sa r 'svlr I! yx-w ii - J, H. LAItRIMER, Editor. VOL Villi. N' i!G. Sjjc Jifpublcau: Terms of Subscription. f nsiil 1 adf anea, nr within three month, $ 1 2S wLasny time within the year, ... 1 .Ml tf paid tfwr tho expiration of the year, . 2 lit) Terms of Advertising. , Advertlsementa urn inserted in the Republican ,1 (be following ratoi 1 Innortion. 2 do. 8 do. "hniiusre.(141ino,) f 61) I 74 tl 110 Tniuire,(2SlinM,) 1 00 1 60 2 till three iqiiares, (42 lino,) 1 60 2 00 2 60 J inoillUB. D mo B. 14U10 i $2 60 14 00 $7 110 : : 4 00 0 00 !A 00 : : 6 00 8 00 12 CO : 0 00 10 00 14 00 : t S 00 12 00 IS 00 : 14 00 20 00 33 110 ynTtyr. roqr. : : Thrse square, four squares, : tfjlf seolutnn, m rnlnnin, Oror three week and lea Hi ft n three months 26 tnt per niuare fr each insertion. Rutins notieo not exeoeding Klines nre In- (erlrd for 2 y"'- ,ti-..irlimii'nt not marks'! with the number of iiwrlinn desired, will he continued till forbid Aarwd according to theso term. il. 11. IjA It HI ftl DH AL CAED. VM. (SMITH offers hit. professional services . to the Ladies and Gentlemen of (leur jdii anil vicinity. All operation! performed Ub neatness ana dermic b. Doing tuniiliur with all the Isle improvments, he in prepared to nkt Artificial Tee ill in tho beet uuinuer. Office in Shaw 'a new row. Sept. 11th. la. lyJ. " UU. R. V. WILSON, HAVING removed bin ofDcc to the new dwel ling ou Second street, will promptly answer (jr.j,, liunal calls aii heretofore. , i. tsist IAKltlMI-lt & TT.ST, Attorney nt Law i Clearfield, Ta., will attend promptly to Col Miens, Lahd Agahcios, 4c., Ac, in I'loarneld, Centre and Elk coulitios. July 30. y JOHN TROUTMAN STILT, continues ihe business ol i nnir Minting, and IIouc, Hign and Ornamental l'uiiitiiig, at fee shop formerly occupied by Troiitmiin A Howe, st the east end of Market street, a abort distimce ten of Liti'a Foundry. June 13, 155. TIluMl SON, llAHTSOCK. X CO. Iron rounder, lurwensvilie. ah exiensitc assortment of fasting" '' f,lere Dec. lis, 141. " , h. JACKSON (JRANS, nnvcv IT Mil', office adioininir lis Wiidence on Second Street, Cleart .J, 1 n. June 1. 1S54. irP.TIIOMI'SON, Physician, may be found either nt Ilia office at Scofield's hotel, Curwens ville, when r,o profU-nully nhcnt. I'cc. 20,Jfeol FREDERICK ARNOLD, Merchant and Produce Dealer, Lutliora burR Clearfield county, Til April 17. lf52. ELLIS IRWIN & SONS, AT the inmilh of I.ick linn, five miles from Clearfield, MERCHANTS, and extensive Manufacturer of Lumber, July 23, 1852. J. D. THOMPSON, 1larkmltll. Wagons, Duggies, Ac, Ac, ironed on ahort notice, and the very beft style, nt his Md stand in tho borough of Curwensrille. Ucc. 2'J, 18o3. DK. . W (t)IH, having chanced hi loca tiun fniiu Curwcnerille to Clearfield, res pectfully offers his professional sorviecs to tie ciliions of the latter placo and vicinity. Rcxi.lence on Second street, opposi'e t t of J. Crrnm. Esq. 'Y 5B- P. W. BXRRETT, MERC HAN'T, I'RODl'CK AND H'MHER DEALER, AMI JVSTICK OF TUB PEACE, LutbcrsliurK, Clenrlield Co., Pa. J. L. CUTTLE, 4 ttorncy at Law and I. and Ayrcnt. ffi i. adjoining his residence, on Mnrk-t -tree Clearfield. MarchS, I A. R SHAW, ...... . RETAILER of Foroifiii and Domestic M rch. sndize, Shawsville, Clenrlield eounty, I'u. tihawsville, Aunuct 16, 18ia. d. o. croucTl " I)UYSICIAX OCice in Curwensville. May WJt. T. CITAMRKIJS. ('AUKItS on Chairmaking, Vheehvri;bt, and i house and Sign paiut.ugat Curwensville, ClesrOeld co. All orders promptly attonded to Jan. 6, iMjg. R0HERT J. WALLACE. Attopmet at Law, Cleartield, Ia., Oflie in Khaw'e Ilow, op pwie the Journal office. dee. 1, IS IS. tf. JOSEPH PETERS, . , Juslire of the Piare, irvfrs'Wr, Pcnnn. Ufc door east of Montolius A Ton Kyck il Slore, AH bu'iuuss entrimlcd to him will I promptly attended to, and all iiistruioouts o f i "iiu uu pourk liuuuu. Mareb, 51, ISiS. j. 1)LASTLHIXt; The subscriber, 'havine; loeited himself in the borough of Clearfield ukl infnn the puhlio tbiU, he is prepared to (o work in the above line, from plain (o ornamen tal ol any description in a workmanlike wanner, also whitewashing aud repairii g done in a ueal gainer and on reasonable terms. ' i - EUWIX COOPER. C'aarSeld, April 17, I8ST. J. writin,. .1 YOUn TEETH TAKE CAJiE OF TIlEMll DN. A. !H. IIILI.M, desires to announce to his friend nil patron, that he is now do T"tnig all or hi time to operations in Dentistry. se desiring his sen-lees will And him a his ""Bee, adjoining his resid-noe at naarl all times, M aiwsra nn l-VIlaa and Saturdays, unless "otire to the contrary be given in the town pa tn the week previous. 1 0. All work warranted to be satisfactory. ! Clearteld, Pa. Sept. 22nd, 18i. (Driailtltl HoCtm " Ului!' My I. tic in like the acattered Wreck. "My lifo Is like tho summer rose." Wilde. My life is like the scattered wreck Cast by the wares upon the shore; The broken masts, the rifted deck, Toll or the shipwreck that is o'er. Vet from the relics of the atorin Tho mariner his bark wi 11 form, Agaiii to tempt the faithless sea ; 11 ut hope rebuilds no bark for mo. My life is like the blighted oak. Thai lifts its sure nntt withered form, tk' mln'd by the lightning's sudduu stioko, .Steruly to meet the coming storm. Vet round that sapless trunk entwine The clinging tendrils of the vine, Acd life nod freshness there impart liut nevor to tho blighted heart. My lifo is like the desert rock, In ooean waste so lono and drear; Worn by the wild wave' ooaselesa ahock, That round it; base their aurgea roar. Vet there the sea -moss still will cling Some flower will find a cleft to spring. And br, athe, e'en there, a sweet perfume : For mo, life's flower no more will blooom. Jonathan Snow. I Toor Jonathan Snow Away did go All on the rugen mane, With oMirr males Ail for to Ketch wules & nere cum Lack agen. II The w inds Lloo h!, The killers tost, All hands were lost, And he w as one, A sprit ely km .Nigh 21. JJUsctlhntous. Extracts from the Biography of Douglas Jerrold, by his son. IKIt'CLAS JEtlROI.D AS M I I'SH 1 PM A N " He had gone ashore with Capt. Hutch inson, and was left in command of the gig. While the commander was absent, two of the men in the mid.'hipman's charge re quested permission to make some irifling purchase. The good naturcd oll'icer as sented, adding By the way, you may as well htiy me some apples and a few pears. 'All right, sir,' said tho men; and they departed. Thoeaptnin presently returned, and still the seamen were away on their errand. They were searched for, but tkey could not be found. Tkey had deserted. Any naval reader whoe eyes may wander over this page will readily imagine lliedis grace into which Midshipman lioughis Jer rold fell with his captain. I'pon the young delinquent tho event made a lasting im pression, ho talk 'd about it hith that cu rious excitement which lit up his face when he spoke of anything ho had felt. He remembered even the features of the two deserters; as he had, most unexpect edly, an opportunity of proving. The midshipman had long p it his dirk aido, ami washed the salt from his b'nvc face. He had become a fighter with a keener weapou than his dirk ever proved, when, one day strolling eastward, possibly fiv in (lie otlice of his own newspaper to the printing pren'es of Messrs. lira I bury and Kvans, in V hitefriars, he was sudden., struck w ith the face and form of a bakr, who, with his loud of krrad at his hack, was examining some object in the window of the surgical instrument maker, who puzzled so many inquisitive passers by, near the entrance to King's College. There was no mistake. Even the dour dredge could not hide tho fact. The ex midshipman walked nia.bly to the baker's side, and rapping hiin sharply upon tho back, said 'I say, my friend, don't you think you've been rather a long time about that fruit ?' The deserter's jaw fell. Thir ty years had not calmed the unquiet sug fteslimiH ol his conscience. He remem bered the fruit and tho little middy, for ho said 'Lor! is I hut you sir?' The mid went on his way laughing." dickens' opinion of jeriioi.p. "'Few of his friends.' Mr. Pickens write, "I tkink. can kflvo more favorable opportun ties of kuowintr kiin in kis gent lest ind most ntl'ect innate aspect than I have had. He w-ns one of the gentlest und most affectionate men. I remember Very well that when 1 rst saw him, in about the year ltf3", when I went into his sick room" in Thistle. Grove, Rroinpton, and found him propped up in a great ehaii, bright-eyed, and quick, and eager in spirit, but very lame in body, ho gave me nn im pression of teuderness. . It never became dissociated from him. There waa nothing rynical or aour in his hoart as I knew it. ! lln mminnv (if children And VOllllf? II ...W ....... - - .. people he wns partienlnrly knppy, and shawed to extraordinary ndvnntnge. He never was o cay sweet-tempered, so pleas ing and so pleased as then. Among my own children I hnvo obeerved this many and many fi timo. When they and I came home from Italy, in 1845, your father went id Prussels to meet us, in company with our friends, Mr. Fnrster and Mr. Maclise. We '.all traveled together about Belgium for a little while, and all cftme homo to gether. He was the delight of the chil dren all lh time, and ttey were his de light. Ho was in his most brilliant spirits, 'EXCELSlOIt." CLKAUF1KU), 1A. WEDNESDAY, FEB 23, 1850. nn1 ? lol,!1,t.!rP wwoevprnioroiuinoi ou. in hm if.. Hut the moat entluring .i.i, B in. notion flint ho loft tipon w, who nre grown up-nn, e have often spokon nf it Hiiico-ww thnt Jcrohl in km nin.n . n capacity of liiig ploftsc.!, m 1 jlii. wyinff, WCnt forth to Uw worM. Jlcre, fichncsK m km gootl nature, in km conli- when Home, an air men ahty, and in ho unrestrained oronn.-H of t.onod. 'exclaimed, 'That always carries , ..,.. i.. iu ,i.iii-,,,iiiicii opcnnesH oi his heart, had quite captivated us. Of his generosity, I kad a proof witkin these two ur uireo years, wn'cn it saddens me to think of now. There had heenan estrange ment ketween us not on any personal sukject.nnd not involing an angry word and a good many months kad passed ivitk out my even seeing kiin in" the street, when it fell out that wo dined each in his own separate party in theStrnnger's Room of a club. Our chairs were almost back to hack, und I took mine after ke was seated i und ut dinner. I said not a word (I inn j sorry to remember,) and did not look that way. Roforo we kad sat so long, ke open ly wkeeled kis chair round, stretched out koth his hands in a most engaging man ner, and said uloud, with akr'ght und lov ' ing face that 1 can see as I write to you : For tiod s sake, let us he friends nga'm ! A life's not long enough for this.' " DOrcLAS JERKOLD FRAUUENTH OF IMS T.UII.F. TALK. "A dinner is discussed. l)ouglas Jer rold listens quietly, possibly tired of din ners and declining pressing invitations to be present. In a few minutes he will chime ;in. 'If nn earthquake were to engulf Kngland tomorrow, the English would manage to meet and dine somewhere i among the rubbish, just to eclckrate the J event.' A friend drops in, und w alkt. i across tho smoking room to 1 lotiglns Jer Irold's chair. The friend wants to enlist Mr. Jerrold's sympathies in behalf of n mutual acquaintance who is in want of a round sum of money. lint l!iis mutual friend has already sent his hut about among his literary brethren nn more than one occasion. Mr. 's hat i becoming an institution, and friends wire grieved nt the indelicacy of the preceding. On tho occasion to which 1 now refer, the bearer of the hat was received ky my fa ther with evident dissatisfaction. 'Well,' said Douglas Jerrold, want this time?' how much does by, .just a lour . , and two naughts will, 1 think, put him ; muskets fell into tho hands of the Kng strnipht,' the bearer of the hat replied. ! ish, who expect that tho survivors will Jerrold. 'Well, put mo down for or. o of! disperse and go home. Though Onuoa the naughts.' An old gentleman, whom ! Lin,.!,, had contrived to hold unnn ofllieni I will call l'rosy Very, was in tho habit of . - I ' i i meeting my father, and pouring long, pointless stories into his impatient ears. On one occasion Prosy related a long, limp nccount of a stupid practical joke, con cluding with the information that the ef fect of the jnko was so potent, 'he really thought be should havo died with laugh ter.' Jerrold. 'I wish to heaven you had.' The 'Chain of Events,' playing at the Ly ceum Theatre, is mentioned. 'Humph,' says Douglas Jerrold, ' I'niafraid the mali nger will find it a door -chain strong enough to keep everybody out of his house.' Then some somewhat lack-adaisical young members drop in. They onino that the i chilli not sulliciently west; they hit at I something near Pall Mall, and a little more style. Douglas Jerrold rebukes them. 'No, no, gentlemen ; not near Pall Mull ; 'we might catch coronets.' Another of these young gentlemen, who has recently emerged from the humblest fortune and position, and exulting in the social consid eration of his new elevation, puts aside his antecedents. Having met Douglas Jerrold in the morning while on horseback, he ostentatiously says to him, 'Well, you see I'm all right at hist 1' 'Yes,' is the reply, 'I see you now ride, upon your cat's meat. The conversation turns upon the fastidi ousness of the times. 'Why,' says a mem ber, 'they'll soon say marriage is improper.' 'No, no,' replied Douglas Jerrold 'they'll always consider marriage good breeding.' A stormy discussion ensues, during which a gentleman rises to settle the matter in dispute. Waving his hands majestically over tho excited disputants, ho : 'tieiitlemen, all I want is common sense ' 'Kxuclly,' Douglas Jerrold inter rupts ; 'that is precisely what you (i'u want.' The discussion is lost in a burst of laugh ter. The tulk lightly passes to the wri tings of a certain Scot. A member holds that the Scot's name should be handed down to a grateful posterity. D. J.: 1 as prisoners of wn: niiionu them the quite agree with you that he should have princes of Delhi, who were slain bv the an itch in tho Temple of Fame.' Brown j Jl;ind of a heroic British olliocr, a Captain drops in. Brown is said by all his friends Hudson, tho moment, they weie delivered to be the toady of Jones. The appear - u,, ( kiin a captive, fiieir aged, vetie mice of Jones in a room is the proof I ralo father wns doomed o share the fate that Brown is in th passage. When Jones 0ft,0 King of Oudo. "Tho King of Delhi." hits tho iiillueii.u, Brown dutifully catches 1 Writns the Times' correspondent, and his a cold in the head. D. J. to Brown : 'Have miv have now finally disappeared from you heard the rumor that's flying about the scene. On the od ult. thev were car town?' 'No. ''Well, theysay Jones pays the rj(d on board the Meg(c.rn, which imnie dngtux foryou.' Douglas Jerrold isseriously dii,,lv (.teamed down the river on her disappointed wnna cerium hook nrnicu by one of his friends, and had expressed his disappointment. 1'iicnd. 'I hear yon said rwas the worst book I ever wrote.' disappointed with a cerium book written Jermld. No, I didn't. I said it was the . worst book anybody ever wrote.' A sup- tier of sheep's head is proposed, and pres- ently served. One gentleman pr?.ont Is i pai licuhirlv enthusiastic on tho excel- leiice of this dish, ond, as ho throws down his knife and fork, .exclaims, 'Well, sheep's heads for ever, say , 1 V Jerrold. h'There's egotism V" ; , I 'A dinner was given o Mr. Leigh Hunt 'at the Museum Club. The task of propo. Ising tho guest developed upon Douglas - . . C . . 1 .. 1 , Jerrold. He snoko lerventiv, nnn wound up bvsavlngof the veteran essayist, poet, and Liberal politician that 'even in his hottest warfare his natural sense of beauty and gentleness wa so great that, like Da- vidofold, heatn.edhis alin with shin- ing pebbles of the brook, ami never pelt- eb his fiercest enemy with mud.' To wliieli Mr. Hunt replied that, 'if his friend, Jerrold had the sting of the bee, lie had nlxn his honey.' .The Museum dub did r.ot catch rmronet, hut' discordant, ele- ments found their way into itasnug rooms, iimllhe gnllnnt con,,,nny tvcio o.isUmI.- Then tilled ll.n JIooKh m.,1 Ky - iiiru eiiucceucu till! JlOokH mill Kvt'g : than h,r VM, iv sotiul wc. kly L-nll, which Douj-las Jc. ro.l attculcd three week heloio hi., tloiah. Jlen.-o some of i tioneU. rexclaimed, ''J'hat 0 u,vy u ken I liear it " whistle itf asked Douuhu. (an nobody nidus Jerrold. '1v father ordered a hottlo of old t.oi-t. n.,t ddr jiort, homiid. Asking uhout the tid lentofa young jiainler, his companion declined that Ihe youth was mediocre. 'Oh!' was the reply j 'the very worst ochre an urtint can Kct to work with.' Walking to the club with a friend from the theatre, Homo intoxicated young gen tlenien reeled up to t lie dinmatixt and said. 'Can you tell us the way to the Judge and Jury V 'Keep on as you nre, young gentlemen.' was Ihe reply ; 'you le Hire lo overtake them.' lie took the chair at one of thu nrniiversnry dinners of the Kclectic Club a debating hociety consint ing of young btti rist.;i K, authors, and ar tists. The piece ik resistance had keen a saddle of mutton. After dinner tho chair man rose and Miidi 'Well, gentlemen. I trust that the noble saddle we have eaten has grown a woolsack ibroneainongyou.' " Doings in British India. Tho despatches und letters from British India which, not long (since, were so eag erly read, here and abroad, seem to have lost entirely their former charm. Tho con stant repetition of the incidents of a strag gling campain w ith its everlasting defeats, inarches, louts and victories, proved too much for tho putieiice of the reading pub lic, andbO they dismissed the subject from their minds. Not to the British letter writers, who still furnish their six long, broad columns apiece, at every arrival of the mail to their respective journals. Tho Times correspondence contains a description of tho massacre which occur red on tho 24th of December, in the Doab. The rebels, we nre told, finding their re treat likely to be cutntrtledin the utmost disorder, and 4,"i(.l of them were slain, while the remainder betook themselves j to the jungles. Seventeen guns with iim- I munition, nil the enrts nml inn-.t. oftliA I ra . . . . ' together, it is supposed that this success completes the subjugation of Southern Oudo, which probably ninns only, that no more resistance en iikmc will bo offered there. In northern Oudo matters stand as follows: The army there, which is said to be strong in artillery, is commanded by the Begum, the (Juccii of Oudo. They hold in my forts, of which the strongest is Bareitch. Sir 11. Grant had been ordered to assault the latter, ami had crossed th j Oogra for that purpose. It is confidently expected that after thefall of Bareitch the Begum's corps will no longer venture upon resistance in open battle, that they will disperse, and that so tho rebellion will have wholly disappeared from Oudo. Yet, it may be, nnd is very probable even, that the dispersed army, scouring the country in small bauds, will necessitate tho con stant, active aid of the army to carry on what government there is possible inOtide. Tho disorganization of the rebel corps is thus nearly complete, but it was less the work of the British arms than bribery. Every service rendered by distinguished natives to tho British army, every net of treason against their country, was bril liantly rewarded. A citizen of Arnth w ho, at the rising in August, lMf7, rendered some assistance (o the British troops has just been rewarded with a pension of $V 00(1 n year, settled on him for life, and $'2,500 a year upon his heirs for ever. " The gift," says u correspondent, "curved out of tlio . confiscated estates of Kooer Singh, is worth $100,000 in open market, ant. is certainly a magnificent acknow ledgment." Cheap muniliccnce, that ! Tho former practice of pensioning conquered Indian sovereigns that is, allowing them a portion of their ow n private estates has been supplanted by still more ecnnomii al practice. Many ol thein have been killed luring the present struggle, m cold blood, hen they loll into the hands of the Brit- wav to tlio Cii niedbytwoof grandson, tho ,dive. except o WttV to the Cape. Tho King is accompli- his wives, his son, and Ins only members of the race nlive. exeent one or two slill firms." So emh the houso of Timourl Two hundred y,.im nf,0 tho ngents of tho East India (jotnpnny stood before this man's ancestor, 10n the absolute ruler of 00,000,0oo of people, with folded hands, bogging per- mission to exist at a single town upon the const. ' How sud, how tragical are th" poor I King's declining days; how indescribably inhuman, brutal, turn transportation to a delate, rock ol the old man of K. years "hn .robbed of all that was dear to him on s,n,.4l utv,,li tilmriflit tvitli rtna frint in In ".,......-..... j - g'v- I' " that conquest Is as old ho woild, but where find we in the his- tory of tho conquest of India, a single manifestation of those great redeeming and mitigating features that generally en- ter into a conqueror s character, magnan- "'y nJ justice. 1'cnntylvama. ; ' Br-Some libellous fellow says that a .woman's heart is the sweetest thing in the world in fact o perfect honey comb .full of icVt. A BOY'S TRIALS. The Springfield licjnddicun has a cupital article on this suljeot. Hero aro some extracts : ins relations with the "oi.n man." Wo suppose that tho first severe trial a boy has to undergo, is to submit his will to tho "old man." whom he is taught to consider his father. To be restrained in doors at night, to be forbidden to go in swimming five times u day, or to bo bin died from pinching tho rest of the child ren just f,,r fun, is nn interference with natural inalienable rights, every way inju rious to tho feelings. And then, when upon some overwhelming temptation, tho buy asserts his independence of parental control, and receives a "tanning" with n switch from a quince bush, either upon his hack or hi bare feet it becomes really a very serious thing. We never could see that the smart of an opeiation like this was at till usstiagcd by the ull'ectionate as suranco that it was bestowed out of pure love. sitting m ith the ciris. The next great trial of the boy is to be obliged by a eiuel master to sit w ith the girls at school. This usually comes before the develnpemeiit of those undeniable af finities which, in after life, would tend to make the punishment more endurable To b 'pointed out as 'gal boy," to be smiled at grimly by the muster, who is so far delighted w ith his own ineti'ablo pleas antry as to give tho little boys licence to laugh nloud, and to bo placed by the side o a girl that bus no hankerchief, and no knowledge of tho use of that article, we submit, is a trial ot no mean magnitude. Yet we have been obliged to "sit up close" with big Rachel, laughing and blushing till we came to hato her name. We won der where tho overgrown frowzy creature is now, and what the condition of her head is ? THE FIRST LON'ti-TAlI.ED ( OAT. We do not believe that any boy ever put on his long-tailed coat without a sense of shame, lie first twists his back half ofl looking at it in the glass, aud then when he steps out of doors it seems to him ns if all creation was in a broad g''in. The sun laughs in tho sky ; the cows turn to look at him ; there are faces at every win dow ; his shadow mocks him. When he walks by the cottage where Jane lives, he dares not look up for his life. Tho very boards creak with conciousness of the strange spectacle, and the old pair of pan taloons that stop a light in the garret win dow, nod with deiioion. If he is obliged to pass a group of men aiid boys, the trial assumes a most terrific stage. His legs get all mixed up with embarrassment, und tho Hap of tho dangling appendage is felt upon them, moved by the wind ol his own agitation ; ho could not feel worse were 't a budge of disgrace. It is a happy timo for him when he gels to church and sits down with his coat-t tils under him; but he is still apprehensive with thinking of tho Sunday school, and wonders if any of the children will , ask inni 10 "swing Lis long-tailed blue." OOINU HOME WITH THE GIKLS. The entrance into society may bo said to take pluco after boyhood has passed a way, yet a multitude takejthe initiative before t heir beards are presentable. It is a gtcnt trial either to a tender or a tough age. For an overgrown boy to go to a door, knowing that there are a dozen girls inside, and to knock or ring with absolute certainty that in two 'minutes all their eyes will be upon him, is a severe test of courage. To go before these girls and make a satisfactory tourol the room with out stopping on their toes, nnd then sit down und dispose of one's hands without putting them into one's pocket's, is an a chievenient which few boys can boast. If a boy can get so far Jus to measure oil ten yards of tape w ith one of these girls, and eut it short at each end, he may stnnd a chanco to pass a pleasant 'evening, but let him not flatter himself that all I lie trials of tho evening are over. There comes at last the hi caking up. The dear girls don their hoods, and put on their shawls and look saucy and niisehevious, and impressiblo, as if they did not wish any one to go homo them. Then comes tho pinch, and tho boy who has tho most pluck makes up to the piettiest girl, his heart in hisliroat, and his tunguo clinging to tho roof of his mouuth, and crooking his cIImjw, Mainmers out of tho words, "Shall 1 see you home ?" Slio touches her fingers to his arm and they walk home a bout a iJoot apart, feeling as couple of young goslings. As soon as sho is safely inside her door he struts home, and thinks bo has really been und gone and done it. Sleep comes to lu in at lust, with dreams of crinoline nnd calico, and he awakes in the morning Hnd finds the doors of life open to lain and the pigs squealing for break fast. A Little Girl, only ten year old, was "topping nt the MeCluro House yesterday, (snya the Wheeling, Va. 1'iines.) who is quito a hero in her way. Her name is Lizzy Kelly, hnd her parents live at Orceii Buy, Wisconsin The wholo long, cold, and tiresome road from (ir 'on I'.ny here, this little lady Iirs traveled bv herself,1 I stopping w hen sho chooses, pnying her own bills, and doing all in the most business-like manner, with an easy grace, and self-possession that won the admiration of all who met her. She was bound for Pro feasor Tendleton's, nt Bethany, whioh I place she was anxious to l each. ' i -n t-.t j . u , Pad company is like a n ail driven into a post, which after the first or second I blow may be drawn out with little difllcul I ty ; but being once driven up to the head, tlio pincers cannot take hold to draw it out; it can only be done by the destruo tion of tho wood. I TERMS $125 per Annum NEWSEIUES-VOI, 1V.-NO C. Model Speech in tho Missouri Legisla. ture. Wc find the following in the reports of tho proceedings of the Missouri Legisla ture on Friday last, it will at once occur to the reader of Mr. Pitt's speech, that he is, ns his name would imply, a veritable) descendant-of Lord Chatham. His chief resemblance to that distinguished orator is said to consist in the possession1 of two legs, nnd a head with a nose on it. Bead Mr. 1'itt's speech ; Mr. Pitt the following t Kesolved, That the Speaker be author ! zed to cause to be printed and posted, one hundred bills, announcing the 8th of Jan uary, 15'J. Mr. Abncy I move to lay that reeolu tion on thu table. Mr. Pttt Mr. Speaker, this house pfW ped resolutions, sir, to celebrate, in an up tiropriate manuer tlio 8th of January. I bis is a resolution simply asking that no tice be given to the public ot that day,' We have declared an intention, and now, when v e come to publish it, some gentle man is suddenly seized with the "retrench ment gripes," and squirms around like long re.i worm on a pin hook. Laugh ter (jeuihimon keep continually talking about economy. 1 myself do not believfl in tying tho public purse with cob-web strings, but when retrenchment comes in contact with patriotism it assumes the form of "smallness." Such economy is like that of old Skinflint, who had a pair nf boots made for his little boy, without soles, that they might last the longer ILiiugter.J 1 reverence "the day we celo brute.". It is fraught with reminiscences the most stirring; it brings to mind ono of the grandest events ever recorded in letters of living fire upon the walls of the temple of fame by tho strong right arm of the god of war 1 On such occasions we should rise above party lines and politic cal distinctions. I never fought under the banner of Old Hickory, but "by the eternal" 1 wish I had. Laughter and npp.J If the old w ar horso was here now, he would not know his own children from tho side of Joseph's coat of many colon Whigs, Know-Nothings, Democrats, hard, soft-boiled, scrambled nnd fried, LincoU nites, Douglasitcs, and blutherskitesl I belong to no party : I am free, unbridled, unsaddled, in the political pasture. Like a lob-tailed bull in fly time.charge around in the high gross and light my own flies, Great laughter. Gentlemen let us show our liberality on patriotic occasions. Why, some men have no more pi triotisra than thnt you could stuil in the eye of a knit ting needle. Let us not squeeze five cents till the eagle on it squeals like a locomo tive or an old maid. Let us print the Iritis' a-d inform the co untry that we as full of patriotism as nre Illinois swamps of tad polos. Liughter. I don't bolieve in do ing things by halves. Permit me, Mr. Speaker, to make a poetical quotation from one of our noblo t authors : "1 love to see tho grass among the red May roses, I lovo to soe an old gray horse, for when be go he " Con vul dve laughter. Ilow an Ohio Farmer was Captivatejv- Tho Lowell (Mass.) Newt relates the fol lowing circumstance, connected with thff marriage of Miss AnnaT. Wilber, an ac complished New England authoress, with, a substantial farmer: "Miss Anna T. Wilber, of NewburypOrt, by her contributions to periodicals, at traacted the attention of nn educated farmer in Ohio, w ho opened a correspond denco with her. At length they agreed to meet at a half-way point, and if their impressions on seeing each other for tht first time, were not agreeable, thoy would separate again ; if otherwise, why we'll let her tell tho story herslf. I need not tell how an Ohio farmer first had 1 is attention at tracted to an occasion' nl contributor o tho Easlern periodicals, or what motives first prompted him toad dress a note of interrogation to said writer to bo followed by mutual questions and replies, till tho parties became desirous of meeting, met, and were mirriod. The annals of romance narrate few briefer courtships, and I msy say few moro sonsi- bio ones. No meetings by moonlight alone; nt frowns of opposing relatives ; nojealousies of rivals or lover's quarrels, rant the day dieains of youth by tho world around termed old bachelor and old maid wa bad not yet relinquished our faith in human goodness, or lost tho fervcr of feeling, which intercourse with the world ;too of ten chills. So having fully made up our minds that wo were congonial, and ;ought to love enoh other, we met and did love each other. The experience of three year of married lifo has satisfied us that the ma jority of mankind are in the wrong ami wo in tho right. I mean to say that we should loam to lovo mentally and morally first and personally afterwards." A Pfofitaiile Boarder. Tho St. TatlT Minnesotian says there is a lady now rosf ding in Minnetnnkn,' who, for tho past two years, has livod entirely without eat ing. , Her .ago is twenty eight ; she is the' mother of thrco children, and enjoys mo derate health. She has tho use of all her faculties, is not emaciated, but apparent ly robust, nnd yet she does not take into 1 er stomach a particle of food of any del' criptiou, save a cup of cofJee, which she drinks three times a day ; this, her only subsistence, she sips slowly, usually occu pying the acenstotm d time at the table. BP9u.rtt.rson Brownlow, of the Knoxrille Whig, says that "if he is denied the privi lege of going to Heaven after death, hi second choice Is Baltimore." BThe man who couldn't "trust hU feeling," is supposed to do business strict ly on the cash, principl. .,..' : i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers