1.1 S3aU2k' i o in r Hthirs, Divine Bnvioe. ll-v. I.IomI Knifdi. of Hir?. "''h ,,Vi,'r' t ''Mtillun fidm'tn- j.lPf the l.rl .-lipi., r, , Ihe I ai,h:itli in Mnich, in the Lutheran Cluin li jn i'i iiii'M. S i v tn iMiiiiiifiu'ii (,n Kri'lujf meiiing, Hi" llili of March, ii fv candle light, 'Tlio public mc k nidi v iuitl hUmihI Literary Sooicty. In lliiii riiiiM , a t Mi in Mini in fit i i t a .. t" tl)ll! i ritl r-sc.ll, nl rouM I ii!lwr,iit p, pi inter in, ! pi Milled ,-p.r. .i, , l i - nk It Mm . ,,,. l,..gc ..rtl. j.,.,.!o i.;u .:ij, ( Tin JlkiiwiiK Ji.tri!,Vrt l il.-. I o ""i"' nt tl. time. t, re fitnn, i,i,,r Mr. HibU Iroin the ll,1 irlt , n-iiinin-r by Alhn h. T,.l fc..j. .i.rm.iiy' offline,,.,,,,,,, V,-,, (,!, (.,i;U)liftl direction ill t lint I iii I mt. However ,v ti.,1 Ut'lllg I Ml ,, 1 tho Twtntjr fep(,i.iii in Bily. 1" pilMliuiee i,f nuillii mrnU nt r-l . ill, ,,- i.f li, in tin. N.,v Sill.,,, s, , ,,, l' I li l hlatillg Hi A V III udli'l''lll. n mt pi- i"ti-bip, m, i it.. ' ' i i -i..r li,,. i ii 1 1. 1 uts H i t t i v ul'llie 1. 1 i'ii inn,,,, ,.r i.nmi. (J. W.l,nnif, .las. ." M'"r"M, ns ii....i:.., ,10 (j,,,,, ins. i:. IWipii. Lieut. ;, v. j ,,,,,, ,,, I'uniol H.'iges, V n c l'i, 4t'lin tn i (,,.. I, M.'ivnn, Mini J, W, J,v, NrcrMuries. 1Li . 1'ioiil.jnt (Iiihi stated tin- objector " I'"K in lev luii f luil very ap propriate n nun ks. .V cy tn motion, a utilnmifleo were appr-iintct tixliiilt resolutions consisting of tho fol so until now. wo m i.i,f,i.i..,t i W l.,r,ebocti ro.uo-u.. to nnnn,,,,oVipcnk fr,.m observation or the improved that the ou,ig inon uUhis plauo eoi.tem, nppoaraneeorthe Gazette, which Is now ,,Uto forming a literary society, n ml in-1 as neatly printed. MH ii.t.-i i.tin and'.. tend luWnK ft iiuHtiuK with thul olnvct. ! spirited rt littit Mi.-rt n. mn l,c m.-t with ,t il otll. of Willie Hnrn-tt, till-t,i. ulontflhe North ltlull,U (. in ,ll):t aiy. i"l''J!r VH1-W&. Tli.yuna ; wl..-ro t-U,. Wo y, Mr. Tnio nil th. i-m-m.nofCI-wncl.hirtrH.clfully ltlvituJ ,.f. ,, tnxaUU:nt , tQ tobo P"''. . , I'Wo Lin MiUciiUirs ;iitiih him to. Tuk Wav m Wukhcnihk. Our rca- j Tin Atiastu- Montui.v. Tho- March Jrbave doiihtltus ln'cn very niuoh li-' ""nihcr of thin al,y conducted iniiRiizhio 4ipititvvl nt th aViiiht broukiiig ofl' of !'Kls Ki'ivi'd, und wo ha'.4 no )uhu (he story onlithxl "Sun Wnit'J portioim of ''on pronomifing it 0(inil in the iinli which jwhlishej in our lui-t two jmpor-i ' 'lK roudinjj limltor to nny nmazimi oi i no nay. Jt iniip hmnjiHin & Co., wit iioston, nt ?,l jirr nnr.um, or 25 i.on.Jo.1 in Ins usnul ,-oucI raturcd slyl,., conts tier nunibiT. Upon the reci-iut of In-minir lm n the uiiii'liiune of ilm limm..' think iIhoh lcpnl xciikc fur the deoil -J"10 ubM-ij.t ion punl, tiio iiuhlixhorH will liov r !) ' '"" lifr. nwlo ft lew And that U, that wo PMUthcd then, fur a ork t any part of the U. 8. ,-rc IlSsutd mimK i-ra IOII KOI I.HUI lor t loin. Am lil'""1' , . i in mirli tin:ci M those, it can Kcinxtly be Amerirm Agrkulumsl. 'Uio March mnn reguidca uitiprud- nmct todeclinu doinc berol this valu.ihlo and hnndsoniely print any thing that, will Vr.v." Wo regret ed fanners Magazine hn made it npoar Ihp noiwMty that coinpoLs us to resort to,nce on our tnl.,e, and is fully em,al if any thing like ;W to obtain the mn-j not superior, in its unistioal exeoiuioil us tcriiil aid neoesHiiry to carry on . tho "Ru-1 well as its rending matter, to nny forme' publican," ns much u nny one can ropret I number. not being furnished' the balance, of the! , '' . I stiiiy. In doing ho howvciv we have not ) ft fMii'Mltnii "nl ii' .f, II t r : tn.ii 1 1 Oil" ll.il, ! til tlm lliii'l In. tun M'm'i' t, tx.ik, nitd i, I'.' ii u ill I'ii- i ir i1. ill H, It li. tvmli tin- nlii.! U"i, t ill m iv li ii't OMt In iliw ini oil finV i itt nl t, t mi i ) p Hit I I I V t'OMMI'.IU I II. 1 111,1 fr""1 ' . 1 'Hi.-iir,iulu, )i it m ,r Iti.t di"trnv, 'I h "h.'mIo:m tBint i .nii) .1 Iv I'itti full, Tk. . . Cninirrkp IV.j. ritiit..IVr M-Mfifinl il'i'.q r, lw livlt', , 300 Student. Attending Jaauary, .858. ShZ TtXn'W Nw tli Urxivt anil iu"l tlmrmipti i' liimipr- tjliuvc oil, liy the Vn r . r.l li,fn tl''!. V l:nt rUI 8, h.,..l .,f ilii l niu.l PliUn. Vinina- mnti ever 1 1 it ni tuin. It U l.i nihility i'u tl'l u it rrr,rU lur i tmil iluliva ol lU' l ni,iii.H Itum.i. atitult.Hi, ililt .uliit li uin h.k n't to tl.l;,!:ill J. C. hvnn, A. M. rrnfi.nnr of liink-liviing JintD tlte ihn J hiuIIhiii 111 Kitiriaiina ;" inclu'd, ami Siii'iiio of An mint. , it accnil to Lu tlu 1. -I i,l Him Mitu, "I A. T. l'DI lllHTV. I'vui-lirr ct Aritliini.lii, umt f',., Will visit tlio iuiuuiliia ui ll.u lull. tit i.i.i.n I. W. I'otter, i iiii'ri'ilil Culi'iiUliuii. I their ultildrun." J. a. iicvniiii k ami r. L. Jehrini, Teachcra of In vlfecti ronimonco liy dipmitin fmrn tho blimil of ei irrupt ur ulinntus matter, wliirli, in JJci oDila, or Kind's Kvil, to n-e nt. t t ii riiiii.i i i,riurtn. i . ' r ' lowmx liiiiiiril iiiTwtiiH. via.: J. V. I'ottn lolliiMt J (ah., bavid Kenini. John I1iI,.,m anil bi . t , t int k.- Hiiiik Kci.niiiir Martial miisio living next in order, tho i W-A. Mit.irn, rr.ifH.of P.-nninn-I.iitlieil,urg Il.ind, undi r the supervision 1 ''' . ' ', of Mitj. M. 11.' Luthei, istiuek up ll.ul Co- ;SI'ObE A.ND DOl'LI.K KXTItY UOOli KEEP luinhiii. Tin- . uuttinu! wtu thmi i nter-I ' ' isu, tiiined fur notiie thru, lit 'f lia dr.,.;,,.. ..r t. ....i ;.. ........ .i . ..r on a by the J-uthorshiii "- Xtrinn Hand ', ....... .t:on rtt only airr fr.mi er.ful.i,i e.m Numerous toast, .U1tal,l in tin n, i """'T"'. jr,,a,iJ"'''lHf'' ! 'Uul lmt Lllll h:,v 1m. P!,v" r U v' h S nut li nmtir r.'iiti tint it.tn( tnv. Ill r.l , iniiiir a i, . in i , in ,., 11,(1 it iIimiIiI t r tn i M 1 ,,!.( . III tn .1 ..I lt' l.i.l. I.(h li i. tin rt rt fi i.,tn Kit lull. . of f4 I fH (I,, ar,rk i l I'. l n'ii'il 'Iii.ki tt,l . m lari.ti urai in I II' Ill n I r II fill, 1 if On' inrnlln nr.lfi," i f I'.J i.ol n,rn. f r.t-1, f 15 (ii't;tai.iliiij ntilmt of 1sj7, , nihil '. r :o I)u ft.r nrk and niitrrtfit.fr,i mxll ty Jfl M ui aiiti tlit lUiiuii;i, , rg l.j 11 tt '' ' ' 1 "7n nbich wmi 1. 1 loata a lnlnne artlmt tlio Ilnr en i; li nt Hint time of twi-niy ilnlluii atu.J lorty-Iliri-P I'l hU, Yt.iir riiintiiiiipf n-rmrt tknl. they linvu fjitra Inc. I tho ni, ounm if (lit vletri for till! jeur anil (I n J tli j in ui fnlluwi . tlio limtr, liver, and liiteriml iir.rtini, i tf nn.xi i tttberclra 1 In tint plnniN. rtwillino: and on i the Pitrfnce, pruptliitt or r.,rM. Tbii fu ll ror I WILLIAM POUTKlt, Treat. ttL r'ption, whieh pntl-i in tin; liluml, djHci-ei , To uml rcc'il fr. Cnllco. Ao. J .Hit .1.7 the encrcie? of lid1, i tlut fer.ifulotn con til l- ! T nj' Non. 50, M, to Iml. no't 4 68 !y li.ir. ord'ironcol'J ,f-c. S23 Hi "t10 " oiiereii, all el wluoli weiei (Ww,. m cuiiiriiii U lienrlily responded to. : i.r UiulIiI, und uilotli. r militiivia nnoriiMrr fur I and iv0 i" lieu to conies that we would fofl jtiot an they do tinder likc'oiroiinisii.n- ccj; uui wo uavo a leusoimoio, ami we Mr. J. V. 'otli:r, was then called tit. mi to address the Meeting n liieh lie did in a Vt'l V ell I li II. i, t nmi.ii, . f. 1 r J. I!, i, I,..;.,.. 1 1 ..,. i ii it i ,. ... .. titii i.iiiwi.v iuuis.! toi res 1 1 e mcrcMi ii ii timronfTii emir ntiou ol a (iructicul bimiin uniu. 1MU:MU MM IN I.'ri. LrawU nil tli proniinni" In PittiliiirgH fur tb uot throe ytiir, ulso in KnstiTn it mi Womern Cuius, lor Lost Writing, hot rnuhavkd work. IMrORTA-VT INFORMATION. ijiicntiy, vast numV.i'i :.'rih by (U.mii.U'.., . uhu'li, altltiiiiKh act i. :.,.r una in liic.i nuUiU'. j urn ttlilt ri'n.l. li il f.ili.l l.o it,,, t iii.fr it, nynteii.. Mu t of tilt) tiuiiiiin)tiun wleili ii-.. 1 1 BU'.'t l'Ucnlo, eniKitu- the liuiunti lainilv 1ms itnoi'ii-iii il.nmtlv ' 1 ' -n0i 1 u.' uuf .'x i.123 111 11J JAMKS ALKXANDLK, Cull. DJl. S17 6s 2U 1)0 yiVidii-., That wo do hililv notirpeiin. llie f irit nmnifesled lieu- ihi.s coiiinj:, the nniiivrsary of tho birth-day ol' tho hero of Amor ran Independence. ' 7hk l'i-., 1 lmt every putiiot tdmuM hail it iw duo of tho .inotit heartlelt ineinoriesl thai, we us a nation, have tho privilege of i celelj-aiiiii'. Uinamo 7.',Wiv, l et V,il,l l.,..i i. w i !iWi'es liijgtOO, J'runoc.of.lu.'r.UoiiHpaito, but it , 1 jreinuins lor ., t to claim Wellington as nAMtt'DOTR or Oidrn; Victoria. The fol. our first in war, Inst m peace, and Rtmloiua cntur nt nnj liuio No vticiition Timo uutiiiiitoil Itiiriow ui (iliianufo liniiluiiUin asuu. ti'il in oij ( m i u ; ii gitinuionttj Tuit.ua lor lull torn mcrcinl Course, $Ji,(i : Avciao tiiuo, 8 to 12 wookij; Ilarl $2 j0 ilt wook ; tUtioDcry,$fl 0U ; Kutiru CM, tGU HO to j.ll no. :': evine ti d Iii- encroaehed upon our reading colnnniR Ihwinn imecdote or her IVilnnir; Mnjestv '"A ' 'V'1';0 '"!arlH liU Pountrynien." and have give,, -the' usual amount 0I.tLr (Jueen of Great Britain ..d Ireiat.dVii aive ot "Sea wail." who i also the wi fe of l'rinco Albert of Lutheishurg Har.d, for the manner in in thin rcrotiilnus tiintaiTiinnhnn and nuiiiv j ibt-tri cttvoik'Utt l'U of the liver, kidney, brain, and. iiulftxl, of all tlio nr?anK, niiso from or hi-.' nc rrnvattid by tlmpainu canto. tJiic qiiart'T of nil our pfrplr nrg rrrr.fulous ; their p'Tnono-ttf t'.irndrr! this Jnrltir.R tn fectiitu, and tin r heu'th ii ttiidenuir.fd by it. In rli. i t it li',.t,i tin1 -y t : i v.c :in: tbc blimd by on n!!ernifv'. !ii"d fi'.i vij-nrati; il l.y healthy iK'd and iSouh u lui'uiunc wo 'l'i'iy ui Miiiitcr' mini roocived ut lmlf prira. r... r....i r:..,t... ..ri . .. i , v.,,,,, . i'.hiui, rivviiiivun ui jjiisiiinks UDll ' l 1 Tl an 'T1 ' DUtuI wntunj, eujiow U.roo .luin;,!, and , pOU II l LXlmft (11 rK l" ?! I1 l'i 1 1 H , tbc nn.'.t effi-ctuul rciucdv whii-li tee jh fd i :1 , Ily atu't paid treasurer, lly PXnniTiitinus on duilic. Ily exunertion on dog tax, By er rontngo, t316 58 in. 283 3.H 3 ilS 14 1,0 14 43 2i 821 (.110 3 I. J. CltANS, Solicitor, iTn ..,.,nrniu l: .i..i ,.. Ui'T.l.-C. I uii.otuuuiiiijj uuuia . ! CollfCtt'd, $201 30 liy payment on Hills jnilg't j A penirdtTi rnncclled, $201 SO 201 30 $2i)l 30 Joe. 8, ISiS. f. W. JENKINS, l'lU.-bitrgli, I'a. TMIICI1 ,. nntli s new utiirv- t-.:l.i i" ...i. : .t. 1 : ' . . mini ui uiuu n poi'Mrin was jilvi'i: ,proi crly an Advertisement, published in oiir thenticity 'Ai.iel ' Waxr-Cohurfli, w e copy funi an exchunge whieh they have enlivened tho audience. , pro,,' without pretending to vouch for its nu-1 7l'y. Thnt. the county papers be re- Put whetlier true or not it usual advert i-ing oohmius. Tue Tim her Buaixix. Oiting to thaj luck of anew, mi'eh of the timber made. i-prcstod lo publish tho proceeding of this meeting. contains a moral Unit lnarj-ied ladies -who On motion, the inetini! adjourned to undertake to come the "strong minded" jnieet th 12d of February, isijl-i fame over their lion-rtnistiiig . husbnnds, ) during' the fOHson will remain in tho! uiielit apply with profit. If the Island1 , P31'10 S,,ur ""'f?1' ' I'lmier, with lillill-lli ,- ulnni ,., .. ... ll.. P..' it.,n i . . i mil IJ -mil BUUII, 09 UUJMiiU U nn iiim- itooiU, and the amount that willle cot to " ' ' "",llu u'e u"l'cuo,u tol simultuueoualy with the announce markelconaideral.lv lea than usual and ": 'S T U' wUe " " ly Imetit of the diguing of tM t,,A?en Bill by ii. , " ... absorbed in the monarch. tne 1 resident. It had 1 n mad.? and than noiud have -1-ocn . if thtro hud boen i .... . . , , ; wat hoisted bv orderofAfr C Ioi... ,l X .... i "It is roport(l that her Matstv has a , " 1 . Jf 01 V,1''(Js. good hauhiig.. . ( ; 'wcet little temper ol her own, and thnt; l'.koeper of tlieSemtte. Lin, Smxiim, Ac. of P.tniel Webster.'1"'1' w"-'be apiudent man, goner-j ; ; iv, ,, . , , ii ally re'ires before the stmni. und lock (jooh Memorv. The W ashington corro- eielerotjr readers, and esiciully those lliin.olf in his ,r,nt Ptt,)iH.t linli, the spondent of the Baltimore l'atnot relates immona lennng to act as agent, to the'fcy i c-U-ar, and Miiiahino again illnniiiies 1 'he following anecdote of Sen it tor Chest advertisement lu" this paper of this new the classic shades of St. James or Wind-, I,ut' w'b which furnishes n happy in work from" the pen of SSamuel M. Smuck-is"'- Alter one of these little ebullitions, J "tance of graceful ..recognition, l'ifieen r p. - ti, .. . p ii the Queen gave a tliunth-nnq kno-k at the ; years ngo, Major II , who was a fellow er h,p, a geiitlcntan of cous.derablo co- J j,,,,, tl()0m p,.fllt.0 AH,rt lm,, , j,aacnger wUh Mr. Chestnut ami hit v ife, h'bnty.asa liiatoriun. I his Mill doubt-iiaken refuse, and uion bcinc risked ' on a homeward bound liuroi.ean nneket. less be a inot-t valuable and interesting i "Who's there ?" responded, "'1'he (uecn began the recital of a story to them, inigeneo, oonipletnly remuvinj tlio irritntion and nri-omianyinK iicKiini ien.nnon ol 111? 