Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 27, 1859, Image 2

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    Pit (l(JMlHl(,ll1,
Democratic Slate Ticket
AUDITOR (i EN I. It A L, , .
- or JMiii.Ann riiiA.
i .JOHN ROWE '.' :
' ' eVrrsNKU.v rovim. '' '
The News.'
, Tho. European nows is unimportant.
An earthquake occurred intuito, South
America, nearly destroying (ho city, find
killing (wo thousand persons.
The Sickles trial lifts closed and the jury
are out upon it.
Ex-President Pierce, nnd his lady, are
in 17ome. The health of the'hitter is still
very feeble. : . ' ' ' ,
' An extensive crevasse broke through
on tlio Mississippi last week, which was
causing much damage.
' Tho crops this far look promising every
where, nnd a plentiful harvest is nntiaipa
toO. U ; .
' ' To Ocn 1'atrons. We wish to ofler a
word of explanation to our readers for the
uniuteresting nppearnnco of tho "llepuh
. lican this week. AVo have been very much
i crowded with Job Work w hich Lad to be
executed, the editor was abscnta few days
' and a largo number of new advert ucmouts
, ocenpying much of our space, Lave com
bined to diminish our rending columns
much more than we like.' We hopo. Low-
' ever, to get through ivith our throng in a
few days, and asuumc a more agrooable as"
. peel.
The Office Hunters Convention.
The long agony is ovorl The incorrup
tible patriots, led by Chevalier Forney,
i Lave mot in Convention, mado Buncombe
.speeches, passed long, unmeaning resolu
tions, and aljournod yot tho sun rises as
- usual and the world continues on iU won
' ted course, as though the terrible evont,
I which wns to cause a total revolution had
never occurred. Strango that nature has
so little sympathy with philanthropy and
humanity 1
,. We ure told that tho Democratic party
Las become corrupt. Forney, Knox and
Lauman Lute corruption ; their pure and
unselfish minds detest even the appear
sncu of evil, while their innocent hearts
are perfectly sickened by the least shadow
of guile. No sooner, then, do they discov-
. er the seeds of depruvity in tho party of
which they were members, than they
start on a Quixotic expedition with the de
termination of renovating the whole world
in general, and the Democratic party in
.'particular. lint as all great , reformers
Lave to contend with the monster distrust,
tLcy do not escape. Their motives are
impugned, and their purposes doubled.
-- One suys that Forney is seeking revenge
on the Administration for not appointing
Lim I'ost Mnstar General j another that
Lauman was dissatisfied with the Cover
nor, who Lad
appointed him to a situation- Hection on the subject. Ihe law Itxes
id make money, had been tlie Ynca T ,lemant ofP 'P I'w,1a,1
thennrtv which electo.1 bim:l?ervl1e "egulate the quantify of the work. !
where Le coul
repuiliatectnytue party winch elected him;
another that Knox was angry because the
party had repudiated him for Lis treach
ery to it., and rebuked tho power that np-
. v.;. i.ilo 1.,. TO..i. . '
aerts that the virtuous indignation exhibi-
. ... 1 la mfi.alv 1 ' i . I .it. Tm 1 1 . . r.n. .11 1-i tt
tVllltVM Ullll 1111" miHT'iiD CI I Ut a fV-- '
.nA i,.t ;i i,n J... K.. I
r . nnaStlnn R.-T will Ta rn.Al itVnn 1
ey or position. BU. with a resolution
worthy of Luther, they determine to call
a Convention, and raiso their voices against
the iniquity to 11 mi in inch places. Uth
eri rnic it worshiu at the temr-le of Baal :
Imt fnr Ilium in,l ll.oir linnsu l.o..-
. .i i...D. !... I
would be found beforo the hhrine of polit-J
t..oi r;tv .,,,1 inimi. A r.A ..i
rf . ...
gain, mere were uiose wuo were unitina e-i
jioughto intimate, that, if they were so
superlatively pure, it Lad lately coino to
them, ae they Wo-evcn when making
just as many professions-were not so sin-!
cularly honest.
But, regardless of tlie opinions of the be
nighted I'eoplo, they proclaimed unto all
the woild tho astonishing fact, that they
would meet together and purify the poli
tics ot the country, the Ucmoeratie par
ty. Lowevor, did not seem willing to ac-'V"
out the kind of r.uritv lmnirht l.v r.!w"01' ,01' '
aa 1 . ; . . ; . kA nl.t.iii1 n ...t .....
. F . . ' C"- J
f . V . . . . 1
called "selhsii Uisorganizers," and Btood
loot from the rathenng-they were bid-
den, but would not eome-they utterly re-
fused to follow these paragons of purity, !
and receive tho cuise.
"Never was heard such a torrible curse ;
But what gave rise to no littlo surprise,
Nobody seemed a penny tho worse !"
They however; went out into the high
ways, and gathered together a motly mix
ture of w hatsoever fell in their way. Ev
ery man was a delegate. Did they re
quire Lis credentials, he declared lie was
unanimously elected by himself,
wtu sufficient, and ha was entitlod to
all ho rights and privileges of a dele- March 8, which contains more flattering
gate to this on (pouring of the "honest Dei( accounts in relation to mining than infor
ruocraoy." They were as generous in giv-1 mat ion previously received. Ho has pros
inir rilaces as a lot of "children nlavinir Ipected South from the mouth of Chnrrv
oblier," and the result was that their
meeting was composed of evory imogin.v
Lie sort and kind, varying from the Chev-i
lier himself down to aorazy niger.
