Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 16, 1859, Image 3

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    i VMIIV UP
l o m t Mails.
I i t- t I to Mule,
e m
tUl It Li.
n, the u, v. M. I,. ,tB. Itxnii
,,11 ii i-m ii in ' " i'" ii-i t'lini i n iii i ic.'ir.
on ..ttn.l' v i vi'iiiiic tin r.Mh, nil
' .i .1. . i. I .... I. : .. .
' i ,.. t. .. Ii... . : i .
,IV IMl' "HI .'inn H llllillil,
A ' Fugitive" Tocm.
The following lilies 1 :V It lily lo mil,
fuiitivo, Hating " ii lotion i iv il III, 'in I (,r
I .!...! ! I 1 . . .
oiiri King i llt, t't!'i from hlicnce lio
rc.,nu'il, nml I'liiccil tlicin in our lunnls.
In ffiiit of .ly(uliusH o ilotonnincd
,0 nulllisll (licni, VIOI'O OI1 Ut'('Ollllt of (lilt
- .
unusual mnniicr in which tlicy cutno intn,on n c,"0W'lJ.'J inaikct mul
our jtowfi-mn, than from nny other nw-I
ti,e; tutmnco wo liavo read them nioio
,VL.rillly 'o have conclmlcil that they
IwsoSuincicm inu.usic mem lo entitle ot wind ami rain, whkh imrool'e.l bcvcuI "'"'' t(1 Alitor of tho Fanner, Jlam
iJiomtoai.lacoinour columns. We do building nml committed -encrally hav ..m.o"t0ll . A!Il,'' County, .Netv .Jersey. I
not siil'poso them original, yet wo have oeamon-the fencomf r.!f ' nr.. Vl,l"S t'llt'lll' 'ami, of tho best!
B0 recollection of having met with tl,em'd,.,age ,vh doubtless done l,v this ",.,
before Who that rends them can re.
ilrnit n livir l.t tin ,
w lu "'-i- - ."v, iiiuiiuij u.
Poor Joe.
'e hull never see him more,
Never more, poor Joe!
Iiistant from (he pleasant bhoie,
Tlicro ho died, poor Joe!
There to sleep,
Fathoms deep,
The raging waves below
Tlicro to stay
Til! the day,
When the final trump shall blow
l'oor Joe !
Friends or kindred none were near,
None were near, .poor Joe !
None his sinking heart to cheer
When he dieJ, poor Joe !
None beside
When lie died,
His parting wish to know
Thus nlono,
Thus unknown,
lio received tho final bhuv
" Poor Joe '.
Tlicn there was n mournful wail
On the air, poor Joe!
T'was tho shrieking of the gale,
As he died, poor Joe !
And the waves '
In their caves,
Made pitying murmur low
While the surge
Moaned a dirge
As his body sank below
l'oor Joe !
Fure-thee-well so dear to me,
Very dear, poor Joe.!
Than a brother e'er could be,
Far more near, poor Joe !
Thou dust sleep
Fathoms deep,
Where, angry tempest blow -Would
that 1
Now could lio
I'.y thy side, tho wave bclu.t
l'oor Joe !
Si-ring. "Come gentle spring, ethcri-
il mildness come '." So said the poet, and
to we rcpuit in dull but lamest n-o.e ;
and gentle spring lias responded to Ihe
call. For nearly u whole week the wea
llicr litis been delightfully mild and geiii-
for the season. A c!c:ir blue sky above
our heads, and uoai.acious bed of soft
mud beneath our feet, forcibly reminds
us that the vernal season is near nt hand,
if not already upon us. And w hat plea-
mrc-uMo emotions the ndvent cf this ea
on produces in nil he,u-U that enjoy the
light of the bcituteous hiiKLciipe, the foa-
mini tot-rent, the roaring cat.uuct, or the
nir.lP5lin fil-fH. ctt.,l l!.r. .tt.ll,!
j ...,, v.. Uj
inotr lrotn tho deep valley nnd us-'
cending mountain sides. 'Tis the signal
' 1 is the signal
atwliieh every thing of life, animate or
uiaimiiaic, which has lain inert und tor.
prJ during tho dreary stagnation nnd
gioomot winter, renews once moie its ex-
-teace, and awakes again to the bliss of.& 1RV, X. Spruce Slre. t, Nc-wV uk,
wtive hfe. Kven man himself seems to ftt jo ( U ppr rinunl) ..,,,1 mailed, p ..tge
partake of tho renewing energy, nnd to fj.oo, to any p:-rt r-f the United Slat . or
thare the transnortsof awakening life. All i -,,'. ., '
Ult.Bprin,.! ; " 1
Ji'CuLD. Two young men who laid evi
dently been indulging too ficcly in tight
ingwhiskey, were put in jail kv-t week for
luive nnd riotous conduct r.t the public
house of Dr. A. T. Schryver on field
Tcek. Thev came to Dr. S's. vert- much
nto:;iiterl nud demanded .lifpior, which
ri properly refused them, and being very
B.U.U incensed thereat, thev became vi-,
'-nt and disorderly, upon which tho Dr '
i.e 11,,., ,t 1. ..i.. ; i.. ri. i...:i.i:..
1i,;.. i.i .-ti i " ,
SJilS Oniil "Oi 1 llinm tlill ntnrt ol tn ,P
,.-... a.,,v, V. f..J I, ,
tliern undertook to break down the door!
to effect :
wedetl in breukina- tho lock ahent'orst
Ward hov in .,!, !,. t, ,!!,.. wilts
'ook measure to arrest the
!tAh 1 1 mi no succeeded iu dome a:ter,coui.ny iieia ... ........
atrouble They were brought to town'
nd handed over to tha car of the Jailor,!
, " wimnvnuDjiM,
"Wa unlejs releiwed by some process of
.theywill probably remain until the,
net, ,A-m r . , . ., . i
.lull ui .Ajuri io answer tvnui, iiiny on
charged against them for their unlawful lv
I'wumgs. 1 he names of tliese young
"'a, we understand, ro John and ir
'im Ball, although thev cave other name
t the hearing before the Justice. They
lv been working for Mr. Pyerson Clear
fie!4 crock, and were regarded as civil in
'trious men.
Tj 1
ia our new advertisements : somc-'i
"'"g of imjwtance ruay be found inpcrandwe think differs littlo from the
he- ,17" , - ,
AduiiuiMtratora and Auditors no-i
,r;,won',',''cr,"Bftl0SlBnu rra'! ?T
-w im its Mirn7inni artri a b-b w-ii iiiira wii.ii m.
wvaritv . . ,
It W 1lil tl
Minn...,, ((, , (
I til eon,"
'iHiiiig,,,,, 'II, ,;., i,
'"' lull' tl Mlleit Mi-lnliy )i
' 1 1 1 . II it
i t' M il fl,l. N,..v ,,r
i . ., 1 1 . . . . .
M'1'1'' I'll I'm' tint-
' ' " "I I'"" t.'m he,,, ,,,,,
111 n i, . I . I ... I 1
""'I Ml I, , ,l.
l'Vlmin ,s
I" "imikt I, ,,, i,,.v
,1. , r i
. ' ""nun;., everything
m.- ri
till lit I it il l-.i Cl ..Ml 1
1 " " "I IIHVO lllMI.l -,
,1 1 ""r "roanm; u ,i , ,
In. in nr Mtvanm
lCllllllll. ill I ...I . ,. '
.tonus will nl i,, . ,
I IlImi.I . 1 ... . ' t
iy i,e
.-mi. wi um ii miutlifr winter
The liuvoi- li. l.iiv. ...;n .
ii... i-i .i
"lull pi-u IIKIMOl'K
' """ " "-7 "ve to M leel, , t1(
' tiH -V
irjjo calculations
lo'V .riW, tin,
o.v onus niis
nml m-tter not tniiUo loo 1
. . .
itoiim. i art o our count v wnu i l.;,.,.i
on last Friday night with n ,,rifti0 Morn,
which nearly equalled u toi n.ulo l,t. ...
1. ...... i i .i
u u umy iiearu mo iartieular
s of one or!
two cases.
TI... , , ...
.in- i,,i ttas lilKi-nolot Mr.
Itobert 1 I'DiuH'il' I . i
lioucit J.eonalds barn in '.io.-hen town-
ship and considerable dama-n was done to
his fences At Mr M. ,1 ; 1
Al (ljdesin Lawrence
;tp. the root was taken off tho WooddWo
and carried sonm distance nml ;,,,.
I ,., ... , , ' 1,11(1 a
.(plaiitlly ofienee blown down.
I AiciDt.M- on the river. We have been
; infornied that a man whose name wo could
not learn, w as seriously injured the last ol'
last week, nt or near Salt Lick. We did
' not ascertain tho extent of his injuries,
I l"it they were regarded as .serious.
I Anotii, Wo understand that while
cn-iaued in securniL' a luenl; 1, ,.... r ....n. I
which occurred ut Lock Haven lt 1
S11...I,.., n... ; : , . ... ,
., c'. I " , 3
H.iuiU KJUl llliuril II1L (11(1 1U1I li;H'll
, mm two or three ot his lingers taken oil"
I by being caught in a coil of rope.
I We have just learned that it was Mi
I James Stewart of lhadl'ord tp who liad
jhis fingers lacerated by 11 rope at Lock
jllavcn on last Sunday morniinr, as above
stated. -
! A.NOTllLIt
Stoum. Another storm of
w ind and rai:, visited us during night
fore last. e have not heard ofany dam-,
j age being done by it.
Tiulv this is "win-
dy March.
The Limi-.kii T.-iapi:,-
-Cur people are
now-in tl,.. full ibl,. f il,,,;.. ,.r,;...
lotions Ten -I. 1,,.. i !i . ..... 1
run- i
:ning order, unit already u considerable
por:ion of the timber has been run safely
'.hrotigh to Lo
A few rafts have
jbecii wrei.ked on the way, but dis.Msters of
i t!io kind hiivo not bt cn as numcrotis us
;freiuently liaiijicns. This is owing in
part to the diminished ijtinutity of limber,
iiiui ine navigation ueiiig consciiieiilly '
lest crowded.
v-v,.... -, 1 i , i , i ,., -1 , u r it low tor a lew moments so tu to pre
lias done more in three years to popuiar- I vent olis'rrinjr. Hrenking m' ohi nnevs
lii t!ie science of account, than any oth- 'avoided, by turning the bhiz..- on gradual
er institution in tho c"ott;,lry. Advertises ' ,
the most ixtetisively pavs'the most lib- ' To u"e ns "'.'d htinji, re-ti in;, as the
eral s-d.tries-euiploys thtt Let talent-l'l k I'1' f
gives tho most thorough and practical cd- i i ""Tt'T' "V'0
' i lion More on N'ooiul Street, one iloor
ticuiuu to gr.iU'.i.Ues, and is re'.v.irded by I south, of Moore & Etzwiler's.
having the largest institution of the kind,
in thrt Union, lmm'iering at this time up
wards of 030 students.
On otir Table
Xnrs From IL
is the title of ii neal.
and spirited little paper devoted to for-
eign news from all parts of Great lliitain '
1 .1 - , i ?..... 1 e
anu uie v.oii linen : , ine nisi utiiinH-i' oi
which has just been received. It is ccr-'
,llinlv a very desirable iournal for the ex-
tainly n very desirable journal for the e.
! "
lie irom his native land, n.s it gives in a
!COndensed form tho news from home
'wi,), il0 .voui(l imv0 t0 glean xolumes to
0jUltu I'u'oFshed weekly by Town, how
,. , , c , . I,- I .,'
.Mah.-alaiid .S,r,..-.-f Jiyrtv.W o have ,
been chowii a neat and well printed mod-
'icid jo, irnal bearing this title, which we.
think should meet with favor among that
c t,- i . i . , l rt ,..; i
profes non. h is devoted to the interest ..
of the disciples of the healing ai t exelu-,
Hvely : art I contains original ;
muiiications, illu.-lii.tivo of hospital prae-
IU H'I'llll?, HUM id tit iniMi. ,u ii
It is rmblished weekly in
S. W. Utttler and It. J. Seirs, M. D., at $3 ,
1 : , l, nn.l 1irrwlirl1 I T)i)tVl
per annuiii in (utvance.
The Central Pre, LV-llefonto
Fa. np-'
rears in its last issue in
an entire new
dress, head, type and every thing else. I
appearance is very much enhanced
'i,. , i -.r i. ..ooioi
he lively gentle- thereby and it .s now one of tho neatest
ed iu doinu after, country papers in the State. Wo buvo
on)y to regret that wo can notcoinmend
its 'political course as heartily ns we can j
i ,...,...
its mechanical appearance.
Lktllr, Livina Aac.-Ve refer our read-1
ers to tlie prospectus Ot tuisyailinniewceh.-,
nuiKtuino to bo fouud in another rol-
umn ye regard tho A:e as one of tho
mou, mstrucuvo anu cnieriaiiinis iiiuSu-
zlnes now published, nnd deem it well
worth the price of Bubscription.
The Bed, While & Blue, b'Aho name of a !
new literary weekly Newspaper, tho pub-j
lieulinn of which hasiust been commenced
pt;inlolnbla. lt is a verv readable na-t
v... - 1 "- 7v,t pttcent that Svlvanus
- tw
Cobb Esq. don't write ita romance, nor
Gordon Bonnettits pootry. See
advertisement for particulars.
T' r., ',s i ,, I,. ,',. -idi,
t'-:.Mi ,-, K v l,.i. b,., hit,,.,., ,t j,.
l-r-VMl 1,mi,n -v, ),,,! .t, ,- ft,
"vet;d v,.l,i,.l,,. f, ,,(,,, n,.,, , j( .
1 " '"V " ' f "'' " h,,., nml ,,
fl....iH l.,Mtitl,t it. p , ,
"'""" ' y Ttv,,.., , A M. Kmnn,
i'li li.liiii.
J'tc Mi i,t i ., ;,, ; ,, ;.. i ...... i.i..
,, ,
tt IT Kit
it.. . . .
. . i in "I 1, III i Ill .till I-
oi.gnnciii i iiy, Washinyio,, Co., '. J( is
oni. ir Li Cilv V,,.l,; ,. ,, ... I
! a ni'iil im,l it .11 i.i
. " untl w
ai ami well cumin
ome it loom- lit.
", ,
'Il K HAMMuNTtlV I'tl'MI'l, i
; ,1(,Ws. , ' ' , " 'i-
'rultur , . ' ''r'n"'0 "lul AJ?"
lit,,,,., Hi.,,, hotting loi tl, full mvoiint,, ol'
. n ... i ,F,ini hi
iiio Hew Hi'tllenient of llainmoutoii, i n
-ev deoev.
an Lu suIimci iljed for nl
'' . M-o for 10 nlllonnt
uiei.daful .Tim.!.,. Z n,"1.,"?t
' vertisement oMIaminonton Lands' '
, " " ,. ., " T, . .
, " l'J ""teio casi; oi ,-soro of livi
' ....... t- .
VOT" canning, was cured by the use of
1)1 ; Vlt!'!iMTvivi,, ,
.- n . U " ""
' "st sootl"i' uad pain (,uiel dig lt-
Urlt ca bo had In Fr vsii-!,s ,.!
, r , ,, , i-' las ol
I U'X' lt ollen re,,'ovy l'n in
, ten minutes.
. .
r A l( AL I.A.N US FOU SAI.Ii S .Ml LI'S
FKU.UrillL.U.KLPlll.v bv in I
the State of New Jersey. anion;; tl,e
best lor iigrietiltiiral iiurpo-e-, be;n-.' a !
good loam soil with a clay bottom. , The ,
land is a largo tract, divided into small
liirins, and litindri ,)s from all parts of the I
country are now settling and imililintr.
The crops can bo seen growm... Terms i
fro. 11 Sb) to.s2(l per acre, iiav.iblj within
four years bv iiis'almenu
Jo the i
1 '!'"' 1-cavo 'ino- si. ivlmi
' at l'hladel-
II""11' "l i
plua, at Ti A. M., bv l.'ailmad lor Ham
""""to", or mldrcss J. .1. rm-s l.y letter
'('( II in r,iil,...M,t,..,
ni aiioi her column
Jones' I'atext Kkkoskn:: tm Com. On.
Lamps! I'shivai i.r.u t Lkai tv, Smri.iri
KV. .SafETV (Ut L, OMitif ! ', ,,
, desiring to obtain the VKUY 'i'.6L' uud
i T portable liglit wiihin their
"iT''' ."''e"1'1 cul! aU(i VX;,,1:;'"!
s iui.i'e jiuii-nasiiig tsseWiiei-Oj and
we pledge ourselves to ti, monstv.'.tc 1st.,
that no itecident can occur bv e.-. 'iiosion
.l . 1 ... . ,i .. ',- '
Z tZ Z vc
eisily trimmed 1th., that ti.f -.' are i-a.-ily
I'eguliited to give more or less !
I ,,I I I , 1 I- i . .
1 J uuiiicillliuiv UIV UOaiMlKlKt!
,U., tliat the light is at
'.'It .VI I er Miit.
,. . . ' .
-"caper than liny other l;gf:t now in com-,
moil use.
, . , ..
. . Thi?se lam,,s areudniii.V,
it lilll'eil lul'
u u 0i- Si.,,,,,., M, .,,,,.!
streets. Factories 1 L,1U ( 'i,,n .I,,.- s,.-,,....
1 , , . , . .... ' '
U..I.A. i ....
", ..iv i.iui.iy leioiiiuienueu ior
oigiiiy reeoniiiieiHieil lor
4.. i iny use.
" e &nt' I'wfwt saushwijon in all
Koniove the cap, ;:aturaio and t,im Ihe!
wic.c even with tho tube, renlaee the cm ,
tnl (,
wick un lliioil.' II t he (ii.eniio'. i
1.. :. .....i i , ., ' :
mo., .inn nun lt (.town uciow tne op, Mi
i.-tg, attitisi tne ( I
ll allow it to
WTT a't TIT:?" pVraa" V
VVllAi. Ill- rab but.
"C)-tm:'s" Kxtor.niinitors are inviiluiis
ble remedies for clearing houses of ad'
sorts ol vermin. With ull confidence wc i
recommend them. .V. '. l),,;i S,n.. ?,.'
, ,, ,. i
Lostars remedies for oil domestic
Jiests, sue!i as Hats, lioaches, Hed-Lugs, 1
Ants, Fleas, &c, are invaluable ; we can
ci i. I'.....,. c.i .... i i. . t..i .. , i. . . . . .. :
. ,... . :
j,s. lM,.ei,ts and dealcts" shouhl "end !
il. .' .. 1 '' . . I.. .. ' i
iiieir oniers early, II I ney would SOJlire a
trade in them. .Vc York Journal.
. "! hM writ0 !0,,ol,.'i,,S !lljout .vour
termiiiiitors, us I can do so with iironi i,.-
tv. Thev are sellim- rnnidlv he.-o .i,l
troying ull veiailn. LJ. :'jAmur," ',,. I
As nn" app,-oaehe
Ants aud" Ko.u-hes,
From their hole- ronie out,
Anu Mice and Fats.
tl.Ult SMP llllOlll.
,,.(j-. IJut!J bjtft
'o:, in tho nir:ht,
As or tho bed you slumber
' ' libels crawl
1 .irougii chamber and hull,
Jn . ;i,i0 ,. mlmlioi.;
w.1tlntyf Mitl, :,uK.s
(lK,i;nd Mice, 1'.. d I'-ugs, Ants, Moths,
M A, ilntiM.a 1 lima I iin.da i,i A innl'iL'
inwoiiiinvi., .v a , j J. a I : i 4 1 1 ,
i" fhort every spe. ics of Vermin, uro lit-
u exterminated by I
, , t ,-o T . " . l
Costar's Rat, Roach,'.&o. Exteraiijiator, i
Costar's Bed-Buij Exterminator, j
Costar s Electrio 1 owdor for insects.
Supplied direct by mail, to any address in
the Lnite.t Mates as lullows:
(.m recei'it o: fi oo, a nox oi i.ic tia
Kx(pnnillllHr '.
Un receiut of !?'2 Oil. a box each of tl
tin receipt of 1 00, a box of the Hat,
un receipt ot imi, n nox each oi the
Hat, Koaeh, ic. of the Exterminator, and
Klectric 1'owder (sent postage paid,) .uf.
ficient to destroy tho vermin on any pro .
s ,,w nu,.tUlt uml Dealers IvcrvlTjTZ
rC -
''CostarV' rrlneirml Depot, 4C0, Kroad-
way, rtew l ork.
v . - - .
T SI f 'ieeiiliivs. terms. ,te.. Rent Lv
rnail on application,
.Wiioi.r.sAi.K Acents rott resNsvLVAsiA: .
Northeast corner Fifth and Arch Streets,
t- a ,j :
I""- e,
' ..
To all wanting Farms, tee advertisement of
llammonlon iMnas.
AU K,a,.,,-,w to emirate l a mild climate.
nnod soil, andfine rnarket, lei advertisement (f.
j Iltxmmcmton i,ands,
Nt,w AnvrniisF.MJMs
A(lmitiis1inliis ,oti, r,
u.rn a v or .iivavvm 7
ON" llir- rlut,. ,.f .t,,ll,tl I,,,,,., ,ir V,.
tiiii..,i, !'!,., ,j, ,..,,,, ,1. c,.i, ., I, ,,,t
'" " s'""l'-d l'i tho iin, I i.i,;,,,. I, nil ,"- ,.
I hi mi; i,ii.., ,,r ,,.,inK ,,,,1, ,!,, ,
.ire ti.ii,..-ir, ,,i iniiltn i tt it. , . 1 i t .etilcui, nt.
.n M II 1. VAN'S,
('. I'iiI.V,
.. Muivli til, f.
( A ,l,
' M'
mm. i, Vi, I,
.M'lirnurs Mniri:.
' 1 l""rl "f r"",m"n ,M,'n" "r '"tM ( o.,,..
'," tl.o lininoy uriMiix fr,., ,ho (lo
:f i'su rimnim- uf jul,le, M. I.omm, J
, ..." r. , , i,, .num. .ti, i.ooiiaia,
iiitU-o Hint ho will nttn, to the uniiio, nt
in nllme ot l.nrnnor 4 Tent, in I'li-nrlM,!, on Ha ine iimiol April, lx.ill.
l.SHAKf. TKST, AuJihr.
Cli-ui field, .Mari-h llllli, ISiU. o. U, vol. It.
U r oL-c Klnte ,f A
J'ttwltT Sh.
!"LJ' tou-ndij.
L'Lai!cld ( ( null,
, , ....
The uiid, rmtjned auditor, appointed l.y the Or
,.l,,.-. r- ..r ;.'
1 . , u .""" lu ' "'nu not to bo cxo,Me,l anywhoro in t he iirod
I rT'rt ul,on ,I,B Pllr,i"1 """"a' Jeoltion of croim most adapted to its murluit.
M"I,0,"u';u,tur ,r Alexiinder Slono tho above
i n""H'd "' .ll0ru''y S've. notice that he will
1" V" 'T'V T n Ha -
ur.lay. the l.,tl, day April next, nt Ihe office
1 ""T i m "' "'' S',""'"' 1
at IDoirlwk, A. M. tvlieu and tvl.ere nil por.-ns
: interested ejn uiion it they P,. pr.,p,;r.
II. hAltJUMI-:!;, .I7,'f
MiU-i-h 1G, lsi'j.
no. ), vol. iv.
L, per.-ons are heri-by IinlilieJ i,,(,t to har
bor or lrtit 111 v wife I'h"be on lur nei-uuiit,
us i-li lias left my be-1 mi l b.i ird tvhbnat any
just eause or pruvoi aliou ; and I am ili ti.vni'.ne i
not lo pay any debts of her eontr.ieling after this
l'HIT.TP KlltKl'R.
March 9, IS j'J. lit. pd. r.o. 9. vol. iv.
II.M i.Mj largely inereiiM"! its cin-uh-tinn
AVLVU largely im-reiiM-l its ein ulrtio
B.M. past year, tile publi.-liei s arc enabled to ap
pend tho new an. I attractive feat, we of a s.-ries
of I.iti: it a :i v A vi) s-VtrsTiric I'mtniAiT.-, tcra-
veil on steel, cacli ut whieli will o,, aeciinpauie 1
ny a jiiiigiapuicai .iicinoir, inns i,n iii-i.n ;; in n.i , ,aale mid an opo.i uintor.
read. ts, irt only tho c, ,,; ,. ' ',., ,'';.: There lire thn-e trains daily t) I'liila lephia,
LilmiturK uf thr. World, but also a roiuplct: land to nil li-o-o who iinorovo, tho railroad coiu
Iliustrnted liiogr.ipliieal llietioiiary, comiiien- i pany gives a free ticket.
ciiig with t'n. lWtvait- f pe (iiiin-ey, fu'.b.weil i The reader tvi.l ut once be f I ruck with the ad
by Hugh Mi!!, r, W. It. l'rcscoit, l'r..'e--.ior Wil- 1 vanta-.-rs hero presented, ami ask himself why
son, Charles Lamb, Oberlin, Humboldt, if. Mho pipeity has not been taken up before ; tho
" , reason is, it was never thrown rinto tho market ;
''I say without lie sit at ion, tout if I could have j and unless the.-e statamenls weio correct no ono
but one Ma,azhi3 among u'.l that tiro published would be invited to examino (holund before pur-
, in uui i...,, x Miouii.i Boit-ci -uiiien s i.iviug
! A,,n. tl cmlfifPH I,, titwl, llm friililen tnfiiliiiin
l.,orn,n li,.l,t
und solid articles, between mero
I I -.,..,.,-,., . ....I .
,o, u ii,ui, i ,,., ,i 6i,-.
deal of knutvlclgo may be gathered up from it,
I such as every one ought to poises". . ' fnc !
1 ..,,. ,1 I. . .
'l',l .'!(! Jit IUI1 ,1 ITU UCi rtltl .
tkiims. Hlnglo numbers, l.'i cents ; vearlv sal
, n'ription, u prcpaut to any iniiitos. hu'i.-cnp
ii,!K tnr r 1,.
'period il desired, special teiiiis
; tu c'lci-.-ymcu and club.-
i JUh-u, &J3 JJu;,., X )'.
"t. no. 'J, tel. iv J
To u( ,r.:t;--j :,,...-,. ,
1 h'.llUlH)ht:ja J.n,
All wnnlirui to rnu iiMlc
utt-rrttMCi,t a
i inilil cHi
1 lined 1'i'tl, itii'i Jin' iiuirkt t,
i 11 tii';'''nlon LiiHih.
Tha ririlade-lphia v eeldy
7 V'iT-.jn
1 'iJ J.J
Is one of t lie largest und best lilustraied Lite
rv Pa;.crs in the Vniied flatej.
An Tmpcvbil Qiiartoceulaining nud lac;.ia!i.-..
reading matter, fiom the pens f the bc-l Am, ri-
can authors,
One copy for ono year, two do.Iars au.l two
H ".llUl.tll. .
(iro copy for two years, three d;!!ars and fifty
cents and four rremliinis.
Ono copy for threo years, fivo dollars and six
On a ,,v r..y r,,-A .n... , ,t,.ii..P. .,.i
Three copies oua year, fivo dollars und six pre
miums. live copies ono year, eight dollars aud t-n
Ion copies ono yo.r, fifteen dollarsand twenty
prelum nis.
Twenty ono copies ono year, thirty dollars end
forty-two premium'.
. Those pelting i:p n club of ten rub-cribei-s, nnd
remitting til'tcn dolhirs. will be entit!d to an
extra copy. free : and thoso sending llerlv dol
lars for Uvenly-one copies, will bo entitled to a
copy nnd premium free.
lCvery suWiWr to the "Weekly "Jed. While
nnd Illoe,"w .11 be entitle i to two .remiuiis,v. r,-;h
'frotn fifty cut", to fivo hundred doiltir-, by the
payment of t rfeuiy livo cents on each. As ,o,,n
ns tho subscriptitni in-jney is'e.l, l!u sub
scriber willbo ill i .lined by :r what hi- pro
miutiis iire, aii l then it is opLioieit whetlier ho
pnyj tiie twenty-live cents oa each, an! tnkes
' the prciiiiaiiis '.r not.
i. HO FC
twenty liv
lowing Li-
r. It
The premium (hat no soli to subscribers for
o cents each, are toiiipnseil in the fei
nt :
6 Pianofortes,
5 U. S. Treasury Notes, -;io '
10 Uoid w'atches, 1 all "
20 do. 10 "
j do. 7i "
iO f-'etving Machines, 74 "
200 Gold Watches, 75 "
ot)0 do. id "
oOO .silver Watches, 30 "
500 Silk Dress Patterns, 25 "
30(10 Silver Watches, I" "
1000 (iold Chains, 10 to 25 "
Oold Rraeclets, Armlets, Nock Chains, Cninon, !
Florentine, Mosaic nnd, Hold Ktono Setts, (Iold
' and Silver Thimbles, Hold Ear Drops, It iiitrc. 1
. HIS, .,. v.3, v., r, , . ...... k .. . . ...a, ...
other articles worth from f0 cents to twelvo
All communications must bo bo nddrossc I to
A. M. BROWN i. Co.,
1 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Aleuts wanted In nllptirts nf tho I'nitel Slates
and Canada, to sell Hooks, Music, Jewolry, Oold ,
Pens, Pencils, ic an.I receive subscriptions tor I
tho Rki, White and
Caltiloguol-and numbered certificates, will ba
eut to those wishing to act as Agents. No cap
ital required.
All newspnpors giving the above advertise
mcnt 13 insertions, will bo paid $3, in Gold
Pens. Jewelry, Hooks, or Music, payable within
30 dnyi after recoiving the first number con
taining the advortiseiucut. ,
uo. a, oi. it.j
Constables Blanks for sale at this Office. .
II M M l Mil ,
t l I .. .. fl,1
I 7)
IN 4 Iv iM r
I'd.'. I. ii Ii
". i i Mt in ft iii 1 1 . r, .
,1 ('m I i .. I i M,, ,,,,,,,
t. An 1 1 i-.i . r .
mi. I, 1 , N, .1,..
I ..rn ,.., ii" I t r
to, i. "ii n, r,-i j,
,'l Mill lUH. Ill I-,
'I I I ' rill l.l ,WIM( n.
Tl r. I i. .,1 II,.- I , i t v
I"r Hi" . i-. . I . I "hi nl truin, r A ". I m ,.
if i.i in . ii,. rn ip jut n. r,., it ihn in m-.t
leiiv j-eniiy luiiili,i..iitii itiilnn n linn nf f-mr
ill ,ir,l r to I ii mi I it I !i ri, ii' I ...... V.i ..r 1 1.!
lilllil, l.f l-lianill. rrn-y l.i.l, ,, ,, ,., , , (
, I" I
hi oi, ii i nmr it.
eltH 1'xti-ii-iv, ly niirnveil Iiy
.I rnii'l-i. ntil
F U III' (il llie lll'nt rltir.en..rklir
KiikIiiihI nml Hie Mid lie MiiIim me ei, , i.
lurco iiniroveiiieiiln. Il inn n-ene oftlie jrreii-
iiiirovenient i.iit of I'liilhileliililn. Ssvunty
' 1 ""I"". " "i i ii 1 1 !i,,,i i) i ti, ,sovonlj
fl.' l'"""' Imvo Imilt In four montlm. l'nic
ticnl tnriners mnl l)iiiitii,a men from the k-irjlli
iiiui hrenillli ol Hie I iimn are nettling there. 1 1
iun Important biininem place, on in-eoiuit of lt
heinif In tho niiilft ol'n prent maiket. Kvery nr
lielo raised on lliiH land lln Is un inimediato sale.
The ttalor in cxeollent, andnaiuch thing as fj
ver in known.
Tho soil i.i a inndv or ilny luam, wiih a r,iy
4fli,innd ref'-iifiM of iniiiiur,.. ft i f nf
'Moneii and oasily worked. It abounds largely in
, Ihe phosphates, and mill U its I, rtility that from
tliA f nil i a iii-nfliinml )k,.ili niton tl.:.. I i i .1.
1 r.-...s, wvn. iip-ui iiua uiuu uiiu lllO
- 1 large area adjoining under cultivation, it will bo
-.v" ..... v...... , win
Tho roarter may l,o will nttnro that tho enrli-
est and m
1 Now Jersey, which arj annually exported to
amount of millions of dollar-; tlioland, l.ej
Mn ,p0"il,, ia - ' fr feniiuer..
,, abundant supply of the best miality of u:
J I. timber luid building inaterials can be had cn
llnfTpot at u eh..ii price, from tho mills. Other
mills arc now being opened, and brickyards be
i ing started on tho groiiud, A perton cau put up
a Inline- tenement for present cmveiiience for one
hundred dollars. On account of tho extensive
i-inii.-iavi.,ii, hum n tie D st course to pursue i:l i
on , i- lo get u plueo to lit',) in at lir.t. Carpenterj
and buildora uro on hand to put un houses on tho
I best t"rms,
I In settling hero the emigrant has many ad-
vantages, lie is within n lev hours rido of the
I great cities in tli2 Middlo Ktatei mid Xew ling
j land; ho is near his old friends and associations;
I he is in a settled country, u hero every improvo
.iu, 'lit and comfort of civilization is nt hand; he
; is in a heallay p!iu-, and is nut subject to tho
certainty of losing tho greater part of his family
and his own health by those malignant fevers
which make the graves of f o many millions of the
young and hardy l.i lar oil legions awav from
j homo and fiieii'Is. II, -ai
he has a mild cli-
cuiiMiig. a u are expeetcti to uo ttns. Tliey will
unit (tin limil ui,,l.,r ! I i ... 1 1.... . ,1..... .-in
person no doubt from their own nei"
! ,l..... ...:il ,i... ..." . '
i i i .
H1..J ...ii nuiivM iiiv iiiiirovcuiciHs, anu can
judgo of the character of tho population. I'er-
I s,uis f hould eoiiio prepared to iiurchaso, as many
I .: .... t i .. .... . . , , . J
are locatin
, mid locitiuns are not held on rofu-
ihe llamuioiitoii Fanner, a monthly literary
and agricultural sheet, containing full informa
tion of lhiuinioiiton, will be sent to ea.-h iii(ui
rer and tan be nhninel at 2 i cents aiinuin.
r, jr-Titlo iinlisputable. Wurrautoo deeds giy ! from $;i to $, con enter into un easy and respect
en, clear of all incumbrance, when purchase ino- able business, by which from $5 to $10 periioy
neyi-paid. I'.nute to the land : Leavo Vine con be itutiteil. For particulars, nddross, (witU
street tvljurf, l'liilnilelpbi..., fur ilammontoti, by I'-iini,,) W. R. ACTON i, Co.
r.uirua 1 at huh past h-vcii, A. M., and at half
'!u.-,t f.vo 1'. M.j when ti-.eio i.ppiiie fur Mr.
Hyrnes. lluarding cult eu'e.-ices Bill be found.
I Letters and applications can bo mldrc.-.-'od to
: S. J!. COL'iillLlX, in-' South FIFTH st., below
j U'aliiut, 1'liiiailelpliia, Map' and information
cbceiliillv iumished. no. vol, iv.
l vu-lao of a Writ of Vonditiona l'.r.
. ..
luo of a Writ of enditionns Ex.'!
J.J pouns
lE-SUl'll (Hit Ot thO Court of t'ouimoil
l ivim vl CtciirticM Ctmnty. niid to me (hn uiod
bo exposed to pub.ic sale, at the Court House , occupied by the late Jacob F. Sensor. To ho told
m the borough ol ( Icai licld.ou Monday, the 11th as the estate of Valentino, deceased, iu no
u;iy oi April, Is.i'.i, the billowing described 1 cordanco w ith the provisions iu tho last will aud
i real e.-la!.., to : te,taiaent of said decedent.
ic mi atided lou.-lh part of nil that eorlain , Terms miido known tho dav of ,.!.
I i.iessur ge, Ivneineiit nud true
of land siluato en
:i.e ol iout nun uu l Mo-lmnnon creek,
. in Ike townships uf Rusk und Decatur, in the
counties ol lentre and t'len riield, State of I'enn
svlvonia, bounded and described as follows : I3o
ginning at a post near tho .Musliannon creek,
thence south ol degrees wot, -S perches to hem
lock, tiiencc south, Ui degrees west, iS perches
to pine, thenco north, 1 j dog. west, 27 perches to
white oak ; thence north, H degrees west, 4o
perches to hemlock; llieiieo north, 8 degroes
east, Ort perches lo post; t hence mirth, 0 degrees
east. 1J licrches to nine stunio: tliene.i north, tte
degrees west, at) perches to lieinluik ; thenco north i
2j degrees we-l, oti perchos to hemlock j therce I
nnrtli UtiJ degrees west, 1 '.ri perches to poMl by I
hemlock; thence ninth, U7 degrocs, 47 pcrchen ;
to post by hciuiock; thenco smith, lGib gre .s
west, (it ierchesto hemlock stump; thenco south, 1
12 degrees east, 1 1 perches to po.-t , theti.V south, '
I','.! decrees east, SO p. .relies to pie! : thence south, 1
tf'.l degrees west, perches lo pint; thence .'
south, lit dugivt s east. 2'J percinvs to a post I
thence ninth Mj dugiees west, '2i perches to
pi.i.,t; tliere- ninth, Mi J d.'grccs west, i8 perches; -
toiii.-t; tticreo inirili, 1 J decrees vet, yper.hej
to po.-t; thenco south Id (logics west, 721 perch
es to rust l.y w hite -1 It ; thence s,,uth,(ls d"i,i '.i.!i
east, -72 i-rchcs to beech ttump; tlienco north,
l,U (',,'grecs eiet, .",,S perches to stnncs; thenco
:;sj cast, 11 jierchcs to pet ; thence north, .".2
degree." tenth, 1'Jt perches t u laurel, on loft or
Western ban', cf In, ut Kan; thenco down said
,-trcnni to i. junci.nn it i t Is Moshannon creek,'
and down ea? i e right hank of sumo by the cour-!
ii an t thereof W -onihern line of Jl,n 1
Harrison tract nt p.,-,itc IV l.-rn -f Oeclae
l.e co tie d. grees rest -:.l..:i" . d lino to J coo- n . entccu hundred an
hv e iiccs a .. ., Also tho defendant' i be' ...e undivided f urlh part of ;
the town cfOceola, n Tyrone nud Clearfield '
Ruilrcad. includir.- wiihin town idol eihtv acres
nud nlloivaiice. feiied taken in oxcutior, nud
to be sold as tho property of J. J. Linglo.
u' i. ,,.,, .
ti n - vir r., e , ,. , ,' .'.'T'?".
FI.e-.-ifl s.urr.ce, J, P.i. M irc'.i, loth '59.
i. .
I ...... -
1 illi I I.luAK t 11.1,1) AtilDUnV, . uuu. in in uo.ior ui ins inoinory.
We present nil these troasures to this Tolume,
WILL be (.pencd on the first Tuesday of May. at a very nioderato price, nnd in a very convenl
tinder tho general supervision of the Rov. , ent form. Subscription prico, in eloth, $1 75)
0. M. (iallswiiy, und tho itniucdiato euro of a handsomely embossod leather $2 00.
competent tearh-r. 1 Persons doairous of bocominit Arents for thia
thogrnphy, ReadingAVritini; and Primary Arith-
ai iiiis j.i'i nessiiin ,, ineiii- (ITU wecKS Or-
mclic uud fieogiaphy, j 00
Higher Arithmetic nml Geography.
English Olriimtnnr and History, S 00
,,r., , , , , , ,,.,,. , . j , , , , ,
ny, (Jeology, Evidences of Christianity,
and I'.ihlicnl Antiquities,
S 00 1
Moral and Mental Philosophy, Rhct
orie, Logic and Astronomy,
Tho Latin nnd (Ireck Lnngungci,
10 00
12 00
Exercises In Composition and Doclnination
will bo required of all tho pupils, according to
their abilities.
jy0 deduction
ill be made when tho pupil en-
tors within two weeks of tho eomineneemeut of
the session; nnloss occasioned by protracted ,
sickness. .... I
Tvioon tJZ'Zi I '!" ,r " i ''a " 'e",0,n-
yel wiX ontieMirn.1"0 Cl f l"
Clearfield, March 8,1 SaO. r0o. 8, vol. W.-tL ,
. 1
'ah T. TTT i j'
Allwimttnq to emi'iralc to a mdd climate., qooa;
Uoil, and fine market, see advertiumrnt of Ilim-
monfon Lands. i
1 IIHtXMTt t iMIMLHt 1 11. t oi l r.t;i:.
ri'TMl, llll, ,. . . fnAhTKIIEn ItH,
300 6lU(lcl,t Attcndinff January, 1858.
N'w III liii(ii( nml m,., itiorutth t'oininrr
il Hrh.i-il nf 11. . I'n i ted Mnti-. Yoilnif men
I "' . f V'' "?'- Von
rrr'tti J lur et luiil dmin of tb Counting ltoom.
!"' ' P4nTn. A. M. I'nifi'Mor of Couk kcriliig
im n-iruct VI Atl'lllinu,
A- r- I'ortiiKTV, Tenelier of Arillmielic nil Com .
mfrelnl 1'hlculnlion.
I J- Al HrvmiicK nnd T. C. Jtmii, Tenclitn of
A. Cowlev aud W. A. Millkh, 1 lofi.of Penman.
I aliiji.
1X0, As used In erery department of buaines.
t'uiirrri,i ArithiiultcllnpiJ Htm!nf lKriliny
JJrlcctiuij IVoiiiilrrn't Jory--JfcrraNfi7
I'vrrefjtoiuli nee IWwcrciW iair
re tiiught, and all other iubjects necessary foi
tie success and thorough education of a
practical business man.
Drawn nil the preminms In Pittsburgh for tfi
past three years, also in Kastern and Western
t'itios, for bost Writing, .ior emoravkd Wohk.
Students outer at any time No vacation Tlin
unlimited Review ttt ploasure Uraduates assis
ted in obtaining nitimtions; Tuition for full Com
mercial Course, $:ij,U0v',- Avorago time, 8 to 12
weeks ; lloarl $J iOpor week j Slationory,$8 00 1
Untiro eost, $0 UO to $7U UU.
jZir 'Miuistera' sons roceivr 1 it ha price.
For Card, Circular, spocimu,.. wi Business and
Oiuuineulal wriiiiif, enclose threo ituinps, and
ad tin u
1'itUburgh, Pa.
doc. 8, ia;s.
ri Mill HOOKS of D. W. Moore, Ksq, having
X bseniu my possession for aettlouicut and
collection for some time, and still much of thorn
remaining unsettled, I givo this last notice, that
all persons indebted upon snid booka for adverti
sing, subscription, or job work, must prjsitivcly
come and settle tho same, at or before the May
c'um'- WM. PORTER.
Clearfield, March 2, 1S39. no. 7, vol iv.
liSTATIJOK IllllAM l'.TL'TTLU,Dec'il,
1V01ICE is hereby given that Lettoi-a of Ad
ministration havo been granted to the under
signed ou the cstute of Hiram P. Tuttle, late of
Morris township, Clearfield County, docoased.
All persons having busiuoss concerning theeame,
are hereby notilid to make immediate sot'lomout
with tho administrators.
Maroh 2, ISi'J. no. 7, vol.iv.
4 NY PERSON (Lady or Oontlenian.) in tho
XV tinted Mutes, possessing a imall capital of
41 North SIXTH St. Puilid-x.
feb. 10th 'M.-Zin.
iiolsi: ami lot l ou s.w.n.
WILL bo offerod at public srdo on the proml
ses, ou Haturday tho 2llth day of March
j A. D. ISjU, at 2 o'clock P. ..I, u House and Lot iu
1 the town of Philipsburg, Ceutre Co. Pa., now oe-
'cupiojoy r reilericK bensor. beit.ff 130 fuel to
Ullf'rl. nml fitiil font tit x-iill fn.. f .. n i-
, M-"l "J "lUUI j I I -Jill Mill Ull l)tB
I vP Sli-.. ami ),... M.hwl nn V..-H. 7 I... r
' morl v nu-n.l l.v Tr T.ftt-i v.- i...V i
' pseion itiven on tho first dav of Anril nit. hv
Feb. 2S, 1859. no. 7, vol. iv.
V0TICE is hereby given that Lettors of Ad
! J. 1 niniislralion peutlmiit Hie, bare been grant,
ed to the undersigned on tho estate of John R.
I Reed, Into of Lawrence township, Clear Gold Co.,
dee'd. All persons having business or dealing
! with ihe said estate are rerjuostod tu make Itn-
"'iato sottleineut.
Adiu'r h'endtntt lite,
Lawrenco tp , Feb. 25, 1858. no, 6, yol. iv.
The Life, Speeches! and Memorials
Coutahunj hi mod Crlebrakd Orations, a &'
faction from the Etthyirs Pdh f red on
tit Occasion of his Death
and his L'tfc and
nrstiirELM. urcmui, a.m.
' . , ...
. Tins upleniid work Is just pubhshod, in on
'"t volume of 5:,0 pages. It ii printed on One
l,,,i;or "n.J h"nni '" ueau'ir1 'W ! ontainj ex.
ex1 ,l "1 lTT ot VW
p f r nJ. ""-''nSth life-
"ke. Steel 1 or rait. The publisher oflen it with
co"r" to.'e Amer lean public, and is corivin-
"u " V 1 " n """'7 " imporuun warn in Atnor-
rnn. 1 rnnlr' , 1,0 worK ." " outninod
; uc". .""' preseuicil, wnnm a compact
' and convenient compass, the chief erents of the
life of Daniel Webster, his most remarkable in.
tulu.c.,Ual etl'orts.and tho most valuarbl. and ' In-
i--..I..-:..- t. I .. l .1.. . . .,
luivswuK cuiiiics tne groai mou oi ine na
1 ! 1 .... I.:. .
valuable work, will addross, for full particulars.
38 South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
no. 7, rol. Iv. .
Important to Lumbermen.
THE subscriber take this method
inform! g uny and ull persons wishing! O
procure tne
tl tt-jsfjiildir WEa(sl,
tint e s no .iirent for Clearfield County.
nn I wil. furnish tind put in tho Said Wheel,
on tho shortest possible notice, upon np "'
plication being made to him at his rcsi-
dence in Iawrence township, threo mile
f R" V ,CttCr
addressed to him at Clearfield P. 0.
Lnw,Pca rp., Sept. 1, 1858. 3m.nd. ' .
. i" . . .. . . .
To all wanting Farm see advertisement cf'
Himmopfon Lands.
j . .. ! ,