1 nronp which nro alwtiyj pon.tf quent upon tli ubntniuiuy from the ufo of Tobiu'ro, an A by pivinK lieollb tono to the atoiunrh uivivr.ito the whole iiy.liii l'er'om who nre Irretrievably undermining their eonititution and ' "horteninx heir liven, should us thaso Tmchoa iminediately ntd thrnw oO tho injnrioni and linpleufTint linhit of Toh.ic eo pliuwitig. llu-ne Troebei or Lnier -ej nre put tip bi a eenvouicn and portable f"rm at ttie lur priea of iO ceuut per bnjt. A liheml di-eoiint to the tr b. rreiiured aolcly by 'lie rndersigned to whom all onion should he mblre'ed. JAMKS I,. HCIVKRS. Itntrrri't. t'"r. 2d and Hiiee streets, Pliila April 1, S.'i. ly. URKAT DISOOVKltV OF TIIK A(JK, Iinjiorlnnt to TOBACCO CHEWERS. ML UUiiTAV LI.N.N AUU'.S . -TASTi: HESTOHA TJVE TJinvJIES. Tlif d'rrflt iiiititlsfr,r TAtcrn, It Is t well known mid i n r ontrovertil.lo fuel that the uo of Tnbnirco is tli, jirinnntinrr entti of many of the must Severn MEXTAL AND PHYS ICAL DISOltllKUS to which the nice of innii is futijeet, as car's ul nnalvsis and l ine nnd nuinfnl experience have clearly proven tint it eontnina: Tj;il ull XxrvuR ii.,wn, curtain nnreotie and pnitiiiiions pruperties mo.st iliiiigcroui in their effort, which by entering into the blood deranges the functions und operutiotis of tho heart, enii.'ing ninny to suppose that organ to bo seriously dUeocd. T0I1AUC0 u fleets also tho entire nervous sy tcui, ruanifcstiiiK iUelf as all v.lio used tho noxious weed will boar testimony in Lassitude, Nervoua Irritability, Water Brash, Iiyspepaia, A ninny other disorders of a similar chtlra-tcr. THE TASTE KESTORATIVK TROCHES nrs designed to counteract these baneful influences, and have proved completed; sucies'ifiil in n mul titude of case, nnd wherever used. Ueing liniia less in themselves they exert a Vncf.cial effect upon tho entire system, rejt'irinj; the Taste ivhieh ha? become vitiated or detroyed by great iudul- j bkili of cur times t,i ib vi' t. r tins every j whin: piLValliiig and fatal nialuily. It in com- bitivd iii in the must uctivc remcdiaUi that hnvn bcun (ii-cocrod lor tho expurgation ol thin jiiul disorder finm the blond, mid tho rescue ot ti c m'stcm tmin ita (leptruetivc conseqf.prcioii. ; llonee it-should r; eihpb'yed ler the ctire of 1 not only fcrol'uhi, but also those c.thor nfec I tiona which nrbe from it, such rx 1-htrrrive j and Saw Kisrtsi-.a, Sr. Akthoxv's Ij'imk, ! Itnsi:, or Knvsirt.us, rr.in.i.s, ri'sTfi.r.n, Lmitchks, Vt.tiNs und Burn.Tr.'ions, Tt:n.a and ,Sali Jtm.i m, Scu.u 1Ik.mi, 11inu.wu.icii, llllllUMATIKM, SwillI ITlCalld Mt.KCLklAI, llls- : i:ani;s, l)lopy, JIvsi'ipsia, Iikjulitv, ti.J, indeed, Atx ('uMi'i.tiNrs AUihi.vu jbum itu- Thc popular belief HENRI W. PAF.KS, U. Const. 1,11. To orders Noi. 20 to2, $ 11 65 lly scnicusundl'eet-, 11 65 $11 Si fll ii BEXJ. EPACKMAN, St. Com. PR. To orders, fcliS 30 To materials, Ac, i 2C1 lly bill rendered, Uulauce, fli2 85j 6 71 in " imparity nf ihr blood" iv founded in truth, for sriolnla la a defeneration of the blond. J 'he particular purpose and virtu of this Saranpa rilla is to purify and rceriTate this vital fluid, without which sound health is iiiipotiiblc in cuntuniinatcd coin tit utini.i. During this year orders wo.o drawu amounting to Via. for aec'ts prior to IsiS, $ 41 04 Nuisances, hogs & dogs, 14 Oj Printing, btoks 4 suivoy'g 31 03 l ira hooka and ladien, 0 (li Ronds, uiaterial A plank'g. 31 j 03 To settle treasurer's acc't, 4 68 $158 56 1158 60 $437 82 M37 92 (437 92 The expenses of the Tear were oa follnw. r Ayer s Cathartic Pills, 1 0tir;cornweaii:eUhD8 411 C0Btracu ot FDR ALL THE FURPOSES CF A FAMILY FIIYSIC, '""'let'Vhi h arenathi:' 437 921 work, and tdiould grace tho library of ev ery lover of Amsiican literature. ui 1oiMIatic. They must tune dogs New Yoik, of no ordinary sagacity and jt)at SIorv The Cu tscus of the weather have recent ly been so sudden and frcpuent that wo might im.igine 'ourselves in a eoiitinu.il os cillation between the Torrid zone and tho .Arctic circle. .Some times, (to use the expression of a frieiul of ours,) tho weath er changes abmit forty times within twenty ' practical experience in rural employments. four homn. . I'erh.ips this is exaggerated, 'The following Ktory is related hv ail ox-; bat at wd events we would not" like to (.luln;.e xvith "the gravity with which it throw off more man a few "snakes"; and W(dd it-port the proceedings of a religious if wereiliieed tho liu...ber to about two ' r,.vival ; and of curse no one would doubt down, tvt: should persist in refusing to ,t, u.iability. We would like to possess come dowii 'another do-!'' ,a i.-y c.ir-otype of such an ilhiattious upp- The latr Smoiv. which fell on last Fri- !cimen of the canine race: day and Satttrdav. had but a brief exis-! One day during the recent sleighing. , ' ', lit- iMr. l.ber Hart, ol BriLhton, . ., liur- tence.the warm, breezes, a.,d the benign neswU ,,nir of B.lhld V0U1,g Lorew t0 rays ot the nun the suceeecding afternoon 1 a sleigh, pai tially loaded. The horse took nearly obliterating it: And thus vim-'. fright while stundinj; without a driver. ished thebo.'-o so confidently indulged'?1"1 T?" ltwll- A large mastiff owned by r ... i , , 'Mr. Hart, saw the horses Mart and pave mforatejv j,o,,rsor..Sat.liday.t.fh,,ehaul.,chilsPj vuuinR for ,,alf a mfl Mn lnfc'' - . . j overtook the lunawuys. He paused them, , j. , 1 l4 and by presenting liiinsblf in the trnck in onng ladiesjvhonro accustomed to front Jf t)ipni e,K,cllvom, t0 ,.hock tlipil. -eading newspapers,, arc alw ays observed ,4 speed; but to no purpose tliey actually to possess' most winning ways, most anna- ran faster for the barking of the dog. hie dispoaition, invariably mako good 1 Failing in this tho dog dropped out of the rivn. ,i ..... .,.1 l i,,..i i. ; track, nnd following In bind, he seized the The Queen cannot outer here." respond- which lie was interrupted, and no oiipor ed the henpecked. After the lapse ofl tunity occurring for its conclusion before an hour, a tmte tap was heard upon the I 'be termination of the voyage, the passen iloor. "Who's there?" asked TYinee Al- j gpr became separated at New York, and bert. " Four u-ifc," responded Victotia. rcinnined po until a day or two ago, when "My wife is always welcome," was the) the Major waited upon hisformor acquaint gallant reply." f . , j nneea lo welvoiue them to Washington. -.'. '. ," -' i : The 'flrst greeting over. Mm. t lieslnut, with a Hinleiof pleasant expectition, nid : "Now Alnj.ir II., pray relate the rent of Will an-. Ovs-i kh Fxci oue? reins, diawinc uion the eround, nnd did . not relax his hold until the team stopped. ; After he had been drawn for some distance, his pull became greater upon one tine than the other, which drew the horses to In Lutheisburg, on the 2bh ult., by G. waid a fence, where they stopped i specially when they read tlu llcpulliean. t. . ' ..... " MARRIED. ntim'ior of gentleman in this place, who were dis posed to Ir.uc a good time on Wednesday night lat, proem ed ntnongt other "good things,'' a can oj" Baltimore oysters, which they concluded to stoiv en mat'o, without taking tliein-oqt of the ran.,' They, were placed in a stove, the door closed, and the fire began to crackle around tho "stew". The boys had gathered About the stove, anticipating a feast, when all nt once a tremendous explosion sent stove, lire. ashes and oyatcrj to Davy Jones'. As the steam nz, tlio can exploded, und broke up the feast. Sun Antfrnr (Jo.) fiitlijtinn.t. ?35 pays for a Course of Instruction at the Iron, City College of Pittsburgh, Pa. Young men graduating at this Institution are gu irauteed to bo capable to manage tho books of any business concern and qnalified-to earn from $'.00 to $1000 per vcar.- -1 ' ' l. Goodlander, Esrp, Mr. John Jamison of lell'erson couiH.yr.to Miss Harriot Luther, '.'a ighterof Uoiwell Luther, Eq. Luthers . ,,u''g- .' ! ' . '.' . Coi-ntimi Intkhest. -The lietroit A im--fiber gives a new met,.od of computing in terestn on any number of dollars, at m, i,ei cent., ulncii appears siini.l" -- j "Sepai the right hand figure by a . " " DIED. j point, niid the figure on U,t left hii'id io fi.. t. . u. ' .i n i i. .,i lis sei uratinc puint ,i!i bo tlie inlere.-t in uh liien nvtbe LLnd. ull:, at the rem- . - , ,i . , , . . ' - " tents for six 'lasthe lieure on the richi ' nee of, is father, altera short illness. 0f the point, the decinutl of a . nil. M'uU llr. Charles Walters, son of Jacob Wal- tiplv the whole atn't by five to iind 'dmiii ters Em. ofa.ll tn n,.,lCi veAi-simd 11 teivst lor tlnily days, ami tb,s sum by I loin Ik. , ( , , - In Lttthershurg, on the 27th Feb.. Mr. "ames M-Stcbbiiis aged about 21 years. At his residence, in Ihvo township, on 'niursduv, the 17th in-t. Major Joitv Li as, in ie )"4 year of his age. Major Tu ft" Moved iiHojdipi county at a veiy early , eriod, iid it'iuav J,e said that In' is the usl ot the pioneer of JelI'erMH enunly. lewas niiieb esteemed bv all two for sixty (biys, tbrector ninety day. Ac For tiny tiuinl.erof days les than six t..ke iho iraotioiiul part oi the interest for six. Care must bo taken to separate the right hand figtiresot Ihedollars' wheth er ibeif l e teiiiM or nulls in the given sum 01 not." ' Biieuiiialiains of the mast severe kind, hnve been cured by using fwo bottles of DU VALLS GALVANIC OIL. Back ncho, pain in the head,' sick hpr.d ucbe, and nervous iltsenses of the head, are ev ery day being . cured soundly by IbeT'ime of tills medicine.. j nrc so composed tl.ut ilisere tiilhia tbc runcc of .' their action can rarely withstand or ni ce lUem ' Their pi nct.