.... fit JlifuHuan. ...... Jlievitlr. IT" A Ji'im-f lii'l nnini l Munid Went rr, ilirtl In llnrH-Nii(f, l'' Thnt.duy, from tin' hiltf i Hind doff. null tl.lt ..tuU tHi.inoi.niit W L) ! Daniel Wrlustot. j TO DAY Iho it -i mhlin-M.f k vnal lln'ii mid hnmr-n 1 '"tniniMim. r l.niir ln lh dci l"" on i The Foun t nun hold their 1i-t (niii- ii nr ,.i II... i...iu ..f j.Hi..-t a ,,,v 'r'1'; !'r.,,,M(i',in,i,i, '""' iiM..b.n--. vum ... . .i i 'or initi', nr otin I 'iiiiirl Dungi'ili'M l-'-. ... .. , ., . . ,.,, while .,,rt ,M.1,1iirl.. .im..-I.M1,,... )lutM m in Mn,r ; ,.I,,y,oo.,.ctl,, ..-.nhly shall niiii-l limn otic i ml of thooounlry M tin- v ,. .i,.Ui t lint the in w W. I ". r pui suing n ill he k mm lit hm tlv t butt-hat- ' .. i . i .1 :li I lr I ,1,1., ,.r I ,.... ii I .. i. :n I...... till., . I1',... nn. . .1 I . .,H .. t, . I ...It lllllt 1LKI.IIII Itl III' I I I I 1. I I I ! Ill 'IT III Mill II I., PI' I" ' HI'T . I I'l IT IL 1 II lt' IL IT I 1 1 I' II I I I " ' . " I ' . .1 i. . : , .. I.:. i.i... i, ,.i. ,.'.. iliiin lino. TomtiiU seiiom, it hllm i'ciic-1 i. ' ..I'll... t.,.,,,..,ii,. i.n.rlv.-- Huntinc'lon routity, Pit., nn .icmnil of Dm ....... ! t.t ii, 1,1. r.,i,... itl!I ' i,.,, .', ,., - . ' ,., ,,,,.,,,11, ,,,1,,,, ,,,-,,. . : ... ' i I . .,' r whirl, w- ,,..1.11,1.0.1 couple ,f wi-eki. "' ' "' "r 1 '"-. M .. I if in .:l .HI n llivwlli'llllllll Ihe ol II lo-, , 1 ... ., ?.. ,' , ..... ,i I lit'M llli'll, self constituted Jll.h'c HI HIP 1,1111 I ' .,n ni.rv I .l r ..,.. I.,,,,,,,. .x- : 'V A'Vil..". .'!.!!...,,,.!.!,., ,Mti,n , of the Stale, -.i.i.o, ha proved to boa I.oiix. I ? . AU,,, ,,,,, ,.,,,., ItlMlvii.HS Af;;. t()it' t:i rIhi,, itni it, t.,, nil lilt Im r In, I. In..i.i, . I l.y lilt, Ml 'I l'"nitl fllml l,f lrr.,.,1 n ,, f. r ilir lii'i'i tlt' ii i f li.'l.j, i tim, rrnhi t, "J nil I'.iipr ... pn miiiT hit ii'I,'.f,"i'l, .r, k ii ... . , ,, .i . tin - ' I" I't'M'i."''! m in"- ni'M "iiTiati l ,.ui- I . O ho K"l' ox. itim. Ill nl Mill hi., Bi.,J, ,,y( , ,,,,, , (,,,,,, ,,' ei.!:Ai:nr.!.i Apiii iv.'.t. Democralio State Ticket. Al'lUTOU KN KltA I, RICHARDSON L. WRIGHT or rti i t.M.Ki.rii i a. sriiVKYou i k.a r.iiA i., JOHN ROWE VV ir.NKI.I.N rOl NTV. l.l.. ..I il, l .i t i. I,. . i ili iiiriil. wmil.l Inivi' iiii.-i"l l' rii'iiiii-i' Ir.ntioii nf tin' nitiii rs, (iiml linn ivill ,(,iUp iihiii tlirniM lvi-M l.i .l.'t -lure tl"' ' Btn,. A limn tmini'.l fiiiilrr, wlio Ioiiiht- ,,t,,iri i,i,i, i ,.'mih.i, ,.,', ,,.,.,.("? of lii.ll ol tlio lulo lVlilorllilii- (Vinvrnlion y kft lnr nl I oi t MuliMn, wn lii ronIi H ti n -mt n. n. rmil.-y A,.Miin,t,Hr null un.l v.ii.l, I..M.nuH, o relation,' $ rittsl.i.r. n fow .ly. ! r..r sl-ulin ''H't,, "'"'l wl.i. h in i ivr'l littlo nnni tliiin ono gold twitch Iroin .tonus Mrf'iiiiinn, "f t lio ( xi. ii l Jvub Fk'Riit Aliuinttrt.tllt foill tli of tl.o voti'K of tl.n inoiuLi M twis former l-liico. lit' Imi I'ccn IihIitciI in tin-1 tl.e t'1 ''p"""r'' l f Urn,,", ll wliv or tin- wlii ii'l.-ic. Hut Id Hi" "" '""""I. '"'" "" cm. .. ,. . ci i. i i. .. I . ,1... lii ll 1 1 1 1 V llliv oll.t r limn ol colilllion I'I'V l.l "I- II ! IVO 'S IIVl, l.c I .',11 1", llll'l I III' , . . . ... . ., , I "'" i "r-"1" ' i i . .xr use oiil'l nii'ivo nt. I lie tcsli iiii.liV ol hihl ol'n ttiM.ly o Kn'l l.cnl'liiiiic'l, ii,,, ,1,,.,.,, ,vjt. p-iitli'ini ii. who mvoiv nil iil.iililii'ii'l'iiii i-1 thnittii lit once into u (hut lli. y knew I'j.nicl in Viiinin, mnl I.Tiil.h' lennelil. I""ilivo us to his i.l.'lllily, collhl II"! i . . .... ..i ,,i - i .. i 1 1"' liiu.l.i voi'l hv two tu'crnc .retrn.inj ! ( it he ,,o,.Ml,h' that the "higher l.iw , Jnvis Mt Uim. Iteaehuiiis of Scwur'l uml "iieely unvto he-,1,.... , :.. ..0 VPnr ' conic the 1'inctieo of the peoolo of l'enn" I Hut ever, if that tviw t run, it .Ii.) not lvlv,.mii? U our cm.K.hlC.ininonwe..llh.,"'"VO I'im to hennother man. AVhy eouhl ! the woiiM-ho V filter not ny ami show i ... i l.l. ......... i ine w.miih-ihj n riiMr. inn "ii hhi i,h" Uh.cl. was Itont, to htutiil as a h.eak wat. . , a11, The News. Iliai-horinj; I'Ihcu of fugitive slaves uml the Tho'.ast Kuropenn nn ivals ln-ing little violator ol the eon.-titutional eoninct ? mhlitioiml news of tho jMilitienl aspect of! His time we shouhl imuse nml rellect that quarter or tho filol.e. The tendon- what mo likely to ho the inovitahle ooliso rf, how over, mo nioro towards peace ! (Ucnoen of this tendency to disregard the 1..m unr. Ili.ua of the land tvlion rt neL'lo ii in the hi rejected. The w ill of tho majority no Ion- Iti llofonle jail. gf-r rules in ronnsylvanlii, hut the w ill of . man nainoil Jacob Harsh Iter, Forney, Knox, I.autnan Si Co., rules in-'f,.0Ill Sugar Valley, I Tinton county, I'a., utond. That, liko tho "higher law" of So w was rohhoil of ?'2t'.,'K) in a house of ill-fume unl, which was. al.ovo the Com-tittition of ; pi,il,lc nlU, ono night last week. A tho I'nited States, has heooino paraniount nrninu to croon ones who wish to got n in defense of tho Constitution, hetwoen ; ,.,,.lt j()lis j W,, cannot help regard I to tho ulmo-st unanimous voice of tho Io- ij;t o( tlle ..pluuitwheii they visit largo northern fnnntieisin nml southern nulli ' ng tho decision of tho Commissioner us a inocraey. And to obtain a chow of being , i t i Boat ion about to repudiate her pnsl wise grave error, lo winch, il is uuo, -'mes )SuMaincd in their nnpaiallcllod arro and conservative roiirso, and boon me the iwien before ho undertakes to hear and inflected and doubtful democrats, and try deoiile another case like this. Conseion lions, as we believe tho Commissioner, his X I ' ronsneiico will now i'ommc iiini as well as others. comet in.es are , -lo k, d MumUllt up dis- '7 '1 .'1 ami wo i fortiiin inai no win uuiiKjo - ti roiiani 10 ino bu'm 01 inr uum-i Imilietnrv. Some accounts ing to prevail upon them to attend then ( 1m mMng , m -bogus convention to-day. IJy H'",,,. ,iliv. wl,ilo otliura allto thut ffM means they may have an assembly of res-1 f(mni, on)y jn vpry HmM lir,t poetablo ci.o," but will it be n ror.vontion I el011, ,0 p,,y PXpoiisoK. representing tho sentiment of the om,v M....m.m,. l..,.. very that ho is not tho man to Weigh all the lovidcrce properly under the exciting m- I Hue. ices ol s'.ir. oun.ling lanat.es, iiim.ii- I'I.a muni iiiivnra tinvp m.rririil l.l.nll .. Vliirri is iltoi'iid? livision nml tiomsts, Ac. lint inueli as we regret tno , nl !i i iiirl v Mv no lnmns. The iiartv. ... o i i i'lror of the decision, wo feel still more re i ..... , , ..... ... ... ...... .i of llollefonl apoacocoiigross. Ut.s.enson e.x.Sv .. ' U1(1 fomm. ,lt tll0 ,ivit f ,w,ioal In tomo quarters it is believed that war j tent. 1imiiiio'1 is but one step lurtnei , : awl-hsiifs.s which created it. How long has been determined upon by Sardinia, I that taken, nud tvhoie. then w ill lp our n.iu olll. ,Coplo lo liliml to tlio ularinu fact. with the approval of Fiance. Outwardly, boasted model Hcpuhlic '. our successful , ihat our w hole iw polity depends upon j thrrity to act for any human being c. however, France appears anxious to pre- .experiment in man's capacity for 'j;11' ferve peace. govcrnmeiii .nrniliii CliMiill. l.l cmii.lv ilvi-rax! d. Tho f uml m i i.inil or m. U x n, j Curry Auiiiiiii nilnrs ol 11. o b(t ., Uithttd ul 1 tho li,n.Uii. llcnrtiiM ,,.,. furry Into TVIUllJ Tl.e Ailminli'trntion ireixu.t of J.il.n A t . i . i. ..!..:- ... ..f ..... I- . . - . ril'l.l A'.lllll'l!-!!..!',. 'I .III' l,"lllieul Juuii I Klrul lii" ( lliiflu-n tiifliii t'lnirlii-ld CUU1. IV ili'ccn.it'ii.1- ' '.JAMKri WIH0I.KV, l:r,,i,r X April lllli,-Hj'J. ' J ' BOROUGH ORDINANCE. " d I n ortHitiiHci! Ii) prevent uliMruet'mh in tit stnrtx itl olUia (;' the, Jlmmih of I,,,, I 'lit, and for tnr f'rj't. St:c. 1st. licit or.lninv.l l.y tlio Hiirjrn rilj Ti.wn Council Hint t'r.m and nflcr tlio iHMn-j nf this iiHiiiminfl it kImiII lie 11.6 duty of the lliuli C'.iio'lnblo nn.l lie ii heruliy dir.'i W to uk notice nf t.l I nml every uMrtivtinn unanyofih, jheetri nr iilh-ys within Iho liinili oftl.it li. oult nml when, nr..! an often us nny obstuctioni ,, , ., . :n i ,..i... , gamins 10 our A 1111 . UICV "III IX- u n.iiir.,- , t it i l ,1 1 13 . Much contradictory cpeoulalion U in-'ry to all nations tlio tyrant s scorn as olv long shall a inisundcrstood humans ,li.U,l in I,., ilm I'vn,. in l'.umi.e. noon -11 ..h biv nnolo-'V : nml a libel upon liu-, itv bo allowed to olidancei the prospects .1 n meotinc of the Kxeclitivo Conv ..u.f,,. ... ,,, , 1 !. .. ".....I ' - , ,,. 1.1 . . .-. i 1. t. Iho contingencies that may arise, showing , freedom throughout all time. jO. ...is great ,, ,. ..... -u ; m tee, lie.-i 111 , no ooroup, o , a, . , we. K, i.y wn.eu a ....use .h-.....-.,,-; o ,, if. soon raise us lo tho greatest, noblest and oll '1 uesday the TJth day ol April, 1S.i'.,im McCinn, was entirely destroyed. The that they know very little about the do- - - - ; happiest nation on earth? If our geograph-1 thc following resolutions were adopted, to, 1 ',.,.. w;.tsoi. and mpi of the rulers. c T TI of Daniel 1 i..,,l ,liv..,sitv makes lis feel natiirullv i , house was oceupiotl by .lol.n utson ami r 1 1 nr. M.r. ; j , - - . . " I . . . Tlio:.. ... 1 r... 1.,.. it.rion 1 rrrtaiii HM-tiuiiiilit v. lot us ronnlor tins 111 1 tt.iH .nnii L.,.