I'f IfpiblKill!, llio rriplrvl HpiiMVtirr. I i It I lnvl ft iliiri it nit 1 1 lliii vi IV tniiiiiln : V nii'iii put nil lu( Hiirps fS ili'M" 'I In' vi't) ili in'i' i in il. Mile's n big turbine; In bo done; Hue poind' luih'li Imlnil, punts! NheHs, idili ta iuhI Mocking, nuts it in How will I iVr fict Ihntiii'h il! Iiitmri' In (!i-l for nix or nmre, No I 1 1 li I t o,er fliilll Smi'lli.V ; And ImiIiV i:hm u lie run live Jlc'a always o nil Mnmhiy. Anil there's llm iTi-inii. 'lii tnrtiiii". Mun, I limit Imilnvith In churning, Ami here's Hob wan Ih a button mi Which way shall 1 I'D t r 1 1 i t lt ? 'TU (inu! llm meat whs in tin1 put, Tin" brornl KiM worked for linking, TIip rlnllii'M worn ttikon from tho hod Oh, dear! the hnhy'M waking. lliixli, hiihydearl there, lm.-li sli sli ! I wish ho'd sleep a little, Till 1 coulil run iiikI jtet biuiio wood To hurry up Ihm kettle. Oh, tli'iir! if Henry docs como home, And lind.s tilings in this pother, ' He'll just Infill to tell mn all Ahout his tidy mother! How nice kci kitehen used to ho, Her dinner iilwuys reudy Exae'ly when the noon hell run;: , . Jlubh, hush, dear little Freddie. And then will come soincha-dv word Kight out, before I'm thinking They say that luisly wordsi from wives Set bober men to drinking. Now isn't that u grout idea That men should take to sinning, liecauso u weaiy, half hick wife Can't always binilo so winning? When I was young, I used to earn My living without trouhle. Had clothes, nud jiockel-uioney, ton, And hours of Insure, doullo. I never dreamed of such u falo, When I A-Lus8 wus courted Wifo, mother, nurse, seamstress, cook, housekeeper, chnmhermaid, lautidross, l.iiry-wonian, and Kcrub general, doing ho work of six, For the sake of being supported. qricultural Time to Plant Evergreens. W'e find that the old, exploded doc ine that August is the host time to trans plant Evergreens, is not yet abandoned, Init is advocated in ngrieullural jouriial. vi th earnestness. Wo trust, however, that no one will he misled with any argu ment of this kind, whatever may ho its ,iociousnesB and plausibility. Thosn who ...ivc tried both .Spring and August, will I now how to proceed in future without advice from any one. ( Let us simply ask, do not your ever -rcens, transplanted, (in this region,) say .om tlio 15th March to the 1-ith of Aprii, 1 ro nnd grow with equal certainty as de ciduous trees f Our experience is, that il ri a rare thing to boo a carefully lifted and hinted evergreen die, when removed in .lie Spring. We do not remember ever to have lost one. Last Spring we set out nlioutono hundred American arbor vita's, and every ouo has grown. Wo also set i nit Austrian pines, .Mxitch, Norway and Silver lirs, and every one has not only lived but increased in size some of them growing a foot ! Some persons, who jh-i hups have never et out a tree properly in their lives, are exceedingly profuse in heaping theireom plaints upon the season. Our failures in transplanting trees of any kind, havo been vwing, in nine cases out of ten, to t he aiiominabli) iti:iri nr in which they were lifted in tho nursiiry ; and we believe that i largo majority ot the failures aro to he attributed to this euuse. Nurserymen, in ihe hurry of the season, frequently em ploy men to take up trees, who perforin their work ns though they were digging out an old jiost or a treo fctump. (i'r mwitown Teli'yniph.- Tlowimi. A word on this important operation is all that our Ppace will allow. ' Land should never b worked when it i wet. ' Subsequent cultivation will never correct the injury done land by plowing it when it is wet' 11 pUuo Uu wilt:. Our springs are so short, that it is desirable to iilow as much land in a day a.-, possible. lint still it is bad policy to Hoi, over such wide furrows. One of the objects of plow ing in to pulverize the soil" This can be lietter done with narrow furrows than with wide flat ones- The host Scotch and English farmers consider that the M and wiUK of the furrow should bear a con stant proportion that the furrow should he rectilinear anil that, when raised, the exposed surfaces should be of equal breadth on either side of the furrow. Wo annex a cut of what is undoubtedly the liest, the lightest draft, and most elticient English plow. A furrow seven inches deep by ten inches wide, with r. lap of three inches, leaves seven inches on each side the furrow, nnd forms and admirable seed-bed when harrowed down Farmer. Giiuscc . 1 Hon- thick sham, we sow Oats? An ex periment niiulo on th'j Statu 1'iirin tit West- liorough, Muss., to ilotennino the hest! inantity of otits to tow per acre, resttUoil j as follows : Two htisln.-ls of neuii portiere gvo 20 bushels ; three hiishels, .10 biish- els iKir iicro s four hushels, I15J ; unci live; husliels, 42 bushels per nnro. Uuforo tho : eiiernl introiltiction nf Mnilcnlrtiminir, i . i. ... unci outer nil proven inet nous oi rnitivti tion, I'lVO bushels Of onts in-r ncro WHS tho,' iisuiil quantity sown in Knplnnd. Now. 1''J..1'I,V"J'""" l'r'"y nnd Saturdays, unlesa threo or four bushels nro sown. In this', "U,,",c '" "'" y o given in tho town pa- . . iii -ii,,. I'tr' 'he week previous. ec.f,oil, two busheli, are eotisnlereil nulL-. N. U. All work warranted to be satisfactory, nent ; nml in thn cstoril States, onoj Cleariield, Pa, Sept. 22nd, ISiS. .unl ft half bushels, rrobubly wo sow too' .''C'-il. .. j TAKE NOTICE. 1 (Ii'TTi.sa Potatoes One Eve iv a Set. A HP l"'rf"ns IndeMcl to the subscriber, cither A corrc8pon.le.it or tlio Country G,:db:man, ... Jni"!,LTt 'Tll T ,'7"' , , , i ... . , ' call nnil settle, on or beforo the hrst day of April records his testimony in fuvor of cutting , i S59. Thu4 who d() nnt col ,, wb (he aboTe potatoes in very sinull pieow. with one cyo fflay expect to pay costs. to a piece, for phuitiaj?. lie bus til it! on a iiraiili scule with suoeoas. 1 hnvo' StAlao the subscriber offera for sulo hia trioil tho smno experiment with a fuvora- huao, lot, and offico, aituated in the town of bio result. J.NO. IlHADriEIX, RochestiT. Luthomburg, low far cash, or In payments, to luit purchiwera. For further particulars aprly ' . , . '"".', 7 i ... ' to tho RUBHenilKH, on tho premisoa. Jiay llio ueiftcts ot llio mum vko iioso pf tho faco, gtw u orsc os we prow oM. i I III II MMtiVii t Mi Ml li In H . . l llm Ml, l, il, , Ml I A Ci i ' nihil i', ill ! ii Hun' !'! Mi lull nut I I lll II' II llC ,,t I I llnllllllnllli ll, III Si u .li v, , i ni hi nili ruin d fnl nl " I I nil l i r iiiiiiiiiii. j Ini line 'ii -1 . ( Mumps, f it llni n'liiiiml A'l'lh ' hi li hliil nl the I nun, i, II. iln limiitiill, Al l uilic I 'utility, New .li'lm V. TIi'H vi-hilig rhi'Op lilnl, nl the best IiiH.iIi'V, in nlic n the In nl I liii I nnd lllie-l il'ilil'lillnl cliniiili's In the I'lilnM, see nd- KA KM f.ANhX It'll SAI.K LVi MILKS ft mil riiil;iiilihiii by Itailriiinl in the Mate nl New Jersey, Soil milling the hist fnl A ) i ii ii 1 1 ii nil purpim-a, being it fiMiiI limm Mill, with inlay liiilluiii. 'I lie land is n large tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds fnnii all purls, of the country are now settling and huihling. The crops rim licsepii growing. Terms from 5 I 'Mo 11111 per acre, payable within four years hy in stalmi'iits. To visit the piucn Leave Vine si. wharf nt Philadelphia, at "J A. M., hy Kailro.id for llammoiitmi, or ad dress K' J, Hymen, hy letter. See full ad vertisement in another column. Ti) all wixliiiif Farms, ,in;i'iil Intuits, see atlcertixcment of AH trantin I to emitrate to a lu'dd climate, iixmI xiiil, anil fine, market, see advertisement nf I liiinmuiittiH iniHil.s, DENTAL CARD. M. SMITH nflVra bin iirufi.wioiiiil nrvicc In I ho l.ailles ami (uiitlemcii nf Clvur nml vii'iiiily. All iiiiriiliiiiin peifiirim-d lu'iilnosa nnu (lf."ui(ili. Jiving lainiliiir A liel.l with villi all I liu liilc iiii,riiviiii'iil.-i, lie U iniuroil tu miiku A i-tilill Teetll iu tlx bt-rt niuiiiitr. Ullico in hhnw'i ni'w ruw. tet. Dili, 1SJH. l)-a. DR. U. V. WILSON, T TAVIXU rriniivrd his iith to the new ilwel- ll linj on Second atreet, will profs aioinil call ua licrotiilore ling on Second atreet, will promptly nnawcr IAS. II. I.AIIIIIMKII. I. TrFT IAItKIMI.lt t TI'.ST, Attorney nt Law J Clearfield, l'a., will uttolid proiuplly to Col tAuilia, Lnhd A;enciea, iu., Ac, in f lenrfiold, Centre nnd Elk counties. July .'). y JOHN TUOUTMAN STILli eoutinuea tho timinoaa of Chair Mnkiug, nnd House, Sil'II mid Ornamental Painting, nt the .Imp formerly ..ee.ipied liy Trout...,,., A Howe, ut tho vast oi.d of Market street, a short distance went of Liti'i Foundry. June I. 'I, I8i5. TIIOMI'SON, HAKTSot'K N t'O. I run I'lMinilers, Curweuavillo. An extenaive nssortmeut of Castings uiudc to ordem lec. 211, 1S51. L. JACKSON CltANS, ATTOHXKY AT t,AW, offico adiiiinins 1 ia rosidenco on Second Street, Clear! ill, 1 a. Juuo 1. 1354. iLl'T'riioMrsoN, Physician, may he found either nt his office at Scofiold'a hotel, Cm wcncvillc, when no profca.