Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, March 02, 1859, Image 4

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    A ff !. n.;i, ( it, f..J t it 'liif.
a Hi mailt mi l iiinmuil .1,1 , vt. ik
i. iultllS I'f .mi Ifftltle rrrMlt I't wliiw
"npntli1 n liitut llirif- lonilmr itu ni-l
i'.U t-ndy MiH.nA. ami ttlid rtidcrrlf
items lent U loml till) line. V
i hillierto neglecte'l lo show our ap.
(Hiil i ui of the f) mpaty of our unit notvu
lend, I t livini them a t.lme In our rol
f una, uuiNin cm larny jumico we
. jW lay before our rei.ders, with llie aasur I. ..--II..
Tie Printer' Comolatiou.
Tst.t me, y winged win Js
That round my pathway j.lay,
! thre no place on earth
Whoro printer ppt tlieir psy T
The whi'.riii) lirHeio went by
With acconti fi!li with wo,
A voice home on thenorrowing air,
In tailiio Hruwer'd "o,"
Toll mo, yo flowing atrortnii
I'hat liilo itlon g,
U there no ohoriuhnd plaoo
Whore printera imet no wrong?
The gentlo biwk replied,
In murmur aoft and low,
Ana winding on it verdant way,
It meekly nnswer'd "JCoI"'
Toll me, ye murVy clouds,
Now rising in the went.
Is there upon the globe
One Hpot, for printer blest?
The flunking clouds oumpoka
With an indignant glow
A 'oice that filled tho Karth with awe,
in thunder answer a "2o I "
Tell me, hard-hearted man,
Withholding day by day,
Is there no honor in thy breast,
The printer'a bill to pay ?
Unanswering turns he round
How plain his action show
An uttered, oath-capt sound is heard,
Hit actions answer, "Ivo ?"
Tell me, ye gentle nyrape
W'ho blees life's hour though,
Is there no Eacred shrino
Where printers get their due?
The mantling blush her cheek tuffus'd,
Did tenfold race impart
A soft responsive High replied,
"Tis found in woman's heart."
Tf 11 me, angelio liosts,
Ye tnesKengers of love,
Shall suffering printers here below
Have no redress above ?
The angel band replied,
"To us is knowledge given
Delinquents on the printer's books
Cm Minn skier IIeave.vI"
Prodactive Farms.
From th Maine Farmer.
To t person not familiar with thestntis.
1cm of LnglUh husbuudry, the surprising
roductiveneM of the lands of that coun
ry will appear incredible. Nearly nine
:onth of the cultivated land in Englund
ind Ireland are rented to tenant who pay
.'sually from four to five pounds sterling,
.bout tweuty five dollars per acre annuiil
Where is tho farmer in this country
ho could "live under such burderns?
Here a farm containing from eighty to a
hundred acres, is often rented for one
hundred end fifty dollars, and sometimes
Ims, aud even at this rue tbe tenants
iiave ft hard tak 1 Tbe cultivation even
where there is ft large number of acres in
gnt, wm uiw im luan pay e rein
xe. Butic England the result is wtde-
ly ditferent. The tenant who there pays
ive pounds sterhng.per acre, annual rent.
. tnd ntids all appliance, obtains not only
he means of a comfortable subsistence,
mt wealth, from the prosecution of a ail-
.:n T a i -I. .
ins wnicu nere wouiu uoom him to want
, .net destitution, and ultimately starvation,
. inleea assisted by tbe town
In IH 11, Mi i' win estimated the produce
: fone English farm of yQ ac.res nt 8578,
ir $3 i.OOO ! The quantity of manure ap
plied was 13, "4(3 one hore cart loads in
na yuar; ana tlio next!
iow aarniiung tne rent Ol mis tarm 10 j
he $12 per acre, and the txt of tho ma-1
Qtire and it application $12 more, and if j
io those sum we add, for interest or ex-.
penBes, taxes, and vw-ious contingent ex.1
penses'of cultivation, 4c. 12 nfore,
-hall find upon .trikin. tho balance, thrtt !
there will remain a profit of $10 per acre :
utnounting in the gross aggregate to the
tiumot 510,000 cleur gitin to tno occupant
iu a single year!
In the vicinity of London a hay farm,
comprising 100 ncros, nas rented. The
rental, in this instance, was $12 per acre ;
ftmnnnttni? in nil in ftl Q' O s.f von, A
heavy expenditure was required for ma.' 0,uu,u'n8 mponant je legrspn ,c ews, sixteen
nurC; probably a, much tl an WkynjSI
farmer would have been Wl ling to give lor tonals on all subjects, and full report, of all ,h.
the fee simple Of the land, and yet the I news of the dny. Thi Commercial and Financi.
tennant succeeded, and has nince become al departments are full, and are carefully attend
wealthy, and with no other income than 4 " advertising medium there is no
the produce derived from this one Inrm. I b"ter in tl"' s,ate- 1,18 t'"ulntion being
In lrelund,a poor tenant had one of "Mf ' n'' f T' Vt au,ong the
ii , j . most Intelligent and influential of th' Douulation
land, erected a cottage purchased manure . Xmii Bi dollar. D.r in .d
end furmine tools, and the tirst vear clear
odall expenses and had a balance of forty
dollars It ft. And yet that Irish peasant,
in addition to the exuensea and o-jtlnv
bovo enumerated, had a church tax to nE PHILADELPHIA SATCRDAT DULIE
par, and be at the expeno of purchasing j TIS,
lit own seed, and rnaintaininge family of a, w.ll-flll.d, Family W..kly IT,w..
four besides himrelf and witel paper-i. jublished by th. proprietor at th
In this country WO cultivate too much following nnpree entod low rates: I copy, on
land. Were we to concentrate our ener yr- tl 00 , 8 oopie. do. ti 00 j 13 00 conies do.
gies upon onequarterof the soil weahould ;10 "l ' pis, do. $14 no i 30 copies, do.
derive greater profit from our labor, and CTT7' lo; ,50,.0,0 F,i"I"ER, In-
instead of exhaisting our farm, should S i nV I Z T T ' b'
i . ! . p . , sent lor tnre yean. Jhe next largest club ( over
keep tbem lu a condition of constant im. lu0) wiu b i.nt for two vear.. Add.. 1
provement. Look where we may, we find
that tbe Indepenaent farmers the "good
livers" of the country, are, in nine cases
in ten, the occupants of small farms.
FURS ana BUFFALO ROBES to .alt ti
teton,at KRAIZEK'S.
' The rublUhers of the Republican are ma
king arrangements to largely increase their
etockof Jobbing material, and will be pre
rjared to do all kind rt I
parea 10 ao .Ui Kinas Of I
r T. t
"! srui.iii, rsoosi.iis,
Fapbi Books, CinccLAss,
Bau JCKtrs, Handbills,
and every kVvd .
iaaeountn 'o
UmW4 tt
rrinting tuuaUf done
v r vir: i
rUt Atinnfl'ltifnt
N fcntitnniil till bm i-oMtitdsd fctws
1 a
R A I'lJ.r.t.llt .rt.flM I.I hm"id "C .'Mil,
id tb l t..i)tti tor nf Hilt itr, '1 he Hutu,.
t.vwhiisith ' t..tiih ' and ' 1 hi" at la
and to be th ilitril control of Mr. Pry.
n., 1 tat paper will be Ih org an of n person f
(Hill, but riernttd tu ibe gstieral intrrrtti f lb
Deniiicratle party, id accordant with Ih prlnrl.
(.Iti of Ulal right, lieaiucrsry. Mr. Pryor hl
I ... I. . I. . . I : . i-i . . . . i.
uiiuH II irn ilia .tiiMirim Etiiiirni di ma n.ti.r il
iM b, ,n,n,j under th nam of "TIIS
f TAILS," and published uu tbi following termi i
Kutljr V"r un copy per year, -l 0(1, two
uofilii, I iv ID I ecuil wctkly (aprr-
ona eopy
pr ytar, J tu ) nctkly una copy
err laar,
tkn coiiiri to a club, ti VU tva sop.
I... ,n . Sfl llll I.. ... .It it.
twfutj vupiai to a club, 19 llf. Senium t'a
'par: At tba procaoJinut ot tba .sviuing Con
1 grata will ba of graat iutrratt to tba ftbula coun.
try, "Tba Mtltt will keep in rcadora lully J
id upon all tulijtcti which ttty bo illn uttej
by Ib.tludy. Tba prlca ol lubtcriptlon for tba
tcttiuDwill baat fullowt onaccpy $2 00
two ooplct, J VV haml-uieekly on oopy,
$1 VOluur capiat to a elub, $3 00 j YVaokly
ona copy, SI) cautt nra oopiat to a club ti 00
ttvauitcn eopiet to one aJJrtit, $i 00. Pt .
tnanta in all vate required in aiivanee. Foit
isatteri wbo will forward ut a elub of fir or tan
tubtcrihati to our Wedkly fur ona year, at tba
alub pricti, will be entitled to a oopy of the
'Weekly btatea" for one year. All letter in re
lation to the new arrangement, abould be ad
dretied to Fryor lleita, WanbinKton, 1). C.
lbruary 8, 18D no. 4, ol. iv.
Tile ''Great Eepublio" Monthly
ATfE have tba bonor toanuounoe that weiball
ittue, on or about tbe firtt of Deoeiuber
next, io ai to be in acaaun to oommand tba ear
ly attention of the publio and tbe periodical
trade, tbe Brit number of a new illuatrated uiag-
axiue, to oa called the "Uroat llopublie ' Muutb
ly. It i in too Jed to make tbi mugasin au
jrior io every rpeot to anything ever befor
itaued io thi country, Tbe general loop of itt
obaraotar can beat be undentood by iu nam. It
will be thoroughly National in no wiaa taction
al or acotariau, aud wholly iinperional. It will
oiler to tU writer and thinker of tbii Union
a ouuiuioa field, where they n meet en the
bighorn ground of contemporary literature It
will aim to gather abour it every variety of intel
lect XL range of article will be a wide one, cot.
ring, among other groui.dt, Kmayt, Bkctohet,
Jiumeroui l'ulet, Sloriti, Historical Incident,
lteviewi, Critiqi en, Biographies, Scientilio Ar
tiolet, 'Iravelt, Table Talk, Dramas, luoidenu,
Politic, foemi, iiallude, Suuiut, Sonnets, Alu
lie, Correspondence, tioisip, etc, eto., etc.
