Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, April 20, 1859, Image 1

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    "i ""
J. II. LARRIMEK, Editor.
VOL Villi. NO. 2G.
Terms of Subscription.
If paid in advanoo, or within throo months, $1 25
IfpitiJ any timo within the ycnr, - - . 1 io
if paid aftor tho expiration of tlio your, . 2 00
Terms of Advertising.
JUrsrtisementi are inserted in the Republican
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12 mn I
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Basinesa notices not exeoeding 8 Hues are In
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charged according to these terms.
"Kim me !" said an artless child,
Tossing her sunny curls asido,
And clasping then, with dimpled arms,
A youthful mother's neck with pride :
"Ki me !" she said, "my mother, ou,"
Al though unseen electrio chords
V'ere charged with eloquence of lore,
Which might not breath or spouk in words.
"Kiss me '." tald a maiden fair,
At she twined, with graceful hand,
Her parting lover's raven locks,
Ere he sped to a far off land i
"Kiss me!" she said in sweetest tone,
"And leave thy truest love with me ;
My heart shall blend its own with thino
And bring them both unchanged to thee."
''Kiss me ?" said a dying boy,
Al a tear strayed down his pallid cheek,
And nearer drew his sitster's check,
To catch that voico so soft and weak ;
"Kits me!" be said. "I'm dying now,
As fade the sunset hues of even;
But, sister, I n ill watch for thoe,
And meet thee at the gates of Ileaveu !"
Sweet messenger of Spring, complaining bird,
How from (be budding top of yonder elm,
That bang- ii'c-rwa ing thoe, I've stood nnd hca rd
With throbbing heart, the embassy of love,
c'iroet bird ' nrt thou commissioned to cur realms
Ambassador In ilieer the wasted grove,
To tell the d-ii.-j when to lift its bead,
To whisper to the tulip tnut 'tis time
With fearless smile to loavo a wintry bed;
Or dost thou sing to wake the red-breast up,
To rouse the sleeping songsters to their chime,
And tell theiu all, the nipping frost is o'er
Oil, If joa come for this, sweet bird of Spring,
Welcuine, thrice welcome, for tho news you bring
From tho Home Journul.
Tales of the South.
Cvntinucil from lust Hi'cJ'.J
Of the guilt of Ormo he felt morally cer
tain. But as he pondered upon the cir
cumstances by which his mind had been
brought to that conclusion, ho perceived
that they were not only not absolutely con
clusive of guilt, but admitted of an expla
nation entirely compatible with innocence,
fue possession ot his father's sleeve-buttons
for so long a time as he stated iu Mo
bile thathe hud owned them, though, with
out doubt, a highly criminative circum
stance, if sustained by other and more
positive proof, was not alone, or even
hen aided by slightly corroborative evi
dence, sufficient to prove his participation
in the murder, since they might, original
y. have come to him by lawful transfer
Jfoin another, and have lain unobserved,
ojr accident, in a corner of his valise or
Jfunk for years, or they might even have
wen retained, by design, in his possession,
w other and very different purposes, than
edehborate suppression of a means of
proof against himself. Tho mutilated fin
ger might be a mere coiucidenco, owing
it force, as a damnatory proof, to the bo
Jef, already engendered in his mind, by
J unexplained possession of the buttons
lot thirty years or more, that Orme was
m of the murderers of his faiher,
u events, a doubt as to the guilt of Orme 1
"'gilt be extracted from the criminative
ejfeumstances thus far developed, and that
enough to determine a person so con- !
juentious and just as A. M . to for-
WV decisive action iIia ilnnht. wa at
i j, ()y more conclusive testimony. !
' "inuea no tlanquo s ghost, in the shape
n unappeasable regret for having, per- I
iT'i anea innocent blood, to hover over i
, l'umway through life, refusing to l.e
because hn nrwuoacrxl nnt. tb pxoi
J.of indubitable proof that the killing
j." Jut; and, therefore, he determined,
" he could not make tho facts which he
yeauy knew, tributary to the attainment
f jBora satisfactory proof against Orme,
L rou,d abftntlon t,ie pursuit of him
Ph hazardous and unjust. After long
patient reflection upon the many con
ng plans which suggested themselves
v" nil"4 a likely to produce the result
afight one WM eloctod which he felt
"'eiit would produce the proof he
"d, or establish that it did not exist
rV ana this plan he prepared to carry
"ujwuaie execution.
