Cl'f Mffttllicin. ''fif 7' i n . Tin- dn't II w ikes tli hoi I 1 to I, In Ihilie. llllllejll ll.j"V .) liilll, A t'i-1- itijl li"lu miiiic ili i'imi r,f Hun Mysterious atnl iliiii lie j!iiimbl" hi tln lililriiij' iiir Which beds curl) iiitive liiuli. In vain t V curly ray in.iy IVingn ljn li IhiiiIi with Finrkliii foui, Ko iiiiirn ivn cv r bright eunuch Hi wo-wnrl tliotiilii' to slem ; IIU glance is Kcurrliiii I'm' nml near lor something Id cjiideinii. He liiicl.i no pleasure in t lie grove, No fieshnet.ii in if bower, No beauty in tlio mountain rung.', No grumbler in its towers, At stumbling o'er ouch rocky point lie overlooks the (lowers. Iicjoiuiiij! not at worldly a-un, lln grieves Ht wordly los: Turning aside tlio bliss of lil'o To (iwl soiiio hidden cross J.osinji the iileatiiirc or his goM Jn grumbling at tho drots. TIuin through tho checkered scenes of lifi, lie only notes tho HI ; Yet wondrous taste of human minds And freaks of human will When culled to leave a world he hates, We find him grumbling still. Trinity River, October, 18."8. Beautiful lines. A youth, in love with a maid, Eaeh night 'neath tho window stood, And there with his serenade, J I o awakened the whole neighborhood. But vainly he tried to arouso ilur sleep with his strains so bewitching; While he played in front of the house' !Sho slept in the little back kitchen. Agricultural What kind of Sheep to Choose. A writer in tho New York Croniclo, while discussing the merits of ditl'eroiit breeds of sheeD arirues stronidv in favor of the Merinos, as follows: "It has been a sort of fashion for few years pnst, to neg lect tue .Uerinos and introduce the Leices tershire, or some of the long-wool breeds. lliofo who luvor this course plead in its behalf, that there is a chance of selling the lambs at from three to six months old, which, they say, is an item of much prof it in sheep-keeping. They hold that cel ling lambs n that age, is a great consider ation in the business. It may bo so, but would it not be more profitable btill to koep those lambs until they arrive at ma turity, when they would be worth from four to six dollars apiece f The increased price would well repay tho cost of keeping them. A Leicestershire should yield six pounds of wooljeach for three years, till it reached its greatest value, which at thirty cents a pound, : would amount to five dollars and forty cents. To this is to be added two or three dollurs in the ad ditional value of the sheep, making in all seven dollars and ninety cents, to say nothing of the lambs which it has borne in the mean time. If these were added to the value of tho body and wool of the sheep, it would amount to more than ten dollurs. One very strong objection to sel ling limit's is, that none but the best can . be sold, and that causes a deterioration rather than an improvement of the flock. No 5Ieriuo lamb should bo sold. For three years, with the same keeping as the Leicestershire, they will yield eighteen pounds of wool apiece which, at. forty tive cents a pound, is bix dollars and fifty cents. The increased valnn of tho sheep meantime would be two dollars, which ad ded to the price of tho wool, would be eight dollars and fifty centi. To which two dollars and fifty cents is to bo added for the worth of tho lambs, in all eleven dollars from a Jlerino whoso keeping has been one third less than the Leicester shire. Thus we gain both ways, in the cost of keeping, and in tho amount ob tained. The wool, body and lambs, from the Leicestershire, should bring $15,33 to make the iuconio from the food consum ed, equal to that of the Jlerino." Profits of Single Grape Vines. Stephen Ilaight, of Duchess county, N York, has an Isabella grape vine, of 12 years old, which is trained upon a trellis, and branches out about 25 feet each way from tho root. The past autumn ho pick ed from this singlo vine two hundred and twatty-tix pounds, leaving at the same time fifty pounds .of unripencd grapes which were afterwards made into wine, (In all 270 lbs.) Tho ripe bunches were care fully looked over, and tho green, bruised, and decaying berries cut out with a puir of scissors. They were then packed pre cisely according to the directions we cave jn October last (Vol. 17, pnge 307.) lec. '22, when grapes were a rarity in the citv, Mr. Haight sold tho product of his single vino here, for $5GJ, (25 cts. per lb.) Pretty well for one vine. 13ut Jlr. Ilaight "owns beat"' by a neigh bor, who has an Isabella vine some 25 1 years old. It covers an arbor extending ! off from tho house. Three years ago, when an account was kept, this singlo vino netted 70 worth of grapes sold. This vine we think is not outdone by any other one in the county. Perhaps it may be if so let us hear of it. But asido from these unusual cases, a grape vine that will annually yield five or ten dollar's worth of this healthful fruit for home consumption, is a thing that pays, and we believe every family in country, village and city may have at least one such vine in a year or two, if they will put out two or three vines this coming Spring. Some will say "all this is fine talk" others will practice upon it and Joapthe reward. American Agriculturist. Seed Potatois from tds South. A cor respondent of the London Gardener' Chronkl MVS that a farmor in PnrnUF.11 where large quantities of early potatoes are raised tor thd London and Birmtnt,.m - . , "ft mariceta, procured some seed potatoes from . . , .v v.huhou muu). toe a fortnight earlier than from any oth- cr-ot." Some of our gardeners, with whom I it is an object to cet early Mtata. Rl! M : Foeurei ! 1111 llMMiVH VAIiMMt f li-il If ti t II, t'l tl!llrf f. 1 I h lull Hi run III I.I Hie IH rt i Itl' tlH ill l ! IIIM1tl'"llt,ltl, III 'Nc .triny, i li bo .-1 i il"' l ., nt L'.') ( . ti?!: t i r milium. I f ii. i.o h, i ii j n v'ii i llin ivni'iint. 1 A'bii t, I rl tli 1'iirinir, Mam ', Atlantic '"Mill. NiMH .Icr-i'V,-- I bi'M" Hiiir! i b cm 1 1 l.ind, of the bexl 'iitt.tli'v, in en" el tb" h"iil(liii'-t imd Inusl il'Ti.'liilul i''''. in tlm I ni'iii, see ml- 1 1 A KM t.ANIK H'lt SI,K ::, MIl.KS finiil riiilnileliliiii bv Ituilroiid in the Mute nt New .h-tvi'V. f'nil nniiiii;; the best for ; Af-'t icullinul 'til, being u pood loam Mill, with a elay bottom. The land is a Jial'0 trai't, divided into Mi'iill 1'uriii", mid Irwin nil 1'iirts nt tlm country are now iK'ttling und building. The crops can leseen ijiuiwii;.'. iernis ironi M.i to Mil I tier ncrc. lmviible within four vcars bv in - istiilinciits. To visit tho place Leave i Vine Ml. ihiirf nt l'liiladulphia, at 7J A. 151., by for Ilainuionton, or ad dress IV J, Iiynii'S, by letter. See full ud- vertisonu'iit in unothor column. To all warOnrj h'urmt, i 1 1 'iinnwnVm uJ'Crtifmciti t' All wanthi'j to tnoqratt to a mihl climate, inod son' and .flue niv'xl. j i . at' rtiwntnt on Hummoiiton hinds. I DEKTAL CARD. SMITH iifTi'is hia pmfcaaional services to i Iho l.aiiicN mul (leutlcineu of Ck'iir- liolil nml viciuity. All operations porfurinoil with nentnem uni) despatch. Ueinu familiar with u 11 tlio Into iinproviiionts, ho in prepared to uiiko Artilicial Teeth iu the best uiuiiner. Olfice in Shaw's new row. Sept. llth, 185S. lyj. DR. U. V. WILSON, HAVINU removed bin office to tho now dwel liiij on Second utreet, will promptly answer profs siiimil culls as heretofore. ja. n. i.AnntMrn. I. TKST T A It KIM Hit & T1T, Attorneys at Law lj Clearfield, I'u., will ottghd promptly to Col. tAiolts, Lalid Agoncios, 4c, io., Coutre ond Elk coultties. in Clearfield, July oil. y JOHN TROUTMAN STILL continues tlio business of Chair Making, and House, Sign and (Irniiincntiil l'aiiitiiig, at tho shop formerly occupied by Tioutman &. Kowe, at tho cast end of Market street, a short distance west of Liti's Fouudiy. June 13, 1SS5. THOMPSON, 1IAKTS0CK X CO. I roll I'ouinlers, tuiwensvilie. Aucxteusive assortment of Castings made to ordcre Dec. 29, 1H.M. L. JACKSON CRANS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office ailjuining lis residence on Souond Street, Clou1 i'.l, la. June 1. 1354. llTF. THOMPSON, rliyslclall, may bo found cither nt bis office ut Seotleld'a hotel, Curwcust ille, when no professionally absent. Dec. 2!, 1851 FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant and I'rodure Dealer, Luthers burg Clearfield county, l'a. April 17,1852. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, VT the mouth of Lick Run, five utile from Clearfield, MERCHANTS, aud extousive Manufacturers of Lumber, July 23, 1S52. J. I). THOMPSON, "MlarltKniltll.Wugons, Uuggios, Ac., Ac, ironed 1 on short notice, and the very best style, at his )ld stand in the borough ol Curwvnsville. Doc. 29, 1S53. TvH. SI. WOOlsS, having changed his loe.t I tion from Curwonsville to Clcarfiem, res. poctfully offers hi professional service to the eitiitens of the latter piuco ana vicinity. Residence on Second street, opposita ti it of J., Esq. my U6. P. W. BARRETT, MERCHANT, rilOlirCE AND LUMRER DEALER, AND JUSTICE OK THE PEACE, Luthersburg, Clearfield Co., Pa. J. L. CUTTLE, 4 ttorncy at Law and Land Accent, ofil adjoining hi residence, on Market stroe Cleurfield. MarchU, Ubi. A. n SHAW, RETAILER of Foreign and Domestic Morch. aii.liio, Shawsville, Cleurfield county, l'a. Shuwsville, August 15, 1S55. D. O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN Office in Curwonsville. May AVJI. T. CHAMBERS. CARRIES on Chairmaking, Whoolwright, and house and Sign painting at Curwensvillo, Clear9old co. All orders promptly attended to Jan. 5, 1S58. "p.ODERT J. WALLACE, Attorney at Law, J.V Cleurfield, l'a., Office iu Shnw'i Row, op posite the Journal office. doc. 1, 1848. tf. JOSEni TETERS, Justice of the Peace, Curwcnsville, Penna. ONE door east of Montolius A, Tea Eyck 'si"'1" in part of Dressing nnd Common Bureau, I Mansion at Mnrshfield; and a full-length lire Store. All business entrusted to him wil I ufll, Sowing and Washing Stands, Desk and ! like, Steel Portrait. The publisher offer it with be promptly attended to, and all instruments 0 f writing done on short notice. March, 31, 1858.-y. Pr-ASTF.RIXC:.-Tho .ubscriber, having located himself in the borough of Clearfield would inform the publlo that ho is preparod to do work in tho nbovo lino, from plain lo ornamen tal of any description in a workmanlike manner. Also whitewashing and repairing done In a ncnl manner and on reusonablo terms. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield, April 17, I4S7. Jy. YOUR TEE TIL TAKE CARE OF THEM!! DR. A. M. II I I.I.N, desires to announce to hi friends and patrons, that he la now de voting all of his timo to operation in Dentistry. 'I hose desiring his servioe will find him at hi i. ffice, adjoining his residoneoat nearly all times, md always on Friday und Saturday, unlos -lime to trie contrary oe given in tho town p per tho woek previous. N. B. All work warranted to be satisfactory. Clonrfiold, Pa. Sopt. 22nd, 1358. NOTICE. miiE undesigned being shout to disiolvs I th,irr,rnnr.i,i ' i 1 -'j i uuuoa u an person Tiog dealing with them la any way wbatso- t u.w;i mm iu ibort tim9 th book wiU be left ,n other hands I me"-,,,bai theyToul, Pf8fer th,t " !'..! voi'My do ,huld qnar. their ao- "'""T? MERRELLE A fMRTETt Clearfield, Pa., April 0, 1850.-no. 12, vol. iv. I I tun in ( o ii AIT lm fintii I. r't tMfn liti't iiii..ici'M n th ei(,n ft I I, iffl, . r"1 t,i. t rtismllv. tbnt ih It 1 1" fnii- to pit i I null in lion In Mo.le I'l A So, Ml.l.nlH.oN AMI MllTAtl Ai". n tin -. FKrft'N I ini'Aot. it Iriso. he K A 1 1 V C 1"Mll . Klit f. fits ill lio limy li Intsrested In the bo e. In lbs Hev. i.r. mid Mr, M'l.end. Tumi $s 00 in mil ni'K, or 10 (10, If nut In advance. ht. II, GKEAT REVIVAL Read ! Read? A NO BE CONVF.HTED. The vrnt revival ha iluno i in loeii no good In dliimrt evert Slate, comity mul t.mii In the I'lilon, outi-i In uf Clriirlirlil. Tln'rcfiiii', iu Cuticlilunitiiiil of tlio iilmvo rumor. Miort lum taken tlio rcapnti tiliilily upon liiuii'lf to rovive iho Hoot A Mmc litliiillt'M ill t'li'iirllt'lil. enrt art iriiiiil pinmiili. ! follow in on. He boa to nniiounro to hit ; "1l I'liatmnera, ami na 111 liny new onea na tuny fa vor It i in w it It a cull, that ho has ou hand a luree assort inent of line work ami any amount of coarao Also, lii'iiU' (iuitora uiuiln to order, and of any atylo to . nit customer. Morrocoo. French cnlf, and 1'iit.nt calf goiter constantly on hand. I' indiuj; fur sale, kit oxevptcd. All work leav ing bis . bop warranted not to rip. Cu.-tmiu'r.i coiiiinj; ,n tnwn will find hi in nt the shop former ly ecru led by R. R. Welsh, doe'd a a watch A clock e '.ablisluiM'tit, nearly opposite Reed and Weaver's itoro. Roll in boys and Bet new solos or your old ones repaired, us some of them stand in great ricoU ol it. FRANK SHORT. June .10, 13j8. "iii. I'. P. The piutncrship heretofore cxlutlnc bo twecn John Me, Cube & Ueorgo N'eWsou Is this day disssoved by mutual consent, nlid the books, accounts, and all ell'ects, are now in the hands of 1". bhort for settlement The business will bo carried on in future by F. Short. Alas, poor Yo rick! JOHN Mat? A UK, GKOltUK NliWSON', HIRST INliKST SHHVHI): BOOTS & SHOES AI. ' AY ON HAND, JOSEPH GOON, THANKFUL for past favors, and gratoful fur futuro prospects, desires to Inform tho eitisens of ii.:- Mnj i.:. ..1.1 rH:...i. M...t ntM..u :.. HUB ILllllli 1111. 