The Mugaiiue will be profusely illuttrated In
th bighorn ityle of wood engraving.
The Literary department will present g eater
variety, combined with more thorough excellence,
it is relieved, than erer pelore oilered to lbs A
merican public in a siuglo periodical. Th fol
lowing author and populur writers are included j
in",;li hit of contrihulon engaged :Ueo. D. j
Prentiss, Churles Swain, Fits Ureon Hal eck,
Choi. J. Ingertell, Oreetei A. Browmon, Uen.
Cioo. P. Morris, Xuthauiel Deering, lion. Cbas. j
Uayarre, Wm. Uilmore ciimius, Park Benjamin,
lion. Albert Pike, of Arkansas, Abbe Adrian
ltoquette, lion. K. T. Conrad, Ucv. Ralph lioyt,
beba Smith, (Jack Dowuing,) J. T. ileudloy,
etc., comprising a long list of writers, among
whom are many of the most popular in the coun
hacb number will contain an original ciec of
music composed axprestly for tbi work.
Ut lu superior exce.luuc of tbe Alaeaiin in
every respect, and of tbe certainty of iu perma
nent lusuese, very little more uued be laid.
In term and gouerol condition! of th Mac-
aiiu will be a lullows :
TsuMl There will be two volumes a vear. of
.U inn i . i -
7". . T'v "" '.r"1 y"""'"B
yanuary ana juiy ana enamg in Ju... and
December, rotpectively uiakmir u numbera to
aaoh volume, d twelve numler. to .ch year. ,
g.e oop.ea ceui; suuscipuon, one copy on
L!r'r 'ma'i,.TUUi i. two copies on.
i ... . at ... . i . .. "
ooo ear, tw vu ana ail auaitiunal ooiiioi,
...... IU. . . : . ... .... .. 1
cluh tlub, u forue(i m
Liiic.,. AU ubMnpUon miut bo paid lo ad,
vano. J'reuiiuia oubkoripuonevnutling the
I ubecribor for on year, audio their choice of
j "bor of our twj great iteul engravingt, entitled
'TU Jut Supper," and "The City of thi
Great Jung," Four DulLtrt.
i'i wi nui w t vu. u itai u mi lumi
Tbe engraving will be tent on rollers by mail,
Agent and canvasser can make liberal and
satisiactory arrangements upon application, sta
ting th territory required. All postmaster and '
clersgymen are authorised to receive mbsci
wnictt tney may forward to us, giving name aed
address of su'. scribor, and deducting 2i per cont.
for their trouble. Th rate of noitai:o will not
exceed three cent lor each number, to be paid
in all ecso at the office where it is received. All
communications to be entitled to answer, must
CuDUl11 rot,rn stamps Subscriber must in all
rTVT'i. '' CST y' Sta,e in
JZ LVAT T,h!!V i'.Iittl?
bo remitted by d' lp;,.,rbTK7;egiV;.re,
letter. OAKSMrTii a rn
Publisbe-i of tha "Great Republio" Month!
" ,nu ll "tlllauj Mreet, New York.
The Philadelphia Evening Bul'ctin, '
i;! A" Independent Daily Newpper, devoted es
ji pecially to the interests of Pennsylvania
.... . rrnprietors.
No. 112, Boulh prjqx Street, rhildolphia.
Proprietor, BulleUn Building, Ko 112
South Third Street, Philadelphia.
A LL personi Indebted to th tubicriber, ither
by not or book account, ai requested to
call so settle, oa or befor th Brat day of April
1 bit. Tho who do sot comply with lbs above,
may expect to pay cost.
SfAlso th subscriber offers for sals bit
"J ,offlc ,llu',1 u, th towa '
Lntbwiburg, low fr aih, or in payment., to
.nit unrchasert. For farther Bartlnuli,. .nnl.
r. -rrv
19 sue nitiuiss, on iue premise.
no. 2, t. iv.
Luthersburg, Jan. 21, 1859.
at tn ome or u um-i24 HDBbiiaAB in m.
Jsweol ef Iflutlff .
... a . : i r
ese. 1, UM.
J 1ST ft fir tt r f n .1 r rf,i.i!,
A lurtt. HMnittnrnt nf
llcleS, til
j "'' and VrnrA Jfrrrnp,
( lurui,
1'igvrtH phm Drfiitirt,
lthnm Jii'ltt,
&artn I'l.iul,
Vmt'Dt hrt,
Llama Chthi,
Silkt de. cfr.
lUmnttM, lattil Fall and Win
llT ttyla,
Itcaity mads i-lottilng, Itonls A Slioei,
Hats Capa, of all kind,
Spanish Sole Leather,
Coffee, Molattet, and Sugar, at Wboletale ft
jMMIidet t Fur, Bhlnclee, and Grain of all
klndt taken in exchange fur g ooda.