First they were regaled with a rare in-
tellectual treat, lurnisued ty tho "eIo(vhey now are, thoy have round what
vi. viiciii;vivuiiuiuuiii ..IlinillUll UII-(
loubtedly is acreat man 1 The New York i
Tribune, with ail its great editorial force, j
has never yet been able to make half as.
great a man out of Wm. Ii. Seward, as the or,
t rest lias made ot Uicktuan. We would,
however, commend the latter gontluman
. . . . j.. m-l . .
to tno care oi vno irwunt, as ne nas no-
ua announcing doctrines as full ef Abo'
ill..ii. i. n ' i "til l s. I'.'i m . !. i . , tl
MM fin
Att.t Mr If I. K-t.-.v nf, .l,n''l i
' I'I'llU" llllllllltlilli I tho 1 1 1 1 1 -lMntldil'0 I'l
I In' mil I ii in i', mi I I hi' t'i'itltfiit 1 1' i' I'" t f "
I lnit.iti,'.l I v 1 1'iiiM, r J I'liii'l, In
jrirlil I'H'ir, Vnijv rt --.() I .in Hi' V 'I"-,
ii 1 ni I tiirlr flih liiv le iit.itj ir n lelgn-
tv I Hi tlii ip'iinlnhi't fv i Ii i' tin V d"lioliin c
tli dilniiiii'.t itliin ifM'i'inlly tiii.l t special.
I.V f ''iii.iV 'At! tiin.ri i.nri f '.i.-(m'i i, i'
iiiir ii.,iImh stoutly cii'toae I ltv.
I'licker, hiiiI pi niso Judge Douglas 111 such
awny in ho "ill lint Ihitlik (liclll lor.
'J he propriety of culling another Con
vention nnd nominating candidate Mis
considered, and a coininil tee appointed to
ilecidii on tlio question. Should it I o bet
tcr (or tln Republican cause, thev will
prohaiilv do so, nx tnid eomtnitteo will no
doul'tilili'iinino ivhethei it is leitcr to go
over Piitiro, or lioininato (t tii ket and try
, , . i ., . . '
to ilivido tho loinoorutio vote. Imtev-
or they do wo h1u.11 ho catislied with, ns
(hey. at tho last e'eetion, voted aiain.t
the Deinoerutio ticket and snhstantially
nt that tiino went over. loli'innliiry
.Vitaifin. ' " '
The Way it Works.
Many of who believed that the
i'ular Democratic Convention erred in
refusing un endorsement of Cov. I'ai kkh's
Stato policy, and favored tho bous gath
ering on Wednesday last, at 1 larrinburg,
have been surprised and disgusted bv the
Opell C'llol t.S Of UlClitUN, L.U'MAN', Foiixkv,
t. c. ... l.... :.... : .. i'
1?U. iV 1II., 111. lllllii lIJCCLlllg, in iiivuiir in
Scivaiii) Abolitionism. All around iw and
from all quarters, wo already hear of such
publicly disclaiming tho action of these
schemers, uiul traitors, nnd avowinjj their
intention to have no further connection
with them. Tho following note in the
Ifarrisburuh JVW.', from il. 11. Kkuii, of
Pittsburgh, who win u member of the
I'ohnev Convention, is un indication ot
the feelings w hich must pervade ull lion
est Democratic minds, m relution to its
doings and actors :
To tin: editors of the 1'atfitil uml T'nion !
Genti.esikn The published proceedings
in your paper do me injustice. The tem
porary Chairman 1 consider honest enough
to select otlieers, but in no instance, or in
no way, have 1 ever acted or sanctioned
oppysilion to the regular nominated can
,li..,i1f, 1 I'Oiriil'.l il tlirt fllltv f-il'iill Ikf.m.
ofrnl4 tn Ftimiiort. I.Iirt iiiiiiiini.eM nf tlu.'1
March Convention.
1 was willing that Gov. Packer's admin-
istration should be fully endorsed. But
farther than that 1 could not act with tl e
destructive spirits who met to spit out
their venom on tint President.
The address and resolutions uroof such
a nature that I could not sanction. llad,0
out of order, at tho bidding of Mr. Forney
1 would have shown thai their nun was
tho deduction of tho party. Men w ho
aro drifting into the vortex of our ene
mies cannot teach mo lessons. There
nothing left for mo to do but voto against
their proceedings ond withdraw my name
from their Convention.
Democrats who have not been disappoin
ted, will act with their usual integrity by
sustaining tho ticket of tho regular Con
vention. 1 will hero remark that 1 am under no
obligations ioi resilient jaienanan or uov.
lacker. 1 imvo sustained them l.ecause i
uio j.auu n-iucjr ,.iuo.u nni.i in wut-,
disregarding petty malice from interested
sources. Trulv, Ao.,
State lIorbK, April 1 Ith. It. 11. KKKll.
Tim riTTsiti Rt;ii Jot n. u . of a late datrf, '
contains a silly Hing at Senator liigler
about the Post Cilice printing. We i in-)
ngine tho Junnml Is entirely ignorant of;
the nature of that business, lor it certain
ly would not Beek to make itself the me-'
dium of these slanders and falsehoods.
Tho feimplo truth is, that there is no
printing. Tho Postmnster-General Las no !
room lor wrong-doing in the l ost uiiiee
,, ' V ' ,.;.,,,7
select the printer to execute this work,
. ..V, M. . ......x . ... I....... ,,..1 ,11,1 I
and that is all. lie has nothing to do
wiin me price or mo i uaniuy.
He is a
-111- 1 .1 f 1
jmul vet this hmincf4 ir talked ftlout n I
though lie Lad given out a great job. He
P'eS OUt just M a job IIS the P.'Csi-
5 . J,. n . nlno' u . ,.:,. , u I
dent does when ho appoints a cit'.en to a
salaried oflice. Ho had a right to select
whom ho pleased, nnd Senator I'.igler had
"'' l. rccommenu vi no 11 no P eased
i.i- t . .
Ho did thnt, nnd
1 1 0 ulu
that was all Le did. The
ormer proprietor of this paper Mr. liice
Lad t his work lor a 1 1 me, we believe, nnd
ka lil-pitlinin hi. ':in unnl nt. Ilio frit.. .
! - r - -1
. .. . ,'VT 1" .1 i i "... i
"' V'
amS n,n0".nt n "'' !;" That
" r ? r'A p"" ;
, Ul ll HIIU VA1 11' UIU 11'JI l K'l llllll, 1111(1
ibe true; but who cares for that nnd
whose business is it ? It does not interest
I the public to the extent of a farthing.
