. be judiciously taken according to direction! a tne ootuc. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. A YE II & CO. LOWELL,, MASS. Price, 1 1 per Bottle 1 Six Bottle for i. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won fbr itself such a renown for the ran tf every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, lk it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount uV evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been e ploycd. As it has long been in constant throughout this section, we need not do morttk assure the people its quality is kept up to tie bet it ever hat been, and that it may be relied est uo lur umr relief au it nas ever been found tea Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB TEE CTJEI OT (lostivenett, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, niJipufioi Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, lleadttk Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and SkinDium, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumon sW Sill Jiicum, Worms. Omit, Xeuralyia, 0 1 ! Dinner riV, and for Purifying the Blood. I Thcv arc suirar-coatcd. so that the most tti tivo ran take them pleasantly, and they art sV best aperient in the world for all the purpose of 1 family physic. Prioe 25 cent per Box; . Boiei for $1 I Great numbers of Clergymen, Physician!, State. men, and eminent personages, have lent tbs names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of tk 1 remedies, bnt our space here will not permit tk insertion of them. The Agents below nsraed fs 1 nitih gratis our American Almanac in which tlv . are given ; with also full description of the sbw complaints, and the treatment that should be t I lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dcaleri tm ' other preparations they make more prodt ! Demand Ayeu's, and take no others. Th i want the best aid there is for them, and they uou ' hare it. our Remedies are for sale by M)IJ) UV C. I). Watso, nnd M. A. Fiiask, ClearM K. V. I'.nr.NNEii. Musrisdnle. (.'. It. Kostkr, Pnilipfburg. Wit. Inwix, Curwensville. Saui ki. AiiS'ii.ii, Lutlursburg. And all druists. dec. 22, Iron Depot, Kept by Merrcll & Carte: On Second Street, Clearfield, Ft. IS the place where nil the following trticta enn be had at reduced prices : liar Iran of all sizes l,u the small or hf (juantilg; Cast Steel of various sizes am quality ; a large assortment of Stoves, vhich will be found the New H'orW 0 Oak Premium,' Great Republic, Buck'iP ft, and the elevated Minnesota. Aly large assortmOit of nine-plates and Stores, and Air-tiohts of various Fattens Aho, Vloirs of the best and latest jtattenl. Also of their own Manufacturing a Imp? tortment of Tin-ware, Store pipe, Shati pans of all sizes, and all articles of ik W their tine kept alu tys on hand. House tpf ting done to order, and Tin Rixfi"t despatch. Alsr, a large assortment X-in of housc-kervina utensils constmlty ! hand. COL'XTJIV MERCJIAKTA are invited to call, as they enn be accomuM"" at vory low figures with anything in our lint' , I All orders will be thankfully receive promptly attended to. O. H. WKHHa-1 L. R. CAttTSR. N. B. They will also receive every wnsj' artivlos cnei mission, at low rates. NOTICE. TIHJ Third Session of the CiAnstC tv Normal School, will be bold ia Cl"T!rj ville, eouiniencini on Tuosdsy the Si ""'J nest, and will continue two mnnths. PT j or labor will be spared to render the la tion. at thorough and practical as possiMt. nr tieular attention given to Ihe art of teaching I Persons wishing to avail themselve of ItJJ vantsres are requested lo bo present at its , mencemcnt. A Cnntw ( nnd "'" ' aMiaafioH tri'K be hild the l"'t w ntif L. L. STILL, County 8s" ' Apr" " r" -.. l" V Constables Blankt for sale at this Office).