-ionnlly uWent. Ilcc. 211, 1841 FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant ami I'roiluee Healer, Lutl.era liurR ClearOeld county, l'a. April 17, 1S.S2. KLLIS IRWIN & SONS, VT tho mouth of I.lek Itun, five niilea from Clearfield, M EUClIANTti, uud vxtvusiva Mnuufuetiirera of Lumber, July 2:i, 1S62. J. I). THOMPSON, larksmlth,Wagoii, Iiuggies, .lc, Ac, Ironed '"K Ix-retofore endeavored to please hie customers, convey pa.scngcra to and from Steamboat Land- ?s"urc the pcnple its quality is kept r.p to the best ESTATE OF H'lliERT WllUlLEY.St ) on rhurt notice, and Ibe very best style, nt hi. I"li In the .p.ality of goods and the price.- at ings and Hailroad llepots. ,.&(,. ' 'J '''? brtii, and that it may be rih.dcntoj il.l Island iu tho borou'h of Curwensvillo Inch he aol.l thoin, bo hopes to receive a roa-' March 31st, lsiS.y, do fur their rchuf all it Una ever ken found to to. Ikcnisftf. Dee. 2'J, 18iS. DH. M. WOODS, hnvii.K chnnKcd his loca tion from Curwensvillo to Clearfield, res- pvctfully oilers his professional service to the citizens of the latter place and i, initv. ltes.donco on hecuud street, oiiposil It it of J. Can?, Kf. my : V. W. HAUUHTT, lri:itciiAXT, rnoDiTK axu lcmi;i:k liKAI.KH, AND JIISTICK OF T11K PEACE, Lulbersburg, Clearfield Co., Pa. J. L. CUTTLK, ttorncy t Law and Land AKcnt,offi 1 " V". " V "'nereni qua -A. adjoiuing hia residence, on MaTket strcc in "ml Jt-bnY of cvei y vnno ty, In.iu a full Clearfield. ilarch.t, IS., t. A. R SHAW, RETA ILK It of Foreign and Domestic Mercb nnd ire, hawsvillo, Clearfield county, Pa. bhnwa ville, August 1 j, 1S55. 1Tiy ICIAN Oflice in Curwensvillo. May M. P. CHAMUKKS. CAItHIES on Chainnaking, Wheelwright, and hoiiso and Sign painting nt Curwcnsvillc, Clcar'Jcbl co. All orders promptly attended to Jan. i, lfijS. R0I3EUT J. WALLACE. Attobnkv at Law, Clearfield, Pa., Ullico iu thaw's ltuw, up poeito tho Journal oflice. dec. 1, ISIS. tf. .loSEi'H riv'IKHS, Jiir.t'ici: i if tic Pearr, CurinemflH,; nnu. ONE door east of Moutelius i Ten Eyck V Store. All businosa entrusted to him w il I he promptly nltcndod to, and all instruments o f writing done on short notice. March, ill, ISiS.-y. 1")LASTr.HIN(J, Tho aubs'criber, having located himself in tho borough uf Clearfield Would inform Iho iniblia Ihnl b is iiri'iiurml I,, do work in the above lino, from plain in ornnmen- lal ol any description in a woi kuianliko maimer. Also whitewiuhiug and repuiriig done iu a uonl uiauucr aud on reasouublo terms. EDWIN COOPER. Clearfield, April 1?, IAS7. ly. v rrWTlt rrn wi rgi r r UJy TAKE CARE OF Til EM II I) It. A.M. Ill M.S. d esires til announce In his Irienda aud putruiis, that he is now lie- voting all of his time to operations in Dentistry. 'I hose desiring bis services will find him a! bis "''joining bis resideneoat nearly all limes, Dr- (1- wilron. Luthersburg, .Inn. 21, 1SS9. no. 2, t. iv . t-.sr i; t vi 1 1 f f ,1 r i ii h- coiiNMt stout: ft "It Wf-HVtl t.n, A !rtlKl HMnilmrtit ftf NKW CJOODS, fill)! nn iii i "f tin' r"iiiiin)i miMoi, vii I U ,) ., 'i,,,i,),,,l f !,,: , tuinrf, itl, ,'...,.,, iVl.l.ill, 'A,,h, W'V f A. ir.-, ..,, (VA, iS.Hh dr. dr. Ilnmiiix, Itiltst hiH an,! ii'i U r ylilt t, Kiaily ma ilc i'lntlilii. IUmiU .V Wines, Mais 1 t'Bis, nl nil klinls, Spanish Sole Leather, Ciinip, M',Iiif.c, nml Hiinr, nt AVImliirnlu A Itt'liiil. Tlliili-a S Kuril, Hhltifrlcf, nml Ornin of oil kinil liikon In rxrlniiigu lur gomlii. Oil. 1st, ISJK. H'M. lit WIN. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. KAVIXIl fillfil up n lllll n frw ilniini cimt of Hi "Out Jkw 8tuhk," on Markvt !., Irrirca Iu inloiui tin) cmiiiiiunity at largo, Unit lie koi'i'S on Ininil a variety of I t AlllMVr )l(k, J nt Iii rlmp, nml Hint lio inn ri itfnct itrm In orilir, (of niierinr finish,) every ili'i rlitliin of timifp. Imlil nml kilelien fiirniliire, mining wlileh nro frnlro nnil liniii Tiililei Miihiiun v nml Com-1 iinm liurenuii-rCiiininiin nnd Knnry ' Hoilrftemla 1 8lnnila, Knfef, CujilinnrilA, Sofur, LmuiRe, 4c., I n iik 11 11 u 10 iitieniiiiiru iu nifMiic ui nt tt CllOnp 1. .1... : i .1:.. r . I iiimt, mr i iipii, np uirr van u luinsiiiiou dt any ..1.... ...... l. ..r .1 j ai. . . W. " .. . .I ' . ... .1. " ,n ..I'?- a v c-i'iiv wiriiui if rj lllllllltirr 11 Itl IIIVIIIMI III .uU? lor liu iiinlvm nf I lie i r i(ualily and finiah, lief.iro rrhulnS el,rwl,ere. a ho feel, r..n6. dent Hint lie ran amt them in pneo and iiualilr. N. 1). He ia nix. iireiinred t make Crrns t , order on the ehorteat nolioo, and nltend funerula with a henr.-c, wheu culled upon. lAH kinds ofcnuiitry produce eeived in payment for work, now 17, I SiS. ly. rit' bu NEW GOODS O It ' .1 . I A iV it WIST K H. fPIIIv Suraerihor lias just received ami opened X "I hi" storeroom on Market M. directly oiino- Hie the 'irf.eld lluuso a InrKo and well aolee- "i""'. """" new... sen nt a very i.t.w r t.jtire 11 IK itltti'b nnndidld nf a rriXtiiriil n uanvl .! i.f . : . V""" ' iry uooua, urocencs, iiara waro, Quccosware, Glass ware, Drugs, Oils, &0- or attention will be spared to make it one including a boat of other articles in tits lino a- ;f b host houses ill tho comity. A lili nmng wnich can b found an ouonsivo ami rnri eral patronagi; i.s re.sjiee.tfnllv solicited, ed aeUetion of I.A III I 'J' dreia gooda j ainli aa )I. IIAVS MORROW. IhiftiU, yVr.'un i7nfi, JhUif, Co bury, Cashmere, Iklninex, Al juiriig, t'rinrb. Mtriiiot, l'luith, ami a full at wtmmt r O X X N K TS .,r tl.t. muon. Ilia GENTLEMEN'S wear conaiata of a largo assortment of Casi-imeres, Cloths, Satlii.etta, fiatiu Vesting, Tweeds, lint and Caps, : A!ll kf KXTKNSIVK VAItlKTT or ! HOOTS A N D S II O KS Fur lAidifs, iJfitttlciHf.il ami Cliitln n ; with almost every other articlo that may be ne cessary to aiipply Iho wants of tho community. Tho pressure of tho money market having had .... ....... ....... u, ii,.,, , uiivo of men lii.n.Ii.e. Ibe .ni.l..r-i,.n,.,l l.. !.,.. ii, .,1 ..1 ..1 r.ri 1, 11... ..r ..... , MrM tu Imy h$ Uok nt niinli ni ob that ho onn m il Kuodit nt jiricrs tu full tho timi's. And bov - sonable lliarn of patronage. All ill want ofgonds, ' will please call and examiuo bis stock of cheap-1 est goods. ,K-tf Country produce of all hiuds taken In change for goods. 11 m. 1: iuwix. ClearOeld N'ov. Ill, IS.1S. WATCH & JEWELRY flUIK iiuilcrsigueil reaneetfully informs his ' I rilllllnnt.. mill llie miltti nn,.rillv llm I.a hat just ri'turned from tho East, nnd opened nt , h.a establishment in .S7.1 W'S HOW Clearfield, j sett to a single piece, w.iich ho will aell at tho most reasonable prices for CAM!. Al.l Mini? ol I locks, Hatches and Jewelry carefully repaired and Wurrtinitl. A continuance of putronagc is solicited. Nv. 10th, 1S58. II. F. NAl'ULE, NEW WORK TOR AGENTS. The Life, Speeches and Memorials J or O'ltftiiitiittj lis must Cilt brtitnl Onitiniis, a iS'rf liftwiifriim the. Ftthy'ii t Lh liveretl on the Occasion nf his lhath anil his I.ife ami Times ; BY SAMl.Kt. M. SMI CKKI1, A. M. I This spleii.lid work is just published, in one large volume of fl.'iO pages. It is printed on fine I paper, and bound in beautiful style ; contain ex cellent tint illustrations of bis llirlhplaeo and Mausmn at .M.tr.-lilicM ; nml a full-length life like, Steel Portrait. Tho publisher offers it with conli'leneo to tho Amoiicnn public, nnd isconvin-1 coil Hint it wnl supply nn Important want in Amor lean literature. No work was to bo obtained heretofore, which presented, within a compact the "Old Mmint I'trmou." nnd convenient compass, tbo chief events uf tho Dy close attention Iu tho wants of bis custom life of Daniel Webster, his most remarkable in- cm Mr. II. hopes to deserve a share of public iviiccmai c!iori,aui 1,10 I, lost riiiuaroio nnu in- teresting culogiei which tho great men of the na tion uttered in honor of his memory. We present nil theso treasures to this volume, at a very moderate price, and In a very conveni ent form. Subscription price, in cloth, $1 75; handsomely embossed leather $2 00. l'crsoin desirous of bocoming Agents for this valuablo work, will address, fur full particulars, DUAXE IlllLISON, Publisher, .TP South Thir l Street, I'hibidelphia, Pa. lno. 7. vol. iv.l THE rSDEllPIllXED Inkes this 111. II1...I of nu liouneing to tho citizens of Cbiarfield and the sur r iunding country, that he lias opened a rtjmir''ife(f)ir riliiJip on Main Street In SSmf't A'eio Hunt, where oh Is proparod to accommodate nil who giro him call, and hopes to recoiro a liberal patronage Oct. lh, 1858. JEREMIAH NORKDJ. IT'OK SALE, by MrnKKLL A Cartrh, j4i(ims' l.nlnt Improved Com Shelter Also a few Meat Cutters of the best kind with a lnrge vari ety of Oooda in their line, just received, and will ba sold low for cash or produce. ClearOeld, Deo. 8, 13&8. BLANKARTICLKS Agreemont, legal fonnfor belwann School, Direlnra, and Tcnohors, for sale at tho office of tho "Clearfield Republican." ri.i:,n,ii norm., ii WW . M.l.f, tV,.,,, Wff.i ,'..., I'.t i V'",.,n., 1 In-(nl, , I J,, I I., brim t'i 111 T,. trt I l ill rii'l,'iii,'i, nM Hie I nl, II,' ft iminllt llil lie linn I, ,'i-tiHv I'll i ii ttif iil'i'i i II kn,'n fintiil, nn'l tlml Ii , Ii n inllti lv tifillcil n, ! Tut t I -It ! II In a Hvl ailiiple.l In Hie Hire, nii't llm Mil nt lli i utile Itni i llm eoininiiiiiir. jtta TAlit V Hill aUaya Im t iiMeil ullh i'ei luviiry tlii mmketr ami nirroiiii'llii rininlry will numi!. 1113 BAR will lio ni',ii'il Willi tlit rlnilrert liien tlhi II (iiiura. HIS STABLES, ttlili h am lliu liivt nml nmrt rmiiiiiii'llinni on llio r,,n, ltliln a ilnv'n Imvel, will nln I'O ihnrRD nf rnrefiil nml ntteiillvo )n,st lr. flmrt Kvery i1einrlmenl nf I, in Mf tiilillnlinient will l ni', licit Willi nil llio roiiifurla anil oonvenlun rlea llio wenry traveller cimlil ilenire. juno 2, 'i8. WM. A. MASOX. CUBA HOTEL, JAYNESVILLE, PA. TUB nlmvo llulel, lnivliiR recently been fltleil up for a lining nf eiitertiiiuinciit, ia now f.iien for llio aoronniiiiil.itluii nf llio pulilie. Travclera win ami tine n runveiiicni uiiiine. May 111, IRiH, .01IN JORDAN CLK AJF1EL I) COItM'.K (IK I' I It ST A X I) M A It K I'.T XTlt I'.HTS, XII I' iimk-raigiieil rtMpei'tfiilly In form j lliu .. 1 Irtl'lIHH and tho traveling public in general, that ho hna Uken the nl.ore hnu r r FOKMKKLY KNOWN AS Till HEMP- i HILL IIOTKL TK . ,, ,.,. re,.01lt; fi,, j I i i i r J . , , proved, and newly furnished ; ' EXTENSIVE STABLING II AS lir.EV fOJII'I.ETEli AND lie IA I'NKI'AKKU TO ACCOMMODATE All who may (iive him a rail, in the most pleasing and agreeable manner. ISIo lb Aiwujplly JPirdDviifsd With tony thiny In rrmlrr house a desirable tltlllHItt lliV wi bo ,wUvd with nn naaorlmei.t of choice li iiiiom; nnd ho will endeavor to entertain I. , i( B ,,,. lal cniinot fuj, . , n - FHM.1T SATISI-AfTION. .... . , ... 1 he house is .situated in a t.leaw.nt nnd jUitiot part ot llio town, and no expense! Clearfield, aug. 13,11 is. iy. NATIONAL HOTEL 1 (LATE niITK SWAN.) Race st. above Third, Phila. I fPlIK proprietors of the above well known c- L tnblishuicnt being thankful for tho very 1 libernl patrotingo bestowed upon them the past ;ycnr, tako tbis method of informing their friouda and the public that they nro atill prepared to nc jeomiiiodalo them if favored with n call. I During tho rummer months tho bouso baa boon thoroughly reuovatcd, improvements made and other extensive alterations iu coutemiilntion. Wo nro determined to devoto our wholo ntten- i,.,n 1.. 1. . 1 n.... ..1 .. ...... i i.M.iii-rn nnu ill IT lurseiVCB Wlln li.O e.mvi, li 1,. .. .. l. ...l ... ...... . . ' lion. iSlDKri A STOVKR ; N. B. Carrinj;on will ahvnye bo in rouilinosB to SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, Cur wens villa Penna. rpi.e subscriber, formerly of the change II.,.: ;1 tel. l'l,ilip.l,urg, having taken th. aLovo new stand, situate on tlio bank of tho river, ia the lewor end nfCurweiisrille. wool. I ,,,,,,,... n. i lie la now ready for the nccnmiiiodaiioii of strnn - gera and all others who may favor him with n call. The lmuse is lariro and comfortable, and travelers will find every convenience necessary to (heir comfort. Aaiple stabline is attached to tho promisaa. DAVID J01IXS02J. February 10, ISiS, ATATiowi. i:tin(;i: iiotkl. 1.1 The subscriber having taken the above woll known Hand, formerlv kent bv H'm. A. M,m in t.urwcniville, Pa., is ready to neenmmodato all wno may invor nun witu their patronage. Ilia taiio win always no siippt.cil with Iho best tho arket nffords, and h. liar with thn ehnien- i liquors. Ilia stable will bo under the euro nf a ' tentive hostlers. DAVID SMITH. Curwcnaville, April 21. ISM. HOTEL, No. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch, i)jEii.am2H)7iU;;i: 4 M. HOPKINS takes this method of inform V. ing hia old fiiends nud the public generally that ho ho just hE-Ol'E.NEI) tl.o above well Known iioioi, nun re-Illicit it in n style suitable t tl.c age, and tlio wants of the travelling Mr. 11. baa had a lurgo vxnerieiicv in hoti : pubiie el keep is guest ing, ho lias no heitatiou iu saving that his cues! will find his house a pleasant and desirable Mop ping place. Of Iho elegit, lo location of this Hotel for per sons vi.dling the City, cither on OX llVtSIXFM OK PLEASURE, it is deemed altogether unnecessary lo annul.. s no Hotel in I'hllndehibia is bettur Icnonn ilmn puinnn.gu, N. U. Ilia terms nor day has been fixed .it lb low rato of $ 1.2.1. ept22ud, ISiS. 1 yr. FOR SALE Oil K1S1NT. TIIK subscriber offers his firm Kittinteil Sin Lawrence townshii) tll.i.irli.dil . niniiv leontaininc sonio two hundred i.n.l f.wi v ; some two hundred ,d fotv about seventy-five acres cleared se, bat 11, young oirliurd .tc. WTCS Willi 1H .... ... . . . . . . with house thereon, lor wile or rent on rea-suimMi! terms. Knmtiro of the hiiUeiibor .soon.--1 Possession t'.ivun ut ouch. Wm. roiM'KK. Clearfield, Cleariield Cnttnly, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE is heroby given that Letters of Ad ministration pmUtn lilt, bar been grant -ed Ut the undersigned on tho estate of John R. Heed, late of Lawranco township, Clearfield Co., doe'd. All persona having businosa or dealings with iho aaid estate are requested to make im mediate settlement. AARON C. TATE, Adm'r Pcndmle Litt, Lawrence tp , Feb. 25, 1859. no. , vol. Iv.J Constables lilanka for nulu at this Oiljp Ayoi'sSiUS; t,.?'I"i i tH'"l. Vl lih r f.-c 11 :i; I Ifi l tuhl alii nlil e tlml inn In in nip. Il l II i mn iil'i ! l'i if I'lim fiii-npniilln, ') i "iiil'ini il i'li ell"!1 ultiiii r i f HII rrenlit Ullctnllvr J'" In nftniil nn Ml-i live niitl-lnti- f"f Ihi- illii Nitnintilli la rcputiil to riirr, Ilml 'n h A ri'incilv U wniitri It la In II. vi-l II. , I. a fri'i,u ,lv I. Mnlilrd liV IllliiC K llil , mlfif frinil Htnini'itu riiinpliiinK, niul Hint mie ' " ' " " "' J - m l.l. l. ill AfVnt,,, .lit.. MIHI nn.t lil-tlVH I nf liiitnitinn m vii to tbi Intno tlam nf nut nlHii led fi'llnw-ritlwn. Mow rnnipletcly tliia rimiiniiinl w ill tin It lirw been pmveil hy f .'r ' Invnt im mniy of tho worst cone to he fnmiil I of tho following conqilnliitai I Scnuriii.i amii hcitort'ior PovrniNTa, ' I'.iifrriDNa aii EimrrivB PisiAFiri, l'Mi:Ha, 1 1'iMii.rs, Iti.oTcnra, Tumiuh, Halt Kiiri'm, 1 ... . : Scvmi 1 Ira n, Hvpiiitm Ami SvpiiiMTin Ak i ttions, Mi iici'iiui.liHiunK, Diiiirsr, Nkv iuuiu mi Tic I)oi'M)itiii:ox, Dr.iiii.iTr, Dt- rr.i-siv and l?miirTi(ivt 1; nVs'llMil.AS, ltosB I.,.l,..l il, ul,l iik Sr. Aitiiomy'h Fun:, and hidced tho wholu rhis of I'uiiipluinU oriaing from Ixri'iiiTT or nil Hi.imiu. Tlii rnmponnd will ho found a gTcnt pro. ! mntit of health, when taken in the spring, to ! ciik I the foul hiimnra w lncli tester in inc ! lilmnl nt tlmt acnm of the year, lly the time- :y expi.h.nii or them many rnnklinn insoruern are iiippeil in tho bud. Multitude ran, hy the niil of this romcdv. snare thtniselves from I the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerou I aorcs through which the nyatcm will atrivc to ( rid itself uf corruptions if not assisted to do Ithis through the natural rhnnncls of tho body I hv an alterative medicine. Cleanse out tho .itt,.t.w1 Itlmwl u'luMinvni. vmt Timl its mtiilrith'tf 1 l.nrutiiifr tlirimirb f lin itlf itl in nimnhs. en. tit inns. ! ...1 i .1 :.. ..1. or sores ; cieuiisu 11 wiieii ynu nnu it w uu atriii ted and sluggish in tho veins j cleanse it whenever it ii foul, and your feelings will tell rim wlir, 1. Kvi'ii whore nn linrtieular disorder Is felt, peoplo enjoy better health, and live', 1 lunger, for eleansing the bloou. Keep tho 1 blond healthy, nnd all is well j hut with this i pabulum nf life disordered, there can bo no j lasting health. Sooner or later something imii.t go wrung, and tho great machinery of I life is (hsordi-rt'd or overthrown. Suisiiparilhi has and deserves, much, the 'reputation, nf aecnmplishing these ends. Hut 1 the world has liien egreginusly oirrcivco ny I preparations of it, partly because tho drug alone has not nil the virtue that is claimed or it, but more because mnny preparations, iretending to be eimrentnitnl extracts of it, ontain hut little of the virtue of Sarsoparilla, ir any thing else. l'uriug late years the public hnvr lieen mi. lid by lnrge bottles jiretending to give a nuurt of Kxtrnct of Sarsnpnrilln for one dollar. Most of these have Iki'H fronds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, SnrMipa- rilla, but often no curative propcrtie vhaUv ir 1.:....- 1 i-.. 1 ,1. Ill IIVC, 1,111(1 illlll 1'NIIIllll UIMI'M,lll lliejll h r,,n,.w...i ibe ,,.e f the vnrin. .itrnrta of Snrsnpnrilln which Hood the market, until the name Uscll is justly uopisrtl, nnu luw Uei i inc svnonvmous with iiuis'sition and cheat. Still wc cnll this compound SarMiparilln, and intend to aupplysiuh n rem. dyim shall lew ue the "'. lT "'""'V T ' iijnui 11, iiuu lit iiiiiik tnv mill ii'tin.i 1.11 iiciicviiig it lias virtues wl.icli lire nrcsistiuiu ( by the oidiimry run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to K'cnic their complete eradication from the lystein, the iti.k ily should be judiciously taken according to din 1. lions 011 tho bottle. I'liKPARFD UV DIC. J. v. ivi;it A CO. I.OWHf.l., MASS. Prlrr, $1 per Botllc Sli liottlca for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won fur itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and I.ung Complaint, that 1. .. .n ... .1.. r o 1 lllillin u 1 1 1 II en.. .1 1 T I'll on 111 in 'I III!' f ;., .irt..- . vr, 1,,.- I .. ,.n,. ' iilnvtil. Aft it had Urns, bvvn iu nmstant use , tinnmht)t this hpctioti, wo need not do more thun A X'fVc P.ltlnrfir Pillc 1 'Mvl J s n ... v.w j. ini) I OR TEE CnitE OV "''. W "''l'1' l'' 1 l"t'"tit J ii'fttons I.inr Ctimiilain, DntMl, 1 Coftlirncts, Juuntiiic, Dytpjuiti, IiH?titinn, ystprltix, Ilmihirtif, ' tuustiitii Wi.i Uiftuttt, ' I'tnmiluinl , DrtiiMi, TetU-r, Tvinais amt ' tstl1 Itluvm, Mouhs, cmif, ittunKtiia, ii o If inner l'ill, phi! fur I'vriftiiit) tha Mmd. j They are Migar-coaled, so that Ibe most eensi- i "vc ra" ,!kc them pleasantly, and they arc the ' ,,rst "pcrient iu the woild fi r iill the purpobts of a j . r :i.. ..I ' lai.iuy ii.3ie. - - . a., nn Poxes for 51.00. Price 25 cent) por Box Great numbers of Clergymen. Physicians, States- men, mid en.incnt personages, linvo lent ineir -i names toccrtifythcuiiparalltlcdiiscfulnrssofthese I n medics, hut our space here will not permit the , I insertion of them. The Agents below named fur- 1 ! nish gratis our Ami.hican Almanac in which they ! nish gratis our Ami.hican Almanac in which they arc given ; with nlso full descriptions oi me auovc complaints, nnu tlic trcatinciil lliai snouiu nc uu- lowed for their cure. Do not he put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Avkk's, nnd lake no others. The sick want the best aid there U for them, aud they should hare it. -Ml our Remedies are for talc ly ' SOLI) HY P. D. Watsov, and M. A. Fiiaxk, Cleariield E. 1 IIkkxxkr, Mosrisdale. C. H. Kostkii, l'nilipsburg. Wk, Iiiwin, Curweuavillo. Samiiki, Aiixoi.ii, Luthcrslmrg. And ull druggists. doe. 22, IS.'iS.J I Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Carter i , , (M iS i-oifl iStnrt, Cle.irf.-ltl, Pa. TS tho place w hero nil tho 'ollowing nrtielcs X can no nail at runeeu prices : liar Iran of all tizes In the small ar I'l the ,ro,tit;i ; ( W ,SV,v of various .-,-. a.ul best I 7 -'Bn' '""' " ' i , . . 1 . . , ... : Noras, Sewing and Washing Stands, Doskl in I"!'. ' ' , i"uor.in,",tl "f 'V;,,i;; """".' i Book Cases, French and Field l'ost Ded.UwH. irlach mil t,c fniiHil the Arm 11 ur,1 (W: ( Dining, breakfast, Centre, Curd nud I'icr Is Oak Prciitt'iut, llrcat Republic, Puck's Pat- 1'lcs, Ac. Coflins manufactured nnd dclivernl ml, ami the di alled Minnesota. Also. ! nny place desired. Iiric nssortmeut if ntne-platet anil Parlor iVoves. mid AtMaihts nt various Patterns Also, Poi'-s nf the bc.Ktautl lu'cst vallerns Aim nf their o,e,t M.innfuetnriii'y a binac ns sortmcnl of Tin-ware, iSlticc pipe. Shred-iron pans of all sizes, awl all article; ofr.e kind in their line ke t ahi 11s on hand. Jluvtc tpou tinif done to vrdiT, and Tin Rimtin done with desmteh, Ahfl, a lariil uMiriiiuiit if all kind, if hiniHC-kerpiny uL'nsis fmisttioilu on hand. COUXTJl 1 MERCHANTS , ",w ' 1 "' ,ncy 0i,n " n, ri ! T ffiV" ' pro,,pty u,,i,d ,n. 7 ' nn' i,lv'!,,'l i n they pan bo Accommodated our line rcctivoJ and 0. n. mehre.'jL. L. H. CARTER. i. lliey will also receive every variety of articles rn rt nr.lssion, at low tales. FIl'TV IM'.H Cli.XT. M.iVUD BY buying Coai. Oil und Coal Oii, Lamit ut tho Iron Sloro. MERRELL A CARTER, on 2d St. -LAMl'8 of all kinds changed to Coal Oil Lamps. IURS and BUFFALO HOLES to suit tho aon, at KRATZER'S. MARRIAOE CERTIFICATES Illank form, for sal ut tho offic of the "Clearfield Re publican." Jb ).Ymtw& neatly executed here. I M l I fi t MTAT li.i l..,k. il. . . Ill I'll' mii. n.fn l il,. . "I" nii. I . iff M I'll" ' M f, ,,t1 1 1 1 nr"l Ii iM'ti, II, .li la ,11m.), m, n,i'if "1 AM' l 1 1 T A R ,r if mi "i mmi it r r.lilll ti.am " ' CH .i'l" nil li mf l-i lM i ii, I, ,i . ' ' let" t filtinra, nl IU ft If M, I 'lp GREAT tAl -I fHauf 4 Nl) 'K -MtmU. r.a. . J l.na ilnti ti-rnr f Vff jff Vl, p'lnln, riiimly ami li-w.t M M tM. h, 11,1,1)11 7 flearlielil. Tlierrforf, i .. ,i Jfl nlmve rumor, Frunk n"f iT'SVr )i,i', l allillity upon Iilmaelf li rtr7H6 Iri i liiiiiineaa in Clenrfielil, nml f f '' tt "j to liia fellow men. lio Ima In miIwi... . ulJ ruatiimera, anil aa mnny now p . .vor liimwith n cull, Hint ho lint on tn.rt.. . nortiiicnt nf fint work nml any amount tf Alan, lionta' (Inltera niiulo to ohler, anil of 2j alyloto.uit cunloincri. Morroceo. Krenc, .f. nml 1'at nt cnlf gnltera conatnntly on ImnJ-r Klnillng for mlo, kit oxecptca. All work le inffhU.liop warraiitil nut to rip. Cuitom,!! roming .0 town will liml Mm at tho elior, frJ? ly oceu led l,y 11. II. W0W1, dee'd aa a wot,k i clock o tnhliahinent, nearly oppoMto Hot,) Ja WnirtT'M toro. lloll in boya nnd gut nw iol rnn.needoht.' FUAXK SHORT .Tune 30, P.I58. 