1 11111 "IU IIIWUU. ...l 1 uiib iu partimilar, that be has removed to the FIRST ROOM iu tho East end of Glism'ffl HSW ISW9 ' nil. r' . . l .. -irv. .j .1 . v rr where ho ha on hand constantly, a largo assort nicnt of every variety iu the HOOT AND SHOE LINK CrSTOM IV OR It ATTEXIiED TO WITH DlSl'ATCII Tlio very bet of stock will be used, amino ed selection of LADIHS' dress goods ; such as pr.iu spared to make neat fits and durable work, j Ducah, Persum cloth, Drbci'c, Co All of which can be obtained from the said Joseph j i,, Qiuhmerta, Delaines, Al- Goon VERY LOW fur the kkahv Clearfield, Aug. 18. 1858 "HOME AGAIN." It' EED A WEAVER are now receiving an opening a large and well (elected Stock ot tioods, consisting of Dry (iooils. Groceries, Hardware, Quecna w are, llouta and Mines, Oils, I'iilnls fc Drug's. Hats and Iliuinets, Nails & Spikes, alt and I'InIi, as well ns every other article usually required in the country, which thev offer to th public on a luir terms as can be bail in the county, mill see the new, beautiful anduseful. jtmo II, 1858. Cull ESTATE OF ROBERT WHIG LEV, Dictated . Sr. Nt)1 ICIi is hereby givon that Letter of Ad ministration have been granted to the uu- dersiguod, on tne estate of Hubert Wriglry, Sr., late of Rriulford, township, deceased. All per- s na having business couceniiuir tho same, are hereby notified to make immediate settlement with the administrator. WILLIAM K. WRK1LEY, Adminiitrnior. Bradford township, January 19, I85tf. Dissolution of Co Partnership. rplIE undersigned, having been partners in tho 1 business oi tanning curr.viug. and boot and suociiiiiK!ii, ni 1110 ci. .uary s cteam 11 nnery, have this day by mutual consent dissolved their co-partuership connection. All debts due said firm of li. W. Watson A Co., and all claims against them will bo settled by E. Shtiltz, of St. Mary's, who has purchased tho interest of the other two partners. O. W. WATSON. THOMAS W. HlCIIAItrs, E. C. M Ilt LTZ. St. Mary' Steam Factory, Jan. 12, 18511. no. 2. v. iv. Cabinet, Chair Making, TOHN OULICH. of thoboroiiL'h of Clearfield. t) l'a., will be prepared at all times to attend to to any business in the above line nn short notice, and in a workmanliko manner. His place of business is at the old shop on the north tido of Mnrkot itrect, 3d door east of Third t, nearly opposite the old Jew tore j whero ho will keep constantly on band a large assortment of Ma bngony nnd Cnno Bottom Chairs, and Cabinet Ware of every descriiition, which ho will dispose 01 on as rcasonnlilo tonus the sniuo article can be had elsewhere in tho county Jlis etock of Cabinet vt are now on hand, con Book Cases, French and Field Post Bedstead, Dining, Breakfast, Centre, Card and Pier Ta ble, Ao. Coffins manufactured and delivered at any placo desired. February 9, 1859. no. 4, vol. iv. To all wanting Farms, see adrertisemrnt of Ilammonton Lands. Alltcantini to emiarate to a mild rlimnlt good soil, and fine market, see advertisement of liammomon lianas. look iii:niii look hi:: THE undersigned subscribers, take this meth od of informing the publio generally, that they have this duy entered into copartnership in THE BLACKSMITH BUSINESS, and can be found at the shop formerly occupied oyj. onuuKwuer, on Third itrect, in tbl bo rough, where they will be pleased to too the r old customer, and a many new onos a can mak it convenient to give them a call. Bring on your hoe, your spades and picks, Your log-chains and your nullinir Uicki. Your sleda, your sleigh, your horae, your mars, iso turee-yoar 01a snail toon go nan. Tour spears will work up then Juat right, To proonlng books for every height. Your swords too, shall then b wrought. To ploughshare such as Cain ne'er bought. JACOB BnUUKWILER, GEO. W. ORR. Clearflold, December 8, 1858. tf. To all wanting Farms, see aJvertisemnU if Ilammonton Lands coitxrjt stoiw, ft II W t SsVll.t.K, A Isree Mnoitmrnt of iKV GOODS, t'piMlin lit part of the rill"wiiiK art trie, 'ih;'i.A a4 Vcn.'A .lAinicn, ( yhirii, J 'ijjurfd if- f-f,iin Ihhiitrf, t hint A'dAr, iSi.non 'iiis, l'vil'Ve (hn-rt, l-hllM ClftiK, V'U l v. d v. Is Jlomu-if, lnUtt Fall and ir. tcr tjli, Heady made rlothliifr, limit n A Kliorn, Hats t Cops, uf all kinds, Spanish Sole Leather, Coflce, Mnlasaea, and Sugar, at Wholotalo A Retail. flr-Ilidea A Furs, Phingles, and drain of all kinda taken in exchange for goods. Oct. 1st, IS58. VM. IRWIN. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON, HAVING fitted tip n shop a few door east of the "Oi.n Jew Stuiik," on Market St., desire to inform the community at largo, that he keeps on hand a variety of CAUINHT WOltK, tit his shop, and that lie manufactures to order, (of superior finish,) every description of house hold and kitchen furniture, among which arc Centre and Dining Tables Muho(jniiy and Com mon bureaus Common ntid Fancy Bedsteads Stnnils, Safes, Cupboards, Sofas, Loungos, 4e., which ho is determined to dispose of at ns cheap rates, for cash, ns they can be purchased nt any other establishment of the sort in the county. Persons wishing to buy furniture are invited to come to hi shop and examine his articles, and judge for themsolvi of their quality and finish, before purchasing elsowhero, us ho feel confi dent that ha ran suit thein In prico ond quality. X. II. Ilo 1 also prepared to uiako Covfix to order on the shortest notice, and attend funeral with hearse, when called upon. r-All kinds of country produce wilt bo re ceived in payment for work, nov. 17, 1858. ly. NEW GOODS 0 It FALL AX 1) 11' I X T E It. ,n,, n . . . . ; ' I 'HE Bueacnber ha just received and oponcd l his ftoreroom on Market st. directly oppo- silo the Clearfield House, a largo and well solea- !,ed gT0CKof EEASONAULF UOODS, which he will still at a verv Lmo I'iniir. ... . J J His stock consists of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Queeosware, Glass ware, Drugs, Oils, &c. including a Lost of other articles in his line a oong wnick can b; found an ex.cnsive and vuri paca.i, French Merinos, J'lnids, and a full a tortmaU rf J 0 XXX E TH fur the season I His GENTLEMEN'S wear consists of u lurze assortment of Cassimcrea, Cloths, Suttinctts. Satin Vesting, Tweeds, Hals and Caps, AXD AS KXTKXSIVE VAniKTT OF BOOTS A X 1) S II O ES Fur Ladies, Gcnttlcnun and Children ; with almost overy other article that may be no- cessnry tc supply the wants of the community Jll pressure ol tlio money market Dat ing bail the effect of reducing the prico of manr articles of merchandise, the undersigned has been ena- uiea to out in clock ai fucu ra es that Do conTtion. sthl.Ni K nu-L-n n. . . t , . 11 (food at price to suit tho tunes. Andhav - ng neretoiore enueavnrcn 10 piease nis cuswmcr ooin iu tlio quality 01 gxoils and tlio at which ho old thoiu, be hopes to receive a ron sounblo share of patronage. All in want of goods, will Mease cull aud examine his stock of chean est goods, j Jt'.rCouutry produco of all kinds taken In -x chanire for iroods. IUM. F. IRWIN. Clearfield Nov. in, 1S58. WATCH & JEWELRY iT THE uudcrsiened rvsnecifullv inf.irin? his customers nud the public generally, that he )m jUfl re,llrn(l frulI1 t1B Euft nI",(l oi.eno l a , cs'ablishment in .S'f.l II "A' HO II' Clearfield nt I. P.i n Iiiia tlni'lr nF WiTI'lll.'i2 ..P .1 ; ll. .1 1.1. nd JE WELRY of ovei v ' In.,,. . r.,li sett to a aingfe piece, wuieh he will sell at the must reasonable prices for CASH. ALL kinds of Clocks, Wutehes ond Jewelry careiuuy repaired ana 11 .imnifeif. A continuance of patronage is solicited. Nov. 10th, 1S58. 11. F. NAl'O LE, NEW VORK POR AGENTS. 1 The Idle, Speeches und Memorials Containing his mod Cilebeated Orations, a Se lection from the Eulogies Delicered on the Occasion of his Death and his Life and Times ; tX lAMl'EL X. UUCKi:it, A. M. This splendid work is lust nuhlisliKil. t n nun large volumo of 550 pages. It I printed on fin paper, nnd bound in beautiful style ; contains ex cellent tint illustrations of hi Birthplace and confidence to th Ainei ican public, and is eonvin ced that it wiil supply an important want in Amer ican literature. No work waa to be obtaioed berotoforo, which proscntod, within a compact and convenient compass, the chief evont of the life of Daniol Wobstor, his most remarkable in tellectual efforts, and the most valuarblo and In teresting eulogies wlskh the great mon of the na tion uttorcd in honor of hi memory. We presont all these treasure to this volume, at a very moderate price, and in a very conveni ent form. Subscription price, in cloth, $1 75; handsomely embossed leather $2 00. Person desirous of becoming Agents for thi valuable work, will addros, for full particular, DUANE RULISON, Publisher, 38 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. no. 7, vol. iv. THE UNDERSIGNED take thi method of an nouncing to tho cititen of CUortlold and the sur rounding oountry, that he has oponed a Bairlb? Slhap on Main Street In Aoie' A'mc Vfuw, whore oh i prepared to acoommodato all who give him call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage. Oot th, 1858. JEREMIAH NORRIS. SALE, by Mrbeli, A Caktr, Adam,' . iti Improvd Corn Shtller Abo a few Meat Cuttors of th beit kind with a large vari ety of Good in their line, just rooeived, and will ba (old low for cash or produce. Clearfield, Deo. 8, 1858. JLKkRllSrKnement' ,(,Bnl formn,r . vu.1 vi iu "vicarucia liepUDilCSP. rU!MIi HOTEL, il'' ......... ...... 11... I k in i m tnr tb I ' ' "''. i f V, rti I.I f l.H.ify,'. ,im" i. Hlb.ri'lhet ,, . Mt lil inf-llll till old nitom. r. and lh publle r"nnnllv Hist he bn '"'"i'Iv 'i"n the s'mivs well k m n stand, mt l i . . that he hs tntiiely rclllted nd rol'nriiljhrd II In a slyls dn'li.d to ths air, and the wauls of the entile traveling ri.inmiinily. 1113 TABLE will always he pr ivl.led wll'i every luxury the hiaikelt and surroiitiillug; eounlry will annul, HIS BAR will be ttipplied with th choicest w Iocs and II nuors, HIS STABLES, which are the bent and moM roininndioiis on the rnail within a day's travel, will always he in charge of careful and attentive) hostlers. In rhnrt Kvcry department of Lis Fttiilillshmrnt will be supplied with nil tho coinfnrls und convoniou cica the weary travoller could desire. Juno 2, '48. WJI. A. MASOX. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. THE above Hotel, laving recently been fitted up for a house of entertainment, is now otien for tho accommodation of tho public. Traveler will find this a convenient house. May 111, 1858, AilIN JORDAN, CLEAJFIKLD MBWm i C'OK Sl'.H )!' HIRST AM) MARK HT STKHHTs, TIIH tinderslgned respectfully Informs his menus unit tlio traveling public in goneral, that no nus taken tlio aiiove House., I'OKMEHLY KNOWN AS THE HEMP HILL HOTEL, " The Hoi.'se lin.s been recently refitted im inoveil, und newlv furnished j EXTENSIVE STABLING HAS BEX tOSlfl.ETEDJ AND HE 18 I'ltUfAltKU TO ACCOMMODATE All wlio iniiv give him a rail, in the most lileueing and agreeable maimer. With every thing to render his house a desirable stnp)i,iri place, will be supplied with an assortment of choice li quors j and he will endeavor to entertain his guest iu a manner that fail to give tho HUI.I.IT SATISFACTION. The house ix situated in a pleasant and' uuiet Hurt of the town, mul or attention will be spared to make it one of the best houses in the county. A lib eral patronage is respectfully solicited. H. HAYS MORROW. Clearfield, eng. 18, If 5b'. ly. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAN.) Hace st. above Third, Phila. fPHE proprietors of the nbovo well known es- 1 tiililisliincnt belne thankful fnp tlm liberal patronage, bestowed upon them the Mist' year, lake this method of informing their friends j ana the public that lb v are still i,r...,n,l I commodato them if favored with a call. Dunn? tho summer uiun lbs tlm In ilun li .. m Km... ihoroughly renovated, improvement made nod other extensive oltornti ms in contemplation. We are determined t devote our wholo nttn tion to biisiiici-s mid Hatter iurselv s with tho eouviction that we sbnl) be able to eive sntislnc. I ... 's'ij u i.iv t i.iti I N. B. Carriage) will nlwuvt be in romlinn. l.. convey pescugers t., and Iroin Stenuib,..,!. I.n,l. Ings and Railroad Depots. S. i S March 31st, lU'iS.y, SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE. Curwcnsville, Penna. rpi. ho subscriber, formerly of Iho Exolian If... tel, Pliilip.ihurg, having taken tha"nhnr new stand, situate on the bank of tho river, in tlio lower end ol t urwcnsville, would nnnounre that ho is now ready th accommodation of stran gers and nil ullwrs who may favor him with n call. The house is lape und comfortable, und travelers willlind every convenience i,ei-i.-,irv lo their comfort. Ample stabling is iiltauhvd to 'the premises. DAVID JOHNSON. Fubruory 10, 1S5S. TATKIS.W, i:XtlIGi: UOTI'.I... 1 Tbi , ., , , , le nil.s-nber having' taken tho above well , - , . known Hand, formerly kept by II i. A. Mason. iu Curwcnsville, 1 n., is ready to accommodate all who may favor him wltn iheir patronage. 11 is taklc will always be supplied with the best the ariui nnors. nnu m liar with the clinic,, uiuors. ins staoio win lie uailer :lio cue of lentivo hostlers. DAVID SMITH. Curwensvillo, April 21. 185S. IJO TEL No. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch, 4 M. HOI'kl NS tnkes this method of in for in t ing his old friends nnd tho public generally that lie has just HE-OPEN ED tho nbovo wol. known lintel, nnd rn-fltied il in a stylo suitable t the age, and the wants of tho travelling public Mr. 11. bus had a large experiencoin hotel keep ing, he has no Imitation iu saying that his guesU will find hia bouse a plcasnnt anil desiruble slop, ping place. Of the elcgible location of this Hotol for pr ou visiting the City, either on OXni'SIXEM OR PLEASURE. It Is deemed altogether unnecessary lo speak, a uo Hotel iu Philadelphia i better known than the"(JW M,int lemon." By close attention to the wants of his custom er Mr. II. hope to deserve a share of publio patronage. N. B. His tonus per day ha boon fixed ut th low rate of $1.25. Sept 22nd, 1858. 1 yr. FOR SALE Oil it 12 NT. THE subseribor offers his farm Ritnntnrl in Lawrence township Clearfield oountv. mnlo n mi. . . - i I 1 I . .. w...i... 8 , minureu ana lofty .y a mi,., nuvui neveniy -live acres clearer! wiin uouao, barn, young orchard Ac. thereon, for sale or rent on reasonnldn terms. Enquire of the subscriber soon Possession given at once. . win. TORTER. Clearfield, Clearfield County, Ta. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that Lotton of Ad miniatration ntndrnu lit, !,. k... . ... . 1 -' ii, K'Hllfc ed to the undomgned on tho estate of John R. w oi Lawrence township, Clearfield Co., dee d. All paraon having businei or dealing with lb said estate art requested to make im mediate settlement. AARON C. TATE, Adm'r Pendent lihi, Lawrenoo tp , Feb. 25, 185. no. , vol. iv. Constable! Blank for nolo at this Office, or King's Evil ! -"Htllilll..,n1 il '"ttnptlM, .1 M'kmI, by whlih llil rlnt. lT,mir, ,','j Vtiak. mn iir. Ililm In il,. .1 i"7" iwrvndi' the It .ln IkhIv, ni limy (m, " 7 I'lM lY it. No nip., t,f, ttnm lt attarks, tior i t'loteone nhi, k . . k .i 'l i. r. i . . . . - 'i' i nut iliwlrny i i.w - ron.iiuM latin I Vnii, rained by forrniin (lni nc, low liiin, oiiiiTi'ii nr liiiTi'iiiiuy limn, init ure lr si,, ml ultliy linbiti, t lie tliiitrsin Ices, V alsive nil, by the venniul lnfittlnn. )'.' ever lie IHoiiin, it is luicditarv in tie ,' tltutiim, ilesi i'inliiiK fri.tu jmn n'ts to unto tho thinl anil hitirth ijinrratiim " inJ It sectin to bo the mil nf linn Mv.l'j will visit tlio initmitiitf uf the lathi r,,w, their chililrcn." Its cirects commcni'o by depesitiim fnun tlh, blood of C'irriint er iilccruu innttiT. vtl.i. l. i , the lun-r, liver, nixl Intertiul nigrum, i terriut ! tubercles j in the glands, swellings; i:(J oi! the aurface, eruptions or siiros. This fun I riiitiim, which rciuIcis in tlio blind, di prcsu the energies of life, so that u rnftilnin eonstitu tions not only sutler from scrofulous con,.' plaints, but they have fur loss power to with! stand the attacks of other disciws; w,ic'. ipiently, vnst numbers perish bv lisoid,r, which, ulthnttgh not scrofulous in tlteirnnture' are still rendered fatal bv this tuint in tU Uvstcin Most of tho rimsimintion vhich rl,. I eiriatcs the human family has its origin directly fin this Ht-mfiiluuH eontainiiuitiim , and manr I destructive (licuse of the fiver, kiducv-i. hraoi' and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise fioin or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of nil nur piile nro srrtifiuW their persons are invaded by this luikiii" Ui. feetiim, und their health is undermined ly j(, To ch-anse it lieni thestin we must renovate the bliHid by nn aUetiitivo medicine, and in. vigutate it by healthy fond and exenite. Such a medicine we supply in AYE It'S y j Compound Extract of Sarsaparillj, the most cirecttial reincdr whti h tho medics! ukill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and futul maladv. It is coin bincd Ironi the most active rcmeJials that have been di'Civercd for the expurgation of this foul t'isordcr from the blood, und the rescue of tin system front its destructive Hence it should Lo C.mubiyed for the cure of not only scrofula, but 'also tho?? other aflcc. tions which arise from it, suih as Eitrrnvi and Skin Diseases, Sr. Anthony's 1'iut,, or ICitvuirtiAs, Pimples, Purtvus, lll.OTCHER, ltf.AI.NS mid HoiLS, Tl'MOHS, TeTTKS and Salt Uhm-m, Scami Ih:An, Uinowobm, Uiieumatihm, SvriiiMTicaiid MkhcvuialUu- KANIS, DllOlMV, Dvst'liPSlA, Dliiilitv, and, indeed, all Complaints ap.isino hiom Viti1 ted