1 ...... "
The iV..w of this Citv has also oceasion-
allv referred to this subject, in a snirit of
,.i , n.. ....i ....l :.. .i
umnjr, .
calumny that is most unbecoming to the
ui knows that, this nvini in,r '
S. .,....., ,1. ..,. .,.
ltt fw-,t nt tit Detna an' t.,.4 Zt f. t. .
mviivi h'iiki muni, uiu . in Uf'L
" , . , . ' . " ' ' ' '
,"V,'. r , ' '.' "
"'''"'.' '"''"to
act and r.yvd 1 , be wrong ;
....., i. ..fL.rv ..... ii. nnil- . 'i-l'll
quite ns wrong then, unless it be assumed
no:v' u " "amiiieii to nnve l.een tho. ..l,r,,.i...i..r r d, .i:,,..
7Vris so pure and elevated an to snneti-1
fv every transaction with which ho n,v 1
be connected ! Aii'y Pcnnsylranijn.
The Gold Dinoisus - The editor of tlm 1
ra!a m published at Omaha!
A'liy, xeonisKa, nas necn Biiowu a letter
r . x 1 t 1 1 . ...
from ex-Mayor Brookfield to Aelincfiov-
ernor Morton, from the cold mines, dated
jGroek about 30 miles, nnd north of same
obout CO miles. He found gold, lio says,
various places, but in all, except in the
'place ho now is, it was the scalo or float
Igold. In the region of Boulder City, where
' . uuiu uiu lliuutll Ul illO IJAllllll
for the distance of 25 miles in a north
westerly direction, and I know, by actual
experiment, that a man caq make A rock-
Jj per day
JfS-If you spend the day profitably
.u will nave cause to rejoice in the even-
rVnnfoi HirUi,
'MK,lll'fllt'l.1.i i f IVlHM 11 StlU,
I'"" Jli-I I I t III tiriMl Ii U tiM,i. l III lil
lm i, tiller ft l , I'l W ftlMIMl illllll.g
ti,, ,,r ( ,i'iti, Aft! "1 h (he '
Inhnt M tliopi.i.,in Were niiliii.iVn fud it
ImiullliU, IV, )o"k roniliknH)'
linl-and well. It well kMMtri liat he
U on pf the mnt In l'isttldin slidesmrn
Jin the nation t nnil ho mnn rnleii. Into (he
dill ie of n pul .lie 111111011 h ill) inoreieiil nnd
energy, nml more devotion to tho intcrc-d
of Ihe peoplo ivhoiil he serves, nnd tho tid-
vnnreinent of the jirospcrily of (he wholo
country, than our worthy United tatr
Senator. iVe do not know lioir long ho
inlend rcmiijning utihoino, hut Keenly
L,.,,i. n. ,,,., i ,. , . , , ,.
sprnK the general sentiment of th ooiu-
""inily, m Iiou mo y that we nro uImiiji
1'I7 w iiuvu iiiui nuiong us, n nrn ins puih
lio duties porniit it. ,
TuE Sicki.ks Tiiial, Is about culminating.
Mr. Stanton Las addro.-sed tho Jury in
behalf of tho defendant. The testimony
appears to Lave closod. ond tho fate of
the accused will soon bo known, unless
the Jury fail to agree, of which there
seems to bo tsomo lean. Should this bo
the ease it will bo a question whether Mr.
Sickles will bo compelled to remain In
prison until he can bo tried ag;fm. the of
fence for which he stands indicted not be
ing a bailable one. This has been a most
exoiiing trial, and its results will have an
important indueneo in pullie sentiment
S vu KOI. or thr C.i ri I. m,
or eirilhtili-m in
r I've )'or, by A. D. Mayo flincher &
This neat volume lias been received,
and by a cui'sory glance over its pages, we
have derived much pleasure. The only
incoiisistant thing about it, is the title,
which might mislead many if they did
not go lioyoml the page which contained
regard it as
another done of the
light literature with which the public is
being drugged, as it were, at tho present
jay. A t.lost!r examination discovers a
r i i i
rn of molul lrn essays upon
J various till jeets, written in good style and
'containing much valuable instruction ; ull
wh!ch i imparted in a most agreeable
, . . ,
nnd interesting manner.1 The price
$1,00 in cloth ; full gilt $l,St.
Speaker of the Senate.
The election of lion. Jacoii Ti'Ri:v. of
I Westmoreland, Speaker of the State, du
j ring tho reeetv, is a mark of just respect
j and confidence irom the Democrats of
I that body to a worthy man, tin uble, ofli
icicnt and honest legislator, and a Demo
crat who ilocs not permit a dillvrence of
.Minion in liicnl mill mem tt'immiMrv ii.
fc,ir.Kin(,, t ,.,..,,. i,imfmm the oi',.ni.i,.ii,i,
of ,i,0 ,,arty. The llari isbun-h J'arivl.
lloli,.ing his election, well an I trulv says:
.. lt. ,s W( tiiv ol remark that il r. Turnev
is a most
loyal and incorruptible Dcmo-
Cl .lt.
, Dcni
.u Un' 1.11 session, wiuii every 1
ratie .senator was in lavor ot sustain
ing the Kansas policy of the President,
Mr. Ti KStv differed, and expressed that J
diU'eiesx1' with a boldness that marked
his candor and sincerity. Hut for this'
1... .t;.i ....1 t ...,t ....11. ..1 ... ... .1 .
Uiis'in, il. 11. '1 1 1 imiiT'i itiuu III IIU-
scrt, the Democratic organization, and 110
Democrat ever lifted up his hand to drive
him out. His ease Wa noble r fiitiition of
the wholesale nnd unrelenting proserip-
.: .t ...1. 1. 1 rii-. .1. ...
nun nuieii lias neeu laiseiv ciian:cil llpuii
l'ie -nortiV irly by those who have
u imw be , 'le
" " e"
deserted it. Mr. Turney remained in tin
loyal Democrat ; nnd he
ated by that party to
the position
n is so well titted to "race
1 I
' Ull' . Il IWI II.
And. fi'.n Cl.vl 'dii,'
I.-;,, ( V,-, A,il JtlJild
c. ... ,
. ' ' , " ' ' - i,nl
House ol !, pri-seiitalives the ( ommon
l.u it enacted b the Senate and
wealth of I'eiinsv Ivania. in General Assem
bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the
authority of the same. That John i'iitlcii,
Benjamin Hartshorn, James Spencer, Sam
uel Arnold, David Drossier. Win, F. John
ston, David Kirk, Wilson Moore, nnd Wil
liam Meliride, or a majority of them, all ol
,u, coutv
ol Clearfield, and State ol
1'ennsvlvniiin, are hetebv nnnointed com
loiioii. rs to do nnd i.ei loini tho sever.1
, ","4, J ?ltT Su,
open books. reeeivoVuliscriiftio,,;. 1
. ,
; PJ"' ;'iPn.v by the mune stylo an,
' ol H' Anderson s t reek public road
'a'"1 ""viiiiioii con.pany,, power to
i rut. it t i-M il n miLlin HmiI Ioai.i ll.n i , nf
', '". " ' " ''',' .
I nt H V'l'''k' rNvk 1(' tl,e
best and most convenient route as far as
yi i . M :l I . I . . . . . i ,
;,IK"o .u i , on u.e mam uruneii, and ns
liar as iiivm irivins nun on
David Irwin's mill on the other
: branch, nil of which will bo in the county
. ol l teiu tied ; una in relation to the orguhi
,,,,.; S1(;,i .-,,.,... -l.-ii i.- M
ai lLe ir,triction: and have nil thei
,.01ltained in the fir-t 'r,. !
-i . . ,, .-,.,1 .i .i , , '
,l '..l"""'"'. hllh. MXtb, seventh, eighth.
, ,,... ,,, ,.,,. V.i .1
,111m iiiiieieenill eecuons Ol mo ael entl-,
H0'1', "A, Act l ,-".l),ll,i'1ff turnpike nnd
!'ll,nk ,.'0"(.' 'onipanies, ' passed tho twen-,
l'.y-MXth day ol Janunrv, one thousand !
eight hundred and toity-nuic, so fur as
the same ure not inoonsis'.ent with the
f,.n..ivir, -r,i.: ....
Sec. ' That tho capital stock of said
company, shall consist of two hundred and
fifty shares of twenty dollars each,
See. 3. That said company shall have
the privilege of using and occupying twen-
ty-hvo feet on each side of tho centre line
"i , i , . , ,, . , ,. :
of said road but shall not be compelled to
open lor UBe more man twelve teet Wlilc
. . 1
Ol lue same.
Sec. 4. Thnt said company shall have
full power to enter npon and improve the
upper terminusof said road
urper terminus otuaia road
tu '
above mentioned
cioo. o, inaiior me purpose of locating
and constructing said road, and of improv -
ing the bed of the stream, the company
ore authorized lo enter Upon the land ad-'
r fr., .m . . .. i
'jocont thereto, and take wood, gravel, and
other materials necessary for that nur ,ose.
Jrjomg no npnecewsary damage to rnvate(
full power to enter noon and imiirovn thn.i . . T
i "lo .enlpr,,Pn a,,t "npro tl'Oiin the townsbipa of Rash end Decatnr, In the '
ascending navigation of Anderson a Creek, counties of Centre and Clearfield, State of Tenn- !
cuttmS ftwyi n( Clearing out of the aylvania, bouadod and dcacribed aa follows : Re- '
bed of the strenm, at least once in each K'nnln a post near the Moshannon creek,
1 l.l "J III! III fit
"1 f t I I Hie in
m il rmii')iiU 1 1 . 1 M
r-tdl "i n-, (iHMirllf tlK (.'( fj .'1i J
Urn (ti nl llli .IniilinM I Iiinnii4
eidM Imivlieil Slid f uly MC'r.
fee. II, Hml m fr'VM l tfn k'iU
I'd ripened trndy f 'H ii uIIiibv Hit rotil
puny me hen . sil'li'tli'"'! I'l jnitilid
nli I in eivn, the f l ! A I i ff lolls for the li
of pnid tend, M tiitt'.lwmtf M-tit nrj
tlioiifiii. tor piiinulo. twenty-Hft wnl
. .1 i . 1 ' , . ,
ttiW I. Mftatlt.f.
pud I'liibl dulhirs fur rrrry rn(l nf square
lliinl er not psernllnB Inqiisnllty x thou.
L i . ..I r..i I I . i ' . J! i
, ., ,... ,.,,,,, "-'"'
Baici iiiin.u ii ci, niiiiu'n oyer pni'i reii'i, or
over any part or It, nnd for nil other kinds
of travelling on snld rond the sntne rnten
of loll m the Susquehnnnft and Waterfurd
turnpiko road company were allowed to
ehnrgi by their origmd chartor, . , . .
f Soo. It That tho said company shall
have a right to demand and reoeive from
any and every person using tho said stream
for tho purpose of running or floating
llirnliep ni'Pm. !! nrilni.j tlif. un... I,,,..,,.
I i' l i I tl , Mi I idi.-i I I
. u ... ... ..... . ... .....tic, ,,iu nut.. v . n mi- i , ,
tv rents tiei" tliniinntul lu-innl mnnuiifn ffi''ul'u
all lumber put in said stream, tho company
may nt their option demand in ndvanoo
the payment of said toll or security for tho
sumo, and in ell cases where they do so,
the persons from whom such demand is
made, shall bo considered ami treated as
trespassers if they mo or attempt (o nso
said stream without first paying or seeur
ing to tho satisfaction of the company the
toll so demanded.
' Sec. 8. That the sidd company may re
quire from tho persons using said stream
n statement of the amount of lumber put
in the stream to be flouted down, and the
said jiersous nro hereby required within
ten days afser such demand, to furnish
such statement on failure to furnish said
statement, or upon said statement when
J furnished, being shown to bo wilfully
wrong, it shall be lawful for the company
'to recover treble the amount, nt' tolls an.