It was now night, and tho
eight. In a somewhat shaded r'3
10 nmgnilieent gambling l.all which has I T, 1 V ,luwv(m'-nt uouo could decide;
eon already described, a thin m n " 0 1 ft ' ''18t be orved, a continu
lum height, was gazing, with B ,r eves ' . he.CMm accry.
at . the scene before hi,,,, end watching
n .vu .m.,uimiivo scrutiny the foim nnd feu
tures of every new-comer into tho room
In a short tinto four men. till newlv arrived
in tho hall, seated tl .
I .w inn nun, seaiou themselves for n tunic
Jut a table, not far from tho place where
' ,,ot ri,r ,m,n ,!) place Where
t,MS ol'sl'rVt,i- w-.ts Maji.;in No intent
We,e thcy UP" their approaching game,
, ..." : km j uMiiir.
(,(,i'ru uscu io me hiiMhng scene around
oo them, that they s.coio.d utterly uiiuh-ci-
00 vant of all other persoi. sand tliin-sii, tho
00 room. Bv aec idei, i. il... I i "
repulsive looking nun ,. tjlP lour seated
himself directly opposite to the shaded re -
cess above alluded io, and thus Urine ar d
a. iu were lrou-ht vi.a-vii to each
other, theonestandiiiLMn iluM,nlvKl,,i,,u-
a Tl r . ",
and the other seated in tlio n.i.i.-t .,(' i',.'.
uiuzing light ot that brilliant ludl.
The jilay began. Tho stakes, though
moderate in. amount, Beenied to excite the
cupidity and to kindle the zeal of the
players, quite as efl'ecttvely as if tho sums
had been large. Their eyes Hashed, their
feelings rose, and the demon of the nlace.
possessing them all, -oeined to bo driving
them, fut and furious, whither he would,
At the moment when tho excitement
seemed to have become tho greatest, and
while they made a brief pause in tho plav
to gulp down tho fuming toddy just
brought in by the waiter, a servant, appa
rently a stranger to all present, entered,
inquired for James Orme. and. havinc him
poinieu out, approached, Uelivereu a let
ter, and immediately withdrew from the
Tho eye of Ormo instantly cauht tho
address, Mr. James Orme, vastly impor
tant, open and read without delay," and
he at once broke the seal, and read as fol
lows: Mr Dear Obme, I came over by tho
mail-boat from Mobile to-day. When I
left, it was beginning to be whispered
about town that a pair of silver sleeve-buttons
which ''ou lost at tilav with Hualies
ana l.eiu, once belonged to a man who Having reached the wharf, Orme passed
was murdered, and thirty or forty years 'along the levee, examining the names of
ago. in what was then the Mississippi tor-' tiie vessels, and the handbills posted in
ntory, and that you were one of the two ;front of many of them, announcing their
men that killed lum. It was also rumored, destination and day of departure. He
that one or more ol the detective police. pilg0,f nt length, in front of a steamer
were already in New Orleans, or would be
here, in a few days, in pursuit of you. As
a friend, I give you notice of these facts.
If you ut e liinocont, you have nothing to
fear by remaiuin;' where vou are. Hut if
ou aie guilty, I would adi-,e you to leave
i'0 lmniediatelv. (jo to dalve.-inn by
the steamer which leaves early to-morrow
fo: that city. Cut ofl'j our whiskers, sliorti.
en your hair, change your dress, and in
every way disgui.-e youi'.-elf it unieli as
you can. Kegister your name as J hilij
l eas, keep toyoursell while on board, am
stay in Galveston iinti I write lo you '
u -ii i , i i
when it will be safe, i ever, lor you to1
1 . , 1 . .1 . 1 1 11
comeback. And it is that I nmv be ab e
4 ... .1.1 . i
to write to you. that I suggest he name
1 ;' ,' ,,.11 .1 .v.. . 1
to you. 1 give you all these direct ons as
. ' , . e 1 . . . . ... i
to what you ought to do. because, it vou ,
': t i . i .ii 1 1
arc guilty and have to fly, you will be so
excited that vou will scarce know what to
do, and then these hints of mine will be of
service to you. I should have seen you
and told you all this, if 1 hud not been
uverw iieiuieu viiu uiiMiie:-. 1
;ss. I am com
pelled to return by tho mail-boat to-morrow,
and have a thousand things to attend
to. I shall not put my name to (his, lor
if I did, and the bearer should bo unfaith
ful, or the letter fall by accident into other
hands than yours, I might get intoditli
culty. You shall hear again from rue al
most as soon as you reach Galveston, and
then, as I s!)ull sign my name, you will
j find out that I am truly, A Fiiieno.
Ormo had scarcely finished tho perusal
of the -econd sentf nee of this letter, when
111s iaco oecamo aunosi as wuuo as 1110 nzed nation on ihe globe, it is alike re
sheet on which it was written; as he pro- markable for the ex lent of tho facilities it
grossed, his hands trembled so violently 1 ull'ords for loading and unloading cargoes,
that ho could scarce hold the paper, and ' and for tho variety, importance and value
by the time he reached tho conclusion, he of the cargoes themselves. The produc
seemed ready to faint arid fall upon Ihe tions of nearly half a continent find their
lloor. All immediately around noticed exit to market through its avenues, nnd
his extreme agitation. Rising, or rather over its surface spreads the tido of that
staggering, from his seat, he stated to his refluent commerce which carries the ne
associates in tho gamo ami those around, ccssaries, the comforts and tho luxuries of
that tho letter he had just received con- life, to an almost boundless interior. Dur.
tained most distressing news in relation to ing tho most acti ,-e portion of the business
a near kinsman, and otlering that as an season this wharf is covered from morning
excuse tor not continuing me game, no
immediately left the room. 1
Rapid, however, as was his exit from
the hall, there was one who had already
preceded him, and stood, deep in tho
shadow 01 too veranoa, ciose 10 uie uoor, mazo 01 apparently wonurous aim niexiii
awaiting him. Orme rushed out like a eahlo confusion, through which, however,
madmnn, and seemed utterly bewildered tun the guiding lines of an order that di
in both mind and vision. As he passed reet.? the wholewithout ajar, and confines
the sp'jt whero A. M was standing, all the parts within the orbit of their pre-
was muttering audibly the fumes of
liquor he had drank, and his mental per" ,
i.n l.uiion i.nnibininir to make liim both
loquacious and imprudent. Tho only words
which the eager ears of A. M dis-
tincllv cnucht. were these : " Found out
l ii . irlw-,W liava t.linnnlit. it f fonfonnd 1
the sleeve-buttons; mustleaveherequick."
Thus ho went on, muttering as lie walked,
mid increasing his paco almost to a run be-
before ho reached his hotel, into which ho
darted, or rather hurr.edly staggered, and
disi ppcaied. j rung, when he stepped on board, careiuny
A. M remained stationary in his shading his features to avoid bbing seen
position near tho door of the saloon, while by Orme. who might, in tho thon excited
the retreating Orme was staggering across state of his faculties, be able to trace a re
the street. His stratagem had boon crown, semblance between him and his father,
ed with complete success, He bad now whom ho very closely favorod In both
elicited indubitable proof of the guilt of form and feature. For reasons, also, too
Orme, and it only remained to select the obvious to require specification, he regis
means, the time, and the place of his pun- tered under a pseudonym, and reiirod at
Ishment. I onee to his room. Orme had not register
The business of the present, however, 1 ed at all. fearing, doubtless, to risk even
was to guard against his escape by flight, the atiai suggested in hi apocryphal let
Allhoucli he evidently credited the au- ter.
thentiofty of the letter which he had just The vessel was the brag sailor on the
reoeivod, their was nothing to indicate line, and cut the blue waters, of the Gulf
whether he would adopt its suggestions with no laggard prow. The beams of the
,h" reir?ttt- J "" l-ii.t which Li.
I'Ol'tuiiatelv tho nii.l. u.n ... ... i
cloudless, combining tho temperature of
............ nu U10 translucent mr of mid
winter. j'he moon, at tho full, lit nn rh
, Htroets nnd alleys ot'ilm vtv
j.. i i r : ' 1 ui-
f , mm08t 01 d"'' 11)0 ti.iontf of
1 ' . ! ' TS Ur" tho strfict' u,ul f visitors
' ,f . T "' Until ,nidnil,t- '""Jo it prac-
' ' , 11 ,lls watch, without the
V'"' ),1"1'tlol,llir '"Uco, alteriiali-ly upon
! i s"ailei snlownlk and in tho corner of
tho veranda which he h
1 V0,,'5'1 At twelve o'clock, to avoid
1 y clillll'J")19 and observation of the po
' , ' tp,'r,-',l 1'imseif in n pile of
lj l.s.u.w. 1 ..I'. i .
T "'ii over nignt on tlie street
i l", I'D removed in tho niorniiiL' a l.osition
i w!".ch c,)"bled lum to see the Mown hotel.
niwiuui, oeing een by tlie watelimnii.
"no Dy one the hours vain hod lVom tho
uuu-piute of time, their departure ,oin
te uuieu uy tireless, metallic tomme in
heitry and steeple. The solitary watcher not ai his covert post, but no
.ui,,, gnuou iorui irom tho opposite hotel
io. uee, iiue tno vagabond am. to somo
ntr on lanu, because the stain of his broth
era uioou was upon his hand. Could it
bo that Orme had escaped by some rear
j'u-iMigu or niuuen avenue, and thus evad
ed the watch of the A vender ?
The day was beginning to dawn when a
man, witn smooth iaco and short hair,
nauitea in a hsherman's smotk-cont and
coarse trousers, a large cap being drawn
uu.Tii uter me loreiieaa and brow, etnerg
eu irom the brown hotel and started, with
a quick step, in tho direction of tho bont-
wharl of the city. He had paid his reck
oning me nigni beiore, and announced
that he should leave very early in the
morning, on a sail-boat for l'oint '-'lear, a
lasnionuble resort ot JUobilians nnd the
citizens of New Orleans, during the sum
mer months, lie carried a well-filled val
ise in his hand, and moved wiih thu alert
step and absent air of a man who was both
absorbed and in haste.
which displayed a flag on which he read
these words: tot Galveston, this day, at
nine o'clock." Looking up and down tho
wharf, and seeing no one in sight, not even
A. M , who had retired behind a
pile of cotton bales as soon as Orme stop
ped, and was pooping at him through a
convenient crevice, ho went on board the
vessel, and soon disappeared behind the
bulky furniture of the boilordeck.
The sword of retribution was beirinninir
. i to sharpen on the anvil, but tho destined
,', , ,," Y,, 1 " . p" e V4 v'"-u
ilea h the hammers of tho aveneini! furies.
. r ,. . ,, ... "'"0 'u'"-3-
.. m , satisfied that I rmo would net
1. ,.,i. . 1 . , 1. , t
leave the vessel, returned to the St. Charles
,t.- , . 1 ., 1 r ., , ,
taking care, as ho retired from Ihe wharl,
,,i. ' , i: , 1 .
to Keep somo ol ect, as a screen, between
1 , 1 ,1 ', ' lr
iiiliiocii Ulivt 1111: 01-llllJL'l . 44I111U ITl lllull
to his fmn;I , , inlpoi.tanlbbusinoss
rclerred to in his last letter from Mobdo
inquired his presence in Galveston, and,
perhaps, elsewhere iu Texas, ho directed
I,;- 1............. i, i.
steamer, and immediately returned to the
wharf, which, by this time, was beginning
to fill with tho multitudinous concourse
that daily throngs its spacious surface.
The wharf, or, as it is more popularly
called, the levee of New Orleans, is, with
the exception of Bro.idway in New York,
tho most magnificent thoroughfare of bu
siness on tho western continent. Stretch
ing for miles along the margin of
the Mississippi River, and frequented by
tho trading vessels ot every commercial,
and of nearly every civilized aiidsenii-eivi-
till night with a vast multitude oi people,
draught animals, vehicles, productions and
cargoes of every description, both outward
and inward bound, all mingling, moving,
whirling, .lying and piled together, iu a
scribed activity. A cottg d' ail ot this grand
panorama of commerce, obtained from any
elicililo noint of observation, cannot fail
to impress the beholder with a high esti-
mate of tho wealth, importance, and bu-
siness operations of the Crescent City.
'I'lirouch this rjLthllv patherini? mass of
the men of tho implements ol commerce.
A. il wandered to ara no, never
going far, however, in any direction, from
the anchorage ol the imlveslon steamer,
until tU second nnd final signal bell was
moon of that almost
frii.L'e.1 with (lian.o.,,1
light oaoli sud and spar. fh.CL.e.l ,lw
!wr, HuBBed down
a apectae e never hefore Boeiircven on
... . " v II, 1111
ftivn u.i,
IM IMIIiniil K..n.l
... i'""""i uecit or ft tinuDitnima
i he culprit and th nv. .i.' "
unconscious of the neam ofhi ' .eril
W100 "er too painfullv conscious
ji e necessity that was upon him to !,
u;u unuer a sense ol dutv wem
together in a land wIip ni
. ( , -'w mo Ulill Ul (A I '1
atlon was ready for th lm...:.i..i .
So ui,t .1 ii "i iiui.
bv i ii li n i t r'l v 1 ! ll,n' but I"-o"l'tl
.. . k y, h'PlCT !nol'es and with re-
suits infini
ly more benignant and useful
to the world
t.A .o..,.. ,.i ... .
and his V I '""a rcu
to Hio n,n7..l J"l,re.ying together
which saved the son because he
.uuu. uj-sHeiuice. l nt Mwn
as l n no
cloudlesu gun ond
i : rf(l' ,M,!'"iw!Z'C "iokoshaehoJom ten
1 . .1 mr gunc, una (-ven or
uuma 11s mo 11 .... ..i.i . ..
10 Tilll itv nn.l
su-cnuui 01 our
... '.. JUVLIIOII, uie
saenliees actually made in nlmili,.,,
mil iiit i . , I..... 11
their behests. Sp the culprit and the aven-
I"1 U,"K." !'on together to the yet un
known issue that awaits them.
During tho voyage A. M , jS(Ja.
tod 11 his room, matured the plan, to be
developed in tho subsequent progress of
the narutivo, which ho trusted would bring
upon the slayer of his father the punish
ment he deserved. Only once did he ven
ture a visit to the deck below, and that
was to satisfy himself, by ocular proof, that
Orme was still on board. Having seen
him sitting apart, moody and silent, he
remained closely in his own room thoie
mainder ol the Aoyage.
The run from New Orleans to Galveston
was made without accident, in the usual
time ot tho steamer. As soon as it touch
ed the warf. Orme. vulisn in lnt,i in,.,i
on shore, and started on foot in quest of a
boarding house in the city. A. M
ordering the lirtt porter ho encountered
w cmry ins baggage to the hotel for w hich
ie served, iiurried oil the vessel, and fol
lowed him. keeniiiL' bin piHimmn.
distance in the rear.
rt Orme, it turned out, was a sf ranger in
oalveston, havim? nevi.r vwii,.,l 11. . 1.,...,
. .... ......... i.ia'.lT
before, went straw it. bv ncei.Innr-
probably, by previous direction. In i,
quarter of the city mo-t frequented by
men of his own pursuit in life, and put up
at a hotel kept by a professed and very no
ted ganibVr, registered his name as J'hilip
Peas, and retired to the room which had
teen assigned hmi. A. M , who
lound no ditlicultv in nscorfninm,, n.i
facts, without being observed .by Orme,
went to his own hotel, registered upon the'
sanio pseudonym ho had used on tl.
steamer, and then sought, in his room, the
grateful and touch needed refreshment of
repose, in an unsnaking bed, on his native
dry land.
Continue! next week:)
The Fate of a Bachelor who went Ska
ting with Mary.
Mary is as pretty a picco of humanity
in the shape of a woman as you could find
this sido of Heaven. .Such eyes! such
hair ! such teeth I and her hand ! Well,
now, there 1 I think it was just the small
est, the whitest why ivory is blow to it.
And her foot was like a little white rose
bud, its snowy leaves just showing enough
to set off the neat covering that concealed
the rest from profane eyes. It did not
seem a foot, as one saw it reposing in its
Kid slipper, like a Canary bird in its nest
jur.v has ntr. skating- fever.
Well, sir, this Mary taught the skating
icver, wnicu is now raging so learfully. 1
heard her express a wish for a pair of
skates, and the next nay she had the
best pair that could be found iu the city,
and nobody knew who sent them to her;
but, bless mo how my blood boils nt the
thought of the consequences.
Mary putt her t'uvt in it.
We went down upon tho ico, and there
that little witch of a Mary, just sat qui
etly down, ordered me on my knees, and
quietly placed that foot, the foot, tho poet
ic myth, in my lap, nnd bid mo put on
her skte. Nir, had Venus dropped down
from Heavon, and bid mo rub her down
with rotten stono and oil, it could not
have twt nished nio moro than when the
divine foot was placed in my unworthy
lap. I felt very faint but 1 buckled on
the skates, and stood up, with Mary by
my side.
The Bache?ur'f Head Sirimt.
Have you ever taught a woman toskatc?
No j well, let me tell you. You've been
in a room lined with mirrors, haven't
you f You have soen a kalcidoscope.with
a few old bits of glass, &c, in a tin tube,
and turning it have seen all sorts of beau
tiful figures. Just imagine a kaleidoscope,
and in place of beads and broken glass
please substitute blue eyei, curving eye
lashes, lips, ivory ,wavy hair.crinolino, gai
ter boots, zephyr worsted, Cupids, hearts,
a clap of thunder, a flash of lightning, and
"auld Nick." Imagine yourself tho cen
ter rf a system with all tilings revolving
round you, and a violet bank breathing
sighs upon you all tho while, and you
have Mary and her victim iu tho first ska
ting lesson.
Rut just let me try to dwscribo our per
formances. Mary and I start she on my
left arm, all square. Lord have mercy on
my poor puzzled brain while 1 try to on
ravel tho stirred rainbow of sighs md sen- j
timents. first, Mary s littlo gaiter biots
present themselves to my astonished vis
ion, and before I have lime to wonder
how they came up before me, feel them
pressing their blessed beauty, with em
phasis, into the pit of my stomach.
Maty jntchci into hhnGencrnll.
Next sceiio wavy hair, with a thirty
dollar bonnot and a divine head, conies
pitching into my waiatcoat, with such
force that I feel the buttons against my
gninu Nevi r
ti V. " ... .lTM ur? S" up-at mo from
... i.i '
, 1 i.u ; .JM. " '' l'er
nose is thrust i.wr. k
IIIO ftl rtr it . . J -".-".i.
. . "
v Dllll L II ' ... 1 I .
"TT Bemc" nd itudy on tho mvsterin,,.
. iiij irienu. an r.
vX i'f" ,,tw h comparatively in
of f-L 1 ' ' year of 1850, the
: Z Za ' . vl" J"'s I,en "v and
I vu,ll1 miormation
? Maru ,.h.l,.,
- I . v "Kill
Dear M.n-v i r ,... i . . .
; "j ' "iiuieu invscii to tier i
I e,y 11110 ' turned up or came round.
all lut I wish to enter mv sole,
i protest before the worl.l l,t Ji. ..i..
'con , innt i
, , i-juerea mo. Jiut who
, oul "hen surrounded bv an
"iiuy oi warvs on skno t . i . v...
I f. " - j " ra r 1 uiu uers DUt
L1 60l.,AhK I have learned
- ' Ms'stm ton
h bteakes, by ham.
mering and pounding.
TllE lU'KT Srir,.,, Hf . ....
. iUAcnixE. i no very
best seu inif m.i..l. .... . . -
... uiuii can nave is o
wife. It is cue that requires but a kind
lu B" " n motion, rarely gets out ol
repair, makes but little noiso, is seldom
v,.u.- v, uusl) ftt onee in motion, will
go on ui.intcrrupte.lly for hours, without
Di.g.uebs iruiiming, or tho smallest
1 , , K , 1011 ''0111S hece'sary. Jt
-. ...,,,, pocKei nandker. hiels, cut
yU. rumiures, ami mimulaetui o childr
ll'OCks Ollt nfimir .1 :.. .
. i .i ' .; ' J'o'i ''i''V "ive
uiiu hush will .10 behind vour
just as well as before your face.' Iu
you may ieavo tiie lioiiso lor !
will go on working iu-l tho
iy, fnd it
it does get out of order a little, from hcine
overworked, it iiientls j,gt.f ,y fl(.jn
saiuii. it
M" "oooii nine, niter which
it reiurns to its sewin" with
1 1 . .... -?
renter vigor
man ever. I H cou;
vary a groat dr
er than others.
be sewinrr machines
I. Nome nro lmeli quick-
1 1 iiei icnds m a vwt hleas-
mo upon the
particular pattern vou Be
lect. Jt you are fortunate in picking out
t ie cl.oi-est of a wife one lor instance,
that sings while working, and .seems to be
nover so happy a when tho husband's
linen is on hand the sewing machine
may bo pronounced ierfeot of its kind
so much so, that there is no make-shilt'in
the world that can po-sibly replace it,
either for love or money. In abort no
gentleman's establishment is complete
without one of these sewing machines in
the house Punch.
A Modern" William Tell. A bus
been brought boforo the Police Court late
ly, at Speryer, in Germany, of which there
is scarcely a rival in the police records of
any country. A weaver residing in the
above mentioned town, claimed tobe a cap
ital marksman, and to try his best, he went
to his garden accompanied by his son, 8
boy of about twelve years, and placed a
potato on his head, and then firing at him
at a distance of twenty rods, hit the po
tato, splitting it in tho. Tho neighbors
to wtiom bo boasted about his skill in
handling fire-arms, would notblipv him
and to convince them, he made antioint.
ments to repeat his master-shot. Mean
while it grew dttbk, and when he arrived
at the spot, it became so dark that the
boy had to hold a lantern. He fired again
with the same success, but at tlm kmn
time touching the boy's cap. When the
above mentioned deeds came to tho know
ledge of the authorities, ho was summon
ed to appear before tho Court, and being
questioned as to his rationality, it was as
certained that he was at intervals partly
deranged. The Court, for tho first treat
ment in his disease, sentenced him to a
fine of several dollars, nnd confinement in
jinsou iur live uuys,
Emen. Biblical geographers point to tho
i.iiK.e un, in northern .Armenia, and now
a Itussiar. possession, as the Fpot where
onco was situated tho pardise lost bv tho
f...ll T t 1 .11- r . J
i.iuit ui jvuuni ana i.vo. muo iMiropean
theorists locato tho primitive garden in
northern Asia. It oecujiiod all the western
and part of the eastern part of Siberia,
extending from 4Udeg. to 53 deg latitude,
and from CO deg. to 100 longitude. The'
Arctic ocean, al that timo as pleasant as
the Mediterranean, with tho Ural moun
tains as islands, was the Chinese J'.luo or
Celestial mountains ; on tho boutli of l'a
rajioiiiibUss or Hindoo Koosh ; and on the
west t he Caucasus and Ararat.
Both the Edens ar now Russian pos
sessions. Resides, Russian influence is
preponderating in Jerusalem ; and the
spot in Roino assigned by archaiologists
as tho one where Romulus was nursed by
a hIio-woII", is Russian pronertv. havino
been bought by Nicholas for the sako of
oxcuyatiotif. Ry a curious coincidence,
Russia owns in this way the place most sa
cred in the history of our race.
A S'eezb. What a curious contrivance
a sneeze is I The ingenuity of man never
did, nor never can, produco a resiiectuble
rounterfeit. Then, how clandestine and
how mysterious in its visits ; never com
ing at one's beck, but always taking a bo
dy by Mil-prise. Al! of a sudden you feel
it creeping along, titillating the most del
ecate nerves of the nostrils, as if with a
thousand tiny feet. You hold vour breath.
shut your eyes, and lean back your head ;
then in an instant, somo secret spring it
touched, and ah-whanql (as near as it can
h "I" t0 Uunee) oil you go like
enjoyment is that snooze 1 God bless the
inventor 1 Next lo a hot toddy on a fros
ty night, oommend me to a full grown
sneeze. But who hasn't, some time or
other, had the presentment of a good
sneezo coming put himself in order for
it turned his nose snivelling up to the
sun; and than as he is just in the act of
drawing in his breath, with blinking eyes,
have the thing provokincly "flax out?"
We liav.-rCW'a Jvmi',
SF.III C.S-'0l7lvZir
..r f..Y.''"'w-JIr. .W,
ueen to a visitation " 'ri,d J .
than before, snv "vt. ',loollier, no wiser
and the sin.':.. .V . 8 visitation?"
the ;on rs:a r a11
their sermons " ??J "'I swop
on thus bein. enlSnnT U?!"
me worst on f.
every timo." (Rows of
Mississirri Hail Stow ti.
Natchez was visited by a sever i,;i ..l
an TI,.,.!
Courier in referring to it. sav,
"Since the immense hail storm of Thurs.
night, the atmosperehas iZS
ami quite cool. Just think of ?f iV
make any e.imaSd'fo "t45 And
ye sue h was the ease in the .to Tot Thurs
day. Lvfli, the 'oldest inhabitant' had not
K citv erutoi w? L,eard rfMi
missiles drojrped from the Xud , to mTo
f awe quantity of ice-ereaw for housed
hold and neighbors." uouse-
icu near the rM,l,.n p ,r .
which meaured'S
Giiati; Mistake. Almnt il . ,
month the following aln w","1.
made at Dole, Fiance ; two persons had
died at the hospital of that town and VeS
to be buried at tho same time. Tl, ,bJf.?
were a young ui, 1 and a sold,r f ;i?Z7.
"son. Roth coiiir. t.;n ..i r.;. .. . "T 6U1"
thoafteatf 1 other th- - counfo3
fo i L i t Jt youn' eirl wiw accompanied
to her last home by platoon,, with milita
ry honors while the young soldier, cover
ed with a white pull of flower.,, jlous em-
blems Of Purity and innnem..'ii. u-!
nn fn- 1'...,,: ' nMBinn
i J 71 ' "j10"1001'8. and followed
V " v
procession of young girls reciting
WOILUS'T Rill Ao 1.. in.
bu. agent of the UxtonailS
Railroad was going through the ladled
car, checking La.'snse. b . "
pretty young lady if she had any baggage
winch she wished to have taken to a ho'el!
Sho replied. 'No m.-' n. t
asked her if s!ia woJid UkT a. The
vZ Red y'Xne ,mnTn VCry B,rtt "oiiloand
replied 'No, sir I am not in R bussing
humor this evening.' The agent dropped
his mpmnrnnrl,,... 1 r .
"Vu" "n.j retmniui' to
the baggage car, said he felt unwell.
ri srH.-The best thing in the last nuni
bor of l uneh, is a picture of "The Queen
n her fctore-Room." which vaulted apart
ment is exclusively devoted to casks of
gunpower, cannons nnd cannon balls Tho
Queen has tied a handkerchief .,-
elun to ward ofF the dampness and chill
and remarks to her lusty attendant- "I
uon t know what may happen, Mr. Bull,
but 'keep our powder dry ' "
ruder the head of "The Imperial Shoo
L.ark Rrigado," Louw Napoleon is made
to ; :.y to Italy :-"B0g your pardondon't
you want your boots cleaned.
C.Lnndor condenses Thackeray's loo
ture's into a thimble.
George tho First was reckoned vile,
Viler George the Second,
And what mortal ever heard,
Any good of Georgo the Third?
hen from theenrth the Fourth ascended
God bo praised tho Georges ended. '
AVitv He DIok't Kiss Her. The au
thor of ' Heart Pictures" aligns the fol
lowing sufficient reasons for not kissine
Mrs. (.: 8
1. I am such a eood husband. T ernnliln't.
even be guilty of the aunoamnca of rf.lnr-
alty to my sweet wife. 2. I was afraid tho
unvor would see me and tell Mr. G. 3. I
ion t think Mrs. would have let me.
ray Fanny Fern says, "if oue.half of tn
girls knew tho previous lite of the men
thoy marry, the list of old bachelors would
be wonderfully increased," and the Bos
ton Pout adds that if tho men could only
look into the futuro life of the women
they marry, tho number of old maids
wouft be still more advanced.
Not Inclixlu. "Whv don't vou
that barrow of coals, Nod ?" said a learned
miner to one of his sons. "Itis notavory
hard job : there is nn inclined plane la re
lieve you." "Ah," replied Ned, who had
more relish for wit than work, the plane
may be inclined, but hang ruq if J aw."
fti?A country cirl. comim? from
fiold, was told by her cousin that ho "lo-,l.
ed as fresh as a daisy kissed with dew."
'Well,' said Bhe, "it wasn't anybody by
that name, but it was Harry Jones that
kissed mo. I told hini-overy one in th
vil Inge would find it out.
"Oh, pray let me have in v wav. this
this time," said a young gentleman to his
"Well, Willie, I suppose 1 mnst thi
onee, but you know that after we are mar
ried, I shall always have a Will of my