on Impiiie 13i.ouu. Tho popular belief in ' impurity of tht lhod" is founded in truth, for scrofula is "a degeneration of the blood. Th particular purpose and virtue of tliis Sanapi. : nlla is to purify and regenerate this vital Hind. I wit,mu whic.h W'U"J hl!lllh " '"U'le coutumiuatcd constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB ALL THE IWCSCS CF A FAMILY PHYSIC, arc so composed that disease within the ram;e ( uieii Hcuon can rareiy wnnntaim nr cvnile tlinu Their iicnctriiting properties search, and cleanse, ond invigorate ovcry portion of the human organ ism, riirrcctimr its diseased action, and re inrinc ! ns '"-''by it.ilitirs. As a confeqiuiuc of then I properties, the invalid who is bowed down with t';"n "r I'1'.'""! debility is astonished to find hia , '" r'lc,'F' "-cstortd by a remedy Bt once so Not only lo llicy cure tho cverv-dav cemnlalr.ti of every loily, but lfO many' forniidable and dangerous ('.i.M .iM. '1 he agent be low named il 1 leased to furnish gratis my American Almame, iiii.tatiiing ctititicates of their cure nd directiou for their lite in the following complaints: Coitirt in. is, Heartburn, Headache ariiing from ditorderei i 7,, r j mwiiicn, guinea, inniye'iion, t ain in ana jiaroit i i"iiui. ii 1 mo iviui.) mi it i rut y a im vf Stl'IW lite. Jaw.dice. and other kin.lVed conn,!,W comiuMiit. aiiNinc from a low state of the bodv or obstructioa of its function. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOtt THE r.APIU Cl'IlE OF Cniighi,4Colds, Influenza, IlonrseneiSt Croup, rironchitis, Incipient Consump tion, nnd for the relief of C'otisiimptive Patients iu advanced stages of the disemc. 80 w ide U the field of it usefulness and so nu merous arc the cases of it cures, that almost every sec tion of country abound in person pub lit lv knov n. who have been restored from alanning nnd even ikfpcrate disrasis of the lungs by iti li e. When onco tried, its suncrioritv over everv o.lii r mrilieinc of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where it virtue arc known, the j public nn longer hesitate what antidote to employ .". ..b V. .Jl. ...IU UUIIKV1UUI KllfcVUDIII Ul .U I r.. n-,. .1.-. .. ;.,:.! .,.. 1: .. t..r tlirt II . cl rni. . r tw Hwntii.m o .Minn, nl Ik. riiiniiiioi i uiuiiim iiiuv nit Aiii-iuiui w uui titillate While many inferior remedies thrust upon th ' community have failed and been discarded, thi ! has sninrd friends by every trial, conferred I benefits on the i.'.llicted they can never forget, and pro- nuecu cures too numerous ana too remarkable to be loroiitten. j PREPARED BY I lill. J. . AYEK & CO. j LOWELL, MASS. OI.I) UY I C. D. Watsox, and M. A. Fbask, Clearfield K. F. BiiK.tNun, Mosrisdulo. R. FosTKn, Pnilipsburg. Wit. Iiiwix, Curwcnsville. Ramckl Ahmolo, Luthersburg. And all druggist. doc. 22, 1358.J Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter On Second Street, Clearfield, Pa. IS the pines whero all the following article can bo had at reduced price : liar Jean of all sizes ly the small or ly the quantity ; Cast Steel of various sizes and best quality; a large assortment of Stoves, among which u ill be found the Xew World Cook Oak Premium, Great Republic, Buck's Tal ent, and the elevated Minnesota. Also, a large assortment 0 nme-plalct and Parlor Stoves, and Air-tights of various Pattcrntr Alio, Plou-s of the best and Litest patterns. Also of their owvt Manufacturing a laage af . tortment of Tin-ware, Stove pipe, She'chim pans of all sizes, and all articles of the kindm their line, kept alu ys nn hand. House spovn ting done, lo order, and Tin Roofing done with despatch. Also, a large assortment of alt kinds of house.-krepinq utensils constantly on hand. CO UXTR t MERCIIAXTS are invited to call, a they can be aocommodatcdi ' .1 ..... 1 I. ... . . . I. . ' 1 ' ' : at very low figures wilh anything in our line. All ordors will be tnunkfullr roooived ani promptly attended to. 0. B. MERREliL. L. R. CARTER. N. B. They will also reoelve every variety of; article cn c emission, at low rate. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED BY buying Coal Oil and Coal Oil LamM at the Iron Store. ' MERRELL A CARTER, on Id St. LAMPS of all kinds changed to Coal Oil Lamps. F URS and BUFFALO ROBES to suit tl season, at KRATZEK 0. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES Blank form, for tale at the office of tb "Clearflold publican." fBaJob Trintiiig neatly executed here-