3m. '' P. S. Tho pnjtnerahip heretofnro oxbtinuU tween John MuCuho it (ieoro Nowaon U Ula day diH.ovcd hy mutual conwnt, nhd thokooil! nccounla, nml all illocts, are now in the band, of'. Short lor acttleinent. Tho huninoai U1 L curried on in fuluro hy '. Short. Aim twor v! rick! JOHN McCAUK, ' ai:oitunNKwsos, I'lKST IX-11KST sr.RVKDl OOTS $c SHOES AL Y ON J I AND, JOSEPH GOON, THANKFl'L for past favora, nnd grateful fur future prospects, desiroa to inform tho citiieniof thia vicinity, and his old frienda and piitnmiii particular, that he haa rc.uurcd to the FIRt'I KOOM in the East end of SJIhsvw'a How 3w, The First Ikmr West of the Maim'mn limn, : . . . , , ..11 , whl:ro 1,0 ,ms nn ,nn'1 "nalnnily, n largo auort uient of every variety in tho ROOT AND SHOE LIKE jcrsTOii wonic attendkd to with i.isi'attd The very best of slock will be used, and go pun? spared to make neat fits and durable work. ; (,rwj(a which con 1,0 obtained from the aaid Joispa Uoon V lil! x LOW for the stEAiir itiimo. Clearfield, Aug. IS, SS8. "HOME AGAIN." If EED it M'EAVEU nro now rereivine d opeuing a largo and well selected r-iock tl tioods, cousistiug of Dry C.ooils, Groceries, Hard ware, (i.teen u ai c, Jloii's nnd Shoes, Oils, I'alnls it Drills, Hats and Hon nets. Nails A Spikes Salt and Fish, ns well ns every othor nrtielo usually required il lie country, which they olTrr to the public uiih f.. t, 11ns as can le liml 111 tho county. CiB 1 . 1 . ,, 1 .... 1 1 e , "''0 nevrt boalltllul l.nd.lsefi.l. ' l.si.s. Tn'ICi: is hereby given Hint Letters of AJ. miuistration have been granted to the tin. ilcrsigi.od, on tlio estate of Hubert Wrigley, Sr, latu of llraill'uril, township, ilecensol. All r"-s- us bnving business concerning the fume, are hereby nolilied to make iuiuicdiatn settlement with the aduiiui.-tratnr. WILLIAM K. WlilOLKT. Aliitininlnttt,r. lira.lford township, January 19, ISall. Dissolution of Co Partnership. : 'I'llE nndersignoil, having been partners in tin , I i,wi.,a f , i' ...i ..j 1 shomualiing, ut the St. Mary a Ktenin T: nocry, ,,u,v 'V t"1 41 111 "'""icn co-pnrlnership cuuneetiun. All debts duo Hi, firm oft). W. Watson A Co., nnd all claims njaiw j them will bo settled by E. C. "Shultr., of tU .Mnry'i ; who has purchased tho Interest of the other twi Fllll -unit tU Jlary't, j who has purchased tho rest of the other two i partners, (1. W. WATSON'. THOMAS W. ItlCH.UItS, E. C. SCIH LTZ. St. Mary's Ptonm l'actory, Jan. 12, 1 S 59. no. 2. t. Ir. Cabinet, Chair Making, TUlIN (iVLICH, of tho borough of Cleartelil, l'a., w ill be prepared at nil times to nttenJ U . to nny business in tho nbovo lino on short I notice, nnd in a workmanlike manner. His lUc j of businosa is ut tho old shop on tho north sideaf Market street, 3d door cast of Third St., neulj opposite the old Jew store ; where ho will Iwp Cl'"ftnnl,y " i"i " I'tk" nssortmcnt of Ms- hogony and Cane Doltcun Chairs, nml Cnwosl Wine of every description, which ho will diayoas of on ns reasonable teruia as tho snino article can bo had clsewhoro in tho county. His slock of Cabinet Wnro now on hand, cot- i'tuury V, 1S01I. no. 4, Vol. iv. To aU iraitlinif Farms, ice adeeitisemnit - ! JltiminonUtn IaihiIs. A'l vantin(i to emitrate to a mW ctimal'-, tfml soil, and fine market, see adecrtiscwAj Htii'in oiditn Jj ind.i. J.ook lll.iti;i 1.00k HI'! THE unilerslgnnd subscribers, lake this n't" od of Informing tho publio gonerallyi tin y have this day entered into copartnership!, THE RLACKSMITII BESIXESS, . nd can befonnd nt the shop formerly ocennis 'by, I. N'lninUwilur, on Third street, t li its !") rough, where they will bo pleased to see th t U .rs, und us many new ones as cm uial customers, und us uianv it convenient to givo them a cull. ltring on your hoes, your spades and pi'ki Your log-chains nnd your pulling eticks, Your alcds, your sleighs, your horao, yuur mar' No three-year old shall then go bnro. Your apeara will work up then just right, To proouing hooks for every height. Your sworda too, ahull then bo wrought. To ploughshares such as Cain no'er bought JACOR SHUNKWILER, iiEO. W. ORR. Clearfield, December 8, 1S.1S. tf. To all wantinif Farms, tee othertitemrnt i Htmmonton Jxintft.