h ilfi'rbiin. it., i r . m v. -. if: v , IV v- i 3.i 1 ..i .1. l l! . , -I p ..,! I 11 .11 nut h 1 1 1 1 l .1 l I 1 ti .' ii.ll . I, .i i . I I i .1 tl v ( j in i) i t III Mll, ill till J lt"lle . . , ll tie Si.. Uh':l II.' ' I ( III In I ' I llO I i 'Mill I i ) iniitn il" 'I in 1 1 i in n lh" To I id III t f to lehelllutt t MiMr Weill, I ftM ll I I I' I I 1 1 n tt 1 1 I" Ill ll:r 1 1 ' I 1 ll'MI I I I I l( 1' I I ll " 'In' H 'll "! I I'l l, I. lit f ill I I'll I I 'M I III I If I I " (lull (III V-tltl I I. Ill lll Ml IN I. ill' f, 1 MUt lo'UI I H"H ll I I It'll Ml it. 'lil"ktfi)Mc Kinn W, llll, 1 A. 1,1' '.I -ll." I A l I i" i mil' n t ill. " I'!' !' ' ' l e II I" 'lt I V .3 M J1 I I' i ni'i . S. 'iiin.liril if lii' i.i in ii run tin. in K il. li. i"i " Vim SAU.tllt im:m ) I , state -onvi;ntio.;. Tho annual IomoerMtie SMI" Convention moot in dm Hull (' Hi sentativcx nl lI.irrM'Uri: mi tli" I'M li in atant.'for the ini Stale-Tiekut, cnnkistin of one enndidato Jbr Auditor General and ono rninJif ;ito for purveyor (ienend. . t I'ltie f. 1 1 .1 III , tip) It, .'fit l. III I III' hUt. lv, ii.wi li nl Ihe sublet t, li..!.! Il'. 1,.) j , ,,,,liil(i (r ,;Hli .Innr n ei,il led e, I' d 'in i f the 11 iti"'i .n!'l Ie tii-M. Viin.'iK ti i n i c nuil iiif.l H' ll- .. , . .... . , . . ,, i. .1 .4,,. ..ll... .1 ...4...... ...... I.,.. I r I,.. ...... 4.1, ,i i in II..II-- lill'i'lii! ll.iillUi" MIIM'H "in i .... ....... "'" -i " . v : ; - ii,. ,.,.,....i...ii. i m.Hi.vi. ii,".iMH".- ...... .... I ..... 4. It . I n . .1 . .., I 1 111. I H I t I - I II 11 I if. 1' l I I 11 I II 1. I II . l ,1 "1 H . . .. 1 . I I ' rti.l- ..fllll.. I .t I III. I I "11 I'l I II 'It. I ' . - I 'l "I" ' 'I IIP . . ..: .1 . . in " ' ii" i i'" i ' " II, . II i. nil it it 1 ii rnl I v .r 1 1 v. r ft Ittl limn i - " . . Min'ri l.l' n li M i t lunit ii.,.t ...1)1. .....I m,,. ml .,1 r.i.ii.l 1.1 In.MlliO I ' .I ' I I... i ,l... lliilt tl e MIV I't Mli'll III ill It" III" ll'il II l' II II ., """H HIM'l'I'V. ' . IIMI'IIIIMHIII-IMII , , ML.!,....,.... , , , , ,11 .... . I. ,. .- , I'lllHI M I,,,,,,,, A l."l'iii"ll n liil'.i .In lit ill Unli. oxi'i'li-i ! llii "V I liininl. , rt iillli.i- ,-l,. . I- kmh! In It ii .Ii-iiu IiiimIH'Ii I" " ' , . . )( ii.i.liilliiiut nomi'inn little Ii ...i inHn. , ,. , . t i ...;.i., , .ii lni iiutilitviiiif ili Imill. tt i i' . , ,. with liini'f, I'lini, . ji'uiij oiuim, i Nt tiling f t mil hum l.c..cv. d h,,,,,, l.rn , l,m toor ,.ll( . , ,-,, 10 r. ,,,-y p.i.i. In nil ll," li v.n.v-i.- -'I rdi- fii. ;., r ' II, hi. I.. . II..I. I..-.U., ..lt d in M. l."U." tl.ri " di.Vn . Hi" liiti" nli.'il l y ll," 1 lo- yl,.i(,,1l liiMi irl of r,i.". lii .,l. i.,l,.U -tmril lil" I ln'V " 1 ' "" ' ''V 11,111 -v ' 1 u,' j:,,uii o o tl,t. gulisrnUr mwii Z "li l-iil l'lidnv ni In llo it.iK Ittiimilv i.i. nit. i'1'll." Ci'iiMitullnn llit'ir Imii'litiiH , -tltt ii in n I li" l'"" I"" riiiiilidul" iiuill Imv" did lidtd w in dm K lioiii h h lull ln .,lhSl,ssi()1 j,,.,, (ll ,.,, Av.s.suJiu. r.m.. wiiin.s iiu-;," H-ru.iii.inN .,",'. 'iii;:;;i;'::s1vd, ... Hifi .. (1: n., X..tt- Jitiiii l'ui iniiiv. Mviiouii-v tlio dtihiiU- Mt.ii-a l'ioiilit lDUNrd f,r in- ("hiivo. IM.. Cl.Tho "in N(nl ttt.- (i;j, ,,.,,. if ,., cur I. itx.no'i lain, """". ' ""i'i '-"uiity, i . H'lillo of 1PrH wuitvlri.il in;ld".iUi,to to llm lii-k uf liniiii n-a.-iiij' tin' TiiiilT. Tliw it h I'ill to l" l', in-In d I y Urs C ,vi, -rail Hsoxm 1 em not roiifdit to lu n riindiduti', . : . i . . i . ...1 ,t T,..'ir..r i ........ ,!,..( ..i- Hi" iicruiiili tut ten t Hour nun L'nnn 1 1 , (-... : ,i.... ..,. ,,nr hniini una lnriHls o ina L0I.CI to renon. i no nimr i.umi iu ,'ii. im- ...... ", . .-...- , , .... . -- o of nomlnatiiiK aii. ...... tun iuiii .., ...,d,,r I is I,;, to tftko olT.-t from the nru ih.y of 7 . .,,,. i..,Li.i- '?!"" ""v . "' u " "V : .. , ... ....... i - :u.i .'"it "iitiu v.v. ........... .. . ,.,vi our l .(! ncilllll in nun, ,,i Tim l'ro.idi'nt lift CulK'd nil extra M'- .fnlv lii'Xt. Had solllo of Hie liKni'ii'lH or.1I!.,isfinl,Otl(l Imlicls for tint cii refpon- !,i .;,;,. il,t n,,r i,itv ivould luk lis ion of the S,-nute, to counnW on tho'tlio lower House, uhei"in the miuro Mln uvi-k of lpt yvar, lvhilethe amount ',, filL.i Jifffy W For W ly . ' l.h March at noon. ' Uould J.ro-ly have originated, l.ro.t.ht f fl;.r .nJ Jif ! . ' --' f . ; . ' AU.WS IiEALISRS IN THE COIN m, j t ,.. VV. AllMl if tl P t lull' II ;., ,1. if I , I II tut ,.nl ll ' ' I ' I' "I i'l I, I li I I' I ' I I Mil "l" 1 ' w nli ,( r I... ii, i nun. ii ! i Adi i "i i " i" ml. I In' i n t i" I I it- 'ii' j l'i"i " "I ' " 'h" tin it ni , iSiiI it.itl i a i oi d ti" !. In li,- t ft . 1 1 1. Ii.mi ".,,' I J tit" n 'ini"iiit ll I ,11 ill' .,,iV.ll',lt. II l'ijlii' t ' W ,i-tie iluuili nil i ili li i 'nd ttho h.itp rUV'd ii d'cil" lint"" Mi1 fill our ttotii" lo Hie t'l'inrnliitii, i l 'inii r llint tte miv I't Mlrll Hint i' HI" ll'il II fllll .11. 1,. i itti ln'l.' nil rolilldtil lv ll hii-l nl I'l'l'ilid it I ii I oh I ii ill 1 1 iilidt. wilh , whom e "hotild IK'I .iirt even f.T '"HI I) Ittl IM It t I h l H l in i ' i "ti on in, I r-Mi ( . i, 'I..... Ml HUM I. k I AMI It, h i, H AMI'I .Ii.II I,,,, i, ,),r, , I. mill , . The Hews. fly the arrival of the IJn-j.il Mail Strain nliip Canada, whirh lilt Livorjjool on tut Ulduy tho lth lilt., ono week later nctvn from Kurono has L. on received. Tho aspect tif ti'i,tin"iital nlhui'i' had Changed Rince j.it viuin udvicos tho nr mora we.ro luoro jtuoili, hut much uncer tainty. 1'ievailed." An ndvnnec in tin iri oe of ootton in roiortel. ' Thorjicech of thu Fl i nch' K.ni'i'i or, ut FRANCIS B. SMITH'S NEW ST0ST Vlll.l. UK (UT IN TIIK srw vohk Hi:r.Ki.v, DreadfiU Trasedy at Washington. The eoi,m:uiiity ut WVhingti'ii uty iv:;-. thiu.Mi into a t'.atc of ixi'iieuii'iil on hl .Suiniiiy uitfi'nooii. l,y u nioi-t tcnihle and fatal tragedy. '1 he lion. DaiiK-1 C. Siek les ineniherof Ct'ti.;ii-.s from the third Ii Uiit of New York, khol l'hilip r.arlorn Key U. S. llistijet Attorney lor the lis trii'l of Columhiii, njion Tern vlvnnin Av enue, t'i'.ii-i.'ij his d.-a(!i in a I'.'.v iniiu.teK. j W'c- liavtt no lo tiii for lull 1'iirtieiilaib hut jfor.ar4M.el, r l?Ut tU u, tiu.. l,.t y.i, iZTX im-yi-Mon i"i'"- " I , ... v i- t t, v ,,i.:.. .. .. i i.s.. . f. jtnr ioKk, r in. t. .iuihiu ..- jpi'iieranj Kiivtin, .inn .,.-1.1 . i........ ... j eided niton to-dnv' at. the meeting ot Hail-'interest, we cony the following iulorma- j Hon rom tho l.iltliT JlernUt: , ... thcoiiciuug of tho Lelature, wa pnaeo-;,vji piv(J (IOIIJ i ,mr n,.xi. .h-ulmipy if ful in Us tone. ii!ipied an the motive for the dreadful . Military movement neve still continued : (j j In Austria," ' , 1 I Thcro Via lio noti cf iiujiortance from India. . i; - :. . . I Mr. Dallas, our mini Her at the Court of St. James, had jrivcii u dinner to Lord I.y. ons, tho new Lujilioh miuUter to Vahh-; ingtop. . : ; j X' Later accounts received nhont he time of the sailing of the ("anuda, rcjiort war- CongresB. j lii fote another ih-ite of our paper, the 'pn-M-nt feion,ol' thin depiir inen! of the like" cjiii rations on the continent ; and Mpress the belief that ivar w ill break out within the year. , ; Count Cavour, in a ppeech Ix foro the Chamber' of Iej,ut;es of Sardinia, alh'fies that Austria has. iaioly taken u menacing attitudo townrd hi iisdion, and was col lecting a largo force on the front iei, lii.J that it .was . hocwary to luok to their means of deft noc. , it was ask'id in the lower CharuWr ol Deputies of Spain, if the government knew anything of' the bill pivenled in the U. 6. Congress, relative to the purchase of Cuba. The' minister of France, lejlied that Le could not antwer without coii-nit- Ing his colleague. . 1 It is stated that Austriji bus consented lo withdraw her troops from the Kouutn States, provided, that Fr ar.ee will do the ituno, ' The I?usii'.n ai n v is shortly to ho con Centratcd on the Au-tii-Gallinian frdiiiii r. The tone of the Kusi-iiiti .TourmtU (ward Austriti, is bcomin ila'ly more s yi'ie. ' It Is reported (hat the Knli'li Coinmw ijioncr had been e.p oiled from Herat. ( 'Later Account from Indiit, report the rebels hojteleHly ul'du'"l. 1 li? Cfovernor tidiernl has si, no 4 a J.'rii-lama'tion diarm ing theiyhoit of I'ppw India. Small for tifications will bo erected ot evory stntioi, in the north-west, to keep the natives in subjection. ; . ' Wm. Smith O'Eiien, who has ju-t land ed upon our shores, was $rreeied with a crand reception at New York, c-n Inst Friday." Thomas , Francis Moagher, was present amony thli. jitioipanU, and was. .the first to take his .di.itinguiihed coun tryman by the band. - ' Hon. Wilon JleCandle??, iva? inaugu rated as Jud-'O of the I)i!nci Court of tiic United States for Western Pennsylvania, at Pittsburgh on last Tuesday. Tho cere monies were very Imposing. . . Accounts from tho Isthmus of Tanama, i-epoi t the h "lLh of tho inhabitants good, and tho railroad in good order. . .-: 1 . 'A beavy storm occurred nt New York, n la Saturday, much daiuago was Uoue lo the f liippiug..- . ; i . ; The renusylvania Lei.-ilatiiVft was not in session lnt fnttirdaT. .Congress is busy trying to pek ready for the Adjourn hient." "2Tany isnporlant mens urSsaftj )ct utuiclt'l upon. " , ' ' .' , A 'correspondent of the Cincinnati L quirtr, giJc an 'aixjount of a very sininhir ubterranean vault or cave, which has just been discovertd. in Ohio, in which human bones of giguu tiij. t-uc have betm fouud. t ,Two horsoa belonging to a goutlomau in Lock Haven, wcrft lrowncl at that place In atterriptinjto cftss the river cn the ice last .week. y , j ' ,; ' rl j. . ; , . 4 2sotl:ing ba: yet been beard sinou his oi rival, of Mr. lienly, who came over to take charge bf tho Trinity-flay cud of tho it,...: ' M ; " 4 : ' ' ov.'iiiiiii'iil will have closed, and the low r- er Mouse cen-i'd fo have a political exi-t-ei.ee. Of the labor. of thi b dy slice it la-t convened ie uie not ji'psired to speak in detail nt tlii time. Certain it if however, it ivill probably have left un done what should have b'-en the crownii.t; act of its existence; we mean the passage time for its dis j i . i i i ... Hi'HCil, llu rc miglil uavn been soiiiu unj t: of carrying il ; but at thi laic day t ho lloui-e will be compelled to adjourn with out ever reaehing a vote, f r its considera tion. ' . . Under the TarilV of lMiti, much us it was abused, the country steadily progres sed in a careei of unexampled pro-perity, uiid it was, perhap. tho only one under which wo did not experience a levuhinr. : and t.lthongii it. nniy have been defective in some of ils detail, we believe it em bodied tho best system of levying imposts thnt lias vet been devised. Then we silW road President. Matter look about the same a vesterdav. Tho Convention as sembles again this evening, mid will prub- IT IS RKTITI KD . ... .OR nltly itfljourn to the 8th of March without jit is usual for Congress to i; taking any action. U idnn' lor.' or relating to Hi he takinizof the census will not bo commenced before the first of .lune, lc'CO. I iis laws j.i o-! ,g any ',.,. .. ., C..ve.',..-n today. '..ominated John C. 1 The i,piKM,,l...ent i, .'. m. i, ...l.w.,,. ,. usiiallv iiiade.eaiinof 11 ill 1 1 tut 'nruiii n;i, i"i " Feb. .-,The Kepiibiie.,., We -acl. .l.'eimiil period ,,f,aKi,egit THE rOKTUNlJ.S 'OF A rOUXDI.ljjfl. A Tab c 'Lift tuttis. ' . Th'p Nw iJlory, hy the - popular Authiw !f of )enutienro not "MA IK. I UK 0 IM ni-H ' All TV," .,KV. indeed well bo made EU';N M 1 1I,N' ' vT" K VKST-.MAKKitj Marcus. V caii'liditte. teui 4tiay oi , mi r't-i'-vti. ii. . , . . , . . . , . . .. :i i . r n .,.-. . Odmau is the l'emocn.uc -in. ,1 .. isseen whetloT U.nes ,11 ,,,.ke .,nu.: ,.;MlliU ANT miv new proi-ii 11 in icleielice lo il. It (i,-ini.n.l lr Hi J."EW VOKK WKEIiUY in vm in very probable Congress it ill JiOl -lake i.,i,.Mii:..tit nu tiuu ut tint L'niUtl siuiui aj Jjn. ... . nt. t ie sit iicet i n 'X' winter. ii ,'i to . Hi-fi. . . - Lanii"; ft-at at Magarartrosanij on i,, ,i,i viw .t thn cao. it if not at all "azaki, kai- is full r.Pi.odPa ,na iu. Th btuts above ine 1 aits. Cliicsigo I'ress has an uecouut of likelv that anv Deputies will be .tppoint- tt l,,l, m.i.l.l Wir U. their ..,f.. , , ,. ., ,. ,j ... , tun tint n.viiimlliui ttf Uie huuinn hcirl; wLil. a ed belorc the spring of. lcM. , , . , ,- ,,ullllir j, (,,)Velupua ly ankecaiU t ntu:er. nameil Ali.ti ew ureen- . . ih ohutaeti-ni shn tin,,. ;,, tl, .i-.l. I - - - ----- . . . ... .4. I t1" vyj 1U cerelv hope Coligres may yet r'toro the ,.,111 Ninuma river bcUtt en tmat. , ithuiio.s, We, learn tll.lt the Oirand ' m"W. tlmt will ,rvi,k(, a Imnclt frmn tl, m,t TarifVof Hli1., amended if practical,!.', but , I-la.nl and ilie f.dis,.,: stilt,, on the l.ih j . j.. nm, flf ,1, Court in Jef- "rb!,n';'f" "A"-;' ,, , , 1 , ,, 1.. !,-l tor .a be 1 i.lhM, inutte wi.l, u , , , '""" immin- ol lift., whwh bring- bffr H by all mCJiU let us have U ,11 ume Ijape. js'(uj',iU()M. ( ei .( ,,r (.M,,uil!i, he fer.-on.Omrt.V rec.mimei.deil the Onuity u,ii,.l f ilie r. n.J.r tit mrm ini.l aud.i, f ,.,r .i.,. t....n. Co iiuiiisioiiei to take men-uri's to ,r,ye-t ' '"" ' ' imi. M jc.llin l,;,.',.-'lt', for lie pa !-. V t-a tn b,t Untn nihrtri J . . , ... 1 . t lot -1 i; 11 mi. ... , ...II ih worth while pulling record tho , ,lU,,. the tintrf pa-sage l the (,rcg,'H biil. I ho teas wrrs Aid. Cluipniau. J)eart, Dim iinek, Fiorciico. lidlib. J' lie.-, KunM. Lan dy, Loid), Moutfom-ry, l'nilip, Jtedly and White 14. l.tue, The navs wero Covin lt, I'icl. ofanactfirtheconstmConofH thorough- i"';"' ''' . ' u' '1,111 1 . linn i- hi 1 fare that would have connected tlioAilaii tle and I'lieifie eor t. und I laecd ll em but a few days jonn have coiomam III! ituts alt.il. I lltelto Itt l lOi'e. iw.uie oi wi ttijih iioii, tl.il, hh;'l 'p-etlgcti and oitit etl e'hi.ped in l.tct alnio.-,t ,leci.-,. l. like a double ctired d if.i r. Tln.-e wore lirmly lashed to i,i le. , ami he walked towards th terrible river with a confident binile. The morning was clear and and culd, hul he was attired veiy lijhtly, in a dres-i not unlike that usualiv worn hy ni ul'e.-sioind "x I'!-...!. , lAnliied John Hickman. All tlcso in the alhrinalive are l'emo. K 1 s- t'l'tnin- Xlsti'lii' 1 1. r I i -i 1, ; ert in by living,. luciUliiDK i, uinan It 1 11 U. li.t ruatlttr ul 'tittte rucninie. m (ruik. jt!..V i lutiit'X lo tli inlnliltk, t'X tfuica iii. own htm ,. ,, , i ; inuipiitt. 1 111' ini'iiitiiii ami in niiteitiurfi J P.,11 t the peo ,e ' U ,.Ur.lolBro Kh., fl in fc . ... i kniii," nr., a.ifrmiwljr ul iU u.ut. xtiiinj ami uniiii'idK clmm UT. . , , Tliin iiliiry will be limiJauiuul; illuctraloil Vj 0111 i.ftlii' li'iidniff ild-iLoiiTs cf '.let day. . Tho ful. well, Speaker Semite, aild Hon. Win. Wil-1 Iiuk in IL11 ouiun iliu,ter, frua tthich ti. , . it , .: 1 ... . t 1 1 ruauiM -ciin ntrm ,,nm inns iiua oi im cnartc w. It. II. at llanisburg, have laced us ,, . . ,,,,, ,, ... hl I " - .-u W ....... w. 1..UB. I.4Q ) n, .a w i.u u. in . 1 pa, 1 ue.uns; (he sale-or aymetit ol Hie issue I I'V that eiamty to the All Valley It.iilrond .lellersnn Coimtv want 11 ra Irond ? PfBl.tC I'OI'I'MKNTS. Ibtl. .hell. (?'W- l m mists. At ten iiiniiLi'S jmsl seven, no unuer many ooiigai ion nunc w:.y ii pin,- , 1110 1:1. -t iwu miniourii, stei iitd into the 'V.iter, wl.uhlu anotner lie (Imnuieuf me merit was. toiling gurgling, Hint rusinng beneath lus feel. Tho hohie-t ot the ,ok eis hii held hi bii ail, in sui en-c, a-the mrtiev apart; which would 1 eiats, with tho e.cej lien of John C. 1 1 ".1... 1., ,.r t. -.- i hkl. of the lunihiu listiict, who ce tiaVO COlUUlUlHie'. uc iiauu .'t ... . m.-. - - .. , ,'-,;11 iu-ui llll ill, ,.ll, III l.f I v:t , , countries which bound U,h shores, as wcil , i, d' JamH ! ';"' 'Y '"' " "Ti ! ..the beautiful and fertile Islands which The itgat-iv, vo.trs L all Vlitue V 'i 1 dot t::e Kiirfaco of the gren l'acifle Oi-can ;! l;,.,ubiicans. I hose ietn.K'r:ta 111 Jl,'l kh ', ,,,1 t, ,.,, ,;.,;,. t l,v NEW ADVEr.TISEME'NT'3 IV. Ua! alti'i in i,e,ar,itii)n u m Ili-rolutioa-u.t s ury from lint pm of DR. J H. E02IXS0N, r' Vi.lli'.r t,f ".Viti Wkifiet."' 'Iliu-k ' U iltf.i Stt," " I'iunrtrt J AVitliicty," rt.' -. couui.V. who elected Cieii. Kr.IM upon the plea that he was not enough of a Kepub- al.-o. the nnmero'i whale fi-hcrics whic! ttUniii 1 uittiil itd immense expanse of wat er, and which could have opened out 1. tract of country of thousands of miles in exo'i.!, v.Y.eh al,h"Uh coir.pii.-ing much fteriloeoil on its plain, cud many almost unieceiaihle moun'ains 111 its limits, con- r.iins snm of the richest aid lno( pto-, Oregon ditctive valleys on the continent, and the real design of the d.-puhlicii, pany. si" morl valaaole minerals U'.ww l" science. Jit may yet be u paiu'.ul record for thorn. in apparently unlimited .ui.mtitio!'. What infl'unee, b.ineful us we must n edd I Vel t 1 ..... it to lout inn,, can now see inneris nt- .i..,l .Luis li i. iiM.s tound i' p inv.-ui-1 " enl t" be ubsi-ni. 'the r-C'ld vt ill b- 11,1 lid tor future rcfe.ii'iiee. Lun. li t. The aliove is well worthy of being re member, d. TL vie on the admi-Mon !') ti, 11 ti ins dm.e much V utiiitiutK th n,. cui i en , . 1 . , 1 1 1 1 .. i 1,1 euli, e 1., 11 s .-. i ,-iuhi eii r i d stl.t t-t I'ni.r t ei e so ia. e.l ..e. it nt s'.i tick only ca.u i 1 l.t-ir . ul.il j r'.'f.iceii hut lllilc , I.e. I . Iititi'f.ci 11. ,tii i-Ur.,-1, I', c,.-, 10. u t a lili:;Ie !:il e su-i T 11'! .' sill. lie 10: le ial e liilil to th atli, 1 l'''l.il etl I , - , I .t.i- 1101 1 il.. j .t . 1 : 1 1 1. ' 'lie 1 .-eeliie'l In .11 -e His l,..illlice, Ui.nii.l. l' I'.tn 1 4 1 H i 1 1 r.n'il o would -end .eeling It hull or .v. i' l.o alet u .uii.illg ,e ul' Uie lie. it l.e s! Ill kepi our sM.'.no.j ul-ll, ll V ..f I' W. M'i 1- f'"i I ,-, :i i. ft t , ... .-.i, t t.-r k-iii. n, 1 to 111-1 ; ", '. r s-hh. .i".-. n 1 -i,l I'll--', -,. i! 1 ',- ! ill. .lie" II. i. I If-" Ill r lal If 1 ' 11I ti.:.'!',.-.l uj- 11 4 ,i I li-. .., , f r 1 !.--r , 1 ... I:. !":?.t p , .i v.-l ai nr It. f , Hi . M , t .1 IV M I'lHiTEIt. i.'iu . 1 I. Mttr.-li 2, -:.'.t. n . 7, tl 't.l p. i,l .it'll. I" tin- I ih-t.i. ..... . ! ifltiel ;. l.ef.'l el ,ng hull The I'.i.li.e onu I em lat.is. 1 ..i.- "; t i.l umti 1.1 bodv 1 if citizen fihlieiv cnnuiiuli d by s 1 . -K-,xx.- lv hi g.,rdit, c.'iil. I have rc-trailied our National q cu,.;n , irn having a setiesllioiu ine learning t;..ei-. Lcgbl.itmo from pavsing the Facitie Kail- i 0r t " , ' -l,,,:,,,. ibevtinter. uhicl, arel I niid.,..-... tm-, :ver uiv- attain,,! at , , .,, . 1 1 ,, J..., . ,, I hist, h"in Kcemed to li..e tie. 1. l ilt It la- road bill, wo are at n lo to kn-w. Ia..m, ,,,,hI. A nuiuher ol ..d.le cr um-s M.v(ll(,.(. ,:lH , (. ,,,, ,,. to the deuii 11 of sectional jealousy we are. iHV0 Hl .pu,.,,., lecimed before LK)1,.'. loth to ascribe it, notwltimianding tl 11.-j tjl0nl i', sane hatred thai has been engendered uud!,JV u,u. fostered between ditlerent f-eettons ol tin T'l.ion tviihin tl-.o l.lst d.izen ears. Tin ne.t 'ectme w ill l.e delivered 1 As he approached the deepe-t i.ud ino.-t palhint Captain, than who... few dang-rom. pa. l ol Ins Uuu: the s,,sp, -e t " . I. ........ ..... (a.., i 1 . 1 lv ii.li.iun m, l . .1 rl ; men are more ti ulv elo.pi, nt. in .the ourl wj(j u,;,ti ,.xrel,, p ,', ,;,.,,,! : room at rellcfontil on the M h, int. We ui..iii..i- live ihiih.i-s t'.tf 11 ntonieiit h u.-e ot mv.isuio appears o pic-, mineiitly iiationl, : tl,tet ., t,0 distance Intervening will I his lurgiiette. which oli'er pa-sed iinheed that we can not distill und, the line upon j r,.v(.llt us iu,U) ju.HI.i,1(, il. i,,,, a-siomd :!. -'u-t as Moruill reached the swilles. which narrowminded pntriotisn, ha p.a- , , of om. llitIld Col. Cul,;ll on l-, nk-he'nw lli: ced the division betwicn 110: them ami that occasion. We have no hesitation in inlli 1 r,v(,, myee. tipening them a r..- i't !'.-..' .iii.ti r. 11 111 r., i) ( d 0i i: in ciil't fii.ii il.at I..-II.-TS -f - ' ,!,,i,i:r iie-u li".'.' I.i.'. ii pi.iiii- J ,,, 1:1 tei h r- S;(- 'I '-It 111,' 1-l.tUl,' .ti liililUl P. ,11.1... .1.1,' .'I .Nl.i.ll. i.'Mi.-l.i.. I i,-.ii ie el L. 1.1 It. il nan l A . (.. l.-,,ll Ili.l ili l,,iMi...jl c, lit, I I, ,,1 til- riilli . an- !: " 'o ,...iil,.,l (., inak,' u.t.ui'iliuls .101:1..' nun' mil, lie utlnii .iftiiiiui". ( I IIAiU.VE I' TL TIKE, I . . . .-. m ,4 i, i 1. 1- r A 'I in r. Mar li J. l.-.U. i,o. v.il.it southern interests. It appcurcil to in pvctlicting this the most eloquent lecture when introduced as if it weio a measure j 0r .10 tCiUsr,n. entirely above the reach of partisan dis-1 cotd, and ono on which'every Americafi ! Ku-i:lsentative CosrEiiENi r.-At a having the growth, progressed prosper!- inert ing of the Democracy of this county, tv of his country at heart, could cordially 1 the .November Court Win. T. Jenks ot and tarnctly unite in hastening it to a' lh-ookvibo ar.d I.-rael Test of Clem field speedy and triumphant completion. Cut j Esqrs. were named as Reprcsentalive dele other and less enlightened and lcs pat- to Stale Democratic Convention pro. riotic councils prevailed and the Pacific ! vided the other counties of the district Railroad w'll have to await until a neiv concurred in the election At the sr.me Cimgros, ami another session takes it up I time conferees were appointed to mee t perhaps to carry it throud, tho face of conferees from the other counties at Kidg another discussion, to lav it on ti e tabic-, waj at a time to bo agreed upon. We . .. , I see that .He lvenn county mis not concur- Tho adjustment of the Tariff, v. hich was irgardcd by ninny as of tho greatest im portance, hau been permitted to fiir.zlu out very much in ihe same way with tho Pa- l!..;it . .wl h .1 whil.t the i venuci of .li.a.M.e.tt.oeitt aeie.l to be il, the most, .'frit selected to get ready t HARD 1IKLS NO MORE" VNY rEH.a'IX (I.h.Iv ,.r h ntVinin.) in tin I in it'll Muli-K, ii,...i'smi,j: u mall lapitnl nl li,,i,i t In $i" tan ri.l. I inlii i,n en sv iiiel ri'fieiM ut.h' ltuiiiit'ss. by tvliickt tnan $j tit $ In cr il'iy run b rcntard. lor .m li. iiu.r.-, a.lilrt'Ni, (wilb tlllul.t,) W. ACTUM A Cn. 41 Xnrtli slXTU Si. I'iulau'. Fell. I3lh JS. Dm. red in the delegates named above. The time is now too short we fear to expect to get o meeting of the conferees, but (c moment after, 1 saw that ho was still standing. A few moments more, and ho had reached the Canadian bank he was safe, and fell exhausted into the arms of two l.en w ho were wailing to receive him. At this hour (3 1 M.) he was nearly A. 1'. 1 S.'.y, nt 2 uVleck P. A. a Ilou.-e ami hot in recovered? and thousrh still in bed, receives the t nf l'liilipsliur, Coutro Co. Pa., now oc il, ..,,,. I.. i;.w of .loetis nl' visilors cnnii'd by fri-.l ru-k S.'n-.tr, hciMj 1 ml f,-it in t .. :.. 11,1 it .1 ,.,,. Wnclh. n.nl 'ids lui t in wiihh t frt.nt.ns on Ilea who came t.ounnc in. He h-lt the Anwr- .K ; , ... ....... .H ... ... IIOIM; AM) l.DT I OK SAM.. 1 J ILL bo oflort'.l ut public sale un tint pre in i T f fin, on Isuturihiv Ilie 2'',lll tiny ul M iri-li, can shore t feet above the fall, and came tit Slreet, nail Imumlod on tho North by lut I'ttr- .....riv nu-...nl iv ll.- l...r..O.. nitil Kv I..I l'..r,n.irlv out about 1,(100 feet above the Canadian. oucl,pic(i by the bus Jacob F. Soiisur. To bo iold The money has already been handed over the ostuti" of Ynlontino Flegul, ilooi'iiffil, la ac- to him, and all will agree that it was fair- ci.rilniioe tvitli tho pitiviaioua ia th lust will am) lv won His generous opponent is able to teatninont of sahl ilocc.lont. a'flord his lot..., -and Freaks in praise of Tl'r"" "'!,lle "' . ' day of sal, ainl r .if 4t . .: l;.. .1. boMcsnHin liven on llio first day ol April nuxt, by Jft urilli more enthusiaf'tcahv than any. r J 1 ' ' ' JOSEPU McCLAUUIN, Kxacut-.r. Fob. IS, ISiK. un. 7, vl. iv.J Ill l I.e. ONI-: KY I'D .t.-VUl.,; Til L TO ii I FA a VK; A i ei' Sou It Carolina, l.ivh Hi I In; e, ,01 in c ri , ,l a, at to I'O for itli I'J ltd 4-ttk loiiivrs i.u r liitoul (hu li rsl uf .M.toh. Two Creat Storic3 Together! In n,l,hti,in to I he ..th. r ntlravii ,n .,rn-il I.y iho MitV V i ) K K IVKKKLV, which u linivt-r-iiil v ..ckn.mlti loj to bo tho II I'. ST r O tt Y I A i i: R o ll' J-L ULI.JIE) J. AXY 1'AltT Of Till WUhLJit Tho niin nf tba publisher of tbo KEf Y f 11 It W i; 1. K I. V ia in I. nif n tttiil) .ni,T li.it mil oronliially tin, I its :ty lo wr; I nrniilo in Ilia J.uli l llml aliall bo a Wilcum ii.iui litrot or it guff oqually io,ulr in lin ,t in kcltttp iiii.i the. viht'o nl tho urr.-iils of Iw triiinu r, r in i lio coiiutini; room ol the M;r ilium U I'Hl'i'I ihut ,iiioiit co u wilb irl' ,itit" in tho hands nl tltetr t-hiMi-eti tti:ii,.i,l Lou or Cu' nun lit. Ite.ll.j; ct rliiin tlmt im ii.flurnc ttih bo to tiniulni ttioir nuiel. to tho pursuit t ki ottrlcJif. or Irnl ihoiu to abhor rice ui ttruii'. Mi. b a '.i'0 , no fti-1 n-urcl, will n oeive tho sii,,uri f au intol'ij;oiit ,pl, atnd lliu lurgo eirculatiun alronily rtaohtil by tat Nt tt Yoik Wi-ekly rom thai we ale not mil lakou in our isli initio ef publio 0),iniun. We If autialieti tbut all we roijuirn to iutrniluct th pt nor into overy liuuiehold .n tho cuuntrv, is toll. ibe people t now ef in exUt. uoo, unci niuUUin uc,uiiiiitetl with tLo nature au J character of in week ly oonlrnn. , Jd'Tlie Kow Y'ork Wtekly ia now iold br I rt',ectiible Nott s-ArohU and Hokellorii in Ui l uitotl S'litci, anil ut bj mail to nearljevt? iuH othce in the cuuntrv. p(T Always buy tho V. iKi.r from the Nf" A go nl. whero tbtt.e is out. 11 y utuil the Ura, at o ii a your, .ill advuuue, or two oopiei for $. Speviint'B copioc soul free, when desired. AU k. tors liuiit be litlilros.f ti A. J. WILLIAMSON, Etlitur and Proprietor, ; No. 22, llrelcimn (., A. I dilapidated condition, d of ' A Weary Journey. J A wretched looking creature, giving his j name as John .Smith, arrived in this city i yi-glorday, and put up at tho Mayor's o.'- , , t .1 1 t ! 11 would sii-e.-t Thursday t.o 10?!,, in-t. . '.'.. no mm.eu u.ter mm a , ni , ... I ba.-.ket waiton, ill wlueli was a small ehihl, the latest day p.o-,l.!e to enable the do,- ,, ? ,.tt!(l Vom lu ilu.ieU.e.,t . g't ready L.-eat her. He stated that hie wifo dit d in ' i . . . it .' i. .i...' . i,'.i. : .il.. 1.....-T ... r...... .....1 fl,.t titr.t.s., logo io li hi soma ,,y too mm. .......... ...... ...fa .... .. to ri'i '.etih toe Tr Sexatoriai. Com riiEN. i. for thi: NE W WOHK FOR AGENTS. The Life, Sttcerhes and Memrirl.ilH 4J4.' Cl . ..... I in ilia ( atv ; aim Killing lo eue out a ,-uu- lieeil ol some iMWitri'i. iu repieuiM, u. -Ihe exaToRI.L UxrniiENt l. l"l' i ins sistance I here .wit h his ehihl to lake cn e. National Tieutiiry. It U true, tioiijjresa t(.na'.oi ial Disii io- was to have met at Ty of, hu re-olved to vi.st N, v link, win .o ,!.. itw.i-a (o ilellln-i-nt.. hut :t m . ..!.... 'ri.,,..4,l,... t.. ,A,r..-,t, n IntliiiS a si-ter l, iltiT. .-,u lie lt;ll .ihem .-jo he h;ll Clin . . : : . r. .... t. . - i,i. . i il ... , . I .11..'.. . t y. ... .4. . ' ll.lll. list ,111 i.eeuM lll.'l .'l.ll t Ml Slllllll not likely to rcd-em tho lost tune in m f ,k.i,.pnte to t he lm !,. March Convention. (vlU fa , haw , I 4, , 1 .1 .. .1 . '..! .. .1.. l . .. . . .. .-. snort a space. . vv e nave not learneu ..einei uie i-miiei- . ... . ..w ... - ; , ,.u 1 1; l'i I it; . it 1 1 i ... u ii i.u I ine 1:111.1 e The appro nations for the current ex- t.,,s un i t or not. VVe know however that table. lie In,.-, n weary join nev yet before lint, nii'l we Hunk it woiil'i lie au m l toiitainoitj hix n,n.t7 'rh-brutcd hati t,.t, iiive-l Lc'.iO:tfroin thr. .'.(ii.'i J't'aa'ta en I (hi' (Ji'Ciix'OH nt l,is lratk I cvui hit Llj'c und Tint ct; BY SAKl'rL V. I.t'tl KKK, A. H. Tliij spli'ii.tid work i jiut piblih,i,I, hi one l'ir-. vi.liiino nf .1. 0 paoii II in u ini.'.l ponei of the jioveriiinent, have been made n0 ooitferees went trom thin eoiility. with a niggardly hand, but if they are uf- )neit (1,y of our eotemporaries in the di .. .... ........ .... .1 lieieni, lli.it ,s an una i mwn'i ' tin.v inci Kiiott 11 wine ii ' uK-t-tin , met ,0 n ;wt u eat-ed w 01 e at a slolic tat el u, a direction. iifiye the result? Early in tho o!t?ion, a lull tor Hie ac ArroISTMf.ST ir a n,,,,,.- vJO J, i ' i ib i i. 11 11 U,."y "" ""r"'iai t m aui..i. . . . . , ,, i ArmiNTMENT. ii. A. ,i'6s. ' n tit .tv,.J,.,. In.iueh he oher.tl ten etuis, l,u in. ramre. .N.i n.irk .ia lo ie uttiitiu.-d QUisitlon ofCub.i, wa-t m.ro.l.iee.l into tuo u reepnllv niuioiiite.l Tost J.I ih'.cr at (..il il,..'.,,.,....v I... I.,, i i ..... Iil-.m- I., pa. b. i. t. u I.i. I. i.i-... ,. Tin.' gat. it. tliO kuemcnt of tho Lpweo. Senut, and R lengthy and able report iillwfnwil c.,,,,,,.;., . Mr. Tot-nii main in t ho homo all n'mlit. Hie hi iuth'-.s 11,1,1 ." Vfnient rtn..,ss. 1 1, i.-i . vinis of iho f ' I..,;. ' :.. 'p.vllfX.. 1 T;.l...l.wl ...,1 I... .1... 4....,. .it io4 I., tt I.i.. I. il. wita . .. . , . t l,...,il,..i, u l.o keiit Iho l.i,ii.-.. ini'iieil l.iin l'i'i"'t " fbsltT. Ins tn.'.l roieink.ihie "T11J.I 1 111! ! 1 n ' 111 AJtll'-lVllll'i . a a nmv ' ' HKI'IU t.aaJ ijtll IMIItlt.t. .a.a. . I,,,,!... an,.lrtt ,t tl.fl Pnonrilllil ! Ml 111 I" . ,J t 0 lliklll -e , iiim ml in rn tun .Now is tlie-time to Comment TAKI10 TnK N VW i:l"Kl.Y. no. d, trol. it.) Jam-ary 20rn, 1859. 1)fl:l.IC NOTICE in liort-by s'.ren. thai Jt" .1. Moot, of I'.irtniwuih Now Ihtmlilii" lati'ly of rial-."!, lpl.ia. and K. 1'. chulu. k"' this tiny t'tttund into l'it.t'arlnirli!p In link' sill".!! t.f tax.xixu. rr;i:rixo, nonrsivr. AM) JIAi;.XL. MAhlXG, , tint mountain.. liV ra.lriuul. lit. slnles that ''"-" ' ' "t inn mrin i.ace ami itmiisiiin nt .ti.irstiiifin : nun a lull l olJlli lil. il.. .....t it.... : , i. . ..i. i. .... ........ .. -i .i -t I- tl'l i .i . .-..-v. .....ll... J llv I ' ll .11 1 put? . .uiuie ii ttnu . I..tv n.i is llit Kl,t.. f.l l.ei.l:li,r. I ..ot lit . ... 1 . . I ..... . . -r, iiini,ii ni' ti me Atnei ii'iiu puiiiii', ami m otinvin. any t, l,r.... 1 .t .4.1.!.: il... l.n,i;.,ff on f..,! r.vnrnt .ti.,iMr .nnm to se. . .. . .... . ainl Iiih elilli.1 oul ol ijijoih, itlnl they luiil re ,'.."-'"";, I t VV . , ... """ ,y fl1'H""11","""n' U,rl.iam in thoopen nirthe wholeollhe fire, but H w fortunmely tmjjuithed e . re that valuable I-l.ind to this rountrj ; , he u u .irili,t.r HUJ a ni.livo OI. ut iglt.vUrA .wiilioutrkusdaniage. i : ; but the bill auihonwi.g tl, IWdent to olle tijlM. rt iu,.,,,. tiiut nmniy. Ilisj, . ' Important iritellifieneo has' been refeiv negotiate for its purt ha.e from J-paiu. and frl.uu .i,,,,!,;!,.., M, p,.iiU,.,l Nt henr 1 .Tbi. Sunhury Cntttr s: Our jdfrom Mcxioo by the ateamcr Tennen-'apjiropriate a Mini of money for that pur 'in , o(h .t.,n ., f. is ,ib,. a hii,d neii.hor of the A11.erie1.11' has bu n spec- ae,' from Vera Cruz, with date, to the posmet with the fate of all the princi- ,v7rki l),..e.,it. an I the .h.t.i.i'tio.i j'1,1 'MI ''''"l esinie. That it fsny .1, &i !t ' Miranion wa. ,i. at Arazal,. pal'inei-Um in.rotlueed into llie Congfea. UtW leel, Wl11 ,.rtnl. Ih with four thousand men. He had foi mini aional II.ilU this Kessinn, and now may 1 e ,iy ,li)t ji,.,,, t0 the princiidei of travel 1 11 it down kiwi, and w.. eie told bis cabinet, j TLo foreign niinUters at tho regarded na ly in(i bf itide the Tac.Cc Rail- je,rorn nntl Jackson. 1 j tiint tnir ueiuhlKtr had bou jht it, and wait capital had not recognized Mirarann. road and the Tariff. 1 ;'.' l" " ' ' r ' 1 nmvinz it to another loctioi.. The law, -rt-i 4. ...i. - ' Dr. T. J. 4ttiveK,-ol the Pennsvlvania we believe, divitlen t.roi.eriv into real, tue utter vm ttreiiurinx to ttaei t?i i t. i i -t i ' 0 11 ..... f r, ... ir ..1. nilVeil. 1 lnitlsi. ivltili. in r.t.,t,n..44 il.tirtt t. Wo nrs twl. -lit uousu o, ,io,,rfseiu mi es, ui inn t iittmi a. , , . . , . Kauroad. we are intit nt i p , ,,. niei I i,t i , iiiip e hm till 1'iensf iteeeiH our iiimiiiw 101 i u.tny . , . . . lcll. i'tii.,1 tn..ris,iiu. iho in.i-i v.il.i.i ii,e Hii.l in tirioiinn eulegiv. Ttliii li the (.n-i.1 iiit-u ol the ou lion till, ml in h.tiinr ui III. Memory. Wf pi, M ill all lltcre Ireiinuris to lliia voIuiiih, lit a tuy ui"'ltritU prioi', hi,, I in avu) con 1 1 i.i -enl lllii. hub. crip. inn ptit-o. in tn.l.i, ;.. I. in 1m, ii. i ly t'lul.oM d h-iiilK-r $ ' nil. I'. T4.ti. iloMro... ie l.fcinii, ,enls fin- tl.ii vaiua'i.v w ,i k. will u, lies, f ir I'll p iril.-.n n , liUANK KII.I.ON, Puliihh.tr. Stt Stiuili Thinl otioet, ti,,liiJuilii.t. I'a. nii. 7, i.l. iv ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT! til .1 At (HI. I. .sTlthLK A CO. ai the M. MIJ M i'ii in Th Iiihtv. ,n St. Mnrt . Klk CnunlJ P'" ) Iviiniii. Ihiyhi pi' by liieir lottfr r''r' in l,ns,in's. un, I tbfir'lohii-o m plrnw tin I'"' Ihnt (hrv Mil ri'ieite a ltiirl nf (he I'ul'lic P"1 nno . I.i in,', nut u iiml nilit rs, who d " ' oiiil nrtit h nf hi i, Is niiii Hi,. i-, will finilitf" ly to ll.otr ailti.iitiji.. In tall nntl n1' H"1 iilus. ait tte nre iloe rntiiifil to n'H Ii HI It. r, or boots ami slmea ciin be liail in It Iphin for t-a.-b or liidon. All iJcrkpruili: ' alleii,itl lu. JACOB J. STOKKB. it-"-uo. 2, ') rplll. Ili(.l..'si Prii piibl tor HlhKS Ci' 1 at iho M. .Ury' Sioam 'riiiiDorydaei'-1' ; . .4. - ' t nnn calf fKixs wamod, f 1 .UWU h,i,..., H, . In ea.h aill b u'1. . . 4, -.1 i. pJH. . 'u" ' v thffu.M'.r'a Maui Xannory. Oua. The Enpih und Prenrh a juadron ' Tut rannr -1 4. J - it ni.nl 4 Vi rm liln alii tn.1,. 4-1 1 I rt t U M I t. w ( . . 1 1-4-1,4. Miiull 1 1 1 lit .7 l4a . tf . . T , At . . , HUPI'IV of 1.Uhll0l0llhMM.t4.' .'fF , C. , 1. ..n.i P.-a-.nU n...et tanfj u T itll Itt f,k tt nniilt Sf 4 I .a hill h V all I lit ft If - . Vera Ciuz,. had reuouiiced.lh prtxet liod of the iefrftrt- theJtpltnitin nf a route y 0 l it E U hereby Rlvun that Li-tiera of Ail- uiiin.lral.i.u tm(eiie (,'.. ln.ru l....,i, ur .... . between Ihe horsf s. ihe m nl, and the ! lu ilie uutina,i.iictl i.u im, m, 1,, ul J,,i.n R. , ' III 'tl m had it ill churue. il ivill th-l ltled- ''l,,h ll "I haarenoe (ottiehii,. Cloiirlielil Oo.. Flood at WiLiuni.toKT.-Weneehv tho 1 w.." , , , . , .... ; Jl' kl"'"?. "' .00 i:u l..UC0KN, 100 W-'l'H , nad ,'iOO bu.hal.BT.. at th-. tvM. r. Br; H -.AT, l.f of their own, and placed' theii.elvM un- for i railroad from the lUi-sipii r ver to L,5.ili hg GVv((;ihal the fl t,,d enrrietl a , 'gjl K,,,, Lplmure has inwlTetl . . 4. . .i 1. .1.. " 4ini.... .k.. ......;... ..1 .4 ..... .1.... .v....i... .e ..... 1. mod uie leti fiujuU derthe Ameriean the ri,r:Cc Uct-au. Abo, a copy of the large cpi.it.tity of log, pst that pla:e tt 1411 fcli-.binic and piohibitina .luvery ' ". ' , .,7 1 A ' . 81 , 'TTiO commaiidci- cf the EngliJi uud Finance Peport for .. , , , week, said to bo out ot Clwtifield creek. in the Territory. ? f . - J Laraea tp , Feb. J, ttiai. (.aw. t, vi . . (.. t.li l A I.AKUtS quaumy 01 can. '.""-, -TLiH, , TKICKS, at tba (- f .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers