Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 16, 1859, Image 4

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    ;l niitnllnial
Stock Grow in j n. Urflln lUmnfl.
'Ilto tun tyi Ii-mi nf Mm k rnnvliig bihI
i IimiiM " tii:'ili r till
Initio mil ill nil oitimli"ii tln to Mm k
, ml pniiii ( im I" tniM il. Tlino limy I f
)ir w Iii ic tin' I'l i'' f Mixk " " I' W
I luil it limy I"' iiii'i-n I'loliliiMo to rupo
min j l'tit ' tl1" Mmk riiiting I" ni
1 tnil, w ill !' lomi'l ' 'V I'Htrr i tli'1
ml j nii'l it l"i'lt l' i'1'i'iimit o nil I lint
Miitinimlly Inking I'mni cur 'nrm nii'l if-
'Mining nntliin t tlirni, will In' milium
in tln mil. Wo inuv by n'.l iiijt linn',
I luMrr nml iislx-s Miiiiuliilo t Im soil to
Virutcr m tivily tor u wliili; Init tliinwill
nly iiio tlio iiion- minim in il.o i ml;
f:r thi'Hfl iirtielrs only Mt.'ly tins iiim jnn
ic cloiiuMit t' I'lniitx ; nml if no oriuni''
niiittor 1st rcliii'iK'il in tlio hIiiijio of Ihiiii
:nil nmliure, our trot i of pniii " ill ly
i!cf,n'On grow licmi til'ully Km i ninl tlu'ii
i ' "ii i n . tliore urc some noils so f ju i n ;y nml
ot Unit rnin cannot lo f?rown to inlviin
I (In nil Klioh soils, Murk ruisitijj of
urso clioulil take t ho lioml ; Init n
i'onenil tiling, tlio two syMeins MiouM pi
!. mid in liiinil. Mmiy fnnnois wlio kroji
I ul littlo stock, mine no nioro main tlnm
i-ilu-rs who koon scvorul lioml of initio,
liorses, mul shoop; mul Holliiifr nil tlio
j.ruiii oil' their fiirins, nml Foinotimos even
i heir liny mul comso foihlor, nml binning
' their stueks of Mriiv, tm l thtvo nml
v.irious other wnys coiitiiinnlly ilrmying
organic mutter from the soil, mul oflfii
sinies "wnstinii their Irtijjruiioe on tho iles-
i t nir," their I'nniis mo nil tho timo prow
; !g poorer; whilo others, who keep a hirjio
nount of stock, co'inumo Rome of llnir
ennrsc grain ami nil their foihlor, make
lirgo amounts of manure, their farms nro
VI the timo grow ins hotter eiiahling
i Hem to ruiso more grain ami keep more
Muck. There may he, nml no doubt is, a
limit to this ; but 1 have sometimes thought
I hat the nioro stock a man keeps, the more
yruin ho can raiso. thus realizing morn
'than a double profit a profit from both
Mock ond grain, and also a profit from the
increased amount of both stock and grain
!io Is enabled to raiso from combining the
uvo svstems. Ucncuce 1 "ai mer.
Success of the Steam Tlow.
Tho State Board of Agrietilturo of Jlli
iois ollered a premium of ..,OU0 for steum
.lows. It was expected that three diller-
it inventions would bo exhibited nnd
ostod at tho State Fair, but only one was
ii the ground. That was Fawko's loco
.iotivo Kteain plow, Lnneaster, w hich
xuited great interest among the prairie
.iriners, and performed well. Tho ma
Uino apparatus, with fuel and water,
.veighs only nbout seven tons, and by use
.I" drum or barrel shaped driver, for pro
polling tho locomotive, tho dillieulty of
'liring in soft soil, and slipping on hard
-tnooth ground, ia overcome. The tsteam
P low is easily managed, and described as
i cross botween a locomotive and a tender,
combining tho essential elements uf both,
mounted on two guiding wheels, and a
huge roller. Tho prairie ground on which
it was tried was baked as hard nearly as a
brick, but tho engino turned six furrows
-ide by side in the most workman-like
manner. Tho excitement of tho crowd
was beyond control, and their shouts nnd
wild huzzas echoed far over the prairie.
I'ositioh or the Farmer. AVhat a sov
ereign man is tho intelligent, industrious
farmer! Within his own realm of earth,
he wields asceptre to which all must bend.
The balance of tho world's life and com
fort he holds in his stalwart hands. Neith
er courts, nor enmps, nor armies, nor
fleets can exist without his aid. lie is the
I'ecder, ay, and the garincnter, virtually,
, tho race. Cities spring from the traffic
in tho products of his industry. Com
merce is born at his behest. Of the State
tie is the "first estate." Lord of tho hind,
no man has firmer hold of tho essential
title of nobility. And he needs no pleader,
because he is a farmer. Tho day is past
when tho soil tiller will be confounded
with the clod turned by his plow.
Tho soil is his servitor: he smites it and
. lo I the harvest comes forth. The hoo and
the sickie make him music braver than
dulcimers, and sound the march of a tri
umph grand as it is peaceful and blessed.
But he is not forever in the harrow. For
him arc honors linked to beauties and
wisdom; for him periods of communion
and rapture of which tho birds, the flow
ers, the streams, the stars, and nil wond
rous things of the universe, may bear witness.
All American i,dlt0r, and an .Lng'llShil.ition to tho new arrangement, should he nd-
The editor of tho Utica IloralJ, who is
traveling in Africa, recently visited the
ruins of Cnrthage, and in a letter to his
paper, dated Tunis, January 0, relates the
following :
"While I was examining tho relics of
the past, my meditations were disturbed
.by the. arrival of young Trineo Alfred, of
hnglanU, and a lot ol (rollicking lieuten-
, iti- i ,
antsand midsh.pmen whoso sl,,p was ly -
a at alienor in the Lay ol linns. 1 ra
il is a great, leveller, and 1 cubliinely
condescended to treat this beardless cprig
of royalty with just as much respect as if
lie hadn't been a mere second son of a
Queen, oran honorary member of the John
Brown' Tract Assteiation. As 1 hap
no nod to know a great deal more aboat
(ho ruins of Carlhngo than either hisiHE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULIE
jtuyui jiii; ur ituy n inn etiiiipit,i-
ions, 1 played the part of Cicerone for the
As I may not have occasion to refer to
Jiim or his again, I may state that l'rinco
Albert is quite a pretty boy, small nnd
frail for his age, which is fifteen, and ap
parently modestand intelligent Ho had
JoU of questions to ask about Ameriea.and
mi id ho would like hugely to visit it.
Whereupon I appointed myself a com
mittooof onoon Mloception ofliistinguish
cd Strangers,' nnd pledged him a salute of
hirty guns from the gallant 'Forty fifth.'
besides an enrolment in the Walton Fish-
ing Club, should ho visit US. I am told I
bvnnn of his brother ntliers flint liniure.i
ally popular among his shipmates, and is
...:-..i -t . J , ,' ,
not parUcularly anxtous to takeadvantnge
jof his sUtion. Tho other day hecalledj
ono of his matos 'an old fool,' for which ,
piece of impudence he got a box on the
ar that sent him reeling and blubbering
a- t 11 i i . ?
io ins cnuin. iieco'npiaiticu lo Ins tetuanL
iwho is a major of hi A utandin. in the ar-
who is a major of high utandinf in the ar
my.) but no notica was taken of tho mat
IkaTlf your flat-irons are rough, rub
them woll with fmrj salt, and it will make
lb tu uoootb will be deiml.
1 he 'Hunt Itrf tililio" Monthly
inr n -ii. d n i run. mi u, in it,
A Mi llld I MM,
I! Imm llm lo.t.i.r I" ntm -iimim llnl m diill
I - - II f. III HI nl".lll till" till if IVriMlltii'f i
lll-M, Cl ll In I'l III Pfflmin III ri'llMllllll'l Ihi ir- I
lr hltl'lllii'll l.f tlin I lllillll Kil l tllK iiMli"ll"nl i
Irn l, llin III -I tiinii'iir ul new lllii'linli'l iniif.
uriiin, In tm rnlln I He" "Onii I! i 'iil'lin" Mntilli- j
Iv. Il la In'i ti'."l In in nl n lliia imirl'ilio ml- !
1'iTliir In riirj n Mr', In nnvlliini( r it lu'l'nr '
ifiinl In lliln nniiili,,, tlio piiii'riil ! if tin
ilinrii. dT run In'i-I 1hi iiU'IithIiuhI ly Iih tiiiini'. It
will I n llmiinilily N n l in tm I - In mi wi-e mi llnn
lit ur H'i'Iiii inn, Mint lii.llr lln'i'luliiil. Illiill
itllnr lu Hit) Hiilim unit Illinium nt tliin I nLni
a emu in i'ii fill. I, n In-re llnv run iihiI on lli
lil.'liit n n ti tnl ul i'i nl..Hi..ini v liliTHhni'. It
Mill tiiiik In fiuliiT ulimir It rvi'iy vnrii-ly "I Inli't
I. i t.
, 'I lio riinjrc uf iirl'n It will lie n w'nli' mil', ruv.
rrin, iuiu'Ii ullirr f;iiiiiiiiU, '!hmiii, Hlit'li-lirn,
' lliiiucrout liilia, Slot i . Ilihlniii'iil liii-iilrnla,
tU'vlovia, t'riliii en, J t r rn li i r-t , Srit'litilln Ar
j lii li'., Tnirl", Tulilo Tiilk, llniiiinn, lni'iili-ntii,
Politirii, I'nllli., 1IiiIIiii1h.Miiii7.iij, t-iililli'lK, Mil
1 mi l.,lll,Mlnll'lll'l (iui-fiii, eti,, utr,, e to.
I The ,MiiKii'.iii will Im iriilu.nly illiintniloil in
l!ii liilim-t nl.vlii ii T ttiiod riii;rnviii.
Thu l.ili'iaiy i. .ii I ini'iil will piiKtiiit g imi I. r
I vin it'll , i-uiiiliiiii'il with iiinri' lliurnuli oxei llciiei'.
III is oilii'i oil, Iliiui frr prlnru nlli-rnl In tlio A
' iiH'i inin pnliliu in n niiilo er iml i ru I. Tlio lot I
loivini,' nutliorn mul piiptiliir writrm mo iiii'liiilril
m ,lhi lift nr cull 1 1 iliiilinn rnjii.i;'i : Moo. l.
1 'roil t i Cliiuii'.l S w :i i n, l'il. (Iroi'ti llnlrik,
Cliii. J. lii(;iuti'll, Uici li'S A. lliun nsnn, (Ion.
(leu. 1'. Mnn in, Nntliaiiii l Proline, linn. Clina.
linj iirro, Win. (iilitinri' iSiinni", l'nrk Hoiijntmn,
Hun. AUiort l'ilii', uf ArliaiiMic, Alilm Ailrian
l'.niliii'llo, Hon, It. T. (.'unniil, Itov. Ilnlpli ltnyt,
Hulm Sinitli, (.link Iiunnins,) .1. 'J'. Jlomlluy,
i'ii'., rnniprisiiij; n Imii; nf writer, milling
n liuiiiiiro many uf tlio must p ipulur in tlio conn
try. l.n'i li nuiiiber will rnntnin nn oiiinnl pioco of
inui-io I'oinini.ic'il expro.-..ily fur tliid work.
(if tlio miporinr oxi oilunro uf tlio Munrino in
ovory redpoct, tnui of tlio rorluiuty uf il! porma
ni'iit Biisi'oss, vory littlo inui e imcil li mill.
Tho tiTiiiu nml gi-nurul conditions of tlio Mag will Im nn followft:
Ti:iims Tliero w ill bo two volumes a year, of
about 7HU royul ortuvo pilars each, roiiiinoni'iiiK
in Jnnuary mul July, nml rndin in Juno nml
December, respectively iimkinx nix niinibcm to
oach voliune. mul twolvo numbers to each year.
jMibicriptiuim may commoiieo ut any time. ,Sin
rIo copies, 2.i cent ; nibiiciptioii, ono copy one
year, cent by mail, $1! OU ; clubs, two copies one
yonr, J-j 00 ; clubs, tlirco copien one year, $7 DO ;
clubs, lour copies ono year, $y 00: clubs, live cop
ies ono year, 10 OU : nml nil luMiiiniml copies,
ovor five, nt tho rato of $2 00, if sent to tlio same
club. Clubs may bo funned nt different poft
oflkes. All subscriptions must bo paid in inl
ruhec. l'remium Subscriptions entitling tbe
subscriber for ono year, nnd to their choice of
oitlier of our two great steal engravings, entitled.
'The Last Supprr," ami "The City of th,
G'rrat King," J our Dullars.
The engraving will lo tent on rollers by mail,
Agents and canvassers can inako liberal and
satisfactory arrangements upon application, stil
ting the territory required. All postmasters nnd
cler gytnen nro authorised to receive subscription
which they may forward to us, iiiviuc niuuo nid
address of bu1. seribor, and deducting 'lb per cent,
for their trouble. Tho rata of postage will not
exceed threo cents lor each number, to bo pnid
in all cases nt tho office whero it is received. All
communications to bo entitled to answer, must
contain return stamps bubsenbers must in nil
cases writo Names, Town, Con n y, nnd State in
fill', as legilily as pessible. There is little risk
in sending money by mail. Large sums should
be remitted by draft, if possible or registered
letter. OAKS.MITII A C.,
I'ublisho-i of tho "fircat ltcpublie" Jlonthl-,
112 nd H i, William Street, New York.
17ew Arrangement.
The "Suut'h" and "The .States" to
be Co
N arrangement has been concluded betwec
It. A. 1'ryor, editor of tho Kichinnnd "South,
and the proprietor of this piper, "Tho States, n
by which the "South" nnd "Tho States" nro lo
by which the "South nnd "Tho States" nro lo
he consolidated into ono pnper, to be published
.u:- lll'..l.:-i 1 : r.
in lllio t",, l " noniii(;i"ii,j ill nil ui.uiir.ii 101 in,
and to be under tho editorial control of .Mr. Pry
or. Tbo pnper will bo tho organ of no person or
cliiU0, but devoted to the general interests of tho
Democratic party, in accordance w ith tho princi
ples of Stuto-rights Democracy. Jlr. l'ryor has
undertaken tho editorial control of the pnper. It
will be continued under tho naino of "T1IH
STATES," and published on the following terms :
Daily paper one copy per yenr, $6 0(1, two
copies, $10 00 j Somi-wockly rnper one copy
per year, If 300 ; Weekly ono ropy per year,
$2 DO three copies to u club, $5 till five cop
ies to a club, $S U0 ten copies to n club, $15 00
twenty copies to a club, $J0 0U. Sessions I'a-
pcr: As the proceciiings of the .coining Con-! ,
gress will he of great interest to the whole conn-
" ,,Ti.. .,;n i, t ... r..n.. -j
try, "The Stales will keep its readers fully ad
vised upon nil subjects which mny bo discussed
by that tody. The price of subscription for the
session will bens follows Daily oneccpy $2 00
two copies, SH 00; Seini-meekly ono copy,
$1 00 four copies to a club, (3 UO ; Weekly
one copy, 60 cents five copies to a club $2 00
seventeen copies to one address, $5 00. Pay
ments in all cases required in advance. Post
masters who will forward us a club of live or ten
subscribers to our Weekly fur ono yonr, at the
club prico, will be cntitlod to a copy of the
, "Weekly Stntes" for one year. All letters in ro-'i
drcsscd to Prvnr A lleiss, Washington, D. C.
February 0, 18.'i'J no. 4, vol. iv.
Tho Philadelphia Evening Bul'etiu,
4 N Independent DailyNowspnper, dovotcd es
peeinlly to tho interests of Pennsylvania
containing important -Telegraphic News, sixteen
hours in advance of tho morning papers Origi
nal Foreign nnd Domestic Correspondence, Edi
torials on all subjoets, nnd full reports of all the
urnn m mic on, ins v oni inert nil ami 1'in.mcl
1 dcplIllclli;,re fllllt nnJ aro eawfu!lj.f"nJ
news of the day. Tin Coiniuercial and Financi
eu to. as an advertising incuium tliero is no
bettor pnper in the Stnto, tho circulation being
next to the largest in tho city, nnd among the
most intelligent nnd intlucntiu.1 of th1 population.
Tkiimh Six dollars per venr in ndvnnce.
No. 112, South pr;tX Street, riiildclphia.
4 handsome, well-filled, Family Weekly News-
paper is published by the proprietors at tho
following unpreeo lonteil low rates: 1 copy, one
rear, $1 00 ; 6 eopios do. $5 00 : 13 00 conies do.
$10 Oil j 21 copies, do. $15 00 ; 30 copies, do.lcall, as they will find the largest assortment by
$20 00 ; 100 copies, do. $50 00. r rnniKR Is -
rtrcEMFTS I 1 he 'largest club (over 100) will be
sent for throe years. The next largest club (over
100) will be sent for twn vears. Address
Proprietors, llullctm Huilding, No 112
South Third Street, Philadelphia.
H persons indebted to the subscriber, either
1 ly noU or book account, aie requested to
ani oUlo, u" .r btr th "M-t.,f f pril
186. ILoso who do not comply with the above,
e 1 10
par Also the subscriber offers for (ale bis
house, lot, and office, situated in the town of
Luthorsburg, low for cash, or In payments, to
at,tt mivehfcAfiri. Vnr fttrttia n..lUl..a ...... I w
1- ,,..UvU... ,.t
1 ,0 ,b ''" 00 th rr.n....
xir. t. tTiiiCurn.
Lulhorsburg, Jan. 21, 1859. no. 2, r. iv.
yjHODUCE WANTED. Wheat, Rye, OaU,
Corn, Buckwheat and Fire-Wood, wanted
M th, offic, of th, ciearfleld Republican In pay
ment of printing.
dec. 1, 18Jr8.
. f.s r a let; i i ' ,i rii ;
tiOHNHH STOtti:,
H II MI NHVll.l.t:,
A Intfje BMottmrnt of
roniLlltiK In pari of llm Mbmlng aili. lfs, vl
I'ni.l'tth and l'rcm-h .1. ri !.,
( I'.ui-..t,
wmr. ((' f,.,;,t iKl.iiiu-t,
S.M"m Yin, A,
VW V A,riv.
y..dim r'?.if(.,
V.t dr. dr.
Jliminl.1, lutat 1M and llm
trr l;i n,
Heady innilo rlntlilnir, Hnulu tSi Slincsj,
lints tli l apx, ul' nil kinds,
Spanish Sole Leather,
Collee, .Molasses, nnd Pugnr, nt Wholosalo A
,7f" Hides X 1'urs, Fhingles, nnd drain of nil
kinds taken ill exchange lor goods.
Oct. 1st, IMS. W.M. IRWIN'.
UAVINd filled up n shop n few doors cast
uf the "tli.n Jk.W Stoiib," on Jlaikct St.,
di'siies to inf. n in the coiuiuiiiiily nt largo, Hint
bo keeps on hand a variety of
al bis shop, nnd that he ni'inufaetiires to order,
(of superior finish,) every description of house
hold nnd kitchen furniture, mining which nro
I'cnlro nnd Hining Tables .Mahogany nnd Cum
moii bureaiis Cnmmon nnd Fancy Ded-teads
.'Kill, 10, inii-r, il 'in in ,1.-, ioiii uuuilgcs, e.,
w hich ho is determined to dispose of at ns cheap
rates, for rash, ns they can bo purchased at any
other establishment of tho sort in the county,
l'o'soui wisdiing to buy furniture nre invited lo
come tn his shop mul examine his nrtieles, nnd
jiidgn for Ihcniselvss of their quality nnd finish,
before purchasing elsewhere, us he feels oonll
dent dint ho can suit them in price nml quality.
N. 1. lie is also prepared to luuko Coffins to
order on tho shortest notice, nnd attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon.
fAll kinds of country produce wit', be re
ceived in payment for work.
nov. 17, 18iS. ly.
on fa l i a a j w i s r k i:.
TIIIIK pucscriber has just received nnd opened
I nt his storeroom on Market st. directly oppo
site the Clearfield House, n largo nnd well selec
ted STOCK of SKASOXAI'.I.F U00DS, which
ho will eoll nt a very Low figure.
His stock consists of a general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Queeosware, Glass
ware, Drugs, Oils, &e-
including a host of other articles in his linon
mong wliich can h found an ex .ensiv und vnri
ed selection of I. A 1)1 ! ' dress oods ; such us
Ihiralx, Tertian elulh, IKliciyr, Co
Luiys, Cashmere', lhlninrs, Al
jHieas, French Merinos,
1'lhUs, and a full al-
orl)nent of JiONNNETS for the teaMn.
His GENTLE.MKX'S wear consists of a largo
nssortmcnt of
Cnssimcrcs, Cloths, Sitttinetts, Satin
Vesting, Tweeds, Hats nnd Caps,
for Jja lies, (lenttlevirn ami Children ;
with almost every other nrticlo that may bo ne
ccssnry to supply tho wnnts of the community.
Tho pressuro of the money innrkct having had
Iho effect of reducing tho prioo of many nrtieles
of merchandise, the undersigned has been ena
bled to buy his stock at such ra cs that he can
j .)i R0Uili nt prices to stilt the times,
. inK berctofore endeavored to please hi
And liav
. inff heretofore endeavored to tilcnso his customers.'
. holh In tho quality of goods nnd tho prices nt
I . . . . .... . . f
uu., 110 fu(l mem, no UopeS 10 rOCCIVC A rc.l--
sounblo sharo of patronage All in want of goods,
will please call and examine his stock of cbenn.
est goods.
jirCountry produce of nil kinds taken in tx
change for goods.
Clearfield Nov. 10, ISiS.
riTJIE uudcrsigned respectfully inform; his
I customers aud the public generally, that he
has just returned from the East, nnd opened nt
J 'V ' , " " v..e. rne, .,
' la. a fine stock of WATCHES of different qnal-
itis, nnd JEWELRY of evety variety, from a full
sett to a singe piece, which he will sell nt the
most reasonable prices for CASH
AEL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
carefully repaired and UniTiinrrif.
A continuunt'0 of patronage is solicited.
Nov. loth, 1S18. II. F. NAUOI.E,
FOR LI)Ii:s & (II1LI)RE.
joiin faiTkiiia $ co.
No. 818 (.Yew A'o.) JnrX-elat, nboie Eighth,
Importers, Mmnfacturcrs. and Dealers in
Fur Ladies and Children; Also, Gent's furs
J ur Collars, and Glace
1IIE number of years thnt which we have
been engaged in the Fur business, nnd the
general character of our Furs, both for oiintiiu
anri price is so gcnrnlly known throughout the
Country, thnt we think it unnecessary to snv
nioro than that we huvo now opened "ur nssort
mcnt of Fl'ltS for tho FALL nnd WINTEIl snlcs
the largest nnd most benutiful thut we have
ever before offered o the public Our Furs hnve
all been Imported during the present season
when money was scarce nnd
Ihnn at the present time, and have boon manu
factured by the most competent workmen : we
aro therefore determined to sell them nt such
' prices as will continue to givo us the reputation
' w" have borno for years, that Is, to sell a good
anirie lor a very Small rnfli.
STOKEKEEPU US will do well to cive ns
1 lar lo select Irom ia tho City, and at tnanufuc
turers pricos.
No. S18 Market street, above Hth, Philnd'a.
Sept. 2lh, 1828. 4ms
THE UNDERSIGNED tnkos this method of an.
nouncing to the citir.ens of Clanrfiold nnd the sur
rounding country, that he hat opened I
on Main Street In Shan't A'ew Jiow, whet eh
is prepared to ecoommodate all who give hi m
tan, ana nopes w receive a liberal patronage.
Oct. th, 1858. JEREMIAH N0RRI9.
IT'OR SALK, byMsnnELL ft Cartkr, Adami'
. Latent Imprnved Corn Shelter Also a few
Meat Cutters of the best kind with a large vari
ety of Goods in their lino, just received, and wf 11
ba sold low for cash or produce.
Clearfield, Dee. 8, 1858.
T) LANKARTICLES Agreement, legal formfor
Jit netween fccnnoi, Dirctors, and Teachers, for
tale at the office of the "Clearfield Republican."
t'UHA1IOTEt.,JAYN!:sVittF.,rA. i
t n K itl. v. It.. 1.1, l.iil"i t-'i'Mtr fillip
lip I'T II ru'll'K M eillM'ilinmriM, i
(,,f lbs nrT.mimn.litliun 't ll" pu1 II''.
Ill find Ibis s rnnri'iilrnt hmi"'.
May 1W, in .full J'ifl tAN
rmi r. it
Oli" I IHT AM)
M Althl:T
TIM', undersigned respectfully informs till
friends nnd the I ravel in? public In general, that
he has to kin tho nbovo house.,
FORM KlihY KNtnVN AS Till' 11KM1'-
Till! Jim :sk Iiivh been reeently lelilti-d im
jn ovetl, and newly furni.hed ;
.1I who inuv nive him a cull in the most
1 . ' . . '
jile.'jsing nnd ngreetiblo milliner.
Hi) is Arnlj Trnwlx-a
IFi'M any tltwn tn rnuUr hli house a dmirahk
$!o))onl piuri',
will bo supplied with mi assortment of choice li
quors ; nnd ho will endenvor to entertain his
guests in ft mucner that cannot fail to give tbo
The house is mtu'ited in n iieii$iint nnd
otiiet tinrt of the tnwn. and no cxiienso
01 - attention will be Kjuired to make it one
of the best honsei in the county. A lib
eral iiatronnge is respectfully solieited.
Clearfield, nug. IS, 1 1 Se. y.
Raoe st. above Third, Phila.
rrHE proprietors of tho above well known c-
1 tntilislnuonl lielng tlinnktul Inr tlio very
liberal pntronngo bestowed upon them the past !
yenr, take this method of informing their friends
and the public that they nro still prepared to nc
oominodato them if favored with a cull.
During the summer months the house hat been
thoroughly renovuled, improvements made and
other extensive ultcrnti ins in contcuiplmion.
We nre determined to devoto our w hole atten
tion to business nnd flatter ourselves with the
conviction thnt we shall be able to give satisfac
N. B. Cnrringos will always be in readiness to
convey passengers to and liom Steamboat Land
ings and Railroad Depots. S. i, S.
Jin rch 31st, ISSS.y,
CurwensvLUe, Penna.
riho subscriber, formerly of the Exchange lfo
L li l, l'liilipsburg, having taken ths nbovo
new stand, situate on the bank of tho river, in the
lewer end of Curwensvillc, would announce that
he is now ready for tho accommodation of stran
gers and nil others who may favor him with a
call. Tho house is large and comfortable, nnd
travelers will find every convenience neccsrnry to
their comfort. Ample stabling is attached to the
February 10, 1S3S.
Tho subscriber having tuken the nbore well
known stnnd, formerly kept by H'ui. A. Mason,
in Curwcnsville, Pn., is ready to accommodate all
who mny favur him witn their patronage. His
tailo will always be supplied with tho best the
arkvt affords, and his Bar with the choicos
liquors. His stjiblo will bo under the raro oft
tentive hostlers. DAVID SMITH.
Curwensvillc, April 21. ISiS.
(Formerly known as the Good Intent,)
Clearfield County, ni).y!caiia.
Tho subsciibcr begs leave to inform Lis old
customers, and the public generally thnt he has
recently tuken the above w ell known stnnd, nnd
that ho has entirely refitted und refurnished it in
a stylo adapted to the age, nnd the wants of the
entire traveling community.
will always bo provided with erery luxury the
murketc and surrounding country will afford.
will be supplied with the choicest w ines and li
which nre Iho best nnd most commodious on the
road within a duy's travel, will always be in
charge of careful and attentive hostlers. In
Every department of his Establishment will
be supplied with nil the comforts nnd convenien
cics tho wenry traveller could desire.
juno 2, '58. WM. A. MASON.
No. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch,
A M. HOPKINS takes this method of inforu
. ing his old friends nnd the public gcneralH
that he has just KE-Ol'ENEl) the above wol;
known Hotel, nnd re-filled it iu a style suitable U
tho ngo, and tho wants of tho travelling public
Mr. H. has had a large experience in hotel keep
ing, he ban no heiUition iu saying that his guests
will find his house a pleasant and desirable stop
ping plnco.
Of tho elegibln location of this Hotel for por
sons visiting the City, either on
it ii deemed altogether unnecessary lo speak,
as no Hotel in Philadelphia is hotter known than
the "Old JuiiNf Vernon."
By close attention to the wantsof Lis custom
ers Mr. H. hopes tu deserve a share of publie
N. H. liii terms por day has been fixed at th
low rato of $1.25.
Sept 22nd, 1858. 1 yr.
1VL A'; If A Jt ItAXGEVEyr.
T he subscriber respectfully announces to the pub
lie thnt he has taken the nbovo aland, in the bor
ough of ClearBeld, and is prepared to accommo
date all who mny give him a call. The public
may rest assured that it will be conducted in the
best manner possible. His table will be supplied
with the bolt the market afl'crds. His Bar filled
with the choicest brands of wines and liqnors, and
his stables will be under the care of attentive and
earcful ostlers. DANIEZ, M. WEAVER.
Feb. 11, 1857.-V.
Dissolution of Co Partnership.
rplIE underaigned, having been partners in the
business of tanning, currying, and boot and
shoemaking, at tbe St. Mary's Steam Tmnory,
have this day by mutual consent dissolved thoir
eo-partnership connection. All debts due said
firm of Q. W. Wateon A Co., and all olalmi against
them will be settled by E. C. Shults, of St Mary's,
who has purchased the interest of the other two
EU Mary's Steam Factory, Jan. 12, 1869.
no, J. t. Ir.
I'nSfTAIT Into ff t.
inn? mmi'iinrr-s i" m" - -
i li ntfli 1,1 tnl Itis t "tinly (ftn-'KllTi thsl b M
pri pnnil lo ft lnitiiellon In nlnslc
I 1'IANO, MKI.OHKM AMI H ITATl, ii tiik riirnrit i,ni'Arin -it tra nmj
ATivr T'lm r.
Sh n-fers nit nhn m tie Interested In the
... ll.a IIav. ilr. Mini Mr. M'beOll.
. I
Terms f 1 0 In H'lrnnen, or iu uu, u not i
pec. A, lSjJ.-tf.
I'Olt MM'. OK ltl',T.
" .
FARM OK HO Afltli.-I 01' I.AND, ." f
h nre clenred nml under eultlvntlon, sinift-
ted on Clenrlleld t'reek, on the main roml lenilinK
from Cleiirllcld town to ClenrtloM Hrl'le, in
Clenrlield county, l'n., nnd three miles diifiDt
from tho former place.
Tho house Is large, now, well cnleulnted for A
Tavern, nnd will eomrjinnd nearly nil tho custom
of tho watnrmen during tho frosliets, which usu-
lly liisl liom lour to six weeks. I nei e nro niso u
good llnrn, Wood Shed, Wash nnd Hake lluimo,
mid various other buildinirs necessary for convo-
n'0co comlurt. Iho terms ol suio win uo
,...,. I . f, nnnnl l,iui,,lila VftV fll T .
.1.... u,., . w.
Hut iiiformation inquire of J. I,, t'rans, Dsq. Dr.
A-,'f- sr-,:!;pr1' ''"t"?,,11, !:urri"n,r' 1,1-1t"ler-
I .. 1,1. nr K. W Wnl.l on I lm,,v Cl n l llo 1,1 eoll n-
y tu. possession enn lo given so that tho
niiycr or ronior can nave ino ucneiit ui ino spring
ousniess, Wllieil UIOIIU w ill uiiiuiu.i, lu iiiuiu i i
double tlio rent.
January 5. 185S. tf.
A NI) UK CONVERTED. The grout rovivnl
has dono imincnse good in nlinost every
I State, county nnd town in tho Uniiin, outside of
i,ieariieiu. jnorelore, in consulvrntiun ol tlio
nbovo rumor, Frank Short has taken the respon-
sibility upon himself to revive Iho Hoot A Shoo
business in Clearfield, nnd set n good example
to his fellow men. Ho bus to announce to his
old customers, nnd ns ninny new ones ns may fa-1
vor hi in wit li a call, that ho has on hand a largo
assortment of fine work and any amount of conrso 1
Also, dents' Gaiters miido to order, nnd of uny
stylo to. tii t customers. Morroeco. French calf,
and l'at nt calf gaiters constantly on hand.
Finding, for tale, kit exceirted. All work leav-
inghis.hop wnrranted not to
rip. Customers
,us ' ,7 i, .., 1 lonuer-
i Z s ,,,i ' '
v, v -....,.. i., iiii, uppueuu iiucu unit i publication of uuilv nnd wcokly journals, arm bi
ll enver ss store. Roll in boys and get new solcn vin now connected himself with such well known
or your oiu ones repnired. as soino of them stand
in great need of it.
June ,10, 19jS. 3m.
P. S. Tho pnjtnership heretofore existing be
tween John McC'nbe & tieorgo Ncwson is this
dny disssoved by mutual consent, nlid the books,
accounts, nnd all effects, are now in the hands
of F. Short (or settlement. The business will be
carried on in future by F. Short. Alas, poor Vo
rick! Jull.V MeCAllE,
I'litsr ix fihst i:vi:i!
boots & siiol::si
THAXKFl'L for past favors, nnd grateful for
future prospoets, dosiros to inform tbo citizens of
this vicinity, nnd his old friends nnd patrmis in
particular, that ho has removed t' the FlltST
KOOM iu tho East end of
The ficjt lknr HV.s' of the Mansion House.
where he has nn hsnd constantly, a largo nssort
lueut of every variety in tho
Tho very best of stuck will be use 1, nnd no
pains spnred to make neat fits nnd durable work.
All of which can be obtained from the said Joseph
Goon VERY LOW for the iikadv rmiNo.
' Clearfield, Au-. IS. 1S58.
REED ,1 WEAVER nro now receiving nn
opening a largo aud well selected Stock 0!
Goods, consisting of
Dry (Jooilti, Groceries, Hardware, Ojiocns
ware, Hwits and Mines, Oils, Paints V
Drugs, lints ami Ilomicls, Nails fc
slilkcs, alt and l'iili,
as well as every other article usually required in
the country, which they offer to the public on as
fair terms as can be had in the county. Call
and see the new, beautiful anduseful.
juno 9, ISiS.
A LL persons nre hereby cautioned against pur
chasing or mer'dling with the follow ing pro
perty, vis : Ono Wagon, two Cows, ono lot Hay,
two 102 chains, two Plouirhs. two Crosscut Snni.
.... Pl,.l, Tl. r 1. :1
,,110 '.n, . .1 o 4J-i,iu, ,ui uiicb IU 1110
ground, four neros wheat in tho ground, oneCut-ting-llox,
nnd four Sheep. The nbove property
wns purchased by me at sheriff's sale and left
with llaniel Horn on loan only, nnd subject lo
my order.
Luthcrsburg January 31, 1859. no. 4, vol. iv.
A LI. persons nro hereby cautioned ngninst pur-
cbnsing or in nny wise interfering with the
following property, now in the possession of Geo.
and L. Honey : One yoke of black and whito
oxen ; one bay liorse supposed to be about. 8 years
old, and one tw-norso wagon ns the aforesaid
property has been purchased nt constable's snle,
nnd is left with them on loan only, and subject
to my order.
tnion ip., t-ieariicia county, l'a. Jan. 26. 59
" J
, . "
Decent f if.
NOTICR is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the un
dersigned, onsthe estate of Robert Wrigley, Sr.,
late of Bradford, township, deeeased. All per
sons having business concerning the same, are
hereby notiflod to make Immediate eettlemcnt
with the administrator.
Bradford township, January 19, 1859.
ALL person, are hereby cautioned against buy
ing, or in anywise nfeddling withlhe foZ
ing property, now in the posof-snion of Dninl J
0. W. HORN.
- January 19, 1859. St.pd.
lorsal by KRATZER'S.
i ob Printing neatly executed here.
vT:YwVHTr?oTo Hall, Office. Store ftnd Cooking
one Long Sled, one lot of Hogs, and lyoke Oxen 2 fTH fh TST Tfj S '
M the same belongs to ine, and is only left with 3 JL HV T JUsl sT
said Horn en loan, subloet, m .h. w - A
Unnli in Mtitut nni smiuiti.
1111', I I ,Mi,
r1t lrAt, i,A
li f',,n., nil,. ii . I,i,
II Itnin uf htst.."-
1MIE snt'eril" f n (trenl pb n.iirc
rim Ibnt he has mode ntraiii'.mmi. i. i.
- ...r... t i i.-n .. . . -' ""iw
en rniurnt'i iiihij , n a., nn, iiir.i,
lieinest nn 1 most eotitidete Weekly Net,,.,,...
(cinesi " ' "' r'"" "' i "reniT .e,,!,,.
( e,cr t'"iin'n. n win .m " snpein rii lt)f
ablo llm i cf the Nei Yoik ,rdKrr
I talnlng nine broiid columns on on, h ,,., Si "
! ehes In leiiglh, nnd double the qiiantiiy frp,
, Inn nmller Kivn by nny weekly paper 'nonu,;
I,; tmbrnring the choicest slid freshe.l
lpr( ,clecled nnd orlir iniil.ruriiislied fr, ,( "
nd nl home. It will l.o In nil re-pc!,, i,ivi
Journnl I conlnlnlng the productions cf th, u '
, popular wrilcrs In lilienl quantity j Kiminncj
, tiU,r,.tl V,ny, Points, Anec lutes, NttM,,,,'
j;utiec of Ainuscments nnd the Art,, Ae,t tt
In Quo, ntl things wliich nre new, benutilul,
t,.reli'H nnd ntlrnctive. Kneh niimbr will cn
' ,,,; nut oil'v ft carefully condensed sync; ihj ,(
,)l0 (jamriil Ncw durini? each week, but ail ty
. Vl,ry test inlorma -leu nun jeiegriiiiuc rj
J pnti-hoH tip to tlio hour ofpiiinir to press. Th
i'nniellaiion will uot bo lin Illuslialed I'm,., .
it)l0 ,,i,.r0 pIi.-oIh nro, Mil it win contain beauii.
. , 1 . n ., . I I.'., .... i ! n IV 1, r n lit.,..
! U! A'esi)(ii i,t," i,ihn, remit
Hti)triite ami ornament n subject.
Tho subscriber lias already engaged a Corn-
I'.... 1,11., ilnm. ' 1 ruin of Slnr " i,1 .
of Conlriliulors, "a irinnoi Nars, uin-nunlL.l
for genius, brilliancy, nnd reputation by then of
t nny i.r journal now piihlislicil, no mntter bt
nxay no its prciens oils. 11 is wan no slight gri
tilication Hi" "o nnncunces ins success in
ter 2.iiK, f c1' persuasion, the able anil experi
enced s;n-ice. n Kentleinan, so long audio
justly eminent, Sir. l'nrk llenjainin. Cunnte.
prim-s, whether ns Editor, Author, or public spot.
, ker. tlto uiiuio of Sir. Ileiijuiiiin ia uu auiriirv of
jeertnin good fortune.
'fbo puhlio may rest assured that no nieani
w jH b0 untried by the subscriber to soeare i
I grand nnd brilliant sweomplishment of his effort
t establish tho largest and best wnkly paWr
' ever published sinro nothing will be left u,,,l,,.
that can be done by talents, capital, experience
learning, und a resolute experience. ''
"The Constellation will mainly recommend it.
self to a cordial and g-nerous support from ti
very best people by its observance of good in
avoidance of .vil. It w ill bo an unobjectionable
nnd perfect family newspaper givimr oflVos. i
, ,, ... r ii lv llio favorite alike of l,,,n
f young nnd old. Uue snbscriber.liaviug bsd
np"rl' a llllirll'r 11 contury'i e.rperience in th,
ving now connected niuisclt Willi such noli known
nnd valuable odilorilal aid ns he bus therein, flat
ters himself ihut this new enterprise tiill stones.
ntchiere a popular favor and success unparallel
ed in newspaper enterprises.
Tbo terms for "Tho Constellation," ill be two
dollars per an mini each, when ten copies areitni
in ono envelope to one address.
Twenty-eight copies to one address, $4 0 00.
Five copies do. do. $12 fO,
Two copies, do. do. $5 On
One copy do. do. including postage or
delivery, " 3 OA
All subscriptions to be invariably in adtsnct.
Single copes, I'ivo tents. To Newspaper ngi-nts,
$;) 60 per 1110
A Into Saturday evening edition will be pub
lishcd, nnd left early Sunday mornings nt tbe
residences of City subscribers, by regular cariers,
employed by tho publisher. Thoso who desire
to commenco w ith the first number, should send
in their subscriptions md orders as early as pes
siblo since, ow ing tn the immense size of the
sheet, only such numbers will bo printed as mij
bo ordered.
All orders and letters to tie addressed to the
12 nnd 1J, St Street, New Yak.
Nov. 17, IS.'iK.
rrillE undersigned subscribers, take this meth
M. oil of informing the public generally, thai
they Lavo this' day entered into copartnership ii
nnd can be found nt the shop formerly occupied
byj. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo
rough, whero they will be pleased to see the r old
customers, and ns many new ones as can make
it convenient to givo them a call.
I'riug on your hoes, your spades nnd picks,
Your log chains nnd your pulling sticks,
Your slcls, your sleighs, your horse, your mars.
No three-year old shall thcu go bare.
Your spears w ill work up then just rilit,
To prooning hooks for every height.
Your swords too, shall then bo wrought.
To ploughshares such ns Coin ne'er bought.
ilEO. W. ORll.
ClearOeM, December 8, IS j?. tf.
M'HE Subscribers offer the following valuable
Renl Estate at private sale, situate in Becct
rin township, Clearfield County, containing ONE
two tracts or parcels lying contiguous, vis 1
with a Saw-Mill thereon, nud Ten Acres cleared,
aores, with About thirty acres cleared. Bola
tracts are well timbered with Pino Timber, and
nro well suited for lumbering, nnd would suit
nny ono wishing to go into the business. Ther
Will bo sold separately or tog, tber, to suit pw Terms one third of the purchase mo
ney in hand, anil tho balance in two yearly psr
uieuts. For further particulars inquire of
Admin'utratort of the Entatt of Abraham S. -
9! tircntcil.
; January 19, 1S59. tf.
TaTOTIflV All ... wbr notion'
IN that the undersigned have each a rliim"
I one fourth of what was the interest of Patnc
n V 7 . .. : , . . ,1,. si
Rafferty at the tune of his decease, in lbs M
, acres of land, in Penn township, now advertised
1 for sale by order of the Orphan's Conrt, al the
property ol iohx RafTcrlv.
dec, 29, 1858. 2t pd.
No. 33, North Second Street
Opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia. '
The Subscriber resttorlfntltr infnrml bis friendi
and the puhlio renerallv. that he has taken tbe
- I IZtL ? AVfc S,MTi' SECD
- I . .d ?ri!n . " ,e' "' '
Ha hail nnw tn hnnA inlfinlirl sort m out df
of the latest and most approved kinds, at whole
sale and retail. WM. C. NEMAN,
No. S3, North Second Street, Philadelphia.
N. B. Tour particular attention is unite"1
lore. Offices, Stores, Halls, Cars, Ae, wbici ftr
econemy, purity of air, and ease of management
has no equal. W. C. N-
i.0dd Castings for all kinds of Stoves, o
band. . .
September 9" IV -3mo.