It homed bv this net for tho actual amount
of lumber put in the stream.
Sec. '.). ' That (ho said company shall
have power to sue for and recover the
tolls authorized by this act, us debts of
like amount are now recoverable by law.
Sec. 10. That nil tolls for the use of the
navigation shall be payable, if no demand
for the same be maLi in advance to the
treasurer, at Lis otliee in tho borough of
(7urweiinvi)li. within ten ilnva nf'tev.- tlm
! lumlier shall have been started in soid
stream, and on failure to make sueh pay
ment, the party in default shall forfeit and
pnv doublo the usual rates of toll.
See. II. That in all judgments rendered
for toll under this act, the defendant shall
not bo entitled to tho benefit of tho act of
ninth of April ono thousand eight hun
dred nnd forty-nine.
See. 12. That any person or persons wil
fully obstructing in any manner, said roud
or stream, nftcr either shall have been
opened, shall bo deemed guilty of a mis
demeanor, nnd upon conviction ihereof,
shall be fined and imprisoned at the dis
cretion of the court.
See-13. Tlnit the nnnunl meeting of s.iid
company for the purpose of electing otli
eers, shall bo on the first Monday in July
of each year, and the board of officers first
elected, shall only hold their offices until
the first succeeding annual meeting.
fipcalicr nf Ihr hi.w nt Heprrxcntiitircs.
Klker of the tSenatc.
Approved tho 28th day of March, A. D.
one thousand eight hundred ami (il'tv-
WM. F. PACK Kit.
Radebaugh & Flanag-an.
Basement of Merrell & Carter's Store.
Under t, Matmic ( (Md-Vcllow'i Half,
1 ill II iindorriKiied would renpeetful'y inform
the public Hint they hare recently opened
ine nnovo nnmea ncstnurnnt, witu nn entire new
utock of goodi nnd fixture.', where they will be
prcpnrcd to furnish, at the lowest ratv, all the
iuxuties nnd delicacies of the aeaaon. They
keep constantly on nand, Confectionary, Cakes,
Pie, Oysters in every form, Ice Cream, Tripe,
Sardine. Ale, Lager lleor, Oringea, Lemona,
Ilniaona, and a variety of other urtieles "eafy to
take." Tlir-r respectfully invito Ihe Pat onnre
ui me i-uirriii m ..iciirneiii ana vicinity.
.pril 27tb, 18i9, vol. 4, no. 14. 4t.
..r.l.-.:.: , . . ..."
It'KNxll MiTlCli The followinir nnin.
oil persona have filed ia the Olfi?e of the
Clerk of the Court of Quarter Koasiona of Clear
field County, their Petitions for License at the
MAY Scssinu next, agreeably to the Act of Aa of .March 2 lSjfl, entitled "An Act to
resolute the Sulo of Intoxicating Liquors," Ac.
Alcnioi: Riot, J lleccnriu township, Tavern.
Edward Albert, llojjjrs township, Tavern.
Howard Merrell, Prnilford township. Tavern.
George I). Lnnieh, Clearfield borough Tavern.
John M'.MnniKil, Clenrtiell borough, Taoern.
llenjnmin Snider, Covington township Tavern.
John Solfrige, Goshen township, Tavern.
I.aivrenoe Flood, Covington township, Tavern.
Valentino Hoffman, Covington township, Tavern.
Nitholns Verbeck, Cvvinglon township, Tavern.
Unnc lilooin, Curwcnaville hnmu!;h Tavern.
David Smith, Curiroiisville burniigh, Tavern. '
Lewia W. Ten Eyck, Lumber City, Tavorn.
Joseph Jl. Jones, Morria township, Tavern.
P. A', Gnulin, Covington tp., Liipmr with Merch.
R. W. Moore, Jlrady township, Tavern. i
Henry Goudlnnder. Jlrady township, Tavern.
u. n. lfing, jurnily township, Tavern.
,,i,vil1 J"1'"""". Curwcnaville borough, Tavern,
J"'M.1U.inM - .,!occ"ri township. Tavern.
"ii if 'f.n. J.utuoni. iuivnlliu, J avem,
onry j.,,,,, tnwn.hip, Tavern.
"'rJnn, neccana township. Tavern.
Jainea SI'Llellnnd Morris townshin. T.,vr
Thomas ,C Dayi., Lumber city, Borough Tavern,
T'"- tltarflold borough Merchandiae.
AJftUI Knl,rri Rrady township, Tavern.
I'rot'y'a Oflice, Clearfield, April 20, 1 869.
T virtue of Sundry writs of Venditiona Ex-
ponas issued out of the Court of dimmn.
1 lenj of Clenrneld County, and to me directed,
will he exposed to public aale, at the Court House '
in the bomuffh of ne.irfii.lil on m..i. n.. .u l
. . " . . . ' , ' -ji "in
y ot May, 18j9, the following described ,
'"' wlt: I
Tl.. ...JI.I.I.J i .1. . ..... . .
"""""""i munu pan oi an mat eerlain
i C' u'"enient ,n1 ,ract n n "
,r.Tb Rush FSZ
i-t nr T ii . i it i , 1
theneeeonth 61 degree, we.t, 28 percho, to hen,-
tuence soutn, ca degrees west, 08 perches
pine, thence north. 15 dec. west. 27 tMn-kaa '
Ir"1'? ak lheT,BOrl;h' U deRrw,
orchc, to hemlock) thence north, 8 degree. '
. east, on nerenna In nri.l i A .1
(t, 12 perchc. to pine .tump ; thence north, Se
!doK",i 0 porches to hemlock; thence north
14 ooRrses west, 60 perches to hemlock there,
f "V J 1 iue,m, Prches to post by
' r - i , v..u, urK(,Di
tTL h'X" iTAL !1u h.V " t'
4? egi-ee. e..t, 14 perbe. to poet thenc. outb. lof
f "'S '' ('.'' f' I'rl
. t '. . I.. ..i,l,i.,.-,
"'' ' ll'ilK" fl'l
I I ...nil, ( ,, r
'i, iw l"T n 11 if.ll
Tf.fl w r T, IT f
fill I
I t M "I
'i.i i im. nrih, s i I it' ri"" M
1 i iinm i.nli. H rf. rtf' Hi"'. I'l'T'-1"1!
e I "n ti'l IS. fli-.H.. , ?!((. Ii
tnjll lr Kiln nflk jli. tl"" " .
, H t'oti-liM in ,li (umr iVem (I'ifili.
nli I . r
t.. ili M
fni1'rr'' lj S.)S rtrlirf In lrHi. IKnli
"l 'Ml, H tfThrl J.... f IhMUl Mm I It,
rtiilDM Clllh, lul iirfhin ( It I at if. Mil lufl Mt
r.urn nmi n i ruin mini innni'M iiiiwm m ii
. . ' -
i tUfrnm li in jiinriinn MHh M mlisnnnn
Mint llimn fn.l or r I K t Imnlt nf nine I'T tlil r.m r
ft in i dl.liinrri llirrM'f In tmnlirrn lini nf Jnlm
llnrririitn trii't tilu (hi (can tf ni'imlm
tionrt (in ili'ttrnpi vutl nlmin inll lino In 0cil
nf lr,lnnliijt i ri'n'fli rrctilfrn humlrnl in
fin icrri nt 4 t.:..iicer AUn Ilia ttiTriulnnl'
Intercut, It U'.ok .u umllvlilrd fnurtti frt of
ti.m i..m n i.. f-. . i !
inn man ri I'roiiiit, on jyroni nnn i irarnrid
linurnmi, iiKiiunnif wunin loan piol oikmij nrrni
ml illownnre. nclioil tiikrn in osrutlnt, mil
to kiwIilM tilt property f J. J Llngle.
1... ....I.I.I...I.O I .!...... I.. Bit.
rti.rfw n cnriitiii iivf-'vui iiiuii, viiuii.v m . iv
towmlilp, ClonrfioM enmity, tunUiiniiiff lovooty
tn f bminilod by landt of Siimuol I.ontx, Hn-
Johniton and others i about .10 no ret
oleiiirf. Also, piool of lund idjuininir tin
ibor boundid by lauda of Vurry'i hiirl, Hsin
uol llloom kud otheri, tontainitiK 75 acrsi, about
4(1 arroi oUorid iiiihII frame bouii and boru
tlien'on, Suited and taken Into execution, and
to bo mild ai the proporty of Jolin S. Curry.
Also n certain trnrt of lund, lituntc in lioccs-
ontb by I'lonrfiold crook, wort bv Whilvsiiloii.
uorlli by Miles wot bv Jmonh Hrerit. with 50
acreii elonrod, 2 duelling houses and (or barn
thereon (suited tukon into cxvculion, nnd tu bo
sold n! the property of lieorjjo M'L'riicLoii and
KohiTt M'C'rackon
Ai so a certain triict of land, ' nitiiute In Jor
dan tonii)iii, t'lcnrfield county, eonlniniug 0:
m.'roi) (levied on defendants interest in mid
tract,) bounded by lands of John Curry, John
& Anion htt'iin and others, having a lug homo
nnd burn and 40 acres cleared tbereon, Seized
and and taken into execution, aud to bo told ua
the property of Jnme.i L. furry. tli'lendiiiita interest in a certain tract ol
In lid, lituate in Covington townnhip, containing
e in i aviiigion loM'iiKnip, cnnuiining
idjoiningiinud of m. ii. conuwav,
ly, llenjiuuin Snider uud otlier( Willi
luuaeres, a
David A.ikey
a one atory log ho una, log sUtblo, uud about 29
nerri cleared Iheroon. cued, taken into cie
culiun, iiud to be (old ai the property of Ii;i"l
Also a certain tract of land, situate in lliirn
ide ton imliip, eonUiining 100 acres, with lug
iioiiio ana barn tnoronii ereoteii : a t ftri vin t;
young orchard of about 60 trees, with about 30
nureM eleuroil : huliiirlcd wet liv I11111I4 of llenlv
i.L ,.f !!.....
and cunt by Mali lor. Suized, aud taken into v
ecution, and to be aold ns tho property of Jacob I
Also a certain tract nf Innd, aituato In Glen
Hopo, being a lot in said (dace, with a frame
bouee tbereon, nown as the lien tavern. Also,
a lot bouuded by Dnvid lleiuul. Also, 1 j acrea,
more or less, purchaaod by Joshua Comntock,
with 5 acres cleared, tjcized, and Uikcn iuto ex
ecu ion.aud to be aold as the property of S. C.
Al.o a certain tract of land, situate in For-J
guaun township, Clearfield county. Pa. cntaln- )
tug about mil acres, bounded by lands of Wtu.
Tburaton, Slaw and othera, bouao and burn,
thereon erected, and about 74 aeioa cleared.
Soiled and taken into oxocution, nud to aold as
the property of Cyrus 'i'lmrstin.
Also a certain tract nf Innd, silinito In Pike
township, t'leartiold eoiinly, Pit., containing lot)
aerea, innro of leas, bounded by Ian. Is of H ra.
Dunlnp, John Xluulap, und otbera, with no or
chard, a log bouse and barn ther on. Seuod,
and taken into execution, aud to l.o uoU ua the
property of iJavid T. Dinil.i.
""Also a certain tract of laud, situate in Brad-
f.irdatuwualiip, t'loarlield county, Pa., containing
112 acrea it) acres cleared, 3 dwelling liuusos, 1
bUcksmith Uos 1 wagon shop, and t bo
aold as tho property of Jainej liieksou.
Also a certain tract of land, situalo in Cov
ington township, containing !0 acres, adjoining
lauds of I.amm, Piocboll, ll.ignot and uud oth
ers, wilb plank bouse and log b.iru, and nliout I'l'
acrea cleared thereon. Seued and taken into
exeeu:inn, and to be fold na tho property of An
tbuny Uettu aud John llugnot.
Also a certaiu tract of land, three-fourths of
an acre, in Clearfield county, Pa., bouuded by
lands uf liauo Kieketa, John I)illon, fronting on I
tho Mount Plcusiiul roud, w ith a plank bouse j
ana ataoie inerooii. b.-ized.
liikfin intii .vu,i.
tion, and to bo soi l a tho property of John Rick-
Alao a certaiu bouse and lot, ait aula in New
burg, Cbesl township, bounded on .Main ulrect
60 feet, 200 Icet back to alley, with tavern honse
au t atable erected thereon, eixed, and taken
int execution, aud to bo sold as the pronertv ot
Kira Hoot.
... r
Alao a eenniu tract of land, eaunt in Cheat
township, continuing two acres wild log house
uud blacksmith shop tiiure n ; udj.iniug land
of Simon Koraiiauh. Seized and mken iu exe
cution, nud to bo sold as Clo proper! v of Jjn.ia
Also a certain tra. t of lun.!, siiuv.e iu BuruidL'
'lownship, Claarlield county, l a., begimug at tl.o
Cherry and Indiana county lino, ilione. Nort'i
4 U perches, by the same beinioeli, t lence Somh
65 we-t 1)0 per. to white pine, thvuee by llopkin
lauds South Si west HiO por. 10 liemloek, thoiue
South Si west 21 i por. lo cbe.'ry and beginiug;
containing lot acres and allowuuco, being par'
of a larger survey ; the e.nne being unimproved
land, oeueil, taken In execution, and to bo sold '
as ihe property of Alexander M'Cullougli. I
Alao a certain lot situate in the borough of.
Curwenaville Cleorliold county, Pa., bounded nnd '
marked as follows: beginiug at tho Northward'
corner ot Lots of J. C. Heed 011 Thompson slio. t,
thence Xorlbaard along aaid street 120 feet to
alley, Eastward along said alloy to another alley,
thence South by enid alley 12U tout to lot ol' C.
Hoed, thence Eastward by said lota t'.ll) feet
said Thompson alrevt and place of begiuing.
Sened, and Lken iu execution, and to iv a . Id as
the property of Jacob Duili ii k.
Alao Richard E:lij interest in a ccrtiin piece
of land tituate in Hell township, C!earlield coun
ty Pa., containing 88 acre, bounded bv lands of
11. W. Mott, Juntos liockenliurV, E. L. Miller
and others; about 20 acres cleared and a. unit
cabin houso and barn thereon erected. S.uzed.
taken in execution, aud tu bo sold na tho proper
ty of Richard Ellis.
Alao nil defendants iutereat in 400 acres of
laud in Cheat towuship, Clearfield canity, Pa.,
bounnod by lands of Thouina Wood Thomas To-
! tor, Tucker anil others, with 10 acrea cleared
innd three small dwelling homes thereon. Suited,
j taken in execution, and to bo sold aa the prop
erty ui fuuiuer iiurrou a Daniel 11 oo J.
Alsu nil Thus. Craven's inturesl in a on tin 1
piece of land ituato iu Hell township, Clearfield j 'ow lue directions thoro laid down. ' "
county, IV, contnining 88 acre', bounded by I L also coctains a Roeipo for changing lha eo
lunda of II. W. Molt, J nines llnckonbury, E. L. lor ,,fn Borao to a Dark lirewn or Coal Black,
Mil'-r and othois, with a small cabin bouse and BU u"-'r reeeipos of great value to ', .
stable and about 20 acres cleared thoroon HORSEMEN AND (STOCK GROWERS.,,
bene J, taken in execution, aud to be sold as tho j-c . r r n.
property of Thomas Craven. . I n fff CD' f,ve f 1 " on, t M
Also-alcertam tract of land, situate in Chest I DlInr Co'"c, for 2) b ,Ua Au""r' '
township, Clearfield county. I'u,. coutainiu .12 ' H. 8. HALL, ;
acrea, bounded by lands of A. 3. Peirce. Wm
00,it others, with a two-atory plank house I
ni bnrB bout 20 aorei cleared thereon '
Seiied. taken In ,i i.. ...ia '
., ' . .
the property of JJavid Michaels.
vermin iwo-siory plank house, ailuto
V..-.I. f ... ... .. .... I
l"" iu oi ,ine oien nope anil littlo
"auiftngie turnpiko road in tho borough of Lnm-
r ;' .V . . 1 uTin. oemg erect-
eJ 00 lot bounded on South by aaid turnpike.
hJ Jes Arthurs, South by land of Samuel 1
Mor nd West by lot of Beii. I
cd. taksn exoeution, and to be sold as the'
Kim mIi -in r..,. i . i . .1
P"I'"ly of Ve.ger.
Also a certain tract ol land, situate in Brad.
ford Uiwnshiii. Clearfield eountv. 1 h,.,.n,i.,j i..
fnooe nd l'ackeriville turnpike, lands of
Huwrd MJrrell, Kobart Loun.bury and others ;'
, ,
bought of Howard Merrell, with a two-.tory
'P'" hou and. other improveinenU thereon.
j oo'ifxL taken in execution, and to be sold as the
property 'of William S, Wiggins. ,
s u-i wwitf. .aus nrumiaea
't?,eTtn,Ict o' hml,' illnate ta B.I1
llT P: containing .bout
flsdJ.s, 4 M.r.h, A, MiHor and other."-!
V I I '. U M
li t 1 1 ,1. . 11 1
n n r ft ' i 1 1 ,
"""'...,4., (l
f I '" I. r M.1,.1..
I '
(..! "I 1 t t i' rriM
if 'VmiM, l" nt.
I I MM I l (.(, .....
-U T'2 r '. H'."i!.
'""". ! I" U t...ij
II, fi,)i. ii t r .Inmn n.,.,i(
l- I't Iri'io et mri'lrT Mill. nf
. tt f"litln Iml f ,t,i. i, kil ,
f r.rwui if n mm m tumnil li,t, t.,.
k . ... . . .