Oct. lit, IJ8. WSI. IKWIN.
KAVIN'O fitted up a tbop a few door eatt
of the "Old Jsw Ptubs," on Market at.,
ileurua to infnrin the eominunity at large, that
he keeps on band a variety of
at hit thop, and that be manufacture to order,
(of tuperior finish,) every detvription of houie-
auiu aoa aurnen lurnnure, among which are
Centre and Dining Tablet Mahogany and Com
mon bureaut Common and Fancy Dedttoad
Standi, Sefot, Cupboardt, Sofat, Loungot, tc,
which he is determined to dispote of nt as cheap
ratct, for canh, nt thej can be purchased .t any
other ettabliiihmunt of the tort in the county.
Po'ioni wiehing to buy furniture are invited to
come to hie limp and examine bit articles, and
judxe for thenitolvti of tbeir quality and finitb,
ueioro purcnating eiecwnere, aa be reel confl.
dent that be can tuit tbem in pric and quality.
H. II. lie 1 alio prepared to make CorriNi to
order on the ihorteat ootioe, and attend funerals
with a hearse, when called upon.
AU kind of eountry produc wlT. b re
ceived in paymont for work.
nor. 17, 18JS ly.
rPIIE Sucscribcr has just received and opened
X nt his storeroom on Market it. directly oppo
site the Clearfield House, a large and well selec
ho will sell at a very Aoi fujurt.
His stock consist of a general assortment of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Queeosware, Glass
ware, Drugs, Oils, &o-
including a host of other articles in hit linea
niong wnichenn b found an ex.ensivi and vari
ed selection of liA II l'.H' dress goods ; such a
I)ufalt, Feriian clith, Ihltige, Co
lurg.i, Cashmeres, Delaines, Al
pacas, French Merinos,
J'lniils, and a full as
sortment nf HO XNNETSor the season.
His GENTLEMEN'S wear consist of a largt
assortment of
Cassimeres, Cloths, Suttinetts, Fitlo
Vetting, Tweedt, Huts and Caps,
For Ladies, Genltlemen and Children;
with almost every other article that may be ne
cessary to supply the wants of th community.
The pressure of th money market having bad
the cfleet of reducing the t.rico of m:inv article!
of m(.rchnndi,e, the undersigned bat been eno.
u.,i k- i:.' ...i, u". -l-. V
..nd. atVnce
both In th quality of goods and the price a
rhickh.old them. U hope, to recoiv" a re.
iuk utivwiuia ciiurei vivu IU uiean Dlfl CUr lOinPril.
will pleas call and examine hi stock of cheap
en poous.
27Country produc of all kinds taken in x
clangs for food.
Clearfield Nov. 10, 1S.M
THE uudersigned respectfully informs bis
customers aud the public gonerally, that be
has Just returned from the East, and opened at
his establishment in S'lf A WS HO W Clenrfiold.
. . ne ".to. of "ATCHE3 of different qual.
"u ' eroiy variety, irom a rill
.;; . i.l -:n --it
sett to a singe piece, waich he will sell at th
most reasonable prices for CASH.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watchrt and Jewelry
carefully repaired and Warranlt l.
A continuance of patronage is solicited.
Nov. 10th, 1S48. 11. F. NAt'GLE,
No. 813 (.Vcie Ao.) ilathtl it, oboie Eighth,
Importers, Manufacturers and Dealers in
For Ladies and Children; Also, Gent's Furs
Fur Collars, and Gloves.
rpilE number of years that which w hire
X been engaged in the Fur business, and the
general character of our Furs, both for quality
and price is so gcnrally known throughout the
Country, that we think it unnecessary to say
more than that wo have now opened ur assort
ment of FURS for the FALL nnd WINTER sales
the largest and most beautiful thet w have I
ver before offered jo the public. Our Furs bav '
in ueen imponea during tne preaeut seaaon
when money wua scarce and
than at th present time, and have been niann
factored by the most competent workmen w
ar therefor determined to sell them at sui-h
prices ss will continu to giv us th reputation 1
w hav born for yean, that is, to .ell a good
article for a very Smalt Profit.
STOREKEEPERS will do wall to g'v a. a
call, as they will find th largest assortment by
far to select from in th City, and at manufac
turers price.
No. 818 Market street, above 8th, Pbilad'a.
6ept. 2Ulb, 1823. 4m.
THE UNDERSIGNED takes tbi. method or an.
nounoing to th citizens of ClearBeld and th sur
rounding country, that b ha opened a
Banrlbir SEaT
en Main Street la Shau't AV iton, wher eh
is prepurea 10 accominodat all who giv hi m
call, and hop to roelr a liberal patronage .
Oct fin, 1858. JEREMIAH N0RRI3,
1 7OR BALE, by MsattBLL A CAaraa, Adam,
a ioreis improv vorn Shtlltr Also a fe
. 1 . n ... ....
vuiiers 01 in best kind with a larva Trl.
ty ot uooa. in tneir line, ju.t received, and wi II
ba sold low for cash or produc.
vlearfleld, lee. 8, 1858.
BLANK ARTICLES Agrmeot, legal form for
between Beheol, Dlrctor. sad Teacher., far
isi at tb effe f th "OlnrlsM RpMh."
111 ' . I..I, I t trig S"M,I I rrn
ft I't I r""s if Mil'iliinw"', It ri'W ll I
f t lb . n,,i,.,ii, n i.f tba I nl. lie 1te!l.f
III f M lb It a r.itiv.nltnl h .
Ma If, KM, .foil" jnitAN.
TIIM andersigned reapectfully Informi bit
friend and th traveling public la general, that
he bai taksn th abort home.,
Tin Iloesi ban been recently refilled im
proved, and newly furiiinlied j
All WHO may give lllin a call, in tliO mont
ulenjiinir and Kifi PPftl.ln tiinntn.r
Trt a flTm sji ji
iUiifl 112 UullSiAJ J irWVfltfiilOffll
iiri . it't t tt
" ,M nery lh,n3 10 r'nJeT " houu detxrallt
tiKj'pmq place,
ITiUJ itiiilli
will b supplied with an assortment of choice li
quor; and b will endeavor to entertain hi
guests In a manner that cannot fail to giv th
The house i situated in a pleasant and
quiet part of the town, and no expense
or attention will be spared to tnuke it one
j of the best houses in the county. A lib
eral patronage is rennectfullv solicited.
Cltarfiold, aug. 1S,H 6g. ly.
Hace tt above Third, Phila.
X tablishnient being thankful for tbe very
liberal patronage bettowed upon them the past
year, take thi method of informing their friend
nil k. nnlilln k tl. ..:,i . .
- v j.....v him incj ii, hi i ii preparea vo ao-
commoilule them if fnvored with a nail.
During the rummer months the house hat been
thoroughly renovated, improvements made and
other extensive altorathns in contemplation.
We are determined to devote our whole atten
tion tu business and flatter ourselves with ih.
conviction that wo shall be able to give sntiiluo. " H Th8 paJtneisbip heretofore existing bc
tion. SIDES A STOVEK. twecn John MoCabo A Ueorge Newson is Ibis
N. B. Carriage will always be in readiness to AJ diassoved by mutual consent, and tbe books,
convey passenger to and irom Steamboat Land- ount, and all effects, are now In the hands
ings and Railroad Depots.
8. 4 8.
March 31st, ISiS.j,
Curwensville, Penna.
rpbe subscriber, formerly of the Exchange Ho
JL tel, Philipsburg, having taken th above
new stand, situate on the bank of the river, in the
lower end of Curwensville, would announce that
he is now ready for tho accommodation of stran
gers and all others who uisy favor him with a
call. The house is large and comfortable, and
travelers will find every convenience neces.ary to
tbeir comfort. Aaiple itabling ii attached to the
preinitei. 1
February 10, 1S58.
1 The subscriber having taken the above well
known stand, formerly kept by H is. A. Mason,
in Curwensville, Pa., is reedy to accommodate all
wbo may favor him wiln their patronage. His
tulle will always be supplied with the best tbe
arkit afford, and bis Bar with th choieos
liquors. Hi. .table will be nader the enre of
tentive hostlers. IMVID SMITH.
Curwensville, April 21. ISJS.
ri w . . .
i i.L.Mliu IIUUIL,
(Fort:i!RLT kvowx as the Good Intent,)
UearjiclU lounty, J ennsylvanta.
Tb tubsoiiber begs leave to inform bis old
customers, and th tmblio renemllv ih.i h. h,..
recently taken the above well known stand, and
that he ba rntirely refitted aid refurnished it in
a slyl adapted to the age, and th want, of the
enlire traveling community.
will alway. bo provided with every luxury the
markets and .nrrounding country will afford.
will be supplied with th choicest wine and IU
which ar th best and mott commodious on tbe
road within a day's travel, will always be in
charge of careful and attentive bustlers. In
Every department of hi. Establishment will
be supplied with all tbe comfort and convenien
cie. the weary traveller could desire.
june 2, '68. W.M. A. MASON.
No. 117 & 119 2nd St. above Arch,
M. IIOPK1 XS take. thi. method of inform
ing bis old friends and tbe public generally
that he bus just RE-Ol'ENED the almv. ...i.
known Hotel, and re-fitted It is a style suitable U
tho age, and th wants of th travelling publio
jur. 11. nu nan a large experience In hoti.l
In L. L, ... .. .. ., . . .
will' l Ai. h . . ." "?y'n? ?" KUe"t!
Dint place " hou,e P1"""11 ni desirable ,u.p-
or k..i'..iu. 1 ,.L. .
son. nt" Zr! "". n0t01 r' P"-
ZMrV C ly ei,,'"un
w.v iH,M UJC 1 Lr.ASL ItE.
it i. deemed altogether unnecess ry to speak
V n.0r.!C.l'n rbi',,d1Pl'i i bett.r known than
iu ''Old Mount r,r.o.
By close attention to th wants nf M. ..,..
rs Mr. II. hope to deserve a .bar of publio
. B. Hi. term. pr day ba. been fixed at tb
low rat of $I.2J
Sept 22nd, 1858.
1 jr.
iu. tuoscrioer respectfully announce, to the pub.
lie I n nt h. h.a I. L . . . I. - .1 . . '.
... .... iii. shuts siana, 11
f. .11 -h. 7 . .PrrPared t sccommo-
... ... my iiTi oiinacau. Tb public
may rest assured tfaat it will be oonducted In tb
best manner possible. Hi. table will b mnnlied
S, . Vr """"' "erdt Hi, Bar filled
with the ehoice.t brand, of wine, and llqnors.and
hi stable, will b. under th car of attentive and
careful ostlcr. DANIEi M. WEAVER.
Feb. II, 1857.-y.
Dissolution of Co-Partnrriln
C undersigned, having been partner, la th
UliOesS of tanninir. nurrin. .J u .
1 .b:kin' iU MarV's Stoam 57
, bav tbi day by mutual eorsent dissolved tbeir
v-r...u...i,, sunneeunn. All debt dua .aid
firm nf li w Yl -. .
".' ' "! ." ' " vo., ana ail claim ao?a nt
who haa nureh&..d k. 1..- . ....
T h '"on aJ bouiu, of St. Mary'i
arJ'. i
r mnniH UI HI OUU tWO i
b. , - 5' C' 6CHULTZ.
St. Mary's Stoam ?actory, Jsa. 12,1859. -m.1t..J
t rt t
I AIT U' fx i '. fl ti... i
Lille anBiiihi't li tli fiiltfti nf
I li lli. m! ilit I tin it i tin illv, llial lb It
r and In (It I li 1 1 II r 1 1 . n In Mimi..
MAt", Mri.niiKnl A.ll) ot, la ta Meat's I ara - It tf i
atia t"Kei s,
hi rtfVre all whs mr bi Ih1m1 r lbs
abnte, to the her. Pr. and Mrt. M
Terme I 00 Insdranri, er I If 00, If not la
Dee. t, 185S. tf.
11)11 MAM', on nr,T
which are cleared and under cultivation, situs
ted on Clearfield Creek, on llie main Mail leading,
from Clearfield town to Clearfield llridge, in
-..I.. ...m... -li...
v irernniu eomiiT, I a-, anu luree uiuira iiiitu
from th former place.
The bouse Is large, new, well calculated for
Tavern, ami will oi.tntaand nearly all llie custom
of the wntHrinen during th fretbrls, which uu
ally last from four to six weokt. Thai ear also a
good Barn, Wood Shed. Wash and link House,
and various other buildings necessary for convo-
-menc . nu ronnort. llie termi ol inle will tie
f raad enyH?iy four annual payments. Korfiir-
yJ'rroloo Inquire of J. L. Cram, Esq. Dr.
eo:ryuer, James n. hammer, l'.sq., Hear
la. 1. 1 mU w w.i.i hi..- ii.... ii. ..n. .i.i ......
neiu or o. t. n 0111. uien ii
,y Pa. peMn' c.n b.
hv.u. w. tj. ... v.ti, ai'iuo, viinriiuiu luuu
given to that th
benefit of the spring
nouct to more than
buyer or roatorcan bav the
business, which alone will am
double th ront.
A. T
January 5. 1358. tf.
4 JD BE CONVERTED. The great revival
has done immense good in almost everv
State, county nnd town In the Union, outside of
Clearfield. Therefore, in contideralion of tbe
above rumor, t runk Short has taken the respon -
sibility upon himself to revive Ibe Boot A Shoo
business in Clearfield, and set a good example
to his fellow men. He bas to annouuca to bis
olJ custom nrs. nnd ll hunv H. An., n. m.v r. .
vor hiinwith a call, that he has on band a lurirs
assortment 01 nne work and any amount of coarto
Also, Oont Gaiter made to order, and of any
style to uit isomers. Morrocco. French calf,
audPatntcnlf gnlteii constantly on band.
r"""" "r sale, kit excepted. AH work leav
' bis hop worranted not to rip. Customers
co,nlng 0 ,4"" W'H nnd bun at the shop former -
Iv nn.ii l.irl kv It It U'.lik . ...u L
J J ' m. v w no n hoi
clock c tablisbment, nearly opnosite lteod and
V oaver ss store. Roll in boys and got new soles
or your old ones repair.d. as tome of Hi em stand
in great need of it. ...,
Juue SO, 1968. 3 in.
; 01 fr"0" ir settlement. The business will be
' carriod oa iu fu lure by F. Short. Alas, poor Yo
rick! JOHN McCAKK,
TiOCs'I'S K 1 1 f
C3 X. t 11 VI Lid
THANKFUL for past favors, and grateful for
future prospects, desires to Inform the citizens of
this vicinity, and his old friends and patrons in
particular, 1I111I he has removed to the FIIlT
ROOM lu the East end of
jjlhsrw's Kti"J7 Jin.wa
The First Door West of the Mansion House.
where he has on hand constantly, a large assort
muut of every variety in the
i BOOT ,M) Mini; lim;
crsTOM work ai ten iru to witii dispatch
i The very best of stock will be usel, and no
pains spared to make nent fits and durable work
kb neni ms ana ournnie work.
1 obtained from the said Joseph
' for the rsadt isino.
18, 1S59.
All of which can be
Clearfield, Aug.
opening a large and well selected Stock ot
Uouils, cuBst.ting ot
Dry Ciooda, Groceries, Hardware, Queens
ware, lloot and kIiocn, Oils, aiuts &
Drugs, Hat and IIiiiiiicN, Nails &
Spikes alt and Pish,
as well a every oilier article usually required In
the country, which they offer to the publio on as
fuir term as can be bai in the county. Call
and see tbe new, beautiful anduscfut
june 9, ISJS.
A LL persons are hereby cautioned against pur
IX chasing or mecdling with the following pro-
per! V, vis : Ono Wagon, two Cows, one lut 11. y,
two Log chains, two Ploughs, two Crosscut Saws,
I one Cluck, one Bureau, four acres Rye in th
1 ground, four acres wheat In the ground, ono Cut
i ting-Box, and four Sheep. The above property
was .urchasd by me at shenfl s sale and left
with Daniel Horn on loan only, and auhject to
my order.
Luthersburg January SI, 1859,
no. 4, vol. iv.
, , TrnT-rr
1 ti ... 1. v .- . . .
A i'c-i ooii. nru ucrcuj cauiiuuea airainsl PUr-
A C""K T ln "J"'" interfering with the
following property, now in the possession of Geo
and L. Doney : One yoke of black and white
"n ' ,nl b,,y bu ,u"'c"1 10 b J'""
ld' one '"oe wagon-n. the aforesaid
properly bas lieen purchased at constable's sale,
and Is left with them ou loan only, and tubjecl
to my order.
Union tp., Clearfield County, Fa. Jan. 26, '59
NOTICE Is hereby glren that Letters of Ad
ministration hav been cranted In tha nu.
drsignod, on th estate of Robert Wrigley, Sr.,
late of Bradford, township, deceased. All per-
ns naving business concerning th same, art
with th administrator.
Bradford township, January 19, I8J9.-
A LL person ar hereby cautioned against buy.
ing, or in anywis meddling with th follow
ing property, now io th possession of Dain'l
vu 11 wo "arrows, on Wind-Mill, on Log-Sled,
on Lon 8led on lot of Uogs, and lyok Oxen
at th ama knlnnira Ln n.. ..J 1. 1-
"id Hora on lulV-y"?.
, O. W. HORN.
nuary i, ISOV. 3t.nd.
rr fc J KRATZER'S.
"Job PrtnHnj aaatly , xeutd bar..
uni t-u tt nin,
'A l'nllllll.lli.. t hut imt,
llmiigh 'til S train nl leu.",,,
IMIR iiil.eptlbet kai "! pl-nnri In lft
rln that be (in mud arranumtnti i
en Salurdar, Jannary I, Mff, ih ,
lrmrtt an fnotl emi.lte Hetkly -,
,rrr piililibrd. It will he a inp.rh f..l0
dniihle the nit nf tba New York l,edtr I .
tnlnlng nine broad mlnmns on each p,, j."
chri In IrtiRih, snd double th auatitiit if rJ',
Ins mailer given by any werkly pap.r row Zl"
iltliiid I tmhraoing th rholrent uml fril,.., L '
,tt.d and origlnal.fumlthed fror, .
' .i k li -ill I.. I. V'
I. . . ', a Li
Journal ninlatnlng the produrtloiis ef Ihi '
,n,iii,r writers in liberal qtiaMHv j Ro!ll",,
Stories, Kttays, I'otms, Anecdotes. Hk..'
otires of Aiantementi snd th Art, At. 4c
' in fine, all things which are new, beautiful li'
Inrestiug and atlrariire. Farh number win',0.
tnin not oiny careniuy eoniitare traopii, j
th tleneral New during each week, but ilhk,
.re latest Information and Tl
' ,,nit.,M up to the hour of going to press. fT
Constellation will uot be an Illustrated Pansr il
iiicture thects are, but it will contain beauli
etignt and Engravings, when they resile
uiu.trat and ornament a subject
- Th subcribor has i
1 .... .. ..
already engaged a Con
in or Btars"
- r f'l.mipttiiiff.r. in
for goniut, brilliancy, and reputation by tbo v
,ny uti,er juurnal now published, no matter whu
.y i, its prclens ous. It is with no alight tZ
lilicoiion thw he announce hii success in ....
ter .ng, af ch persuasion, th able and explrf.
enced service a gentleman, to long and N
juttly eminent. Mr. Park Denjamln. Connie,
ted for twnty with the presiof New York
city, and always successful in bis literary am,,.
nrimi. wlinlli.r as Editor. Author n, nt.Lt:
L.r ii.. ... .f Mr. H.niamln I. ... : ".
certain good fortune.
i Tho public my rest assured that no ,,,
i Win be untried by tbe tubscriber to securs.
grand and brilliant accomplishment of his iIm
ui establish the largest and best weekly MM,
ever published since nothing will be leftundZ
.1. ... l i . huuui
i i ..j . :.' ' 1 """
flint .an k. fli.n. kv 1.1. nl, ..nili.l ......
it- ivtai iitukt, faiiu m ipowiutg cavrnvuve,
Th r'nn.i.ll.ti,.n aili m.ini. j ,.
self to a oordiol and g nerous support from thi
verT best people by it observance of good and
avoidano of vil. It will ban unobiectionsbl.
and perfect family newspaper giving offenci
no sect or parly the favorite alik ol both kih
: of young scd old. Th snbsoriber.havinthid
. . i- . .
. - a . -
a. n.i.ln .;. i.r ,anfurT s i. l.
n..i.ii..,i. .. j.n. ..J ...klv Innrm.l. i.
vUlg uuw connected himself with uch well knows,
,d valuable edilorilal aid as be bas therein, isu
! tors himself ihat this new enterprise willitooei
ntchieve a popular favor ana lucoess unparslltl.
ea In newspaper enterprises.
The terms for "Ibe Constellation, will bitwe
dollurs per annum each, when ten copies are not
in one envelope to one auuross.
Twenty-eight copies to ona address, tit M
Five copies do. do. $12 0(,
Two copies, do. do. ti uv
Uno copy do. do. including postage or
delivery, $3 fto
All subscriptions to be invariably in odranct.
Fingle copes, Five cents. To Newspaper agtnti,
I 90 tfu per iuv
j A lute Saturday evening edition will be pu!.
:d left tary Pundny mornings at tbi
residences of City subscribers, 1y regulur carieri,
I employed by the publisher. Those who dvsirt
tu commerce with the first number, should send
in their subscriptions ind orders at early as poi
sible since, owing to the immense site nf thi
sheet, only such numbers will be printed as may
j be ordered.
All orders and letters to be addressed to thi
1 undersigned,
street, New Y.rk.
12 nnd 1 1, S
Nov. 17, IS.18.
look ni. let:: look
it 1.:
iJEuudursineil subsi riiiors, take this ini'lh.
od of inloruiiiiii the public ireuerullv. that
mey nave tins day entered into copartnership is
andean bo found at tho shop formerly occnpiid
!) .-louoKwiiLT, on inira street, in tint bo.
I rough, when, fiey will be pleased Io so the r old
customers, and as many new ones as can niskt
i it convenient t" give thciu a cull.
Bring on your hoes, your spades and picks,
v , . , 1 ".
X0Ur lucll," ' Jour pulling sticks.
. V,U,r, M' y"Ur, :lu,U , T"ur b:"'"a' '"u
tuioo ycnr old shall thou go bare.
our mart,
Your spears will work up then just right,
To prooning h.nks for every height.
Your swords too, shall then be wrought.
To ploughshares such as Cain no'or bought.
Clearfield, December 8, 1853. tf.
rpHE Subscribers offer the following valutbli
Real Estate at private sale, situate in Bceet.
ria township, Clearfield Countv. containing OXK
two tracts or parcel, lying contiguous, vii :
with a Snw-ilill thereon, and Ten Acres cleared,
acres, with about thirty acre, cleared. Botk
tract, ar woll timbered with Pine Timber, and
are well suited for lumbering, and would sait
any ono wishing to go into tbe business. Tbty
win no soin separately or together, to suit pur
chasers. Terms one third of the purchase mo
ney in band, and the balance in two yearly ply-
m.nt. rr rr,i... 1... : :.. .
.n,.,vuii.ia iiiuuire wi
I Adm,n,ilratorto tht Eitatto Abraham S.JCi'
I JnnurJ 1859 tf.
J ,b
! tn, fourth of
All persons ar hereby notified
undersigned hav each a claim of
what wa tha interest of Patrick
Rafferty at tha time of hi. decease, in th. tl
aero, of land, in Punn township, now adrertitid
for ,oU bJ order f " rpban's Court, ss th
1 wiopeiij ui 0111 naneriy.
1 TnnMA baitpfiitt.
dec 29, 1858. 2t.pd.
No. 33, North Seoond Street
Opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia.
Th sub.criber respectfully Informs hii friendl
and tb publio renerallv. that ha has taken ths-
Store, at No. 33, SORTH HECOXIi STRtET
wner ne win be pleased to tec bi. old casteav
er. and friend.
He ha. now on band a splendid assortment of
Parlor, Hall, Office, Store and Cooking;
of th latest and most approved kinds, at whole.,
sal and retail. WM. C. NEMAN,
No, 13, North Second Street, Philadelphia.
N. B. Your particular attention i, incited t.
lor, Offices, Store. Hall. Car, Ac, which fer'
ooneroy, purity of air, and ai of management
ba so equal. W. 5. N-
fe.0dd CatUng. for all kind of 6lov..
September , 18.-5m.