Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 30, 1859, Image 2

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    ffbr Jlfptiblitan
H".,)...-,i,7 ';,
IVnr sii', t i"
lilionnl IK'Wd Iih bi lirra ifl ")' im f ,,t ,i,yn tin lull Inkinnul hl.ut J 41..
) I lo wm k nut their i'Ihiiii lit
IT Om. V O.
CLKARFIKI.P, March IfO'.'.
Democratic State Ticket
OF I'll 1 LAtKl I'll 1 .
or l rAN'k'.ix "I rv.
V. ". 1 . 1 . " ' -
The Forney Convention.
As mipht liuve been anticipated, the tlis
organizers Hint have infested tho Lomo-.
era'.ic party fur iv year ami a half, havo'
Pit., Wli"l flSlnr-U Ugf'elhn r.f H l1'"- lllllnh, hlid those who Shlllki '1 llie lole of
nll'mily with lb" l'liihidel liln V tlimik'. hung tln ii 1" " i fliniiii-. "''
flection hi, U h"tu (lis b Miik-'n the member" I n le one aimtlu r I iicfll,
Ing when it i known tlmt I ho name of mid non the hall wim d. cH''il by nil mv
Forney nppear i the presidinf ,iciiiu In till lahnior" wl.o ml t work remote
loth. Hut what in tin rn fin ptiung in nll;ilm nMi i uht.ish which I')' thickly sent
thi? Wo wnul l n soon eipict tlio l;- ti'ii'l iii nil 'Ihrvtimn.
.til.linin and Know-Nothing journals of ) - - ; ; .,,., i' L ,..: i l.,.t Il.. w .rni- i tirsin .l t..vni .Is him nin. .j li.- h.i- h n
... ., . . ..- iv i li Mm i,,n'n - i Mih- ii Denim ui. but I know unit iiio w i r iii- l
the Slate to commend llie course t nio ....... , i , i , ruler ol r rnin o.
Convention as those rencg.ides whohad 'ish this week Senator Bigler's speech up" ost advocate of tho I raw lord system Inn ' ( ,.,..,. nrc improving.
,,, intention from .!,p fir.t of hoinp Kalis- on tho ofShivory in tho T,,ri.oJllhv1,ys I.ppi, ,I.p ,o fly fn-.n n.-nima- , p, j ,,xi,., , ;, U,o,t j.v, m. .
fn, nith nnvthin, ,1, ronvon.ion .11,1.- .Ulivoro,. ,, M.-rt thno ,.r,r M the tion, ,l .all into the rank, o h.... , o ha JlJi
In f,P, tho" -li.- ami the Hiulli-.'urnniPiit of ( ,..;:-,-. Tin, n,,o o. . ,g l,,or,a.,,, I.ut I .n not p.- " 1 , ' ,ish ,, (5vcrn,,,,,.
Ii . nnpipparon rnni i, nut ni.s nitf 10 ni iiiiwiiniH uim.i.i, hi.- .oivcvir. iii c conliaiiuioiy
, , mill worthy inakiii! nominations at tin tmip, as i unrt liiil
I ... i ii... 1...1 . f .1 i I..
M.. t - ll"'lll Ml-. Ill
ine nfi m, wft o nilni, ii.nlipiiilniiiiinn,
It... !. Mi nlllll itilP finlll l.lll" P. Iiihp.1 ,U i.mtv llll rtnp lin k t'l th III ill.l
not niili'il, nl hit n i 'innl, mi'l linl" H'l-1 tufm on thw t.'nhrn'hi, wlo in in m vi n iif
l,..l : I In V p In
. . . , i . i ... .... .
I I, n !'i.iii. ii,r Nui n i nil li;H iVltllPfl""! 1 l, n il.iinl tliollifll I lin y n inn M t,
ncpllhlirall" of tho Kltll lll-t. l inlilinil- , .. . s, I, ,n,.l. It) whitll h" t,, k hlin PPXt tllnlitll. .''OIIIP fcl poniim.
niratinn from unno , 'i ion that ityli' ,ti,.ctB mvi n lv mol itli lunrli n I'H i-n I ' t, u wtr tin in wi-ro nt work for Jl ,'ii
'hiniM lf ii Ivinorrat. Jlo may pomhl) ho juMi.p upon llin rourii thu KntfliHU '.mvo ,ny. Vory f.-w inton-h"! to stay (ilrin
UH Milium 'I . i in iu nils h flirai ll"u o
ro'vilyisin nt tlm iipw mini.'. 'J'lioio m
nho talk of tho Imliain lupiiking out ii
tho niiiiPK,iui'l tin iniiiPM limi rcroivrd n
oaiitiun from tho Tort to loon thi-ir guard.
i5t i , .,ot g.-: r...M,,,e , .. .. r . .
.iw flexion. o imvo uuon lavorcn
with tin? Milijninpil 1'inapriiph from pri.
vato li tter of u Siintii Ke corresixindimt, '
.. . I , I I i . '
,!,, , .,,,.1, ,,., ,.,w ,. 1 ... n 11 .-MUIl'SJliail on null lli-rniint. nvuuiii ini wnu '""" '"" I-"I' ; (- ..... - , ui ,nr u.nt. i i
thfy wore liiakiiif,' ruin,. ion uuhp 111 no ii ... . ... .' . ,.. . M I.,, n, tu: : Sam wn:h Islands, took . ,. M ik. I . i m
nnl. t iiniipcpxsiirv to go into a ivvicw n us i n,. onjci'l in mis un'ii'ij iu nun. i- . , , ,. .. 1...1., v;l. : . ' "V ..-.. V""'I'"J
1 .... . . ... . . ,., ti. . 1 ii ai'p. hist JalMiarv, liV w ln;li a wiioit.Mi .,.,1. 1 ,,i. li..., t. . . 1 Kit ( iirsnn wit.