-ii..it nl , ln tllM" Unl. I . J 11V IIVIIMt-MI, -V V .v.. VI !.. u.n ,tt iii-rnl ltr r.i niuU..1l lw ttlnrftl 111 nflV (if tllH Huiil Mirnnfa ... .1 as lun ly, lias nothing to 'lo with it, ami , . h0y-it luiU l.e Ins duty t notify ihe pson has no voice therein It will bo on irrog- -k "ro Mr. M ,vcl his 1.- , Ki ,lU ll ..1 ll.n n In. ....I'l .I I.W l.lir,!!!'' - . . ....li .1, u. 1 1 1 . I II n II Wltllll, , ..: .. IUI..I1 llllll IIIU LI'lll' I I'll. v , J . rUIHIMI " ' , ."1'IIIV-IOt.F ular, self-eonstituted oody, having no au- - ' ! hours: nn.l in aim Iho iwcon or i.or.n. .ft- ai. toe ,..osl W.......-C. ...,. ... -.... ; ti,.0 )u.Klt.et or roluso to remov. ;,h olx.r ings contiguous caught lire, but were 1 tiollH j10 K, r they to npjleetinK or reiusin. I.nll uo naed in n mi ti not um tint twrnty-ir. ccntti nor moro tlmil live .lolliini; nnd the Con ilnl.lu shi.ll remove meh ohslruetions M the roit of the pemiim neglocliiior refusing, Hml in can nny i.b.truetioii. now iu uny of tlio iuui ilrnttw lley wliii l. have l.ceii (.liieed there by any per son or .erjon shall not bo removed by the n. it or owners of property udjoiiiii.r. wl.une prem iea such olmtnietioin are, on or before the tint j.lny of Feb. ISi'J it flml bo Iho .luty of the high Agricultural Fair. ispecdily checked. I Jj-iy A lire occurred nl Wan ior's Mark, in Huntingdon oouiily, on last Monday !i:il,-(il, That the Clearfield County ' Isaac t'ox. The former was absent at tho .. ... . , , 1 ,i'.....i,. . inniiriiv .1 i' nn rrnr. innnf . .'...J, lllll, l.I.l. J V lli.ll . .11-1 ll Pivuwii . 1. 1 .;!., .....I I...1.I n h,.i. ... ,111111 (.1 IIM", 1.11. II..' I ii.ti. in; 11 niiiKu .. .... " I Key, cotniiioiiee.l m iiiecrmm.a. ....... p..:,,,. an,i ,,s,1Ce,iallv lVunsvlvauia. . ' "i ' ' ; V '... 1,.. ... : . .-. ..l,... 1 list rict of Columbia, on last Jlomlay, ; ls ((,stined to become an industrial Slate, ! . ,. ,. ,, , .11-,..,,lis..:!i 1, ,. , ..., l.ni..., . ......... , ..ju 1 .. 11 ,111 . , .in,. 11 . ','11 ,i ,.'' . , .... v There is little nows from India ,'H'poys have been nearly all disperse. 1 XriMiiiin frnm I Inn:, mill InltMll. I .. "v t I ' tno Tl. 1. .. n.hi,.o frnm Mexico, rei.ort, ,. mi.....,..; .,,.,. I I i ,.r H..,..l...,lv 1 .,,. i ,. be ". .." ' ' .. .. .h ' ami is sun in pri'gi . s. ii..-.."... . ... i i ;-f i nit tlio r.xeeuiive tximniH- I ,. . , . . r ,., ,.., U;Mmn relvoxli. from Vera Cruz, nlier , ., . , .. i I. the heart o ft. Wo could hardly subsist ! , : ..'...! ..i. r.. . 1... i .,; nothing ha. 1 been res. uo.l fi 0111 tlio II.wiils c ' ' lonosi.ie lias ueen p- c ,. .. ieei. mxii- ,.. .,,.... ...v ., , , , , . - of the Fair lio.n tho i..l.al.it;.nls ol eat-li M- ' ". ,.i i,.i, ,l,i ,i,.i il tl.e Monday ol ivory cheertully repl.o.l that lie eoul.i beari" - - . . . " at on said day the (), 10;1!, of the rest, as he had, unknown to ers f properly no refuMii l'rovi led, nhtnin. ihis family, stored away about .?!',( 1(11 1 j,, person fiiaii i.eie.iiiyr uc ueir. u oi ouuumi! having been out generaled nt all oints. !un,l one of tlio Conned for the defence. I ! without our u.ai.ufactui init industry, hut III.' ......III. ... . ... -. , "I IU. 1 OH Ill-Mil ll,' .11111, ...!... ; ...1 .f i.i'.l s:.,..., ..nl, nrrwni'P ...llirttlf . ..... lien. Ampudia is said to bo in his roar Jolm 4iraliiiiii E., con.incuccd a.hh'oss-1 ex.,K,,, lllalkots for its man u fact urvs? ;?r7.7, Vr-iU r . . ...i' l. :.. . . . . . i , I . i . . : ... . . . i . i . . v,.,. . wiiu a strong lorco iu . ..t wo it. .-... : j,,,, jury in u Hall Ol me prisoner, i.u Thc news from San Francinoo, is tin-! n,etliatoly after the opening of Court, at important. ' half past l'l o'clock on Saturday moriiing erlv to remove the siiine Kiriii(J not Ivm tl,,. fiirty-ciRht hour, or not more limn ten d.ysto. t.ee ; nn.l flic li owner or owner reiuiii'' oraer UetiiiKi f"er sniJ notiee, t'i remove mich obstnn t i ..ii s Iroin mi.) street!" or alleys, sliull be lined i. . , , I I. tne .nine touri; hum nun i' sum uj mv Ann are we not, indeed, blessed by our ,.on,nliUoe ill meet, and will award the ! ...urn tcilli it Him iniiitluM' ( l.'ill4 IIH .... ... ... i i .i .'iii i"""1'! v - . .. i t. -i p.. . ".'". : . . ..." k l-nir to tvl.icliever ot tne i.orougns mail tta . uim.is. now lvm.. ' "'"""'' """ " """'" nu" will fnrtiish the most unit able "round freei ....., ' c ! hei.i.lter to l.c erected witlnu the limit, of uii Southern States, whoso destiny, front cli- safoly out in tho street. -' ..... , , , i i mount ot money tow- were executed in r.altmiorc on the Mil i to iavc j,,.,.,, (..tromely eloipient, and the If our manufactures, our merchants, 0X..11Mt!, 0f tlie Fair. '" . .. oNci.omc.it that had prevailed ..unng the, - V . ; ; " " j; ' - A dostruotivo fire Occurred at leans week before last. Thc loss milted at ono million dollars. 'character of the ndtillcrer, ami dwell upon Tho Fry divorce bill has boon defeated j ti,0 grout provocation under which Mr. in tlio Legislature by an almost unanimous , si, 40s took the life of Key. Thcio does "vote. i not scorn to be much indication this far mporiDnt. half past pi o elocK on Saturday nioi n.n!.' - . . . . . win iiirnimi uie n.."i n.i.u.i..- (i.uu.n. ;Fr its,uour, r . .is stj;ri,ixS:: VpliUM, (colored,) convicted of murder. j3 oVlorU r. M. u,, rctnwk. are Hated of u.i. .State. mount of inonoy towards tho contingent uie rui jo have boon extremely olo.iiient, ana uie ji our niaiiu.a. .... , u... of the Fair. cNcitomciit that had prevailed during tho r laborers, our citizens at large, lake y Wm, Thlt u ..poeial meeting of Xli, : ,r Hi d become i.uicl. .'.cat- t,l"i l"-l'. r H..,.l..rt on. Hey can- ; , , ,d t , ,,unv,,lhVllIe ou Slll ;progrcss of he ti.al, b.to.n.. . ... h r .. . ,ivol( M.cinj? Uow uiwh JUlice and (, Iipx lo ,, H1(, , s is osti-r. 11H the advocate proceeded lo depict tlio i . ow vi.,i interest demands lioni us to 'T . i s,m.fi..v ,..,.;,, suppress turn spirit oi laiiaiicisiiniguui-i- .,,ri, m iourt, Housoat Clears ; hoaltii anu vigor, vt lint motivo can ex- it ""' ""- the South, that section w hich is just as jj'j ' ist for the fabrication of these reports wo i-i:c. 2nd. l-rom nnd niter th essential to us as wo are toil. Wo are M Tmt , rol,llnit,t c n.ljot.t n nre at loss to dole, mine. Thc ...rresuul. . Z"Zh, toX: not the solitary ones of whom, Soutliet n ff) mo(,t ,.,; Monday of tho June out ol the iWM Amn-.am put then, to t.o street- or nllevs ol th men can buy. I hat should never bo lor- .. . rw,t when ho says : ....... . trot. ,.n.u be lined in n General Cass. F.very week or two, some of Ihe Wash- J,',:rJ,;l, That u ppociul meeting of the j ington correspondents, for want of a bet- Nitlir- '01 oeeiipniion, nuiiis.: iiieinseiv. s nv kiii- Ihat in:! oil (ieiicral I ass, when in tact the ll.nou''h, ho .hull on npplieutiou to the Burcm. be entilleil to n permit lo use so imn-h of in; ,-treet or nlley iininediiitely in front of the lot or I, ,ls on which snid building or addition is to be erected, us tno llurgess limy deem necMry (w the purpote of hiving hni.lier. brick or oilier nu terinls lor building thereon, which permitih.il be for ii term not mure ll.i.u three iiiuutlis, and Pennsylvania Abolitionism. 'that Sickles will be convicted 'of murder, .gotten. Nevertheless, tvo find many prom- Wo give elsewhere some remarks f'"i" ( ,jie ,.ll;)C js Very voluminous ; but as agon that rtmoyfvanian, upon tho fugitive slave ( t.lnj (hilj; it W,S n,(Ml.y ., detailed repot i excitement in ri.ihidolphia last '1 - ';,;,, nft1(, wimo facts which tho public Thc Journal lakes a correct and ritional jm) ,((l0n t in j)OS;,ion of immediately view of the transaction, to say nothing oi' rtic importance of its arguments upon the question, in a commercial point ol view. Thc caso of Daniel Webster, or Ianiol Dangerfield, is aUmt this: A widow lady in Maryland, had n slave named Iantel iVingerfiold, abscond some time in No vember of lS,i3. Nothing had since been heard of him unl il recently, when it was ascertained that .1 negro answering the after the occurrence of the tragedy. The testimony in inonl in their connections win. uie .-oimi, fostering and aiding the .U.olitioi. press in , propagating ideas fatal to our mutual in terest and to tho existence of tho I'liion. Therefore Id this painful error ofa misled judgment be tho occasion for our fellow-1 "citizens to awake and look straight nt the disastrous consequences which certainly must follow, if wo allow this fanaticism to l.'ICll AKI SI I AW, .ItiSIAII It. KKKH. JONATHAN HOYNTJN, iK"II"JK TlloHN, JOHN l'ATTo.N, Kxcmlirr ( 'ounnillff. April 12, l'.V. Important; to Sealers. The f"llotving letter from tl.e Attorney i;i,i.i,t 'I'vi pb. Kso. Tho Opposition crow stronger and to seiiaiate the natural TV..., in.'hi.lini- Fornev and his satellites, ''""ion of the mutual producers and con-. (;ceral of this State, to tho Auditor tien ''. r, arc raising a hue and cry against Mr. Ty-j stimers. I lor, thc Chairman ol the Democratic .iaio Committee, which tho 1 resident ot U" ',,,,,,,, e late lomoeratie Convention was instruct ed to appoint, and which has just been innounecd, because he happens to bo. a .. ,11 ' It ! MM.-""1 description res.ucu in i.arr.s.mig. '" Vi,.ini.m Vcrv charaeto. isti. lady who had lost the slave sent her Wc slll,,10S(. t1(,"v repudiate th. in-la as agent, with a couple of witnesses ; Constitlllion (f tW VM states, becau.M to atrcst and meniiiv mo nei-ro. Alter some preliminary preparation of papers TICK, ) 60. at Philadelphia, they came to llarrisburg and succeeded in arresting thcalleged fugi live, who was known thereby tho name of Daniel Webster, lie was nt once taken to Philadelphia, to have a hearing doforc the U. S. Commissioner. His anost of j course, produced some, excitement, espe cially among tho colored population ; hut no demonstrations towards a rescue wore made at llarrisburg. Tho excitement pro duced by tho arrival of the fugitive in Philadelphia, was much greater, and per vaded the white as well as the colored in- Washington, tho Pre.-ident of the Conven tion which framed it, was a Virginian. Of Mr. Tyler's relations in Pennsylvania, we give the folio wing sketch from the lhiill 7,ili.'.''i'""'i . Tho appointment of this gentleman a ( 'l.:ii ri. .:i ii ot the leniocralie Stale Cen tral Commiltoe, appears to be unsatisfac tory to the llarrisburg correspondent of the J'rm. This does do: s(i. prise i.s, as Mr. Tyler, although born in Virginia, the I irth-plaeo of JeH'erson, Madison ami other Democratic worthies, has boon for fifteen yenrs an earnest and otlicient wk in member of the Pennsylvania Demo crnev. always true to the organization, I principles vnd candidates of tho party. habitants. Every effort waf made to in- He is married to a Pennsylvania lady : his timiditto tho officers, and dolor them front ' children are Pennsylvania born ; and we discharging their duty under the laws, '"re .iot aware that lie '"'jy i"' . , . , , . ol Pennsylvania, except it be that which turn i-ven uie con i is. i iu. .nu .............. i, truo jij.mo,.,!,, f,,0 lortlio wcllarool Mr. Brewster, was assailed with iinony- oil i10 States, and thc perpetuity of our inous letters, designed to deter. him from 1 National Cnion. What may be his special engaging in tho case. However, nflcr a 'views of those of his able and respected r. " " . . f ., , . . colleagues on the Committee, on tlieque- paiiont licni uig oeioie tun miuuss.oncr, i nf :.. iu various aspects, wo in which, according to his decision, the ,,, not ,r,.Minio to know, but we have no claimants failed to make out a clear easo doubt that that ami all other questions, or identity, Daniel IIWas, was discharged, far as they shall be coi.si.l. re.l as prop .... ., , r ,'cry entering into tho approaching Mate Daniel lh:n,ll not having boon found ,ca,; ipnj wn ,)(! treated w ith candor and within his corporosity. I'lns is the case ; ai,jiiiy iall satisfactorily to the. Democratic as it stands before the public now. What , parly of Pennsylvania." would have won the result it Daniel Dum oral, in reply to the question whether dealers in merchandise whoso sales do not A Sol Tiir.HN Shiiit. LasiSabbatli alter- ,, , , ,, , .. . . , nmoiinl to one Ihoiisan.l u.dlars. are ool i- went lo Ihe liasfllielit ro.il.lot 1 the J'resbyterian Church, whole wo found ed by law to procure license, will douia about twenty belie and gentlemen engag- less bo interesting as well as important to ed ill teaching about tw o .hundred and .m,.. of our renders. lifty negroes (mostly youth ...id children ) Attokskv (i.ns 1 1, 1110 caiei'iiisiu, leinui. iin.i -a u ikiii. ,, . . ,, ll... llll.l.. uml Lmn. bio I lie!., silered solo's., 1 1 ... I 1SOUI e, I a As we l.M.ked upon the interesting specla- ."' r" J' "V, !. do wo wondered if lireely, (iiddings. or Amlihr ieiwru(: ti.'iirison. had ever condescended lo meet ' Dear Sir: My opinion is requested upon with the. Aliieans tlioy profess to love so tho question whether dealeis in moiclian niuch, and point them lo the "Lamb of lie ho.,o sales are less than .no thoii (iod which Ink .th awav the sins of Iho sand doliars are required to take a license world V'Ai)f (!a.) ;,.. r. ' lo niercliandize 7 ii i ii v tjiti i-ttmii n iu '" "i vnt'i Andyot there are people m the north sltuli,i , disposed to tho opinion that silly and prejudiced enough to believe that the proviso in tho loth section of the act the People of tho south, refuse either to ' 1 ol May, im , was sii.i in lorce. ' , . . .. ., 1 Hut as 1 understand tho decision of the tench their liegroostoread or permit lhon,lSuiivni(j in )homo ys ji,,!,,,, to be taught. Put this is no worse than .ltil .,.,. it ,ll0n, i,t(1 tiat ,1, many other unfounded prejudices enter' proviso is repealed by the 1 1 th section of tained north ot Mason .V Dixon's .i,., the act of the d of April, lS4ti. L'.id-r against the people south of it. , the (Sturdy old lioinan is in possession of lull .-bull be extended only by a vole of tho Cuuiril tho pn-Mje of this sons urivinc orri or mule, throutl this lloroiiLdi, fnilti tb.in a trot, shall be lined ill n sum not less thn . I here is somotJillig more mail a cut- .me dnlli.r, nr more llinn ten tlolliirs ; nno la. I i.iil.lo disregard of I nit h, for there is wan - .owner or owners of nny horse, inure, EeldinjK ! . . ... 1. .1 I' I . ......... I I.. ...... 1,..! ,.n..,lt ll,n ..,., ... ...... .. I i ton cruoiiv in tne laoricaieii reports w men .o.,.-i " c...... rv ...v v . ..... .,f. aro svslematicallv revived at inter vals. i ' ""' ol "te MT".lt vr. nUv'.' vU,iW . .i.. .". i;.:.... sh.'ill on eimvution tliereol pny a fine of til ..ill. .11. il. ll ii.u i iiii'i iiii.i I,, ui ii. ...i.- , i n- . ..l.i I l.l v-l il I . . , . cuts for every such ofleiiee ; nn.l the ornerti Kill. 11. ...nil 111,. . iiiii, 'I a ,-wi ill- ... ,,. , nv liiirni,. Hiiirn. n.'l.lw,,, ,,i..L ....I.....1 ..I' I .: I..I- I ' "'' to "V ' .. ft ,n-. jcuiaici, u .ii..ii-o, noi ,i .o ulic iu d leuvc Iho smile williout properly iscb .foundation exist, d.i.s I discovered upon in.- ihcm, or lenving them in charge of mi, inquiry, Ulier returning Here irom a id lei , proper person, u sniu i.ore, umte, goiniDf-t absence. Ill tact, the very revel so was mule, .-nun oecome irigiucnon, or iio.u nny ott. trur, as happened to be observed by all :"1"" fUir nnd run ll.r.mgli nny of the -trf hi .... . . 1 In tie.-, or nllevs ot snul lloruiit'li, shall uimn col o were brought into olluial or personal V ., . , , , ' , , '. .., , r ,. r, vi. lion tl.erelor, Imv tt lino ol Hot less limn lY contaci hii I n u. row men oi ins age arc Ilur ,., , ,,,., . all,inyK in so i.'ii.ni H.ioiu I'l.'sn ii..... ii, in so uoie ,,, 0r persons n ho s ti:i 11 ride ilnvc o loi.il ii to undergo the physical and 111. lital labor benst f burden on tl.e said tvnlks in the limits n which ho habitually .pel forms. All his ssid Hormi-h, sbnll be fined in Iho sum ot i. faculties are in full t'.lav. nnd his Slalo na- ! dollars l'r ided, that nolhinK eontnincd in Ibi nors show that he has still the elasticity, ection .hall prevent persons irom hnving injre. 1 , f r . ii i . i . i- . . ' i or cress lo 1 icir Mnl, es Miops or Kit s. and force of n o ee which dislinimislied . 1 ' - ., . ,. . r, ', . .... , . ,. ii ... i 7. . ' M ' .li-'l. llom and lifter tlio pa.-si.Re of It his oar her years. Ho attends tho Depart-. Ul,li:.Ci ir ny r,.r!,,m or ,,01,,ns op(. Iiient .tuny, is i i-iioti iv ul uie .uonici councils, and takes his share of all foreign and domestic policy with much alacrity, and quite as much in ccptahility to the public, as any ( I his younger collogues.'' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. COMMl'NICATlON.l L.thnhurj, AjinlOti, LSlS. Ma, J. H. I.AiuiiMKii : Dear Sir, although 1 did not authorize any one to use my name in the weekly Press for a call to a Conventional llarrisburg on the loth inst., 1I114 ili'iditni. veliiler .if nier.'lm n liz. i must tako a license w hether their sales amount to one thousand dollars or other wise Very truly your-, John C Knox. Nullification Thwarted. The I.egistaturo of New York has had the good sense to defeat the Person- JAMKS T. I.K0IAmi. WM. A. WALLA" K. 1". A. I ISNI.V. A. I . I'tNJISV. ii;inhiii(I anb CoKrdioit 0ffitf nny Theatre, Circus, .Menagerie, show nrnnvti hibilioii u l.alevcr, or deliver u lecture and cliarf for i.ilinissiou thereto, without first ubtainig; lii ciise mi to do, he h.t or they shall he it ' double ihe price berci.lier nienlinued for obt.ii , in a license the liurgess is hereby nuthoriir I lo grant license to such person or person-it may apply for tho same, on bo she or tliry pn .In. -in;; n receipt from the Treasurer of the Bn , ougli, that I bey have pnid to him lor the ok i the Uoioimb, lor each exhibition of a Tlie.m t irciis or .Menagerie, the mm of ten dullam d ) cm b exl.ibition of any olhor kind than . Trie, ti c, Circus, or Menagerie, the sum of three d lars: for each lectin o where s charge il nud ! fur admission the sum of ouo dollar I'reviJf jtnat when u lecture bo deliiered before, or ti the use of any ninety now in existence, orb-" ' niter to bo formed within the Koruugli, iliki ; not be neces-aiy to . Main a licence for the nn' LEONARD, FINNEY &Co CLF.A ItFlFLD, VI.EAHFlEI.lt COl My, I'A.. and any landlord, bouse keeper or other perm , vim ,-liHll permit nny euiMtin as aiorcw where n liceuco is repined to be cxluluteu ' or her house, outbeiise, shop or other luild:a: willmut sucl' exhibition pioriding a licenm nforesnid, shall bo lined in double t hen moult not obtaining n license for such exhibition. Si c. 4lh. All the lines imposed by tliii Or nnneo shall bo eolketed as fines are colU-rted der the general laws of this Commonweal- W mi.i.s or cxciianiik, nois.s and mi aits imsco. nti.h 1 ) K 11 ISITS It I :c I'.l Vl'.l), Colli ctloiis iiKiilt; an I irxal.ipi omjitli, n u I ' it, l'.xcliaiif;c mi the Cities constantly on linii.l. yet if tho object of that Convention Lc 'ul Liberty Hill, a result accomplished by to nominate Democrats w ho ar, iu favor i tjJ0 firnl 0.posiion or tlio Democratic mi- of carrvin2 out the principles of tho ' 'inci- ., ,, i n .-i.i ..r i.i i- - v i. i . noritv. Ihe Peniisvlviima House of bep- uati Plat orm and the Kansas-NobrasKit , 1 net. uniiillnoiieofl by either .Northern or: rosoniaiives uiu not proceo-i 10 uio eon """-Office on Market street, opposite the resi-, fore Justice of the peace denee of Jas. 11. liriihiim, Ks,. l'.issed Xivembor 1st 1 S.'.-t. JOHN Fll!t;t'0X, KiW ii w nt ve 1. t. UiVtO, gcrficld had been identified in the per. on of Daniel Webster, it may bo consid ered difficult to conjecture; yet we think from the demonstrations made during the investigation, not so very dillicult after all ; nnd this, notwithstanding some of the abo lition papers of Philadelphia, have been ciuleavorir. to palliate tl.e lawlofs conduct Tue Kimoval oi Tilt: Coi ntv Skat. This question came up in the lower House of the Legislature on last Wednesday and CAUTION. A I.I. persons nre hereby cautioned against pur ehnsing or inedeline With the following de- Southern Demagogues, then mv name ami sidctation of the iiullllicvtion bill pending eriled property in the possession of Jno. lieish of in.,,,.;noo(if any I have,) will bo with them; ' in thal My m yMlly night, in ae- tiZZX te.tcX Vds hut ll 1 apprehend that .the obp-et is to ill- nn,.n ... . . , ... nnJ bcU(iin., .ne cllpu)Hrai ,wo stnnds, on. desk . Vl.lo. the Democralio 1 any, anil therci.y ' . one eook stovo, one eoal stove, one lot carpet, i lTntirn' VolirC II favor tl.e progress of the opposition and "t as'dc for more rational business. o , ten ci,ip0ne dock, ..no lu..kis f-lnu.fi, one rnnl , nllLt HU" their principles-, then my name w ill not ' rather regret this, because we would like ning mill, one plow, ono harrow, -ono log rhnin. s y jvcn to nil .lellmiuent saW-it"1 ho (hero with my approbation. t0 , 0 this mutter brought to tho test, ?nt ", h"s M,u" 0Bt ",'('. " "t ' I the Ilnptist Coi.rch in the borons of CI Yours respectful V. , . . ,. , ' hnrness. ns the stone belongs to me, nnd .:,,, ,,.. '.,. .. mu,. ,)0 p,m -tOU.src.ietl.Ut.-, ,,.1 s.C how many Uopi.bl.en.t members i, left with tit, snid John lleish on loan only 'j,.;V,!urtnM . rc willing to vote Ogaiiut tho laws ,! 'ubject to my order. his pay. Joseph 1'elers, Ks,,., of Cure" . . . . . -, . . , .... i . , ....... ami . hunum Kii.mii. . .erne it. mc -'- . ii i..r. ..o i.rt . mi. Minor. i n vn niine nn.vevnr ....... i n.u m-.tt -j. - - - , - . ,'l l,i Jinia i,,v.,,..''.-"..-... ..w.. j . , .... ..... v yiii.tl'i.ll, .ov. u .Tr.rrrnsoN on Cru.t. by an almost unanimous vote the House (Opposition have had a penchant for quo- they will tako care to avoid a test vote. " . I . 1 . .1 M I. ... ' . - refused to pass it to a second reading. This virtually dispose of it for this ses Bion, as it will not likely bo called up again before the adjournment, which takes In regard to the defeat of a similar bill' of tho mob which nurrounded the V. S. place to-morrow. So terminates for tho Commissioner s ofheo, and argue. ii-tention of resisting tho law tcmplatcd in case Daniel been remanded to his owner, This may bo true, but when we reflect future, it will scarcely upon the general character of the negro ever agitate it again. race, their usual weak moral perceptions, I and remember that they were encjuraged : A Produiv. They have a mm ualnnr, tin" Jeflerson. To such persons, wo cm i ..i ie. .. ...i .. tt .....:. ...... menu jc ei sou on v mm, us in-, i.o.-i.i , . , T . . . r . to the most important quest ion now be m the Nctv ork Legislature, tl.e ,W7 fore the American people. The sage of ' Commerce, remarks: Montieellosaid: "I candidly confess I hav CAUTION. LL person! re hereby cautioned opainst i J purchnsiiiK or niedeliii. with the follon in dt doseribed property now in the nossosion of 1 i-O rt'er looked Aim unni llmirr nml u-n will mvrt ll.el.1 . " ... r ' . i ,. ..... I.Y ,T e .i nees.one cimK slovo, nn.l nit oll us, r,i vi,in'',". to rereive subscriptions. Ity otucr of '" ' din" Committee. , . THOMAS Bniii.s, A. T. PCBHYVF.lt, M. NICHOLS, Jr. April B, 18..9. no. 12, vol. ir. NOTICK. that no! present the effort to remove tl.e county V sY.r: i.l";;';; l, U i. Z.r 1 .