Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 20, 1859, Image 2

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    . ' . -A.
'V . 4 V' '' if
vi -v .
CLEARFIELD, April . W.i.
Democratic Stato Tickot.
or rmi.Air.i.riii..
Tho 'Hogus Convention," or rather tho
amclaveof muloontentii which infoKt the
Domooratio party just now, undeserving
.he name of Convention, even with the
prefix of Logua, which met at llurrisburg
List Wodnc8day, tiroved most unexpect
edly to its projectors, a humiliating
failure a couiploto fizzle. Not even large
enough to furnibh Forney and his coadju
tors tho assurauco that they had somo
utropaniocbhin in their misery. And
oven somo of those who we e present for
(he purpoBO of participating in the prococ
ilings becamo so much disgusted villi
their company that they withdrew and
repudiated their connexion with thiH
crow of disorganizes. Ono of them, Mr.
"ierr, who, whon ho attempted honestly
to givo his views of tho duty of thoso Do
mrirata who believed that o". Tackfr
should have been endorsed by tho March 0o of our contemporaries very aptly re
Convention.was insultingly choked off by Iniirhs, ..they havo performed so littloof
Forney, tho baying houud of the p.'.ck, jjmblio importance, that it seems as if there
lias exposed their infamy in a letter to. ;TOro nothing to record except "passenger
tb a Patriot and Union, which must '.T-Ty ruilV:ay charters," a"ts of incorporation,
conviction to tho hearts of Demoyn;3 v wvi Fnpplcina.i!s to cxUi-Jg corporations,
erywhoreof tho disorganizing nivl J
goroua designs of theso politic. ! tri';k
The resolutions passod by tlus "rump"
gathering are in themselves accnplote
eurioety, and wo regret thp.i t'i?y aro too
voluminous lo permit thoir mi!jI!:rtlioii(
at least at this titno, else wo -vould I y
iheru before our readers for their e:M
Inalion. The Fornoyitos, although they dcacun
oed tho nominee of tho March Convai
- lion, made no nominations thorns. !vf ;
that important duty being eo .lod to
committee, who are to perform '.heir ollice
, thoir leisure, in such tnamr js the
signs of the times may ind;cr!,9 best
suited to their purposes in jthe" woids
l!,e strength of their faction '. hi niai-'tst,
and U,cy are open to bidders, th high H
in promises of spoils to bo tht 'iiiysr.
It must bo extremely grptilying lo tho
mon who entored honestly, and wo trust
for humanity's sake, that somo jvcm ho- j
nest when thev entered into tho s'i'iportj
of Forney's heresies, to seo tha. volr v, In j ? i r.d sui'tid lawyer, and t.iouki .no m
a position to bo bartered away''. the A-j te"-t of our Staio cier Ito commit tud to
merican party was repeatedly .t few years ,,; . i,ar.dd, -a, confident they will bo
Bgo, by its psuedo lenders, until iSi n.'itl- j li-.iir".e-l with f iiihf-d and sagacious vigi
cxd degredation becamo a sten,,. in tliojlan..
nostrils of tho people. What otiicr o.Iiro I
can euch a party as this which .act -,J,fJ Je'.VS
Uarrisbttrg perform, than to throw lsM V-? th- latest foreign advices wc have
into the arms of any organization rhiet ,
will assist in defeating tho Dcmoeiacy
which it so bitterly reviles ? Ifo'v Is it to
accomplish its designs except by a Fnhn
with tho opposition, to bo in time al
lowed by it, as has been all who have
sought its sympathy f Democrats pause
before you allow yoursolvcs to bo sold by
Forney, Lauman & Co., liko sheep in tho
Onr Candidates.
Messrs. Wright and Rowc, tho nomi.
necs of tho Democratic Convcn lion, have
both accepted their nominations tenderod
ihom, in frank and manly style, placing
themselves upon the Democratic platform,
ignoring past dilierenccs, and avowing
their unalterable faith in the principles of
the democratic party, and their bolief in
the high mission it is daily fulfilling, in
disseminating tbedoctrines of equal rights
end the greatest good to the greatest num
We have heretofore refrained from al
uding specially to thoso gentlemen, deem
ing it prudent to await the rosult of the
'great Convention" which was to be, but
did not take place thai is, the great part
of it at llarrisburg last Wednesday ; ns it
bad been charged that one of them be
cause of his anti-Lecompton views, would
not accept the Democratic nomination,
but would act with tho Forneyites. This
w were not willing to believe of as up
right a man as John Rowe, of Franklin,
but we awaited with the expectation, in
Which we have not been disappointed'
that Mr. Rowe would lay bis viows .before
the public at an curly date, and thus leave
no doubt about bis position. A well known
anti-Lecompton Democrat, tho Conven
tion, having full confidence in his ability
and integrity, did not Hesitate lo nomi'
nato him, thus showing that that was no
longer a living issuo in tho Democratic
party. And it is only the treason of as
piring bad men, which continually drags
it into remembrance. It will yet prove
tho incubus to strangle thoir political ex
istence. ,
BCTuRoad tho able address of the Dcmo
c'ratic State committee, in this paper.
i Kb n c
iMiimi"" It In Mi"
' I j nnl nllh"i,m
. kIiick ill rul'l-
HI.- i'l I in; I
I nit we. !
