Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 23, 1859, Image 5

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    n I lulling m 'mil nl Hie lt
, ' SEA-WAir,
" ill .. t.mln "nl, Ml, If )"H I'iImhi) Liiii, wIi'mIi ii nni
i t ' Mr. I'lmliitlr, w mhI (or ht nil brn 1 pni tnid K
fur "I k nil' I I I lili 'in V 'l "li llip st"l e, I ho Mi t ( til i I In' I ii 1 1 1 ' I, lin 111 1
" I i'i' oil c-i l s I'lil lln'V mi i V't l" iiiii,'l. nml mi' I uiii.liji'i limiiil In nil My
fni i. II I" iimVi' mil ln'il it ilirj in e 111 m- n.i'i . nl. lift', mi l i in'iy n t-ir iil'iti"ii
' ' a nil or I mvmi m" it l7i).
, i (Continued fioill In-t Mei k.)
- CttAl'TF.ll IV.
, VVJien .Senwaif h-ft the .!vm hr. . bill'
Kuto I'rinule, ho met her lull" ''. "'"
loinpanii'd liim down l( his lionl, in iiill
trying to find out what Kuli' wanted him
Tlio voima ciii'livin mii-ihiu- into In- l"';il
i .t ' I ... I .. ! I I' l.n.i.
uiiihl me mi niiii.e.. g. .... " . h,rl,.i mhI
i I.. r ..I u-l.k lio.l ir.i r 1 1 nt'i I tlii'li' : .
ireim ui vuim-ii-. " e - , .. u' ml nl our i
.i ' . .... ...,n. i., ilu.ii.
.... i i i i i ...i.;..i. i luu (.in inn i hi " i
With a dour, ImKlfvliko vnuv, un Ii , . ,, , , dvr it
ll'li'l" '.. i i ill,..., ..
til nl fi"l I" wits tli ii illy
" MIiiiII tlio yinim r i i ll III" matnainc,
mi '"
' " Yi', after .ill tin' jj illi j riii. mi' J'lil
out !"
Tin' nun went In tin ir wink, nml llu-ir
r.i.iciivo Minimi. (iuihIn. but with a
i till look, hii I. betokened a pel -ii'i t
i niili'lciirfi iii their vmicl, und tspeeinlly,
in their nUii'ci-i.
An liiiur passed, Hint tin" vessels woie
' lie iv hullo.l up iih'Mi.l, yi't Option Neawuil
'iMVOlio order either to alter the eolilso
to nee tho iiriviiteuT l" lo Hen, nml in u t. w
moments he win on bniiid of his voii'l.
roldi.-. !-ir?"ii!-ki'(l tlio
r.ecilod no lnimiet, tho young coiimi
houtou :
"Man tlie enpKtun lmrs, Imls "'' ru"
llionmlior up with u will. Slan.l ly the
nml llyiiijj-jib halliiirvls lay tlio heml
ynvilH ubaek!"
lis orders were obeyed readily ; (uid n
i lew inoineiils, tho neeond ollieer, wle)
Ntood on tho l'oiceustlo looking over the
Iiowb, cried : ,
"Slio's broken ground, sir!"
" Very well, ir run up tho jib nml
llying-jib.and haul tho sheet to sturboivrd
man tlio toji-galhint and top-sail sheets
ami halliards! Konnd with tho capstan,
men, nml run tho achor up to tho bows!"
A moment later, and tho head-sails up,
tho veering bow of tho schooner proved1
her to bo all aiveigh, und then cauio the
'Sheet homo, and hoist away tnp-sail
and top-ga'hml sails'." ,
This wius done; ami as tho foro-and-aft
wills, already up, filled, the schooner be
gan to gather headway. Then, as sho fell
ofV before the wind, which was fair out of
tho harbor, her square s:iils filled, and she
shot ahead with increased velocity. The
crowd on shore looking with delight upon
the splendid vessel, and gladdened, too, at
tho thought of her errand, rent tho air
with cheers; while Mr. Cringle, taking
upon himself tho part of gunner, fired an
impromptu salute from a singlo gun,
which was kept upon tho wharf to be used
as a warning-signal if tho Tritish np
proaclied. ' .
The "Tyraiinicido" replied to this by a
saluto of seventeen guns her whole com
' iilimenf. . ,
' That's what I rail a darnvl waste o
powder!" said a pinch-faced, dried-up ana
tomy of a man, hoso thread-barn clothe,
little eyes, and long, greedy talons of fin
gers, spoke the wii'iiT out and out.
"It isn't your powder, Mcsos tlelson,"
said Mr. Cringle, rather sharply., "If it
was, it wouldn't bo likely to bo a vessel
destined to fight for liberty !''
" Tush tush ! What ii this 'liberty' to
us ? the war is ruining trade, and soon
Mr. liooliltle, said t lie eilitam, still kei'ii
ing his glims directed toward iheappioach
iii ship.
i'hn enemy were now rising fast, not
morn than four or five :iilcs oil; but tho
merchantmen, obeying cignals from the
sloopof-war, which had evenlly discover
ed Hie nationality and character oi win
schooner, by her rig, hauled on a wind and
shortened suil, while the man-of-war held
her course under a cloud ot canvas,
"Take your stations for working ship!"
cried Seawaif. The nu'ii bounded to the
iiects and braces. "Hard up the heim
ca-t oil' the. sheet, uud round in the, wcath-er-l
i ues!" cried the captain.
I tit i-r inn1 Imii'iiid lln'icnti'l rn n .
Lin h iniinbi'i' nl thi? Ni w Ymk Men nry is
illnM ruled by the i elrblulr'l I elix Unite)'.
Silinriiptioii. ?J a )ar, or H lor i
inoiilhs. Address. I 'ii'uldw ell, Snilbwm III
A-Whitney, pioprietiiio, New Voikl'ity.
II SS t'ONSTAXT Into from tho Knt ro.r.
it! fully siiniiiiiioci In tlio cttirt-ii k f
I irii: lli'M ami llicl'iiunly gi in rnlly, llint h it
i ' 'ii i e d tu giv iiislrurlimi In Mutiti
riAXo, .mi:i.iiii:iin and ortTAn
Aim), in tiik ritKii ii i.ANnrAnr. it kio urn
SATivr. Toxui'K.
She rcfiT" nil wlio tuny ln iiitnrvstait In tlio
nbuvc, ti llin Hov. i)r. mid Mrs. M'l.ruil.
Tornm $8 00 in O'lvvuee, ur $10 00, it nut In
Hoc. , is.vs. tr.
(ini,AT RI.MVA1. Jtmd! IVurl t
4 Mi I' i; i nM I l;lf n. Hi" r"'
in. .).,. in... i 1 l" i'
Clnli., f. Hlilt Mi.l I in In Dm I nl". "Ul'l'l" i'f
I li'iiidi I.I. 1 hcfl'.ix. In rut" l'l "ilmn i.l
sl.nM fiiini.r, I'mrk h liml lnk"ii llm i" li
nl.llliy iM.h Mini'lf 1. 1 r. li- li PI."
tnti ti ill I l"Mlii'M, nil iiol k find fisiniln
In III" lill.'ff Hull. Hi' lint III fl Ii Ii "li 11 " I'l llit
ill I nili'ini'i, nml minr tir w nni" n unit fn.
vir liliniih n mil, llml Ii" linn on hnnit t lnti
Riiilini'tit nl I'm" "ik nml nnjr siimiinl "f rnrt i
Alto, (li'iiH' dnili'm inn I ' tn unli r, nml f miy
Hvl In nil rni'liimcrt. Muftni'ifi. Vronrh Mlf,
sinl 1'iit til mlf Kiiltcn riiiirliiiiily mi liiiml
VnnlliiH fur fsli', K It ihitiI"iI. All wnrlt h'sv
in 2 his h'ii iriiiiii.i nut tu rli. t'ii-i"tiiir
I'Hiiiiii)! n l"n will liml liim nl I lie Imp furnifr
ly in ru li'il I'jf K. It. Wfluli, il.'c'il n n wiit. li A
cluck ', lii'iuly ( Uim iI mi l
U rnvrr'tt tloni. ll'.ll in lny nml K"l "'' ulr"
nr yuur nlil ntnm repniri'd. uk i mi u ut' tliein tlnnd
in (jri'iil iii'O.l of it.
riMK hll'IKI'.
luim 11, HI'i.S. 3iu.
1'. 8. The piulni'i uliip liprclnfiiro vx'mli lift li
twocn .liihu .Mel n li A (lourKO Ni'Wmin in thlt
day 'liMiuivu'l by iniiliiiil ciiimi'iit, nil. I llio,
ui r.iiinlK, mi. I nil clVci'ln, nr.' nuw in the Iiiiii.Ih
nl K. hhurt (nr n-tllomont. The hinini'im will lie
curried oi in fu urc by V. Short. A liii-. pnor Yu
'Tai nal . thunder ! you're not fioin
ion sai.i; uit hi;n r.
which nr cleared nml umlcr cullivn ion, niHia
teil on Clciirllclil Creek, on the iniiinmnil ImtdiiiR
from Clenrllclil town to Cl.'iiiticld Uride, in
Cleiirflcld county, I'a., nnd thren miles distant
from thu former place.
The house it lnr(e, new, well rnlculnlod for n
Tnvcrn, nml will eiuiimiind nearly nil I lie ounl.un
of tlio wnteriiien during the freshets, which unu
nlly inn from loiir to ix weeks. Thai e lira nli-o it
good llnrn, Wuuil Shed. Wnsli and llnku lluune,
nnd vnrioua oilier tmil. lings necenaiiry fur convc
nienco nd ronifurt. Tho terint of inle will be
mini) on,y tny four nnniinl nnvmentn. For fur-
nor in.,
No 117 9c 111) Burl Bt.nnnVf Atrh,
jiti rt .u uii )ii)f at
VM. lilll'Kl lnke lM ml""l "f l.f""
. Itn hit nl I fil'f'1" nnd lb public v n"tll hn lm J.ol CK dl'l M il Hit nboin mil
liii.'Wii llol. l, nnd in Illli d il in l)lr .iiilnble I.
Ihe .', nnd Ibn wnlilt of Hit trmelliiiK toil. lie
Mr. Il bun I td In'KC ctpi tl' iu e In I I keep
iti(f. he lint no h'lliili"n In "n,ili Ibnt hit iirl
will Bud hit hnue icnnnl nml iletirnble tlop.
pluit plnce.
(II lh elenil.le loralimi of litis ll.ilel fur per -ulit
tiMiiiiM the I'll)', fi'li.r on
us juwixhss on vLi.Asi ni:.
It It deeini'il lln)(iilier iiinieii"" ry In tpftik,
mi llulcl in rinuiili Ipbui i bclli r knomi llmu
Ihe "lif loiini I'mii.ii."
lv el ulli'iiliuii lo lli" wiint, T hit riicloiti-
cm Sir. II. In. pet In (li"crv. ti thnro of public
N. II. Hit (crimper dny liiit been Used nt til
low rnie of $1.2.').
Scpl Tlin, Ih jH. 1 jt.
l ull A)lA k IIIIIMllA,
JOHN l AlVl.IHA t (o,
No. Mm A' A...) .Volt 'i.l, b.,rt A,j,M
I'llll. AMI. IIIIA '
lwi ti r., 1A;mi,m unit huiW
i t ..liii. . I . ..
for 1,1111" "l"t " ' " " ' 'I f '"", in l(t firm
rick !
JOHN M.-r VllH,
i'l its r iitr si:hvi:ih
" T
The tubscriber rntpeutlully unnouiicii- lolbo pub
liu thill lie Inn. lukcil the nlnne ttuml, In the bor
ouhIi of Cli'iirlield, nnd if p.-cpiird to nci niuiii.i
ilnto nil wlin it: ii v L'lve biui n cnl'. The pnb'ic.
' inny rett ntKiircl llmt it will ln ii.iiiliietfil in ihi
.,.,,., ,,,.,, bent niiiiimr piii-Hihle. Hi-liibl,-will be ii..lied
J()() I J iV '" lH)r, with the bell Ihe miirkel Ilia ilnr filled
Willi tne ciioieeiii oriimii 01 wiuet nun ii.iiui h, hiiu
his tliibles will be under tin) tain of nil. novo nnd
i'lircliil (..tiers. liANIK. M. ) WKB.
Pcb. II, l-i.i7.-y.
fl'IIK tiiiiiiln-r of yenit Ibnl which We hart
I hn n rn jj njf .'.I in lbs Fur Iiikiiipx, n,
m in riil rhnrnflcr of our Furt, huth fur um,,i.
iiml jinn It in ftti rally known thriri;hut flit
( nuiilrv, tin. I we think It unneectoiry to n.
more Ilmn innt we nnre now opsnnl nr t..,ri
ii I el KlltH for thu I A 1.1, nml W I NT Kit wlrt
I II, c lnt)fi-t nn. I in.'ti iieniililul llmt wii hsrt
tin b. r.'fi' ..ITcre'l in Hie pi lilie. Our Furt hstr
all been luipnpcu n in inn pre-rnt acawir
when in.ncy Win reiirce and
'.' A ,V ,1 1'CII AO U'KJt
llhnn nt the pri-tent lime, nml hnle hern innnn
fin lur. d by the must cunipcUiit Wurkmen;
are Ihcrcloru ileterminca lo tell Ilium at such
iiri. es ns will continue, lo nin- us llit rcpntatioir
we Inive borne lor your, Hint is, lo sella gout)
' nrliele tor it erv .imnn rmpt.
I .sriilll.KKI' I'li US will do well tu g're ui a
mil. ii. they il! Und Iho lurj;esl as,irtinent by
fur to select from in the City, and nt niunufatv
urcr in .' i'i.
Joll.V FtltTKUA A CO.
Xo. ' Mm ket siie.-t, above nth, l'ulhida,
Kcit ifUlli, WM. Jtutt
run from nc t-looji u' war, in-e you, fir;
L-...l llm li..ntpn!iMt ii- ni'oniod wonder
..('.,i ,.,! n.,,1 ri.i i'ki,i with iron inaili easy sny four nnniinl payments. Furfur- THAN K Fl'b for past fnvors, nnd urnluful for
i ,i , i 1 1...... f., .Icn.rj thor information Inquire of J. I,. Crnni, Ksq. Dr. ;futuvo pmspeels, detirea to infurin tlio cili.cns of
enoii" ! on tlieaa to uniK lliem, tor Hiaas , . , ,, .'... , : , 1 . 1 , ..j :
c . . - A. 1. OU-r.TiMjr, tflllllCB il, i,ihiiihvi. vm;...- 1 1 1 1 VIC 1 11 M V , llll'l II 1 M OKI mi'llU UII'l ,.IM"I- ill
drop one over each (pinrter, mm 0i no fil.,i. r 8. w. Weld, Ulen Hope, Clearlisld e.-un- particular," that lie but removed lo. Hit Kill- !
ililpei linent qUCHlions, Jlr. DoOllltle, tv 1U. Possession enn bo Kiven to that the . K(jo. in the Kiist end of
said tho captain, quietly. buyer or rentor can have the benelitoi tne tprini!
"1 beg your pardon, sir, a hundred tiines business, which nlono will amuunt to more tliiiu
I thought you wan a gom to run r mini mo ruu
the now delighted ollicer, as lio hastened
to obey tlio order.
"Double-shot with prapo ana canister
"VT A'I'lll
1 The
d ; i:i.. -
lovvi. i:t ii M.f . h
Slllii'-libcr lull M'., 'ill .'1, ' lie
known timid, loriucrh Vint ! v II Muso
in Curwcnviili', Tn., is ts-inl v t-, in'ciiiiiMi'lnie i
wlio rnny fnvor him nitn ili.-ii luiiioiui;:
tntlo will nlwiivs be supplied wiili ihe
i Hie
Jnnunry 5. 1858. If.
L'liiintrs to vour stations!" cried the cap
tain, now, doterniinedly. " Slen, make
no noise when I announce it, but within
un hour that sioop-of-war shall strike her
lliis, or we 11 go down with ours nying:
When sho is taken, the merchantmen w ill
be eusy prizes."
Had they not been cautioned, the men
would have cheered so loudly as to have
been beard on board of tho sloop-of-war.
After the dargs wo rigged and lowered
over the side, hold by stout hawsers, and
not seen because sunk beneath the water,
tlio schonnor did not go more than three
knots, although under a toll spread oi
canvas sho seemed to be running away
Dissolution of Co-Partnei ship.
'I' HE undersigned, having been partners in the
business of tnnning, currying, nnil boot and
shncinnliinir, at ihe M. Miiry's Steam T: nnery,
have this dny by nintiinl consent dissolved their
co-partnership connection. All debts duo said
Grm of (I. W. W'alsou A Co., and all claims against
them will he lotlled by K. SliulU, ul St. Mary's,
who has purcbused the interest of the oilier two
' T1I0.MARW. ItlrnARCS,
St. Mary's Steam Fautory, Jau. 12, 18.'i9.
no. 2. v. iv.
"B "i " . : .. . .. . , :i i :.i. .
we'll all be as poor as rats!" Enid tho mi- llautmg uom ner pent, unui mu-
... . ..I .. .1 I 1 . c cr. 1 , ,-ti-tn, l I It'll ul I A
in tieui iv a uoiu vi ui ..v.
fired a shot from one ot her bow guns.
from her antagonist, which now could be A I.L persons aro hereby cautioned .(rnin.-t buy
seen coming up hand over hand, hor decks or In anywise n.e.ldhn? with the follow
1 , , P, 1 . ,, .....i 'in t nronnrtr. now in Ihe possession of Dnin I
eiow.ieu w in men, u... i.e.- ,.o. l uo ...j; . t()wnhl,1, Clearfield County. I'a..
a nailery oi nveiuy-nmi juna.
tin sho come, the red cross 01 M. ueorge
ser. ncttishlv
" It is a pity that such mean curses us
you weren't joor ; you'ro too stingy to live !
If you only had your due, you'd get ft
good ducking in a horse-pond !" cried out
Mr. Cringle, so angniy and so louiuy. mui
his words were heard by the crowd, and
probably found echo in their hearts ; for
' they instantly shouted:
"Let's duck the old miser to the goose
pond with the old tory 1"
And seizing tho terrified wretch, they
dragged him roughly toward a pond of
muddy water near tho residence of the
merchant, and soon would have put their
intention into execution, had not Kate
Cringle, who saw their actions, stepped
out upon the balcony, nnd cried out, in a
- clear, .musical voice, which reached every
"Shame men itlaimc.1 to treat an old
man bo.. He is weak und helpless; let
liiin go, and save your strength ler a nob-
lor purpose I
"Show them our colors nnd name!"
cried the young captain, while his pale,
face flushed wiili a smile of terrible joy:
It was done in un nistniit ; but the ves
sel's head was not changed, nor a sail
linpid'.y the Englishman closed up, head
ing a little to leeward, so as to range, un
der her larboard beam. "
"Crouch well behind the bulwarks, men;
stand by your larboard guns, but do not
touch a match until tho order conies from
my lips ; depress vour gnus, so as to tako
her between wind and water t Saii-trini-niers,
stand to your shoots and braces, und
bo ready for orders."
The orders given, Captain Siawaif took
his position on tho larboard side of the
.iiiai ter-deck, and with ill-cnnceidi-d de
l'ght saw tlio Englishman range along un
til ho was almost ahead.
"Haul down vour colors
lfr tinielv anneal und her beauty for.voti! Strike, vou Yankee rebel, Sli iXt "
in her excitement she really looked hand- shouted the English captain, who stood on
Komnlind tho desired etl'oct : and the old ! the noon of his vessel in full unifoim,
miser was released, much to his own gvati-Utoudying himself by holding on to tho
fication, and rather to the disgust and an
, ,1, i
vU : Two Harrow!, one Winti-nlill, one Linr-Mru.
one Long Sled, one lot of ll.)js, nnd lyoke Oxen
as the snuiu belongs to me, and is only lull with
said Horn on loan, subject to my order.
ti. W. 110RX.
January 19, P59. St.pd.
Cabinet, Chair Making,
JOHN OrMCH.of thoborouKh of Clearfield,
1'iu, will be prepared at all liinei to attend to
to any huslues iu thi above line on short
notice, and in a woikiuanliko manner. His plnce
of business ia at tho old thnp on tlio north side of
Minket street. 3d dour east of Third St.. iienrly
oppoiiln the old Jew store; where ho will keep
constantly on band a lnre nssorlun'ii t of Ma
h.'uny and Cane liollom Chairs, and Cabinet
Vnro of every description, which he will ilipnsu
of on ns reasonable tennis as thu same articles
can bo bad elsewhere in (lie county.
' His stock of Cabinet Ware now in ti nnd, con
sists in part of Dressing and Common llureuas,
Si, fit, Kewinjr and Washing Stands, Diks and
llonk Cases, French nnd Field Post I'.cdsleinls.
Dininjr, Urenkfnst, Centre, Curd and I'iur Ta
bles, Ac. Coffins manufactured aud delivered nt
nnv liliico desired.
or I'll sink February 9, 1859. uo. 4, vol. iv.
7ViC First nor Wtxt nf the Muns'mn llmtte.
whero ho lin on hand constantly, n Itirjje assort
incut of every variety in the
The very best of lock will be use I, nnd un
pninstparod to make neat fits nml durabln work..
All of which can b obtained from Lin' enid Joseph
Quon VEHV LOW for the iiKAnv iiiiinii.
Clcarlicld, Aug. 18. 1848. -.'.
REED A WF.AVEIl are now receiving an
opening a large and well selected Slock ot
liovdt, consisting of .
Dry (iooilh. (.rocciit'K, Hardware, iueeua
warc, ItoulN and Mini's, Oils, I'uiniK iV
Diuk. llnlH nnd Itoiinets, Kails fc
Spikes, "all und I 'ish, ,
as well as every other article usually required in
the country, which they oner to the punlio on as
I'nir terms as can be ha.l in tlio county, tall
uud see the new, beautiful iimlusi'lul.
June , !S.riH.
ark.t ullords, ami l.i-
liitunrs. 1 1 1 r I 1 1 1 . wi'l i i
Icnlive liu-ilcr-.
CurwciiM .Mi'. A)ii'i! -' '
I l i:ilx (I
( ron mi ni.v
I, r uilli il,i
..I.l -hr i ll, i .i
1. V I il .- M 'J' II.
KMitt'N AS TH V. i I TKST.j
n itWK.vsvn.rK,
' lit 'U'f'i i'l ( '""nty. lt t'l.S'i't ttntt;.
, Tim suh.i'i ilmr Im's li'uv1 (o iiitoriti hi?
cuMutiitTr). inn! i imUiie I'l'iH'iiilly llmt lit
"A Cnunlrllnlino is but one,
Though 'lis a trnin of Str." Drgden.
.,1.1 i
b:ix !
recently lukcil Inc niiove well known suimt, nn.t ' (j i,,,, nf
llmt be bin entirely rcllltcl niril rel'urlii-l.,..l il in I 'V '
u style adiiptd to the ng, and Ihe wants nl the j
euliru tt avelin ooinmunitv.
wlllnlwnysbe pr ivided with erery luxury the I
mntkels and surrounding onuntrT will nftord I
will be supplied with the choicest wines ulnl li
whioh arc the best and most eointnodious on Ihe
rond within a dny's travel, will nlwnvs be in
phnre of careful and nttciilive hostlers. In
short '
F.vcry department of his Establishment will
be supplied wilh nil the comlorts and uunveniuu
civs the weary traveller could ib'-ire.
june 2, 'iS. WM. A. MASON.
Race st. above Third, Phila.
r O li h A I. I, A X l W I X T E It.
UK .-uocril'i'r tiiHt re. eiveil and oiientd
iii In- rim ro"iu in .Mnrkui st. directly u,pu.
sue in. i . I il 'nn'. iiirifj ami well no lee
ml ,-l'Oi K ot SE.tSII.S'AIII.e- liOODS, which
be will sell al a very Am rnjnin.
Hi- -i n k consols nl a general assortment of
Dry Goods. Groceries. Hard
1 ware. Queeosware, Glass
ware, Drugs. Oils, &c-
incliiili. n host ot'ollior articles in his line.
imi'Iil' ti nn li eun I) tiniud nn eiconsiv aud vari
eit .-c'cii.iu uf I. Al)ll' dross goods; iuch u
I .... ' ;,, rl.dh. lh-Lfiilf. 0-
I Imriy, I iixhnit'rrH, 7Vi", Al'
! iiiiirm. ttrneh Merinos,
l'lud.s, and a full a-
li ) A A A A J h Jor the tram.
His .ENTI.KME.N' i wear cnnsisla of a largt,
nstortmenl ut
Cns-iineres, ( I. 'lbs, Snttinetts. Satin
Vestiug, Tweeds, lints aud Caps,
For La lu.i, ' (Indtli'men and Children;
with almost every other articlo that may be ne-
f a r y I'. sti pill v tho wants of the community.
The pressure of the mmiey market having had
the otliict of reducing tho price of many articlei
of aierchniidire, tin undersigned lias been ena
bled to b v his stock at such ra es that he fsn
ell c) ds at iirices to suit the times. Aud bar
ing iier. lol'ore en.i. avored to please his customer!,
In.ili In the iU ility of gmnls and the prices it
v lii.-b he sold them, he hopes lo receive a r.
.'ounblo share of patronnge. All in want of g.iddi,
will leasn call and examine his stock of cheap-
ett rooils.
T-r1?' Country produeo of all kinds taken in .
chnnce fur goods.
H'M. F, IUAViX ,
Cli'inficld Nov. 10, ISjS.
i PIMIE prnprietors ot the nbnve well known e-
ger of her father, who would have l ccn
mizzcn ri.'ginj;.
' I'm iut noiim toe-frite not my color?.
really glad to have ieen 'old Gc-l.Jon get a' ,ut vou !" cried Seuwuif, Barcitically, und may expect to pa;- costs,
r 1 1... .1 l..-, l.An...l,. r.,f .-:.' ,1... I.. ...... t ,i l,,u
lesson lor no naicu linn mining, nwi, insumiv nif; iiiu i i'uui u.o
4 1,1. persons indebted to the subscriber, cither
' by nolo or book account, aie re. po sted to
call nnd settle, on or before 111 o first dny of April
j hose who do not comidy with the above,
IMIE subscriber has great plciiuro iu nnnnun
ving that ho has uiude nrraugcmeiits lo issue
en Saturday, January I, I Sol', iln 'largest, band-:tiie.-taui
most complete Weekly Xcwspnpor
ever published. It will be n superb folio sheet,
double the size of the New York Ledger ! con
taining nine broad columns on each page, 35 in
lies in length, nnd double the o,uunlity ot rea i
ing mntter glvsn by any weekly paper now pub
lished ; smhrai in tho choicest aud freshest mat
Lcr. selected and original, furnished IViun abrMiid
and at lnmi-. Il III be in all respects, a Living
Journal ; containing the productions el the must I
popular writers in liberal quantity : Romances, j
Stories, Essays, io"ins, Anecibites, Sketches,
Notices of Amusements and ihe Arts, Ac., d-e. ; j
inline, nil things which are new, bcnuiiliil. in-
Inrestiug iim' attractive. J-ach number will enn-1
tain nut only a carefully e.indctis.'d synopsis uf ,
Iho iicnernl News during each week, hut all ihe j
very latest information and Telegraphic Iies
iialches up to the hour of going to press. The!
Constellation will nut be nn Illustrated I'nper, as
ihe picture sheets are but it will contain beauti
ful Designs and Engravings, when they really
illustrate and ornanii nl a subject.
, Tlio subscriber tins already engnged n Corps
of Coiitribut.'rs. "a nun of Stars, unc.iinilled
tibernl patronage bestowed lb, in Ihe iinsl
year, take this iiictbml of informing their fiiends
and the public that Ibcy arc still prep ired to ac
coiniuodalo lliem if favored with a call.
During the summer months tbe house hn" been
thoroughly renovated, improvements made and
other extensive nlterutim- in contemplation.
We are deleriniuod In devote our w hole ntl"ll
tion lo business ami Uiiller inirselves with the
oiiuviiliun thai we shall be able lo give satisfac
X. II. Carriages will always be in rend Im to
c'otivey pnssencrs to nnd 1r.-in Stcniiibcnl
ins and It :i i I -. .it ,1 Depots. S. A S,
M.irch Slsl. ISjS.y,
Curwensville. Penna.
subscriber, tormeiiv of the Exchange Ho
tel, I'liilipsburg, having t.iken tin nbuve
only for his lack of patriotUm, but tor his
ruiserly meanness.
fl,. " .1 . I . fit . 1. ... 4 1 . I
iii rememuer ner i ii ruiueuim-i iu.h
w hole hroadsidi
It was done with torrilile ed'ect, for the
British had not anticipated resistance Ironi
girl, bless her !" muttered the old miser, 'a rebel whom they r.itiroeU to be using
' u jie hobbled away from tho crowd as fust i his host efforts to escape, and were hudd
' as he could not stopping until he reach-'0,l along the deck on tho sido next the
cd his own residence, which was plso a schooner, and were cut dow n in fearful
bmilnf n atore-house. in which a vast va-Uivotlis And as the sails were little in-
vicly of all kinds of truck and trash werejured, the sloop-of-war shot ahead, so that
stowed old junk, second hnnd an i.-hors,, she was luist the schooner before the could
return llio uroaduiue.
"Cut away the dins, spring to your
star-board battery throw in chain- hot ns
well as grape ami cut her tticki away !"
d ied Scawaif.
Then ordering the helm up, as ihe
schooner's headway increased; he veered
oil athwart the sti'in of the sioop ; and as
the uuns cntii.' in range, delivered a ra-
leii on irotn tno const - . ,. , , . t lipr (1 , kH
for tho track of inwatd-bonnrl voxels from 11,,,,;1 , ill T m.,M. oii i . i .1 -ti her
nails, cordage, fishing tackle, nets, har
pooiis, and a Ihousand other things.
' Never tvas a craft in better battle trim
on deck, below, or aloft, than tho Priva
teer, after Seawaif had got her riuging
tretched. Conscious that he was ready to
meet any foe of his tonnagfl and weight of
metal, ho boldly headed oil" from tho const
?r..U-o-the subscriber offers f,r sale his i for genius, brilliancy, and reputation by those "f
any oinci j""'"" "'" i'M"iisii.,. mnucr n nni
may he its prole ns .ins. It is with no alight gin-tifit-ntion
lh" hu nnni'nnceB his suecesa iu enga
ging, after ell persuasion, tho able and experi.
eticed service. n g. ntl. nnin, so long und so
justly eminent. Mr. l'nik Ilciijninin. Connec
ted for twenty ve.if- with Ihe press uf New V.irk
j city, nnd always successful In his literary enter
The Philadelphia Evening Bui etin, 1 prises, whether as Editor, Author, or publie spen-
. V- x i j . t. ! v i . j 1 kcr. Iho name of Mr. Benjamin is an augury of
N Independent T,Hy Newspaper, devoted ... ,.,, fortun,.,, '
pecally to the in of Pennsylvania- , T,() , , , ,
containing imixirlanl felcgruphio News, sixteen ' ... , ' . , , ,, . . . ,
, i r.i ' . . i Will bo untried by the suliacnlier lo secure a
hours in ndvnuco of Iho minning papers Orini- 1 , . . ... ', ., , , n. :
, ,, , ,, .... , .... igiamlan.l bri innt nccouiphslimcnt of b is eflort
nn 1-ureicn nnd Homcslic ( orrcspondence, Edi-1 f .111.11. . ..1 i, . 11
0 .. 1 . . I,, CMliil.l 1 sli II, n liiri.cHl nn. I liesr wecklv .s
house, lot. nnd office, silnalud in the town of
Lutbershurg, low for cn.-li, or in piiymenls, to
suit purchasers. For further particulars npply
to the si DSLKIBKR, on tho premises.
Euthersburg, Jan. 21, 1850. no. 2, v. iv.
new slaud situate on the bjnk of tho river, in tli
leuercnil ol Ciirnensrillv, would nntioiiuce Ibnl
he is now ready for the nccnininodation of stran
gers and all olhrs who ma v favor him with a
enll. The house is Inrgn and comfortable, an
travelers will liml every convenience nec tary lo
their comfort. Amplo slabling is attached to the
February 10, ISjS.
3 -CP CD' sxri
Ml K uudcriigncd respectfully inforinf kit
eust'iiuers uud the public generally, that b
has just returned from tho East, and opened tl
his cs'iiblishinrtil in SUA IV" 4' Jt O II' Ciearnelil,
I'a. n line stock of W Al'CHLs of d liferent uuil-
nis, nnd JE'iVKI.RY of eveiy variety, from t f-ill
sett to a sing'o piece, w.iich ho will sell at the
inosl rcaronable prices for CASH.
Al.l. kinds of Clocks. Watches and Jewelry
carefully repaired and II urmiite I.
A conliuiiancc of pationngo is solicited.
Nv. llllli, IS5S. 11. F. NAl'ULE,
doors Mil
I I A l.Mi tilled up a shop a lew
11 "f the "Hi. 11 Jew Stohb," on Markot it,
cl f:urn: l d
1 OF FIRST AXI) 31 A It li I'.T
ever nul'lislied since untiling will be left undone
that can be dono by talents, capital, experience, 'I'0 n" taken Ihe above bouse.,
learning, nml a resolute experience. I'OUMKULY KNOWN AS '111 -
I lie t, 1,11 -1 oi 1:1 r 1 nn win mutiny recommend it
to a cordial and g noroua support from the
very best people by its observance of good and
It will boan unolijiiclionnble
One morninc soonaftor, he wasntbreak
ival. in liis cnliin. with the first ofTii''pr and
the doctor -youiic Morley being in chart;! '0 rI'IlU' '
-' and not wis
But each of them bounded from the' ta-' miarters, if he could help it. But he had
1 . j . 1 - -i . -. i I'l 11 n fifi'iisii 11 id use inn iz 111 n 11 ii v 111111 r . 1' .1 .
lilo OH inev neara ine hiioui. sun no; r . . . . . s , . -, , ,
JVom H,n look-out, nt theloD-L'allant cross-l euU'lcmy, witn a snock, wiiu 1 shook i i
. . , ,(l . !eu and the air like an earthquake, the
-lie then hauled on a wind, determined
her until slit should 'strike,'
hing to lose any men at close
torinls on all subjects, and full reports of all Iho
news of Iho day. fh Commercial and hinnnci
nl depnttinents nre full, and are carefully attend
ed to. As an advertising medium there is no
better paper in tho Stale, the circulation being, ...
. . , . .. 1 1 sell
next to me largest iu inc. on,, nun among 111c
. : 111 1 t a 1..1 ,.r ,1 1...:,...
IIIO- llllv. lliu.ll, I III i,.,r,.. ui hi 1, I'll lull,,, 1. , . . .,
t . ? . 1 r . 1.. . I avoidance of vil.
A l,ll.ns uuiiuin I" 1 jvii, ,11 Mtiii,,,., , f .. ,,
CUilMINUrt A PEACOCK, ; V "V " K ' , ,,i;l ,,, 1" n
j of young and old. 1 Tho siihscriher.hiiving had
' nearly fl nuartcr of n century's eTPerlcuce in the
tup PiTTr inn unit KTT'ltIiAV HPT I v I P'dU-niion r daily and weokly j.iBrnnli.nti h
THE PHILADELPHIA t-ATl II DAI BIELE-, Tin(f n.iw conneeted himself with sixth -roll known
TIV, 1 and vnlunblu editorilnl nid us he bun therein,
. , . ... . r.;i.. '..i,i.. w tors himself ihnt this new onlerpriso will ut once
llllllilsoine, wrn-niic'i, i iiiui.T .i-,-i,i, .ii-Bi- , . 1 r 1, ,
, . ... atehievo a popular favor 1110 auurcss unniir 1 e -miner
m t.iililished hv the lirnorinL. rs at t h t
en 111 lie w son per eu 1 oi or is.--;.
Tho terms for "The Colislellnti in," wi I he two
TIIH undersigned rep"cilitlly informs bis
friends nnd the traveling public in general, that
Icsircs to inform Iho coin 111 unity at largo, toil
he keeps 011 hand a variety oi
I J at his simp, and that he manufactures to order,
,,i rieiii 11111-11, e ei.y ucse I i pi tun oi uuuis
liol.I and kid In n furniture, nmong which 111
I'fiilre and Dining Tables Mnhoganv nndCon-
mon hun nus Conimou nml Fancy Dedsteiii
Stands, Sales, Cupboards, Sofas, Lounges, te,
w li it'll he is dctcruiiiicil to dispose of nt ssdinf
rates, fur cash, as ibcy can bo purchased jt any
oilier estabiisbinciit of the fort in tho coumj.
l'e sous wishing to buy furniture are invited k
conic to bis shop and examine his articles, mi
judge for Ihi insclvs of their quality and finish,
lielorc purchasing elsewhere, as he leelt conl.
dcnl that he eun suit I lie 111 in price nnd qua 1st.
N. li. Ho is slso prepared to make Corruifc
order on Ihe shortest notice, anil attend fuocrali I
wi'li a hoarse, when called upon.
r" All kinds of country produce wii be rt-
ciiVcd in pnvuieiit for work.
n..v. 17, ls:,x Iv.
Xo. 112, South priqx Street, Phildcipbia.
paper is i nblished liy tuopropnol rsot I
following unpreco cnted low ratos : I Copy, one
ll I T.I, IIOTFI.. '
If 11 -f. ha- In'i-ii ri..-en:l; re-firt",! iii
. noved, and neu ly : liii la-il. il j
HAS lll'.EN I'OM 1'I.ETKIl : AMI HE IS I Uf I'.l l: H)
All ho inay oive l.itu 11 call, in tho mi.-t
il. iil' ind iir'rei'ub:e iiiatiii. i'.
.ut . .1 . m . linn
..vvi. .wt ..-liot ,1,. .!. InnU 1 ill-fated craft wan seen tolly to fragments, i,.1'nn, ,, ',,,'. d. tis tin', -in -n. ,1..' dollars per aiinntn each, when ten epics are sent
like?" cried vounn Morley. in rerly.
1 Seawaif nnd his companions held their
brenth, nnd listenod for tlio answer.
"1 seo throo Bail, ir, dead ahead ; they
reent square-rigged, and coming down
i.c 11. 111 ..,. -....1
I IkIi, ueii'i u viio niiivii niu biiv 1 -i.i , . . . , - , ,.111 j
'""Englishmen, nnd making lor the coast""" y , V" "i"
amid n cloud oi smoke, into the air. 20n0: ion conies, do. S5U on. Frm-nun Ix
Whether by accident or design, no one nrcp.MRKTa ! The largest club (over Hill) will be
could tell, hut, in Borne way, the powder sent, for three years. Tbe next largest club (over
ii, line mmmiiiA lind linpn iinitcd. and kIic 100) will be lent for two years. Address
' r 0 erwurviK
was blown to atoms.
Prompted by humanity, uiptain rea.
Proprietors, llulleUn lluilding. No 112
Bouth Third Street, Philadelphia.
I'll wngcr my first prize-money 1" said the "teeml for the rPot where tho sloop-of-war
captain, ns he hurried on deck. j enf in hopes to aavo some surviving
.1. Ir.l.n.Hnll-Mer.'a ha ilmll not. Persons of her Crew.
,. :..t-.,m..t.MDil fos t,,ni,t. t .f...i 1 Hut not a living boul could bo seen. A
IY Jll.-'lIUIIH Ilin IV""! IVI Hllil'UllltH vuvu 1 - 1.' I
PHODL'CIi WASiTUl). Wheat, Kyo, Outs,
Corn, buckwheat and Fire Wood, wanted
al tho ohV of the Clcartiold Republican in pay
ment of printing. doe. I, 18J8.
mm .Mat nr.r, a sa 1 1 r in on, riitTnt i m..v - - -.
Prnii'mftn " i few blackened Fiuirs ami timbers only mot;
11 V-:ii it nA nliMlra AM i, A 1 1 ho e ye. : W'TER SHAWLS,
ITU fl III ft Ot.' J'WUIHUI., UO IIU , . . l 111 IV
... ... i . It IfM film 1 Tli mi 1 am a i Kdil I
buckled on his sharp, hut snort cutiuss ' " ' "lv "
and followed his eommnnder on deck. ! one man to nmputat--notone bnll for
The breeze was fresh, nnd tho schooner, extract v saia ine tiocior, wn i a nign u
.lib k ln..s cnik and inn.saili wi ' piteous grimace, as he looked in the i por ,Bi, y,, . . ... KItATZER'8.
...... . . - , - -
raa ftoing oil to the eastward on a tauti"'""1- ..
r bow.line, her top gallant and royal yariN " I'ou rnny have better luck another
pointed to the wind, nnd" her larboard time, doctor," said Seawaif, as he gave or
tacks nboard." There was ouite a heavy deri to trim nails and haulon a wind again ;
, ea rolling; and, as ihe pitched into and for the transports having seeu the fate rf
f through it, she threw thesnowy foam over their protnotor were now crowding sail,
.her prow almost as high aa her fore-top. 'nnd trying, likoaflock of frightened sheep,
, .;. "See nil clenr for notion, fore and aft to make their eaenpe from nn opponent
,. reeve preventer stays nnd braces have , which had done Much fearful dnniago in so
.the spare Hpars clenred awnyl Qunners, short a time. But the schooner had no
. look to your children ; they may have lumbering cargo, and was rendy for com-
flay soon. Boarders and pikemen, see bat or a raoe. as oecaxion required. i
that your tools nre in their places 1'' cried This great revolutionary sea-atory, from
the captain cheerfully, as he came on tho vigorous pen of Ned Hiintline, will be
dock; aud then he seized a spy-glacs, nnd continued, from where it leaves otf here,
tCTTincd the vcprel in right. i in tho New York Mercury, for Satuidav,
in one envelope to o io n 1 lr".
Twenty-ei)lit copies to one address, $19 00.
Five copies do. do. ,r , v r ,$12 10,
Two copies, do, do. -i- . .. J j no
One copy do. do. including pn'tnge or
dulivery, T 00
All subscriptions to be invar uMv iu a.liance.
SitiKle copes, Five cents. Tu Neaspapur ageuts,
$;l ill) per IHO , , ' , ,
A late Saturday t veninjj edition will be pub
lished. a d left early Sunday ninniing-. at the
residences of City subscribers, bv regular nn lers.
employed by the publisher. Those who desire
to commence with Iho nrsi number, should send
in their subscriptions mil orders as early as pos
sible since, owing to the Immense size nf the
heel, only Sued number will bV printed as may
no orucrcu.
'very (hh tn rrndir lux luni&? a dtir ilit
s'i'ij)iiii itur,
llllj ''li , nil
will bo supplied with an assortment nf choice li
quors ; and he will endeavor to entertain bis
guests In a manner that cannot fail to give I lie
I I 1.1, 1. s T H Vll-ii' ACll).
The house U fitua'ed iu a (.huMiiit nii.l
(piiet part (if tlio, town, an. I , no expi ii-e
or nUi'iition will he t. pa red to nuke ii one
ol the la-t house' in the enmity. A lil
eial pntiiiiiage i rer-pi-ctiiillv solicited,
Clenrlicld, nug. IS, 1 1 Jig. jy.
TIIK above Hot, I, having recently been fltled
. . , nn lor hfniriM i.r nittupt. ,... ...
All nrderi and lolteri to he a,ldr.,a,l ' ri'th. r . n "... . ." ..r . 7 " " ' w ,"'
. ,,,, , ii. ui-,-, ,i,i,ii, ,i, ,,,,,,, ,,, I, m miiiii,.
I I 1J nnd 14, S .
Nuv. 17, 1868.
I .V T li I: V XIV E 1) A T THE
( OllNt n STOKE,
A larje assortment of
I i.ti.-irt i ii in pa ! of the following articles, TU
Xnylinh and French M rinus,
f 'i,yi)(y.v,
iipired f' plain hcldinm,
lh Hi-Hi ..' ',i.v,
i.riiin, Vn',s,
Jiil 7b ( lirnv,
1. hi nn Cnlhf,
,,ii. ,! ,1
litniHtt.i, latest Fall and Ifi'
ti r sl;le.i,
Uenilv niiirte rlo Mnir, I loot A St"'
Hum ri. Cap, ol all kinds, .
Spanish St'lc Leather,
Cotlee, Molasses, and Pugar, at WnoUnaU
O-Hides A Furs, Shingles, and Grain f
kinds taken in exchango for goods.
Od 1st. is.'.s. WM.
A T.I. noiltiond BfT0'
'w.Tinr r in any wny ioddlig Wi" n
. .: I i aaia1UB 1
. .. I ' vvfl . ! ,i .: ... I i .-vaaiianUB
. . - -- wi Hnri tht ai i iiiiiiiwiur nnnnriv :. nnir in un ivr
IitsA onveiiieill II. uisr. ' f .' -- -,'... a
ur.uuuc nisiuviiiB, . , May III, ISM. JOHN Tiiihav Jeorj;e Maria in L'nvinKlon ip. vii i
Street, New Y.rfcv 1 ' . . - ' ' '' J" "A M ninre, one cow. six hogs, one bull, one er
euphonrd, ono cooking t Ve, one bed ano v j
!.. ..f k....l.1....t ... a knlonrt tO OHl
m.ui HUI'MOIVI.1, nn luu rvuii, p.-
Tho Publishers of the liumlilican rue mil
rrffi ATIIIn.", TUB, ander,ed ' would rospectf,,, infvr ' "
ct a at in t ij on u ni a K i , 1 . it. wt
AMBfiOTYi i S For 50 cts!
pared to do all kinds of
and every 1'
in a c'iu'r
trusted 1
PaHI'III.ETS, . , PltOriRAMtlES,
Pai'H Books, V Circclars,
Bali ickets, Uanddills,
id Trmtinff iu lal'r done
:rA ' 7 :. Y iu or r en-
', I -tl u I; i -f ited.
.." : ek.
500 Bushel! CORN,,; 200 luhols iicit
waaAT, and . IJ00 busheii Rtk, it the store
Of I . . '; H-..7 iWM.'F. IRWIN. ,',
" imdh'ji riki ;i-ri.i;Mr
of Clenrfleld and vicinity, that he has fated up t
KtHima lu Mmw's Xetv How , :
where be will rerpnlan for ,w rfnys only. 1 : A
my order.
Sedt. 22 1858.
Cm ' A. E. MlLLBB.
cautioned ttW
' 2 purchasing or otherwise meddling i
A LARDE nuaulilr of Knit far Hal t l.flU
Job Printing neatly exefliitetl here. , PRICES, at the store of WM. JT. XHWIN.;
'': I iii' -i . .'
, All Who would desln a lifolike likenest ot the yoko of black oxoo In tbe pt Mession
lnlett and Impn ved style will please call,
, Y'ou that have beauty should to Hall, take it,
, Ton that have none, should go 1st him make H
" A. M.HALL '
1 Sept. 2ttb, m. ,, it . , , ., .(j ,
L-. I ii j . L rl-,fls.M I DllDtJl
- ri ire, ui nrany iwnm jif tivwi -
on lnnn only, u.ii . .
,,nov. 8, 185B..St , WM. U H0.
' Constables JUankfl for sale at thl0l