. i T . . ..1. .. . u. ..I .,, .,1.1.11 nl' ..(... 111 llm iinllilln rollil'l-OM 1(1 I I M" I- T ' , I'l'n .. . - . - - - 1
I'a.'kpr, and tho oppressive oxproiso or in.-ni.. 1 nu ,..,...., ,uS,...i.. , , n. ,. ... y ; ,IB wns (.troyod by the lava. ' (.M.()1.ti out int0 t)ll, Ca.iian.lio country.-
oUii-iM poiviT n.l whv not? Thev n- tho pointrd and .'ompndioiiMVo stylo ol , xv. itor "I ivt.i.-nihcM' buwnS a dole- . W(.ro ,s, 'Tho ihiof. for Lieut, lieulo to com.
. , . . ' , '1,.. Si'iiator l!'s rornarku, ahvnvs ciimho him eato in conveiition, when the. Uelopite : The latest an'OiinU (roni San I' raiK'.hPo f fpc 1un,i ns ,jlt.y WttntPil li
Msted r:.,- . otl.or lat,. to , . . f f ,fl ,( j H rurilv, ,iat seldom reports food and one mid hn I ; nwku ,.,,, ,om(Mlls j reference to .mi
the Iiepnhlieaii eand'dates, mid notliing 1 . , !.;. , , , , ,, 1. , l Tn ! niillion (if ( n ats iri the wv to New 01 U. . . ,j j .
i i ,,.. 1'Nothin si.cak h-tter lor him than In. ; n ever voted the demoeratio ti.ket. llo " .,.,. i.,l,lUl,e.l at ? "nts T,n?ah,. J1"?,"?.,.. V. , iT?... I?, f
Jlinr. in ine .HIM l inj;i.ii;ni.iv :,,.... .... - .. . i 1 , .... i:M V,,,,. .ir-i ... ., . tllOVt'QII II. I 111." Ullll.IB Wll J.ITUV. J)Mft
,l r iv ,. i ...i. .... f . Cn i,Win- spi'frarMiiraiM'ii;.'. was nmii uu... . i, w r ko V IVak, cnlloil
H.M.K i., in their view on Nenntoi-H Us. nnprepare.
tl.o siihieel. thai it niiu no suppoM-.uini . .' . . ' , . . V. ..... i ... I i ,,linn ,.f Mount
ol a Muleslliail on llini lieemnn. n e .u-i in peri in uu inui in nivic .. .;. . .....w. (;,.,,.. f . . . ..
.... i ...i .. .1,;. ir. , .! .... mm .Manna l.o. in ine .iiinin e ii..n.o,
eoinplaliil.saiiiniiiiie iinniire in i.nieiiMu . . n ... .. , . ,.. m-i 'o ar
puthy and encouragement at lea-t, of tho
liepuhlieaiiH in thoir attempt to destroy
the liemoeratie party in Pennsylvania.
With hemoi'i-als, iiollniij; eouUI Ij" nioie
'sir. this in nr. u ii mitigated and uiniuali-1 Uw ..Uo heen etal
S.ii,,.,: i . .. i,i . ....I.. Ia linl-,.,. I., ,i'.v tin. nniil fill Irl'lllH Vl'l'V til
i i.Liir..i. i ... oi-i-oiv n I IIIO 111 111 LIlllu Slllll I' I ill. i. i.ii.iii . ... ...
reported iih :- few weeks since, as licing. "in
l'l 111 .w. Tho llollidaVbhlii'.:
oraville, n man rnuit (i,(t (,11,i;;nlllt.s together with tho United
HiMieii. nun si ntps mails,
'it is either greatly mistaken, or wilfully v'i-al.l,i to the Depart.nent.
L, ,.r.....: . ,l" '1 he Spirit Uke Indians
s are ii'iain he-
nnstales the laets. I can point out tlie ; .,, tronl.l.'soino. and two I.hvo heeii
men tlmt liavo lormeriy oeen uoiegiueh , ar,.oslei wlnlo luiKing in hip virmnj
from "Woodward tp. and I helievo thev are j who were recognized as having lielongeil j u
as reliable democrats as is tho county, if to 1" l-adutah's band. They '"' )01l.t tl
, ., r. lescape. An attack wns daily e.pectc.l
,,.! .,l'li,.lil" on llie mliieet, ol tlie M'o-'
.ooilini'H of ll o. Senatorial conference nt
lniv.. of tin. lioneslv and null iotisin 1 ... '' ... , ,. ... ... ., , . .
rcfusul of tho IVmocratio Convention to! of ForIviM and RcrnblicaniMn.,l,"-
endorse Gov. IVkl... 1 hi. us partly' avow-, . ft ,0 U((J ,.or,i,.,y of its; A Nttv (oM, i;lxloN.-We find theful.
. .1 1. 1 ...1,1 1 tUi-.ol t.n.ili.noA nt And. I
"""" v " ; course had entered our mind, w l.icn now- , j ft;ltolm.nt in lm exchange, which ' I tl.ri )lH disapponraiic of a Mr. Yeagcr. ' l'.
I A..i,nr,iniiium ij n(vei. I nt t in truth 1 ... i i .. ' . . . . J shirking or bolting to Knowotliingism i' h'"1 """'I ' tt...:- L.i Ami tl
ever was not mo cusp, u , . .... l)0 reaaraiHl as one 01 inc. - .
U, that it is only in pursuance, of the net-, , . iouJ ttnj 10loiiged howl 1 .nl,H,ir nr , Tholoculitv in which
may pass through nnmolrnt-
ed, hut if any person undertakes to ttlc,
or, they will surely kill them.