I 1m I 'I
Ilieliei hu nt, I ) IC Ii MlllliitiJ IW (In' il' fence
js still niilini.-lii'il, and 1 -r mni " l l'"
up scu t d . 1. 1 in eot,.o. Throurlft-nl, lli"
' ... .
ilcinehl has i,"Miili-l in Hi"
jiMimiiiiiiiity in a-
,i,...n, " rniiilly
. ..
UllO-Hlg 111" IHIMTIMllll--. i
I,... I.,., .i i'il l,v
ill in ll I'll ill ii' 'j ii'i -',. - ,
.i i i .... 1,1. .; i. i
II..' hifl nl .'
1 I II" full US I 1 liy.l i;i 1 1 I'll ' 'Ol 11 11' n nil -1 i i ii , i , ,, , ,i, i.i, i , i
!.Uu.U.,K,,y ,! ,', out of .o,. wordss, ;h.ariVe n i.c J-
Ibctweon Mr. Ould, tho P,-lrirl Alto, ncy-,
nml Mr. Sliiuiilnn, ono or llio I'li-ouci-'g L.,,,,.,1 tiri Convi'iitiou, 1 .y iioiniiintin
ouiiM'l. Mui-li of tli" limo of (lie court iho lion. Al"xiuuli'r Mckinncy, iw l'rosi
lias loci, coiiini"il in tint luliou-il discus- l"nt. IWncy movcil lor it committor! on
. , ... .i ii.i roHoltitioiiM. t'ofkni iviiortcii mill rciwl t lie
,ono, o. i ..... u,.u..
misttiliility of evidence. Tho confe-iwon of
Mrs. Sickle.' mndo on tho morning of tho
d',y upon which Key was shot, was ruleir
out by tho court. The prosecution, nro
determined to resist all attempts of the
defence to show an adulterous intercourse
between Mrs. Sickles and Key. "While
tho defence seems to rest mainly upon this
fact, and tho provocation furnished there
by to Mr. Sickles for taking tho life if the
author of his dishonor, llio discussions
upon these points are learned and very
interesting to tho general reader, but
especially to tho lawyer; and we regret
that our liuiiled spaco prevents our giving
anything beyond this brief abstract. Some
amusement is also furnished by tho exami
nation of tho witnesses, and somo of the
counsel seem as ready to display their wit,
as their learning.
Tiik Pennsylvania Leoislati're. This
body, ns has been previously annQunced
adjourned tine die, on hist Thursday, after
a session of alittlo over thrco months.
Wo had intended giving a brief history of
itsaet'i uuvJng the recent session, but as
and bills of v. private and poisonal charac.
ter." These, however, aro r.eeesitary i.i
man iu.Uncrs, ar.d it is only to bo re
c.v.ttod that our laws do no furnish a
permanent remedy for many of our iucon
vco;oncie3, attainable at all times and on
the spot wherolhoy exist, without annu
VI oc:upyin tho time of tho Legislature
in rcmcJyin,; sj. eeille evils, when an equal
nuv.bcr of the scma class may spring lip
by '.ho VAxi sewon, rml ao on ad injini'w.
Wo publish this ;:t GoveK.son
V0''.' tho :or.i::!".iik:'.tion of ".Vogan," re
commending Hon. James Macmanas, of
Belloibuto, Centre, '.'cim'y, to the Demo
cracy of Pcr.ntvlvanV., rs a proper candi
date for Covcnio.' i.i kuU Although too
."ar in adv.noj to commit ourielf in favor
of tbia or tint gentleman for tho post of
standard bcaror ibr cir ptu'ty in tho cam
.an of 18130, yet wa have no icsihvlion in
endorsing the aijibties and integrity of
Mr. UteuiaiuiH, who hasbeon long kno .vn
, "TV ... 1 llf! ,rl-f. . ,fl.
8", a w.nncit yemuni", Mi-..f.,.
throe unyj later new,
A votj Jhii'l b in taken in llio r.ngusii
Varliaciev.t cn tlw lieiVm T,, which re
sulted in u lnajorify of 39 ai!nst tho bill
and lr.inhlry.
Lord IVniy aid the Cabinet weie con
sidering what course to adopt.
it is tbcifjht iho ministry will resign.
Tho n.jpctt of European affair.? is more
pacifij t'um r.t prcviom advices.
A l eaea Ccngrc--. it contemplated, and
preparation aro m.'king for its meeting.
Tho propf ration? for war still contiiiuo.
Turkey is engaged in sending troops to
wards tho principftlitieB. For what pur-
I ,of hM aAcdnu explanation.
