Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 23, 1859, Image 3

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1 1
' hi
; 1 a-aajJSp10pW
C'LKAHKir.l-D, lVbanuy 2.1, If" '.'..
,TUo Nfs,
TliP nrrivnl of llic hi.'.iir..'r In limi. I i iiu
fiTf ti ii "I' till 'lie CCth of Jiir.uui'v
Thi lluni ('(''.cniiinl niinivoisaiy M'nm
to Lftvo lx.i'11 oi'Ii bintc.l with Tit lui-, in linplanfl, Irclainl nnd Sontlnivl.
Tlirt .n fi.ivii'l' trnu nlnlllTll.l in T.illl'1 :
i , i . .-I'liitiTfit
il.Mi l.f n l.iiii :nil nl. (,iiililhiil! Ho tol.
1 lift numlitr (f l'uciiin 'rivutol for cam
petition ut tho G'ryxtul f'alaoo, ex?i'Clwl
fAl." 1 ho prize wan nw nrdotl to Isii t'r.'iijr,
No. 22 ltaiiulugh troet, rimlitM, I.oiulun,
Tlie l'ri.o lVrin docs not reach a very
liili utiiudard of poetry.
Tliero nro neeouiits of a closer alliance
I'c'.ivecn France and riedsnont.
The steamer Ti in. e Albert, .it St. .Toluis,
trinps tm week later news from I'urope.
Her (lutes nre up to the 5th inst. She had
a loisUi'oun aoag( and wn.s Klilitly d.inr
l lio r.ndinh I'arlinniti.t ivai oiM'tiO'l by
kiiVJ 'jlU II 111 ,11M I i.'.'
uou committal and nlino1. silent on the
ubjoct of war. Tliu caused a ilccline in
funds, both nt London uud Tarw.
' A force ajuint ilexico, is threatened.
AVurlike rumorj continue, but are of n
contradictory character,
Tho perturbed state of European poli
tics i on the increase.
AVarlike preparations nre going on m
iranco, but no explanation! are given ot . haps bo the part of wisdom to ascertain
J , , , , ,-
their object. 'how much is truth, und how much is fuo-
Tho mnrrmgo or Frmc poleon to tho, tioUi bt.fore rushing blindly into an enter-
daughter of the King of Sardinia, waoobpr;w ,mt ,1)ny vr0Xc sacliy unprofitable
brnted at Turin, on the 20th till,
The news from India, bring intelligence j
- . i : l !
Oi l no U?irV Ol llic llllin, iu rviui. v.i- j
gugemonts. .
tl. . t,:.,1. V.., I . "
" . .. ... .
t Libbon, bring the new that t.razil tina .
offered ft me.liution between Pra.juy ftnu
. 1. .a .r.11 1 .tn-
.. .
,.,. wv..... i
ni ... l.. i ,-. i , i.
inoAmencau i.uUU 1" . ..,, (1,,ollt pikVs Peak than gold dust:
cd the ofl'er, nnd tho JVazi.ian Admiral )nuil oul. a,vr(, t ,;,,,? who hold good
had ;one to Faraquay on his mission. (situations he:' is. that they do not throw
' At Liverpool, tho Cotton market hud j away present certainties for future uneer
. jtainties. Man v a sad lesson lias been learn-
improveu. . ..-.. !'! from experience in this pursuit of vi.
American vu mu ......
There wa a freshet in the Unto, on laM
A fair waa lull last wcrk in tho city of
Augusta, Ga, to aid in tho purt'Latti
Mt. Vernon
A Grand Charity Ball ii to be given nl
the American Academy of Miisic, l'hila
delphia, on Friday evening the 4th ol
March, by the "Sons of Malta." Hons.
" It. Vaux. A. 0. Curtin, John W. Geary,
James l'.iu nsKic, oud 1'. i".. JJ' i'-mau, ait j
.. ....-. I
I ho li luf mannirer '
liio liol, o. umii.i.ii -.
,ri . p.. ,J ,.,,.!
Illy steamer V,0i.Ker , fl-scic-nnjim
by fire nt Nashville, on Usl Thursday.
Twenty-one prisoners cienpetl
Castle, on Inrt Patnrdav m.;iit.
, J. 2.1., K?f)., Deinect-nf, was elect
ed Purges, of Wiiliiii.isr'-.rt, on l:,st S'ntui -thy.
High water has prevail.'.d at tho we-sl.ja"rj USI -
m.. c..,l i-.. ro trt .l,a in Hi n
. v-. li.v..- ...., v,. ,
I Ohio at Chitiiuuti, and ti!l risirj;. Tliejj -u j, UIU ii,or
..rralor-js up to the tc-cond etorics of the 1
Itores n 'Water Street.
ir tt 1 v e '1 . r ,i, it
.' Mr'. ??nly' ?h",f 'iCtnC m f ,.,1P,A'. i
intic Tolcgraiih Coinpany, has n iiveiiati
1 St. Johns, (N. I-.,) and wijI proceed to
Trinit Pav, to-commence operations on .
, 1
. l40 CablO.
It is reported that Gen. Mirfimon, L0
. hnd reius'u.ted Zulongo in the Pre.t;iden-;
; tial chair of Mexico, has since declared
; himself President, and marched v. ith the
army upon Vera Cruz.
Meeting of the Democratic Stato Con
vention. The Democratic Stato Committee have
i-hanged tho usual time of holding the
annual conventions, from the 4th to the
10th March next.
lliw aeterminuiion is,
, ,
va i.rritipr ono on the Halt of the
i i iuin, nnv un- ... i. .i ......-.. in uiieiicii in oi i i e out nn., runic iiiiii i -, - - . . - , , . r. ... ,i . , . i . . .i , . j -. i
rommittc. na. tho final action of Confess children thus re-cued lobe crtherod to- ' - - i i t 'coat, as won. have totally J. evened Ibis bom be bngbt moonlight under lis glo..,y ,,r
committee, as tne hiiai action oi incii.s cniiuien i nus ik. gancicu m roimtioiis were charged as having been ' ff , , - ;, 1 ,, ,.:., .... ul. ahe kepi on her way nil ,ho had gamed the
'- -ii . v at. a u.i.Mt.dfii. Ipetliei. There arc four een ol them, from ... r. . . waste ol fuel, and this mtol l nbie nui-'.i.t ( . ....... .. , ,. .......
T I il C I A I . .1
tivo Democracy of the State be better en-
abled, when assembled iu council, to de-
terminoupon the policy to be pursued in
' :L Vi.- v. v....
tin: i.;iiiiiiu t uiiii'm;ii. i in ,.v, to ..ivitu
State must be redeemed, and it becomes
their fluty to defino the course, and name
tlio fetandard-beanrs to nceoinplisli the
work. nil means they should act un.
t cicrsiiin imgiy,
Sesatomai. Dluat. Vi were not
: fiware of the fact until appriied f it by a
friend that tho 24th last., (tomorrow.) is
- , . r.u. i,..
