A (niniiluul 10X81 1111 ION r in' Clrmfltil rtunty Aft Irultut l fcorlity. ". nt. vt ' nt. Th limne if Ihr Nuii-ly Inill I lb" Vital I'n lil County A-tit tiltmnl fi .-ifly l'ti objiTls of I lii' ."'x-irly, mo 1. 1 I' t r nml iiiiintv .V'i' uliute. 1 1 it ii'ii ! 1 1 n nil Hi'' I'miie-tie nii'l lK ii-f li'-J'l Ail , and shnll If HU.xil.my M t Ik- " l't im U u tt in ,M(ul A vf i'n 1 in ni N t icty.'' Mc. 1. 'ibe Soviet)' ilnill cl'M-t fT nil such ('ennui hi ahull sie-nily la tin' l!xciu ti v w Committee their ) li I" I'i immiii' i i'Mu tfi' und shiill pay to tin; 'I'liiMmr on niiftiiitii thu Constitution i,f llie Society, tiut less tluin oiio dollar, und nninnill v thereafter not lum Hum one dnllur. und . ... , ,. ulsool K.noriil.V lilld coiies,o... jug "" " ueli. 1110 lillYHICUl Ol It'll nun. ir Mliiil OollStlllll lllO lliellll.l'iSlllll, (111(1 I'M III) t tho members io contributing from nil mi tiuul paymcntM. orricEit. i Sw. 2. Tin' cflicersi of the i-'ocic.y shall I be a President, a Vice-President from each I township in the. county, three-fourths of j vhom 1 1 1 1 bo practical Agriculturists', or j lloitievtliuriats, u Treasurer, aC'orrespiiHi-1 ing Secretary, u Librarian, and nu Lxccu-i tive Committee, consisting of tivo mem bers. M iirs ov run ornruts. i fw. 3, Tlic I'lTisi li iit hIihM linvo a i-ui oi intendnncc of nil il.o nain. of the Socicly. I I;"IU r" " '' ,,"'s, l,nl ull,r 1,1 ,l,c fuu" Jn owe ol' lii ilfiitli. or ilincs or inability j '' numlj(,r w,u C(in(lill fll oi.;kUii,i of lo jjcrioim uio uuiici oi uiu uiiicf.im- r.xecuuve t-winniuicc man scicci a ICC- : I'msiilent to net Ills slp:.l, who rl I ill 1 ' IlliVO the same Jiowt r, Hiui liCl folUl tin.' i iwm niact.-s, very lilllo mum necil be nii.1. naino duties us t!io rrc.-i'icnt, until the! T'" J J-'onorul eonditiom of the .Mug- ,,i i.i ,',,,. iOiiiif.' will be im liilloivi: next nnmitt! election. T.:uMS-Tl.erc will bo to volume, a year, ol ' ' ncK-I'KEslUL.N rs. about 7UU rujul octavo .apos each, euinmeucinn It shall to their duty to take charge of in January n. .luly, nn.l emlin- in June nml the affairs of the Association in the several 1" respectively mukuiK . oiubcri lu ,, , . . ' , ,, , , . each volume, uml twelve numbers to ouch year, districts; to advance all its objects; to vul,scrilJtiolll( umJ. comlucnc0 utnnyt.n.o. bin call ujion l'liriners lu report us to the con- Ki0 COpies, 23 cent; luWipiiuii, ono copy one Uition of Agriculture in their tieighlior- 'year, ent by mail, $:i 00 ; clubs, two copies one hoods; to llsk fur illl'ortiiiitioti RS to the 'yenr, $; 00; clubs, three cnpiui oiii? yeur, $7 00 ; modes of cultivation adopted by different nodes of cultivation adopted by different , clubs, four copied one your. S'J 00; club.'., live cup armers; und so far as in their power to i" one year, $10 00 : ami all nd.lUitinul cop.o, ,, .i , , :. i- over five, nl the rate of $i 00, if sen! to tho same nnke known the retires o then- d,s- ;club t.jlll(. Inv be r,jr,t,t', ntmtrent ,,0t. nets; the nature ot jts noil; 1U j ollioea. All .uhicriplioni. inuH be VM in 4- r ur make tricts lopical characteristics ; and alt such mat ters as may interest the Tanners of the county. TREASirr.H. The Trcisurer shall keen an account of nil the monies received, mm shall only pay bills when nudittd and approved by the Kxectitive Committee ; each order for pay tnent must bo signed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee. co:: r i:s ro mi x o sEcnt T a r v . The duties of this ofrVe kIiiiII be to invite I a correspondence wit an persons inter - .... - ' ested in Acriculture, or Ilortieulturc, and at each stated meeting of the Society, fclinll lay such correspond-Mice before it ; be shall also correspond with the Stnte Agricultu ral t-ocicty. kecoriu.no sf.cketarv. The Recording Secretary, hhall keep tho Minutes of tho Society, nnd of the Executive Ccnimittce ; at the close of each year he shall prepare for publication such parts of the Minutes uml transactions of the Society, as may bo designated. i.tiiR.vRiiy. Tim LiVrariun hhiill take charge of al' 1. rt. 1. j nmt.l,l.,lj Iu.I.ti .t n ft Irk llm f-"l'""-"' -"t'"0 - - Society, and fchall act as curator to preserve I seeds, implements, or whatsoever property the Society may possess thq Library to, be kept ut one place, open however, to the inspection ami reading of all tho mem., bers, but books not to bo loaned aw.iy from the Library, unless receipts bostaken there for by the Librarian. EXECIIIVE COMSMTtLE. The Executive Committee shall transact the business of the Society generally ; shall superintend and direct the publication of the Report, nnd transactions, n ihey may deem proper, and shall de-ignate the time nnd place for annual exhibitions, regulate tho expenditures, examine all accounts, nd keep such general charge of tho af fairs of the Society, ns may best promote its