Wasuinxto:,-, April, 1.1. Tho Tost Office
j'epartmont is having prmicu oumrc jorms
tb 1 o severr.liy fillodup with tho amounts
of indebted, 3l-s to nnil contractors. They
ara in tho naturo of certificates, and are
intended to servo as a bcM for loan a until
Congic; sl'ill relieve tho Department of
its prcont 1:nrnc;id cniLarriissmen t.
As Mr. Bowman's resignation of the of
fice of Supevintentbjnt of PuW:o Pi inting
will net tn'ke place till tho ffist 01' May,
various gentlemen rro pressing their
claims for tha phu.o. Among thorn is Col.
Jo. Severns, of Philadelphia.
Tho Y's'"iugt:ii Republican Asscia
tion, to-night celebrated at tho Odd Fel
lows' Hall, Je-i'oi son's birth-day. A full
band of enliven jd tho occasion.
lion. Francis P. Llair, of Mi. souri, presi
ded. Major French read tho Declaration
of Independence, and Daniel R. Ooodloe,
late of North Carolina, delivered the ora
tion. '
Tho contract for fnrnishing the illustra
tions of machinery, etc., required for the
Patent Ollico Rrport, has been awarded to
E. R. Jowolt, of Buffalo, Now York.
There is such information in this city as
leaves no doubt of tho xistenee o- a deep
laid scheme tor a revolution in Cuba.
lt is not known that this Government
has been informed oi the fact.
Tim Pennsylvania Canal. We are in
formed that the enlargement of the Ca
nal from the Junction to Columbia is now
completed. This portion of the Canal has
been deepened and widened throughout,
so as greatly to increase , ts capacity'. The
water is being let in at the several feeders.
and boatini? has already been commenced
on tho .Tun ata. A steamboat has been
procured to tow boa s acron. the river at,
Clat-Mss 1-erry. .A Iwge business on the
Canal is expected this season.
(I'nttr'i'nii'li t r-
ni I !, !.'.. I
I.muiivi it, 1; ,),
i-cil ll 1 11 to ililV
ii : Vin
.' in ll II
crew of
" I '.I iu fpiiil' mil pay,
!!. .. !.... I I I . I.
" "I"1"'' """ """ R
i"vir In dun aemhled In our nolcl bor-
i)ii"li. iii I nil iiltciiditt" I in Boi'in I oll-
.. ., , ,
. .i i l i . ' I i .
mnil y 1 ill I l "qn I I H i Hi! I'm Mi '.: ll (n li ll n lie
i i;ii...,. i !.. ii., n .,i ii.., 1 1, .in.,. .,r i
,. .. ,f.,, ,. , ' . . ;,,,.
-.,,,,,. .(..vrrvlonfforio.mlrosoli.tions:
and 'Wir moved their adoption. It was
all 1'fi-nty, anil iiotliin but Forniy, and bis
disappointed Ambition. For cnee ho luul
his owl, way in a (invention, and scorned
to be perfectly satislied therimt. Full ono
third, if not one-half, 'tho Convention,
were either lllaek liepublicnns or Know
Nothing, and 1 do not believo there was
a single cli'iin-liandud, untainted Demo
crat, who took part in its proceedings, from
the Fresident down; and a very large
proportion of them wero cither disappoint
ed applicants for ollice, or ollice-liolders
under tho Slalo Administration.
Tho address as read by Forney, and all
tho speeches were of the most offensively
abusive character characterizing tho ad
ministration of Mr, Buchanan, as "the
rjMj'ttl0adiuii list ration." Such language
when applied to such patriots us (Jen. Cass,
and President lUiehanan, when applied
by. such men as the author nf the. Mrs. 'w
rat Letter, should causo every honest man
to blush.
Tho Convention repudiated the candi
dates as well as tho platform of tho regu
lar Democratic Convention ol tho luth
March. l!ut they did not nominate others.
This they defer to a committee to bo ap
pointed. It is to bo hoped that this com
mittee will bo appointed, and that a Con
vention will be called and candidates nom
inated. This will then show their strength ;
for it is net likely tho Republicans will
let tho present opportunity pass without
nominating a ticket of their own.
15. D.
Aran. 8th, 18.59.
Mr. KniTnn: Sir: It is customary, we
believo, for those who wish, to announce,
about this time, the names of their favor
ite candidates for Governor. I think it
very noccssary that the people bo made
acquainted with tho name and character
of every person brought beforo them for
their lonsulcratiou, and 1 write thus e.iny
to allbrd amnio titno for the purpose. The
party will, doubtless, next time, bo more
particular than they havo lately been in
their celeclion of a candidate, and will at
least, endeavor to rest llieir choico upon
an houc-t and able man and a Democrat,
alui one jy whom they will no, bo betray
ed tho first opportunity oilers. Such
a mn, and mch a Democrat, havo wo in
Ifou. James Macmani's, of liellofonte, Cen
tre county. This gcntli'tnan is widely
known as an r.bloaud faithful practitioner
of law, and as an eminent legislator. In
tho hitter capacity ho has very few equals,
jud no superiors in any o(uarter of the
State. To this fact Ceutro county can
well testify, as she has several times been
very ally represented by him at the State 1
Ci'pitol. (ilten ilul the wings men rep
ruientins their constituencies, feel the'.
force of hi3 logic, and the effect of his cut
ting sarcasm. As to his course as a Demo
crat, every one who is acquainted with it
know ? it to have been always consistent,
always straight forward, always honest;
and with his high qualifications for the
position of Governor of the old Keystone
State, wo recommend him to the favora
ble consideration of all truo Democrats.
Agricultural Fair.
At a meeting of the Executive Com
mittee, held in the borough of Cleat field,
on Tuesday the 12th day of April, 1V.,
tho following resolutions were adopted, to
J,:mIvcJ, That tho Clearfield County
Agricultural Society will hold n Fair in
tho month of October next, cither at
Clearfield or Curwcnsviilo.
l'esolml, That the Executive Commit
too will receive proposals for the location
of tho Fair from tho inhabitants of each
borough and vicinity until tho Monday of
tho Juno 'Court; and that on said day the
eommittco will meet, and will award the
Fair to whichever of the boroughs that
will furnish tlio most suitable ground free
of expense.?, obtain tho largest number
of members, and subscribe the largest a-
mount of money towards tho contingent
eXK3n&03 ol the rail".
Jh&Ji'ed, That .a spocial meeting of the
Society bo held at Ctirwensville on Satur
day ovening next, tho Kith inst., and that
another be held on Saturday evening the
2-rd inst. in tho Court House at Clear
'Ictolved, That the committee adjourn
to meet again on Monday of the June
Executive Committee.
April 12, 1859.
TnEoruiLfs Fiske, Eq. We seo it sta
ted that this gentleman has withdrawn
from tho editorship of(the Philadelphia
Argus. Wo regret this, inasmuch as Mr.
F. was one of the most piquant, spicy and
effective newspaper writers of tho day.
We hope his place may bo well supplied.
Newspaper ron Half. Tho newspaper
establishment of tho B'c, Chester IlepuhK
eon and Democrat is offered for sale. Tho
editor, Georgo W. Tearce, E-p, in si!;n-
1 in8 nw reasons or sc iing, s.iys tie posit ion
of a political editor has never been a eon -
geniul ono to him, and he hopes in tho fu-
tore to occupy a position in tho preg8
where he will not bo involved in partisan
Minister to Boc.ota. The
rA. The President
n. George VV. Jones,
wa, as Minister io'
has nominated the Hon.
late Senator from Iowa, as Minister to1
Bocota. The Union says the atmointmcnt
was a together unsolicited by' Mr. Jones
and his friends, and nothing of the sort
was known o or expected by that gentle-
man until the appointment had gono into
jibe Senate for confirmation. , , ,
A D D H : c a
i.i in' j
" 'i' l! ), Hl'h (lt I ' HIMnl(iil.,'
ll i kii.i'W, lit j, m nil tin! Id" IVimt
rnu nl' lli" Mnt" ii'i'ihlly n ' tM 'I In
I'ultti lllH'll III. Ilfllli' I'HIl'. UlI'li T ( lli'llll,
iliunv i I' llio ;;Wii!-it imln'l l'i"i'"i ' I"'
'nut nil ii hi lib I Willi n t.ill iilt"ii.iitii'ii of
li ,'j;iil"-, tliitl"!irl"i iH llnpi. limit I'lt'i-ih-i
will, il"-iiilili niiil iili ilij'iiily, lo
the 1 1 iiipi i ii iiii'l ciin-ti i nalinii of our cm
mii'i. itii'l I liii cor.linl milivliii li ii,
I' our
. , , . , .
in llio wisdom and elliciicy of its proceed
ing", of tho Democratic press and constitu
encies in every part of the Commonwealth.
Fvery intelligent nml honest Democrat of
Pennsylvania, has had reason to regret
and deprecate the stern exigencies of an
issue actually originated years ago Hint
produced, for a time and to a certain ex
tent, adillbreneo of opinion among friends,
contributing among oilier causes to our
temporary defeat in this Slate, and the
consequent ephemeral popular siipremney
of tho two combined opposition factions,
now seeking to obtain tho possession of
the Government, not by virtue of any
plan of sound statesmanship, or by main
taining correct principles, but by means
of tho clamorous assaults of mere numbers
attracted together by lawless excitements,
.ind by mercenary calculations of power
ami plunder. It was therefore a subject
lor general congratulation, tnat mo con
vention was enal'leil m a spirit ot calm tie
liberation ami mutual explanation "
- t j r.' .mill u.nui mm( inllt Initut.
J tVl II I a I'l v" I ' -uunvi f ii miiwiik v n v v . v
ubaiidonment of principle by any one, to
adopt a platliirm ami course of action so
entirely acceptable to tho true Democracy
in every section ol tlio Stutc. in coniorm
ity with theso sentiments of renewed con
fraternity of feeling and objects, tho Con
vention resolved, with ono voi'je, that tho
oneo disturbing Knnsas question nowrap
idly disappearing by the peaceful appli
ance of legal solution, should bo treated in
a party sense, as settled and past. No
candid man can or will deny that tho en
tire proceedings ot llio ilotly tnUieato an
earnest purposo oyuiiniio iu'ibvuwhu
. i .. -ii ...!.- : i i
in framing them, to harmonize the party, Ujch. Collvclltion f j.;,, llml eer
and lo compact and cnerg,.e its orces on nis nd begged to go lhor
an honorable and rational ailjustinent of .,io ;ko ,lUendn tIl0 boccn.sio,;
tho on.y issue by, unnecessary f Qr tho ftin q
and unprofitable obtrusion of which tbo !tlli (;1U1 BU(,h PCif.L,ontititute(1 Delegates
Democratic orga.mat.on might havo been ; .ctcml ,o bc uU(j cmstituen
impaired, and its future cfheieney prcju- : , , t, responsible, or by
dic.a ly afleetod. Iho on con- , , . Vefleo-
sisted of Delegates accredited ivom every , toJ nnJ , wlii(;h . xruor,ifnu fls.
county in tho State, lheso Delegates . . , ..,.,:,.,,,...,
ainon whoso names
whoso names may be recognized
an unusual proportion
P ,, , l I . . 1
,(,,, of the ab est most
experienced and faithful leaders of tho
Democratic host, were all appointed by
and prescntod proper credentials from
the respective county authorities. Not a
Kitsjielon has been or can bo raised res
pecting tho regularity of each County
Convention or County Meeting, thus par
ticipating through their several represen
tatives in the State Convention ; nor has
any one thought of questioning tho aoso
iuto regularity under the rules and usages
of the party, of the State Convention it
self, in everv particular of its oriirin, con
stitution and conduct. Tho body, as you
perceive, was thus perfect as a parly or
gan, consisting of one hundred and thirty
three members, ono for euch Senatorial
and Legislative District, and each repre
senting a defined number cf voters free to
act and choose for themselves, in tho un
controlled expression of all shades of opin
ion. The resolutions reported by the Com
mittee, the fairly appointed organ of the
Convention, wero pa-scd uiilwid one diw,l-
;' vnice, and wo have not since heard a
murmur of disapproval in relation to then,,
uttered by a single Delegate in tho
Convention. Richardson L. right, the
nominee for the office of Auditor-General
of the Stale, and John Howe, the nominee
for the office of Surveyor-' lonoral of the
State, wero chosen with entire and strik
ing unanimity, one ol tlieiu having been
always regarded as a Lecompton and the
other ns an and
t ., Iio.,-,,!
In fine wo can aver
er with actual truththat
there was not ore vote taken by the Con
vention on any question whatever, having
the remotest reference to the subject, from
which it do"s not unequivocally appear,
that the whole Kansas issue was regarded
as'dhj e,u!ed , lo'pp'lji tak'n out of the miy.
Put sinco tho adjournment ol the Con-
vcntion under the inspiring auspices we I
havo described, a state of circunitsances
has arisen in connection with which it has I
I .1 .l.,i; ,l if r,r,t
4 ..ll l..ll.,... ll. C(.il I1.-..,
1 1 1 CilMl rc, id l, ill t'lriini lot: I'ttiui .vu-
tral Committee, with a promptness soine-
wliat unusual, and at no small ineonvC'
nienco to some of its members. e are
quite suro thnt no instance can be shown
in tho wholo courso of the history of
the Democratic Party in Pennsylvania, or
elsewhere, in which a reckless attempt,
however feeble, has been openly made by
persons professing to be Democratic, to
disorganize and destroy their party by ad
vising, instigating and engaging in a plan
of resistance to the acts ol a Convention
VI 1 dilitlUlltt. IW HIU lit,!-.' Hi II VUHi.llUi'll I , .. Jt
while incapable of denying its regularity j liat ,U'e ''"'s of the , Opposition maj
or validity in any respect whatsoever. But )' c,oc c'- no nmt or w' ""T may be?
soil is, that a few corrupt and designing 0r are bogus operators after "v.ndieatinc"
mnn i-1m i 1 1 rm So rivrtir irrrtti -w1 frit iu.ii. t0 the best ol t heir ability, Governor Pack
ing have long ago contracted with the Op- j e!:'";,;'',, 1'oli,'3''' to nominate the ticket
position to ruin the Democratic party, iff the Democracy lh,s would be really
their selfish intrigues can accomplish it, f lmc( aml wo,l)(l overwhelm the poor,
havo seized upon a pretext by which they
trust to bo able to defeat our excellent
ticket, by imposing their disloyal views on
all unreflecting Democrats they may be
ablo to approach, and who may be unfor
tunately ignorant of the scope and bear
ing of tlicir contemplated operations. And
what is their shameless pretext for this
fresh exhibition of treacherous disaffection?
It so happened that a member of the Con-
....! 4 ' . . .1....1. 1 . i ,
vciiuoii, iiciing mi unuut uiuier wniii no
pnnenil Pil In l,n bia.bilv nflnr llm
volition had unanimously disposed of the
Resolutions agreed on in Committee, offer -
od of his own volition and upon his indi-
vidual responsibility, a resofution that if
adopted would have bound tho Cotiven-
tion, and every member present, and also,
by direct Implication, tho Democratic Par-
ty of tho State, by on endorsement in gen -
! f ,al lorins oi what has been ea!l,-a the
1 .'7, ,01 10 I",''11 Lxoeulive.
Now, notwithstanding the facts already
l10 ftml lhc further fact perfectly con -
j elusive, as It must be, on the question of
mo motives ni tho Convention, that a ma-
rrity af the thirty-seven voles recorded in favor,
of this resolution consisted of those jormerhj j
known as Lecompton Democrats, it is falsely j
known as Lecompton Democrats, it is falsely
and mimdettttv assumed as it sufficient.
jus. ifioai ion fl their indefensible behavior,
tint a negative vote thus forced upon tho
Convent on ogainst, its wishes and its evi- j
dent policy of silence, shall not only be1
conidereU simple refusal to endorse thejll,e stc.tdy tramp of conquering a,;,;,
I '"Hull I i .1. ' ot ' on. I II",
".'H'iIk 1
,!. ..
i , I -it
nil-til. iti
It iii !. i-niiii i ll in ;"
i H I i ' .in l ll "II i I
ll III!
inli riti in nit in-! , i-m i nl il Ibe il 'lii'i' I
I .i 'i nm 1 1 1 n inn I ,i ii 1 1 I .' 1 1 1! ii i . 1 1 'i, i ! 1 1! ii-ii 1 1 y .
put 1 1 1 , t Ii niicilv nliMinl, lor lim pi mt
i i mi', I" ' ui ", I r-i, ni lb" vol" en lb"
I- Iiilium i-on-liliilili!! the elilboili. 'I fi ll.
I HU'lili of tin, I 'mil i lilion i lemlv fhn,
tin en wiii imt a Deb -,;;,!", w betln r oln o
l,i'(iolii loi, or ol In'l i i , lot tvus liot fur
Ih 'ii, t and Mvomllv, bei '.ne " iml only the
re-oliilimi", but lln wlinl" i iir,i,( I i ii
. . i 1 1 ... .i.i
miiieiiiii a ii;ii inuernai nceiuiiiiueo ne
tiveen all llio Delegiili'S in I 'onveiilinn, b'l'
getting jiast (liU'eleiices Mild pVel'-rrill;! to
le-cstiiblisli the id cordial relations, with
n certain victory before them, rather than
to I unio by n-nseless fetlds, the w relched
victim of their hereditary enemy. Nev
ertheless two or three ,'olilieal derperu-
does, tolerated by few and respected oy
none, aro inllained will, hopes of cneoura-
ifinedisoriiiininlion ninonii us, ami iilreaily
, i r.SI
gloat in imagination over the protralo;let all good men rally under iho broadand
ensigns of our noblo old party, while glorious Hag of tho Democratic Convnn-
eolintmg in t'leir dreams "tho thirty
. l...:.. .1 itl. il. ;l..
pieces of silver" to bo paid by those who
havo purchased their too wiiling degra
dation to use and then to despise then,'
Accordingly these men, recently voting
and working, as tiiey persistently did,
against tho candidates of tho Denioci'.iey,
and in favor of those of our unprincipled
opponents, ami thus basely assisting to in
llict the deepest injuries upon us, have
undertaken by a mean, dishonest and
cowardly profession of Democratic opin
ions, in ilelianco of every principle ol
I honor and every hitherto Bared rule ol
) party discipline, to involve in their inde
1 J . 1 .. .
cent and dishonorable plans and petty
fortunes, the characters of such respecta
ble Democrats as, beguiled by their mis
representations, they may be able to per
suade to meet them at Unrrisburg on the
on tho lolh of April inst., to aid them in
consummating the disreputable business
to which they oneo sold themselves, while
ostensibly to "vindicate" tho "Stale poli
cy" of Gov, V. F. Packer.
Hut lot us inquire bridly and dispassion
ately what shape theso disorganizing pro
ceedings is likely to assume as a practical
men? tint lo tlio iiogus men propose
.. . i .,,. ir :
. , r;,.,( . ,., , ,-
HIU I'llLlll IIU, tt LlUUllllli UI llllll,
( Noli T ficun ruioni,(s
itng mack ltepuulienn l usionists lust
(as well meet together, and call themselves
a "Democratic" Convention, under pre
text of "vindicating" Governor Packer's
.''State policy," nml be entitled to equal
consideration? There can be, we submit,
'no doubt of this. Besides, in the absence
of certificates of election, usually presented
by those claiming membership in a parly
Convention, or of some other proccs of
'ascertaining tho poliliial character and
antecedents of the general company, ho,v
! shall any deluded, honest man, perchance
really desirous of vindicating Governor
Packer's 'State policy," a JJemnerol. and
not proposing to identify himself with the
Opposition, leel even tolerably safe in
venturing into so perilous a place? May
wo not al-o be permitted to know what
are the principle, to be displayed ly this
anomalous movement ? Are they more or
less, do they aj'i-ce or diiler with those
held by Hie National Doui'Viacy ? Is toe
intention of the movement confined to the
' promo', in of men- pi ronal, tactions ideas, i
or can it boast of any principles or policy I
looking to the lienor and the true inter-;
ests of the country '! If it be denied that
this meeting, sought to be convened all
lLirri.-btirg, be intended lo organize a dis
tinct faction by which to
possible, and to weaken the Democracy,
what, then, is il, tlmt the managers think
to do? N it simply their object to adopt
' suiiiL' oi redone,
of resolve "indicatine" Governor
' " li'-y;" ami then toad-
joiini S'lirair.' null a nony oi sen-fip-pointcd
delegates, without cn dentials or
certificates, and of every variety of politi
cal an' lents, what will such a "Demo
cratic" endorsement be worth to the State
policy of Governor Flicker? If not this,
or if more than this, is it their purpose lo
nominate n ticket separate and distinct
from that put .forth by the Democratic
State Convention, mid to run in on
.1 i- ..i.. ....!.. j- ..-..
"; '' " 1 " "'HI ! .UIOll
lovernor racuer s "Mate voliev
And if such be their expectation, will anv
true friend of Governor Packer consent to
,t; or what Democrat who enjoys the con'
ilidenco and respect of bis associates, with
whom ho has labored shoulder io shoulder
for so many years in so many glorious con
tests, is ready, in furtherance of the per
sonal malice orainbition of unworthy nmU
contents, to lend himself, indirectly, to
the Opposition, on the terms of endeavor
ing to defeat nt the polls a perfectly uexn-
ceptionnble Democratic ticket, in order
beggarly concern, in the broadest and most ! '" a clienP lorm ona tlie,r lm emerl"'"
pitiful ridicule. is in givimg to tho public, the workin
Be assured Fellow Democrats, that this Sir Walter Scott, complete nud unabridg
"Boguo Convention" has been concocted en- 'cd, at the very low price of 25 cents for
tirefu outmlt of the pretext on irhieh it is rretei.d-
ed to be based. It is an audacious effort on
the part of certain schemers to use Gover
nor Packer and his friends, for their own
secret objects. No true friend would de
8)re to place him in such a position. One
1 t It, A Mmln rtl.l l..l - r 11. - .
mum uiiji-iib m uiesi? inoners ot
mischief is. lO distort, ll, nml l rb.r..n
'our ticket in the coming election, but the
. immediate step is by means this nf'niM
i invention of an indiscriminate mans mrctinq, to
, transfer every Democrat who may be weak
enough toyield to their wicked professions,
and to lake part in it, body and soul, with
j themselves, to the ranks of the Opposition,
i And wo pray you, w ho may be disposed to
, "s.e io ineir representations, lo bo warn
f.1' ineir c eatru.-ttve mne,mn.
t.ons nml to fico their approaches as you
! ouU the poison or stilletto of tho ns-
Demnera a of rmint,-li-nl, ,. :n.
golic preparation and with true hearts we
havo victory Within our grasp Our lines
broken, not by tho enemy who had not'
i: i ... . ' . .
j broken, not by tho enemy who bad not
I il.. . Jn. i.u u i .i . not
been VeialEhed ' n Z I TX,
never yet beaten on an equal fiel "o
been filled up with fresh evie - 1 o old
banners are lei,, a,l,n,-e,i i..
I I, M I.i
"i ."), ,,
I "".V n ll,,,. '
lit. ii, luit 'i r. 'it ' 'i i.ii), ii,.
i In m f, nli't I i'l li ii .ii ii mi, ii
lll I.
i inliH nl" niel I oiiMiitiii,ih, in ,M
,n jmii" by l"i- Miiull thin, m tU'"
in, n, Ue liato ni.tneiliii.g iie Mj '
I t ciirriigi) our nlti iitii'i, and oni , u, ,
III in th" ini'i lalile ti nln v,,yUv, t))
i iiiiliniiiis, who mo in th l,:lJt
liiiiUing Ihi'ir inrsolml meco-en in
ing ollieef, or I'l isolial disaj poim,,,, "
the (i-t of the lllli) VlilllO Of plilieipl,., '
pally. The Con lilution the I'nion'
lien lustitutions-our piosperily tli0 10,
ciirily or properly our bin-Mi,., n
ci,"t in the balance of a few years of .ij'
cat history. Mioull I'ennsylviiiii,,
hitherto great High Priestess ofp0rt'.e ,?
baw-aliKling coiiHervatism, veil lcr i .
Ions countenance in sorrow
and sui-i-,,1,,1...
her trust and her person to the sect ionl
Moloch, all is indecii lost: j;;iv. i,
...... lis I'l... r. :.. .1. ie . i,r"
lion. xijiieniii is 4iiu Olliciiil iirr,..t
mation of priuciiles and meunures Ly tl
Democracy of l'eiinsylvania. Tho camii
dates nominated by tho Convention aro
upright, intelligent and able men, nitt.
out a stain on their reputation. Ig jt p,,,,.'
siblo that you can ho prevailed upon to
desert it, and to bow down befuro the
double-faced Idol of Know-Nothing pj
Republican devotion a thing you other,
w ise despise because it may please cis
t ,iin vain apostates to throw a cover over
its detestablo features? No man who res-
peels niinscii, win uo guilty ot such moral
and mental obliijuitj. Stand fast with the
old Democracy and participate in ourap.
pi oaeiiinj; u minims , lur u certain US Our
country survive", wo also shall riso ia tho
majesty of a just cause. Should you tri.
umph with us, you will stand in the front
ranks with the victors; but aidtheOp
position to compass their ends, and if no
worse conic of it, your part of tho rejoic
ing and profit will be, to march in the
rear of a "fusion" procession, with the
blush of shame upon your faces, hated and
despised by your mongrel associates.
Democratic State Committee: 1850.
Chairman' Robert Tyler.
Philadelphia Fred. A. Server, Stephen
II. Benton, John H. Dohner, Morriwiti
Foster, George M. Wharton, E. MorwiU,
V. L. Bradford, J. II. Askins.
Chester and Delaware John Hodgson,
Charles Iveliy.
Montgomery Dr. E. L. Acker,
Pucks Dr. Charles W. Everhart.
Schuylkill Edward O'Connor.
Carbon, Monroe, Pike and AVnyne B.
ft. Staples.
Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming and
Sullivan V. Ji. I'loIetU.
Luzerne A. R. Brundaizo, Ed. Polnh.
Tioga, Potter, M'Kean and Warren II,
L. Guernsey.
Clinton, Lycoming, Centre and Union
S. S.Seely.
Snyder, Northumberland, Montour and
Columbia John G. I reero.
(.'umbel land, Juniata. Perry and Mifflin
Chas. Brandt, Thos. M. Piddle.
Dauphin and Lebanon James F. Sliunli.
Lancaster Ocor-'o Sanderson, J. f.
York Alexander Wenfz.
Adams, Franklin and Fulton Wilaon
Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon
Jos. V. Tate.
Blair, Cambria and Clearfield C. L
Indiana and Armstrong Adam Lowry.
Westmoreland and Fayette J. Turny.
Washington ami Greene S. IS. lliivs.
Allegheny N. P. Fettermnn, A. Burke.
Beaver and Butler John Graham.
Lawrence, Mercer ami Venango Wm.
M Knight.
Erie nml Crawford Wm. Kerr.
Clarion, Jefferson, Forest and Elk Dr.
Hugh Dowling.
Lehigh and Northampton J. Schindel,
Berks Col. Charles Kessler.
rt-.TKasoN's Cheap Eiution or Wavmlt
Novels. We have this day received lioi
Uov, by Sir Walter Scott, being the third
volume of T. B. Peterson it Brothers, ne
and cheap weekly issuo of tho Waverlj
Novels, by Sir Walter Scott. Giving
truthful delineations of people, character
and maimers ever upholding the cause
of religion, morality and virtue, tbey
should be welcome at every fireside when
these precepts are taught. The great bar
rier, heretofore, to the introduction of
these works, bos been tho high price at
w hich they havo been held, but this ob
jection is being now overcome, by the pub
lication of these works of Scott it, such a
form and at such a low price as to bncg
them within the means of all persom
whatever. To Messrs. T. B. Tetessox 1
Brothers, of Philadelphia, more than all
oilier publishers ai;c we indebted for this
new feature of American literature. The
works of Cu ts. Dickens, CnAS. Lever, M
j Soithwortii, nml many
ilf Lnvo bccn issued
other poF'
issued from their press
each w ork, or tho whole series ior n"
Dollars. The edition embraces the wbol
of the author's works, and will be contain
ed in twcnfjvsix volumes, one of
w ill bo issued on each succeeding Satur-
,i ... nijl ., 1, i
1 l,J ' 1 111 ctmT'u '
A full set will"
' - ... . . wli.iitf
- '"''"'tled, free of 1 ostage, ly muu, w
part of tho Uuited States, to any one, C)
tho publi-hers on sending a romittanoBM
fiv0 Uolin"r. (o them, for the twenty
. n nront
vlumes. At this low price, all
should possess themselves of a ott, w
wo would tako this occasion to advise11
- of oup romiOTI, to n,akea remittance
Dollars at once, por lira ,
T. B. Peterson & Brothers, Ph1Iaieir
for the entire sett, who will send
: i.i- - t... f r.,l,wt. OB i
" 1 v -
of that sum.
1 fc-S- Professor Bonnaffon. a we11kno
. roJ!r """i!. Zuni
Va 7 Jo Va on au dTty wVc. wbiW
U-aSnJa c ass Tie waTabout 05 1
of nle "1 nd as well known to mayj
,.1 tlVi. ! vnnna. Ila'
livery est im
ni.. I I 1 1 ' I I ll,-'.. It, ,n,
. I V, lli III "I I i'l I . I
,u r I In '"1 i r i n I 1 1