-aiinrr, proprities sc. rih, sinu cltuuse, r.ud intigoicfi! cury portion uf ti.c huiniji erenn ism, coirrrting iU dLea.ul nctii.ii, and ri 'tnting ' it3 Lcalthy tiunitic-.. Arp. coh-cimtikp cf lliesc ! properliiii, the i-nbd vl'.o is t',,ncd cWn with . pain or pliyies.l debility is estwvishfd to fit.d bis health or t'ticrry netsied by a reined at ence to 1 simple nnd imitiug. , i Not onlv i'ei lliey ctire tl.e evrrr-t!'..T eenipbiiiits l of every W!y, Let elso ninny' funnidilJe aid daiiccrous t'iet 'J lie npei.t bplnw mmed ia plc:ied t furnish ft in tin my Aniene.'.n Almanac, j contniiiiiig cirtiticalea of their cures rial directions i fur tiieir use in the loiiouinu eoiimiauitH: (otius- i i, tijiui, linitijiiieai uhiujiutu tUtartitrtd yim t h, .Vci.- a, hid:, -i ft'iu, 1 i'ii oj ui d M'lLiii ; ItiMt.oit i f tue J'ci'c.s, I nun a t,, .n.j cj .'fie ' titf, J tiii'd:r, cud ot!,i r liihC.cii t'niupli,iiils. j arisir.tf fi-oin a low . talc tf tic totly i r ul rUurkvU I of its fuaitiuus. ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. i rja t-:is r.wut cni or , ' Coupbs, Colds, Iiiflaciia, Ilnnrn ltes, I , Croup, Iironcliitis, Incipient ConURip tion.ncd for flic relief of ('onstiuipf ive Piitirnts in advuticrd stages of the dii.cnse. ! 6o wide is the field of its usefulness iind so rn- I merous arc the c;.tcs of its cures, that almost cverv section of rnwitrv abounds in persona liub- i-i..",.. i i e . i. . . i . i, i imiy kuoivh, wuo iiitic i ecu rcfcuireu irou, a. aiming stantly keep on band, a full supply of the and even desperate diseases of tbe lungs by iu article, either lumps or mixed to suit pur-! use. Whpn once tried, its superiority over every ch- sers. Persons in town can he surinlied ' other medicine of its kind Is Mo appall r.t tocscajie wit, it at their homes, nt six cents i .er ' ob';"!'i. ' rntvtt frr Vxn, U , , , . ., '. . ,l, I rtul'hc rio loneer hesitate whtit tintiftote to cnnilny j b i rcei, wuiea are pavaoio out 01 I future taxes, Less old claiuia liquidated by or l ders, $41 01 j Due korongb for planking , uone tuis year over uiule rial charged to SL Corn. aud ba). of bid acc't, ' 825 60 Deduct Total expeuses for year, 23 01 $54 60 8763 42 4 66 $693 761 The following exhibits the financial oonJitios of the borough : Assetts Accounts of former years for " pUnkinrr, Ac., dons and bank leave uncollected, $ 26 1 : Due by foiuier collectors, , i Duo for bauk leKVe this year, . Coal i; Coal! Isjhe Subscriber respectfully informs tho eiti- i sens of the Dnrongh of Clearfield and viuin-! ily, that he has taken a louso ol I .i: ,:..:" ,i i i -ii i uiijuiiiuijj nu- iohii, wnere no win con- bushel, or at the Bank lower than ever.- A share of public patronage is solicited. PATRICK MULVAXEY. Sept. 1st. I.x'jS. tf Sufl'i'it-ra from Scrofula find Scrofulous nflectioiis, cHin tip! Whv ri car youi run A. II. C. 13UOCKEN, 2-i ti. u i- sti-:i:t, Mh.yoi:k, n.tN'r r act i' kf.r or Glass Syringes, llomccpa line Vials, jKABUATFT) MI'ASUlUiS, XT'USINti BOTTLFS. KTC. j 'Jlass Ware for Chemists, Druggist', l'orfuincrs. . rhot"(-rnphers, etc. i Grocn (I lass Viiro Ly the Puck-1 n-jc. j A I.ilierid Iiiseotmt. made to the Trade. for the distressing and dnngerotu ofl'ectiona of the j pnlmonnry organa that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the ' community have failed and been discarded, thia ' has (tained friends by every trial, conferred benefits I on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro ' ducrd cures too numerous and too reniarkalle to be forgotten. rREfARED nr Due by Jaiui s Alexander prcicn t Cul'r. Due by ricnj. 8puemari, St Coui'r, Due planking dine this year, Liabilities. Outstanding orders, . lsM. .' 42 . Outstanding ordora 185(1, $ 1 50 Ouvianuing orders, I6b7, 1 56 OuUiaudiug orders, 13V 46 Lulitiuidated claiuis appear ing on niluutes of former Council, An. mint due as per bonks on AIcAdamixing 2d St. para ble without iut. on taxes assess'd on respective pro portion, Balauca against Borough, 12 Oil 25 82 5 71 31 Sir 3 06 S2S 50 $470 60 -All which Is respectfully submitted. 804 61 $470 60 DR. J. C. AY El? & CO. LOWELL, MASS. KOMI I1Y C. D. V ATS'i, and M. A. Fiia.sk, Clearfield E. V. Bnrssrn, Tdosrisdale. C. K. Fosti:k, ruilipsburg. 