Clearfield Republican. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1851-1937, February 16, 1859, Image 4

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    i w ti m i it i j
l 1 Mlfliig M tt.r Hi lite Ittthtlntt
on. in
muion or the coast.
a i t r. n i niniii nvi it 7 7 1 .
"I'd like lii kin. iv your hi-tory, Captain
f-'raWnif 1 il like very Iniirli lo know oiir
history, nil I 1 think I've a right (n iir--i.
r.Zi', you iiii1i-i .-Ittixl. And if tin re is one
tiling which I hi kit out lor moio 'ii 'in -toi
lly tli:iu another, it U i iht, nil' right
That i-i why I, 1'iiiiuMi', merchant,
etnt-era, it nt-e-ia, inn mi open uml avow
ed patriot, sir. Hid Enghuid is wrong, ami
Young America is light. Therefore, I'm
with Iiit. Vou uiu u young man, yet you
come m well leooiiiiueuded to mo ns a
skillful seaman, a fiaile-a liinn uml mi
honest ono, witlul, Uml I like you, though
you're not so rough in t ho figure-head
Cllod so:l-do,'s f'i'liiO'lilli' mil I li'iv-.i ifU-..n
vou command of tlio 'Tvr:iiiiii,iili..' im
COOtl a cl'al't. lis (fonts on Ulllt tVtllnC It'l. II
lilaniioil, well oilioorod, tvoll ariuod, et-rct-
-j . -. ......... v ....... .-v..
ami 1 know that sho ,:'
wi-11 roioTiiiioiloil
I'.nt voiir histoi v. sir.
your history!" i
At nri-M'iit. I have no historv wort h
listt'iiiiiL' to, Mr. tVinglo ; but I w ill try to
writo ono with my sword which all the
world can road !"
This conversation ot rm red at the eom
inetH eineiit of '.hat revolution which jjuvo
ficedont to the I'nited (.'olonies of Amoii
ra, in tho nlore of the lirst (.icaker, Mr.
l'hineas t'riiifjlo, mei chant, ct-c,t-i'-r,i," as
ho always called himself.
Ho wu-s n curious, hut n good oltl man .
very eccentric in hi.s ways, hut as sound at
h"art as a youiif7, unshaken oak. Jlisafre
wan full M.ty, ami his loiift, natmal hnir
was white as snow, and liuuf; in uiusms
down uhoiit his neck; but hiselose-.shavcn
hr.o wa.s u.s smooth and as rov almost as
. . . .
that of kato Criiifjlo, his blooming daiifjli
ter, who was just eighteen.
Mr. Cringle's .short, thick-set figure wsu
di'ssed in n claret, fcliad-hellietl coal, hull
waist-coat, knee-breeches, (claret, like his
coat), white cotton long hose, with iin silver buckles in his shoes. Upon
his head he wore the tri-cornercd conti
nental hat cf tho day, with a rod white
nnd blue cockade placed so conspicuously
on it, that all w ho looked might see that
Lo did not fear to wear tho sign of a ju
triot American.
The person w hom ho spoke to was a
young man, probabljr twenty-live years of
ago. His eyes were large, dark blue, nnd
mJed by long, brown lashes; his flowing
hair and soft, glossy beard was of a rich,
dark brown; his figure was (slight, yet
very graceful; his entire appearance quiet,
nnd exceedingly genteel. Kut when his
eye looked upon you, there was something
in its cold, clear depth a voiuething in
the expression of his curved lip, that 'told
you, that when manhood was needed, he
was there, in spito of the delicacy of his
appearance. His dress was a naval frock
coat, with epaulet strap upon theihoul-j
dors, plain pantaloons and boots, nnd a'
blue naval cap. IIo wore no weapons iherc
yet he looked like one w ho could wear
a sword gracefully, and it skillfully.
" You can at least tell mo where you
was born, oir!" said Mr. Cringle, pursuing
bit object.
"I ciinnot tell where I was born, or even
who my father or mother was," replied
the youn captain. "As my name indi
cates, I am literally a w.vf of the s.-a.
lrifted ashore from a wreck upon a littlo
island at tho south-west corner of Nan
tucket Shoal. 1 was taken from a chest
into .vhicli I had been laid by tho hands
of a noble and good old man w ho had left
the world to live a hermit life there. He
f n.imod me Edward Seawaif the first name
his own ; the latter, in remembrance of
tho manlier in which I came to him. No
living ihin but myself reached tho land.
That old man, Edward Zano, was more
than father or mother to inc ho haled a
world which has wronged Lim much ; but
he loved me all the more that 1 had seen
nothing of it. To him 1 owe everything."
, " You had no history, you said, sir ? No
history, indeed!" cried Mr. Cringle. ''Why,
sir, alrendy you are a hero of romance. 1
. . 11 1 . ...I . , . .
viM.'i iinu uut tino your miner (UK! moincr i
were, ei-cci-c-ra, ei-ca-e-ra: vt uRinc-re noth
ing beside you in tho ches . when the good
. old man found you?"
.VYe-, sir a Bible, a quantity of c!o(h-
. iiifj und jewels sumo of it. evidently be
longing to a lady of rank and fashion; for
ii was very rich."
"Any name in the llibie, on the jewelry
, or clothing, ct cct-e-ra?''
"No, sir, none except a crest and coat-o"-arhis
that were on a seal ring, and also
engraved on various articles of jewelry
.which I possess; for when the good old
hermit died, ho begged mo to keep, them
in hopes that they might lead to the
discovery of my family."
'les, lie was right very n Lib t. What
was this crest ami' eoat-of-arms ?" asked ;
lho merchant.
"Two arms and hands grasping crossed
swords over a coronet, for tho crest: a
shield with diamonds und flcur dc lis for
the eoat-of-arms." I
.-'-Umph-noble blood; the flnr de lis is I , 1I"",K ;. 1 "le vou V, 1,01 ,"nY n" , tho window, which fronted toward the hat
French, or was once!" said tho old mer-1 chmc !fotr. m";'! "I'"';'l '"'. R';1 , '-.Inir. nn.l saw that the "Tyrannicide" wns
. . i Ppr 1 lilt, hi-l'fi n in v Imtii mint 1 l.a fiiiii'n
'0niir., writing in ins memorandum-book.
"I've cot something to do I'll find out
who your parents wero or aro (for thoy
may yet ba living)
), if I have to hunt over
tho heraldry of all tho world. Hut, come
np stairs
ii'R, cat.tain, we'll tak'o a ghss 0f'rvo jf you eat pork wiz molasses any
of daughter Kiite's brewing; niil n,0'"c wlJ La Mottegrasping thecxtend- j
ie'11 go ahead ol' tho 'Tyrannicide,' , . r -,, .
e how matters go there. 1 suppose , A,H,'0U tny cut frogs till you croak,
then we1
and st e
you'll go to sea in the morning 1"
i the mornili" 1" tiocior, ueiore i unoiauu wi.n you again,"
d iSeawsif, following thei8""1 nnturaly Plh'i'ted mate.
Iwelliii" part of liishouso' l iie cnI,,n,, mlu'l.ainl went lown into
upperVart tr his storo 1 18 l',uUn Vt Mr- c,in-'u; "hither, niter
meroliniit to lho dwe
wu icii was m the u pi
nnd warehouse a tlmir; very common in !
ilioe davo.
' fn't she n lxaulyT Taut and neat
.fllofl, trim nntl aucy below, rt-cet e-ra!"
Find Mr. trtnftlc, ns ho and tho young enp-
tain atood upon I lie wharf, nnd looked at
ttrrnft which lay nt anchor in the littlo
. mi.. ... r. ik.i ... -...:.
...... ,1.., lulu,,,. 1-..., uiii-imiii Kiy uif
pmrn, rHRing in ppnrs, nnarp in nun, mm
mictilntetlto enrrv nn nstonisfnng quantity
ennvaa. Her rig was that of n two-ton-'
rmi scuooncr ncr jower innsis Doing very
jonj? anu neavy. so as to carry largo lore-
iitm-nii, anus, xier lonunge appeared to 00
about three hundred tons. .Sho was pierc-
cd for eight twenty-four pound cnrronatles ,
on side j and a long brass thirty-two
poundor, working on pivot, shone bright
as pold l-etween br masts, mounted high
enough to work above her hammock net-!
tings. Around her wnsts could be seen
lho gleam of bo 'rdiDg-j'ikes mid battle
ii I-
I'M! II" Ml' I till, f ' n t It! (ll Ml. t.-
" 7V ... ". ,K... T ; ' t tlm
f il tl III It, II II" III' t In I II IK lllll.t tln tin I ll
i'l I In' . h .in i " I iii It im mi hi ."
J'.i'iiri' In-1 ti m ii , ,,.n . iltni(( its l.ii,
iii 1. 1 t hi 1 1 i n 1 1 o it in iti tt 1 1. 1 ii it i i ,,.t ii.
Tii Ki lift lor iiIiol'i'I In r, ilm wn imb ed n
snimy nn. I null, colon-ltd-.
I lo holh mil uml lii.lil w II. 1'pnii
her dock tunny Inon r.iuld l' seen, show
ing Unit, if -ho 1 1 t 1 "i i th,,' clu liinl
Mlongth lo nm ln'in.
T il" Voting I Mptilill lii Hot reply ,1 (,o
jirou l owner's ii iiiio ks, l,ut, it uli n'n i imu.
iy oMihinj: eve, looked at I lit I. an. Loin,,
viv-i'l, whili- a l.oat which ln had signaled,
rapidly nppl nm hed I he shore. j
It was surf built, jitilit. 1 by eight sturdy
young nifii, mill an ollii i r. ido youm, hut
ft hold and hands i n hoy, t-to, r.'d
In n few tiiono'nts, she was at tlo i.ier.
' "II
y o i n i ollioer touched his hat, mid
you i!o:no Caitain Soau ail', you had
" Wh
Mr. Morh'V, w hat i-i tho maltor
tif'' ?" nskod tho i-apla n, an ho ami .Mr.
"".-" ' ""n? mi" n"'
I 'I'' Mirironii, ,-ir, Pr
l.a Motto, has
hud u quarrel wiih Mr. Iiooliith-
, tho t'n-Mt
him to a
' 1 . mi. ami nas t-it;i 1 1 .-i i l
i . . . .i- . .
I hi'lirvo tlo'v ivi'iv .'oil iiiL' arms lo
settle the maltor when I loll, sir."
" Ah ! qiuirroliiig alri-ady '.' 1 'II give them
a chance to light our country's m-n, not
her Vi ms, soon !" said Captain Seawall'.
"(iive way with a will, men," he added,
to those nt the oars; "put mo alongside
in a hurry ---1 hear the chi-h of i-icel !"
Hut a few moments clap'ed ere the
boat reached I he schooner's gangway.
The captain scarcely touched the man-rope-as
he leaped otcr the side, with a
frown on his iialo blow, and an angry
light in his dark eve.
And he came just in time; for one of
the combatants, his first oilier, was tre
mendously hard pre t d by his opponent,
who, using a long, slim rapier of match
less steel with consummate skill, was far
superior to tho other, tvlio had the short,
curved cutlass, much used by -camcii at
that day. While the amazed, yet amused
crew of the vessel looked on, the French
man had made lui go alter lunge at tho
oflicer, making remarks at each lunge,
which brought shoutsof laughter from the
"Ah, ha! Monsieur lh,'iuk ; I
you lo mmtrsi now, eh ?" he
would erv. i
as no- inau, a lunge wl.icli the. olhcer,
standing solely on th dejenstve, barely
succeeded m parrying. "How you like ze
Imjt-stickare, in .. hands o ste I'rog-eatarc,
oh? he would add, as his keen blade,
doubling over tho still one of his advel- ,
sary, narrowly escaped a sheath in the bo.
S?."ir , '' o, I
Hod here, .ion., cr.ed Seawa.r, slot n-
ly, as he stepped between the combatants,
, . , ... . .. 'i
wuoi.isiaui.y owereatl.o punts ol ti.rir
..-,1.11,1 .. tt. i.n. ........... i.: . I t. . . ,
weapons. "What moiins this breach of
discipline inollicers, ar.d upon my quarter
(i ck, which suoui.l ami , mu lie as mv.o -
late nsn church to a 1 who belong upon it !'
lho attituae nnd look of tho combat-.
ants at this instant was most striking.-j
I he Frenchman, who was very lean and
tall, had cast of, not only his cap but lus
wig. leaving bis per ectly ba d head ex-
l,0.i..'l- lli, .vna ,i. lI.,,. ...... ..I....
Ho wns
and wore the tightest kind of black I .ret
I . "' .", .-.,., ., ni.-o,
ches and stockings, making his very active,
but diminutive legs look even smaller than
they were. His moustache, which wa-
thick and heavy, was twisted ferociously
leroc.OU, y
h it near v
over toward each ear, whic
Mr. Doolittle was equally long and lank ;
but ho wore a seaman's loo-e Mowsers,
which, though they litted at tho waist in
spider.iAV tightness, spread out Turki-hly
below and there concealed the slender
shanks of bone and skin. His loose shirt,
ing out anove ins sum waist, irave an
n ' Al he! i ii m i it tiiii Io n I I
i, I .
i . ., . ti... t-i.i mi i-,t nu n.urtct upon nu; toi K.
idea that there was mi expansion o .hesti..! neoientallv, yesterday, overheard the
nnd body there; but in vain had the ra-a,i .,,,,. i,; i, ' ,,.i.i ' r.,.i.. r.. r
iiior of Doctor La Molt
. j
sages through the gaiinent, sought for
more solid material than cotton shirting.
His face was smooth, and his long, straight
hair seemed to have been plastered to his
cheeks with tallow, or some other sub
stance, of its own dirty-white color.
,i ,,i.ii i'..--
hat means this quarrel '! Speak,
gentlemen, I will permit no trilling here !"
"I guess it would'nt have been a trifle, if
the doctor lind run his tarnid toad-sticker
through my gizzard 1" said Mr Doolittle.
"Nut, cap'n, I reckon I wns iu the wrong!
The doctor ordered some fried frogs on
the table, nnd I said I'd rather cat stewed
kittens. He twitted mo about eating poik
and molasses, nnd 1 talked back rather
saucy; and hejwniited to light, nnd I nc
commodated him.
one to blame !"
j nai s an sir l in tlie ;
"No, Monsieur Dooleetlo, 'souso me if
you snll pleiv-c you"are lout pmcrcmr, 1,
sare, nrn ze shentilhomnie znt is to blame.
Monsieur lo Capitaine, I shall make one
i , i .
grauu npoiogy io your qual tor-UecK tres
-'1'aml? 10 JI"iisiour Dooleetlc, and more
zan zat to you, sarei l w ill make once
more fronts win zat Monsieur Dooleetlo;
, : e . , i i . . .
'. .T - ""ei.-fi,
mdla oo''" 1
1 "," T,
-,, ,.
1 u V'1" "", wen i.e as i.isti
, ,
,, ,. , .,
ono grtiido idea, j
I nevare shall ob- i
Monsieur Dooleetlo
the doctor had recovered hiswig, rap, nnd ily changed tho whole current of his life,
coat, they were followed by bi n and Mr. I w hich he intended to dovoie to legal jiur
Doolittle. suitg,nnd finnlly led him into tlmt brilliant
"Gentlemen, this hns been the first dif-, career ni a historian, in which ho has a
ficulty on board; let it bo tlie last, and it chieved a woild-rcnowncd honor for hlm-
snaii no excused," aid tho voung com- I
n....l. i.C... .". ... I .1
ii. no. .,-1. ,-iivu your strengtii nnn your
Fled for America.s loe I w ill soon plaeo
you where you 11 havo work enough to do
with them."
.p. ,. , , ... ,
l'.ll 01011, 1 Sail 1)0 excessive V delioht-
1...1 j... .... ....... . . r I
ct ven zai tiay sun arrive, jiiy mstru-
au arrive, my instrtt-
vly for zo ampntat, ze 1
erysing," cried tho doc-1
'flvos. I
moms are nil ready lor
ball - extract, zo ever
tor, rollin ir un his si
1 ne sooner we're awny, nnd at work a !
jinnkin' aomethin,' tho better I'll bo pleas-
cd," said Mr. I'oolittle.
there's a powerful siuht o
"incy (to say
transports and
the liko a crossin' over, and their cargoes
must be worth a mint o' money to our gov-
criiment folks just now. when tiowder.
and lead, and ahootin'-tools are so scarce !"
"We will nail a soon as ebb-tide makes '
in the morning, sir,' said the captain.
"See that everything is ready for sea, be-1
lot nto I '
"Ay, ry, Mi ll.ln Is Hip l.i 'tiiwi Unit
I " It -ii i 1 in it roon' UK,. ! ,,. ih" ini'ii
mo lii.t n lni "itioi.l ii. nin."
' ll Is , , o,,k lo you ,i iipi Unit
nil .lungs mi. ii ndy. I flndl Hon fro on
"h"ii it uli Mr I'nnpli. to in in . n ho-l
outer. .S lid about lor meat Ion lo-night,
'i i t in ly."
" Ay, ay, !" n'i.i.-,I M ndh i r.
'' 'an I do nnythiiift lor yon on hIioii',
dorliirr'' iii.iiirrd I ho I'liplain.
".Nossiiifr, win' noinfr, I Kank you.
Ah I'lildoli mo join in out' nilif! 1'iiVP lor
I, hiiic, i' you jih-asi', two or
llnor . oo anils of miiii'i; fM Mat kiihi.y, lor
In itio my ih m'. I Vivo Ioil'oI liiin."
"ii shall liavo it. (lot tnr." naitl the
raiilani m f(
.,, i J i i' .. i i i i i
n -rod tl o hoail h ol, had
I.. -i
,, ,. I .... i . i i i '., . "it-ill ui r t itn inr mi (inn 1 l. l l.ll mi t.g
li onl. ioil lo ho nnd with Mmh,. i i .
'i in
. . - , , . ,
HUH lOWi'iJ tO the lllt'l'. Irtllll Which
Hi . . . '
n y I'otli it'turni'il to tho Hloio,
t il ATEH III.
U, . ., , tw
was early morning. I he red sun bad
JU.-t come up out of till) Atlantic, ami now
brightened the slightly-rippled waters of
Salem harbor. Tho sails of tho "Tyranni -
fide" had bcei, loosed, her cable hove
short, and she onlv waited for the change
. ,; I , , . b
ol i le o commence her cruise.
All ol her lioals ha. I I. cell IioisIimI hut
i lie captain s gig, ami lier t llicers, excep
ting uiu on', were watching the tide very,
impatiently for il-change, lie bad hceii
summoned to the shore by a signal ;rom
Mr. l.'i ingle, very -oon after daylifjht,!
much In ni-surprise lor he had, as he ,
supposed, received his tiual directions the j
night before. J
When In) reached the sloro. the mer
chant met him. and snid- '(Jo mi stairs
, K,,,,. ,,. ,1 ; m, . ,
some crraml lor vou.
1 tried to hud out.
but she would only tell you."
'J he captain, it ho was in u hurry to re
turn to his ve.-n. 1, hastened up stairs into
the pui lor, where Miss kale Cringle wait
ed for him.
She was not what might strictly he
termed a i; n hand-ome girl, but yet was
pretty. She had a line, plump, well shap
ed .igure ; her hair was a glossy brown,
ulmost black ; her eyes of a bright hazel
at times laughing and full of light, then
liquid with de p and true womanly leel
ilu:; her features very good; and her
'complexion as cleur red and white as a
t,inu In full bloom.
'i'l. ...... ...u .... i..i, r .i...,.. ;,,.,u..i
in iv niin I,,, in, , ,,i rii, .iii.iii;,,
in lu.,. (.XpI0.sslo ; but she was modest al-
,,, , lt fault il modesty could be faultv;
for the blushes came and went like the
flcshes of her Aurora licrealis across a
pale northern sky.
..Your good father said that you wished
to m, 11K.f wid S(..nvml' lw ho Kt(Ki
before her, actually blushing as much as
she tlid-for a brave man is often timid
before a lady ; only fops, fools, and cow-
,,,-,1 uroait to be "brave"
in woman s
nesencc, wliere danger only exi-t m Iter
ove-dartini; eves. Such as ihev are nro-
1 t(,.u.(1 ,,y Mt.Uh of ,,msSi wllUo ,lll0 ,1K.n
: , ,vith c ,,lU U1K, ,lllkeJ
m ea-l
..'yes", sir," said Kate, while her eyes
; vn Uowncast with modesty. "You are
;,,. to 1(,.lVfl s exiH:aition wliere
, ,,.,, wi k. ,10Veri below, nnd
.. . .
,. I iipmm,l ...ill I ,.,i.i il not ulei... ol
the night for thinking of it: and so I
spent my wakeful hours in making for you
a little token which might remind you,
when far awav. that thorn was nno hero
, who .,,, , ' f.(,r , , for
. . .- . i . ii .
ijourba erfiurn, ana tremlilo at every
bi"i 111-uiuui.i nun iqipears.
Thus saying, she produced a small,
white, silken banner, upon which waa
worked, in rich gold embroidery, the iden
tical coat-of-nni,s which he had described
to her father the day before.
"I'orgive tno, fhe said, as sho saw with
,. i.. : i... i i..i .i. i.
............ j ..llll.l JVU ,,t 1U...V, 1
...,,, l,lu
counting-room, copying some
: : ...i i ... i . .. ... . - i .
and the tide will serve bv tho time I can
get back to my vessel. Heaven bless you,
.,.,. ...i:..,, i
no was gone.
And the iirettv maiden
stood and looked at the hand on which ho
hail printed his last burning kiss a sa
lute, it is true, of respect oidy-look'd nt it,
ns if tho kiss had lef t a vis ildti impression, i
a sign which she could not look upon for!
nil time when sho thought of him. And'
a still, soft sigh came up from her heart, j
seeming to linger on her red, sweet lips, i
s irimh. to part with them. She stood
thus dreamily, until she head the sound
'of men cheering: and then she went to
ulU(er way
( Tj Lc Continued.)
Pkescott i us uisTORUN. Tho Salem
(Mass.) llcyister says :" We have heard
that the which deprived I'roscott
ol ,ll( us0 ,rno ce' ar"' "u'ciueiitly so
unpaired the power ol vision in the other.
Whs occasioned by a hlow from a (
.bread thrown across the room bv a
student in Commons Hall, near tl
of his college Tl is seeming
io close
self and his country ."
The Trociii.fs op t Vruv llira Afiv
T. . . . , . . . .'
I. ---- v.
I lioston ns nn il iistrnlir.ii nflmw ..w.i.i ..;,.li. '
1 1 is related Ol tlie late Krienozor r rnncia nl
: 1
cs niny torment a man, that iluring the '
panic of the Autumn of '57, he had so ,
much money in banks- between one nnd 1
two tnillions-that to draw upon them
cs niny torment a man, that iluriii" the
would create a panic, and compel tho
banksto stop payment! to leavoit where
it was, was to run the risk ol lieing nt
tho mercy of tho bauks, that
might at any moment stop speeio pay
ments; to invest it was impossible, and tr
lend it with anfl.tV WR mil ..i lbn noul!n.i
when no man could say that he might
not fail the next day. The unhappy
man was reduced to despair by the great
abundance of Uii money.
i.itoii.-. nun i coui.i not rest ; ami sol desires to inform the community at large, that
made this little banner, ns a token of re- ho koeps on hand n variety of
inenihranee from one who feels a deep in- j CAHIXHT WOltk,
lerost in your success and happiness." ! nt ,,,, 8l,ori nnil ,1t ho mam.faetun,, to or,ler,
She ceased to speak, and timidly raised (of superior finish,) every description of house
her eyes to his, ns she handed him the) hold and kili hen furniture, nmong which are
pretty flag j Centre nnd Dining Tables Mahogany nndCom-
'I thank you, ludy," raid Seawaif, while i u,lrt'i"'i' Common and fancy ' liedstends
hi.s voce trembled with emotion. """;1S"!."!I',, S"IT' Cu!'h"Hrill, Sofas, Loungos, lc,
And he took his littlo flag, nnd placed 1 r" ! , "1"ZI !" i'l"1'"" ?".he,,p
, . i . , . , . 1 , " rules, tor cusn, as they can bo purcliusod at any
it in Ins bosom, next to Ins heart; and al- other establishment of tho tort in tbo county,
tor pressing her small, white hand to his lVsoni wishing to buy furniture urn invited to
lips, said : come to bis shop and exnmino his articles, nnd
"Excuse me that I do not tarry my : julle fur Ibemselvta of their quality and finish,
sails are loose, the linchor almost -monk. ll'l',ire I'lirfliaaing elsewhere, ns ho feels confl-
I o it i,i)ii;- k niil Hin.
JOHN l AliiilHA .V CO.
Nil n .t .) .i.itiri .i, niini
Iiiimrtm, Mitnutichirrr anii K .'i m in
l or l.tulti uml ( ,,r, it, (,'rnl'i I'ur
I'ur i'vliim, ninl (twr.
rilllK innnli. r nl ynm Hint whic h wo Imvo
1 lin-n iitiigcil in Dm I'ur InoinrM, mi'l I lie
Krnornl rlmriii'trr of nur Knrn, li.illi Tnr iunlHi
uml nu n ia ,) Ki'iirnlly kniinu llirnunliinit Hi
t.iMiiio.y, lino wri IlllliK H lllllll'i l-Miirv III iinV
muro limn Hint wt lim f now ul't'lir.! i
,,, uf Knts fr t(), KAU m
tir nmnri-
" ' u'ioi nu. i uiiiri ui-iiuiuui inn. . nave
nvrtr lw.r..r,. ,.n. rti in llin an I.Iia Oi. V....
, .u.'.i,. win mi, iiii.D
all been liiiini'ted during' the prrsrnt kcbmhi
' wlion money win tenroe uml
FUJi,S .1 I t'll LO Willi
"0 I'irpriii .iiiiu, Ull.l lll.VO uiipn 1I1I1I1I1-
fiictim-il by thti mi.t cnin.. lHi,t workmen ; we
nro the ri' In re determined to pell llioin at micli
price an will cuiitinuo lo give tin the rpiiiutiori
; '",ve ,rii '' years, tlmt is, . m. ti goml
' Hr,'p." " 7J?r'l!!rf-
'B,VJ ,h . fc'n T. , " "", '
rnll,s they will tunl tint lurijenl imniirttiient by
lfur , from , 10 City ,, ,,-
turem nrieei.
1 ll... n a I I l.a . I 1 I I 1 .. ....
No. SIS Mnrkrt ntnet, nbnvo Kill, l'liilml'a.
(sept. KIWi, IS28. .(ins
' 0 I! FAIL A .V 1) II' .V T
riMIK Siii-scribvr bus just received uml opened
JL at bis slur, i until on Market st. directly oi.pu-
""' -'lf'irii.-ld llousu, n laro and well iolee-
"'' SfOt K of si'ASUNAlll.l' (idUUri, which
lio will sell at a very .me t'i'iiire.
His slni k con.ists of a getu-rul assortinont of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Quceosware, Glass
ware, Drugs, Oils, &c-
iiicluiling a host of oilier articles in bis line a-
lllolic wllicll Clin b f ..ll li .1 no ex . ens!.' . ..n,l vi.ri
cd seleclion of I, A 1)1 1.!.' tlreis goods ; such us
lhirah, lriuH cl"lh, Ihtiriye, Co
luns, Cusimrrrs, llu'fis, A'
pani.i, French Merinos,
rhtitLf' ami a full us-
s'irlment of B 0 X X A' 11 TS for the season.
His iJENTLEMEN'-l wear consists of a large
nssorttnont of
Cussimeres, Cloths, Katlinetts, Satin
Vesting, Twoeds, Hats and Caps,
15 0 0 T S A N D 8 II O E S
For Ln Jies, d'eiittleinen and Children ;
with almost evorv other article that mav be ne-
ceisary lo supply the wants of the community.
Tho pressure of tho money market having bad
(he effect of reducing the price of ninny articles
of merchandise, the undersigned bus been enit-
bled to buy his Hock at su, braes that ho can
en gooua hi prices lo suit (lie times. Anu huv -
ing heretofore endeavored to please his customers,
l.,.il. l.. .l. i; r l -...i .1...
which he sold thorn, he hopes to receive a rea
"""' "' r .' " s"". " .iii - ui
amiable share of patronage. All iu want of goods,
will please call and eminiino his stock of cheap
est goods.
."ir-Country produce of all kinds taken in x
cbuugo for goods.
Clearfield Nov. 10, 18.18.
"MIE nudcrsigned respectfully Informs liis
customers aud the public generally, that he
has just returned from (he East, and opened at
"a es ' a til I s h m f n t i n .V.4 II 'S ROW Cleurtield,
I'a. a line stork of n A ICHhd of different ciiiul-
itUi ud JEW ELRY of eveiy variety, from a full
sett to a singo iicce, wuich he will sell at the
most reasoiinl.le prices for C AMI.
ALL kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelry
carefully repaired nnd H'n-nniiieat.
A continuance of patronage is solicited.
Nov. I Oth, 1-SiS. JI. E. XAl'OLE,
FAVIXG fitted up a shop a few doors cast
nC tin, .'ll, n l.-i .C-T..U.- " ....
". .n.., v
1 ,,", . fH," tht'm.,n r,ri? nn.'! tl,mIi,-v
N. II. Jle is also prepared tu make CnrriXH io
order on the shortest notice, nnd nttond funerals
with a hearse, when culled upon.
jye-AII kinds of country produce wil' bo re
ceived in payment for work,
nov. 17, l.SSS ly.
J US T Pv E t'E I VK I) AT Til E
A large assortment of
Consisting in part of tbo following articles, vii
English and French Merinos,
Figured if- ' Delaines,
Iklaine llobes,
Suoni, Plaids,
Poil De ( hevre.
Llama i'oths,
Silks tir. dc.
Bonnets, latest Fall and Win
Ut styles,
Heady made clothing-. Hoots & Shoes,
Hats & Cups, ol all kinds,
Spanish Sole Leather,
Coffee, .Molasses, nnd Sugar, nt Wholesale A
jJTIMliilcs A Furs, Shingles, nnd Grain of all
kinds tnkon in exchange for goods.
Oct. 1st, 18.18. WM. IRWIN.
A LL persons nro liereby cnulinnd against
, W IlllVin. ,r in nnw vni, ....lll..
- " J "T; won me
J. X. I'"
lol owimr nr.nenv i. v. - ..
-nr-.vr..iT, un in HD IU.PI',.(1 (U
Oeoriro (iarla 111 fCnt'imrtnn In , - A ..
r" "."' '". V" ""
nno cow" " "g, one bull, ons
f ".'''rT'1'. "eoookinK ' . one bed 1
. niT ilftiTh''.!?,'. "i"19 be!"n" to
Iny o'f l"d ar1' n lunn' u
nno ' "og, one bull
one corner
and ono
me nnd
sulject to
Scdt. 22" 185S.
4 LL persona are hereby cautioned artiste,
IX. purchasing or otherwise meil.llin
Joke of black oxen in the m -session uf llub
Kt ire. of Jlnnlv town.! ri..,j,i f .
the same belong to me, to d are in bis possession
on loan only.
nov 3 vt t iiatsxt
Bov. 3, 1858.-3U M.L.IIQRN.
j Constables Blanki for .ale at thi. Office.
Ho. 117 A110 8nd fit. t1)0T8 Arch.
M. IIOIKI Inkrii liiin mrlli'i.t ..rinT'iritl
In hit n. frl.-n'ln en.l llio piiblic Keneritllf
Hot! tin hit Jnt K I ' K I' l III" itbi'te well
known ll 'l' l. mi't re (lllr.t It In "'vl" nlliii'l I.
Hie nui, nrel i'?' wenta nf the tmvelliiti? j iihlio
Mr. II. Inn lind InrK" f Jperlrnci. In lintel keep
Inir, he linn no lieihiii n hi myirig llinl hit rik.i
will II n.l his h"Ufe .lt'nnt au.l deirblo itnp.
pillf plnep.
i.r.l.. ......ill- 1 .!.... il.l. II..I..1
.I i, ,, . , ...,'. . ....
" 1
ox iir.sixuxs on n.iiAxrnn,
It lit ili eme.l nltugether uimi'.-P"" ' r.v to Ppeek,
. no Hotel in I'hilii.U'lphlii Is better knowu Ihnn
the "Old Mnunl I'frn.,,.."
Jly clone nlteiiliini In tho wnntnf hie
em .Mr. II. Iiiin tu dvaurva a uliiiro of puhlio
... II. Hip ternn per .lay Inm Leon nxtvl at th
lonraloof $l.2i
ct'pi znu, isjS. i j r.
xk ir a it it a .v; a'.v.'.v T.
'Hie subscriber rcspeetl'iillv announces to the nub-
lie that he has tnkun the nbuvo nl.ind, in the bor
oiikIi of Clearfield, nnd is prepared to ncconiino
diilo all who may give him it call. Tho public
may rest assured that it will bo conducted ill tho
best manner possible His table will be supplied
with Ibe belt tho niiirkel nfl'enls. His Itar lilled
with the choicest brands of wines and liiiiors, and
bis stables will bo under Hie euro of allentivo and
careoil ostlers. DAMliA .M. WEAVJiK.
Feb. 11, lSi7.-y.
"VTATIOVAI, lAtll V(.- iioti:i,.
XI T bo subs.'ribei liuvinj; taken tho above ttell
known aland, tormei ly kept by II in. A. Miooll,
in Ciirwcnsvillf, I'a., is to neeoinmoilute all
tt ho may fnvor Inm witn iheir J.alrouaKe. Hi
tut l will iilwnys be nup plied with Hu. I,v.t the
ark.t nflurds. and lit liar with the choir
ii,iiors. His stable will be under Hie care of a
(entire hostlers. DAVID f-MlTH.
Ciirwensviile, April II. I sis.
! ( 1 "" VIKUI.V KNOWN AS TtlK Goon Intk.NT,)
Clenrtirlil Couiii, Pomsihaniu.
The ubseiiher begs leuvo to in form his old
ciislomeri, and the public generally that he has
recently tuken the above well known stand, and
that he bus intirely refuted uml refurnished it in
a style adapted to the age, and tbo wants of tho
entire traveling community.
will always bo pr ivided it it'j crery luxury the
miirki'O and surrounding country will
will bo supplied with the choicest w ines and li-
''"""' ttto cta tjt t-o
j which are the best and most cnminoilioua on the
roud within a day's travel, will always be in
, charge of carefui and uttentivo hostlers. In
1 short
I Everv department of his K'tnhlNlnnent
! i.- i:.. . .. .n .. ..
i .' ".'iicu n un no mo columns and conveiucn
cies nio weary traveller could desire.
j"'i 2, 'is. VV.M. A. MASON.
Race st. above Third, Phila.
fPHE proirietors of the above well known o
JL tablifbment being thankful for the very
liberal polronugo bestowed upon thctn tho past
year, take this method of informing their friends
and the public that they nro still prepared to ac
commodate thorn if favored with a call.
Iluring (ho summer mon lbs the house has been
thoroughly renovated, improvements uiado nnd
other extensive nltcrut'nns in contemplation.
We arc determined to dovoto our wholo ol("n
tion to business nnd (latter nirselvcs with the
conviction that we shall be able (o give satisfaction-
X. i. Carriages will always be in readiness to
convey passengers to mid I mm Steamboat Land
ings and Railroad Inputs. S. 4 S.
.March .'list, ISiS.y,
CurwensviUe, Penna.
riMio subscribor, formerly of the Exchange Ho
X tel. I'hilipsburg, having taken tin above
new stand sittiato on the bunk of tho river, in the
i lewer end of CurwensviUe, would announce that
; be is now ready for the accommodation of stran
gers nnd all utlmrs who may favor him with a
call. The house is large nnd comfortable nnd
travelers will tind every convenience ncces.-ary to
their comfort. Ample stabling is attached to tbo
February 10, 1S5S.
C li L All F I K Ll)
sriiri'rw -. ,
" ", ''"
DIL2!lSIi2'i!:i21L!Lj I
in I', un.lersigneil respectfully informs his
i friends und tho traveling public in goiiorftl that
I uo una uiuvu iu auove nouo.
The IIoisE hits been rotten tly refitted im
proved, and newly furnished ;
All who may give liiin a call, in tho most
pleasing and agreeable manner.
, S- (. a T5) , , .
iilii IS jlXAJ k SQWlltilZlU
With everv thina to rend. r '. ,, n ,l.-,;...l r.
"..,,,,,-, , , , "umt
sliipriint vlace.
will be supplied with on assortment of choice li
quors j and ho will endeavor to entertain his
guests in a manner that cannot fail to give the
The house is situated in a pleasant nnd
quiet part of the town, and no expense
or attention will be spared to make it one
of the best houses in the county. A lib
eral patronage is respectfully solicited
Clearfield, aug. 1?, H y
THE Bbove Holel, having recently been fitted
tip fr a house of entertainment, is now open
for the aceonuno.latiou of the public. Trnvele i
will find this a convenient house.
May 19, 18SK, j0jIX J0RDAx.
ritlll.'. ,,n, I. i ,,
1 undersigned would respectfully inform
of Clearfield and vllnii. l , .... I
w""ji ""t ue nas tilled up
Itooma In Shaw'a New Row
where he will r.-maiBn or a few dy, 0ty.
All who would doslrs a HrliL i:l" . ...
,DtMt uni ,m-'r' T0(1 will pleas call,
, You that have beaiitr .h....l.i . tr.n ...
"l'i l UIU
thllt hnv Vtaatitv r ii . .
npum io nail tliKO IL
Yau tha, hve none( houU
! 8rt, iM, 1838. tf A' M HALU
fa . ft. M . ... h M .. - I
(i it, I in rniKP, TKt ....,
J V d ire In...,",,.
finle, emmly en-l l"n
, I l.nrll", llief, frBi
" '!'" ""v "i i"imh.,mi; j
' rum f, I runic M,.,n t,n. i.l. . " "
i niiaiiiT
. li ii ... ... 'i' r,t J
"i "" ' "i iht 0, . : 1
' i'ii-i....F . i.niii.i.i, inn - .
i, .. ........
I.. 1.1- f. Mow men. lie I.,. i l'".'uH
' ii.l, and t.r ftrw onM "
or hhnxllli a call, l,( he ha. I,.,,JV
Mortment of line work and tnv . . '
Almi. lien!.' Ilnller. ,.,!. 7 "t
tyle In nit rim r. Mormi r,,. 'l?t j! '
ami i in ni ran hiooti (onmantl . l
i for Ml,., kit r,eer,. I " '.""M
:n)l,,i, ,
t . , . . wur. i...
wnrranteil not to rin i.. '
rmniiiK ,o l.iwn will Itiid him itt ihi .k . "1
oeU ir.i t,y r. n. l'f'i
clot'k tnbliiihinenl, neitrly ftppnnKe ujf j
;'averii lre. Moll in buji ami rut 'I
, j.ur o. .ie r.iaired. . llu, "f
n nnd of it. Ui
FRSR Riiout
! June 30, 19.VS. S,n. BT'
S. Tho pajlnemhip h.-rotofuro !., I
Iween John Mef.iho i. (leorird New.,,. ,M
duy dissm.vod by inutuiil ooneiit, and the boo j
aeeonnt., nnd nil effect, are now In the bin J
i of V. Short for ttlvinuut The bunlnen will J
rnrried tin in fu luru by '. K'ioi t, Alai, tioor YJ
rw-L I IOM f .. ...I. ' l
, - ..lecrtJ,
I'lHST ll'IK!iTKla l;i)I
TIIAXKFl'L for past furore, and eratcfnl' J
fiiltirt) riRotH. ili'iiiroit to inforin the eiliucMl
not, viL-iniiy, nun ins uiu irieinit, nnu pntriic.uJ
piiriteiiinr, nun no lias ruiiioved l'j Uig SU'Jrt
ihiii.m ni tnu fcnst eua ol
TViif First Ihor West of the Mansion IIom,
where be has on hand constantly, a largo lj
ment of every variety in the
Tho vory best of stock will be used, aaiiiJ
piiins spared to iiiuko neat fits and durable ml
ah ..r u.i.:..i. i... ..i....: i r i
Goon VERY LOW for the rbaut miiMo.
,..i ..i ,iii.ii mi, i.u uiiuuitvu ..,11.1 lilt! sum JOMM.
t'lcurtiuid, Aug. 18, 1863
EED A WEAVER bio now roceiviiir in.
opening it largo aud well selected Suieka
uoods, consisting ol
Dry GooiIn, (.nireries. Hardware, Que, a
ware, HiiiiIn and shoes, Oila, I'aluls ttX
I Drugs, Hats and ItoniiclN, Kalis tk
spikes, Salt and 1'isli,
I ..o ...,i uoc,,.-! .'..tu, uiumiy reqmreiiu.
,, the country, w hich they offer to the public out
I i. .V...IB a.-i-i,.. uo inm m mo county. t4a
, and see tlie new, tieautilul auduselul.
I june t), 1S5S.
Iron Depot, Kept by Merrell & Car
On Second Street, Clearfield, Pa.
IS the place whore all tho 'ollowing art: to
can be had at reduced prices :
bar Iran of all sizes Ly the small or ly tk,
quantity ; Cast Steel of various sizes and 5k
quality ; a larye assortment of Stores, an ti
which will be found the Xew World ( ii
Oak Premium, Great Hepublie, Luck's ?ti
rut, and the derated Minnesota. AU'f a
lar:;e assortment of nwe-plates and Poitt
Stores, and Air-tiahts of various Pattern-
A!so, Ploirs of the best and latest pattern!
Also, of their own Manufacturing a larg, tt
sorttnent of Tin-ware, Stove pipe, Sheet-'m
pans of all sizes, and all articles of the kit. Set
their line ki jit always on hand. House S Xf
Uny done to order, and Tin Hoofing dnnenA
despatch. Also, a large assortment of z'i
kinds of honse-krrpinq vtensils constantly ni
hand. ' COl'XTllY MllllCHA.XTS
aro invited lo call, as they can be accoinraoiu li
at very low figures with anything in our line.
! All orders will bo thankfully received ii
i promptly attended to.
J N. B. They will also receive every variety '
nticlcs cn c cission, at low rates. M. & 01
Im ' rtant to Lumbermen.
THE subscriber takes this method
informi :. nnv and all persons wishing!
procure tne
th .t j for Clearfieltl County,
an 1 il. furnish ami put in the saitl wheel,
l.A ..!..... ill.. .
' " 1 , W' "
plication being made to Inm at his ri-
donee in I.awrenee township, three rnilfi
south of Clearfield borough, or bv letter
addressed to him at Clearfield P. 0.
Lawrence tp., Sept. 1, 185S. 3m. pd.
FARMS and ltuitding Lots, in the Gold K
gion and other portions of Virginia, snd to H
divided amongst the subscriber for the benefit
the new town of Rappahannock. Subscriptiuai
only ten noi.LAns each : one hnlf down, the rwl
nil (inlivurv r.lin Tli-i-n ...I,a..ilir
Kt a Iln'ilding Lot or a Fnrm, ranging it
'value from $10 to $.'(0,000. These Farms oi
Lotsnresold sot-heap to induce settlement,
sufficient number being reserved, the incresseii
,ho Vl,l,8 t hich will compensate for the appa-
rcn, juw ico now BS,0j One acre lots in towi
will be oivem to industrious mechanics who wi
build upon thctn.
A company of settlers called "Thb RArruli'
itoi k riuNF.Kti Association, is now building.uJ
will commence their settlement in the sprin.
Ample sorority will be given for the faithful per
formance of contracts and promises.
JT-if Monr. Agents Ait Wantkd to okui
subscribers, to whom the most liberal 'ndm
ments will bo given. Somo Agents write that
they nro making $'J0() per month. For full re
ticulars, Subscriptions, Agencies, Ac, applr
Port Royal, Candino Co., Vfc
nov. Is, 1853.
fpilK Partnership heretofore e xlstlnj b.'lM
X r. Lorain and lr. IlarHwiek in tae P
tice of Medicine' is thi - dav dissolved bv mtl
i ronienl All persons having accounts wits th
firm will plcaie call and aettle immediately, "
if they cannot pay, give thci; notes. Tk booki
I will remain nt their old office; where Dr. Hrt-
ita can ne inunu at an nn
attend to professional calls.
wick can ne lounu at all times, aitlicr io www"
nrvnv T.ORArS
Oct. 18th, 1858.
! "
V . ....--.rav
500 Bushels CORN, 200 DUDe1' BccI"
whiat, and 300 buhli Bt. h
of WM. F. IR-