. the day named by some of the other coun -
.,1 tie. in this .Senatorial District, for the
, llirvun u 01 lue laillicirri w uticvi vere -
J pate for the SUU Convention. We fear
... . ,.j i
meeting of the Conferees to select a Dele-
ibal m,nt. t.,,.a,n.,.rnW.i.Tilavttni,,1"'eunft, M.'U dtstruc
fZ "r r tl i i 1 tu
;j - .
1.11,, L All 11(11 HHIMI .1 IL I.KB lltflUn UU U II
day, whieli is greatly 10 be regretted. -At
the meeting held in November last, 0n.
Joseph . McDonald, of F-bemdjur?, wrs
'! nnnied lis Senatorial lVleguto, find if ho
... . ,, . . i
mjouiu dc ikir'CICU uf uw v-oiiie, erne, mis ti ill - ftt AAiiriiA iuini"iir. nx klit will
w ..... j ..... v. w " - - , .... ... .. ..-
tlo In hnv Mr nelion of the Cotifcrecs '
Mas. Mart TatLor, of Lee, Mas., had
A surpri.e l.arty of her tilt een children ou
her 10fth birthday, .Unwary ?. J
tMth of nn tdilor.
Kit is, Mil-r liior fi
tilt .Vo-f ,V,lf. UMHl.,fi I M n I III'', 1-.-
. .. .. . .I, .
lot ill.-).
in" of hi
! P.M.. ii v
i in i lip f'.'n'l t
V '
MM 1 l tnoie Hi mi li;ill rtniitinv nivi in n
connect, d uini..-,r hi. ,.,.,.
In. ih in. i ii.l iiiiituiii1liitut I'i I lor tin
I It IiiiiiI:ii itiil iniiiuiui iiiiHir, i'i i lor tin"
H-l lilN rn Iiim OMiillr'l Im r.liliillnl l.ilmr
n. I ,1-v .1 . I liiinn'ir t llio nii li. nl ii. j
1 m li, ! i.l.i; lliiM.iliri'. v in-kin 'lit "mit." im
;l lt:.V i . i i .l.i,.'. . II.' 11 il II, II-. OIH' i'l III.'
oM.'-t, it' ii"t tin' nM.'.t pr i.'ti. ul piinl. i
in ill.' riilt.'d S'nle-i, hiivin' lieen appn li
. i . ., i ..i . -
ur. u u. luriin n.'i. jnn.ui.
I.. IL . J! . . . I ' 1 1 ..'I I" , 1 ...
ill in.' ni.'i i."K 11 i :uin:ii , i.-"i. ...
1i'-t niini'rof ili , ivn liiid by Mr
I'alriii, nt that lime n (init' Hindi,
but eoir i.l.'i'o.l at .lny a (iiite respect-1
able sheet.
The deee.i' e.l iva- nn exeinjihiry cili.. n
.nndim ahle n liter,
i '
nd while living en-
joyed llio esteem of all who knew him.
John 'J'. IToovkii; Kso,, of rn'llefonte,
Centre eounty, we ee has been iiiuned by
lomo of our democratic eotemporuries,
for the neininatioii for Auditor General
ul llio coining State Convention. Wo nre
intimately ac.jiiainted iiiih Mr, Hoover,
and we have no hesitation in Miyin;.' that
no better 1'eiiioenit, nnd more intelligent
biisin.-ts man could be selected.
Tike's 1'kak Gold Minis. We copy the
following return k nnd letter, which oi-iiri-
miliy aprenren in uie .jonnsinv.ii . -"..
from the llollidaysburg Stanthml. We give,
..... m i .
,. ;.i,.,t ,..., ..i,l,,.i. i,. ..l,.i .
ontrudict tliem, that tho public may
know that there aro two hides to the pie-
turo wliicli the rross nml its t oriesponu-;
cuts have painted of the glittering treas-
f cim-t. v ..., ,i V,.l,. . I
, , 7
To assert that these glowing, accounts nro
all humbug, would be ns nbsurd ns to give
unciualificd credene to them : but it innv
fttld disastroti.
.. jlus ciiinli-ii. Tril,
says. evel;ll
i r... l :...i:. : l.. .1., ..i , 1..1, ...,.. .,
luwim'iru jiiu. wt.uiii , nniuii ii.iiiiii.'iit
aro uie o,,ui, u, ,-, ,
ill, li. v: t tn i. . v.... v
,..,,,,,. ilitt p.l.,ir , nuntv will probablv
. . I. VI
and we see bv the1
bo represent.! in the "diggings" in tho
........... A f .1 l lll.i.lill l.T It-Ill. ,11-11.
i "'.i i'i i'i .'ii -i... ....... ......
nee, in our opinion, more is iimni iiuin
i . .1 : i
ionarv r," lit li. All l not L'ol.t that "lit
ters, and the marvelous stories about ihw-
tlu-T r.l L'.'rti'l.J, suinii'i or ,.ii-n . in,
L-l 1. 1.. .1 1.1 K ..!-,... ... .
manv grain, of allowance. Like nil nt...
:. 'i... . -i-i.n c, il,
t,',r from G. W. i.inn, foi uierlv a eiti.en ol
. u.iv.i , .... .... .
nmt, gtv.-s the other Ride of tho pie. lire.
We o-uninend it to the attention of those
who have caught, or may hercafier eaten,
the "gold fever:" 1
. . . n, .
" .uai,"), lo-.v.i, J in .1, .i.i.
T T II .......M.. in
. .
.m ..... o. . ...
.11 .. ..r-... .. . .1.1.. , ,.. i , , r, .1, . i, in
"'s : " ' ' ,
. l .n,. ,,, i
I...... . ..
i..r).;Pi - iit'' nnd oilier rfl-lr-rii l.afiers cm-
(reniin - tlir lol at J'ike Peak. Xou.l
d from New'sir, I lid a little interest,.,! in this, or al
:it iii tin. well. ne of my lelliw-mcn 2
!-r.i!iv. Whilst I sii.i'.l t ni
l.t goldili bubble or htnnb.'g by any I'lo.tin.
li AlU-ll the people, t() l,nlY;r.t. of e. :l ;: '"I a-
: linn. AVe mv about liti.) milv fi-oui th.
1.1 Uma.;.', ;.lid b tVO .1 pi - itV
j I I ,,.,ll t . .,' I ...... -r ..... ..,1 HIV...
"I'l"' " ".'V '" ' i';.'-".
earl to l ie U'-hlieos ot t.ic ; (ii i liillies.-
it is true, bui 1 he pi r-
Lees a.o so m.iuU that it is a ,pi.-,i;..:, :
'vl.Hlu-r it will pry IO gather it at a.l.
The. excitement tluiL is gotten Ui is cf -
fected principally by spei'ul.-Uo,,, for the
,. im..,,J.,.J 01 (-kuuiing the honest far-)
niers and mechanics 01 tiie east and west.
Companies of land -harks hat 6 gone in
there und l.ud out i owns, and ns a matter
-,f .rtmr, Inwii -nt, lull. nliiOtlnt lo 1 1 1 II. Il
' v". ; -, . .
u jthout population, hence their efforts so
spread the report -f the great abundance
,"1 gold at. 1 ike s l eai,
The Chii.drfn Si r.vivoHs of the Moun
tain Mfaiiow Massacre. It will be recol.
Iecte.1 that on the occasion of the ninssiu ie
of a train of emigrants en rouli to Calif. r
nia in 2So7, at the Motintnin Meadows, in
the Southern section of this Territory,
that some children were saved by the In-
'ls: V ' -v ", le " "' ''"'' 'u'
I l. n, .iiiiL.Ii la II.K.W (lint t li-. VlMIII ntti
, I;p j-Fplll(.v tllf j,uliaI1 Sui.ei it.ten.lai.t,
uir irptifiuo I ltd I unit r "'Vi 'umi n v i
,t.;. 'I. i,.; ,..,- l,. il,,.1
lllll h OI OU" it I l II UI IK H II PLAIT, II 1 1
I . IIam,,litK cllllll.
. I . f f - . i' 1 . I I. ..II
lf.v ,. H;i t.oinforiably clothed, nnd at-
tend eohool, nnd in the spring will be sent
!i their telallves. ilnnv can be found. -
lv, i neii leiiinuT, ii tin v Liiii i it-- iii tt i m,
Two of the children answer to the name
of Dunbar, tho remaining twelve know of
no Burnnme, nor t un I hey give any account
of nnv friendsor relatives, lint whole
; ir remains yet unisves.igatcd During
a doubt Ihat they were massacred by the
I'ah.Yant bund of Indians, nssiste.J by the
I he alleged causo was, lhat the
eiuifrants tmisoued the water, and thrw
poisoned ox in the spring, and idiot at
(Indians indiscriminately, on the road.
,, Jmmn9 Hy lliat fight j.j fcev.
ert fayS anj ti,ut finally a truce was
, iiiaitr, a m it a Jin uwt oi tetiuiia r vtiiy
" the camp of the whites, and then ta -
ikiiiir them unawntos. the work of dtstruc
made, when a la) ge body ot J 11. linns went
"' complete I. o jiiiieis can bo
....... . . ........... . , . . . n ...I ......... ..
itr,u,it 11, ;ivriaiiy muu vr aititii nan inu iu
the names of the murdered or their exact'
number.-tWi Wk tor. Alta Vai... JJcc.
' 11. .... , , , , . . . ,.'
Ba1 he lumber dealers of Cincmntii
2mV0 lia-Ul incetiug for the purpose of
4 I r in it mOnt-v a. tilt ,11 1 i.nL mi al a.
llllljl IUV iiiiiini'-ij I7iijri ivnuiMO i,eu-
ll-hiiiian nssociat ion, with a view to tho
regiiiniion oi prices in purchasing, anu re-
tail rales in the cily.
... '
SfrftTl e wrier of thnt (W-lctter.
Prtulnt Higlr.
Al)liiilk if ilmuing ilnnn tin' mi
,,, ...,r.., !, ,.. ,U -nl
i, ,11...,. ..... II... ,,i.i Kii;.. ..... .. i ....I
' , I 1 HII'I ,I1 II,I1III , ptui 1.1 I'
..,. IllHIII lllll V lit I. ill III Hit flll'
.i i 1 oii'l' M i f llni .!. '., ii.vVim, for
nf. (o k j( r.,)ll10r.llttttt v '
.......... r it !... n i ..,1. I, I
,. nil- "I mi- 1. 1. in iiivi nil ii'in nil'"
liiir. We Mil'li'h tin- li'lliiiMiiir nxlnul
)a.t t,.t. , ,,M ,,,,, in-t., r r triiitf
,.,,1,, i, r s....,.i., li i.u il...
t r w . i !'. ,1 .
Nlieecli nf 'Hill. ii on the
1 ,-, i
i. nrill, .leliiru-l in Hie N'liale a H.orl
j time Mliee. 'I i a mi l ited eompliinen'
tn Senator lb, iihieh will be endorne bv
;( ,( ,vl0,i(1(i ,Ml,(.(1tohisMie.
upon the stump iukI elM-wlieie. . .
f,- T,iml. ,,f Ceni-iM.i. delivered an
,l,le M.eeeh fo-day on I lie Knhjeet of re
tri'ni hiii. nt and tin' laiilV, in reply to M
l'.i-'ler. Imt. iiotwillistiindina the mi riteil
I ol' that di-liii'-'u hlied Southern
'ehi'iiion of low dutie., it i not prolmbh)
. . . , . ..i...
inni me iiiu hiiih' n v.uir nn n nnuy
l epl-eeniaiivi'. w in oe iuiuiii (mi oy un-
. . ...ii,: : ... i l...
test, lie hn taken a manly Mimd in fa- (,eiP tpiie to heaven, ai;iiculturi yields
vor of the recommendation of the l're.-i- a H,.t, uli abundant return In the tiller
.lent, nnd in mipport of the interests of t( t10 virgin s.iil, ineehai lies find full eni
renimylvnnia ; and it may be gratifying : ploy mont in the various pursuits of ii. d un
to his numerous friends to know, that, in i tly uu,i jjJ0 wlih' people nre thriving
doing fo, he hn more than sustained his jm'Ki c,m(enled. As the best means of se
Ibrnier eminent position. curing a continuance- of these blessings, a
As a foeaker. Mr. llicler iseeond to nolsi.ii,, Gm-erniiient has been nerfected
I man on the lloor. His enunciation is clear
land distinct. Knch word that he utters
is heard with ea-e in every part of the sa- j mlldi (if its I w inhabitants, and was not
cions galleries of the new Hall. II is up : iUVudcd by tho pai d to ls of political hin -pearanee
is dignified and commanding, I ij,, ( I'miiuiit Aid Societies, intent
and his neiion graceful. In point of elo- j ,U)( n11)1 1,,1,,,1-ing for the best interests of
eution alone, he is far superior to M'-,' tlmt l.ioi.tioii but to advance the political
I'fnn, nl.s 'I'liosn ivba have heard him when
l(dresinj' vast crowds trom tlio stump. -
will remember with what ease to himself;
. .
and Measure to ins nu.uenee, ne cmiri
sustain an argument lor nouis. ii na. uoi,
however, probably occurred to them, thnt
the man who can hold n park lull ci peo-
on their loot, without wearying eiiner
them or himsell, lor two hours, musv pos-
sess at least some oi uie eieuieni m p-nu-
li"e oratory. It is not. however, "voice
auJ notllillg in I'igU-r's case. His
i-casoning is clear nndcloM1, His speeches
, are ehnracteri.ed bv great unity. IIo nev-
er wuimcrs ironi suojeiu, ,.or uaui .
himself in contradictions, but pursues his
j.m steadily and with a heartfelt pur
,,,. to the end. IIo is perhaps deficient
in iniagination. His argument is seldom
interspersed w ith figures ol speech, or with
illiisli-iLtiniis. Hut without the
,.;.,,.r ,i.,... ,i....;..i,i l,i,. I,,, onm-
'"' " .i."".-..,...,. fc.-, ...
mam is attention, anu carries coin ici.on u.,
. . . .. ...
the of Uearcpt,
' "
' CoN.iKKSMosMi. Notwithstanding the
........ ...... i. .1. .riln, fliwn f.f tli.. Kcssion.
- -
Congress seems to be pursuing its course
of "masterly inactivity." The Pacific rail
road bill has received its quietus for this
suasion ; the proposition for tho aequition
of Cuba is about in the same condition ;
the Homestead bill is still under discus
sion, and much uneerlaintv. F.von the
mv ..- , -lls ul.i;k,.lv"to pass
.... . . ... .
"ii i -
" ou",r 1 l;u " ' , l"
ioi,Iim-im nnv revision, and Hum's ut
the close of tho t.resent Congress are like.
ly to bo 1 itlll.l ill Uincon lltton nicy ivem
' . . .
at the (oiiiiiicihiih m ji mi. pu.i.ii. .(
n the Sen lie on last Friday the Con-
', ,'. , ." "'. ,. ....
ular and tliplo.natic jippropritttmn
i 1.. . . . i . A c .. ...
,V:tS l'il..ll 111. IHIL 1 I'l ?,lllf V I -. Vl.-..i.t
..... I..:. 1 . 1. n ...1 1 1 .rt i ii vi 1 1 i.i i I. a. oi
, "r"" ' 1
... , ... ...... i ... i-....
I iie t ill ..V I'lll Was I a K i '11 op. tun in i. r s.'in.
,. , -, ., l ,i, r .;.i
''' . . ' . . ' ,
eraiinn oi u vu-.u
esunied. .ur.
(..handler ol .Mi.lig.iii loo it
the and
i indulged in one of t iif -e ebuKti 'lis of ha
hi- 1 to the nu n and mea-ures to whi. 1
i : ........1 ..i:.., i,. ., v, ,,.,,,.i:
lilt IS u,i iiim l , uill'ai .-nil j. i ... .,i i. .. ii
1 1 ' J 1
fanatic could deliver. Chiiactei izlng tlu'i
Presid'-'i't as a brigand nnd various oilier
' ..,,;.!,to o1!.- ,,,, .li, mint iw Tl... in.
, , . '. , ' . ", , .
I me .lutuies r.iso .-nii.o 11. 101 r.,,,., . .' -
! nuju-iMtion ; even their r.liuio'.s failii did
I r . ,.s,,tif! llLs 1!lall,n:mt ult!i(.k.. o nun -
' . . . ,r 1,..!
1 1 - , , ,
1 ended Mr A bander was reply, d toby
Mr. Polk of Missouri, mid in n style ol
1 . , ....... .1 : ,l...i
UlOill'l ilUOll nun j,ei-nasii.-iiiuni. iii .i.i..
contrasted ft rongly with the intemperate
harangue of the senator from Michigan.
After some further discussion by Mr.
Seward who is non-committal on the ques
tion, the Fiilject was postponed, and the
diplomatic appropriation bill iigain taken
up ; but the Senate adjourned without
taking n vote on it.
In the House a bill to regulate the post
nce on Newsi'dj-e-rs and Periodicals was
! und, r consideration
Many deft
Is were
n . i . .. i .. :.. n l :n l
I made by the pres.. One section, ns it
newspapers t prepay their entile riicula-;
' , . .,... M nmde bv Mr v.,,,.'
! !T A alU,"l't." " ' r' u
, , . i i-i- , - - --
i ,,s1' t0 U'"'S "1 ul" abolishing lhc,r lllnrl .. for yc.n on prenl mnv
franking privilege. From this the diseus-boats in other counties ,,,,,d instittionaiy
sion ran into one on reduction of cxpendi- '-oilers nnd locomotive nt home and Hl.road
!.,. 0,i i, ' r . X,
j , . of . . . .
I Saturday Feb. 10. Tl.o Senate resolved
. . nn .,.,,,.,., .. ,in
: I
evening sessions.
After reading a report of the Committee
c, 1 . ...
on pensionsnnd someolher prcliminnry
..... .,,.
! appropriation bill was again taken up af-
I . r..i.i.. ,i;ui;nn tl. Mil r,H...rt
(JlSCUSSlons. the Consular nna UllilOinnilC
ter considerable discussion the bill passed
I , c.nil,-
I .
In tho Uouhc little was done, except (o
discuss tho army appropriation bills; bin
the a.ljoui ninent took place without any
'.1 ..
definite action
i A Vim f V l 11 v A wrib-iiirn tinni-'f i tu ft
4S a vt. aa . inni. ...j-. ..... ..
1 a hunter wl o killed nine thousand (
in mur
nir shots, nnd the nir was full of fall-
ing birds lor sevtinniuys, not to Hj.eiiK oi
the crent number of cripple hobbling
nboiit on lh' ground.
The A mlMlon of Orrgnn
pt.pltn the iml hitler timi pi-ci'lnht
n ii.-il,.i i. n lnl tiill"iity of the Mink
If. puLh. iin I'liilv in ' tu'K , lln hill Ik
Iclnill Hieinii int.. tin' I lil"l pne, I it ii
Imilvnii Nihil ilni n (li-. i.lwl ninjoiiti.
A t In iini'' ''ill Iuki i ifvi'iii-ly t i (' I
IH'iill I'lllnllll'lv l v lilt' Slliltf. nll'l llIV
. . ., . . , ,i
li'ii'ii cil Hn I'lliciiil fiiiii'iinii fi nil'
k,.il, I III1 ri'ple-Cllllllltl HI Hlf HI"
smt nn tln rm-ilir linvn t iik Hu n mmiI
n Hi.' '.Min. 'il-of lli Nulinn, mi l ivm
li"" in.'. I '' ii.'i' In- tlii i'i. I.i nl lVnn
Ill!llirl hit 11 in t- in mi- nun hi ' nn- .
" . ,. ' ... ,, . I
m Iviiiiiii. irpniia nn. I the oliler ineiiilieiH
.,, (,, r,., I,.. .;, . The advent of Ore
into the l'liinn i " ell ealcnbueil In
-i.u-- n tl.rill !' jdenmro in the mind of
nil hue wlii'ii fonteinpliitmn I lie
if,.Aiv,1i mi.1 , l,-,.lt ii t nl tlii I'Olinlrv.
,( lll)t )(( yvnfn t,,wl i(u l o i
..; ,..,l,' I mil.. Sin In u us nut i-n.l-
,,., Mlv by ii lew adventurous l-ioneers
( 1 1 vl 1 i. i . ii - --.... .
IVIltl 1 1 1 l 11 1 11 1. I .1 T-I.illllJ ruii7-irii-.. : "' I"'""
or such innduets of the noil as nirunj
f'r,.ti.i t.i"ir ru.lo hubanliy. Now a nu-
i ,iu.,.0us . hapi. y nnd industrious population
. 1 . 1 1 . . . . . i i i.,
i , . kiii-ciui over lliai region : veuooi uuui-
1 . ....
liui-e urUeii as it bv liiaitie. eliill'elies iioiut
vvit tiout tumult or violence, because the
'-,.niiorv was allowed to remain in the
1 I.;, ,,( s,., t.inmil nartv. ea-'pr onlv
............. ... - - . . . '
ul. M)Wer. Oregon escaped Un curse,
wlH.t j,.)) U)nn 0no of ner sister Tetrito-
,s i , , .nL.(.ts ol llio oxemption can
bo seen in tho different positions of the
two ut the preelit time.
Hut the utru-'jile is now over with Ore-
, . tuwe is 0,u.n before her in
i ,lu)itl,lts Tllt. ..osition of this Slate is
such ns to niak her destiny, both coins
mercially and politically, of great interest
to the older State of the Confederation.
If her progress for tho next ten jeurs
keep pace with the hopus founded on the
past, Oregon, in point of commercial im
portance, will be of immense advantage to
the Union. In the divisions of political
parties and the settlement of que lions ol
commanding national importance, Oregon
must also play a conspicuous part. A near
contingency may nrise, in which her vote
... : 1 1 . 1 nu . 1 . itr n tr ti i nut I tn v t ti I
i ni l himiui " n "luuii i..v.
. K.,.f :.,... inl, lln(i
riotic sons form the balance ol political
strength upon which the continuance of
the union of Ihrse States will rest. If that
time arrives, the wisdom and policy of ad
mitting this State will be fully demon
strated, and from the action of her loyal
nnd patriotic representatives may be glean
ed the real motives which prompted the I rt.nit in her luadlong course, ahe placed the ba
ortioitiiin of such Union hulrri as Grow, k.-t upon the ground, knell t,e-iile ii, mid reim i-
(iidding, Wash'ounie, lilillingaine, nnd
tlieii- taunt ca eonled.'l'ales. I Hcl'-iII, in
the formation of her Constituti. n, nn.I in
the ehoji-eof the men who are to represent
her in the halls ol .Miiuin.n legislation,
! has put upon reeonl her devotion to those
lureiit Coli-titutioiial principles Upon the
1 faithful a.lhereiie? to wl;ieh Uepelid.i the
I....11, ,.f t . K.tnii re to t in p
i World. She is lor the I'liion, first, last.
-- - ,.,,,,.;,,..,,,.., .
! M nys. She hn repii(hat. l in il o u.osi
nli-Kcl, cinph itic nnd uniiuslakableman
ner lite attempt to engraft upon our lice
""! in of govei linient the hurtful doc-
ti-ine of liio.lern deuuir;o;.ue, and infect
;oliJ H.a Mt,., with 'l,t. tlisgusiing uiea
, -. ...... . . . .. i I
,. , . i I u . t All lit!.. tHI'iillll I '. 11 I
. ' , ' 1 "i ,t . .. i,- . Irt,. .. umi 1 heiir-i, I lie si nin.l ei ni,.i
...... .- . ...... - - -
. .tun iin.n nl tlm lislttmi lisik imoli Ik - i
i . i . -
I future with contl.Ilice as to Its great polill
cnl result.
,. , f if, j, no ,.,,..
I , . ., . . u-...l.
led tbe intelligence ot the lurth ot new sis-1 m,,,,., ii. w.,:i,;,,,. ,u, ..ile
j ter State (tl tbe I'.icifi", tiilh the liveliest un nlrinunii one. inid ile-liiiy
I. .- ... .i'i. .:...i'.!.i 1 c
deinonstrallons oi joy. iney saw in i n is
l.,, r.....l. ; wv.i tint niMin'li ol'tl.iii
' demonstration of jr.v.
i . , - . , - , .... .
it r, r-vi.'lei.eorfVtl I .e s lenp'h o that
i,r,,,,i ,.:., .1,,. m,,. n,l.liiioi,.-,l
,-rn.fs that the Pnioii is still safe from thel
attacks of traitor and !cn.a-'"irues. and I
.11,..;.. r.o.l , .- mil viint i.. ill.-ll ni-lioll !Ik-
, " " ' " v v " " ;
is re'.nreJ in another column. In this
, - , (.i
l ilf.
' ba.
n" the wliole Ci'iu'-t'.'V parliciplites, nnd
on ac-iiiii, s her independent pmitiou
i-cd with the best wishes of the rat-
riotic nu-n 'of nil section of the Union
hai'j J'ei.-sy'ni'iiw. j wlial purl of the um.-t .r.giuiully di'.n,v,-d an 1
i reiki, aa heart .I". a the bl.u k f n-a exist wmeii
ai the liivine Inrlit wiiliin, thai "wih
Pl.EASlN.: isiox I'lTTsut noli (-0si - liri.,j murtieT ; iiuwo(l , ny b. rre.1 right band
I NO lira OWN SwoKF. A correspondent of: upon the life of a b.innleaa sleeping babe.' abe
tlie A. Y. Timet w ho looks nt the world ' ing ao hcijilea-, ao pure, uud ao holy, that aiu i:
I'roin an engineei's point of view, writes 'aclf ahoul.1 stand appalled iu ita (.resence, and
thuifrom the Iron Citv: judder at the idea of polluting it with a touch :
, , " , .. A. 1 Jlurder a aleejnng liilaiit I II hnl dniliolieal in
"For example. 1 inn loot ing out from !flticnrc Clllll(l have rC11 ut wrk ,,, ,ho he-lrt f
my window njion hnlfa mil" of stealuboHts, wretched woman? Could it have been lo
every one of which, together witl several ,ve brr worldly reputation, ahe waa willing .
Hundred others nil the wny from here to upon her aoul a loui of guiit wliieh would
New Orleans, lire throwing mini utilold : 1,1 r 1,ir A"- ,lu" "" '"" uuiaiiioum
tons or fuel from their ehininevs.' For nt ' ' ; the counilcsa age,
- , iie: i.. "' eteniily I Or tlid ahe undertake the .ask
least four years, bumlreds of engineer bai e . 1e J,-W.u,lvgaiu Or was al.e fettered
seen this iihnrd snerifiee ot coal, (lany, by the gives ot em, nnd foired into the c.iuiii! -ami
would have been only too ghnl to non of the act lo aave her miaerablv peraon lr.nn
; have made such alterations in ll.e tin na
1 ee of thee MeanilMint. lit n niolori.te.
': ,r t.nK,Uf., There is no mistake nbnut t he
entirely preventlr.g the smoke ol biiiimin-
ous coal, and of increasing to calorific el-
feet at least one ouarter. It bus been done
n merely connsts in gn ing iiiu cuiouiei
. ,
' intimate mechanical mixture with air, niid
.e ann neat lor tne cuc.n.
cai nnxiure.
I Un? ,r"Vn.' '"'.V- l,,"Cy"g T , .
'would look to see Pittsburgh without that
f,?'"ul ?oud hanging over the street,
lulls and rivers but such Vision la too
biicht to be nermanent. The eorresiiond-
. . '
"The railways are doing better. Many
ofthemare burning un their fuel, singu-
cut adds:
m uem aie ourning up uieir iuci s ngu
lany enougn. I lie 1 ennsyiyama lloilroud
Company are about to institute a careful
syst in ol coal-burn ing experiments, aided
!'? ""''"'" analysis, wmcn are i.Kciy
111,11 ."r" ..iii.owtiiiit iiuine. 1 lie rni.113
are now preparing at ll.e Alloona .l.tms.
ti... i. ... .,i i . i.i.. .i .
, ne iei.iui v.. u uc uuiy gne.i eo ulu ,,Uu
Cndf.B tuc I.lyior. Law. A man
Machias, Me., having some hay destroyed
iy some uiuiikcii men. sueuine man wuo
sold them the liquor, fonts value, and the
-jury gave Lima verdict.
rilANl IS 8. IM..I. ANr.W S10P.Y.
n i. , i.i t n
MM mi K Ml I kH,
Al.t..NKH til.Al.l.tlf" IS Till-: 01 M II Y,
I ii thr IMh of I rbl-nm u
it n rsriTi n
VnitTI XKS nK A KiU i,ln.
.1 7!'V of l.'h iM il it.
TI,I.X Sl-rv. Lv tin' a.i.linr ..f
"MAiiuik. tiik Yiiii.iHiFnmt i v.""i:v.
KI.KKX WIl.S.iX," -TIIK VK-' r M A K KK'.S
- 1 A I ' I' K K X T I y I'.,'
THE AHAXUO.Ntil Will-.,"
I II K l-'l Id HA . I . rt.'., mii-l .rinl..
IV i lir i II I 11" t 1 ' I I ' I ..
; r ':tiiin;mJ..Vsu,;; an.l Ur7
l tia l'niv iitoa.
"AZAKI. KAIX" in full .if riiip.i.l.'i nn.I In.'i
lnU which eiimiiit fail to llirlu Uieir ro:y Tniii
taina the ayin.alhiea of the buii.iin he.irt ; while
rein of quiet humor la developed by .nine of
i ' - ...
the characters who tlgure in the Jirogreaa tit Uie
atory, that will provoke a laugh fro... the moat
aedalu reader, iu spite of iself. "Atael Kail.-
ia a great picture of life, which brlnga before the
mind of the reader the alornia and aunshlne of
hun.iiii exialeuu., as portrayed, and felt, ami
participuled in by living, breathing human he.
inga. The reader at once recogimca ila ,rl,.
fulne.a hy the infalililo tost wci-'h his own heart
furnbliea. The incidenti and the adventures of
the ehara.'tera who figure ia the pages uf "Ami-
el Kain," are alteiiintely of the most exciting
and niniiaiag chnra ter.
This atory will be handsomely illustrated bv
ono of tho loading ilesignera of the day. Tho f.d
lowing i? tl." opening clmjiler. Irntn which ttc
render can form auine little idea of its oharnccr.
though to judge uf ita uuriU full he must read
tho tirst two numbers.
"Tlip ni.)uiili(;)it lins n roil tlno like liloo.l, tin.
slum scum ti trcnililc Willi honur, lliu vniccs ol
ilcQ.liii(; n 1 1 v ' ' "r Ij.irno to my curs in every
wind tliut hloiT. dh ! oh ! oh ! It it tuu fnir u
niyht to ruimnit to foul n tlp. il !"
It ii tho fiautiu rxi'luiuution of a tall
jruurit, umn.uline looking wouiau. who carrie.l
upon her nrui n lnrge ciie covprcj bucket, nn.I
who walked nwiftly in tho ilire.'iion of the old
wivered briilgo which vonueclcd the villiigo of
Uollovillo nd liut-ktonn, lying in the wtntern
part of the State of New York. Tho wnp
nt the full, and the little river ptrplulnn j . ! 1 1 -i 1
lv from ah. ire to iliurn, gliateoed like burnished
ailver under it I. mad hhuo, and ;eftected the
blue c.ineave with it (ountlefp (,'liller inj; nilis,
and the giant trees and leaeeful cott igei nh eh
skirted eitlici ahoro.
"Too fair a iiiht fjr ao foul a de -1 !" she re
j.catcd oa with rnjiid atridca alie still iiir.-u. d hvr
Xu found broke the itillueaa of uiglit's iiiei
reign, aave her own un.'arlhly voice, and the inu
aical rippling of tbe limped H-ntoroi. it rushed to
wmle through the pluieca of the old iiiilldniii, nod
went tinkling on it way to mingle again nith
ita aourcr, ll;p aolt aoulli wild which M-enieil In
whisper I) tho lenvea as it kined tin in, tho
ui.iurnfnl ineio 1 v of llio whip jijr- ill and llu
luol.moua hum ot insect life.
"Tim fuir a night fur ao foul a deed .'" hc re-
peuic.l lor me Hum inue, at pan-in tor nu in
I ving the tirst t-ovi-r at.d then while impkin
"'" m.i.k.ii i s...oe up.-u m
Iciitnr a
ol a ale. pin;; biib'..
"lie in tot iml live, and vet hurt Vint 1 kill liiiu !
she exeliiiiueil, iu m tone burderiug on fivn.v.)
t le w,.re a , . or rTrn iier..u b.
! !, would i.liu,-glc lor life a d f.hl mo back,
! and glure mvitgel.v up .ii me, i . I eoiii.' .I.i ii,
j yr n, even u were j.nne timer Dane, l iMjrm ti
""l "u uur t'-il mi soul
with An,
. ... iu-mi i I'leini- I'll mil., uii'i uaun ,-. ii .e .1 M, in
I "" l"K,"f. tr"" '" r' "" r'-'' ''-
. i . . ,- ...
r,vn o.n rme fbj- i..,.i tie n,u.. .i.e. nun in,.-
- ,i ,.. i"
i-i.-u. .
- 1 As ab spake, lac Ue eor.b.i.t aurvwii of an ol
upon tree uara i.y giiiten upon eurs, mm
Ihe h.,l ot a doe
1 i""" '
tli.y are the in. iiih pieces of I 'i still v !" e.
"iheir n isw-r it
v.'il I, n?u.t tji.e
ne- ....u..e .
And ciul.'liiiig thj basket nilh .nicrvous eia.-i'
i lieKain
"Wiih stea.tliv pure toward btr d.-elgn
Sloved like a gUoet ?"
It was in.lieil. too f ira nighl for the otmni
ion uf A n deed ! l'l,i, inurter' J lie nml
, lemlli as m all ueirilera 1 vVhn cm cntenipiai
i liniit a Ihrill ol honor? i c ..- imund
;,,1,lt a:" ll1';"1 is J.;iit.t ; ..,(
i i ..iiiii i inure lt'lri'iU ll.'i.i lirntu mi' i-c tl i.a
- u.e atrong nrui ot the law ?
M.r reached tl.e bridge lit last, an
n, iui, c, when ahe bmuglil lipid one ot the ln.l
, ny openiiigfl made at in'ervula throughout
, ,cl gilt of the rtructure lor til purpose of a I
till). ,,.bt, und pliu-ingtl
gaud out upon the slim.
ahe atan.Uhua. Her be
K tli a ba.-ket at her feet, ah
atiimmriiiig wat r. Long did
better nature kiu eiideul-
, , , . ,
ly again atoutly against g,lt, fr ahe
,1.n';"; b
, over in ,lor lniml
- .x0 dn.p bim ia the cold, dark, treacbetoua
TlZT llU
nndatark at the bottom, wheu I nughi rathor to
-- -3- . " . . " "
thia .Hen.aUienis.n n..? I will not do it 1 i.h.
WH U orgy,)-eo,no baly, I
wjll uiiB ,ou blCK thouge late itaelf ataud to
the teok up tbe baaket, and alartrd to retraee
aeratejis. tor about thirty yard, ahe walked
- tl.. I 1.... 1 . . . .
mo a am an rpuih una, in inn lit w.
,. -r. i... ..niil . ..I , . ,. . ,
' ""r14- "a at len.lh PP
..u. k..u ...,..... ,.r. ......1.
- -But what U to beooui. of me ? (.he mattered :
1 jur, uut die. Iain not prepared to die. I am
not prepared to enter the preaence of an offended
f'i'J', nd Is. Fool that 1 am, why can-
to yiT'"''"; lMn-
. ' , o r -
a .
itats lo d.i H again f
Save ooinruitied oriine before why should 1 he a-
- bh, relurned to tb. window wllh hurried
flop, aud paaaing the ba-kol out. inatantlr. aa
though ti aut before eonacience could tnterpoae,
I ll' AM f 1
in ",''a " Menclcrl. for an initant, l,o the
ne ueiu ii auspenaed, lor an initant, above tbe
stream., however, the withdrew it.
a,, lA
. ,. BIB bBf crtled ar( , j WM .tout u
throw , the baaket in wiiiiout tvin i. rn,-,.r
in mi-.l smile rtel I tier lite lilllc sin.e n.-e, i Tl.o aim of t!,e p-ibli.h.r of the XEf
t Jt.i( (l , , ,,(,., , , n. ,-1,,, ' v o i; K W L K K i. Y i- t.. t-u. ui.f7l'.
,rr nMurf, rPm,Pe w.n burr with l.erjMU1K.r i,al o-eutuali.v fai l its wjy to mrj
) heart, but . quickly t'Twing the napkin over the J f,i cSid,. ,n the I. tn.l that i.,.-;i be a (..
jlillli; lorm, he cx-iuimed as she pa-.e.l the euv. vuior wherever it poef-e.ptally popular in lit;
;or UVVT l ua-ket: workshop nnd the oltiee nt ilie firei.le of ilii
j "If I look at him any longer I ahull go wild! Knruu-r, c r in the counting room of the M-
down, or without a weight to sink it. I saw '
1 1
Dill mill -i nn-." Aim il li,.,B, .
riar, he ti.ii iii. 1, mul rivnUt A .
" I
i il ,rt . r ill iii' .n II
"si'S f. ..(.,,,..
Iml, fh ! I tlmi' li" In ol,i,i, I ...
11,1-.i f ti I r..'.l..iin'u. hill , 2
t nii iiil.Mniir nl it i'h m ii.t,f n,'i,
iml lii'i.t mi Infiiiit fi. tiln mill In ,'. '
tlmi Mum? Ami ill n..l til lie), t,.,m H"'
1 rr li. .ri mt llnl line .-I ni ni,,t
im-iin ilin..ifiin .ii-nir' .Iml, h,i ' "
I 11,1. i,.iif , on, i, . . ' 'i' ini'i i' I
k. mi. llii'n, liiri'Wi'll i "
AHin flif rnlff.l lh Im-ki-l In I So (,,
ni..M). 1I1.1 ni.iliiii, nn I nll.iwi'.l Hit mwinij-i,',,
.liinr iiiin I In- IiiIiiiiI'i lui'f. li , n,ii,.
ml I jr. lip ImnuiH I'limml Ml liiLi,
K'iitlr l.rrrlllilliit, ill lllir, pl.nnp HpihI., k
ilimine in i-t.-rv t(iiiii-kU, litv .tHrohillv ,
K" -"I "Mi I ,l,.,,In,
""1- '."'-h, M vi"ii i),tu.., ,w
r. iIh.I it. fn.iurc.
( , i"" "' ...iinfu, u.,,.,j
a " ' ... ' 1 " . 1 I
DHL n 111 U'.i , I'linu Uliu jriuiirv IN. tan r
1 . A...1 rrp .olu lU. n.,,tia, .h. oi
lui.-kt't, ii-t it uiu tho liri.le, ami i,n,, ht-rw,,
t.iwnr.i Ihe enlrnni-e. She r"turnu, ihui-tli .;,
.. I,. ...... h h 1 ir.i.. .. 1 m
m ......v ... ,i ucu-riuini-il 1.
'"' "rincr rcne ii.on her raia,, ,,,
I''1"'1'1' ll.em carefully bcnea.h the lid of ih,
i l.n. .-tllirilll llrtrlfi. In ....... v. .1.. .
a -. cuier, Uul
from her boa.mi a roll of tape with which ah,
; ,ril,y y"ed the cover t. Ihe bo yofth.l.
Kt', A"'1 !"' " through the window. ,
moment rite held it thus, and then ahe dr, j,
bu" hrk "nd ,l,,n "" 'i '"l-d it to tlti fut
lol,,n "f lior uriu. 1-iveoriix times did ib.
pent t os, uud nt Unjlh, na a lock of ti.road
I teriuiiintion aettlc.l upon her face, ahegavIWl
l?'"""" 'j'0" ' rl" current, which aaetk.
eA UI"1 l",1lll',J a8 " '"1,8,l ,n " mni ffumi
'lio stone butlresj which oppoaed il, auddeol,
I k'"au1 1,er K"'V J t" laakct at once 10 i,.o oouom.
- " I n.'re I I over t laal ! (aaid the woim,
"""I" "" pane mrneu to Itn,
lio spot,) the crying of a dead baby will
nobody from sleeping !"
but 11,0 yelling of a live man w,7i, n sarpiut : exeluime.l a Voice .erectly bhia4
her, and the next moment a rough gnup m
laid upon hor ihoul.ler.
With nn exclamation of fear and a imiJu
bound, tl o woman broke from hor aaaailani,uj
lie d, leaving her ahawl in hia grnap, while it
af er purauing her a few atepa, exclaimed wrath-
I'Coiisuru it! I can't follow her, and shell get
el an off! Murder! Murder! Stop her ! Ebt'i
be" n murdeiiu a baby."
No one except the guilty fugitive, howeiii,
heard the warning cry, and unmolested the tea
un with the ajieei if the wind, with th feufil
thought that ahe bad eonimtted child murder Ij.
inz heavily upon her soul.
For continuation, aee No. I.i of the A'ate IVi B
WrrUy, which you can get trow nil the hen
Vk lin.e ulf'i in preparation a uw Revolulitt.
aty Sory from the jicn of .
Author of ".Vici- WhifKf," 'lurk Bitn,"
'Half. Withd Mai," "I'iunetrt uf A(eij'
etc' etc., entitled - ;
A Tate uf Koulli Carolina,
Wh'n-'n will be coiutncuced ao aa to be for ul.kj B
..II V . ,. .. .1 ... .1. . a . Wk
un .ii.. ucu.i'rn ou or auoui iuo urn ui .
Two Creat Stories Together!
In addition Id the other attrnetiins
offered by llio NEW YOKK WEEKLY, rbicli
universally acknowledged to be the
II li S T S T O l V 1' A i i: R
.Y'j ir pivluiici) rx Axr pa h t of m
wo tap;
- i-ti..i,t ii tinner l nut linrm, . pnn . ih
pln- in tl - . 1 their chii.lren withuou
- .
,-...v..,n .....
ir , c,,neiit. Iec!n;g certain ll.nt iu t,lMi
. .
i iv.n ne to fiiuiuiaio ineir una .s lo the parMiiliii
kr u'. ledj.', or lent i hem to abhor vice i
at r .. wb a ,, a , we feel asaured. will re-
,,, f,e aupp -rt f it, ,'igeut pe.iplo, wl
'tie ...r.-e reavbe-l bttl.
. w V. ik V. cok.-.v u vea ilmt we aie m l Ui
: ti. k ti hi nur e. tin.i.le ot ublic opinion. M'tf.i.
I .ins el that a. I ne rt juire to introduce tbe pi
j p.-1 iiilo evi rr liou.-ehu'd ,n tne country, ii Ul:
nn- e.iple tiio.v n:",i.-i ,.i..ii,ii,',-, and n;.iV,o then
a.-.H.i,iitcU " ill, li e nature and character of I,
' t i n tl Clltl' ( !
I The -New York WeeMy ia now auidhrit
i, spicci'ile .No.vt-Agents an I llookaeilon tu lit
Cni:, ,1 .S'aUa, and font by n.nil to r.carlj (vrrj
pol olliee in l!ie colliery. j
rAiuay.- bay ii, U k,.ki.v from tl.e N'.m
At-til. where liieie i.J oi.o. lly ni.itl tin' t-n-are
i- a y i-tii, in u li.nice, or t o eopiei fur I'
Spei-imcii fee, when desired. All toe
IclolilllH ui. liddiesscii
A. J. WlLI.I.VM.SO.,
Editor ami Hrupriato',
An. 22, ,V t i al if. f
.Now is the time to Commence
m;h louk vvtKki.Y. ;
no. , vol. ir.
Important to
TA.sTt: iu:.stoi:a tive TnociiB
The (ji ait tulstittiltfor Ti liceo.
It ia well known and incontrovertible be
that tho Use of Tobaero ia the promotlne.'"
mnnv of the moat aevero M EX TAL ANUPIlT!
1CAL UISORIjEKS to which the raceofai
aiibject. aa cart ul nnulyaia and long asd psiaf'
experi nee have clearly proven that it cootoi''
certain nnrcotie and juiiaiinoua prnpertiel
dangerous in their effect, which by entering i1'
the blood derangea the functions snd operatie"
of the heart, causing many to auppoae tbalorpt
to be aerioualy diaeaacd.
TOUACI O aneeta also the entire nerroai ijr
teui, uinoifeating itaelf at all who hanoaea
noxioua weed w ill bear leatiinony in Laaiil"
Nervoua Irritability, Water Braah, Dyrl,,i'
many other diaordera of a aimllar ehara'"'-
deaigned to counteract theae baneful inlucif
aud have proved comilelel auceeafl io s
titude ofcaaca. and wherever uaed. Bein
leu in themaelrei they exert a benelicial
upon the entire syatein, realoring the Tsate wlw
baa become vitiated or deatroyed by nr '"V
gence, emnpletoly remuring Ine im
accompanying tickling lenaation of the TlraH
which are alwaya ronaeqnent npoa '"k,,"j,L
from tbe use of Tobaeeo, snd by givisi
tone to the etomach invigorate the whole a.yw
Peraona who are irrelriersWy B(le.,B'!"'"
their eoiiilitutions and ihorteniny eir -
shogld I vi Iheae Treh iamediatfly snd I lra
off the injnrioua and unpleaaant kabil of I
ee chewing, , to
Theae Troches or Loienges are pat
eearenieut and poruble form at the lu J
50 ocnta per box. A liberal discount k '"ur,
lr.-fared solely by tbe underaigued U "
all orders abvuld be addreaaed.
Cor. 2d aud Kacs itreett, u,
April 16, 185L ly. '
Constables lllank for sale at thisOffioa
'I. (.,