interests. They shall telt-ct their own Cliuii'imin, nnd meet at least once in every three uionihs; a majority shall form u quorum for the transaction of business. They shall call special meetings of the Society, when and wl ere necessary in their opinion. asnual vrrm'GS. Sec. 1. The. Society . -.hall meet nnuu.tlly on the Wednesday evening of January Court, nt the l'roii'j;h of ('lein tit Id, wheti rill the ollicers ol tho Siciely -bull be elec ted by .ballot, or otliMivise, I'm- the oit'ti ing .Veiir, aii'l until Hliother eli-clinii. Thy shall i No hold a general meeting nt the time of tin- Annual Exhibition, and spe cial meetings whenever convoked by the Executive Committee. ; Ten members shall form a ijuorum fur Jthe transaction of business, but no mcni her in arrears fhnllbe entitled to tho privi leges of tho Society. PAYMENT OF KfES. Sec. 5. Whenever nny member shall fail for one whole year to pay his annual con tribution to the Society, lie shall no lon ger bo considered a member, but shall for feit nil his right iu the Society, and in the property thereof. Sec. 0. The Constitution may be altered or amended ut the annual meetings in February, by u vote of two thirds of the members in attendance. r.r-LAvrg. Stc. 7. Any By-Laws deemed necessary Tor the government of the Association, tuny be proposed to tho Executive Com mittee at anv annual meeting, of the So ciety, who fchall adopt, amend or reject the Mime, by vote of a majority of the .u . ..t o ji. .I.. II j' i 1 inw.., wo tttui ..... visablo, Hosry-BLADi Grass. The Ohio Cuitva tor my that the grass lately introduced in .to this country, and called by some, hon ey blade, is only tho German millet the fanicum uermanicum, which in some " m . . . oils has been found to be a very valuable forage plant. They nro selling the seed calling it a new grass, when if you ask for it k in nrnnAs tinn.o r.r. r:iit - TI..- ' . ' i . , , ' Hungarian crnua, it enn tie had for two dollars . - , . ... ,i-i ro that it is now becoming quite common. and it would be willing to supply the whole country with tho weed, which can ibe raised as cheap as oats. ; Wht are Cashmere shawli, like deaf p pie ? Because 7011 cant make them here. H ' Dirnt W'ihllc" Mni.lMf in inn 1 1 ii h , ins " M I mii.Mi n nr. 1 1 . iff, I, I, It Itn boi,, f n irl niwi ll.it i .-ii nt a I Ih" In ( i.f l mill" f I' In- t, K nli'. In lie III II 1 1. r .liiti'iih I lli nr. I ft ll, I ni, in- nu I th ii" -li-al liicl.i, llin (li'l t.u'n'iii nl urn lll'i Hull' I miy. hi-, In lie mll. 'l lli "Uifni liiil ll'i" MiMiih. Iv III In'i'ti ."l ti iiinkii tin nn i inn u prb r In Hity tupse'. In M i lit It ic er tuf'H iMur.l III this .-wniiliy, 'I lot gt hmii ri.. nf Ii i linmi li r tan b""t I"' uiiiIi'KI.hhI I t III untiio, II xlil be thuroiiahly National- In mi section. ul or srt'ni iuti. mJ w holly lnipi.rni,el. It Kill nil. r lu die r 1 1 r mul llmikii nf I lit I ini'ii a i. Milium liilil, lnif liny f hii iniil uu tli" liiuln'-l ii'ini l vt ii ii(i'inMiriii) liii'iuturvt It dill n i ill to C'llln'r i'1'i'lir It tvrij turiiljr ul inlrl Int. '1 In' nm'r iif nl lii Ii ill ! ii nUf lino, cm riiiiK. inni'iii ulLrr H'Mil'il'. 1 !pii , M.rUln , lliiiiiiriiim 1 uli'f, Muriia, lli'tumul liu Uli'iilr, 1 ''.J; Vl'!" '.'V'I'M-'. Kl, itulcs, Travels, liitilu Jnlk, J ii him -. , Poem. Pnlluil,, Warn.,, Sot. nltlie At lnciilrnlf, niii'ti', Mil riv, l'urri'i.ji)ii Ji'iK'i', (inli, el.'., vti'., t ie. ili .Mii-imno sill be iriilunly illu.itrntu.l in the li 4 1 'tylo of worni uiiifrnv iu. Ttii) l.iUTiiiy ili'inirtiiicnt will iirvicut K Pitt ur vnrii'ty, culiililm' i itli imiru llior.iut'll iixcrlli'iiie, it is .irlii'vcl. tlinn ever I'luro ulluicil tu tlie A-1 luciM.un I'uuiiii in u biti;ii3 poi nn.iii.uif inc i"i , ...if: : . .... . : i ni.. f I loiring niitlii'i-H nml n . uln r ttriturn nro iiiclu.lf.l liitlni lint or ruiilriliiitur.4 oiiiici : lino, ii. I I'li'iitU.", t'liurlc Firiiiii, 1 i( iti'tii'ii Jliil m k, j ("uii'i. . I. Ingt'i'fM'li, ()ru:'U'-i A. llrumiHiin, lion. I Ooo. I. Morris, N iillwinii l Dcorin, llmi. ('linn. (inyiiri'i, Win. tiihnt.ru Siiniim, I'mk Itoiijniuin, llun. Albi rt 1'iki', nf Arknnwi, Alit'e Ailriiin I Itoqurtlo, Hon. 11. T. Cotmi'l, Ki'V. Unli'li ll'iyt, ISubn Smith, (.luck Downing) J T- Henilluy, i f-'tc, co in pi'iif in a iunff list ol nntfrii. ninonK ml.jc eoniiosca exjrcii-ly lor lliij nmk iif tli 0 suneiinr cxceilt'iico nl' llie ilainr.ino in every reflect, ami uf the cortuinty ol' in iei-ui:i- clubs, four copied one your. S'J 00; club.-, live cup- vat.ee. Premium tjubucriptionu entitling tlio mibiicribcr for ouo year, nnd to their chuice of wither uf our two great Msul engraving, entitled 'The I,os fsupprr," a,.l "Tie Vi'y of the Great liing," l'unr Dollars. The enrnvin;; will bo nut ou rollers by mail, prepaid. Aeonts and canva.-'i n c:.n mnl.e liberal und satisfactory nrratigcuirnt upon npplirnliun, ta. ! ting the territory required. All potuiniter.i and I clemgymen are nutlioviKcd to receive rubacriptiun i wbich tbry may forward to ur, (riving nanio aid address of suforilier, nnd deductiug 25 per cent. t.tr I holt Irniil.tn I lit rt.Irt t.f linul.tnrn irtll nn, - . , : , , " . i in all canoe nt llie olTico where it is rceciied. All j cummunioktioni to bo rntitlod to answer, luust contain return Mumps thibsci'iber uiu.-t in nil esses write Names, Town, C'oiin y, find Stato in ful', ns legibly us possible, there is little rnu ! iu sending money by mail. Largo sums should! bo remitted bv draft, if possihlo, or registered . letter. " OAKsMITH & CO., Publisbe-t of the "lireat Itepublic" Mi.nthl;,! 112 aud 114. William Street. New York. ' ! Kew Arrangement. TU ".S'yiA" tiHi "The , States ' tv le ('oi'ir.'i-! (tittv(. A X arruugemenl has been 'outbided betwec n K.A.l'ryor.editorofthoKiohmond-'Soulh, an(J (he ,)ropriclor of tllii ,llf,er, ..Tbe Stntes.n by wllic1 the t,0v,tt" und "The Stnts" are to be consolidated into one paper, to be published iu this city, Washington, in an r.HLAnnr.D form, or. i ne paper win to mo organ oi no person or clique, but devoted to tho general interests of the Democratic party, in accordance with tbe princi ples of State-rights Ioinocraey, Mr. Pryor has undertaken tho editorial control of the paper. It will be continued under the name of "THS STATES," and published on tbe follow ing terms . Daily paper one copy per year, $d 00, two copies, JIU 00; Semi-wec-kly japer o;.e copy per year, S3 00; vt eel.ly ono copy per year, fftn i.a l . 1..t. t-l nil ! i iu ice antii'B iu u l ii, cj uu ina cow- ifi to nclub, S3 00 ten copies to a club, $ 15 00 tweuty copies to a club, $.0 nO. Sessions Vt. per: As tbe proceedings ol the .coming Con greps will bo of great interest to the wh -le coun try, "Tho r-tutcs" will keep it! renders fully ad- vi,ca upon an u ,jcc.s w u.,r. may oe u.seus -,. - b, tlut ; y. Tl.e pru-e , subscr-ption f o r t he session will be as fidws-Daily-i iiccepy f 2 00 -twocopu-s, S3 00; Sem. ine-'kly-ono copy , $1 l)0fi,r cop.c. to a club, $J 00 ; ,-eUy- seventeen copius ta one addicts, S J 00. liy-1 men ts in ail cases required iu uuvauce. Fust-1 masters who will forward us a ci.ib of tivo or ten subscribers to our Weekly fr oneycur, nt the club prices, will be entitled t -a copy of the ' "Weekly t-tutes" for ono year. All letters in re- i lation to the new arrangement, should be nl-; die-scd to Pryor A Hoiss, Washington, 11. C. February 9, l?.'i3 no. 4, vol. iv. The Philadelphia Evening Bul'etin, AN Tndcpen'dent Pally Newspaper, dovoted es peeiiilly to tin interest nf Pennsylvania containing important Telegraphic News, sixteen hour in advance of the morning papers Origi nal Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Edi torials on all subjects, nnd full reports of nil the news of the dny, Ths Cnmmereinl nnd Finnnri- al departments are full, and ore carefully attend eu to. .n. nn anverusiug meuiuni mere is no bettor pnper in the Ptntn, the circulation being next to the lurgcst in the city, and among the most intelligent and inBuential of th- population, Tehui Six dollars per year in advance. CUMM1XGS 4 PEACOCK, Proprietors. No. 112, South prtux Ptreot, riiildclphia. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY liULLE TIN", t handsome, well-filled. Family Weekly Newi paper ii published by the propricUri at tbe following unprece 'en ted low rutin 1 copy, one veiir, $1 00 ; 6 copioi do. i 00 ; 13 00 copies do. $10 00 ; 21 copies, do. f IS 00 ; I'.O copies, do. $20 00 ; 100 copies, do. $50 00. FrnniEit It- ai'CBir.rTi I Tho largest club (over 100) will be lent for throe yearn. The next largest club (over 100) will be lent for two years. Address CUMMIXOS at- PEACOCK. Proprietors, Itullelfn liuilding, No 112 South Third Street, l'bilndelpliia. TAKE U0TICE. ALL persons in do bud to the FuWrihtr, cither Viv nntA nr book ArnnunL ato rnupi.tt'fl to by note or book account, aio requested to 11 t ,.1 LI1 . U . . . H SA h'I I can nu it pviliu, uu or umuiv iu. in pt uitj ui aiiiu ! ies9. Those who do not comply with the above, ' may expect to pay cost.. ' Sr-Also the mbtrrlber offers for sale his house, lot, and offiue. situated In the town of Luthersburg, low for cash, or in payments, to ,,.,.?,.. r. rr,,' . ' BUI. uo ... a. oi l.lttlici n,f .IUUIHI Mill .J to tne arBsciTBER, on tne premises. Dr. 6. WILSON. Luthersburg, Jan. 21, 1859. ua. 2, v. It. PRODUCE WANTED. Wheat, Rye, Oats,1 Corn, Buckwheat and Fire-Wood, wanted at the office of tbe Clearfield Republican In pay.'; ment of printing. . dec 1, 188, .1 I .VI A' I'M I . i T 111 t cottxmi stout:, 1 1 n nmim r, A Ui et nMflitmmt of iHV (iOODS, t '..M Mtint III I'M I ill lli fi II .nililt ir'il . Vlt J a il I if M h Mi i " .,i, (I y., -in ',i',(l, 'l ''lllll ,' r , A'M"M. '.Il.l'l, -. .' f In;,; l.l,iu, ( ,.., Vi'7 ilc. il v. lU'iihih; hil,:,l I'iiH nn,l ll'tfi l.r fii,r,:i, Itcmly in hiIi1 I'liilhhiK, Itnotn Mini', HntN .V t'nm, of nil klmli, Sjxuitsli Sole ftCltlt('t', ('iillt'i', M ulii -ii, m il Kujjur, nl lioli-iilt 1 l'.i'tnil. i .". T lliilrii A Knr, Sliini;li', nml tiniin nf nil klmli I ii lie ii In exi'liitnga lor gitviW. ; Oct. It, Ih:iH. VM. IHWIX. JOSHUA S. JOHNSON. nAVINU flltcl up a ibup a f , w doors eahl of the "dt.n Jrw !Ttiiii:," on Murket si., di.iroi to Infiirin the coiuuiiinity nt lurge, that he keep on huml a variety of CAIIINKT VOKK, nt bis h"i, nml that bn umnufiiotures to order, (of superior finili.) every description nf house hold ami kitchen furniliiro, nmoiiff whlrh nre Centre and Hiniiig Juiiles Alatiognny nniltnin- moil bureiiUK I'liuiimiu and Funey llodsteinU ! -stnn.U, Suff.-i, Cupbnnrils, Sofa, Lounges, c, ' 0ft10 .st )10.ses ill the count v. A lib which lie 1? determined to iIimihiso ol ut aschoiip i . : . . . r.. 1 1 .. t: :. i rules, for ru.-li, as thev can bo purchased .it any other entahlishiiieiit of the fort In the county. To phus wliimr to buy furniture nre invllml to come to bis shop ami examine bis nrtieles, nnd jiiilfc'o for Ihi'inst'lv is of their quulily and liniah, lu liiro purehusiug oIcw lure, us be feels conll deiit that lie eun suit them ill price nnd quulily. -. 11. lie is iilxu prepared to make Coi i i.ss to order on the slinrte.it notice, and uttend funerals with a hciine, when culled upon. All kinds of country produce wit' bo re ceived in payment for work. nov. 17, ls.'iS. ly. NEW GOODS ' OH FALL A X V W 1 .V T E A'. TIIIE Sucscriber lias just received nnd opened I nt his storeroom on Market st. directly opno-. site the lloiirtield Ilnu.', n largo and well seiec- ted STOCK of SEASU.N'Alil.F UOODS, which i he will soil at a viry loic t itjure. His stock ceusista of a gcueral asvnrtiuent of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware. Queeosware, Glass ware, Drnirs, Oils, &c- iucludiug a host of other urtich s in his hue a- uiong wnichcan b fonndan ex.ct.siv i and i-ar. ed selection of l.AIII l-.S' dress goods : such ns I)ueah, lriuin cluth, Ikienjc, ti- lurjt, Cashmeres, Jkci"es, Al- l,i.? rreneh. .i.'n'.-'J, V'',';.. mul fu'l at- u j ft. i-1 sor'MCht rf It O .V A .A A' TS fvi' the scuson. 1 His GENTLEMEN'S wear con.-iets of a large , nssortment ol Cus-uncrcs, Cloths, r-uttinutt, Satin Cloths, Futtinettt, Vesting, Tweeds, Hats and Caps, ASP AN rXTI'NSIVI VAIiltTT OT HOOTS AND SHOES Fur Lalies, Gcnttlemcn and Children; with almost every other article that tnny be re cersnry to supply tho wants of the community. The pressure.of tho uioncy market baring had the effect of reducing tho prieo of many articles of merchandise , the uuderiigned bn ben ena bled to buy bis stork at such i-a ei thut be can sell goods at prices to suit tho times. And hav ing heretofore endeavored to plee his cu-tmnrrs, both In the quality of goods and tbe prices at rbicb be sold them, ho hopes to receive a ren-J sounble share of patronage. All in want of goods, j will plense call and exatinic Lis stucK ol cueap e&t goods. jM?"Country produce of all kinds taken io ?x change fur coods. IC.M. F. IRWIN. Clearfield Nov. 10, 1SJ8. WATCH & JEWELRY rtl1,r . i A . tr.n ... T customers cud the public generally, tl.ut he has just returned train the hast, ana op.-nel at Ul es-aoiisuinroi i ii .i ,f .1 .t,, vk-.u u.-im. Pa. n line Hock of WATCHES of different qunl-1 itis. and JEWELRY of eveiy variety, from a Ml . ,tf Wjji.h ,,e wi tM a( re:1(0,v,,,,,. ,ric!s fr CASH, Wat. nei and Jewelry ,, wrnlH.tL . ,,'' f n,ro,in!-. is solieiled. Nov. loth, ll II. F. NAl'OJ.E, FANCY FUJIS F0K LI.1I & IIHIJIBCX. JOHN rAlilllUA 4 t'O. No. lf (Arte A'n.) .Vnrivrf t, nW F.ujlth, rillLAHELrillA. Importers, 3fimijaetiirrr and Dealers in For iAidiet and Children; Also, Gent's F'trs Fur Colarf, nnd Gures. TIIIE number of yenrs that which we bare JL been engaged in the Fur business, and tbe general character of our Furs, both for quality iutV price is s i genrally known throughout the Conntrv. thnt wo think it unnecessary to nav more than thnt wo have now opened urnssort-l i ment of FV KS for tho FALL and WINTER sales j the Inrgesl and most beautiful tlnnsWe bare I ever before offered in the public. Our Furs have all been Imported during the present acaaou when ntinev was scarce and when unncv was scarce and FUES MUCH lowei: than at tbe present time, and have been mann faotured by the most competent wnrkueu; we are therefore rieii-rioiiied to sell them nt such pricei as will contiuue to give m the repntntioo we have borne for years, that is, to icll a good : article for a very ftni(i I'rafii. STOREKEEPERS will do well lo gve ma ' ealli 4 they will find too largest assortment by j fr to "elect from in tbe City, nnd tt uianufao- . turers prieo, JOHN FARIERA A CO. No. 818 Market street, above 8th, I'bilad'a. 6ept. 201b, 1828. 4ml THE UNDERSIGNED takei thli method of an ! nouncing to tbe citiiens of CI anrfield and the sur- roundiug country, that be hus opened a TO, -rlHTf ElWiflim Mf IM 4. U Itf WtW IfV , , e. . . r. . ,1- , , 1 011 Ml"n pr,et,n Shaw i Am Ham, where eh ft ,0 """1'.11 who give hi m Oct Bth, 1858. JEREMIAH K0RRI3. LntMt lmprntud Cum Slieller Also a few Ment Cutteri of the best kind with a large vari ety uf Goods in their line, just received, and Till Via sold low for cash or produce. Clearfield, Pec. 8, 1858. BLANK ARTICLES Agreoment, legal fortnfor between School, Pirrtors, and Teachers, for tale at tho effoe of the "Clearfield Republican.' tVHA II01M., JA NMVIt t , I A 1H; . n..ii, i.ti'-K .' i n t' l., fit I,. ..... ,.f mi. r l t" ' I ' " f .r H ,..iMm...n'l rt II'" 'i'!i- 1 fin I lt.it k ..i,,, i,. nt Ii ..ii". Mj It", l , ,'"111 .1 't'IMI. I Ct.C.Mtl ICt.D ( 1 1 . 1 1, (HUM II Ol' IIIIMl AMI M lit KIT tttil;l:li, l llll uinli raiKiiril rr f.'lfiilly Infutin" liin i fili'iiiln lint ll.n tmirlinK .l.l,c in gKtirml, llmt be has taken (lie nliove Iiuum',, ,roi;.Mi:Ki,Y known as tiik mkmi iiim. Horn.. Tin: lint Iiaslii'i ii recently refilled iiu provi'd, nml ncwlv l'uriiilii d ; EXTENSIVE STABLINO it i iu:;n i omi'I.itkii ; ami hi: is ritii-Aiti.n TO ACCOM MllliAlt All who may ttivc liiui n call, in the uiot ili'iisiii and agreeable inaitin'r. With rvery thing to rentier his houc ft detienlle I tlnpftinq pliter, J will be sMppliod with nn assortment of choice li ,unrs; uml ho will eudeavor to entertain his 'guests in a manner Unit cm. nut fail to give tlio l'i:i.I.I''.ST MATISI'ACTIOX. I Th honup is ittmtod in a pleasant and quiet part ot the town, and no expense! or nl t tion u ill bo Miiii'eil o iiinke it mm ' II. HAYS MOHROAV. Cleurficld, uug. 13, 1 1 6(j. ly. NA FIONA L HO TEL (I.ATE WHITE SWAN.) Eace st. above Third, Phila. T MIE proprietors of tho above well known on- tuulislimcut iielne thnn'ilul lor the very liberal patroungo bestowed upon them the punt , yenr, take this method of inlurming their friends nnd the public that they arc still prepared to ac commodate them if favored w ith a call. ! lluiiug tho summer months the bouse tin been : thoroughly renovated, improvements uindo nnd ' other exteiiMVO alteratiins in contemplation. AVe are determined to devote our whole ntten- tion to business aud Hatter ourselves w ith tho convictiou that no shall bo able to give sutisluc- lion. RIUES 4 STOVEH. X. B. Carriagm will always bo in readiness to convoy passengers to und lioui Btcuuiboat band- i tngs ami liailroait Uciiol. S.i S, , . . . . - , 1 i .uarcu jist, isjfl.y, I : SUSQUEHANNA HOUSE, CurWeilSVille. Penna. , ,nblK.ribf fr,crlv the i;,,,, ,. J lsi j,,,, h Iaken lLnbovo 'new f fund, kituato on the bank of tho river, iu tlio 1 lewer end of Citrwcnsville, would nniiounee thnt luoisuow reuuy lor me aecfiuimoiiauon oi sirnn- le''" ""d all otbsrs who may favor him with n . . . . r.. .,..i.,.. ...i travelers w ill find every convenience noecssiirv to their comfort. Ample ttabling is attached to th ;( prcmis DAVID J0I1N.-0N. ; February 10, 18i8. I VTATIOAI. i;XCHANt.i: IKlTlil.. j 1 The subscriber having taken the above well known stand, formerly kept ly H'm. A. Mason, ! in Cnrwensvilie, l'a., is ready to accommodate nil who may favor biiu witn their patronage. His tatle will always be supplied with tbe best the arkct atTiirds, and bis liar with the rboico. liquors. Hii itable will be uader :lie cure of i tentive hostlen. DAVID SMITH. Curwcnsville, April 21. 18JS. FLEMING HOTEL, (1'oHMr.nLV KNOWN AS THE GoOD I N TENT,) CVEWENSVILLE, Clear field County, l'eiiirhini,i. , The subset iber begs leave to inform bis old cuitomers, and tho public generally that be bus recently tuken the above well known stand, and that ho has intirt ly refitted ukd refuruisbed it iu a style adapted to the age, and the wanti of the entire traveling community. ' HIS TABLE will alwoys bo pDvidt-d wit'j erery luxury llie Ularfcctf nua trrounding country will aoid TTTC Tt A T '"O -JAit ! will be supplied with the cboicost wiuei and li quors. HIS STABLES, which are tlio best and most commodious on tbe road within a day's travel, will always be in clmrgti uf careful und attentive hostlers. In tlu.it I Every rlcpi it-ient rf bis rstaMisl.tr. ! rt v.il! I.o Bupj-lieU niih nil the comforts and eotivetueti , .-ie the wenrv travolbr Could desire. ! j'lne 2, 'JS. W.M. A. MASON. HOTEL, No. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch. VM. IIOI'Kl XS tuke thii method of infoni ing hisold friends nnd the public geneially that he hns just HE OI'ENED the nln.ve wt-l; known Hotel, and re-fitted it in a style suitable t. ' (lie ue, nnd tho wants uf the travelling public Mr. II. hns bad n lariro experieneein hotel keep ing, ho hns no beiuition iu snying thnt his guests will find bis house a pleasant ami desirable stop. pine place. Of tho elegiblo location of this Hotel for per ons visiting the City, either on ' v-' " oo.i .O' J ui i i.t.ioiWi.. . fl deemed altogether unnccesnry to spenk, OX JiVfUXEfiS OR rLEA&lTiF.. i no Hotel in I'hiludelpliia is better known thun ! the "Old Mount Vernon." . xiy ciose niienuou to tue wnnuoi nn custom. eri Mr. H. bopei to de.erro a ihare of public patronnge. X. 11. His terms per day has been fixed at th low rate nf $1.25. Sept 22nd, 18S8. 1 yr. A IF A It I! ASG EMES T. The nubicriber respectfully announce! to the pub lio that he baa taken the above Itund, in tbe bor ough of CTonrfield, and ii prepared to accommo date all who may give bitn a call. Tbe public may rest assured that It will be conducted in tbe best manner possible. His tuble will be supplied with the belt tbe market afferds. His liar filled with tbe choiocat brands of wines and liquors, and bil stables will be under the care of attentive and eareful ostlers. DANIEi M. WEAVER. Feb. 11, 1857.-Y. Dissolution of Co-partnership. HMIE undersigned, having boon pnrtnori in the 1 businesi of tunning, currying, and boot and hoemnking, nt the PL Mary's Steam T; nnory, have this day by mutual consent dissolved tbeir co-partnership connection. All debt! due mud firm of H. W. Watson t Co.. and all claims airainst them will be settled by E. C. Shultn, of St Mary'i, ilin biL tinrrliaftsfl Ilia tolr.,i ..r ,1.A ..,1... n who has purchased the iuteroet of tbe other two partner!. O. W. WATSON, THOMAS W.RIcrjARtS, E. a SCUULTZ. fst. Mnry'i Pteam Factory, Jan. 12, 1859. no. J. r. r.1 I ii' 1 MM I ! I Ml, l, I III. I I I. ( I l-il't ni.ii. r i - ' 1 1 1 . .. t 1 i.,t .!, I if n f. r !-l !,,! t tl . I I IM.If f ' in iftf il I" Rit , It.n'Mi tin In Vii. l ltMl, MM.nl l on AMI t.l II tl! ini 1 1 i hi n i ni l n .i t ti i i"! in it mi t t m.' :. f lm ti ff i ft ! I tin run t.i. fi In. it, tu lli ll r v . lr, Mul M in' fff "Ii1 1 ... M In tli 1 . t in - I' " In n-lt n -r, ot f It I"1. II' m-t In ,i uiii f. i.'. ,l... tf. ion mi i; oit iii.m. V.I.IAi:l.l; TAVfcRN HTANH 1 AIlM UF fS Al'HKf UK I.A.M", AMI tt.'i of tfltllll. vililt li mo cli'ini'.l nml iiinli r eultiia i"ii, ' I.. I nu fli irliill Creek, mi the iniiin rmi.l lea.liiiK irrnni Cleiirfli l l Mn tu t'lein lltM llriilni'. In ' ( li'iirllt'lil eiiiititv, Pa , anil llirep miles di'laiit from (he fiinier plaee. 'Hie house is lare, now, well I'nl.'iilnt.'d fur a Tiivviii, uml will riiuiuiiiml nearly nil Dm I'liiluiu of the wiilerinen iliiring the Ircslli'ls, which mil. ally hil li'ini four to six weeks. Iln'ii'iire nl-o a gimd I'.i.rn, Wilful Shed, Wiinh nml liuku llniirf, uml Miri'iii" other liuilding" iiccpiiry fur eimve. nleiico lid eoiuffirt. The leiinn of sain will he mtidj eny sny luiir iiiiiiiml ptiyiiieutH. Vnr fur ther information inquire of .1. I., ('nun, Ksq. )r. A. T. rie:rvber, .liinios 11. I.urriuier, Ksi., ( h'lir illcld. orS.W. AVeld, Ulen llnpo, Clcarllcld couu ! tv l'a. I,oscssill can bo given so that tho I buyer or reator can have I lie benefit of tlio sprinjr ho i lie . which alone will uuiouut to moro tliu u I double tho rent. A. T friIHWKU. January 6. 1 SOH. If. GREAT REVIVAL-Read ! Read, , NTi BE COXVEUTED. The great revival lias ili, no liumeuse good in uliuoi-t every ' Stole, rniuity and town in tho Union, ouUi lo of i Cleurficld. 'i'herefiire, in eonniderntioii of the Juliove rumor, Frank Short lins token the respon sibility upon biinsell to revive (ho Hoot Si Shoo business in Cleurlicld, und set a good example ( In hii. fellow men. He bus to iiuuounco to bin old customers, ami us liuny new ones as uiuy la jror It t in with a cull, Unit ho has on band a largo assortment of tine work and uny nmuuut of courso I Also, (joins' Uuiters mado to order, ami of any stylo to uit customers. Morrocco. I'rcncli culf, n,,,i I'ut nt cuir gaiters constantly on hand Finding, for snlo, kit excepted All work leav- ing lu. hop iVdi ruutcu not to rip. Uutotuors coming ,o town will find him nt tliu shop former ly oceu ied by K. It. AVcUh, dee'd us a witleh Si clock e" 'jililishiuent, Hourly opposite Keeil and Weaver'ss store. Koll in boys and get new soles or your old ones repaired, as some of them stand in great need of it. 1'llAXK. SHOUT. Juno 30, lUSS. 3m. 1'. S. Tho pujtneiship heretofore existing be tween Julill .McL'nbo tt Ueorgf Xewsnu is this ilnv dissoved by mutual con.-cnt, nh.l the books, ncconnts, and all cOVets, lire now in the hands , m t. rin.ii lurmin'iiii'iii. lusuuMiicusaiuii ....;...! ,' i., i.' i....t ii.. , . ' ""f. j '...... .n .v. nek : JOHN M (' Mil: 'JF.OHUE XEW.0X, riKST in riniT si;'.t i;ii: I.OOTS & mio.:,s ALWAYS ON 11 A X 1 , JOSEPH GOON, THANKFUL for past favors, and grateful f- r future ,rospocts, desires to inform the citi.ens of this vicinity, ii nd his old liicmli. ami patrons iu particular, that h-i KOOM in tho Eatt has removed ti the I'lUsT nd of The Firs' ocr W.st vf the Ma JL,U.-e whero ho has on band constantly, n large u-sort lutiit of ivery variety in the root AM) sum; llm: CI. STUM Vi'OKK ATTESTED TO WITH Msl'ATi'II The very best of stuck will be use 1, nud no pains spared to make neat fit nnd durable w ork. All of which c-in be ubtnincl from the said Juscpl. Uooii VEItY LOW for the i:cAlr uiiim. Clesrf.eld, Aug. l.s. 1jS. home At; a in." 11' LED & WEAVEH nre nu.v receiving an opening a lar-c nnd well felcctcd h'toek ol Uoods, COtlstlllg ol Dry tiooda. t.'roccries. Hardware. Qurrtis uare, Itoots and Mtoes. ii!s, I'jiii'.s b Diuok, Hats and lion nets. Nails v Spikes, alt and Fis.li, ns well ns every other nrticlo u-ually re quirt d in the country, wbieli they ofli r tu ti t. public ou na lair terms us eun be hid iu tho i.aiuty. lull lili, I see the ll'-tv, l.eaulij'iil Hl 'l.:", f!'.!. i" !. is.' CATJTI0X A1 i.i, p. 'ns an 1.. n bv jlio-.iod .'laili-l p.lr- has "' i':i . uiini; v. ;ii-- toi. , in.- pro- 0,,, V ,g..i,. two Cot... ..lie .. 1 1 .if. pi Tty, v h two I. eg ( I, ant., run I'tooi-s. tivo i - 1 1 saw-, ; one ('lock, one Hurenu, (our neies E ve in ti e cround. four acre wheat :.n the grouiifl, one Cut ; tiug-Ho. nnd four Sheep. The above property was urrhnsed by ine at theriti 'e mile and let: wilh Pnniel Horn on lonn only, nt.d si:l j, et to I mv cnler. ' R. II. Moor.E. ! I.utlu rsl.urg .lanuarv 31. It 59. no. 4, vol. iv. . CAUTION. 4 I.L persons are hereby camionel uguin-l pur ena-ing or in nnvw ie interfering with the following ioperty, uow in the poss cssion of Oeo. nnd L. Duney : One yoke of t.laek and white oxen : one I ay horse suppeped to be about S venrs old, nnd one two norse wiigun ns the aforesaid i property has been purchased at constable's sale. . and i left with them on lonn only, and subject to my order. WM. F. JOIIN?ON. ' fnion tn Clearfield Countv. Pa. Jnn. 2B. 'A9 ,.,.T . Tr nr rnri,-T t,,,,, rT. I ESTATE OF ROLI.IIJ II JlIG EIA , .Sr., Preened. a'tlTICF. is hereby given Hint Letters of Ad uiinistrntinn have been granted to the un-' j dersigned, on the estate nf Robert Wriglry, Sr., j late of Hradford, township, deceased. All per.! ns having business concerning the snn.f, are - 1 l,rrby notifiod to make immediate tcttlc'mcnt - ' with the ndininistrator WILLIAM K. WRIOLEY, A(fNil Mlsmtur. Bradford township, January 18, JS59. CALTIOX. A LL perenni are hereby cautioned sgiirt buy. ' ing, or iu anywise meddling with Ahe follow, ing prnpeity, now in the possession of Dain'l Horn, of Brady lownsbi rn. of Brady township, CI. arliel.l County, l'a. : Two Harrows, one M md Mill, one Log-Sled, Long Fled, one lot of Hogs, and lyoke Oxen Ibe name belongs to me, and is only lelt with vii : one as th laid Horu on loan, subject to my order. O. W. HORN. January 19, IE59.-3t.pd. 1 IVITER SHAWLS, (lilt. I.OVll Kl WOOL, LONG SHAWLS, SINGLE SHAWLS, ROUND CORNERED SHAWLS, For tale by KRATZER'S. lob printing neatly executed here. M i t I 'ti t I i 1 1 t i , Ilk t' H I I, I 1, f. i ,i 1 I .i'l '.I'M l ( ., f.,,r, in Ii ini i, I Mm.' "... pin -ni, lit. ' t iiu llmt l ill I. UfS III . . u Mint im n mnH" iiiii.;"iin-ni i i. . . "in , n Kami dm , .1iiiiiii.iv I, I s (i, , I t Kr...t ( . llie-l K'll I'""' CH'l i'tO IV, ,.l,, S t i-i put.ll.lii' 1. I Will tin l " "it, ,h' ,1 ,l, le the i: iff III New Imt l,f,lK, r f S tiiiiiii'g ui" I'l'ind ro'iimi, on e. I, pns;.., Jj j( ebes In I' iiti'h. nml dmible Ih quniiliiy , Inn inallT (ivn by any weekly pnp,r im p-h. d : rnitff ! '' the finned m,, !ie.,p, . tel. . leeled Mid original, liiriilslie.l fri ,iir, .' nnd nt I It Kill be in all re-peels, a i,j,, Jiiuiiiiil ; t unliiiiiiiiif the production el popular writers In lihcrnl quiinlily; llt,iii,. Horics, K-snj'S, l'o'ins, Aneedoi,, Notices of Aniusftneiits and llie Arls, ar., 4T In line, nil things which lire nen, beniiiilu'i, j,. tere-lnig nnd nllraelive. I'aeh ininilier nill e,,,,. tain not only earelully ffttideiised syni,n.i, the (lenernl News flaring each weik, but ill t wry latest infoiniiilioii nnd Telegraphic ), pnlehos up to the hour of going tu preis. xti 1'i.iistelliili iii will li' 'I bo uu lllii-tiated l',tr the pit-turn sheets are, bill it will coniuiu bea', ful liesigns nnd Kngr.ivings, wheutbsy rsallj illustiute and iirnument n subject. Tho subscriber hus already engaged a Corpi of Contributors, "n J rain of s-'lars,'1 unequtlltj for genius, brilliancy, and reputation by thoss ff any other journal now publisheil, no matter whu may be its prctens'ons. It is with no slight uri, tilieiition tli"' I'9 announces his success in r.jj,. t'-r 'j.ng. if cu licrsuusiou, the uble and eiperi. eneeil sei vice n gentlemun, so long and io justly eminent. Mr. Park rJcujniiiiii. C'onaeo. tied for twnty yo..n with the pre of New Ysrk city, and always successful in his liternry enur prises, whether ns Editor, Author, or public ipes, ker. tho name of Mr. Benjamin is uu augury of certain good fortune. Tho public tuny rest assured that uo lutini will be untried by tho subscriber to secure 1 gi uml and brillinnl accomplishment of his effort to establish the largest and best weekly paper ever published since nntliin; will be leftundum that can bo dune by talents, cnpilul, experienci, learning, nnd a resuluto experience. "The Constellation will mainly recommend I. self to a cordial and g nerous support from Uu very best people by its observance of good anl ni-oiilnnrn fit' vil. It will ho nil linobieelif.ntitil ftnj ,crect laiuily newspaper giving ofleoeet uo sect or party tlio tavorite nliKe ot ouIIimin of young nnd old. Tbe snbscriber.haviuj M nearly a quarter of a century's e'perionee in the publication of daily nnd weekly journals.anu hi. ving now connected hiinsi-lf with such well knotin nnd valuable editorilul aid as lie has therein, Sal I ters himself ihat this now entrpri will at oeee I utchieve a popular luvor unu cucccm unparallel e l in newspuper enterprises. The terms lor "Tho Constellation," will be t , dollars per nnuum cucb, wheu leu copies iremt in i.iai envelopo to one address. . Twenty-eight copies to ono addrcos, $45 00. Five copies do. do. ivl it, Two copier', do. do. ii lit 1 11.... .v ,l .1.. i.,. t.,,ll.,,. ...,..,..., ,.r v. iv b I'" a- i delivery, $3(0 All subscriptions to bv invariably in adranet. Pintle copes, Five cc-uts. To Newspaper ;cnti, : $.'( Ml per 10O ' A late Siitunlny evening edition will lie puii. lirh-d, aid lift ciirly Sunday morning at tin rcid'.nec of City rubscribcrs, by regular carisri, j iinpiuyed by tho publisher. Those who di-tirt ' to couun-.-reo with tho Hi s t number, should tend ' iu their siibteriplions nid orders ut car'.y as .ji , tiblo since, on nig to the iiumoiise me of liit beet, only such uumbers will be priut'. J u may be ordered. . ' All orders and letters ; to bo adlrcised to lot uudcisijjiK'd, CEHRGE 1101. LII 1, . Street, New Y.rk. 12 .n d II, S i Nov. 1 7, 1 s JS. l ook iii.iti:: i.oox HE! T !IE uiidersi.-hvd s.ibsjribeia, take this nicilw od of ii:toi uiiiig the public ueuerully, tail Ibey have this day entctcd into co:artn-.-rl,ij ii THE ELACKsMITU KUiXXE'S, and can t; f ,und at the shop formerly occupied by J. shunkwiler, on Third itrrct, ia this be. ruuh, where they wiil be pleased l'i see tiie Ti ( u.-i juiers. and ui many new ones as can uuki it convenient tu give thetu a call. I'ring on your hoes, your spades lad picks, Your log chains aud your pulling slicks. Your sled.-, j-iiiir sb-igbs, y-jur lioiso, yiur auuf. j No three year old shall then go bare. Your sprnri will w oik up thru ju.-t right. To i.r'i.ftiiiig twjks for every uoihu Your swords t o, shall theti b? roil,-'.'.. To p!o::glish ares im.li as C.o'ii ne'er beu'ut. , JACOlt SIlEXICWILEll, ! iiV.O. W. OUll. Clearfield, pL-cctube r ?, If jS.if. VALUAULi: I AMIS AM) Ss V.MJU ri; t'lwn-liiii. ( icn; 1M r.t:ntv. ,otit.iil)inr ()XI ii I'MjULL-' nii.l ,-EVnNTY 'TWO A'-IiES, ia t ao trnct;! or jtmcols lying coiuiuou. vi ; FIFTY-EIGHT AfliKS, with n S w-Aii!l tin icn, and Ten Aeies clcsrtJ, AMI OXE IIlXrl;EI AXD TOfViTA'A ncrrs, with about thirty acre cleared. Eta trn'-ts nro will tiiiibered wilh Pine Timber, acl nre well fuited for lumbering, anl would suit iinr one w ishing to go into the business. To'.' W ill be sold separately tnr together, to suit ps cbnscrs. Terms one third uf the pnrehsse an noy in band, aud the balance iu two yearly pij- - menu, tor further particulars inqu,re el JiiIIN .-HoKF.er S. W.KEAGl, A-fiiifni'sfrnfors nf the ."'fnff of" Almtiun X Afl oy. oV sr. i .erf. January 19, ISjfl. tf. "yOTIt'K. Al! persons nre hereby vnUitl X that the undersignod have each a rliinsf one fourth of what wai the interest of r,lr''J llnllt.rtT st lht limn nf Itia .f-Aiii. ia ibf - acres of land, in Penn township, now advertise" '"" -'P- for sale by order of tbe Orphan Court, M v tirotiertT f,f Veli rtiifl..rlv THOMAS RAFFFIITT, PATRICK HAFFEKTi". JANE CLARK, dec. 29, 1S5S. 2t pd. STOVES, STOVEs INDUSTRIAL STOVE WORKS. No. 33, North Second Street Opposite Christ Cliurrh, rhUadcIpu.s. The eubscribcr respectfully informs his frirt and the public generally, that he ha ttkeettj Store, at No. 33, SOU Til SECOSU STLH't where be will be pleased to ee his old cnslea en and friends. , He bin now m hand a splendid assortiwetii parlor Hall, Office. Store Rnd Coota -- Vaw-sj "fc. Vr "BT" fkw fR" fla W H); fcO' " XJ Y JUal of the latest and most approved kinds, at ah I , . ... " vrsiV. saie ami retail. .i. No. 3.1, North Second Street PhilaaVlph N. R. Your pnrtirular attentif-a ff MEKHEE'S PATENT HAS III KMVU AW ING AND VENTILATING ST('VE. fo- rw bir. Ofliees. Siorea. Halls. Cars. 4c whic eeoocmv, purity of air, and ease of msnafw i. w. c Sa.Odd Casting!! for all kinds of St" barjd. September 21, ls.'.R.-5m". ,