So here is a nut for Undo Sain to Cruck.
Tho Cninanehes nro a powerful tribe, ani
are well armed with rifles and p'wtoU ; and
told that they have mado it their
lat they will fight the American
line. An auacK wns oany e.M.n-- , ,,. .. " in wnunn ronl i-s
nml preimrai ions iKKincen main-1" ".'1 California, now building hy Jlenle, ia des-
not so well educated as others in nio;o fu-
., . . i . . i :t. 1 ' . . . i i . v....
vorcu locations; iiiki niey .ire uiu.ij--iw.-i Ureat excitement Iiih in ti,,i to bo the fireat emigrant ovcrlnnd
ling tocontributo their mite, without any Uon, recently, m consequence ol the mys- -t wu,j Wltc,.f(i timberod, 4c.
ui great facilities it ofl'era for a rail
road arc certainly superior to thoso of all
other rnutes vet surveyed. Congress ma
(or any other ism.
r...: ....... ntlmwwl ltnvitin hail
shall bay no moio on i , . , . . - ,,osscs.ioll .w.
tied lino of policy of tho unscrupulous ..;.....,, ,,tfll1l.ollslv f,o,n ... ..vt I," u u to exist, is!'1" ?ubJoct 1,11 U' C01,V5,".U0" "'T' i I'icion of murder predominate;
Forney, to embarrass and if possible, de-; p i;,.,,,,,,,, f:li,,.h,ss Democrats, when i . f,lde-t , ell lemcn.s in Central ! a,,d woulJ not "avo .lr0.uU,C.a. 'U WU"
this if oodwnrd tp. had not heen assail
ed in that article. Yours.
Ives became kiiow n.
Tho duty of Democrats is now to stanil j this time. However, wo will wait until j
firm, and however dark tho clouds may ,vo j,of. further before we pack up and
lower above for a season, it will be only " ; stai t to this new land of the shining ore,
Are They Authorized.
We find in Forney's Pm the following
Teat the Democratic party oi l'ennsylva-! iU liulhulu,ut vutTorm upon which 1VmiMval,iai an,l it y passing strange
nia,nnd thus add another to tho li"t of ; Uui rw p,.,,,,. ,,ilcvd them-1 thal ,,'. irftUI,w f so valu .bk- a mineral
Lis act. of base ingratitude towards Ins ! ......nainod undiscovcre-l until
bcnulaotor, the ITesiilent. -Nothing was
farther from tho intention of orney and ,
hii satellites, than to ucquieseo in tho ac-!
t.onofthc Democratic Stato Convention. bright ausidcions day will ! frolll ,vhiL.h i, coined to much of the ct.ens of Clearfield count) ap
a . r......i i'.,a .B i . i
- " - follow. Should they on tho other hand , .w of evil."
about whom, oy-tho-.vay, orney falter or turn back, long years of disaster j Fo,. favs ,,. filul)(, wc
caro a buubee, had not omir.ed, some mny be the rMllU . the . tfect , havo iu,irj that gold Vas found in the
other objection would have been made to, rt,mcmjran:o of hich it will require ' neighbo. hood of Mill Creek, some five
the resolutions and tho " Forney Con von-; d .j to r,1)ail. nilli miles below this place, but we suppos-
tion" would havo been called all tho same, i . ,. , 3 ed that some ol the sharpers in that neigh-
i iilillii l l L LI w,n inn, tt'iji-n rt'imr in hnnv niir i-iti;i'lN
- -- on Saturdav last ivc were shown Hi.cci- Uteflmg IemoeruW
, ti. . 1'..- U' l.,iv lul r .1... 1 .,..,. I.nvft lippn
i A liLI.ic vt mr. i ..... mens 01 bioiie coiiuiinm;; ine ;jh. hum ujv-i; uhuj '"
tloso to be heralded in the pomp and I-' .us,.ted to u i by a friend, nn interesting ' also a piece of gold worth L'.'iO iu its pu-ipermisMon and authority of their owners
rade of long l.sU of names, and high y u llavs in the bhal,0 of a r. y- ho same win oe cut 10 i n ,a e,-
sounding phrap intended to overwhelm j ofth; t;llW G,, puUish ,d g!
tho masses with all the sophistry and dis-!at rl)ila,lolphia, in I d 4. As an index of borhood, we may expect a Pilk's I'euk
play its projectors could command. Thej.j 10 vt.nts there transpiring, and the sen. euiigraiion in that neighborhood in a
is is that the call iisued I . . . . .1 .. ..i:.?..i : .... short t line. 1 hose into tho secret, assure
PH........ 1,1 ...u.. i. r...w ... , .nubble Knit locate some oilier lino ; but,
some incline 10 me- . .1111111.11 I if tho thing in done, millions will tx
have b.eomo deranged, and thiis w am let- Urown iMy away. Bcale'a ront u
ed oil'. The wife ol the missing gentle- Ramo d oycl. , UmU Whj
iiio: Imt is nearly the whole instance a
., 1 new one, accurately surveyed Dy Beale
illy , , . !. ....... r...f.i..
That measure, was a fixed fact long before!
the Convention met, and only aw aited its j
, 1 , 1 1 .. . i- 1. : ...
man oilers live liuniuco. uo.inrs ir uim,
dead or alive.
.New golil discoveries :nvo recenwv , , ,,. ,..,,. K..rv of il,.
been made on the Arkansas river near LI, ,m)j )(,cn lnoasumi na tho grada
Iasso. 1 he deposites nro faid to be very ! -m m lUcc wM (lie illcp11Illtion
,il '1' . bo over thirty feet to tho mile. ItisaU
Tim I'rw vi.vama LoilSLATt'Kr., is btill . ,,trnil.l. lino from Fort Smith ta
,1. ...II f. A....;.,nr ' . . iii I. - c ... .
penueu 10 ine can mi u iigni'fc m ssion nnu laooring 10 as inm n p"'- ti,c Colorado, certainly two very pronn
Convention, to assemble at Ilarrisburg on ! pose as usual. nent and useful points to be considered
the l'iih, proximo. We. have already re-' Tho bill for Fino county, may be re- llt.f(ire thry ioe.lte nt nny naralh l.
. , , ,. .. r,,- r ... carded ns Impele-sly dead. An attempt. .
ceived the repudiation or this movof.o.. b,.ng u fol. rcconsideration was FihtiiaciiiK hy a I'k.'-fand UrMaMns
some of them. There are others yet nia,u,f 1)Ut we have heard nothing of it . Ltltll iurx,;m.-Hc dt our depot, on
whom we havo been wont to regard as lately. I Friday night b, w lo: rm-d that a very
How many moro of j J he removal 01 the county scai 01 il-lil,ei-nto rr.urdcr had been i.eipetrnlBdin
u.-od without the.00""'' l,ocn , '!rcl , 1 1 ;'-J'-ll'villc county, by a deal and dumb
mo iiuu-e a s.i.o.n. inne, nut ... : man, on n half blot Ik i'. 1 hci o wns soma
as soon nj the Convention had adjourned, j
and beforo time sufficient had elapsed to
consult with any of tho leaders of their
faction, if indeed, it has any besido "the
man Forney" from tho several sections of
the State.
But to Democrat.-', there is nothing
know what their last action hos been.
We also give the purported language of Tho. Governor has vetoed the "I'hila
.i. -...mlhiif these names to the !delphia City Passenger Kiu.iy I'-il','
Vc". Where did "tho writer" get his au
thorit v.
.,u ll,,,l ll,,. i-,i,,lnvltrwtfl t,K Mill Ciei.k
lions of that day, it is pceuliaily interest- 'on tul ) I,':IH01.e ,,olitableih.-iu the
ing, whilo it is eijUMlly curious as a speci- ',,-,, r,.gi.,n of Tike's I'euk.
men of tho newspapers of the early part of j . .
the present century. It gives the news o! jd jjxtra Session.
ihiwlav. hpiiiL' a letter ol the Commission-1 ... .Tlmnii.s.oii
. ..... , c 'I' .. II..... ,..,,. f . II ,1 I ., .1 ,., , . 1 : 1 ' . .
. r:i.., ivnri. Hien in confer- 'vi..."' . Ko, .,, Abrani (iates, .John r.
via vj.if., . , , ,tc y cone uiteii not tocrlt an ox 1 111 session , - . . .; , ,..,., t v Thomn-
e.. nl that ulaco. the despatches frOIU.,.f r-A s Tliisdelerininalion is toun- l);llc' '. tl J 00l,11,'b J : " 1 ',0,'V,P. I
' ' v" v .-..-.v. . .. un Wll llltll l',:l .1111- 9 ) 11 A. ;1U II-
d the
The "do is ;neiallv eoniniended
Sin. .. F.i.l.n lnt we. biiMi received! No acts ol importii
from Clem field county the following well ; Legislature recently.
known Democratic names. The writer I The Hth of April has been fixed lor
,aVs-"We intend to have Clearfield coun- tho final adjournment.
inist;nderstai.diug hetween them rtlativa
'.o some hen's nests the deaf and dumb
i,i, m wnntr.I ilium iienrtbo fri'iiinerv. nnil
.wniu l..n,,.,M.-u iv w.MsiMii.1 y.i-ai ..j... iaf brother wanting them somewhere
railways on f.h-:.tiiut and Walnut streets, i , , . , , j . n
tv ablv and resolutely represented in the -
'onveiition ot ine urn Aprn: h. i . News from California, CJiina, Austraua
W.J. Hemphill, D.S. lTem-
and Mexico.
took bis double barrelled gun anil
ami provisions ior some nays, nnu
nv tiii- Mmun nr iKl'll C'lTv.
aurmingciinor in tue r orney i " m,. , chesepcakc Squadron, and the result ded unon tho,, that tho 1', mn". -h SlCu.i.min, 1,. Col. C. S. i
or the array of names appended to , . Philadelphia, at which -' t - '"-".t can be sustamed m, .1 Woi.;a Uobert Smiley, Dr. G.F.J y Qk Vm.A 24 -The Tel
Very few- if any of these men acted with . go regular lunc or th Assem bhng .. Daniel Fausy Levi Speece. S. J ' .r, has m,ix
tho Democrat.0 patty ,n tho last cam-1 . . .... 0V(.l. tl,e; t;, ' ' a,, , 1 .vill o.t - C V..1,0'1'-"i'T Ikr mails furnish the following a.
..;r, l.;inni,-,li,. of Ihomrmi-iofl tho . . ' . . . . I . . i ' .. r .1 ....... JOllll liOSS, 1 1 Oil . 1.. -UOOrc. 0 UCOU 1UU- , ,..., . I ,. ,v:l(V te le-'rul.
4 "'b V, , uT i i ii triumph, much in tho same stylo whicli ; n.o i res.ncn . in u,..- Young, Goorgo Wilson. Tolbert;", i, ' m ,-! (v, stca.ner ;
iioinineou of llin nurlv. hat else then . . . ... .',.i..n nn r.vtr.i si-sinn. whicli lni'' it ho T' . ..? .. ,, i HO 1 a IIIO -uuil v.os. hiiinmi .
" ' (nvlv.tivn vinl h.ler. It WOllll (IO HOW II , "" .' c Il:.l. .Incoll J nrk. .1 . . 1 Oiler.. ...i : i :i .1 r s!.... I.'-.. r... Il,
men who have deter- T '..I' '... "i fraught with ev.l to the country. ... r.V,c 1 .! ',7 , . .. ... t .T.l :
' '- .1111 llllllt I II I I. -I.ll, I In.rL 1 1 1 . l,. ,,iv
cpected of
mined upon a hostile eourso upon some
pretence or another? Tho sooner these
"julo or ruin" men assume their real po
rtion before the. people, the sooner we
will get r'ul of them; and even if at the
cost of ft defeat, it is far better to sustain
repeated defeats, than to sacrifice a single j
principle of the party on tho altar of ex
pediency or compromise. Whon the prin
ciples of Democracy aro mado a peace of
fering to appease tho vengeance of a few
disappointed political tispirnnts, then and
not till then, may sho begin to tremble
fol safety and her existence, as a national
party. Then, and not till then, will her
banner be brought to trail in the dust, and
her host be scattered in dismay and con
fusion, never n gain to rally to her standard.
.......... I ... .,1. I.H.'VOP ... . . ...
me i.n.i.iiui.ii uui'itTii, ...... ,.w...v.,i I'.ivf. Al :is I ei ( i en era 1 Holt lias written a
tho exception, that it has long since dis. i,;t tor. giving an accurate statement of tho
carded tho name of " Federalist," though ' condition of the Department. Frcm this
, . . ., ,i i,... ,, it appears that the fiscal year commences
under what name it would now boast a I I . ,,, ... ., .,,.,.
u;i i.isi ji iju.j , ,!.. n. v.
leaf and dumb man then by sums told
his half brother that he would shoot him.
He tried by signs to disMiado him from
this, but w hen he went to the lions h
got his rifle and h ailed it, and as soon a
his brother came in ho shot him in the
left breast, killinc him immediately. Hfl
I ... .... i i , . t . t i...:i.
: proceeded to a nttio nouse ne nan duiii,
', and refuses to be taken. Knowing his dc
termination, tho Coroner, with his,
iiiaiitc-i were afraid to attempt to take him. We
ed up. understand tho lawyers about Hillsborn'
Idition- gave it as their opinion that he wns not
cd amenable to the law. Is tins so 7 ( Aim
Soiiora, iouc v-- " "'J' l ""
Tuk Got i.ov Tk AOEnv. Mr. Uouldy.wlm
Orizaba 700 passengers' was so seriously wounded by his on in
:. i mm . . 1....1 x- ... -..i. :.. , ....i I.... i...,. . r... . .
,, . ,, . i .... it, l ..... 1 linrl ..I i tor .New 1 01'K. I lie passage lilies iimh .mhy 1 oik, 111 vuioni.r iibi, .s u uu 10-
1 he following letter which wa banded (o ? )() foJ 00V(,,.0,l from his injuries, that supported
us after we had gono to press, will sutlici- , Swiss j.v been destroyed bv a friend he was enabled to attendcliurch
, position steamer
victory, wo would bo nt a loss to guess. ((,.v ,,n j00 of the'conlractois will not be cntlyexplain itseli without further prefatory tilt. Hudson Bay 'lndinns, in National j hist Sunday. He will however never bo
In those nrimitive times men were honest ! p,,.,;,,!,.!,,,! nt,l the first of October, and w It show show the unscrupulous ' Sound. Her crew were also captured by
, I. ),;,, t,v il,,.;,. ', ne names. I that under tho rule of tho Department ),,, ..i,,,...,,,! i tho endeavor to i tho Indians but subsequently released.
""""b" f ; ! , rot be entitled to pav until i , CIt. CJIntm dates to .January -inn re- ami his i.teo is nr.der partial pnrarysu.-
nnd take consequences ; but Federalism ; jjj." l)lH.0I11b,,r. As far ns thf y nrej(lisll'nLt ll'c I)c0,-,'atlc riu t3''. obtal" j port the bombardment of Nankin by the A month since, Mrs. Gouldy, who was en
restored to perfect health, ns a large piece
of his skull was removed by tho surgeon,
i txl his face is under partial paralysis.
became too odious to be avowed, and poli- ',....'.., t,n re-nhir session of Con-' tho names which tho Philadelphia Press Allies.
.,. piniiiniil n nnimi lc nliiiovious. iissum-1 ;il nssmnl ,lr in t i m.i to iMovido l'.ir ! i,w lnn immilini? beforo tho nublic for Anttra!id. Iho papers contain news
ed onlv to be dronned and another sub-' tho payment of their claims. But tho ' so. .Iav. nast. yllmbc.-s of the honest , -'?'" Australia, but no date is given
i .. . .: ... .1.. i....r. -
emoai rasiui'ii i, nuin u.u ..ii.u.u i
ii i .!.... . r.. --ulliill' J '"."i i ' J :
OKI spil ll ill inn lien .ins.-. , ficiencV e.i
signitiennt in the extreme, being reany a j,uu, ;;oth. 1 ho bill which was lost ai
mere 8 by 10, such ns would be now re-, propriated nearly f our millions of dollars j jr00l c ow J0es
i i .. . . i:...:. . K.. ........ to suhMV mis uciieieucy. t lien mo unn
ten nil mo iiiiiin.iiiii v- iv 'v .v.iii'i, 'i , . .
'ciento ft tho time of t'no tragedy, gate
birth to a daughter, mid has already re
covered from her confinement. All the
.1 I . i . 1 .,...- .'I.. I ll.-
. , .1. .... - . 'iimi.o.-is i..i,,!ii,iiii 1 I, '.'ll il rrHi'i ,, ,nr m.miin', m 11 n I'limv piitih i.ib
. . .. ii. . i . lairnsnieni arises i oni llie lanuio in , ... i i - - ....... ...v...... ...
stituted as soon aa llie people oeiecieuiiio wnose names ....,e uve .-. mollth of the MeKenzie liver, and servant, who died at tho City UoswUI,
Ulll J IISI 1 .1 11.1, I'Ml .IV. ll.i,v ... ,..v...