-.r " ; . . 1 L""l""?i T'r T' n riMlE undcrsi.ned nbont s was con- seat, and if the reception it received when I of stnto. 'fie eontrol which, with the the stranclini of tho Nullification Pill, belonc. to me .ubieel to mr order. . , X their partnership. K.ve u,', ' ll'rtor, had ' it came first before tho House is any indi.j Florida point this island would give us o-; culled by its friends tho Personal Liberty , , JONATHAN WI.-KU Sr. ' ",,tlo Vi,i,"ut d'elnr, ' ' cation of what it will moot w ill. in the ver tho Gulf of Mexico, nnd the countries ; p.iH ; the design of which was, to nullify a April l.lth, ma. 3t. pd. (i)ie ())o ,)0iikg ., (e 1(,ft -m , k. l,.....l, . l.tln in uie. isiiiui.is. 1,11,1, 1 inn .'ii ii, . j.nv ui vvmui i, inaiicu 10 ci.iiv ouin, ... , , , Iior scllleincni : our iney woi.o. I"" oOWOltll W line to ., , ii ,.il , . . n. . . ,, i 1 'iniirnM nrnhana' Pnnrf SnU . ' ........ ...,it-V lliosownosu wiiieis i.o.T iiiiu .., nu'"'. in. . so. oinii siiomaiioii oi mo -iiiiioiiui vol. i r iwiio can i.ossuuv nu ,,i,ii, up the measure of our political being." pact, hvery Democratic vote, tvo aro tjY virlue of "n ori" of - i'rn1 ' of the counl" bclun theu.ssoiuiion u una.. -proud to say, was given against the bill, i-I Orphans' Court of (Jlenrficld county, thero I MEIIUELI-E 4 tin . LfKik'vu Ahead. The Boston Traveller , and also l votes by Jtepublicans and A -1 wuiDe expose topuuiie snto nt the Court house u., 1... n H. n-in.lu-nr.1 .owl lnerioaiis : thug ninkine? nil n. . mifiieienl , tnc. '""'UK'i 'f Clenrfield, on Monday the lf.th u, mi. ... - ... 'dnv.r MiiT ls:.9. nil Ihe inler..! ..r It ier to save our .Mate irom tno uisgr.K-0 ,,. j..j , . . r. ; , . ," litr IliA f,rnsnti..A nl. lnubt if tint, urimil bo in Cinninmili In llin slintiA nf nil lllsll the voice, of many hundreds, rcr...IU 1 1 ............ 1 .. r. f ,M ,.-l. n Mn..A 1 M ' 1 .. 1 1 .. 1 . . n H IrtntI. n n I I llf ... . . . ' .' .. i 1 lUUUBl.lll.n V. m I. iiiiu ll..;c, ll...lll. ..V.II- c irn .,- ...vii.s, l.ui iiiiiim.tu i.iij viiii.1 1 CTUtSJ ItrO SOIlSllllO lUOO, anil a.lllS Matthew Clearfield, Tu., April 6, 18o.-oo. Administrators' Notice. r . ii. .1 . uoiilliiouistmco K, j..j , j . ... ,,, , , .... which was impending over it. Hut lWT,' mm or AhytlMSTRAT i lo lm .enio.nl, nroil lln.l n lio-ira mnior.lv 1. .l. ..r r i i. . ... . ltt.lll.Ues Ut yli'.l! "J' " , ,, , ,. ' T , ..V -1 ' " -lUBiBuo on me won, trnci in nmne i .m mon cause with them, it is scarcely possi- aitdiblo sound except to whistle, lie does "It is one of tho felicities of the demo-. of tho Itepublicans went for the bill, nnd ; of Itenry Stewart on the north, lands of Howard J 1 i . ..... .. .. . ,i .i ii is. ti- . i .--.. . . . ble to believe that resistance would not not whistle tunes says, tl.e statement, but' cratio parly that It genially gets ocaien, in at, iv woum navo passcn into a aw, ua '"' '? me ,utn oy janui oi j.me. , . i... .!. : .1 .i ..nl 1....... ..... r. .11 .. 1... . 1. a ..... ..11 r orrest. entilnnini .',n n dm n ah -i -ir. i :e .i ...i .: i i . .i i ir. :.. at tllO riL'UI. 1. mo. anu Docon.es n .so iiuuur i uuvu u...nui.i lesmiuu u. iucbuiiiu w, iiuve oeeu oneieu. ii uie nuiuoruiei iiiiu ins nuisuu i- wen uu ununo, no -,.. , . .. ..... i !....!. r i. ..i......i .v. wnien nre ereetod . tw attempted to send the alleged fugitive back 'probably ayoung"looomotive," "'perhaps! "j.' kilMhat to servitude; supposing him to have been a descendant of the I.isl.ra ttt who ate tho of those things thai, are never thought to deail- jwtvcu a fugitive. If not, w hy peioimmons. be possible. ($ the estate of Jonathan Evans, 1st" townsuip, uiearneiu coun.ji - eWd Ing been granted to the undersigned, all P J auui i',.v.,'ii,., ,, i ......ui I - - - . - - ....j .vm.uvwv - ......... a - - , - a -n - , ; 1 1 .u d n- a vnst vitality, and it is number of Democrats elected to the Aih'u'a'?,"ectod. 'wolory t ho"'0, ml oth- bnving business or denlinfia witi un ' t , il. .loot met in.. L nno sei.iblv " " "tbulldlnKs, with nbont 10 neroi clonred. are renuosted ti make immediate sctll iat its destruction is ono, semuiy. Termi cash on conflrmntion of sale. i JONATHAN EVANS, I AJ'rf. iitt are never thought to .. '7T"U . '. JAMES stott. w. c. FOLY, I . l3,LooIuut lbr the Agricultural lut. April 13th. 18j9. Ad'mr. ofMntLKtuttdec. I'bud It,.. March Hi. 18j. uo.,,tl Ail'oir. of MiitUHtuttdec. I'eun tp., March H, 18JV.