Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 23, 1859, Image 4

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nt Jtlhirs,
I'i'-'l, on Tiii 'liiy, the I ltd Inst., Mini,
Tl. IJ.-v. l l-'l KnlifM, r.r lf..l.t.iv. hMl " '-l'"iititM.f IheUla Hun. Thomas
1 1 'l.:. i I ... i Id.... .1.. 1
hue will"1"1 i'vl1"' I" i inHnn nimin- ' aucu iu years.
i.tiT tli" i Supi'tr, on the second Tim Immortal Nnll
ti..i,li:itli I" Mm eh, I" In l.tiliH'iiin ( hutch that death was tint
;., il. iilirl'l. Services to cmnnicui e on linncliilion !' lhc mml
Kri'l.iy t 1 1 1 1 . tlie lllli l .March, at iiioi till o.ilen .., where, In llio hal.ila-
f,lv Cft'l'll" "J-'"'-
Hip rr..r ruMiK.I f I o I Kiiihli nrrtrtrta 4jti tirrt vnti-t. - . . ........ ....
Mill. il. . ii. , ., v.v-b i'iilBI.3 lit ILf.Allt li.LJJ
with Ihe sublimity of llm in ml un of
the tharn. ter described In Hie bonk, and
FOR A D 1838.
the fmfouiul l.llo.oj.l, y of lir contain- .
H In diMwirscsofthe. "Father and tk.n.,1..
luM once observed ,,,r'" "I'll the dlgri and nrrnngomrnt of tt,,"':,,,,". H. Tr.-innr.r of Cl.atflr, County, In ae
(li-vilniion, l.nt the the wtiole nmkes It of absorbliiir Interest ! 7'"" W"iy .? Vo"hJ ,H"n 1,10 6,h J""u",7 lfM. 5"'
I I...,., m.;.. l in.- Ami whib, i do,!,,, U , , 0; Jm,1,J ,H ,J'
Tho public are kindly m m. .f .i..i.l !,. u ....,,.,,. .1 inn! nl1"1 U'-' l duties over all . I'll.
invited t" attend, maintained Ik. Mil.lim.) purity with a hicli motives and nf1titiomt, it combined Bm 1 reu J rrom Collectors for 18S8 ami pravloui
,. .'" invcetcd Ht llio .uih.ii. With of th t.Mider prii,,n to eonsti- n. yT! . ... . -
Tlll! WmniKR.-On Wt Monday night, ' "s 1 "l.-r.'iiro to tl.n ravage of tuto VAriuiy. and Illuko it d.-eilv hilt-Wat. To a 't V . ' " 'r " . '7, T
' , ,. . ' . . ' is i. il, ol in melancholy terrors. .. n... ' . . J - . 11 . l0. "Iu ' ru0 '"'" olljor nourcoi, i.or tin'r ISook,
MfWk.treii...ui.,tr.iiiorioW i,H-h tt,l,i1,.,1(,,.1,.ht 1,.,(i;i))M on ,:,rtll '' i'iHvo.tMtf..rii.,,tkh.u cu.
jiroiiiiwl In hnj.rovo our li'iliinj, l'it ullixle t. a wuil i,i., nt in tuno of, '"'Tutinc, without Wing ohji.tlionahlo l-lu Irraa r M ottlcnwnt,
tinfoitiiinti'ly on tlm next niornin(i, ruin unpiiifli, nor ct in lluhlvs of rcfrret ; l,utJto "wo "ho ciIumy it. Hut tliiMhwiip- 'uroM' pI'-'n,,'
Ikkhu t lull, tvliirh M.ntiniHM throughout w'1'.' whImIi-im-p in which wo ii l.T to tion of ton .lay wnn.lciings of a XAu uto ! Fox WiM cal. A
$1501 2.1
...eday in, a portion of the m-xt night, " tin 1 . I Wo,nnn n,,,i'' "10 ice uml tho utornis of tho
taking of llio hli'igliinjj, iin.l grilling... Sonm j.roffoiling Hton.lily, ' Nor,"ni' 50ws. o J'r .ounigo nnd high
1,'nving u in tho mml ngiun. oilnosilay with h.uI! in hand, mov.-d ly iinilnlinn and ..woiunon, encouraging and cheering on
.Mnloufunt.aml Wodnculay night frosty. jiwwt of fortune uml faiiie. Uthoin in ,hor cninpnnioiiN, whilo ono ly ono they1
noisl.-MH mpcknosH iursuo tho even tenor
. i.. : i. p. .
jnurri.MT j. ol their wav. Klin ed tu teai!t hv i.ilv tor
snJ during tho night, rainy, l ruhy t,e norrow around them, und impelled to, a..' I Saturday it again oommeneod tho.o nohlo netionggo adorning to tho hu
riiiniiig and continued until Similar mom "mn t'hnraeter, Any und'y, by tho in
to, casing a very high fro-hot ami sweep.' Jm,!u r "!Ul,.'"ly lur
lnt' 1 i i itnelio heart. Ami yet, wo wee, for tho
ing the ioo from tho streams, nnd consul" ) 0HH 0( lll0st) wo love Wo gM our ,nelIl.
erahlo tiinher along with it. On Sunday oriog w ith our tears, and carve in aol't e
afternoon another atmospheric change motions the epitaphs of our friends. They
. i ... t,.L-r. are tributes both mild and moek, granted
tooKpio,.m . ltoj,umu)litvbvtllomer(.v of Heaven m . , ' of n ' . ' " , 7..
,l,c embrace of .tern winter, who kept 80otli ng evd( 0f a richer grace r.Merv. :' ' ,0 "ny l'n, t f tho
howling .around and above as it lio were ed in its moro exalted dispensations.
enraged because wo hud been let oil' no H'?y are the evidences of generous nll'eo-
Wvetliui farthis winter, lesterdav, how-!1;0", unheard and unseen by the dead, but
"' I tho most beautilul exuinides ot truth und
ever, was move moderate, nnd to-day is-,';.,.;, y in lll0 livil,s Aml thus. as we
but every body knows what to-day is like, j bathe tho urn with tears, and crown the
,. , I bier with tho Imv and tho nivrile, we do
Tm Horoioh LLLCTioN.-lho election ;jUHtico tocul. ilU'lllllllityi honorto thedenu,
in tins borough on nisi r nuay ior oorougi. , H,i ,h.ns0 both Heaven nnd tho world.
were sinking into the arms of death -aye,
icy death, before her eye, and of the mi-j
raculous deliverance, is ursurpiwsed in
thrilling interest, by tho wildest romunco.l
In a word, if you want a book which will
afford you renewod pleasuro every frosh
perusal, cnd and get tho "Father nnd!
Daughter," at Peterson's, No. MO Ghost-'
..I 1.1. :.. .1 .1 . . ; t. .... . - I
"''., i iiiiiuvi )U a. II will be Mint l.nv
Misa llurnsido in a community where
she was so well known mid so highly es
teemed, searccely needs nn obituary to
perpetuate her memory. Sho was a fa
vorite with all who knew her, admired as
much for her virtues as for those gentle
qualities of her sex. which give halo to
1 I.,,...:..... ) i, !,., i..;...,.i.i,;r,o ..fil,..
Samuel Mitchell, Win. W . ,, . . .,,,,1 u,i11itn,,.to,l Kin.
ccrity. Sho was a Christian, too, ofthut
exalted character which can guxe calmly
at death when life assumes its swee'.est at
tractions. Her chistian feelings were not
governed by mnro theories. She wus not
rompted to faith by philosophy, nor in
the ubstraet teachings of a mero morality
did ihe hope for tho realization of hea
ven's regard. For years, conscious that
life was uncertain, leeling that the most
insiduous of all discuses, consumption, wus
besieging her existence, sho resigned her
self calmly to her fate, and ullowed her
rouI to bul ho in the rcalitie of that Hope
which first beamed at (iethseinano and
has since lighted the dark portals of ev
ery christian's tomb Nor was it the cer
tainty of death that moved her to religion
for solace. When life promised to bo pro
longed, when gickness seemed to client its
victim by allowing health to paint its
bloom on her cheek, and the love of home
to sparkle in her eye, then tho Christian's
character, was moro fully displayed in the
weak woman, passing from duty to duty
with pntient cheerfulness ; syputhising
with those in sickness, weeping with the
distressed, giving ulms to the poor, and
joy nnd hope, and generous all'ection to
all around Lor. Thus bho passed her life.
not known, although there is a suspicion j Many ' her years were marked by pain
of meimdiansm. L ho-',re(, M(w ,.,. (i(.(.imP, ho-
,, v.,r na T?rTVm. Vurtor Esn.. laced her sufVeriiiL's. and ''fuitly watched
oHieers resulted as follows : Municipal of
goers Hurgess, Jonathan lloynton Esq.,
Town Council Robert W rigley, Richard
Mosjop, C. W. Whitehill, Roi.crt Mitchell
and G. W. Rheem- High constable, Jacob
Shiinkwiler Assessor, R. J. Wallace hsq.
Bctts Auditor, J. B. M'Enally Esq.
School directors, Geo. Thorn, II. Snyder.
Magisterial oflicers, Justice of tho peace,
M, A. Frank, re-elected Constable, R. F.
Ward, re-elected.
Laurence Towssmr Ei.kction. In
Lawrence township the following persons
were elected to the various offices : Con
stable Rufus Thompson re-elected ;
School director J. R. Reed, Esq, 0. W.
Fulton; Supervisors Jus. A. Reed Esq.,
Taylor Row ks; Overseer, ) Joseph Shaw,
Wm. P. Reed ; Assessor, Clark Brown.
Fk kg i" son TP., re-elected Thos. Henry,
Esq. and elected Albert Voung Justice of
the Peace in plac. of David Ferguson Esq.
who resigned inconsequence of ill health.
These arc all the returns we are nblo to
give from Ferguson.
School llofss Birnt. The school house
in Oirnrd tp. known as tho "Bald Hills
school house" was burned on last Sunday
niiiht ft week. The origin of the fire is
of this borough oilers hi? farm m-ar town
fur sale or rent. It is a good opportunity
for any one wanting cucli a chance. See
advert isinent.
H T.. Hrvnrnso.v. -This isentlcman,
h.i.l tho nib- must Ion. 'est cherish thai iniltienee
r,r I..-.. . nf Lis Ws in G.lifor. ever, society, col.l in its forms w..k
nia, hits returned home, and is now iw thi
rl..cp. Noiwi'h-tunilini! Mr. H's. heavy
her passinc through that .Ionian in whose
waters t!.o robes of s.iints and martyrs
havo been washed clean and white.
The death of so young and good a wo
man must have a beiielieieiit influence.
Those who kn -w her best inir't feel that
influence stronaest. Those who loved her
nllliction, he is cheerf ul ami resigned, and
seems determined nl to be oast down by
it. Truly it is n noble spectacle to see a
fellow being n.o t adversity with ft brave
lift r ani'iu ibl.imh d d eck Mr. II. has
in my friem'sin tlii' c.uimmi. ty, ull of
slmni deeply sympathise with him.
U. ftinc No th withstanding tho belief
prevailing ft day or two ago that there
would bo no rafting on the present fresh,
et, the mildness of the weather h.w en
couraged our lumbermen to commence
operations, and we learn that a number
have begun rafting in ; and that a few
ate on the way and expected to pass here
to-day. Although unusually early in the
season for rafting, tho weather is now ve
ry favorable.
Accii.ent. We leal n that a team belong-
iiia to Samuel Arnold Esq, of Luthurs.
burg, was throtvn down the embankment
on Anderson's creek hill on last Friday,
while hauling shingles to the river, nnd
one of the horses very much injured.
To he a Hop At the "Mansion House,"
kept by Col. D. M. Weaver on tomorrow
evening. A large company is expected,
aud the participants will be likely to have
a very pleasant time. This may bo the last
.opportunity daring tho season to "trip
the light fantastic too" so you'd better go.
'A floor) Ktorv.- Wo call attention to
the new story by Francis 8. Smith, of
which wo publish the first chapter in an
other column. It will be found continued
in the New York Weclky to which we rec
ommend all wishing to peruse this thril
ling novel '.. 1
At a dinner in Springfield, Mass., a lady
sent thefollowing volunteer toast: ''Sjmitt
old bachelors the ever-gretn of society."
T!je Laqy who gave the above toast de
serves to have her nanio engraved in en
during marble, and embalmed in the
hearts of every bachelor in tho land. A
monuments should be erected toher mem
ory by a general contribution from old
bachelors, to which they should make an
annual pilgrimage to pay their devotions.
' r i .:
At Bloomville on tho I7th inst. by Wm.
fa A. Bloom Esq. Mr. Philip Long to Miss
I Elizabeth Owens, all of I ike township in
i hU count v.
in its mcmori ?. must l-au-o at t lie an-
noun.-meii'. that it has lost one of its
brigiitesl ornaments, whose accomplish
men! gave it tone, and whose actions
yielded it dignity and character.
'Thus star by star declines,
Till all are passo 1 awnj
As lnornini: high and higher shines,
To nine and perfect day ;
Nor sink those Hnrs in emptv night,
But hide themselves in
United States.
The ConttelLitivn. Our "big" ootempora
ry made its appearance lust week in some
whut altered trim. Its dimentions, al
though not diminished, have been com
pressed and rendered more compact, and
we think much moro convenient. It is!
now printed on a double or quarto sheet!
containing 8 pages, cuch still of largo size,
the whole paper being as large as in the
original form. Success to tho "Constella- j
tion" mnv it lone million,, in illi,,,,;,ioin I
the land.
Peterson, for March has been 'received,
and is a handsome number. This is one
of tho best and cheapest Magazines in tho
country. It has already a hirgo circula
tion, which is constantly increasing. It
deserves tn prosper.
Crt' Jitjmhtic Month li,. Tho March
number of this storling American Maga
zine has mado its appearance, and comes
fully up to the standard etuiilishod by
the publishers in their fu st number.
Miltiette's Ilustrated Muja:ine, for March
is before us, and we have no hesitation in
saying that as a Magazine of tho fash
ions j it is worthy of a liberal patronage.
Election Expenses,
Assessors' ages,
Constables wages,
Cnnniisdoners' Counsel,
Improvements &e.,
Rent for Treasurer's oflico thrco years
Penitentiary cxpeiim,
Sheritr fees,
Trans, Land Book,
Prothonotary, Ac,
Books, Dockets, &.,
Jail feos,
Tipstaff nnd Court Crior,
Auditors' fees,
Auditors' Clerk,
County Printing,
Commissioners' Clerk,
Commissioners' wages,
Amount puid for justices fues(
Amount paid for District Attorney.
Amount puid for repairs to Pub. Build. 372 10
Amount paid for Commonwealth costs, 8'.'0 5(1
Exonerations to Collectors, 304 02
Per ccntage to Collectors, 307 31
Treasurer's per confago on receiving, 147 84
Treasurer's per centago on paying, 130 Jj
Bulauce dm; Treasurer,
f 10SC fl
2'-'H4 O'J
33.2 00
305 70
08 1 70
li7 22
50 00
102 M
37 50
143 31
l'JO 00
15 00
243 72
l'JO 23
112 85
57 50
45 00
25 00
104 00
80 50
102 50
24 00
370 50
27 43
431 00
H'.lM in,
Mm l is,
Pen n,
Ben .lurry,
li. II. Mm,
John V. Turner,
Elijah Hut in,
Win. Piioy,
James W hile,
John McMurty,
lluifh t.rr,
Frederick Nebel,
It. Denver, sr.,
Jos. M. Stiencer,
John Brubnker,
Woodward, B. Stevens,
Am't duo from unsealed land, 1S5X,
A m't duo on Notes, Judgments, Jtc.
HO 07 M 21 Ml
tn) w w r,H
, 125 U l M t M
M IM 41 81 11 CO
120 71 61 4 ?0 M)
47 14 40 HI It IM
Hi ii n r,i ia ao
407 17 P0 03 Ml M
, 17 1.1 VH 93 61 00
212 31 107 Oil 44 (HI
3M2 40 147 11 8(1 60
111 87 4.1 44 14 W
101 11 7 74 21 00
?i'.0H5 42
27(H) 00
Am't of outstanding orders,
Balauco duo County,
902 41
$102X7 83
1077 01)
$'.210 74
Jonv MtTiiKtisoN.Esq., Treasurer yf Clearfield County, in account
with t lie dillerent townships for Road Fund for 1856 and '57.
DR. To balance duo Tps last settlement, $ 97 IjT
To amount from Unsealed Lands for 1850 and 1857, 8204
ioo 'jo
$10403 78 ?101G3 78
-4noioir (ihttstandliiy hue from Collcdvri Jur 1858 andynduut Pr.
James Rea Jr,
R. Wetzell,
Henry Swan,
A. Spencer,
205 51
1840 Covington, D. Jiugueney,
A Family SirrocATEn. A torriblo ca
lamity occurred in Brooklyn, on Sunday
morning, at the house of Mr. Edward Gill, i
on the corner of Fulton avenue and Elm 1855
place. Between 3 and 4 o'clock the house
ivas discovered to be on fire, und so sud-.
denly had it broken out that only a por-!
tion of the inmates were enabled to escape. 1850
Thomas Gill, a boarder by the name of
Oila Graves, and llonora Keegan, a ser
vant, all jumped from the windows, tho
latter from tho fourth story, and were ull
moro or less injured; but the mother,
Mrs. Gill, with her two little girls, and
another servant, Ann Keegan weresutlb-l
cated by the smoke and heat. Tho fire!
was extinguished, and the lodies of the
sufferers were found heaped together near
tho window. They might have been sav
ed, had there been ladders on tho spot in 1 1857
time. Edward Gill, tho husband und fur
ther of the family, was absent from homcj
at the time this swilt destruction fell noon ,
his household. A. I'. Tribune.
Jordan, Wm. Wiley,
Pcnn, Thos. Fen ton,
Bell, J.Sunderland,
Kurthaus, tS, llartliiie,
Morris, Jos. Rothrock,
Pcnn, Jos. Davis,
Burnsido, John Young, 30 01
Jordau, D. Williams, 3 15
Fox, Thos. J. Bundy. 1 00
t'urwonsv'll John Askey, 28 'J3
Decatur D. Kephnrt,
Pike, Jos. Cu'ld'vcll,
Chest, S. J. Tozer, 45 85
Jordan, Jos. Patterson, 12 13
Lawrence, B. Spaekman,
Pike, T. R. McCluro, 2 02
Covington, J. P.. Barmoy,
Clearfield, T, J. McCullough,
Pcnn, Jos. Collingworth,
Woodward, A brain Byers, 10 07
Bradford, John lloit,
Brady, Jacob Ktintz, 182 42
Chest, Jon 'a. Fry,
Covington, 1). Rolley
Curweiisv'Jl Jno. D. Thompson, 1 00
92 14
1 C2
15 00
4 10
17 50
33 00
Pen n,
By am't paid Tps,
5 .ixx 04
52r. 58
173 00
107 22
407 10
252 37
2'JO 71
203 75
8 31
308 40
37 40
231) 40
341 53
210 23
114 00
1257 93
108 24
218 18
352 70
104 48
758 20
171 08
122 25
327 22
020 51
Bul, due Tj'i
4 7
0 60
7 fW
1 74
44 50
32 49
7 52
28 10
15 W
45 7C
8 82
Bul. duo Townships, 204 44 $204 44
8302 00
$8362 09
John l-l'h(rton, Esq., Treasurer of Clni field County, in account
with the dillerent townships for School Fund, for 1850 and '67
To Balance due townships ut the last settlement, $ 405 5c
To amount received from unseatedla nds for 1850 4 '57 11305 05
By am't paid Tps. Bul. duo Tps.
Pen n,
Bei caria,
Geo. Kcphurt,
R. M. Johnson,
Asa Young,
John Hoover,
James Arthurs,
Lew is I. Bloom,
J. Ilegarty,
John Weld,
Daniel Smael,
John Shirey, jr,
In Decatur tt
I2th, 1859. Susan, wife of Moses Owen.-,
aged 3,i years and 8 months.
The deceased was n daughter of Jesse
and Anna Spencer of Lumber City. She
experienced religion in 1840, joined tlie
Methodist E. Church, and made one of
the number that formed tho first cl.iss in
A Revarkahi.e Dwarf. A dwarf named
Richebourg, who was only two feet high,!
lias just died in the Rue du Four St. Ger-
main, ag. d ninety. He was, when young, i
in the service of the Dnehos d'Orloans, I
mother of Louis Bhilippc, with the title j
of 'butler," but ho performed none of the
duties of tho office. Alter the first revo-j
lotion broke out he was employed lo eon-1
Heaven's own I vey oismieiic aiiroau, uno mr nun pur--
pose n.i dressed as a oatry. tli" dispatches,
being concealed in hi ; cap, ; n 1 a nnrs:
being made to carry him. For the last
twenty-five years he lived in the Rue du
Four, and during that time never went
out. lie bad a great repugnance lo stran
gers, and was alarmed when h heard the
voice of one ; but in his own family he ;
was very lively and cheerful in his conver
sation. The Orleans familv allowed him a
Cn trul l rc
near Piiilirsburg, Fe
the Grami.ian Hills. She loved the class, pension of 3(K)0 .'runes. (Jaltgn.mi's Me-
room, lived an exemplary lite, and uieu a
iliuniphant death. She leaves a husband
and six children to mourn their loss.
My husband and my children dear,
O, meet me iu tho skies!
My body I have left below,
Il now with Johnny lies.
My father and niv mother dear,
Wipe all your tears away ;
Your Susan now is dead, and gono
Her Saviour's face to sec.
My brothers and my sister too,
Your hope in Christ hold fast ;
That w hen your earthly lace is run,
We ull may meet at last. a. b.
In Beccaria tp., on Thursday tho 17th
list., Isaiau II. Woa hick, aged C4 years.
Mrrti.E in Monroe Coinit, Pa. Last
week a murder was perpetrated at a shoot-!
ing match near the public house of Mr. j
Slender, at Stemlersvilie. A difficulty a-.
rose between a man named Eckert, and ,
a Mr. rwiomon vtiiucim, wncn jcKeri:
struck Wilhelm over the head with a gun, 1
inflicting a serious wound on the forehead,
and completely severing his nose from his
face. Eckert was committed to jail. i
Wilhelm died of his tvuiiidsa day or two
uf'er the occurrence.
Brady, O. B. Goodlandcr
Burnside, James Smith
Covington, J. W. Ridor,
Clearlield, Isaac Johnson,
Curwens'vll Z. McNaul,
Ferguson, Jos. Straw,
.1. . Heath,
Ellis Livergood,
Samuel Lanbury,
.Win. Willistiis,
Win. M jMichaels,
John Fox,
J. .1. Tate.
Daniel Beams,
Isaac Kirk,
J. B, Garrison,
Woodward, S. P. Sholl',
Beccaria, Samuel ShotT,
F. G. Miller,
A. Boughman,.
S. P. Wilson,
Godfrey Zilliox,
John Riddle,
L. J. llurd.
. iraham,
Karl bans,
Covington, J. M.
Clearfield, R.J.
03 8'J
3 35
3G 91
11 01
80 93
70 O'l
19 50
191 98
09 80
17 10
27 95
49 45
08 00
11 07
Curwensv'll Wm. McBride.
Decatur, And'w Bauhmnn
Ferguson, George Williams,
Fox, D. N. Heath,
25 00
4 21
1 20
107 00
15 IS
27 89
112 84
101 94
315 03
2M 75
110 OS
9.1 43
597 02
250 44
240 79
129 04
204 82
1 10 50
202 20
175 25
21 87
8 29
15 14
18 17
4 74
52 20
9 29
22 8 4
10 94
77 01
44 00
1 00
151 43
10 17
12 42
111 69
7 20
89 47
4 10
89 59
14 08
30 23
25 41
12 07
37 71
43 91
4 31
3.1 08
25 5
5:'. 48
25 21
122 87
20 01
23 00
129 05
44 45
j.vj nn
131 93
40 92
25 17
254 80
133 25
101 03
54 31
121 78
1"8 03
81 80
77 91
0 35
25 00
32 50
0 00 L,
20 50 Pnu'
13 12 j r
oul Bradford,
' uu Burnside,
ji'q Covington,
m r i Cloarfiold,
15 SO CRtur
Ol r- ' r OX,
yr i Guard,
19 08
2 00
28 o;
57 50'ivnox'
,, I Lawrei
30 60
20 02
5 00
0 80
22 18
18 23
15 05
9 5
15 45
33 00
10 34
51 40
2 74
7 95
21 48
14 38
22 50
5 00
23 (Hi
14 01
20 OH
15 c,;.
11 OS
f.O 50
17 52
10 0)
37 00
30 50
40 50
20 50
25 00
17 50
87 00
01 50
22 00
39 00
11 50
20 50
28 50
ii oo;
Bal duo Tps.,
C53 73
400 10
329 49
220 00
623 97
400 00
518 90
100 00
13 40
448 67
37 33
400 00
259 00
233 01
1400 00
223 53
254 50
051 47
310 21
1700 00
132 57
209 77
438 00
447 Zi
1331 87
f 1 1770 02
83 43
113 CO
15 28
75 20
244 84
180 50
80 68
22 12
15 95
09 CO
22 83 .
277 2t
12 42
111 34
1331 87
SU77Q 02
A. U. I30V.
We, tho undersigned Commissioners of Clearfield County, lin
ving examined tho accounts of John Ifcrhoison, Trcosu
rer of said County, for tho yu.r 1858, do certify that we find th?iu
s above stated. Tho amount of debts outstanding duo the
County, aro Ten Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven
Dollars, and Eighty Throe Cent, and the amount of outstanding
orders are Ono Thousand and Seventy-Seven Dollars and Nino
Cents. Wittier our hands this 22d January, A. D. 1859.
Attest It. J. Wallace, Cfk.
We, the undersigned, Auditors of Clearfield County, having
examined the accounts of John Mcl'hersou, Esq., Treasurer (if
said Count v. for A. D 1S58, do certify that tho accounts are as
above r ,(, That the amount duo the Treasurer by the Coun
ty, is Two Hundred and Ninety-Nine Dollars, and Ninety-Nine
Cents ; the amount due the Road Fund by the Treasurer, is Two
Hundred und Four Dollars, and Forty Four Cents ; the flmoun
due the School Fund is Ono Thousand Three Hundred and Tliii
ty Ono Dollars ami Eighty -Seven Cents ; also, the amount din
tho County fiom (Vnlectors, Unseated Lands, and other source,
is Ten Thousand Two Hundred nnd Eighty-Seven Dollars am)
Eighty-Three Cents ; and the amount of outstanding orders i
(.ne Thousand nnd Seventy-Seven Dollars and Nino Cents. Wit
ness our hands this 22d Jmtiarv. A. D. 1H,)9.
1 r n. 1 M- t- I j .
a. 'j. lAiii, Amxmre.
Attest It. J. Wallace, I'Ck.
Clearfield, February 2, 1859. no. 3, vol. it.
V'OTICE Is hereby given that Letter! or Ad
niiiii'tmlion pendente lilt, have been grant -d
to the UDilertifcncd on Ibe ettnto of Juhn II.
I! fed. Into of Lawrence township, Clesrfluld Co.,
dee'd. All pemoni having businens or dealing!
with ihe mid satnle aro requested to muko im
mediate settlement.
Adiu'r I' Lite,
Lawrencs tp , Feb. 25, 1869. no. , vol. Iv.
BY buying Coal Oil. nd Coau Oil Lamps t tended to.
the Iron Sture.
AlbKllfcLL, l A nit 11, on za nu
TVLAMPS of 11 kindi cliaqged to Coal Oil
Father and Dauoiites, dv Fhkdkrika
Bremer. A Sweedish Tale just published
by the enterprising Publishing House of
T. B. Petersou k Brothers.
It is scarcely necessary to speak in de
tail of the merits of this new work of Miss
Bremer's. The well known character of
her writings is a sufficient guarantee to
the public, of its high moral tone, its ease
and simplicity of style, and tho useful les
sons it inculcates. But to rest here would
be to stop far short of pointing out all its
claims upon public favor.; Instead of le
ing a romance of "love and murder and
It Ml 1 (( Al .
nouoay Kiueu, as isusuany trie case wmi:.n Lnwrcnoo town,i,ip Clearfield coimty,
the sensation novels of the present day. itipfmioinina some two hundred and forty
is a simple story, founded upon fact, of j acres with about seventy-live"aeres cleared
..!,' seir-sncrificinir devotion, not to 'with house, barn, young orchard : Ac.
... 1 . 1 thereon, for sale or rent on reasonable
the lover, whoso manly graces attracted 'En(,uil.0 of lh, .ub8Cribor soon.-
ncr .vimirauon aim nun utr 1 ck'i uu iOS8CsSion given at once. ' '
to her father to whom' she'owed life and - 1 Wm. KRTEH.
all that made life a toune of happlnefs to Clearfield, Ocsificld County, To.
'4. Mary's EUi: Fmsttiiry,
Jam arv 20rn, 1859.
")l'BLIC NOTICE it hereby given, that Jacob
X. J. M'.rer, in i'ori;uinuin Jw iiamp'liire
luleiy of 1'liiU Ji'l.biu, and K. C. Scliulti, hare
Oils .lay entered into Cu-1'nrlneri.hip in lbs liu-eiuci-t
' TAxxiya, cvmiYixa, hoot. woe
and the bininoM will be earrird on by Ihe name
of JAC01J J. STOKER i TO., al the fU Mary'i
Bleam Tannery, in 8L Mary'a, Elk County I'enn
ylrania. Tl.ey hope by their Ion experience
in bnnlneM, and their deilre In plenae the public,
that they wil receive a part of lb publio palro
i nage. Lnml.ermen and otben, who il eire a
food article of Be oil and Shoe, will find it great
y to their advantage to call and get goni) bur-
f' ;nina, aa we aro determined to lell a low as
rather, or boot and ahoei can be had in Pbila-
I llt.l,.a r,r eftih Ar hiilna. All narlnr rirf,mtill
no. 3, r. It.
THE subscriber offers his farm situuted
THE lilghet Prir paid for HIDES in CASH
at the SL Mary'i Stoam Tannery, ao S, t. Iv
Infill fALF PKIXS wanted, for which the
tUUU blghcl price In eaib will bo paid at
the St Itttty'i aUeara Tannery, no. 2, vol. iv.
A CAKD. .iiit
,' A. M. HILLS would inform his pa
tmis that ho will be absent from his office
(luring the three first weeks of February,
on a professional tisit to Elk Oiinty. ,
Hearfiehl, Jan. l', 1858.
'I'llE Pnl.Kcriliers offer tho following valuable
1 I'.enl K-tfit at privnto enlo, litunto in lleccn
ria tnwnflnp, Clearfii-M County, containing OXE
two tructior ,arculi lying contiguous, vii :
with a Saw-Jlill thereon, and Ten Acrci cleared,
acre, with almut thirty acrci cleared. Both
trarttaro well timbered with l'iue Timber, and
are well fuitcd for lumbering, and would lull
any one wishing to go into the hnaineM. They
will he mid separately or together, to auit pur
chasers. Term one third of the purcbaie mo-
ncy in hand, and the balance in two yearly pay
menU. . For further particular inquire of
J01IX 81I0KF, or
Ailminitlrator&of the Ktlalt of Abrnknm S.Kia
oy, rfccefiei. - 1 , '
January 19, 1849. tf.
OTItT ' All perrons are beroby notified
that the undersigned have each a claim nf
one fourth of what wus tho interest of l'atrirk
Raflcrty at the lime of his deecaro, iu lb 83
aero of land, in l'onn township, now advertised
for i.ilo by order of the Orpbau'i Court, nl the
property of Felix IUITertt.
deo. 29, lSiS.-SUpd.
1 1 ..njia
TllEumleriigned subiorlben, take tbii meth
od nf informing tlie publio generally, that
they bavo this .Uy entered Into copartnership in.
and enn be found at the shop formerly occnpie.t
byj. Shunkwiler. nn Third street, la this bi.
rough, where they will be pleased to nt tho r ol I
customers, and at many new onei ta eaa reiki
it convenient to give tbout a cull.
Bring on your hons, your epadei and pick
Your log-chnini and yor.r pulling iticki,
Your ili'Js, your ileighi, your hone, yoor mar.
No tliree-yenr old ahull then go bare.
Your spear will work up then Jurt right.
To prooning books for every height.
Your sword too, shall then be wrought.
To ploughshare mch ai Cain ne'er bought.
HEO. Y7. OK It.
Clearfield, December 8, 8i9. if.
THE UXDERSIUNKD takei thi method of am
Bouncing to the eititens of Claarfieli and. Iks ior
rounding country, that ht has opaned a .
B.H3rlbff Rlburp
or Mala Street In Shau't .Yew itnm, where eK
is prepared to accommodnle all who giro hi tn
call, and hopes to receive liberal peAruaofje.
Oct. Cth, 1S5S. JEREMIAH NOP 113.
. ii,' ii.,.
IOii SALB, by Mrrrrli, A Carter, A4amS'H Imprnri Corn .feier Also a few
Meal Cutter of the best kind with a largo t':
ety of liooil to their line, Juai received, and I
ba avid low cash or pxodueo. ...,
CieaifieM, Dec. 8, m. . ,
I season, at
ItOuF.S tn anil Iho
-"fciglob Printing neatly executed here.