Tnc bark Teniandill had been wrecked
o appropriate money ior ine ue-, . .... ,, , lnt "lu """"" ""
xisting lor tho quarter ending : reituoukly included in that list, will do p-, livt.s W4M(, iost.
l. Tlio bill which was lost up-' as our esteemed fellow citizen Judge1 Mexico. The daP
tes furnished from Ve
ra cruz nro to the Hth. The news is un-
matures, and the contractors come up to
Who are the Dissenters T
' i tn nnt l in t
Clavjkld, Man-It 30th, 1S59. liuadelaiara und the city of Mexico ivere
as worthy the name of newspaper, printed th'Q j,,.,,,,,, . witli their just demands, jin. Lakrimlii : I havo read and np-j in a state of siege on account of the Liber
on the coarsest paper, and leaving tho j t10 q(ICstion will be, how are they to be,vnvril u,e proceedings of the late Demo-: als.
reader to "ather its place of publication paid ? This difficulty could not have been j crutic State Convent on, and regard its. General Degollado's force w. is estimated
" l. .. .. .' . . l -r . , .... ...... .1.. :.. I ... .... I.. lilllM
nominees and resolutions ns eminently . u- , in. 'ni i,'n-..n ...
.i;,.i.,ic .onciHalni v : such, indeed, as I Tho LiboinU had stationed a strong
from its advertisements. Truly, iu noth.' obviated by an extra session, because of
. 11 . 1 .... , i ,,ii, Ill" 1U1 I't'S!'" li I 1 PlllillllWIUHf, lUlCTUIIf illlll l.lMI.illllV.J , niv .i s. s. w , .... , ' . . . , ..
ling has the world made gt eater pioguss j j)(Jj.Dre Ausnst, at least six weeks after the hl0i,i command tho heaity support of'forco at tho National Bridge.
In lookins over tho Democratic journ- in the last half century, than in the art of j of theso obligations and had ; CVer-true Democrat. If hy 6W: nolici,, is Miramon's army was unpmided with
' ... I . . ' i , ii . I ... : 1 ....'. ..... A . . . i , . I..'.. . ,1... I.u lni. .,,.1 ull. I iitih'li in foil v i,n l.,n p
printing. I tlio l resident eaiicu a se-sum hchmu nw .meant i lie plundering oi me man: m nei iw, .. nun .........
1 .Miti n lirr.. iiuinbei' of districts, that elect ', , ij x-o for tlm benefit of tho Sunburv thereby.
r- r. ....... - .. "l,.., 7.,f,nili,.i s ni that month, would havo been ! ,, ,l p, 1,. l.'iiilinnd Con. nnnv. nnd certain Tin; Ouaker City will touch nt Vera
,,r bv thol1':11"1,1"1' ; to,-iit.3 and vtHn-utuali who aro chief in Cruz on the next ti ip
of the late Congiess was ma kid by the Mtwfvii.s tho holders of Kxeiutrve favor.-then I s iv the Con-
following brief but comprehensive nna claims against the Depaitmcnt filling due volition did right, nnd therefore, intend as
Jas. L. Urr, on tho 30th of .'uno, is to give them cor-, i )lttVP always done, to support the men
And altho' I tificates of indebtedness, and if tho con- nn,j measures of tho regular Domoeratio
I . , . . . I . I . . . i- l;
thoSotliCon-rcsshaslcftuslittlotocom- tc or desires to no.. ow . . . organuat.on. nence a r. i.iu . . . ,j
. . , . ., I the lender could havo no better security, ,l;.ine appears nppendod to a call lor a J!o-
mend, in reviewing its notions during its , fomiress is bound to make pro-! lls Convention to assemble soon, you will
existence, it is refreshing to meet with ; vision for itsimyinorit. As tho Post Mas-, j,raf0 insert this my repudiation of any;
some evidences ol patriotism and lovo oi ; ter Ucnerai remai Ks, - to apprupnaie mu- SU(.i, w0 0j niy name.
is as obligatory i u n. u .ilUUJlt.
ongresf, as it is lo
i .i ! . i . r
lirnv ' ior inn i. 1 nun iihih.iv ,.i i . . ., ... . ....
woroby the factious and unhappy spirit, i, . llational debt." No doubt cm exit 'to tho letter or.ludge JNloore, the suustaiice . ,Vas over SlH',000, much of it sent by (.hi-
that pervaded tho mnjority. of tho pnvment ol tnen detus, admitien 1 iv , rw uininttv I i. . i ,i . . . .
1 .... . ,; . lf :t,v the bill, which was lost on a mere punc ANDHEW ADDI.l.MAN. jt u expected that steam navigation ot
Gf.sti.emk' : lho hour has arrived for tHic to l.o iust tho San .loaquin, from Stockton to
ua to sever lliopoiiiicainim personal rein-, ..iiij.,,. wol,,rnm.! h'uh-rtmtn, Mm-h 30M, ISi'J. 'Fresno, isilia, &e., will l.o eommonced
ids of this State, published since tho re
suit of the Conventional Ilatrisburg, be
caiQO known, wo find a most gratifying
unanimity of sentiment pervading them in
romivrl Irt 1ia ntirtn nf tlilf. Knrtv Tn f:.rl.
'n.,n..;., ,v,,n, !,. Vf), ! appropriate speech of Hon
met with has withheld its endorsement of ils Mo a"d rlHl,iV a
the resolutions and the general policy
adopted by the Convention. Where there
has boon any disapprobation, it has pro
oeedod from those journals, which have
been openly arrayed against, or covertly
opposing the national administration, al
though still claiming to belong to the
Domoeratio party. At tho head of these
stands Forney's 1're s, the most unscrupu
lous ef all tho guerilla newspapers of the
some evidences oi patriotism uim ioo oi ; icr ucuei ai i einai is, iu .
country in tho individual members who'ney for their payment is
, 'nnd binding upon tongr
composed that body, borno down as they .()o , oi , ,1
I From the iS'rn Praneisco Xiitionat, 25M ult.
The mail vtage from St. Louis, Janua
'rv 31st. reached this city at IU A.M.,yes.
' t' ldav. The distance from Fort Yuma
, to this city eight hundred miles was
I made in live days and twenty-one hours.
The amounts of treasure shipped on the
CI i per slim Sea Serpent, which cleared
have quilo recovered.
State Aorkti.ti'rai, Societt. The Ex
ecutive Committee, mtiipriscd of all the
ico President!! ol the Stato Agricultural
Society, met in Harrisl'iirg on the 5th.-
Kvery section ol llie Slat was well rep
resented. Tho committee appointed it
tho last meeting, of w hich President TJ'
gai t is chairman, to receive pi oposuls and
decide upon tho place of holding the next
Annual Exhibition, was continued, w
tho Secretary and Treasurer added to tb
committee. An election for the oflicerilo
serve for the ensuing year was held, Geo,
II. Biieher, of Cumberland comity, W
elected Treasurer, and A. 0. Hietor,
Dauphin county, Recording Secretary.
Mr. F:ditor: I desire to ndd my name to Hong Kong on the 21st of Fobiuarv,
country, tho New York IfcmM nlone ex-j t10 jai,t two vears.
tions which liavn existed between us for
ii.. ..,..... r .!, ir v. t ,i. . in.:i...i.l..l,: J.....
1 ,on irrrtllllllff VO'I fill ' 1 v ' 1 ,v "' I " " Iv" , -- . .
, U U I,, Ob I " V , ."I , ..,,!...!, .......... 1 1.. .......ii. . ... , .1... , I. . T :...! . I SL I .11 r 1
cepted, by winch it may be equalled but , the consummation of most ot tho necessa-1 ' . . ,t.nt - . ..-ontion at Harristmru on ! By the Overland Mail wo have the Los
carrv on tho inK rost"l receipts to pay the current ex- (0 u call for a convention at Harrist.urg on Ji.V the Overland
issinont j penses, without a special appropiiation. ti,e 13th of April. This has been done , Angelles Star ot tli
: .q return j This view seems to havo been adopted by without my knowledge or authority, nnd I A train of pack
w.n. for il.., tho administration, nnd lo have, in part, , j therefore wish it plainly understood and j expedition, startei
of tho F.hh inst.
not surpassed, conducted by one of thelry measures of legislation lo c
. . ....,.... i .ii. 1 Government without einliarri
mo. i.,.sc...pi..o.. ..ei.iaguijues, " . .,: u ,llst occasion
traitors n.t ever i.isgn cea . un.aiiu.v . , . gratcful nrknow eUgements tor Ui dc er . .a ion to weather the by Mr. Forney and ' Ang.dea for FortYuma. There were about
next is the new organ at Harr.sburg, call- Li form courtesy and kindness you Imvc,' tho do e n at. n o e of; t,r"S icn to conduct tho trail from the Fort
believe the &n,iW, the mouth- i extended towards mo as your presiding oi-. ' ;l lho r0J!ular B0S,iml of . become conspicuous bv an amocialion where tlm nuiilivi are to b obtainwl, to
Congress. Retrenchment is tho ordor of w;th dinrg,m:trs. However I may have the scene of military one-rations,
tho day, and tho Post Muster General has!(iitrf.rcd with soino of my Democratic . Mr. S. A. Bishop will set out for the Co
od, no
pieeo of Gov. Packer, conducted by Mr.
Hineline, who was recently imported from
Now Jersey, Ior that purpoio, and to
Difficult and trying ns has been tho po
sition, its labors have been greatly dimius
V I La Z I.; .''Ify ruck a blow with Hint object ns ; f,.iends n to the expediency of certain Na-, nout a week, lor the purpose ot
ished by tho cordnd suppoit you havo gi- ' , , ii,,,,,,mnf ,: , ., c.,.., ',.,. f i, . i ' carrvins on tho works on the Central Over-
, .. ., ! I. I I Tl, AlnnUv niwl I ..enrnm will' I ! " """ " "V- -:" ll"'"' "'") ' . . . I i . .. . .. . . . ,r. . i I - .1
ir nm i.,.n nniioniiiiieiiLui .iu iu. tuiiui' k vrii 11. u. . .itn.. v.ww. ... --......., 1 i-...
... r,,i n,ni' in.'iiL. mi, ill. .is ll, 11. .11 11 u .it ui.ii 1 rxw ,wi 11,, y. . 1 iii.,-i'ii,'.i , 1 iirivn 11 111 1 11 Ll ill 1 -
of Public Printing was given, and a wor- j "w mnrKoii your u n,"f '"u0'l"r ' cablo under existing laws, is now an im- tor denunciationslof those whoso honesty
thy man removed without cause, doubt- P"! J!" t 'bi , fiet I uttributo' rendivo duty in the administration of tho!0f purposo 1 have no reason to question.
less a, a reward for his distinguished jfiSf lr" oiSnll " S ' ll b-ed fT . ? ,lTl l(Junvenn
... . , . T, ... i V '.. .,iniii.:jriiif,n nwMi H. l,(ii "g18' fulnblislioil nix liiindivil ,c d in 1 MTwIiuri, by du cgiite regular,
vice in aidmg to elect Republicans in his chair in making n,m' nincty-fivo new post routes, the sc.- ly choscn by tho people, lo which I give.
1 1 i.,., p.,n . ii i,..innAnt 1 table to you. I havo tnrouimout endow . - r . , A c -.J r 1 1 . r.
uc'ir- iu" , hm ii'TMiLiuum i- . . virn ot w lrii iiiuiuimii inu i iu n ntlt tmnunit ni rttiiorxmrm. in 1 1 tuorn run
audi a eflptnin ; after theso ooino lh .V- "rc V!. 3L -.1.1.- if' and Tuget Sound route, established in ' llot consent to Kansnsi.o Pennsyl
i nvprv iiiinvifiiiiii niniv iiuu ni'utiuii. n . . . ..
puhPcm, Wit CheMer, the special organ ! ho rhail. )ins bocn in error, anil 1 foil-!Mardl.v i. .a" n,?l.y?; iP" ' n".,....!" I by ft, V"?, of convontiona,
i 1 1 . .l 1.1 ......... I . . .?.. p .1 ....... . . IliA nrnunn t rt a
e t i tt- ' ..i, ii v... v.t, 1 i' .i... i nnu nr.n ,,f t n n i v 1 1 ion 1 1 n as i ipei 1 1 1 1 1 na i iv i on i i i e i. . i mere v I o grn 1 1 1 y a i ew re mess spirits, ioi - "v..,
of John Hicitman, who tho New lork od in my duly to any ono of you, I now, anm,., .n.,r0nriation from the trens-' pV:diso without office, would', route are peace;
TuhiM, regards as one of the members of beg your paraon. r"11?? i, r :'urv of StJO-lAwS, over nnd abovo tho re-, T,r0ve ntmrontory. No democrat should ! steal anything to satisfy their hunger-
i i iibl our uenui i unguis I.1.-I n n.u y i :.i..i." in , r . x-, . . . .1 n .. - .... . . 1 v.. : .. . . : .. .1 : . : .
land route. Ho had about thirty men cn
caned for tho purpose.
Tho San Bernardino coircspondent of ,
. 1 cred
tjuito a number of wnjjons arrived hero
on Friday and Saturday Irom Utah. They
will load with merchandise and return as
vania' 800,1 ft possiblo. Times were never better
called, or money moro plenty in C tah than at
its, to I mo present one. mo Indians along the
office, would, route are penceablo, although inclined to
The latest New.
Tho overland mail from San FranciKO,
arrived nt New Orleans on tho 27th.
The British Governor of the F'rnser ritff
country, refuses to nllow tho Americiw
at that place to celebrnto 'Washington''
birth-day. Much indignation was Tell.
Tho accounts of tho recent battles ta
tween tho Camanchesand the U. S. troop
nre confirmed.
Several families in Denton county, T
at, have been massacred by this tribe.
Both the Camancheand Apache trfb
are committing depredations on then
k mules from tho Mojave jconipnny M aong tho lino,
ed on the, hth irom Los .' a.;.. Silt
.lie accounts iroin uic n.i.n
Mines nro very favorable.
By Salt Lako news it is stated tht W
Indians in tho vicinity of San U Clara, M"
killed a number of whiles.
Seventeen of tho children who
captured at the massacro of thelM'
giants on tho mountain, have been rC'
' for tho season, by Captain Hiyht, abijut
.Coiigrosi who will vote with tho Ropubli- i 1 'rl
(evcj., ceipts accruing therefrom.
Not a dollar, encourage this'baso attempt to break jlhf,y llc'"S in a starving condition.
Prom the Los Annettes of the 23, ult.
i , l:.. ,1.. ... .... I
II en Ulll. u lliu .null ill tin iir.u.,9 unvi- . , , ' . I," .1:. . . . . "... ,. .
..n. tuvf .nteii.n. Wa mif it r.roivAtl lo rn. i liowovcr. Jius neon flpnropniucu ior mis finvvn tho rartv. Jt is a dou laul plot ot
"'iiJm scveral more, giving the ground. aid invoking a kind Heaven for you, 1. purpose, and "V 71r Tl.thSv - if th "Pr08;110"; decl ml nlH-tte.! by
.. , ... ... f , , i ' ' w, i.iu l,i ofrieiul net bv .bull, contracts for theso routes, though they democratic deserters, with which I claim
.upon which they rest their claims to be- now perform my hist ollnial act by He. M-, advertised and proposals re-, no nihility. Yours,
ing Democratic newspapers, such as the ring tins House adjourned mM j'd. cannot bo closed until tho neces-; ft"lm, (i. K. HOOP.
Lycoming KjW'.c, whoso afuliatious are j lho address was recoivcd iviiu grcit, baTy hinds shall lin.o neon provided r.y -
well known, the Cfw? Trc". Bcllefoute cnthuMa-.m. Miocrs, and clapping of law.-iVnot rf- C.". Look out lor
Alb Fool's dav."
Wo havo been permitted to condense
tho following from a letter received hero
yesterday from a young man of our ac
quaintance. Tho information is perfect
ly reliable. lho writer left thii city
itnfnnn.l.xl renort prevw
Washington on last Monday, for nor
time, thatGcii. Cass had died u"acu'j
Jt was soou ascertained that it wM un
nnd that the Gen. wns well and attend
to business as usual.
Gen. Bowman has purchased the
ing I'nion, nnd will take possession in
i ... ti !.. .1 i.i tl.n nnnlO Wll
nays, ll, is iiioug.m -
Tho main line of tho Ponnsylvunj &
nal will be opened on the firt of AP