K.dl i,l Jn.A l.ll,,,, . ...J ..i '. ''"'"Ml
Mill, eni Ksw Mill, nn Hh. I...... . ." "
linli.CMIl.l l.Urk.inHh .hr n,' ,""'"
(.Hitilln Him .ri.. r,. Alu... , ( f
mrtryf.l In tmtiM of llnrm,ln Jiirdon, iHi.jI'
ClfnrHrMrtPi'k sn-t Innin nf H,r K,,t '
Inlnlng 1.(0 (wren, fAlw.enn Imsl f hnil' I"
Inlnlntf nlmtit 4 nifM. nnil ii.. ... '-
! i.l.i-i 1 f.nm .(,..,1 '..n .m, P"
.'rerlliril hrng known n, i),. nr.rnXi'V!
. r. v . ' nriu'i.t JriJ..
j tirnporly
A Inn,
iiviio tnwt nf tlnttft.' litiiaat A.
liuitgt t
i oon
or I-m, l.clnjj the (uulh end of Iriut lu.'.JJT,
f iininu ef AVm. Yard nml J'clor ltrtmn V, i .
li limli nf llr.vl.1 1.1 I. . . ' D01""l'
b, land, of l..vl4, , J JZ
elhun. Poind, Inhnn In urjoiitinn, to V
eld ns tlio proporly of Thiunnii lUlnton
V. (1. MILI.KU, 8hpr!tr
(i61n.riff,r0mi'C, Cl(!nrlicId) Pa. April 2UH 'j) '
' r '- ".
$200 UK WARD!
iii;iit o:
s-f ..wm.u.ii, i-uniro co. p.
' " 1 Ji r it J( AY M A Jl E.
Brsndod on tin) left bind nuartni- ri,ni..
1 w"b the' lottr, A. U. nnd the point of the I.A
1 sir -cut off, nnd nhoiiteevontw-n aitndi hlirli, Tk,
1 above rownrd will pnid for the mnruand lliicf ,
ono Duniiri'ii nuiinrs rnr litnor the tnnre or thi.f
1t,. tl.,1. V..I1 l.. . . ur.u"l.
' ' " "IT" '.' '"oreoAMoiiietion,
1 RAMI ,1 I. KTlioni.,.1. -
Ap'l ith, 1SJD. ; . ,
NEW flOODK, .,,r received-aniohff wblch
J n tt i iw 1
And 0lie Hundred Pieces of LateBt Style
j ' Printg ' i .i-,
jail of wliieli will' bo 'fold chcnpcc than tin
! at the Corner Piirwoim illc.
' """ '' ""' "wjf. mvix.
, IStli Ap. H.rol. ir.
Tf 111
,mt:iitr .,- ri,: c n ' .
, ?S e , a 1 L "T'T..- :.u S"tf
" -Hihviioiiiio,
I , , k AVM.inVIX.
I lftb An. lSi. no. 14. toL iv.
ACKKRKL AM) IIERRIXG for sale t the
11 A. Corner Sturo L'urwonsvillo.
13th Ap. 1859. nil. Ul vol. Iv.
wm. ntvnf.
Tho undersigned would inform the ittiiensof
Clearfleld and vicinity that he has opentd i
new atoro In the room formerly occupied by lira.
Lorain i ItarUivick, nearly oppoaile the jail,
hero ho intenda keeping a full assortment f
lirugs, Ktiiliouory, Perl'uuiery, Paints, Oila, To,
b.icuo, Segnrs, and Fancy dor da of every do,.
cription, which re will sell very low fo Cash,
jU- tfill ami try tho Sew Ftorol
Clearfield, April 2D, lSiO. oo. 14, vol. iv. , "
New and Beautiful Assortment of ;.(
SILKS m. ai-k and ioi,orei Barege Itobei
Sm.k 1'ort.lNS, ' : i ,:i
j Ducals, Valencia.-), Foulard Silks, Clinliei
li .1. i ..... '
Delaines. Lawns. Print.',
And every Description 0f .
. fVt 'hi M " d t 1T r 'tn -i
And Kitry Kind uf .
I. miles ,
' ienth-nicn's
. Misses',
ll iys' and
Shoes, and
Gaiters. ,
Ah; Hats, Caps, and Clothing, 'Carpeti.
and Mil Cloths, nil of which will
be bold at 1 '''
EXTREMELY LOW 1'RICES. ; . j .-,,.(
- ' -i . :: -n
fraT Groceries, Points, Glas, Kails, iai!
by the quantity, will be. sold at a suuli
advance on co?t and carriage. . ,
Just Published,
Tiir: uocky mouxtaix 1
The most rmnplelo work ever iwnied, giviag
full und vompleto explanation of the best m
known aysteui ol Horse Taming,
ty which ibe - , .
can bo aubdiied nnd rendered Idnd aud trae l
all pluces, in one day, without striking a blow,
by uny roreon who will rml iM. Ttnoli d1 full
. Albion. Orleans CV . T.
-Editora giving the above, with this t
three insertiona, callinir ulU'nlon to tho aama,
...i: . " ., .. .i. ..
" "pu'imti a cony in lueir paper w ine auiumi
ipoat poid, will receive, a Copy 'of the Cook fret
, u ui x o X1IUJ. - t
In the matter f the DUtrdmtlnn of the a.wtH
in the hmid of John L (Mile E"., A'l-.
minixtrator nt the Estate of J Liddlt Gory
2 TZZ ?
.... '
Tl,. i i.i;.. .nnA:n,il k
the Orphan. Court of Clearfield County, to di
tribute the said assets.,, the hand, of tb. J-
. . n. nr iha
"I1 decedent, give, notice that he will mk
said diatribution on Thursday the 11th day of
May next, at the office of Larrimor and Teat, Is,
the borough of Clearfield, when and where sU.
iiiioifciraior. a nonir mo nisi crounora mi
peraopa interested can attend u tney see pruji..
. - I if JAS. H.LARRIMER,' o i
: i ' . 1 I Aupirv:;l
April 20. a8i8,-no. 14, yol, lr, f, . n i