1V.1 III win, Curwinsvi'.ie. fvtMrnt, Arnold, L thersbarg. WM. L. MOORE,') It. V. WILSON, I Commit. JOS. GOON, J TeVy 8, 1?59. We, the nndorsigned, auditors of Clearfield Uorougn, do eertily that wo have examined the acoounu of the officers of the Doruuirh of Clou. Cold, and do liud them as above slated, and that the above shows the present financial condition of tho ISiirmtgh. Teb'y , 1S59. J. OSCAR LORAIN, I J. O. IIAIlTSWICK. I Auditor. And all di ugji.-ts (.dec. 22, 1S6S.J Tie rhiladelpliia Eveniny Bulletin, N Independent TrnilyNewipappr, d"Vrrted e-x- pieinliy to the -irterests of Pennsylvania Ci, iootclics, L leers, Sores? W by have lers clieit'd li'e twisted m.t of von by I'V I et ..';a. 1 Price T.i'ts sent on applicatlun. end Gout? Whv s,,f;'.ri " " ' Tns Smwav A Krin ltii.-no.tn.--Tlie rep'iitut the President of the Sunbui v , anil far more acceptable member. crat, Baltimore., Jlftf. inn, a kind parent, i n i an huinMft Ul; a de'Oied 7, """' v- and Erie Bailroml, iild out the very giat-! ill who Knew jfvj m (ht ,hn cars will le ;uu- werl laistiaml Tljn , .,l5id,.lphia to Erie in about I tue li'e twisted m.t ot vou Bheiiniatism end Gout? Svpb.iiitic and Mercurial dieaes to lot; . .;, i'.m,,.,v ri"l'i'"i'iiM the bones in your body, or the flesh offvour; Si hAI,Alhh Ai 1 1 bones? AVhy let your sluggish Uood drag (Ihe best Articl-3 i:i th WorU for and scatter its distemper through your veins? Arm's Com'p Y.x't of Snrsaparilla cures these complaiu Is. and cleanses them out of the system. Use it faithfully and you bring to society a healthier, cleanlier, l)eri(0' ' nontiiining iinportantTolos-raiihlo News, sixteen nours in niivnneo ot ins m .rninj parmrs Origi. nut Foreign aud Dotnctio Cnrri .,nniidr.np. v.n lo i Ciiuiv'.i- MriJs on all subjects, aud full ro,rts of all the I ' of the day. The Commercial and FinnaoU oi in 'pnrimrnis nrp run, ami are carerully attend s nn aavertiing me.iuiiu there ia n i New Arrangement. I l.C ''.ulft uiin ' 1 he iVrt'ci 4 N a7rnni,pinent has 1 'n -included etwee ed tn. 11. A. l'iMir. edilorof ihe i;ie!im"i..i Miutli, bo'fnr paper in llio Htste. Ihn 1.in,.i..i c-.. and tl.e proprietor of this piper, 'The Piaios.i, ue-At to the largest in the eitv, and mn tZ UlUJefc sin.'ere Christ iaii. lSnmk- cruui iu. i " ' 'On Our Table. ' 1 Tin Elk RiifiiTiR, baa just paid us one twojrars. The letting of the middle di vision, it is supposed, will tuko place at an early day. and it is tho intention of the company to puh forward tbe work with all tosible despatch.- - Cabinet. Chair Making, JOHV OULrclt, of the borough of Clearfield, I'n., will be prppared at all times to attend to I to any business In ths above line on short : nntlre, and in a workmaulike manner. His place of business is at the aid shop on the north sulouf WHEAT Is Lcinaii's Superior Phos phate of Lime, , At $40 per ton, or 2 rts. a lb., by the barrel. hv wtilih the "S. be eonsolidated irt in this rity, Washirginu, in uu lvi.aiiuilD form. and to be under the e.lit' rinl cnntrol of Mr. l'ry or. The paper will be the organ of no person or clique, but devoted tithe teneral Interests of the ; Deinoeraiie parly, in aeenrdaueo with tho princi ples of Slaio-rii;hts Dem iciacy. Mr. l'rynr has , undorti.ken the editorml control of the paper. It will be continued under tho natuo of "Til li STATF.sY' and published on the fullnwini; terms : and "The Siiiti- are tn most iiitelligoul and influential of th pcpalition.. , ,. ,.. , , ... .... , ...,.-, iLiias uoiiais per vuar in a.lviinp. - .. CCMMlXcii A I'EACOCK, I'roprietorsi No. 112, Couth rrrjqx Street, rhildelnhia. i . ' "- THE rniLADELPni.i PATUKDAT BtTLir- 4 handsouie, welbCIleil, Tamily Weekly Xews- Miner is 1 ublinhcd br l,mtwn.;.i ... . .L. Dnilv paper one ennv Per tear. ii Oil. two r,. 11 ,...t i .... , . Analysed and Kccuinmcndcd fur f"i'k'"' fl" "Hi, f5,,:ini;V't-'k,y i"i,er-" cby year, tfn; a eopiesdo. $5 no, 13 ooco,.fe'sd.l pi-renr, f.i i-i. , 11 ! ij one copy per year, j; in ull t 71 enpioa, do. f 15 00 Jin Pnnir.. , tl,. .rt,... . l.,l, nil p.... ..... An. nn . . . . . ' - r , - ies to a Huh, $S 10 ten copies to a club, $! t0 twenty copies In a cluli, $20 no. Sessions Fa- its semi-dccttsional visits .or the imr- Ths Boston iW( saysi "All the 'distid of announcing that tho present pro- puished strangers,' tho 42d Highlanders, 1 Market street, 3d door east or Third st. nearly rietm. T A D v - 1. j,i.,. Mr. Charles Dickens, Mr. Spnrgeon, Queen oprmsita the old Jew store j where he will keep .e,0rJ;A' .BPrl ,!'Esa-' baa sold the es. . Knamth . Alcint.ilemlrt.nndotli- eonstanUy on hand a large assortment of Ma- iblishment to'Lebbetis Lulhor. Eun . anI m i 1 il TAiiiti?n .'linfa-i 1 1 1 ntr 1 hiff'HT and Cftne Dottoio Chftirtt And Cabinet '-eordingly tloses' his editorial connexion are'for tl,6 sercson. ' Xobody is coming to; 'ZT:: 'same' ':i me papcf in the number now liefore mo unneu .-Maies not a jiirmic-.-, n .c,b had elsewhart in th THE WHEAT AXD CHAIN CROPS BY Professor I'll AS, T. JAlKsiUV, "J ,a! li"'.'nert As the nroceedinirs of the eomine Coa Mosunyun, IK C. - gress will he of great interest to the whole eoun- ffJp-It will repay tlio eutlay 60 to 100 per try, "The Ptates" will keep its renders filly ad cent, and will not burn the seed by coming la vised upon all subjects which mny be discussed contact as Gunuo djos. by that i ody. The price of subscription for th rat . ... ' session will be ns follows Daily oncceiiv$209 U TV U )rOTC It I I two copies, ?3 00; Peml weekly one eopy, J'.'U uu urn copies, do. fifl 60 Fi srnrs Tt Bicrarrrrs I Tha largest club (over 100 ( will ab sent fur three year. Th eextbirgest club (over 100; will be scut for two years. Address . t CrMMIXGS .f- TEACOCK, rrnpricfnr., rtullettn ritiilding, No Hi Posilh Third Street, Philadelphia. : , t TAKE ITOTICE. i U JTy It, piOTC ll I J two copies, fS 00; Feml weekly one copy,; r - 1 ' AA&A AUllSvA. ' ' ' - . r , inv,,, , i 11 -frojdci to a club, $J 00 ; Weekly- u. pcr,on, Indebted lo the subscriber, eilher" ., . U. A. LhlAAU, iTOprietOr, one 59 rents live copies to acluh2 00 t by note or book account, aie requested t.. o, oi JNo. 21, aWi7 FrtOTtrrt ' i -7e?, P""1 n1 nddress, ,$ 5 00. Pny- fftU ,a wtUa, on r bef.M-a the Brat dvof April . - i lWa,Mnl,htVtu P 'i'n'Uu,."ne'1U,:''', -Jv.ee.--pt..1s49. Those who do not comply with t'ht abivsi,.- masiers wno win inrwani ns a etuo oi tire or ton ... n.pt tn par costs. the county. I t. W, ,,', t. r Ti.,U r..m Ueel-anittmin, ami nary patriot except! . Hi, stock of Cabin Ware now ,n hand ill. i Mr.smith OBrieti.. notwithstanding the 1 ivitti im n rt of. ratiKSj out) we must aoquiesce in r(i,.P11t renoru to the ooiitriuv. We shall Sofas, bewme .... .... . . ' . . . . ... i ... . i. r . L' L. . 1 L'l.l.l ti.a t l s isf lia-sPii 'I f f luvn vnnn r rviivu cmki r if ci i iifj jic'iftvn'i", f if inning, ureawiuu wni-re, vnri ana i tit j n- 1 'Its hi ownunclinaliona nnd interests in ' J" W ClahsI. Ta( .litor ofthe Ly- ,n. ,., deslrH.' t - l)inan xf ..,-..-..,:.,'J t.;M T,ia-romiiif rCrVurW.: hai been appointed by . F.Brtiar, 9, l.sJd.-lno. 4, vol. Iv. i determination, as" it Is his pri ilege to have to look up a i ?cide for himself, and lie doubtless con-1 r""S o. way success' attend liim. , ue Q packer. Urain Mea.surer. at Phdadel it'witr wuj liereiUUer t untior tho eai-hia, iu plaoe of Jame Allison, t rial charm of Cant. P. W. Bariotf,. ol ceased t-iJ. :;' 'Vt ii. WaMphiahi. ra.. Or of my Agonta throughout the Country, suhscririers to our Weekly for oneyear, at thai riT-A.ll.Vflil pan h. .Ann .1 me Onl. ' Pllln tirtpps. Wi 1 lift pntitlell tn . Ponv nf tl, . ,1. rDriS 'W'C-ih Mailed with the .order wlliwe'tva i "Vwkly States" for oue year., All letters In re- We, lot, and office, .it.mfd , j f- n I 1 prompt attention. ' ' . - ? i lation to the new arrangement, should be ad- Lulhorsburg. low f.r oash or In .LTiPL A liberal discount, to RLirekerinera .br, ' W.-hington, D.C. Jul! pu'rehra' "fof uTlIe'r Ki buy to sell airain. i sf Tsmphlets can be had at my OBea.'' O. A. L. UirivTKir-.ri awi au. 4,lia-im.- i W ?j . . . lUA."LS' iu plaoe of James) Allison, Esq., do- TTEAVY ani tTtKSS OVEU COAT1? soiling J.X s-ery enesp at Mtt.M tKU St. February , IS 59 no. 4, vol.iv.J ft MABKIAOK CKBTIFlCATEP-c Blank fotra, I for salt at tba office of tbe CIarfibl Re. ! I puliiiean." I OOL. LONG SHAWLS,,' " r .v i -) lJJiaLE SHAWLS, ..b '. t '--s4 .1 ROUND CORNEnta BEUTTLSr.. tnrsnleV KB ATZEP.S. the subseriber offers for tale n'- the town " i navmaaOu .m purchasers. For further narticulara aiirl ra te tbe Ri'BscuiRca, on ths premises. . -- - ' Dr. H. WILSON. 1 ,. Luthersbnrf , Jan. 11, .no. J, t. , -pROOUCK WAKTIvU WheatiTty. tW V 1, Corn, Duck wheal and Fire-Wood, wants J ' 1 at th offlc of the (lesrn.U Republican la pv ' mart of prlntltiff. alw. l i-rjj;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers