(V)ontf Mfiaits. Trmprrmif Mrrtiiift; fil in" " ii" 1 1 1 n I' i i'n in 11 A ,,,!. ' '' M l . .'. . . . i. . I it... r fl llll ltil'"is'", '''I in' rti'illliy Ml I fvhruaiv. All person. i-i'iitlly I. Ill RIO r- '"'I MMMV IIIVIIO.I HI- i (i. in i i ll' a i:f.n ii, lwt. .. . ti... i ..r ..in IVK1 t.U I' ATIII I in il l ill to oilirc ill!) IVuiril, which Inw exercised io . i r... ...... . nf(jon oi i'F l"llllv ' uniciH'')' f"r ,h0 '"ht r"r' vil',l"ll,y ' ' M "Mt Wr. , MM ll.nl Mr. M. f V'l' ii, i .i.,,K 1 ni ,, n, Jn-t diit.i.l.i (,f ti,r ,, j,,ii, rnnjdii' (I lillt di-.r In til (.tl.-ntu lie ill; o .,,-itn hi dwelling .i Monday iimtni,,,,. We li'l Imi I. Bin the wr-ight of he pi., ' mt ft" it w ii n lemnlo w i r.'Miinc it would iniiko i n-1 delirious vviiixMi, Ar. ti,rT. Wn ,..,rn Hint Mr. Jamr' Allen, of SinniMiiitlioninft, was severely in jured on Inst Nut ui,lay, by tho falling of tho (ui of im olil stump which wu knock ed oil l.y n fulling tree. Wo do not know tho extent of Mr. A. 'a injuries, ln.t we un- Dir.n Umn ANDj.xrusniTtmfs or mAnuutuo TOR A D 1MB. In l ike tm iisiii, on I in n lay t Im t It lint. Banc Blount St. In tlm H(Mli jtnr of III llr. l Tho (i'ceuei m anilnig tlm rmlieft Mi I'liinmm, :j., Tlennier of I 'leni (bid I'mtul), in no net Hern of (Inn Ii. hi rminty nnd n tho' 'I"""1 w '-'"'"''y tho .'.ill dnimnry 1:h, 0 lh fill, , , ' itniiuul't I .'.. rldot of seven Mothi'l, nil roid. Ills of ... ,iet rrnliiv. Micn it was elect-, . .cur gh it win dubbed tho ..Con.;";'-'""ltheyftri, not likely to prove fa .... l 1 . till. Iio xm truly nti iim-li. In tho t ilinpo of lYimvill, lVnn tj., on Sntunlny tlm L'th ill1., Jonathan Lvaks, t " mill Ttlll.'ll ntiillwi'ltiiMir ivnu i ,ry iouik , , T ... J lie (loeeiiMea iw a lnetnl.er of tho So- IU'TchI to ho in .tore for tho fun-lovmg A I.,m.-A valunl.lo maro nnd favorite (li,.t of nnJ ,V n rw.Mc,. )r,in of tho community, to grow out or animal m-UmmK to (,. L. Uoo.l dio.i : wort, of th), hi monil n.piltlllilin ulli. ie M,.crt-.l inlmnnn,uou..es of their t 1mm lurni near town on last Monrt.iy , vmu llri.()I,(, tothntivliKiouiiU.lv. tionon muvK'" .. ....... i ... guv- . ...... avmc. a uiii nmi As lin llGnost ,, ft 0(1 iti , lietl.cr these ay wlnlo druwmg tmiber, wl.ieh enuneU ; kin,i fr:11(i ,lm, f,.w'lnpril,1,. thi roiinly, of wh.iiil thieo mivivo him. I'll. He nm mi cxrelh nt ( ilicn, mi. I hi torn ,0 al"'1 ',?'' from Colleetoiii for tx,riM nut .pi.iu.i will ho deeply ile.loic.n.y hl fl ien.l-, ntl.l ... '".'I" .... ,, , . . '. 10 mil t ifi dfroiu iiniente. an. hi f, U:.i nn.l -r,T anio.itf botu To nm'l ree'd Coui other ...imr., jier t V.m r. ltok, I.V.I I tv. .VJS.I C7 Hy hid. due Tri'iw'r luiit ettlenient, " .1 urorH ex.cnnen, " ltoad ViewR, I " Fox. Wild Cain, Ac. I " Klvction Kxk:uho, AKsvsmirt S llj;on, rnnicntof the iKirough. 1 i 1 I nticipationn luivo ueon reanzou or not, La aro unablo to say; as wo know not Ivhellior dipord or luu mony chnraeten her death. Cai uiit in a Thai'. A ninn named Curb, in Brndv townshii). Cleaideld eonnlv. 1'liico in tho community will not hn lendi- ly supplied. edthcir deliberations, but wo have no ( (sllys tho Krookvillo Jotlersoninn.) wl.i'lo asiUtion in docliiring, that they have out hunting hut week, camo aerois a bear eod in lioing tho most nctivo, useful nd cfliciont Town Council that tho bor ugh hu had willun tho few years that we J,Vi ho ut down' and crawled I ve been a citizen ot the place. More olid improvement litis been mudo in the ondition of the fctreetd and pavenietits. bun liw been niiide for many yours pi-cvi- ,us. !oiiio of tho wooden pavements or- Icred by them to be laid may, to those . 1 1 ... H .1. 1..... ......... I WHO IIHU III IIII.UI IliU A'i:il9U, IIIIVV E.t;t-ll. d Lurilensoino, but then within a very I jriof period their benefits, in the increas- d Incilitics for travelling, and, enhanced . e il. . 1 ,1. ... IValUO 01 me pr.ijieny ujiuh niueu (iiey I have been idaced, will havo become so nji parent, that complaints will turn to con.- :ratulationfl. If all "Contrary" Councils I are w ofiicient as our present one, lot us have them all "contrary." In this coaneAion it niny not be amiss toay, that the executive depart t men t of our borough government, was also in aide hands. Mr. Kadabaugh, Chief Niirgess md Mr. Tark, iligh Constable, are deserv ing of the thanks of their follow-citueiis, for the faithful and impartial manner in which they performed their often unplens. ant duties. Nut aware of the Circcu stance. A friend, a few days ago, sent us a little package of garden soods, of a rare specie. j which he requested us to hand to our what do you think ? to our icjA-, to plant next garden-making time. While we are very grateful for tho favor on tho part of our friend, wo mn?t nssure him that either. he or we are laboring under some strange delusion on tho subject of tho wjV, and woaio strongly inclined to think it is our friend and not un, as vc have never been officially informed that we are so fortunate as to be entitled to claim any of the lovely daughters of Eve ns our better half. Tus Burouuh Finances. We publish this woek, by order of the Town Council, tho stntement of the finances receipts and expenditures of the borough of Clear field, for the current year. At first sight it looks as if the balance against the bo rough were ra'.her heavy, but nearly the entire balance is made up by the McAda inising of 2d street by the citizens resi Scrofula, or Kinsr's Evil. 1 ....!.. ..r 1 1.. ' 1 1. ..... ' - a 7 ho.". Z. .a . T ' T " VeF ' " constitutional disease, o corruption of tho see., one a anx.ous to examine the man-, blood, by which this iluid becomes vitiated. .11 111 w.iicii 11 was arranged. According-, ,veuk, and poor. UeiiiK in tho circulation, it on tho outside pervades the whula boilv. and mnv litirfit nut. in to eatislv his curiositv. when ho toui heil tho trigger and tho trap closed, shutting him inside, lioing una blo to extricate, himself, lie was kept shut up for two days without tmy tiling to eat, until tho person who liindo the trap cumo to examine, it and found that in place of catching a bruin, ho caught a dutchman. Death of a Member of the Bellefonte Bar. Wo copy the following tribute of respect to tho memory of D. U. lioAL, Fs.j., a mem- i bor of the Bellefonte Bar, whoso demise occurred on tho 4th inst., from tho Ccntrul Pre., and insert them in our columns. At a meeting of tho Bar and Oilieers o( tho Court of Centre county; on .Saturday evening last, James Macmanus was called to preside, and James A. Beaver appoint ed secretary. TheChairmnn then announced the death of David C. Boal, a member of the Belle fonte Bar. James II Rankin, moved the appoint ment of a committee on resolutions. The Chairman then appointed James H. Bankiii. Samuel Linn, and John Ilof fer, a committee to draft resolutions up- propriuto to the occasion. Tho committee reported tho following resolutions, which were unanimously adop ted : ; 1st. That the members of this Bar und oilieers of this Court, have heard with un- : feigned regret and deep sorrow of the death of our brother in the ni-ofi'ssioii. I David c. Boal, Eso ..... iCoilinoiinil Eitrnrtnf ftiivmirilln. i!.J. lhat ns a husband and a father he 1 1 was kind and ttireetionate his attachment ,,cniuit croe,u,ll remedy which the medical stron.'nnd fervent ' tIa11 l'f our tmu' ca:i ucvho f. r this everv 3d. That as a member of society the ' ,v- uJt) . uiiiua ii generous in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure uir, filth and iilthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con I etitution. descending " from parents to children ( unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it K'cnis to be the rod of llim who mys, " I ! will visit the iniquities of the fathers, upon their children." i Its effects commence by deposition from the i blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho hniRs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tuhcicles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor- ruption, which Renders in the blond, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous coiifctitu tions not only suffer from (.crofulous com plaints, hut they have far le p:iwur to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast number! perish by disorders which, (ilthmigh not scrofulo.i.s in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the fystcni. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family h:i it - origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive disease of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, i'ldecd, of all the orga-c, ar te' from or arc aggravated by the same c: -v. One quarter of all our pro; 1 me 'en fulons; 1 their persons ore invadtd l.y ihls le.ikii.g in fection, a!id their health is u:i.l. i mined by it. To cleanse it from the system v.- :mist lei.ovale , the blood by an alterative j.-i. .1. ine, snd in vigorate it by In a'.thy fo...l exercise. Such a medicine wo supply i.i AYElfS Lonstahies wages, ('ommisdonei'it' Counsel, Improvements Ac., Kont for Treasurer' office throe years, I'eniteiitiiiry oxjientes, Slierilfg fees, Trans. Land Book, l'rothonotary, Ac, Books, Dockets, Ao., Jail fees, 'Til'stall and Court Crier, Auditors' fees, Auditois' Clerk, County Brinting, Fuel. Commissioners' Clerk, Bee-Assessments, Commissioners' wages, Amount paid for justices fees, Amount paid for 'District Attorney, Amount paid for repairs to l'nh. Build. ,'!72 It) Amount paid for Commonwealth coats, 8110 uli f.xonorations to Collectors, l'er eeiitageto Collectors, Treasurer's jier centago on receiving, 'J'reasurer'B ju r centnge on paying, Balance due Treasurer, $losii 1)1 'J8 li'J :v,l imi ;I05 TO U IS 8tj 081 70 157 2'J CO 00 :t7 ro li;t ;u r.io ini l.r) 00 i;i;i 72 ll0 112 85 57 50 45 00 25 00 Iti l 00 80 50 112 50 24 00 370 50 27 4S 431 00 lll I IMI Hill liiliol, I l'lll II, lliilinm, llllMoli, .1. nd in, h ill tlniiH l IIOX, l.iinn-iieo, Mollis, Prim, Pike, 'hi. ill. Woodward, P. Il .'lllel , It II Minn, il.'hll W, I III Iti I , I lijnh Ihn ns, V III. I 'll' el , JlllllK White, John M. Mint), Hugh tht, I'n. lei l. k Nib.1, It. Di iiirr, sr , .''is. M . Spi iieer, Johll Bllll'iiker, B. Virions, Am't dun from unseated l.ilnl, 1S58, A 'n't duo on Notes, Judgment, Ac. M t'T ts (HI 1:5 li M ni I.'" l i; n i i.i it 4' i7 17 17 11 212 31 M2 40 111 87 l'.M II ?0085 42 271 H) ( II U02 41 i'll I'H M 31 H H M I't Id PI 11 it l'.M 0.1 1.1 H U .I PC OH li II 11 41 T'J TI ri 5 i II M 41 l II Ml 20 f. Is Nl in 5n AO M fil IN) 41 (Nl r.o :.o 121 00 Ain't of outstanding nl .lei i, Balanco duo C'ounly, ? 1027 83 1077 U'J JH210 74 301 02 307 34 117 84 130 IS 201) 01) $10403 78 ? 10403 78 .4moi. OuUhmda.'j Due from Collutvn fur 1858 and pm-iuut Years. YEAR, TOHNSIIir feelings of a warm and where prevailing and f;ital maladv. Jt is com 1 1 1.. - .! i- . ., . . 1 nit- iiiosi neovc remruiais inai nave were at all timesexhibited ,n his acts, and xttf$Z "". i'" " , 1 7 -7, " T . f""tL'm from it destructive tonscnucnccs. logiflator he was faithful and industrious, Hence it should tie employed for the cure of ever mindful of the interests of his eon- not only scrofula, but also thr.se ether ufn-c-stitupnts. , tions which arise from it, such ns Kih i-tivh 4th. That as a lawyer his brilliant tal- and Ski Diseases, St. Antiioxv'h 1'ini'., ents shone forth as of the first order. J Ie ltosn, or Knvsirr.i.As, l'mri.rs, 1'i-sti i ns, was well versed in the learning of his pro-1 Uitciik, Ulaixs and Iioii.s, Tt Mons. Trrrr.11 ; fession, and courteous in his demeanor to. and Salt llttrcv, S(.u.n II imi, IIixcwohm,! the Court and the Bar. i Biikcmatism, SYnin.iTicand Mmiltkiai. Dis.I 5th. That as a mink of respect for his J-. Dnorsv, Dyscii-sia, Di:hi:.itv, and memory wc will attend Ins luneral 111 a """-" '- itia body, and wear the u.ual biuL'o of mourn-! " lM.rlKr .1!l:"on-.. .h.c lw.l"'liir l llit' nig thirty days 1847 1848 184'J 1850 1851 1852 K53 1854 1855 1850 C'OLLIX NAllKS. James Itea Jr, 11. Wctzell, Henry Swan, A. Spencer, D. llugueney, Win. Wiley, Thou. Fon ton, J. .Sunderland, V. llarthrie, Jos. Bothrock, Jos. Davis, John Young, D. Williams, Thos. J. Il1111.lv. c:tNTr. STATE. MILITIA. Jordan, Bell, Jordan, lVnn, Covington, Jordan, Ben;:, Bell, Karthuus. Morris, Tenii, Bumsido, Jordan, Fox, Curwensv'll John Askey, 205 51 12 14 1 C2 Jonx Mi I'iikrsox.Ksij., Treasurer of Clearfield County, ill account w ith the diflerent township, for Bond Fund for 1850 nuU '57i DK. To balance duo Tps bust settlement, $ 07 81 To ainouiit from Unsealed Lands for 1850 and 1857, 82(H CH. By utu't imid Ti.s. Bid. duo Tub. neecario Boll, Hoggs, 73 00 4 75 Biadlord, 107 22 0 CO Brady, Bumsido, Chest, Covington, i!03 75 7 M Clearlield, 8 31 1 74 Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, 239 40 44 50 (iirard, Uoshen, 2 I'J 23 32 40 (iraham, 114 00 7 52 Huston, Jordan, Kurt bans, 18 18 2H DJ Xiiox, 3,iU 70 15 W Lawrence Morris, 1'enn, Bike, 122 25 45 7l) 1. 11 ion, 327 22 8 82 l oodward. GL'O 5 1 58H Ji 52.5 58 173 00 107 22 4H7 ID 252 37 2110 71 203 75 8 31 308 40 37 40 239 40 311 53 219 23 114 00 1257 "2 108 21 248 18 352 70 194 48 758 20 171 08 122 25 327 22 020 51 Bid. ducTott iibhips, 204 41 $201 41 $8302 0!) $3362 Oil CB. t a, 1 1 on mi Beccarm, Decatur Bike, Chest, Jordan, I-awreiice, Bike, Covington, Clearfield, lVnn, Woodward Brad foul, Brady, Chest, Covington, D. Keidiart, Jos. Cald'VclI, S. J. Tozer, Jos. Patterson, B. Spackman, T. 1(. McCiure, J. B. Barmov, T. J. McCuliough, Jos. Collingworth, A I nam Byers, John Holt. Jacob Kuntz, J on 'a. Fry, D. Iiolley 30 01 3 15 1 (Kl 28 93 45 8.5 12 13 2 02 id .11 182 42 Curwensv'll J no. D. Thomnson. 1 Decatur, tieo. Keidiart, 03 Jordan, Huston, Morris, Perm, Bike, Oth. That B. 0. Durham, E. Blanchard. and W. 1'. Macmanus, be a committee to nnirimnnioiitn a rriiiv nf llin iipn(.mlin.rz nf ding thereon, which is to be paid them in j t)lis moeting to the "family of the deceased taxes hereafter assessed on their respect- I with assurances of the condolence of the lve properties. This car.not rnoperlv bc'l,rnd officers ot the court, for the loss considered a debt, as tha manner in which thy liave sustained. the payment is provided for, will prevent it being a burthen upon tho general tax payer. Anl upon the whole is n great benefit to the town. Cot Ncn.'sCi.tRK. L. J. Crans, Esip. who acted as Council's clerk, has refused to re ceive any compensation whatever, cither for his services as Clerk, or the use of 1 is office for the meeting of the Council. This is an act of disinterestedness on the part of Mr. C. when we take into considera tion the fact that the records and ordinan ces of the borough, have never been so ac curately, neatly, nnd voluminously kept, Bineo it was incorporated, as by liiin, do- Jolrxal or IxnisTRV. We have in " impurity nf the blood" is founded in tiuth, for scrofula is a degennationcf the blot d. 'Jhi particular purpose and virtue of thin Sarmpa rilla is to purify and rcptnerntc this vital fluid, without which found health is iuiposkihlc ii. contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A TAMILY rilVSIC, 1 eft ftnmnnanfl I Kit rllrn- m t t1 . . ceivotl the Feh. Xo. of a publication with' their action can ranlv vii!it;.iul cr in'c )s:n the above title, devot.d to the interests of t the laboring classes throughout tho coun-! jsl11. corrcctim; its diseased action, and rcsimic.. . .. 1. . 1 :. . r.i 1 1 'I' hcalltiv vitalities. As a ron'riicriur if Oust try. It contains a report of the labor mar-1 ,)tI,,,crlic!); ,lie jVB,ia ,v)l0 i, iU,i c.u win. kef, the price of wages and the cost of liv-l pain or l.vical di-UHty is astnnishi d to l.nd hi, : .1 T-: 1 c, 1 in -. 1 i health or energy restored by uicnitdi at once c ing in the l nited .States and British Brov- tini),c nnd i,,,!,;,, 1 inces ; also, the price and quality of lands ' o'dy do they cure the cvcry-tlny remnbints i- -i 1 c ,.i ..i n e I f every Lodv, Lt.t also many fc.rn.iil ilic and eligible for settlers, with all such mforma-j dcou, dieses, 'the rpcni Mow 1,: ,rd U tion as mnv be useful to those seeking cm-' pleased to furnish prntis my American Aiuianac, . . ! 1 i euntainiiifr ccrtilicalcs of llicir cures nnd liireclicii! ri..., un 01, ui ..own-.-, ui.., at., 11101 '" for llicir use in the f..lloinK cminlnints ! (V,iVr- other useful information. It has no political bias or aims. Terms Three Cents per number. Every one con tributing One Dollar to tho "American one copy. serves more than a passing notice, and the , n,ius,.jal Association," will bo entitled to iouncil liav9 passed a vote of thanks, which has been placed upon their minutes s a slight evidence of their appreciation of his services. Rheumatisms, of the most teverckind,' have been cured by using two bottles of j DU VALL'S (j ALVA NIC OIL. Back-! fins, lletiiilium, lltadacte aiiiinii from ilnm Hirer Notiinch, Aaiitra, htdiyntttm, rain in avrt .I'm I in Inaction of tie liowel, riatuluiry. Lost ot Ay e tite, Jiiui.dii e, nnd other kin. .nil roinph ints, arisine from a low ulatc of the tudy or cbtuuruim of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron the lurm tt ni: or Cotiph, f'oldR, Iuflucii7a, Ilonrsmcf s. Croup, ITroncliiti, Incioirnt t'ousiunp. tion,nud Tor the relief of Consumptive Patients in ndvuuccd stnecs of tke Tlir Sl'RIxn Eipctiov wbleh will l,e heVJ on next Friday, is'for the purpose of! Hr,,e' I,uin in 1,10 llCi"1' sit'k Ja.l-achL, electing tho following officers for the bor-lnnl "CrVOl'S U,scasesof tl,e h, ?ry Sonj(le 1k any ueing cured soundly ny tne this medicine. Fori,,!,: Ly country merchants V??. Mi"n ,f TnX7 ""d' "J f ' 'rr,n' ' J J 1 licly known, iwio have U-cn roston d from uiainui s generally. ough f Clearfield : A Chief Burgess, a Town Council, consisting of a board of five members, and a High Constable, to -erve cch one year. Also, a Justice of the Peace to servo five years, a Constable and the field of its litrfulnMii nd n mi. Ue of i mcroiis arc the onsen t.f it cures, lhat ohuniit Iron City Coi.leoe. Tho rapid growth e and even despernte niseasrt of (lie limps by Us use. Vi'lirn 01111. tried, its mijicrinrity over every other medicine of its kird is too apparent to escape ol.serralion, and where ils viitucs are kiiovn, tlic noil ov r Ati.1,.,1 I wtt in 111 ii I ir nl I Itia Sw.lmr.1 ti niililm tin lime ir lifsimtr II lint Blitiili.(e tr, r-ii.n!nv ati Auditor, an Assessor and two Assistant . 1 1, r.i ni . 1 ' 1 '"r the distresimr and d.niptnuis till.ciionf of ti e ... . 1 the result of the confidence U has lnsiiired, ,,i,, .,,,:,!,, .;,.;,i,,,,,r ,!;,,,.,. by its fair dealing and thorough teaching, hile many inferior remedies thrust iion thf n , , . n j 1 j 1 j. I community hare failed and reen disernlcd, thu Vrexbylcrmn Banner clr.d Advocate, if i'.Wi-. has painrd friend by every trial, conrerred liencfiti burn 1857 1858 It. M. Johnson, Asa Young, John Hoover, James Arthurs, Lewis I. Bloom. ttooaward, .1. Uegnrty, Bcccnrin, John Weld, Bog-s, Daniel Smael, Bradford, John Shirey, jr, Brady, (r. B. Ooodlnndor, nurnside, .lames Smith, Covington, J. V. Rider. Clearfield, Isaac Johnson, Curwens'vll Z. McXaul, f erguson, Jos. Straw, J. II. Heath, Ellis Livorgood, Sninuel Lausbury, Wm. Williams," Wm. M Michaels, Jolm rox, J. J. 'J'ute. Daniel Beams, Isaac Kirk, J. B. fiarrison. Woodward, S. B. Shod; Beccaria, Sjimuel Shofl' V. (i. Miller, A. Bough man, S. B, Wilson, tiodfrey Zilliox, John Riddle, L. J. Hurd. f'ovincton, J. M. Kejter, Cleiirfield, K.J. Wallace, Curwensv'll Wm. McBtide. Decatur, And'w Bauhnian rercuson. lieorire Williams. D. X. Heath, 00 89 35 Fox, tioshen, (iraham, Jordan, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, l'enn, Pike. Bell, Bogjis, Bradford, Brady, Btirnside, Chest, 3 30 91 11 01 80 93 70 Oil 19 50 191 98 (ill 80 17 10 27 95 49 45 08 00 li 07 4 1 107 15 Fox, 00 21 20 00 18 27 89 112 81 loi 94 315 03 281 75 110 08 93 43 597 02 250 44 210 79 129 04 201 82 140 50 202 20 175 25 21 87 15 14 18 17 4 74 52 20 9 29 22 84 10 94 77 01 41 00 1 00 151 4.1 10 17 40 12 42 111 .59 7 20 89 47 4 10 45 89 59 14 08 30 23 25 41 12 07 37 71 43 91 4 31 33 08 25 85 53 48 25 21 till 122 87 20 01 23 00 129 0.5 44 45 123 22 134 93 40 92 25 17 254 80 133 25 101 03 54 31 121 78 108 08 84 80 77 94 0 35 7.... tr.ni r-... 'P... .rni 0 I 1 r . C 00 nru.ifi, j."., iiensuier 01 iieaineiu VOuniy, in account 4 ly i wuii uie uiucreni lownsnips lor .enooi t und, lor 18J0 and 07. 1" 50 l. 33 00 ' 0 1!"'"n(:0 L'ue townships at the last settlement, ? 405 57 o-. no 1 '1 amount received from unseated lands for 1850 & '57 11305 04 i.j rol o- ' l,.. . , ... . jy uni 1. j.aiu 1 ps. 053 73 100 10 329 49 220 00 523 97 400 00 518 90 100 00 13 40 448 57 1 01 uj 13 12 30 50 1G 28 7 00 Bell. Boggs, 17 25 19 50 7 54 15 50 9 83 21 57 17 8.5 19 08 2 00 28 03 57 50 10 15 30 50 20 02 5 00 0 80 22 18 18 23 15 05 9 58 15 4.5 33 00 10 34 51 40 2 74 7 95 21 48 14 38 22 .50 5 (Hi 23 00 14 01 20 00 15 On 11 Of 50 50 17 52 10 04 3 (H 30 50 40 50 20 50 25 00 Bradford, 1 Brady, I Burnside, I Chest, Covington, j Clearfield, I Decatur, I Ferguson, . Fox, 1 'Jirard, ! (ioslien, (iraham, Huston, Jordun, Karthuus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, l'enn, Bike, Union, Woodward, Bal.duo Tpt. 83 48 113 00 45 15 28 10 20 25 244 84 Bal due Tps., 400 00 259 CO 233 01 I4O0 00 223 53 254 50 051 47 310 21 7o0 (Hi 132 57 209 77 438 00 447 34 $11770 02 180 50 8G fiS 22 12 15 95 09 Oti 22 83 277 21 12 42 111 34 1331 87 $11770 61 17 87 01 11 50 20 50 28 50 11 00 a. i. in.iy. X. ) IARD, LtWr CKE.V, j We, the undersigned Commissioners of Clenrilokl Courtly, ha ving examined tho accounts of John McPherson, Esq. Tretvsus rer of said County, for the year 1x58, do certify that we find Ihsm as above stated. Tho amount of debts outstanding du thd County, are Ten Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven Dollars, and Eighty-Three Cents, and the amount of outstanding orders are Ono Thousand and Seventy-Seven Dollar and Nine ......... .. l. , .1 rtr ,T . v ems. i, iuil-bs our nanus 1111s u .January, A. I). I8.)il. JOHN IRWIX. (5EORGE F.R1I ARD, WM. McCRACKE.V. Attest R. .1. Wamaci, C! L We, the undersigned, Auditors of Clearfield County, hayirVg examined the accounts of John Mcl'herson, Esq., Treasurer of said Cotiniv. for A. D.. 18.58, do certify that the nccounts tre a alM5ve r .t. That the nniount due the Treasurer by the Coun ty, is Two Hundred and Ninety-Nino Dollars, and Nincty.Nin.' ('cuts; the amount due tho Road Fund by the Treasurer, is Two Hundred and Four Dollars, and Forty Four Cents ; the amounl due the School Fund is Ono Thousand Three Hundred and Thir ty Ono Dollars and Eighty-Seven Cents ; also, tho amount dur the County from Collectors. Un-cated Lands, and other tource is Ten Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven Dollar ami Eighty-Three Cents ; nnd the amnout of outstanding order i One Thousand and Seventy-Seveii Dollars and Nine Cents. Wit ness our hands this 22d January. A. D. 1859. i'K'''EK HOOVER, ) A.C.TATE, . ISAAC W. GRAHAM. Attest R. J. Wallace, CCk. Clearfield, February 2, 1859. no. 3, vol. ir.) Anditortx Assessors, and two Overseers of Toor, to erve each one yeor. AnTisTic.-We are requested to state that Turviance, our old artistic friend and fel low citizen, has again coino to life and re eved his business as an ambrotypist. lie kiw procured fresh cheraicids, nnd new tock, and is now producing, we aro infor med, brilliant and lift-like specimens of the photographic art, ' lie engages to give njh. Three hundred nnd fifty-seven students are in attendance at this timo, making it the largest and most popular Business School evc-r organized in the United States. A Moxrter or a Horse. A gentleman entire satisfaction i-.i regard to work and who was at Zanesville, Ohio, a few days prices. "' since, gives a description of a monster sorrel horse, which was raised in Neawaif, is th title of a highly interest- 'Pennsylvania, and purchased by a rcsi ing.tory, the commencement of which dent of Zanesville. lie is "pony built," ' be found on our fourth page this S""" t"enlI ,.ha,,d? Lih -V'.iTi" . , 'r 2,400 pounds. The price was $1, (UK 1. He bck. Any body who like thrilling sto- wit probably bo exhibited at the State ret. will find this one up to the highost fair at Zanesville. wnuard of this class of literature. I . Bfi.Tho Odd-Fellows of the United) A Max was fined $1 and costs for ska- States propose setting apart the 29th day lng.un t 1,on1 np,ir' N V" iast 'sunhiy of April, 1859, as a d.iy ol thanksgiving) I011- The defence set up was that he among its members. That is the fortieth j Kaied for his health, by tnedioal advice, anniversary of the organization of the ordor ucl not pastime. j in this country. on the alllictrd thrv can never fcritet. and nro- dueed curci too riuiurrout mid too iemurkallc to be forgotten. ritKrAnnn ny UK. J. V, AYER CO. LOWELL, MASS. SOI.il llY C. V. Vatso!. and M. A. Fas, CleM-fleld K. K. I'.iiKsstii, Munriiilali!. C. II. Kostkii. rnilimhurg. V Ikis, Cnrweniiville. Sahupx Arsold, Lulbf nburp. Aud all drugisU. diss. 22, 1868.J Jaxcary 20th, 1859. PUBLIC NOTICE in herct.y piven, Hint Jamb J. Klnrcr, of Portsmouth New llamil,ir Inlely of l'liiladi'ljihia, nnd E. C. 8rhulir. havo lhi day entered into Co-i'artncrshin in the hu. siueti of TAXXLYG, CUnitVLXG, llOOTSIIOzl AND IIAJiNE&S MAKING, j and the bin-ine. will be carried on by the name I of JAC01I J. STOKER 1 CO.. at the Ft. Mnrv f Steam Tannery, in 8U Marr'n, Elk County IVnn- ; sylvimin. They hope by their long experience ! in hnsincM, and Ibeirdenire to plene tlm publie, I that they il reecivs a part of the public ptro- napo. Lumbermen and others, who d sire a i Rood article of Ihoti ami Hhoes, will rind it Rront- ly to their a.lvr nlapo to rail and pet "noil bar- j gain, aa we are doterminvd to foil ,w ns leather, or boot nnd fhoi-i can be had in Phi'a. Uelphia for efli or liidof. All onlcr promptly Bttuuded to. JACOB J. ETOrtEU, A CO. do. 2, v. iv.j V.tl.UAHI.IJ LAMIS AM) SAW-MII.I. TIIK Hiphent Price paid f..r HIDES in CASH at the JiU Mary' Siooui Tannery, no 2, y. ir ESTATE OFJiOIiEiT WJilGLEV, Sr., DcceamL NOTIC'li is hereby (riven that Letter or Ad j ministration have been granted to the un denifrned, 00 the entnte of Kobcrt M'rigley, 8r., j late nf Ilradfnrd, towpuhin, deceased. All Tier- ton bavins businesa concerning the same, are 1 000 CAU? SKIXS "anted, for 1 X'WU higheel price In rash will b which the be naid af the St Jlary'e (steam Tannery, ne. 2, vol. ir. A. M A CARD. HILLS would infoim his hereby notified to make immediate settleineut ' . "' .J?lAi"L'.? .,,u'."" '""". "s I"' with the duiiniitralr. lrons 1111,1 ,1(? wl" 00 HDsent Horn Ins olllcC WILLIAM K. WRIGLEV, AdminUlrntur, Bradford township, Janoary It, 'I'HE Pubscribera offer the following valuable lieal Estate at private sale, situRto in Tieeca ria township, Clearfield Connlv, containing ONE III'NUUEIJ and SEVENTY TWO ACHES, in two tracts or parrels lying contiguous, via : FIFTY EIGHT A CUES, with Paw. Mill thereon, and Ten Acres elcared, A so ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR TEEN aeres, with about thirty acres cleared. Both tracts are well timbered with Pine Timber, and are well suited for lumbering, ami would suit any ono wishing to go into the business. They will he sold sepuratuly or together, to suit pur chasers. Terms one third of the purchase mo ney in nan. 1, anu lue Ualiuiro in two yearly pay ments. lor further particulars inquire of JOHN SHOfF, or S. W.KKAUV. A'lminiitratnr&of the Ettnttnf Abraham S. Kea gif, ducrniieil. ' Jauuary 19, 1SJ9. tf. during the three first weeks of February. on professional visit to Elk County. Clowficld, Jan. 19, 18-1. "VfOTI C K. All person are hereby notified J.1 that the undersigned bare each a claim of one fourth of what was the interest of Patrick IUfferty at the time of hit decease, Ln the 83 acres of land, in Penn township, now ad vertised for tale by order of tho Orphan's Court, as the property of Felix RutTertv. THOMAS R AFTER TV, PATRICK RAFFERTY, JANE CLARK, dec. 2!, ISiS 2t.pd. I?CRSni.d RVFTALO Season, at ROBES ts suit the KRATZERS. LOOK II UK K! U)OK 1 EKEt THE undersigned subscribers, luke this metli. od of informing the publio generally, thai they have this day entered into copartnership iu THE BLACKSMITH BlStNES, and ran be found at tho shop formerly oecnpied byj. Shunkwiler, on Third street, in this bo roui;h, where they will be pleased to see the r old customer, and as many new onei as fan make it convenient to give them a call. firing on your hoes, your spades and picks, Your log-chains and your pulling aticks, Your sIh.Ik, your sleighs, yonr horse, your mare, No three-year old shall then go base. Your spears will work up then just right, To priiouing hooks for every boight. Your swords too, shall then be wrought. To ploughshares such as Cain ne'er bought. JACOB S1IUNKWILBR, ubU. W. UKK. Clearfield, Ilcceiuber 8, 1868. tt THE t'NPERSKiNED take! this method of an. nouncing to the rititensof CUarfield aud tke sur rounding country, that he has opened a on Main Street in Jao'e .V Hu, where eh is prepared to accommodate all who give hi m call, and hopes to receive a liberal patronage. Oct th, 1858. JEREMIAH NORRIS. 1?0R 8 ALE, by Merrkll k CATai, Adam,' Lalrtt Improrrd Corn Skitter Also s few Meat Cutters of the best kind with a Urge vari ety of Good in their line, jnst received, and will ba sold low for cash or produce. Clearfield, Dee. , 13i8. -fcfl lob IVinting neatly execute, her,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers